« The Jimmy Dore Show


2022-12-23 | 🔗

Scientific American Magazine editor Tanya Lewis has come down with COVID. This came as something of a shock to her since she feels she has been EXTRAORDINARILY cautious for the past three years, masking constantly while out of the house, taking all her vaccines and boosters and generally avoiding any possible exposure whenever possible. Yet she still got it, which means that maybe all those precautions didn’t do her a whole lot of good. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger wonder why a science magazine editor would be so oblivious about the science of COVID. Plus segments on the latest whopper lie to come out of Joe Biden's mouth and the "Twitter Files" revelations about the FBI dictating to Twitter which accounts should be banned and otherwise censored. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Alec Baldwin!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You got for kids to pick up two dogs to take to the vat and three other things are already running late for tomorrow's even busier, and your oil change ladys on that's oil change. Society valve leniency, Doyle change. We know you can't me without you're gonna get an oil change without an appointment, watches, work from the driver's seat and finish up about fifteen minutes via oil change society at valvoline, instant oil change, visit a location near you, Hey we'll do it live, stand up comedy in los Angeles December nine. Sixteen twenty third, an thirtieth and we're gonna be intent, be met. walkie minneapolis nashville go to Jimmy door, dot com for allowing for all those tickets either hey this is Jimmy who's. This Jimmy Is your wife? to present our area,
farming jimmy heavy word. coming here? Who. I urge you to ensure that no member gave boyish really karami each kind. Especially miracle yeah, It's almost your daughter, Karen Eddy. What do you? What exactly is president Zelensky come into the united states when what why is he coming to jamaica? face to with blue. Can you believe it bring me about all the things he demands frazier, patients should have all your phone Madrid congress, of course, president's alone he's going to speak before the united states congress. Is it common for foreign leaders to be given that privilege absolutely nine brigade
You I can agree to a lot of merely to no ordinary later, the only I wanted to do so in history- was Benjamin Netanyahu. I think I might see a pattern here slowly the born leaders who enjoy the stalwart questing supports the united states, which I support for your our relationship with the the world and honoured scores the hypocrisy of our foreign policy. Therefore, we brought the world on wisely somewhat. Shame displeasure, privileges. We have these leaders it was like a really bad idea me. Jim right now I see well, where is he scheduled to arrive
you were supposed to be a few hours ago, but done there was a ship bag now knows everything all right was in any danger trying to leave the ukraine the thing. What then The day was on Europe's military transport in you, don't they of what they have on there. Well yeah, but he wasn't too thrilled with the food options, and he apparently, through pretty big thread guys, they're calling for change and he was mandated watched her door shut. It Megan unscheduled landing at heathrow airport? Ok, well present. What weight? Why Well, they pleasure joyously wanted to go to court, ramses, restaurant and one in there
again. You know, there's a pretty long wait if you don't ever reservation buddy he enough people that he got a good table, but without any suggestion of the budget she was so every not so you know that you have all things reject on a few hours? It did to travel time. I see wherever you want, she gets the did of course. It's the little matter of is wider. Why what's? What? What is what prior to its contract watch? showbiz, joy, just a guy. I guess. Or he should always right or a few days before he left, and it was really enough time to get everything you wanted studies, this probably good thing actually. What what does he want? start accommodations, of course, they're nice, surprise,
They want, while ensuring a dash fry teenage. Also, having a fully functioning chocolate, we enter doesn't strawberries each one Never do his room one at a time by a top was rocket. Us man, daily, there's. Actually one option: do you know where we're busting the rocket's found at tcs? We should pay. I see I see yeah it gets. where do you want to meet shots, jack, yeah, sure, o neil, the basketball guy. Wants to go to his house and hang out with shaq, really most of his skydrive riders about this actual ya. Reggie demonstrate Sure you don't delegates to promote a genuine friendship between talent and should colonial engage jack administered transport giles direct
said, jack were jail, will be the lounge recreated or participate in amusements instruction researches is dead. Residents were shot himself, mostly with close. Furthermore, the administration will suit the filming, editing and broadcasting. A member mentioned socializing we set Jack at following networks, CBS Nbc, cnn, NBC, MSNBC, cnn, watch your tv wow you're telling me so are you trying to get a hold a shack now an airline, If you want to research, the shack mike know your trigger happy bastards just get them on the horn. This is insane. javert, that's what he wants. I jane what the bedroom metal we're going, provide as was training a german army base. People say: We sure bases all over there
Why do you provide me some trained to foreign soldiers to use a proxy war dummy who Provided you crave with a patriot missile system is only going to escalate tensions with russia. Mr president,. Now I know crackerjack, but what can I do watch. It- and you know may I can ever say noticed she, maybe you should try let's give it a shot, I'll be president's olenska, mister, can President Biden please, should send nuclear bombs to blow up russia. Please say yes, my peoples and suffering What No, you should say no to that. Why you too, I always.
