« The Jimmy Dore Show

Mediaite SMEARS Jimmy Dore For Telling Truth About Ukraine Nazis

2023-03-03 | 🔗

Tucker Carlson has been the rare media commentator to mention that there is substantial evidence the United States was behind the Nord Stream pipeline bombing. He even brought on Jimmy Dore to talk about it — something that blew the minds of other mainstream media outlets like Mediaite, which published a piece smearing Jimmy as a conspiracy theorist while neglecting to refute a single point he made. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether the Mediaite story was actually written by a sympathetic reporter. Plus segments on actor Sean Penn's unhinged warmongering during a recent appearance on CNN and Dilbert creator Scott Adams' bizarre rant cautioning white people to stay away from black people. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Liam Neeson!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bomber. The holidays are over no more presents, but yea you have your freedom again. The new year is full of ups and downs, but, however you're feeling you can always be happy with prime video catch. The new season of reacher rent or buy new releases like taylor, swift, the arrows tour, extended version. You can add on hundreds of streamers one app one backward from video, find your api. place restrictions apply by membership, not required to rent or by sea amazon com such amazon. Prime for details. We want to see my stay of special will become a member at jimmy dark dot com. It's only ten dollars an come see. Our wives stand up comedy in los angeles palm springs, Milwaukee saint Paul Honolulu. Northampton massachusetts syracuse cohorts new york hartford in more hello. This is a matter sitting for jimmy door, neeson liam Neeson, the actor
one, I'm the same, I'm afraid when you're new around here sooner probably wondering why, in the world lease Liam nation calling into a youtube channel that concerns itself primarily with political and social issues. Yes, actually. Well, I often wonder the same, but the truth is I been doing it for years Jimmy loves, celebrities of all kinds and he loves hearing from them, but, more importantly, The radio was, I see, will speak. The views. I understand you had a rather crazy appearance on the view recently, really what you wanted to ask me: a journalist such as yourself was uncovered so much truth about conflict around the globe, and you ask me about sabot syndicated.
innovation. Ok, finally, amazing. What do you think President Biden was hoping to achieve with surprise visit to ukraine? To be honest, I didn't know even though he went, So let's talk about by a bust out my appearance on the view. Instead of them are not generally Element during these sorts of apparent, but there's one really took the cake, joy. They are you no joy, I presume Do I personally know joy bay hard? No! No! I don't shocking to me. Why are opposed me yeah, I just started naval neighbourly, assumed you to know each other. I think that I think it's safe to say. Joy bay, horror and I are indifferent branches of the media industry. Anxious interesting I or do some of my own research into that. I remind me to introduce you to the two of you together.
Next opportunity, I think it up Commerce such as yourself would do well to rub shoulders with titans of your own industry. I carry weight anyway, joy the very image of professionalism backstage, but why swear on camera, seized, evolved into tawdry place. I thought replace oh eric, just a as a crush on me, which is fine and fair. I'm well aware. The fact that I have on women, especially older spunky ones such as her, but she peppered o connor with so much sexual? You know that I was made. Feel very uncomfortable. and irish wish. It doesn't take much, but it was over the line over the one. I could barely even touch on whatever I was there to promote, which I forget now what that even worse,
personally. I think people should leave matters of the loins at home out to their place of employment. This woman, secretly desiring to have a sweaty tryst with me, is fine in and of itself, but it's certainly nothing. I need to be presented with on national television in the presence of five other women who, naturally, I says a woman's wont were egging her on. I see it's not that I'm personally dad. I'm quite used to being the object of female desire as young actor in london and then los angeles. I bet it so many women out of such sexual quality that sometimes I still slip into a catatonic case, simply calling it No stranger am I to the mysteries of aphrodite tidy nor to the ecstasy of perverse, The joint by our simply needs to keep that draft, or so I mean honestly as you're right,
I don't really want to be talking about this. I'd rather be talking about something that matters shy. What what could be more important. I don't know ukraine or collapsing infrastructure are broken political system, young man. I know since secure in the flower of youth and naivete that these things seem like their important but mark my mark my words. Sixty women will be publicly horning on you and you will have to deal with it. and he would be glad to leave. Me should went before you in this matter and calmly. Family said fuck that ok, this has been very informative, but I'm afraid we need to move on seriously, though Is this what you called to talk about? It was in the news, there's nothing, knows that it out of balance for discussion bondage radar show that issues. after all. I believe it is
it is now I have enjoyed speaking with you, young man. I hope you have taken my wisdom to heart. I can only bid you undertake. The remainder of your life journey was favourable wins. I must beg you do and remind you that Liam nation get her. Life will be with your ways. Ok, well thanks for calling Liam Neeson. lad the as guidance fomenting down the street and johnson media is the chimney to show? I was on, took a karlsson?
