« The Jimmy Dore Show

Cornel West Does 45 Minute Commercial FOR JOE BIDEN!

2023-09-08 | 🔗

If Dr. Cornel West hopes for his Green Party presidential bid to take off, he’s going to have to appeal to a wide swath of the voting public, including disaffected Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents. Whether he can achieve that objective by constantly beating the drums for trans rights and about white supremacy was a key bone of contention during his recent interview with Jimmy Dore. Jimmy argued in favor of an electoral strategy based on a solid foundation of economic justice while Dr. West said he would never stop talking about white supremacy and trans rights. Plus a segment with Craig "Pasta" Jardula and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger on the Washington Post admitting that Joe Biden is a serial liar. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from President Biden and Barack Obama!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey so come see us lie by two or we're gonna be in Detroit. That's rochester, michigan Tampa bulk or return orlando dallas euston sandy. blooming in illinois, where I went to college indianapolis avatar new york and red bank new jersey goaded my door dot com for a list of all those shows? hey this is Jimmy. Who is this jerry is present. your boy, a halo. Mr president, what a surprise things were gone a surprise, What are you doing? You're, gay boy? Why wouldn't I agree well lately with all due respect it sort of zooms like yeah. Maybe
as the little bit out of it. I have no idea what you're talking about. Are you sure about that? He ash and all other that will december just the other day. You can still the presidential matter of honour on a veteran, and then you abruptly who did the ceremony before the sermon, was over drew a lot of iron. Can you explain where our joy, You can reach agreement job and I did it. What else did you d made to do? Is a brave boy to guide their war hero christ's sake they could use the least silly under the ceremony Jimmy I get back to my wife. What time was dying of color
She's that die didn't she. Mild symptoms, it's only crime Well, some day she will be dead and we will say it was cold but yeah. I bet you will eh speaking of the seem to violate your own white house masking protocols that came after the first. Ladies diagnosis. Keeping that straight in my head, the pick it off when I talk shit out and keep it on unless I'm eating it's like a freaking, hokey pokey. Of course I f that up it just seems like these sorts of gaps in moments of confusion they use come on more and more precise, yeah I'm not really sure knowledge, Mcconnell stared at her frisian man, You were right
she's like soup, by, MR president, sorry, I can't hear put on a cool type of had that only young. Why would then make you not be able to hear me because I also have budget, because I'm listening to my favorite pod cash- oh, what's your favorite bud cares. I fear was surely funny, she won't. Even comic should get stoned and talk about old mitch. Mccall is: do you want me to download you the link? No, While you really are feeding off this but colonel distraction, aren't you I can always use your good distraction. Trust me actually hold on get another call hey this is it? we don't show who's. This
Why are you calling? just to remind you and you after that date, Thank god! Yes, my job is not what we say or it wouldn't matter. If I were gay or I'm just saying, I'm not, not all. I know a guy british interaction that just a brief far too great. Extract the course. I don't care. If you're gay hell it'd be great during fresh countries, were democratic party, hey, we'll end a diverse gay president do what we didn't know about it till afterwards, the male yeah I mean when does europe renounced away, we should do it. The guy come doubt after it? He right after the inauguration of his successor, you can't do that with black
mt out cheer you up a gentleman The whole thing here, brok, obama, is gay. I know your body there doktor dr paulson havin some on the show that in all sorts of crazy things, and how does that everything will It is worth against jews on your mind, boy beguiled allstate creeping up. Never let me down, I dont want I know your straight, that your vice president? You are more than just a boss. You are guy.
I knew was always checking out the exact same broad that I was roman after we left the room and we were alone. It was always a gc, her, oh hell, yeah. I have a friend like yeah, you know he's not gay. Thank you John. I appreciate that I still remember some of those limit of his day, Ok, care! We done here odyssey. We don't care about your private life obama. Can we just move? and to more important issues. Please yeah. She I'd love nothing more day, MR president. Fight and what are you gonna addressed her obvious cognitive decline. Well, I I Let me go,
Rights writes very he south Africa died and I see how this works. I gotta go good by general, but I have to move on, jimmy joe I'll, be the judge this week. I can't wait to be surprised to hear from you Jimmy I'll call into your show in about five minutes: oh my god, the
commenting johnson media is the chance to show welcome back, to the show doktor corner west. Oh thank you. My dear Do you think a george carling young assimilated right across strange, endured commonplace, really no kidding a grand genius eager of one hundred and twenty first and raw way back the corpus christie church and they got a beautiful sign. saluting him. There was that rigid prior he's got to be one of the greatest comic genius of the last. He is my brother, while I certainly wish he was still alive right now cause. I know he would see through all the propaganda that we've been living through, at least since two thousand and fifteen, but I want to just be
For we start. I wanna get this other, because some people misunderstood might coverage of your parents with Anderson cooper and they took it as an heck on. You well was merrily helping trying to help you get the message right about the ukraine war because, as a radical, a part of your job is to educate people. it's actually happening- and you have to be crystal clear- in explaining it to people especially about it's happening in ukraine. So people took that as me. Try to attack you when I was. I was doing it more as a coach trying to help you and get it right. That's what I'm gonna be doing in this interview, also because outs thrilled to hear that you are running third party. You got more courage than I do to do it you're a better man than me and so I really appreciate you doing it because you're getting the message out
about the ukraine war about the two party. Do I believe this is really important, and so so, if I I want to tell people so if it seems like I'm being critical of Coronel west from here going forward to the election, what it is going, These me trying to help make his message even better than it is because digg is really important that his meshes get out there. That's what this is about so we wait is one clear that up The important thing always gets a that you don't wait live there. the black vulgar lived every boys, not just every echo. You got a voice. I've got a boys always is over. There are voices could have taken up was, is the conflict we can learn from one another we proceed with that. A similar critique of Brenda capitalist society that somebody critique of the whole
was the visual. There are certain things we disagree with. Well, that's understandable too. I've learned from you, you learned from me. When is the respect more than anything else that that's crucial here and I think I appreciate you starting off with a kind of were reflection. Member very letter, so now people make a big deal out of the the that you endorse Joe Biden in twenty twenty? and now you're running against him and the reason you, but what What was the reason you endorse them in twenty twenty and what has changed since one hour was thoroughly convinced that we need an anti fascist coalition, and that includes the kind of milk tolls war mongering neo liberal, like by now its fairly clear by now four years, yet for years, is still the thunder from any kind of trump. I want the four years to try to speak to the needs of poor and working people for years to try to cut back on the military adventurism. That's been characteristic of his whole career.