He should be using your influence to de escalate. This war, not the opposite, show courage, so low one brave george all guy tonight what he wants mitchell's at christmas time, grinch pussy seizes. I give up. They always do here. I gotta go in cash around here. You, jerry swing is covered in two hours and part five bunches of grapes, the shit, the german just a friend. All these belly danger just showed up, a big unawares garden. I gotta take a nap. Forget year, taylor swift
don't be coming jimmy. Sliding down the street and johnson media Samir Jimmy to show there's this woman, who's the editor of science magazine her name's, tanya louis and she got covered Then she did this long threat about it about this mitigation, she did not get it and then she got it. I just want to remind everybody that they knew that everybody was gonna get covered for quite a while. So this this is it's funny is that people are still operating under. The idea that there is a weight is to prevent yourself from getting caught
it that's like saying I'm going to prevent myself from getting the flu for the rest of my life or I'm going to present myself prevent myself from the cold for the rest of my life. You could maybe do it. You could maybe do it, what did what kind of crazy isolation likely. Why? So let me his bill gates now. The reason why I shall bill gates does not, because I like him or, I think, he's an expert on vaccines or anything but the rest the world turns to the sky, and so, whatever the establishment he's gonna say whatever the establishment narrative is so when he It said something that means even the establishment is admitting it and so here is trying to hide, He's lying a little, but he's gonna First tell you that we could now we couldn't stop the spread of the covert virus he's gonna lie to you about the reason why, but he's gonna admit we can't stop the spread and he's gonna go on to tell you that the the covert virus, not
so bad as everyone made out to be. So that's why this is important and then adopt We didn't really understand that. Equality rate. You know we didn't understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate and that its sees mainly of the elderly credit? influence, although a bit different them so you heard that it's a low fatality rate and then at that point we need to really understand, did not desire this holiday rate in a. We didn't understand that once a fairly low fatality rate and in it a disease mainly of the elderly kind of like fluids, although a bit different than that? So that's what god, What he's talking about it's cold? It is that's what it's always been and the great bearing declaration was correct that they should ahead targeted protection, the people who were voluble, not everybody, so that they ve been pro right. The great barrington declaration and people like collins and fight g and the end. I been proven wrong,
also I want to let everybody knows that cove. It is not a threat to your kids, according to the cdc among children. The mortality rate from Kova nineteen is actually lower than from the flu that was back during delta which was more value, barillon strain, and they were saying that even then, now it's only crime which is uneven, mild bird milder version of the virus. Here's what doktor found she says: hey can prevent yourself from getting it later. As we begin to live with it, she was referring to. Is that virtual? Everybody is gonna wind up, getting exposed and likely get infected, but if your vaccinated- and if your boosted the chances of getting sick of there, very low. Ok, let me get them the man. In part there is is a virtually every body is gonna wind up getting exposed and likely get infected everybody. He said, then wordy used. Was everybody here, Joe Biden, original colvin tsar director and he's
during delta before all mccrone, which we know almost runners way more contagious than delta. He said that everyone will get the virus that was back in of twenty one. He would devil but Biden original colvin tsar director and he said, what he's gonna get it. There was this. I knew back in june, when I interviewed doktor robber, Malone heed. It took him a couple months to catch up your part had committed in his garage, but he caught up but nobody else did like everybody's known this And why do I bring it up because here's the editor of science, america, is that this sum is magazine? Can you look up the name of the magazine, she's the anxiety of american at working to find out so she's the editor of a science magazine, and she knows nothing about what she's talking about. She knows cheese, cheese becoming. expert uncovered she's devoted her life three years, scientific american scientific amount. can choose the editor she's three year
She devoted her life to covert jitters abad, cast all about it, and this or thread I'm going to show you. Reveals she knows almost nothing about covert. That is useful or accurate, and and other people think they're following the science, so they just do it ever dropped, the opposite it, whatever trump said, and they call that science, so here this is, we go. She says well, it happen afternoon. Three years of covering coveted thinking about it almost constantly it fine We got me, but rather than focus on how I got it really? I'm going to tell you how I didn't get it for this long, no. can you just tell us how you got it? You know instead of the other stuff matters, you know because you got it roughy this. idea that you didn't get. It is wrong. You got it
I got it later, I gotta later. So what are you get out that? So I like my but a closet for to you too? odds with a mask. I didn't get it either. What is it approve. She says from the moment we had a evidence that covered might be airborne. I wore a mask cause she's, a good person. That's what that means. It's from the moment, but just any man. That's what, when ninety five well fitted hurt your fuckin head twenty four hours a day, gay and ninety five mask at These were really hard to come by, but now it's quite easy to find them. Here's how you can find a good one. I hate those ones They really are really I didn't do your ear, they really do. I didn't say I got a headache, weren't I didn't, wear it just some of the time I warrant an age I my was indoors in public or even
