« The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore Brings ANTI-WAR Message To Fox News

2023-02-03 | 🔗

It’s rare to hear a genuine, full-throated anti-war message on American television, much less on Fox News, but Tucker Carlson’s audience heard that message loud and clear thanks to the latest appearance by Jimmy Dore. Jimmy called out the corruption, the warmongering, the deception and the profiteering as the U.S. military industrial complex and its lackeys in government and media push for war with China. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why Tucker is the only broadcaster open to sharing Jimmy’s anti-war message with his audience. Plus segments on the lunatic Covidian who's likely to replace Anthony Fauci and a Newsweek opinion piece acknowledging that the government and scientific community has been lying about COVID from the start. Also featuring Dan Cohen and Stef Zamorano!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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then up comedy in los angeles, temporary zone, a palm springs, Milwaukee minneapolis nashville north did Massachusetts a lot more places go to Jimmy door, dot com for a link for tickets and become a prince, member while you're there you get access to all large stuff, see then last night. I want under discussion, took a karlsson show and uh. That's nice. They sent away into the house, I don't even have to go in. So. It's really convenient And they don't give a little anyway you're me. I worry by lighting anyway tucker, especially as better lighting the me, but it we saw played for you now because and so I went on it was perfect there were doing this anti war rally on February nineteenth. an in depth- the link thing in the thing in DC, and I forgot to mention it I go on. I could,
Let me talk. We're talking about were taught we're talking about war for three minutes straight, and I am trying to remember all the stuff I wanted to say, and then I get to the end and I'm like. Okay, I think thou and there, and then I was done it me one more question. I was gonna look at my notes to make sure and he didn't he does but that was in, like other that looks Mendoza god fuck forgot to. If it Someone else had done that I would never let them forget about. I would be who had so. fuckin buster, but about the day we're going to grazer. When I brought up the great john stewart nazi metal article, I still feel by and up we posted putting on the screen out. We didn't know about this thing to say, so anyway saw this want to play. So I think this segment speaks for itself,
you- can be outraged by the people on our country selling out our country to china, and you should be, but it's a very different thing. From wanting to go to war with china, a war that We have no assurance. We would wish, to put it mildly by. memo to his troops, forced our air force general MIKE Monaghan wrote. This quote. My gut tells me: will fight in twenty twenty five g asian paying securities? German says war council october, twenty twenty two Taiwan's presents elections are in twenty. Twenty four m will offer g a reason us presidential elections are in twenty? Twenty four m will offer g distracted america, Jeez team reason and opportunity are all aligned for twenty twenty five so should we take us again, you can We deeply sceptical in fact hostile towards china and still be worried about going to war with china Jimmy no, now to the Jimmy door show who joins us tonight to assess Jimmy woody.
joining paying attention to a memo like this. What do you think it means what I did. It means is that the united states is trying to provoke an sable rather with another nuclear power right. This is what we want. cause to be afraid of. What's going to happen with donald trump re, we couldn't have he's a crazy man was going to have his finger on the nuclear button, and now we have demented Joe, who is saber rattling with two nuclear powers and they get the corporate media sponsored by the military industrial complex to get americans to cheer it on, and why do americans cheered on? Because I have no idea what is actually happening with their foreign policy and, what's worse, as they have no idea that they have no idea so that they don't have any idea what's happening with foreign policy. We have four hundred military bases surrounding china's sense, the korean war. Do we really think that china is getting ready to invade the united states, because I tell you there not they
I think everything we use in the united states. Why? Because the same people who want this war are the same. People who took the good jobs that are manufacturing jobs in america, turned them into low, paying crappy jobs and then ship them to china, and then we get angry at them for the system that we set up if they're so corrupt cause. That's the thing: americans have no idea how corrupt their government is. They think our government's just regular
blackout trump gave his son a job or Biden gave his kid. Has no power and no show job in the ukraine, but that's not. The whole thing is corrupt. The eight hundred billion dollar military budget is eight hundred billion dollars of corruption. Why do we have to have eight nine hundred military bases around where the ones provoking this war? Just like? We provoked the war in ukraine. We are now provoking a war with china and one who, who benefits I'll, tell you right now. The our enemy is not china. Your enemy is not russia. Your enemy is the military industrial complex, which has been fleecing this country to the tunes of hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars. How many times are we going to have a defense secretary, say: hey, we can't account for two trillion dollars in the pentagon.
again that what which is what happened twice now in my lifetime, so again, people are being the war machine cannot be stopped, who's running this country, the war machine. It certainly is an joe Biden making these decisions. I would like to know who is making the decisions, and I would like to remind everybody when the united states as the world's terrorist, we just the middle east on fire in the last twenty years, and now we're doing a proxy war in ukraine, which we provokes nato provoked and was. admitted that we promoted by the former prime minister of germany and now we're trying to sable, rather with with china and their predicting a war against china, not going to invade us china's, not our enemy, they we buy have an economic war, that's what these are. These are economic war, as these are wars or in ukraine. It's about liquefied natural gas and making sure germany and russia never come together, because we fear russia's
for resources and manpower, and we fear them getting together with germany with their technology and their capital, and so that's why we blew up the Nord stream pipeline. That's why we're doing a ukraine war. This is all about had germany, imperialism and economics, and if there is a marine somewhere it's there, because there are about to steal some natural resources from another country, as everybody screaming about what a bad guy putin is for invading ukraine, the united states is currently occupying a third of syria, in which third is that it's the third that has the ohio, and how do I know where their steel, their oil, because the president of the united states said so we're not even benefit economically, that's a mean a process, the rump Jimmy door appreciate. Thank you my pleasure. I, like really drag you come to me. I like to really dragged out that's what I want have forgot to plug the moorage as well, because at the latest
only got that allowed. I don't know I just I just are going anyway, so there it is, and up by the way I would love to say. stuff, I'm MSNBC Cnn abc they will never with me on the only person in the all corporate news. That will have a message like that is a guy who hosts for fox news and Wednesday we, as the number one new joan america seekers better readings. Why would you go on and on the best rated I'm on the number one new shown america. Then I get to also go on the number one podcast in america or in the world in the world. So I think it's ok. So thanks to talk for bringing me on an end to having a having that message to his body. switch needs to hear that china and are not your enemy, that they did. They need to hear it. They got to hear it, and thanks to dublin, let me say it will use so funny is like do not
and then by the united states purely out. If they involve, he taught me that's not invade leaving. Yet we have to go to one It's not me. I know the united states belongs to them. A belongs to taiwan's. Haven't you shouting about yet to china, yet on the other we officially, so that this whole time have only heard Taiwan is one china policy, so that means the united states acknowledges china owns it that they are part of them. There is a desire to move in china: that's like their regional, rambo, called wolf warrior. Ok, when it's alive, some about like how their nicer in africa than they fighter cabin this bag. I am, but it looks like we're about just like our railways and they ever think a wolf we or diplomacy, which has pilot like whether good it'll be general. While that thing you're saying there's a bunch of politicians that are like that- and I I watch old video by china has his will for your diplomats, like Everything we say sounds exactly like the two years.
