« The Jimmy Dore Show

“Dems Are A TRILLION Times Better Than Republicans” Says Kyle Kulinski

2023-07-28 | 🔗

There’s much debate on the left as to how much better, if at all, Democrats are compared with Republicans. Kyle Kulinski’s not engaging with that debate, however, as he forcefully recently asserted that black people tend to vote blue because Democrats are “one trillion times better” than Republicans.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Revolutionary Blackout Network’s Nick Cruse about Kulinski’s assessment and why he may be overstating the case by a factor of a trillion. Plus a segment on Houston Police ongoing harassment of volunteer workers feeding the homeless. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from George Clooney!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Come see. Our lives shows we're gonna, be in chicago rosemont, las vegas, salt lake city, new york, city pots, down pennsylvania, Stamford, toronto toledo detroit saint louis, and more go to jimmy com for a link for those tickets aid. This is Jimmy who's. This. Hey Jim jam? Oh and how the hell are you? Oh, my god, is guilt. So great george clooney call. How are you best friend of the show, george clooney? I am content, send out to the max and my he keeps rising pretty beautiful state of affairs. If I may say that's great george as much as pride made,
I wish therefore fall. I must say I am proud that used to my gorgeous gazelle our children, by union after yes, so you support the strike. You better believe, like your baby, You and all the way our union guy always have been. I mean, however, borderline wobbly. But I am now wobbly on workers. Rights shows I support wholeheartedly. Unwavering wage might shake, including me. Will you made some comments about this decision and I believe. Absolutely. I did you gotta target you'll cancan, when you want to make a statement to the people. I said a decision, inflection point in our ST, because I know some words, some would say big words
or should I say, expanse devised worse What do you mean by that Jimmy? why, where writers and actors are no longer able to make a living and a fad catch the top or trying to squeeze them even harder, it's time for them to stand up? Ok, I see now don't talk to me here. No, I'm shed for life right like you have no idea, I'm sure I do don't! I know you don't cry shop daily, unfair, it's a real priority, Ok sure is it about me. I support the fuck out of it, but it's not for big hollywood stars. Getting bigger pay days is not what this is about. This is about the working day, guys you got. You surely do the job about the
I recognize him harry's, and she looked so familiar salaries and even the who the fuck is that guy Freddy I've got to see these actors the backbone to the industry and the george glories of the world, down there. You know my name type, a guy to hang out with on sharing the tijuana fog. Is I got ready for you and your young? Nobody got a living in his right, mind, great inspiring get a kick out of knowing that after we read he's gonna go back, and tell us six roommate, george clarity. I would die. No you what baby? and what is even more me, a boiling agnes standing shoulder to shoulder with the writers and strike first time, since god knows how right now,
and only one seat at the kind of solidarity been his actors are writers, don't always get along? No, we know we need each other, but no catch cut from a different course, but shake it problematic. How so Well, you know, I mean most actors, no, they can't do with writers. Do we accept it the riders now for short, and they can't do it. We do not know you fucking years and he drives a nudge because work at another pj's may know that can't be, it's funny, you think catherine Zeta jones is going to melt staring into lawrence castings eyes. Give me a break okay. I got it so the other kind of better little faction, all too now she make it perform, but be only on equipped apple.
look down. One actors are perfectly seeks as a coping mechanism, just pathetic bony, our mouth breeders with bastard, wow, stand up that for the strike, I got a hand, it would be really fires. Reactors went on strike you because both actor dead right here and now we can do that shit. not at all, we stand over there. Ok, boss, right, sir, are you gonna do beyond the picket line yourself, oh god I'm not worried? Were you george, I'm in I had my italian snake at five o'clock already and fulfill the time, so I watched videos of lake como on youtube. I just watch for it Ass, I do maybe that's why I am now
so you're supporting those strike from afar, which is what I do well well. I might even make a little front facing video telling them that hang in there or something like that just to let them know that is on their side and always will be ours. Such data with a bow tie undaunted everything I'm sure they depreciate, I'm sure you're right, I put it might do it jimmy there's one august straight now. Also in fact, a good price this all out my shop with like three phone calls, but dammit I just want to buy nobody's young catch on the street. I just when she plays out you know. Well, that sounds a little callous were ok. What about your jimmy's dragon? Am I strike. I know their march and friendly manner
people rebelling like band outside. Now I get it. I'm an indoor cat by shelty says where I got a guy to deal, cautious come out here and I believe I guess waiting what a pleasure to talk to you. I may tell what's wrong africa. That sounds good to be back. It doesn't just shown good. It sounds precipitous job. Every families
slide in so many jobs in meeting them. The chance to show that we have with our special guess, is german friends of the show he is a left. The social critic, journalists in commentator, nick crews, who is also a hosted co founder of the revolutionary I count network wagons showed nick, it was not. To make her incorrect good show man. It's always good to see you, and so I saw this on twitter and it's one of our favorite things to talk about. Is the Democrats and republicans, are they materially different and so
