« The Jimmy Dore Show

Levi’s Exec FORCED OUT Over Anti-Lockdowns Stance

2022-12-16 | 🔗

Jennifer Sey was a high-powered executive at the Levi’s corporation with an inside track to become the company’s next CEO. Then the pandemic hit and Sey spoke out against extended school closings. As she became a more prominent spokesperson for the science that suggested kids should be back in schools, she increasingly came under fire from others inside the “progressive” Levi’s corporation and was told she needed to quell her activism. When she refused she was given the opportunity to take a big payday to leave and keep her mouth shut, but she refused.

Jimmy talks with Sey about her experience inside what she describes as a corporate “cult” where anyone expressing even the slightest deviation from the accepted narrative about COVID was sharply rejected and marginalized. Plus a segment on the out-of-control Pentagon spending approved by both parties. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pardon me interruption. We know interruptions can be annoying like when you cars, oil change. Light comes on. When you have a million things to do. We call that oil change society but advance leniency oil change. We like making interruptions short so will make this vast oil changes in about fifteen minutes stay in your car. While you watch us work, free eighteen point, safety check, included fight oil chain society at valve leniency in oil change, visit a location near you, would you alive, stand up comedy in los Angeles December nine? Sixteen, twenty third, an thirtieth and we're gonna, be intent, be met. waukee minneapolis nashville go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for all those tickets. Either This is Jimmy who's. This germ irish project, europe. Why are you on the telephone
I got you on the horn same here. Mr president, what's on your mind today show my mom I'll. Tell you what's saw my mind a particular number one that number be what number sesame street forty five point: five percent Is that your approval rating, I assume hurried through you. I said. Oh yes, I feel like I'm workin on you're that still less than half the population. Mr president,. Yeah, but at least you shouldn't arrange the normal range of a president who just isn't doing that. Well, maybe you'd, like adorable jag off. I may I should like you didn't bother me, but of course you do
I still see and I shall take makeshift jimmy. We ve got a string of success. Flatly brittany, Kleiner has been freed from a rush impression, shooting hoofs back home text. Our national nightmarish thesis. Hopefully this will make it Have you nba shall popular down? They won't have to play exhibition game. Sure, ok, plush embraces being harmed, gas prices are falling and normal levels just one thing at a squeeze coming at a crucial time in jimmy You showed the honor shining, the respect for marriage and such a beautiful surmounting the rose garden,
shandy longer thereunder sang harness. That sounds nice. Fired at the start, that twenty four hour from grab a market going to jobs. I beg you, don't go, today a jerk on germany. It was so progressive, we added cleaner. I just can't shows this person is. This persons in a gay marriage. I assume now just an activist and we got a guy with any of us, but we chose one who is. One of these drag queen for kids, tried people dead. So much afraid. Europe is on the pulse red made for the base baby. Did they perform as well
can sharing one of their songs is called. Show me your dead. Why don't you do we decided? Now I may work requires threatened. I see now a goal, not everyone agreed she got so drunk and high on whatever she does. She started. Yelling show me your dead for sins, so weird that you know really get her out of there, but you know whatever android it up. First its next that divide in success. Docket see: you're gonna go to africa, man Jimmy I'm pleased to be able to say we are housed mistaken u s african leaders summit this Second annual no shattered wants to fourteen okay.
I'm going to be? The us hasn't done should for africa since get none other promises, so that will be. Action item for the second summit. An autopsy of the failed. The farce sounds productive. I don't know jack witherspoon tangible shit, to offer the africans this time. First of all get this fifty five billion in aid to africa over three years. While you're, giving an entire continent less foreign aid than you have given the nation of ukraine. Well, there's much on africa! But not only that we are pointing us as a representative for you, as ever the leaders summit implementation. That's right! You're me you act now, you will
So can I find you? I promise to get the african union a permanent seat in the g20 offer border to dirty wow, then that should really reset: u S, africa relations. It happened because russia gyre being aroused over their shine, is building a minute infrastructure and in russia showing of cheap weaponry, reestablished yourselves to africa's friend not make not make, it seem like we're using them as international points, its delicate line, but I think we can walk at the summit. Maybe you can have the drag. Wincing show me your dick. I'm not sure the gentleman from you gotta, whatever every much you gotta, get a red the room with these things. If you know what I mean I hear you, MR president, will good luck
I gotta go just sit down figure out an awkward moment for this summit. Like I learned a shave frazier than ever can language that none of the attendees even speak arabic, choir. Sing africa by toto wearing a little like, I wanna, be cringe shitty. yeah the August sliding down the street and johnson media is the chance to show got a great guest with us? right number excited talked agenda for, say: she's, an american authors, filmmaker business executor, retired artistic gymnast, she was the
nineteen, eighty, six, usa, gymnast national champion at seven Member of the: u s, women's national, jean she produced a twenty. funny emmy award winning documentary film athlete a witch connected them crimes of Larry nasser to systemic abuses in the olympic movement. She was also the chief marketing officer and brand president at Levi strauss. Until her very vocal opposition to the extended closure of san francisco public schools. During the covert pandemic. She wrote about the experience in this book her recent memoir call Levi's unbutton. Please welcome to the show jennifer say thanks for coming on, thanks for having me Jimmy, so I just want to read a little bit, but this is scription at amazon of the books. I just want to read a little bit of it see you describe yourself. Formerly, as left of centre progressive and but everything changed when you publicly oppose
the closure of san francisco public schools at the height of the pandemic. In risk to her wrong. Think management gave for a choice shut up relieve. She decided that defending at risk children was More important in the job that she loved, and so she resigned after more than two decades at the company she gave up her professional future in order to retain her voice. So out, that's quite a so. Let's, let's start, I just want to give people the backup. So you we'll talk. While I want to talk about your gymnastics out, because that really lays the foundation, because you been a fighter, your whole life, you ve, you been You been willing to take on the status quo. Oh and have people turn on you in this just another example of that, so you went to work, it levi's and ninety. Ninety nine and you shut up the ranks very quickly, corrects slow, unsteady climb, but
I mean I'm there twenty three years, ireland, so I started entry level and ended a brand president. Yes and you next in line to be ceo, that's right, and so you were so let's get see in twenty two march torn twenty. You are already speaking out against school closer, so I just want to tell people just be just to give them to let them know. We vote covered this on the show for children without a serious. Medical condition, the danger of severe cove. It is so low as to be difficult to quantify the risk of long colbert among children, a source of fear among many parents, is all, so very low. That was at the new york times, and there wasn't when twenty one that was in there they are, said this in new york intelligence magazine it set according to the cdc amongst children, the mortality risk from covert nineteen is actually lower than from the flu. So and now that was when we had the delta virus, which was moored virulent.
