« The Jimmy Dore Show

Dems Illegally Kick 3rd Party Off Ballot In North Carolina

2022-07-08 | 🔗

While Democrats continue rigging elections against 3rd parties, Matthew Hoh - U.S. Senate candidate to represent North Carolina on the Green Party ticket - is fighting back to claim his rightfully earned place on the ballot.

Plus, a segment revealing how Democrats fund radical Republicans.

Featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Matthew Hoh and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and Willem the Dutch Farmer!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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You do, and maybe I am recovering or should I say, tried to recover if I'm being completely honest the fourth reich. What do you? What do you recovered from buddy, the fourth of July davey, independence day, America's birthday? You are in forty six years old, but she doesn't look a day over twenty five and she's a solid ten, the fucking app I see but yeah, I'm hurting the job you man, I pointed out before the public you why cause of all of the sinking of the fourth of July kills and too little on the way to board the July carols
yeah. What's your favorite, I dont know any. What do you mean? What are you not a country like a guess, So you don't celebrate, I see a few people, but I don't think I've actually met one in real life, no matter where you don't look like the stereotypical non patriot tanks. So what's your favorite fourth of July caroline, oh, that's a hard one. Today. I bet hard to say Jimmy. Ah, I guess it's either lo how a beautiful nation is brought forth. A that's, a pretty one hold a baby country. Isabella bells are ringing in philadelphia.
I do I like the fun ones. Just fine like signed sign, John Hancock saw blood was why do you know that these existed or what What else did you do? Well, we barbecued, of course, be grilled. Like madman, the hot dogs, bratwurst kielbasa, shrimp, kabobs lost the salad. Oh for aside, no, we put that on the grill too, just for the icy, alright and drinking. Of course, beer cocktails calling all joes margaritas. I know a guy who knows a guy who can still get his hands on sema.
Ah, my american gibran, he sounds very festive. Oh Jimmy was the most festive. He was just celebrating america with friends and loved ones and booze. of course, we'd love. Some m need for good measure scared, the shit out of the yeah. So every ass ask you. What exactly are you celebrating about america? What are you kidding find a baby? That's quite a thing to say weeks after women in the country lost the freedom to choose what to do with your body yeah. Well, you know, freedom isn't free it. Just didn't fight hard enough should have taken a page out of the anime playbook. If you ask me, we have godfrey about the fucking act
who have rights. Our esteemed room cord seems poised to revoke many other regions. What do you think about that? We're not gonna. Try No, not guns traditional boy about trade cars with old, want you howitzer will live on a word freedom does that act represent spins shit yeah great there. They'll probably go after gay marriage. I could also see this cord trying to dismantle. Labor law to further weaken unions in the country do well. Shaq has never done shit for me personally, so I don't give a shit ever won any of their dumb ass awards and that's where everyone else, that's just more freedom. Freedom for the worker to choose hurry employment and freedom for the giant corporations. Yet there was called the law,
nor era, and it was not a good time for labour in the country. They would attacks Breaking coal miners with machine guns, weds yeah, while their lives suck pretty hard there to do them a favor for being realistic. Just look. America rules, we're free and I don't see what your fucking problem is. I beg america could be a great country conceivably, but as a state it's right now. You know it's not it's getting much worse, negative nature to ruin the party. While you wait at the party, hey my bad, was trying to use one of those people who, like actually was a pagan tradition. I am I know. Well I don't have to listen to this shit. Patriot I celebrate the fourth of July I treated like a box and all of a sudden thought at all and what it means and how it that's how it should be? And yes, I probably think for the joy.
Harold, like everybody else, sign John. I got right there on the dotted georgie out of time, John sky, the sliding down the street and johnson media somewhere down the chimney to show he gets what there's been a democratic. Don't like democracy, so I weep children is before this happened during the twenty twenty presidential election was scouts and supreme court rules to keep green party off balance how'd. They do that
The ruling bolsters hopes for democrats who feared presidential nominee. Joe Biden could lose a small share of his votes to the third party. Shall we have to get rid of democracy less than Brian haggard and broke. This is how they did it broke with fellow conservatives to form a majority with the court's liberals that so they always work together to screw that their they'll find just enough liberals just enough conservative. They always work together to squashed. A third party and in that the ruling the dude sending judges ripped it. The law, who does not about the green party sleeping on its rights? It's about the treatment that independent candidate from a small political party receive from the commission who repeatedly refused to follow the law relative to the nominees. So it was very legally kicking green party people, third party people off the ballots in a separate descent, a similar wrote that keeping a party candidate off about is the ultimate borders suppression. The majority
If the decision deprives the wisconsin people have a voice and strips them of one of the most fundamental tenets of this republic, the right to express one's will at the ballot box. You can't make this up. Wisconsin democrats just justified blocking the green party from the ballot by saying that allowing them on would delay printing and mailing. Meanwhile, pennsylvania Democrats are delaying printing and mailing in order to block green party from the ballot air. It is, well, no use the pandemic to change state law to crush the working families party. So this it's never this they don't want come the addition of ideas, and why do I bring this up cause? It's happened again. So here we are north carolina, matthew, homefront, senate running his green party candidate and This is what he treated out the new york, north carolina state board of elections just voted three to do not do so I, the green party ballot access petition. We needed thirty, thousand eight hundred and sixty five signatures and the new.
