« The Jimmy Dore Show

House Speaker DEMANDS Israel Keep Bombing Gaza!

2023-11-17 | 🔗

At the recent pro-Israel rally in Washington DC, House Speaker Mike Johnson described as “outrageous” any calls for a ceasefire in Gaza — despite the fact that a solid majority of Americans support a ceasefire. Instead Johnson, along with other politicians on stage with him like Jody Ernst and Hakeem Jeffries, insisted that the killings, the massacres, the genocide continue unabated. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to System Update host Glenn Greenwald about the consensus in both parties that many more civilians in Gaza must die. Plus a segment on the $450 billion of liquefied natural gas off the coast of Gaza that's likely the REAL reason Israel is seeking to clear Palestinians out. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A warm in greece on a cold winter night, the snow of cinnamon, flickering candles in the window and hands young and old joined around the table. There's nothing like being there in person for the holidays and mercedes Benz. What's it's: u their safely coming now, during the holiday love celebration for great offers on vehicles yoga door now through genuine reset There are more than the usa dot com, slash special offers. A company is going to live, stand up your being burbank, california, oxnard, california, venice, california, pie dale California, there were go into alma hugged, moyne, Milwaukee, lancing band, Oregon, portland, Oregon, seattle and balls. stared in massachusetts, gotta jimmy door that come for a link for all those tickets. This Jimmy who's, this
express your job right. Oh, how you doing miss today, Mister president Jimmy current mode optimistic, and why is that she made a day where meeting went to project china face to face for the first time in over a year we're going to finally settle our differences or conflicts to rest. Today, all of the family's business we'll be saddled but jimmy. I am also nervous nervous about worth getting his don't name. I thought about that surprises. Jimmy years you know, I dimension pretty bad one We all shaky deeds me is messing up names. The horse normally start big deal. If I say I met with tony weapon hammer someone dead, no one gets to work. Job
You must have been asian guy's name. It sounds super waste than pseudonym, that's all I met with jane, Jane drang. Drawing up my preference. Microsoft cannot allow that to happen. a month ago, worry were wearing. Due to going to be discussing a short stretch from your name it for starters, the conflict in ukraine and the middle EAST. We want to try to use Moreover, I ran to get them to stay out of the warrant, Israel and likewise their influence over north korea to stop them selling weapons to russia. China has diplomatic leverage where we have none we're gonna to ask to due to china's gonna on your request. Now. At least I can say ash. I look, don't blame me. I invited MR chance
yeah. Let's be real, not in china's interest to do either one of those things hey. Can you do me ever and help us preserve westerner. Germany have a big joke. Really you don't speak it to try to make. Is safer world. Will you be addressing disturbing ramp up of nuclear armament by both countries aimed at each other. Now yeah? Do you want there? Oh really hey! I. I tried jimmy artificial, intellect widespread, not about trading our automated. In the french instance in inadvertently, causing real war, three
mr tried- and I commend do not re rigorous protocols to prevent it from being possible. So that both countries can maintain their mash of nuclear arsenals, while being secure in the knowledge that, if one does launch it, because a dude pressed the button on purpose had to happen, let very comforting as it should be here. I was made aware of the twenty first century threat when shopping- grave came to my attention. A few months ago, we breathe we breathe by the defence department on something now I watched mission impossible, dead, reckoning, part one. I am not making this regime No, I haven't seen it.
it was not nearly as good as fall out, even cruz seems to be tiring and the franchise. The train sequence agenda is pretty bad ass We are aware of how to she said, but he in the the movies area doing doing stuff against government should control. Arrange shit What can this happen. Some guy in a white house. Screening, rumours like probably How do we prevent this happening in real life, though, are not sure jimmy, fortunately dead, regulate part. You won't come on actual twenty twenty five I've fag shag after her streaming residuals are more important than a literal nuclear war. Ok anything else and the doktor
trade and to let your property that taiwan, no no no fuckin way. We have another big when china is agreed to help or stem the flow of threatened, not stage. Mr president, pronounce fenton ill sheep's. Like you know much about his return, you show your picture for drawing by miss pronouncing it Surely this meeting is being held in San francisco, the president of asia, can see with his own two. The devastating effect of this drug is having on our cities all these homeless people, not because a friend mom that they are homeless, because housing is unaffordable. Mr president, leering them out so he won't see them is this will not address the homelessness problem in the united states. Have don't point out my strength?
dear, no stupid their homeless, because the plant nosed outside and they were stay where the fat knowledge, because your addicted, probably because they try marriage, your wanna watch, oh brother, also, what discharges june or poor police force their reports of cops getting one The amount of powder on over their heads exploding like scanners yeah there, our cities, man, those poor, cops its own before now this tragic. I have to go on me: with the world leader sure to get Tom fourth awake at my again turn with the sole tourniquet thinking? about an hour now, give me no time a memoir name, no matter what happened at least dinner tonight be catered by p, have changed.