then the only crop, the overcrowded is less virulence, been more contagious inside it, want to show this. This is from July twenty. Twenty so get this the doktor, so We see news which is owned by big farmer. You know that they do the segment and then they asked all the doctors pediatricians if they would send your kids back to school in the fall is in twenty twenty listen to what they say and watch the chagrin of the host What's that, would you let your kids go back to school? I well what actions are looking forward to it just period absolutely. Absolutely as much as I can without hesitation without hesitation. Yes, I have no concerns about sending my child, the school and the fall. I would that make it. back to school doktor john tourists, NBC news. What happened after that? They also do they all said. Yes, so why
so you in march of twenty twenty, you were on board and they all knew it. So what do you think happened? Why do you think Nobody followed what the doctors were saying. Why did we have lockdown as well what happened right after this, these pediatrician saying they'd send their kids back, is trumps at school need to open, and then the american academy pediatrics reverse their recommendation. in the summer of twenty twenty. But let me add one day if I may, as early as march, Actually, it was already known that the media in aid of age of death was over eighty, I think, coming out of italy there were already articles being written sporadically. I found them kids were very, very little risk and that long term school closures were never part of any pre pandemic play, but because there to harmful there to harmful to the vote most vulnerable among us and in this case, will cover
we're children were actually not an equal risk, it was especially agree just so I was out spoken from the gatt go and efforts, as guy think, was the very first ball district to announce school closures on march thirteenth, twenty twenty it. So you were right by the way, subjugated to just spoiler alert. She was correct on the science, because now everybody who was forest locking down the schools, is now trying to pretend that they were never for walking down the schools, and who am I talking about I'm talking about doktor fouche e here he is bragging or not, but he's gonna tell that he recommended we shut down, not just schools but the whole country. Listen to this I recommended to the president that we shut the country down and was very difficult decision because I knew it would have serious economic consequences and so here is now trying to deny it and schools. If you had to do it all over again,
Well, you know again is first of all, I didn't recommend, locking anything down, you're you he eats certain, so doktor vouchers a unbridled pathological liar every time, he opened his mouth he's lying we'd documented he's lied about masks, he lied but the origin of the virus. He lied about fund the virus. He lied to congress about that twice, which is a felony. He lay about heard. Immunity lied about natural immunity. He's lied about. Everything at every step is a criminal liar and should be in prison. and you were right about this. You are about it so when they started closing down, so I just want to show you were right about it now everybody's coming around to pretend they were on your side. Unfortunately, you lost your job over this, so just walk is true in march started speaking out against school closures. Right inside out
I did observances go and then you know eventually, more broadly nationally in San francisco, fifty thousand public school children were shut out of school and the private schools closed a person as well, but of course, they opened not too long thereafter. It was fine and I was alarm in the beginning. The data was there from the beginning, and so I was born one social media. Eventually had no empowered bearded again, but he should notice I'm, but eventually you know those of us who oppose the locked down there small closures. We all found each other and I did out a little bit of the following. Eventually I rode our beds. I led rallies in san francisco ended up on the local news, I became especially am incense when the private schools opened in September. They twenty and my city of san Francisco, while public schools remain stubbornly, clause, with no sign of opening any anytime soon and, of course, at this point, my peers at the company,
their executives as well as my boss, you're telling me you have to stop talking about this. You really need to think about it. When you speak, you speak on behalf of the cap, Many I said I don't I'm a model for I am speaking on behalf of myself and the citizen in san francisco I was urged repeatedly. I would ask, do I have to start the debate then acknowledge that couldn't tell me I had to start, but it got more and more heated, and I just you know when they set their kid back to school because they all sent their kids private school. I was the only one woman the black guy had so you just have to wait and see your kids are in public school and you start advocating for them the open, the public schools. Meanwhile, to executives at you, work with that leave all their kids go to private school, and the private schools are open and they're, not too scared to send their kids discarded. Clearly think
if the person learning is better and that it matters and they're sending their kids and at the same time, behind the scenes, they're telling me you have to stop. This is controversial. It and I I would say, based on you, know my history in gymnastics. We can get to that next. This is, you know, an extension of because the on behalf of children- I don't have my title in my fire on social media when I'm on the news it always just as mama for you. I was very, very careful not to identify myself during this time when I was get all this pushed back from. I fear that I got promoted brand president so that evidence of the fact that I was actually doing a good job. You right here, promote someone from sheep barking up surturbrand president and say you know you could be the ceo one day if they're not doing a good job are business was great, coming out a locked down that when our stores had been closed, all that's fine, then in the spring
of twenty twenty one, I made the fatal mistake of going on fox news when invited and that I was so you got an amount got invited unto the lord ingram show to tell your story about you, standing up again against the covert policy of locking down schools so, You go out that by the way that's not allowed right now. I now some of you, now you would have so let me just put it this way that It's the same thing happened to me. I get invited to go talk about my issues on Tucker karlsson show and and the reason why do that is because I'm not invited to go anywhere else, that anyone else's show I'll go anywhere and sunk. Send my message of anti war and peace around I'll. Do that any work tucker crosses the only one who invites me on, because he's dealing was willing to go against the estate
