« The Jimmy Dore Show

George W. Bush To Teach “MasterClass” In Leadership?

2022-08-26 | 🔗

If you can believe it, ex-President George W. Bush has announced that he will be teaching a “MasterClass” in leadership that you and anyone else willing to pony up the money can take to learn what Bush has to say on the topic. Whether students will learn the ins and outs of committing war crimes, ignoring the suffering of hurricane victims and overseeing a torture program that continues to this day remains unclear. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious choice of a colossal f*ckup like George W. Bush to teach a class in leadership Plus segments on bringing MAGA and communism together and Joe Biden's meager student debt assistance program. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and Jake Tapper!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You got for kids to pick up two dogs to take to the vat and three other things you're already running late for tomorrow's even busier, and your oil change light is on that's oil. Change He fell willingness, noise change, we know you can't be without your car get in. Change without an appointment, watches, work from the driver's seat and finish up about fifteen minutes vital change society that valuable leanings did oil change visit a location near you, ever coming to tolls are Oklahoma. Did he detroit los angeles spoken to coma denver, go to We don't call me dot com for a link for all our tickets for our live, Josie they're, the hey. This is Jimmy who's. This.
Jimmy there's a chance. A friend of the show vids bono. Are you bell? I'm doing great Jimmy have a very exciting announcement to make elia. What's that I'm moving to finland yeah? Why would you move to bedlam bedlam by bobek? Guess I saw the video of the president of Finland skating around at a party, and I started packing my bags immediately. Really, yes, really, I'm so mad that we have Joe Biden as president who can't find a sox last remaining memories or the spanish american war. That looks like if a guy who is already old, got buried in the pet cemetery and these other countries get to have. As president,
zach, woman, okay, and I said if Joe Biden wins, I'm leaving the country so now I get to follow through on that horny reason I didn't actually say that in real life, but for the purposes of this sketch I did say that, let's say: okay gotcha, so are you moving to other country because their heads of state are attractive stretches that Jimmy. What does it say about their society, their culture? How free it must be effect. How the President parties want to just regular dumb hot women. Do the mind boggles. I must say that this is a rather sexist reason to move to another country. Well, I'm sorry, I'm just tired of how buttoned up america has become. You get trouble for everything I say or do it's not like I'm scandinavian look at it. It's just one giant party from the top
it's a good party, not one that you would make up like the excuse to leave at nine thirty pm? Wouldn't you be lonely, though, moving some all by yourself. You don't know anybody. Oh no, there's a bunch of scorn what yeah! It's me, a boatload of my homies retarded And everything Jesus: what do you even know about Finland? President, What is your name? I have actually We know idea, but I, like it Why did information on Wikipedia or some such other information source on internet? What what's the capital of finland. Stop! No sorry that sweden but closed sweden, borders vigilant to the west. Wait you're telling me that sweden is right next door.
Sweden, a country that is literally synonymous with hot blonde women brought his then all is then you really are shallow. helsinki by the way you so much yeah whoa, the russia factor. What yeah! Oh shit! I mean you know. They're cool right, like the whole thing is going to be cool, I'm sure it will be cool, okay, alright, good god! I get it international tensions, mucking up my sojourn into the land of the freest babes on god's green earth. Unless finland ends up joining nato like they have applied to
more or less designed to provoke russia? I'm sure would be at least the it's at least to stabilize the russian finnish relations. Get a little dicey. You know you're not helping right now. Neither is finland or smoking hot president's. Neither finland, neither is finland or smoking hot president's. She's doing her best but yeah. That's a big call for a bit of a recalculation. Here, we've already put a deposit down on the charter plane, so there's no backing out. Now I see well, you don't have to okay just might help. Actually these finish. I feel safer and more protected by having american men over there with that shit, going on and wise that we american forbidden with the risky. For years now we stood up to them and we still do. We could show these eyes monkeys how to deal with those scoundrels
Fiddlers, but dealing with russia on its own for centuries. Now I think they might be experts. If push comes to shove. I don't really think they know better than we do how to do with russia. They could get better than americans, don't they know that we won the cold war, bonnet reddit, chuck doors and me they is the big the really bids brother not allowed to you know what I was thinking thinks here. I don't think I could bear in america because it such a move to a country where I not respond. Today is an american idol. Forget don't give it wants yeah. I see some pitfalls there. You know what's good for you scott khan and his entourage still want to go. That's fine, but I'm out I'll just get finnish women to come here. For some reason I never thought I'd say this, but thanks for straightening me out yeah, you talk some sense into me, you're still a Democrat who sucks
the whip cards, but I will never forget what happened here today that lets you gb door and god bless united states of America doubled. staying baby last august, driving down the street and johnson media them the chance to show so you, member this guy, you member this case to be present at the united states. when a second term fondly. I remember him, fondly this guy. What a second term bodily curry members! Him hang up we're good leader made of gauze
lot of deciding to watch this, and so in my state over my state of the union or estate. My speech to the nation, everyone call it speech of the nation whatever you want to call it well, it's grades like if Joe Biden had the sense to know he screwed up what he just said. Right then yeah. No, these are these jokes corresponding to this. I think I might have. Did I messed this up, though I think they do. Okay. So here's a here's, another! Here's another great george bush, your memory. There is an old saying in tennessee. I know it's in texas, probably in tennessee. That says fool me once shame on shame on you before we can fall again. Appreciably won't give all the game
the little kid you notice that will get while he's doing that and he was ignited noticeable. Given the gorgeous leg. Listen mangled, There is an old saying in tennessee and those in texas probably intensity. This fool me once shame on Shame on you, fool me: take get Even though Harry harry what more we're gonna ask in america too many good dogs are going out of business reggie wines are unable to practise their their love with women all across europe. Everything is there not able to grab and by the push, so they may that guy president. What they're doing is they gave him a master class?