It's clear to me now that if the only opposition to the escalating neo fascism in the country is going to be by and bye, bye, bye, like than the fashion coming anyway. they have to have altered vision, alternative institutions, alternative infrastructures. It has an alternate and so, if all we can do is produced democratic administration, there caretakers postponement of the tramp tramp, like candidate, then the fashions come in any way. The only way you really good at with fascism is the break from the cork do happily, he shouted to party system. Is an impediment for the unleashing not only of american democracy, but also trying to dismantle the empire and drove them. the eight hundred military units around whirl and military budget, taking fifty seven set for every dollar, and so in that says, there's been a shift
I thought about the net, keep in mind. You know I supported ralph, nader and stein and in between as the eye early supported bill bradley, and I supported John here as a kind of her eye, and I entirely when coalition jerusalem, my gas, like activity, certainly can be characterized time zone, consistency, but its timing out get eaten own context. So now of our friend nick crews, says that many climate activists have no idea how much they destroyed all their credibility by endorsing and supporting Joe Biden the Nord stream pipeline. I bomber and the largest echo terrorist in modern human history for president I should anyone take climate or environmental issues seriously when you are We do not now do you why? What do you say back to that kind of critique that you it by forcing him. You lose your credibility
it becomes aware they might be sure a number of times in there I think, is always sends force in the argument of trying to be consistent, need third party across the board, every no relation whatsoever to the bourgeois politicians, I think, is forced to that, but I think the credibility that one has. Really is it is holistic, it's it's it's wholesale, rather than just retail and The credibility that, having regard to being consistently against war consistently against, can consistently against white supremacy, even if it has different kinds of stances from one leg. until the next day be one of the ways in which I will try to respond. To that be the beginning.
My response to that? Ok, here's an another tweet from nick. He says the aim professional managerial class gas lighters want us to take. Easy on Bernie. They use seville, Politics is a weapon, so they can comfortably sell out. The working class must reject this and start holding these people accountable for selling. south. So Bernie has sold the sound and I don't need you to call him a cell. Anything, that's fine, but I do want to see this is your response? Does Billy Bernie was asked about your campaign, instead of which it didn't happen. Then he's against innocent boy and endorsing Why Biden and of course, that is just garbage and So this is how you responded. We are you even love. People have the disagreements about these things, but I think again he's he's fearful of the neo fascism of drum so
When my mind what I would say to you here- and this is a point that I would try- I'm trying to impress upon you going forward that way. You do that. You use you sound a little bit like Joe Biden and what you're doing is you're giving a pass to Bernie sanders. and anybody else for voting list. Of two evils. You're endorsing the Democrats. Mess in their campaign, and so now people can dismiss your candidacy and say well. We gotta worry about the neo fascism of trump, as if Joe Biden isn't worse, which he is he's a bigger fascist. And he just crossed a union strike on the railroad, which is the definition of fascism. He's now to save a rattle with two new your powers, nuclear war, nothing more important than that and doing in ukraine, you know exactly what he's doing right so he's the worst warmongering the world took. Three hundred thousand ukrainians have already been slaughtered in this proxy war. That was provoked by
would you know so when? When do you think that when you say that about when you call donald trump neo fascists? And you don't say, that about Joe Biden what do you say when I tell you that your regarding your own campaign and you're, you are propping up the democratic message, which is that They are the lesser of two evils and you have to vote for gm bided, so we don't have fascism by the way we already have fascism. As we all know, the fascism is the joining of corporate and government to screw the worker and that's exactly what Joe Biden, the Democrats and PETE buddha judge did, and so the end they we'll keep doing it and they are not stopping it in their there also for censorship, which is the hallmark of fascism. So this idea that donald trump is more of a fascist. Then Joe Biden undermine jerome campaign? There's no doubt about that, and so well, I wouldn't
courage you to stop doing that. What would you like ebay? No, no way will we be biggest real. I dont think that this will about this. We would make to that end. I appreciate your your advice here. You don't chest and in a respectful way, but we do not disappear by the neck on this to that, the man just got back from mississippi. You know that you know t jenkins and parkins to bathers brutalized by the police dared church, the declined the run and while not just with votes for terrorizing black folk What finally got caught by two lawyers by the trench? Now? What does that mean? That means that when you talk about fascism, you're talking not just about the rule of big money, not just ruler ruler, big military are not just ruled corporate power, so that is oligarchic. in essence, but you also talked about
The joy of rule no elections be elimination of business voices and then estate going on the more fun would be immigrants who could be workers could be black people, Jews, arabs itself for tee with were under by what you have a fascist dimension, domestically especially against black vulcan others. You- and I read fact that we're well without being eliminated overnight. A battle regime could completely go to the question: what were the use of arbitrary power? That's what happens in the mass incarceration regime visa poor black people in up by the looks of that is fast dimension assembly, so until the militarism abroad, so that there's fascist elements, my brothers, fascist dimensions, but with trump. When you have calling into question
read for power himself. What that is not the same thing it so they had been undermined, my campaign and all the true origin. president and underneath your campaign, a hundred per cent you're. So nearly frightened dick before you even start, that's bad you're, gettin, the bad advice I don't know whose advising you but you're getting. For I advise remain on a free man, so janet I want to hear your argument. I want to hear your argument as to how, by is more fascist than trump transgenic, did, let that led out right wing well I'll, tell you right now the reason why the deep state, russia gated trump was because He wouldn't bomb enough to calm them down, so he wouldn't do enough bombing the reason they teach them, because you wouldn't ship arms enough now these new great and he was against that as so. That's that