I got my shrimp lobster sauce to look forward, to is the least goodbye and go to yeah fuck, the laws in my home region, johnson media some had the chance to show. I wanted to talk to you about this speech. I saw the new speaker of the house? Now I had half, I arrive: jobs for the new speak, as is, was jerk and I saw him says, stand up kind of against censorship hey, maybe of course, whereby I'm so stupid, but here
is: let's listen. He he talks about a ceasefire. Let's listen to this calls for a ceasefire or outrageous, and then they start and then so I don't know if you heard what republican, how speaker Harry potter just said, but the calls for cease fire outrageous. Can you imagine how bad an actual ceasefire would be? Glenn, it would be like a war crime roger level may know. I mean look at how animated that crowd is it's like you're sitting there watching for thirty six very days, a densely populated tiny strip of land of two point, two million people, half of whom are children, able to leave that area in over twenty five years, because their trot there
by Israel, one about by Egypt, getting relentlessly bomb there over ten thousand above them who have get been killed closed a five thousand children confirmed dead, which is more than the number of us soldiers who died during the entire iraq war. All those years when we were in Iraq and then imagine just sitting there chanting ass, though it's your primary political passions, no cease fire, no cease. Fire me keep telling a kick killing them keep bombing then keep destroying their hospitals and mars, and you know I had my johnson, ah my show I think, maybe three months ago, and I also is kind of impressed with them. He had just and the grille de christopher wray, the fbi director. He had also done the same thing with homeland security side, sceptre balanced purity- in part over the security states, effort to censure the internet. I was I thought that my daddy was smart. I thought he was very many of these causes and then he gets elected speaker Jimmy and you know it's kind of important ritual. It's only happened, fifty six.
Times in american political history that we have a new speaker he's a bit the sex and when a speaker gets elected at the house, the people's house. They have to this tribute It was tribune and they say here's my speech where I'm going to reveal to you the priorities of a speakership. What I'm going to do for you, the american people and the american people are like what are you gonna do for us. You're gonna, like give us healthcare or solve the vietnam crisis, are giving us celebrate a living wage or reindustrialize our towels, and he said, and the very first thing I'm gonna do- is pass a bill to help our friend Israel. and it at their rally that you just show me was literally holding hands. They were ended, hand with chucks, humour and aachen, jeopardizing earlier. That was the pro reorient anti semitism rally in Washington and there's always these attempts to try and claim claim the two parties are so at each other's there's, a lot of public aid.
Is it conservatives or try to pretend that democrats are anti israel and pro hamas when, in reality, Joe Biden and chuck Schumer, are two of the most pro israel politicians ever to exist in american history, and you can obviously add MIKE Johnson to that list now they're completely indistinguishable time after time, time of those consequences. Consequential issues on the warning crane. They were the same way another this way, I'd the war for for Israel that we decided to make our worries? Well, so I disagree with the other. Well, this looks bad that scene over there, but desert kind of nice, our image of forrest gump when he is with jenny. It's okay. I just want to play this one more time, because this is truly stunning. This. This to me reminds me of hitler, and I'm not I'm not that I'm not saying that lightly, but let's, let's play it
calls for a ceasefire or outrageous and so what I said after watching that was this sounds like the hitler getting people worked up into abroad, or frenzy to go, kill jews and establish the master race except it's Jews, doing the genocide and to establish their superior already of their own ethnicity and ass, no state the parallel. Striking an undeniable won't except those people were more sincere back. Then. A lot of this has been put together by so you J streets in zaire. Lot of this was actually funded. They were paying our protest to two hundred and fifty two hours, to go to this. It's
over the top and that Glenn were because that's really what it feels like to me and is not yet israel and ethno state Israel is doubly and at no stated to state of the jews they have twenty percent of their population composed of I do israeli arabs, but according to even top israeli officials, including the former head of the mission, chosen by benjamin at yahoo. In two thousand and fifteen, he in September said we are now essentially an apartheid nation, because we are rolling over millions and millions of people who have no political rights, not just in the west bank, but also in gaza, Israel. always brutally and illegally occupying the west bank and has been for many years and although Israel withdrew its troops in two thousand five continue to control the ceilings of the airspace? And me the land boundaries of Gaza, with the exception of one crossing in Egypt, which is controlled by the us, supported egyptian dictator side, that the thing that you know in terms of the framing of your tweet, that I would hasten
as you have people there like Joanie earn and hakeem jeffreys mike Johnson. None of them is europe. Should there at Joe Biden for that batteries and either They ve made this their war and, in part, that's because there's a large evangelical call population, the united states, that is at least pro israel as most american jews are for religious reasons, and for other reasons you have not full security hawks and militarist C is very all as this crucial partner whose words we should regard as our wars. It, This kind of unholy alliance with the united states that has given Israel more money than any other country by far over many decades and a bad. Many? U S, generals and people who work inside the us security stated intelligence agencies who have said that our support for Israel arms do us. National security in all sorts of ways.
