« The Jimmy Dore Show

Kyle & Krystal DESTROYED By Briahna Joy Gray Over Democratic Simping

2023-09-15 | 🔗

Bad Faith Podcast host Briahna Joy Gray recently sat down with Breaking Points host Krystal Ball and her husband to discuss the question that has been roiling the online left for a decade or longer — are Democrats really any better than Republicans? Gray refused to concede that the Biden administration’s alleged “accomplishments” require that leftists vote for him as a means of stopping Donald Trump. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and The Miserable Liberal Stef Zamorano discuss Kyle and Krystal’s heel turn to MSNBC Lite. Plus a segment hosted by Jimmy with Craig "Pasta" Jardula and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger talking about California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent admission that he got COVID all wrong. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Biden and Al Pacino!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, come see us onto a we're, gonna, be an tampa. Boca return, orlando dallas used in san diego bloom in illinois indianapolis and levittown new york wow. That's a lot of date, see you there hey. This is Jimmy who's. This charge, Brian, is for sure reagan hey! Mr President, you sound chipper today. Got me on all my uppers. No I'm on the road and man I love being on a road travelling, really invigorates me I'm constantly forgetting where I am, and I have to figure it out like an ongoing mystery to solve the week long game of clue and boy. Do. I games. Ok! Well, where are you jimmy, as you request get back, I can tell you where I just was india really
shrilly, who is Then why is shaking of changing their name to rock? Who is india? it is the day the entire country, it's always been bought her. I didn't want to change your name. I'm like come on man. I hate your country. oldest you, can't just change your name or sudden you're, not twitter job, cougar how he can whatever phrase. I guess why actually were you with the nation formerly known as india Jimmy I share for the g20 summit kay out. He was a real hunting. I am China, where a slap in good time at me and the other countries are real boot. Nanny I heard this year, china and russia declined to attend the g20. With their law. She the one
rushed out and all that pelagic g20 magic. Twenty four jake, I'm telling you did it deals with commodities and best caught your way, I've ever had the sheik is the sauce. You know it does it really bode well for us diplomatic relations with those countries right? Ah, one age of sco's didn't want to go off with north korean crater ashes, polly you all I say about it. I want to create an alternative to worldwide american dominance you're all unilateralism word try we spread Sarah twenty summit strengthening american relationships overseas, yet with whom euralia arabia
ass barrage, real jordan, just to name a few. Well, that's most. On actual, I see. Ok, we're strike any partnership for their lies and alliances with partners looking to the future building bridges, strength through vision. The needs of the many are way the needs of the few, the one? Oh? Ok, with all due respect, sir? What is any of that even mean what what are you actually accomplishing jimmy paving the way to assemble a strategic trade and half way through middle east Europe. Any america's also africa trade round dolby infrastructural, but with a sizeable digital component? What is I mean no.
Yeah. I know I'm not some kind of ak where it is. I was seen getting along with all these world leaders and doing deals with them to show russia and china that american. Still leads the way, and we really I really appreciate it if people would still use the petro dollar dollar debt, I'm ready to blow we want to ensure that they do it. clothing mba s of saudi arabia, especially guy. Now I'm no payment words jimmy. I'm well aware that if my make my political enemies saw me being firmly with mohammed build, then some shaking hands smiling ear to ear generally glad adding on anniversary of nine. Eleven they'd have a field day, so we made sure. Do all that on September chance instead dummy Jim, he I see
you are no dummy objects- are important here. I needed to get cozy with president modi of india. Maybe you know maybe soon bride My team in the media was aware that I had a brief pressure free conversation about our concerns regarding Andy enraged violations showing that we are no stool pigeon. When it comes to that stuff, Did you have a similar conversation with envy s of saudi arabia? Are you crazy? I'm gonna get shot up at some basement somewhere near the site like a society statement, the petrodollar Can partially decapitate people for fine fry care, outlaw the eye holes and women's purkis icy. So do you think Rest of the world sees this as america, clutching at straws strongly to save, what's left of its waning empire,
you god damn commie yeah. First of all, america, don't have an empire and it never happened. Okay are we doing? Well, we do have is a wide network while and terry partnership with military commander, you should all nothing is waning, are fading august prestige are ahead of us and I am confident in that year. Yeah, uh, huh yourself, wise guy, and these partnerships in this trade corridor thing and you're going to do the trick, if you say so, I daresay shop and, in my second term, much I will merely serve commonly hairs and I will complete everything we should. To achieve and passed country to a new generation of younger leaders who are sixty eight years old.
That's ok! Now every nation right here. May I to go, get it pitched. sliding down the street and johnson media the chimney to show our don't bring the story today to the table, because I wanted to back on kyle in crystal and have joy in doing so.
I think that this is the pressing question at what what's going on and we're at a certain time right now we're there are still people, not just kylam crystal who are making the argument that democrats are still inherently bad, than republicans, and sometimes people say way better and there's people out there Van jones, who still kind of bragging that uncle Joe is done. The right thing. Euro, David actual rod, is another one. Oh, my god, you know Biden deserves credit. For always, you know things that he did well, as you know why trying to say is that we have to get away from the top do up. We no matter what at the end of the day- and I said this when I interviewed doktor corner wes attack to coin a west. If I'm looking back on what Joe Biden has just done and would Donald trump did and I the vote. You had a gun to my head and I had to vote for either one of allied both for donald trump. That doesn't mean I support donald trump. It just means that what I've seen that Joe Biden has done and the Democrats have done its especially israel-
really bad and the risk verses reward when it comes to the risk and the negativity of the democratic path, I think they are weighed higher than what the republic or do we not? I don't think the republicans are doing anything good because you know when it comes to censorship. We see a lot of republicans who are down for censorship, especially if you watch those hearings right. They want to just start, people censored people, you know who were who you know in china. They want people who are pro china, censored a pro iran sensor to propose tinian censored, see that in a lot of hearings, but censorship is bad across the board. I do think there are some spots where you had these libertarian minded republicans like thomas massey, sometimes ram Paul who do speak. You know about pro speech and that's very, very important, but with the negatives out there, it's really hard.
