« The Jimmy Dore Show

Debate: Are Democrats REALLY Any Better Than Republicans?

2022-09-09 | 🔗

Standup comedian, game show host and erstwhile Presidential candidate Ben Gleib stopped by The Jimmy Dore Show studio for a segment discussing his new special on YouTube, the state of comedy in the era of wokeness, the Trump phenomenon and whether there are any substantive differences between the two major American political parties. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger engage in a predominantly civil but sometimes heated exchange of ideas with Gleib. Plus a segment on progressives' latest opportunity to use their leverage to stop Joe Manchin's bad climate bill - and why they won't do it. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from George Clooney!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As a cub catch, one of our live standup shows will be in spokane tacoma virginia beach, richmond Arlington san jose miami west palm beach go to Jimmy Dore, commie dot com for a link for all the tickets to become a premium member, while you're there hmm hi. This is Jimmy who's. This sweet cheeks. This is things recalling. what's a what's on your mind, body. Jimmy did you see my interview in the new york times check that mine and Julia roberts is co? Winner of you know, george, I guess I miss the old man we're just so much of what just fun to old, pals, just joking, around
and, if I may say so, that jocular spirit really came through in the printed word. That's nice! Well we beg you do about well change. As you may know, jewels and I ever knew filled up romantic comedy. I didn't know with joy robert. You can't go wrong. Take it to Paradise shit. I play a divorce couple who fly to bali to stop our daughter from getting married and making the same mistake. We did wow sounds like a phone rob george, Oh, it's fun an interview
about how we had a kiss. She she meant Julia and it required about eighty takes because we were just laughing so hard. Oh god, I see, I see, I'm not kidding jimbo giggle fit to being banned, see here we we couldn't control ourselves, Jay Robb and I have been platonic friends for so long. The idea of kissing was fifty two, It's just ridiculous, so professionals and we have we just couldn't pull it off. Finally, we got it in one of these takes. We were like, thank god. We got a dead, sober gun moving on and then we had sex just for fun, yeah, the whisper fun gag,
letting you you're the you're too characters kiss seems like spoiling the plot a little due to don't you think I'll come on like no one's gonna do not see that common. It's a romantic comedy for christ, sakes by numbers, shit no surprises heavy handed guaranteed any board. Housewife could guess entire finnish screenplay by senior hosting the tax money. Easy worry, but boy. I wish I wish our venice right now. I hate missing a festival, just a grand time I mean can stop for sure, but finnish really has its charms. If god,
for the city of venice itself. I hear it's very romantic. Oh it's not buster. If you can get laid, there can hang up your spurs, but this year off a drama, my god it's off the chain, and this is what movies are. All about you know, I heard snippets, but I don't really understand any of it. Okay dish, you know, olivia wilde, right, no actress turned director made this flick called, don't worry darling with harry styles and florence pugh. You know them right, you're just assumed the answer is no to all,
it's okay, buddy show olivia dumped hubby, jason, sudeikis or ios guy right, and so that's that's your boyfriend now and apparent, and- and she replaced a shy la boof eyes to lead a and apparently cheesed off, miss flow aka for a florence pugh. So now we have a full on catfight between
at your end, leading lady, how hot is dead, so there's always tension that is with them. Promoting the movie goods are not really interested in this case. Does not cover live a little too, with a new line should there not speaking and miss flow is nowhere to be found, and also in the middle of this is crazy pine. If you can believe it, I can't believe it. No. I can't, I can't believe it. Ok, ok, wise guy anyway, he did of over two stone fake spin around these idiots. It had it in and vanish just annexed up, he said accessories does who literally He likes this movie because it's a real movie, just a dump, the fucking board. The internet is going crazy. Now, there's a conspiracy theory out there about a video that supposedly show style styles spitting on pine. Is that really what a conspiracy theories,
Where are we were twitter? It is, of course you didn't happen to people big absolute, online added shewbread are getting so this is where you when you were in bed, is not just that and and and the lovely honour, the army has just landed there to promote her new film the end she, seventeen raided by a pic of marilyn monroe, entail blonde very controversial, not even a biotech really it's basin of fictional eyes, novel based on merit life already controversy and sure to be a juicy scandal at the premier. I love ali with baby hook. What would the skin be about the rain each radical and she shivered came that's harder than a hard. Are every time afflicted slack with that baby. The question is why, what's in there, What are they show
in fact it I'll do it. Actual penetration baby just giving sweets we'd better duration of them? You know, george, I always took you for an actual. As being you know, an actor who loved his craft acting storytelling. I thought that's why you love movies, give me a break is this shit. I live for this scandal. The controversy hollywood bad allied. I guess it! No more of you jimmy! I love fine. I was the better
man with nips for crying out loud. Remember those fun nips the edward norris event, then off rio's. I love them, but I leave that pretentious acting shit to them. For me, it's all about the glitz and glam the red carpet, debates and groaning in tuscany life. I'm happy you're, happy thus acted clash. Jimmy yeah thanks, but I very happy doing what I'm doing and, quite frankly, I'd. Rather be me than you: that's it you're going to happen. But more than you'll ever go. Take psychology, my brother
guess: driving down the street and johnson media Samir switching to show we have a special guessed it studio with us. Blindly. Business stand up comedian that t bs called one of the funniest comedians working today. He also holds the game Joe idiot test on game, show, network and blue row t v. His second hour stand up special ben glebe, the mad king just dropped on youtube. Please welcome our guests back to the show bengals I been was going on Jim. You deceive. They dragged me back well, yours hours. I feel you dropped it on youtube. I can, I show people a clip of it, here's what it looks like of it and let's show people a little bit of a clip of it. Here we go. Remember
