« The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore & Alex Jones Recall INFAMOUS Spitting Incident!

2024-01-03 | 🔗

It was the loogie heard round the world — when Jimmy Dore at the 2016 Republican  National Convention spat iced tea in Alex Jones’ face after Jones crashed The Young Turks’ set and got into a shouting match with Cenk Uygur. Now Jimmy and Alex get together to rehash the incident and Jones reveals the OTHER famous spit he’s had in his mouth.

Plus an interview with attorney Richard Roth who is representing journalists and attorneys in a lawsuit against the CIA and former agency director Mike Pompeo for illegally copying their personal data while visiting Julian Assange in the Ecuadorean embassy in London.

Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and an array of celebrities sharing their new year's resolutions.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Oh hi, jerry, there's your senator mitt romney how's, it hanging player the way I usually don't make no resolutions for religious reasons. I don't know of any specific mormon rule against them they just seems slightly pagan, but for twenty twenty four I say screw my resolution, my resolution to treat the rest of my I'm in the senate like an absolute job, lame duck gonna be a goose with fetal alcohol. She is the target leading upper deckers in the senatorial men's room row on the Senate floor. Twenty anchovy pizza is mentioned on counsel's office. If online, she had to be total clouds, and so do I watched it. asia me, like I just got here
you'll. Do you own repent, dont forget how right there you bet that's great, let's use next jimmy savage. Now, this resolution, twenty twenty, whatever the fuck it is made a beta best. Eighty three, your father, my little baby boy, my dreams especially special job. It is to remind me to eat well I'll, be around. We then take naps in his general vicinity. That's fucking it the best I can do, but when my son goes
I remember when I was one he's out in his dear old dad was trying to figure out which remote control does one here, bags out. Ok, that's you. that's not the light up This is jeffrey Toobin yeah, my new year's resolution for masturbating and I realizing arizona cause a sort of come to a close. The. I guess I should clarify that. I mean I should stop orchestrating points was professional. Zoom calls just for the profit out to be honest with you
Maybe I can do something that would help will be back in a new, so I can justify calling at your show you talking about masturbating yeah, twenty twenty four is going to be enjoyed year. Jimmy I can feel it yeah whoa. Can I feel it yeah could you have badge is getting caught doing that event not work? wanting to work at relating to be I'd television again at up we heard a lot of luck for beating a theatre analogue, not yet not on its own com. Chilling now work not on work, not at work on it long time, yet yeah his own thing. Al Qaeda coward, as far as I am yeah mary story? Was he didn't know?
with the line is just less user down. This means exist, done I've guy I've gotta go online immediately, kay Havana. Let's see who else is colleague next nah. This is Jeff bridges, yeah merry christmas or you know happy new year oh yeah, it's time to finally did was all about a thing I've been doing since their picture came out, I'll be averted, years ago? I wasn't talking and acting like bad character and my own sort of thing doing the own vibe. You know the gotta get this fucking monkey
to rediscover debris. anyway, I hope you're doing and Twenty boys treat you well my friend, I gotta go That's not true body and what else? Why would I love that a reactors of every year why? God? Ok right. Let's see who's next Jimmy galea, I'm a threefold resolution.
I could cover. do everything in my power to preserve the age and are more strong carriages and a large city, animal rights. Extremists have tried this time on a tradition for tuna, because my cause single entity at the russian incursion into your brain and three say of arab astounding and the solution whereby I think that, because of my career of action eurostar, I am qualified to engage in danger. it's paramilitary activity, for which I have absolutely zero qualification or training is a danger to me and everyone around me not to mention an embarrassment to my family. On my return from ukraine, I would immediately seek a qualified
There is no to do so if you have any recommendations, taxpayers and after that, no more communication with this number I Why will good luck with that leah library? I really good which a goose next Do you want What my new year's resolution is: yeah hi. I don't have one my resolute resolved in doing. resolutions are the losers who need to change now. I'm perfect just the way I am. I do, however, have resolutions for the rest of the world, to wit, continue
to dissolve me at every turn. Defined may not give my accusers to die bizarre accident. He said Give me a combat more third person, appearances and, for god's sake, start going to do you like she's, the rest of the world. Are you don't let me down goodbye loser. If you want it looks like we have just one person left the loudest jimmy door show Maybe the yeah double the natural baby resolution for twenty twenty four, I think would do for me to be the best fish farm that I can be
yeah totally. I can do that. Each one of us has a responsibility to be the best us. We can be because we're the only ones who can it's kinda beautiful when you think about it, like god, just sacred assignment yeah? What does that mean for me specifically Ah getting more creative in my stacking choices made an important speech. I want to try getting involved in the project cycle. They a good husband and father, but not letting that stop me from letting hot women know that if they have an absolutely amazing set of cans away with it yeah I awash in the desert, with this guy bread that I know who barely says anything at all yeah the most importantly calling into duty torsional and clowning on folly would because I know you love it.
