« The Jimmy Dore Show

Desperate Dems Cheer FBI & Raid On Mar-A-Lago

2022-08-19 | 🔗

The political world was rocked last week when FBI agents descended on Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Florida estate, and scoured the former president’s home, making off with boxes and boxes of documents. Later reports emerged that Trump may have held on to highly sensitive classified materials relating to the nation’s nuclear program and will be accused of violating the Espionage Act. Democrats cheered the FBI raid while Trump supporters accused the Justice Department of engaging in a partisan witch hunt. Jimmy and his panel of The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss what might have really motivated this unprecedented raid on a former president’s home. Plus a segment on Andrew Yang's inability to defend his new third party effort under wilting questioning from CNN's Jim Acosta. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
They were coming to tulsa oklahoma city detroit los angeles spoken to coma denver, go to nor can dot com for for our tickets for our live josie their the is Jimmy who's. This. Jimmy desert, shouted at shocks. Gillmore from new york send consumer. Why you call buddy I'm your show to express my support and condolences to congresswoman liz chain for losing her bravely for congressional pray. Why would you call this show to do that? I dont know if these things are always gonna make sense. Jimmy phone calls a right there with them. We are just that
stated. Over this I mean it was visible from a mile away, but still totally sucks for liz yeah. Who, who is, we know, stem a guy republicans and all Democrats, I z Jimmy. I can't stop thinking about what a brave individuals she was, what a strong woman full of courage, a spine of steel game for all, to do what she knew was the right thing to do will be sorely missed. Thoughts and prayers, she's, not dead. Senator. She may as well be coming back from something like this icy cold
raised or whatever it is you people do at the end, because that career was over wide a career. It was. She went from throwing her lesbian sisterhood. Did the bus that bravely, got to donald trump and his election lies what political or what a legend and a crucified have more written a proud member of the house. If change out there, they worked out a murder my boy also the jds google good they're good. Now, yes, really dick JD? Why? Because they stood up to trump cards
domini television, commercial or something now dick, so that makes up for the iraq war. Yes, dad from twenty years ago. Yes, this is now just because they oppose donald trump, whom you do not like. They're, so they're not only acceptable these people, who used to be anathema to democrats, liberals and left this alike now they are heroes. Tat I'm tired of saying yes about damning way possible. Our Qaeda will well you really think her political careers over then I mean if she's such a hero, absolutely added a mouse or doornail. Whatever it is, it's dead. She was
humiliated by your own party, creamed by a woman who looks like when a lady got turn into a robot superman. Yes, I would imagine or political career as a republican squarely over, but what, if she became a democrat yak, yet look get all this praise. You and our call you, your colleagues are. Bigger. Don't you think this might make. You know her leave that she's more wanted on your side of the isle guy. You know I over here it's crowded with up and commerce, like a z and attention, When you die, you, I'm convinced, as a robot from the future doesn't do and what these lateral move it'll be fine. I'll, give you a break only time there was a demographic coming out of that state cowboy has actually looked cool, but why
she joined our body and then she gets paid no word over again, like a red headed step, child no banks that good objects were our body not at all moving on boot, wouldn't he moved the northeastern steven reign as Democrats and you think we're cinder or not. I would be cynical move, wouldn't just obvious political carpet bag and that's exactly what hilary glue then, what. first of all, don't you dare use her name in vain. You call her her like I'm with her jacket. I've always heard it that it was the democratic party history, her victory. His JD doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence. I guess the shady brazil he goes so far Well, she has an immortal and she hasn't cared cancer for crying out loud. Look. We praise her because she
fell, honours the weight to attack us, worn enemy, mad respect. So we all this up as an example of crossing the ilo, but you know this still the falcon. I owe you you really expect me to believe there is a significant difference between the two parts after all these years, as far as what we want and how we get rich now, but it who gets elected in elected in how right they expect you to believe that now for chinese over air base? You gotta make your friends laugh cattle. I am sad to make his fancy laugh. Are you both comics? Of course? Are you doing the same act? Good god? I appreciate your honesty, senator I'm honest about to
times a day. You should get study some lucky lock. I have to go. You know our new stations they appreciated, it teaches were famous people for when they die you. I had to do the same thing for the few anti drug republicans who are about to get politically obliterated. They are so brave Jimmy great yeah, the
august driving down the street and johnson media them the chance to show that this is what starting all the talk is: the f b I remove classified documents from moral logo and its highly irregular. So again, this is going on with the Democrats, nor the republicans can beat again show host with a comb over. Neither of them can beat the sky, and so that's why they're, together in doing all this nefarious shit like russia, gait, which was complete bullshit, complete hoax evidence, free conspiracy,
In theory, that's right, and why did it take the Democrats so long to impeach donald trump, because that's how long it took them to find a crime he was guilty of that they also weren't complicit in that's, why it took them so long and they know what they impeached him for arms shipments to Ukraine were the laying delaying it, which was the right thing to do, but they needed thirty of those weapons, faith and now gave them fifty four billion dollars in weapons and seventy percent of which dont end up in the ukraine war. Where they going. I arrived, I wouldn't get some people inside the ukraine. Government are selling them to russia for money. bet you anyway, sir means of projects. As this may surprise you or will it he'll be? Would you be surprised, kurt divide out?