Did you say, do not he's not taking on taking your master, though he's teach you get these teaching ambassador class, Kurt Omair, Is it that I gave me for a job? I master class doubly the greatest money. I hope what? What can we do your master class and like writing. This is really happening. Look it's! This is really happen. And you want to know why it's happening. It's because George Bush hates donald trump and that's what the establishment needs and hating donald trump watches away everything You ve ever committed he's a unbelievable war criminal. He started a torture programme which exist till this day, a bonafide torture programme, and did he get prosecuted? No there's the f b. I go through his closet. For death. Irids know this guy light as into an illegal war, killed a million people and then what?
the torture programme, an illegal war crimes, torture programme to cover it up did the f b. I ever go through his closet, no well in the words of the grid, joy bay, hard get over here. Try inside show you this. I show you these just to show you what they said trumped up more and there was no bigger more on the george bush. This is what the establishment does. They can make a demented guy president. They could make this guy president. That's the establishments powers they own, the media hurt his master class commercially, The chief executive there's gotta be led to allow breakdown. The chief executive is gonna, be bold within reason and during an application. I recognise very few pick bold within reason. Then it's not bold approach, reasonable It's only sold if you go beyond what people think is reasonable and it pays off. If its bold, with
In reason, that's just reasonable. That's not what you should have done that one, instead of what you did, how about you that yeah? How about how about you do bold, with the release as opposed to what you did was launch a major war crime in a legal war that killed a million people is that reasonable, watching will become president, but I think you'll find lashes leadership then reply to your life now war, criminal war, criminal, war, criminal, wife of a war, criminal war, criminal? She bragged that she killed five hundred thousand kids, that it was worth it to kill. Half a million kids. that's her mindset she later apologized for it, but that's revealing that young she'd be well. To kill a half a million kids. If it got done what she needed, this guy's a job scenes upstairs island raper, she's called black kids
super predators while I'm on board with libya. She cackled and live laughed about turning libya into a failed state with the slave markets. The tour my driver from the airport when I'm philly other a bunch of africa driving lift and stuff, but he was from not I'm gonna he's gone, but he was talking about that. Libya, like is notorious, how they screwed up well yeah. With that way, it was surprising the thing about it. As you know, anything about it. You have no idea about. We screw them. There's more back to his back to this video. That's an amazing! clean, looks gray brown, not a word. I had information, the american people didn't know and therefore had to make decisions. the information that paper can people did know. You know like that. The corporations want of meda start an illegal war through Werner weapons of mass destruction. I knew there were no weapons of mass destruction, but I still had to make a decision to go to war based on that like
They didn't probably know that dick cheney got thirty million dollars from halliburton to start this war. I do that Thirty million dollars is what halliburton gave dick cheney when he became vice president. That was a down pay and for the iraq war and they paid off shore the country on knowledge. It was in evidence. That's just a major leadership. So long as you're gonna buy principle and so long as you're guided by and the principal he was guided by was corporate profit and killing muslim people to get it done well guided by the beauty of our weapons vessel. The pattern. Cause greater than self. You can endure criticism, It's going to go one of the things I missed after the presidency was this daily learning and painfully painting came into my life. It's a learning experience because, with every kind of fruit You learn something new dynamic do another four. So its visit at night
said, he's have time in his retirement to learn how to paint while there's a million people dead. Who don't will will get to learn that, but is it a pledge, isn't it does it give you pleasure to know that he gets the ain't all day and he's been some kind of hard core like gonna come he's been in the real mundane yeah flower to guide hitler used to pay nice at our grounds in flowers and buildings, executive paint, a picture of that guy being tortured, standing out up apple great with the thing were his math skills rigid. If he did, that would be the electrodes hooked up to every orifice. Where is not going to paint that I bet he's got what looks like a coffee cup with some flowers, he's got a coffee cup, their supply. The night is great paintings. I got that in abiden a hunter by Dana I'm set for my paintings cheeses, its import,
to have a set of priorities. The guide you and your team, your company. What? What were those priorities that guided george bush ella illegal work? starting lying about it and then ordering work. crimes and torture and covering that up and then not helping the people in new orleans. What what else was what else your managers I've got understand with priorities to me the most important priorities worth my faith in my family and my friend that may sound corny the sum, but a few reorganise rush, you I know it: does it sound, it doesn't sound corny george, it's it's blithely evil in light of your war crimes, but corny, no, hey know who else, but a welcomed one day. Scripts are always a must.
