« The Jimmy Dore Show

Censorship Originated To Stop Trump & Brexit From Happening Again! w/ Whitney Webb

2023-12-27 | 🔗

The establishment response to the dual threats of Donald Trump and Brexit has been to crack down on dissent by ramping up censorship -- in particular online censorship. Author and security state critic Whitney Webb talks to Jimmy about how a global cabal of elites is seeking to squelch any commentary that diverges from the approved narrative. Plus segments on Russell Brand exposing Bill Gates efforts to plunder Africa masquerading as philanthropy and CNN's Michael Smerconish admitting that Jack Smith's prosecution of Donald Trump is political. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I hope see us do a live set up- show- will be in venice, california, palmdale california, omaha des moines, Milwaukee lansing bend oregon portland, Oregon, seattle, Washington, Boston, Massachusetts. We're going to europe. Do you live in Europe, we're going to be there who did ubi dot com for a link was the sliding down the street and johnson media Samir Jimmy to show walked back to the show whitney They agreed to be here Jimmy, but you ever could change you named whitey No
It just came out about using my middle name, though, because I live in latin america and everyone. I have to explain my name by saying I have the same name is whitney houston and I've gotten very tired Then I'll say it say it go away. She sure what Why do you used it? Why don't you think? That's heads rapidly, so you know Chile, is, is there less surveillance and jelly I don't I don't really have illusions of privacy for like really any country at this point, because I think you know a lot of the tec than anything. Anyone uses really the in any country is silicon valley, dominated and all of those companies have deals with a signal intelligence agencies in the? U S, Essen and elsewhere so. I don't know I mean she lies, not perfect, but I definitely think it's a little. You know some of the surveillance take like you know. St Cameron's facial recognition on your walking on the street. That kind of stuff is really here the way it is. Unlike some? U s? Cities
Is it? Is it easier to protect your children from propaganda? There. yeah I mean I want my kids are pretty young, late, and I kind of do, try and can- and you know, curate what they were. ouch and staff, and my my daughter goes to a school. That's pretty like free thinking, encourages critical thought like art and stuff. So I mean that's nice that you may not have the freedom to choose. De France was like that. Why do you think somebody people are able to see through the covert lies, are unable to see through the government, propaganda and Israel yeah? That's interesting, isn't it
You know one thing that I think is is kind of interesting and that I've thought about and talk to some friends about is that I think there were. There was an effort during covert sort of prop up a certain class of people who were telling the truth about covered. But then I have them at the same time sort of rebuild trust among specifically like trumps base when people like that neo common foreign policy, so you had groups like see abandons war room, for example, basically saying that everything that happened with carbon was the cctv, even though the trumpet Frazier was doing like the exact same policies and later another bind administration and sort of trying to link it with these. With these different policies in new york and a lot of these, a neo coins from the bush administration around that era. People like frank, daphne set up websites like stop facts, passports, dot com and we're trying to sort of like rebuild trust by being critical of a book.
with that narrative and then they they get big, regain that trust that they lost. You know in past eras, like the Iraq war era and then they're sort of able to be like hey. what what's happening now factor. You know a consent with that particular group for what israel is doing right now, but I think it's not really working so much because so much. of israeli propaganda is about dehumanizing palestinian and during the covert arab people that I'm gonna get vaccinated, that dinner I submit to lock down such, like that were also the human eyes. So a lot of these people are like way. Why think, there's more people anyway, that you know maybe sort of sea through that tactic? Is it just happened to a totally different classes of people all over the world? Right yeah? I couldn't that's good observation yeah. Well, let's get it too. There's been some recent revelations now this is from.