the ukraine's ours are selling those weapons to russia for money. I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised to find that out the most corrupt country in all of europe, according to your dangler, according to the new york times, the most corrupt country, in the other, so back to F b, I they were moved, eleven sets of classified documents, including some mark top secret and men, to be available only in special government facilities from former president
trump's mar a lago estate in florida on Monday. It's weird that they never did that to Hillary Clinton when she raised thirty, three thousand emails off her private server, where she kept highly classified information, which was against the law and after she was subpoenaed for it. She erased those it's where they they didn't storm her highly. It's so weird that she's selling t shirts that say that she's got but Hillary's emails. You do! Did you see that? No? I didn't see hudson shirts, that you can that the her everywhere ago, her illegal emails yeah. She makes you selling shirts of it. In addition, agents recovered four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents and three sets of confidential documents and departure gender pear tree according to the new public information. According to the search or the alleged crimes under investigation are violations of the espionage acts which outlaws
the unauthorized retention of national security, formation that could harm the united states or aid of born adversary, a federal law That makes it a crime to destroy or conceal adopt men in order to obstruct government investigation and another statue did so with unlawful removal of government materials. Now Michael Tracy reminds us what the spinners act really is the spinners act is an archaic remnant of world war, one that the government has kept on the books as a catch all to criminalize the release of embarrassing. Information woodrow wilson and demanded the acts so as to crush. Would he called creatures of passion, disloyalty and anarchy expert the swift rehabilitation of the espionage. Zack, though, why? Well, it's just previously known as one of the most pernicious laws used to prosecute who edward snowden
They use the espionage act to print yes to prosecute edward snowden do assange massage see manning Daniel ellsberg? Those are the people that they use. The espionage act for the truth. Tellers And now it will become a benevolent tool of preserving democracy because they're using it against trump and that's exactly what the goddamn Democrats are doing so attorney general merrick garland announced they left. The damn department of justice would seek to unseal priscilla. Let me just bringing Maxwell with up on this now max just what is your overall taken on what we ve got? You took part of this even happened and that they're using the espionage at first of all, having a little bit of a spotty, Can you not that's on your end, on our end, its on our end advertise it we were. I decided, I don't want it over to blame on new. Well
the espionage act is being used against Julian assange was used against whistleblowers The terrible history of being weapon ized against anti war activists. Events of world war, one in the united states, and now it is being, as Michael tracey pointed out, rehabilitated politically in the eyes of the liberal than in the eyes of liberal democrats and a swath of left wingers as well, who are cheering on this f b. I raid, which is a terrible development and for the defence of assange and for anyone who wants to see what this espionage act is it's something that can be used against. Anyone who is deemed a threat against national security and the concept of national security, or we don't know exactly what these files are. The donald trump is supposedly holding that are so sensitive in that necessitated this raid. Am I have my
in theory on what the raid is about it, what the files pertain to, but just to focus on the espionage act. It is one of the most pernicious laws on the books you by complete other completely unaccountable national security state to target that is historically targeted and anti war elements. That's what that that is exactly right and oh, the Democrats are wittingly or unwittingly, and the progressive sue are supporting them. are unwittingly propping up the fbi's case to use it ass espionage act, which is what they're using spur on people like edwards. In an julian assange, and so, if you're progressive. That would be no no for you to do that. What might erie. Is that he's got? He took the list of the equal all the people went to Jeffrey Epstein, island, all his clients and that's what they're gone
went to his house work as they want their lives, but I could be wrong, I'm just speculating. They said it was had something Do the nuclear codes I better get some do jeopardy, Epstein less because build clare went there on that island, tab, sexual, Their age, women allegedly, and it seems like that's what that was for so they all part of it. If this related a nuclear secrets, that would be very serious, and so why did the f b? I wait for two years to act right right, a bit if they ve exactly gets a great point, so If he's had these nuclear codes for two years, why are they doing it now? They're doing it now because the presidential race is about to start for twenty twenty four and they can have donald trump, again. Why? Because he'll win, he will beat demented Joe and he will beat whoever they throw against him in that the republican party. Why? Because the republic, no the blubber, can voters know that donald trump is not liked by the estate.