I saw this, I guess corner west one on shown. Hannity show. I didn't know that I didn't see it. I saw corner west goin anderson cooper show: how do you do a brother Hannity? I heard a freaked out john when he called them brother, he's really the eagle from the markets. I guess I got a Y gotta watch that freeway called Linsky watched it, and he wakes this argument that I know we like to knock down so here here comes. Why overwhelm really do minorities and african americans hispanic americans why they said continuing to vote large numbers in the democratic party because they're a trillion times better than republicans, and we haven't you party system? What would scale earned it the communist schoolbooks above them. I think it's the barbie movie here, that's getting! I dont know what it was trillion times. Nicky wanted just now
jump in what? What would you like to say that our friends, I guess there, the hare dialogue into his brain like illegal now, worse than is all there is, I can without the charisma he added a break at various people to escape. Wolflike Democrats nodded alive and hide it now in Today, in north africa was literally millions of people from the healthcare that's all day Spain is better than opposition. I remember when I used to be against ice I me. Do you remember that I never bothered ice job by the funding ice six billion dollars more than donald trump? Did they had a border industrial, complex comicon, where they were talking about like mad crazy? How much Joe Biden is actually funded more than the republican administration when they got all the new toys, they got. Robot dogs, that's because Joe Biden, but they don't care, What the devil, whenever the Democrats in unison, voted to crush a railroad strike which is fascism? The Democrats in and voted for war
sable rattle with the nuclear power to do a proxy warn. You re, really dogs better than the public. It is truly times, but the only people calling for the under those words are a right wing publicans at what metrics. Could you say that I mean I I think nuclear war is a little worse but anyway, you wanna hear some more. He has some more to say and then we'll come back to you nick, we don't have ranked choice. Voting we still have first past the post voting, so either the republican or the Democrat is going to win and minority communities have actually come to the conclusion of the democrats or is way better. There's just one about us. Is that what has happened there came minority communities come to the realisation that Democrats, our joy way better it. What I mean in rbn and archimedes. They don't count. We don't count, because what cow forgets is that half of black people don't vote, and then you take the the amount of black people do vote you around
twenty percent of the vote? Republican independent? So you know you don't even have half of black people who go for Democrat, and you can tell that he's a democrat operative because he said that we looking at the policies we made a calculated decision. That Democrats are better for the people who do vote Democrat. They bow out of their civic duty, they're, not making this calculate. Oh, my god, Joe Biden is, is actually better than donald trump. Lot of people go out of civic duty, but a lot of people don't because they know the system expelled them Most people don't want because they know Jim crow joined. The democrat party offer the same thing as the republican party. Does this absurd thing to say: wait by nick? Have you It is in kyle, hangs out with a lot of black people. That's why I'm here we regard as they once did inadequate? That's! What's that was redneck re guidelines, was it the community here, you know really what's gone on like this is completely out of touch from calculus. Can I pay just essentially taken the political taste from
a crystal ball the areas they got together. Bolivar direction. Well, I think Democrats are, a trillion times better better at seeing what you wanna hear as long as you don't care about actually having any, results from it. There also better a trillion times better at talking down. Do you like your a little baby like if you're, really, good little boy, santa claus, gon invade your home and leave you something's of substance from Walmart. I thought a trillion times. Zero is still zero. This either. earlier because you have guessed they lie. People like alkalinity in all these those lieutenant Joe Biden as you mentioned earlier, who broke the rail dry? It will allow don't mention it a job. I'm broke his campaign promised regarding giving federal, contra contracts to union busters. He gave a bedroom I tried to amazon everyone, but then you have the christmas will organise and but meanwhile Bernie sanders and is progressive. Do follow up because more
At the end of the day? Wonder minded julian. It fully discussed What did they get away with that assembly? also like I like to describe it. Is that the that the Democrats the party of war, their anti worker there. anti union there, the party of war the authoritarians are in bed with big farmer or military industrial complex there doing war is now all over the place with and they're. Not any there not please stay. There are the police dick again they disenchanted and new pull the police department. Just us up nowhere two billion dollars to fund it again they won't give you a minimum wage. They won't give you health care. They will give you free how they will give you education. They will give you infrastructure, they won't fix homelessness, but they will give a hundred fifty billy down to the war machine to go to ukraine, a hundred per cent corruption, so somehow the end
start and stable rail with me, too? I'm gonna play a little bit more. Maybe he'll get too how their at their way way. Better and and minorities. No democrats our way way better. You know that brok, obama and Joe Biden deported twice as many hispanics used as donald trump did. You know that Did you know S? Did you know that one donald put the ban on muslim immigrants raft at refugees at the airport. It was because Barack Obama had spent eight years bombing. The shit out of me of colored around the world. That would turn that's what gave us muslim refugees. Do not that you know that no, no, that Barack Obama drop more bombs than george bush. Do you not know that george bush, the first couldn't pass nafta? It took a democrat to do that. The college bill Clinton, which gave the blue dog democrats cover and they cut to the legs out from underneath unions for a generation and that a republic couldn't couldn't do that, and that's why bill Clinton actually wasn't the lesser of two evils. He was the worst evil. Do you think they would elect of John Mccain? Kick five one point.
