« The Jimmy Dore Show

Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate TURN TABLES On Washington Post Propagandist!

2024-01-12 | 🔗

When Zionist Washington Post reporter Elizabeth Dwoskin was planning a hit piece on dissident media outlets like The Grayzone for failing to toe the Israeli narrative line, what she wasn’t expecting was a flaying from The Grayzone reporters Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté. But that’s just what she got when the two began inquiring why the Post would assign a devout Zionist who promotes Israeli propaganda to cover the conflict with Hamas Guest host Russell Dobular, along with Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, talk to Blumenthal about the confrontation and how best to respond to corporate media narrative enforcement. Plus segments on unhinged actor Michael Rapaport ranting about the Golden Globes not acknowledging the Israeli hostages and alleged fed Ray Epps receiving a slap on the wrist for egging protesters on to storm the Capitol building on January 6th. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Mischa Paullin! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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how's your how your russia is president Joe Biden your mind, while you're you're sounding very clear for president Biden, thanks for calling what's new I'll, tell you watch no twenty twenty four st year were an engineer I'm going to be reelected for the second time and Russell things are going crazy. Really. Is that so she just your dairy, gave a speech a black church, because my support among black his leg, I wear white politicians sharper their churches, that always windsor trust. Ok, I went to a black church who talked about the evils of white supremacy.
And that had a function that was yeah? My words also discuss the specter of political violence and how donald trump represents both of these. How did that go? They seem to agree Russell. I didn't choose just any old black church, oh no. Oh no, it was a mother, emanuel, ame e church in charleston south carolina side of one of the most vicious racially motivated mass murders in us history. So the messaging air was crystal clear, elegant and poignant. Indeed,
She rushed the last time I ran. My strategy was to blurt out. If you don't vote for me, you ain't black, and some people saw this as a mistake. According to my team that alienated black voters, you made it appear that I took their support for granted. I would imagine so yeah she would've occurred to me personally. That's why you have a team in the first place to point these things out, so they advise this time extremely direct ham, fisted overture to the black community. Instead, how? How was that received? All russia went over real well received by the whole thing. There was one little hiccup, though oh yeah. What was that? Well, I got hit her up
by protesters. He is troublesome. No good next were young and naive and had no idea what they're talking about what happened. Exactly where my little speech guarantees bone had started young I Gaza. Now these are the type of idiots. You want a cease fire. You imagine, cease fire. What a crock of shit hi her screaming for that, and then they got escorted out like the troublemakers and agitators they are ok, it was so disgraceful russell and disrespectful to invade a house of worship of black people were horrible act of racial violence that occurred and to be submerged dead, sacred space with calling for the end of the ethnic cleansing of brown. People can't even imagine
If you don't see a little irony there. Mr president, no yeah matters are worried about how the crowd would react, but you know what they did Russell. They started chanting four more years and respond to this act of disruption. You know why why, because they're good democrats, and they know that loyalty to party trumps, everything else so to speak, and I know,
electing me is more important than me being complicit in crimes against humanity. Actually, if trump won, he would probably have the exact same israel policy that you do exactly, and people know this, so it's better to have a Democrat, overseeing ethnic cleansing of an oppressed population than a cruel man like donald trump, because democrats are way cooler about trans people and other stuff. I say that's true. That's true, so the point is this. Whole thing was a really good sign for my reelection campaign being interrupted at a public event by people protesting genocide who represent the views of young people and minorities in this country to demo to demographics. Democrats usually rely on it's hard to see that as enough as a good thing, oh yeah! No,
you put a bad spin on it like that. Doesn't look good at all, but I ain't paying attention to what the bubble around me thinks die hard dems. Those are my guys and gals right there. Best of luck is, I guess all I can say to you as the patch right. That is all you can say because nothing I want stage about eighty will ever change my mind. That's leadership right there, while I gotta go, is nice talking to you, they would insure against some time I'll be here next week, then Jimmy will become a bank Jimmy. Oh, If I call your before god, Jeremy people just hand me the phone. I start talking, I dunno what I'm doing the record of this. Please delete it and also don't put it on the internet for god's sakes anyway, it's time for nap number three over to the
see you later fought for me or more years, ass. Many ass guidance, fomenting dow jones in meeting them the chance to show all right. So we are joined by max Blumenthal. You all know him max. Blumenthal is an award winning journalist as well as the editor in chief and founder of the independent and investigative news website the grey zone is all the best selling author of several books, including goliath, the fifty one day, war and the management of savagery. Max welcome. Thanks for coming on good to see you,
good desire? Yak? Yes, all right, so essential, also so we're just gonna cover them, see you today, as we saw the marbles rent for you screw I've gotta, go yeah now my value. They show that those side looking middle aged man in that ukrainian video laser showed a right before you started singing. I know how right so you and what is the embassy you? That's the our vote cinematic universe. Ok Now that is a man dedicated to his work? we keep yeah. They is pretending. We move that important sea I'll hold ups island about the am. I see, they are my say: that's her about it I say is, is dedicate we did a little here. I was there that that's all you want exposing the deep state. Did you not see black beard? There were where the guy from the habit or not the office of british one played
kindly cia agents who wants to right. Yeah man, oh mass mac, Zack. Actually I will say this because the am I see is so involved in. Rewriting the screen plays for these movies in order to give people the impression that the cia is our friend that you could expand your beat out too that just from that angle, but you and Erin had some fun with the washington post. this weekend so the wash. imposed was preparing to do a hip peace Ah, the grey zone on you guys and on the electronic intifada? And now Now it says quite alot. about the washington post that you would have a virulent zionist. Even writing this story, so we have from from. Does the
learn chief of electronic intifada ali abu Norma When Washington's posts lies a dwarf skin was at columbia, she denied nakata claiming there was no palestinian nation and palestine with hundreds the villages and cities was home to just a few quote: desert better That's that's whose assigned to write about intifada, and here we see in the columbia spectator. It is one to come out against abuses this? This was her act dammit writing that colombia added. There to indict the state of Israel for an illegitimate existence as the gift of the bridge issue only got the territory as a result of a colonial war. One can Israel, as existing on stolen land but still from whom, before the british, swept in there was now palestinian nation. The territory was taken, from the ailing ottoman empire and consisted of death?