The sum, but it helps you reorganise rush to your life- welcome down. There is great bread to be important priorities for my faith in my family and my friends that may sound corny to some but if you reorganize the rest, your life, his fate, his face got him through top ten and criticism hey. You know. Who else is faith got him through tough time the criticism, osama bin laden it a lot of faith and family. A lot of faith in family, three, wise men, friends! it seems very important to the very welcome down. There is great bread to be here When I was speaking to audiences, I didn't want them to think I was smarter than they were what. ah well mission,
accomplices. Well, I'm not I'm missing the cause no living and on an aircraft carrier revolution has published the nobody ever thought that nobody ever said. I bet that guide smarter than made. No one. No one ever thought that in that funny, except joy bay army, are you want to think I was as smart as the communication is to figure out how to enable the person you're talking to relax You know I had. I was a master at the malaprop. Miss underestimate the press corps reaction. Was the guy really just say that Now he says that is if he meant it goes, buttons overhang exactly what why look? Look at our complaint for dimensional chess with these did these news people they don't know. I said miss underestimate note you fucked up, and you said something done- that use do every five seconds and that one just don't stood out. I was this different from a trump university class of say.
Something stupid prescott like just to tell tat, you should tell tell that to rout SAM harris heiresses is he still has its bush and not over. drug university. But apparently this is fantastic to him, because I am harris is cool with the iraq war you're right I remember right. After nine eleven and the oval office talking about trade for family said it suffered loss I broke down in tears. Your heart is touched. Let people no, that your heart is still do not have the louisiana, but I was cry I couldn't make it to new orleans but to gas started. I was crying and then and killed a million people I got a lot more of you get him and I didn't cried all over the place. I was enormous our back my old alcohol days of not feel anything just pay now just paint it'll, be a leap, but everybody can end up being a better person. The challenge
It is now seven june wealth and status in the challenge alive is to get away with war crimes, if you could give it a war crime and in public and get away with it, you ve got a successful life. What's you kill of people you got nowhere to go, but up as a person, george bush's them. Well superior of no one, and that includes charlie man said he is the more superior of no one, think of that their that includes Bundy. That includes gay, see that includes Jeffrey steam? He is the moral superior of no one he's below Jeffrey Epstein Yeah, I guess manson only sent like ford for people when he something's to go, kill pierre ok. Here we go, is to improve and to learn to love because that's what the devil's gonna say when he comes here, when the devil cups
he's gonna be telling you learn to love better? That's what it that's. What he's doing, I'm george w bush and this his master class. I mean how how How do you ruin the reputation of your company with just one two minute promo? That would be it now I mean master class was already joke. They had. Hillary Clinton. Do one that the biggest losers in the world, and then this guy, what was hilarious where'd you get a master class. I don't know it's ici issue again, complaining I rush out a ruse to either lose a guy who set up the everyone thought you could be around and then they got the captain of the nineteen eighty russia hockey trying to do a master class to jump. Here's the first
I just why? What so I went to this video on you, too bad master classes youtube, and just I just pick the first three comments. This is a first three gonna hurt the first three and then I'll show you not the next three I didn't have to search for these The point I know you can't read and but up aridity it says just goes to show you you don't have to be a good leader to have a master class ass. The first comment: the second comment was so important to learn how to deal with your critics, not by listening to them and debunking their points, but instead by retreating from Actual criticisms in hiding any evidence they ever existed. Is the third comment: if you were born into a trust fund political die misty? You too can attend an ivy league school join the right, fraternity become a rule, aging alcoholic barely pass and have a long, successful political career,
Why is it not a binding president now, but I think it right that all this is about the right, I'm pretty sure Joe Biden took this master class and further record kurt. I would paper a hunter Biden master clash So, whenever we my drugs eyes, why not only my cry eyeball? It should be class at the hague. That's the fourth carbon
Painting came into my life pulley expected a button up shirt on backwards in his fingers in the paint. Like a little kid. What a disgrace to the country now watch this drive. Our cows show you that you want to watch. This is just as george bush's master glass on leadership. You ready for this under stress here about a lighter suicide bombers and rail for those on for peace in the middle
please for those in the arab lands, those in europe, those all around the world who yearn for case. We must do everything we possibly can to stop the terror. There are a few killers who want to stop the peace process that we have started and we must not let them for the sake of humanity. For the sake of the palestinians who suffer for the sake of the israelis who are under attack, we must stop the terror. I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorists killed Thank you now ass drive. The boy asked
that glass. You remember this when it when he said that watch with DR dr alright. Can we talk. the church that guy's digital master class hey Is it a master class on how to look like in over privileged under qualified asshole, whose completely touch. They didn't even know that that was stupid to do and say, and neither did his father well junior class. Just be borne knowing how to be like that right eye? I call on all nations decided to do.