Of carolina boards. North carolina green party submitted fifteen thousand, and nine hundred and fifty three verified signatures. We did everything required, and they just said. No is this: what democracy looks so let me bring in Matthew hallways a. U s. Setting candidate represent north carolina, the green party ticket. He is disabled, marine, combat veteran for people, planet and peace over profit. Please welcome, I guess, matthew, more matthew, thanks for being with us, a jimmy you have me on so I to show you tweet it out some text messages that you got so this is coming from. You said it says. Thank you. They asked you first to confirm. If you were a green party voter right, they asked me to confirm when they asked thousands of people who signed our petitions to. Firm, whether or not we had signed the petition or not. This substantially was an effort to check the integrity of the petition process.
and this was done by the Elias law firm, which is mark eliza law, firm people familiar with him. He is about the biggest lawyer. The democratic party has and they came down from diesel To challenge us- and this is actually separate from what happened with the state board of elections- it's just as insidious and just as as dangerous as what happened. The step board have elections was also lets us site. Let's start there. Let's start the state board of elections. I they d certified you. They said that they were. They feared that you wouldn't reach the requirements, even though they haven't gone through all your signatures. Is that correct? Well, so, as the tweet said, we needed thirteen thousand eight hundred and sixty five signatures to make the bout we turned in twenty two thousand and five, or signatures by the may, seventeen deadline, while to the county borders an election. The county boys elections then verified invalidated, fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty three
signatures, so they were verified invalidated by the county board. As the process is supposed to work, we then took those verified cinctures in turn them into the state on june first and the state board elections has spent the last thirty days going through those trying to fight irregularities. Now they have found things we have an issue were about. Two hundred of the signatures seem to be seen to be fraudulent. These were people who defrauded us. Basically, so ninety five percent of our petitions of our signatures came from our people came from the green party members campaign. Members socialist left. His independence in about five percent came from contracts as we hired to help us out, and it appears that two of those people with about two hundred signatures
You know try to to pull up a fast one kind of thing and dumb, so the state spent thirty days looking at that, we cooperate with them fully, and then we had a July first deadline today to have our nominating convention to have people change their registration. The green party is a hard deadline by state statute. To have is done so. State border lakes of elections takes or thirty days to look at our verified signatures. They come to us. Yes, we go to the meeting yesterday and they say because of these and because of some other irregularities once these enthusiasts here and there we think there could be more fraud could be because there could be more fraud. We need more time to investigate, but unfortunately, since tomorrow is the deadline, we can't give you that time, so we're gonna vote and democrats all voted to deny us, because there was a concern because, as the state board of elections director whose appoint
by the democratic governor said, there's a cloud over all this, and this is what they want. This is what they want. They want to pass casting doubt on our terms. Honey, I mean there's all kinds of issues you're. One of them is just a due process issue, our attorney when he asked the chair of the state board of elections yesterday during a meeting, MR chairman, do any of these signatures that you're concerned about where any of them actually verified invalidated by the county boards of election, but it's our understanding that they worried that the this is a moot point, because these signatures never counted, and he refused to answer. And then, when the eye, our attorney pressed him further. He yelled at our attorney tell him he told him he was out of water and knew tat his microphone, and that was the extent of our due process yesterday, in so doing
making it up. Man so do happen. I mean they, they did it basically because they could yes, because they could so so. In these words, We Democrats, doorbell, bring three to two to kick. You off the ballot, and A very that, that's that doesn't seem legal. What they did they said seems corrupt what they did doesn't sound like they're following the procedures and so it could. Do you have any legal recourse? Can you file file a lawsuit on this? Yes, that that's the bats where we are doing where we're in a process now a figure in the south. We were expecting a legal challenge from a democratic party through that Elias law group, the people that were sending out the text messages that recalling people that were shown up a people's homes, we did not expect the brazen, partisan, nay, sure of this. You know decision by the state border elections were very clear that you know
Loyalty is lie to governor cooper and north carolina democratic party and not to the principles of you, know some semblance of the mark we see so now we will pursue our legal action against guys on the ballot. So tell me what you know about As you know, about Michael Vincent am was abusive wits, oh, he is the council of record for Elias form because ally's law from his based in Washington dc they need a rally based are turning the attorney that represents the alliance group in this matter, she actually has been implicated in previous such nonsense and some things that were more than nonsense. I d go back to two thousand sixteen. She was involved and if people remember president Barack Obama I've. You gave him a couple million dollars. He will give you an ambassadorship yeah. She was involved in that
and this all comes out of the Elias log remark: Elias, who was general counsel of John Kerry, general counsel to Hillary Clinton, Joe counsel, colonel harris. He was involved with fusion gps and the whole steele dossier into that. For he really established the way that the democratic party goes after independence and third party candidate in his campaign against the green party, envy ralph neighbour campaign, two thousand for a while he was general council for John Kerry, really caught up as far as I understand established how they do things, and so we are up against some very serious people here So let's get back to these text messages? Let's get back to the sex messages. So what did they ask you to confirm that you had signed a petition for the green party, so they asked so they first asked you have a press. One have to confirm if you I in a petition for the green party. You did that it says. Thank you for confirming, if the guy-