devil may have got, have never work of a blue water, navy Did you know, ngos on the high seas, blue water navy, They can live the china area with their knave lavie. the ass many ass guidance, lamenting johnson media. Some had the chance to show we have special guest with us dad cohen is here is an independent journalists and filmmaker base in Washington DC reported from Israel, palestine, latin america and the? U s ethical border for all its, including mondo wise, the nation alternate grey zone. He recently launched his own journalistic outlet called on captured media. Please what
back to the show dame cohen? He then I Jimmy s so? What we're here to talk about today is this guy. So this guy's name is Peter hotels. Now I bumped this guy on twitter because he was bragging about how hard he worked on getting a vaccine for covin and he was angry at anybody who questioned him. and what I said to him was hey, hey city, we I didn't sleep for six months, so we could get a vaccine and what I said to him was: I came baby. If you would have got a little sleep, he could invented a better vaccine that actually work better in a baby, stuff, Transmission and contraction euro stopped it. You know like what people one from a vaccine. You know that guy with a silk wanna. Sudan has nope all night making his ways. So I want to show you this real quick. He went on rogan. Just to show you a kind of a piece of it, this guy is right. This is the guy, they think he's gonna replace voucher. So let me show
this real quick. Do you take care of your immune system and other ways? Do you take probiotics? Are you cautious about your diet on that clashes, but my diet is, I should be I'm a junk food, a hologram, so heated, She's gonna make a joking get off get off the hook. Jos, gonna. Let him go diseases, no tell them all about vaccines and how a vaccines are good, that the key to health, all kinds of acts, history, trees, working at all different vaccines. He has been his whole life as it really is. did anyone that's worth anything, but that's what he's talking about vaccines for every thing just like bill gates says vaccines to cure things You don't need to cure forest he's really super vaccine. a jewel rogan says. But what are you doing to stay healthy? any just as I'm a junk food, a holiday, anything's they're gonna have a laugh and Gonna move on Joe rogan does not have a laugh. And he doesn't move on and exposes the sky. So the point we're
He starts to lie at the end of this he's literally going start lying. So what's this? Actually, that seems like a terrible thing for your health. It is a terrible thing for my health and something my wife is working on, but that seems ridiculous for someone who works with health yeah yeah, when I was young- I sometimes man- I just don't get a ride. How often our? Why and how often do I steal a bag of chips are something like garbage. I do not know, and hopefully not every day, but maybe a couple times a week. That's as the three rachel my my daughter with autism. That's like our thing is to go to it's called the berger joint or to shake shack together to get a cheeseburger rustics snakes in front hmm, so shade, live in large. We call it like that mouth pleasure, so much you're willing to sacrifice a little bit. I am yeah, I you know, I you know I I can. I have to concede that's the case. Well, there's
I mean I have to tell you, but there's a large body of data that connects poor diet to a host of disease and the seems like it Crazy decision forgot, so it always Larry's to read a watch. A pot had committed. You know, announces men fighting in cages school the top. medical people in the country. He did it. Does John Jay gupta areas doing it to this guy. Why don't like him snatch aiming this man? That's your line of work. There you go sometimes sometimes the it's, not all brain it, sir! It's something but I mean, if you a healthy food, I mean either thing is your body starts craving healthy food. I feel yeah. No, no question no question about it. Do you take vitamins? I don't take. Why don't you just take vitamin wow think they do. I don't think they're neat because most egos out of things they do anything out. They did. What did you hear This is the guy who people have
listening to about vaccines for years now, the date they had they had, dan hotel at a hotel day in oz austin for him. That's this guy They extend eu definition of vaccines, demean vitamins. He would take them. Yet I really an american I only marrying up hold up hold up. You don't think they're needed where you're in junk food, where are they hopefully about leaving junk food. You know, there's a large body clinical research on the efficacy of vitamins, especially vitamins de vie demands. I have taken vitamin d for periods recommendation and they in turn a stand. What about essential fatty?
acids great for your brain fish oil and all these different things that are fantastic. Lacheneur am lack and argue with legally dark, I regarded hand over me. I'm gonna, listen, but it would be, would have a much better argument that you make it my way stay here, you're taking care of yourself a hundred percent and said: are you still need? Not just don't need your vaccines, I'm sure you do, but we all see if that guy a little bit the great wise Jesus joke about room. So, let's break behind me, bring dead back in your very briefly so that were there was my first introduction to him and that's why I knew his guy was a fraud, and now you ve actually done the reach, urge you completely expose them. It's really great work now you there there's a video that I saw where you you talk his background before Colvin super sketchy. He solely in bed with the gates foundation, all those types of people, so his background is super sketchy.