and he brought. He did a one year anniversary show about the war ukraine, brought me and I was the last to go on so loud people step. I might she had already and. So here I want to work. I want to pay is that now and then will come back and I'll show you the piece that meaty I did to a hit piece on me for your hairy, so go to kill whatever camera. This is, and so it seems obvious why barton people did it, but in doing it that only cause this massive environmental catastrophe, but they also shaft their so called nato allies. What does no one seemed to care about this well be either Americans are our people forget what happened. America's are the most propagandizing people in the world right, yes, and they don't even know what's happening with the Nord stream pipeline. What's that, they think that the proper ganda happens to other people. So this is a hundred per cent propaganda war and why
I doesnt Joe Biden want to investigate this. Why doesn't congress? What investigate this? If they investigated they'll, know what and show that the united states didn't do it in russia did so? Why don't they want to investigate Sweden, denmark and Norway already did their own investigation of this. They will release it. Why won't they release this investigations? Just like they don't want investigate the cause. Of the corona virus outbreak. They don't want to know the answers. They don't want investigate that, because the already know the answers. You know america has targets. Chris hedges is called america, mafia state, a tiny cabal people have control of our government and of using it to do war for economic profit. You know it used by the difference between our mafia state. Now back then, the mafia helped can see them. Cs back then arming nazis. You know,
I just like america to ignore the nazis that are suffering here at home, trying to buy eggs while we fought nazis, another country, it's unbelievable, what's happening. This is the this is really about world war three, and why aren't they thus the gaining it no net. They would even ask them a question. You know sigh horses are article came out detailing how they all blew up the Nord stream pipeline and he Merrick impress won't even ass the people he named in that article, a question about. If they want aspect torreon Newland, they were not just celebrate, they want as ethnic blinking. In fact, those people will even give a statement about it. You know who will talk? kirby, the press secretary at the white house, because I'm sure the people who did the investigations have a pipeline right to have kirby, but not to Antony blinken, not to Sullivan, not the toy Neela. By the way, these are the same people who lied us into the iraq war. Lied to us about. Libya lied to us about Syria dropped so many bombs in syria. They ran out of bombs. There
doing the same thing america is the world's terrorists. We have four hundred military bases surrounding china. We provoke this by People don't know that the cia, I a garden bed with the right wing nazis in ukraine to overthrow the democratically elected government of ukraine and twenty forty. We had. We had a peace deal, it was called the mints accord and then they buy related who violated you craig kept shot shelling down bass, which other russian speakers in the eastern part of the ukraine, and that's why Putin had to be provoked to invade, to protect those people, nobody will tell you that everybody who talks about every other new station by the way you're the only one doing this- and I applaud you for letting people come on- tell the truth about what is actually happening in new great other stations. When I watch what they do. Is they start the the story of ukraine from Putin's invasion. They never tell you there
We overthrew the democratically elected government in two thousand and fourteen. They never tell you that they didn't stop shelling the people in the dump, but they never abided by the minsk accord. They don't tell you that the former german prime minister said that the the reason why they did the midst of the chords in the first place so that you frank and build up their military to get ready for this war that their provoking so a barrack and people are, picking up, but there was a big, ok annual sally yeah. You sound like a shill Jimmy gore yeah. This is the most propagandized country in the world, makes me sad to agree with you, but but I do Jimmy. Thank you so much. Oh, my god joins us now. Can we go okay so So that was I, I think there was a good spot. I got a lot of information on I had out. I had of think pretty s about wise germany going along with this, and I had an answer at the ready and I forgot it s because
whether it's over a bavarian pretzel, whether it's over I need one time our friendship comes under the barrel of a gun, showcase. That's why and so Germany's going along with it, because the unbelievable pressure we ve been putting on them. But now there people are pushing back there clean ben and he rallies tens of thousands of people showing up in germany within the altar. take down their other forms of power and, like the guy really nuclear power they got. I came into the other thing. Tat was like crazy and our view they got on coal. They would have nuclear back onto coal, which is like we dirtier generally yeah was like your green party. There, that's one of their. You know their green parties, the ones really supporting on offer, for ukraine, that lady or green, a hearty is a little bit of other warmongering coincides it's like a green washed yeah. It is left parties where they got did they get the green party over there? I got him
but I wonder, showed this articles to media covered that may be going, tucker car sin notice, many times they say the word conspiracy gesture gives notice. If you say CIA one time, that's a conspiracy. So I hate you agree with you, but I do tucker girls. It co signed jimmy doors basis, claims that the united states arms nazis in ukraine now do I really have to show you all the evidence that there's they admitted there's nazi battalions the ace of battalion Would they don't even hide it? So so just stop at with that? Ok, so, but they do not gonna. so at baseless claim. So here they are released. They show the video appreciate them, show no video! That's where I got my copy of it, a kind of
whoa. Look at that we're doorways are just as two thousand and twenty range rover, it's fantastic yeah. It's really great comedian and political garbage later Jimmy joy went on a rant during an appearance on fox claiming the united states is protecting nazis in in quotes, as if they're, not as if they dont agree exists do nazis exist in ukraine during a conspiracy laden tirade on fox news is karlsson tonight Conspiracy laden, ok, door was introduced to discuss the Nord stream pipeline sabotage a topic that hosting Her karlsson has repeatedly fix a diet over it is we're provoking world war. Three. Why you keep fixating on that? What do you want to hear see the upstream lists next to that so yesterday, what do you want to know where the cold
