« The Jimmy Dore Show

Jon Stewart’s RIDICULOUS Reason For Prosecuting Trump

2023-03-31 | 🔗

Jon Stewart recently appeared on TV with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria to insist that Donald Trump be charged with crimes because in the United States even the rich and powerful should face accountability. We either have the rule of law or we don’t, Stewart said, and apparently he believes we actually DO enjoy the rule of law in America. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss all the ways the rule of law does not prevail in the United States. Plus a segment with Pushback host Aaron Maté on his testimony to the United Nations about the OPCW whistleblower scandal in Syria. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and the duo of George Clooney and Brad Pitt!


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Go to jimmy georgia com, you see my new stand up special covered lies are funny fairly ten dollars. You get to become a premium member do and comes Do our lives, jewels we're gonna be do instead of comedy in Milwaukee nashville Honolulu, los angeles, northampton Massachusetts syracusan. your cohoes new york, hartford, connecticut, baltimore, maryland and more go to jimmy dore dot, dot com Link for all those tickets, hey. This is Jimmy who's. This camera senator shock, charles data, new york, turkey, this you are you doing things like. I love it when you call me that Jimmy gets the old tangley, would called about today, senator well Jimmy
case you haven't heard. I am pleased to report that the Senate has voted to repeal, get ready for this. Repeal the two thousand and two authorization for use of military force resolution that form the legal justification. For the two thousand and three invasion of Iraq. Is that so? Well as this the time to stop the invasion of Iraq that killed millions of innocent iraqi civilians in thousands of? U S, troops! Oh no! Wait! It's! Twenty! Twenty! Three, not twenty o three kind of late chuck! Mr White, last but not least, we made it so that we can invade Iraq again urged by accident or something I must get. Congress declared war like it says in the car
institution? Oh that part of the constitution, that everybody seems to forget about that. That congress has to vote to declare war. Well, aren't you full of pain today, yeah congress would like it's war powers back The executive branches had them long enough, and this is the first step having died. One on the books creates precedent for further executive quote on co police action. I wish we could have done this before their warmonger. Tromp was office, but better late than never. Actually Barack Obama use that resolution more than anybody he used to do bob's all over the Middle east, especially in syria, back why didn't you go out? Our only african american president more many interesting, not a good luck! Jimmy
no matter better senator, singling out Barack Obama. What I'm doing is not singling out george w bush, because he was not our only war, criminal, president of the twenty first century. Ok, but he didn't agree, but I think I can agree that this is the first step in putting these regrettable conflicts behind the scenes. Middle east conflicts. As I said, the world is a very different place than it was twenty years ago and it's time to up take the box. Do you think it will pass the house yeah really absolutely journey? We will see this as an opportunity, take a modicum of power away from a democratic white house and to be clear, democratic, don't exactly one Biden having blow up the world powers so he's dead sue? Yes, I mean whence burial.
I for one, will I'll never moved on from being lied to about this that bloody war, Suppose it is a good thing that the legal architecture that allowed it to be dismissed is being dismantled even if it's just being dismantled symbolically absolutely anyway, we and let the rhetoric of those times divide and obvious gaiters as a nation. Yet again, we have too many looming threats to deal with really like what rush hour. Oh brother. Rather may Mr Mann, that torrent care during the mad man and a threat to the world Where have I heard that before I saw you just eyes, run dissenters on twitter, foreseeing the war in ukraine is a quote: territorial dispute.
You believe that, and I told him that food is a threat to a man. work in securing an american democracy, rudeness threatening american democracy? What do you say when your ramping up to a war I mean I said, yeah, that's it. I say that now, what I meant? No, you said it chuck. maybe I Deborah Stella give recording us or anything yet youtube What's ironic, I'm glad that the house, republic. It now why? Because the house has to vote. Declare war. I'd rather be in their hands that the Democrats, because the Democrats, are the warmongering now Do you hear yourself Republicans war
right absolute. as she is dead, so Democrats are warmongering, gimme a break. but as we went from sheepishly go along with republican, led military action to spearheading our military actions and leading this, sabre rattling? I do these Republicans return favor. Now they say things like the war in ukraine. Is a territorial dispute like you're wearing something Does it bother you that the american public doesn't want these forever wars that continue if we say the right things anyway, the appointed We got rid of that. I read war thing he's, so that makes us look peaceful great job. Well done! Thank you! That's all! wanted to hear now. Can we count on your support, support for what that approval, of whatever regret,
Foreign policy is absolutely not jack. you just turn in greece. The left for, but what is that even mean when your people? you can try and try, and you just in great Well, you have Senator yes, my outrage and owners. Don't forget the donors, I still have those, so I don't need you. We are the party of peace unless we wanted to go to war in order to win elections or whatever in which gates will appeal to the basis for them. Of nationalism and dignan. I think anywhere. My word on that my name. Isn't: charles chalk, humor, dear me, said over? Would it would isn't over jack? I'm not