as bedouins, without a sense of national identity. As we know it today, I I guess the grim one space. They made a developed that yeah yeah max. You want tell us briefly, what's wrong with that analysis. Was it because, because this there is a very common myth among zionists a a land without a people for people without a land so that is so. So that's completely untrue that were there I mean that's just the zionist justification for the night, what that means, in fact, deed or heard. So the guru of zionism understood that the palestinians were a. A real political entity and a cultural and social coherent entity, but then ensued, you did the job attend school, sort of the ideological godfather of Netanyahu. He wrote a whole paper called the iron wall, which basically argued that jewish colonists
who had come to the land of palestine, wouldn't be able to form a nation without an iron wall of bayonets, which is basically acknowledging that there is a real people there in a real nation that is going to resist them. If they try to dominate them, so this is this is like twenty twenty three right, Now I dont know lies a divorce and wrote that, but I assume its in the modern or postmodern era. When we understand colonialism is wrong and she still trying to justify it in a college paper I mean this is just weird and anachronistic and while I should impose tyres her as our social media reporter I mean this is the important background on her. They hide as the social media reporter. So what does that mean in a newspaper- like the washington post or the new york times or bloomberg it beans. She is basically a tool for the intelligence services, in the censorship industrial complex and our job is to punch down
at dissenters and paint them all. As you know, secret. Yes, puppets of russian meddling, or, in this case, she's, going after palestinian. This information is what she thinks she's doing, instead of going after the powerful apartheid state that she, obviously, Has a great affinity for something to go. Get your parents But mad max, do you have any proof? with your relatives or they all on board or maybe like distant family, but they, No they're gonna lose the arguments, so they I wasn't. I wasn't really like raised zion as I was raised, you know, I went to hebrew. Scorn was raised around a lot of jewish people, but my immediate family didn't really tell me, are you after love, Israel? I think there are pretty uncomfortable their voice. There is always like a level of discomfort about it, because I mean why, wouldn't you be, if you're a decent person
well. Let me ask you something actually, because this is something I keep meaning to research. As you know, the world is on fire and are so much to keep up with its very hard to fund to do any extracurricular research. I My experience of huber school is that its zionist training cap and I talked to katy how for about this. She seemed to confirm that was that your experience My experience was they teach you hebrews zionism and that's it No, I mean it really wasn't. We got more of the holocaust experience. One of my teachers survived a death camp. And so you know one day I come in after school like. I already had like this long day at school. raining its dreary out and she just comes in the room and starts talking about a death camp and men and the women and children being divided on them.
For two hours I was treated to a real horror story in it and it actually traumatized me, but you know, and an end it was. I mean it real stuff? What about the pressure started that make wow yeah. Well, then I felt so guilty for killing paris. After watching that, then I just have to say that, after I saw that yeah, everyone should have stayed in any way a good idea at the time we did the Jesus seem like the right idea at the time people really do it a high. A lot of people are into it They were the holocaust. You know when you learn about it. You get it in your psychological bloodstream. It can go either way and it like. What lessons do you wanna take away from the jews that are protesting this journey? sidle slaughter. What I call the Gaza holocaust that are protesting it shutting down the cap at all. They are taken.
the lesson of never again to anyone. That's gonna! Wasn't that other? I was. I thought it was it was not that I guess I say at Haber school. They talked a lot about the holocaust, but because of the holocaust, you had to be zionist, which is very much what you hear from scientists. Ray I mean that's the message, Steven Spielberg, who was at the golden globes last night, where the Gaza holocaust was not mentioned. Once Steven Spielberg put that forward and schindler's last, it's like the ultimate holocaust movie, that really concern validated the narrative, the zionist narrative of the holocaust in american popular culture Just you know just your treated to endless horrors throughout this film and then at the end, snow you're in black and white, it's in color and the server Ivory are in Jerusalem and they're, going to yad vashem, which, where you can actually see the village of dairy. I see in the sight of one of the worst massacres of the of the knocker. Are you can see it from there and their going there?