virus came from blue, so they're, trying to shame Tucker karlsson for covering the Nord stream pipeline, even bring it up the thing that other news, cats won't cover is and if they do they don't covered accurately tucker's, actually covering it, giving it the proper amount of attention and cover get correctly, and that's for that's what they could? That's what they smear him for. So he took a cross, has repeatedly fixated on a recent months while making ups answer stand. She ate claims noticed don't say incorrect claims to watch They say unsubstantiated how you supposed to substantiate what the sea I did in secret. We all know what they did. I mean I guess, it's a figure by. You know that The saying they're gonna to do it. Yeah go and they got that's great that happen. Who did it a lot of about Joe Biden secretary of state, everybody saying they're going to do it, and then they did
and then when they go overboard, goes well, but that's the you stuck out as the report go but like? How will you do that? Doesn't honoured guests egos? What transmit trust me we're gonna, get it done so tough. so they may came sing like he's crazy, even though tucker karlsson, just repeating the words of Joe Biden and the secretary of state so keep reading, he is free, got god substantiated claims that the united states was behind attacks on the pipeline and is now trying to cover it up. Multiple: u S, officials with national security council spokesmen junk? You see what they're doing? so nobody in the administration who got named in that sigh Hirsch, article is being asked questions about the saw horse article with detailed how they blew up the Nord stream pipeline and nobody's did the people he named arts, giving I don't even a statement or being as I'm socrates,
Victoria Newland, I'm talking about jake, solvent talkin about secretaries. They ain't me blinking. In always talking about the spokesperson, the spokesperson he'd get the info, but not the actual person, so they're gonna look all these people have talked about it. People like the spokesperson, Kirby, a fuck off, god he says he's not in the mafia down no mafia. So here would look. Will keep goin still karlsson said the door. It seems obvious. Dividing people did it, but in doing it they not only caused this massive environmental catastrophe, but also shafted so called NATO allies. He asked why is no one seemed to care about this. They are starting to care about this I had a joke at the ready and I couldn't remember it and I apologise it was that one I just told you so in response
store said? Well, we will forget what happened. Americans are the most propaganda is people in the world and they don't even know what's happening in the Nord stream gas pipeline and they think the propaganda happens to other people. So this is a hundred per cent propaganda war. Why does it Joe Biden one to investigate this? Why does it god or as one investigate this? If they, estimated it'll show the united states didn't do it in russia. Did it so don't they want investigated? Sweden, denmark, Norway, already did their own investigation, that is they Release said he claimed. What did they release it? As the next paragraph? You are wrong. That's when door went on a tirade tying, as to the united states support of ukraine in its war. Against russia and the corona virus pandemic, so they ignored stream pipeline. Does it have any according to mediate? Does have anything to do with russia already who korean war nothing? on an environmental level, could may cover it because it's a big disaster, you drink your natural gas We must get video you stove now or something
According to them, the united states hiding it like a crazy conspiracy theories, didn't respond by what he claimed and then does the port, where if your journal, a nigger, you going looked into his claims enjoying the journalism. That's right: just look just like they don't want to investigate the cause of the corona virus outbreak. Repeating Jeffrey Sachs. His words was the head of the lads group study group. corona virus. He says that nobody wants to find out where it actually came from. That's where that comes from just like that. No one of it, they don't want investigate them, because they already know the answers You know america has turned into a mafia state. A tiny cabal of people have control of our government and they are using it to do war for economic profit. This this is all solid,
this is. This is it any illegally country. We urge all the mistake of putting what you actually started there. Actually, quoting me, that's really something there really tested live activism. Propaganda. By doing, I think, I think, maybe the person who wrote this was told to go smear me, but then the person, we had a right is actually sympathetic loses job jpg. And so this is their way like ok. Well, I ll just show me. Maybe it's like I said I'll just show everything Jimmy door said and then, as it is like yeah, it's like they're they're making me look good, it's like when those people on twitter, tweed, outfit, use of me saying stuff, they think will be embarrassing, but it's like right and I retweeted the small Ones, no not to do that. The s the dumber was always we been down say he's betraying. So I think this guy who ever wrote this I'll look at our finding a second hiding something I think he he's betraying The media, because he's making me look at the difference between
mafia state now and back then the mafia help defeat the nazis back then, and now we're arming the nazis door said well, karlsson, laughed because it's funny, I is it just like americans to ignore the nazis suffering here at home, trying to buy eggs while we fund these and other countries It's unbelievable what's happening at made him left twice: eddies, unprofessional to do this is really about world war three, and why are they investigating it? They won't even asked them the question. Darwin. To claim that only white, though only white house officials are our disk. Seeing the issue, but the? U S, state department, officials, such as ain't me, blinking victoria, kneel and won't what what can claim so you would. We actually looked into doors claim and we found out. I was true, or there was a true or we couldn't find out. I mean it's ridiculous. Can spare latest saying claim about? They just have an alternate, an alternate explanation of vote
be giving door didn't, bring his charts and graphs to him for three minutes. Guest appearance Tucker Sid shuffle give me gordon show his work at a three minutes spot and the tucker karlsson show prison georgia. Shit, you already know by the way, These are the same people who led us into the iraq war led us into about libya. Lied about syria drop, so many bombs. In theory, they ran out of bombs, they're doing the same thing he said doors. Can spirits she failed rant. We didn't run their course you're, not debunking any of em. It's yours, they won't they'll, just say door claims and we're not gonna, try and the bunker, because we know it's true, as he saying that that is what I bought hers. So they're pretty, I know, are you pretending? They didn't lie about iraq or libya or syria, or ok or twenty years in afghanistan, doors conspiracy failed to see how many times that this is all they have. So this is so we do this? This is what the establishment does in Lou.