depends what how sure we're gonna die here was a member independent, but we are all sure we were going to die pandemic is almost over, but maybe not, but it could be, but we don't know, there's a chance that it might be or might not be it's over, but almost over, but not really, but it's still going strong, it's surging, but it's a weaker surge. it's a weaker, serve but affecting more it's affecting more, but it's affecting them less affecting less people in a more intense way, more people in a less intense way than done, but it's not done it's important to get vaccinated. But if you do, you also got to get boosted until the We are aware of that, but you've got to get another booster, in which case you might still get it. You probably will still get it. You'll definitely get it, but if you're not boosted you're going to get it less or more, then, if you're not at all vaccinated, oh you're going to get it and it's going to be worse, but for some people it's still going to be worth, but not as many people will be bad for the last two years. Then we finally
a handle on a lot of rigour out that they believe that helium companies do. You was a million. A billion, really gotta, gray club? I did No that day they had their own of comedy studios just started. The other just started trying to get into the content game and they produced a lotta specials. The first four specials were ones abode and myself, Jane caught apprentice and randy felt face. So up their eldest face is the great puppets of all time area is at the pump yoda. Ok, I think, is pronouns or he he felt I play that philadelphia. Room of the great room is lovely
It shows a classic comedy room. Low ceilings, look low ceiling, great what good lighting and I even had to show how brought a reaches kurt. We had hasidic jews at a table of sitting jews I want to see by chosen that something, while that's nice, whether jokingly girls, we like swing around on their sideburns play and like a schoolgirl, haven't I I think that they also doesn't speak to the to the real insecurity, comedians. Well, we say low ceilings, but nobody that doesn't That means knows what it really means does it means it makes its it was more leverage laughter, there's nothing worse than doing it in a heist. Siloed guy, oh boy, oh boy, the flaps dissipate opens like heat, and they rise in the air. I don't want the actual amount of laughs ever being heard. I'd like that laughs, bouncing off the walls making it seem like there's more people there. Now I haven't seen your whole special, yet I've just seen this
clip. Is it available right now it is it's up and the reviews have been like bonkers best of my whole life. Maybe the highlight of my entire stan of career is that kelly, Carlin, just tweeted on the official george carbon twitter account that it reminded her of her dad's approach and people watch it. So, let's oh, isn't that sweet pretty insane? That's very nice wow! That's very nice! Why not? I got a little teary eyed when I saw that yes, she is, these very nice woman and she's always been nice does so and that you were there. I liked her book and her one person show about. Her scarlet hung home companion, fantastic idea. So so are you afraid to drop in on you too, because I had again haven't seen it they're so picky about anything like just talking about. I was I go. I wondered was going to say something that violates a youtube thing because youtube: all these crazy rules that they didn't change. They put in all these rules at the beginning and there still in place now we ve learned a lot more about about where you afraid of
I was. I was- and I think I mean I don't know what even shadow banning means, but I feel like I'm getting that whatever that, as I know, young nicer, don't tell you, you didn't tell him, but they're just sell writing to you in the algorithm, and so I am afraid of that. But in this weird time word seems like free speech, disappearing more every day. That still seems the best option, because also as the biggest reach that there's no barriers to entry, and I didn't even pitiful my first measures showtime. I didn't even pitch this to showtime reach beyond netflix or any of the streamers, because that's great for prestige and better for money. But I want right now to hopefully lay exponentially grow. My fan base launching there like I am. Why am I not, unlike in in their nottinghamshire stewed, exactly what I was even though there is a risk with a lot of things. I talk about that it would be a little bit suppress they also some one place. People can share very easily and dry button, and so that's why I'm goin on shows a gears and trying to spread the words of wood people watch it and share it than we can can be
their own beating of me. Then it is to do it the way you doing it does I just you know nick mallinger stop rose in them a yes. I start result like that. I guess come down. I'm he's called come down to one of the biggest The algorithm is now pushing that down yeah. Well, I'm sure it is don't matter like the algorithm can only do so much if people want to hear what you're saying they're going to get her for sure yeah. So where do you fight so go on doing comedy now, like I have a whole junk on the cook, covert narrative, the vaccines I got back seen injured and I point out the contradictions of the establishment and and people are on board for it
I I was, I thought it wasn't, so people are ready to hear and what what you? What's your experience like with comedy audiences in this day and age of Colvin vaccines, maga Biden, what what what's it like for you I've? I find that people are pretty open to jokes, making fun of covert and all the protocols even putting through people realize. There's just I mean I'm not against the vaccine by any means. I'm I'm I'm pro vaccine, but I'm also pro messaging. That makes sense and pro not usually contradictory messaging. Coming from our government and organizations constantly. That's very frustrating I feel like politically people are a lot less open minded we're specifically talking about politics, and but I also find that you know Biden. Supporters are more open minded by far than trump supporters. Trump supporters claim to be very, you know all about
his speech, and there are the most snowflake sensitive people yeah. So how what? What was your take on bite in speech? I like that? I know you hated it. I liked it. I liked it I've. I thought that that it was calling like it is. I know you degree you think I'm watching your video tonight, you don't think there's a difference between hilary camp claiming that she won the election and not respecting trumps, win and end the same happening with by But there is an enormous difference. Is that when Hillary lost. She admitted she lost and then more importantly, there was not We Democrats in congress vote nearly every democrat voting not to certify trumped selection. There was an actual and admit
of the reality of ok, we can be upset and there were things to look into with infiltration of our elections, but he's the dew duly elected winner. Nonetheless, we can fix our systems, but doesn't mean we don't respect that this person is presently acknowledges president and the republicans in congress, almost in total, don't and to me that is incredibly dangerous. I know so. Do you mean you, don't think that we live in a but well functioning democracy anymore, but whatever shred of it we have left is eroded and destroyed by people, not even saying that we can have a common set of facts and when somebody loses an election, they ve lost, and I think that's a big problem. So you didn't see the headlines or the videos of Hillary Clinton calling trump and illegitimate. President union lived through five, not that way to live through five years of russia, gay, where every person who went against the establishment was called a rent, was red, baited and call the russian and everybody said the election.