was my narrative on ukraine and syria and other places like that. Now you and I m lord ingram, because you are being invited at anybody else to show right. That's right and we tried Emmy. We. I am glad about that that, where the bombs across the country we got ourselves opens doors, man's meet, try red approach, the new york times we approached cnn, nobody would have it. All they had. They never had a mom. It was just sort of blood. an incendiary statement. After the next about how it was opened, all the teachers would die and they would put forth these metrics that were impossible to meet. You know the cdc guidelines as influenced by it, teachers unions were still impossible to me it. It made it clear that the schools would never open. They wouldn't invite us to talk that harms being done and laura ingram. Look. I never watched the show you. I knew the reputation, Can I consulted my open spills network? They said it's gonna be in sending. But you should do it. It's a platform, a lotta people watch the show and, to her credit she was, I believe, the first national news personality
I think, as early as late april to say this is wrong. The latter the heart doing more harm than good school closures. Ourselves I went on the show. I said nothing, I regret Do it again and I would say to her, but that unused the beast as you might imagine, employees began to complain incense, the way the social media bob came after me, just became more and more heated. Now I should say I survived almost another year at the company even after that, because I was still doing a good job, but the employees were very angry of it. I shouldn't even salient plays a trainee. Ninety percent, tat, a very woke, very angry. You now I get to say what I want and she is evil. She's, a conspiracy theories, she's, a racist its masters answer back, and so when also would you would you ever have a conversation with any other of the executives at levi? One and you would say to them, but you
the kids are going to school while could Julia and what would they say back to it? You just can't it's two emmy, even one ahead of hr, sets me John you're right, but you just can't say these banks, what every? So? What does that weren't? So it's like coldly behavior right, that's a yes! Has you discussed in an earlier segment, it's cold like behaviour. These are the tenets use the cope. If you buy late, then you're a heretic we can do, what we want to decide and that's fine, but you have to uphold these penance the cold, otherwise, your past it you need to be managed and by the way you advocate british one, and it means you're all these other things you are in, all right you and arm conspiracy theories, I mean I was asked point blank: are you a conspiracy theirs as if anybody says yes to that? I don't even think conspiracy, thursday, us
that is my answer. If I had thought of it, I would be yeah you're conspiring against me, so I I do exactly believe in conspiracies at this point, and I was I was I had you an apology for no, no, we do not know who, who first of all, who asked you, if you're a conspiracy theories first, you voted for Elizabeth ward right. in the pride and erratic prime accredit primer, your elizabeth, worn voter so but again immediately view go against the established the status quo or the narrative of the established veneered uncovered. You are immediately a bad per and it's like a it's like a world of good people and bad people. I I played a video of the voucher yesterday. He was saying we're good people all the way like I don't know where this came from. Everybody in government is always supposed to be suspect. They're, not there's no good people, bad people. It's that's why we have a transparent you're supposed to have transparency, so you don't have to rely on if someone's a good pr, and are a bad person, go ahead? Well, here's yeah! So at one, why certain a cacophony of complaints got to be enough that I was asked
to do this apology to, I would have to stand up in front of a certain subset of employees and apologize. I agree to it and I didn't apart guys I figured I'll explain myself. I thought of myself is convincing and after perhaps I could build, I could build bridges, but I received an email from a colleague and corporate communications framing up what I should be prepared to adieu and this apology tore it started. Where are you a good person or a bad person? Are you with us or against us. What, in that, what is that even mean pipe? Why has all their kids are going to school, your advocating for science and thou sudden you're, a bad person or a good person. We can't discuss your ideas, words that come from well, also advocating that the values I thought that we all agree to any san francisco public schools or sixty percent? well income children their disproportionately black and brown children here in the summer, twenty twenty. We did all this. You know arm
having about equality of opportunity and fighting racism, and yet the one thing we could have actually done to help minority students in san francisco and provide them with equality of opportunity is to advocate for schools to open, because the rich white children were in private schools and the other kids were. but that was not the narrative. As you well know, the narrative of the democratic party was, got a lockdown until I don't know where no more kobe you've got him into rural kept changing as to when that would be over and you've gotta support the closed schools, or else you want teachers to die and you want black children to die. That was the narrative. If you challenged it, you were alt right conspiracy, theorist Maybe I don't know. Look, let me let me just read from that substantially do with very wise. Just very briefly, just to let people know exactly the environment, you are kind operating under? Why you had to go on an apology, jouar the come,
It's from Levi's employees picked up about being anti science about me being anti fat because I'd retreat the study showing a correlation. Between obesity and poor health outcomes. Seventy seven what of the people who were hospitalized covered were overweight or obese, and that that's a factual science now is races or anti fraud. At about me being anti trans, they said your anti trades because you tweeted that we shouldn't ditch mother's day in favour. birthing people's day, because it left out adoptive and step moms. and about me being racist, because san francisco public school system was filled with black and brown kids and apparently I didn't care if they died the head of hate. Jarred department told me personally that, even though I was right about the schools that it was classicist and races that public school stage shut while private school
or open, and then I was probably right about everything else. I still shouldn't say so I kept them king, why shouldn't I ok side as well, Let people know that so then you, you I then asked after you when I laura ingram. You were then asked to go on an apology tour, because a vocal minority of people at your company were calling you anti fat, anti trans, anti science and so they wanted. I was so good. I appreciate this. I was also told I would need to answer questions about my husband. My husband was very vocal and has a more aggressive. When I do. I have started a well trained diplomatic boys of a woman in corporate amerika. He doesn't, he expressed the waters. criticism at the back of my mandate at first vaccine mandates and then at the vaccines themselves he's been picked up onto of twitter? He still banished has still not been like that.
