« The Jimmy Dore Show

Jon Stewart Gives Tongue Bath To War Criminals Hillary & Condi Rice

2022-11-25 | 🔗

Jon Stewart is a comedy legend who pioneered an entirely new way to deliver scathing but also funny commentary on the news. But now he’s apparently decided to piss away all the credibility he built up by interviewing and giving a virtual tongue bath to war criminals Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice, whom he allows to spew transparently false narratives about the American war machine with nary a peep of disagreement.

Jimmy and his panel of Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger and The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil discuss Stewart’s embarrassingly cringe-worthy performance. Plus segments on Canadian comedy troupe Kids In The Hall's prescient wokeness parody from 1993 and the media-fed lie that Russia is giving its troops Viagra to assist in committing sexual assaults against Ukrainians. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Anya Parampil!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We'll see you november twenty six, that's the saturday after thanksgiving in burbank and then all december, we're gonna be in los angeles. Doing friday night shows go to Jimmy door, dot com for a link for all the time. Its and become a premium member. While you there, you get oliver videos on edited jimmy door, dotcom, not jimmy dork army, the kids in the house What's a very popular sketch group from in the nineties are making eight may come back. they think amazon or apple or somebody did is another that is another round of sketch comedy right, skirt the I'm watching. I have a watch any of it. I haven't heard anything nothing about I have heard you I watch look kind of for nobody is passed me one of their videos. People used to talk about it's in the hall all the time when they were first on all the time. Their great nanda So here's what did the so. I don't know what they're doing now. They have a show again, maybe lodgings the elders, and could you could you, google?
the kids in the hall of their show still honour these on amazon. It still on with our hulu remsen were so they amazon, so here's an old sketch I picked up. They wrote this like thirty years ago. So look how good this sketch stands up for. It's like they wrote it today. watch this everyone tat chair maybe tackling when it what is one of the most fundamental yet one of the most demanding drawing exercises that any aspiring artist may undertake work. We're gonna be sketching that female new today I ask you not to focus on portraiture so much at this point, just focus on on online winds and shadow and form okay, sylvia, if you please heh, heh, heh, heh, heh heh. Yes, yes, excuse me, MR dwyer, but I I took this class, on how to sketch out some poor female mood.
In about ongoing. No, no we're just going to observe line and in an shadow and use economic repression to once again exploit a woman's by Guess what we're doing here? Not an excuse me sister, are you been paid? Yes, looks like it is, of course, he's being pages of professional artist moonlight. I see no reason why we shouldn't user, you, sir, you, sir you I wish you could hear yourself. Sir remember language is a virus. While I write literally mean to infect anyone. That's no excuse. Sexism, in any context, is never appropriate. But what about our charcoal technique. Don't change the subject here, sir. This class is a travesty that poor woman child is just another victim of the patriarchy. She is a crime
cry only that it is also a racist comments. Drummed woman represents the same. Why image of beauty than oppressed women it was said: jerry, hate crime, hey models of color, the people of girl behind capable the elderly. queer naked fat black crippled dykes? hard to say I'm sorry, I said that I, a white male radical up my black egg, I'm just trying to understand your black anger, tell me again? Thank you. I understand sir you'll, be only one alternative must walk out, copper boy.
of your classes, anybody who stays is obviously a racist homophobe. You know these issues are certainly bowed and we going to have this discussion by well. Ok, I assume we have serious artists laughed sylvia. If you please come on. Take it off yeah, everyone else can move it move it out. I'm disgusted, I am I'm terribly I'm so sorry as I'm sylvie, I'm just they could have written that five days from now. Well, I'll tell you what I realized when I watch it again that this predates, but without cause all that kind of feminist has been kicked out by translating so the woman exploitation thing is no longer thing, but pro exploitation. You know
ah well. I know I asked my gay prince told me that to be a straight gay guy knows I basically just beings, they mean to be a. to be a gay guy assists assists gag isis gendered gig, I dig did he said it's like you're, not even part of the elderly bt community anymore. You can be like your part. You're. Almost the enemy cause your sis, yet you can be as clear and street like like heterosexual and clear, and the thing you can be. You can be straight an queer while the one because she has got ahead of us- is I just fine you that magazine all about it. This couple, that's a quick up. What's a man and a woman will go and that's how much it's like a phoney like commodified, identity and magazines, or so
when get you know like as yet all the men wear skirts sounds like brad pitt as a skirt there's some kind of sales thing. I thought he did that because he's selling isn't he have like a perfume or something wouldn't that. Why did he do that? He I'm sure it's to sell something I watch was articles about. Men are wearing pearls now and I was like and I looked it up and I saw like twenty outlets with the same, so it's gotta be some perl company or something pays for the pr to do that. When I got it's just like some white rat that was wearing that skirt, I thought it was a microphone. I thought it was one of his children he one to show that he was also open to like just couldn't key selling. Where you'd like to wear. I think he's goods, But you know what I could be wrong and muttered regarding these occur above freedom either, so I'm a sinner anyway again out. I'm very pro of the whole thing, the whole algae BT, Q. Very pro, the aid. The aid have not.