All we can to stop terror, except except for stopping the creation of new terror with our perpetual wards of choice, but everything else just over one percent per that they are imperialist wars of aggression that killed millions of people we shouldn't? that will that wheel? We ITALY there is fire had surfeits trump is here- is that market kimberly, she says trump is an amateur who supporters right it in the capital, but george w bush actually stolen election. He has also killed one million iraqis. I wonder if you're allowed to say that I knew to be allowed to say George bush dollar, two thousand election, wonder if that used to
as if the algorithm is triggered by saying, stole and election and not the dates, not dates. Yet, and by the way, did you notice this the daily beast that shit rag of all liberals shit rags, which is, I think, the Clinton's chelsea Clinton, sits on the board of the So George, w bush gives a moment by moment breakdown of nine eleven in his new master class course, and it says authentic leadership. I hope he reads the goat book during yeah all we should head video of his being told the night. The two entire just got hit. An egg is kept reading. Not only are they doing a puff peace on this and whose doing it MIA maguire she's, the commerce editor great job media. I bet you
thought about this. When you're in journalism school puts a com as editor she's, a commerce editor, so that she does articles that are advertisements for getting us That's what that means, rightly so, but because in this in this article there promoting this. So that's what this! me. So this must mean this isn't really journalism right, which we didn't need you to tell us they put authentic leadership in quotas yeah well, this was in the article so and it gives you shop at master. Less so it's your children had so it's an answer to this basically is the daily b. east doing an ad disguise Does a news article four george bush. How is a painful that any worse than trump universe, and how is it? Is it less expensive, as our wives, better? I took george w bush is master clay
Sudden leadership, and now I too cannot lead. I can no longer paint either. I worked at bass disco, so this guy says this is Scott claims this I don't. I can't I can't vouch for this, but I thought it was interesting. I saw twitter. So let me share with you. Ah I don't have any reason to believe it's not true. He says I worked at master class earlier this year. This Is this stuff they wasted their money on and then laid off thirty to forty percent of their workers, at least half of which were postproduction work editors assistant, editors producers. I for a number of people refusing to work on this and then There's this thread last I heard they were planning on targeting a more right wing audience, can't wait for jordan petersen and bitcoin classes. Now I dont think bitcoin is a right wing. Think that's a mistake. There will
That's it that's funny cause. I don't think right wing is that keen on george w Bush anymore actually lost their lives. Well the establishment. Republicans right wing for sure not dig in master class right who's that I'm just like who's it for who's who's. The Hillary Clinton master class, for I mean who the fuck is any of this for who's, going to take that you've gotta be dumber than george bush to want to take that if they're laying people off that means, probably not a lot of people, have been enjoying these rights, not a lot of people. Master class hired some hatchet consoling guy, as they see see. Oh, what does c c o stand for unevenness. Can you look of yazzi seo stands or to basically that's the cheap, something officer? Chief commerce observation, to basically come in and say: oh, I know a great way to make this company profitable, let's fire everyone at. Thank you very much enjoyed house in beverly hills. You earned with that brilliant insight. They see old pulled one of these. And zoom. So this is the ceo when he fired
everybody I got for master clause. This is what this guy saying why chief customer officer soussio. I have said this guy he's thinks a ceo of hyper social, ceo, piper sphere, five time, cows dropout. So this the ceo pull one of these, and do so is that the seat you who owns the additional? I don't know that's confusing! anyway, I chief commercial officer or chief customer officer, or to see ceos very close. So do you remember this this? This guy is teaching a master class. He should teach the only master class. George bush teach a master class in how to be masterly out of touch watch what he thinks.