Of disappearing people because that's harder, so they just do this They try to do character assassination and that's what media doing doors concerned crazy, build red? Didn't then there with him claiming again the gates they claiming russia was provoked into invading ukraine because violated peace trees. You know who else thinks that Noam Chomsky Henry Is it your? What else is seriously looked at this and everyone else in the middle from heads of state from the secretaries of state from the bush administration from Clinton. They all everybody's agreed that this This is jimmy door. Claiming does Jimmy door repeating. America is the world's terrorist four hundred military bases surrounding china. He ranted again they. debunk any of this data is keep saying claims. We provoke this people, Joe no, that the cia gotten by what the right wing nazis in ukraine overthrow the democratically
the government in twenty fourteen. These are all facts that are in evidence already. That's why don't try to debunk it. So that's why I think this guy actually is on my side because just keeps well if you if you go to be positive towards him. Otherwise, he's like that. You be stupid, like really stupid to princess. If he wasn't on my side, so so things on usanga sign. I am so door then praised karlsson, claiming by the way you're the only one doing this, and I applaud you for letting people come on and speak the truth about what is actually happening in ukraine. Others, and when I watch what they do, they start the history of uk. from Putin's invasion. They now, we're tell you that we overthrew through the democratically elected government and twenty fourteen. They never tell you that so sky is doing my bit and look at it goes when He continued where that you mention minsk and then suddenly stopped his eye anyway. I ll leave it there here that that then, sounds better than what happened, though they were yelling in my ear to stop all so, like the fourth time that data,
stop, but I, like I leave it there. I just kept go highways of the time was upper because he had a time was up for the segment. I was, and I was at last gasoline squeeze. You know, o karlsson, karlsson after three minutes of doors, a rambling said you saw like putin she'll jimmy door before laughing carlson's pay segments alleging the united states played a role in the attack on the pipelines, received significant. Coverage in russian state media, but widespread condemnation elsewhere elsewhere were the military, industrial, complex, owns the media and I even see widespread economies. I work, but I told you to talk about it. What the wanted You will probably was Haider be so hard on Sy Hirsch's because he's wrong about this is the as propaganda country in the world. It makes me sad, you agree with you, but I do that guys on your side, this guy's at my side, so the guy's name who wrote this. I got joy
swan homes are hawaiian one homes. I think his joy juwan nicely done now: if we don't want, I got it hey, jimmy me doors and ass all now here's everything he said verbatim without I think debunk it Is it a jerk, please print this? My I said mediate. So, thank you very much. Why do one that was very well done, I'll just call MR holmes, about that's out after, but you your first name, so surely, penn is at it again. Look how he's dressed. I don't so he has so Sean penn was let's just play. It thing I like says you know having just just returned from ukraine. about ten days ago ourselves that d, the impact of president Biden strip, was extraordinary. I mean, that's that that's extremely encouraging yet would have been
if he actually visited someplace in the united states that needed help. When that be somebody, wouldn't that be extremely encouraging. This sets out what are showing here is video of his group called core, so sean pen has a non profit and it's called core in its that's called an angel and non governmental organizations like a charity, and but they did money from the governor guarantee. You hid the heats his his charity His corps non governmental organisation is getting funded, some work through the government, and so he can all this money, and then they set him to places like eighty or they sent him now to us. Ukraine and he's just started to propaganda for the war, and that's what he's doing so here. He is. I think that when that one of the the things that concerned me- and I I you know- I I think that no question but that they need more ammunition more. More war as causing
winning, so we need more wharf this goal. So well. What we we need to do is prolong this war Everyone knows how it's going to end except sean pen, every knows how this war is going to end exception pen, and he wants to extend so what he's doing is repeating cia talking points. Look at this, the jimmy a special report coming in short balances. The impact of buyers trip is extraordinary, we'll take we're all special. Why would a special is extraordinary he's very special, alright long precision, weapons and my name, is more ammunition, underwent algae need more ammunition more long range, precision, weapons, more long range, precision, weapon he's. the catering for specific artillery,
in a war instead of arguing for peace, talks, They need long range that you know. I was they had long range. What is it, what do you say holy artillery about he uses at precision. They don't have weapons. When we I send the weapons. We have no long range precision, yet we often go somewhere else that they go to africa. We don't know where they're going cause. We need about seventy percent over what we were going to send them is what he said and yes fighter Its fighter jets and if I invite jets we should just give them a whole military to fight a war provoked, so he does it again. So I m not the first time you ve ever seen my show or out or the Never tell you what's really going on in ukraine, ukraine, as an economic war by NATO that was provoked and started by NATO. How did they do what they through the government in ukraine. Twenty fourteen uninstall the puppet and then the russians,
Speakers in the east part of ukraine didn't want to go along with that, and then the ukraine government started shelling those people they had a peace agreement called the minsk accords and the, current govern was forced to stop shelling the russian speakers in the eastern party, ukraine. They never. Did they killed fourteen or fifteen thousand russian speaking ukrainians in what is called the dumbass, the easy part of ukraine and that's what provoked rub russia to one or two things, who's that provoke russia to invade to protect those people also, so that ukraine would be I'm demilitarize, so they wouldn't become a threat to russia. Just like we do. what russia, mexico or canada, to be a military threat to us and if they get into an alliance with china or russia, we would be upset about that. Just like we do it. The crews them at the cuban missile crisis We have started world war three over that's so they are due the same thing right now with ukraine, and so data keeps threatening to put you
into nato, which is crazy and everybody from NOME chomsky to Henry kissinger and two secretaries of state in every administration is said, that's crazy! To put you into nato. So we're doing everything we can, but we start this war. We got it and now we're doing everything we can to extended sean pen knows none of that. he knows? None of that he thinks the war started when Putin invaded the donbass, that is when the war started go ahead. I forgot. Ok, sorry! So, let's listen more is this is an ethical issue really is that you're right now, their dying every day, their dying? So, and so we gotta keep this going. You know there was a peace agreement last march they have a peace agreement, and then NATO, the united states, killed the peace agreement because they don't want to stop, this war. They want to bleed russia, and in order to do that, you gotta slaughter, a bunch ukrainians and they