For me to really say, with a straight face, any more that the Democrats better. Better than republicans inherently- and I think it's important to point out certain things that some of these democratic going to try to make a case for Joe Biden being the choice because of trump, but trump right and a lot of that shines through over here. So I think there are some great points made and I think Brianna joy gray did it job and she said some things that are really important and in this discussion so we're gonna go through. And we've highlighted some of the points that we need to discuss, and this is going to be a discussion for quite some time. Regardless of these three talking about this we're going to see people out. There say you got a vote for Joe Biden at the end of the day, because we have to stop the impending fascism of donald trump. I believe Bernie sanders used the term creeping authoritarianism. I disagree.
Saying so, let's take a listen and let's point out some of the the dos and don'ts and the judge for ourselves, and the reason that I voted for him primarily at that time, even though I thought he had an atrocious record in the senate, even though you know complicit in the iraq war a complicit in bad trade deals complicit. Remember that remember that iraq war, kosovo war trade deals at me like terrible things on crime. All that stuff right The primary reason I voted for him was because of the national labour relations board and because labour politics and building out Union power in this country to me is one of the most important goals and something that I think we all share and left is generally believed what its false. The democratic party has abandoned labour back when carter was president, we haven't had a substantial bill, come out there or help for workers in the united states for quite some time We have no manufacturing, we don't
ex things any more the whole system itself. Nothing is stomach. We change and I got even bob about a trauma tried apparent this bullshit like thing just so much better they're, not money used the majority of a money still going to the military industrial complex, which Joe Biden was horrible, that I used to say Donald trump. We need for terms a catch up to the damage at Joe Biden, cause whose Joe Biden has didn't been doing it since the early seventies. But please, if you want to see Daring glow and act like labour is so great in the united states. Please crystal now in retrospect. Not only do I feel good about that, but he's actually surprise me now. I've got all kinds of issues right on the national labour relations for those specifically,
They just issued a ruling which could be a complete game, changer for unions and just explain to people a little bit. Basically, in the past bosses communion bust with impunity, no accountability. Now the process going forward is completely changed. If bosses are caught union busting, then that's it. There's no more election its cancelled and they have to recognise that and start bargaining with them. That's the biggest shift in labour relations we ve had in our lifetime, because there has been no ship for quite some time, and what are you gonna do? I said this before: what are we gonna? U denies next door dash, it's the we'll economy and the workforce that we don't have you any more that our grandparents had which they were. Buy. A house on which she waited on vacation two weeks every year on which they able to send your kids, the college, which able to die peacefully in a hospital because they had the finances, that's all gone. We have a gig economy We have a service economy, that's the problem itself and they're gonna. Try.
Take this one ruling and build it out like it something very so that's why this point, I'm not only it's likely to add a marion supporter as well, but we can all see the most likely outcome as it's going to be trump vs Biden, not one, what I say that protecting be Biden, national labour relations board is an important enough for me to vote. Joe Biden, but is important enough that I would actively incur Let me get a shame them for whatever they decide to do, but I would actively encourage people who are in a swing state to vote for Joe Biden if for no other reason than to protect that board, Remember when they started off these peeps that they were so. anti establishment. What the hell happened. Where did they go? When did these change because of this one internet? What about freedom of speech.
Why did the bite administration and democrats have been so pro fascist and cancelling out any speech that doesn't go along with the state narrative? It sickening terrible way beyond which prompted what about the yours you want to talk about pro war, Joe and I'll, get to occur. Was, can imagine mention it some more once again, they gonna try to play off that donald trump and once again guys donald trump is not the peace corps, I'm not saying that he is but compared to Joe Biden, as soon as Joe Biden got in we started, games in the black sea and started sabre rattling what russia, as soon as they got in the blinking the soul of ends the Victoria noon Linz. These people want it to russia. They are a tie, russia, a f and
The pain in any other way is disingenuous ingenuous. His brief, if you're, if you believe the path to meaningful change, is gonna primarily come through a kind of I dont deepest misery, but a kind of a labour incremental of meaning there are meaning. labour game that happen, but are not the type of which wooden radically transformed system. The way that some people want to happen in a shorter term and the way that some people might argue Bernie sanders represented his movement as as the goal of being, then that the defensive position, but I also have to hold space for the reality that there are people for whom, even as significant as those labour gains are it simply insufficient and what they see when they look at the trajectory of the last fifty sixty years of dimmer pray politics when they look when they read lisbon, liberal in and see the longer game, the democratic party making a concerted choice to back away from me,
