« The Jimmy Dore Show

GLENN GREENWALD - Rachel Maddow Court Ruling!

2021-07-01 | 🔗

Special Guest: Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist!

Keith Olbermann Is Bonkers!

Court Ruling:  Rachel Maddow Is Not News!

Phone calls from Vince Vaughn, Mitt Romney, and Joe Biden!

Featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey. This is Jimmy who's. This Jimmy PPP, Oh hi bids, how you do it Jimmy that is how and I'm not gonna, take it anymore. Why Why why? What's up? I just work very critical: we do not have an activity that everyday I Vince. What do you think critical race theory? Is it your theory?
the rate of white people, it's right there in the it's. No, No, it's it's it's a decades old legal theory about how complex systems in this country still sustain. Rachel injustice added, studied in law. Schools not taught Denham Elementary Schools- oh yeah! Well, that's not what I heard Yes, I know people are conflicting critical race theory with school. Simply teaching balanced american history, which acknowledges our races past right, ok, yeah, of course, why people are bad bad people white,
which is the worst people ever wages to. You know what gets worse, racism, it's bad in the normal way. Now, that's that was being taught that I think the events. I think that their teaching that there has been systemic racism in the country since its founding right, against black people, yes and indigenous people and many others Ok, I reported slavery, but the Irish were slaves to read about that books, written by liberal Fuckin College, professor through in other words, more than eighteen million Irish were transported to the colonies, the slaves, that's. What people that
Related Ireland ever combined. Somebody aren't you want, but do you ever you got to play asking for reparations now they never asked for anything, but there. I wish a deep down. They don't think they deserve a culture, rooting unshaven, god dammit. I respect that. with. This is inane really I think it very big white people a day, everyone else, I'm gonna stick up for us. If we gonna get ways, it goes both ways Oh yeah hi, so you're, twenty, a black people, they re for things against white people. They say we
we smell like mad and thirdly, to nodded at offends me, sir. Yet I will think about mandate Eddie any individuals saying races. Things is not systemic racism, its This is the systems that make it so accumulated. Wealth among blacks is significantly lower then, for whites, its harder for blacks loans or our home. How black people are police? Convict, and in prison at rates? Why Thirdly, higher than whites vibrate
Don T tell the house that that's not the point, that's not the point, which is: why is it bad deeds? The truth about slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow and segregation in american schools could dwell on the bad things it. I asked get a shot for shot. Gus, fancied remake cycle that I started to happen in the past. Yes, he did, but you don't. Let me go dwelling on it with the unhealthy, but that's what history is Vince it what happened in the past year, but something that happened. It appears to be a sober, chimerical history. Like a week, we killed to focus on the good things that happen: Johnny Apathy, planting trees at a George magic to sharpen up down George Washington Carver, making all that shit during the war taking private waiting. So just
plainly ignore our races pass, then why not at all I do not wait to see how that work into purposely ignoring our recent past sworder races itself. Since, while I disagree in fact, I think we former utopia, we didn't teach any this shit. You know that black and white children will be raised. I know what a bit Eddie this ever happened. Would that be nice, Vince The idea here is to make everyone feel good. The ideas that we can't work to fix social inequality unless we understand its historical roots, like that racist, Lady Harriet, how was routes racist. The bad guys have why? What
all the bad guys in slavery. Were white bids godless yourself, Jimmy towards all the bad guys are white. They ve gotten you this critical way serious pointed your bind and what they want for our kids, you I can't have decided to stop it. What would you do invades. I'm gonna get my car go to the nearest grey school at ratio, but their scream like a pocket mass inheriting teachers by yelling right in a racist I might break a tyrant, for children need to be educated properly and feel safe doing it. Don't you try to stop me? I can't take the tags
sliding down the street and jobs. The media Samir Jimmy to show allow everybody. You were alive and alive Jimmy Georgia, we ve got a very special showed today. We ve got our me- Glenn Green, while here all raid go very exciting. Jimmy has the lights camera powder on we're all set now Jim JAM kind of a bold shirt kind of a bold shirt for today. So I like to wear shorts like this, but I d like to wear a month's stage because I always feel like it like the audience might be thinking about my shirt. Instead of thinking about my jokes, I would like to address playing on stage, but on this on the tv I could wear this and that I gotta tell you best hair day of her.
ten. Fourteen years, it's unbelievable it through a great our right to let's kick things off. We get. I dont want to waste any time we had our big shot. Guest with us is where we hang on a minute. He is our guest is the foremost journalist of his generation. He has a new book out calls, curing democracy about his reporting, which led to the freeing of former President Lula of Brazil. Recently resigned over censorship from the online news, publication, intercept and organizational help You can read all of his writings agreeing wild that subject that com, please welcome Pulitzer Prize winning journalists glare meanwhile high gland. Thanks for coming on hey Jimmy, I'm really excited the problem. Is I'm am sobered bizarre.