Now I want to show the video you actually put together about him around cove it and now in a play. This is gonna be like around eight or nine minutes, but it soon a compelling, and it's really well done so its player and then we'll bring down back in and we'll talk about it. Peter Hutus has built a career in the nexus. pharmaceutical giants, billionaire foundations and the? U s government in the covert arab, he has become an evangelist for the emergent biomedical security regime, attacking anyone who deviates from its dick tat. We have
I recognize that anti vaccine activism, which I actually call anti science, aggression, anti science, aggression, anti science, anti vaccine, aggression, anti vaccine, aggression, mp, science- is now a leading cause of death is kill. Me more americans are gun, violence, nuclear proliferation or cyberattacks hotels posits that resistance to novel pharmaceutical products is a white supremacist plot that springs from the republican party and move the world. The most vaccine, hesitant group in the united states or what are what are being called republicans some samples, color white republicans its somehow married now too far right wing extremism in and white nationalist groups, not confined any more to the united states, its happening across
Europe now you're seeing the distant formation go into our africa and elsewhere. This is not a full on globalized, anti science movement. These forces he says, are supported by lattimer. Poor governance has on this report about u s and british intelligence has been piling on. With this whole systematic programme of what's been called weapon. I stealth communications. What the nice to weapon eyes like a nice and recognise that the nice recognising weapon eyes tells communication through their box and trolls, tried to destabilize democracies with anti vaccine anti science messages and targeting scientists these counter. This has proposed a series of measures first, for so called anti science to be punished as hake. I'm fine? Both existing legislation be extended and new protections created is called for the? U S, government, to censor what
calls anti science terrorist groups. I've been having discussions with the with the federal government for many years now. Is we ve got to do something about it? Take this doubt and create and enraged see taskforce use the full power, the? U S, federal government, to see what levers are available when you help him. Homeland security, health from the college department in the justice department and the state department get an offer the cable news channels in the far right, pod casters. We need to do something more aggressive, hafta go into that dark place. Do you mean the veto in nato. Assets must present demonization very credible people who are ash, shall he asked for at the science vaccines going to have developed, appropriate questions and concerns, and he dismisses them as an enemy, and he calls upon even security agencies to coordinate and go after these people who are actually practicing science with somebody like this. Not only was it denied sites who wants to put people like me in jail and in biggest loser license. This is a true sociopath. This is german level. Social sociology he's called
governments and international bodies to carry out a counter offensive. Let's talk to them. People who know about cyber attacks who know about nuclear proliferation. no about global terrorism. I have decent tools there that we can use to fight this anti science, aggression because I believe it's reached that same well, written that they must take direct, even confrontational approaches with russia even called for a cdc coup against the executive branch is, if we basically decapitated the leadership of the government in order to run covert. Nineteen response. Who can step up? Can the cdc do it? If we don't have a federal government, if we don't have the white house or the executive branch of the government engaged in doing this, do we have other options, as are other leavers? Congress can push. I think we have to start looking at the hooters distance sites, the? U S, government its intelligence cut out and proxies- Claims about russian interference cited dubious report from november. A contractor for now where's branches of the? U S, military owned by a firm, called accenture, which is tied to you. intelligence and the world economic forum is Peter really fully independent. Is he act?
is an independent agent in good conscience and academic, or is he deeply tied to the deep state and the intelligence? Community? Is censorship, efforts have been abetted by the anti defamation league and with Anti science aggression goes hand in hand. Hand in glove with anti semitism is primarily in Israel lobby outfit known for completing critical some of the state of israel and support for palestinian rights with anti semitism in the cold war era. It has sought to conflate scepticism and criticism of novel pharmaceutical products with anti semitism is made to a new form of virus bob periods of anti semitism. These censorship efforts have had some success, is when instagram suspended Robert Kennedy. Junior hope has praised. It is the first time the face books, lush instagram has taken a step towards dismantling the anti science empire, and that this is only the beginning in september, two thousand twenty one use them
access resident, Marisa Hansen, interrupted hotels during an appearance at the congregation manual and say that I have heard that have died from the fire. your job to deny that it's not a hate crime to question science. You understand that I will leave now, it's not unusual. Actually, she was, she was quite well behaved, so we have to be thankful for our well being
and for that in response, the congregation's rabbi banned her for life will Peter Hotez demand censorship and international action against foreign countries. He's contradicted himself at virtually every turn throughout the covert era. In the first year, when trump was still president, who has warned about the dangers of rushing vaccines under emergency use authorization, I don't think us have a place for vaccines that we've never done. An emergency use. Authorization for a major vaccine are released to the public. What does that mean? We know it's a lesser quality review. What's the FDA going to do to ensure public safety, while hotez may have had political motivations to cast doubt on the coronavirus products, he had good reason to be concerned. Two thousand twenty hotel gave congressional testimony to warn about the dangers of verona virus vaccines. One of things that we're not hearing a lot about is unique potential safety problems, grown a virus vaccine with certain types of respiratory virus vaccines you get immunize and knowing you could actually said. So the virus. You get this kind of paradoxes: coal, immunity, enhancement,
phenomenon. We started developing corona virus vaccines and our colleagues, we noticed them oratory animals that they started to show some of the same and mean pathology that resembled what had happened, fifty years earlier, since I said- oh, my god, this is gonna, be problematic It has warned against fast tracking of that scene. He was appointed by anthony fallacy to read in an age programme, will form a suitable executives, the gates foundation and others that exactly that it may twenty twenty anticipate. public concern about what he admitted was rushed testing, potentially unsafe products and a new platform. Poachers wrote that communications and missteps around the roll out of covert nineteen vaccines may require a period of damage, control and called for white house in an aged. You should be well crafted vaccine communication plan and designate a trusted spokesperson who can articulate and found. God apparent reference to himself once more if DA, had authorization hooters first, is public stance. So what's your reaction to this approval out of his second vaccine? That's ten tasks.