or in a way that has gone on for decades. Innocent necessarily turning around as a consequence of Joe Biden having some good and all or appointments So on the nose I mean it's been fifty something I'd years since the Democrats have stood behind labour, have come up with any significant type, a building, labour, and she is absolutely right- there's no significant enough change that you'd go. Oh my. We have to vote for binding because he's insignificant gains are so important that we can't let donald trump and because the anti union bodies, like the Republicans, he's a union buster once again that say that donald trump is great. When it comes to the two as well- and I couldn't stand all the gulf should say the hot air that would come out of donald trump mouths the economy. What really is fundamentally changed no, no, no! No! No! No! No! The military budget still went up as it's going up under Joe Biden every single year, the homeless numbers still growing. Every year, the way still growing every single year and Joe Biden, so nothing is significantly change like
that both sides- and I think as it on the nose, or we hear that you should go look for it. outside option, because, if not now when, if not us, who very, very important new political. The conversation so continues because, no matter what matches to discover they should but out there. Real world. You're gonna hear our friends out there who were in I'm think some of the six, we them over the weekend that still there sit there and try to convince you that the democratic party is the waiter No, because the republican party is anti labour, is racist, is more pro war more anti speech and that just simply not the case, They always agree when it comes to war. We always comes with. They always agree when it comes to screwing the middle class. It's like w d, w w e wrestling It's the same party, baby you're on the left. You can acknowledge a w needs and did you get? It was still pushing for more
I mean a perfect example is what's happening in minnesota. Right now, Minnesota has a one c d. I want you to listen to this too as well, because this also goes deep into what's going on politics today. I have. Been a great mats. Dollar fan like I, oh, he wasn't my champion, but he did say a lot of things in which american people need to do to stop it. attention to policy how policy, made, you know, the names they put. They put these rosy little names on all this policy. You know. The woman admit nobody will mention the infrastructure bill, because it's really not about infrastructure uk these names of these bills. Have all beautiful Those color names to make you think, they're good and make you think you get some type again, but that's not the truth and when he does he'll be here when he starts mentioning minnesota, democratic policies that day that which has nothing to do with by any ways but he's Gonna make the argument the case that the Democrats are better than the republicans. There are certain things
I want to point out just listen for a second and then I'll. Tell you what I have to point out: a crap majority. We got universal free school meals, legal weed, carbon free electricity by two thousand and forty tax rebates. For the in class of the thirteen hundred dollars. If you make under a hundred fifty dollars year, twelve weeks paid family leave twelve weeks paid sick leave they buy. conversion therapy. They did red flag lost, forgone, stated universal background checks for guns. They did automatic voter registration public free college, if you make for eighty k, a ban on p phase, which is the forever chemicals two point. Two billion dollar increase in k: twelve school funding, sectoral bargaining, bargaining for nursing, home workers. These things are all not little ones. They are huge, wins and he's also fundamentally wrong about a lot of these things. Let's start with the first one red flag laws. Now this is a very big problem with a lot of leftists and liberals. Today, there are two kind, not there too trustworthy of big brother when you talk about red flag laws to a person whose an anti second amendment will once gun control, whose concern with the mass murders that were going on nowadays, its
more new, wants to because here's the problem with red flag laws. who saying you can have a gun and who can have a gun, What I'm saying there's always a kind of port wine believed by left. This hook Ok, they're gonna get make sure the crazies can have guns. That's not the case. Your allow. The government to once again choose who can on a weapon who can only weapon and when you start allowing them to make these rules big brother, then all she's, gonna, break loose and a common problem when it comes to lift this nowadays right? They all yeah, it's being done whose doing it I don't know, but I know it's being done. It's going be red flag laws out there to prevent people from getting on the crazy. I'm going to be able to get caught, but get you don't know who is making the decision How they're making decision in doing what he says. Well automatic voter registration. I can tell you this from my experience living in nevada. It's a bad thing because most people a lot of people dont care about the election. They don't want to vote, but guess what automatic illustration, and a lot of cases to means that a balance
can I go out? A male ballot, and if that person that concerned about it or care about it. You now have a bow floating around that can go without any time without that person the voting for it, it's a negative thing and that's it probably want to get well who's, who securing the trade of Three in your elections- I don't know somebody must be doing it, no change costly! when it comes to elections is in the view of us, the people in front of our eyes, and that's why this talk is such bs, sometimes this- it's the same old left as liberal bullshit but you allowing big brother to make choices for you, the citizen, it's bad weather, awesome things there, when you talk about universal meals, for nurses and what not also don't even understand. What's going on, These policies right now the way the written what's gonna happen when they say sustainable energy and all the other stuff. What does that mean? Does that mean crushed the small company, the small,
that's what I'm lot of the ears ge program is and that's the way a lotta liberals think and left distinct. Nowadays, I really need to open up their eyes. I understand that the government and the ruling class and the leaders do not care about you. They'll. Have your interest in mine so blindly, the power. As MR cook links, he says, is a negative thing and also, it doesn't thing to do we Joe Biden its friggin minnesota, but try to make them the metal argument. That Democrats are better than republicans bullshit they're the same homeboy, the same year. Using the admit, amazing me accomplishment, I think might be minimizing his failures in extent away and he knowingly teams lied about what he was willing to do. In fact dramatically under achieved risk verses reward. Are these little incremental victories better or worse?