really sure I'm trying to sound tat. If I were only our strong super, we have two practices that therefore gonna beat a party of endless wars. Anyway, Your pleasure, Jimmy carter, goodbye job, sliding down the street and johnson media Samir Jimmy to show so get this, stewart in the news again and it's never good anymore. The last good thing was one. He told the truth about the lab league theory and then he got cancel and ever since then has been doing horrible thing he gave larry summers are good. Talking to that was it. He says what happened to our country
It's as though you can't even commit financial fraud anymore. The next thing you know they're going to send you to join instead of your lawyer, in your account and in your campaign manager and everyone else around you, No, it isn't like that, though. That's the problem, that's why that's not funny euro. Would it I mean whatever, who might a critique his comedies, a better committee that we be ok. Also he's a big springsteen fan would like shut up. There were Springsteen, so here like. Isn't he good anymore? I never liked. It is like you do it, but while whenever you like, we want the thing it really is doing with him is he's gotta like years ago. I worked on it while the approval matrix that are Breton house at memory, approval matrix, it was in like new york magazine, it was like this chart and they put pop stuff in the news on at least From like sublime, then despicable and then they're like, let's make a show as popular in that magazine like, let's make a show so made a show out of it, which basically, like the bill Maher like of route blinking,
drugs, but you dislike on board in the middle of the lake, move, Aki boxer It is ridiculous thing, but neil interview, John Stewart, this back window donald sterling? What year was this? This is twenty were well. What was that, whatever Donald sterling for that basle team? We got recorded, say like body I black pr gay so needs ask him he's like do you think this is like good, that you know in your own home, you're you're getting trouble for, and he was all on board like yeah, not even your own home, you should not free, he doesn't have a principle, As like her like a corny, I would say Bruce Springsteen as he was asking John: did you think you should have to watch what you say in your own house. Urges are good. So little joke he'll ill follows heart, like an idiot to real bad places but here's worry is now. Here's is now so there are people who say, Yes, you have to indict him because he has in fact broken the laws and there are the people who say this is going to turn them into,
Martha. This is faster redemption shore out. How do you know you can't you? Can you can't have george bush and dick cheney, walking free people ordered a torture programme, tortured people around the world and lied about going it. the war and then prosecute donald trump put a minute gobs over a campaign financed club quibble. Which is what it is that literally they can't prove I correct, doesn't come up with a foregone conclusion guilty. It's the weakest, the diego's wealth. We will have the evidence to prove in court. Hopefully these posts yeah, so they're, asking just What about this right? And here we so the thing that they told you D, be afraid of death, should trump doing he's gonna he's gonna, try and use the criminal justice system as a weapon against his political enemies and that's what dictators do they were trying to lock him
Ever since you got elected, they teach them twice and others find every which way to try to make sure he can't run that's what hey I'm no fan of donald trump, but I'm a I'm a I am a fan of democracy and that. This is subverting. That and of people want to vote for somebody and that this again we'll be doing this to Bernie sanders had he won in two thousand and sixteen, and so that's why this is important. Okay, so here's what Jon Stewart says about it think about. Oh, I I, the law should always take into account someone's popularity. I think that's that's! I mean what what type your country for forgetting it's as though you can't even commit financial fraud anymore. You can, you can flight, the value of your properties when you need alone and then deflated with taxes, the next thing you know they're going to send you to jail instead of your lawyer and your accountant and your campaign manager and everyone else around you it's now too
the I did not that's funny, I'm not going to say that's not funny you, even though I didn't laugh laugh out loud. It is this solid, writing in thought and processes, logical and all that stuff. But what has happened? Orkut three is we ve, never wheedle. Does it disciplinable prosecution? What do you mean? We never pop? executed. Anybody powerful, william parsecute Nixon, its wheedle, prosecute anybody. so that's they're, all war criminals. We know this drug precluding Barack obama, and so we, you can't go around putting in jail people who used to be president's from, but that that's what this is so again when he says that what happened to our country that someone may face accountability that rich and powerful is outrageous, and this country shouldn't stand for but but but what? If? What, if it turns out to be his is get out of jail, prepares its his bath?
People will seem as a moderate. He gets him. Ok, I right over that Is he does that he doesn't bring up any petersen. It doesnt work, this. This doesn't bother him. That is a clear police the prosecution of their political enemies. I think I think he has his the common shit lib thing of like this is tromp. So this is the ultimate. We now we have to try and unprincipled. It's like were fighting the nor the rule of law and we're fighting for the the rule of law. Is that little details? You think it's like a capacity. basing it has had on. This is gonna, be like an AL capone tax thing. We'll get him on that. But it's not the case. A self stinks. It's that lives reads: Babo! You listen! I don't. Resident again.