is a good thing watch this man we are living longer and people are working longer in the truth of the matter is up. Elderly baby boomers have got a lot to offer to our society and we shouldn't think about given up our responsibilities. Right, but nevertheless there is a certain copper do now that the promises made will be kept by the government, and so Thank you for asking that so he's selling her we're going to we're going to keep the promise of social security. Why should she says back I'll have to worry that's good, because I work three jobs and I feel like I contribute to work three jobs, three jobs, uniquely american in it,
if you're doing that, that is uniquely american joke on in living. Color, remember the hard working jamaican family and they all had three jake. I gotta go to work bond. Remember that all nineties, oh really, okay, equally america, I used to be a joke, wow, and then you said it. He said it like it's a good thing that this senior citizen has to work three jobs. in that, uniquely american edna fantastic and said you ever work, three jobs. George, were worked. One job george. You never had work, one job. So that's your master class george bush. I just wanted to share that with him and it's official master classes dumber than t rex, and that's hard to pull as pretty hard to pull. That x is graduations and that's because he hates job Donald trump- that's offices, it probably has even Eightam, but no you just said it picked leaders at eight, a m you write, he doesn't. It
the trial does even eight any, but a hit payroll, here's another great! Where you can help support the show. You should become a priest A member. We give you a couple of hours premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do. By going to give it our company that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable, brevier programme of the business and it's a great way to help put it come back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody, already a premium member. If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support This is pretty interesting. We ve talked about that people need to organise a log class lie Forget it it's not a left right issue anymore and is not lefties against rabies. It isn't, even though everybody at the corporate media, like the young turks, the intercept, MSNBC cnn box news, they all want you to think
These are left right issues there, not ending the war, not a left right issue, a living wage, not a left right issue, health care, not a left right issue, but a wall street nettle censorship. All these are not left right issues. These are us against them. And that's what they're afraid of realizing. So when you go to a live, Jimmy show what's happening in their rooms. What scares the shit out of the establishment of people on the left, people on the right people in the middle black white old young, religious, atheist, all coming together, to realize we have a common enemy and then
an enemy is the oligarchies that did a controlled demolition of our economy over the last two years, while enriching them and having us hate each other over a vaccine that didn't work. This way they said it did, and I'm not going to do that and so guess what somebody went and talked to a trump or a socialist communist, wouldn't talk to trump or and friend of the show. J from the revolutionary blackout network, he said proof that when you talk about issues from a layman's perspective, people will free with you, even even the is even if they claim to be conservative, because it's a class issue. Many of us should take a lesson from this. Thanks to us, elsie socialist, for showing me they're. So let let's watch this so here's a guy was the socialists
going to talk to a trumpet conservative and why tell you doesn't hate em? What shall we find ways that there are like that? They can work together on an agreement, and this is what scares me. Shit out of them and you watch how they're trying to shit on this because of it. What that's like? What are you, the Boolooroo boy it they all freaked out. We can't be weaker. Yes, we can and watch this in order to stop the communist agenda. We need to get rid of the big banks right call, Karl Marx. No one knew he was until the big banks said distributed, but all of his literature right ranks in order to get really communism and to get rid of the big banks are get rid of big farmer right. What else big tech right. So this guy he gets that there are a handful of oligarchs that have way too much control and power and our culture and society they get there.
It's okay, just like we do my own lamb, like these, like landlord, said they are coming in and buying their hundreds of properties. You don't even know what china is doing and bill gates and Cielo. I believe so he gets that and he gets he's not a complete, for a free market. I know that he gets that. There's nefarious powerful, well money forces that our wrecking our home market in the united states- and we should do something about it. We do too, but we will hear a very fed up and they're ready to collective eyes and services, the means of production. So he saying to this guy a marxist idea that the workers should seize the means of production were that companies and corporations, instead of just being hourly employees, they should actually own the business, so they have
how old is the means of production and it's not owned by one capitalists oligarch who can pick up his company and move it to another country, devastating the city it was, and then exploding even more desperate people in another desperate situation like say in mexico or thailand, or wherever bangladesh, and so he's saying- will shouldn't the workers' collective eyes and then own the company watch what this guy says back, which is this by the way. That's what DR richard wolff says on the show all the time or what what he says, yeah. I recommend that's why, for you have so much in love with it, so this guy says Why support union didn't? You could see he's the union's. I always had an a reflex to not like unions but watch what he does say? Twenty eight I work by workers
in the shirt. The editor I had an earlier for company not too far from here called liberty pump non union. They let the company the owners of the company, sold the cow app a third of the company to the employees, so the employees have ownership of it. That's exactly what that, but mark says the work, so he's saying that's a great thing he goes. I worked for this company, the pump company, it's a non union company people love the company and the owners sold a third of the company to them so now their owners in it. So now they get a decision making role at the company, the workers, and he sees that as a positive. Now, most right,
winger, most peep corporate corporate Democrats republic, all of them the establishment will tell you, that's horrible, that's communism, he saying no, that's empowering the workers, that's what this tramper saying to a communist they're agreeing and if you don't think this makes the establishment shit their pants. You ve been watching too much corporate news because it does here we go just a lot better
it was our collective eyes. So it's a lot better he's saying now: the ownership of the companies in the hands of the workers, which is a lot better. Let me back it up for auction, but yeah I mean that's why I support unions so much I I it's funny. I I work. I I work for a actually, not the shirt. The editor I had an earlier for company not too far from here called liberty pump non union. They let the company the owners of the company sold the cow app the company till the employees, so the employees have ownership of it, which is a lot better and with a collective icing, it's pretty nice out the other workers ones and it's an aesop. I never heard that term before. Can you look at me sop what that means. He dashed as so piece up. He saw that liked how they doing germany? Can he stop you're with it
it was our shit. The union, the unions, are on the board of directors. They have. They sit on the board at germany, you find out what it is is an employee benefit plan that enables employees to own part or all of the company they work for there. It is it's nice up here we go over. There, families worked there the day of the sun's work. And that's w america started a lot of whom we did that you see. Oh, that's a little bit more productive than calling this guy, who obviously is of good faith calling him all kinds of names. You see how that this will be more productive, but the establishment, the democrats and the corporate media, which they want you to hate this guy, and they want that.