It's basically like Israel is our deliverance from the holocaust. That's the Spielberg mainstream message and now you lose there buildings ugly. I wasn't so much of its causes, such as its such a safe place to be with you Leaving aside the fact that you can get rocketed taken captive because you're like living next door to a comedy like open air prison camp, for the captive native, which which I can say that as a guide. That's israelis are the worst drivers on the planet, every one of the highest rates of car accident debts on the planet because they drive like their driving tanks, warlike there. the needs palestinians car in the tank,
I was it over driver- I used to drive through a hasidic neighbourhood. Literally, this is not a joke. I went to drop a woman up at a hospital. I pull up. I have to double part because there's a car park next affecting this guy tries to drive between us. With I mean there was not three feet between cars like he was going to crash and it just comes pulse beat hugging the horn. I had the heart, my horn, I got eyes of what the hell are you doing this literally three, Be between these cart. Your plan is to just barrel through the courts, the albania, when you use your heart, the quieter argued lying. Your party right there was. That was obviously explained. The hazards are all about business. I mean Well, you see him barreling through in their minivan. He just get out of the way they got somewhere to be. Oh yeah So so now, when you look through this, reporters twitter, as a lot of people have done now its remarkable. Its remark, while that she would be assigned to cover the story he's retweeting bury weiss she's, just right
tweeting the both the most absolutely extreme insane zionist talking points to the degree that if you were a newspaper, cared at all about the truthful reporting you her twitter alone would be grounds for firing. Unless you, wanna put her on the food desk or something to chicken shouldn't cover hot regime. Have you seen the other new york times, but while this it does, is why not not that the times are once I walk out of his high other large opposed to articles so so she was, she was about to do a hippies. How did you guys get word of the peace. Did she send you an email? Hey, I'm gonna question your credibility. they cause. There was an email and ball trent exact yeah. She basically said just that. She said this. The piece about
You minimizing the atrocities of october seven. She led only note that you guests- and she said you have been one of the main outlets writing about how israelis were killed on october seventh by the israeli military, which is something that happened, that happened, but we were that's not even question once not even so. I've been offered but this is really about. It was ok. Are here? so I didn't even know she had emailed me. Even though my direct messages on twitter acts are open. That would have been a bit the best way to reach me, but she said it to our public email and I don't think she expected me call or email back, but she did read a longer wearily to all We need electronic intifada and it was like you are responsible for convincing masses of people that Israel can everybody on october, seven and that their hamas, tact and even happened. Essentially, that's what you is implying and that we
spreading of disinformation and conspiracy theorists, and you know the whole playbook of these downward punching lackey, for the intelligence services and the deep state that basically what she would is going to do so. Ali road are really devastating response to her in print and published it onto and I saw It- and I said, wait a minute. I bet you she's gunning for us too. So I checked our public email ride diligently trotted, Spawned everyone like NOME chomsky, does there she was alive. The divorce skin as minimises of atrocities and I'm leaving first degree minimizing? Yes, exactly
yeah I mean we would have. Will I wanted to find out. So that's why I called her our rights. Let us take a look at the beginning. This phone call. You just take a look at our first reaction and then we'll get into the maid of weird I'm here in them like on the same guy yeah yeah hi. Is this elizabeth to Baskin asked the caller yeah it's max Blumenthal from the grey zone, and I'm here with my colleague, Aaron matej on yeah you wanted to talk about our factual journalism. I want envy flight is he. I got an email from you accusing us of minimizing the atrocities in october, seven. Ok, so sources! just I
initial reactions, and so she should dodges do he's got another interview. and then you really get into it. The question whether or not you design went weight of it. She was even kind of you chewing she's eating sabra homeless or something I've. I am. I right. I am on one try and picks up at four. Fifty eight and she says that she has a call right then, and there which a work call it so important. So why would you pick up your phone, is it really normal to be like chow in downright before you have an important, more call and how many people work ninety five, an import, more call at five p m on friday, so I just don't believe that she had another call the first she dumped you. Could you called her twice right at first, she did pick up like let's try again and then jacking up yet all right. So I said now ask or the million dollar question you
have minimize the knot of palestinians writing for colombia, universities paper: you describe them as just a bunch of debt, you're bedouins. Are you a zionist? You know, I'm not sure, like I mean I see, retreating very wise, who is a major supporter of the israeli genocide in Gaza and I two: no. Are you ideologically committed to these system of zionism Adam? It's very curious that someone like that would be assigned to this story and it's also curious to me that the Washington post refuses to investigate the real story and hold accountable this powerful apartheid state and is instead attacking independent journalists, you are afflicting the afflicting afflicted and comforting the powerful, as the washington post has traditionally done. So why should we even trust you to set up some kind of call?