if he could become president anyway very do it. We either have the rule of law or we have no rule of law. All come on law does not take into account. If that might make you a martyr to somebody I'd much rather, ah, ok! Well, I I wish I had more that I'm sorry. I might. John Stewart is such a moral man that he stopped just sort of having principles is in that sector worst, even colbert, step on his lines when you need it. Am I right come on boy what trump it was pretty bad because job as a guy who can stomach personally giving a metal to a nazi
Well, whatever at least here, he really gave it to that Larry summers. I once I myself so not afraid to speak, truth to the people or out of power? I like ours, we were too hard on very summers. Took it easy on candy and hilary. Aren't I larry summers, although you let that one republic and have it about go where you is such a wooden. It's it's funny! Watch, it's all calculate it's funny, it's it! You know he was again, I don't want a hero is too big of a word, but I certainly admired him. He certainly and informed the kind of comedy I do when I use video and like that and it's just a heartbreaker. It's just a heartbreaker to see stuff like this and deceit. People when he could really help get this country back together. I think I really do I think when he did like the lab league thing. If he kept telling those kinds of truths it would give people like me
I would look less mental people and then we could come back, but he is soon he did the lab league big. They came they. the hammer on em and he's been doing stuff like this ever since he won't tell you didn't he did our I don't again. I don't want to make it about just making more jokes about like the raccoon dog. Not maybe he isn't. I didn't hear the raccoon dog, but as far as I know that only time I have heard him really go on about that he's got a whole show an apple it doesn't get into up about it. It he's the guy. Just what you are you brought it up a while ago, issues on he, I forgot all about his stupid Can you don't think convention to restore sanity with combated? They did because I Honestly, the people are supposedly woke are really mega, but what they think great amerika was the Obama years. So, like make america, the obama again here and then, like you, know, the crazies. I like the wealthy people, don't be accused of bagger really like so here too,
watch out, but I heard all again and their monopoly you another. So there are people who say. Yes, You have to indict him because he has in fact broken the laws and there are the people who say this is going to turn into a martyr. This is his path to redemption. Sure how how do you think about? Oh, I I, the law should always take into account someone's popularity. I think that's that's! I mean what what's happened to our country forget its as though you can't even commit financial fraud anymore, you can you can inflate the value of your point. parties or when you need alone and then deflated with taxes. The next thing you know they're going to and you to jail instead of your lawyer and your account and your camp manager and everyone else around you, it's now to the idea that someone may face accountability, who's that rich and powerful is outrageous, and this country should
stand, but but but what? If it it, what if it turns out to be his is get out of jail, prepares its his bath? People will seem as a moderate. He gets him. Ok, I right over there. He is right on president again. He could become resident anyway, brigitte its we either have the rule of law. Are we have no rule of law like the rule of law, It does not take into account. If that might make you so it would be nice if he just said- and I don't know if you ve looked around- we don't have the rule of law. There would have been nice consent, would it turn this into a real truth, telling moment instead of a partisan hackers moment, which is what this is, he came on CNN. and told them to stop being partisan hacks, and here he is pushing a partisan hackers point of view. You can a political situations of your political enemies. If you're gonna do this to donald trump headed, Please do it too Hillary Clinton for denying she funded the help that the steel does
for a year, she lie that they took pay lied to the fbi about it, they didn't get a prize get over that then to pay a fine, and then you get pine for lying. There anyway doesn't even matter it did it do war, criminals, every president, since what to the war criminal. What are you kidding? we don't have the rule of law now. Kurds, even for aid, was like johnny boy guide. All of them know the Uruguay minister. Do we were locker raillery ass. I remember when he's gonna store with her present, and so they thought that It was the worst thing in the world once trump said lock her up. That was about her. That was about her doing illegal things that right and but but now it's you what kind of a country do we haven't? We dont lock up our political opponents. That's, and this is our artistic added. I hate to do this. I hate deeply psychiatrist, but why do you?
think he's doing it, it's gotta guys. It's your watch, your pal with them, and you like. Well, this is a campaign thing. This is no way you, sir! You go well We all know how bad binds doing right and drop is looking better, better, so obey his mighty. Things is the only hope of stopping from whom they do. That's why they're, knowing it could do you think of that? were worried about stopping trump. They wouldn't be doing crazy stuff like this or how about it. This is it. Alabama? There are also trying to get him some kind of election for which the same stuff. Yes, it's the he's, he's gotta be smart enough, we smart enough to be aware of all the things Biden has not dine and also screwed up and What do you think they would probably need their talk about right, so this is the last way too, maybe, but even I won't even hang my head out that way about him, because the case is very weak I know that reads: a car doesn't go up while there's people who say hey, we should try to get him if people say no I'll make a martyr disappear
saying this a weak case that talking to work, maybe try. The other ones were locked in here. I wish I had video there, so I don't have the audio played over brok obama's face, and this is He's being asked about hey how comedian prosecute people who ordered a torture programme, that's like you, your constitutionally rico. To do that. He didn't do it and here's what he said the most popular question your own website is related to this unchanged. I gotta comes from bob verdict. city and he asks. Will you appoint a special secure, ideally patrick Fitzgerald, to independently castigate the gravest crimes of the bush administration, including towards and warrantless wiretapping, what we're still evaluating how we are going to approach the whole issue of interrogations, detentions and so forth, and obviously we will be looking at pass. Practices has practices, torture dumbly. That identity is above the law on the other,
and, on the other hand, also have a belief that, on the other hand, I have a belief that there are some people who are above the law, though the people in the cia, the people who ordered that illegal war, the people who lied about it and the people who committed torture. So when Nixon went when the president. Does it it's not a crop? That's it was it bad? He did that because he didn't include all the other people for whom it is not a crime or we go. We need to look forward as lost as opposed to looking backwards there. It is he he didn't. He didn't prosecute people for torture, because Barack Obama's looking forward and not backwards, the lot harder to prosecute crimes. If you dont look into the past gazettes role, the crimes have a much harder so you're just looking forward all those people in prison, Kurt their imprisoned because they committed their crimes in the future. There was a minority report as yet not yazzi you jesse. you set it up waited and I believe we are
I wish we had was videos we the week that we need to look forward as lost as postal looking backwards and My job is to make sure that, for example, but the cia. You got extraordinarily talented people, working. Very hard to keep americans safe, I dont want then too suddenly feel like they got a spend all their time worth work. Looking over the shoulder, and laws are no nine eleven commission with independence eating a power your where we have not made final decisions, but my instinct is for us to focus on how do we make sure the moving for We are doing the right thing, so I don't want to prosecute pascal. I don't want to people at cia to be worried that they're gonna be prosecuted for war crimes when they commit war crimes. I want to look over there. Shoulder saw not gonna. Do anything. That's that's what he said that you want to focus.