Guide to hate you and they want us to keep hating each other, so they can keep the status quo and that's what keeps the status quo and who likes the status quo. The establishment, the corporations, military, industrial, complex and wall street. They love the status quo and that's what us hating him in him aiding us and us fighting amongst each other. That's what enables the status quo. We get overturns status quo and this was a great job. So this how I convert my ober drivers from the mid west and south on my work. Trips find a common prostration. In and get them to understand that it's a class war- and they don't want you to know that it's a class war that the squad doesn't ever talk about a class while a what class war which politicians talk.
about a class war. They want a real war before glad. I want to raise war before class. Work is Bernie sanders even talk about a class war anymore. Does he bring it up as even Jim millionaires and billionaires, because sixty of em donated to Joe Biden is good friend who we now carries waterborne. Twenty four seven he's abandon you. If you have a notice, he used, a zero million is billions that he made the million so just as billy failure. This is how we know that it's the propaganda, that's divided us. The ideas themselves are popular either with people who hate communism, so it shows they dont, actually hate communism. They hate. What capitalist told them, communism is which is usually just capitalism. The populace left and right see a lot
of the same problems, the issue comes in with the lapse obsession with identity, politics and pushing for policies that empower the very establishment they claim to be against. Same can be said for the right, so I think that that was out. raising and thanks to Jaber before proposing that the. How do you know who that guy, who did it I don't know this. Guy is, as I socialists are. This is the guy I showed it to him, but so I don't know if that's that guy, oh, was it so down there. It says I can't even read it's blurry, let's see. Maybe if I go like this in order to know I'm sorry, can you read that I can't walter masters Walter masterson all right, well great job, Walter masterson? That was fantastic more that
less of the or less of the they take everything. As even when the right wing came around to hating the f b I left wingers like nina turner and the young turks I'll go fuck you. I wish you can't hate the fbi, that's what we did is this so stupid. If you just got into the establishment, you don't want to ruin it now, somebody a really funny it's on youtube. The it was like a star wars knock off when they take over the death star. we can destroy than they are going to go to the strangers. Yet pretty nice summed it up. That is,
the hey everybody who thinks Joe Biden gives a shit about you. This is when they ask you to donate. This is what's under Biden harris when they are run for forgive all undergraduate student tuition, related federal student debt, that's what they promised us. They were going to forgive all undergraduate tuition, related federal student debt from two and four year. Public colleges and universities and private hbc use an m s I's for debt holders earning up to one hundred and twenty five
and so, if you had debt from tuition and college, and you made less than one hundred and twenty five grand a year Biden promised he was going to eliminate your your student loan debt that more stalled ha Biden's can only cancelled ten to twenty grand. So he's not doing that, I think the average is like one hundred grand that someone has well. Let's watch white house officials are planning to cancel up to Twenty grand and student debt for recipients of pell grants we as part of their broader announcement on Wednesday of student debt forgiveness for people for people from
We're with the matter said, will good thing. I dropped out of school because I think I'll just about cover the extra debt forgiveness for pell recipients would be in addition to the expected cancellation of up to ten grand and student dead for most other borrowers. So they're gonna cancel ten grand though white house. His plans are only expected to apply to americans earning under a hundred and twenty five grand a year or two hundred and fifty grand per year for married couples who filed taxes jointly. What what is in it for them to not cancel everybody's debt- I not rich peep, they allow you to want to cancel rich people. rich people. Don't have that? That's why they're fucking rich moral hazard, I was told roughly forty three billion federal student loan. Borrowers would be eligible for some level of forgiveness, including twenty.