Doors if I was in a crowd I wanted one in my hallway of my apartment building, even if there was nobody else around because aerosols care linger in the air for a while. while you really war the hell out of that massive some people would say you wore that mask religiously. I think, you could even take over yamaha, sometimes for the first year or two I avoided spending time indoors in public as much as possible, with the exception of growth, stores or doctors off with the exception of grocery stores, so then was the so then what so you're going indoors with hundreds of people and you're molly bully for a couple hours. We the places where I would say you probably
Get it most likely you use all these were groceries dried I avoided the subway for awhile, although study suggested trains weren't the biggest vectors for spread, so you she didn't follow. The signs are that either so I avoided stuff that wasn't up up is dangerous and I went to stuff that was to do is create she's the editor of the science magazine wagging your finger at other people for not following the science I did get on planes a few times to visit sick pair to visit a sick parent who needed my help. But from the moment I left by your parliament to the moment I arrived, I urge enteric after a mask,
but the windows and taxis like an asshole. I need a drink on the flights except to sip water, like a fucking maniac baltic market, while holding my breath, we who she's. The sides magazine editor would you normally breed layers of water wow? It's so all in all sounds totally worth it so far. as soon as vaccines became available. I got mine me too. I've gotten every booster. I could sense, then not me. including the new bible and booster that targets all mccrone. Despite its effectiveness. Only forty percent of people in the. U s have gotten one. I wonder why the wow, you got every booster
even the new vaccine for omicron. You know the one that so effective, you god across the eu, shots of one one go of it, so I got the same answer, but you mean you got you got too bright, devices. Are there now you got one overcrowding any. I want no game, because we know the corona viruses airborne, I only eight at restaurants with outdoor seeding na us see, did a sealed in outdoor shack. I bought pour bull air purifiers. and a sign. That said, kick me I'm a maniac. I what portable air purifiers at sea oh to monitor, to measure ventilation levels at home. I Open windows gotta be to be
fair to her. I did also get an air purifier at home. We have a dinner, we have it in our studio, portable and hang around as though she had one render nuts. I think she meant that no okay, if I was going to visit in an elderly in Munich compromised family member? I took lots of tests pcr tests before travelling and rapid tests for several days after arriving, I voted possible exposures. for a week or more before travelling. Now I dont understand this. She says I avoided possible exposures for a week or more before travelling. I thought you were doing that twenty four seven. Isn't there you're doing. I avoided just for a week. Why? Just for a week, will you extra endure. What does that mean right? Did you lack two doors around you she will not see any people, I guess So how did I finally get it? I dont for sure, but I suspect it was. from an office holiday gathering where most people were unmasked.
I warn and ninety five, so everyone could tell that I'm a maniac. I warn and ninety five, except for briefly taking bites or sips. so you words using your mask. You were a gear mask off so you're wearing it, and then you ruin it anyway, because you take it off to eat and drink, do the corona viruses is respectful of meal times I did not have how many So now how many people you're, endangering by taking your mask off science, editor will I took it she's saying most people I'd mass, a kind of putting it on them. but the actual shares her heart. She doubt yes, she is putting it on the right. This point in the pandemic by the way she still going on. This is still going on. I think- and I hope the just tell me You got covered, we got it won t,
I got calls it are you told it should I did it was for not for nothing at all. Pointing the pandemic with plentiful vaccines and antivirals treatments available, I decided it was worth taking some calculated risks to do. The things I enjoy. I dont believe if she calculated the risk- and I don't believe she enjoys things- I don't believe she enjoys that. I don't believe she calculated anything. I don't think she got out of a calculator and calculated. Anything I think she was was divorce is where I think she was like screw it. I'm going to do this because I feel like it he's gonna, say calculated, which makes her sound responsible. Even though I was doing things are, other people were doing I was doing, is calculated lee, not like everyone else, willy nilly sitting in a shack outside. Perhaps with that again everything
Perhaps I was unlucky, know you're, just a human being and everybody's going to get this. I got a cold I guess I'm just a lucky and what it rained on me. I'm lucky no arraigned on everyone. perhaps I was unlucky, but I see it differently. I bet you do for Nearly three years I didn't get covered or even a cold, because I was acting like a maniac going through, I put an unlivable way where's, your howard hughes, jars of uranium, radio, clippings! That's right, yes, I was privilege to be able to work from home? And I don't have small children? through huge advantages but getting sick and have to be inevitable. You just gotta, after all that shit just
apis down black is white in his out loud. What inevitable isn't You literally prove that all new proved its inevitable. She proved it And what and you know what this means. This means that, you could have gotten the covert virus at any point in your craziness. any point you could have gotten it. it didn't matter what you are doing. That's what this means So you could a guard at the first week, but you, Jim didn't so far. Thankfully, I had a fairly mild case. You know why you have a fairly mild case. Cause Mccrone, is much milder, then previous variance, which is why the whip
exit such a maniac thing for you to act like you're, gonna, catch aids, What you're gonna catches alma crunch a mine, old corona virus. That has mild symptoms, you know it you are experiencing. That's what gives you and that's. Why you're such a maniac and you're supposed to, be this? If she was just a regular person, I would be yelling. I would be me talking and making fun of the establishment media that made a person like that such a maniac, but she is the media she's. The to be the sardinians, editor and she knows nothing about covert, not thing everything she thinks she knows is destructive and unhelpful. So far. Thankfully I've had a fairly mild case. I am so grateful for access to great vaccines, good.