or by a shared noted tonight. You need that. I don't know if I can focus on your jobs in your question, so you should think about that as well. That next time you have a gasperone but I'll do my best. Ok, please, please try to focus our button it up. I won't show skin Skinner anything any place. You were so I wanted this that you you. You wrote this great store you, Rachel. Mad cow was in a court battle because she recently said that the reporters for a and network where religious really paid by the Russians right. She says lots of crazy stuff Alla time like yours, here's one thing. She says one of the things we ve learned just this week from the intelligence director is that part of the disastrous trump the response is that tromp put in a key covered response rule one of the people,
who helped to russian intelligence with its twenty twenty election attack. She could remain How do you don't love me with his reason this week that the basic isn't it that. I said before, like she's gonna be sheer like a bunch of other. rose. I guess our kind of lace used are gonna, be like a nursing homes and open up a drawer running out of them, but what about her email liken responds anything, but Rachel is gonna, be babbling about the Kremlin. Does, though she wants people start, not you what's that, while this I want to play, because it gets crazy that how do you even begin to get accountability for that, and when does the Justice Department start knocking on paper? the doors about this local communities and is not a normal level of stuff that needs fixing. This is this is Mehdi stuff. This is not a suitable
is right about that. He's right about sex. You trying to convince yourself there's something to this end this all cannot disguise one, and I would say this to the end, but I just want to start with this now because of that bite in keeping trumps pick for Moscow Ambassador in place, so the guy, the hatred bad as the ambassador to Russia biting his keeping him. So all this just everyone shut pop Reykjavik, okay. So let's get to this story the power surge thing. Yes, ok sure sure has for me, I've seen it a thousand times, but I can never see it imagine be such a nice way to me like negative fifty degrees and the Dakotas right now. What would happen if Russia killed the power and Fargo today? What would happen if all the natural gas laughings that service Sioux falls just proof to on the coal disdain recent memory? It wasn't in our power,
whether or not to turn them. What would you do if you would you and your family do mentally active hour? On the same day, the temperature in your front yard matched the temperature, in Antarctica fitted out. What would you, in your words, like my favorite song, It's like, I can say, with our money, what you do if all of a sudden the natural gas is what both and you didn't the boys I get. The news is fun. Let's buttoned up it's this result nice to have lapsed. Let's get down to business. let's gets here so here so here a court recently ruled that Rachel Madhouse viewers, no, she offered exaggeration, an opinion and not facts. So this is from your article about this send BC top rated host Rachel mad out devoted a segmented twenty nineteen to accusing the right.
and cable outlet, one american news away and of being a paid propaganda outlet for the Kremlin right In this case, she announced the most obsequious obsequiously pro Trump right wing news outlet in America really literally is paid by russian propaganda that she said literally, that's a quote: ok, response away, ensued, Rachel, Meadow and MSNBC, and its parent Corporation Comcast for defamation makes sense. You would think they would do that and out of all the many things you can criticise, of far right wing network for and she had to make something up. His in that kind of amazing visit me in an ugly overlooked ruling and Obama. Appointed federal judge dismiss the lawsuit on the grounds that even mad cows, own audience understands that. Her show consists of exaggeration hyperbole
and pure opinion, and therefore would not assume that such outlandish accusations are factually true, even when She uses the language of certainty and truth when presenting them literate. He is a paid russian propaganda. That's the quote the job also went on to say that man I'll show, is different than a typical news segment, we're anchors and or viewers about the Daily NEWS, the point of matter. show is for her to provide the news, but also to offer her opinions. On the news, I love how the first part of the judges statement is a total burn. Rachel's new show was different from of her new choked headed started. Actually have Such issues are winning the K. Lawyers arguing this and the judge accepting it in her favour. Its is amazing, keeps going. Therefore, the court finds that
the medium of the alleged defamatory statement makes it more likely that a reasonable viewer would not conclude that the contested statement implies a surgeon of up objective facts. when she said literally, she literally didn't mean literally she literally med, figuratively, ok court ruled that mad own viewers not only expect but desire that she will now. provide the news and factual form, but will exaggerate, and even distort reality in order to shape her opinion driven analysis. They watched the news, but not for news, isn't that interesting, judge also were not to say viewers expect her to do so as it is.
Indeed, her show and viewers watch the segment with the understanding that it will contain madhouse, personal and subjective views about the news. So let me break this down. Subjective U, I dont like away programming it's far right and I disagree with all their takes. Not a subjective! You, I'm gonna, make got workplace gets their funding from because I dont like them. You see the difference. I see the difference. Ok, here's more from the judge! Thus the cord finds that, as part of the totality of the circumstances, the broad contact ways in favour of a finding that the alleged defamatory statement and madhouse opinion an exaggeration and the reason viewers would not take this statement as factual. I ironically, those most guilty of being unreliable, liars and propagandists, and those in the media and even Madhouse own MSNBC colleagues who repeatedly site Tucker Carlson's court ruling too.