Getting the shitty as healthcare deal in the war and the world at he had and worked, and it worked. So if you're not gonna, prosecute that new to prosecute so that's an that that's what happens when you do that, when you so deeply enforce the law, people lose respect for the law and that's what they're doing with this prosecution. I'll drop and that would have been nice to her John Stewart say that, and I know it put a lot of weight on John stewart shoulders. But that's because I looked up to him so much- and you know- maybe I shouldn't have Petty pentagon is accused of blocking an effort to hand russia war crimes, evidence to the icy see. You know why, because we don't participate in the ice, see because we commit more war crimes in russia. Only better not say we did. Crimes is, will them with the invasion of it. So the department reportedly unwilling to share intelligence over fears. Precedent could be set against you. It's so were all bunch.
work reimers, but you get it. We got a stand for but all of a sudden you got stand on the rule of law when it comes to donald trump campaign, finance paying off stripper daddy, had sex with to be quiet, snuff were that its full. or how it was marked in the books. I cannot approve it's crazy. What they have to prove it. I have to prove that he paid hidden himself which he didn't because any It doesn't really want to get into the weeds Jon Stewart made it sound like he inflated his properties, to which I know, if that's a separate, that everyone does that, but Well, he's everywhere! That's what the cry! Young turks have inflated their numbers when they were trying to get the twenty million dollars and financing from right from the venture cap. Well as they inflated all their numbers influx, they were giving out free memberships to anybody in college. Remember that that you don't know where that, but I do they would do all kinds of stuff to get their numbers and flayed is vague and get the financing every that's what people that's called: capitalism, vendors but whole other websites or their traffic, and you leave
we can do, could do this. I guess I bet you so game, so they were good, retired I get is all traffic. I guess it's not it's just something it's all in his rod and then what's up forget that employers still billions from workers paychecks each year. So it do you we live in a rule of law, this rule that that is so sad to me. It's such a point for not just say I don't look at me like I don't care. I just want to get him and throw everything you have to say that, but do rule laws, like that's, add real punkahs, that's real about, like him, do with free speech in your own home. When I'm a bit less aware think for John stewart design hill he's potter that, like you know, people make him. Do you know that it's a whole. The rob reiner school again, I don't want to you know, have make some fake feud between me and Jon Stewart, because you know I don't even know he thinks. I know if I exist, but
I probably after that nazi metal thing. I imagined so I brought up my rogan the highest rank twice. He does yeah alright, but anyway, it's just that. I feel let down through colvard and russiagate by people like that, like people, I would look to that. The country looks to my job sky people like John stewart people, like Stephen colbert people I made and just in my little circle of things, politicians are useless now and you know. It was fun to turn on John Stuart and hear him say the truth about people it. That's all you're something exciting about that within you start to make free and then it's not so and now it's a gentleman to their becomes all showbiz. What was your business like and it's just all talk bad about b is not going to tell the truth about ukraine. He is not there, he won't. Even he will.
In just create. And again, I don't want to make you aware he's done enough to not known how their cause not the other way Think rachel matter really doesn't know. What's going on in ukraine, you know they pay her hundred thousand dollars a day, really patriotism, thirty million dollar contracts. The thirty million dollars. Thirty million dollars, history, What's thirty million divided by fifty two? It is five hundred and seventy six thousand nine hundred and twenty three dollars a week. Ok, I do
it's like this: hey siri, what's thirty million divided by three hundred and six, but it's not thrilled because she has to work. He only works five days a week, five times fit fifty two hey siri! What's five times fifty two, I don't she that's not the answer anyway. I'm trying to figure out how much she makes a date right though a few worker fifty data sets about you so I'd say: you're two hundred fifty days a year but say a surrey: What's thirty million divided by two hundred and fifty hundred and twenty thousand dollars a day? I may not oliver four hundred million a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a day, that's fifteen!
that fifteen thousand dollars an hour more lines or work right, a hasty What's a hundred and twenty thousand divided by twenty four nano? Silly works eight hours a day, skype skip hey surrey, What's a hundred and twenty thousand divided by a fifteen thousand fifteen thousand an hour nice work. If you can get it, And if you get what you tell me how hey, you know, here's another great way. You can help support the show. You should become a premium where we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you Do it by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the business and it's a great way to help
put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards thanks everybody who was already a premium member, and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support Harry at the? U n, testifying for a third time, and let's remind people that or why were in syria, one of the big race? this is a word. But now we have the oil. The oil is secure. We left troops be only for the oil. So exists is so: where are the sanctions for the united states and when did the? U S, oligarchs, have their property confiscated. then, when is the discussion on visa bans? For u s? Citizens entering the european union sulky course right, were again where the world's terrorism. Then we pretend that we care about things like that when it's one of our enemies, Erin enmity
just remind everybody, the: u s claims to be in syria to be fighting isis, but it rarely fights ice. It's it's! Actually there did too. I Syria, its own oil and wheat, and you occasionally attack syrians, and their allies, who defeated the united states back sectarian death squads in the dirty war? So that's why we're really there and lives. Nobody really knows the real reason, but are of K, junior It is a long time ago that it was because they wanted to put a pipeline from carter have a go through Syria? I think that was the idea so anyway, but nobody really knows, but it's got somebody. well, so this is how they reported. There was in twenty eighteen, there was in it a gas attack on people and syrians and that's how it gets report the syrian regime found responsible for Duma chemical attack.