because it increases anti american sentiment in that region, people who are looking at these bombs dropping on the hospitals, it department, buildings and killing children. Muslim Chile I know that these american bombs american by right is really about their american bombs being paid for with american money and all the hatred, that's being fomented. In that region and all around the world for this war I mean the united states and and Israel are increasingly isolated, as just two countries always gets directed to the united states, because most people understand that these are Amir and wars remember what we were attacked: the nine eleven, the worst attack on the american omens, pearl, harbor and sense Al Qaeda had three grievances, one of which was that we enable power, the israelis to dominate the palestine. And the other was the sanctions regime on Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands of muslim children and the desecration of sacred,
land and saudi arabia, but putting our bases there. So the more we keep involving ourselves in this region. So do you know Jimmy I traveled outside the outside Brazil outside the united states twice in the last five weeks and each time I did I traveled under a state department advisory. That said that, because of this war in Israel, there is a signal secondly, increased risk of terrorist attacks and anti american attacks or any american travelling in the world. I thought the purpose of our foreign policy was to increase security of americans. But this is yet another war that is endangering the security of americans. And yet, when you put it up for a boat and passes by something like four hundred the thirteen to eight, and everybody knows that. The reason why impact today announced a hundred million dollar campaign, a hundred million dollars to unseat six or seven of the members of the house. You aren't boys afforded the visual. They can't stand that the votes of war,
in thirteen to seven baby baby, they want to eliminate every single conceivable, no vote. So it's a very widespread coalition, not just american jews who are ensuring this war. And yes, there is, of course, a religious component to the war itself, but I think even more so it's a war over land. It's a war over the fact that the israeli government no longer accepts the internet whole communities view they are legally binding. Then Israel, as the nineteen sixty seven borders, they see the west bank and Gaza, and even parts of jordan and other middle eastern countries as part of greater israel. They intend to seize that land. They intend to ethnically cleanse palestinians from the goth from Gaza amp on the west bank to take it over the inaccurate, and this is what we're supporting it's pure aggression and pure, violence and it seems like the same old game its people just like we invented
You know Al Qaeda isis and then we funded them real, does the same thing with Hamas and people don't know that They were funding them and why do you think they were funding them and it was because they wanted to have a radical terrorist organization that would every once in a while fight back against the occupation. So then they could use their fighting back against the occupation as a pretext to go. In both these people down, they used to call boeing the lawn and and now they're, just blowing the water out two bits, and so that's so people don't realize that game, that's being played, and then I just found out yesterday and I'd like to get if you're on the I learned this, I'm sure you must know about this- that they found all this oil and gas under Gaza and our right off the coasts, and so it's like at least worth a half inch, lean, if not more dollars, and, though, so again, what look at this?
same time that the united states is blowing up. The Nord stream pipeline pudding sanctions on other iran, an end that break the Beirut just happened, up accidently at occupy. serious fields illegally. Now the plan is make Israel an exporter of fossil fuels and so That seems to be actually like this perfect cola coalescing of of interests ride, so they ve always wanted that land. Now we know why really really want that land and then they also had a plan to build a canal and they were going. Huge nuclear bombs that do it. This is all real, I'm not making up any of this, and I just like to get your comment on it. Tat I mean look, you can go and I may say everything we ve got in the middle east over the past six dec aids that has caused so much harm united states things like overthrowing the democratically elected government,
of iran and replacing it with the shop, IRAN and others of movement again to reinstate the sovereign son. I was on peace appear organ show the other day and right before I went on, he had the shop around son who he treated like a kind of dignan terrier, like rail I might even said to have the country your country wanted If the returns are rolling nam, would you be willing to do so? They have to be like so completely out of touch to think that the people of IRAN want a return of the shah of IRAN. Who was one of those twentieth centuries, but yours that the united states impose than everyone. Iran knows that that happen and just go around the the the in Iraq and syria. I n What we did in yemen, the you know, and it's on saudi Arabia and yes, obviously with Israel as well, and our entire middle eastern policy bombing worrying cooing, as of course
It has been about oil and the thing is I mean this is what I want to say is you know I've been on your show many times, and more times than I even like to remember and the time when only on and we will spend a lot of time criticising the american right and conservatives and and whatever, and then for the last. You know same four or five years. Our focus is critical. Focus has been on the liberal establishment and even one calls itself the american, while the part of the lap that is capital, democratic party, because the authoritarian measures they embody in the name of stopping donald trump easter extorted, became everything meekly tea was, they became very dangerous, but now I have to say you know when I look at the conservative movement they need. All sorts of serious criticism. I don't mean all of them, there's a vision in the conservative movement. Thankfully, on these questions by, what you're saying you know. I've heard nothing from conservative. Nevertheless, six or seven years since trap wise
I did other that oh we're the anti war party, we believe it not interventionism and we want to stop spending all this money overseas on militarism and wars, so that we can spend it by me to make our country