By EU army with the twitter files? Eleven thousand people were kicked out, he's one of them after covered misinformation, so I was told I would also need to answer questions about him and his dear It is, and is he an anti vax or my answer to that was. How did what does that have to do with anything? He doesn't work here, wow, okay, then, so that you have to disavow people. You know in this sort of cold like yes, you wait, then you have to it's like scientology disconnection right. You have to sever ties with people that don't believe that are not true believer. and so I was expected to sort of disavow him. Essentially I couldn't disagree with him. I wasn't sufficient. I couldn't agree It does not matter to do work there. it matters. It didn't work there. So did you do pub? Did you do that public apology tour. I did not apologise
how deco again I did the thing I mean I spoke, and I explained myself and I took question- because I thought you explain myself, you thought you'd be Ito your gear the communicator and you could explain to people that you're just following science, and this is actually a out of concern for kids and sets all their kids are going to rich person, school use and then what happened? Well, tat was jonah, twenty one in it actually went pretty. Well, I heaved a sigh of relief. You know there were only two questions and I got some nice notes after saying this totally makes sense. Don't have children. I have thought of it that way it went well, but it was a very brief respite from the continuing on slot, And so when so, what tat was a wonder that any good well generated dissipated quickly, small minority of employees continued complain. My peer ahead of corporate communication delivered a dossier as my tweets, and so
so media posed to the ceo, my boss, on a weekly basis. Still you know at this point there. gunning for me, a man, you know by the fall of twenty one. I had We're followers so little more high profile and I got some have dear trolls. You now and that made them nervous. They kept saying it was this reputational risk, and yet our stock price it doubles inside it Over his brand president, our business was great. There was no reputational risk, nothing was happening, and then I was I was told. I was still a candidate for ceo. I would stop tweeting. I said I wasn't going to stop tweeting and writing op eds and all the other stuff yup. That's him. I think they held it out at this point to get me there, tat. I think by this point there was probably no intention, but he told me we need to do a background check on you and your husband. I agree because I had no real choice and I think to be seen here- that's probably pretty standard, probably not for your spouse.
Are you so I agreed and three months late. I told him what would happen. There's no financial indiscretions, no crimes I know I'm totally about board, but you're gonna find so media to be a grey area and you're, not gonna wanna, until you're, gonna, you're gonna, tell me I have to go is exactly what happened in january. Two thousand twenty two I was told there is no longer a place for you will offer you severance a million dollars to walk away quietly I did not want to sign a non disclosure agreements, so I quit instead I resigned on every thirteenth and peace and very wise is common sense. Now the free press appeared on every fourteen and the next day, you'll find this interesting. Three members, The san francisco board of education were re cobb by seventy five percent of the voters in san francisco
because they refused to open the schools, so a majority agreed with me but failed to speak up. So I looked like the lunatic friends right in saint person. and so you are we I had that happened to me too. I was advocating for schools to open and why would Chicago school union was not and dumb? So then I was then ants social media. The big farmer trolls, let me- and I was gonna called anti union, because I got that went because I was advocating for children to go back to school, which was the science and they didn't know the science. Just like nobody knows what the real sciences unmasked. Nobody knows what any of the sciences unlocked downs. Nobody knows, what's actually happening with the thing, and so,
and I'm not allowed to say what is actually happening with the thing. Unless I go on rumble so so keep so now, what's away that would happen after that. So you write the berry weiss here, sub stack any the journey is there more to this story. I mean there's try, and I would say here there was a lot of press right after the peace. What kind of viral that weak- and I would say the press was barely it was there. You know I wasn't painted as some demon they had nothing to say they were so and that I would do such a thing they could imagine a world of which somebody would pass up money. You know that's the and they're kind of ability to even spasm. Certainly I'd broken some sort of code. We stay quiet, step, we take the money and we walk away and that's not what I wanted to do, because I wanted to convey You are advocating a thing beyond the kids that I had been pushing for in fighting for for two years was to be able to express an opinion and have a conversation. Is the battle
If we had had a societal wide debate about this, that was honest, they didn't silence. Doctors who had opposing visit the opinions fix, the schools would have open sooner that's what happened, and so I felt it was two important, the liberalism in silencing and censorship. I wasn't gonna take money that built to hypocritical just stay silent, so I didn't do that. That's what happened and now on a daily basis. I get from people, I dont understand it: schooled, opening, mining, uncontroversial, well I'll tell you try to remember back through what a difference. Three years makes people people have ever need your own coded. Like nothing else like right now, people are running around going. They never said it stop transmission. They never said it. I mean they're running around saying that, like I mean with a straight face, oh it just shows in writing at its everywhere. I have video tape of them, saying it. I have thought she saying it. I
the head of the cdc saying it. I have them all saying it: I've rachel men out, saying it for five minutes street anyway. How did they get away with that? Leon. You know lena when rice or she was a doctor who was popular. She writes up ads or the watched imposed and he was an cnn all the time as their go to covert person, and she was very much for the law. Down? She was very much for masking She realised that kid, was having a verbal developmental problems because of all the mass gig, and so she didn't sorry So I owe so. It woke her up and she started to think for herself, and then she wrote this in the washington post. He wrote as for most americans covered in our family, will almost certainly be mild and, like most americans we made the decision that, following precaution, strict enough to prevent the highly contagious ba five will be. Very challenging masking is harmed our sons, language development and limiting both kids extra correctly