from the negative stuffy did I don't care where you stand on the whole covered situation? I'm saying my body, my choice, forcing somebody to do something they don't want to do is a negative thing off. money that was made off it gets people continue to make off. It is a negative thing: the risks, how will the rewards the fact you get a little now, oh, my god, they gotta be recognised as a union. Is that works for world war? Three. that is soon. As Joe Biden came into power all him another brick in not jobs started people rapidly with another nuclear power, is that worth it be to do you homeboy cause. You got millions of dollars now, but for the people, the ground in a word it. It's not been worked for quite some time his campaign promises and for you that might be a hopscotch
jump ok, but he didn't more than that, going back, you're setting your expectations lower than the expectations that he set for the american public, I'm a concept that his campaign- and I I completely respect and appreciate that that doesn't bother you as much as a bothers me. I don't know if it's because I have experienced its figures student, that I don't know your life, I'm not trying to make any presumptions about it. I don't know if it's because I have, I had a certain kind of life experiences of other people who come to share my view. Have you kind of life experiences, but for millions of us forty four million. In fact, that kind of baden switch is unforgivable when you recognize, as you have both recognised, that it was in his power to sign an executive order, to deliver overwhelmingly for the people that he was watching you right now, so the argument is not with me
The argument is with the millions of americans who feel betrayed by Joe Biden, whose campaign promises if we have a contract agreement for you to fix the whole. Am I Can I give you a hundred dollars who come into my house and instead use restage my living room and it looks beautiful that simply the agreement, and so I am buying happy to acknowledge the french replacement is gorgeous. I love the floral arrangement, but that's not what we bargained for If your appear, if your desire is to push a democratic party, laughed, you have to boot, chris till all the time at the politics of beer, if you are more afraid of electing trump and the democratic party, is you never going to be able to exert any leverage on them at all, and that is so true that you briefer, saying that at all always agree with bri, but I agree with her here as well, because she simply being very compassionate to what the people in the world are going through. Despite wish
He is economically and socially in her lifestyle right now. She speaking directly from the feeling of the people that if we don't do Now, we'll never get this kyle and crystal or speaking from their own social status. Well, you know we exceeded my expectations. I didn't think he'd do this so that a win You know I didn't think you would get this done. So, while we in that awesome, that's very selfish. Homeboy right from on there are people out there starving. There are people out there remember our generation is gonna, have less than are our parents generation and that's a bad thing going in the wrong direction. The homeless number is growing every single year. We need to stop it right now glad she spoke from that point of view, while the other two sit near the lahti liberals, the cappuccino communist, whenever you want to call them? Oh my god. You know, I didn't expect them to do this and he did this and that great HO it does it affect you, but affects everybody else, say our industry.
it affects all the moms and dad at home. They can't get a job nowadays, that's who it affects will be more it's the act based on how the democratic party is going to respond to Coronel. What's election bed, it is more likely the downtown Get selected would Coronel west in the race, and that to me is a must, We ask, as we know what his record, as you know, what a massive losses to me and I'm sorry to stop right now is the fact that you are now speaking the exact opposite of the way you to speak the two of you guys used to be a tie? Establishment, and now you're, saying the same: crap, the sea, vote, shaming shit, that we heard years ago you repeating the same playbook and its upsetting to even me that you two were there. and you're saying this crap, you know what has naturally relations board. We was we know who is labour secretaries where and how they were engaged in all this union busting in us. So I see a much more direct connection between
that moving the ball in our direction, then in a corner, getting five percent and either his kennel not really mattering at all or being is once again too, but you know smear the lab to marginalize the left and say these are just the people that are interested in getting trump elected. So to the second point, I'm going to be honest, not only do I not care about arguments of the left is going to be smeared. I think it's silly because, no matter what we do the leftists, I get smeared Bernie one nevada, and it was oh. My god we're gonna decapitate people in central central park. You know it is. It is, I think, deeply unrealistic to expect that there's ever I want to be a lash movement that genuinely challenges power in this country. That's not going to be smeared and if you are choosing your political strategy on the basis of what's going to get you a pat on the head from MSNBC, I know the amount, that's not. What am I going to miss characterize you
but that is but I'm ok, listen! That's why they're right she's! Well, we gotta watch how she goes even further. based. This is great for anyone, nevada- and it was oh, my god, we're gonna decapitate people in central central karadzic exercise in every it like it is. It is, I think, deeply unrealistic to expect that their ever going to be. Alas, movement, that genuinely towns is power in this country. That's not going to be smeared and if you are choosing your political strategy on the basis of what's gonna, get you a pat on the head from MSNBC em up, but that when school groups it's good, sorry. I know I'm talking to somebody that would like to be on MSNBC or possibly the view, but I'm not going to say anything. She was like oh shit, I'm insulting them right to their face right now and stuff, because that's where it's at that's, where they're going
they want to get back to our major media news, because that's what they're perry kyle it a crystal. It's great to see. Brianna catch herself insult you know them right in front of their faces, wholly not hamper I'm right here but but- and I agree with that It is great that was and also to as well listen? Let me say this much too as well. I think it's dead. we need a third party in there to that? We need a fourth party and innovative party in his dogs, far right unity, pretending like there's some sort of evil happening with us. Even having conversation about third party, that oughta show you right near how propagandizing we are yes, yes, as we start with the third go to the forthright and split the five percent. What crystal kyle just tell play their its huge public funding you get to that five percent and believe you me, when corner west announced, I thought he had a great chance to get that five percent.
don't think so right now, because none of regional across the island, the populace messages, god put huge and the fact that their down That is another just spent in the face of the everyday citizens who desperately data their voice outside of the two parties to operate the corporate control. if you w europe, already it's huge and it was downplayed. I got more. I mean: do you acknowledge that Biden is better than trump? Do you I genuinely want to know like how do you assess? Do you see there like am going to stop you? You know, although that kind of question I I just don't understand you to that question that I have to answer that question for you. Why do I have to answer that question because, at the end of the day, if you vote for corner west, then you're admitting that your allowing trumped to get an office? In other words, both for cornell, is about four trump? And it's just a smear tactic?