I don't even know all the letters to the They are heading e now for eunuch naw. I you think I'm kidding, I thought a sexual with women, covered in that cover that you would think who the heck is like a eunuch regard, a harem like I don't know that, but that's a thing! That's a real thing! Look it up. You think I'm getting No, I believe you as guidance, fomenting street and johnson midi somewhere the chimney to show first up jug stewart reason why I have the honour on and is because I wanted to ladys perspective or get because a couple, a lady war criminals,
miranda john stewart show. Women can do it just as well as men sometime. Sometimes better David Feldman had used. I have a great joke and I'm going to butcher it, but it was about a cat. We just want a woman to be president, because when women are yours they don't star wars than he would just start, except for every woman who was the leader of a country's zeal area. So just steward had done to war, criminals, candy and hilary. And well let's start off with this. So I'm just going to tell you It's a lot harder to watched and you think I'm not kidding. I can't I can't watch it. There's like forty. If someone it's of it I've. I've literally only watched about three or four minutes of it, just just the clips that people put together for the show. I had to stop it every few days, just to put a line on that. I mean I mean honest to god. This is a jot. Now
Let me just say this about John Stewart. John Stewart is I am not in his league when it comes to brown from breaking. He did a whole different kind of comedy. He introduced people to, and nobody did it better than him and he won a million emmys and he should but there's something that, happens when you are at the top of society for thirty years and you're a millionaire for their just them. Increases is written about it about in the while I have the lead, but just being in the room with those people are just changes. You rocco bomber talked about is being in the room with those people, our changes, you, and so, when he's, but in the room for thirty years with those people in this- and this in our view, what I was wondering how change you if you want to stay in the room with those people, s rights, and why the fuck you wanna interview these people in the first place, unless you want to really stick to them. Why would you want to interview them anyway? This is so unbelievable I gotta warn you. I gotta do one of these trigger warnings because I needed one the do
then together is a bit much. This is unbelievable, It is unbelievable. He going to play. Maybe a couple of minutes of the interview cause. I can't stand that, but let her we go here we go know just very briefly in libya. Cosette was on my watch, but this is not again, none of them and then I don't know if you notice what he did. There were good and this is not a water related get you don't have to do. I got the ground rules from your staff. Don't worry, I'm not, asking you to relate a gate tat. Will he also thinks, like member those the thing to restore sanity, Will he rattle is like, but you still over all good, unlike luke skywalker film, but darth vader I know there is good news that he has that color. She heard a middle class I had you know I mean, since you bring that up. I was I actually travelled. I was living in michigan still I was a kid
Basically at the time- and I I organize my friends in school- and we took a bus to dc just to come to the rally to restore sanity, because it was billed as this great coming together of people who really want the chain, I need built the whole thing up to this speech over he compared: u s politics to the belt way, Egypt! I do know you put actually put the you like. The wood beltway, meaning the highway that you put a video of the cars merging right, yes and he's like we just take turns and like they do what they want, and then we do what they are? We let our neighbor in and we get to go in and like that's, how us politics should work, and it's like what do you mean? I thought I mean even according to these people that you know. Oh, they just take away our abortion one year and then we it, but that's how they keep the political raid going. Is that like they take the give and take
it was. I mean he didn't sum it up pretty. Well, he should call it. The obama years went fine for me parade yeah. We had our time and now we're gonna hand it back to them, and then I thought he was handing trump or do we put picture over Noah like to cut the daily show's face, so no one could have it again like That's what I thought. No, that was his thirty million dollar dippy liberal idea. Why again trevor Noah guy preside. It could be, as I am not sure why I thought it was the same thing about, and anyway, let's get this was get to this but I want to make a larger point because you know Gaddafi was a bad actor. Everybody knew it was through actor and charges. Sure sure sure, unlike you, people like you I'd like you, An unbelievable speaking of actors no. If you saw hilary performance as a progressive loves hearts us for it
it wasn't exactly a golden global. They keep their and our curse. Here we got so at this. again. This is stunning she says cannot be was about. Could daffy had best standard of living for his people in africa? What What why he was a bad actor was because he wanted to take the oil and keep it for his people. and he wanted to develop a currency just for africa, and so you can do either of those things and that's why he was a kid uncle bad actor. His people are the high standard of living in africa, so anyway that so this is propaganda that John I do know that cracks could just look it up. Please do not say you or me if I'm wrong but anyway, but here's John stewart just confirming their propaganda he's not like used to be the best person in the world at exposing propaganda, and that's
why it's so unbelievable that now, with this You sure you want to know what this is he's just. I guess he lost all his good writers or something, but this is not only that this is mental he's trying to like. Ok, ok, I don't get defensive. I just wanted to Think of maybe we should think a little his while saving measure gets here. We go Jimmy's, rightly what your standard of that When I was right about that there, the high standard of living in africa, we had never got one soldiers down there. You go came in to erect that country will hang out here. It gives us a couple of years, you're welcome people by cockroach. Ok, let's get a running just very briefly. In libya, Cosette was on my watch, but this is You know about my life, but I want to make a larger point because you know Gaddafi was a bad actor. Everybody knew it was correct or an he threatened to kill us people by cockroaches Also,
so we decided will kill his people like congress, because, unlike arabs, we follow through my got cut off. He threatened to kill his people. Like cockroaches, I knew about the viagra rape would but the cockroach executions am. I missing, I thought you said, kill people by cockroaches net, like That's what I heard her say my warm, but will it meet be unleashing a plague you? It was director an he threatened to kill us people by cockroach by cockroaches. No, I think I am I wrong and she's done- that I, like one of his things, is like I'll, kill you broke out larger, like cockroaches here, because you know he gave out via writing, candied, candy, just kill his own people in a civilised way. Like you know, pricing them out of insulin, nothing like a good after cod, ok, anyone!