in party is on the ballot. It will give republicans a huge advantage that will them win in north carolina in twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four in past election we ve seen that the green party takes votes away from Democrats which helps republicans win with abortion rights in the balance. We cannot or to give republicans morbid advantage. Are you interest? in asking the elections board too. your name removed from this petition. So this is mark illicit democratic law. Firm that is using its resources to test people who signed petitions for the green party to get him to see if they take their name off it and proud text, one or two and then so you respond with they too. since I understand this seems like a lot of effort, but we to make sure the democratic candidates have the best chance to win this november, and this could make a big difference. Would you be willing to have your name removed. Thank you for your time. say to know I'm not gonna have removed, they say. Thank you
for your time have a nice day. You go. One organization is this: they say the democratic senatorial campaign committee, and this is actually one of the times they were honest. We have them on recordings where they call people and they say they are. with the green party- ah, I bet recorded no actually called are chairman of the north care on a green party. Instead, they are with the green party and he asked them three times with the green party. Oh yes, I'm a volunteer. What the green party I'm calling to ask you to have our your name move imitation day So there is a level of fraud here and the whole thing to how this works is our petitions were public records, so Elias law, firm, put in a public records request, got the petitions matched up names with, I believe,
what they have in their democratic party donor base. You know are all the method they can find phone numbers and then started calling and texting people and they were calling people five six times a day and they were texting people if you texted of you, replied and said. No, I don't want my name taken off. They will come to your you're they star, gonna people's door. We are people who say yeah, I told them now and they showed up my door and they shut the door and they said that green party, or they said that they represent a state board of elections. I mean so completely throughout this process, not just harassing people, not just bullying them and shaming them. It's gonna be your fault if we lose abortion kind of nonsense, but also to lying about who they were. I mean that's the reality of of the democratic party. and so here's what ryan night says about adhesives Democrats just for harder to kick a green party candidate off the ballot than they have ever thought against. Republicans they make speech
after speech about saving democracy and they ve act them and as their actively destroying it by surprise. Seeing the people from having a better choice at the ballot box. There's another one Imagine if liberals tried to abolish the electoral college with the same energy, they attempt to kick green party candidates off the ballot. Imagine if they supported rink choice. Voting. Oh, I forgot Democrats are designed to crush the left and job elections at job elections to republicans, People's party treated this out. Skinny little support from the people's party, like that, the derek pets, are waging a disgusting campaign to deny matthew, hoh and the green party ballot access in north carolina, the same corrupt democratic party. that breaches voting rights, then millions of americans, the right to vote for third parties were with you, so that was good to see so
What what is the time line on this going forward? I mean it did you expect to happen this severely? I did we did in the sense that we expected to have this from the democratic party, not from a state board of letters. We had been working with the state board elections. We had seen what they had done over the last thirty days. We We had a great him. We had a great relationship with their investigative team, and the fear, though, was is that you know what, at the top of the state board of elections those folks there again, their loyalties are to the governor and to the party, and all they need is a little bit of cover
so we were kind of generally shocked by how brazen this was because what was presented at the meeting yesterday was not. You know that they're saying there could be as many as two thousand more signatures, none of which actually counted for anything, but all we ever were told were there are two hundred signatures. So there is a degree of obligation here in terms of what they are. We we don't even know how to get to that number of two thousand. So there's all those things so the brazenness of it Jimmy is what shocks me not that they did it that they it is so openly in so smugly you no kind of like what are you gonna do about it now and the us. Are you getting any coverage in the corporate media about this local media? Yes, ass gives me national media. Now we did have a. There has been some reporting like an associated press, but has been what you'd a figure from a large out just gotta reporting facts on land. They gave us what chance to say one line kind of thing, but we ve gotten some goodwill
coverage by national press no, not, and not at all. You know me in so many levels to this one of the things that was brought up by one of the region. look and bored europe, but when the publican board members yesterday was that in twenty twenty, the state board of elections didn't verify, any singing years ah and now here they are twenty twenty two again they had him big. They had it proof that the thirty days that the statute gives them- and they say we don't have enough time. We need more time since we don't have more time we're not going to let you onto the ballot. What are you going to do about it? Basically, so we we were expecting to have a legal fight, we're expecting to fight Elias law group, Not our democratic party were expecting all kinds of challenges to our canvas, z and everything else, but this early on and we do- deadlines kind of like what you brought up earlier, they made it clear yesterday the staple elections that there is a middle august deadline for printing ballot.