and is completely up to you to do so. Are you a scientist All this isn't about any personal eyes. Is ideologies Do you support Israel's military campaign in Gaza, like you're interrogatingly ends? Will you just starting? You deserve to be interrogated its highly inappropriate that someone who seems to have such deep affection for an apartheid state I think, genocide would be assigned to the story and is attacking independent journalists who produced factual journalism on a major scandal. Instead of holding to account this, and military responsible for that scandal and by the way, why is the one and imposed always minimizing genocide. The attack on the magazine, refugee camp, it was referred to as just
strikes against Hamas in the washington post. We're ok, can you? Can you explain that yeah Israel dropped gb, you two thousand pound bunker buster bombs on a densely populated refugee camp, killed seventy people in one strike with. There is no military valued all they just did it for fun and then Wednesday, I we did it, but we use the wrong weapon. We need it one of these, a smaller bomb, the so there language, literally, said that you know what minimizes, what what was done to those innocent israelis killing double in times the number of people that tends to minimize the initial You know I gotta say more and look into this. Why are you having a music festival next to a concentration camp? Why? Why is really like you can enjoy yourself, knowing that these people are
locked in on the other side of the wall. Yeah. I mean you can literally see electrified fencing with machine gun turrets on top was by why you, a comfortable look, bruce occur. Look here, yeah! This seems safe we oughta mitigated community. Out of bargaining answer as a side note actually went to a classical music concert held on the frontier of gaza by one of the most famous israeli conductors like I covered it and their their aim was to blast classical music beethoven into guy a and hopefully convince them to become more civilised and release this one israeli captive that they had? Who was a soldier gilad shelly? Oh yeah. They ultimately did release him in exchange for thou wert yeah. That was, that was the big cells may be extra trap. So maybe the beethoven worked as Kurt said, but lily bizarre colonial insanity is, it is present in Israel all the time.
So anyway, yeah where we in the car or is yes or those who reading the Washington post headline of that massacre was up. Israel deepens, strikes against Hamas or intensifies rights against Hamas. It wasn't Israel massacred. Seventy civilians for no reason dr bright are. These are blasts read there. They were a year as blast. Now. Where is the report on all of these? rarely social media poster tik tok posts celebrating the genocide of Gaza, mocking people in Gaza, we're having their water and energy turned off israeli soldiers in Gaza proudly committing war crimes on tiktok broadcasting it to the world. Have you written one story about that as the social media reporter so feel free to send me anything any article if I want to answer the question in a bit, but in the prison yard,
articles. I see this is why nobody trusts were romanian, wider reading electronic intifada in the grey zone, because you can't even answer these questions. You can't even tell us about your own, Zionism early and why you're doing this hippies you're only just taken aback life on taking up while others were being taken aback, but I feel like the next step announced, will stop it we want as one one is undergoing a story. Subjects is war Everyone has mentioned, or as a reference in the story is too talk about encouraging schedule, time to talk a that's all I'm saying I know you didn't even asked me in the email to schedule a time or talk it through. So I aliza, you could have sent questions because I'm running late to another
oh. I'm sorry, are you not hear email was suggested. Sometimes. Is that what you do? You still believe that that palestinians, that people of palestine we're just desert bedouins before before Israel? Ok, eliza divorced of the washington post has hung up on us. That was the As the limit do you think she's even an like this kind of check that works wash imposed the great where the great taylor rennes works. I was thinking of telling right after the tire yea they're, all like the fish, be some do like you have to even tell him what the plan is. Dirty We program to carry it out, no matter. What, while that that those are the only people who get those jobs right and so do a great point
Did she ever she iii mailed you ride. She, you mail, you and then she would so more. What was she so taken aback? Where did she not expect you to reach out? Did she not expect you to call her like? How is she expecting that go? I think she expects thus to see to see curling. Utilization that like we would want her to bomb. We would want to be treated with respect by her and to be seen in a positive light by the Washington post article audience in that we wouldn't treat her and the billionaire own post as an enemy of the people, which is how we see the whole corporate media. No, you were gonna, call up and say what can we do to straitness out where you I know you, I think I'm going to miss you exactly your misunderstanding. Us in its second does get it if we were in the
corporate media and you want to write a hit piece about us. The only way that you're going to hear from me is when I'm going to put a middle finger in your face in front of everyone, because that's cause cause that's what people need to to see and feel. In this moment the corporate media is complicit in this genocide. They helped israel consolidate the narrative that they needed to gain political support to carry out the most high in his slaughter of of children and civilians and mothers and fathers we ever seen in our life in order to maintain an apartheid system and a permanent occupation and they deserve every bit of contempt that the public wants to give them your minimizing. What was done by Hamas right now. Do you condemn Hamas otherwise every question the only questions that were supposed to answer as independent media or average.