great again and build our own country and improve the lives of america really because it seems to me, like conservatives, are very eager to fight and make Israel's war our war. They want a military confrontation with IRAN. They are very eager to have a military confrontation with china. This does not seem like an anti interventionist movement to me at all, and then on top of that, of course, you add all the repulsive hypocrisy that Tucker Carlson has been talking about. That candace owens has been talking about mid back, has been talking about where conservatives suddenly decided a lot of them did after spending eight years. Saying free speech is the sacred value on which our entire country depends suddenly now they're cheering for the banning of pro palestinian protests, all throughout the west ron de santis banning a pro palestinian
group and the university of bordeaux system people getting mass fired, not a single person fired in the last five weeks, united states for expressing their political opinions to express a political opinion that was too pro israel. You can say I want gaza destroyed. I wanted a race that won every one of them dad I wanted off the map. As many ad, you will not use your job. Every single person, united states, who has gotten the buyer the last five weeks for expressing their view on the war as expressed a view that is pro palestinian. And you have not all but many conservatives cheery mad cheering victimhood narratives from america, Jews than america, jews are as endangered is a lot of white progressive. Try to play black people are in danger of united states, and so all of these principles and values an agenda that the american right has been claiming for the last seven or eight years and strong was elected that they show wholeheartedly passionately support. It all disappeared, the minute this foreign country, for which they have such obvious and intensive ability
became a centre stated it And obviously they can't do it alone, their hand in hand with Joe Biden in our cotton and chuck sumer, the entire astonishment democratic parted at every bit as pro israel as they are. But we are yet again. I signing ourselves driving the world is the chinese arms which they say is our main enemy. China's I mean enemy were driving the world into china's arms because everyone, He sees that we are a country of endless war and for what for what? How was this benefiting? How was this war? How we're sending billions of dollars and weapons to israel to destroy Gaza in any way. Improving the lives of american citizens obviously does not no more than the warring ukraine did, Well, Bobby Kennedy has said that other, even though he presents himself as a peace candidate Bobby Kennedy, Canada has said that,
Israel, is like our own aircraft carrier in the middle east and unfortunately, that aircraft carrier has a concentration camp on it that they, like the bomb also. He also then coupled russia, china ran and- the regime in Venezuela, he use John bolton's words and and he said they will control ninety percent of the world's oil, and we cannot allow that. So he, this idea, that Bobby Kennedy was some kind of a peace candidate seem to be just a ruse and He is going along with the wards for oil, just like everybody else, and he speaking out of both sides of his mouth and that to me that goes back to what you are saying, is that we have to go back to criticising the conservatives. But my point is that it's it's a unit party, right, and so they will let they will let some republic and be anti war when it doesn't matter just like they used to
Let some Democrats be anti war when it didn't matter, but when they need them to come together, they fallen line and come together, and so this project of you know the establishment, funding illiberal institutions getting them to go against everything that liberalism supposed to be against. now they ve kind of created this monster that they do not the end de colonise your bride and all that stuff that they ve been preaching to them, and so now those people are going against the war in Israel and palestine, and so now, there's people now we're not going to vote Joe Biden, any more, even even people at the young turks right who are just the most pro war maniacs you ve ever seen. Even they now are going again so How does this? How does this end up for the such good? Does it matter if its descent this Joe Biden. It doesn't really matter to them right again
Nicky hayleigh, ordinary hayley or Nicky Hayley. Let me you know what let me just show you this, because I always thought that there was a left in Israel. Night thought. J street might be it, but I was reading this article, Ukraine about the of the programme is already in a matter in time, but not my guardian about the anti semitism march. of those present acknowledged unease at the rising death toll in gaza, but said they pin the blame squarely on Hamas, Judah, Klaus a composer who had travelled from new york cited a recent threat from I see her modest senior member of a is political bureau to repeat the october seventh attacks, a second third and fourth time as good reason for ruling out a cease fire Paul stewards, Seven, a former engineer and retired attorney who had travelled from Vermont said. I dont think there should be a cease fire. because Israel has given the palestinians option to leave, but obviously Hamas has some in
well it's over them and are telling them to stay in old. Probably, would really hate the people not wanting a cease fire all these really hostages that are still in Gaza. Will I guess it's I've them, since they were warned of south that right, so one more most of these? This is from that article. Most of the israeli left supports the war against tomorrow. so it can be eliminated and allow route to the two state solution that hold. So it's goodbye. So this dear that we're going to wipe out hammas and then we won't have any bore resistance or terror. The whole idea. Exactly what you explained at the beginning of this segment is that what created? Nine eleven was our intervention in trying to wipe out terrorism well, what we actually do you every time you drop a bomb on a wedding. Every time you drop a bomb on Gaza, your creating dozens, if not hundreds of more
people dedicated to the demise of the west is real, and the united states to correct got, you know, there's somebody historical examples. Look too! When an enemy You say about like this unity in Israel over the war. You know I do want to point out that, when the united states to tackle There are eleven in two thousand wine A similar unity emerged where something like ninety per Sense of americans wanted to go to war in afghanistan in the name of destroying the taliban, when there was a boat you authorize military force for going to work. Afghanistan, there was a single member congress at five hundred and thirty five barbarously, mr not been voted. No every single member of congress, except for she voted. Yes, their ways, a unity around george w bush, you just eight months before liberals were accusing about stolen. Did you download actin? Do the same?