emergency is authorization closely approximates the full approve, unbelievable and not nothing really rushed jenny. Vaccine released by emergency use. Authorization by the FDA is an outstanding vaccine. Take whatever vaccine is really offered to. You. Hotez said that once enough people were injected with two doses, a new transmission would stop, and other measures would no longer be necessary. News is good at saying. Even after six months, it still looks like it's really strong and durable. So this is going to be a long, lasting vaccine. A single dose is not very effective, but two doses fully vaccinated people are a week or two after the second dose the masks and start to come out I guess what you can have everything you've asked for in terms of, requiring social distancing in mass, we can have an extraordinary quality of life. This is time limited, it's not perpetuity. Well, this is not in perpetuity. We are going to vaccinate our way out of this epidemic, starting in the summer americans get vaccinated. We can actually halt virus transmission potentially enough. He did a simple math at the back of the envelope calculation, but once you get over sixty five percent
with a population with a single dose of the vaccine and fifty per cent two doses. The number of transmission will really start to decline to seventy percent. Sixty to eighty percent threshold, we need to get to about seventy five percent before we interrupt transmission around three quarters of the us population. Roughly eighty percent of us population to dos is turned three. I think ultimately, a third immunization, with the mrm Vaccines will probably be needed at some point. We thought was a pretty high likelihood. We might have to give a third immunization down the line anyway at some point, because we have no idea about the durability of any protection of we have these vaccines, so if you've got a two dose pfizer, maternal vaccine, think of it as a three dose vaccine, we ultimately will need to give a third immunization and I've been pretty much saying that all along this was always a three dose vaccine, and so this was all predicted and predictable. I've always said this is a three dose vaccine. Two Mrm a vaccines were always a three dose vaccine. We've known for awhile that this was going. You're, three, those vaccines, the big unknown, is what happens to those of us,
three doses. I dont have the answer. You need that third immunization, to get a thirty to forty four rise ass, you get that third, immunization, you do get a big boost, environmental as yet about he's by november two thousand twenty one or the. U s. Population had met what hotels in a government called fully vaccinated. Today we have two important milestones. Eighty, Percent of adults now have at least the first shot. Instead, many percent of its also now fully valid, but the goalposts were shifted and boost. Your campaign was just getting star. And we're gonna have to change the definition of full, fully vaccinated, what counts full immunization will be three doses just because we gave us first to those who so close together. The idea that two immunizations constitutes full immunizations is not even close need that boost during a probably need the second booster, if, if you're gonna single boost near eligible get your second best solution here is just continue: mass vaccination as aggressively as possible. Yes,
it's right: are you expecting that, for these vaccines to essentially become a twice yearly thing, of course, with them irony that may be what's required or you need to boosters you're going to need a third booster to boost really makes the difference. Get your second post under these new boosters they've been available for a little over a week who should get them Well, any anyone whose eligible slender more than out for five months, we are less booster better, where you're at maximum your vaccinations and even if you ve got a single booster you need to boost their is now is the time to get a boost her if you haven't been boosted in a while to the four months out, you're gonna need a third booster as well, who immunization or boosters anything innovations knew by violent. story, wanna get tax, slovenia that gives you an extra layer of protection as well. We need to get that lose their people need to get their violate. They prevail in those during important message, and I have this morning is get your new by violent booster. If, if you ve not gotten it, you have to get it, there is not the first shot.
At the violent or is it the force booster or does it matter? What helped me understand so so before at least was asking me that very question, I said: don't worry so much about the number of boosters worry about when you got your last booster rocket attempting to boost ourselves out of this, This is, in my opinion, the heavy immunological equivalent of heroin addiction, Ok, what I mean by that is that the way trying to get We want a swede normal benefit, but which were not getting wet, we're getting less and less benefit from more more risk of side effects in the more doses was it gets, so this is it is counterproductive, if not just ITALY is not working its counter productive. When Johnson Johnson's product was pulled after causing blood clots. The change vaccine. Cause a rare, serious events rebel us rebel thrown back, then coach has continued to push them well. I dont have concern about the vaccine. It it's a good vaccine. It's an excellent vaccines. After years of blaming of anxiety about a virus or demanding censorship and seeking to criminalize criticism who has cash. He admitted that the injections, in fact, don't stop trance
and we are not stopping infection anyway, but no, the boosters actually keeping people out of the hospital. Is you ve never seen such an unabashed programme in cheerleader who never talked about all of these concerning an immense amount of data showing that this is a failed vaccination campaign. This ok, so stop it there. King come to me Jesus cry, and let me just remind everybody that are we not endorsing anything? Those people are saying on their video because, as you know, the vaccine is safe and effective and in us slow, the transmission and contraction of the virus annual, keep you from getting seriously ill, hospitalized or death. That's the beauty of this vaccine I always get another booster. Then I get a cheeseburger with my daughter. What time did I made you she's artistic, so that adds more weight to what I'm saying I did artistic. By the way he did so spring, danny Cohn, who put that together and there's much more, it gets its iq.