I do bids twenty twenty. Poor baby. Yes, yes, are we gonna have a good twenty twenty yeah right, but you go ahead and have the best of your life Jimmie dale, yeah. That is why you could just already grow up just haven't ever clear. Jello shots to understand me rip the movie out beds bought everybody. The
guess driving down the street and johnson media Samir switching to show Our judges with, as he's in austin based producer, director, writer and documentary film maker, as well as host of the alps, Joan, show appears on both syndicated and internet radio. He is also Founder of info war how's, the multi media enterprise. He has and banned by many prominent social media outlets for a range of alleged violations, although is twitter, account was recently restored, welcome to the show Alex Jones. while Jimmy I'm a big fan of you for a long time, and
you're one of the only men who spit I've had in my mouth. So I just want to say that about also willie nelson spent. My mouth, my mouth was open when you spit at me like a spitting cobra when it right in my mouth, so are you and willie? Nelson have both been in my mouth. Now I stand by w. Had still I stand right put that it has no, but I stand by that. You are being funny because you were big money are yours. He felt you said,
The jag ugur abd, try to be nice, and that was funny to me and let me hear that. Let let's just show it here, I'll show it what happened here. It is the liberal group, american crafts, okay, so that there was the the ice tea incident. And the ira, thing is that the I thought this is blow up into a huge fight. This fight cause genk yogurt. Was out of his mind, and you
bade him proof correctly and professionally, and you got exactly. I couldn't believe He was handling it that way, aller like checks, brawler likes essays, brawler, and but it did diffused noblest immediately after that, like everything, what kind of walked away from that, but watch if you watch the full club, I mean it was one of the most viral things I ever did and people thought I snuck on your stage like at your offices, know it was at the rnc two thousand, sixteen a clay one, and it was huge parking, roger they'd shield, up with big air conditioners in July, When shall we were all milling around I want I said hi to on the show, viewed as they should and will everyone later, and I came by their own break. Shall I want up there and gave him a milk, gluttons, ripest anti shirt, and he just completely blow up when he saw roger stone, walking by and said roger you're, not gonna crash, my show itself, then I thought it was all a job and then he got me
inner and madder and madder and madder, and then he went on air basically said we're here in our studio and he got into the building and basically acted like. I had like a james bond snuck in. Instead, it was out in the middle was, with with other shows fifteen feet away. Booze everywhere you got a big stage, so that's the truth, that story, and it was a lot of fun, so so no, you obviously did sneak into the building because there was security lead. Every one and you had to go through security to get in and of course, you couldn't sneak in with a camera crew, and we had seen you I've seen you walking back and forth earlier that day and so we knew you were there. Didn't know that somebody had invited you onto that stage. I know you had been er show before he had interview you at least a couple of times that I saw so I didn't know that was gonna happen and agriculture is going to be deceptive. You got
had the big one of the main stages like two or three in all building airmail said little boost, hundreds of broadcasters, I will by and I said, hey you want me all they said yeah come back later, and so he wasn't like on the stage are not yet come back later. I I wonder why thirty minutes. More interviews was walking back by these like we'll be right back about hey, jumped up to the troll him a little with the treasure chile, It's true that I did job on the stage I wasn't invited, but I knew it was during a break. It was in the middle of the crowd. Show half of which drew have well. It's not what he said, but I certainly didn't you at burglar own studio. Ok, very pro wrestling, ok, but down- and the crazy thing to me was that I went to play austin texas by first I was playing on it and I want you get that stay cows across from the western and swear to god. He who came in he didn't you seated, right, beef and ours,
like oh, my god, Alex just gonna, kill me because, because you could dear much bigger than made. You could catch me better, I thought it was funny. Listen, I'm a I! I love your comedy. I love your show. You're gonna get in trouble for this, but I'm a big fan shows my wife. We watch the every episode, that's already with which is alive, and so now that you're, one of the best political brains out there in your fair you're, exposing the whole political system is right. Control by big reparation, like black rock, who are now starting world war. Three and you ve, really the whole time stood up for my free speech, and I appreciate that You got a little wrong. What happened with the whole school you're saying and what I really said and what I didn't say. I don't know you can see the name of it, but a member that comes up. I can tell you what It happened there. That was all pr firms taking one thing out of context: blowing it up years later as a way to try to check me off here by the way. The willing also stories tried to. Why? Don't you tell me where spellbound about that