that doing the creepy laugh. You know she wants do is just sitting there all the time she wants to do it here it is. The united states was actually the supporter of Europe, in countries through nato and the arab league, which for the very first time, came and said, we want to be part of trying to protect the people of libya. Now that's they wanted to the arab. For the very first time, europe and the arab league came together and said we wanted steel. Libya's oil can pretend we give a shit about their people its time and what a special moment of togetherness and his recalls go ahead. You just jump in there
I dunno if we want to listen to the full clip or stop it, and if we're going to stop on this point, I just want to note she says. For the first time the arab league requested help in holding a nation accountable. Well at that time it was in the midst of the arab spring, which was essentially a qatari the us backed movement to said, Blythe go ahead, I'm sorry go ahead. Independent arab states, particularly libya, syria, and and and and the qatar is at that time we're actually funding is islamic groups in libya, just like, as we saw in syria, they did an over to destabilize, gaddafi and and overthrow the government, and so it was kind of like the guitars were doing
and then coming to the: u s and asking for more help. It wasn't as though the arab world came together to find anything. They were starting the fire and then ask for help to go in for more gasoline on the fire and the way she presented as though phony encourage. You were right to bring up the viagra story very carefully mentioned only the cockroaches quote, which its true gaddafi com. here. The protesters at the time to cockroach wasn't you'd using them to kill them. It was there like that he as computer them to cockroaches, and then he did wage war on them. For the reasons that I just described, they were actually violent militias insurgents, foreign back insurgents, they ended up yet raping human with a ban. And that's how it all ended, because those are the cockroaches. He was talking about the role libya today, so I dunno why mrs basket of deplorables is so
caught up in, like she laughed out, she left out the viagra story, because that story was so thick and they did use that in order to justify the intervention, but has been so systematically debunked that she couldn't even mention the biography story. They can only mention and now with relation to ukraine and that's not any kind of war, and that is a a common technique that they use as us as a profit. And a tool as they say, though, that the peace that we are against our raping people. They do. right now they just what the greatly delighted and again Are the grey zone just had a big experts say that the woman from the? U n admitted that they were not all and then the woman two of them anyway, so they do this all the time kind of like tenure, synergy advertisements for via a group of other be were at once. You say, and I think we need to intervene now and it just for the record. The
hurry news outlets? Al Jazeera was the main ally that propagated the claim that Gaddafi's workers were raping people with by agora. Again they were the ones behind this, their hosting the world cup right. Now, let's get back to this, so I feel that that particular intervention. We had certain capabilities militarily that nobody else have which we used to assist. Them, but you know the marauders were flying and the jordanian rattling etc. That's great arab nations that morocco is It's a problem, and this is where I think you you make a really good point. The problem is, okay, gaddafi is gone and his horrible prisons are emptied. What comes next right?
What well? What comes next is chattel slavery. That's what came next hilary, the entire countries now worse than get up these horrible prisons is what came next hilary on your cycle. Paths watch, which makes you actually worse than could daphne. What came next Jesus Christ? Sorry, it will never know whose now that's always. there's always a bit of doubt, always a problem. The question is, then paragon. I want it has there's always a vacuum. Yes, there's a vacuum kurt. We know that now a vacuum that report requires a blue, big red white and blue cock, libya's like a watch and woman with no one to fuck. Her ya know what happens next. That's that what are
What the question do you read, wait, wait and blew the french were then the main beneficiaries of this, the main the former cologne power, hersey right. They came in and looted friend libyan bank assets. Took all the gold. All I mean, that's all infringe bank accounts. Now, though, I mean that's not even just google, it red white and blue from the united states and russia, again John stewart not pushing back one bit on any of this it it's it's like candice. One is doing that now. I don't even know what I don't want in sulk in his own zone, harder question as rice. That's right! That was let me retract that I were iron at the thought, but I retract that you're right this is just and whatever he's doing, I don't know this him stephen colbert. They went from being the best to the absolutely biggest chills for the established I ve ever see. There's amazing. He still believes, like you, people, like you, things like bruce spring spring scenes the working man
yeah I'd still to this day here here we go because look dictators don't allow institutions to flourish. So when you take the dictator out, there are no institutions so that the dirty job. That's right! That's right! You know your stuff. As Jimmy re pointed out, the high living standards in libya was a result of the fact they had actual stay. Institutions that have already been the unlike the rest of the region and then yeah his prisons were empty because they let a bunch of crazy islamists out of jail, I mean that is what happened in a local institutions it? How do I, then there are the big they had to do better by the institutions. That's what they did exactly right, but the question becomes: do you then say led, could go ahead and kill us people cast it's gonna be hard afterwards, yeah! That's the question the question is then dealer cut off. He kill his own people. The way you know you let other countries killer people as long as they stay on the backs of my right off.
Do you kill both him and his people yourself along? With a coalition of people, killers cosette, so they decided to do and then you just do the best you can. I guess, which happens to be worse than sit armor gaddafi. So at all We decided to the approach like alcoholics. If our alcohol was mass murder here we go or in our case we thought saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. You gonna, let that continue. Are you going to take him out and then do the best you can in so he he just lets her say it. He just lets her state that debunked lie from twenty. Two years ago, we debunk that John, you are at the forefront of divine it. Do you, well. They planted those weapons of mass destruction stories. You know they planned this. You know the the project for a new, a new american century. You know all this that they wanted to do all those you saw west west clark talk about all those
countries they had planned on going in do after you know this is all bullshit any just sits there. Look it up like a good boy, he's turned into Andy richter. Like you, just a good boy jury. I saw the little dismayed honestly, not yet let's see where you go with those ga break their walk right into his his frost, phoenix entrap. About the mail at my own. I bet I bet that's what it is. He's rope, adult piggies, making them think lulling them into a year is largely now for the big thing people to recover. You have to recognise that it's gonna be hard once you take the dictator out, but It's a little bit of a false choice to say: well, then, just leave the dictator in place because it won't be chaotic it it's a false choice. Current dude, we know it's a false choice: gaudy there were no weapons of mass destruction. You didn't think there were either you you knew their words.
You are happy to kill your own people in the need was killing of saddam hussein and his people, the not what he should I get it? I didn't. I tell you, it may not be chaotic if we tabled at my own level against the people. If we take that role on, can we sustain as a country. You know when you think that's that question back there. It is the hammer, that's awesome, yeah, guess what I'm saying is I'm willing to give you a pass on the outrageous statements they came out of bolster depraved mouse? camera just now, but can I at least tap italy bring out how this is also not good for our empire fiscally. bigger that's what he did what is it sustainable is sustainable kind, is mass murder for an raping and pillaging of poorer and less strong countries.