in social interactions with negatively affect their child, good and hinder my and my husband's ability to work so she's turned around she sounds like you now. It was one of the most ardent a locked out where's and massacres, and all that stuff she was. She was a good colt member and so she broke from the cold and as soon as she wrote that they all attacker, they all went off. her and now she's a heretic, the same currency, many aids yeah. Now everybody hates right yeah. You know not to give her too much credit. Is she vociferously advocated that the un vaccinated should not happen I think civil rights like being able to leave their homes? If you recall I do so, you know she was a fervent cult member, I'm glad she seen the light, but because of that, both the
I hate her big shoot. The people who were ants, I locked down an answer mandate from the beginning. I think she's terrible and now the pro lockdown pro closer pro masters hater, because she's kind of walking back a little bit says she's got no home soon will do what is this boot What does this make you think now you used again your whole life. You advocated euro lefty. You voted for Elizabeth Warren. You are be believed and freeze. beat you believe and then what now breathing writhings kind of turned on its head right now. The democratic party is against free speech and therefore big farm and So what is this done to you and your idea about politics I don't trust anyone at all. I think it's all alive. They never believe any of the things they said. I feel. Maybe I was due to baby. I didn't see it. Maybe they change, I don't know it doesn't matter what happened in the past, but I am certainly not democratically
but I'm not running to the other side either. But I am disgusted with the Democrats more so at the moment, because I had me, I feel like it the other day I dont actually think I'd chain. Things. You know I always cared about free speech. I cared about public education and I care about an opportunity for kids. You were born or a boy cared. I still care about that. I didn't change. You just reveal yourselves to be hypocrites and liars. That's it. Everyone thinks, oh, you were rendered you're that I'm exactly the same yes! Well, I will. that's exactly. What I have said is like the I've stayed the same item, anti establishment. I've said the same thing: I've been critical of the Democrats, corporate decision, I didn't change, but because it trump I wasn't supposed to criticise the democratic party any more and that, if I did, that meant I was enabling fascists. I don't know feast.
Joe Biden, the Democrats, which control all of federal government right now just ended. the railroad workers ability to organise and strike. So when a government comes together with a corporation to screw the workers. That is fascism. So this idea that voting for doubt Joe Biden Democrats was somehow fighting fascism you're a chump. If you think that Democracy is not on the ballot. You're. Democracy was stolen decades ago by corporate amerika. Go it now you know, as we have seen the social media censorship like you, I hate that social media private companies work hand in hand with the government to stand serve deep platform blacklist. I don't care what You call it to censor everyday americans who challenged all of these inside and harmful mandate. If you Did you to anti locked down or
the time mandate protest in two thousand twenty and you posted a notification for that protest. It was removed by every social media platform. So that's fascism, that is social me, private social media companies carrying water for the democratic party, that's their working and lockstep, whether they were doing so under direct guidance or direct insistence from the government or just doing it as as lackeys on one another word as it's the same thing they're so, read it and by the way the press didn't hold anyone accountable, they did the same thing, ass did not operate as the forces state or whatever is dated supposed to be day? Published government issued talking point as if they were news, they didn't interrogate the data.
How I'm a normal regular person with basic mass skills, and I could interpret the data and understand it. Why couldn't the science reporters from the new york times the if it was in I asked this question the they it was in the data, the always it was in the data that fighting submitted that they never even tested for transmission. They never even tested it. So Why didn't? I asked why I wasn't. There are some science writers are some doctors who do writing didn't they look the data didn't they know this. They do this at the beginning of the vaccine, roll out and nobody reported it didn't get reported until a member of the european parliament question an executive by pfizer and asked directly. Did you test to see if it stop transmission and she said no, of course we didn't, of course, but the
press, let them get away and they now say they never said it started, but we all have it on video. We now boilers that they all said it will ask. You said about you said it, you won't get infected and you won't trends. It was right. There I had to do was read the footnotes. Why wouldn't reporter do that, because they just read the press release and they didn't challenge any of them. They did. They never ask any questions, they didn't interrogate the issues. I lost my train of thought, but that's the fascism, and so all this- and you know, I believe, all been accused she's right. When I'm like it's right in front of your eyes. It is happening. No one, I was locked in my home way. Grounds were closed. I couldn't leave the house for, however many months, we were pleased if we ve got when we were finally led outside outside the house. We were policed because You aren't allowed to be with members outside your household citizens were incurred.
To tell on other citizens, there was a hotline number you could call in san francisco. Did you know tat tale? I mean. Is this this this is like china or germany. This is like that right. This is like or east germany before the fall. Just that's what this feels like. This is what, when I grew up. This is what I was told. Life was like in this one we at union? That's what I was told everybody suspicious everybody. The government wants you to tell on your, even if it's your parents you're supposed to turn them in all that. That's what I was that's what I was that that was the myth. I was told about growing up in under communism and now we're we're it's here with right, like I was just saying before since nine eleven. They have every tunnel phone call you make they have every text. You said they have. every email you there, they habit it there that there are not not collecting it, they are collecting it. And it's all, and so now the ito edo with news. Media is funded by big farmer up to seventy percent. They basically work. They are just an extension of big farmer, and so you can't believe anything they say ever.