Legitimize him without ever mentioning that madhouse lawyers successfully used the same arguments in her defence. This actually happened so Tucker Karlsson. I wasn't familiar with this, but Tucker Karlsson had to do the same kind of argument or did the same gun argue in a court case, and so MSNBC and people, and Chris Hazel lots of people would point to this all the time. Fox news, one a court case by persuasively. Arguing that no reasonable viewer takes talker Karlsson seriously. That's exactly what Rachel! I'll, just argued on her behalf. In court and hears Chris facing similar to Fox NEWS, defence and court of Tucker Karlsson, these people are obviously bullshit artists who no one should try I guess. He feels the same way about Rachel Madame now. I guess I don't know so, falsely accusing p. blood being paid. Kremlin agents has along an ugly history in the United States having destroyed reputations and careers. Yet this
mere has once again become utterly commonplace in democratic party politics, that's true: I've experienced it a protected, a protracted and we feud was initiated earlier this month when the young, Turks Genk, Huger, basely and baseless and false claim that jury most Aaron and Marty was paid by the Russians, so aright select brings us. So that brings us back celestial. Let's just come back to the Glen first of our great article, I agree with the hunter percent, and I wasn't aware of that. I don't know how I missed it of the the under the bull irony that they would use. Tucker Karlsson, arguing the exact same thing as proof that Tucker Carlson's full of shit but It is Rachel Meadow in everybody's, pretending like they, don't see it right, What is the thicket context? Jimmy you, as you may know, I periodically gone the top or Karlsson show all ironically, be doing now immediately after this programme, and so I been here
for I don't know a year now all these little pungent saying why would you gonna show went even further his own lawyers acknowledge in fact argue in court that the things talker says is total bullshit net. Nobody should believe them. In fact they want to work based on that now I never really bothered to answer it or address it because being only or myself having litigated a bunch of defamation cases. When I was a lawyer, I know exactly what happened there, which is of course, when you have a lawyer in your sued for defamation. You want that lawyer to make every argument in your defence to get the case dismissed, and so all that happened was boxes. Lawyers wedding to courts and look when talker said stop his viewers understand he uses hyperbole. He uses drama. He's kind of commenting on the news
these infusing it with his own. Take they don't think that it's always purely factual, and in that case the statements were obviously his own kind of melodrama arising at, but they they constantly. They constantly to use to set a showed. An actress haste we even foxes Lawyers admit that top Karlsson is bullshit. I've been hearing this for a year about a week ago. I was researching something I stumbled onto this case without actually knowing about it. It is amazing, if you go to Google topper Karlsson Fox NEWS as lawyers
you know say that no one believed him you'll find hundreds of of articles in the yard, the Washington Post, the New York Times. I had no idea that there is this court case where the members embassies lawyers made exactly the same arguments, because no one talked about it. So I stumbled onto a by accident and amazingly, that were case actually was issued prior to the wind, that dismissed the one against top or so in fact, Rachel not only use the same argument. She was the pioneer and in her case it was much more serious. I mean she didn't. You know, make some kind of obviously hyperbolic state. As you pointed out said, there are literally paid agents of the Kremlin and Allison receive lawyers when it supports a comma judge, its Rachel FUCK it
now, no one to exaggerate seriously. Don't I absolutely agree with that ruling. I dont think MSNBC viewers have the discernment and know that when she makes a claim where she says literally a crap ever Russia propaganda that she's doesn't actually made. I think they do things that she means that. I think this up. a point you're just looking for a way to defend Rachel map out. Maybe you can kind of err on the side say: okay, we don't want journalists, beings could easily, although I do think, as I said, article that has become a pathology and democratic party politics. To just simply, accused people casually, like it's fun, of being agents for the Kremlin that whole drama that you ve had with You know on Jake and AIR and mighty and Youtube World started because segment.