Of their natural resources. Is this sustainable he's got me, can we sustain empire, he say: can we afford to do that now? Can we afford not to do but wait I'll get. This is this is this is done were meeting? This is what you would weaken the if we tabled at my own level against the people. If we take that role on, can we sustain as I think about that girl came we. Why can you talk is way too easy? he we sister, I never thought about their job. That's bad for our treasury. Do John stewart a normal! thirty years psychopath, but John stewart understanding, judging by all worlds, blew my more jobs. Do pretending that the propaganda of why we went into libya and why we went into Iraq and why
we're doing yemen and why we did Afghanistan and why we still have troops in Syria he's pretending that the propaganda is true, because he knows how important it is he's a pretending that the propaganda is true kurt because he is and what the deplorable the wrong idea, these I mean this is a little looks like you so John stewart, while being a hero to make immediately in a lot of ways and much than me. and smarter and all that stuff, I'm not fitted strain issues, but he is being a fuckin war pig at an embarrassment to not only whatever the hit as it does now for a living, but to copy what the fuck are. You you even doing what is The point is this: I I look the other way when you gave a nazi of fuckin metal. look the other way. This is the on forgivable, and you will never apologize for dislike hidden, but that's that
what an apology I just don't get? I don't care, I don't fuck and care, I don't need it anything from John stewart? But this is heartbreaking because john. You were so good at what you did. You are the best, and now you have this gravitas and throwing it away. you're, throwing it away to prop up fuckin blood soaked war pigs. To even have I could see. Ok, you wanna be a chump. Hilary cause. I guess you ain't gonna come over time, but you have her an congolese arise at the centre of the focal points, not even a job. At the same time, he has them and that's not blow in his mind. After twenty years they re talking about various ways of using eyes. I believe in Hilary somebody thought is clearly still doesn't understand what how how the war machine works. He still, is playing dumb he's opening stupid. He knows
how the warm- and he knows why we go- we went into libya. He knows why we wanted to rack. He knows why words still in syria. He knows why we state in fuck in afghanistan for twenty years. It's it's an exchange. Its add two trends. Money from the treasury to the military industrial complex and that's exactly what do you think we're in ukraine john? I know you're given metals the nazis, your pretending to not know just like the rest of them. This is how you have you see. I can't get thrown over the staring out something writ right now Jimmy. I just want you to know and recognise the title of this part. Gas is called. the problem with John stewart: no jobs returns raise the problem will be resolved. turns out? He wanted to wreck his legacy. Ok by doing the shady you show in the world, you know he's shows nominated for a fuckin emmy, I'm sure this right is not at this stage.
That now? It doesn't matter how fuckin bad it is. What you're doing what was a gave? Obama nobel peace prize rang it's wrong! That's right now What's that they gave the white helmets fuck it an academy award. Are let's get back to you, see what I'm talking about a brutal. This is its non. Stop like this. Ok, here we go. the soviet union's collapse they over extended and their guns. Arms race with us- and they had all these satellites, are we over extending america's power, especially militarily? When you talk about an eight hundred billion dollar defence budgets, soon, instead of instead of being in a pot studio, we urge the situation so that so he just keeps asking that same question about them. It's ok. I of course owners and you're, both unrepented war criminals, and I thank you both for your service. What do you ever worry that we can afford to keep being the world's worst terrorist state? That's all he cares about
Can we afford to reach their hearts? The azure only way in is that when all these people are caught road use it as the great gaddafi's. I might have to be sick who our powers being stretched. Do there What about all my someone think of the power? What about our power or in the tank in the debate department, wherever we were ok and we're, saying, ok, What do you see on the horizon? Well rose. Korea is shooting these figures missiles over our Our ally, Japan. China is trying to build up It's a blue water navy so that it can compete with us anywhere in the world yell at Hillary adamantly keeping an eye on the chinese navy. That's how Hillary spends her days in between rounds of angry birds. She just those outfits, a chinese old navy
That's uses the term that I've only ever heard sovereign jedi use from breaking points. Is this, as he said, do you know? state should be the only standing blue water navy. What is blue water? Why did they throw that it? What color is water other parts of the world's all blue water? What do they know outstanding blue water navy, all a blue water naval. Maybe the space davy the trial. Is there a space navy says here which was, as it says, blue water navy, so that it can compete with us anywhere in the world you. Why do they throw in blue water? Let's go like hold for each other, like at sea at the sex party later southern, like blue whale, no blue water right put on europe, persona mask here. We go he's got you know, the russia, china, John stewart doesn't he looks like he doesn't know whether the cry or hang up
metal around their neck at disneyworld. Right now, the relationship it's tricky, but we have to watch it really carefully because we don't know where that might lead at we've got. Iran still have the very bad actor and probably addition to kill if we just forget, destroyed the country next to them. We just did that on five july. We destroy that, but there the bad actor The other country- that's, never invaded anybody else. Ok boats I was always Jimmy. What are you not kill them? They just keep saying Libya Could I be bad? Actor ran bad actor sit on back, so we just gets it. We have a thousand bill. Very basis or a jet stood. Just sits there like a like a good boy. He is all it took from his interview. a bad idea by doktor blue water navy. Why What's he showing us the problem? There, people will cause some eggs
colonel problems, nor take people's minds that we have a lot of issues. So do we just sit back and hope for the best or have we try to be position? in another laser with enough support that we can be a good ally to those so he's just sitting there, letting them pretend that the surface or of why we invade countries and steal their natural resources is real. He's saying there please just sitting there letting them pretend that our foreign policy is based on our actual security, our foreign policy. Making us less secure every day and creating terrorised by the thousands around the world, because we are decimating the work. We are the ones who set the middle east on fire and are continuing to do it and now we're fighting proxy war ended. The rest of europe is getting sick and tired of with us fighting new grain it we were blowing words, its work blowing up Nord stream gas pipeline or combating terror acts in turkey, where