Look at those, though the unbelievable lies that they ve told look what they ve done, the life they told the by I ve met in that it was some time a horse medicine instead of what it actually is? A nobel prize winning human medicine that is on the w h, o list of essential medicine that is not only spin, is, millions alive. It saved billions of lives, it was sitting, a wonder drug before cove it and the reason why they had to demonizing and made you think it was hoarse poison was because on the chance it could treat covin, they couldn't get their emergency used, authorization, further vaccines and they would lose a hundred billion dollars, and so that's why I mean just the most unscrupulous unethical behaviour Bye, bye, everybody in the media hundred percent, I'm here telling the truth about it and youtube: Google, which is again the establishment and I'm sure they own vaccine. Oh by the way Google is in bed with vaccine companies, and so they don't let you so I'm not allowed I've. I've been unfair
Lee censored and on youtube right and they won't even give me the dad. I go well. What did I say? We can show you the what you can show me what I said. That was wrong. No that's an internal document. We can't show you they want. So that's the kind of garbage that you ve gone through, that the kind of garbage we ve gone through and I'd never thought. I would see in america where we value free speech where we, value questioning authority. I can't believe that this whole society used to be about. Do your own thing, question authority actually say think different and as soon as cove it happened after all went away and we became a cold and you are allowed to step out, align yeah, it's true, I mean, I think the reason is my story resonated so much as levi's is like the epitome of those american values. It was about rugged individualism. I mean I traveled to moscow when I was a teenager, to beat the goodwill games night James. I brought twenty
as a bible ones to trade like that was valuable currency. That's what the russian athletes wanted. It was nineteen. Eighty six, you know they met freedom and in all the best way, but I think what I find most alarming is everything you say is true and somehow it makes you the conspiracy theories but keep all seem all too willing to trade, those values, free speech that makes them. But you know that the ability to congregate protest. They may seem willing to trade. It were perceived safety there being promised some idea of safety which always how the authoritarian take over you know it is always they offer safety. It's too dangerous to have these other things. That's why you can't Have them, but we're gonna give you safety and exchange, but they don't see it. It's so clear,
like the board is laid out, and yet everyone seems with most not everyone. Many seem all too willing to accept that exchange. I'll, take safety and I'll take fitting in with the group and I'll take feeling virtuous for upholding these talking points. Rather than than challenging and and for basic freedoms why disorder just want people this is this is this was before Merci yo of Lee buys and his name is burke, and he offered you will first, he said that he refused He basically intimated that if you don't shut up, you're not could become see and if do shut up, you will become c o and you kept talking. then he said: ok, we're gonna fire you and what give you a million dollars. If you shut by what happened in you
walked away from a million dollars that he offered you correct. Yes, okay, so I just want to get that out there, so that should give her some bonus, cds in telling her story. And of course you know, people are going to Your you a dug the added to what your drift is. Here. You lost everything to tell the truth just like we did hear us all, my friends and everything in almost lost my channel, but that you call over after corrects constant, way I mean this is a really crappy bereft. I gotta tell you, I mean a lot more by the baha. I mean I'm bad at this drifted bang, ok, you know this is a man who makes over forty million dollars a year. That's what the ceo levi's makes real forty million dollars well with stock. I mean in the under the cover of covered.
company laid off the team percent of its workforce close to a thousand people. The business was tough, as you can imagine, the stores were closed, laid off fifty percent of the workforce, bolstered the start price during the same time frame he cast forty three million dollars worth of stock. You said the last words that you might talk about anti worker. He said aloud. Ass were done with empathy, it was you know all couched in his flowery language and everybody believed that they believed it was welcomed. It was good and we were taken care of people, but he took care of himself. That's why he took care of and that in part. In addition to telling my story, which we have just discussed, I really kind of challenge the world. Capitalism, as I call it these companies and see if they wrapped themselves in this
cloak of woke ness, and it's it's alive- that they're all about money, as they always have been. The pro worker socially just thing to do- would have been to keep those folks in their jobs, even if it meant less profit and a challenge stock price, and actually you know what say the stores need to open, because we need to employ people a lot of people counting on these jobs. They feed their families from these jobs. Let's openness, or if that's not what we did. We upheld the democratic party principles you gotta shut down the world ass they had. In my you know the fancy plays in order the overheated netflix and tell everybody else to stay home and then get rid of fifteen percent of the workforce. Now, can you speak? So it's good to see that you're, not you not afraid to be critical of levi's, that's good and you're afraid, is because you didn't take the million dollars and I can speak freely. You have your voice, what did Levi do in haiti and didn't they squash the move to get
minimum wage for their workers that make the levi's I'll get it you're gonna, ask me about that. They adopt the guy. You know very much about I mean I will say this beyond the eighty. All you know all of leave us production and supply chain. Without jordan the mid late nineties, they were really the last american company to sell off american batteries and made the usa goods mad at you. remit. All of it is oxford. They don't make product in china so I'll give them credit for that they sort of had been exiting, china over the years because of the lack of transparency? What I had often pushed for, and I didn't run supply chains zone my area. You know the idea of a living wage. That is not what is going on in these. In these countries the company has strict,