One million families out of there. Am during the economics, the wall street collapse of our economy. No, it took a a black guy named Barack obama to sweet talk, everybody and you thought he's not going to screw us he's a black guy. He was the tool of wall street. His entire cabinet came from citicorp, that's a million type trillion times better than republicans. That's their way way better. He was way worse for black people, but black people's well, went down under Barack obama, brok, obama didn't clean out the prisons. Joe Biden is the one is the architect of the car, sir, are our prison system, which is unbelievably races any brags about it? These are things that Democrats do that. Republicans can't do so. This idea that the Democrats are a lesser evil or way, but way buttery just making that uptown italy's went slowly to it is went further. He went from three years ago saying I won't both for Joe Biden, it I've done what the democrats to now this
This is, I don't know what that is. You know it's like his politics. Have the substance of cotton candy. So why not have the same hairstyle I don't get to we'll look. Maybe he'll get to the boys go ahead. Nick is absurd because, as you mentioned before, Donald trump, couldn't get away with with job. I just did that millions of people their healthcare as a centre for medical services who asked propose this new regulation. There were through based studies, estimate of millions of people to healthcare and when that happens, tat added, I'm sandra calmly hair is twenty six other other democrats, including Joe Biden. They wrote a letter by pressure and its run. A time were Bernie sanders, set it down trunk about a cup medicare, you wanna, latin, don't drop foley, don't pull the water and then they save millions of people from milk care, so nodded
If Joe Biden is president now no one cares about them now to buy an administration put forward this motion I can see the story I read today was incredible: no one is talking about this calculus. He lie to his audience. You bought it. You make it to assume. We said. Democrats thank medicare, known gentle by the millions of people offer their health, instructed definite down for giving them an accomplished I'm afraid. That's not an easy. If done in your point, as if donald trump was doing it, the Democrats would be for half the country and the media would be screaming about it, but because The guiding is doing it. They go to sleep just like one brok. Obama did all those horrible things. The Democrats and the left and the media went to sleep and and that's why the Democrats are actually not the lesser of two evils there. Actually, the ones who could do can do greater evil.
and ill here will could look at new units. Thou goin were just as they molested you picking easy. Here we go like ninety. Eight percent of the republican party wants to cut social security whilst cut medicare. Whilst cut medicaid Democrats don't do that they will anyway, but they'll go along with it. Go ahead. Nick was desert this alive because I have to buy strange and as long as from a medical services to put together who regulation that will allow federal book bureaucrats to interfere, restates the distribution and make air in those days. Is that business? and the good health care for millions of people in that's happening under the bite in administration? That's it going
It is doing that and trump and the trump government they attempted to do that, but then they walked it back after public pressure from Democrats, Bernie sanders who's now silent and calculus geek, who now silent on this story instead of running propaganda for democrats, pretending that they are appropriate person is actually just Google, it or I would say, okay, so he's got we'll see what else may be, or maybe you'll come up with a reason who knows trail dirt trillion member there trillion times better young and nick you're lying because your black- and you know that democrats are way whether premises, you probably a white supremacist. Ok, here we go but the over willing majority of them don't jointly at. Why make us there better on a lot of substantive issues are good, but our good associated perfect are far from it. Well, if you do an objective empirical analysis as to whose policies help regular working class
people of color. More is our close. There is not a luxury that one thing for those mandates and walked out and get help you trillion times more need those seven at that, but the seventy five thousand healthcare workers in new york stay would have a different opinion of how much democratic up for work hey. I bet I bet you and issues I bet they would have a different idea over at the railroad. I bet the railway, would have a way different jamie and you think it would be a trillion times different yeah. He realized that black woke take under brock obama right now, like Barack Obama that led to a boom in racial income inequality. Well, it is completely up in factual argument. Making is a fact free argument to say that guy was making you are just bots. It just Democrats are better that that's my bot, well then yeah they yeah they're, not perfect. Women are not appropriate. If you wait a little bit war, three women we've been a little bit, not good they're, not perfect, but I think billion dollar going into perfect nonsense.