That's all are you? Are you defending trap, with some being at a person who is wrong almost any argument at this point. No man! What what are we dogma? Ok does know, there's when I was there when the content of your arguments, because one can in fact who can ring could take to bear on the system as a whole with the two corporate wings. some help implement. What do you say to it? You say that brands and gay and balances that over their right. So that's eggs again. is this Joe Joe Biden is responsible for the mass incarceration, not donald trump, who who is more responsible for black on people like being locked up and a glare. of being the largest penal counting. The world is a donald trump, or would it be Joe Biden by the way? This conversation is loser for your campaign. We are trying to make the argument that it could be a little bit of trying to make
make. The argument you trying to make the case that somehow we Democrats are more than a republican defences. across the board, but that how you say it, though, said it's only donald trump, you don't say it cuts across the board. You call Joe Biden, milk, tell us, you call donald trump, a fascist, so saying down a bit joe bite. It is, in fact, a vast, just really fascist dimensions to do that by robbing absolutely like your him payment for Joe Biden, almost when you're doing all that's what it sounds like that That's what I'm not saying you are doing that I'm saying that's what it sounds like what it sounds like to you, that's what it sounds like you've got a right to be wrong. You've got a right to be right. You sound like what it does not like at all the mother that all about aren't again I'm saying this out of love for you, because I have every respect for you and
agree on almost everything except the mess. the job your campaign right, that's the only thing I why I would hope it would become even more Let me just put it this way, but what are you suggesting that the message should be that by is a greater fascist and drop no, no, I'm not saying that you should talk about fascism or any that stopped by the usual requires that was very rightly passages of Israel and its we're living in it. We're living in fascism, but I'm done by escalating and drove them intensity,
it has had spot, sends bite and became president and certainly has announced with escalated into density. They ve censored everybody they ve crushed unions, they obstructive started another war and now they're sabre rattling with two nuclear powers. I dont know how what there I don't want to know how worsening it and by the way he still has a lead people out of prison. He still has a give us stood alone. He still denying us healthcare, he doesn't he's an enemy of the worker and a tool of military industrial complex in wall street, there's no bigger fascists in the country than Joe Biden. The reason why black around people are locked up again is it because the trumpets because a brother Biden and Joe Biden is, is proud of that he brags about that. He brag about the crime bill and he will never apologize for so letting you know that I really want your campaign to pick up traction. This is the opposite way to do it. It was ever advising you sound like an invalid writer. What what? What? What would you do that by taking for myself? ok. I will be glad to see that done at a bad, their food, advising you
you're a free man. What are your are your right? Okay, I I was trying to put it in a nice way, how's that kind of language liberal you want to be respectful, I'm trying to be well that's what I was my praise. You know like some time, but I appreciate the weakest disagree. Material needs that again underpinning the mind again. Thank you, you didn't you free to have your own view and people are free to listen. How can be persuaded or not, and I've got my listening for your insight. Absolutely right! No doubt about that. So let me just say this. Point of running a third party campaign is, is to offer no her native to the two major parties to bring together disaffected members of those parties along with independence and others who feel alienated from the political system as it exists in and the best way to. Do. This is by running on economic issues unite us, but
Neither major party is willing to address because they're both beholden to the same powerful corporate interests. The democratic party long ago abandon the war. In class in favour of beating the drama, cultural issues and now that's all the Democrats have to run on, so it voters are looking a party running on trans rides and calling donald trump and his supporters white supremacist. They already vote for democrats. The role of a third party is deferred, guess not around the identity, politics that divide us, but on core echo, comic issues that unite us along class lines, like christian small, did it at staten, island youth, peace we lead with energy, bt, q, trans rights and white supremacy, or do you think he who organise along class lines? That's what we have to do. You have to organise meet people where they are that's. So what your plan to organise along class lines where you gonna, keep talking about white supremacy and all those
Kennedy politics which are there not from the ground up from the top down to make sure we stayed divided. What is your plan to organise along classed lives were appreciate again clarity again what you have to say. We have profound disagreement. brother, when I when I, when I organ the railway supremacy. I'm not making some utilitarian calculation, I'm speaking as a black man comes out of a tradition has been terrible traumatized by. Why relate in that that does not in any way mean that takes me away from class issue. Class issues are crucial, trust class issues of fundamental stopped, but it doesn't mean and I'm putting up with white supremacy. One of the problems is that you get too many folk who wanna talk, class class class class. He can say my mumbling worried about
it's supremacy, police brutality, can't say mom and work on it or when they do that, you call it identity politics as if it's not connected to class. I'm hitting these head on I'm standing with the workers when it comes to strikes, I'm standing with the workers when it comes to greedy bosses, I'm standing with the workers when it comes to obsession with profit, the needs not in any way being satisfied but I'll, never for a minute. Be silent or not or not. Raising my voice in terms of vicious treatment of black people, indigenous people, gay brothers, les mis. This is a trend, is not an either or, and that's where you and I have a deep, profound disappointments of ic, for example.