but they were called terms of engagement. The factories are said to be monitored or working conditions. I think that's not totally clear ends. There is definitely not a living wage being paid and how to what is said and what people, so what people do so you walk around Levi's, making forty million dollars a year. Knowing that the people who work reading that profit view even have a living wage. What what kind of disconnect the has to happen in your brain does a great question, one. I think they start to believe the lie. You know they take all these stances in a social justice causes and they want to be viewed as good and liked like sandbank been freed, saying you know we do this, so people will like us, but they actually start to believe it about themselves, you know greatest no longer good, it's not enough to be super rich you, but that also be put on a pedestal. As this great social justice
warriors, but really somewhere in their brain. They know it's really about the money and the way they justify. What you just said is well. We can attract the best town if we don't pay them this much. That's just the rules of the game. Okay, that's it that's how they do ok. Well, listen, jennifer, we're out a time. I'd love to have you come back on when we have more time. We can talk about it's a fascinating story about you is Jim, as than what gymnast have to go through a new idea, the all the pain and got, especially when you went through it, it was worse, Than in the eighties right all the sexual and everything you went through is just nuts and how you you broke your femur, and then you new for two years. You competed with a broken ankle, even though your doktor kept saying it's not broke, Didn't you so you had to come anyway. I've loved have you come back on and just tell the whole story. That would be fantastic. Would you we will to have you had limit. I love it
can't believe you maybe me look a picture chip in the last time, min yeah in the former executive that levi's and she's a freedom fighters she's out their speaking for our freedom of speech and to advocating for children and for friend for the exchange of ideas, but we're supposed to have in this country. So thank you for that. if you took a lot of shots and you're gonna continue do, but I I really salute you, Thanks for doing that, thanks jerry thanks for having me hey. You know Here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium are we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you I could do it by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking on join premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the business and its agree way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks
everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support. pardon me interruption. We know interruptions can be annoying like when your cars oil change like comes on when you have a million things to do. We call that oil chain, society, but eventually new oil change. We like making interruptions short so will make this vast oil changes it about. Fifteen minutes stay in your car. While you watch us work, free eighteen point, safety check, included, oil change society valve leniency in oil change, visit, location near you, see that the pentagon just lost two trillion dollars. And they did it in two thousand one. They couldn't find two trillion dollars, and just now that is confined to in two trillion dollars the checking the couch, I don't think so. What now guess what the senate. Negotiators agree to add forty five billion dollars to bite in defence budget. Now forty
A billion dollars is enough to end homelessness in america, they're not gonna. Do it it's an. When they can send everybody to causing everybody living ways. A giveaway they're not do it. What are they gonna do they're gonna do this guy, because america is a failed state. We are hundred per cent corrupt america's, not regular corrupt, like people think america is a hundred percent american. United states government is a hundred per cent corrupt and it's been bought by preparations and much mostly people in the military industrial complex, which is why we can do this. While we have people sleeping under every bridge and people going bankrupt when they get sick and we don't have air conditioning or- and we have chipping we have in in ha and ha in schools, we don't have enough hospital beds when people get sick when eleven of teachers, now in america we don't have right. Now we don't have enough teachers, ethical optical recruited from the military to go, teach school, but we could, this all fuckin day long and you worried about russia
if you're hurting it's that Gaza, russia? It's because you keep voting for people or criminals like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, chuck humor, mitch, Mcconnell donald trump, all those p What are your enemy? They're? Not gonna, do anything for you who they gonna do stuff for here it is Joe Biden, the big, fucking criminal. We ve ever elected president that luge donald trump, and this is proof of it right here? You know others all the movies that montage from the other segment they're, not even gonna, make awesome movies like that for you anymore now that you get nothing and you'll get nothing and like it, like judge smail, said in caddyshack merging compromise on annual defence policy legislation, will endorse a forty five billion dollar increase to pay. Is it a Joe Biden, defence spending plans this again, whoop, there's nothing? How is it we can
a member in the two thousand dollar measly diana guided me- and I- and I heard this- is where we can. For to do that, and then also me, how did a hundred billion ascended descended ukraine and now without another forty five billion, I hope you're concerned movies. started dawn on you, but you get drags a little bit. The deal would set the budget top line of the fiscal too between through national defence authorization act at eight hundred and forty seven billion dollars for national defence and wood always high is eight hundred and fifty eight billion, including programmes that fall outside the jurisdiction of the Senate house. Our observers, this committee, though the major bill is still in law in late stages of negotiations. Law makers are poised to deliver a second step by partisan rebuke to the by diminish races, defence spending plans. The white house eight hundred and two billion for the national defence spending budget. Will he wouldn't the reef theory they're, calling so rebuke When was the last time, someone rebuked you by giving you more money than you asked, for I mean you're gonna have to give him
You trillion is we're. Gonna lose another two trillion where you're zol. Not enough. Can I get a kiss No, she rebuked him, but how about a blow job law makers are aiming to have an nba ready, but a national events. Authorization act ready for a vote in the house next week from there. would go to the sedative approved. Would head to the about guidance for signature. Negotiators have been tight lipped and how they resolve the top line. But a compromise was distant. How about we all just totally loot the treasury that a compromise copper by how? How do you think this'll do verses paid, sick leave? They can't give pit you know much paid sickly for the railway workers would cost two hundred and seventy five or three hundred million dollars nor eat every penny. Forty five billion has given- why don't give that? But a compromise was desk.