So we have to get all this dot in six weeks in order to make that dead mind, because that's what they're going to hide upon hide behind kind of as their last barrier of defense for them. So you still see peoples. things like this. I agree. Democrats have got a fight harder, but this is no way disan no way just eyes running a third party candidate when we live in a f, p, t p system first past the post system. If we had ranked choice voting, maybe I'd consider read, but currently a green party candidate would simply increase the odds of republicans winning. So what a democratic, exactly, whereas do lights, one democratic, one republic. So here's what? If a green party can candidates word on the ballot. Those green ready. Voters would be more likely to abstain than to vote blue ass, acting as if
blue team is entitled to the green teams votes. Is that only foolish but also a jumping point four cult like behaviour, so I don't want to beat up on this person. Cassettes occur. Image pete, they think they're doing the right thing. They think they're doing the moral thing like hey I'd, love to vote third party, but that's going to make a republican win and they don't understand that they're being played and that's exactly what the establishment, because That's the unit party right. So we do what the Democrats are the, washington generals to the harlem blood. Try matters which are the republic is so they have to make look like their fighting, but they're all being you're, the harlem globetrotters and unwashed general. They get paid by the same guy and same thing with Republicans in the Democrats, they all get pay. Their dogs are the same donor class. So it's the building. industrial complex its wall street, big pharma health care and the nub of silicon valley, that's who funds our government? That runs our government? That's why we
were sending fifty four billion dollars, which is a big gripped. The military industrial complex instead of fixing homelessness in america, which we good of right at absolutely- and you know that it's not that they dont want me on about it's, not that they don't want the green party on about. They don't want the people who we represent to have any kind of representation on the ballot. They do not want health care on the ballot. They do not want housing on the bowery, not one jobs. On a ballot right I mean it. This is we threw all representation of working. Families are a threat to it exactly what you just said Jimmy to their donor base to their big money donors. We are a threat to raytheon, pfizer monsanto. Ah, you know about goldman sachs, etc, etc, etc, and that's why they are terrified of us being on the ballot is because we were represent those people who are why are not represented, and let me just explain this to that person- a vote for
green party is a vote for the green party. Sepia democrats geo, be, if you vote green, they get the vote. That's where it goes. It does The goal of the republicans and of the green party person wasn't on the ballot that person wouldn't show up devote most likely. We talked and we talked to tens of thousands of people jimmy while we are petitioning and that type of spoiler argument hardly ever came up. It really is confined to, twitter is confined to the people who absorb MSNBC. You know what we see or p, but who want change because they their families, their friends, their neighbours or suffer you know- and they understand that this system has created through deliberate policy decisions of the? U s. Federal government for fifty years has created. Situation were working family is an increasingly in the middle class or victimized enormous. We all the mind, the top that they can you now and
I do understand that and we represent bat in that's why they don't want is on there. You know it very very simple when, when it comes down to it and why they don't want us on there And I ll just give one one last tweet you're the skies. These guys his handle is voting rights, our democracy and listen to what he says. He says. Why is some jack ass green party dude in north carolina complaining about Democrats will that jack ass, green party dude was a combat veteran who was who was injured? That's who that jack ass green party, is there was a democrat primary sheets, cherry basely one and is the damn credit nominee for the north carolina ascendancy, not this jackass guy. So I guess that guy doesn't understand. Sizzle is brooklyn, dad to fire. That's what I'm gonna do there's no way that the sincere here this here's handle and is bio. He says
where the moon that commonly heresies our vice president hitler cobble. A demographic he's got no easing. Damn women shut up due to lifting the voices of democratic women, shut the fuck up so yeah, so that guises page ill. But that's what people will say about your Canada so well, and we wish you all the best of luck. You know you seem like the real deal and you know me. I I support third parties here at this show, and so I would certainly encourage people to support, you anyway, they again and that this silly thing that's gonna break this stranglehold that the dew awfully has on this. The union party right and this year you you are few- are a chump and a mark and a sucker. If you think voting Democrat, does anything good for you. has it doesn't what it does is it reinforces the one party rule in this country and they know they can keep doing exactly what they're doing
Joe Biden ran out of fifteen dollar minimum wage. You ain't getting it Joe Biden, is going to give you a two thousand dollar check you and get a setting reduced due to? Let don't you ain't getting it? He said he would wear legalized. Why you ain't getting it. He said we'll give you a public option for healthcare. You ain't getting it you're, getting nothing, You know who's getting it military, industrial, complex wall, street, big pharma, health insurance companies and fossil fuel companies. So's giving it you are not because when Joe Biden said, nothing fundamentally will change, he wasn't kidding, and so, if you keep Adding Democrat you are now complicit in the suffering of your neighbor go ahead, did they got Dinesh D'Souza will be covering this part of the election process. It isn't I'm gonna guess no. This is not the kind of free speech thing that the dns decision would be a do. Well, Matthew would
I stick around? I have one story that relates to this appear. If you're interested in stigma, people go to help him, oh yeah. So where can people go? Thank you staff. if, via a campaign website, is matthew ho for senate dot org, who spelled h a h for his fo r n. Please donate! as we ve been discussing, we're gonna have to go to court were up against the biggest democratic party law firm. They didn't fool around. They sent there there their biggest one down here right away. Those known in the bull pen pass the alliance group for them. So that's what we're up against! We need your support. Please go to Matthew oversight that org and dark contribute in. So we can take this on. fantastic, Here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you.