Let us not playing it by others want to keep playing that its little george santos in science drag wiki got up. Did you see his skin color? What does it look like? than cnn fig Joe roguishly dolly has said. Did you like? when woof, fragrant Well, then, it's always sunny in philadelphia when needed, luckily candidly at mortician do is make up do his the views I civ Xy. You know dad Cohen. What else would you like? tell us about this. Guy who, looks like we're, not sure, but it looks like he'll be the guy who gets replace statesman facing fowl She only lying looks better here. You know it's crazy he's actually only like twenty five years old, another man, I'm sitting, I mean one thing- that peace those pieces were done for four reacted with support out. You know one shout out to the vaccine safety research foundation, so in give them some
This was not an an captured media freedom, ok. Ok so was on that show rejected yeah yeah exit. That's everybody like statue, yeah. I guess I just gave me total freedom to go. You know spend like weeks in the rabbit all come out with without my mulder, so I mean there's not a lot of other places. That will do that. So you know have the balls to go on rowan, like it's a really unabashed lives that you're gonna need someone to tell lies for tying guys. It's near, that's the only I'm I've ever seen challenge like he blocks. Everyone on twitter who even like the s asked in the most minor thing and so you see how he melt down with the most minor challenge and I think he probably thought yet. He was just gonna get away with it on rogan, but he just got exposed with the most my
inner slight pushback, so you see what a total fraud he is literally don't care what goes out of my mouth or goes into my body. He does it all he was he kept getting vaccines, that's the key to health, a euro. we got a vaccine for level of you got heading. Is that what you're doing it is what's really cause? I've heard them all go back and forth foul julius Had the christianity not to be so on his sleeve, what a scumbag this do is. There's nothing! There me this guy is scummy this one got. You know he is like clearly linked to intelligence right. I should we also watch that power, so I wife's they part tell people about that. Well, he's Oh he he sites, you know why Many of you know this is a prudent interfering in our democracy and using anti that's propaganda sought to destabilize democracies. I mean he's. I saw this this report from at censure this. This spoke out. Let me sites that the centre for countering digital, hey, look, which is closely
the uk labour party, which we now have spook infested. That is like. We he cites is, is a spook show and, of course, he's tied to like if you watch the first part, there's two parts to this thing we saw we saw the second most of the second. the first one shows how he came up on basically because of bill Clinton and bill gates and faulty bill Clinton and bill gates, I mean our. You know I gotta wonder: is he like jealous? He never made it down to two or two I see the with the was guys. They said I smiled I see a good name is bunsen mildew like that, like them up, but with a more wet smell I mean you know he really just kind of encapsulates the epitome epitomizes sort of biomedical security regime that that was already in place for years and years and years, pre coded but then just went into
overdrive like really emerged, and you know what steroids in covert, hinges destroyed, so many lives, and you just see I after lie after lie after lie, and he just you know he can't handle. Not only is he block, but obviously he wants censorship, so he just it. Ok You got a girl banned from her synagogue where you know she sheet. That's that's where, like her family generations back. This is Marisa hansen, whose it was the Houston texas resident cheek. She can't go. Her families, cemetery her family was buried there: she is banned because she politely interrupted Peter hotels, when I was a lot more polite, their normal, but I I would like in a ban for life yeah, exactly I mean they're just so many aspects, there's another section in in that peace- that I think was right after what we just watched, where his vaccine that he developed his corona virus vaccine, which has not
action at all. Why do you say that? Because it doesn't sound transmission, which is like the definition of a vaccine. It's like I mean I guess you could call it a treatment but even that doesn't really working in ok, I mean one thing your hotel when he testified in congress when he was talking about, is something called. Antibody it some antibody dependent enhancement and that's basically when the vaccine makes the disease worse. Because it's a bad vaccine- and you know that's a total risk with these things and he knew and that's a risk with his vaccine that he got authorized to be you. In india- and it went into the arms of like seventy million people in india, and then it came out that The indian government actually like totally, ignored its own regulatory bodies, concerns and then-
add authorized to other countries, and I think indonesian, botswana. So there are major. It's just be a major scandal. This guy should be investigated and he also in and you know, if you watch further on in the second piece- he admits that the immoral new vaccines pfizer madonna vaccines are failing? Finally, and so we as well. So maybe this is an opportunity to you know use my vaccine is what he gets. It is illegal in countries where kids can smoke yeah, so it's like he wants to inject all of us with his with his junk and it's just in other words us all living in a big peter hotels, bill, gates, kind of farmer experiment. but I mean I have a yeah go ahead. You know does have to remind people that whatever you're saying about the vaccines, I have to remind them The covered nineteen vaccine is super safe and effective when it does slow the transmission and contraction and will keep
from being seriously ill, hospitalized or deputy whatever you why you do whatever you want. Do member hitler had a fat doctor who smoke that we shoot em up with all the women injections and his violent injections of crystal meth. You do everything opiates in their usual. This doctor, magician shoot him up with it then, finally, like I think this doctor socks and they hitler in the buggy just didn't, have should any more rarely I mean I must have sought out was down off all of you all of it. There, sir, oh! Yes, he's in bed with the wood bill gates he sucked up to five years. now that first video everybody should go check it out. Everybody should check those videos, regret that rejected you. Two page, yeah and you two were rumbling in some other place? Ok, and you know it. he's been trying to work on this hookworm virus vaccine right. So can you I was a little bit about that. So based wasted
the beginning of his career like the late eightys, I think actually, nineteen. Eighty five when I was born, he started this human hookworm vaccine. Do you know which still has a human hookworm himself as a human hookworms himself? I'm sorry go and still has still hasn't succeeded. So you can show me you can see how how good this guy is at what he's trying to develop this hookworm vaccine right. It turns out they're, not a virus, they're parasites, so you really Can'T- and you know, by the way so bill gates and these guys hotez into so they so, for instance, most of the stuff they're trying to develop vaccines for could be faked. with just sanitation and clean water, actually example, instead of instead of bill gates, investing money in that he'd invest fifty five million dollars in a vaccine instead of fifty five million dollars and clean water and sanitation, which is what actually would cure that stuff right in exactly
not just human hookworm. It's like a whole bunch of these. What was so peter hotel? He coined the term neglected tropical diseases, just meaning tropical diseases, and others elected while we can't have that, so you got a bunch of money from gate to get a bunch of money from fao chi and then that kind of tat demand the whole just just millions and millions and millions of dollars. This whole industry of neglect did tropical diseases. Remember that just go with that. Member this guy. I was watching unrelated a thing with what that term neglected tropical diseases whose emma, when it was kind of while It's like all this ted talk. He tried to get your phrase like white fragility or whatever. Yes, he's marketing phrases. Yes, it's completely a marketing phrase summit. Look samantha power was tweeting about a neglected tropical disease. It is us The d has poured lengthy billions of dollars into this. How mom.