Michael shellin berger- and he wrote this article ominous show years also see tee. I alpha number one? U s? In the? U K military contractors created sweeping plan for global censorship in twenty eighteen new documents from new whistleblower shows, and the sub headline here is whistle or makes trove of new documents available to the public and racket showing the birth of censorship, industrial complex. It came in reaction to brags it and trump election in twenty six teen. Now I that's why the establishment, lost control of the narrative and democracy actually happened, and when people voted they voted for trump and then they voted for briggs it, which are two things the establishment did not want, and so they had to quickly snap into ass this and enter into their plan of grabbing back the nearer
right and so and big part of that was this new censorship, industrial, plaques? Would you agree with that? Yet that's fair and then also you know in the same period of time. Another thing that was happening around that same year, so is that microsoft launch their what they called the defending democracy programme and one of the parts of that of main components of that was called news guard, which is a major your ship effort as well, I think, was launched in twenty, also and basically was then why is sort of like a pop up? I guess you'd go to a news site, a news guard- would tell you if it was trustworthy, you're not, and they were very suspect and funded by a bunch of in a private advertising companies and in a big corporations, parisian stuff and have a sort of been added for being
I you know I just like the city I live here. Censoring people just for having different political opinions are not really going after fake news more about narrative control, which is pretty consistent with most of this one. You know industrial censorship. That's been going on so Just heard the tim pool mentioned that he uses news guard as I was gonna hold. from saint yeah blowing up the first I heard of it was him say: news guard was good. I never heard his guard was good before, but I think he's. I think he uses that to show hey look even their approach. Press is telling me that I don't want him, since it is very good, but this is the one in the house to you yeah so, but so let me just this is says: you're supposed to ease it: microsoft, cereal, it was kind of peter dow tried his own version of that too, would very varied. Somethin and but he didn't have microsoft behind him, so it failed. But here it from this article, the whistle
or alleges that a leader of c t I league, wouldn't city. I stand for cyber cyber threat, intelligence, yeah whistleblower alleges that a leader of cyber had some hope is easily when they formed. They call themselves like the cyber justices. Again is: does it's it's it's like right now. It was saturday morning cartoon when I was a kid I look at this. Elections our hamas election. Yet that's why you can never have bout. You never allowed to be part of democracy. Get you voted Hamas brexit they're, all the same, trumpet sound like they're at their grandma's, so the whistle blower alleges that a leader of the city, I league of former british intelligence, analysed in the room at the obama, white house and twenty seventeen when she received the instructions to create a counter disinformation project to stop quote a repeat of twenty.
sixteen? So there is Barack Obama whitehouse joining up with the british intelligence and, of course, our own deep state- and I wouldn't chum sure, do both sides, because a deep state america is more so and what- and what is this all about this- is it about getting rid of a distant asia nor conspiracy theories. This is about making sure that someone who from outside the two political mainstream parties systems never gets to do that again and that people never get to express their will in their vote ever again right. Isn't that what that says, do you yeah? That's a big part of it that act If you read my didn't abided administration like documents on on this kind of stuff, they say things like they essentially say, like people can't disagree anymore about politics like people disagreeing and debating politics,
like is supposed to be normal, as it is a sign of like discord and threatens democracy in all of the stuff sub, since we all have to agree one hundred percent of the time about ever bang? So this idea that that the Democrats and morocco obama about democracy is exactly backwards. Barack Obama serves the same people that george Bush dick cheney did the same people at bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton did the same people that ronald reagan date and george bush diverse and now Joe Biden and anthony blinking. Do they the same exact billionaire class, military industrial, complex www e f, those build a brick, those same handful a billion years, their run everything they serve them. Rock obama was a fake. It was a complete fake and it's funny. They still c p who see through a lot of conspiracies and see through a lot of the propaganda say things like morocco bomb was about president in my lifetime, yet he was the best actor president of by like time he made you
feel like he was a real rails. West wing feel he can pull off. A real west wing feel is courteous said, but he was serving. The exact same in a fairy is interest. His entire cabinet came one email from citi group and and the reason I know that is because julian assange reveal that through wikileaks, which is why the establishment, including Barack obama, I've been trying to kill him ever since. Ok, yeah so moving out a little bit more, this article, the whistle ok, so the ambitions of the Twenty twenty pioneers of the censorship industrial complex went far beyond simply urging twitter to see a warning label on tweets or to put individuals on backless the amid the air, the adversarial misinformation and influenced tactics and techniques called amis. So that's the cereal misinformation and influence tactics and techniques they'd. Their framework calls for Discrediting individuals as
necessary prerequisite of demanding censorship, against them, and so I bit Is that so I knew that when the bill gates funded back checkers on facebook would do a bogus back check of some of my whatever was what was covert or the vax are locked down or syria or whatever. was that was a prerequisite to get me completely banned and then also to get our financial services com. So that's the game that I could see that they were doing that, I'm like! Why would they care about this, and why would they have this no name. Journalists tried a fact check me. Oh I get why they're doing this their setting The predicate, so they can censorship sensor me completely if they needed to and cut off my finances right, your hip to that yet totally
in other financial services, has been their big angles so far, but they definitely have plans to escalate. So the duo jayne, the f b I and the secret service of the. U s right now are part of this public private partnership. That under the new know, operates under the world economic forum, but its run by career israeli spy. and they want to label anyone that publishes misinformation on line is a you know: cyber terrorist, essentially a cyber. Criminal and so was later, and so because morocco bomber repealed the air of a behaviors corpus. He basically did that in the national defence authorization act section, ten, twenty one. What that means is if they can stay, they say you're, a terrorist, meaning an act, If you, if you protest against a pipeline, that's they call you and environmental terrorist eco tourism and eco terrorist. If, if you protest, protests acute as if you
something they consider misinformation on the internet, your called a cyber terrorist. So if they consider you a terrorist, they can throw in jail. What's called indefinite detention, meaning they don't. We have to give you a trial because they ve already determined that you're a terrorist, so they don't so we'd out. So idea that again, voting for Joe Biden or Democrats is saving democracy is, the exact opposite is ensured, that will never have democracy again and will always live under authoritarian rule. I want people to know that I didn't people to watch the show, no that, but maybe somebody is watching this for the first time as though a democracy is Jimmy, democracy is when you have like really diverse and see you characters. So the sum total of the documents is clear, and so you just mentioned this- that it's a coordinated. sophisticated effort by the united states and uk governments to build a domestic censorship effort and influence operate.