Jake was annoyed and did what democratic hacks do, which is he accuse Aaron Mate of being a paid agent of the Kremlin. He said he's paid by the Russian. He just fabricated that out of nowhere, so I actually think that is past time for Democrats to be sued when they do. This but the irony Jimmy is that go and go to Google right now and try and fine news outlets reporting on that same exact argument that Rachel lawyers made the way they did for Talker and your barely find anything which is. Why reported it? Because I was amazed. I've been hearing about this for a year, even from MSNBC, by workers on we're, safe shit. Everyone knows it and their own get warriors made exactly the same argument and defence of Rachel and she won with their you just read it, but it's amazing how easily you can find media outlets hopping about talker, doing that an almost none of them talking about Rachel Matter, Whistler's doing it so, and you know people still give
a hard time, because Tucker invites me on his show to talk about what I want to talk about, which is usually anti war stuff or stop producing innocent stuff or the corruption inside the Democratic party the stuff that I will add, that's my wheel house, and so he brings we on and I go on talk to half the country, and you know I do that because I get to talk to half the country and nobody I'm not turning down other requests. You don't want every time you see me and took her curls, and that should make you angry that Chris Hey Rachel, Matthau Curse, Cuomo at Anderson Cooper. Don't invite people like me on their chose ever they'll have three pro warp. Banana panel all the time with never someone like me ever and so when I go on Tucker, It's because he lets me say things about by anti war stances. He lets me talk in an and argue in favour of Julian Assange. Is freedom. In fact even said,
that, based on my arguments, part partly he changing. I he set by what is the point of politics- is to change. It was mine, that don't already agree with you. Any more on can go in feed things too but who already agree with you on things that is much more difficult but much more meaningful to go keys. The minds of people here watching television or better. Yet the most influential commentator The news like right now when I go to tackle, show I'm not going on to Lake defend Donald Trump or Ms Mckenna No, I'm going on to talk about all the way. that the USA continues to spy on Americans conversations without warrants and then lies about it to the public using their state. formula propaganda that I would put it on, and twenty thirteen and twenty fourteen during this third in reporting, that's
I would never be allowed to go talk about on CNN amendments embassy, which is filled with an essay just. Let me just give you one quick thing about that. You me there's this right wing writer he's a right wing right earning Pedro Gonzalez. I don't know went into him or not. Is parents are immigrants from ex ago? Is a hundred percent next again was born here raised here, he's to me. I can twenty sixteen kind of averting supply. Or any realised. The laugh was full of shit and you ask for a lot of reasons that you talk about his kind of on the right, but very heterodox so he's become my gun. Frequent guest on tapirs show this child of a buckskin immigrants on Tucker's by our and the last time that he was on the second to last time. It was on you, but not to talk about the fact that Black Rock the Sami Private equity firm is buying up. So much realist
in the United States that a middle class Americans are no longer able to afford a home because it's driving up the housing market artificially, and so it's turning the entire american middle class into a kind of you to like the surf suit. Just are a group of renters unlike owning your home, is the foundation of the American Dream and its now being destroyed because Wall Street hedge funds are buying up homes at such large numbers that nobody can afford to buy a house anymore. They talked about the implications for working class the last time that he was I, which is about three days ago, he went on and he talked about why Bill gates is buying up insane amounts of american farmland. Some is by far the big. donor single owner of farmland on the planet and how that too is squeezing out small farmers from being able to own their own farm land and instead, we'll have to rent and it gives bill
enormous power. These are things that the are so fundamental so foundational to what the last the actual last should care about, and that the only place you will ever hear them discussed is on the Tucker Carlson show if you turn I Mustn t see you here that crazy unwell woman babbling about the fucking Kremlin six months after Donald Trump Laptop is so human they're fucking right mind would not go on a programme and speak to form people when it's the only one that gives you an opportunity to do things like make the page the bottle tromp about why Julian Assange should be part or argue against the American WAR Machine or argue against the devastation to the middle class that Wall Street hedge funds in predatory capitalism is is, is wreaking a well said. I couldn't do you know the the idea that the fact that her show brings on the people straight from the CIA to tell to inform you
foreign policy should tell you it actually is it a new Joe is propaganda? Show they don't even try to hide it anymore. They do it right out into the open and the way the democratic left there. I don't think I don't care, Like to call them left, we really do have one party rule and it's just kind of it's a shame that kind of a sham. It's a total shandy, both work for the same people and for them to embrace off the FBI. the USA, the CIA, as the good guys as they have done it. It is the most by blowing thing like they became right wingers. Now I even right. Wing is sceptical of the FBI and the c I a there's. More people are right. Skeptical of our foreign wars than there are in the Democratic party. It says it's mine. Or to me, if you want to comment on that yeah, we will first five made it. My twitter had our because I find it so central to understanding american political life in the post from there
There is a huge survey that asks whether or not you all particular institutions in high esteem, and there's an amazing, partisan gap between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to doing he's in particular that are the most pernicious in american political life since the end of world war, two which had the CIA in terms a foreign activity and, although increasingly domestic and the FBI, Democrats by a significant margin, love and revere and and and hold the highest seem. Those you agencies or security state agencies. More than republicans do so. I think that one of the most using things Jimmy is within in part of four part of kind of formative event of how the politics and how would you do know them was the church committee, which was the kind of posts Watergate investigation led by this liberal senator from night, oh Frank, church that he looked into
the Vienna say no one even knew what the USA was in Washington. The job was NSA's did for no such agency. I mean no one in the Congress even knew it existed. They both in the CIA. It looked into the FBI and found extraordinary pieces. Just these guys love doing this road stop like really evil experiment, all kinds of stuff that was completely outside democratic accountability in the church in committee, was there to kind of institute or for and one of the things they discovered was this thing called operation mocking bird, which was the programme by which the CIA and the other security state operatives would try to clandestinely influence american media coverage disseminate propaganda to the american public. Through these agencies they would wander through the New York Times washing, impose CBS, ABC operation, mocking bird is now completely believe they don't need it. I think you're right out in the open right out in the open. There is that article. That was