People are active as the only questions that were allowed to answer or ones that compel you to despair. A euro obedience to power. So do you condemn Hamas, only one right answer to that question and when you say yes, it means you comply with the apartheid. Israel ran. Palestinians have no right to resist it all and you just bowed down. Then there's no thinking allow there's no contacts. There's no history turn off your brains? Be stupid, little netanyahu, genocide machine is roll on Peru and that's lies it of skins job I condemn Hamas so much that I can. baby for paying them in keeping them afloat. All these you were before You can get to the bottom like all their terrible right. Why you probably up your print. Your prime minister, all pay. You dollar, here's another great way. You can help support the show you should become, premium. Member. We give you up
couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do by going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable, bravely programme of the business and it's a great way to help put it. Come back in the eye. The bastards, thanks to everyone, Who was already a premium member? If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, the, friend of show michael rapport. Nah, is once again be clowning himself like he does, but I feel like in this club he shows an incredible level of self awareness I haven't seen from enough or because he actually says all this talk. I dont get easily embarrassed. I didn't think he had that kind of the kind of insight into himself, because if he were easily embarrassed, he would shut the fuck up and know that he's making a fool out of him. So he's going
I hated every time he opens his mouth. He might be what nobody else. That's what I'm telling you he's a spy spikes not going to use him. Listen. I watched him. I swear to god to talk about Gaza and he is a slimy thing. I thought he I hate to say it. I d say the hostage probably already dead. We should go in there. He's. That's like going to a level of awareness that he's a paid shill. I I I he's he's one of the stupidest public figures. I I I can think of so Michael rap afford here says I'm so disappear did embarrassed that not one person said anything at the golden lobes, there's men and women the same age as so many of those young actors? one mention, what billion dollar barbie feminism and all these conscious actor dues who wear nail polish o low loan at low gay bashing there.
He's got nothing like at this point he's just saying pocket? I gas, because you say shit like that. He you can say whatever you want about Israel held, never work again. You start talking, that's why I was folks we was not talking about men and nail polish as a slur. These ever gonna work. While he was the arabs, I mean those are not third rail. Not now, I'm sorry, I'm saying he say what everyone about Israel he'll still work We start talking about men and nail polish, as a negative you'll know, work in our town again. He say, as I said when he lying there supposed to be so moral and all conscious, act or due to wear nail. Polish, that's that's! That's a slam ease he slamming woke, listen, gender and a com, weird I may abolish reported Gaza authority are built in Gaza
I read your blog, you want english people who didn't say nothing. You want to put on a fucking cock ring and you want to buy a goat and you want to bring it home and nobody asked not. Then no questions, you've got What can Israel, my friend, that you want to get a pound the animal stimulant that a couple of towels in your back yard not have a good time? You've got to come to gobble, but that would be yeah right. So that's the bit too! mason algal leslie. What the other sir Paris, I'm embarrassed literally, it takes a lot of money to get embarrassed and there is that no one person said one thing unless I am mistaken, at the golden globes, the other night about the one hundred and thirty three hostages that were kidnapped. In broad daylight from Israel on october, seven all that
billion dollar barbie feminism, all these young, conscious actors and actresses and there's hostages, better the exact same ages them and not and also does so so what so? What about the people being slaughtered in Gaza? Who are the exact same ages that don't and I hate you- I hate to say this, but Michael rap report actually has appointed to the wrong point, the awry and long did a great video about this. Now how all of the actors the right when this first broke out right, I could see it could see. I still do a lot of actors there. They were trying to find where their supposed see them doing it and then, when they figure out: it's a no win situation for them. If they decide what power stein. There's gonna be zionists, we're never gonna hiram if they go full Israel, the price
probably gonna get alot of censure from their peers, because most of those actors actually are pro palestine. But then I want to say it you of course, so silence. You fly Alyssa Milano that day date, Dave Chapelle drops especial all these motherfuckers have a lot to say about it. They have not said one god. Damn thing about palestine, so he's right just from the wrong angle. They will not talk. this year, because in the end, like you said the other day, the horse, the horse they're, not gonna, put themselves in a position where somebody who is supporting a genocide might want to cast them in and out of town production of them. There's a man, so they say you're fucking thing about a genocide in their lifetime want to tell you all about what they think about wreckage or raise your right will
he's. In other words, we are signalling yeah. They there their virtues. Singling hypocrites, be you know, for the reason that you said you know, they'll take up every cause, except the cause of the day. Right I mean it shows how hypocritical and shallow they they are that not every single one of them I had a free gaza button on when they went up to take their fuckin gold award. I wouldn't dare photo shows how how Israel has completely lost the pr war that hollywood will not show support for israel three months after october. Seven, while that's true, that's true, that's a great point. That's true! yeah. If this had been twenty years ago, They all up there with all blue ribbons on the blue and white red benzene, it would have been mandatory. Mandatory blue and white dress coat. I mean the table. Hots would have been blue with the fuckin place, sir, you admiral strip
but there are also showed we will stress. Now we ve got kurds, port name, Kurt is good all right. So, let's see what else! Mr rapporteur, actor now when director now wouldn't producer, now wouldn't comedian. Nobody said anything before the golden globes after the golden globes during the golden apples, not one person said anything on that name names because nobody said anything. I can't leave me all the time I don't know. What's going on you might say of actors I apologise for them. I apologize for them. I apologize. I apologise to the hostage families. I apologise to the victims:
on their behalf. Excuse, Dear ignorance, oh their fear or whatever was going on, because hollywood actors, These are known to speak out for good morning. Forgive them and what they audio they sound like using a tunnel is suddenly doesnt business is her. Son was somehow be somewhere out on the street, where designers That is why, like a cafe or something is at the end of pans up- and you see like the cafe umbrellas, you let those who seeks were making their own subway we're gonna, get it and we're gonna get into that later. We're gonna have an exquisite like nobody has on that. Subject jerry. subway raby week we called some of our contacts, maybe more on top of that and jews in the animation business, we put them to work, we put them in
so yeah rapid rap report apologizing on behalf of actors, because they usually speak out the crisis is that they only speak out on things that wilma cost them anything they do not. Most of these anders, if your, if they don't We ve been pay if they spoke out in terms of what they actually believe, they'd be speaking for palestine. They may be speaking forgot. You have a very small number of. Why do you think nobody, even privately, calling Juliana Margolis ass. She knew shut up about with the backlash lodge a gun, but she went and wrote that until we did a piece about that's, you didn't entire article in usa. Today, talking about how horrible it is that of her non jewish friends or calling to check in to see if she's, ok and she did the whole
We why I marched for black lives matter and where and where are you now for me, I mean as bad as in essence that's what you said about powder and she was the only one allow design is now they realized. They're, not gonna, get away with that. But a lot I turned around and said I march rejoice floyd. Now you have to support a genocide. Now, if you get a hold up, and she did it. You gotta horrific podcast interview where as you basically made the rapid poor thing. They would show Well, if your head, like a soccer ball, you go to the mentally play with it, like a soccer ball to date, the bill and told them up front that we support what side they are on. You didn't tell me this is the problem that these woke works in a certain having because they are under the misimpression that they are the oppressed class and all you prove by saying that is if you did indeed go march for these causes
and you don't understand why black and brown people are not siding with an apartheid stay. Well, you'd, never really understood those causes in the four, splain was not, and maybe you shouldn't have been out there. They gave money for it, you having to think it, an army! Look. You made that same point when EU on bob twitter all these. You know hollywood types, we're talking about how they're gonna leave that did I'm going to whatever was not blue sky but offers mastodon was the first one I'm going to mastodon find me there you're, not gonna, fuckin mastodon, because there's no people oberon mass at the end of the day, you're just an empty virtue, signalling or as kurt says, and so you're gonna stay where the people are, it would cost you some. thing to switch to a social media platform with no people there. You are only interested in cost free virtue, signalling the second cause you something you'll back down and just to reiterate what I said earlier. This is hollywood, three months after
Israel was attacked. If this were twenty years ago, everyone would have a star of David button when they went up on stage the fact that they were silent on that just shows how embarrassed how rightfully embarrassed they are and would be for them to go up there and start praising. The you know is: is israeli state pardon me yeah, you got it. You got george to cry on twitter, an ex bitching about elon musk on a semi daily basis like what what are you doing to mess didn't grip factor? Six! Oh there's! Nobody! hear back to back to ex captain arrived. So let's say: let's see what else this specimen had to say speak out about everything and now one person said a word. And I know it's a daily possess it. I was as I do I say anything about this. Am I going to alienate myself from the entire hollywood community
what kind of conversation taking place or whatever but was no one person said anything we as actors, sire d, J, w g We should be ashamed of ourselves No one said anything: a ship is in power, since other really worked up is not obvious. Why You know, what's really embarrassing, watching the golden globes, look anything like mad? I can't do it came. Did you watch not anymore I'll yeah how'd. You know how to show a joke waiter who so Ricky Jervis, I guess we gotta find them in the ratings. We had much better rate,
Although the low raided gilding low ratings golden rule, whose waters what his heirs- nobody merlin golden globes using ailing, leaving it open both I and my cat to watch that crap I mean who cares about these people anymore? I'm sure it does. I want meeting do you know what the ratings were like on the golden. Oh no, I haven't. I have watched the litter and I'm a little curious, because what you're, seeing year after year with these award shows, is this shrinking Yeah your worship ship, because nobody cares anymore. I mean there are no more movie stars really for for a variety of reasons. Dual Psmith smith's really changed a lot with having people making jet like. I could quite easily. He won't do nothing. Ruffle anything it just a real pleasant. I energy guy. will I be bounded? Nobody. Nobody wants to narrow the god. They're break a hip trying to attack some broach roma there we do not want is his stiff
irishman. Yes, journals rigour, oversee lock. What was that? What was that was that boxing movie they made him humiliate himself with when it was like seventy or eighty boxing put him out like a box in a comedy maria swell, you will lose every day and they move in with another iconic old man, old man who had been bought. It wasn't stuff these old man, boxing, spain. I was an observer in the in the comments they now. our right anything else. Gentlemen: he's a page! That's! Why he's dalia the lawrence olivier of our times, Michael rapport, apologizing on behalf of the act in community, he's an but he's a boot brooklyn dead, defiant kind of guy? That's what he is. Why he's not an actor is that is what you call a personality in other. Is it that does why David letterman was able to make the guy's a ballot? Delhi famous, so I was able to grab that Larry bud moment and make him famous, because some people
just funny to watch that that is the view is not an actor, is a personality regiment. You grab a guy on automatically in order to learn about it. It was called grudge about. We were talking the other day and that you know the audience for the show was ahead of us. We are talking about how re apps got six months and they were all and now he's not gonna do any time. As regards the case, thank our colleagues our rights So, let's, let's be reminded- and this is- this- is kieran on Sharman god. What is it forty six months and let let's take a look at what re eps did by comparison? This guy was not cosplay.