turning on our own alleys of their allies? If they don't go along with our proxy war near great, we are talking about the bad actor we the jean claude van damme of the fuckin world? Are you kidding me? The goal of Steven seagal was a goal less Joe Steven seagal. We have a lot of issues. Okay, are you saying we're supposed to just sit back and stop causing more is right, but the ones the rails flop so all these problems anyway. Here we go we're counting as and you have to watch the potential rise of terrorism again, so you have while you have to watch out for people with not big missiles and shit like us, authoritarian im from home now, yeah sure we like really focused here plate, but I'm just say: should the united states be selective in the use of its military power? Yes, right just says: is that right, right right. What the fuck is wrong with things the prominence do stewart is balls, fell off. The judgments on that matter is stewart
rate of being made to hum it means that he fought shanghai did both of them to do John stewart at one point me has to lead them to keep talking what what what's this date? What's they keep pretending to? ages, he yeah he's they're having a protect. This is a pretend conversation cost just repeating propaganda that they put in the newspaper to sell the war and John, pretending like that's real? Well, you can see how one thing else ever John stewart, you talk as you did uncle bear bring up the lab thing. You could see, phase that he knows he's a bedrock now? Why would he do it there? What's what's eating? I warn restore sent that stupid thing with the who way cars. Do you started out as and give a shit about that was twelve years ago? If we could just returned the obama times, I know it will be, but I was it is this how he makes up for hang a metal around a nazi? Oh, this is how he makes up for saying the lab league thing and stephen call bear some always gotta go
super hard, shit, limb shelly. I guess the highway inside of John stewart us to let cars from that matter I know every and he had when he was speaking to Stephen Colbert. He probably wasn't as scripted as he is right now in this interview, and I I just think this is a genius piece of propaganda, for the reasons that you and Kurt have brought up said Jimmy you're, commenting on the fact that Jon Stewart is supposed to be this comedian that we all look to to butcher the establishment and tell us what's really going on
and and and call em out for their lives and make find them bore it? And courier noting or earlier you pointed out, why is kind of these rights included, but its very it's very crafty, I think what's going on here is a third speaking too true. Secretaries of state who came from two different administrations- the bush administration in the obama administration that are supposed to be super different right, royal brazier, crazy old cowboy, bush and then buried. It educated, harvard obama who rose and became president. The first black president of the united states, and these were there to separately, of states where there are women, so they're they're, more presentable in this interview with with Jon stewart, then I dunno, for example, John Kerry might be in Hillary's case she's, also like one of the most hawkish and cant consequential figures in our recent history
and what they're doing here s covering for their world view and for the policies that bayberry that at the havoc bayberry down the world and agreeing and presenting it as though they are too you know they represent two parties. I listen to the full interview, though at times congolese arise will detract from hilary in seem to present a republican point of view. For example, saying: oh will people in the middle of the country are alienated by the elite on either caused, and so you get this false idea that their speaking for the two different
hands in this country, and then you have John stewart just weighing the clown like, but but what? If we do it over, extend ourselves didn't even for his having to challenge them last as warring? None of them are confronting the base of their ideology, which is just empire bogus human rights, narrative and american exceptionalism in its very powerful, when presented like this because again its supposedly blurring partisan lines and then also bring up a cultural clown figure John Stewart, what a shiny bow on it very well said. I gotta play the rest of this video good luck, I'll get you on the whole thing. No, no! No! No! This guy, not on your last all they act. My eyes almost came out of my head when I heard that John Stewart should make like a movie about your deal of watching citizens on climate line. I listen to it. Aren't you time speed
Oh so you got through it in twenty two minutes. Oh that's different! Okay! I didn't have to look at them there. It's really more upsetting when you have to well they're, both wearing green, which is the real reason for all those wars. They're talking about after afghanistan and Iraq, which we did for secure, the recent stock as we wanted at gunpoint, but for security reasons, we just went alone. We wait but always present, so he just What's your said, he let's say it he lets he just gives validity to it. He went exposing these people to validating them. This is the This is mind. Boggling man says like an awful liberal parents. So I guess when you were crabby kid like ok, but would you think Maybe what knight keep doing- What do you think I got you keep doing. Ok, honey, So I don't know how many millions of dollars John stewart is worth. It doesn't make him a bad person. I'm envious, amended spot certainly changes you.
so I'm sure he's worth at least fifty million dollars, or maybe a hundred and look at his face very nowhere- monies relevant there. There was in it and I like the worst thousand dollars shouldn t, shirts and young, but but this did that This is almost a deuce every good thing he did almost it doesn't. He still has Maybe that's because it takes that legacy and then says this is what I'm using it for here. If I ever did all the conditioning that I ever you know everything that I ever instilled in people about questioning and by inspired you to do that now. You still respect me and I want you to believe the as there is like very it's very dangerous. You know or not know. Why, when he came around to promote his show, he did breaking points of all. The youtube shows: that's the one he did because they agree with his stupid foreign policies. Shit do reminds me of like one of these adults that is like really into disneyworld, but not they don't bring any kids. They just go themselves.