And then when they reported like that immediately, what's the result of those reports, trump analysis strikes on syria following suspect, suspected chemical weapons. So they have to do that. And then they can bomb them under the guise of all this, and I don't know bombing helps people who work than a gas attack anyway. It doesn't so all were mad at the syrian government, let's blow the shit out of their people, and so when the gas it eggs have been, and then the corporate media's. This immediately says whatever the state department in the war machine wants him to and then as they go over to check make sure that the gas it you know. You know gas attack really happened here and definitely something stings. Yet students, if you thought there was deadly chemical weapon on something the first, you do reduce reports, gimme it Oh yeah yeah doesn't smell like a false wegg anyway
So if you google, so so, they use that fact. tried to say that aside had guessed his own people, so that with the use that pretence to bomb syria right. So if you, google, now aromatic has done his reporting and he's debunk that right that that did that there are many, many questions, you can't it's it's it's in all the evidence points the other way and if you, Google, the Duma attack asked attack. This is what comes up watchdog, blamed syria for the Duma, chemical attack, chemical weapons, watchdog, blame syrian air force for the camel Duma chemical attack and fog of syria, so pc. you blame syria government for the twenty eighteen chlorine gas attack and then reasonable grounds to believe syrian government did ok there's, no reason. Ok, so aaron Marty then has to believe, but he
to the u n, and I want to show you a minute of this, because he looks goodness suit who we go. I have to say that I am fortunate unfortunate that nearly five years, after the elections in Duma, this kind, mercy around the obviously investigation, still being debated in public. Rather than being addressed by the OECD view, because fundamentally, this is a controversy that is internal to the opposite of you at the heart of it are at least two veteran inspectors. I wish you'd help you with that nearly thirty years of combined experience who worked on the doom investigation, who deployed to syria for the doom investigation and what they say is very simple. They have accused senior officials at the opposite view of suppressing findings from their probe and putting it unsupported conclusions that basically implicate the syrian government and a comical tat, and they are not demanding that our own opinions, be affirmed as the ultimate truth. They just want the right to be heard, and rather than here these inspectors along and a and voice their concerns, aligned,
so allowing absolutely to weigh the findings that were suppressed? Yossi lobby has refused to meet with them haven't denigrated them in public, which I will get into. So when I talk about the suppression of the Duma problem, it's a long story which have gone through before you before. I won't work. It all story, but let me just just illustrate give you one example of the document it suppression of the findings of the Duma, from which nobody can test. This is uncontested so begins. The alleged chemical attack happens on April seven, two thousand eating well anyway, when we bring an errand readier. So, first of all, if those chemical weapons inspectors who went against the open sea, w official narrative and there are considered whistle blowers if they can't get as hearing or get it We get the you and how can you get invited in and if Jose, who's the arrow, who is to be the former head of the open sea w who also agree with the earlier and advance syria, gas dax can't get a hearing at the? U
How can you? How do you get invited Joseph who studied the first direct or general at the opposite of you, who was ousted by the bush administration back in two thousand, two thousand three, because he was opposing the iraq war. He wanted. He was invited to speak at a human security council meeting in the fall two thousand twenty, but the? U s. Uk and france led the way and blocking hindrance. Making because he was going to come out in defence of the dissenting opposite I'll, be inspectors in the Duma destination and call for accountability and now a different kind of meeting where other states can block speakers at the but I was invited to, I don't think, there's that option. So that's why I was given the chance to to bigger, ah ok, our and so what? Why did so, I know is that there's what there was a rash of articles written recently. That was confirming the b s narrative that aside gassed his own people split cabal. He was winning the war. Why would you kill those people here
it was only like a couple of dozen people they claimed he killed anyway. Why would you use chemicals as ever ten points, the other waited that he he would do so why, all of a sudden, we have these all these articles recently that claim that the true narrative that aside, did it himself and then got good, yet so a quick time or so April. Seventy, wasn't. Eighteen as when this alleged chemical attack occurred, there are videos put out of dozens of dead bodies from the scene. The people are foaming at the mouth, they collapse, deadened, piles and the insurgents who controlled syria appetite doom at the time, was tat of doom, and their allies? The white helmets, which is a our group that are funded by the? U s and uk and other nato states? They all claim that the big into separate a chemical, tar and about a year later, in march, twenty nineteen bureaucracy w puts out upon a report that says that yet there? What? There are reasonable grounds to believe that this was a chemical attack with current gas, and they,
say who did it, but the obvious inference they want you to come away with his syria was getting so that march, twenty nineteen about a year after the original answer, but then we get all these leaks from inside the opposite of you. At least, these leaks, show that the actual original team that went to syria for this mission and then back and rode up an original report that they did not reach a conclusion that they actually collected a lot of evidence that this was not a chemical attacked, but the incident was staged by insurgents on the ground which makes sense right even before you look at all the evidence, just think of it logically, The? U s is laid down with called at the red line, obama announced it saying that if you know chemical and are used that would change up our calculations, we would we we would whatever intervene. So if you're syria, why would you do that? I think that you know, would invite military intervention against you. You're. Already Basing the most well funded sergeant see in history.