care and a job that lets me. Work were boldly, so I dont in fact others are really. What is gonna, get it and then you get natural immunity. I hope this threat Has been helpful, it hasn't I made it its helpful as it an instructive. You could point to that see what that this did. Two people that's helpful, that way as it exists, bluff. How crazy people got around this. Had I wish everyone happy add healthy holiday season. Do you think man skin it being a maniac like that for three years is healthy. It's not mentally healthy for sure, and then you don't, then your immune system does it get to work out fighting other bugs and they're saying now the left, I'm getting reports that they're saying people are getting a lot sicker now because they do immune system hasn't had a workout for three years,
I haven't had a cold, they haven't had a flu, they haven't had anything. I want with this. Guy says this is a guy. I was go. He's is high. I'm the editor of a scientific magazine which claim to provide factual about coverage of the pandemic. I got covered in this thread. I will reveal all the irrational things I did for years to avoid covered out of touch with america to explain. Why are coverage was so biased? That's not what she did That would have been nice if that's what she actually did able to let you know I was such a maniac awhile the why? How covered covered was incorrect over the top, inflammatory. This is under her thread. This is this is like the first come and I saw under her thread this guy. as wow. This is me almost exactly. He did all those mitigations,
When the ascent you saw it some sign cynthia and it's a professor While this is me almost exactly except for the portable air purifier, well glad you can go that far. I think I was exposed on a three hour train ride from sligo to Dublin, where I wore my own k, K and ninety five. The entire time didn't even take it off. drinking water, well then, what makes you think you gotta then, on that train right? Why would You think. That's where you got it probably were you didn't get it no one else was mass. Nor does see that's it. But no one else was amassed and there were lots of sneezing in coffee, those god damn on maskers. I didn't get the bible and bolster because I left for ireland right before it came out. Butt head: Who previous boosters my combo was a j J animal dirty twice? Oh, my god, oh wow! Well,
the best ones nope? ex lovin was available in ireland, except for severe cases, but mine was mild really another miles ways. Oh, you didn't get the bye, bye validity mozilla, both also mile it was still mild, wound while she stood a club for the just almost unbearable people to be around? I dont know And why would you be worrying over a few? So what I? learn from this threat is that she doesn't trust the vaccines. She doesn't trust the vaccines do. The thing has eaten. It means a means at times like these. professor, a professor eve, accepted the vaccine, means you're gonna get get the thing accepted that well Ah there accepting it but like so. Even if you
he had covered. If your vaccinated, it will be a mile disease right. So what are you worried about matters that are widely overgrown? There's a good luck in the eurozone to call it mild. It's all a crime, what grounds the one? That's not deadly, like a wild, it's their stamp sure they're, still people who die with almah crime, but it is much less deadly. And much more contagious. Then, oh, then then delta and the previous straight cells. I was afraid of getting a member when it would from there. I was if I was afraid of getting delta, and it turns out, I shouldn't have been young, turns out. I shouldn't event, by play agreed vaccines, as why was afraid had the vaccine. Your name is tanya Louis and she's. The editor of that's what it's called scientific, american, scientific american have the name of that men and
If you're reading that magazine, I'm gonna guess. don't know anything about anything in the things you think you know are wrong. What of What a! But why? Why would she do that twitter treasure scientific american some time ago started to suck? You know we're like all of them: yeah, I'm sure they got all. You know a lot of like they present arctic masculinity or something boycotted inside Zeno wow. hey you Here's another great way you can help support the show. Is you become a premium amber. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to jimmy your company that cop clicking on joint premium you and supposed affordable. Previously grab the business and it's a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks
everybody who was already a premium member and if you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support I didn't tell, I'll changing in ideas start with real solutions and real solution start with exceptional engineering. The quantum compete, revolution. The next general in a way. I experts the renewable energy. Grid early. Diagnosis for cancer! The examples are countless. The impacts are endless, but the foundation is always the same. It starts with down, learn more. entailed outcome. Slash stories, hers, crazy story. You know how Joe Biden cast outlying right, so glad that day I would allow trump. So we get Joe Biden life, so now he's got a new lie. recently has been saying? Is kid died in iraqi member that? What is right kid didn't I Rocky lied about where we went to college during the campaign. Didn't do that
dying in Iraq is not whether the burn patsy was exe. those two over that history die in iraq, not because of yeah Joe Biden, says after he was elected vice president will hear it. Is you wanna hear what he has to say You know my dad when I got elected vice presidential joy uncle frank for the battle of bulk. She will not for now and not because the battle of it he said, and he won the purple heart You never received No, he ever got to thinking could help and get. It was surprising, forbore to you had wanted. In the battle of bars, and I remember him over the house and I can only share presented to him. Ok, read the family. There s an uncle frank. You wouldn't listen to these details. I want a solution and I want to be upset
I'm curious, that's how you know he's lying about syria, wherever he goes out serious whatever that that's his tell I'm not kidding not kidding yeah. She was a man uncle frank, he earned it. But the others died drama. This is it This is what I call them made up story, a zoo. alga. You got the thing man. Why did you want? Is they want to get out that stupid guy? Does he even know anything about the vega? I meant? I don't want it. Thou, what a highly detailed coherent story he's not stuttering or anything this one tibet, an actual, really touching story and not act oh totally made up moment. So you want to hear I put a story like this. Previously you wanna hear the story. One of his buddies got shot, fell
on a ravine about sixty feet. This guy I'm down a ravine carriages. I opened his back under fire. and the general wanna meet a pen, the silver star in a moving moment as buying approached with the metal. Sir truth, my word is a bite it's much notice intention. I want to pay my sister I dont want to damp printed on research. Please, sir, do not do that. He died. He die but the washington post doug into the story and determined Biden got the time period. The location, the heroic act, the type of metal, the military branch in the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony, but now that it was in residuary he'll know big right, It sounds like the exact same story he just told about. As far as goggle I don't want the metal they died. It sounds like the same story or crisis of nobody wants their metal going. Yes, this. So this is his powerful story.