don't give a shit and shown pen, is here making sure more ukrainians get slaughtered any such a moron. He thinks he's help those people, oh now, remember that we had the videos lindsey themselves. they were never gonna, let him in nato. So never mind need out. They were just saying: let just russia, let's threatened it. So we re software, we're not gonna, put you into yes, so that really like dirty on a lotta levels. What what we are waiting for a seems to still be attached to this. I would argue, over cautious concern. Related to nuclear weapons, because I for one thing, if we're going to her The sean penn is telling you don't worry about nuclear war. If someone starts a nuclear war, don't worry about that because causes we have to. We that's just part of the price you have to pay it. I'm not making this That's what he's saying and I'm gonna play it. Both ways play ensuring relate
to nuclear weapons, because I for one thing, if we're going to her. I live in a world where a bully with nuclear weapons runs. The show you know there are yet you know what country that is that be the united states fuck face not russia. The united states, where you paying a third of syria right. Next door, you know why, because were nuclear power bully We did the same thing to Iraq. We did the same thing to libya, but we do how Hugo Chavez, what he's still talks about how these friends with that's ravens, we overthrew him, I saw a bit more talk about how you got shot like he steals I get. Will you go is being threatened by you do. What did you say? You be frightened per capita so. He doesn't know anything about anything and he's ad. waiting for more murder being a tool
of the cia and the military industrial complex he's not helping You shot is now a tool of e vall and murder is cautioning against caution, He doesn't want you to worry about. We can't we have to read a nuclear war. Believe me, Russia will use a nuke if they think they're losing. The only thing we have to fear is fear of nuclear war, don't be afraid of nuclear war. That shown pens message is we can't be fraid of nuclear war, other what of course, you should be fraid of nuclear war and that should be pair about in everyday? since, of course,
You should be afraid of nuclear war. He's saying we can't worry that someone's going to start a nuclear war, that's exactly what you should be worrying about you, fuckin moron or with the freeze frame, is not making them look smart. It looks like one of the guys from deliverance in this video It looks like the one chart with an arrow reserve of a former, intelligence officer, I'd spoken to in ukraine. At one point he said you know he doesn't move on that. One women that world in ukraine won't, and so I just think we to make a clear decision to start one worth three. Just our world war, three, spoke to a formerly celebrates autism, Randolph fuckin guy inside ukraine, with a bias on an agenda and now I'm here to tell you about it crane does want to live that way alike. I r take all the money I have. Please
as saving your infrastructure and and what that means is supplying the ukrainians. They have no interest in having americans or others in the fight they're ready to take the fight themselves and their their ability to train. position on these platforms? Be it the sixteenth or or when it comes to the patriot, is, is: I don't think there's been an honest conversation about how quickly they can transition. I think it's all. There is a lot god pet is going to be her to let you know how fast that the military in ukraine, without any training, can learn how to use a sophisticated missile system that takes months and months to figure out and and by the way they don't have spare part. There have anything: it's like the universal battlefield earth when they all learn how to do fighter justified the aliens and like a day, it's like that. Will then the air about how long it takes up made. So now what words code pink to call him out. That would be nice right eight hour,
de war organizations boast a mock him. Now tell him why he is wrong and that he's at acts. Will evil person yoga he's doing evil, then, if you rain does win this war. I don't want to be alive yeah? we live in the world. This conflict doesn't go the ukrainian won't wait all of that, but there are a lot, in many ways in which that can be a you know, a sped up trump. He could speed up on that so I love this guy says he's as liberals are mad at woody harrelson, but they applaud this piece of shit. wow, that's the world were living in their pro war. Looking that embarrassed to do this? This saying we gotta arm the vietnamese. We gotta said:
morgan arms? We got to send more nicely. Vietnam, we gotta said more long range missiles. We gonna send fighter jets. We gonna send the stuff to vietnam. That's what, though we gotta send this to rack. Let send it to libya, let's send this stuff to Afghanistan door, that no one is there supervising what to do with it that's right so up! So if you said that vietnam, you ve said that about a rack, or you said that about libya? We said that about afghanistan. We said that about syria. Everybody would laugh you out of the room, but we are allowed to say that about ukraine. Now, what unintelligence officer told but somewhere and or intelligence observe how the intelligence got us into Iraq. The thing yes thought was crazy of us to do yeah. Well, I, like with this, Venom says he says when calling out corporate greed and corrupt politicians gets people labelled conspiracy, theory, is that they did the woody harrison. That's how you know the state sponsored propaganda machine is working, sean pen loves war and vaccine mandate. So he's he's portrayed
as a purveyor of truth and decency. Because he's a good boy he's told the on board for the authoritarian coded bullshit mandate, stuff that has scientific basis and his anti worker. And he's now pro war anytime but the shit lives are upset at woody harrelson per telling you the truth about go of it. Are you sure, Well, he sounds like he's about to cry at any size. His voice gives a lot of gravitas to it. If you want to know, what's really happening sean, this is what's real. happening in ukraine. The NATO summit in Madrid was a big love in further supporters. the military industrial complex. Nato is not a defence alliance. It's a war machine ass, the people of afghanistan, iraq, Libya, NATO's real goal is the defence of away the. U S, heads on Monday and are you the polar world system, that's what name, exist far. I need this
not that his silence children, this land of free speech, the war in ukraine. those loveliness like do you the russian economy is dominated by monopoly capital. Poor countries, one by oligarchs. Now we have a: u s name. Proxy war against russia, ukraine, two factions of less appeared as a wage war against each other with millions of workers caught him between a survey body, we're being council on foreign relations, show that the vast majority of you, european citizens, want peace rather than promoting a war that punishes russia, but NATO never wants peace, What I want to know is: what does the EU really want. so that's what nato is the dominant there, not a defensive organization. There are committing terrorism for economic gain. In? U s a germany all over the world, and here it NATO has.