billions of dollars spent by the? U s: uk saudi arabia cutter turkey, Israel France, flooding, syria, with weapons to an insolvency. then by Al Qaeda? So you already facing that? Why would you now do the one thing you know we'll get the? U s air force to act on it. hide his behalf. It doesn't make any sense in why, by the way, the syrian we're gas all these insurgents that are taking over its territory like ITALY right now is controlled by all How come AL qaeda, never get away with chemical weapons, but yet, for some reason, sera chooses to use them against innocent civilians at an apartment. So just even logically it so ridiculous, and obviously the obvious answer is that this is just like the iraq WMD playbook. You need a plan. You need a pretext to justify sanctioning syria bombing Syria occasionally and continue. The dirty work continuing the: u s: military occupation of syria, which, by the way, just lead to sir, are you s contractor being killed because you are
It's still there and when the state department says why we need to be there, what do they say? It's because syria gassed it's own people. So that's really the reasons behind these chemical weapons allegations so anyway the leaks, show that being that the original team collected all this evidence that was suppressed and right when they all this comes out is published a wikileaks robert fisk, the late great journalist british, was right about it. It gets and what does the opposite of you? Do it basically says: there's nothing to see here these two dissenting the inspectors ones. We know about their uninformed, they don't matter and they refuse to have any. accountability whatsoever and there is basically a disinformation campaign launched against the glass against the dissenting inspectors, and people like myself and max Blumenthal and roger waters speak out in their defence, so the BBC, which the uk state, but it out and beilin cat and nato troll farm, put all these ridiculous attacks on the whistleblowers
and this goes on for many years, and we ve talked about over the years. So, finally, in january this year, Finally, I lived there. They ve also dead done the same thing that this should we go to my were competing page that I've called the conspiracy. There is because of this very day, it's in wikipedia is cnn. It's called Jimmy dora conspiracy, there's two of the gatt, the attacks of Assad on his own people, while he didn't do it at his own people- using the government of lying about weapons of mass destruction anyway, jimmy listen, the difference between you and me is is that you called bullshit on this one from the start. Whereas I only you, I only came long after the whistleblowers and the leaks and soda became. That's when I will again bombing story. So as always use user. Have credit, therefore, will you hurry generally all this one up, you very true. It just shoot so far in january this year, after years of stone, long accountability. So you know salting, the whistleblowers in public, putting out false claims about them, all of which I be bunked
over twelve articles at the grey zone which no one's ever written a single response to after. Blocking people like jos- able study the direct the first director general of the seed I'll be when he tries to speak in their defence, the? U s their allies blocking from speaking soccer years, Finally, in january, we get the option of coming up with a new report from something called its investiture, Asian and identification team- and this is a new team- has been set up pretty much at the behest of the: u s and its allies, and there their mandate is to identify the perpetrators of chemical attacks. In syria. Actual mandate is to whitewash the. U s lead allegations like the one. In doing so, they put out his long report. That makes the case the yes, Syria was guilty of the attack and Duma and
they know it's a very long report on the surface and some people reading it might be impressed by it. But as I've shown now into articles of the grey zone, it is riddled with gaping hole in its basely at an attempt to answer the dissenting inspectors without directly entering them because they can't directly entered and because the deed is if it, because that is how things beggars, have the facts on their site, so its basic, a tacit effort to try to paper over all the previous flaws in the Duma probe. The problem is to paper over the previous laws. They have to come up with a whole bunch of new deceptions and that's what I've deep onto the grey zone in two articles and So in my comments at the when it's it's, so how did this causes the corruption of the old institution like the obesity? W happened like this I'll look. We got an example twenty years ago because it was done it. He was the founding director general of this organisation, and right after he was elected to a new five year term.
bush administration and came in and forced him out. Why? Because he was trying to bring iraq into the chemical, this convention and the bush administration knew that if you study succeeded in that, but that woods act iraq to regular inspections, which would show that Iraq had no chemical weapons, and once that happened down, make it a lot harder for bush to invade iraq. So John Bolton personally flew over to the hague. To who studies opposite him, you have to resign and was I said no and john bold and let it be said to him. We know where your kids live. both sties said: I'm not resigning when John Bolton went and behind the scenes they boyd enough states into the basically agreeing to oust was Donnie in a vote and just for good measure, the: u s, threatened to withhold its chair of the opposite of his budget, which would have made the oxy w impossible to impossible to operate and I've either because it was standing before any tell in story. Amazing story. I I interviewed him on my
pike has pushed back. It's incredible. He also found out during this time of his office is big bug and even a mole inside who was working for whoever was bugging him and we can guess who who who, who was? Who was the party? Who is a state party like that was bugging him sunday? That's when the corruption started when he was ousted. That was a sign that they should obey was not going to be an impartial, independent institution. If it was subjected to be compromised to be to compromise by the? U s and it's allies, and so fast forward now to Duma and twenty eighteen. We have to. Let me get on the ground for the first time in syria to investigate and wet chemical attack. The actual addressed It is find no evidence of the chemical attack. What happens to them. Their findings get censored. The original team get sidelined and all this deception
but forth and I'll, give you one example. I talked about this in my u s remarks, but it advocates the easiest part understand when it comes to how much fried has gone into propping up his narrative. Ok, so one of the complaints of the original dissenting inspectors of the previous overshoot of your reports about Duma was that they were made. Unsupported claims to assert that there was evidence of chemical weapons and Duma thickly chlorine gas, which is what the absorbing plants what do we get now in this new opposite avi report put up by the idea, the investigation and identification team to prove their case? There is evidence of chlorine, gas and Duma.