To endorse a national defence budget that is tens of billions more than the Biden and sought after democrats, republicans in both chambers back large increases on the premise of addressing high inflation and keeping pace with what better way you just high inflation is throw money away. How do we know? How do I keep pace? china. Well, China will raise defence spending by seven percent in twenty two faster than last year. You know: what's they spend defence They will rise by some to one point: four: five trillion one. That's too, thirty billion dollars. You know, that's. I don't know the twenty five percent what we are spending their money be spent a quarter. A blue water navy. The total. U S, defence budget for twenty! Twenty two comes it! I don't just under seven hundred and seventy billion dollars. That's what china spending that's, what we're spending and there
Increasing it by forty five billion dollars, because we have to keep up with the people spending less well, we have to keep up with all is all of nato has to keep up and we pay. For everyone else's, stop that they don't pay fork as they get healthcare within play, can factored in. It is good increase, put its essential because of inflation, and also the need to continue significant programme. Said arms, services chair jack reed, a demo read from rhode, island and a complete fucking tool and your enemy He said in an interview, though he did not specify what a motto panels agreed upon in the senate: thirty republicans are threatening to oppose advancing the bill unless they receive a vote to undo the administrations military vaccine mandate. They want you barred the department of defense from kicking out troops solely because they don't receive the shot and reinstate personnel. have been drummed out with back pay, while the department of defense certainly must meet
decisions that will bolster military ruddiness. The effects of the mandate are antithetical to the readiness of our forces and the policy must be revoked said. The geo p ran all says. So how do the big spenders from both parties in congress respond to the pentagon failing to track two point, one trillion? They increase the pentagon budget, that's the penalty The pentagon bill now totals eight hundred and fifty seven billion. That's fifty five billion more than the prisoner requested, it's more than we spend on transport patient veterans, education veterans, education, justice the national affairs the environment housing science, space, job trading, an employment combined. So if you know think you're living at a complete, so you think trump was was corrupt. We hear that school. here, we have a problem. You have no idea how much good she's in eight hundred and fifty seven billion dollars, notably those just what's on the ball that's what I'm not allowed to see. Not the secret books you
and homelessness with less than fifty five billion. A budget is a reflection of values and we should value our own house neighbours and provide them resources not further expand the military industrial lobby. Later your moral hazard of that what have what about the moral haggard did you help vote for the ninety billion in aid to ukraine? Nazis also ill hung omar getting caught. out for her hypocrisy right. You are also part of the reason the pentagon bill has exploded. She voted for the ninety billion aid to you grade she's, a she's also bullshitter there you go if you want to know about corruption, it's your governments, not russia. It's not china! Your government, the united states government, more corrupt and russia, more corrupt, the china, more
that may be the rest of the world, put together, you're being run by criminals in their name, art, Donald trump, you're being run by criminals. Their name is the military industrial complex. The data that the military industrial, complex, the health insurance industry, big farm and the oil companies and big tech. That's actually running your country, its and the people are Joe Biden whose demented is not making any decisions decisions are being handed to him by wall street, a military industrial complex, and if you don't think so, look at that fuckin budget that boy Jim tells you were their priorities are, and the american citizen ain't it. You there you're in me who's. Your enemy. Russia know your enemy. Is the united states fuckin government time you rise up against it, at the hey. This is Jimmy who's. This
you're a double the woods. Your bide baby feel like dogs, baltics, fully not controversial internet figure Jimmy? Don't I value! I find you too much and decided that, since every time we talk politics, I get physically disgusted by what elected showed politics, France, one well that might be about considering what the Jimmy door shows all about you know like that. Loud and clear idea that committee, when he heard TAT there, is something else we could talk about general down baby. What's you know. You love it hardly worth delights. Despise the heads the collapse of the talks Am I right it depends on hollywood.
wait a minute. I think that they might already be taken. Don't about this dish. Town shown opinion Ok, that's all right letter. Her rip Jimmy this week awaited avatar two, the way of water splash dad in theatres. Are you gonna? Do No, I got his wide eyed critics are calling it. A circular is faced with a hopefully will answer some of the burning all danger, questions from the first avatar, such as who actually falcon, saw them. It was one. The highest level time, but I didn't you wouldn t it literally, no one. I know side how that even possible
We would only think about it. All I know, is it looked like the bloom group or drive on kids removed, abolished, the name? One character? Can you know not nope? Maybe you didn't have star wars fan fucking, darth, vader it right with it. Why should I get even though one guy, not one anyway moving on speaking of water, he's also making a splash on the big screen? The way you jimmy directed by darren, dared, aren't ascii branded a plays a hundred pounds, man struggling with morbid obesity by open obesity, frazier sympathetic portrayal. The film is being Jimmy blasted Jimmy fat phobic, perhaps to just spit balling here, because the movie is titled. The fucking way
but, furthermore, that rights activist argue that such a character should not be for trade by no a normal site persons approach, rather by an actual six hundred pound actor, which, as you know, the EU is giving way to a party the hollywood eels these days without getting awkwardly wedged between a couple of morbid leo peace to post office. Three at your age. I just can't guys in your boys. I make my man, let's get real, ever script, that for every person how they would want even catch an actual every person they used to get christian bale or Jared leto and focal of fighting the aren't. There aren't ugly actors just aren't
in order to have the confidence, a complete lack of conscience to make it in this industry. You have to be super good. Looking I've always said it we're gone. Ok, but it's what else you got I'll. Tell you what else my man Netflix highly anticipated harry begging for this documentary theories about out the bad about the bad things that happened to harriet medicines is making quite. I should go on baby. Somebody was not want one second of this show I can hardly were demanded to people who like to get mad about shit. That has nothing to do with the body. Language experts and everyone's mob sounds wonderful, I'll shoot me. It is what they did to lament over there. Two brothers having a silent risk at the queen, is going
paid all these twists and turns it is just the talk of the town on both sides of the pond. I really don't understand this interest in the royal family. To me, honestly, I think it's because we I will see a little bit of ourselves them in their struggle. I really knows because know why we get Okay! Well there, it is my show opinions about things that I've never seen. It never will, but no about well green beds. We really really appreciate it by pleasure, Jimmy Dore. You know what I think we should do now. What's that pell, I think we should both Paul went out to rip torn yeah, a classic an absolute legend, almost like a baby, great idea, thanks. hey become a premium member goaded, jimmied organically dotcom sign up, it's the most affordable premium programmer the business.
don't all the voices more today, our by the one and only the inevitable mike Mccrae, you can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com. That's it for this week you be the best you can be and I'll keep being
god I don't. I don't don't don't don't don't bring down tat, you do not break our gallery. Gallery pardon the interruption. We know interruptions can be annoying like when you cars will change like comes on when you have a million things to do. We call that oil change changed society, but at valvoline an oil change. We like making interruptions shorter so will make this fast. Oil changes it about. Fifteen minutes stay in your car. While you watch us work, free eighteen point, safety check included,
oil change society valve leniency in oil change, visit, location near you,
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.