That they are funded, go ahead jimmy if he made this video just telling us all. We were really bored on krypton and he's our dad. That would be less dishonest at an avenue did make the democratic. Already. The reason why we have censorship now is because of the democratic party to recent bill. Clinton took us from fifty jamie the cup resounded six controlled by a handful of billionaires bill Clinton, gutted welfare at the same time is he exploded. The prison population hired a hundred thousand more cops and and deregulate wall street which killed our economy, crashed it within ten years and who got hurt the most black and brown people show deadlines that such as these are the things that bill Clinton is regrets? Could do that Democrat that republicans could never do and by the way, bill Clinton had a secret deal to private eye. So security with the republicans and you know what it stopped. It was the blow job. and you know. I know that, because I read a book called, listen liberal that obviously kyle Kaminski hasn't red and it will teach him that he
It would disabuse him of this silly idea that their regretted party is a trillion times better mit went from three in three years ago. He went Joe Biden is beyond the pale I'll, never vote for him to do now. The democratic party is a trillion times better hold. Jimmy had. He sucking some democratic party cock hard, hard, there's facts in that book that return his hair white. If he saw yeah So, let's see guide you cuba, immediate cuba. Cuban official they said Joe Biden has remained a cuban embargo worse than down from you add lincoln and by the most recent to double down on I'll drop our line policies on I ran you an emblem of
african government, has called out the job buying for political intimidation, censorship and amp and pushing for war in ukraine. They also funding separatists in taiwan, nazi ukraine, but going to calculus are the small disagreement is happily one give us one thing they ran on won't. Give us the private public option won't give us a minimum wage. Well make marijuana legal, won't clean out the prisons of people who are therefore nonviolent. You won't do anything will give us college or that that thinks, but there are trillion times better. They just all voted to start world war. Fuckin three genius says there a trillion times better there, the exact opposite of what Democrat this this. This moronic idea Somehow we have as huge choice between Democrats, republican, the reason,
Why they have to pretend that donald trump is twenty foot tall nazi bait of armour is, is it is because you would vote for democrats. If they didn't make, you think that about him, Donald trump as a disinterested fucking game shows who didn't want to be present in the first place, and he governed, euro differently than anybody else. In fact, he was less of a war longer than the Democrats and Joe Biden, yeah. My all so good, easier to egypt to combat with by trot, was able to come back It was in the streets with the that's right because they had drunk the rent syndrome and as soon buy it took over no one, no one in the streets with us, now no one cares about anything, that's exactly right, and so let let's split. Let me play this a little bit more. If he has a little bit more to say a sean, that's why they do it: Jesus Christ! They said, that's why we're ok, so here I just want to show you see then found this by the way. This back, when you could still besides Joe Biden trillion times better of is a gentle. This is what
mrs. When there's this, when people thought that job wasn't gonna, be the phenomena and they were criticising it. So, let's watch the ear you're going to change the retirement age, though so this is Joe Biden bragging about raising the social security retirement age, this is him bragging in nineteen, eighty, seven that they instituted a system which is now happening, which is they raise the retirement age from sixty five, sixty seven, no breed america even knows it, and by the It's going up more watch this You cannot retire at age, sixty five sixty five years and three months old here, twenty twelve sixteen. Six any
happy about great in this great wrong. We're fuckin over the elderly in this great keep work and half a hand, eurobonds the workin priority job, while the minute and in liberal toys that he had this done earlier, this problem, but Joe Biden use it'd, be very charismatic, and when you look at all his ninety's a senate floor speech is when you look at eighty speeches as well. He sound like an evil building like if we look at this be sure he had like it's like James bond style, building, a charisma to them and that's how he made it positive for a long time. That's why, when people say demented Joe that we we've been able it's because we'd be talking about stutter. No, that's that's new, because he's demented! This is how who job buying was smooth talking villain down waited class work. Is the working class going to be here really the river
till you reach, so he the retirement age. To be seventy kiss, you boil the fraud slowly until it doesn't know, what's happening so there's Joe Biden bragging in of it is with a swagger. robot, how bill about how we are raising, though so security retirement age. So now old people are going to have to work five more fucking years that right and he smiles He is talking about it again remember the river, till you reach obstructionism siemens Andrew Kaczynski leads up the case file unit and he's joining us live so Andrew. That clip was from nineteen eighty seven, but you all able to uncover many more examples of
president Biden, then senator Biden proposing changes to entitlement yeah, that's right so Biden. Is it again and the white house are attacking republicans for positions that he once held on social security. We just heard that group where he talked about wanting to raise the retirement age in the nineteen eighties that something he said repeatedly, but it actually goes beyond that. Take, for instance, his attacks on our rick Scott and this sunset ledge. Station now. Sunsetting basically means that a programme will get authorized for something like four. years and then it if its not reauthorized I anymore that, henceforth, the term sunset comes from now Biden produced a bill in nineteen. Seventy five that did the exact same thing, if sunset, all federal legislation, without exemptions for social security and medicare and what's interesting about so he wanted to sunset medical care and social security