Say they found what they call a marker, chemical and a marker. Chemical basically means a smoking gun. It's a signature that basically means the presence of this chemical means. There was cloaked chlorine, gas, but guess what I've written about this- and I talked about- was at at the un. This sample that the supposed marker chemical came from has appeared out of nowhere in all the previous obesity reports about Duma. He was never even acknowledged, so there's a long table in march, one and eighteen of all the samples that the orchestra w collected in doing now the samples they receive from third party and the supposed smoking gun. What didn't even exist then? So, nearly five years later, the option of EU has basically pulled it out of a hat and the blue come out of nowhere, which is unprecedented. Why did we not know about this new magic? Smoking up until now, and then it gets worse when you find out how it was obtained, because this apple, wasn't even collected by the obesity w.
Let me say that was collected by a third party. Tell it through that third party is, but I can that violate, and that violates their own rules of an investigation right where they only are supposed to analyze things that they themselves have collected and now they're using a third party collecting the sample. That is supposed to confirm that Assad did this, but Don't even tell you who the third party is, even though that, even if they did, they would say break the rules. in any serious investigation criminal investigation, You only want to test evident samples. You can verify yourself if some third party comes and says hey, guess what I found the sample, then you can't trust him. That's what the ox robbie rules say that, basically, if any, unless the samples collected by the us they'll be, it would not be accepted as valid and in this. case the sample, I would bet anything was collected by the white helmets year group that cooperate with insurgents
that is funded by the! U s in uk and in Duma was caught taking a hospital said that to make it look as if they were treating that can the clearing the chemical attack when there have been multiple reports by journalists even from the bbc. Who said that this attack was that this house will see what stage the hospital take by the white house and the white amateur brag publicly that they gave the odyssey bobby samples from doing so I'll bet you anything that this new smoking gun sample which appear to have nowhere came from the white helmets and even if it came from anybody else, if it doesnt matter, it's not collected by the opposite of you, and so therefore I just can't be trusted and previously the opposite of what you said explicitly. We would never ever way a sample that we have not got that our selves that has been forgotten in Duma, all the sun, and then you find out who gets him was ok, the samples appeared and nowhere is collected by third parties, and then you find out that actual yokes, you don't you use this sample
over a sample that its own inspectors actually collected from the exact same spot, so the samples mosley comes from the room under one of the cylinders Duma. Some concrete debris in the room under the cylinder, the absurdity collected sample from an exact, same location, for some reason they choose is to rely on a brand new sample that somebody else collected. It's so shady. I like it in any serious investigation. It would never be accepted for some reason now it's become a new smoking gun. So do you think so I mean, I think it's great new reporting is great, because I can then point people too, you know printed doc. immense and things like that. You ve been your greater in investigator of this. So so you invited to speak three times now at the? U n the it seems like it
me I kinda wanna be a cynic right, but I am now so I'll just admit in I just don't. Do you think that there'll be a positive outcome from the start? You think that things will just keep getting worse until the world dead. Well, listen, I'll, give you one reason be cynical, but then one reasonably optimistic, ok, reasonably! chemical is that when the option of you came out its new report with this ran new smoking gun sample when all these other deceptions back in January when all the media established Maybe in the u s, report alumnus, none even mention the auction I'll whistleblowers existence, so the washington post, the worst region, All these other outlets, yeah Al Jazeera. All them said the opposite: w find sera, sear guilty of chemical attack and Duma, none of them mentioned that the original team from the opposite argue that went to Duma rode up and original report. That said, there was no chemical attack or there was an avatar can protect so
this neck. The opposite leaks are so damning to this narrative of chemical weapon in syria. That does so much effort being deployed to erase the leaks and the whistle, wars and no matter how many times I try to bring this up with the reporters soak up report is right to stop. They don't listen. A damning story to their narrative that they just there's such an effort to make it go away case. So that is a cause for cynicism, because people can even know about the ox it'll be leaks, existence. How are they ever know? The real story it just is memory holds out of orwell right, but on the positive side, site at this meeting. On friday I were. I spoke, a really important development haven't for the first time, Brazil, which is the largest country in south america and the biggest countries in the world. They came out in support of accountability for the scandal, which issued the representative from Brazil, basically challenge the claims of the auction. W
pointed out that a brazilian diplomat, Josie will study, was silenced and me some questions about what can be done to address this cover up, and that is a huge geopolitical shift and so. I can tell you from being in the room when this brazilian representative speaking the delegates from the us and uk were not happy and actually a few of them started like furiously texting on their phones, because they were not expecting this outback, because this is a major ship for brazil to come out in defense of accountability up at the opposite of you. So I left the room, the meeting feeling very optimistic from that, and but again jimmy you know we don't do this tether, danny outcome. We don't do this to spread the truth and to give people the facts and the more people on the backs of the story. The more its undeniable that there was a cover up and that this has to be addressed, and I definitely have outcomes than I want
why? Why are well, that's what I mean and its importance because this is used as a pretext to kill people anti us and to keep america thinking were bombing bad guys instead about we're doing witches. waiting imperialism and economic. Could germany, which is why we're still up occupying a third of as well as we try to indict putin for war crimes were occupied. Country right next to our third of it. The part where the food and oil is yeah and I have this gloated in here, but it's not really worth is just. This is how they the air strikes, they never talk and they never tell you anything with useless at all emptying vapid. This from here syrian commanders this morning have been examining. The damage from last night's attacks lie That's it air strikes that the? U s led coalition is not calling success, but air strikes
Russia says where acts of aggression. They were certainly air strikes that president outside in damascus will have heard loud and clear So do you hear the news get the news guys? I try. Assad heard loud and clear. You mean with it You are bombing parts of the city where people yeah ok, here we go. there is the pariah. Miss isles came from ships and planes in the night, american british in these french warplanes firing over. hundred missiles at three main targets in syria in the capital Ask us. Syrian air defence is trying to shoot them down claiming to have hit third massive explosions. lighting up the night sky as they fell. The president addressed they debts called terrorism, pretty sure, that's what that's called
Few would plant those bombs that and would be called terrorism. Its nod. Terror is just like if you brad apartment with a noise neighbour, upstairs just America's version, hidden ceiling with a broom nea. Let him let him here it a little bit yet right beside, certainly heard it s, the kind of empty vapid with naturally no context that they occur and their cheering. It odd were again again. I asked her Oh god, that's what that is either. Job with that, but does goes bright wilson when he earlier not very well to reach the goal of guiding williams, yet william soy rising over guided by the beauty of our weapons. That was the most other goes the quota of their day by an and they are For what he said- and they are better the result acknowledge your beautiful was at least it, and so I like with this guy's is obviously the united states can leave syria, because then, how would it fight the people who attacked the united states soldiers who are in Syria?