Women, even though it is one of them and he who govern just like them. They don't like him. He puts a bad face on imperialism he'd. He wants credit further vaccine. They I won't give it to him because he's a bad salesman he's bad for the brand. Hey remember when did when did madonna and pfizer announced the introduction of the coven vaccine after they knew he was already not president right two days forty eight hours after, although they had the information before that's right and is partly because they didn't want it associated hang on we got a little bit of a father. Saying they wouldn't take good and wanted to suffer. Screw. You start again. They want associated what they didn't want to be covered vaccine associated with trunk, because you had come a harris and other people messaging. The democratic base telling them do not take it, because this is the trump vaccine and you're gonna get you really get killed them in so yeah. That's that
is the problem with donald trump, with these people. The problem with donald trump, isn't that he governs any differently or recklessly, because right now, guidance, finishing his wall in arizona and putting more kids in cages and drop dead and their sorry, the two nuclear wars. So, there's nothing that Donald trump did his crazier than what Joe biden it's doing. That's how we know it's, not the wall or the kids in the kick right. They kept all the that's all. That's accept tat. You know there's just yet Is the personal that it's because he's bad he's a bad brand for the establishment for imperialism and for all that to all their domestic policies? Do it He really does want credit for the backs. They won't give it to him, they still column and anti baxter, and he is a hundred per cent on board for the backs, in fact, so here so now they're gonna? Do this max maxim heard about this matter? garland they're gonna unseal. The warrant which
this isn't done. Often they don't usually unsealed a warrant, but they're gonna. Do that now. Have you heard about that? Sorry, you broke up recycling s. Reading the yellow card banana unseal, the warrant, have you heard about that? I have. Not I've been absent. The warrant already been unsealed didn't bright Bart obtain a copy of it all. Oh, I don't know, maybe you and I'm pretty sure- and it contains this interesting section under: u s code, twenty, seventy one, What does it say? This is related. This is related to concealment, removal or mutilation generally, and it says she did the disc for this crime shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years or both and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any
office under the united states, where you got all pretty clear what the angle is here, because I sunk exit exactly what I said. They can't beat donald trump there so corrupt, not that donald trump, a great politician but they're so corrupt that they can't beat a game show That's how corrupt they are. This is really a AL capone. There we are going around to get AL capone situated exactly what. While, yes, that's exact and its obvious to the church magua, but these latter spent republicans are not going along with it, I mean They're going along with the f b, I go ahead max. What is politically backfired already has a political pull out that shows there seventy per cent of republican voters believe this is politically more. They did their standing with tromp, rejecting the voters, the republican basis, standing with trump and trot.
had been losing ground on the sand is in a hypothetical primary match. Up now, he's gained his game distance. He was already the front runner, so I can't see any other outcome that the justice department is planning for, except for nailing trump in a way that disqualifies him from running for president so this is from yesterday's ella times. It says that the justice reiner gave the justice too arm and until three pm eastern time to confer with trumps lawyers and inform the court whether he planned to contest on sealing the documents structure, if social network that he supports and feeling the warrant within within the twenty boxes. Moved in monday search were binders of photos, hubbub binders of women from me. I have written note and an executive grant of clemency for conservative, provocative, roger stone and the info asian about the president of France agents were instructed to look for communication
in any form regarding the retrieval storage or transmission of natural defence information or classified mature as well as any evidence that presidential records or class of by doc events were knowingly altered, destroyed or concealed under the presidential records act of nineteen. Seventy eight presidential records are supposed to be turned over to the, its lark? I've got a president leaves office. The archives here, already recovery, more than fifteen boxes of material that were improperly then tomorrow, largo Malta, will they did that without them The ice storming marilla goes in that weird. Why didn't they use the same process and and cause according to trumpet trumps layers? They didn't even ask. The f b, I didn't even asked them to go in and trumps it I wouldn't let them go in they didn't ask. Is that weird? It is weird we so desire me from the earlier shows is safe. sure thing like yes, then, of visual.
Just look for any just mistake that was made that we regard as they have bought yoga. That's what that sounds like to me and fishing expedition. You know Jimmy I'm telling you I just want to add because max mentioned bright part had gotten access to it. It says the document obtained a reviewed by brought part new, It shows the d o j and h, b, f b. I waited several days after reinhardt approved the warrant to conduct the raid, something that severely undercuts the talking points issued by attorney general merrick garland in a public statement, so it was so urge it to get there they waited several days, also ya, that sort of all your our case, what they were saying they had to do this. They couldn't wait for drop to get back to them that they had to do it it was urgent, but then now we find out that they act. You got the worn and still waited a couple of days so at that undercuts their argument for doing that so yeah. Of course, this is a political prosecution. Just like this january six trial. It
The establishment making sure that a game show host can't bring any populism to the government. That's all this is So multiple news outlets reported thursday that the department of justice had already you subpoenas in other, less intrusive means to recover documents the spring, but sought the search warrant because it believe trump still at confidential or tops organ mature, including some related. So again, why not get is in it move social pose Friday morning, trump suggested without any evidence that any recovered nuclear documents were planted by the fbi. During the search at marilla earlier this week, which I wouldn't out one bed, that's the one they wouldn't allow trump. lawyers to be there to soup to watch what they were doing and so now everything everything's us back, because this is obviously a suspect prosecution. This is a political hit job and so, of course, they're gonna be plaza, probably planting.
Probably they planted russia gate that was completely made up. They planted that story about trump. On january, six that Cassidy hutchinson reveal because the pub that the secret service said that didn't happen. They could totally plant that that story made it up in a separate stand by while we are, I think, we're off livestream, that's! Okay! That's okay, just wanted to make sure in a separate post. He stated that the document seized by agents at his florida club were all declassified and said that he will you ve turned over the documents in the justice department if they asked so court the truck didn't even ask Can he would have a chance to double check every sat right? Would we catch a error that we could you that's right? You don't know want to give him a heads up. While presidents have authority to the classified documents, tromp hasn't, menstruating that he followed normal notification procedures without so who gives it s,
now that he is not president trump no longer has the authority to declassify stuff. In the end, it may not even matter the three statutes under which he is being investigated. Dont differentiate between classified or non classified information, so just in a mash, makes a good pointy says its power. Well to distrust the fbi also to distrust donald trump. We see quite clearly over the years that the fbi abuses power and also that donald trump abuses power. Like every other politician, you don't have defend one to criticise the other. I agree I am not defending donald trump one bit. I'll drop is just like every other politician, except that they hate him because he accidentally tells the truth. Sometimes like hey, we're gonna, take the oil we're staying there to take the oil and syria. He just said it. It's like he puts it, had come over on our empire. He puts a bad comb overrun our empire. Here's what jackson says jackson eagles is so left is not
We support the fbi now, but they also defend in the political weapon, innovation of the espionage act, how fun and then, MR Putin says they have been a lot of these same people are anti assange. Yes, they are, and I had to correct jackson- know they're not left is their democrats. Difference. Democrats are right, wing conservative pro war, pro wall street anti worker party, that serves the same corporations and billionaires as the republicans, so that is the land. The left is us, so marjorie taylor green came out and because it is now We have always said we said this on the show that republicans can understand, the problem until it affects them personally at the gates to say conservatives. So now that includes democrats. Okay, so Democrat, can understand a problem until it happened to them either. So it happened to them, and now they get it.