I should really really well he's got two play chess where they outside Austin. and ass? He was rolling jar warning any any. You know he aided george bush's, saw my movies about war became one of my movie showings one time, and so two years ago, where they probably ten fifteen times. I'm a few years of about ten years ago, I I went to dinner what he wants, but he's kind of, even that his brain was not all. You got one hundred dollar usb, but I know when he was seventy four. Seventy five, even values doesn't ever went by The point was we gotta be decent france and I go out with how's it going out of luck with some of the lot part with it, I'm not a big part ravishment by willing, and he has those those papers your volcanoes battle, formal we'll heard of him? It was just like you know like two thousand two thousand and seven and eight stuff, and we would both part till I could walk and between church, and he would just keep me and he would suck on it keep saying what more and he would just keep going on and when these are roaming swimming. But the point was when willie nelson,
heads you that thing it's dripping with spit I am not going to wipe this off. It's kind of cool, I'm not gay, but I was like it's willie, nelson and so touch is funny. I always make that joke to family and celebrated willingness to spit my mouth, and then I was to for just the other day to family and some friends- and I go wait a minute Jimmy Dore spit into my mouth cause. If you watch the video I'm like oh yeah, it all Settings- and I remember like it I was like- is that iced, tea or coke? Actually, I got so much of it. My mouth just a funny story. Cause. I was actually called honesty. That's the irony! hey! You know here's another great way. You can help support the show you should be. A premium member. We give you up bill of ours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to Give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium most affordable previous programme in the business
a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards, extra everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, rich variety? By having me so I just want to let people know so this is from, the spanish newspaper, EL pious. I guess, as I said he, but I think that their headline is wrong. It says the spanish company and the cia found guilty of violating rights of julian assange is visitors. Now that didn't they weren't fungus yeah right. What happened is awry right. It's yes, as their obviously were translated from ngos to spanish, did a poor job. There was no finding by the cia that this year was found guilty. Ok, That being said, it was a pretty remarkable that that the cia motion to dismiss the case was denied to give us a open season to learn exactly
So tell so tell us what is going on so that when people when journalists would go and visit julian assange at the good embassy, they would give their computer andor laptops and their cell phones. They would give it to who the two things going on the first thing is they would give it to security so that they couldn't go to the embassy? They were there right. aside. They can go into the conference room with Julian unless I gave them their laptop or cell phones, any electronic equipment. That's a person was going, the sighting there was going out which is unbeknownst above join and the individuals that came to see him was that were actually recording the meetings and there was a camera in the room, a hidden camera, so they gave it to secure at the embassy, what we learned through the spanish litigation, and is it not speculation? We have tremendous evidence it to this effect. at the cia, entered into an agreement with it
I got you see global a spanish company whereby the spanish company would when they when they when they they worked at the amis so when you gave them your laptop, they would at you went into the meeting they would go ahead and they would image everything on your computer is everything on your laptop everything on your phone turn it over the langley mozilla and they know that anyone So not only is it violates the fourth amendment, because you d be the paragraph catches image everything that you have without a search warrant, but as monstrous The fact that think about it, lawyers wanted to see Julia now, lawyers that, when they are some of our plaintives, had a tragic like medications. Tax forget about julian with other cause. Other clients margaret comes
endeavour back when in dropped off their laptop in their laptop, had all kinds of other clientele information that the cia is not privy to its even worse doctors that went in to visit julian for his medical care. Nation had information on their all computers regarding other other patients, so this see, literally received all the information in those laptops and phones. An essentially went through them, which is a gross violation of the fourth amendment right right to privacy. Research work. every eu citizen? No matter where you are in the world and that's that's what we brought sue, now. The irony here were first of is is that julian assange. Is supposedly imprison and facing prosecution for a league obtaining information from the governor and here is the government- is illegal, the obtaining information from julian assange associates correct you
hit the nail on the head: that's exactly right! There, it's there! ultimate irony the government wants to join in jail for doing what it is doing, what my palm pale directed into, which It's so outrageous, because, first of all that the evidence they have approved Julian was involved in the taking and to my knowledge he was a recipient, and last time I checked the new york times cnn fox news when they receive information they printed, but but more egregious as a fact the government actually did take the information at my joy? They wanted it took it and we have in the spanish proceeding we have affidavits people it you see global, then actually said that they got the information they turned in order that the cia langley so pretty outrageous, and it is very ironic that the government's going every joint aside for something that it was more reticent doing than he was so here grown greenwell tweeted this out
the original l, pious expos, a lead to a criminal investigation in Spain. It determine that you see global spied on american journalist meeting with the sarge passing it all to. The CIA is included. My visit with assange, along with my husband, David miranda than a brazilian congressmen, and here is a video of that. So this is from a secret cameron.