Well, what your show- and I notice you hardly say the were about white supremacy, because it's some kind of identity, politics and I'm against it, but I don't want to talk about only talk about what people hold in common with black people. Not gonna hold it in comment. If you don't say a word about white supremacy, but maybe some of your white friends will too, who are you talking about we're talking about and are you talking about I want my dear brother. I will never ever in a million years not talk about vicious legacy. The white supremacy, male supremacy, homophobic, dreadful, be another, but class will always be very much at the center? What brings you and I together, what are fundamental solidarity, would working class matthews here but around the world, but all Why would I hear I hear about your show you where it up these class in identity politics. If you get in the way, you know it now hundred percent away. It was at their use. By did so the Democrats, that's
they have to run on when you say that stuff you just saw like a Democrat, good. That's all they have. So if you re talking about dignity about black people in the face of measures like supremacy, makes me feel like a Democrat, you got the wrong here. Plot you're, not listening clearly because of uk hypocritical wall street. If you can get, it could take a militarism If you go ahead and could you give us pause in ukraine and all you can hear, wanna talk whereby supremacy dynamic Thirdly, there is a role which airport the run some We disagree with the help of way. This is why it is that you finally, one last year love you, but has no lover. Do I still love you too? I know you. I know you
If you, I don't disagree with what you're saying I'm talking about having a campaign, I'm not where there's a okay, so I but the campaign is that by utilitarian calculation is I don't look at black people like a utilitarian calculation? they say that, because the people over there somehow alienated I'm telling the truth, I'm fighting for justice and of people feel as if to talk about waste, the premises, lady, then they can be alienated. Upper mamma mamma. Whatever my daddy, this ain't no abstract dialogue about. The market value glance What what what was where he caught up with class politics? We marched together cause that's real, but if you, if you think that talking about white supremacy, just identity politics we got deepest, those are salazar to go on and not a break, and let me know, go right ahead now it I'll go right ahead and an honest
Think I'm saying here call from my heart. I want our campaign to succeed. I want I want you to have the strongest campaign of possible but Bernie caught on, because he would always have was given a cultural question or an identity politics question he would always bring it back to class economics- and it doesn't well. Here I was talking to one a burns pain managers, and this is what he said. Yes, I personally agree: white supremacy is one of the causes, but if I lose too potential allies because they roll their eyes and stop listening before I get to their concerns. I've already lost the civil rights advancement, women's rights, the environmental movement, they didn't happened because people like my dad voted Democrat because that stuff mattered to them. It happened because democrats appealed. I'm on economic issues and alive,
the Democrats. They voted for because of economics also happened to vote for that other stuff and it doesn't work in the inverse. So I'm just that's just give that to you learn to damage I see again how it just became a myra civil rights movement was not because of white folk doing x or Y, because it was the social movement led by black people. And the south there was multiracial, will lead primarily by black. Forget me, the body when it that anything without that social movement, percent right, you're hot percent. Right now no doubt about it, and I think our tradition. As my tradition, I could talk about. I lied and I would love to hear you talk about all that stuff on it. Then that's good for erratic. Black activists, whose representatives community, but I'm just trying to improve upon you- that there is better is too to run a presidential,
campaign and so that fruit for a black radical activists, that's great, that's honey, but for someone who's trying to appeal to a wide swath of people, disaffected republicans, independents, people, that's a death for that campaign. That's my opinion, that's what we'll see but keep in mind, rather that one I've never ever said that the all of the followers of brother trump, a fascist, I said either that is by paper, is always one item eight went with: burning went out: atwell women, Barack Obama, he's gonna. We're doing- is diverse group and I can speak my language, the truth and justice that connection capitalism imperial is supremacy way, supremacy transphobia, whatever the ear and there's gonna be some people who, it's sin and there will be some people who don't. But this is not just a question of political calculation and lack of alien reflection bro. This is about the quest for truth.