Oh, my god, the fbi's are doing political investigations and prosecutions and persecutions of people that the establishment doesn't like it's a blade bare and so now they get it so now someone who is as repulsive to lefties as some like her is now on the same page is us. If it's real or not collar, bluff, saying you're, welcome, that's what you're supposed to do is must go. I welcome You thank you now. Let's work together on a bill that the funds the, but I think, there's a thing called the brie that now, let's pass that together? That's what they should have done immediately. Let's pass the brie that which I think will define the fbi. That's not what people did The right wing is not acknowledging. This is the classic dumb. Take the right wing, not acknowledging systemic bias on the part of the fbi Ella. Well, they are met that the agency went after one of them who gives a fuck what
want to divide the fbi who take those make. That makes no sense whatsoever. Of course it doesn't, but if you're a hack and partisan you able to see things, whereas they are, and all you know, is division and you have to hate half the country no matter. What would it that's a good is he like where are you now not acknowledging systemic biases because they did did acknowledge for the wrong reasons. Right, you tell yes, that's I guess you're gonna die. Are they he besides. It's someone who's concerned about keeping their play. Send a partisans structure with that? owned by billionaires whether then actually help the country move forward go ahead. this troll, no relation to elliot Higgins, beilin cat is sub tweet brianna a grey joy gray, who had said that You know the f b, I what she said. Here's what she said. I have a letter. She says, mark Retailer green is right about the f b. I oh boy, bad faith or not.
Today's radar. I argue that the left should take advantage of the rights new acknowledgement of systemic bias and pushed to abolish the fbi and institutions. it has always protected elite power, not the people. So that's what he's responding to go ahead. Yeah I mean and and systemic bias might not exactly be the right wording, but what she's saying is fundamentally correct, which is that the system is biased. The system is not acting according to the law. The system is carried out various witch hunts part is in which hides ideological witch hunt that armed are designed to kneecap enemies of this those the objectives of the system and the way to being interpreted as our marjorie tale.
green is not the intersection of acknowledging that the fbi played a role in the murder of fred hampton and until she does that, or until she acknowledges what the f b I did too Leonard peltier, who Ninety eight percent of americans haven't heard up. Then we can not welcome this call for the funding is a private debt is completely unaccountable security state. No then, and that therefore makes it impossible for any progress to happen here outside of this very narrow wing The completely co opt in? U s left if they she does acknowledge it. Then I don't believe the f b. I did those that he's so here's what you said This was very well put and you have a threat. This is a great threat. Everyone should go, read it because he says nice things about me, but why? the professional activists left so irritated by margin,
taylor greens call to define the fbi when every the s endorse candidate votes, to fund the feds and for forty into ukraine, while a crude right, winger slams, the security state and nato, it deepens the us slaps, painful identity crisis. Go ahead, max talk more about them! Sorry, you broke up. Go I just read your tweet. I just read your tweet go ahead and well yeah. I I spell it out more in the thread in it something I've been thinking about. Ever since the emergence of this kind of lockdown left element, during the code, the era of covert hysteria in twenty one, twenty twenty one and the post january six era watching socialist self, broken revolutionaries denounced the very concept of insurrection and not just the low iq riot that took place at the capitol.