done by revolver news and then amplified by tapir. I also wrote about a questioning the extent to which the FBI had informants in the three org nations they claim were behind the January six riot, the three per centres, the keepers and the proud boys and see it at an impasse and b c in order to debunk that story and those questions brought on one FBI agent. After than at all, who worked for CNN and MSNBC, so I there is literally a quote, is an actual put. Chris Cuomo was talking about this story and he said now to get the truth. My colleague the former acting director of the FBI Andrew Mc Aim, who not only was the former, was actually the deputy director caught on the drug got caught lying under the cape, getting caught lying to the FBI, he was almost prosecuted for it. That's what drove him
but the apply it immediately goes to see- and I just like James Clapper, who why do the Senate when he was asked whether the ETA say keeps dossiers, american citizens by the millions any life which is what ultimately provokes noted to make the final choice to come forward. This information after getting caught to the american public CNN and goes on hires games clapper as well, so they know you have security sea region, shaping the news big the ones who blue eye on purpose to then become employees of these new during his agent. That is what liberals are consuming, is propaganda from me I say the FBI, the CIA and that's why we're Talkin cross. It just came out with this report. saying that he thinks that the- and I say this buying on him or that you know he got a report saying that day they are liberals is dumped, will give it. They know they don't think the innocent. you anything like that they love the USA. They believe me, I say what would whenever they say. Liberals are authoritarian. The
over arching, attribute of american lever of asylum is reverence for institutions of authority, and it reflects a belief that what they're saying is true. I couldn't agree more. If I bumped up against that. Just with my lefty, Nous Youtube hope for whole friends are very into sent, very pro censorship and the very into the institutions of power there, for instance, instead intelligence agencies, its nuts, but let me tell you brought up, let let let us let's go to staff and let me set up this one next story, because it goes right into what you were saying. Could you go to stuff? Please? Ok, let's go staff, that's gotta staff! Thank you glad I am I right in every part of the vote, as I already like Glenn Greenwell, but that monologue he just gave was so brilliant eloquent so impressed. I love this show and that was from do what's.
eight on twitter do what we'd biscuit? What are you doing? We Zachary you see, Kyle that I knew it not just watch, keep it up and now back to Jimmy Jimmy I have been, why haven't seen the video yet that get Kyle did but by producers scene it another people have seen it, they ve been telling me what's in it. They told me- and I can find hard to believe when a watch it after the show, but I find it hard to believe that he would talk about that situation with Anna trying to weapons eyes story when a settled issue from seven years ago, because her back was up against the wall and she was gone called out from the current these measures and he wouldn't they said he didn't tell people that she was trying to blackmail me in that he made it sound like I just started talking about her clothes on my ship one day, and so I dont know if Sure I'm gonna have to watch the video so that, if that there would be sad if that is the truth. But whenever a lot of people are unravelling over this story- and it may be,
in outside comedian. I am I I'm a real outsider when it comes to journalism and journal. I already have more friends that I can use in comedy, I'm not for any more friends in journalism, and so it gives me this freedom that other people don't have an it allows me to be more authentic, which is why I think, I was the only one that came out of forced to vote with their integrity intact, so that goes for rain grim. That goes for all the people covering it. That goes for people on the other side, calling healthcare candy stuff, like that. It's ok! But let's get to this story, and we will deal with the sad to Bed but anyway. So how can I restarted my point on that report? I want to say I wanna know one of the things that I actually induced by was you did have actually some some, spoken allies in the fourth abode campaign. You have round a joy gray. You had just Jackson like they were good
put bore no corner Latvia Corner well, are now ass. Coronel asked me the majority the media was, of course, on the side of a sea like she's, just a young woman. You shouldn't be attacking her this way. It's violence, it's it's! It's it's asking too much of her, but I did. I do think it's. It was great that you actually inspired with this plan that you created. A fair number of like the better commentators and analyse on the last two to join you in a campaign and then spent weeks, if not longer in the case of Brianna, defending it, I appreciate you saying that an Kyle was one of the most eloquent defenders of forced the Volga. I encourage didn't, book. I couldn't believe I was like while you you should be a writer anyway. So thank you for saying that. I appreciate it and it's where was that it was deftly the weirdest experience of my life so far claimed that I thought I was pushing thing. That was an agreed upon our strategy on the left to force a vote
everybody ran on at the people. I was asking to do it with the people who ran on doing such a thing, and so I was just the mind going to see if you try to get people health care in the middle of a deadly. pandemic in the richest country in the world people will swear you. A right winger via drifter at every bad things. Nazi were whatever they could do. They'll do and in a came right from the establishment. But anyway, let's get to this story, because this is this is gonna, be gonna, be fun. next, Sketch Keith, Oberman tweeted out, keep domino a few. You know my theory about key though remit is that he has trumpeted shadow right so low unions, psychology, whatever triggers you the most outside the part of you, that your d, ninety of yourself inside right. So when I look at tromp. I dont get angry at trumps so much, but I get angry at the system that gave us trump and people like he'd, Oberman Format, the mouth and became Mccarthy red, baiting maniacs that have no logic to what they're saying and there actually detrimental
democracy, freedom, Liberty, all that stuff? He became the thing he claims to hay it's an here. While he retreated this out, he said Tucker Karlsson made tonight have inadvertently revealed that the USA has found he is an asset of or in contact with US or an entity trying to harm the United States of America, so it took a cross and said that he was getting spy, and by the USA right. That was the story. Glenn yeah, ok, so here we go claims, the National Security Agency, the USA. Let me turn up just a little bit a little low. Hang it with some claims. The nest no security agency, the USA, is spying on him. Reading his emails and try to take his programme off the air, the old joke go just because you're paranoid, that does not mean they are not out to get you clearly, the end, as I have found that Tucker curls and is somehow connected to a foreign entity that in time still harm America. The innocent has respond.