sure he's toll on the campaign trail A million times out is certainly a why weren't, sir, so now it's made up, zog is omitted, ok hold was that the one user showed, This was from they when he was going on the paint trail and twenty nineteen. Twenty twenty. Ok, I thought here seems senile back them by. I was wrong. The new one reads told the story he is. Deteriorate lottery. Yes, so Well, let's go see if this is the story about the uncle is real frank Biden who served in the army during world war, two he died in nineteen. Ninety nine so of Joe Biden, gay that metal to him when he was vice. President Joe Biden wasn't vice president until two thousand nine, so it's ten years so maybe you menace and so may be met way with sedentary penny. Sometimes you big, those being senator and the vice president has
He died. What Joe Biden would senator not vice president? So very I was sir what I got the mouth care be. Would he be it a kill, joy for also bite and said he got the purple hard for his uncle at the urging of his father, Joseph our bite and senior but bite instead. in two thousand. Do when the current president was still in the senate Biden biting got elected vice president. He said his father urgent to get uncle frank purple heart, which the army said is awarded in the name of the president to any member of an armed force or any civilian national of the united states. its wounded or killed or who has died. after being wounded in the military conflict Biden set his uncle frank. I signed up for the army a day after pearl harbor was attacked by the japanese, We told the white house that we couldn't find any soup word for the president's story, at least how he told it. Both his uncle
and father died and Wilmington delaware years before Joe Biden. Big April is at his A girl died at the age of eighty one I D, ninety nine and his father. I'd, and eighty six in two thousand to Joe Biden became vice president in January two thousand, and not maybe they were go Maybe he was communicate Maybe he's a clairvoyant. Maybe its, whose head he's shaking with when there's no one there. That's it weighs about its core frederick, We asked the white out of this incident happened. and if so, when we asked, if perhaps it occurred, wouldn't Biden was a senator but the white house. Then it requested we'll get it also. Our fact checking called committee if trump, this they'd make a movie of the weak through full book written about those, thereby
couple books written about it earned steam the soviets, rich ones, eliza, bert, cedar, winwood word above live. They also our fact. Checking colleagues at soaps found that frank bite and join the army. On July, seventeenth Eighteen, forty one, which was months be the attack on pearl harbor, contrary to bite and claim that frank bite join the are not. Therefore, why give that poor wrong Nothing is more dramatic a day after day after that, we all couldn't find any record that frank by anna was awarded a purple hard either while he was alive or posthumously, ok, Maybe that's why frank uncle Frank did want is per bars because they never was awarded. One feels like I keep telling don't they. traces of war. A website on the history of global conflict says about one point: one million world war, two veterans received a purple art, but its list of purple heart recipients doesn't include uncle frank.
The national purple, hard hall of the hunter, also keeps a list of those honoured with the award, but frank Biden does Appear on that website either wow, so they don't have. Records of all the purple hearts. But surely there's a record of Senator Biden requesting the purple are for a surprise ceremony for uncle frank with the who family. There right we're, not open, don't have wreckers, but once you achieve getting, there I gotta have that record family gathering the white house Not tell us of Joe Biden secured a purple hard for his uncle and when we told the white house that we could find no record of frank Biden receiving a purple hard. The white house pointed us. To a disclaimer and the national purple, hard hall of honor website that says and roman is voluntary, as there is no comprehensive list of purple her recipients in existence really well,
The army also notes that there is not a consistent record. Kept of purple are recipients, but whether frank bite and received a purple hard, isn't the issue. Instead, it's the play, it is a story of securing a purple heart while serving, as vice president and trying to presented to his uncle, that suspect, the white house, couldn't say whether such an event even happened. it's unbelievable, it's a good, the thing that he graduated top of his class. I'm starting to think his. His dead providers. Uncles isn't even named frank the issues we get one right so here you want, it did so by its like we didn't know about this Joe Biden got a history of this is who he is explaining to do. They knew question stem from a tape, remarks Biden during an April campaign, appearance in new Hampshire,
went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my in my class I'd have a full academic. Scholarship, went back to law, school and, in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school at one hundred and sixty five credits. Only the one hundred and twenty three credits by now continued. She did not graduate in the top half of his law school class that he does and three degrees from college and that he was not named outstanding. Political science knock off. Why even say that? Because you didn't, they get It was good effect check out the people. Ok, boys, that jack the shoulder people listen to. Him let them have a look on the phrase like. Oh that's great, they look like. Why are you telling me this? That sounds like that? That's the stuff that they would say trump would say my penis measures overnight inches mike. You is two hundred and in four years
Is it a drop made three thirty thousand five hundred and seventy three false or misleading claims? How media? Biden made so for all they stop counting. We is there no uncle frank, you give a vital one, is put how many things they said. They turn out to be true, and you know it much lower as he is going to keep track of the knowledge. Is there other jobs at three drew things, yet there were still keeping the troops syria for the oil yeah. My daughter's hot yeah buying sleep, endurance, blindness and there's a deep state the arrangement. Indeed there again, those are the three truths that he told her. They don't want anybody, tell will the second one they don't care. The part six of the twitter threads ready. Two in january twenty twenty eight november, twenty twenty two there were over a hundred and fifty emails. The fbi informer, twitter, trust in safety. Cheap. You all right