roy now he had an eighty five percent or ninety percent approval. I did so on one level. I understand the reaction in Israel What I don't understand Why so many americans are sold so what this foreign country on the other side of the world. Why is this dominating our politics? Why you know I saw this again. I want to say like that. serbia is an american. The only state are not a monolith. There are some who are standing up and saying. Why are we support in this house is an army in our interest to say what they were doing. The crane and one of them is and the salad and they're out for her, but they want her buyer they're digging up old stuff about her. They hate her. They want her anybody, Israel is the litmus tests. Do you know how many emails I've gotten to me over the past five year over the past five weeks from conservatives saying? Oh, you know,
really used to respect you. I love you so much for work, but you are doing on the civil liberties of american citizens on the abuses of the. U s: security state when it came to american politics on the defence of free speech for americans, but now that you criticise the sport country, which seems to be the country they value more than even their own, including me, well, who barked under the banner of america, burst and yet see this country, this tiny little country on the other side of the world and obviously venerate it. Then they say I just can't respect you any longer. I can support your work any longer, because it's one thing for me to support the work you're doing for american citizens, but Israel? That's where no disagreement can be tolerated, not most not many but some like I'd, not trivial number, and you know. I think that this is one of the things that we have to be honest about
stephen walden. John mearsheimer wrote that back in two thousand six copy Israel lobby that describe There are a lot of really powerful, he's a worse than you? Have the pharmaceutical I'll be the wall street lobby beyond our aid by aaron had but one of the most powerful about people's powerful? Is the Israel lobby, the existing activists, groups that aren't breaking the law but that are extremely powerful and well balanced to ensure that american support for Israel military support financial support, even though many israelis have a higher quality of life of many a mayor americans do every year under an agreement signed by president obama on the way out with Netanyahu, we send board billion dollars to Israel and then, on top of that, we give them all these extras constantly whenever they want, like Biden, is getting now another. fourteen billion dollars to sunday, israel for their war, and they make sure that there is complete bipartisan unita. You can vote for republicans you can you could bumper Democrats makes not the slightest
imprints the? U s will continue to treat Israel as the bit deeper state finance. Its military will send all this money to. It will make its words. Are. Wars will never once say, look something. You're doing is harming our national security and if you don't stop we're gonna cut out the aid. The last president, he tried, that was george was forty. One under Jim digs baker, his secretary of state, he said you are allowing me settlement expenses in the west bank, which were bent a peace agreement from a region that is harming our national security. We, the united states, and, if you don't, stop we're gonna go opera loan guarantees that you need and you'll, never guess what James Baker was notified as that's right and anti semite any really didn't get anywhere and ever since then no present has been willing to confront israel because there is an extremely powerful lobby, not just america dues, but even juggles the arms industry than actual securities
that revere israel in an and protect it more than ever the other states in its interests more than american undress, and that's why every bill that comes up and congress, its pro israel passes by a lopsided marginal by four hundred and sixteen to seven and now apec announced today, a hundred million dark young pain to unseat from congress, even though six or seven people who occasionally are insufficiently supportive in israel because they wanted to be unanimous, not born. Seventy two separate and that's the point of a culture. we're living, that's the reality. People isn't it I mean it becomes gonna obvious. The goal is to make sure we don't have national security, because we all good things come out of that jobs are created, we get new surveillance. We got that greatly treat I D, never went away. So what is the downside here so Is the doubts exactly this exactly so? I was still said: I've also treated recently, while we're gonna talk about it. When I show
Nicky, haley's clip but of a terrorist attack. The billionaire zoo again not a bug. If you go, it's is that a bug? It's a feature. Exactly so, if you go back to that movie that work from nineteen, seventy four and ned baby said famously there are no countries, There are only companies in the international flow of dollars, and so the billionaires who run this country are the same billionaires who run the world and they don't give a shit. If there's, if we lose all our labour freedoms and, if there's a goal, even if there's guess that's the goal, and even if there's a seville, a civil war inside the united states, chaos always favours the establishment and they d
care and they still want you to fixate, I'm donald trump, taking away our democracy. Somehow you know why, day off as a ceiling, it's not a ladder to always asylum. So that's what so, that's what I've come to understand, and we again did this idea that the congress and the president works for the united states people they don't. They work for again for a handful of billionaires who run the entire planet, and this is and what what Jimmy Jimmy? You see. All I'm sure seen the boy got I presume, covered on your show, mature he's of americans want? Ceasefire has Aber ceasefire in Israel does is a view bad early on. There were like three people in congress, advocating at a time when sixty percent of americans favored it. Yet three members of congress willing to express a view that stay percent of americans favour and when the Biden might out was asked about bad. They said that's reprehensible. Are despicable,
For those members who the ceasefire and look at that. That is a broken democracy. You see. Issue occur if you are correct eu covered it many times in your show you're being won. Many others, where you have a majority of americans who believe in a certain policy, but because washing it doesn't work based on democratic principles but based on the principles of law. We ask that money and corporate financing designed, as current said, to make sure, that there is no democratic empire? That is the purpose of why the system in washington functions as ways not broken. It worked perfectly by design to ensure that there is no such thing as democratic will, and so the american people get screwed over and over and over? Why? If you wake up, let me ask you this question: do you wake up in the morning and you are trying to send your kids to school, struggling with your job? Don't have any benefits, all the panoply of things that we've been over your neighborhood tracker, fentanyl, why?