And so there you go, that is from that from us. secret camera that the cia had implanted in. embassy ecuadorean embassy to spy. Julian assange and who ever came to visit him, so they were complete. These spying on everybody and they're, doing it illegally, taking people's personal private electra if devices scanning them now. Why would you see global? Do this and the dirty work for the cia? Is it you think they are being paid to do this or what's the theory absolute well? First of all, not only do they have cameras, but they had microphones. They could see and hear what you were sorry when you're in there, without without you knowing it, but the address money you see global. There was a. We have a lot of very specific facts. You see global was at the in LAS vegas
arm were at a convention and they met with individual the cia, and there was a contract signed. We pursued, do not have it will get. It returned the discovery which are essentially paid. You see global significant amounts of money to get his embraced the cia, at the only reason why they did it was for money, so you can imagine how how people rubber arms and outrageous it is that yours There are, for example, just meeting with assigned, assuming that there was a it was a confidential meeting, and yet what Were you send wherever he said, was turned over the langley in virginia? It's just it's really shocks. The conscience of the federal government's was a barn. Let's add to that. The fact that my palm pale ass- we describe the complaint when he had gave us very first speech of the cia director. He said and it's actually quoted a decision by the court.
That he wanted to bring down julian assange and, in fact, in the decision the court quotes from their heads. As that, as we alleged says that we then it was my pompiers goal to bring joint, sounds down witches. We don't know why, but it's pretty outrageous that he would make that his mission Well, I will julius about. Might pompey. Oh, is that an errand boy for the global all turkey and the establishment, and especially the military industrial complex in the united states and so Julian assange exposes there lies, and so That's why he would want to take them down. In fact, might palm pale pretty sure had it at an plants. kill. Julian assange assassinate m air which
and that's using american tax dollars to commit murder and assassination on a journalist. They tell me all the time that donald trump is the guy as the enemy of the press in and am well. I guess he was doing that under donald trump administration, but that's not why they say that done, jobs at any price. They say is an enemy of the journalist. Because he was rooted to up. What's that, as you may cause you're gonna cost that prescott offices saying but meanwhile, behind the scenes, the head of the cia, plotting to murder and assassinate the most dec, wait, a journalist of my generation. That's for sure, and does so that's that's again. That's another irony here and that to me that's why my palm paled want to do that. They had to that already Jim. Let's add that already defended what one could argue
The only reason why Donald trump gotta let it was because of the new working weeks and weeks that came out on the eve of the election. Let's not forget two thousand. Sixteen too things happen one. They found all these all these this. This information from anthony wieners wife's computer, which came out that comer was was, was was bringing front and center, but as important. All these emails came out of the democratic convention. How Hillary wanted to quash Bernie sanders and all there was to trump's benefit, so it was a very
close election. One could argue that the wiki leaks put him in office, and this is what he's doing and by the way on the quote, it's ended in the decision of the court. It's on page twenty four. The judge says that we had allege that pompeo's quote pledged that his office would embark upon a long term campaign against wiki leaks. I just and and and as you said, the report said he wanted to assassinate or the cia wanted to assassinate join a site. That is just I that is so far from our democracy see in our institution that it shocks the conscience. So tell me what they tell me exactly what the big victory was. Now you launched a lawsuit, do you want a soup, cia and palm pay. Another city. I said you sue us cause were the cia. Is that what happened in part? They had many arguments, they hadn't one, you cancer was where the cia
to day said that you had no reasonable expectation of privacy, so one of their arguments was that when you went into the room with- I beg- you said your part your husband, whoever are you had no reason expectation of privacy, so you have no lawsuit, they say on that there's there there's this supreme court precedent that says that they have the right to do. They were doing they claim. We didn't allege that fact, probably they had several different fisheries upon which the fairer for drug should dismiss the case and the job After all, a david was submitted, and after a very heated oral argument on the judge, was definitely the hard up outside clicking. The cia came down with this decision last week, saying no cia. If you engage in his conduct, it's not you not immune learnt,
added to look into this and they're entitled to see why the cia or our federal government would be stealing information of citizens without a search warrant. So the judge gave us the green light to go in and learn what's happening and you you know you can bet your bibi, we're going to depose MIKE pompeo's, we're going to find out about this one and try to find out about this alleged assassination attempt. I mean all this stuff is: is should be something that you report on and and and and and it's it the more we the deeper. We dig the more upsetting the information is so what's basically happening now, so that the judge said that this law suit. This trial can proceed and what the next step in this process is called discovery, and so,