then hang about a lot a nazi. This is unbelievable. You still believe in dizzy magic! That's what I think his thing as and he wants to really bad the way cobia wants to believe in the church. Yes, go colbert does believe in the catholic church, though we were told that spreading democracy would make the world safer. Big. african countries were well, I think, if you actually look at the record democrat, a democratic countries actually dont eight, their neighbors stem. I mean he's just sitting. There are letting them say there. Take it down the street. You want invade somewhere. You too, you only know. Do it to mexico, canada, but we do alike in yemen, we do it in a game. Is there we would have lately in iraq and IRAN, Syria, we don't need the opium. Oh, we do it, but his way allow bag bag, but not unable keep it. Maybe my jelly, a malaria, bang bang. We need shit,
What's all our lithium do not only the vulcan rocks The blazing there like animals that attack their neighbour, we're gonna, bring some democracy. So you pricks, don't forget and beg your neighbors. That's all we. trying to do over. They were trying to bring some democracy to a wreck. So they. Wouldn't invade the other countries, but now we have to go and invade those other countries ourselves a be a shame. If something were to happen to this regime, oh and ice regime, you got there John stewart his fucking sitting there pretending this is real. This is a pretence conversation. What jobs it is doing. If you had a c, I a man sitting in that chair, he could not do a better job of John Stewart is doing right now to rehabilitate these two blood soaked war. Pigs vehicles, podcast that blood slots, more pays change. The title of the proposal to that on the prohibition on skid, Stuart is doubt: harper terrorist democratic countries, dont use weapons of best structure, so I will you were the only country that ever you
nuclear weapons now, starting now going forward with only country, the Jews, nuclear weapons plus we use phosphorus. We used chemical. What we do, every horrible thing you can t. We run a good torture programme. Still to this day she helped head up a torture programme. These should all be in jail. Will you know what this is? It's like when a when I went in you know in the bible study area. You know, god kills the firstborn of egypt, approve tomorrow evening. How can do those sagramore god does it so a great deal was gets his god, the trade just like the united states yet, but I forgot the game
go harbor, but they have a really can't be harder. I mean that, but just planned in my aided there. Nor did I too shy to always be knocked about countries. I'm not disagreeing with your anything ever get you I get you don't we were on the same page. It we're all we're all hundred million urge that we offer could love each other right wilderness each other at the party later on. We can restore sanity, destroy but always try to look. The converse height judge has they Have in some of these weak states terrorist among them, would you rather have somebody who is actually harbouring them and addressing them? So let's wait. A second point is that What's he gonna Anya, you mean the united states and its allies in the terrorists in libya in Iraq. I will read up with them now and soon we have like he's just pretending that this is just I can't well, I gotta keep going. Yes, we need to be more selective, but I would be the strongest voice as I know, Hilary is when Vladimir Putin decides to extinguish his neighbour.
Did the united states really just back from that and say? Well, you know that's kind of your business after all ukraine, but with what, when we wanted to extinguish Syria, that's ok! When we why'd you extinguish afghanistan for twenty years, that's ok. We wanted to accede. which libya and turn it into a failed state which labour markets that was, Ok, we want to do in the far we because we when he doesn't say that nothing when put wants to extinguishers neighbour, we supposed to take a step back that and stop directly trying to can do that. He must have that a part of the russian empire and so forth, and there are some people in the united states who would say not in ukraine. Let's do it into mine, and I think in fact, is that it is the more We are going to blow up their gas pipe so hilarious that they pretend to give a shit about the people in des moines. Isn't that hilarious? Those that basket of cockroaches still recall that I can't
do this anymore. I'm not! I can't watch anymore this. I would do nothing else. Oh yeah, we're going to spend in des moines does people that didn't want to vote for males yeah? I don't I wouldn't Your trip to look out and let alone can I just say the things I did. I don't watch I listen to where I want to share one exchange with you between Hillary Clinton and John Stewart. That happens right at the beginning of the podcast. I think it sets up everything that we have just been discussing, because basically John Stewart begins everything by saying we're going to talk to secretary of state. Hillary Clinton and Congolese arise about the state of democracy, and not just here at home, but really in the world, and what's america's role in promoting or promoting such things?
Should we really be doing this blah blah blah hill air? Now Jon stewart comes in and he's acting like he is so educated about history. He says you know, I remember the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of history and american power was going to be expanded throughout the world an extended. There were no more questions about this anymore
war and that last did I guess around a week, so he'd actually presenting that narrative of somebody as something that was positive, but just unfortunately didn't last. But hilary comes in and says. I think the reason there having this conversation is because we are worried about the state of democracy not only around the world but in our own country. So there are considerable stresses on this system that was built up over so many years and, of course, in my opinion, served our country and the world very well. When, like have you gone outside recently in the united states, have you checked in on any of these countries that we ve been discussing like the system that she's referring to has not serve this country? Well, it has not serve the rest of the world. Well, this end of history. You know united states promoting democracy and human rights,
it resulted in destruction around the world and more poverty here in the united states, and she actually outright says that she thinks is worked out. Well was the only one now everybody in that room, including John stewart. Apparently it's a little kay. make sure the tensions within a merger between liberal choices, consorted voices, the populist movements that are coming on our reactions do their pendulum swings of what people perceive as prosecutions that we see those for luncheon america. Now, if we look at it in the world, have the actions of america led to a more unstable and global situation that has inflamed populism in this country? Inflamed and you're gonna help explain what I mean. You talked earlier about the buckets defence development and dishonest, focusing our priorities as a country, since we were to have really all the conversations are you talking about, but there is also this other sort of his eyes in our work.