In similar to the ones they have used in foreign countries? In june twenty thousand and eighteen, this woman named jane. her. By the way she spells her name J. Why any? Never trust a jane that puts a why, in her name in July, Eighteen, jane, turp, attended, attended military exercise organised by the united states special operation command where she says she first met this guy brewer, discussed modern disinformation campaigns on social media. Why, The magazine wired summed up the conclusions they drew from their meaning that misinformed nation they realize, could be treated the same way as a cyber security problem so somebody hacking into your data base or somebody trying to, download hacked. My narrative is what there's so they're saying. If you have a counter narrative that can be treated the same way, they treat an actual king of cyber surreal, is more classified, then that's great. Yes, he was brought not to describe how they first thought. They
getting around the first amendment, is work with Jane. Turkey. Explain was a way to get non, Additional partners into one rube, including maybe some from one of the social media companies, maybe a few special forts operators, operators and some folks from if department of homeland security to tee in a non attribution, open environment in an hour ass if way, so that we can collaborate better more freely and really start to change the way that we address some of these issues. So this was there. Time to get around the first amendment, this is their attempt to bring people social media in with intelligence operators and to censure people asked whether turkey or the see tee I'll leaders discuss the potential violation of. First amendment the whistle blower said they did not the ether, Was that if we get away with it, it's legal just like the mafia- and
was no first amendment concerns because we have a public private partnership. That's the word they used to disguise those concerns. Private people can do things that public servants can't do and public servants can provide leadership and coordination and now fascism, so that so, when government wanted to censor. They would set up by private sensors. Borg organization like they did at stanford university and They would say: oh no, that stanford university do their private there, but there was in coordination with the government and the deep state of the united states, it's in the uk and so. who's, your article, which at unlimited hat, hang out, though you wrote about this, so Michael Alan burg, is getting to it now and twenty twenty three. But you pretty much wrote about this. Twenty twenty. Your way ahead of the curve you here's your meat meat, the idea linked cyber security group. Protecting: u s, hospitals! Pro bono,
And that's what yeah. Well, you say the ruthless, but I mean go: do this anonymous volunteer? They called themselves that they're volunteering to help is this: do we have the dumbest country on the face of the earth? Yes, we do have the most propagandized, that's for sure anonymous. Volunteers an old pay group founded by the former commander of Israel's unit. Eighty two hundred have regret and access to some of the most critical private public networks in the united states, healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors as green, with the help of the? U s: federal agency, now run by a former microsoft executive. You wrote this in august of twenty twenty yeah, so and here's another article. No there is the same. One suharto hardly any media attention has been given to the drama
They can unsettling changes that have been made to a hospital and healthcare information, technology systems and infrastructure under the guise of helping the united states. Healthcare system. Cope with this urge in data as well as an unsettling optic in cyber attacks. Now yet it's there Were there really adopt taken cyber attacks? Are they just say there were, so they can do this, this whistle Oh there. This was allegedly happening, and I wrote this during the first year of covert right, but this this alleged uptake and these issues, where the health care system I t wise, was that could cope, was because at the exact same time covered was happy. good apartment, while each ass caught their budgets variety ah hospitals around the country so basically like putting them in a position where they would be overwhelmed, and then this group run by you now are you know a guy? That's basically still
really intelligence, operative and people at microsoft, with his with ties with national security state in the u s come right, into the rescue to offer their services for free to hospitals in the pharmaceutical sector, and then they expand to chemical plants, dams and nuclear. Reactors, and so then they later get involved and censorship, which is what shallenberg recovers, but there are city highly husbandry, a lot more than just misinforming alleged misinformation stuff. So this is real, This is real brave new world nineteen, eighty four stuff that dumb it's all about controlling the infirm. It's all about controlling information. It's all about propagandizing and it's all of us answering anybody as a counter narrative to what the establishment was cyberattack. If you're saying that you're saying the wrong thing, there be decided as a cyber attack, little so the surge of cyber attacks