And actually talk about how there needs to be a peaceful transfer of power in this system that their supposedly seeking to overthrow and then watching, as so called revolutionaries, saw one command from a bureaucrat like vouchsafe to lock down or to fire. Thousands of people not taking the vaccine they just immediately obeyed and just watching as they could be entire squad that have been put up by suppose it's socialist organization. And it and supported elsie was marketed by the democratic socialism. American watch them just completely capitulate. Hello c in the entire democratic pro war power structure around ukraine, o c I've been used against julian assange in her not being able to give a straight answer and stating that there are considerations and
Sharon's thereabout assange watching them vote for the forty billion to ukraine watching these into that you, the entire super structure of the: u s left in the professional activists, clasped just weekly caught capitulated, watching bbl and black lives matter, be hijacked of almost by design and collected by these ngo class hucksters and ended this axles and completely disappearing watching birdie roll over after people to judge store the eye we'll copies from Bernie and, with this mysterious shadow out created by these dark money, billionaires of what is burning do instead of only the protests. He says, let's move on, and so did the editor in chief of Jacobin. He said, let's move on, I mean that back. That's why the left is in an identity crisis right now, and the right is cooperating
The tenets that used to be part of the traditional left, anti opposition to war or interventionism. Marjorie. Taylor Green is come out and called for the pardon of edward snowden and julian assange, something that no members of the squad are doing. Marjorie teller green opposed the forty billion dollars to grant marjorie telegram weapons. the nazis, marjorie taylor, green, even condemned nato, and where are the where the people that the professional activists left in the. U s put up progress on it, because nowhere so there's this identity crisis within the leopard being deepen by marjorie taylor green, this right wing,
who is associated with tromp coming out in saying things that left is traditionally said. They identity crisis also relates to the fact that the professional left worthy the organised. U s left is not seen as a threat to power by the; u S, securities, the at all right. The trump movement is the right wing is, and this is humiliating to people on the left who fancy themselves to be revolutionaries. It's it's something that provokes them to overcompensate and engage not only in performative displays of radicalism, but also to ritually abused. The heretics who come out of the left or who They had seen as leftwing influences, whether weather you or glenn greenwell retorted gabert, and that's why there's does an entire class of writers within these left publication
If you played up, you showed one of them on a card before and they hang on hold on hang on, but attack people who drop for a second. Could you start start that sentence again, yeah the others? Well, there's this entire class do we view writer guys logger arise within the progressive laugh could produce nothing, a value. Do no field reporting, no investigate reporting. All they do is attacked people who stray who crossed cross the increasingly blurry ideological boundaries that are supposed to contain and corral the left and define what it means to be left is because the Countries are so blurry these their gatekeeper. You are what you're saying there gear The best job is gay. Keeping understood are obsessed with glad we're obsessed with you, and it's because too,
to be left us today in the. U S is this: is it so hard to define what that even means? Current, the representatives of your of your movement are such a bunch, a sell out a bit. That's cause is an ill like a lifestyle, brianna lake, so Margie taylor, greens bad for the brand. He's just a lifestyle? Is that it's like actors and yeah showbiz people, so everything its push towards that's added. I mean it couldn't more clearly just be a brain and any and then you know like you- were there shoes shoes with your at at right, someone, someone agreed with you a role as I right. That's exactly what it is. Well look what they're saying too! So you see stuff like this Michael bachelors, whose african historian he's he wants them to kill trump illiterate
he's calling for his execution, and then you get a guy general Michael Hayden. He says yeah, let's do it lets kill. Try is also calling for the rosenbergs execution guidance and there are some serious questions about whether they were actually guilty. So he'd. So they said the Rosenberg were convicted for giving you s nuclear secrets to moscow and they were executed in june of nineteen. Fifty three, this guy says, sounds about right, so these eyes are calling die. That's all just this guy gimme that general. Might I now hope with an essay director, cia deputy director, so that's the establishment wanting to kill trump. So that's what this again? It's not that trump did anything. They didn't want. It's that he's a bad. ran a ruins their brand, the bad face for the brand. he's like a jewish communist. Apparently, according to the court historian bachelor lhasa me, the east comparing them to the rosenbergs because of though the whole background of russia
which is a made up, which we all know now was made up, which is why they must. I wanted to say this go ahead. I wanted I wanted to say this earlier. When you hear talk about nuclear records, You have to ask you can assume possibly that talks about, for example, the intermediate ballistic missile treaty, with Putin being involved that there was some russian element, we don't know what the nuclear documents were, but this all leads me to believe that this raid relates back to russia gate and to spygate. Specifically, I'm just stuck maybe you're I can I can. I can say more about that, but you need You can move on and let's come back to that, so the response to this than wanting to kill him. It literally is that these are the establishment say, let's kill our former president. What now
let's kill dick cheney, who have lagged us into an illegal war that killed a million people in order to torture program, to cover it up or george bush, who did the exact same thing: the job creators, the job crit? Don't let them leave them will go, but let's go after trump because he mishandled classified documents. Let's kill him, that's what they want to do. An acceptance of Violence for political ends in america is approaching the level seen in northern ireland at the height of their troubles, fanning the fleet of violence through incendiary language is the worst possible thing they could be doing and who said that rachel kind fell. She's from the carnegie endowment for peace. She saying that what going on right now in the united states, the establishment calling for violence against political enemies is exactly the same. Shit that happen. in northern ireland. I think she saying the opposite. What is tell me to explain to me what This is part of the messaging, the post raid messaging