would you want the government unless you're one of these people who, for religious reasons, are cultural reasons, as an ex cream affinity for Israel, which is not a majority of people in the united states, but unless you're one of those people. Why? to be in your interests? Why would you want your government? Did you say massive amounts of money fuel Israel's war, any more than you would want to do with ukraine, and that's why we finally got to the point where majority americans- and I don't want any more money going to ukraine notwithstanding our intent, the propaganda was that led them to support in the first place, then this is this disconnect, because as everybody knows, that washington does not function as a byproduct of what people want in the united states by what keep the powerful people one and it's not usually the case, but essentially by definition. True that there's a egg breach between what the ordinary people in the country want and need? And what the most powerful people want need hey. You know Here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium
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the story in the book. It's about natural gas. It's about oil and gas. You ready watch this. Gaza is rich gas, gas and, if least one point four trillion a cubic feet. which to be precise, but there's a catch geologists and natural resources. Economists have confirmed that the occupied palestinian territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth in area c of the occupied west bank in the mediterranean coast off the Gaza strip. Today, the real and opportunity cost of the occupation exclusively in the area of oil and natural gas have accumulated to tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars I can't ninety ninety nine dependent. and now you know the rest
the store and even over the bridge to strike is, I know exactly how this going the same way every single time so so wait. This means it's not. religion, the whole image It's about religion, for suckers will have to fight and die for the energy business right angle. More and bilbil. I just meanness about religion for any of the people in charge, making the decisions about the war in Gaza. Boy. Why does god always leave incredible wealth underneath bad people? I know it's such a half, such a hat having a wiped about to get our energy related gifts, remarks, god I mean, since I was a boy, listen to my bible, storybook debs the bad deal, but on top of this stuff god so we could have.
Do I really need to play the rest of this video? I don't think I do I'll sign allows to play a little bit, but that's it! You got the story, that's it you're up to that's it. I want, I did start, go looking it up cause it's a beat the bg group or that a british show, exploration. The company baja, who found it b, p or b, b g b g g- oh really yeah, and I don't think I'll, split off or something, but it cut a deal just right. I know they're going to cut a deal, but then two thousand and six is when they had. Oh, they had something guarantee that six, whenever two thousand and eight when Israel went back in that's when they took the oil fields and they planned the attack, while fake negotiating to do the oil deal, they turned out, they had planned it. You know, colleagues, we deal with Putin, yeah he's at your gas. Things are very similar. You pretend you're gonna have a peaceful thing where you build up with. Him
we're gonna do to go. That's what makes a piece a courtyard by review. Looking, I noticed some similarities on his arms. I so there I mean a play a little bit more, but it's really. Then you know authority assigned to deal with british gas just off the Gaza coast. They struck a key and two wells were drilled. That's cause we're in one and two It was a multi billion dollar gift from god and economic boon, both home and abroad. is one of the key messages here today there will be gas available for export. My conversations with palestinian officials, including president Arafat. It is clear that they have no interest in just sitting on a gas surplus fast forward The two thousand and seven Hamas comes to power and Israel launches an offensive on the Gaza strip, leaving behind for so long
Remember why israel funding Hamas young? That's the thing! No one talks about Israel's funding. what do you think their funding moss? Why are you so? They can then use their terrorism. There are fighting back against the occupation and the blockade as a pretext to go in and take them. Land. That's that's that's why they're him? What get the hell out of there we're going we're gonna, flattening we're dropping Lee, Let's get the hell out of their we're gonna fly, the lad and ever gonna take all the gas and oil that's what this is all but of course there are security took it. We back then deny there. We go in hundred dead palestinians bought taking that the ghastly ill gotten out within the year. Israel announced the discovery of the leviathan natural gas field, which did include thousands which is all in all valued at four hundred and fifty three billion dollars. That's that's almost as much what it used to be so TAT S,
That's not a lot of money deserve. I don't. I thought it was. A trillion are almost any close you know. Is he am I wrong? I'm looking to look it up here we go. Maybe I'm wrong. I thought he was close to being a trip. The that's. An dolphins haven't seen a shackle or to be more accurate. They have been denied around forty seven billion dollars revenue so there given any the money to the palestinians, did they get it rig from their share? He took it yeah, ok as fatality, while ads. to become a new hop this the historical moment in which the small country of Israel becomes a significant player in the global energy market. The memorandum of understanding will enable israel for the fur it's time to export israeli natural gas to europe, and it is even more impressive. Looking at the significant set of agreements we signed over the last year, which position Israel and the israeli energy and water sectors as a key global player, let's just