combined with major budget cuts, has made hospitals even more vulnerable as many compelled to do more with less. As a result, there are better renewed push for the improvement of sight, security in hospitals, clinics and other health care institutions throughout the country. Amid this backdrop, an odd group of cyber threat intelligence analysed with ties to the. U s: government is real intelligence and tech giant microsoft have volunteered to protect you as healthcare institutions. Or free and have even directly partnered with? U s federal agencies to do so. They have also recently expanded to offer their services to governments and social media platforms. argot analyze and neutralize alleged disinformation campaigns related to the corona virus crisis. Will son of a bitch they're just go? hearted volunteers, whitney what problems you have with these people,
yeah well, the fact is, there's a lot of problems, one. The guy that created the city island is a guy named o had satan work whose entire career at Israel intelligence was attacking, he ran and then he leaves of formally in eighty two hundred and works for the state as really state affiliated cyber security com, where he focuses on he ran. He says this is for teacher, compel us to teach a intelligence target, and so he still basically doing what he didn't. Even eighty two hundred for this private company, which he is was at the time, He created a city. I league, and he has been since city highly, was founded and before blaming, he ran for a series of cyber attacks conducted against the: u s: critical infrastructure, I'm in other systems and also accusing them of miss information campaigns with little to no evidence. But you get this headline. Little say stuff like ran hacked this. I ran hacked that, but if you actually read woods at minos, Aden, bergs com,
as to why it's he ran he'll, be like medium, the high probability it was. He ran because this person's believed work history so like not even confirmed history is similar to a previous operation conducted by in iranian group that they don't so finally, I with the overlap, is I mean it's just whatever So anyway, sky has been attributing attacks to a foreign power for a long time, and specifically is really intelligence of four years has had basically unlimited funds in powers to try and go the? U s and to striking. I ran first, so Israel doesn't have to do at first either via a pre emptive strike her or some other you know, attack on it for the purpose of advancing regime change in IRAN or if you look at what's going on with Israel in Gaza right now and in the possibility, this could spread to a regional war if it does and they want to the: u s involved, you know it's not that hard with it
run by o, had ladenburg being and oliver critical infrastructure systems. You know, mean being like all the guide and blaming the country up been blaming for cyber attacks. My whole career is real possible? Also, why are we letting all foreign spy into our critical infrastructure We was an as he says: voluntary at his for free will dry lids for free. So here say, while these analyse have claimed to have altruistic motives? Its members, who have identified themselves publicly, have notably dedicated usage, said much of their private sector careers to blaming nation. dates, namely around, but also china for her? king, and most recently, for cyber attacks related to the corona virus car crisis, as well as the twenty twenty presidential campaign. So that explains
why the child pornography I found planted on my hard drew up drive was in mandarin with the strong hebrew access to my right, so I do not really is gonna. Do that kind of work for free, just as good as their out? I know a lot of israelis ass, a thing they do. I think you're trafficking and anti semitic trip These are very generous, very generous. I said he's really is now they know they look at us We look at canadians but we're like we're gonna, pussies yeah, so the final side, premier article I'll read is these individuals and their employers? Rarely if ever make their reasons. For assigning blame to state actors available to public scrutiny and also have close ties. the very governments, namely the. U s in Israel that have been attempting to Jim. Possibilities with those countries in recent years. particularly iran, suggesting a potential conflict of interest, so
I could so how so what So we have to go to you to get this information and we have to go to I shall end to get the whistle blower talking about the censorship wing of this. Why do you think this isn't being reported The world's number one news, journalists don't rachel matter wisely, he replied no sudden or sean highly he's, always got his finger on the pulse yeah I mean, I think it's pretty clear, that corporate media, the same people that essentially on corporate india, own our politicians and one you know, influence a lot of you know what gets censored and what doesn't get censored by the state. You know- and I I think essentially you know basically the u s is a giant public the partnership and they work together to decide how to keep the little people down at the end of the day.