spanish so when germany was allowed to reunite, the promise that the americans gave to russia was We wouldn't expand nato well this this is. it illustration that shows you how much where we actually have expanded nato sense. So overhead gives you the year and it shows you how the they ve expanded right. So this what nato was then, let's let started again This is what nato was then and now watch its are grown.
so, look at all the countries- turkey, romania, I'll, even though hungary, georgia, pull it is at george. What is I can't even read it along with a force for good in the world, expanding and expanding. So I write up on russia's border and now here's ukraine that they want to put to you, ukraine into a military alignment with the united states. Did you manage if they, to put mexico into a military alignment and have russian military bases in mexico, but that we will put up with it, but because that's a big country? This is never have the force of good in the world. Did you know that also just one more thing: sea ice rector, william burns, admitted in two thousand eight that the nato expansion to ukraine crosses moscow red lines and could split the country into two leading into two leading to violence or even civil war, which would force russia to decide whether to intervene of
horse. We ve all known this, but none of the news agencies, MSNBC, cnn, fox or not gonna report this to you new york times. The washing postponed gonna tell you what's going on. This is What's going on, NATO has provoked this through men, different what things that they did. One of em Was nato expansion another one was a coup in ukraine and uh now sean pen is out there saying we need to slaughter more ukrainians gazettes, all what he said is going to do, and this is a great beam. It says if the guy on the right, meaning Putin figures you, but these criminals on the left. Don't congratulation drooping successfully mine controlled by the tv media and hollywood, because these are all war criminals who wrecked our country for kook for the court, aberrations and murdered other people all around the world. This guy dry, more bob's than that. Guy look at these old. The pro wrestlers after the show yang out? It's almost exactly what it feels like this
At least trump is no longer president. I know I don't want to live in a world like that. Where he's right, they don't care if we have a nuclear war as long as we don't have trump as president sean I told you not to worry about a nuclear war to be over cautious about don't be too cautious about it. A thousand and he are having lost his fucking mind, hey you! Here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium Are we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previous programmes is this and its a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards thanks, everybody who was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support,
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The blacks in their rasmussen Paul agreed first of all kind of The question is this: is it I'd sure, like ones winter, one per cent of them said not sure, I'm sure twenty one razetta like just diccon aurora, like they're, like what disagree. I'd I'd think is people taking around a lot lake and unfair specifically have gerard right now gmail we're old bagasse, we disagree, images shouted does the these things because I got something stupid. Most black people actually said. Yes, it's ok to be white, twenty one percent said I dont know muslim, I do understand the question we have because I didn't know what that question men and then and torn seven percent had no, so basically a tiny minority of a minority and once you fit for black people answering know just to be funny, which I respect
it's a low number yet probably way less yes, so also look black people, can be racist on black people can be races to seventy. Six percent of black people agree with that. so that twenty seven degree it's the same. Goddamned people here right, these motherfuckers ones. It drove scott items, mad eight percent, not sure twenty. You know you know that's right, so why I bring this up causes adam some boy boy go trick. Treat this light a plate of four heaters because he's gotta heartache coming through careful, it's hot, How many of you here we go. Gonna hot items serve you're, nearly half of all blacks ok with white people. According to this pole, not hurting me. According to this bold, that age group
sacred, and I don't want anything to do with them, I would say your based on the current waiting it's what none of those quite but none of the stuff that curtain I just said entered into. head, like first of all, The question is that a second of all, I bet your lot of black people are just be indexed to say no, like four funny and then about the twenty one percent said. I don't know because at such a stupid question here, like the none of those things quite ediths. What brought back the blacks, eight wise? That's not what the report says. That law is according to you. It is not going to make known its authorities you, even if you so, the pull as that question The numbers will cost majority, said: oh, yes, majority, small amount said no yeah, but you looked in. I dont knows with no that's so we were covered info the same where I bet that on account of covert debts stud, so he got hold it wrong, and then he spent his the rest of the time figure, even though you
a right, you're still wrong. That was his thing and now he's doing this, we won. He said you won't. He will you won it. He called you anti vaxxers, but I'll make these points up when we get to this black stuff. Trust me so here it gets. So so, let's start from the stop at. if you nearly half of all blacks are not ok with white people. Now what it says Boal not according to me, Now, what it says bolt not that's not what the hate and I don't want to eat by, not Ok is a real loose. Yes, so there now ok with white people. That's he grew, isn't just not oak We'll say you're like I don't know im, ok with them, wait, that's not really, and not only but again it was a stupid question here. Let's, let's see if we can play this all the way through thing to do with them, and, I would say, are based on the current waiting. these are going the best?
advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people is to get the fuck away gee were wherever you have to go just get away. As there is no fixing this this can't be fixed. Would you talk about what can be fair. What are you talking about broke his that somebody did a stupid paul with a stupid question, that's meaningless and then half the people but responded that even a what the question men and another half the people probably were joking when they went away god, don't worry white people that can afford to do that. Do do that! Don't have your replies to move away from people. Are you sure, like a bunch of white, rich white people living around glad to stay? You know what makes a good boy I wanna go move to a good neighbourhood with less black people and more rich white people. Thanks for the tip, Scott
oh, my god, he got it keeps going to school. way. If he really feels this way shouldn't you have expressed, this rule razor sharp dilbert, brig sweet Sweden, the punch with, doesn't everybody wants to know what the creator of dilbert feels about race relations? Hey? What is the creator if Garfield, think what about okay? Here we go. have to escape? So, let's ride it. I went to a neighborhood where the very low black population fortunately, the others so he's saying he moved to a neighbourhood with a very low black population. Apparently because of this poor regions, moved when he moved there thirty years ago,
so he's been living. According my research and correct me, if I'm wrong in the same place for thirty years, so burly he's felt this way for awhile and now there's a rasmussen poll to validate it. Finally, thank god he could tell people why he moved the hell away from them yeah. Well. He didn't warn us thirty years ago when he moved from a neighbourhood to a wider neutral. After going up your white. Never after I grew up in a white neighborhood and then living in a wider neighborhood. He then moved to an even wider, your neighbor just do it if you have to. Ah here we go relation between the densely this, according to don lemon, by the way, by the way is now he's quoting dilemmas. You know this is put a risk that really this is this tragic How does Paul is put such a rift between scott atoms and the one black people he knows who we co
So here I just called I'm quoting died lemon as if that's what you will, the man in black yeah? Everyone knows he's the black spokes. You know I hate everything he says, but on this we agree that you got him and when he notes that the when he lived in a mostly black neighborhood there are a bunch of problems they didn't see in white neighborhoods. so even die lemon. She is a big difference in here. On quality of living. based on where you live check, and that has nothing to do with economics. Nothing but they ve done lemon said even dad lemon said so well, look it is, face. While he says it is almost smug like yazzi. Just like this just facts and look out in you notice the point of it.
So I think it makes no sense whatsoever as a whites. there's another america to try to help black citizens anymore. It doesn't, since there is no longer a rational. First of all, I wish he would go into detail about his many years dedicated to black people outreach Is he shutting down dilbert kids? like a jerry that tells address black used to pull up their pants. A pickup by reversing the boy you better get the hell out of their wow. this is some studied revelations from Scott Adams here, one he apparently used to really be two black people. Before this pole, he was like the big hip, hop guy before this pole ruined black people for him and there's no there's no fixed,
in this. You ve heard the pole yeah. His heart is like a big jug of love for black people than has been shattered, real chiquita jug bag. boy. This is your last black people. You know that guy from dilbert was always helping you. That party is over what's that you ve literally never heard of dilbert or scott at how is it that interesting scene he's been helping you Harry go bulls. so I'm I'm gonna, I'm gonna back off, suddenly helpful to blackmail, he's gonna back off for being helpful to delhi it doesn't seem like it pays off. I got it doing all my life and I ve been the only outcome as I'd be called a racist. We, how did I saw only Elk,
album by like calling the authorities to check when they walked down the street? I shouldn't went lost it. This is a low density neighbourhood, maybe he's in the wrong I'll. Just call the police that's a lot of black breeders. There's a black people in my neighborhood, most suitable, her global neighbourhood. Could you check and just it is doing and make sure the skies. Ok, maybe he's logical, realises I've always been helping. Hey scott, not to rub it in, but you know who sticks by their friends way more when they get canceled black people or we go. It makes no sense del black americans if you're white, that the it's over don't donate think is worth trying totally not trying and there we go. You don't like that in italy
what those who don't want to focus on education. You just need to get away from just get as much distances again. That's why So do I gotta guess he met the black people. Aren t interested in education just get away board about white people. You like educated white people? When you talk about whether with the ones, education probably also not calling for your cancellation. It's right. But your call is that twenty seven present that said, it's not okay, to be white that you want. You will hear. Guess, of course you know what happened. Everybody dropped his his thing. right and then he writes out. Dilbert has been cancelled from all newspapers, websites, calendars and books, because I gave some advice that everyone agrees with what
Everyone agreed with what scott said: everyone one loma, that's even more than the about a black people who said it's not ok, to be white, Everyone net weeded out. I've lost three careers to direct racism. So far, crocker bank, pacific, bell and cartooning. all three were perpetrated by white people for their own gain. maybe you stay away from people that get away far away people read what you gotta pee of neighbourhood, with no people we reads you do ever think of that. No, Black person has ever discriminated against me. That's partly identified as black for several,
white people are. The media are also the main source of worsening race relations, as opposed to the bang up job you're doing into bringing the races together. be raises against a guy who identifies black right now, but you should take the brain. You're down here I would take the brain picture down and then he said you are. mentioning of the food with career, I lost to racism from white men. The ratings were good guess he had shown friggin do ve and did you know that I didn't know that he said, the ratings was good enough, but european decided to turn monday into an all black comedy line up and gilbert lost its time slot, while you lost for greece, Is that your teeth? we work, rears and most people have an end. Then black people, you know,