military industrial complex. The kind of has a mind on its own. Not I'll give you the example they parted, but it is one that kind of that kind of kind. A kind of has a mind of its own kind dive. Why are you awake What did what is this under this unbelievable nuclear level understatement, because how if we allow to talk to the true them together, unless he was gonna, ask in the most punkahs, why would they would even be there? I'm sure you think something Goods gonna come of this. I bet he does you can't even get a have them on your things. Sure I'll need. You want to say some thought not just that it doesn't necessarily have a mind of its own. It's not even just about the military contractor it's about the banks and the oil, the real financial interests that the pentagon represent? They also happen to pay. Hillary Clinton and Congolese arises salaries. They don't need to all the universities. They don't aid to all. This
think tanks. They are the ones that use the military to go and open up markets. They use the pretext of humanitarian intervention to do so and that this is what their defending. This is. The world system that bear doesn't in an interview because it made them all very rain us going or japan. Just do it did this by apple tv, so who's paying rights, Jimmy just rely dominant ok, we'll begin giggle and state budget budgets what fifty billion they giggle, aha,
it was a dictator just stick raped if she's getting the lockheed martin topic and got seventy some billion dollars just by itself, and if you think about it budget as a set of priorities, if we're giving one defense contractor, we sell arms to over one hundred countries, we sell arms to countries we sanction, we have. There are conflicts in the world where both sides are using us armaments. You know turkey and the syrian kurds is our inability to control that aspect of our society, sowing the seeds for the ins, ability that we see. That's the that's his question. If he could just make him think that's his question. You know he just gives get their mind. Am I out of my miners? That was that it is that not the question he thinks he's trying, but what he is really doing here is Hillary and it started with them saying only the ten billion dollars the state department for usa Id. Oh, it should be more, that's what he says:
mark the state department, and you as the ideal is another wing, an arm of the military industrial, complex of war, the war in ukraine. It wouldn't be happening right now without the state department and the usa idea, intervention and ukraine that overthrew the government put in the pro western government and started the civil war in ukraine to begin with. So they I mean- and it's true, I think Hillary Clinton Congolese arise. They prefer the covert dirty war operations. They would rather be using the state department and you as the idea to just destabilize the world through like stony human rights groups and media organisations, and journalists. Standing up to victor were born like that's what they want to do and then, when the time comes and all the matches that they like that, they lay action,
light up, then the military comes in, but there are not two separate things in what john stewart supporting here is still the same thing. I could your left wing you. That means he likes obama, robot style, killing, not boots on the ground. They like diplomacy. Here we go around the world, that's leading to this more populist, illiberal pendulums. When and how do we reign that in I want? I understand the question I I do think it's it's worth exploring and I'll get to that in a minute, but I think it was historically inaccurate to say that our defense budget or our arms sale has promoted the authoritarian. Houses in which orban, who is an ally for two lattimer, put these two regions I'd like that. I don't see the correlation they're going to draw up a new world kills people, and this is likely to get this, not a brilliant honestly this. Again I swear to god about not back and ask your question, please.
I'm not going to expose. He also said that, like there's a gun pointed at me like honestly, I'm not I'm honestly pleased to be on that list. Obviously, I'm not breaking the ground rules of our interview cause! That's what that that's! What that is there's They have ground rules for the interview and he's not gonna break it. Clearly, I'm not doing that. He said what is the this is. I can. This is hurting our weapon in libya. We we take out authoritarian leader through military action, but we don't have the civic institutions that you talk about to back that up and it creates instability or what happened in Iraq and afghanistan. There is an a chaos that is born of that right. Suddenly, you have thirty five million displaced individuals who migrate towards europe. Europe feels the heat of what they consider this other that is coming to their borders. It creates the impetus for more populist, more illiberal, more authoritarian impulses to then gain traction democratically
Those are a direct result of american military intervention. What can it on the other candied talk about that look. I think so. So what he just said is us going in bombing the shit out of muslims for eight years and Barack obama was president, creates a lot of refugees, that then want to go to other countries, and then the other countries become right wing authoritarian who are then cracking down against refugees and immigrants and creates all this Closet, that's what he's trying to say, but he said it in such a stupid, fucking mealy mouthed over decayed, dumb guy way of stocking that nobody knows what he's fucking, meaning except other propagandists bullshit like fuckin her in on the libya point. This is just such a great anxiety if he knew anything he could have presented a concrete example. If you remember the manchester attack, at the oriana grinding consular area. Soon them that was carried out by a libyan national would actually fall
add in the NATO war, on the side of nato as the militia fighter against the libyan government, and there is actually recording of gaddafi on the phone with a. I believe it was tony blair who wasn't prime minister at the time, but was obviously involved and in negotiations. I think he was a backdoor to gaddafi at the time and he was warning him. Gaddafi was saying, look if you let my country fall apart and create a bastion of radical islamic terror groups in north africa, you're going to be getting these attacks in europe, and then it happened. It happened long after gaddafi was dead, but that I mean that is Hillary Clinton's legacy, a bunch of little girls killed at a concert in Ariana Grande and therapy for life because she watched it happen.
It's very hard to lump even the examples you just put together into one bucket and say that then cause dislocation that dislocation meant refugees to the shores of europe, in that they took a million syrian refugees. United states had nothing to do with bashar, Al Assad. Nothin. So a year the germany took it a million refugees. So everything's ok thought you fire anything. If you play the rest of what you said here that I will and then she says they're doing work had nothing to do with. Belarus is a shot in syria. Waiting borders with russia and IRAN to suppress legitimate descent. She took a million refugees and germany did not turn in hungary. So go ahead on you now I mean what she says: she so crafty there, because she's, like the united states, had nothing to do with the charles are doing that. The unit
If they had every I'm worried, then aside and russia and IRAN were fighting- u s backed turkish backed qatar, hurry back saudi back islamism, syria to do the same thing that they did to libya. Fortunately, hilary when didn't stay in office. Long enough to see it through in syria, but member administrashn set aside must go Assad earth. Her, oh bomb is administration where he served us as I must go, I thought is still there, but of course, that refugee crisis also have everything to do with you as policy. I just can't believe the John Stewart. I didn't it so easy to retorted everything she said, but he didn't they didn't is a good boy. Don't you understand, I don't know what I'm gonna. Do we not believe me looking all right well on you. I really appreciate your comments on thanks for lending ura, your expert.