So corporate media- and you know in the? U s: it's the line between being corporate media state. yeah, I think is like you know. It's essentially the same thing yeah since they tell the wine and they'll never not toe the line. If you're talking about like cable tv news, you know like the big channels and stuff, they just don't cover this stuff and they currently dug out very rarely criticizes, relying in its taking you know in l a under. an estimated twenty thousand death toll in Gaza to get like the credits, light criticism of Israel of the idea from cnn and stuff. I mean what about the. Hurt looks that they make when these really show up on american tv idle, If any of the videos of destruction watch the actual israeli people cabal politicians coming on american. Phoebe and openly saying the crew. is he shit? It's like what
I just got done here and what a madman putin is this in general. I want you to gag oh yeah, warsaw, you gotta, kill, gradually civilians gratitude and get a new address day. We got a date, america's did resumed and they did not zackie. So we're going to do this to Gaza meeting. I wore did wars hell that's so they just looking hurt, and then they will fletcher goes. He makes his sad face so as to work for a pact entity blitzer Yes, of course, yes, he dear and I'm sure tapper wanted to do so. How how much control is this deep state, this international deeps of the most sod. U K and the cia hernia. How much and control are they? You think If you mean why of like the? U s of global happenings of yes, influencers love,
yes, I think it was actually a lot bigger frankly than just in the: u s you you in Israel. The weight of sleeping bags is like a very core group, so let's take, for example, the step father of Anthony blinkin, the man that raised him samuel peace are right, was also Robert Maxwell's lawyer and best friend, I'm samuel peace are testified to the congress in the early seventies and said that what was happening at that time was what he called the rise of the trans ideological corporation were the the big corporations or the big seals and oligarchs basically of the west, we're going to the people that owned state owned companies and the east, like communist russia and china, and making deals with them to create the trans ideological corporation, where there would be basically a group of businessmen that would run the world and would make national sovereignty completely irrelevant,
and a lot of this group is essentially are trying to do that, and I think that kind of explains why you have an every country in the world, including you know, in the the russia, china sphere and then also in the west, following the same play ball with stuff, like kobe nineteen, and pushing for all the stuff like digital ideas and central bank, digital currencies and all of that stuff at the same time, so I mean there maybe likes. You know these hostilities between the west and the east. In terms of you know, geo police, the contentions, but there's a lot. They agree about at the end of the day, and that is because you have this group. This really hate to use this way because he went on ruin their but basically a cabal of businessmen. You know basically directing alot of policy because they have the money and they have the power and they ve been accumulating that
a very long time raza? This is the guy that raised anthony blinking by the way why that was telling that the congress- and he a congressman, asked him ass. Samuel peace are if he thought this trans ideological corporation was good or bad. He was like mostly good so you can. Basically I mean it was basically a planter, something like that yeah and it was definitely tied up with like organised crime and EU ass. He had like chicago lobsters staff sorted and ask that this effort to you had is really intelligence. I assets, like Robert Maxwell, had all these You know different actors involved and they ve been doing a lot of stuff. You know for a very long time and are a big part of the deep state in U s in Israel, which honestly I have argued for years. The? U s! National security stay at trinity is deep state that much cause. It's really. You know it military intelligence, rain, generally speaking like the most on account of
parts of government, so the? U s is really deep states. National security states have essentially fused. I think I think it's really a binational national security state. You can't really separate one from the other anymore but you can see this stuff about the trans ideological corporation, even in that too. So, like one of the ways in ways, peace are when he was testify congress said this was going to happen or it was happening. Mr technology transfer, israel because of its special relationship with the. U s gets all this. He was military attack, but they ve passed a ton of that to china right to sort of like equalize the playing field. But it's part of this sort of plan for for transnational global governance.
at the end of the day. So a lot of these guys in order to push through the agenda as they all agree about, went digital idea cbc, is neither to be various types of catastrophe is the sort of implementing the types of infrastructure they need for this sort of global governance by the trans ideological corporation to come through and sun. Digital ideas like a huge part of that, and so is this programmable surveillance money that we're seeing being implemented everywhere say we did you see the leaked into china like on purpose for china, to like reverse engineer, it is what we are like they literally past it to them. So we sense like like a running well average, but to help china. It started at the end of the seventies and went through the eightys and ninetys even before Israel had official diplomatic relationships relationship,
with china on its actually the reason Epstein was visiting the Clinton white house in the mid. Ninety ninety so often was because that was what was going on there, a viewer that this new guy richer grove. Recently yeah junior, he suddenly tragedy and hope work by karel quigley about development and the guy right. It's the same kind of thing he's writing to him of this shadow. It sounds exactly what you're talking about that. Cecil rhodes started: for it here Why is it? A secret is gonna, be great, a new world toward her and then they If they didn't want him talking about it, hey, you know, here's another great way, you can help support the show. You should become a priest. member? We give you a couple of hours of power, be a bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do. By going to Jupiter company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable.