it's just another tactic? They use before the vote. Shaming and they're gonna use again that right their staff was a Why I brought that video right there, because it's not only it's not crystal kyle, doing that. Hey mainstream media left. This apparatus is doing it again again and that's why that important to talk about those listed for competition, say that's fully shit. We should talk about risk, verses reward, but two They use that rhetoric again. Just admit it right now. Would you can you admit to me? Donald trump is not as good as oh by Joe Biden, about gonna, use that again theirs. You up. because it's the only play, but we have, and but you know what it takes a lot. You know what I did my interview with doktor when I was an undue dissidents, the boys over, they are dead review of it, they said were passed this right over there. Would he admitted that he thought that tromp was better than by in red at the gate, and they gave me accolades for that. I think that something that should be said simply right, because
believe world war. Three. Clear annihilation is the worst thing possible and Joe I didn't show that it's more likely. You showed us it's more likely we get to world war three with him, but it was donald trump he's not the peace can. Once again, but you know he didn't he refused at one point I didn't want to arm the ukrainians. At one point he referred should attack. I ran now. He was refused to being pushed into certain areas where the military junta your club, which was that and guess what he would even say, stupid shit, sometimes there is a military industrial complex day me generals. What are these wars, but the troops of me? He would say shit like that and that's important did he really mean it I don't know, but it our public discourse, that's heated and I was really out and about- and I would urge you trump people going- isn't donald trump more of a peace canada than
democratic party, this ukrainian words bullshit. We should be doing this. They have to scratch bad go. I remember the first time I became a Democrat was because of george w bush in this pre emptive attack and that, what was staple upon the NEO conservative republican party, but now determined Braddock party show that tape. pro war, then the republican party you got people like mac gates, marjorie, taylor, green thomas, I see and ran paul voting in talking. the uk war, but the front squad all voting for it. So that's what they're doing
in has defined a pine is the bottom line. Is that somebody who's already pledging their support of Joe Biden right now? It's it's september, twenty, twenty three and yours supporting Joe Biden right now. Why? I don't even understand why you're already showing your support, I dont understand others unions. It came out in support of Joe Biden, its september. Twenty twenty three come get my boat come get my vote and you know what there was a pointless interview, where bree said, say? Well, how dare you put it on the people who have to make this decision to be about? You know you're the one who let donald trump and office because you ve got a corner west. No, it's up to Joe Biden to go, get that vote step just what you said. So, if are going to make this move. You think, at the end of the day, this is the more we have to make don't show a card right now, it's in the beginning of the hand, wait a little bit make Joe Biden come to you, but
he just going to show your ho comes to you and you won't get anything anyway. You know what he doesn't even know where he is yeah. You know he's going to come to us and it's not he's just going to mumble and some jazz musings, lamb right off the state and, let's be honest, stiff and, ladies and gentlemen, the who's the simple things when these guys go, I didn't expect to happen that way the very least I thought would happen is that he would take out his pen by executive board because it could have got done or, if you didn't do by second of water. When he talked about the debt ceiling would bacardi he would hold out and get it where Most of the students, forty forty two, forty four million of them in debt right. We can at least ten thousand or twenty thousand after school that would he's gonna, give the banks their money anyways on the interest. I thought least that would get done nope. I thought it at would have a better climate change policy that donald trump. You know who to Bernie sanders used to say. Donald trump thinks that global warming is a
think invented by the chinese. A hoax, buddy blotted out free pipeline he's dropped wayward, then download from so you don't even get that. So even the minimal things that I thought that Joe Biden we give us, we didn't even get. We got butkus, we got zero. We got nada solve these stupid idiots want to make this argument again that the demo ads better than the republicans. You need to be prepared to say you're not going to on this one you're, not gonna. Voters my son this one summer,
sure go outside the two party to properly and maybe we'll get some change death rending else for this. I you know. I just really appreciate that they had this conversation. I think it's great is you're able to get as a real, deep sense of where they're coming from, and I think that's really important- and it's just like I'm gonna we're outside looking in and watching people have. These political conversations are like wait. Wait a minute. The just doesn't sound that progressive to me right now what what's wrong? What's a ski here. You know it's a thing is to as well when you pick up position right and then you try to build your argument around that position instead of the way around said? Let me look at the facts. See what really happened. Let me, judging by what cod on in our society, what Joe Biden did and then come to a conclusion. That's ok! But if you ve already started with the point in the factor that Joe Biden, is the better choice. All those are the things you look for you, gonna start cherry picking to being your fee,
the argument and it's gonna be a bullshit argument. Like their argument, was hey! You know, here's another great, where you can help support the show you should become a private. member, we give you up Full of ours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give it our company that cop clicking on joint premium and suppose affordable previous programmes. this and its a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everyone, who was already a premium member? If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support. So have a new some went on with truck todd and he said: are we They would have done everything differently uncovered. I think science took a bit of a hit. It should be alarming to all of us that all sudden how it became parties should it be This is the first I'm hearing. First, I'm hearing and by the way
want to remind everybody that the mortality risk over the last three years for those over twenty years old is zero point zero, eight, nine percent. That's the mortality rate from cold it over the three years. Adding the under twenties, if you add people under twenty, it gets reduced to zero point: zero, six, five percent, vitality rate or mortality risk. Put it that's different. So and let's remember that tended that they didn't know that covered was never that deadly? It was never that deadly. That's that's! The mortality risk zero point point: zero, six, five, but that's almost twenty percent, more likely than not yeah. It's one hundred more likely than never so if
over seventy or over eighty, then you have a concern or if you have a serious co morbidity, just like with the flu you'll be you have you have to watch out of you have said, is corbies or if your over eighty But if you're healthy in under seven seventy, but first of all this is the whole- must rebuild a by the way. Wasn't it this for the whole three years this is said Cedric. This puts the average mortal We risk over the last three years for those, above twenty at z, point: zero. Eight, nine percent- if you include the p, under twenty years old, it goes down to zero point, zero, six percent, and that comes from doctors, Sinatra gupta. from the uk and wasn't until early february, and so they knew was low, fatality rate and here's some moment with the fact he there was a low fatality rakers. He was out dining with groups appeal and none of them are wearing masks and that's when there was a
ask mandate and that's when they had people's restaurants, close down others corrupted, as I was ahead of the curve. Yeah looks he was a genius because he knew masking was was bullshit. Is that having used the table there were like? Are you sure gabby's take them off? Take above? This is all made up by fao chi. So here let's watch their let's watch their interview watch this very covert and you were pretty strict with the locked out here, and that was an interesting piece in harper's that sort of was critical. Critical of your decision from this perspective, you found a way to allow the motion picture industry and so that in the end, the sort of the movie industry get back to work. But she didn't allow people to grieve together at funerals or it churches and that it and this may be wider, such a polarized disconnect. What would you priority he's right. This is this anger between the populace and the elites puzzle.