it an opinion on this matter. It's just I I'm. I don't even know if I could go on with the rest of the show. After this I swear to god, you have a long list. It's like. I know I got a lot of stuff like thanksgiving cooking spray knows. I spent like an hour on this. One story known gave thanks on you. Don't do it by hey, an old here's. Another great way you can help support the show. You should become a premium, We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show. can do it by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking on join premium and supposed affordable previous programme and the business and its agree, way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards, thanks for everyone, who was already a premium member- and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support So this is how
propaganda in war works. Russian soldiers are supply, with viagra to rape, ukrainian women and dehumanize them claims you an official, I agree, should stop selling to them. Are you an official told a p? Russian soldiers are being supplied with viagra to rape ukrainian women priscilla path, the? U un special representative on sexual violence says it's clearly a military strategy. She said that the union had verified more than a high good rapes or sexual assault cases and rush invaded ukraine should pfizer step in and say: hey no more via review guys. Why would they step again doing up a wired? They will turn out. That's bullshit, of course that are more profit. Gender, but I like that business insider, just prince it uncritically and then at the end it says top editors. The stories you want delivered right into your inbox each week. Tat. Do you want some,
It began at delivered right and we will give you the russia hate stories. You like an hour. I'm relieved because I knew pfizer. Would let me down by supporting us. That's right so It's out. It's a lie: russia, using rape as military strategy in ukraine. That's allied look there. The cnn reports in our strategy? No yeah, here's from max Blumenthal the entire western media and slots. Version promote The! U n envoys claim that russian soldiers were out of agrifuels rampage a new crazy, the lessons of the exact elizabeth! That is what they do. You, Christ The u N envoy now admits she had no proof and was influenced by an ex ukrainian official whose confessed to lie. Ok, just like because she does lie so why would they? I don't know
anything about! Slabs she jack I'll. Let you know approach. I know that imply nine always sounds slovenia. That's why I don't know much about him, because when you start talking about canvas, then it just it just makes me want to. I wouldn't have thought he was like a guy that would jump what he seemed like a guy who will be critical of a suitable. That's why they re broom, get that's why this is surprising to me. Jackson is surprising to you that this guy did that base upon how much slavishly sniffs in every sentence, I think he might be coped bodies was linsky. It do you think he amused slabs like weasel. it is a mistake, a super mistaken as by you think you know a thing about it, because I want to see now you're, like he's, been very cringe recently, especially regarding ukraine. So no one really listen to him any. We got a case of the hidden. It is a huge arms gives yeah. So guess what think about that? Even Chomsky is better than him on those. That's crazy enough. So guess guess what the recycling this they did, this
serbia so in there in the lead up at the nato intervention in libya? U s ambassador to the? U n susan rise claim that the libyan government was giving soldiers by ankara to sex lisa Why didn't? Nineteen year old soldiers need by hard on pills that they also, it doesn't make sense in the documentary good, could daffy mad dog without was on shore? I'm her his old worries. I guess it was because he was always taking viagra so go on raping, spread the countryside, I'm watch. It is a bit like: is this a smear job of gaddafi? So this is what they used to to justify intervention, so they did that they that this is the old play book, in slava g jack? He said and the guy who suppose was a body double and they made a movie about it. Yeah turns out the guy, never surfed and there's no record of him ever. The whole thing is nonsense. really, the guy's a liar so What the woman? From the? U n said: she, was in an interview with a france, french news agency in
said. All the indications are there when when women are held for days and raped when you start to rape, little boys and men, when you see a series of genital mutilations, when you hear women testify about russian soldiers equipped of by Agora, it. Clearly a military strategy- the, u and envoy, confidently proclaimed when they give him see Alice or they can choose when they attacked. Women rather read write immediately. Having too so that was and october fourteenth? She said that. And now here she is another amber tenth. She was out of phone call or zoom call with pranksters vladimir, who would have risen mason alexey style there. There better now. By their aliases bowl van and lexus and oh, they get an interview, dig they trigger. This is great. I love when this happens. I like their work these guys. You have me to do so.
They say to her hey. Do you have any proof of the russian a thing with the viagra. Do proof is that you, but spreading this lie and here's She says I said, I'd ask you, I ask you, because you know that sir russians also try to post it as a fake, because you know there's a problem, so I would like to ask you: did they why'd you any proof so for no it wasn't him. I now I haven't had like I said it's not my will know. No proof she just said it: no, no. They no proof You can explain why they don't have. Any proof should stop my role as proof to going nasty nice. You didn't new york in an office in new york, and I have advocacy and I Haven'T- I focus you monday. My role is not to investigate. The investigation is going on by the EU human rights monitoring team and the international commission of inquiry in there
report silver, there's nothing about about bad. So why are you saying that then so why that but but there it is her saying it is clearly military strategy and she said but but and what did she get this from? She got this from this. for now the when they go fire ukrainian on lisbon fired off for dozens of fake reports about russian military, raping kids young? and so that's what shall? I didn't sign cravings like your way overdue it now. Ngos are going to look at these things you made on how we have no proof and shall- and so she glide so much like that they fire. her you and that's the woman is the woman that she claims. She was getting it and now today patent that that's this woman patent is this woman. The woman was precisely to spread the word, Today patent occupies a u and position created by Hillary Clinton where she recycles baseless, Regime change narratives robber a decade ago to fuel the latest dinner.
insurance charade in washington. That's from grazer there is today. Partner is tiny patent. But u s position created by Hillary Clinton where she recycles these kind of baseless claims. They take five agora, the twenty year old. I mean it's so right on the face of it stupid and people fall for, for, like my friends, people, I go to dinner with false offer this. Yet it is kind of the perfect like it hits all the right sensational yes, especially the biography like. Oh my god. I am that to use it for evil that way vote. I only use labour for good, why? Why is it that does you in position was spent years and years and years and millions of dollars investigating all these viagra agora stories that we know are bogus about libya or about russia and ukraine, but they're not gonna, ever investigate the sexual
exploits of like Jeffrey obscene and his associates are never going to like try to find out who those guys were and they're never going to and they're never going to try to find out where the virus came from. As Jeffrey sachs has told us, they won't date. no interest in investigating this I hey become a premium member, go to jimmied, dore dotcom, sign up, it's the most affordable premium program programme and the business all the voice His perform today are by the one and only the inimitable, MIKE Mcrae. It can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.