between them. We showed you yourself before now, he's he's afraid for his life. some are monday, like san francisco agent elvis jan wishing roth, I happy new year alone, with the reminder to attend one quarterly call next week. Others are requests for information into twitter users related to active investigation. So That's more of their friendly relationship with the fbi them higher up the twitter, but a surprisingly high number of requests by the fbi for twitter to take action election misinformation, even involving job joke tweets. from low follower accounts. This is kind mine blowing. There's that part, the ep. I social media, I'll, show you I'm going to show you. The fbi, social media focused ass force, known as f tee, I yes or fucker
created in the wake of twenty sixteen election swelled to eighty, so they had eighty agents monitoring twitter for jokes. They didn't like you, think, I'm getting that eighty fbi b agents they're getting dental, so they can prove that block twitter all day. That's what they're doing with your tax dollars will do. they have to show like numbers of, because the low following the ones I saw them mere. They show they sent him. Do you think I like look? I got this many sad, this, like a cop parking parking ticket like that quota yeah, which was valuable blood allowed down. I federal intelligence and law enforcement reach into twitter, their reach into twitter included the department of homeland, purity which partnered with security contractors and think tanks to pressure twitter to moderate content its
secret that government analyzes bulk data for all sorts of purposes, everything from tracking terror suspects to making economic forecasts the twitter file shows something new agencies, like the fbi and the department of homeland security rules, Your lee sending social media content to twitter through both the pull entry points, pre flight, for moderation. So all that means is the fbi was the regular said being shipped twitter and saying take this down his answer this and who did the work? The f b, I did the work and giving you an order. Go ahead or drug users year provides not the government was the government and wise men, the government, the altar spend the government. What stands out? Is the your quantity of reports from the government, some are aggregated from public hotlines, so here is dead.
election day protocol four f b, I headquarters, is to stand up a national. Election command posed, which provides us. Centralize location for assessing election related threats, status report, plants are tracked, have send it in. So, what's that is is the sheer quantity of reports from the government. Some are aggregated from public hotlines, so they would dispute You could call them. You could call the fbi's hotline and the f b I would call twitter and say fuck and take down his thing, see some soldiers on the z and unanswered questions do. Agencies like the fbi and the department of homeland security do in house flagging work themselves, or farm it all out. You have to pay, to me that inside the effing government you can do any kind of mass data or a I search says one former intelligence officer
hello, twitter contacts, the master, canine quality of the fbi's relationship with twitter comes through, so he's calling it aim like, like a dog and its master Yet the twitter was like the dog in the fbi's. The master key comes through in this november, twenty twenty two email in which the fbi, san francisco go is notifying you. It wants action on four accounts, that's from fred, f b. I san Francisco says fbi, san Francisco, is notifying you of the below accounts, which may potentially constitute violations of twitters terms service for any action or inaction deemed appropriate within twitter policy, and then they give you this to fort there's. The four accounts this is what the fbi's doing all day too personnel in that case, when, until
for reasons to suspend all four of those accounts, so FBI says to suspend these accounts and then the p, let twitter go. Let's find a reason to suspend nobly f b. I want some suspended and they do and they from one of the count was. If someone called at roma and all those to the tweets were jokes, you want to see that I want to remind republicans to vote tomorrow, wednesday november knife. That's obviously a joke, that's the kind of, to look at the gates of it. Twenty five wifi, lady retweet. This is the kind of stuff that the fbi would would flag justice. The f b I can be hyper intrusive in both directions. They also s twitter, to review. A blue leaning account for a different joke. Accept Here it was even more obvious that clear foster phd who kids a lot was
kidding you want to see their did. So. Here's the thing that says take this tweet down by this lady and then here's doktor foster I'm a ballot com here in my state, if you're not wearing a mask, I'm not counting your vote safety first forever. Negative comment on this post. I'm adding another vote for the Democrats are obvious: jokes, you! First, When I was an obvious joke to me, because people are that crazy on there that they, I would agree with say that the cycle wine- all I see as a joke now here the first ones like not agree because, like a lion joke, but look at the engagement right, ok, Matt TB says. Anyone who cannot discern obvious satire from reality has no place making decisions for others or working for the Feds said clara fostered phd when told about the flagging, or maybe the they have no business flagging, jokes. Yes,
how about feds aren't shouldn't their sense of humor should not be, though you shouldn't have to pass a litmus test if you have a sense of humor to go, censor somebody's joke about no censoring about the governments that I thought is allowed to do. That is what you all harped on. That's what I thought of the sick the council mentioned in the previous two emails all, but two were suspended internal email from november fifth, twenty twenty two, the fbi's national election. command post, which compiles and sends a say on complaints sent the san Francisco feel that is a long list of accounts that they may ward additional action. Look at all these frickin accounts they sent by the way number twenty on the list. What is number twenty number? Twenty billy ball, when we billy baldwin salinity, say somebody's some about Jesus, an abortion are so high It is his them and hear them say hey. We want you to take these down age
Chan pass the list onto his twitter folks, so it says it says: please see below the list, twitter accounts, which we believe are violating your terms of service by disseminating false information. Time place her manner of upcoming elections. Let us know if you decide take any actions against these accounts basin are tipper to you. Also, let us know if we mean if we did to issue a pressure asian letter as well intend to serve legal process for these accounts, what the epp. Will you Food is pronouns is pretty cool god they should put him first, that's the only exception. I would take a boat So he says twitter then replied with its list of actions. Taken no note mercy. Shown to actor Billy Baldwin because he sat on the list again. So it's like he somehow got left off that list.