Here you prioritize bite. You know you were tougher on those that just wanted a go. Worship But what is so now watch how many ways he doesn't addressed the issue or the question. Watch him not address so truck tatu, say he obviously you let movies movie studio summaries of regular jaws? What was overshooting movies in los angeles, in LOS angeles, their shooting movies, and they were allowed to do that and they were allowed to set a picnic tables. a hundred people sitting at picnic tables eating lunch without masks, while directly across the street. They had restaurants closed down. even their outside dining, was closed down. But because, as you are in a movie, you could have out restaurant, but if you actually had an tool outside restaurant, you were at that was illegal and so I'd say- the reason why they're doing that with the movie business is because the banks are
vested in those movies, and they run the government, and so they checked. So he knows where bread is buttered, he's echoed against wall street or the banks, and so the banks. You better let this movie up, we got money invested in, so he did and that's exactly why he did it, but watch watch him. Try to avoid this question and obviously why? Why were movie studios allowed to open up a hundred seek phase outside when people who actually had already existing outside get fades. Had to close- and here here's a non answer it across. It was a lot of humility and we didn't know we didn't know, and it was hardly. I was a wee collective action. Seat. So that's the whole nine eleven thing: nobody We have seen this coming, although everybody could have seen that coming and so well everybody's wrong, so nobody's wrong. That's what he's trying to say every everybody's wrong, so nobody's wrong by the word here we go
I think all of us and in terms of aid awaited chuck tat. Just ask an intelligent question: isn't that while It turned up the journalism knobbed. Eleven our colleague's. His anger between populist and the least supposedly yeah hear him say that the writer anger between populous an elite- supposedly, and if she should have put his hand on the side of his mouth when he said the boy, supposedly support? Supposedly it still good point, though, did Somebody turn his reality dab up to seven, not all the way qualified as supposedly. Here we go our collective wisdom. We have evolved, we didn't know, we didn't know what we didn't know what we didn't know: you're a real fucking genius, Gavin role. Genius is now all geniuses now eight hague covered. Maybe you could share some of this
genius, collective wisdom that you have now about covered with Cornell west adopts a man, The revenues is ahead of the curve on. I want that weird experts in hindsight rock genius. What we find. What you are only ended up like that we protect your pirate as an industry you know when they wanted one specific one, but then didn't prioritized, maybe once it whose maybe values this connect with, I think it's a binary. There was innovations. Within that thing there was, there was fits and starts there were regional, fearful star. There were fits and starts. He sounds like the dude. Now lebowski a man. There are lots of fits and starts ins and outs lotta. What have you increases? lottery is visas or we bought a strands to keep in my head man, lotta strands in old shooters head here. We go frameworks that I'm
acts more broadly defined. There were more industry specific frameworks. All of us went through a process of mean those few states that didn't go and aggressive lockdown, including a floor around as I understand that, but more than always, but within the framework of the door, it's what industry got link You see how is not answering the question. The question is: why did you fuck for certain industries and while allowing yet I miss my memoirs, fewer also movies could be made right. which I couldn't even go see theatres because they were close tat. So you couldn't, you couldn't go to church, you couldn't go to You couldn't go to a funeral. My my best friend from comedy died and cover it could go to a funeral and even though they had won, but they did me, cocaine bear so, but they did and you could, if you were, if if they had his funeral on a movie said we all could await, went if only I could have been cut content from the barbie movie
and see in which, when all of it is all of, it is legitimate and terms of reflection, Oliver s legitimate terms, processing lessons learned? We went through a process. Actually Sonny hands, which is it and david on the west coast. We brought together experts across the spectrum, people that supported our efforts, people that oppose them international experts- and we spent three days really reflecting stress testing what we did right. What we did wrong we're actually putting out report as it relates to our own lessons learned. I think this country would do well to advance a similar construct, not through the lens of prince, of an ideology, but I almost nine eleven? Why don't is even saying these are even sent here- is not good enough to cover this, and it's not. It's not done here covers a lot but though they need a lotta horrible things during covert and now is printed by a we were all trying. Our bears little geniuses now jimmy yes, commission on
Lessons learned from them and there's been versions of that, but their mediately dismiss within the prism of our partisan frame and so I'm at least trying to work across that and in turn, first of all, let me do differently. I normally would have done everything differently, because we everyone we would have done. Everything differently is all one good work. You mean you wouldn't had vaccine mandates you what you would allow People go outside. You would allowed people to go to work. You mean, wouldn't had mask mandates either we want you mean you, wouldn't clothes schools down, you mean actual, that's everything we wanted dumps and analyse Gabriel close to the beach immediately dumb sand unscathed parks that they got, that they can fix upon hall, but they can The immediately wreck escape park is that amazing- and and await an hour for someone to come for a cop to come to my house when there's somebody outside with a gun threatening me. But if your surfing they had its day, both at you like that so says they would have done everything different.