If the justice you gotta be real, you gotta be authentic. I can't I'm not listening to consult on to tell me you can use this particular kind of language with this route in this kind of language with that group. That is the essence of managerial bourgeois politics. I rejected so I heard you say one time someone asked you the same question? Why don't you call Joe Biden a fascist, what you call donald trump, a fascist and one time he said that it was because Donald trump criminalize is an demonized, his political opponents, and that's what fast Stu will, of course, now they ve been trying to criminalize and put in jail donald trump, Joe by number one political opponent just like that. in brazil in pakistan, and so the global elite is doing this to anybody and they'll. Do to you. If you actually become a threat, they criminalize you. They ve already started to call you right wing and white supremacist yourselves and that's the game. The call you a sexist
can I call you bought your vile, or is it going to be sexes, violence? a racist and white supra, all that you're gonna to you already been called a right winger by the establishment. So that's the game that they play and What they're doing right now is trying to throw in prison the anybody who the donor class doesn't want to run ends. Gonna win they'll, throw in prison they'll. Do it to bury they'll, do they aggregated Bernie. They said His followers were sexist racist and violent. They said the same thing that they say about trump they would a criminalize burning and put him in jail if he had a spine? Anyone who stood up to the established when, instead of holding into it, so it's it's important. I think that people All out what's happening right now. I don't like trump one bit. I oppose most everything. He says I almost everything he says and what about you know he cover ending nato psych. I join in with that and in an alley,
with anybody. The do good and nobody to do wrong. Ok, I'm with you at that always you're that do so what's happening right now, is a what's what they usually do in third world countries, but they're doing it right here. The donor class does why Donald trump to become president and he will, if he's alive. To run, and so they did this. They did their there now they're not afforded when indictments each one word more ridiculous than the last and hear rico the georgia, anti racketeering law is being used to dodge donald trump. Another reason I bring this up is because I thought the same people that did that to donald trump are using the rico charges to go after activists from stop cops. Maybe so let me just give you the store, and then you can comment on it. So georgia prosecutors have filed racketeering charges against sixty one people accused of involvement, would stop cop city. Our protest movement against a controversial atlanta police training facility. The
of defendants suggests that the case implicates people who have already been arrested on tenuous evidence like a legal observer who was jailed while monitoring protests activists who ran a bail on four other defendants trio of activists arrested, while handing out flyers with the name of a cop who killed a fellow protester, the rico, just come as georgia's rico. Statue receives national attention, Donald trump and collect. of his associates were charged under this severe rico salute last month, statute last month, the same grand jury that indicted donald trump on rico charges so indicted the stop cop city defendants. Are you giving the game now? The atlanta journal cuts Susan reported that on tuesday the cops city the coalition, a group that gathered more than a hundred thousand signatures to put the facilities construction up for a vote this year, condemn
the charges as authoritarian measures by georgian georgia attorney general chris car. The group so noted that charging documents, as ascribe the alleged racketeering scheme as beginning before the police training facility, was either announced Lauren again. Executive director of the civil liberties defence fund, which has been working in support of defendants, said the scope of the case is designed to dissuade people from supporting the stop cop city movement. It's been very clear that Georgia's intentions and how they have conducted themselves regarding the resistance to cop city has been to try. It scare, even above ground law abiding participants from taking part, I think by roaming in a legal observer and people running a nonprofit and running a lawful bail fund is absolute only intended to scare people from supporting this cause now and in the future. Instead number. Twenty one atlanta approved plans to build a pull
training facility dubbed cop city by opponents in the city, south river forest. The plans were controversial, approximate seventy percent of local due weight and during the public combat oppose facilities citing its costs, ninety million dollars, its environmental impact and its potential impact on over leasing in atlanta when the city moved ahead with the plans reconstruction active his protest, it on the proposed construction site police shot killed a protester manual toward to asked about pay as turann in january when they accuse turann of firing a gun, subsequent autopsies have cast doubt on those claims soon after terrain, killing police charge. Nineteen more stop cop city activists with terrorism, decide many being accused of nothing more than misdemeanor trespassing around the proposed construction site in a later crackdown police.