I don't remember the figure ass top my head, it's in my video godlike billions of dollars, maybe ten billion dollars into combating so called neglected. Tropical diseases, it'll, which just means testing drugs. Where all you have to do like you said it's just you know, have sanitarium sums clean water, basic things like that, but the whole idea is to keep latin america, africa, south asia, under developed unexploited. So, madam, The cooperation can extract wealth, but you can test drugs on people. You ve trees, into fight, light, supremacy, yeah, that's that's what they're doing they are like, for instance, I've since reports. people talking about how bill gates wants to make a vaccine for malaria and the people in. Africa say you know what would really help more be nets to be. can sleep at night and not get bitten by mosquitos. That's what we're really mark up on them as they are. We can't write that very little mark up on that, so we got it
we would rather have a vaccine for one day. I want to help those guys with the giant balls jacket, But what, if you say any this? According to Peter hotels, you're an anti semite, Jani partnered like you, partners with the aid. The elder aunt I defamation league, which their whole stick is too I say if anyone says free palestine, it like a protest. Some like twenty year old, like palestinian college student, says like free palestine, because my house has been demolished. My like my grandparents, like got, kicked out of the house that all that anti semitism. and so Peter hotels and the whole, unlike its, not just hotels, their tied to the ideals tied to fire they gave boiler other like like courage award the whole world yeah they so they're like. Oh any of that is now at last it is under using the Israel lobbies book actually just another glass like a couple days after I published this oh just put out a new study on
anti semitism in an anti vaccinate, use these funds all about him. It's all its good. He has for examples of what he says are like anti semitic emails that he got in of three Then there's nothing remotely anti semitic and the only one that could maybe be construed as anything like related to him being jewish. Is the guy calls them six son of a kosher, pickle eater. It's like I submitted a man like embarrassing to die like tried it! That's all Rejected denounced that I mean so anyway. I really really urge everybody go watch these these two videos. I really just thereby blow this time. Don't seem kosher me so that is kind of my boy and stuff his country,
dixons around more. He was one of those people by the way that said, and I think of money, but in that the part we showed already where he was saying that the vaccine stops the transmission. Now he was saying that we gotta. If would love people, he dragged lacks a way out of this. We can sort out with his back of an envelope calculation. You like, when I get my envelope, my back of the anvil comp kg of fur frickin cove it let's go front of the anvil or paper. What do you use your computer hold on this and fry sauce on anyone the coup, the white you said it. He said you know we decapitate, like he talks about regime yet willing or via military imperialist terms. Trump salaried workers concentrate yet that's it. So what he was saying thereabout was more violent than robson new, emerging, saying things like decapitate in a coup with light, and then he said, we'd have the cdc just take over yet a series of president run, which is Secondly, run by big farmer,
yet the city see foundation the parallel body. That's just mean on takes money from from big farmer and then they fund. They found the cdc. I mean this is one of many conflicts of interest, but it's like the cdc, a bunch of technocrats, big farmer, freak sue or just one What does get rid of the executive branch of government just casually promote that on MSNBC in the host, just like not along just unreal dan cohen. Everybody check out his new media lead called on captured media. Is that it? after media dot com, it's just on substance on captured dot, substantial dot com go k, fantastic, give buddy check it out. Our great work on this. I hope people found it is riveting, as I did, and out by hope. I showed enough of it, but. and co, and thanks for coming on at that, thanks for all the work you do and appreciated. Thanks lodging
guess what they're starting to apologize. For being so wrong about called the up they're trying to get it there trying to get out in front of it now, by the way you you should never. This was from the atlantic. We covered this. Let's decay, a pandemic amnesty. Let's focus on that. Future, oh yeah, because the past, what does it look good rewrite? Yeah? I was looking towards the future. Furthermore, and by the way, this picture that their desks creating was made by a pile of our needs. During the renaissance, a gold age of science which occurred in ushered in witch hunts, torture, genocide and war. that's who wrote their trust in Jordan, pfizer come on my right, tryst in Jordan, so now there is a new one. Type. This is a newsweek. It's time for sale
terrific community to admit we were wrong about cove it and it costs lives and this Guy red wrote a guy named cabin bass, he's an empty and a phd student at medical, school in texas he's in a seventh year taken him while to get through that college or is who is it does would call him iter as a terrorist? That's right! so. As a medical, student and researcher, I staunchly supported the efforts of the public health authorities when it came to covet nineteen. I believe that the thordis respond, into the largest public health crisis of our lives with compassion, diligence and scientific expertise- ah what I'll get the still believe the past tense he built oh, he believed I believed he used to believe there. Ok, ok!
smokers seconds. Yeah! Ok, I want with them when they called for lockdown vaccines and boosters. I was wrong we Scientific community were wrong and it costs lives. While I can see. you know when they start writing, like, like hemingway before afraid, You know it's serious high and Michael came. I got it wrong. Pepsi daisy, ok, so I can see now that the scientific community, from the cdc to the w h joe to the fda and the right preventative repeatedly over stated the evidence and misled the public about its own views in policies, so they're lying the whole time. Just like we thought.