That's a big deal right so to tell people where, what's what's going to happen during discovery, it's a huge deal because, let's not forget the spanish, proceeding their subpoenas served on the us government and on pompeo's they were essentially all ignored. So the spaniards don't have the information that a lot of the information, want. They have some a good deal. They don't have everything there's no way the cia could ignore a to say a border of a federal court judge and us federal court judge. This guy was appointed by bill Clinton. So he's not. Bizarrely he's he's been on the bench a very long time he's very season. So what we're gonna do is we're going to serve and requests we're gonna serve subpoenas. Were we disturbing the auditors? We want answers to the question it's about what exactly see I did. The CIA is going to have to respond to those inquiries, and- and it's gonna be its atlas, is gonna, be that there will probably be tens of thousands of documents. Nothing. We haven't done before
We will call through them all and we will find out in the beginning when he made the speech to when they met in in LAS vegas, to a maybe an alleged assassination tab, which we've heard reports of we don't know the truth. The way to the monitoring that went on to we're going back the cia and then and then the sea area possessing a one more thing. That's just outrageous, is think about it. The first, governments, and as such, we try to put joint assange in jail for violating the espionage. At that same federal government has tape conversations of Julian's meeting with his lawyer, whose defending him from putting him in jail. So his lawyer was defending him in the virginia loss. What I see Juliana and they have his information as well. So we're aware of a lot of discovery to take and we're going to do a very deep dive and learn exactly what the cia did and what they have to be because of all this malfeasance and this chicanery abide and illegal conquered,
institutional spying on sergeant his lawyer and other people. Do you think that this somehow makes it impossible for the united states government to actually ever get a court trial gets julie designed for any this, because isn't it oh contaminated now that
there's no way julian assange could get a fair trial. What would I mean is? Was there a judge that would rule that way? You think so yeah. I agree with you. It is very contaminated. What the federal government's going to try to do is they are going to try to, in that case, in the joint assault case in Virginia they're, going to make a motion saying that everything that happened to civil litigation is not relevant here. Whether we did something wrong is not on trial is whether joined in something wrong. But the problem with that argument is that you're right that the well has been poisoned. People read about it. People hear about it and jurors who are going to be selected are going to presumably know about this so and it's the federal government. Basically, you know tails I win heads you lose they're, going to try their best to exclude all of this for the proceeding in Virginia that were way ahead of ourselves, but the federal court judge in Virginia will have to make a decision to see whether any of this stuff can come in in that case, because, quite frankly,
We set up a run, its the ultimate irony and he's being there. They wanna put him in jail for a long time for doing much less than the federal government and again a lot. Most americans think that Julie in the soldiers on trial for hacking into the b and c server and colluding with russia against Hillary Clinton in her campaign to get donald trump elective. That, first of all, that didn't happen and there wasn't a heck of the Dnc server. We prove that on the show, with and ass, a whistle blower in top coat breaker bill binny came on and he proved to us. Through data that that the infirm judging from the D n c, I downloaded to a thumb drive and a lot of people speculate that was set rich and set rich then gave that two wikileaks, julian assange himself has hinted that it was set the rich, but without outright saying so ad
set rich was murdered, and we don't know who murdered him still to this day. The cops say: the official story is that that Seth rich was it's a botched robbery but it certainly was botched cause. I didn't take his wallet, they didn't take his watch. They didn't take his cell phone. So does it look like a robbery and and then there was this up this properly and a campaign against anybody who asked a question about the set rich murder that yours, I'm kind of nefarious conspiracy. Theorist and I asked I asked on on panel to my friend ben may- go it's from turning class movies genk. Younger the head of the young turks, and now the number one online news show the time in america- and I said he can anybody remember last time, a journalist wasn't allowed to ask questions about an unsolved murder and they couldn't, and so that hasn't happened before it has happened sense, but
during that time you weren't supposed to ask questions about an unsolved murder, and, and the reason they gave was that it would hurt the families feelings just like all the result of the murder of their son, that that that doesn't make any sense and also nobody seemed to care about the candidates family when they showed John F Kennedy had being blown off. I had nausea since to tie my kid. I was bored till now. Nobody ever said: hey, that's gonna, hurt their family, stop showing the president of the united states had being blown up, though so so that idea that just asking questions about this rich murder, disc and now comes out if the f b does dazzle first day lied and said they didn't have his lavish spirit that we have. It was a good spirit. There was a conspiracy that the f b I had his laptop turns out. They did have his laptop. Then they said they couldn't get the data. Then they said they did have the data, but there are could I release it for sixty five years,
the family? I guess to protect a lot. I beg you, set it best upfront, there's a there's misinformation up their job science is will be tried, because he will be extradited, there's a proceeding on the january nineteen, twenty and twenty first. He will presumably be tried on for receiving information and publishing it, and I think what is happening now in both of these countries in the world is that there's an awakening by specifically by a basket of reporters there was an art. Was you may know in a five major newspapers in the world wrote an article saying that this should happen. Congress is now looking into it. It's just it's it's a travesty than he.