Inducted mass arrests at sap, cop city music festival of using some people of engaging in property damage at a nearby protests on the question, bases that those people allegedly had Madame their shoes that music festivals held in a forest one of those GL observers was an attorney with the southern poverty law centered in the national lawyers. Guild footage appears to show thomas jerk and being arrested while wearing one of the neon greener adds that identity, eyes and algae legal observers. We had some day this is what I say. We I mean myself in the attorney general's office about who should be jar, with what they should be charged with. Boston hold w a b e. She added that Jergens case was one of the touch points of a number of touch points that ultimately me to make the decision that I have made here now. The values set of our office is that I will only proceed on cases that I believe I can make beyond a reasonable
The rico charges, also name. Three activists were arrested this summer in with money laundering charity fraud connected to them. work running a bail fund that supported stop cop city defendants prosecutors allege that the trio committed felonies by spending some of the funds money on such things as gasoline forest. Clean up to It's cold and rapid deserts, media yard signs and other miscellaneous expenses. Marlon cow! It's one of the I'll phone organizers named in the rico charges, told the daily beast the indictment was part of an effort to discredit activists, these indictments Just the latest chapter and a long running campaign by governor camp in Atlanta authorities to terrorize the gol activists since the beginning of the movements against cop city Georgia attorney general has shown a willingness to a b the legal process as a weapon against political opposition. Judges. Judges have question
constitutionally. They have their methods and even local secure. The boston is publicly condemn this prosecution as base listen refused to participate. Make no mistake. This indictment is not about enforcing the law. It's a desperate overreach in an attempt to discredit legitimate political opposition and it won't work. That's exactly what They're doing. Donald trump, that's exactly what Due to you, that's exactly what they'll do to Bernie sanders. That's exactly they'll do to me they'll do to anybody who is a threat to the establishment, Will we get up early and let me get a word, I'm gonna! Let you try just one you did so absolutely so health go ahead. Take it where you will. I am very glad to jersey role in all this blue. He shut the hell up city, I'm indeed, solidarity with them were working together in the coming weeks, virtually and so forth, but there's
the logical fallacy, a rational gap in your tempt. You compare freedom fighters against it. Just system in the name of every day, folk in ghettos, in hoods and working class communities against the police versus tramp tramp I'm not in solidarity java, one man fair trial and not as I do withdraw simply because they the same law against courageous, visionary freedom, fighters against police brutality and police murder versus the same law against the gangster like trump doesn't, would get drunk on spectrum with freedom fighters at all. I put him on the spectrum at all. That's the fundamental difference between you and I in this case, but I'm glad you talk about stuff. A couple of shutting down cops city
because we know what plan of yet another not number of other cities as well, but I'm in mississippi able to don't want those what is shot through cities across the country with solid members that I landed africa about, but the idea of you recognising that the same weapons position against the parade, Freedom fighters is somehow on its special with trop. I radically radically reject that. I want a fair trial, but I think he's body that a number of things that warns us here Is there a child with him going to java? We shall say so. Your for prosecute so you're prosecuting the last president. After he loses an election. You think that's a good way. Run a democracy clause. Again, you don't see the connection that this is the donor class krim, wising, anybody who they don't like and they'll do to you and they'll. Do it's Bernie and they'll. Do it's anybody else, and so you don't have to like donald trump. Not now I dont at all, but I see it
the game where you don't see that game? The way you don't see this game really I say: the game is the low law against the brow boy, don't wanted a fair trial I had treated but at the same time we've had a prior picked up, but I would say what I think, you're think you're traveling deeper than you. You acknowledge I dont like drop. I dont like drop you compared with what freedom fighters against I'm not compare them now airing that I'm saying you are you not I'm, not gonna. U that it gives it a bit If the government ok that's amazing that we got. It is unbelievable that he doesn't even such alone there. For you, I gotta be shouldered deep, deep differences buried deep differences though, but you do you do it, you gotta, do it I'll do what I got
you, and I hope you can learn a little bit more. Maybe we shall see the biggest story of my lifetime if it wasn't russia gait, which led directly, to the ukraine war, and I said it was going to in two thousand and seventeen when they did this, and I told everybody at the young turks they're going to use this to start a war they're going to use this and they did, and so here we are, and so what I want to read it. Second biggest stories, probably the colvard lockdown, if not the biggest and so on, people who were supposed to be out in front on this drop. The ball people like norm, Chomsky So here's the green party what they said they said the green party which you're running with the green party- it states staring committee strongly supports the use of vaccines, vaccine mandates and quarantines as part of a comprehensive public health effort to come. Eradicate the novel coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe since early two thousand and twenty. The whole thing was a hoax and here's. What the black caucus of the green party said they said.
the national black carcass of the green party of the united states strongly opposes the use of force vaccination. We mandates and the discretion nation that is being generated around these policies. Lockdown man it's in passports, are the major issue of the day with millions of people. protesting against them worldwide. In fact, what has become as the medical freedom movement is arguably the biggest and most diverse international movement in world history. Vaccine Mandy. in boxing passports are among the most vile unconstitutional, immoral, unscientific, discriminatory and outright criminal policies ever forced upon the population and goes against everything. The green party stands for under social justice. These policies are coming from out of control government at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry. The maid dream, media and social media are also working in lockstep descent any and all doctors, scientists and investigative journalists who have opposed
in view or who even question the current mainstream media orthodoxy. Workers are being fought. Out of their jobs. Many with medical exemptions from their doctors, students are being denied entrance to educational institutions needed medical treatment, is being denied. Medical privacy is being violated constitutionally protected rights. movement and assembly, including the right to travel, are being threatened. Rights too. Most society participation are being decimated. It has taken a while, but more recently many medical professionals, elected officials and federal judges have come out fully against lockdown. Vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and, of course, massive censorship, the national black carcass- green party of the united states adheres to the principle that informed consent in all personal health and medical decisions is an inalienable human right under no circumstances? Consensus, sell any medical treatment or procedure, including cycle tropic medications, vaccines or other injectable,