run through this that, at that moment in time, so we're talking twenty twenty two, I oil and gas, with sanctions You oil was accident. Syrian oil fields were and still are, illegally occupied by, u s forces. Now the key ports of latasha was being by Israel and the port of Beirut. the gateway to the middle east lay in ruins it just. There was just that crazy, ammonia explosion or somethin member that, rather than an explosion in the was a wool whoops. It is the cog to dig greenhouse gas, quinci dig and tat this small country bears right here with its seas, of gas is watching ports and answer to europe's problems and perhaps most critically, the? U s, bluff because, in case you didn't know you asshole wes has decided that israeli energy is in the highest national security interests of washington, certainty,
He was only too happy for tel Aviv to become a key global player off. will had itself previously moldova ways in which to make its fifty five state a window onto europe. The and other interests in application of nuclear excavation would be sea level canal, one sixty miles long across israel connecting the mediterranean with the gulf aqaba and thus the red sea and the indian ocean. Such a canoe, would be strategically valuable, alternate to the prison suez canal. whose canal is a gold mine. It connects the mediterranean sea to the indian ocean via the red sea. It is the link between asia and europe. Every day. Almost three million barrels of oil, eight percent of I energy fifty ships, nine billion dollars worth of cargo. Twelve percent global trade all pass along this, right here, single canal?
remember and twenty twenty one how a container ship ran aground in the suez global trade. brought to its knees, your time which have route via the cape of good hope adds around nine days and seven thousand kilometers the johnny. There was no replacement. The suez canal, except perhaps for the better current canal, the? U s had been thinking about back in the sixties, was dropping five hundred and twenty nukes on parts of Israel to build a two hundred and sixty columbus along canal. That would start out there. see down there in the port city of Allah, runs through the negative desert and pour out into mediterranean, where exactly right next to northern gas, the same northern gaza that is currently being borders and depopulated Egypt and its moneymaking suez canal would just be sidelined, the same egypt. That rumor has it isn't
considering taking in refugees in exchange for debt relief. By the u s, and if you think it it's crude of me to talk business during times of an existential war. Think again. the winning companies have committed to unprecedented investment in natural gas exploration over the next three years, which will hopefully result in the discovery of new natural gas reservoirs. In recent weeks, Televue profound about twelve new licences to six companies. On top of the plan to tat More of the gaza marine resources. This area is a strategic Bold mine is raining have the largest foreign based down the red sea. Just off our trail and hereabouts, while the down or beijing has naval base in djibouti, a key piece and it's a norm was global infrastructure project. The belgian road, aided by london, brussels in washington alike, always ask yourself queen bono who benefits because war is horror.
And war is hell, but never Yeah, the war above all else is Iraq is big business. It's a racket! Wars is it's all about business, natural advances. Feels baby, it's always bad and once again we are killing each other over a substance made of the last big stupid animals that dominate the face of the disease What really think this was about religion occurred. The suit canal and the immeasurable profits is more important then human life we're not dealing with religious leaders. dealing with shareholders they We have one deity and the places of work. we ship all have atm installed. Ok, pragmatic evil is the curse, of the modern world is like technocrats. Double well yeah it's like well, just the matter of the people, we're not in the way. Well, just that I know is the sixties, but to even try to calculate that you would dig a canal with nuclear bombs was
clear bombs were oh, I don't get to live there. they dont hiroshima and nagasaki. That boy, do you think I got my leave some problems. Their human life will win or greed will win. They both cannot succeed simultaneously, nor what about some really greedy lives? That will sacrifice all the other lives and then they will win. That is amazing. This is and this I've got a guarantee rachel meadows, and I can tell you that shown handed he's not going to tell you this anderson cooper, not gonna, tell Is it still just now at me? Neither I had no idea always be like to do learn of gas or that, like I always wondered about. It never heard a thing, and early. Ninety. Ninety nine was like a topsecret released vile
I mean a nuclear bomb thing was, but the the natural gas being wasn't really reported nuclear pop ups, its nuclear weapons, to build up thinking. How did they build the pad abortion? better use, nukes back. Then they got. You don't have the technology right, so I guess just because it would take too long. I want my guess now I was so when he's in there workers into the nuclear blast zone to detect canal moving at is amazing, yeah. Ok, so Maybe that's why we, the blood the pipeline? That's why we had to blow up that nord stream- and I would say you great the guideline- and that is why we gotta stand with this. This is why we're standing with these arms or because of all this, is why, of course, and that's what Bobby Kennedy was talking about in that speech that we tore apart the other or not a speech. What that's thing he was saying when he talked about here.