I won't let you know what there actually is. Some news item, syria, some big news out. Assyria, that's gonna not be good for american fluids around the world? In fact, it's lessening the things they said that donald trump was gonna, do to our prestige. It in Look around the world, Joe Biden is pulling off very quickly. hey! This is Jimmy who's. This chair, polish george clooney are you you old tee? A wise street can do a great your thanks for asking how about you? What are you up to I fantastic thanks for asking. As a matter of fact, I am back here in a lay back from my new fleet with another other than my old buddy. bread really what's the projects, It's called wolves and he and I play to fit
sir, to get hired for the same job in are competing to get it done and hilarity ensues unless you ma am, of course bread- and I are pretty funny guys, as you are probably well aware, that you are any onset hygiene to report. You know why I just gigs borders last week when it yeah. Can you give me an example: Sure. A few weeks ago I had fifty pages delivered to Brad's hotel sweet, seventy issues.
and the look on his face eventually figured it out and very generously had them sent down to the crew. Well, what he didn't know is each pizza with pineapple and anchovy, so everyone had to pretend to be grateful. brad pitt for the worst fucking deal laughed zalzal The blast shook any afraid of afraid of snakes right breton, it anyway. So I had an animal wrangler, get a hold of a real nasty looking but non poisonous snake and we put it in the toilet in this trailer huh and then, when he went in for lunch, we had locked it. Or should we couldn't get your squealing like I've, never heard in my life glass breaking up nine yards about at a heart attack killed the fuckin snake down there more? Wrangler was gotta pitched I see who will win
is he pull on or should ashes thing? It is not really good. At pranks, like his ideas, ran from bizarre to not fund, if it be partly sociopath really want to get keeps wanted to do was to kidnap dont she here in case you want some sort of life, size, plastic, tube and buried in a field overnight. Unlike what that's? That's, not even a prank it's a cold blooded thing to do to a cat and it's always cheated too. It's kinda racist undertones there. To be honest, that's bizarre I'll, say he also he's always trying to convince people that their loved ones died. Somehow, the good old, frank planning to coach him, I said start out small with some. You know: prank phone calls
like we did in high school just to get his feet wet good idea. Wait wait hold on I'm getting another call right now. Oh, you know what that's probably him. He knew I'd be calling you today, just just try play play along, ok, hello. This is jimmy door. Really, oh man, how did I guess It's bad literally, did guess this. I did not know that brad, you were gonna, be calling it today, bread, it's good. From you, I did get this. I gotta go in the refrigerator running, yeah. It is no because you ve got bigger fish to fry than that. and I may need to identify the body or what's left of it I'll come on Brad. That's not gonna work. Okay, I'm gonna! Stop you right here, xd.
God, damn it george displaying phone call, they would go back. He said you know right now about what happened there? Did the people to do it again, how many times has gotten me the upper brad. I was having a good time. Don't change I don't know man. I think I do still savages why right, ok, find out back off Figures were gone already, forgotten: word: who's. This again, hey. you like why? Yes, I do do
I know where you can buy fifty pages. Fifty pepperoni pages- I miss. Would you be arrested in such an offer Yes, brad! Ok, No! Yeah, as a german caused, a grim bark? shot by anna What did you do to her? How How will the tube take me to the pizza. no. the thing right! All right, just stop. Ok, ok, You don't your bread bid, You don't know me
but anonymous chance. He's gonna, try, kidnap your dog, utterly your doors, are, I just say I bread. I gotta stop Burma. how about some pointers to give to you got there Gentlemen, gentlemen, this has been fun, but I really gotta go enjoy the rest of your film shoot together. shhh, eyebrows Gibby, will get cleaned up, You're gonna, break me sometime, you! in the hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business don't don't don't don't bring all the voices
work today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey. He can be found it MIKE. Mccrae dot com, That's it! For this week, you be the best you can be I'll, keep me in me. don't don't don't don't freak? Don't don't don't bring down? How did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.