was a hoax and that it was thrown because it by russia and putin in collusion and that's why they hate jonah free me didn't cry to you that with russia hacked or denmark I'd, I quote, I was hacked or election, but how did you agenda of the machines. What do you mean that the newly women they did two degree with these bug? They did it with facebook. Neither do they used a people. What are all vote for hilary benn for those tank means from russia, so so that I can only thank everybody would have, but at a definite makes an impact and, furthermore, well how much money they spent on the advertising on facebook. I don't so they spent one hundred thousand dollars and they spent fifty thousand before the election and fifty thousand after so donald trump got two billion dollars in free media from so, if you think fifty thousand dollars, if they fair enough the so this is the propaganda narrative that
establishment preaches right? That? Oh Russia infiltrated our election? They just couldn't stand that they lost to a game, show host and that's what's happening now, they're, so corrupt. Both parties are so corrupt that they can't beat a game. Show us the republicans, can't beat trump in their own primary the Democrats can't beat him at the ballot box where the actual eyes, or rather president- and they beat me so they can sometimes just rhetoric, but they did last time writes a guy. I believe that here trump beat hilary. lynn and I believe Biden be tromp ya, but you're. Ok, was ok? I agree with that of course too yeah. So, but why do you think it was ok for four years straight now going on six years straight to say that the two thousand and sixteen election was stolen by rush hour was the. Why is it ok to say that? But it's not okay to question the twenty twenty
Can I dont question either right what I'm saying if you're going to allow them to question twenty sixteen at the top of their lungs and red bait, every one of their political enemies to do it? Why can't other people question the election? I think that the answer is that both to a degree are both questionings two degree are wrong, but I dont know for all for you, but not, but not not questioning is not wrong, so I don't think for all four years most Democrats were questioning trumps legitimacy is present. There was absolutely was year year and a half, maybe two in there of like he's not my president, I think that's more of a protest statement than saying he's, not actually the president, that's what I think I and that dissipated to just a lot of things. He did that I think were not okay, but that is still very very dear and there was evidence with fifty thousand dollars. Maybe it's not election changing, but that is actual substantive evidence
versus no substantive evidence of fraud in the two thousand and twenty election and the lawmakers voting. Why do you think there is not a difference between some of the most angry people on each side of this met very messed up spectrum protesting and bitching about it compared to the law? because themselves validating that, because you don't say that either was fraudulent right, but one side in power says it was in that is the twenty twenty republicans saying that trump was cheated and still say it and still support it, and trump is still saying it, a fair election and there still supporting it and in the end him what you'd knowledge that's a difference. No, No, I would say Russia gate was a non. Stop. I'm not from la may, not accept it does hundred per cent not from low make. What you talking about, what votes were there to decertify but-
I remember once went wench when trump one they were trying to get the people in the electoral college to vote against it. Remember, there's a big movement to get them to do that. Also, remember that, and so russia gate with which never stop it's still going on. So to me, that is a denial of the two thousand and sixteen election, and they did it in a in a really deleterious way that it really harmed art harmed our country about the impeachment because he might have held up funds to ukraine and so give a lead, and are being relevant at all. I know they had to hold up more funds to you why the giver any goddamn fund has now that the that, as a general point, were of of priorities of spending you mean this here. I can't be funds from going to ukraine for once and we should impeach someone for that- that you cannot him. You cannot withhold funds for your own personal campaign reasons as obvious as obvious right. You can't be president in combing that, with your like it, you can give up our talk up proudly how he said you get that prosecutor out
We you're not getting those funds gazette were checking on hunting boys brisbane connections. And he wanted the guy out there he brag about it looks of it. I don't think he said that I would like the other clip idle. by moment after you get. Let you get that prosecutor out of their or we have also aren't you think the present election is is well. I guess I'm argue to speak myself here. I don't see anything more than a world greatest grandpa contest and so like I right he's, not my grandpa, but what? What do you think the present actually does since bind Then can you think of a single thing? That is better that all the all the story which, like what you're like he just forgave a lot of student loans, something that you guys probably thought would it happened. I think Jimmy thought that wouldn't happen and happened. Yet again. He gave a half my egg, he did something that was so, should he pissed off everybody yeah but
in favor, of giving students one hundred percent at bay, and he did that forgiving to a degree. Didn't he didn't, do it too? So he will not. We don't have a public option. We don't have. That, and I agree he ran on it. We didn't get unfolding our minimum wages. He ran on that, and this is only the law is finishing trumps wall in arizona. That's insane heads of these words cages now and I'm no big button. The vendor, don't get me wrong. I think about the guy is absolutely close to the middle. Both things. But one thing is where you need to be. I think you need to be a much more bold leader and I don't think Biden's winning any awards on that, but you just said name something he did I think that he also passed a big infrastructure bill that important. He also is investing in trying to combat climate change, that's important and got that past. So yet a very good said this is great. You know two months ago, but there's been gains and there have been
It is always them on the change. Combating that's going on inside the he's talking about that the inflation reduction in nation. We really all that. Why you're really call them there was a which has required drilling in it. That's, though, the language, so they I do some green their require that sound like Green thing depends who you're drilling, I suppose so anyway, the wetlands, it's just No, I'm all know there are a lot of people who think that there is a difference in the parties. There are a lot of people who think that the republican party is funded by different people than the democratic parties. Funded by. I agree with you on that. Do that's why all serve the same people? How to prevent it. Look at this system is incredibly broken and the biggest issue is getting this dark money. The secret money influence out of our government out of our politics. We should not be having debility of these soup
We could secret billionaires. Deciding who are leaders are end. No doubt, no doubt I grant you that I have always said it. Both sides are very similar. Both sides are very corrupt and both sides are not most of the time overall is their deep internal desire pushing for our interests, but the difference that I see is that that said, there also are pot public facing policy positions that each side holds and on top of everything I just admitted the Democrats push things that help people that care about the future and that help that care about fairness and equality in this country. More than the republicans do just that Carry on top of the corruption on the democratic side helps people a little bit more than their public inside helps, keep more of it for just the greedy millionaires and just for their cronies and their powers. That are the ones who are doing that. Do not acknowledge that there is no difference in what they fight for. On top of that, a deep well of corruption,
you know how to those issues are true: wonderfully resides they're going when a sane, thereby where not doing look at the things we just talked about the just pack, so the infrastructure or visually always it is so the so the bill that you are talking about. The climate change bills give away to the big oil companies and that's, why was allowed to pass so this is again. You'd is just propaganda that it's a good thing. And there are some things that there are some things in their road had helped on clean energy robot for everything that funds clean energy. You have to do fuckin oral oil. Well, you wanted the usa and so say- and it say so- it's a negative so good. If that bills that same but were passed. public, wouldn't have that little bit of good and evil either downloading. Is that major difference but different? How can these people not believe in the system?