thou so to get away from hateful black people you had to move somewhere. White and white people discriminated against you kind of something: The problem is use guided? By being honest, everyone agreed with me: everybody agreed and they still discriminated against. You look, we agree with you, but get the hell out of here, and he says this is just struck. His reputation is destroyed. What reputation, reputation as guy with the worst covert takes will give his ways like he's. Like a book author, yes, how I ruined my reputation, wow, but look at this- is a little twist. Put out for you, so this person says Adams was horrified that nepal, a black people, showed only half believe it so k to be white. Well, that's not. but it showed he
all this hate and recommended white people live far away from blacks may stream, media verdict, Adams as racist, but now the twenty million black people of dick. It's not ok, to be white so that there is him and there are no longer my lawyer event. Elon musk comes in and says the media's, racist language and war. insane question to ask in a rescue vehicle. The wrath of the poll was but he's what more important. But it seems like this person's agreeing with what what do you think Is this a psyop or ok, the the by the boys. Can black people be re? So if you are saying, is it ok to be white? Is some campus horse shit of somebody purpose Is that it's ok to be white and that cause a car? Firstly, I don't know about that. Does not come tax given it's like most hashtag things on the face of it, it's absurd, so they put that up and you and I guarantee the black people. Their twenties and present have no idea what the fuck that they like looking at the angel, I can you quit yeah. Can you
would being widely so so that the people who don't consider white, a political designation which is most of the country, thinks it's a skin color, okay. So scott item should know all this now. This backstory of that which is weird, you know, he's education guy right through you should know the cutting edge of the stupid shit. They save academia, but meanwhile the but the thing have encouraged. Him was In my view, we raised the seventy six percent, say yes, because big lie that was going around from the anti raises. Was only white people can be racist? Ok, that's the new thing that you're supposed to think as its actually impossible to be racist. If you're, not white ok. I know where that comes from you, because I saw a black eye,
I dunno who I comes from racism like no, I saw someone explain, there's a difference between prejudice and racism. I dunno if we made up, but it's not by made up into divulging about how it's our power plus whatever privilege, wherever the hell, that is nonsense, it's a belief in your race is superior. That's what it's always meant. It comes from racialism, that's a new one goddammit thing too. I guess, like everything else, vaccine, and that you have to have a hard to discriminate, rank open racism for free and your and ended until you will mysteries was discussed cop, a lot because levy years ago, when this nonsense or trickling down to the dumdum classes? Nobody, leave me the craziest and now it's come out, but by people never got bored with that, but I will show you how we have someone on seeing this nonsense. You ve got only when I can be used, Does it is insulting you even segregating racism,
a universal human thing. So that's dip you'd academics did that and so on people didn't go to the classes and learn all that Scott should have, though. So, if reading that genuinely without being blinded by his literal racism? He should Oh oh black people are not on board like when they try to get a real equal rights thing in the california election and these are mostly black and brown very basic data. We don't want that, took it really. Equal rights thing said sara. I don't think that they I can't I don't. I don't know what you know they. Answered him, not get lie or videos of whom I get a lot more to learn his own channel, but I will now actually like to see this. You know him have to engage in defend that to someone who knows how to put him in the right kind of verbal deadlock? and I would think more conversations like this would be better for zog. Just to just till you could explain to him
that's not what the pole actually says in that you should, if you're such a big brain person, you should have questions about that stupid paul. Will it just very clear you don't? no very many by people at all. You're, not really qualified, to say that people dont have to live with. Other kinds of people have no clue what the fuck are. You talking about in their real competent and they just spout were literally can that just spouts the black people icy on tv or the all the black people downloading the dvd vanity has the black mabel. So does it know any which is it He's like really disingenuous, is what's annoying about him. Will, ultimately, you know, besides his hilarious, take of it being a racist, ex black man remit, so nice, again- I don't I'm not for the kids, lying of anybody on anything in the but I understand that he relies on other people to provide him a platform and
He had to know that when he said those things it was gonna make it untenable for them to keep him on their plan. Things there that correct ledgers. He he did, but woody harrelson mentioning the hotel rang with honors adele. He had that kind, righteousness while he said why people we gotta get far away from black people as if that wasn't the hit we avoid people realised the founding of the country idiot everyone, he wasn't so smug about it. It would be like do you know who I mean you have to do. You have to know when you play those games that you're gonna. Do cancelled, I mean big. If you do, you just know it right, and like. I think he really papyron thought as he was such a good boy with. like. I know, man excused, I know,
must then be sees that gonna. Invite me on. If I tell the truth about Nord stream pipeline really russia gate, syria. I know that's not gonna happen for some freak reason. There's one knows that fox news that likes to tell the truth about those subjects, get invited on that show, but I knew that when I tell those truth, I'm gonna get smeared by cnn, which is what I did get I'm going smeared by the news we could washed by no this you're. So I guess it's just like you know that when you were so I'd, we didn't sound resist, I mean junior here, I'm not saying he doesn't what say, but you know what you say that how do you no there's gonna, be. I know what I do given anti war pro worker message that suggests that critiques endeavour, when party I'm gonna, get smear pieces written about me just that just go I'll, go so no, if you say that you're gonna get cancelled, so it was like he wanted to get eaten. Do how did he not but you're saying he's such a narcissist? If that he thought what I'm saying is so logically sound a gadget check a jacket. Make you saw me, that's what
We thought everyone agrees with it I ordered, were there, every one. Everyone agrees with it. Oh my god, Kay No, that's not the case. I hey become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business, don't don't bring all the voices more today, our by the one and only the inevitable mike Mccrae. It can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com, for this week. You be the best you can be and I'll keep being me.
You guys, don't don't don't, don't don't don't don't don't worry, gown tat! You do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.