Do it by going to Jimmy Jupiter company, that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable, brevier programme and the business and its agree. Way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everyone, who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, Let's go but how we got donald trump, because this is interesting because you're doing it again, How did hilary glens campaign deliberately elevated donald trump with its pied piper strategy? Now we told you about this one at that they happened. Nurse most other people are going to tell you about this, so there's memo. This guy wikileaks revealed this this. A memo, and what is that memo say? Here's the important it was their strategy inside the Clinton campaign. The Clinton They decided to elevate donald trump, so they could run against donald trump because they thought they could beat. Donald trump turns out. They couldn't be anybody
in this scenario. We don't want to marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more pizza. They do want to marginalize donald trump. They wanted to make them applied, hyper candidate, who actually represents the mainstream of the republican party, the Clinton campaign wrote as exam because of these pied piper candidates. The memo named Donald trump, as well as senator ted crews and Ben Carson, it said we need to be elevating the pied piper candidates so that they are the leaders of the pack and tell the press take them seriously, so hill reclaims campaign and the Democrats were telling the press to focus on Donald and take him seriously as an attempt to elevate him so that he could become the nominee so that they can run against that. Of course, that's how we got donald trump, because there is such a competent corrupt, corporatist that nobody would vote for her she's a most Also candidate in the history of our country,
tried to jam them down. Your throat has another one damn so now. I want to show you this Democrats have not stop doing that. They're playing you like a chump democrats. damn magua republicans while boosting their campaigns. What does this mean here? here's from MSNBC watch this red already this january, certainly move largely this republic concerning a priority for the right to take on democratic, senator Michael Betty this november? What you see here is the show o day has one and is used. Projecting is wonderful book navigation. What was interesting in this race, the conflict between all day and his challenges. They representative wrought, hangs case actually intended donald trump speed. January six, there was the subject of those hearings. Today he was part of the more the capital angie resist. He said,
We twenty election was marred by fraud. Democrats actually spend a lot of money in raise trying Elderly hates believe me. This is views. Energy, restrictive view that abortion is well would make him unelectable in november sedate. So now the Democrats are finding the most radical, crazy right, winger who's, the biggest threat to your rights. Nor giving a money that you did you think of clear pretending He managed to get on the ball here. Why don't you give your money yeah? I've got in a lot of I have I've had repeatedly it's interesting. Do I'm a first time candidate? You know- and I have been on- and off twitter and everything else, but, like I see the same, accusations come up over and over again you know and the same type of a gotcha quips. You know or real clever that, like how much do you get
of trumps merchandise for doing like just you now have you just saw people know who you are the same, MRS Mathieu HO he's running as a green party candidate in north carolina and the Democrats just tried to block his ballot entry. No, they have enough signatures in their does everything required of them and so that suit math, always an that's. Why he speaking right now go had made so ozga yoga. So it was a saying I you know I grew up outside new york city. You know I've known trump, my whole life. I I dislike that guy long before most other people have You know I mean in this idea that you we have Be one or the other air be bluer, read this identity type politics. This is what is crushing our country, yeah. This is this is why it's so easy for our system be captured by money because, as we were saying before, Jimmy Wright, the big, the big donors only have to capture a m b. They don't have the capture c d, e and f
right. I had with this prevents people from voting on issues as prevents people from voting under consciousness on the conscience. This prevents people. Putting on their values. You know you your shamed into thinking that you're gonna, be the reason why abortion is not legal anymore. Because of how you cast your. I mean the whole thing is just so preposterous, particularly singing at fifty years ago. abortion and you just didn't do anything to do at all and, as you are rattling off, you did a lot of things that didn't help yeah. I've got a I've, got a very dirty joke marine corps. I can tell, but I don't think that's a good how the right thing to do in fact now that you off camera I'll, tell you okay, but I mean like in the sense, though, of like this: it not. The problem with the two party system is not just it's corrupt nature, it's worsening things, but it penetrates a deadly status quo and the people that I've come across as I've been running. Who say. Well, we can worry about health care. Later we were housing later we big with it
They generally have Hallo here the date right. They generally aren't dealing with their rank, going up twenty twenty five percent as people here north carolina. Ah you mean so it there. There is insincerity too. That argument that exposes the fact that these people really don't have that connection. the issues we are themselves or their loved ones. That I can tell you all the folks are my campaign to everyone in my campaign they're doing this because of people they love and the way they see those people be realised by our political system. So there's more to this video and steve vernacular. Listen because the Democrats arch is doing it when one place to doing it all over the place, but it did actually the case ever receive fell short Joe all day. I said he accepts as legitimate twenty twenty Let me also causes ro choices. You build your code of eyebrow verses way.