in I'm no advocate for this. It's dangerous that people are believing that this is a system when you describe it so well, I'm no advocate for the system, but there's a marginal difference, and so, if you're going to pay any mind to the two sides, I think, as you just did Jimmy you, you have to acknowledge. There are sometimes kernels of things that are helpful and are crumbs just like in the in the cares act that it was that every Democrat voted for. That was a giveaway that was the biggest upward transfer of wealth in human history and every Democrat voted for it and they got crumbs, and so which again is a one party system, and this isn't me making it up. They've been saying this since the fuckin seventies and it's true, which is why the american worker hasn't had a raise since nineteen eighty on the person and you don't brock obama, wasn't a departure from george bush. He was a continuation of george bush and that's why we got donald trump. It wasn't because of racism was because black people in Milwaukee wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton after they just voted for Barack Obama twice and their lives got worse. That's not
me saying that that's a direct quote from a new york times, article jr, who went and interviewed black and brown people in the cities in Milwaukee and to find out why they didn't vote for Hillary Clinton and the reason was they voted for Barack Obama. Twice their life got worse. Barack obama took us from two wars to seven Barack obama. Cook five kicked five point: one million people out of their house while making sure that the banks got their bonuses. Barack obama is the one who have deported twice as many his is donald trump and what I said was going to happen with donald trump is that he was going to put an ugly face on the horrible shit our bipartisan government's been doing all along and ceremony. She did that's what I said too. I wrote an article for the Huffington post when trump was running, saying exactly that that he probably was the president america deserved because it was like the dark night that american needed and away he was putting exactly the the accurate face. Niven,
we are actually ugly maize. I already legally, we re one hundred percent agree with that. We have had a lot of polished slick, political language, making people not realise that there are being sold down the river and trumpet feast was ugly gotta, be like I'm selling you down the river. You call that it'll make any books if your changes either, but at least admitted that shit and that I will grant you absolutely, but also there are wild trying to change the system. I mean absolutely. I I, like you site what I think is one of the most important things. People will realize the studies that that people's desires, no matter what side of the political spectrum they're on make a statistically insignificant effect. Whether or not policy changes towards what the people want. So in light of that, why would it matter if they think the election with caution in it? It don't effective either way, because because so it does that's why I push represent represent. Not? U S, plan to pass his anticorruption bills to get the money out to stop this?
partisan gerrymandering- this does not ass. We were told me when I have you ever present. I told you time. That's never gonna happen while it is starting to happen bit by bit and it looked as rank choice voting now, alas, there are little there. Are these anti corruption bills passing phillies, but so why it does matter courteous to your question is again the bigger problem is the system being broken and that needs to be fixed but at the same time, tax rates matter? At the same time, it matters whether the richest people get the tax break or poor people get it. I wouldn't say that by let's face it, they just gonna, throw it down the drain and ukraine anyway. So what is it would honestly? I agreed that both I pay tax, the ridge, what you can do it the money we spend it around. You know we're gonna get to ukraine immediately. True, I mean it's pretty bonkers that we never have money to solve. Any domestic gives me and then you think anymore happens. We have already billion fifty. all these together this airlines and other, though with a great blood red speech, a love of buying talks about their choice is an amazing my portfolio maghreb, what we
my blood ran reminder. I took. That is now it's more at home, so I dont you shadowy marine standing behind me waiting to initiate the purge. We Furthermore, onyx beat, while I will give it to him. He really got to get the most non seen. Olivia wiring excited about a purge even improvised, taken down a heckler by a cogent way. We all you get united too, tat these other guy? Don't they have made their choice, made their choice now, but that I that that's right disagree with you. It is because you can't, though, the right all came out so aggressively ma king by my wrestler light by the weapons that are not the right. I understand and I hate Democrats more and I'm not to the right. I don't. I don't know that. I do understand why why there besides being the enemy of comedy, which is what I do. That's one major thing out of you around when I had the whole media try to ruin my life, I've, member and I was right. I don't remember that I dont members snowflake shit you're talking about us. I've had it all
when all right was a thing briefly. I had them come tried to all kinds of fucked up things to make. With nothing compared to what the pieces a shit, especially at half past my every hack, no what he will. Comedian gets a job enough huffpo like sharecrop journal, but putting the my life. Beware! the way to do it. I lost my goddamn. gilding sure it's because I gotta get a guild job. No, it's fine! and I dont want one. But what the hell are you talking about snowflakes out, so I'm just saying you asked me my personal it was. I will have memorandum of how do I know if I mention anything negative about trump immediately get heckled and yelled at heckled, yelled out they try to get you fired from your job. All! Ok! Well, that's bad, and I remember what, though, what the cause of your thing was. What was the as yet nobody does isn't something bad enough in a media spent a week on it the whole media, but nobody remembers. I like that. I I'd take it on my special joy. I, the the far left over woken is where,
you don't allow people to make jokes need. Overlapping, The questions were outlined, a right diabetes. Working class, they hate them because it's a bunch of rich kids, I went to boot school and they learned to dig it to be oppressed, even though their loaded, and then that way you can bypass all the uncomfortable stuff and just make it about all the great unwashed deplorable magda people. No, but I have a little wall in our heart, will build a wall in our heart but led by friends, and I see is both. Sides are to extreme. Both sides are r r repressing of free speech in that way and repressing by the is, but one of those two sides. The word I mean they try to take. They ruin your life, so you haven't you, you ve been didn't. You didn't really my life right, but primarily, in those words that to me, but so what's the snow
like that. We all want nothing. Compares I'll. Tell you because, generally speaking, what I think the the far left, while I think they can be ridiculous with their policing of language and all of this, the worst that their fighting for the if they win would be all you have to be a little more careful around how you addressed certain marginalized groups of peace bull, whereas on the right with their pushing for is the marginalization of those people. I willingly with I'm just straight up. You don't know what you're talking about with regards to politeness, whether you want do. Is you told, on penalty of you're never going to work? In the example, I mean, I just told you This thing up to me, I know twenty other people to tell me of specific topic based exemplary anytime. I don't know what an award talk but levels, but you got snowflake things ridiculous it's. The enemies of comedy are not coming off the right right and I've never had my life threatened by somebody on the left, but I performed told jokes about trump and the guy said careful talking about the president like they're, going to get a bullet in the back of your says. You got banned for your vaccine,