Glad to see sitting in belmarsh prison and in in london and that he had to be in the korean embassy for six years has been in prison for another? Several are based on the fact that he's a reporter and nothing other than a reporter, and our hope is that, once this information comes out and once people start stretching I'd say, wait a minute, he didn't hack, he didn't do any of the things they're saying, then why is he sitting in jail? It is it is it's it's nothing short of an outrage that someone who's just asking questions and getting information. Whether democratic network convention or from some other source is sitting there in jail sitting in an embassy when all he did was nothing different than every major. Every reporter is supposed to do they're trained to do it's our obligation to you and that's: what's upsetting and back so just to put it, but now that he's not being charged or he's not in jail. Because of anything to do with russia. To anything
to do with the Hillary Clinton campaign or the dnc server, nothing the reason why he's in jail, right now and what they want to charge him with is good. information that revealed american war crimes in iraq, and rightly so, So that's that they don't want you to know that they want the the establishment, the cia and the corporate press that work for them want you to think he's being charged with colluding with russia? That's why the people have that impression. That is not what this is about whatsoever. This, about him actually did receiving information, and he east reese aerials chelsea manning frida whose now free so great and not only did wick leagues published some of this, but he was doing this in conjunction with the new york times. Also I hope, also published a lot of this information, and under the obama administration. They came to the conclusion. Well, if we process
you julian assange for this. We're gonna have the prosecutor new york times too, because they did the same thing and that's why they said we're not gonna prosecute him, but they still kept them in that ecuadorean embassy and then, when they put and then now Joe Biden watch to be a dead, they're gone full steam. So there oh, even though Joe Biden was vice president, when their justice department reach that decision that we can't prosecutor without prosecuting the new york times they, If that on their head, they don't care, they don't care. What It looks like and they're just going to go forward right. This is what's happening yeah. I think you're right there's a couple of things, though, that I have to add number one as he hasn't been in the: u s once he's in the us. I have to assume it'll be much more attention brought to him and brought to what a phrase he is just crazy, he's been tried, has been indicted and the and these counts- and the second thing is- and maybe this is just hopeful Joe Biden because because join side is such a volatile
right. Now there can be no pardon after the next election, I'm no matter who wins. Ah there there certainly is pressure on Joe Biden. the same. Listen you know about whether you wonder loses joined. His son should not be prosecuted for this crime, but right now it's full speed ahead. There trying to act, they will extradite him he'll be it'll, go in in virginia and that's when, hopefully the real word will come out. Unfortunately, now, like you, said, there's and there's misinformation about what he's done and what he's been accused of and the new york times by god. That's what they make their money on. Getting this information, that's what they! You know. The memory
when I back in the day would look at our phone to learn the news we wait for the next morning and and that's what the new york times was dying, the pentagon papers. There were dying for this information, it's no different than one of them. Your type reporters god. If you recall, before the two thousand, sixteen election got parted donald trump tax returns. There was published maggie Haber mandate that you published that stop, because your job as a reporter is not to hold it back. Its transparency is let the world, though happens of a bank would be prosecuted for just performing his job. That's what's upsetting here. So the again another unbelievable irony is that a few Years ago there was a movie about the pentagon papers and Daniel Ellsberg and moral streep was in it. I think Tom hanks was also in it and
it was all about how Daniel Ellsberg got a hold of the information. They reveal that the we're being lied to through four different administrations about the vietnam war and it got published in the washing post and when you would see, I would I would watch interviews, The whole cas they'd have the whole cas and the director didn't spielberg directed I can remember, doesn't matter who directed it, but they are all sitting on stage and that one came that one honest answer about julian assange, even if some one asked them, they would go. Oh that's different ass, they were, so they're they're at the big. that same thing, their hold movie is about and how Brave then, what judge impulse was to publish and how brave Daniel Ellsberg was, and then these actors and writers directors of producers I'll just at their end were cowards when it
I came to. The cia is good now that yet now the cia is good, because when they were bad, yeah yeah, we got it all cleared up yet yeah, that to me, that was, I, you know, and I knew some of those actors personally and I just could I couldn't leave that they will go along with them. But of course now I can. Of course you can against hollywood in anything and or else the urals. You don't get to work and we look at susan surrendered so anyway, what so? well, I just want to share this. Also declan green wild reminded us that one of the four decades is journalistic frauds. Is the guardian trumpeting that paul me afford, which was a campaign manager for doubt. Rob had visited julian assange in the embassy several times it was. The total lie we knew That embassy was fully sir veiled. the guardian, won't. We tracked that story to this day. Smear joint songs that Paul man afford visited him. Yes, so that was