where are you saw in lockstep, one pounded after another, echoing each other about be right, wings, online call for political war war and they were obvious. There is obviously preparation for this in advance that the right would be pushed into this extra reaction and then the democrats and these national security stops for them would milk it to portray them as a dragon. national security to further reinforce that point, and then you have this. This right, winger attacking an f I field office for someone who is a military veteran, so that kind of played into the the narrative and I think, what work, what wherein and what we ve been in since certainly, summer of twenty twenty is a strategy of tension, which is actually more reminiscent nineteen seventies, ITALY, the northern, ireland and its when it's when you creates very aids its so you ve dropped per second, it's when,
That's it we're talking about a strategy of tension, but the kind of scenario unfolded in nineteen seventies, ITALY, when the communist party was still popular and there were fascist elements with in at an end and mafia elements that were use the cia assets at the italian security state. What actually seek to frame the communist party for various terror attacks and to the far right and the left against one another in order to create an atmosphere of chaos, so that the average italian citizen would sit back and say well, we can't have the laugh it a obtain any power we support with the security state is doing to put them back in the And that's what we see when you see when that we see we sought on a small, very small scale, for example,
Canosa, was cards in where the police, the local police, pushed baby ella marchers into a direct confrontation with rittenhouse in company regarding this many more. They were actually pushed into confrontation. There was no preordained confrontation, that's a microcosm of what we ve been seeing take place. That's why I think january's. Stand down on the part better, I stand ramadan. That's why you think January six. What that's why I think january six was allowed to happen. The way that it dear yes. So what so much access being granted to the capital to a brain mob, and just because there is a stand down order. I mean that it is a fact that the mayor of disease, they are mere about, gave a border for the national guard to stay awake. I was there. I personally witnessed what placed there is almost no security. There had never seen any those ngos more more security for a guy were forced to vote rally, ethics capital than there was for january six. So
we're still in that scenario, where the f b I knew and merit garland in his crew the J. They knew that there would be an extreme reaction by the right, and that reaction is something that they were agitating that they were aimed to incite in order to reinforce the portrait of the right as a battle. security, bread and that's what she's. Referring to that already, I keep hearing about going into the in terms and beyond. So I dont see what you said is how different how then I took it, but I'm sad. I thought how I read that is that she's not criticizing the acceptance of violence against trump. She is criticizing the acceptance of violence against. for example, the fbi or your car. Ok, ah tat is different and so she's she's, fine, she's blaming trump, and you know stephen cry
or treated the blaming them. You're fucking kidding me that What that g saying damage for peace is like it Claire. It's on mass, add one message see right next to the brookings instituted We have They knew her name to she's like a bitch. I dont were from something boy that sir, it's embarrassing for me that I could miss read that so I still am. And to show that kind of language which she sang is right by age ass. She meant it and then they went and so I mean I got called a racist over this firm for calling out the liberals being happy about the f b. I doing this work, what
What what are you? Where do I mean this? Is it so obvious? What's going on here, that they can't be donald trump at the ballot box, so they have to do every sneaky, underhanded bullshit thing that they accuse him of being like, of course, there is nobody moors, corrupt, sneeze, he the evil than the cia and the fbi, there's nobody! that, and so there trying to say that trump was worse than them and he's up there actually worse than him, and so this is just an shall. See it now. So I am glad to hear that poles. Seventy percent of the vote is not enough. Seventy percent of the rehab owners, just republicans, neches republican voters, see those voters over all actually believe that there is a criminal wrong doing by trump and that the rain was legitimate, a plurality it's like forty six to thirty five, but it doesnt matter because the republic
base is sticking with tromp right, that's what I'm talking about its everything's, completely polarized, so yeah That's how they wanted by the way and italy, and and it is what used to be the f b. I used to keep progressives out of government and now working overtime to keep trumps trump and trump mug people out of government. Well, let's not forget what s the idea! Two weeks ago, they went after the war they went after this russian indicted some russian character, who I was princes in russia that they used it as leverage in order to pay a black socialist organization called the lincolns column, were people's movement. Yes, it yeah you who people's movement guru Peter painted the they the d J, f b. I use this indictment of a russian in Moscow to pay this black socialist group, as a russian asset, and the interesting thing about this- is that that
actually ran someone? A member For the mayor of Saint petersburg, not saint petersburg and russia, but saint petersburg in florida, and he Its aim is jesse novel and he got two percent of the boat. which actually shut the democrats up. The weighted that you think you can see with the Democrats are trying to do with that. In ohio, the green party candidate, he asked carolina we're going to cause they're worried, he's going to get two to three percent of the vote and they think that that will be the decisive edge in or allow republicans to win. So that's what I think pissed off the the like led to the f b. I raid here is that this party actually running people in local elections, and they do have some cachet within the black community and their peeling off both from the Democrats. So your way, whether it's going after the left or the right, it's the Democrats and the security state that are knee capping their part as an enemy, a hundred per cent and there you know it's funny that they're called the democratic party because they couldn't be more anti democratic. You know we.