million people who could have their dead completely cancelled according to internal documents shared with the post. The president is also expected to announce that he will. stand a pandemic era paws on federal, stood alone Payments that was first implemented under trompe. That moratorium will now be extended until december thirty forced or right after the Democrats get there s case in the mid jobs the announcement would put to rest months of delay duration over whether Biden would uses executive authority to forgive portions of the federal student. Didn't it, bribes ahead of congressional mid term elections no kidding and could give the Democrats a boost with some voters, but also threatens their standing. those who say the amount is not enough or too much between that and my hatred of trump. It should be just another,
Biden has drawn the ira of activists and some stood alone borrowers who were growing tired of promises of a decision that stretched over more than a year. Biden had previously expressed reluctance to grow forgiveness to people who attended elite universities. While moderate democrats and republic, the of the policy as this clear responsible I mean it, you should hear Let us say that word after that, ukraine's too I think, should he be allowed to ride out the same people who say this is fiscally irresponsible. Are for giving that money to ukraine just so you know the decision to add additional forgiveness. Who cares? Seven in ten college graduates with federal loans also received a pell grant, didn't know that and pell recipients have an average and a.
National, four thousand five hundred dollars more dead than other college graduates, according to the us, did you know that I didn't know that the white house, his decision, rejects the warnings of centrist democratic economies such as larry summers, the former secretary drudgery, who have said it will increase inflation and it's going to add to the federal deficit, but that five trillion we gave you When your friends that was ok, they didn't add to the deposit, also said doing there, you grating it's going to do that and suck it up. Yes, that's right, oh by the way, larry summers is the dumbest guy in the world, even though people still take his advice and financial, stuff he's the biggest failure financially in the world, and people still listen to him. He forced harvard a billion dollars. Mr harbour, a billion dollars. I do like that about summers made harvard take a big, bad and the future path. If interest rates that ended up losing the university
billion dollars. Well, no one, no data, tony robin birthday yeah, you can do it larry EL republican law are also expected to blast the white house over the move, arguing it offers this a subsidies to americans who made bad decisions while doing nothing for those who did not go to college are going to college is a bad decision. According to some of the people Here's a yacht presley. She says. President Joe Biden just cancel student debt. No, he didn't like. I know he did in July. But even asterisk, with a four implanted not did well to every organ or who fought so hard. This victory is yours. It's not really a victory. This is going,
It change and save lives. You guys are such a bullshitter. I was ten thousand dollars short in an operation. I need to save here's. What savvy sab says. She says he cancelled ten in four borrowers making under a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars a means tested bowl of crumbs. Stop it cancelling Only ten grand is a slap and millions of faces. It acknowledges the problem, but it doesn't address. It is the middle finger to forty five million people. That's what Joe Biden's doing this is their big strategy to get votes are miserable, taken care of, and you get a free coupon to wendy's David Sirota friend of the show he makes it in the today show he says the average ppp law. You remember the ppps that that was. If you owned a business during coven, you could apply for a loan to get you through coven.
And they forget all that will all those loans, so there was just free money. It said the average ppp loan to business was the hundred and nine thousand dollars, and it was forgiven with zero controversy. Biden has now Giving twenty grand of student loans and the ppp is is cool crowd is pretending. It's a scandal, so he's pointing out that the people who got the ppp loans are bitching about the people getting stood alone. Debt forgiveness is that crazy, it is ppp. Loans were forgiven because rich people benefited from them. Student loans will not be forgiven, because rich people don't have any of those loans. He had to go to school measure rich. We don't want you in the
the levers of power, and what have you so there's? No point you're going militarism anyway, as Biden announced his plan for some student debt relief. Let's all thank nancy pelosi for her leadership. Her leadership was, she told people have the authority to do this. That was her leadership. This victory is yours, a bite. I can't do anything. That's a policy said. Look the speaker. Marks gov as regressive members in the house call on the president to use its executive power to cancel up to fifty thousand its due to debt, lonely for forty million bowers, why think does back when we thought the january securing we're gonna be a bigger show? Yeah ten grand for for student loans, twenty grand, if that student received a the grad, it's a token that will pay people off across the entire political spectrum, ex accepting people who believe compromises evident of mere evidence of merits, we're maharajah, imagine and right
The student loans system exists because the baby boom generation didn't want to pay the taxes that helped put it through college at vastly subsidized tuition, but still expected younger Jim reasons to get all the same. Education result: generations of white collar det, p an edge. Finally, what's that watch your mouth watch. Your mouth burrata joy grade, tweeted this out in twenty nineteen. If we had cancelled all student debt in twenty