Many of the above accounts were satirical a nature, nearly all with the exception of baldwin and the arrests be network. Were relatively low engagement and somewhere system did most with a generic thanks twitter letter. Ok when told of the f b, I flagging lex toller, replied- might initially include one seems like promise a fascia. What does that mean a prima facie? First amendment violation? What is prima facie mean holy cow allow me an account with that reach of an amoeba when also they looking at. So that's what this guy thought like there. It at me. I have no reach. I can't believe this, The is policing jokes on twitter. That's crazy, said: tiberius a letter is that my nephew tiberius, four four four: it wasn't that his handle a look at that muck can't be it can't be. Prima facie is a lie.
Expression, meaning at first sight or based on first impression, is no promotion. Patchy notes, privation You think. I'm lucky, I say print FAO g. Patchy
bremer fonzie. I call it you think Bochy, as I'm looking at the way that's pronounced right there you see it is that prima facia the heat to see the a at the end that at all that he on with the thing on the top of it. How do you pronounce that? That's all he it's a long enough. Oh really! Hmm I'm going to get why you just have to say it to you, hey SIRI. How do you pronounce prima fisher? Oh there's a radio mustard. I dunno why, sir? He didn't talk to me. Don't snitch latin expression, meaning on it's first encounter at first sight. The literal translation would be.
At first phase, at first appearance we are looking at how to pronounce in english or american. This is normally pronounced. Primer, facial primal, aphasia, rhyme aphasia. I was, I watch boston legal fate that file g bremer, prime aphasia. I was right. Thank you Thank you. No one congratulating me for being rare. They still think I'm wrong. That's the problem where they still think I haven't mispronounced. We doubt we're really proud, in a letter. Seized it a letter like this in a letter to former jeopardy general council and former top fbi counts lawyer, Jim baker on September six. Only twenty two. These are recent legal executive staff Yeah cardiff will outlines results from her soon to be weekly meeting with the department of homeland security, department of justice, the fbi and the off the director of national intelligence. What is our fault?
is going on twitter. You jimmy prime aphasia that the poor man should have their fuckin funding cut. I hope they do. Twitter, executive right. She explicitly asked if there were impediments to the sharing of classified information with industry. The answer fbi was adamant, no impediments to sharing existed this passion. Underscores the unique one big happy family by between twitter and the fbi. With what other fur Would the FBI blithely agreed? You know impediments to classify information holy shit. At the bottom of that letter she lists a series of escalation. Parents be raised at the meeting which were already handled while one she writes flagged. A specific tweet on illinois use of modems to transmit election result
in possible violations of the civic and, greedy policy another internal letter from january. Twenty twenty one shows twitter, executives, processing and Be high list of possible, Or violate content tweets there, it is ok here too. Most tweets contained the same, get out there and vote wednesday trope. had low engagement. This is what the fbi spends its time on. So it's another one of these. Get out and vote on Wednesday, so there's nothing. They just hate hack, jokes. Maybe they don't like hack, jokes at the other, the ruby in this march, twenty twenty one, male and f b I lay as on Thanks senior twitter exec. If you know how hard it is for me not to say fbi. Lesbian. Every day I read the word liaison
f b, I lay his on thanks a senior twitter executive for the chance to speak to you in the team then delivers a packet of products, products or workpeople. They said yes, great. The executive circulates the products which really department of homeland security bulletin, stressing the need for greater collaboration between law enforcement and private sector partners there. It is, it says, as please see the products, the fbi office of public sector just provided to us peace please feel free to share these with your teams. Russian malign influence use of permits, so this all garbage the ubiquity of the twenty six teen russian interference story, as stated pretext for building out the censorship machine can be overcome, can't be overstate so what he sang as they were using the idea. that russia hacked our election to do all this censoring he's had that can't be stallworth rush, didn't hack our election, that didn
let's see how he says analogous to hound. I inspire the expansion of the security state. Yes, it's not because no levin did happen. Cash, nine eleven have thing didn't. I had had me all right, but they nine eleven to bring in a security state and surveillance state which we now live under. You know the government, relax every one of your tax emails and telephone calls your telephone calls. They got him They ve got me drain to give all that stuff away of my own accord. Every chance I rather well Republic, security in its products pans permissive social me that the word the What is the matter be uses is often not helpful while the department of homeland security in its products pans permissive social media for are offering. operational advantages to russians. It also explains that the domestic, violent extremists threat requires addressing information gaps. Ok,
The FBI b had one case sent over so many possible violate of content reports that twitter personnel congratulated each other in the slack for the monumental undertaking of reviewing them. This is on fourchan believable. It's amazing that they actually would read this many lame tweets, but in government they will not read. The forty one say was driving away in the budget. There were multiple points of entry into twitter for government flag reports, this letter from agent chan to roth references, tell of porter that's a platform through which twitter could receive reports from the fbi. Reports also came different agencies here, an employee, recommends balancing content based on evidence from the carbon of homeland security state governments also flagged content. Twitter, for instance, receive reports via the partner support portal. An outlet created.