When we went our finger at of dictators around the world or putin or russia, and meanwhile the democratic party in the republic in party, were they work in tandem to make sure that no third parties are not allowed on the ballots, make sure that they get raided by the fbi that Ralph NATO s spend all his time running in court instead of running for president because their taken him off ballots in so that that's that's what you have give the oligarchy making sure that regular. people will never have a representative government and that's what it is and when someone like a yo see gets elected, I've or oconnor. They immediately switch and they start doing the bidding of Nancy Pelosi. Who you know is doing the bidding of the military industrial complex in wall street and so a vote for oh see or any democratic. This point has turned out to be a vote for wall street. The military, industrial, complex, big pharma oil companies and the silicon valley, that's you, when you vote for Democrats, there's show me
and without book in democratic, was gone against any of that shit third day don't exist, they don't exist. so I'm pretty sure Jimmy Michael batch lost. The historian, who called to kill the earth insinuated that trunk should be executed the same way the rosenbergs were. at a private meeting with Joe Biden, a bunch of historians met with Joe Biden and they warned in this private meeting. For some reason they couldn't make this warning public they even though, is completely, but now that democracy is under threat to die on bite. Its watch but he did something. But here we have a security state being weapon ized against the part as an enemy the security state has game unprecedented power since the patriot, at member state level, but then do spy gate and the whole russia gate hopes it gain in entrenched its power and is now a part,
listen weapon and that to me, even though the weapon is being directed at someone who I find generally odious, being directed against the civilian person who was elected as elected press, and this is an unelected entity that has no it ability that exists in the seek in secret that conducts black operations and we're supposed the stand with them to defend democracy, know and that's why the democratic party should is so deeply undemocratic because they love the fbi, They love the cia, those other heroes, because they wish that they were just wipe away this entire movement and let them will permanently and that's undemocratic, and I assume that the right that they have the same power to do so with do that and we're setting the precedent for that right now, right, that's right! Well, I am going to take a look at the judge that gave that issued this warrant next. So that's our next thing, though,
hey, you know here's another great way you can help support the show you should be the previous member. We give you a couple of hours of premium, bonus, content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you could do it by going to do Your company that cop click it got joined premium and supposed to fort baby, a programme in the business, and it's a great way to help put it. Back in the eye. The bastards, thanks for everybody, It was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support- this guy and your yang. They should call a manual yank disease, yanking, alot of people, so he said this forward party, and all this forward party is- is to give people who want to vote trump a place to go deck. There also vote for billionaires that cause. That's all the says, he's funded he's a bed with this that did that the thing
it's wrong with our political parties. At there is their owned and controlled by the billionaire oligarch class and he No, I didn't know no intention of changing that, in fact is whole party, to be funded by the same people. So that's why it's such a joke and it's such a joke. And I believe me- I Don'T- I would love to see a successful third party, this ain't it and it's such a joke at such a pretend head fake that a guile of tool like Jimmy kafka can be, it. Looked like an idiot watch, this everyone about policy leave negative results, rivalling ensuring a better. If you have an answer, you gonna have a policy of positions at some point. At some point you gonna have to have a policy visit because ass, the we ve been saying there are parties build based that nothing here we go. as the former party feel about rovers is way should have been overturned. All I personally think that women's reproductive rights are fundamental
human rights by the forward party has not left or right, but forward stance on even the most device then contentious issue in what is going to have to think about something. You just say why now those are high, but measures or I'm not gonna- take a position on you you want to run the country you gotta know you are a woman is again the board parties about that common sense. Consensus majority view, which is very clear on abortion, is clear about guns. What I saw random changes actually clear and just about every issue under the sun should a ten year old, so he didn't say what he won't say you, but he won't say what the stances. Oh, it's called. The consensus of opinion is clear: What is it safe, the position that you won't say here that it is remarkable that you won't say looking say. The consensus of opinion is clear: what what What a brilliant that's, not an alternative. We ve, sharp jimmy, I thought Jim Casta was like brick from your man, the corral, guy,
she sounds. That's me, no that's how bad andrew Yang is making a guy like german, caused a look like a newsman hypodermic. Gaza can help but ask those questions, because it's that invariably ass a boy things should sure the nature of our seas. In europe be able to buy air fifteen's again. The common sense consensus magellan is that there should be some rule, around background checks and access to two firearms, we're not getting any of these things, Jim, because the two parties, Islam does not need to deliver it. Sound, like you're, taking a hard position, sounds like you're, a great power and sounds like you're you're sort of a fill in the blank part of your. You know. If, if somebody wants to have a party with no clear policy, visions, we'll work in the real world. You have to take a position on something where, for the common sense consensus, where for good things, a word gets
bad bags, while I've never seen him across the on anything wrong like well, you got him good little. What's so, what's this somebody put this out, they go. We must move forward, not acquired upward, not board and always laughed wearily toiling towards breeze that was when the aliens took over zealous. That's that's a take out there at the take up that its twirling twirling towards freedom, twirly dwelling twirly towards freedom. Agile youngest, this roma, look at this name rafale issue. Now says Andrew Yang had to fake I membership then his shiny new party, so he merged with cross the old serve america group. a g o p NEO conservative group started by wall street and staff of anti gay anti black war. Criminal george, w bush, who fake the election victory to become press.
Did you know he was that that happen? I didn't know that this urban serve america movement. So that's. Why he's in bed with and then so? This person starts tweeting out all the people, social serve america cofounder air grossman now part of Andrew yanks forward party. Was it to any wall street executive. He was leading morgan stanley, legal as it abused mortgages conducted wage that lied to investors and Seated markets earning over nine billion in penalties, and so it shows you all the penalties links to all this shit. They knew very should again trouble for forward jerry move forward Another co founder of Andrew yanks ford party is miles. Taylor who joined trumps, white house two separate families and put during gauges at the department of homeland security. As political will, change profited off it not by challenging policy, but by selling a book least eroded
another founder of annual yanks forward party is christine TAT way ben nearest of bankers, making our name under president Nixon another election. These women- became new jersey governor. What does that mean another election g d? I'm not. That means women became. jersey, governor by one percent, with her campaign bragging about suppressing black voter. I remember this. Does she actually did actually did so? Here says he is also a tumultuous relationship with black voters, when at rawlins her campaign manager brag two days after election, that he had spent five hundred thousand dollars paying off black ministers and mayors to suppress the black vote. A fire firestorm followed and not from the watched, impose she also one thing and cheap energy frist black eyes. Did you see that she did that?