but you aren't allowed to ask that question because it eighty baxter and of white supremacist than the tail on the kind of the white ring wig, which is what they called me a what they called me the tail. and the kite of the right wing yeah. I know, So including they lied about natural versus artificial immunity, school closures and disease, transmission, aerosol spread, man, mandates, vaccine effectiveness and safety, especially among the young. Oh, my god is this. Ed student been doing his own research. All of these were scientific, missed, eggs at the time. Not in hindsight. They were scientific mistakes at that time, meaning they knew They were wrong at the time. Of course, they did. As we found out, the european union's parliament interviewed asked the question of the pfizer executive. Hey one
You test for these four transmission. She said we never even tested, so they knew they were lying. So this that these whoops ease up, see daisies, but Perhaps amazingly some of these obvious meaning lies continued. This present day. A few skinny should obviously abuse gazans curse. but perhaps more important than any individual air was how inherently flawed. The overall approach of the scientific community was and contain. is to be as J bought, a charge from Stanford came, the show and told us, I think, he's from Stanford. He said we ve had pandemics in the past and we never did lockdown before we know. Had mandatory spanish flu right. We did have blocked ounce We don't. We know how to handle these. It was a flawed in a way that undermined its efficacy and resulted in thousands. If
millions of preventable debts. Holy cow what we did not properly appreciated. The preferences did, that is, that preferences determine how scientific expertise is used and that our preferences might be indeed our preferences were very different from many of the people that we serve. Meeting they wanted to do. Shit to people and people didn't done to them They didn't give a shit, that's what he means. We create policy based on our preferences that just fight it using data and then portrayed those opposing our efforts as misguided, ignorant, selfish and evil, but he did all that as immense student, so anybody who pushed back like this show we were portrayed as,
misguided ignorant, selfish and evil. Not by randalls, but by some of the people who I've known all my life did. That did not injured now, you're against Qaeda tail on the tale. People live all my life set. This said that I was selfish, evil doing it for clicks and money. You were the wind beneath the wings of right wing and Joe rogan got it worse to me, he's forgiven all those people I can't they need to first apologize. we made science a team sport, yes mary, we show Josh also talked about how, even if you think there your team ignore them if they're not wearing a mask insane coleridge over member. That with team is that so So what do they know? A team that is we made site, it's a team sport and in so doing we made it no longer science through it became
us versus them and they responded the only way any one might expect them to by resisting we learned his lesson over and over and over again in a million places, but I just don't learn it because it's going it just keeps going excluded important parts of the population from policy development and castigated critics, which meant we deployed model is a monolithic response across an exceptionally diverse nation, forged a society more fractured than ever and again masturbated, longstanding health and economic disparities, renewal, liberal capitalism, heed our more sure response and ingrained partisanship prevented us from seeing the full impact of our actions on the people we are supposed to serve. We
Systematically minimize the downsides of the interventions, we impose meaning lockdown vaccines, mass all that stuff imposed without input. Consent and recognition of those forced to live with them? Klaus welle calls at a good start. That's doing We violated the autonomy of those who would be most negatively impacted by our policies, the poor, the working, Why small, business owners, blacks, What team those in children, populations were overlooked because they were made invisible to us by their systematic exclusion from the dominant corporatist media machine. presumed omniscience amnesia is it an illusion, omniscient. As I say it looks like army science dilemma in the kind of tracking everyone here. So.
And so from now on, public health policies, gonna be dictated by corey bush neo see that's what I think. Most of us did not speak up in support of the alternative views, no kidding still People aren't Jon Stewart pretends he's going to open up covered to questions because questions are healthy and then he brings on three hacks from the establishment. That's just two propaganda and don't actually question anything. We don't care of graduates out in the real world and see, what's worse, most of us did not speak up in support of alternative use, because the people in the medical professions are more arm, gotta go along fuckin pieces of it. That's why spineless go along. There is the air is a handful of people, the medical profession that stuff stood up and spoke out and some of them got their licences. Trying to take him away. You that's why you have what what are you gonna do?
funding he's gonna get you know hey. I was lost my channel for tell the truth. Why can't you gotta tell the journey here? You want to die strong scientific voices like world renowned, stanford professors. John leaned out here his name well enough: Leonard Lenny this J bought a charm and scott atlas or you, university of California. San Francisco professors has preside, admonish had gone de sounded the alarm on behalf of vulnerable communities. They ve a severe censure by relentless mobs of critics and detractors and the scientific community. Often not. the basis of fact, but solely the basis of differences in scientific opinion Most of you didn't speak up in support of alternative views. I get it. You got stood alone to pay off that when former, in a drug pointed out the downside of intervention. He was dismissed pub.
clean as a buffoon and when doktor a new found she doktor tony science, opposed It became the hero of the public health community. We gave him our support to do and say what he wanted, even when he was wrong, which was every time he opened his mouth weight but valjean apart when vowed to oppose trump. It was because was anti vax. Wasn't it promptly relax, probably solar, problematic here can yet so when truck was president. That would just like we showed you that hotel guy about there I'll be careful it as soon as possible, Madam president, there are you get, the facts are safe and effective and if you don't get it you're crazy, was not remotely perfect, nor were the academic critics of consensus policy. But scorn that we lay down them, was a disaster for public trust in the pandemic. Response are about which alienated large segments of the population from what should have been a national collaborative project, and you know
the effect of all the way they did. This is thou. Thirty five so the country considers themselves vaccine hesitant. in general, not just for this one, but back vaccines and kids. People stop taking their kids they get em vaccinated. What well done. I was never I never out and out of that before how they This I never mean means are never had it had never had a house. I hesitate about vaccines, jokes about stupid people were that will do is back in the lives. To think are of K, junior was probably go out, was going out on the outer a plank writer, whatever go on a limb and I thought he was little. and then of course, Europe, of course, he's but onto something this whole time that there may they hide data. They lie he's one of the better It is all that's right, he's one of the better kennedys and we paid the price
the range of those marginalized by the expert class exploded onto the dominated social and dominated social media, lacking the scientists, lexicon to express their disagreement. Many dissidents turned to conspiracy theories in a cottage industry of scientific contortionists to make their case against the expert class consensus, that dominated the pandemic mainstream labeling. spirits? She theory was what the fuck you guys were saying. That is what you are admitting you're still calling somebody else. Conspiracy theories has your admitting you guys were lying at every turn. Is our for profit healthcare system, a conspiracy. I thought it was ecstatic conspiracy. I guess it's it's not a theory. It's it's a bright! How it works. Everybody knows labeling. This speech, misinformation and blaming it out scientific illiteracy and ignorance, the government conspired they just what I said.