it's weird, because that was the show that he was in collusion with that with donald trump and the russia that we don't care about iraq crimes. So that was and and not only did the guardian. But here the at the time, the number one online new show, reported that same story breathlessly now that same studio, I debunk that they came on after I debunked this guardian story has been garbage and they re both their asses out. They said read well obvious it's hard to tell whose telling the truth here yet eat julian assange or the c I a and the guardian, not hard to tell wasn't hard for me to tell. But here we go you once you may vary. Do these deontology well it's hard to tell whose telling the truth here, but lately I have to confess that their wikileaks has not had an ass astounding record. You know the way the design seems to be backing donald trump
over and over and over again it baby. be very seriously question the sun's assizes efforts, who actually be a journalist and nodded. the report is in, and I get I get why he hates the Democrats. They put him in prison, ok but at the same time telling make sure they win, but at but also make sure they will act as an while. He saying this, it's the republicans who are trying to put him in for trying to kill a man like this. You have made it clear. Why wouldn't go with the people if Manafort really were going, don't get the people that are trying to free you supposedly right, which is also a lie: go ahead, usa, seven up two questions: what is, if that thumb drive that wiki leaks got at a Democrat of the Dnc emails? If that were the new york times, you don't think the new york times would have printed it, of course, and I taste something else and if they had a republican,
in thumb drive. They would have printed it too. That's right the bias to the Democrats, it the whole thing is so outrageous, and- and it really you know, it speaks to our whole or a whole communications problem. With this fake news out there I mean people are just saying what they want to hear what they want to say what they want people to hear, and it's just you know it's it's working. It's way now under this president, is a big different conversation, but worked his way in this presidential election at the end of the day. Join Assad did nothing other than be an investigative report. and for that he can not. He should not be tried. He cannot be converted. Well, let me just put let me just finish this short clip and let's be clear about that now. The republicans are too and they have been in the past, but it seems like a scientist pig decide in an enlarged. It makes me question is reporting, and so
and so that's the situation we're in now so now is he just leaking things that he gets and no matter what, in which case, I would respect that. or is he selectively leading based on his political motives? Now, though, Suspicion is out there and its real and its possible well now concerned at dead that it can be trusted fell on idiot person. Who can't be trusted. Is this guy who had just taken twenty million dollars the Dnc donors to lie in smear julian assange for doing act, we'll journalism and to him, pretend that he doesn't know what he's doing, the biggest lie, and that's why his audiences abandon its. Why say they used to be the largest online news new show they have bunch of fake subscribers, now he's got. It looks like he's, got a five or ten thousand dollar watches wearing and I'm guessing that came right for a mug, Jeffrey Katzenberg and that money and
by the way they have a retracted. This video they won't take it down. Just like the guardian, won't take down, then that the bogus article, and so that's them being the enemy of the people. That's them be paid liars to lie to you about journalists, so the thing that they could accuse trump of doing being the enemy of the of journalists and free speech. actually doing it died so that at the time the number one news Joanna in the world won't do and and they won't retracted, and they want everybody to memory whole. It and forget it happen, but I'm not gonna let then do that so
now? We will not allow anyone went, but the good. The good news when he got back to join, is that assuming that goes forward and probably will there will be a trial. The government has a burden, it's not gonna, be tapes like desolately, real evidence and there we should be shut, the a groundswell of support for a reporter who reported information received and anne and if he is tried and if he is acquitted, that it's it's a terrible way. Some ten years of his lawyer- but that its terrible I what he's going through, but that should be the end result, will hopefully he's alive, hopefully that You know what they're really doing is torturing him, and a dirt road bet there their fingers are. Cross that he dies and the reason why they're doing this, even though there is no way, they would win a court case against him, The reason why they're doing this is is too as an example to anybody
else out there who wants to go against this security state anybody else who wants to go into the cia, the united. It's war machine and the cia. Anybody who wants to go against those people, the julian assange, your example that what's gonna happen to you and that's why we have situations where no one would tell the truth about syria in the news: no would tell the truth about ukraine. Nobody would tell about ukraine? The only guy who did his name was Tucker carlsson and he got fired and I have to remind people they dont fire, you from corporate news for lying. That's why they hire you. They fire you, You ever tell the truth: you're not supposed to and of course, Tucker karlsson, the truth about the ukraine war- and that was a bridge too far- and they couldn t they couldn't stand that that's why they fired him go here. New york times will never print anything like a pentagon papers ever again. Would they weren't imprint just stuff that I mean the whole pandemic stuff, they won't know. Oh, that's! A conspiracy show that success in your time. That would be on the hook.