what issue in the special shadow bandit? So I actually had the I'm gonna get rid of your life threatened with a gun to your head, because a stamp so how's where's that bullshit girt island and I'm a minute after was about this. I have. I have, of course, with all I mean I've been I've. Had people threatened was memorize, making John Mccain, jokes and fuckin guy got a little. You better autonomy that all that Jimmy I had yeah. So I and I I you know I was just like whoa. I had to talk that guy down and I had to go hey, I'm not disrespecting anybody, I'm just making jokes as well, medians. Do I make one everybody? I don't really talk this guide dog is there? Was violence gonna, ask area and dumb. So I used, but I ivo you know it's hard to tell because
When I go into like what I would go to texas, I would do george bush jokes were bad. This is back when he was president here and near the tour. I was trying to get 'em structure. I like it. I like, when people fucking sage it back and have that's where the guys would come up to me and shake my guy came up to me and shake my headboard any sugar a little too hard Ngos hey that shit about george bush emulate pulls me into him like that, And- we've had a lot of that shit George bush is a hero is better than trump, so you're you're kind of wrong for that higher number he's rehabilitated now and I put the same in Texas many times, making fun of trump and actually took it pretty well in in texas. As I happen to see, they seem to, for some reason, moral, it may be. The jokes were just very good and you can give me death threat. There's one thing, I'm sure of when I get death threat. It ain't gonna happen that way. You can bet on every The people going to kill you they're gonna right now. If they're not gonna, write, I'm gonna kill you, but I'm not I'm not gonna go. I don't care about that when I care about is
a bunch of maniacs getting together like little political action groups. Trying to keep me from working or get me kicked off of things, and I got a ton of friends they did that to do. I will, if you bear bother, look it up or much like russia gate. That was nonsense. Remember gamergate. That was all the same kind of lie remind mcgarry. Well I don't want to talk about game, but I did have. I also didn't. Have the fake hashtag me too. I mean it's like it's just that's. What a well real hashtag doesn't mean. There can't be fake yeah accusations within it right, but but the good thing about comedy is Ben. Is that you're funny? And so you can talk about things that I might disagree with, but I'll still laugh because it presented in a funny way that happened. It just happened with me. I saw bill burr a couple of weeks ago and there's a couple of things at it, but he was had set in such a form, we are told you can help it lab and Chris Titus do. I disagree with everything recited privacy, but he made me laugh alike. Michael heads, a high compliment? I disagree with everything you say what you're still phone
enough to make me laugh, but that's what comedy's about on a per cent, and so I just watching that you're the thing that was hilarious. Thank you very much, so I really enjoyed that. Thank you and I really try with this special. Don't mention trump's name once in the special. Very intentionally- and I tried really hard to create a special that calls out a lot of the absurdity in our country calls out a lot of the bullshit polarization that we create a whole segment about how We are not two sides. We are not red and blue. We are not these parties that are put in these false camps and they color coded blue. When read literally like bloods and crips the exact colors, bloods and crips, so that we think we're we're on opposite sides, maybe we can have a more chill political discourse. We rebranded the parties. peach and green. Maybe that would change things lemon. Mcdonald doing really do. I really would like it to me.
we can go through china's oreos, so I I tried real hard to create a special that speaks to both sides like even on there's one issue. I talk about in the special specifically about about people that are are trying to make lives more difficult, bigoted people that are trying to make trans people's lives more difficult the whole purpose of the joke is to say you can hate no one's ever going to end racism, no one's going to have hate hate and bigotry or homophobia. You can still hate go ahead and do it you can be as have been your life. Is you want just don't try to pass laws to make other humans lives more difficult then go ahead. Nato you want because no job nook,
and it's going to ever be like wait a minute whoa. I shouldn't hate any more that guy's joke was so great, but it might make somebody think. Like that's a good point, maybe I don't need it as my top priority to push legislation about bathrooms that aren't really an issue. Not I I don't I don't want to. I. I don't want to diminish the power of comedy and because you know you'll need when I I always wanted to do jokes that made people think maybe change their opinion on things. I still do, and you know that you think I'm I, who am I my full of myself disco, trying to be funny stuff like that, but then every what's wrong here. A story like comedian friend of mine, I didn't ice new job but not eating kids right and it was all the stuff and he was pro hitting kids and then he saw my bed and it made him anything but having your spanking, thereby ensuring that kind of thing, and then call me thinking it made him think that we had a conversation about it and it changed his mind and then he started doing a different joke. He used to have a joke cause. He had a joke about hitting kids in his act
and I fuckin. Is it wrong now? Officially, like I don't get so I don't know you know, was hidden kids at all I dunno, but let me first so so high then sent me an email list. Then, like five years later, he said, hey a guy came up to me today. After a show and said I used to hit my kids and then I saw your act and I made me think- and I don't hit my kid anymore, and so this comedian sent me an email saying just so. You know there's one kid in the world who isn't getting hit because of you and that made me feel so fucking good and I'm like. Oh so you don't know so so it just made me redouble my efforts as an artist you, it's
up to me. What happens to the stuff? I create and say it's up to me to create it on a per cent and honey I'll. Do it by your own moral code or whatever you think, is right and wrong. That's what I don't like a by lot accompanied today, is that a lot of comic seem to write jokes, just to be as extreme is possible, without even believing what they're saying just to be incendiary. I think that is irresponsible in a day where work, traveling internet and can affect people's lives negatively on see. That's like that, but I always hear about this able the guy he's just trying to be a my. I hate it as I I've never been edgy. I plead that nonsense to me and I might that's a very mediocre way to look at something, like I just say a thing like links funny, but who These guys are just being extreme that are not open, microbes or some guy that, like that, are com, because I don't know any. I can tell you one who bring regan he's so incendiary just for the fun
didn t just a lot of the losses guy It's like a real stupid thing thrown around by people. There are examples of it. There are examples of it. Okay, so I'll give you an example, so you just mentioned bill burr's special. I love her. I love bears a personal library as a comic with my favorites. I think he's the one or number one or two working today, but I don't think two of his most recent specials and needed a joke. That kind of excuses hitting women- I don't think it's necessary in there you dear sighed, and much of the hidden kids. I dont think you need the bit burs brilliant in that we had a bit of regos you can hit women or to which is what tube to special. That was once by shutting the one in london, maybe whether let one the punchline was like. So you give her a little smacks of the face, no big deal and then the most recent special was the sham connery story about. Like him saying people try to, of course, dumb.