be a programme in the business and it's a great way to help put it. Come back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, Let us have a look at some of bill gates financial active in africa to now to help us work out whether he's been an influence for good or bad. Just by looking is in fact we should be frightened of bill gates for so long, the world's richest man, who famously announced he would give most of us a way around that I am not at all
good thanksgiving got around to that. Yet izzy yeah, no okay, that's a very good says MR gates, his powerful friends gathering devils the latest warning that the gates foundation has become too powerful and may not be the force for good. So many world leaders say it is if we contrast billionaires and world leaders at Davos. I don't know all the modes concert costs going on. Tat was now on the study from a pressure group. Global justice now paints a picture of the gates foundation, partly as an expression of corporate amerika is designed to profit from africa and partly a damning critique of its effects. have a case where the initial research is done by gangs funded institution. The media, who on how well that research is conducted, is done of media outlook, is a gates, funded outlets
He gazed fund a journalist from a major programme, and then the programme is implemented more widely by gates funded and you may take it. There are. There are some very inshallah circles here, however, so we reported on this before, for instance, like a pbs news, our they didn't have their own science and new segment thing, so bill thought gigs decided to fund it. Now he gives money to the pbs news. Our any funds, their science reporting. You think it affects our borders so that I don't think so that bill gates. What's all this money into vaccine development, and then he tell pbs people that he just gave the money to cover this vaccine thing I just develop, so they cover it and then he also has the manufacturing distribution through another geo non government organizations to distribute that vaccine Gabby? We also has a pace filter.
Wisdom, schooled added, that's right yeah, so he also pays for the literal journalism school that the journalist cover this added the at the journalism outlet. He also funds were trope universe, He's a trawlers thing of our time would throw diet that not this this is a trumps was just to this Our job university graduates saddled with debt, their whole lives by the way, and I think the right, which is the bigger scam, because six figures to go Now that is essentially in those take either of terrorism. We entered circles here. So that's what she's talking about yeah is insular circles, being its funded by the richest man in the world bill gates. He develops a product, he fun. the journalists that are going to cover it. He funds the news outlets that are gonna they're gonna. employed by that cover him, and that also cover him distributing it through that the non profit
organisations that he developed it's unbelievable and, and then I people, like my roommates Amy Jimmy he's, he's trying to save people in africa he the Jimmy, the guy's, never heard anyone say something that stupid. Even who is a Democrat that I would have ever been around the usual like I dunno gaze I'll care. That's the best of a bird. I've never heard actually go because someone older than me should remember that he's a piece of shit like I do well, you didn't ray supplies, and when I say that I, like, I remember, before he bought the news. I get a millennial or somebody somebody who knows millennials, like don't tell me the giving pledge, isn't real so that somebody young somebody older, I mean you, I don't even know, there's an excuse. the guy who signed the giving pledge invested fifty five million dollars into biotech pfizer right before the pandemic and then cast out?