Tuesday night. That quote the allegation. Is untrue. Karlsson has never been an intelligent targeted. The agency and the USA has never had any plans to try to take his programme the air, the annex. And in what seems like a throwaway bit of boilerplate that it also quote has a or intelligence mission, we target foreign power is to generate insights on foreign activities that could harm the United States. That, in fact, is the most important part of this statement, even Karlsson, it is delusional, megalomaniacal way kind of got the message. Responding on his show that he claimed quote an essay, has read my private emails, without my permission tonight, statement from the USA does not deny that instead, it comes with this non sequitur. Tucker Karlsson has never been and Intel target well, that's only a non sequitur. If you're not non smart person that conclusion is obvious, and the conclusion is showing the
ass, a is reading, talker, Carlson's emails and since he is not their target, who where he is emailing with, must be and of Bananas It can only target foreign powers, then there is one conclusion, only talker curls and is in contact with a foreign power trying to commit activities that could harm the United States. In other words, whether he's a foreign asset or a mere stooge. My money is on mere stooge, talker, Karlsson, working with a barn entity to damage this country and he's too stupid to shut up about it. these too stupid to flee the country, because ultimately, these too stupid speaking of people too stupid to shut up Keith over when I bet how most of which were to bed. His neighbors were yelling at him just to shut up, because they could Rachel mad I'll, show up
got forty box. That says that so you oughta cup as it that's all, he's saying is that these were literally saying that it is not upset by the way that the end say is reading a news. Persons emails that doesn't it the bother him at all. Isn't that a problem Glenn means that ran is so multi. Faceted and multi pronged that it would take hours to dissect, but let me just say I find so the unwillingness of deep Overman is manifest. At this point I mean you just listen to him in it are you I mean I personally feel pity I case is clearly unwell. Baby. I think it's important take note of the fact that he's like the godfather of contemporary liberal media. He was the person who made MSNBC yes into what it is. He was the one who spawned it. He is success in finding a laborious and and delivering those kind of rats is what then engendered Rachel MAD Alan Chris
and warrants our Donald are all working within his creation there that that he's there godfather, like kind of the girl of how liberal speak and how they deliver the news and if you notice, what do you say we have so many ignorant parts of it than able bore you both in terms of how the USA functions and how they gather information. But if you will into what he says. It's exactly that mentality of authoritarianism I was describing earlier, which is his assumption, is that if the end I say is targeting you or somebody with whom you are speaking, that any never sell proves that you are a bad person, yes and a for actual american National Security, because the Anna say would never ever tougher. Can anybody accept terrorist or other kinds of enemies of the United States? Imagine the authoritarianism required to believe that during the twenty sixteen election, we know that the USA targeted Carter page, you had been a
You know what the Donald Trump Campaign and the FBI in order to get that weren't lie to the files of court, lie to the vice accord and the F b I learn prepared. Those words was prosecuted for that any plan guilty to it. They were wearing that we gained for years that won the Pulitzer, was all about how the USA spies on peace activists and for commercial advantage and they spy on human rights agencies and analyses, international in foreign governments, including ones with whom the United States is out. I think buckings I and everybody and gaiety over knows that, but his brain, like so many liberal brains, is completely broken by the Trump years. Then he looked at the end. I say, as is ally, as is protector and believes in their inherent goodness to such an extent that he said right there. If the USA is spying on yours, with whom you are communicating. It means you
a bad person, a criminal someone at threat, United States who ought to be fleeing the United States. If you know what's good for you, that is fascism in its purest form. I could well, I couldn't agree, Bore well said, and here's Rick Wilson right now. This is the fraud that what this is the guy Lincoln Project right is that the guy yeah yeah yeah yeah. Absolutely so he says Tuckers full rage The idea of the USA is monitoring is show to take em off the year is one she stopped short of, dog, telling him to murder people know it's not did that the Keith over me them but believes that that's happening. We know that their. What are you blogging about? There's my gun, everybody there. How many times The government already been caught spying on Fox news. Reporters themselves, tapping their phones and doing things like that that this. This is what is that by Jimmy this? This is so important, actually because, just like it over men, Rick Wilson is kind of a prototype call establishment, democratic