We would understand outdoors, as example, com nature, when it shuts cools down here, to try to figure out how to maybe have outdoor classrooms now you're gonna, do I'm inks and very likely. Nature does not know now you're asking me a specific question about a real thing and of course, I can't say that I wouldn't adjudged schools now, because my shit with democratic base still thinks that that's the thing you're supposed to do because were actually the ones who are anti science. The Democrats were the ones who are actually spouting propaganda directly, big farmer that had no basis in science and that's, why we locked down. That's why we had mandates. That's why we had basque man. It's none of it was based in science, none of it and we had a vaccine that they said was gonna. Stop that the the pandemic- and, of course that was never true- you'd have done every differently. What does this when he came up, but I won't say one thing what he would say. One thing you: what did differently he's ready for press? I wouldn't,
I wouldn't maybe miss tolerably with my kids tat of the spread early on in understanding a bidding me ology that spread understanding the spread in the context of how it spread very differently indoors than outdoors is one perfect example. What lot of us would have done definite, including again in states red states that shut down their beaches in the early part of pandemic? I think, a deeper understanding of rob mask a mask wearing and ninety five ten. Ninety five: you go through a process across the spectrum in terms of being prepared, issues related to how we fundamentally address the distribution of vaccines. He has innovation. What took about privatisation, you won't say one god, damn thing he would do differently, as it said, one god damn thing yet. Has he accept that he would let people go outside people whose good meal by chuck cod, like that's how bad, add colbert policy was that a guy like tucked chuck todd could dismantle apology
in over a chill download, reed or bruce. You think. I'm churn movies tell jumped on to tell jacked up early on interest us back. Since you go through a series of things in there's somebody things we could have done differently. You think this country can handle another pandemic, ready. Think of it break. I think we have it. We are receiving country. So we break us, but I am not convinced. We ve learned since April. It broke a lot of working people that did certainly broke a lot of where we were last one, and I think science, a big hit Size of those relating to fishing are still trying to science. Took a big hit. Sides didn't take a bit. Hit. The people who allied who said they represent science. Those people took a big hit science and take up the owners of science took the owners of science took a big head because they were costly lying? They are lying about the origin of the bad virus. They rely. about where it came from. There were lying about funding the origin of the virus,
all were lying here. Why? Because voucher corrupted them would millions of dollars, and so the scientists who said that the virus came from the animal or a bad or a penguin. They lied, bs no it now because of the freedom of information act. They all thought it came from. The vote hand lab until voucher dangled eight million dollars in front of their face, and then they all switched on a dime like that, and we all know because of the freedom of information act, that they knew. They were lying he's a big next time I will get all my information from Jimmy kimmel yeah, maybe you'll get all your covert information from late night. Talk shows that we could have been better off stick into his guns. That it was great what they did. We gotta have been better for
This was to lie and say we saved a lot more lives than really couldn't be lost kind of ag. We do if we don't know how many lives we have lost the criticism that, because you don't want to screw up. This is because there's an MSNBC with dum dum year, who's killing him and he he's like he just said. I would have done everything differently. So all the idiots here they still got cloth marathon, that which is governed because of his hair and he's feeding into them. mania. He just saw them out. Yes like what you don't look good to me, look, I do now now he doesn't look to anybody, so he doesn't look good to someone like me who is against all that stuff in real time, because I actually cared about the science enough to get informed about it after I got back seen injured and then so he did not appealing to me and he's now throwing his shit lived, democrat voters, Under the bus by saying everything that they do and an hour advocating for still is wrong. That's what he's saying here we go.
no know and I but but that's meant to divide people, that's alarming and should be alarming. All of us that that all of a sudden help became partisan Ah, that's something we're gonna pay the price you write going forward, but it won't break us he's here became partisan, we're all gonna who me partisan, who made health care partisan. It was the established and the Democrats who made healthcare partisan. Am I wrong about this breakdown That's that's! Who did it right this guy out of his report? when he won, he immediately, went to you know pivoting to hardcore covert protocols. He goes, they didn't just say yes to Gavin newsom. They said yes to protecting our children. They said yes to making it safe for us to vote. They said yes for this. They said yes for that, and it was all based around him pushing the these covert protocols even harder mask mandates the whole nine yards and, as we know, California, has some of the craziest draconian,
The Kosovo, when I wouldn't talks about how health became partisan, look what they did in in Lhasa in California. They passed a law that would punish doctors for practising medicine, they call it. reading misinformation. They just made it up right now they just repealed. It It's one hundred percent unconstitutional. Even that was role, so they they were trying to criminalize a conversation between a doctor in their pace. You know the thing that they screamed at the right wing wants to do over abortion. The Democrats did it over cove it the third there. It was horrible and they said anne They did this after we knew better. This is this. Is this was done? recently so and I'm gonna covered in another segment, but about how they do. quietly repealed this. Why cause it's unconstitutional your outlawing speech between
doctor in their patients there's already laws that say it's illegal to dual bad medical treatment, it's already illegal. You didn't need this law, but they they pass. This law too scared the hell out of doctors who are actually practising medicine and trying to give people early treatments that could possibly help with covert, because they wouldn't give you anything, they wouldn't give you I permit dinner or dropsy clerk when they were of using vitamin d? Three they. What they did was give you nothing, and debate you which they now admit killed people. So if you want to die well, they're gonna. They were gonna, not treat you right and it's probably end up with you being killed by their treatment, and so there it is and again not set up. We can't say I'm not saying I remember our dragged roxy gorgon tweets cobra, that's now we're saying, saying they were allowed to practice medicine and they criminalized it