Beverly aviary opportunity to do so, and so, as I say, o day wins the primary sector, the general election battle between all day it democratic. go bennet colorado, it's been trending towards the Democrats very much over the last decade or two Biden won the state by about thirteen and a half points and twelve, a twenty twenty. The question is is all day margaret enough. In a climate of twenty twenty two. He can make this a close and competitive senate race that one question we'll find out in the months ahead. One story of note, I think today, you're we talk about Democrats. Gang involved deserve these republican primaries, Illinois Democrats thing upwards of thirty million dollars trying to ensure that is exactly what you see here when daring bailey the conservative state senator from downstate illinois as rocked bumblebee nomination for governor over a
much more moderate candidate, richard Irvin, a mayor or royal annoyed urban would need the same whether he voted for donald trump bailey was endorsed by donald trump Democrats. Spent big trying to get baby goes to hear a leading again if he be a very beautiful canada. Bailey It's the nomination. It sets up for him a general election showdown with the incumbent governor, jb pritzker. When they see twenty eighty he got. Fifty five percent of the vote is a gamble. Democratic You don't really think they identify up there. Bulgaria is spent very happily now either bad. Things are as they get there were already were hoping for, so they spied the damage. That's. Instead of spending. Thirty million dollars on there, own candidate instead of spending thirty million dollars to help people, they spend thirty million dollars to prop up a right wing mental case whose against a woman's right to choose and
everything that Democrats karabakh. There was another biologists, that was running. That was more moderate. There was more agreeable to the Democrats positions they want that guy. They why you don't have to good choices? they don't want you to have two choices that show that there are the same because they are I need to show you that this guy's, a crazy maniacs, are you. So this is What malcolm x talked about that they have to show you a fox. Will you run towards the wolf right? So that's exact what this is that they go. Look look at that fox. Look. republicans are crazy. They are now you have to come vote for us, but there are. There are wolf in sheep's clothing, so go ahead. Booker does what Okay, so this video, a friend of mine who I won't say their name because they are famous person- I don't want them to be attacked by Andy kindler yeah reasons, this person. Suddenly, this video ok lies in Jimmy as a very famous person yeah. This is what they tell me
this counts for a law, a famous people that famous and smart though I consider this person very smart, so go ahead. I had no, idea. This happens with democratic body actually don't it millions to extremists, republicans to defeat centrist, republicans, even the same things as them. These guys even criticising this on an MSNBC they're, just stating it as a fact of strategy. It's just interesting to them. Yes, my friend was blown away watching as they company with elegant yeah we had. No idea was like that and a bunch of people have no idea that they have no idea that that's how we got donald trump, they don't know, that's why we get donald trump that Hillary Clinton Democrats rigged it so they, run against donald trump, but of course they couldn't beaten because they're so corrupt and people we're done voting for corporate Democrats and and they got the worst candidate in the history of our country, Hillary Clinton, to run as a democrat. So yes, the edit actually happening there. So, yes, so people don't know. So that's why people when I criticised
the grads people, call me right, winger or republican cause. They don't know what's going on that, I'm actually criticising them from the left. I criticized Democrats not because I said with eyes or favour republicans. I did criticise democrats because, They are republicans, that's why and that's why you didn't want to run against a centrist republican because they fuckin are that they are republic in the fact that people are no. This shows us that even democrat it's really don't watch MSNBC, that's right at will. Do you more democrats, watch tucker girls, the watch rachel matter, more democrats in the demo watch Tucker Carl, and then watch rachel matter, what does that tell you? Also, there are still doing it. Can pencil vainer take part so where democratic, gubernatorial, candidate and state attorney general Josh Shapiro spent one point seven million on tv edge, boosting the conservative credentials of Google. It real candidate and state senator douglas, must relaunch of far right. Candidate who buy,
rarely goes to the capital of january six and who, as was He by the house select committee investigating the events of that day. Democrats are giving that guy almost two million dollars this guy, who bust rally goers the capital are generally fix, do you think they can about you, you think they care about this country or they all you care about power grab. That's exactly what the Democrats because they are republicans italy have to make a phoney issues for you to vote for them on the balls of this. help with you, if you vote for them and then actually give money to someone you're telling me as hitler yet so that you look good, I mean you're, the that's will risk risky strategy a oh. By the way I see takes the money you give her and she gives it a right wing. Democrats jesse, you know here's one more, that single add by a If a amounted, that's one point: seven million dollars that about
two more money than must rattles campaign spent during the entire primary. The Democrats spending more money than the actual right wing republican candidates are on their own campaign route. Democrats, we are giving them more. Money must run who was endorsed by former president donald trump one of the key battleground states, republican gubernatorial primary, so it works. The Democrats got a you write rigour to run against them, and now they have the crust of ringers and hope that guide as a win, Is it new this day? So this this is from twenty thousand and eighteen Michael scenario wrote this and exceed instead of manipulating republican pray were doing this ever since claremont, it's cool in two thousand and twelve, they were doing this spending money to prop up super right wing creepy guys, so they could run against us super rightwing, creepy guy, instead of a regular Republican, which is what Democrats are so instead? manipulating republican primaries, which are out of democratic control. Democrats should be