like the cure and germany's for railways fell a capital there. I a like saying you got me rest lets us. We all say we need to go shut. The fuck up over the gap is that we need to go to the capital. I didn't see that companies can. We show that the oda so re apps a target of january six conspiracy theories that's a year of probation or his capital riot role. Imagine that
that is a picture him whispering to a young man to not go in the capital of all those outside africa has probably what is liars said man targeted by right wing conspiracy theories about the? U S, capital riot was ah, he was targeted by right wing conspiracy, theory and got you, gotta love these people, who has, moreover, it associated press terrain frame it that way know that, while this This is why every lib you know is is just absolutely intolerable because their constantly being programmed by sentences like that read a man targeted by right wing, conspiracy theories: it's it's to believe the already was their final, most fundamental command, paraphrasing right from nineteen, eighty four, but very, very much. it's like nineteen. Eighty four, where you're supposed to have this double think well of her party member, the perfect citizen is able to hold completely contradictory facts in their mouths.
And at the same time we know that all they know where I can hold two things in my mind at once: not ever and go out and wild and and and they do and they do like. How can you listen to all? the january six stuff from Stephen bear to see and an all over the bite and going up there talking about this like it was, it was the invasion of of of gang is caught in the mongolia, and oh man targeted by right wing, conspiracy theories and if you talk to these lives, will be like that's terrible with their. What they're doing to him, because that's how they were told to frame it are excellent, was sentenced on tuesday to a year of probation for joining the january, ex twenty twenty one attack by a mob of fellow donald trump supporters, re apps Former arizona resident who was driven into hiding by death threats, pleaded gill
and now he was. He was off doing some. Some assassinations by our direction from his antlers pleaded guilty in september. perhaps a safe and effective. I mean I'm going. I pleaded guilty in september to a misdemeanor charge here you ve no jail time, and there were no restrictions placed on his travel during his probation, but he will have to serve one hundred hours of community service. Ok solicit was had to serve one hundred hours on community service me. What break financial corporation building, when I was sixteen to steal a typewriter other, you don't deserve as though they were so they say it's a lot, it's a long story, but they may be, clean up at the local park. Read so I got the same community service for like stealing a typewriter that this guy got four supposedly inciting the greatest attack on
civilization since the harmonies, reggie insular action sky, god, man, I mean a mighty run. I were if I had not given up my criminal ways. I could have been workin casino park with this guy ways for the people and flushing do think Adam. He was his service. Will be telling group? of people to go into things, maybe maybe I'm gonna try that, what are all the more and more and more or porn with that profile, he appeared remotely by video conference and was and in the washington DC court room when chief judge james osborne sentenced him prosecutes there's had recommended a six month, term of imprisonment for apps occurs so from god price. Breaking re apps the only january six protest or the only one who action we told you can all go into the capital has been, officially sentenced to one year probation five?
your dollars, restitution and one hundred hours of community service gimmick shut up while many j six protesters are rotting in jail for non violent crimes, epps escapes prison term entirely. Those from thomas massie ray the man who directed people to go into the capital and do the capital and privately claimed credit orchestrating the capital breach gets one year probation thing to see here and. Elon musk tweeted out strange and friend of show friend of everybody, show comrade misty if you weren't shore, if re apps is fed before his quote sentence, that should clear it up, you are so. What do you think about that kid weather
that great scene in the godfather where they burst the fed right. The guys is now tomorrow tomorrow. Leave the dawn. Take the good all tomorrow, remember, remember, and then they do no ghetto, so this is the most obvious thing in the world. I mean it's an insult to the you know, but even like not even an insult to our intelligence, just an insult to our eyes and ears and you'll have people sort of straw man this by saying. Well, are you saying he's the most culpable? He didn't orchestrated nobody sings the most culpable they're saying you have people sentenced two years in prison or simply walking around inside the capital building right. The showman was sentenced as harshly as he was cause, he was the image of the right and back. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, the judge even said that you are kind of the poster boy brothers think they were clearly doing to make me
ample of a guy who video evidence shows was simply getting a guide and tore up the capital building from the cops themselves? This guy is out there the night for forcing tomorrow we have to go in and it took them two and a half years to even arrest the guy in the first place and now this is the sentence, it's just a no brainer. it was nothing really to say this is just the kind of thing. As you said, you have to you know, believe the party line- that's it. This is just a way to get people to combined, so this guy right, according to see it in emerson bc, is both a right wing conspirator and the victim of a right wing. Conspiracy, yarn right like he is a conspirator. He directed them to go into the know. He goes to the extent that that was a conspiracy conspiracy. He was definitely in on it, but he's also the victim of right wing. Conspiracy theories talk about like double thing: yeah by that I think it was
voltaire who said if they can make you believe absurdities they can make. You commit atrocities it I have not yet and its frightened. I have yet to find where the limit is of what the liberal class cannot be made to believe they do not seem to have a limit. You can tell these people, you see that six hundred pound person- that's that good lifestyle, choice, and that has absolutely no great life that has no impact on your health. guess so impact on your o o o, whereas the limit like how far can, and that's exactly what he says a nineteen eighty four, he tells him nineteen. Eighty four If I say that I float off the ground like a soap bubble, you will see that that is for you. You see and that's exactly what. How could you possibly believe this golden age?