They intimidated doctors and I did it all for big pharma profit and who did that Gavin newsom and the Democrats in california. It was wrong yet he says it and he's a hugger one hundred per cent wrong yeah. But if we We knew now what we knew then nor its limit. I better than all the people on tv that he's now he just said everything was wrong, so how I knew it in real time that he was wrong. Somehow we knew it at this shows act that they were wrong in real time. Somehow craig knew it in real time that they were wrong but somehow not date, but they they were so smart. They just got it wrong. What assistant just worked up the nerve to tell em now right, because I feel it all these people they just found out now is that were being said from the beginning and the lockdowns were allied masks were allies up a piles and the fact that we could vaccinate our way out of this pandemic was a lie. Those were all lies. Those were all disseminated on the jimmy door, show in june of twenty twenty one. We knew all that in june of twenty twenty one he's just figures
it out now in september of twenty twenty three, two years later, a pot head comedian knew that the facts about goave it and my audience in red time in june of twenty twenty one. By the way you to try and tries to Mary that video you can't find it would doktor robber malone, it's very hard to find, but it I got almost eight hundred thousand views even with them suppressing the hell out of it, because you couldn't get that in four. asian anywhere else. Why call and doktor florida, because he's right for one reason he as and when we did that vision doktor robber, Malone, weak, send it to you tube and to propose screening is I a wanna. Get kicked off you tube through medical misinformation, so everything that the video is medical information that was already vetted by youtube. So I was allowed to up on youtube and then I wanted to send another video to get better before I put it up and youtube said were not do and that any more. What you're not gonna, check my video to make sure it's so
to put up. They said: no, we don't have the manpower to do that. I go well when I put it up. You're gonna check jacket right, they go yeah. I go so you're going to check it. You just won't check it before I put it up and they said correct work, as you don't know the real world and the ritz right. So they don't know if there's some, so they get in trouble for doing that, some but meeting, meaning whoever checked my video that told the truth about covered with doktor robber Malone. They got in trouble from someone higher up- don't you're not to do that. You have to let them put it up. So then we can yank their channel down at will that the theory that I have that's going on, oh and so now they won't they. So now you try, though, they're going to check every video I put up, even if I don't publish it they're, going to check every video I put but my channel after I put it up and if I ask of the jacket for they say no. Why do you think they would do that? Ok, so the same thing with twitter and all the other ones. At that time there
buddy from whatever each government who says hey, can you take this down so they're? Not even his audibly they're doing the work of any of it when they had gone with people. Car was put in a list. Can you take this down in this share? My video was out here time. You had a time cause ass to be run through the censorship and the to right before you get to know what it is. We must acknowledge the bonus hey. This is Jimmy who's, this germany's laboratory render the show out. But you know how you how you do now I am exhausted exhaustive, was so tired. Now Oh that's right! You forgot that again. I ever the children, but I become a day for the fourth time age is all
three years old, brag, no baby patches, promotion, natural, you ve ever a for energy jimmy when I was born my grandfather with fifty two years ago now look how far we ve worked: Agra saw an outpouring me and my little baby, the woods his name woman. Ah like the roman empire. Not to be a boy I can tell already just like us man, maybe eleven. When three can have a grandfather. Do you know chechen times,
roman is wearing you outer jimmy? I forgot how hard it was to cry the constant diaper changes bit isolated up all night, I mean only should deal with it, that really takes it I'll be her case just about it. I've made a fact daddy needs a map, so use leaders, We're about. All this do not actually involved in it can a break here, of course, not notorious space cadet already I came up with anything now. My girlfriend tells me all about so you left the care and feeding of the baby to your twenty nine year old girlfriend. What are you crazy? No, she can't be trusted with the ball properly.
I pay for a living man, so that many girls, my girlfriend about the baby and ignore my girlfriend. She tells me sleep very exhaustive, but thank god that nanny, sweetheart best money, I have spent the nanny lives with her. Not with us. We don't have to give you don't live together, shepherd ass, what she likes space, I like my she does her thing. I do my thing I like to put on headphones I don't want no way she election. You had a baby with someone, you don't even live with and I will tell you Jimmy having a baby at that age really changes your perspective. Are you the world? You save time and space and fuck a meeting of it all the idea of the baby. I may not necessarily the baby itself what dealing with
baby had have you actually had any contact with your new son at times. You remember my favorite shower and went to grab and every all the great dome Well, I'm here. Why does not right? I see well I can certainly see where you're so tired, all its I'm wearing at your story, oh this regional stuff. To do all the paperwork. Baby paper work like what oh just a basic stuff. I don't have. I don't have kids, so I wouldn't know where when a man and a woman love each other very much have a baby girl.
Lives in another house high as a lawyer, daddy sign, a bunch of paperwork did system mommy and daddy, have joint legal custody, maniac financially responsible, but that mommy has so physical custody. It's all very boilerplate standard stuff. that's what I'm always told me so evil lived together, you're not married, and she has sole custody, but you're still dating strike eyes you don't you think she may be too
advantage of you, your girlfriend, you gotta choke, and that's not normal paperwork that new fathers have to sign to me. Are you saying that this woman purposely seduced me got pregnant solely because that way she could have access to my estate in perpetuity? Is that what you're saying to me the honest, I'm afraid, I'm afraid I ever Well, yeah wow, I've busted some expensive nuts in the past, but this one takes the fucking cannolis
George, you re, telling me tat little. You know, man, Why would I be mad? There's no way you can really put a dent in my fortune for whatever time I have left. Just probably gonna leave me, but I will unite by a few more rules, more roles. With less than other baby raises, sometimes by bloody under the chief kindergarten graduation, that very gracious of you Jimmy. I read women taking advantage of me, my entire life in a way, the final one being the biggest eyes to the falcon century feels right. This broad came along and managed wish to extract a healthy human child from an area for you. That's my respected turner guy! It's my day, one bed
Jimmy S, kitchen, dance in time by applause. Nor I may become a premium member: go to jimmied origami dotcom sign up, it's the most affordable premium programmer the business. The voices, Today, our by the one and only the inimitable mike Mccrae, you can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com, that's it for this week, you be the best you can be I'll. Keep being me.
Don't don't don't don't freak, don't don't don't don't got down and you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.