Israel is like a aircraft carrier in the middle east are virtually as a concentration camp on it had the, but also that russia has oil research. It yet protects oil, russia, china, IRAN, saudi arabia, in the van This way the regime good control. Ninety percent of the oil, its heat insist of aging- is this: is it and so the guy who launched his candidacy as apiece candidate quickly quickly turned in is using the same rhetoric that has gotten us into every war ever it's among. He was president yes You knew he was areas of reads. A courier me came out. I a today is a pretty. Has a president: it's a heartbreaker! Ok there. It is. This is what it's all about. Dummies hey! This is Jimmy who's this.
german shot, a body that is thy senator haven't heard through awhile, while you're always I should be on her shawl, so why? Why would I goal is a sorry? Not sorry, Hey what why have you on the phone? Can I ask you about yesterday? What about yesterday we were talking bye, bye, boris yeltsin, us on the committee hearing. Well, not exactly specific, how a fight almost broke out? And you stop that. Did you see this video. You're just gonna Senator George, for crying out loud everybody enough The results can be about the people. There are real issues to discuss our dec, I told her in its proper. This country features so many crises. We have massive income and wealth to the quality we have a homes in crisis. I don't care system is almost collapsing, has broken its dysfunctional. We pay the highest price,
prescription drugs, climate change is driving the entire existence of the planet. Right, I'm not finished, I not about a universe, is what elicited the tables and one seems to know what the bridges are collapsing, subscribing to an only fans account that is just fake. Just for content is almost unaffordable. Why are we gonna do I am sorry what was your story from last week, I can't seem to find a decent chicken salad sandwich anywhere in this town, and this son appearing at pathetic, so you know, when you tell us what happened all right: fine, so until the sun, an airing went by republic and colleagues from all glomax ma, quaint, marlon weight.
It it's not mark wayne molin its mark. When one word, I note what you wanted. You can't say that senator there were about aboard board, put even more accurate description anyway. So we have this o Brien understand that other things does so and we're trying to get the act instead of focusing on the issues is due both to decide that make it about personal beef on twitter. Beef does redneck vexed me start reading tweets Blind is sitting there going. Oh yeah fuck you what about it yeah and then this big dumb okie stands up. Like he's going to fight that guy Jesus, I don't unbelief
so? I just sit down here was started up for christ sakes. I think that while I'm glad you stopped it, I know it was tough. Trying to stop would have been easily the most objectively funny thing to happen in a long time yeah. But you know how these things are: Just your brawny wasn't going to do shit. I dunno he's a pretty big guy. Yes, correct feels and it's a mixed, martial arts fighter. Ah, but one thing about them that made the have rules this other guy. His name is O'Brien is a teamster and he didn't break up. The sweat Jimmy. I guarantee the way. Oh boy and fights there were no voice, but what about a bloodbath? Ok, I got something for you and my friend. wayne, despite being sought out without a bachelor debris,
It was probably smart enough to know that, but that wasn't the only thing that happened yesterday. What do you mean Kevin Mccarthy, elbowed another congressman that he had a beef with the kidney ouch and a fellow Republican? I know the congressman called a colleague a smurf. During an era the wheels are coming off, the fucking bus, Jimmy yeah, it doesn't seem, like the civil or does he like the civil order is unravelling. urges the window ages ago. These republicans are all just a button. Tossed around the place. I didn't want to turn the halls of congress into a fight club, and I say let them let them. What do I care? I don't care about anything anymore, of a box. No one knows what scares. Why should I? I might walk into a choice ethical. Every now and again, I say bring on the alleged like you see in malaysia or hell. I might even job
but their myself? I still got a few swings left at me. You continue to disappoint senator about it. you tell me you should talk. Then what are you guys don't send them were suddenly everything I was fighting haven't. You are here, but a guy with a programme of your money to train I am not fighting you. Senator sanders have yeah that's what I thought yeah, what? What did you say or not? I'm sorry! Maybe I took us too far. Discolored forget it. I got it all hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business
Don't don't bring all the voices more today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mccrae. You can be found it MIKE Mccrae, dot, com. For this week you be the best. You can be in I'll. Keep me in me. Don't don't don't don't freak, don't don't bring down tat, you do not worry guy.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.