and the people in the press. That's what's even more stunning because its hey, you know governments gonna government, it's their job to expose them I guess I saw a look at it. They will look at the video, the war look at a video, so all people are saying with a up when he goes. I certainly want you gave innovation barometer say even if they do. You just tell these people how they're supposed to see it, how there's rose to frame it and they'll do it's it's the started with the most incredible thing. How brainwash it's just how they are and how programme they are. I mean a lot of this is just no role linguistic programming, I that I saw Actually, I saw journalists saying there are seven people who everybody knows work for the cia and when you see their headlines, you know they are like, like you'd know that had lincoln
from one of those. So you could actually tell by reading the headline, if you just not like stupid, that an opaque I heard some, we call it a pseudo zone, I feel that we are going to god regional bigots suicides. I know it's really, that's really not. They used to teach them to the kgb. a mere ring to mirror the person's body language, so People really want a mirror, just like the very concept that we have influencers as a job which is you're insane. Everything is now not what capital is I guess what I thought it was to be was like the free market in goods. Services traded nowadays that now it's like like opera, demi guy, you have to be careful that, while this is what does your kate now, I says about tromp part of his appeal: is he lives in a world of merchandise, that was an hour. He lives in a world of sh matters. the problems in the world of things on shelves, but not others.
Flow answers, vaguely, selling images of rationalism and Corrado he's he's very analogue. He, where, where he comparably came from building buildings, concrete right is signature policy. A wall these are like material things that people can see and feel and touch, whereas the whole like Davos world is all just numbers on a screen? That's not relatable to the average person. There is a psychological phenomenon at work there that is very central to why people latch onto a lot of trump's messaging and why the Sort of liberal answer to that doesn't resonates This is the Jimmy door show. This is Russell speaking. How can I help you so much pleasure to talk
then, at a shop show more of the great state of new york lama losin with thanks, recalling, what's on your mind, getting this budget thing taken care of that's what and guess what we are well sort of its good to hear. Yes, it is Russell and I am pleased to say, have reached a tentative deal with the speaker allows MIKE Johnson, and I am also pleased to say that it was an absolute pleasure working with him. Yes, he said he was quote decent, respectful gun and I
Man cage he's a real mench, unlike certain others in congress, I could name polite palm shawl friendly clean did, I say polite the young man is aces in my book, so much so that its politics don't bother you rifle. As long as I can work with republican politicians. I certainly dont need to have the same world view as they do, even if their wacko for right, Kristen, fundamentalist nor that entails being antigay and everything else, Russell part of that. Everything else is a rapid unthinking support for Israel.
Asked what we need in congress right now, whereas Israel's actions become more and more difficult to rationalize justify in any way they need, as many israel heads out there as we can get, men like him are greatly appreciated, even though his support for Israel is based on the religious belief that the last of the Jews will be converted to christianity in order to bring about the apocalypse. Look, I don't care what cornball fantasies behind the point is:
As far as I'm concerned, you can believe Jerusalem is where mayor mc cheese will accept evan during the next solar eclipse, the dead money and weaponry flowing. Why mcdonald's is getting on a burglar got you thanks for clarity and I'm not gonna lie too little unsaddling, seeing more anti semitism that I'm seeing irrational support for Israel right now care boy, not one bit on a related note, since you are the senator from new york
I ask you if you know anything about these tunnels, they've discovered underneath okay you're, not with the tunnels. Already, we've heard enough about taste, tunnels enough to spur every old, anti semitic, trope and conspiracy theory in the book. I understand that I'm not trying to fuel any tropes or conspiracies, but still people want to know what the deal is with these tunnels. I don't know. Okay, I have no idea. Yes, it's weird. When do you want me to yeah? Fifa has said stated: no one knows what they're up to anyway normal jews,
I don't know much about them and we don't care to okay, I don't ask christians. What's up with the amish yeah they've been confounding us for way longer they've been confounding. You believe me fair enough. If I had to venture a guess, I would say that whatever the purpose for those tunnels is it's not sinister, extremely weird, almost certainly but not sinister, if you say so, I do so say
so slice and hymer look. I know you're new around here, but I'm chuck Schumer master of the senate, cousin of Amy Schumer and what I say goes aronoff rebbi and watch it with the israel bashing. I hear all this israel bashing from you and Jimmy and all your crew of ne'er do wells and believe me, it does not go unnoticed. It is very noticed a good, maybe you'll, listen to how the american public doesn't want this genocide to go on nope. Never the day I started listening to the american people as a day. I stopped listening to the eagles yeah. I represent new york state, not every israel, hating boob riding around on a scooter or whatever. We know that. So I do what the spirit I, like the cut of your jib young man, who seemed to be one of the ones who gets it, but now I have to go. I've got a special secret meeting,
in the tunnels underneath congress the way what goes on in those tunnels. Nothing forget. I said it. I've said too much about those tunnels to just stop thinking about tunnels. goodbye gears senator humor hey become a premium member, go to jimmied organic dotcom, sign up, it's the most affordable premium programmer the business Don't all the voices more today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey. He can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com for this week you be the best you can be
I'll, keep me you're me, don't don't don't freak don't bring down? Did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-13.