council a dead person. That's funny bar the joke. You cancel sean konrad label, he's real from nineteen six. We lived in Israel or is it really? I don't know? I don't like big foot? No, I have no idea, but you don't need the joke. That goes what's the bet, what's the worst thing that that sean connery said in this interview some tribals, you have a girlfriend and your schmuck around a little bit just to show a huge bosh and that's the punchline. The laugh like well, let's pro domestic violence need that jochen in special, so there's very close your eyes, a mockery of scotch exit. We can all get along. We can all get that scottish accent is ridiculous and needs to be stopped. I was pretty bomb plot, but baked when I watched his special suddenly. Remember them part it's funny, but would you agree if that's what I have been elected? Not everything bill burst His don't need any special. It's funny like you bought whatever you want. If it's a if it's as I have to hear the joke, because the thing you're talking about it,
the thing we just set it to say it down like: oh, that's the worst consequences of it. Let's say it's just that just a pure antagonistic day then I will love the end better content consequence Jimmy just told men don't story about how a joke against hitting a kid stopped a kid for me. You think I'm all converts is that if you make it under, you know, that's true cart. Come on! You don't think there are people kids, but who didn't hit women, heard built with his billboard joke and they go hey dad jokes right. I should there are people are millions of people in every topic that live right on the borderline right and there is no doubt that those people if on the borderline that have maybe wanted it, hit their spouse and thought about an almost did they merely nominal, but that they love on eight on a mainstream special is promoted by when the biggest cooperation of the world saying. What's the big deal you just macro level as judges, payment josie lately plate panel, and that's where this is coming from you can follow. Are you growing small breath you can like that you give out? Did your brain
you don't look at church. Lady. Did your brain like going to visualize. We have suicide into jobs, explained that our joke can affect someone's actions. No believe somebody laundromat you give me away from our landlord finish. My boy and answer it directly, you don't believe there's somebody on the brink of wanting to hit their spouse and seeing it in the committee when the whole thing was on earth make it seem like it's. Ok that will then hid their girlfriend, be like Who gives a shit just mackerel, but I ain't never happens. I think you're! Ok! Yes, I want to go and see your gas that that that that shows a lack of your brain following comments are no, it's just. I grew raising church did. Why had this drivel said to me nonstop about how every man who she was shining rap is violence and bread and it gets repackaged over and over again and people just act like that repaired. You seem crappy argument, someone's gonna. Do that we're gonna, do it anyway, it wasn't cause. He saw bill burs act, not true by any means society. What becomes acceptable language determines what we see as
susceptible! That's. Why language, let us think of any crime and show me where they saw a comedy yet, and that was the major show me its words- were a dozen of them there's plenty of examples of people who have taken things and pop culture and mimic them and and and repeated them. That happens, obviously that happens, but the beauty of comedy urban. Yes, the beauty of carbon that it makes us all get along, so that we are going to vote on, is beautiful, how to write you while you was getting The death on the floor, no, we all zactly very good at this- is most likely. We don't you as the damas argument. I heard it my whole life for me a lot you literally, we should follow with your brain. Intellectually, as I did banged out, was that did Chelsea lately spangled cause estrogen and give you breath that was, Counter argument is like a dippy housewife, no use them like somebody who can't understand consequence of action. Who can
Understand sizzle round has caused a rap music halls in poland. I got really into eminence first album me: Well, I don't person pretty well off grown up, not rich, but not not struggling for money was so in an end in immersed in them. I lit rhetoric of eminent first album that my friend that I went out and wanted to find somebody to beat up. We couldn't find someone of and we would have done it, we were so me- I couldn't find someone you could take always alot of people you sound. I bought a puncture varied we're all range of people. We could actually take Jimmy. We didn't find em that night we went home and had bought round. One would think I was already at home exotic at my back up. Well, this is did we had this heated conversation to this will help your special. This is getting worse with the mad king available now on youtube. This has got a hold on me. Let me bring it up. This is going to help it get more views for sure yeah. I have a good pleased. The debate
humans. What do you think I'm right or wrong any joke at all housing The problem is that you're gonna be fucking funny and so nobody's gonna be pissed off with them but they still might be funny, but you're, a fucking idiot kind of like just did for about five minutes. Yeah. There is no censorship. There's no court! It's not even argument. It's dirty settled like what So when I was already settled, does censorship the accurately the comes up its ugly head comes up words like what you don't think Joe Biden, crappy speeches I was good, is up. Mentally more inciting too bad shit than the bill birth outs, trying to stop bad shit, it's trying to stop people, and even if all right, even if the premises right that Hillary Clinton election deniers were the same, it doesn't matter mean we can't stop.