may be mandated or cool worst. visuals should be allowed to protect and healed themselves in a manner that best supports their medical spiritual beliefs. So I did one I understand why you are outraged by that. Why don't do you share the sentiments of the black hawk? Is of the green party, never talk to them, but one he's good, the Abu Ghraib? Why were you have a variety of different voices that are clashing and attend to the re real? I think there is no doubt that pharmaceutical companies played this was her role in shaping public policy other they're gonna concerned that you and I e g on others, have certainly well well grounded in it. On the other hand, we notice, but all those backs in regard to other kinds of bought illnesses, that there are much more effective if question because making sure why don't they don't want to do. I want to have a truth, commission that find out exactly what was a level of corruption that took place doing this
the years be able to see not just the text. We note the butter out there, but they have a truce commission so that we can see what voiceover marginalized. What was it pushed aside and make sure it never happens. Again. I resonate with the spirit of what my green black below the surface is the same, but the green party itself does allow this kind of disagreement, and so but I'll say this though, but I know I've got to go but I must say that this is where you and I do it's await live in this world because, as as crucial and ask him, poor as the issue of vaccines and call the situation was when you say that probably the most important issue in your lifetime, only last twenty, five or thirty years in light of all the war and lighted with palestinians are going through a lighter
workers are going through sixty three percent, I'm living paycheck to paycheck in terms of all the vicious attacks of the police and the murders and so forth. Yet this vaccine issue was the most important thing. I say: okay, that's my dear brother, Jimmy he's got iraq to raise his voice, I'm not going to in any way push it away. But I just live in a different world as important as vaccines have been. If I had another chance, I'd be leaning much more with the black caucus, but that, but when I think of the deep weightiest issues, vaccines does not come up let him I did just done, that's gonna where we live and breathe. Ok me I've been here is but why would collapse by forty one percent black business, because a lockdown it duke
yeah well you're. Seventy thousand workers in one state were fired because a vaccine mandate, when are you going to care, do they all have to be trance? How do you do when you get to care about these? Our learned? What are you going to care about going to care about where they have to be transmitted care little. Why don't you care about this? I would you do about cause. I care about it. You're saying do not warrant. Does there what the borders that it was not the The fundamental issue in my lifetime last thirty years with large medical experiments on my forest medical experiments, the discipline of the new on god to have missed this story, you're not interested in a gritty with Jimmy. Do you miss the story in both doctor west? I wish you the best. You know I love blue pill. I support your brother's alive, yeah, okay. I wish you all the best. I love you thanks for coming on. I really do wish you all the best, and I did
wish, you had a clearer message to reach people, but don't it's models and it's a delusion or pay you dollar, here's another great! Where you can help support the show. Is you become a premium We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give it our company that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable previously, grab the business and it's a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody, already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, which were caused by the oil one whose kind of wandering often losing it at times about this guy. Over. He only happens to be the president of the united states,
Mr president, thank you. No, not the end of such a momentous event. History thank you, seems kind of inadequate, but for all the millions whose lives will be saved for the communities where life will be transformed. Thank you, sir. Thank you, president Biden for your app stand and hold on tight as texting then again cause You gotta, make a dance, abide Biden, dance nea of like a dance. He does the hershey get your like this hey yo, where to go man. There was dave, hey called out. Maps are then stop going is now bolivia, snuff.
If you remember, when it was at the g, seven one, he just went wandering off into like a cafe, oh and neither dizzy, and yet on those white sneakers that you see at the nursing homes that they put on you. So you can walk and you won't trip those on, but the thing is that a lot of people are saying that you know with his mental capacity kind of fading away. Now he just doesn't remember stories and would not, but that's not the truth, because Joe Biden before even started losing his mental capacity? I was always a liar. You go. You took away my when his brain worked. Yet it was good yeah, does it sought for fifty years it bobby better. Nowadays brain is because, if you george, I mean he be carrying out much worse, stop. I bet you signed on four very bad idea. You're a liberal- you pretended you have a problem with, but now have somehow forgotten cause you care, member anything since
got in that one time. I don't know about that. There's people out there that will still argue that donald trump is worse than a delighted when Joe Biden setting the binding did better we're different than trump Give me one. I know one ok, I know one eye, but its gates, he lessen the restrictions and the sanctions on cuba he did. I ended up with a week out of his presidencies and more I do and then Biden loosen. I thought by light and loosened when He are almost like a year into it. He lifted some of the remittance restrictions. In other words, you had a cap on the remittance. You can send you couldn't fly there. He cancelled all flights that don't get me wrong. He still didn't like unclassified as a state sponsor of terrorism is only visible when obama did before he left? Yes, oh. I do know that, well there you get from around there. I dont know specifically, but but no not no, not completely, maybe with losing.
the restrictions on remittances and allow planes planes to go there and people to go there were he still left them listed as a state sponsor of terrorism. In light of havana syndrome, yeah so Biden lives, the rock. Certain stories- but some are incredible- no He had never heard him. Tell a story that wasn't made up. He's always got one. Listen corn pop present I, like many politicians like tell story, skirt stories that attempt to connect his life story with his audiences and make up an essential part of his purse. Oh, no know, I'd speak survivors of the devastating, We found a fire on august twenty first. This is when it was speaking by We called how lightning had one truck upon outside his home, sparking afire. My fill, well pineapple rico. I know what it is: yeah, the fire you hear, a black guy person did to make sure to make a long story short I almost lost my wife, my sixty seven. Whoever emma TAT, he said, I think I'll kill yourself
observe is my my my wife, If call my guy almost lost my cat, his career, most famously in his presidential campaign. In the nineteen eighty eight election cycle They're gonna government bill found zero miles to cover it up, so no one can see what happens. get your video games. Are our box. Man findings. Pencilly to exaggerate were embellish tales about his life. Led to doubts about his truth is no doubt about it. Andrew fulness there's no conception news reports on the house fire do not match is telling of failing. criticism that he had lied to a vulnerable audience. I don't know any audience that vulnerable don't match, so wait. They don't match car, he lied and now it's fanning it wasn't a sixty seven corvette and a cat It was an eighty three malibu
at turtle way, though I have no clue you gimme, some juicy do to me. I love not as talented as you guys I can think of neither was as talented as Biden, because it's a sweet as video that you have tied up so my favorite of all time in nineteen eighty eight he had to suspend his presidential run for what major isn't as overlying. When I was a kid, I remember that yeah Zella such a bit political thing, though I had said that really stuck out. It was always six great. Maybe and now he does another on a regular basis. Buddy I was nitrate, they call. I was a freshman they call him uncle Joe. Yes, you heard me we'll downs uncle. It's all good. You know a motion vagina. Then you may be respected, I call it Joe easily irma didn't get the term or like uncle Joe he's a little weird. That's that's. How it works is a gangster. I've always call them. Shall we be? We been Alice so you may call everybody a nickname. You had to take it.