liberal, he's the person to whom Democrats poured all of their money during the twenty twenty election and made him extremely rich in the name of stopping Trump Rick. Wilson is one of the worst scumbags and all politics he's the person who mastermind dead two thousand and to add that they ran against that Georgia Senator MAX clearly you lost all languages, arm, Yandah, Vienna, more and more came in to Osama Bin Laden, which was for liberals at the time. One lowest blows and american politics. This issue now is shaping and defining liberal Article strategy in the United States and this stop that he sang there go. You have to be insane to believe that the UN, as they would actually spy on you is the stuff I heard from me your paws and conservatives what I was doing. Started reporting I go. You want to convince people that the USA cared enough to spy on you. This is that mentality like you're fucking, crazy, just like many of you think this year
he's doing queues at other countries. You must be you, you need a psychiatrist right, that's how they ve always try to deal minimize discoveries, and this isn't coming from a humbug anymore comes from Democrats. Are they sort of about five thousand show and robust up? I guess, but the other thing is that I think is so important and to note is I saw some left there. For liberals. I government agrees on the majority report that Emma person in a couple other people say that the real Why we should believe that tougher Karlsson, whatever be spied on is because we know but the government is only scared of the laughed and not the right so like I guess they think I'm SAM our centres around the world are shaking in there
it's over. The danger and net is opposed by SAM Scenery, radical ideology and although the leg threats that opposes to cap it all and and and militarism and lie, but if you look at what the government is actually saying, but the age ass, saying what the USA and CIA are saying what what the uprising they're saying that they believe the greatest threat to the american homeland is right wing extremists. That's where initiating a war on terror in the name of stopping what they regard is right. Wing extremists, high government extremists, didn't give a shit for sick. don't think, there's a good little boy. That's right he's a good little Democrat. He loves Russia Gate and he propagated. The CIA lies in bullshit. They love SAM Cedar. The people afraid of by their own reckoning. people. They regard as entire establishment, Arians people who question authority. Who pay their agenda, which today means essentially and
what he's too far in the lap or too far in the right, Brian Spelter, the media critic, who does it know who advertisers on his own show that's what a good astute critical is does You know who's paying. Funding is Ojo and brags about it. Brian, felt their says at a well run. Network Tucker's claim would have never aired the ceo as Vp Vp where's, the newsroom vetting, the whistle blower where's common sense will certainly now at your network. I'll tell you that, whereas weren't able what about what about this, about what she would see. It will discipline Chris Coma for advising his brother to fight sexual harassment. How bout that garbage that's been going on for a year! I'm go ahead, Glenn now genetic that we from rang stouter, sucked out an entire our at least by day, because I spent the entire hour after I read that doing nothing. The posting screenshots of Olive CNN, extraordinary fucked up
extreme journalistic malfeasance over the course of the last four years. Do you know I forgot about this that in twenty seventeen, when Julian Assange never going to see, yet it other yea operative on the Payroll of CNN film. I'd an error and said the Julian Assange is a pedophile. He descended outright and outright and Wikileaks said you have twenty four hours retract, better we're going to see you and see it and went to this. Google, and said what you're evidence for it and he had not and they had to humiliate themselves by apologising to Wikileaks opposing estate. In saying we have absolutely no basis for believing that Julian Assange is a pattern I'll more. Deleting the tweets and also some media contained video, but they put that out there. The same network that have you not claim that Donald Trump Junior had advanced access to the Wikileaks archives before it was
just because they fucking misread the data on an email that some random douche bag in the public, Mouth, Donald, Trump Junior, Think hates you take a look at that. Look. You exotic I've been thought it was before any. Oh, my god! This proves it. smoking gun that trumped Junior have access to that with you when, in fact it was after Wikileaks. Opposite was just some guy from the public on trumped junior, hey, you should go. Take a look Get this over and over and over CNN has published one demented deranged here's the impossibility after the next. They allow Jimmy Chris COM their host repeatedly. interview, his own brother, the governor of New York and pray timid. You hate geography like he's the greatest leader in the world, only for us to find out that not only was it other serially sea women who accused him of that, while his brother was secretly consulting with his brother about how to manage those accusations, but at the same time,
was deceiving the public in the federal government about how many covert das they had a nursing homes, one own brother, was on within saying you're the greatest leader since Bucket Cicero, and now they say potato for the is gonna lecture, though the world on what a proper media outlets does, even though, the humiliations, CNN I'll up over the last four years, is so sky I that nobody could ever surpass it. Didn't Chris Cobo fake his own covert release from his bed. Smid, he was had already been out the week before a fact. I know this. He had already been spy outside this house a week before, and then he did a fake I'm coming out of my basement a week later, and people are what wily had coded. He was going outside without a doubt ass to the point that is done,