focusing their resources on their own candidates. Again, campaigns Democrats need campaign on the strength of their candidates rather than the weakness of their opponents, the pied piper strategy. is dangerous when it fails far right extremists, candidates, a day. Positions of power at all so breeds attack, ads and dirty politics, as opposed to focusing on issues that actually resin. With voters in the way of the twenty sixteen election, the democratic party, is looking for a ban date approach to its larger problems. Opting to create unrest in the opposing party over reconciling its own internal battles as its so avoid unifying with progressives dammit at a party risk greater losses at the hands far right republicans, that's just because a Democrats, don't wanna team up people who are actually left, who actually stand for what the Democrats say. They stand
for which is a living wage, ending the wars, health care, free cowed stuff like that, instead of actually embracing the people who agree with that. There are break seeing the far right wing nuts funding them, so they can run. Against them, because they know they're, not gonna, doing do anything for you and you have no reason to vote for them instead of voting out of fear, and we have people Matthew HO running as a green party candidate in north carolina in their so afraid of putting health care on the ballot there so afraid of putting a living wage or ending the wars on the ballot that they just blocked him. being on the ballot. Really I thought third parties were stupid and they don't have any power. No, I don't you let them. I have a chance at the free market of ideas. She of people like that days, though they can't do that. That's why the Democrats have to fund ultra right wing maniacs and keep actual left wing
is off the ballot because they're so corrupt. They know you're not going to vote for them for any other reason or math you'd like to make a comment. Yeah I mean I guess. First of all I should say every time I see a clip like that. I remind myself that the best decision I've made last eight years was getting ready. Cable tv ya mean right, but dumb visa. The idea that its one big club, an you're, not in it. You know again collins, said so well so many years ago and the way that the things that are important to board the Democrats and republicans the money there- donors, the wall street, the wars or what come through and that they have a very real effect on that. So here and orthe carolina were experiencing this crisis, were corporations are coming in in buying entry level homes buying homes at working family should be buying, but now the being praised out by gus corporations are coming it. The genesis of that
explains what I'm talking about so Jimmy, I know you talk a lot about how brock obama let twelve million american families lose their homes, whitey bailed out the banks. Those banks then took that money they turn around and a bought those foreclosed homes yeah that began this process in twenty eleven twenty twelve twenty thirteen. Where are the bank's through there? You know the do their various other companies or purchasing these homes, and now it's at the point where we are seeing one in four one in five homes being bought by corporations. Add that is causing housing prices to you can't buy a house near me, a north carolina for less than three hundred thousand dollars and a red, and in my poor north carolina is getting close to six in hundred dollars a month. If an annual eyes living wage like we should do in which we advocate work based on local housing clause. You would need to be making at least twenty
two dollars an hour to afford a two bedroom apartment and meanwhile are minimum wage here is seven twenty five and, of course, tat something that you know. The Democrats and republicans agree upon money to walk. Three. You know force all the might come out of working class to them, and yet this is why were kept off here's. What nancy Pelosi says, about the republican party. Now keep that. No, as you listen to this keep in mind this very moment. Her pacts are funding them radical right wing, crazy people in the world, she's literally funding them as she says, she's funding them republican friends- and I do have some take back- your party got them republican party. The grand old party made men take back your party
as we give thirty million dollars to the guy running against your party, the guide, trying to make sure you can't take back your party, we're going to fund the crazy people inside your party that make it impossible for you to take back your party, because that's the only way we can win an election so she's, just a hundred percent gas lighting lying because she's, a hundred per cent criminal liar she's, a hunt wood millionaire and she got a hundred million dollars while she was in congress and his hairy truman's there's only one kind of people that become rich in government and those are criminals, nay c. Pelosi is a criminal who should be in prison and doesn't give a shit about you and that's why she says things she's pissing in your face and she's telling you it's raining right now. Here we go. The conversations are a country founded by lincoln but over the years, tremendous contribution to our country, don't let you,
honeymoon hijacked by called. Essentially that is not let let it be hijacked by it'll wall street military industrial, complex, big farmer, blue cross, blue she'll facebook instagram, but it be taken over by them- don't let it become a cult of actual voters, because I have two things: a delta take like a body and get your kid out of my way, won't take him up. I get this. Should I get out of here. She's got more to say on this happening and it isn t good for the country, we of course want the democrats to be pre eminent, but that's sick in to start to have a phone to have a representation across the board in a country. So that's called bullshit called the pissing in your face and telling you it's raining and that's what nancy policies
she's, a lying, corrupt, evil repay just oligarch who doesn't give a shit about you and if you think she does you're the chump you're the chump. So, let's end this give the last word to the north carolina green party candidate, who was being screwed up, by the Democrats there right now matthew. Oh what would you like to say to end the segment by way that people can go now, he's got the right. Stance on mandates? I like this guy now a lot so I gotta go. The other way who I was really now I was learning I would have been treated like our lawyer, was treated by the card. Is not you not german yesterday, while the black hawk is inside the green party, got it right on mandates, but it's to people like how we and who, I think, is compromised hundreds and how we hawkins is russia gator? How we talk as if he's not compromised, getting a check by the cia or the fbi. He should be because he's doing bidding inside the party? I know I shouldn't put you on the spot by saying that, but that's what's happening in the end