The centre for internet security, a partner organisations department of homeland security. Why Was no action taken below twitter execs receiving an alert from california officials? By way our partner support porto debate, whether to act on a trump tweet. and that's them debating it. Hell afford you hired. This is a tweet, California hired a pure sleepy Joe Democrat firm to count and harvest votes no way Republicans get a fair shake. Lawyers get started, g leader California's in big trouble, vote trump and watch the greater Come back of them all also need, in illinois, go for it. So that's what they're talking about us here, a video was rube were, as reported by the election integrity project at Stanford, apparently on the strength of information from the center for internet security. If that's confusing it's because the
then, for internet security and the department of homeland security contractor describes itself as partners, with the cyber internet security agency sister at the department of homeland security- oh great they're, outsourcing it until we get some of our best viruses, the e p, is one of a series of government affiliated think tanks that mass review content a list that also includes the atlantic councils, digital forensics research laboratory every year, firstly of washington centre for foreign policy that take away what most we'll think of as the deep state is really. Eighty, angled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and sometimes state funded, non governmental organizations. The lines becomes so blurred as to be a meaningless goods
no, the fbi spends its time flagging joke tweets for twitter employees rather than separating reports of Larry Nasser being a serial pedophile. They did nothing over a year on that one from the first report on purpose on purpose but they're on these twitter reports, the most alex since as most interesting segment of the twitter file. So far, if you don't think that f b, I need serious, lay offs, consider that they, av agents, lagging election. Jokes. I see where those agents covered up those wild stations, they really but to get a better job working for wary massa. He got again the suppression of dissenting voices on social media was not just private companies. Does I what they allow the federal girl, room, it was and is directing them. to suppress anything. You say that the government doesn't want you to say that's what's happening and that's why jack and that the J j blind,
they're fucking ass, his off when they went Joe rogan and lied their asses off every day of their life, the euro. We support a meaningful who were actually spreading misinformation, Kurt where the people running twitter. They were lying to us You weren't even getting the gun, It wasn't even personally censuring they were out, so we can only get that level of custom reserves in the government right outsourcing, some prick company or a think tank to do it. oh really, amazing, pigs Jimmy who's, this Jimmy, oh Alec, woodside you're, my bell Jimmy! Are you protecting your family? What well? I think so I mean. What do you mean exactly jimmy celebrities are under siege.
What are you talking about? Alec Jimmy I heard, but my friend and fellow firstly an end, madam president, Bobby deniro. I am one of those guys you call somebody. There was surely burgled burgled Jimmy brazenly flagrantly a woman broke into his basement door. While he was in the house, sweet, helpless, puppy and try to still presents from under his christmas tree. Thankfully, new york's finest were able to stop an apparatus grinch swine for she was able to make off with the precious deniro family gifts. I see one. Lost and fancy wondering what precious trinkets bobby gives his family during yuletide died, but it smells like lead.
imported tree looking anyway Luckily, national treasure Bobby, did he give you the name but others ass may be lucky. I mean it happened to me Obviously, this is like a fool. Gazed at it. Alex you probably did even knows how she's breakin anew I live in a similar down our jimmy, but someone force away in here and take all of the four hundred and eighty two gifts for my fourteen children. While you are here, the street jackal toolbar. not on my watch Jimmy, but the boy went out and I refuse to allow
Thomas ought to be our hunting ground for any tom, dick or harry off the main streets of new york. Looking to pill for the fruits of my celebrity, but gotten wealth, no case you gonna get a security system which we already have one of those, but I can only some of the authorities and gave a breakdown in the situation into account. I see so what then jimmy. I have procured a veritable, Dial of weaponry, firearms, berries, calipers- and I assure you they are not loaded with blanks. aha, is, is really good idea to have in a house full of children. On the contrary, Jimmy is an excellent idea. If the children are trained to use them effectively, each one is a firearm assigned to them of appropriate size and recoil Alejandro Britain. Thirty on me
so as to guarantee our aid, and I was very young and they all know how to use them. The cells dangerous. I thought all jimmy towards booby traps. I said I'd, admittedly, never fully understood how this is crazy. who did my home with an array of track doors primed bear traps, are even managed to procure the iron maiden would do with with kids there. They know where they are and how to live with them. I daresay almost someone's trying to highlight the aggressive line home new money you think you're being a little paranoid or maybe a lot.
celebrity juliet hand what we ve always coming back. I'd run. It used to be a victim, especially not a scratch. My time many dupes muzzle goose was wounds. We, do the lottery will make her famous pie a recipe passed down through the generations from her from her cup will eat is really just a really tough season that will make hot spiced cider and after attending midnight mass. We will all repair back to fort baldwin and clean our guns and take turns on watch duty. At no point will all sixteen baldwins be caught. Asleep sounds festive. Safety is a new festivity jimmy at least for us celebrities. What about you? How are you preparing for the coming onslaught? Well, I be. I have a security system where have guns no guns, not even once loaded with blanks
suit yourself there's a special place in our four men who led something bad habit of their family to take action and not being prepared when a reason for actually have to go. It appears my brother billy Baldwin just for himself. It was a key, and now just like apparent appears to be a compound fracture. I may have gone too far The holidays? To me? Merry christmas hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com, sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business, for the all, the voices
reform today are by the one and only the inimitable, MIKE Mccray. He can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be at all. Keep me in me. Don't don't don't don't don't bring down tat, you do not worry. Guy.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.