man, unlike neighbours, threatened to call the police if he didn't start wearing a mass because they knew that he was positive, a covert. He was pretending, leave us. I can start by solution on top of which this to me is the biggest scandal his brother, when he found out the Chris Como had Kobe common Dear State, resources to ensure that he pay priority access to Kobe Tasks and to state run treatment. He is brother, dispatched cars from the state to take him to the doktor. So there are probably these like old eighty, three, a woman in Schenectady back, unlike problem. May you couldn't get Kobe Tass as they like we're drowning in their lungs, because Andrew Cuomo prioritized his own brother and abuse and eggs, We didn't squandered the resources of the sea to give his brother the CNN hose cobra treatment or one that got reveal. The CNN came out defended it saying we understand that you would all
do anything for your brother in order to help him with his help and here's Ryan stouter saying at a well run network is what would happen if it's insane after death did they just pushed every? How many Great stories death did we cover that, see it and got wrong about Russia Gate. They could get the one that he talked about the date, but they were constantly into a discipline, people or fire people over the Russia Gate thing it by the way, you guys posted evidence, free conspiracy, theory for five straight years. Ok, so you guys are not a well run network and by, though, that the trust in your network is at an all time low. So this guy media critic is more than just a straight up propagandist and, of course, that's the guy they that they higher net see an end to be the media grinning. The guy's got no problem being a propagandists of course, just like GUM Chomsky said if he thought anything different wouldn't have that job that Brian Delta Rosebud been groomed since kindergarten to be a foot
can see and bad news man and he doesn't realize it all right over to stir What's that you gotta go, you want to do one more story with me and you to go now I know I know I'm so stupid that I gave you a money. I just wanna hear staff segment color they set itself. Far my favorite Martin, I usually phosphor wherever her parts coming fast for about she's done, hey. Let's before I let you go, let's do this on that. I had this prepare but I didn't do it in this segment because I ended. I did not a nice ratifies. Gonna ended there, but let's get a little nervous when I'm on. We all now, there's no, no doubt about it, these scathed Ormond tweeted, I gotta say I lived my entire life. This is how demented he's become from drum. I've lived my entire life with this of russian heritage in my family he's a straight. What does that mean that bad? That's like you cannot get more races than its debts.
that xenophobia to a t then came there, can spare, see to alter the twenty sixteen election. A year later they hacked my computer, but now they ve attacked my boy Panther in so I'll make it official few Vladimir Putin, oh by God, he gets force watch this. We are at war with Russia turn or perhaps more correctly. We have lost a warning. I want to turn the supple and we are at war with Russia, or perhaps more correctly, we have lost a war with Russia without a battle. We are no longer a sovereign nation. We are no longer a democracy, we are no longer a free people. We are the victims of a bloodless coup so far a bloodless coup engineered by Russia, which, if we did it to another country, would be described as an act of war and in this country we have conceded defeat. The nation, at all of our freedoms, hang by a threat.
And the military apparatus of this country is about to be handed over to stop or beholden to scum, russian. I remember that too. I remember it isn't any inquiry was You know doing under the banner of resistance yeah about that's my paper. Chirping sitting on the floor, all stared and his little like lag whew. Aren't you I gotta go. I glad was great. Have you always always applicable to show by step? Ok talk to you later paid. President Joe Biden call me hello, vanish Rachel by fifty pressure, isolation,
hide your. What do you want? I want. I want you, stop it! Stop it man about that role over the data. With this stuff and laid it down here right now, it s a hideous ok. But what are you referring to a man? Oh dear, I remember Those Davy guidelines to out by my office of the deer, I've got take with the HIV. The icy, maybe De I show you shouted out of my mouth at most me when you're taking me somewhere and don't forget to wear Maxwell you're out some places, but not others. Hey, you know there's a lot more to that phone call, but we don't have time in today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You gonna become a premium member, go to Jimmy dork.
Many dotcom sign up it's the most horrible premium programme business today show was written by IRAN. Kaliko Barclay, Lando, step Zahm, Murano, Jim Earl, like Mccrae, your written other voices performed they buy the one in the only the inevitable MIKE Mccrae can be found. It might make great that's it This week you be the best you can be I'll. Keep me in me Don't don't don't don't you don't? I don't worry
Transcript generated on 2021-08-06.