and the white people running the green party are vulcan mental How we hawkins and the people around him the wrong about everything and their corrupt they're in bed with the people that they claim to be fighting against and they're, not they're, not fighting against anybody. There. The status quo now, how guys like how we hawkins? So that's what's wrong with the green party, but the black caucus inside green party got a right. What's your position that on mandates are on the beach
I caucus or are crazy people running political parties. To take your pick yeah, I will say this I'll say that my view of political parties are that when they become of purpose in and of itself, that's when they lose any value and that on the left, we need to build a movement, and there are people who are doing this for decades. So I don't want to step on any toes, but where the political party is just an appendage, it's just one arm of the body, and it does nothing more than provide political efforts
for, in my opinion of movement of working families, I n n, you need other efforts, you need mutual aid, you need education, you need labor, organizing any communication and media, but it's all part of a body, and that's where I come down on his issue of of of what we should be trying to build on. The left is this movement that has a political party as it's operating arm. I you know in order to accomplish It cause, otherwise it because it becomes a party for itself. Is the constituency, then ryan? You know as well as I do you get in these circles, where the idea that you're the ideology is, what guides these people, but they've got no connection to real folks kind of like the same before, these, people will tell you that we shouldn't be voting on issues like healthcare and housing, or people who have health care and dont. Have any fears about there
housing. You know me I like so the gathers it there's a, but I really appreciate your your time Jimmy curve staff. Thank you guys so watch. My website matthew, hofer senate that org, yet we ve got big legal fight against the against the biggest democratic party walker. and the stay of north carolina comin up so people can contribute, can help us That will allow us to do the kinds of things that we are talking about, I'd, matthew, HO running for us edit north carolina green party. Thank you for your time. they for out and good luck to you. Thank you so much hey who's this, yes, this is jimmy door will
I'm a dutch I will hi, I how you I hear you are having problems on your country, and I just want in on barefoot. Dutch farmers remind you that it's always an option to go and spray shit on the coast last, one which states in ah will do with everyone. First of all, the country exists because we created the dikes and reclaimed from the sea. We create, we reclaim our country from the ocean and so we're definitely going to reclaim it from these cock. Suckers in the legs and arms to them will do that for sure and if we need to spray,
honestly, that's what we'll do yeah and I just want to let you know in america we will have an option as well to say fuck. You are going to spray shit on you because you're doing Well, then, why don't they do that here simple, I don't understand why I don't understand why either I really don't I don't I'm? What were we do? I have a low a ship spraying. No, we have plenty of shit yeah. I don't know if you ve ever driven from los Angeles descent
francisco, but there is a shit farm in the middle and yes, it's as if that's what they're for they're doing their growing shit at that farm right. You know what I'm talking about right, yeah, they grow it or make it I dunno. What do you do? You know, which is the accumulate cargo ship or fuck off on things worked different than america, but I didn't know. I get it now. I will. How did you come up with the idea to spray the manure,
or on government buildings as a form of protest. Why yan said hey willem? Let's go station on government building. That sounds like a great play beautiful need to, though, and so we went down. I'm still on to the uh uh uh bauer longest comes an hour and a a spreadsheet on it. Yeah I mean don't over think things is what I'm trying to convey Don't take it okay? Well, I really. I wish you much luck in the protest as it has. It worked. So far has gotten any progress. While the politicians are staying inside the building, yeah, since they know they're gonna be sprayed with shades. It's like outside the door.
yeah so that a you know reminds gives them incentive to stay inside and reconsider a the land policy that they are trying to er a a an they've taken, the netherlands? I saw that use braid submerged manure right out. Some cops pigs I love shit. I favor, I say: let's give them a little treat their pigs. He thinks low shit eh. Ok, that far. As we say in dutch vodka. But what do you? What do you make of the climate? A little dutch people speak either to get into this bit. Yeah exactly be
we are saying that climate change is real and that you guys have to close your farms, but does it I just mean that someone else was gonna make. Is that like people, There are problems with you. I have not done any research into the Why don't I just thought about it? If they're, making the dutch those dutch farmers reduce their farms, Maybe we're going to start eating less somebody else. Just gonna make the food Alright, anyway, alright well, listen trying to make you know we're trying to make a living here in the low countries with a land reclaimed from the ocean which took centuries to do so. We're going to grow food too.
You don't like it we re here. Ok, You dodge barbara. Thank you William. My name is Willem Van de vries, l guess, of course it is ok. We have three surnames and tighter than the of what. What are they to freeze the yes band. Ok, willem great to talk to you, I got one name is fucking belgian. I did the stain you have for the belgians, I bernard brother. We gotta run because great talking to you. Why will you go? I am out of shit. I don't have anything to spray into know.
Get to go, get on a plane, glum, blinded chicago or doing shows this week there. yeah. Ok, I will one day become a premium member: go to jimmied organically dotcom, sign off, it's the most affordable premium programme and the business. The voices. org today, our by the one and only the inimitable mike MC grey. He can be found it MIKE Mccrae, dot, com. That's it for this week, you be the best you can be I'll, keep being made
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.