That action now, maybe this be sorted out. Maybe we should just that and those who do also denied hilary election, often harmful issue would have us up. Let me why having a line, if you think there's no purpose the public discourse and unplug your fuckin like revolt right now? Oh so you mean something you think there will be no having alone, not censorship. I never said the joke should be censored s wife, I said individual should use their own morals to decide. what their moral line is and try to not right, jokes. Just for the joke sake that maybe doesn't matter more angry with does it. I don't even like that, and you went off that I had it up what's weeks. I totally agree with the last allows. Good without labour. we are only going to disagree low, but with the very last thing is, I never said they should have centred milburgh job is that he should have self decided whether that was something he was what you needed and that special, I
again, I'm going to have to er. I I replay the joke right now play it on your plan to find sean connery joke bill. Burr, I'm sure it's right there. Okay, let will what will go to a break and come back butter. I ain't gonna no bill and I didn't want that, but our right now I've seen billboard like I said I he's- does jokes that by politically I own, a I oppose by their funny. I learned a lot about my earlier. While I appreciate the way he's twisting that he's cause. It's always about a perspective. That's always I will. If you look at it like this, that it's funny or if you are going to live that letter vonny or look and that's what he to me. That's what I see him doing and I can't believe I would be released Charbonneau
it's that clear, but I would be really shocked if bill burr was encouraging people to commit domestic, but I don't think he's encouraging people to do it. But I think that the message from what I took from the joke was that in some instances it ain't so bad. Now, maybe the joke and an in built depends. I need to look at the clip again. Maybe he said back, then it wasn't so bad and in the fifties or sixties, when the connery was smacking his girlfriend. Maybe there was that qualifying sentence there. Still, I don't think you need it in the special, but you know it was. It was crazy that sean connery did get away with saying that around then nobody mentioned in the news second time, but because Barbara Walters still he'd already yeah. He had said before. He was into that and yes, as you guys do still yours,
bob. Never do a scottish exit around again, please it's very events from trying to woman you're gonna lamp from showing should have been gleam. He said there he said: do you want to get through my mandates? First goes there did you say you were developing, not large? Thank you as nice, there still their emotional tents. That's nice of you! Well ben! It's been Wait haven't you know we should have people like you and more often we should have you and more often in atlanta. This has been great. Actually it's great art too. By the way you believe, corbin, incredible artist, and I talk about obviously every one of those. I was like twenty one topics and poster that I talk about in the special five minutes tearing down organized religion, turn down the the sanctity of the founding fathers tearing down people that do not allow free speech and don't let people speak that criticized protesting the anthem. Women who think they're Marie
Aids and now that needs to stop and that could help help women kind of advance on their own little pretend they stopped wanting to be mermaids. You want equality, also, don't be mermaid. We have new quality, but also one that have legs and be a fish creature. stuff, like that water, mermaid type lightly lovers, my girl, who let me we're sitting by my pool and she says to me ben, am I a mermaid and I said no and I'm not even sure you're an adult anymore. It was a comedian. Do you think Sean connery is wrong with that. Could you imagine if guys said shit like that the girls, maybe baby, baby sam, a dragon I heard someone, buyer breathe israeli, literally, I'm not kidding me terminally. Would you well, the dragon for me and we watch tv. I don't even know what to say. I'm like am maybe like a hippo item is I didn't use. Take this seriously, oh good.
I give you at a ball which suitable, a magic forts. If you knew you would get a revision, good, slowly, taking serious all issue. Bengalee everybody check its on you too. So I bet a bunch of people jumping over to watch a right now, bengalee by new tube. Thank you so much Stop it. Let me telling everybody check out his game. Show network show idiot test in its I'm pluto tv. Also thanks for coveted by really. What we find is my more urgent expected my pleasure thanks your game, I hey, you know, here's another great, where you can help support the show. You should become a priest, member, we give you up. Full of ours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give it our company that cop clicking on joint premium and suppose affordable previous programmes this and its a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks,
everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support send it Democrats, bullshit permitting reform, despite odds law makers, are working for the end of the month, spending deadlines. So, at the end of this month they have to have a bill that keeps the government open and if they dont government closer, so that's called a must pass bill. Why do I tell you this because Joe mansion is now going to have a bill written for his donors in the oil industry, gas and oil industry and they're gonna attached to a government funding bill is he so watch Derek. It's our grappling with how long a spending how long is spent continuing resolution should run and where-
There are, though, have enough support to attach the environmental permitting measure that the thing that he wants the environs mental permanent measures set an energy, a natural resource. Georgia imagine go shading with party leaders, they promised they promise. A party leaders they promised mansion to pass a bill by the end of the, as if he's the fuckin president too, It's not a break, a promise to imagine they promised mansion to pass a bill by the end of the fiscal year in exchange for him supporting the inflation reduction act. So didn't he get enough stuff in the act itself. they had to write that so they gotta give another one the deal with. was blessed by the white house could deliver speedier approval for equity, frogs midstream corporations. So there's this
pipelines called mountain valley gas pipeline that is going to cross the state of west virginia. That's mentioned home state when this bill is going to allow this pipeline to be completed, and so that's why manchin wants this and they're going to give it to them, but that gets what Biden also wants it. Don't think he doesn't. The deal also may expedite approvals for new, clean energy projects, bird by the climate, so they're saying all This will also help clean energy may yet may that's what they're saying, because sometimes you I put up a windmill and you don't want to wait around for other regulations, so this will help us get windmills up. Of course, that's what it's about this The mountain valley, pipeline alone would lead to activists. We decide someone town, the climate change, involves alive. The w I am I wrong. The labelling. That's why I say when I look at those about the mountains
lee pipeline alone would lead to an annual emissions equivalent to over eighty nine point million metric tons of carbon dioxide and what I wish, I would have said it when we were talking with Ben, is the Democrats and republicans are both driving towards a off a cliff. The Democrats are driving five miles an hour slower than the brook they're both. I think that the cliff is that is that something to hang your head on and keep voting, so we're gonna keep doing that. No, you don't keep doing that. You look for a revolution, so I wish I were to say that when you, sir, but I did so this new thing- that they're gonna gets got, get eighty nine million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year, great So this is equal to the emissions from twenty six coal plants or not
nineteen million passenger vehicles per year. That's what Joe Biden is getting in and into this and into the ah the bill. What was that the inflation reduction act? Remember that which was the oh it's going to help us claim. You see what they're fucking doing. Are you that stupid that you think that the Democrats really give a shit about climate change? Will I know they don't is just been put its also like a moral imperative, but just a little bit more moral, so this bill could also make changes two bedrock environmental laws. By putting to your time limits on project review, so they're going to shorten the time that you have to do, and our mental studies, whatever to get the impact. If the legislation is passed, it would mark a big win for oil and gas guess what else was a big winners: oil, gas, the last fuckin thing? They just passed the inflation we're done.