for five hundred million dollars that amazing the guy's gonna give it away? But that's great, you made a profit a good year, a large. How can one member live among the many criticisms? The idea that private finance can solve the problems of the developing world? Should poor farmers be trapped into debt by having to you chemicals or fertilizers underwritten by offshoots of the foundation of this yes, this hospital in the sea to me by MR gaiters philanthropy also come under attack. Three payments for this now costly to more than fifty percent of its entire health budgets. Is this global plan for very or is it like, an inter continental,
version of the simpsons monorail episode where it turns up in a town. It goes. Do you know what you guys need? You need an ai hospital and we can handle that for you. Yes, we do have some investments in a. I don't think about that. Now, just think about your news sparkling, fantastic razzmatazz, thick splendiferous, new incubated machines. Will, where are we going to get these incubator machines will handle that, for you? Are they going to be expensive, there's no charge. The tranquil bird is not on your life. I've sold monorails to brockway ogden bill and north favorite book and by gum it put them on the map. So there's the creation of a problem. There's the offering of the solution is the pretense of plan for bakery in the old days of colonialism, while the british used to just turn up with guns and nyc papers, country's gold and diamond mines and think of spices where the hell was there human beings at least, then we knew this is a book if bill gates was doing this
I have tried it call it. Some sort of philanthropic initiative to take people on a cruise to america and then a cookbooks working in the cotton industry. Some experts have warned repeatedly that the focus on high profile headline grabbing diseases undermined wine or attempts by african governments to reduce the poverty that causes them Philanthropy would argue that it can get past corrupt governments and produce results without having to go through the bureaucracy of the united nations. But critics of MR gates ask whether its rice, that one foundation with more money that entire african countries should wield so much power and influence and ask that question have coffee as it is right, because how else would you be able to impose all these pilot schemes on the people of africa and still call it kindness whether it's the bmj, those charity workers that are on the ground there in africa or the people of those regions themselves? It seems like the voices that are most important are ones that actually oppose what the
I ain't, even though some of us might think that I have an agenda to create a cashless social credit score highly managed, centralized control, authoritarians system where all of the resources in power funnel outwards into an establishment elite and the rest of us are essentially automatons and drought unable to make decisions for ourselves, and they can point to the success of africa come on it worked in africa. Why don't you give it a try? If it really was for lamb for bait, you would listen to the voices of the people that ever points out if it really was prolonged for bay during the pandemic period, you'd have had a lot less talk about patents and a lot more talk about issuing effective medicine. So you know bill gates, has the thing to turn poop into water. He he finance the one thing I believe by the way California, out of it is specific company. I bet it is that California has approved, that to your tap water will be wastewater. There's been no kidding that just happen. I dunno
bill gates, one, but I'm sure it is as the only guy I've seen talk about it, but he was in africa. I'm watching cause we're making fun of him on the on the takedown. You know and he's doing it like yeah they're in africa, like them will clean waters of problem. In my like now, we can't build a sewage systems in all these countries. That's the first thing that, like why have as cheaper than the contraption that you made by like a lot. I think, it's probably a public. It's a public. There will be a public works. Are you will be able to control that there's no way this high tech, poop alchemy system with was work are cheaper, then just building infrastructure, basic infrastructures, not a chance but studies? What I'm gonna do that? Why is that? You want a drink, like airplane water? You don't want bill gates is doing, seems
she seems a little worse than letting Alex Jones tweet us member. They set about you, I'm sorry I tweeted this reproach them. He gave it to me. Tweet such one mitya, one man should be able to control that much you're talkin about elon musk. It might even our mark zuckerberg back after breaks it because a facebook there, matter how can one magic control so much, but not not bill gates yeah. So here's reveal documents show gates has given three hundred nineteen million dollars the media. That's why that way, again, ah had to keep it by that's just money. He pays the media under his own name, yeah. That's that the money that micro gives the meeting we give some that's not good money that gabby gives bill gates. after reaping huge profits, selling biotech chairs he trash is the effectiveness of colored vaccines we covered this year
Yeah. Of course we didn't know I like does, is it entirely We know we might bring that then we didn't know, but now we know and where they work, effective for him. tell you what you want good, free member, this man when he said this anyway, so anna bodies, antivirals. We think we can also have very early in an up and the epidemic. The thing you can heels that will mean that you can't be infected a blocker, an unhealthy blocker We also need to fix the three problems of vaccines. The current vaccines are not impact from blocking. Ah they're, not broad, so a new variant come up, you lose protection and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter which
world people and every one of those things is is thick. So that's him after he cashed in his stock for five hundred million dollars. He invested fifty five million dollars before Colvin said everybody's gotta get vaccinated. Everybody should be me, and then all of a sudden. Afterwards, when he got his money, he's got a new thing. It's an infection blocker that you're going to inhale joys doing this, has he and he's guess what he's funding that thing to know kidding jimmy no kidding juno, why he's very passionate about this? Helping people who wants to help people while yes, but more specifically, sounds like I'm saying this I can, but I'm telling you what he said is to lower the population, not by that's right, vaccine being dangerous is, of course, not dangerous. It's because he read statistics that will be or more vaccine. They have more medical care, they tend to have less kids. You know, because in his
weird half a day. I mind, people only have kids because their kids might die Obviously they would do the math and have less bit, but this is for the goal of lowering the population, that's what this is for, according to him, not he's not trying to poison where he literally believes that the path and where weapons and people don't want to just have as kids, I wonder what other great ideas he'll come up with by the way the vaccines worsening effective when they didn't, although they weren't infection blocking, they certainly slowed the spread. The safeties is supposed to make less population, or I swear to god that what he says on the state and they're not going to they're, you know they're great. They keep you out of the hospital, keep you from getting sick or dead that keep you from slowing up your hospital. Oh, my god, you don't want to clog up hospital beds or turn them on profitable hospital beds. Yeah they're not going to make a profit as
advances gates, backed covert nineteen antivirals, rage or all no kidding south korea is what this guy. I guess I guess that south korea, oh yeah, of course, no kidding it's the way bill gates backed you mean back to mean funded. That's what back the means of beings funded. Recital gaiters funded refrain you're back money. It's not like you said is backing Hamas. By making a sign that says, don't don't kill gaza, its actual backing- let's remember bill gates met with Jeffrey upside many many times this at after he was convicted with him since the ninety early night. Yet this was abandoned. A guy much good around the west. Remember this member this interview: this was this is when bill
I just tried to threaten duty. What was this watch him watch him treated. Wolf have watch him try to threaten jury because he funds this bill. Gates is funding this, so he did not expect this question from her watch this was reported at that time that you had a number of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, who, when you met him ten years ago, he was convicted of soliciting prostitution from minors What did you know about him when you were meeting with him? As you have said yourself in the hopes of raising money up in, I had dinner with him. Ah, I regret doing that he had relationships with people he said you know, would give to global health, which is of interest I have, and it does anybody who needs money, it's bill gates. So that's why I'm really was pedophile, because I thought I could get some money signer of the giving pledge bill gates.