Did the conspiracy, the government conspired with big tec, to suppress it, Erasing the valid political concerns of the government's opponents you know what's shocking, is the newer twitter files with a guy run out of their yeah is like hey there will add. Now with this, it was too much even for him where he was doing, and this despite the that pandemic policy was created by a razor, thin sliver of em can society who anointed themselves to preside over the working class members? academia, government, medicine, journalism, tech, and public health, who are highly educated and privileged. So I said from now on. Public health policy should be dictated by pink, ok the comfort of their privilege, this elite prizes, proprietors paternalism, as opposed to
average americans, who laud self reliance and whose daily lives routinely demand that they reckoned with risk cuba leave wroth, and these all the people that wind about patriarchy for life, ten years and that's what they like. Yes, do, as your told, are the patriarch of this year that many of our leaders neglected to consider the lived experiences of those across the class divide is on. general. When did you say experience? Does their likud? had experience you have that limit. Have you mean experience is redundant right, lived expert? What are kind of experiences there? I will I'll experience that, but I wasn't living I literally another bug. It's another will be one that came out that phrase for something else allies. I guess it's just You take into the stone round now my live. Experience always stupid, but it wasn't for this. He was just human experience.
incomprehensible to us due to this class divide, we severely judge lockdown critics, his lazy backwards and even evil, we dismissed as gryphus those who represent their interests. We but we believed misinform nation energized, the ignorant- and we refused to accept that such people simply at a different bowed point of view. They still do most of them still do you go on to still doing it. The array We by the way, no none of my friends have apologised to me at all. Then they weren't your friends. What they're, not they're, not admitting we crafted PA see for the people without consulting them it and if our public health, It had led with less hubris the course of the pen, denmark in the united states might have had a very different outcome. With far fewer lost law. But these people stupid and involve raillery. How can we that's right? This is
stupid. I hate them. Instead,. We have witnessed a massive and ongoing loss of life in america due to distrust of vaccines and the healthcare system a massive concentration in wealth by already wealthy elites, arise and suicides and gun violence, especially among the poor, a near doubling of the rate of depression and anxiety disorders, especially among the young, a catastrophic loss of edges, no attainment among already disadvantaged children and among the most vulnerable, massive loss of trust and healthcare, science, scientific authorities and political leaders more broadly, that's what they did and the people are still out there pushing the could call. Videos are still do it guys, like day anthony you owes the dollar podcast guys like job all got there still blocker brag men. Of course, all those fuckin penalizing ever heard
they're all doing it still, because nobody cares about that like bright, the Brian stelter, I'd say, or the guy who has already do a daily thing: they're do repeaters of propaganda at the top of their lungs. While there being indignant they're telling you not to read as they wag their finger at you for being stupid, they literally tell you stop ready to tell those a scumbag lie really easily. If there is answering a question with the fact that different than someone going over with the bad people. Yes, if your arguments that than I know your bullshit arise It's ok by the way, Dave Anthony who blocked me on twitter and then tweets as structure about me from behind a block which I knew he had a lot of emotional problems, David Anthony and a lot of people don't like legs to first names, but I didn't
he was that big of a coward. I thought your were telling me that a called david and that he knows this one does one guy so k, to be wrong and admit where one was wrong and what one learned. That's a sub that his friend batteries prejudice also delete The two years of tweets that's up a bottom rung. Accordingly, he is covered in his day. I wonder if they so David. He just blocks me. So I can't see the shit stupid, shitty, saying, hey, It's okay to be wrong mitt, where one was wrong and what can we learn? That's a cent for part of the way science works. Were but I fear that many are took sides. Science tested sciences questioned that's how it works. If it can't be questioned its propaganda, it's not science yet. I fear that many are two entrenched in group. Think and too afraid.
Publicly take responsibility to do this. Like us about news, you ve heard her. Can it be well board out? Yes, solving these problems in the long term requires a greater commitment to plural lizzie. Intolerance in our institutions, including the inclusion of critical. If on popular voices to lecture will ism credit Tourism and claw ass ism must end. Restoring. Try in public health and our democracy depends on it. You know a credential list is worth a bunch of these people besides being classed as the number one. So you know the original headline of this article was so you think you're smarter than kid rock that was there, regional turns out kid rock. right, I remember regain to florida on tour during the pandemic and I'm wearing my mask and all these people are like what are you, but I mean
They call me homo slurs here at all that none I'm gonna, work. They were fine. I like it. The children a. I feel like the biggest jump in the world because I got injured. You know what else there at the beach these people, the vitamin d member- how they tried to make yes to their I'll get and vitamin d with as one which is really helpful in fighting Colvin and they were shaming. Those people for being outside add spring break without a mask. I mean people. No a blatant over killing her mom or so yes, yes city, so there you go there you go, They are starting to apologize for not only being wrong but for knowing they were wrong and still saying this shit that they were saying they knew. It was wrong at the time and still said it. They
I knew you couldn't vaccinate your way out of this pandemic. They knew no matter how many people got vaccinated. It wasn't going to kill this virus, they knew that it didn't stop transmission and they knew all this stuff. This is the kind of like Willing lies that we would normally using for a war and they tried to be yes, yes, and then they tell themselves. We are fighting nazis, meaning trumpery, and so then it's ok. The lie discuss, ok to lie about. I were met in hydroxide chloric, queen. It's ok to lie about vitamin d. It's ok! To light about everything. Euro masks, It'll get ally's vitamins, it's ok to lie about the vaccine, which they lied about its and by the way the bank, the vaccine is safe and effective and arrived at. Are you that superset perfect occur? You know slows the spread slows. The spread is what it does. It slows it. The transmission and contraction it'll keep you from sudden stops. They never said that
got my la arrow ted. You know, that's not true, but we'll keep me forbidding seriously ill house boys are dead. That's the beauty! I my heart swelled with pride, just thinking about what I got my back. see I get shorter breath just thinking about the excitement and ways I go and sell the minister a new boost to myself. I got out of breath of the excitement over the over how how protected I am from a malaise headed by heart's beating, because I am hey become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business for the all the voices performed today are by the one, and only the inimitable mike mccray he can be found at MIKE mcrae dot. Com
for this week you be the best You can be and I'll keep me in me Why don't I don't? Don't? Don't don't don't worry, gown tat, you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.