This video, where this back in eighteen, eighty eight the bible today faces a controversy weeks ago, at a debate at the I was take fair. He used phrases identical to those delivered by labour party leader, neil kinnock, violence, to be claiming kinnock's, vision and white ass. His own Why is it that my wife is sitting out there in the audience? Is the first and her family camera go to college website is the first woman and her family in the generation to be able to get the university just a word in the coal mines, nor these pennsylvania no come up after twelve hours and play football eight hour than the ground and then come up and paper It's because they didn't have a platform upon which to stand. There was no platform upon me the notion that every thought or notion or idea you have to go back and fine in a tribute to someone, I think is quite
likely a ludicrous. The probable body has just been thinking about these things and he failed to give any credit all. These guys are really was only adding a lot of people. Corliss men seek an apology, the his career away I mean straight down. He should have ran for president yeah. It's different for these guys, the predator class, the elites, the one percent they get to go get away from. They are throwing it in your face. Lady Gentlemen. At this point, eighty one million votes my eye was unlike thinking on the way over here Now there are a little too much because, as you point out, what behind the words what's there and a lot of blue ribbon Biden has always been to just a surface. I should have said, to paraphrase neil kinnock. the only time I didn't. yeah no kidding. I have used it, but CBS news found a tape of a second instance.
Now he reappeared in the new york times with a new charge. That Biden had appropriated a famous litany from the lake Robert Kennedy about what the gross national product. Measure cannot measure the health of our children have about the quality of higher education. Forgot very high- did not joy of their play. What a joy play, widened kennedy, no credit or re entity, Hubert humphrey and british labour party leader, neil kinnock. All without credit does a bible today that he committed plagiarism when it was in moscow, he said it was a mistake, but that it was unintentional, by which time someone else's work without proper citation I've done some damn thing's fell due dumb, things again knows you, wouldn't even in his government, appears to have been done to the porter community in washington. I dont dumplings,
Donald thanks again for more years. He I know right now think our group is going to be mothers, bread, land and better, but trump card. What I was about to you, don't you take my thing right? This is our trump craig does. How goes keeping his promise I'll? Do some damn thing's again right? Ok, I mean Kurt. There have to be rubbing this should in your face, this point right now they keep wheeling this guy out. They can even speak. He does follows metal. If everybody does in all my friends- and I mean your friend of Mine- was back in on the east coast who, what the harbours of small dude, who dubai is basically a good guy. You know you're MIKE had ever beheld them. No, no! He I didn't say that no coin, that's what about you, you're boomer, vrede, remembering that was, but he goes. I read these basic element, and so all the people are supporting them or on purpose, not watching anything. He says on purpose
The people are watching it like that. That's the hard core, but Jim Jones they would drink when it. drink. They were given gonna via won't. Whenever, Play as a binding going for your disease, but we heard before room it's. Elite. Worse than we all you doing your emotional state, No, I'm my dad when I got elected two vice presidents. Joy uncle frank. on the battle about. She would not three very well now, not because the battle about what he said and he won the purple heart. You never received we never got it to think you could help and get it was surprising. not for war. He had won the battle balls. And I remember him over the house, and I can only share presented to him. Ok, where the family there s an uncle frank,
He won this and I want to patient. I don't want to damn say I'm sure as unwanted. I said: what's the matter uncle frank, he earned it. He should yeah, but the others died. The others died. I lived. I don't want it God you don't always are happy to by the way you can make some stories that aren't worth listening to. Even I suggested Joe Biden says after he was elected vice president, he wouldn't his uncle frank with purple heart he earned, battle, the bulge. There is no evidence any of this. true and binding uncle died in nature in ninety nine while bite. as an elected vice president into two thousand was uncle frank, there's like more things role without we did this before and came out, and he only we go vivian I did story about all train doesn't add up the classic binding every part of it was wrong. It says it's a good thing that he do at the top of his class, your life.
Likewise, we're gonna need right ranks. The bottom three or four out of his class would most likely become the voice. Principles of state merk he's been voted was likely to what his pants and the oval office such Joe Biden, I hey become a premium member gotta jimmied jimmy dotcom sign up. It's the most affordable premium programme of the business. Don't don't don't don't bring all the voices today our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey. He can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com. That's it for this week you be the best you can be I'll. Keep me in me.
Don't don't don't don't don't don't bring down? How did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.