meaning end them? Unless got renewed. Why would you on a sunset, something unless you wanted to end it by then, that's what he was doing. What by The time the last my real here for her plugs there we'll be no return her bit so watchword. this is cnn begin. This is back when it was ok to criticise Joe Biden, as is bite into bill. To do this, the sunset legislation was the first ever of its kind. We just saw the screen where he was basic, We boasting about how he sort of almost invented this concept of sunsetting at the fetters. a level and what s interesting about his attacks now on rick's. Gotten Republicans is, as we saw, rick Scott put, an exemption specifically for entitlement programmes into his bill Biden himself: actually did the same thing
in nice and seventy eight. He had another sons, a bill that he signed on and this one specifically also put in exemptions for social security and medicare. But it also even goes beyond that. We ve seen Biden over the course of his career talk about wanting. To put you no matter care or being open to putting medicare social security. Things like that are on the table in negotiations. Take a listen to this clip from two thousand and five, where he talks about even possibly being open to benefit cuts, cheese Raising the cap, raising the retirement age for people who are now thirty years old, raising the the the tax on social security, cutting benefits or they're all things that have to be discussed quite frankly, so there you go and Joe Biden is one of the
guys responsible for this. These are all our military bases across the world. This doesn't have to be discussed and we don't this. This is is happening right now, while Joe Biden is kicking people off medicare right. That happened right and it is this crazy in bone, chilling, obedient or media is like a second that Joe guy, what were chosen. You see no complete flit. Coming to you now locked on the truth about Joe Biden anymore and as the famous quote, you have declared and tires thou, be there be jealous of how in the media in our country, is to the ruling class as technical by law children. He wasn't allowed to talk about the stuff anymore, the same thing as well Secondly, you graham war started the media was allowed. but it had a battalion. You add BBC. As in all these western publications that all about
dream is more mobile ukrainian neo nazis and in the second that ukraine evasion happen all signed ages day or just for right. They're, not neo nazi, that in freedom fighters and the ability of the media to change on a dime like that is incredible. Before Joe Biden was the chosen one commonly hears called him. The delegation did that little ass right that little girl was me. It was me and that'll before they chose of you were allowed to call him a racist segregation is now I say to this day: people think I've been in the laboratory. The only thing I've just been outrageous, but at the back is a racist. jason is one of the most anti black politicians in the modern era, and that does have that we look at the crime bill the bankruptcy bill that he was vice president under the transfer of wealth black american oligarchy easily. Without this bill, one vote and I black apologies, animal
an era where everyone, on the reason why black people vote for the democratic party, because no one else, goddamned vote for an like you, pointed out already, half the black people don't vote. They don't even get twenty two, the delegate that'll get daily twenty thirty to fifty percent of the people who do so the same as the way people, so it just right
we like a lot of people in this war. The media doesn't perfectly pretend that every single bow is an affirmation of binance or trump's policy. A lot of people just vote out of civic duty lot of people vote because of my family vote, democrat with my family vote republican because I'm gonna vote, democrat or republican. I know a lot of people. I remember a conversation I had long time ago when she was like why we should vote democrat cause. That's what we do. It wasn't any reason it just a sudden now they're your family. She needs to deal with law republicans, and so that's among the black people do vote, which number is around forty five percent of who do vote. Do not split that number. Among republicans, democrats independents, though I that you can estimates around thirty five, forty percent, why to do vote Democrat and then, among
that number, how many are hawk or liberal? I can tell you from personal experience. A lot of people fallen for lesser to ableism people who are doing their civic duty and checking them a mark, not because they doing a calculator analysis like calculus, good, saying. Oh, we all think buying a bed know just he would have gone through the motion of the culture and that- and that goes for every a lot of different groups as well. I like it. I like decided twenty sixteen article in new york times when Donald trump one they were stone, so they actually went to the minority communities in Milwaukee and they talk to people at barbershops and they asked him how voted and they found out that the black and brown people in Milwaukee barbershops didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. All of them had been Four Barack Obama twice in the region, they gave us while we voted for brocklebridge twice and our lives got worse? We ve four brok, obama and then nothing happened. Andy and the now you want us to vote for Hillary Clinton he hit here. husband, put a half of them in prison with the goddamned.
I'm bill right and so the soul of the people. They talk to the new york times of the black and brown people, talk to have london vote and they have that did voted for some one else. Besides hilary hunton. They voted for a third party, one person I think wrote in his own name and so that that's what the black people did that in Milwaukee during the twenty sixteen election, be unaware noah's because new york times went there and ask them, but somehow kaliko yes, some insight that more more than you do nick into I think this is because one of the wilma prime objectives and revolutionary black out this is my business. Sprite worthy aims is to tell the thirty five percent
and boy percent of black people don't vote, don't vote democrat. I know that may be hard for a lot of people to say. You're wrong is right. Not only that, there's that many black people don't vote democrat. The black people do vote. Democrat are wrong, are factually wrong. I want to tell them and me- and I converted countless like how black people are the democratic party. You know how to do it very simply. Tell them that Barack Obama is responsible for destroying black wealth and explained them. How Democrats are pleased with the police state? I tell them how Democrats are pro war and exploit africa? The only thing you will know the response. I get almost all black people. I knew in my community while knowing that, if I didn't know that fuck them, then like a lot of people, just don't know like they just go.