Sixteen. We would have shrunk, the racial wealth gap between young white and black households from between twenty five and forty years old from twelve to one to five to one. That's a pretty big deal hey. Where would you get that money to do that? Where are you going to get that money? You think money just grows on trees thought she did. This is how they would do that. This was Bernie sanders plan to put a tax on transact transaction tax on wall street, and it would it would finance that that's how you do it without the burden of so this is from harvard. Without the burden of student loan, debt people seek higher paying careers, stabilize their finances and contribute to the economy, so, according to harvard business school,
killing stood alone. That is good for everybody, because everybody lives inside the economy and its good for the economy. They ever study on lowering crazy college, which is by the way you have all that is Israel. So there you go it's actually so to all the people think this is bad Business school disagrees with you. Jimmy who's. This May this is jack camp, oh hi, from the lead with jake. yeah, yeah yeah. We know. my very all show on cnn and I'm thrilled. I have the honour of harvesting that's great his daughter, my wife in case anyone from
then, is listening right now. I doubt anybody from cnn listened to my Joe Jake, and no, I meant listening. Devices installed in my office have rights. Of course, your colleague brides delta was recently fire from cnn and had his show cancel. What do you think about that? No, I don't I mean you have to have an opinion on like everything, a colleague getting I you to give an opinion on that. Are you doing this yeah It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to my friend, we don't know. Its absence will be sorely felt. Europe CNN carbon under the future holds nothing but success as it continues to screw stay
to uphold accuracy and integrity in journalism? He I didn't ask you for a prepared statement when I asked for an I'm, not finished, why and was always a good boy. Yes, good boy in the world. He always finishes vegetables you're. Getting his belly rub. You never asked roma? We want honeys, especially good. You. Never complained When we had to remove his old propeller baby, I see I'm decisions are being made in cnn. I understand their position of I. Will
to see reliable sources go. I know that cnn will maintain their image mission to be the number one most trustworthy as channel on cable news, so you're not mad at them, goodness. No, why would I be? You aren't worried that you you're going to be next, why we were not big jake? I just off of okay. Thank god I mean no. Of course I have. Reason to think that my show is different than reliable sources. His measured the fact jack other journalists. Just wasn't scene is necessary to the network anymore yeah. But that's the big. I'd still, there was no more of a reliable source than anyone else's zealand. Yeah, that's weird about it. He wasn't even twenty a good job like you just seemed like a little kid playing in the sand box. I mean, if you really speaking through to power, should like that all yeah,
I could see what it can do, but that shall come on so you're a little nervous. Then I say it is more a warning how so the snow guy in charge are he doesn't want us to be as anti tromp any for as long as we can form in and become less based. I think we should be fine, but is it that you, bread and butter focusing on donald trump. You gleefully covered him old. were covered him in twenty sixteen giving a free press that only helped his campaign. Then, once elected you dedicated your entire network to every kooky russian oaks that came along. without troop? What is in it anymore? I kissed her about to find out. I guess so jake who knows. Maybe you could be a good thing. Even
They want your liver upon inside and more conservatives. I can handle that I've been lobbying. Softball questioned the geo, be talking as for years now. Only with aid to warm up my pitching arm by those puppies right down the middle. With my eyes closed glad, you had the ability to adapt jig. I know that really is so true it's when it's about you have to dance I made for it I'm lucky now if they go to dom limit and ask them to stop making his first two segments look at what this bad white person did. Instead of actually what happened in washington that day, I dunno what the fuck he's going to do right now that we're being honest, I do want to say I I really will miss Bryan. I really liked him, but that sleep he'd run around the halls. Giggling all the time.
just a really fun energy love. Getting tickled and excitedly show us pictures of his baby, his new baby, and also of the man that had to impregnate his wife, for My baby looks like me here, other daddy I didn't really understand how things work, but his heart was definitely in the right place. I'm sure was anyway. I gotta go work on tonight's segments. This is going to get real tricky real quick, ten thousand dollars and debt relief- and I want to praise, bind and that could be seen as anti trump by default, I suppose, but I do want to criticise- and my thing it does not go far enough because there could be seen as to progressive, thereby alienated from supporters? Not how about you just have a republican in a democratic pounded on and they debate each other. While you never will report any of the facts,
Jimmy you're, a genius. I love. This approach takes Jimmy. This is really gonna work It was soon get a load of this novel approach, french, first more like hacks version I do hey become a premium member, go to jimmied art gallery, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business for the all the voices performed today are by the one, and only the inimitable mike mccray. He can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com, for this week you be the best. It can be, and I'll keep being me
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.