Also a big win for oil and gas, but people will tell you the Democrats are better on climate change, so notable exo, guess what so there are people they signed a letter, so the progressives got together now. This is what they call. It must pass bill right, meaning that they have to pass this and they're gonna need the votes of the squad. Just like Nancy Pelosi could not get elected speaker with out the votes of the squad. The squad,
if they would have withhold their votes on nancy policies to speaker. We could have got something they didn't withhold their vote. They didn't force a vote on medicare for all when we got nothing, here's another chance for them to do something. It looks like so they did. What they could do is threatened to withhold their vote and this bill that's what they should be doing. you know what they are doing. They fuckin wrote a letter signed onto a letter. You know what would have been Forgive they had written on the blood of a neo, see dress when they signed, onto a letter asking the energy policy. and stony hoyer, the leaders of the Democrats in the house to decouple the bills, so we want. We want to vote for them
pass bill, meaning keeping the government open and running. We know we're going to vote for that. So please take this other bill that helps oil and gas industry out of that bill. So don't have to vote for that too. Now the way, If they really want that to happen, what they should be saying is we're not going to vote for your fuckin funding bill unless you take this oil and gas joe mansion bill out of it, they're not doing that. What are they doing? the writing sternly worded letter billion. I see worded one probably not a compromise on the sternness of the language. You can and you get so there's. So that's so that's what so here I see the o j nepal Jerry nebular katy, porter and jamie ruskin, as well as some
How some requests, not always at any fight a progressive they have signed up to this letter, but what they're not doing is pledging to withhold their vote for the bill. They're, not gonna,. It's the same thing like they did around forced a vote and nobody is going to make them with their vote. Nobody's gonna pressure them go. you ve got over the people, pretending to do the right thing? It's so clear to me: do you think? Do you think the people have to I d? Do you think the people do They are going to tell them to withhold their vote on this, to use their leverage they're, not the good folks. The two at work? I wonder what they'll say when the proposal, so this bill also requires that the president create a list of twenty five energy projects deem to be of strategic national.
portance. At least five of the priority item shall be projects to produce process, transport or store fossil fuel projects, or biofuels include. So there are forcing him to wrap up fossil fuel production, forcing the government Joe Biden this bill. Will you know we're, never gonna stop until we just run out it's kind of like the cocaine principle you just gotta get through this whole stash pack. If Pelosi is the lawyer tie mansions pipeline build you a must pass bill like keeping the government funded next month. Even progressives will feel obliged to vote for it, which is why they're going to do that, but Jonathan Larsson, if you don't know this I'll, tell you that the squad could then withhold their
hold on this gravel volume is asking house democrats by end of business today to sign a ladder to do you guys ever get tired of being this fuckin pathetic? Do you ever get tired of being this pathetic know? The answer is no, and the young turks are going to tell are not going to force the squad to use their leverage now. What's also
happen here is Nancy Pelosi tells a squad. I don't need your votes because there's so much should in this. For the oil industry that I can get republicans to vote for this, that could happen. So wouldn't it be great for the squad and the progressives in congress to expose the democrats for being such fuckin corporatist, wouldn t it be great if they didn't vote for it, but then Nancy blows you had to go, get republicans the path it. That would be great for progressives they're not going to do that and no end to I t ryan grim nobody's gonna. The inner sap nobody's gonna pressure. Squad to withhold their boat, so you say in the odds, are pretty good like in that top article. Yes, we think despite the odds it might still make it even with the president. Your squad being now.
completely on board. This is my favorite thing. It says of course it will be grimly ironic ryan grimly. I run ryan grimly ironic if leadership, meaning if Nancy Pelosi makes progressives pass, mentions bill a shot at the larsson at two idea of news for you. She can't make them do that she can't make them. You know what they're, to do they're going to decide to support that bill, because the squad our fuckin sell out to the corporation and the party. That's what this is. They can't make then grimly ironic thing. I never thought would happen. They can't make them do, anything yet grimly ironic. Is a white dress with tax the rich written on the bad grimly ironic? This is just standard. How works so there they are their pretending that this
the women of the squad and the men of the squad. Don't have agency, and they don't know how did they can't do anything? They could only do what nancy Pelosi says. That's the thinking of tea, white, tea or cuddles, watching some fox clip. I don't remember which guy some jag off. You like the other squads based steering the whole democratic. So, let's see, let's see if the squad uses their leverage there never going to use their leverage and, let's see, of tea, whitey pressures them to you their leverage de why'd. You will never pressure them to use their lever. Is at the hildy a dialogue, so we are again with another cause. I forced the vote moment and squad aren't going to do it again. Two. I d already said they can't do anything by wiseguy. Where security you see. That's why I keep saying to the executive.
Jonathan, is making those tee shirts now grimly ironic with the squatter gradually grimly ironic I hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business for the all the voices performed today are by the one, and only the inimitable mike mccray. He can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com, for this week. You be the best you can do I'll, keep being made
don't don't don't don't don't don't don't bring down tat? You do not worry gallery.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.