Of joyous orange we're on trial for what he did with you know that information they that's wanted to them. I never going to do anything like that again if they help, but they already ran all those people out. That would talk about real things right so I'll yeah. So all the people who would say something like Chris hedges, Seymour, Hersh seymour hurt they're they're all got fired they're all they got run out of the new york times the Washington post, which is which it stifles. The first amendment I mean this. This country is founded on that very basic principle, and when you put julian asides out there and say, listen you do what he did. We're gonna go after you too. It's terrible. I mean it's really. It just contravenes everything we learn in our whole life about the the country and the freedom and the freedom of speech, and how you should be able to say what you want to say and investigative report journalism it just it's it's it's there's a lot of troublesome, just repercussions from this con. The conduct of the government. Well, richard roth, delete attorney.
presenting lawyers, journalists who had file suit against the cia and palm pale. We wish you all the luck and I hope he come back and nuts. Tell us about your victories. Thank you so much it's on. It's Jimmy who's, this jewish, your wine, Hello cry in the caribbean, hello, mr, Isn't it are you on vacation? I sure am I'm on my annual christmas trip to the islands mom seat. It needed my wife and my granddaughter Natalie you'll, Take one of your grandchildren have just a dream: and where did you hear your tradition? Tough you're not gonna lie. I have a feeling. Twenty four is forest can be a good year
so we're going on a beach, no one. The best is yet to come. What do you think about this date of the world as you go off the lounge on a beach. Mr president, Jimmy rebecca under control really under control, The situation in Gaza is under control where yeah, germany wants you realize, is truly engage ethnic cleansing. You realize there's nothing. You can do that is an odd wage relief. You're just gonna happen. First restore designed to nobody can really do anything stop a genocide, especially Israel is doing, decades ago that for some reason they get to do whatever they want, and nobody can say shit I see I see all I can do.
depression. Occasionally we tell me is rarely hey, maybe take it easy or have had shit. If anyone here says peep, we try a blanket to make some vaguely threatening pro israel statement and then we're good, so she's, just gonna go out. Ghosts is just trash from here on house. This is this is just so unbelievable. I agree. believe our easy dishes to navigate? Now? That's not what I meant no I wouldn't what about Ukraine has echoing what Jimmy's point was reported my government, despite its rhetoric and defeat, to feeding evil ass rush at all costs as quietly begun, urging ukraine to preserve peace talks. and how can we negotiate showman summit, which would inevitably
They result in large swathes of territorial used in ukraine remaining russian age. Oh you mean that thing that was proposed and the beginning of war, but was considered by you to be cowardly in capitulation to Putin, you mean that thing exactly at that time, such a move would have been a slap in the face to the community of nations, see singer to the world to go, go ahead. Take what you want. No one will stop you well. We can have that to the the force of charity wherever it may be, and now it turns out We can have a Ok. How can you justify this about face, though you should
No way man, he had unstoppable journey guys that I mentioned earlier might lead to a broader conflict in the middle east and we can't be fight, surrounded, winterland and the earliest aid package for ukraine was two hundred, and fifty million dollars is barely enough for them to white dress with black wow, I'm sure my little olive sweater friend the goose is cooked, and so what if russia takes them? Territorial factors. Does that sort of We bedside aware of action
if you think about it all that territory is not even part of ukraine proper. It used to be called nova, scotia or new russia. These were thinly populated grasslands until the late seventeen hundreds when russia, not an independent ukraine, russia, agriculturally and industrially developed as dirt. And fell in love with russians, which is why these areas are right stages day. The city about death, should marry savage stubble, who kentucky is older than the city. Yeah plans are in a way russian, I'm not sure just warrants an invasion, but sheeting them to russia does not make it does make a certain amount of sense and the idea of do we let this happen. Russia will overrun western europe now. Mr president, there were people saying that two years ago, though
Shame when I just said two years ago, was a fascist yeah, I'm saying it now. So it's fine, but it was wrong. Then the path to peace and therefore good, I'm going for saying. Do you understand, No, not at all. Well, I'm playing three d chess over here on different levels of a new bob. yeah, clearly wilson, Gaza, ukraine, are really more capitulation than triumphs. You can't really amplify them publicly, so you just let them go away! So what would be hidden? positive for bided administration right now, prices, not market. Margaret, like tat like I, don't any control over to begin with, really well
credit for you, I'm on vacation right now, I'll, let you get back and away Wang worry about all that I'll get back on the sticking point, twenty four. right now she sine die. How guy got you I urge you to shame, could give a shit till next year feels great. Ok? Mr president, good to know just like the curbing of sharks feels great. we gotta their promise suntan lotion. Now, I'm gonna put this crema grandpa Natalie I swear,
hey become a premium member, go to jimmied art gallery, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business. For the all, the voices performed today are by the one and only the inimitable, MIKE Mccray, he can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com. That's it for this week you be the best,
you can be and I'll keep me in me. Don't don't don't don't don't bring down? How did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-05.