The mosier. They go through the process of voting, but then you tell them the facts they leave and that's why you got record amount of young black people, the generation that is forming ourselves and not allowing the corporate media to control the narrative. We are pushing back on this idea and we are leaving the democratic party and drove so when you have a shit live like calculus. The essay will Democrats are good because black people vote for democrats when your job as communicators, they ate the thirty five percent of black vote wrong, you're just factually wrong. We look at policy, then that's the argument that leftists should be making not carrying water for Democrat, like calculus sky and using some of the misguided black people as excuse to cover for the democratic party. The first ever abed, I ever wrote on my sub stack, was brock obama, vs MLK, why black boomers sold us out to neo liberalism and I'll make the same argument that we need to go back to our black revolutionary leaders and
like boomers. Both Democrats are wrong period. The whole debate, anyone on it. So that's the white moderate right that isn't that we didn't weren't weren't. We warned about guys like kyle kolinsky, the white moderate. Wasn't that what our mlb been bleached once we yeah we, we really pissed a lot of people off rbn, because there are lot of people that make the mistake of saying that Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, is the white modern. I'm like an enemy like Malcolm X, fred, hampton and many of our revolutionary leaders made it clear that people like Jim crow, Joe is the enemy that must be defeated. Is the slick liberal, the Bernie sanders the person that asked me for twenty seven bucks, your paycheck every damn month? If that person, I'm a viper, you almost struggle but then he bought the thin weapons. The nazis in ukraine, at the white moderate talking about the one who found good, not only the spread of ass all, and we think that, and we have been quite a bit of a fake progressive.
The Bernie community, because every single one of them reported to the racist democratic party and endured Jim crow job. We didn't know we we'll let them off the hook. I refuse to let these people off the hook because you're enabling racist imperialist policies that not harming just my community but everyone from the poor working class latino muslims gave me a skirt from new labour policies and I take offense when people say they're the lesser of two evils, because I was the victim of the crime bill, the victim when the bankruptcy bill. We were victims of these policies, it's that people like how kolinsky, because they're rich and a outage have no idea. We suffering through calculus can what needs nothing from government, which is why there's no urgency to his voice, which is why he tells you to keep doing the same thing over and over that got us to this place because he needs thing from government right he's he's here. Mary do at forty millionaire these that doesn't,
I have a problem that he needs government to fix. He doesn't at all and he's not going to go to war, so he doesn't give a shit and he doesn't live in ukraine, so he doesn't give a shit is going to tell people that it's good, that ukraine, that they've gotten everything wrong everything about Colvin he writers were every about covered his deed, abandoned workers during covered with the mandates. They'd abandoned work workers with lockdown. They abandoned work everything they were so these people are the the white moderates that they ve you been warned about and its because they don't need government to do anything for them, and us we're just going to reinforce whatever the democratic establishment tells them to do, and, let's remember the democratic establishment is not the lesser of two evils. Kurt you want to say something I just say something positive. I hope that kyle is being paid at least a trillion times I bet you now that he's a punk chill hey! You know, here's another great, where you can help support the show you should become a premium.
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Go to blue dot com, slash, wonder, sweet! So in a country that sends a couple hundred billion dollars to war every month they wanted. We won't take care of her people we still don't have healthcare in america, americans and have healthcare, a guaranteed health care. People don't and if you think you are you have a good insurance program, go ahead and get really sick and then tell me how how good your insurances go ahead, get really sick or get secondly, unique way. Something you didn't see gum are you gotta lag plan, DR set right, so use gingerous, Houston, just started: forcing a decade old ban on feeding the homeless volunteers are fighting back. Why would they be doing this? Why would they abide by way fun fact the they started doing this
I got past this this decade, old law against charitable feeding. People was enacted to stop occupy protesters will not officially, but that's what it did, yeah to get them to stop stop occupying. They covered it with like a a cover story of just attacking? Almost they said it was a centre was about attacking the good thing like that. Didn't, as an ulterior motive, show that, but now that so that was really for occupy, but now they actually are bringing back for the homeless. Now there actually drew the thing they claimed it was for LISA Allen. What are we doing here today, sharing food with friends that we have donated and gathered from people who are doing this. These workshops back here, while their activity don't go soaring food for the line on average wage. beat over a hundred people
and they just sit out here and stare at us for the whole hour it takes to off the food that we make for the community in public and then the journalist Gaza we'll know. These are winners, it's still is it to be that americans have a positive view of cops all the time it's because they have to. I guess you think they're just go with. In particular, these use didn't cops one steven seagal end of the physicality. Is let's say, or do you think they're just against healthy fruits and vegetables? That's what I think they want to bust it like it's method. Let's do some quick maths, parents, the average cop salaries, eighty thousand dollars this forum there. So that's three, twenty thousand dollars and cops. The standard equipment is three thirty, six hundred hours others for them, so that fourteen thousand four hundred dollars and standard equipment, the police cruiser those costs. Eighty grants
times two of em there. It's a hundred and sixty thousand solely by add that all up there four hundred and ninety four thousand dollars a year to intimidate people handing out food to those in need Are you sure you wouldn't be smarter to spend that money, fighting food insecurity instead like? Why? Wouldn't you take this five two thousand dollars and just help give food to people, because in your feeding and addiction, they're, just gonna want more food later Jimmy. That's how addiction works. Houston food, not bombs, which has been around since nineteen. Ninety four has now been ticketed at least thirty times for sharing free food with on house neighbours, each ticket is two thousand dollars. It specifically says feed homeless on citation wow. Well, maybe has his group thought about losing the offensive anti bomb rhetoric in their name
mean. What is it with this rate? Is racist attitude toward bombs yeah? I guess I'll, look alike to them. Those guys, I guess what just get rid of all the bombs and will have some fascist food utopia grow up brothers in your duty, the fat man little boy, see you wanna see hurry up. Why what those cops our physical specimens our day to day whereas maybe they were chosen specifically for this duty? These are cops, of course, they're. Coming to the food thing, of course, those are the cops they said to ticket people for handing out fun. I mean I got abd believe if not all of them at least half of the cops that were there are embarrassed to be there. They got a very embarrassed look on their face not to lose my pension. I'm gonna not do this, but they still do it.