when was is, and I ninety six andrew yang's forward party co, founder, forced a black man to be stopped and first by herc accompanied, would stay troopers for a photo. Opportunity to demonstrate her focus on new jersey, crime. Headsets. You really forward body founders, evil, Abbott Mcmullen is also another one of the founders meet Evan moment. Another leader at andrew gangs, forward party promoter of guantanamo bay, former cia agent, promoted the over winning of rovers is weighed, believes marriages between men and women. Only even though his own mom is married to a woman from now on is that he treated our I can't real donald trump, actually say the words I want roe v wade overturned, I'm the only pro life candidate in this race. Also, he said on the you have life its life. So I would pursue corn appointments that overtook rovers his way, so these are the people who are fat. Here's one more we're going
deep with yet another new leader at Andrew sus new forward party and are a loving abortion banning gay marriage and adoption banning immigrant aiding barber comstock, who called for a wall against canada well she's got my you just go on sunset itself, bargain yeah! It is resolved by add deregulate tech companies to sell our private data deregulate, oh ass. We regulated I didn't even know there were so many ways that just a taste this guy did there's more there's way more. That threat was, he was not the guy that was in on you ve already. There was really isn't, looks often easy report. Yes, your border, he must be a reporter I don't know, I mean I've. What I'm sure what I was, what loreen the threat I went softly was, but I remember, could you looked at Please tell me who has not occurred. Stumped me.
cause? There was a guide, a name like that. That was really going out with that share of asking him questions and he was like doing a good job he's one of the people I but a stuck out. I wonder if that's what it is. I have net roots, Rafael schmidt net roots. Nation are really is a main avenue lyrical activists, including all kind. I would never. Its is welcome, said these tat attacks for these drugs for the last segment. Those got him to wait that guy richard quest, yeah. I'd like how do you get his job back at cnn, he had Jeffrey Toobin negotiated for yeah. I really miss that joke kurt. I said right there. Jeffrey to ban by Michael, what are you trying to be a better person? I've been working at a food ban, you'd touching their billboard peoples through now.
It'd make you better at. I learned how to turn off zero me. I'm a good person now burt said, I hi Jimmy who's. This Measures for you do you want our andrew drew how you do it. Well, I'm doing very well. Thank you for asking, because I have good news- is imperative interested try marked body Y all sorehead. Do you know if a trend here, yeah yeah, yeah, you're gloating now not just very smartly, pointing out? things are going my way again like Britain, I wish
germany? We are witnessing the sand. It is kind of weird help. Anyway, what's your good news, governor George has ruled that he can happen well tonight, yeah new york, state judge has ruled that I, the money from my book. Ah all five point, one million dollars of it
right. Yeah go in jangling away with this perchance, be your book american crisis, lessons from Govan iD pandemic yeah. If it was your life signed copy thirty dollars out who I would die the book. Were you bragged about your response to go, but while hiding the true numbers of nurturing of deaths in your state, you you get to keep that money sorry, but I don't think that's good news at all. He already bought a far cry from my shelf. What why? Why did they rule this way? Well, that's the best
Are the funniest part? Really you see the administrative body who ordered that I give money to the state of new york was called. The joint commission on public ethics would shake up just a group of appointed assholes. I see very overstepped their bounds in every way? Not just with my case. They were going bananas and do you know what happened? The state abolished them because they sucked so hard. This thing sucks so bad. It was erased from existence, a very book of life itself. Okay, so the judge said yeah we might not like andrew cuomo per se, but this defunct collection of scolds and pricks can't just take money away from
somebody without due process legally and they did not have the authority to exercise their due from all right all right. I got a guy that I can see your boy. Where did jerry these guys that you that, as I said, yes, it appears the judge rule. Properly here, I'm sure you're on my side. Now, where would you look at that? It says on your side, Mister cuomo, far from it. I just said that I know I know I get it. I'm just talking with a hard thing to admit when someone you don't like is legitimately getting shafted, but if you a book and a handful of sixty five year old virgin,
you wouldn't know. I knew all your money make a little sticker brought there. Would you do things in about microphone right there you? I probably would. Why do I win weight? When was the governorship clouded power back a respected, my peers, always stranger, My age could handle you know. Fuck, is and how again jimmy this is new york new york state not care for you. I've been to yours day, I know what it's like their day like men who cry sensitive matter.
Adam shift that today a leg men who look like they ever a kick me sign permanently sewn with their jackets here. New yorkers love winners fighters not victims, so the stone I get paid myself as a door. Not. I became They will rally to me okay, so what'd. I do here a female judge who could come Really my he'll get to keep your money where your word right, that's power, people smell that on you. When I was, I don't look like a little bitch. You know I have to back up the status bulls then stop. I would point out with major and you're too. We ve been over this. You can't fool me. Ok, I suppose you're right
a so you get it one by one. I would defeat these injustices that a been done to me and done to my We will have victory and people. Love me again include a huge now no way I'll, never be a global supporter. You ask me: like this one, in a way about still got emotional wanna talk about it because it was a new iraq with a spoon face. It you're my biggest supporter.
And the jury. Doors should always currently my largest platform. I hate this actually, so I will be coming to you with update, as I climb up this mountain, where I will reach the top and dance with the goats, you could put They hate me all you want, but deep down. I know there is a love for me. That is stronger than anything you ve ever felt before And your listen, I know it: you're governor qualified as the ethic you are a disgrace. Corrupt politicians should forever remain outside the public eye. I love what we have jimmy baby hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot, com, sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business, the voices,
Today, our by the one and only the inevitable mike MC grey, he can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com. For this week you be the best you can be, I'll, keep me in me. Don't don't don't do not bring down? How did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.