Beverly like agreed down lower than pot bus like this is eat the explain to us what just happened. I just got my eleventh again The homeless- and this is number thirty- or food, not bombs, one of the public library which says that we don't have the right to be here, and yet we are conducting a for food service event without the consent of the property owner, and it says emperor and the seas feeling among us rusty lives being forced, specifically just on us. It's wonderful! It will continue to protest, until there is change, so ben crafts. Today pulled up to the downtown public library on recent Monday evening, packed with past in serving supplies. Craft was on his way to pass up rest, vegetarian meals. To those in need something voluntary,
we have done there for nearly two decades. For days a week, people had all eddie formed a lying down. The block which face the same park as city hall when he arrived to use and police officers approached him as he got out of his car officer Jeff Richard showed him a warning printed on a sheet of paper. You run the rich of violating the law and ask graft if he wanted it graft shook his head richer smiled with a little. Not that's fine. He said you have plenty of copies already. Cheers giving out free meals with the organization food. Not bombs, have hyperactive forty tickets seeking more than ten thousand dollars in fine since march, first, the houston law that they are charged with violating an ordinance against giving away meals. Unless you have permission from the property where you're doing it. Even if the property is public was put in place by city council and twenty twelve
what largely had gone on in forest for over a decade municipal records show the current administration's decision to enforce the ordinance sent ripples through Houston's extensive network of good samaritans. Some have quietly pulled back from their work. Other groups, every glow, catered to a Houston police department, parking lot, just outside of town town, which was recently designated as acceptable public location for charitable meals. Wait what your police department, just make your way to the police department from where we are, and that will be handy because right police days. You could probably identify people for old drug warrants and studying and pull him out of the food line, and you get him in jail. yeah, we, everybody wins your lease make sure to keep track. All their fate is they have a record of em,
They don't go online enough, so I get a dragon. But in an email statement a city spokesperson explained that the meal programme Houston, is funding at the police. Parking lot is designed to use food to attract people to a place where they can engage with an array of services on a recurring basis on a re like being spread out the fire hose like rambo in itself. What are those array of circuits if an ongoing federal law stood over the ordinance, the city said the ticketing was poor if used and governmental obligations, to ensure food safety to people like mary Dansby, who was waiting in line for food, not bombs the motivation behind these citation seemed less about the quality of the meals the volunteers were piling plates? I would strawberries blueberries salad, pasta, beans and stewed potatoes and more and more about
Moving homeless people away from desirable locations, Houston was afraid they were getting. Go. Look good nutrition from the better or lads? I daresay germany. Ok, I get it. She said. She's in the nearby library, historic, julian edison's building, run it out for beautiful wedding. She seen the nearby libraries stork julio. I Listen building, rented out for beautiful weddings, but at the same time she thought the work being done could offer. So be seen as beautiful fit for the steps of nearby city hall. Why fight over this? She asked this is what people are supposed to do I get it? Who wants to have their special wedding day ruined by something as gross is people feeding her must be right, I mean come on. We're dry need over Clinton. Arts
fifty one often woke up colder, soaking, wet and stated confuse. used unease surrounded by metal bars. Then the pieces would click together. In his mind, he was sleeping outdoors in the safest body could I'm a little use corner of tranquillity park city hall were a metal gate, provided some protection. His mornings weren't always like this. He once work twelve hours shifts securing be lodged grains as a rigour, but small fractures and his he'll kill mrs career and his secure housing. Oh my god,. On tuesday evening he volunteers to healthy fuzzy, fellowship a group of muslim volunteers that used to serve outside of the library. Now the fuzzy fellowship is one of the charitable groups that serves in the city designated police parking lot. The first time arch went to the new location. He looked up and noticed a row of barred cell window
was overlooking the sight he had once spent time in one of the cells for a drug charging figure. They were part of the reason the city had decided to make the lot the designated location. For me ass. If anyone trying to get a meal acted out of line he reasoned built, Eg you around the corner and take your ass to jail. I will just be a ticket. Oh so look I was right that is what this is. I wouldn't worry when it comes to the blue, why don't you come here on the fringes of society not want to come to the police? I parking lot. The night after police issued the first. Take it to a food, not bombs, volunteer, philip. The cone tossed and turned in bed questions running through his mind:
should he volunteer the next day, as he usually did. What would happen if he had to spend a night in jail who would take care of his beard and his dog? Then he thought. That's exactly what they want to happen: scare people out of showing up and suddenly there's nobody there feeding people he went the next day and received a ticket for cone food dot bombs. Work resonates with his catholic upbringing, share your food with the hungry and says Isaiah. Fifty eight seven, the group which has over a thousand chapters around the world, according to its website, picks up vegetarian donation from places like whole foods than prepares and distributes the meals boots, not bomb sites frames site, frames, the act in the language of activism, against societies, moral failings. We are now a charity but dedicated to taking non violent, direct action when the charitable fool ordinance baths and twenty dwelt it
right, widespread, pope protests. Thirty four thousand estonians signed a petition asking the issue be put. Voters as a way to repeal the law from the outset. Food not bombs, considered a sieve. disobedience as a way to fight the law. Ultimately the mayor. At the time, a niece parker gave permission to food, not bombs, to continue giving away meals outside the downtown library and the city deadline, the designate feeding spots or give out tickets now the battle over food, not bombs, feeding in front of the library has entered the courts. in florida, las vegas, similar food, not bombs, cases against city doesn't run book. Somebody has a joke about this, but feeding. Feeding people at bidding the home and negative there in jail, somebody as it bunny joke about this o day right. It's I bet is a guy see, rules limiting food sharing in parks were decided in not food, not bombs, faber, really in the
case of fort lauderdale, florida and appellate court, said the organizations. Food sharing was expressive conduct protected by the first amendment, the publication floored, a bulldog reported that the case cost for lauderdale tax here's hundreds of thousands of dollars and legal fees when I use that money to feed the fuckin homeless, but it was worth it when it was warned that and they lost. I, like it's the first a member, and to that I say freedom of speech- does mean freedom of reach. Do you say that euro pisa garbage by the time picone went to the municipal courthouse for his first hearing. He said conviction had replaced his anxiety. He could see the these station at its parking lot from the courthouse steps. I think this needs to be exposed to the people of Houston, what's being done in their name, people living on the sidewalk outside the beacon a day, shelter said they ve noticed a drop in goods merit
and since the ticket started, samuel butler junior motioned at himself then add a neighbor, I'm diabetic, Have to eat she's pregnant she's eating for to what is this. Why are you doing this there? They are diverse mayor, it's almost as if it doesn't make a difference. How diverse the leadership and just look at the same nonsense. That state is nicer. When an african american is growing over the homeless, people isn't it doesn't make. It feel nicer now be no makes a lot of weight. Donors certainly does our country is over. I know if you ve, driven aurora what country you lady, but it's over and now china and russia are gonna work together with brazil and south africa and india, and that petrol I was going away and all the things you thought tromp was gonna, do
Is being done now by Joe Biden in the grown ups? Here's what dawned on me at its over his when errand was hosting, and we watched a vice undercover video of them going to cuba to show you what a hell hole. Cuba is a lucky down the city streets, and now bearing the day, I probably would have all fifties guy doing on the streets. I'm where's all the homeless people it so unbelievable too. Nazi people wait all over the street, where you can afford a cuba at a point in an almost people. So there's no homeless people in cuba There was no one knew it was like how are even play in this I ve been allay. You show me a video of a magic place, a nobody on the street or your generally has educational. Please I never thought good about, and everybody in everybody has healthcare. They back. They export, after all over the world in from cuba wall? I'm sure they got a lotta there like making it look better because white, even there, even with their fakery, you think that's
better than no people which global industry? A sorry as cuba have homeless, people hidden, homeless and key, but the borg in project. No, they hide them in sheltered, set ha ha. Ha where they hide, I hide them in houses. That's all things are not have its is. Cuba currently enjoys a near zero rate of homelessness. This is primarily do come on an open away. Ok, here it is from massive construction boom. Under the castro regime, beginning in nineteen, fifty nine housing has been an integral part of cuba's social and political issues. Here some so you go you about
why we should never do that. The castro will cave everybody housing and that's why you can't have that. That's all we're going to trying to hide! That's all next album away inside of housing. That comical! That's that marxism, I've never been broke you by my dialogue. Why do you deny you very the very obviously you drive oh, I look at it. So the whole idea is that that cuba is socialist and socialism doesn't work Let me doesn't work. Why do we have to sanction them I might was. Why can't we just let their economy crumble, it has never been, and yet we ve just lost. random trillions of dollars, fighting a thing that doesn't work. That's weird, I hey become a premium member goaded, jimmied organic dotcom sign up. It's the most affordable premium, programmer the business don't don't bring all the voices
born today, our by the one and only the inimitable mike Mccrae. It can be found it MIKE Mccrae dot com for this week you be the best you can be. I'll keep being made. Don't don't don't don't don't don't worry, gown tat, you do not break out.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.