Hasn't given haven't michael. I haven't given it always meanwhile, like Oprah, asking people further heightened donations, going around here the balls, the balls of these people, while I wonder how much money opera has actually donated to line, and now I'm gonna guess not much more than the was it five million jobs she'd worth two billion dollars. She could. She could go in and rebuild liner herself yo Brazil huge scumbag. I always has been a little white people thought she was great. We ve just watch you tell sums way way way off with her. Here we go out merely the loudspeakers now direction Those meetings were were mistake. They didn't result in what he purported and I cut them off. That goes. Back a long time ago, now, LISA coming here, there's nothing new on that it was wrong. that you intend to dine with him over several years.
and then in other words, a number of meetings, What did you do when you found out about his background? Well, he's dead, and I said I regretted having those dinners and there's nothing, absolutely nothing new on that is there a lesson for you for anyone else? Looking looking at this, so here comes the lesson he's gonna give Judy woodwork. This should be a charisma on command class yeah. My watch this watch what he says to her. What's the lesson while he's dead, so You know in general, you always have to be careful. Ah, that's an evil, evil, evil, nefarious evil. never did you see what he said to her bed show. You know you should be careful, you should be careful and you see like that finally got it. We should be careful your career. Could
genocide is right. We could skirt suicide. Your career, you can pull the funding from this Joe right now, I own global health technology careful, careful! That's what he saying he saying that to her. I interpret it that way. Yes, it does a really correspond to the question as to whether we carry losses to be like he's dead, so you always have to be careful. Does a lot of That is the lesson not for me and look at and look at that. That's a clench job. That's it judy. I worried you myself how you son of a bitch you had Judy, I I know my friendship. Free self harmed. My entire senior high school class that picked on me self harm that look at that. That's a cleanse, joy,
tight lipped he's not really sleaze. Like you, son of a bitch, you gotta coving, and in other you very proud of what we've done and plan to be very proud of the work at the foundation. I you know, that's that's what I get up everyday and focus on yeah. I bet not your crimes, sure, but also that's not so hot, either the foundation for the record that's not much better than abs. That's right! The cnn jack smith wants donald trump, so this guy jack smith is the prosecutor. The prosecutor, that's trying to get the judge to trump's trial for what, before his be as speedy as possible watch this watch. What they say about it and see
What's with this, what do they say about it on cnn agree with me that smith and judge shotgun or acting based on the alert on schedule? I do agree with you, Michael and I think any so they're acting based on the elections, so that's bad that that they're doing this so they could get this trial and before the election to damage trump before the elect. That's what they're saying follow up question. This judge already decided that trump's guilty to like the aura. Are they going to wait till the trial to blurt that he has to listen to what this guy says minded observer has to agree with that is well just look at jackson, s conduct case. The motivating principle behind every procedural request he's made has been speed, has been getting this trial in before the Let's take a couple examples: the trial they the average. Well conspiracy and fraud. Trial takes up,
a year and a half to two years between indictment and trial. In this case, we have dozens hundreds of generating writers caught on video, straightforward cases they too were given about a year and a half to two years before and I ve been a trial jocks myth originally requested a trial they for donald trump, a far more complex case file Once out, he wanted to January trial was set for two months later so damage being given far less time to prepare than other dependents and actions this week, jack smith, one argument on immunity in the district court and then went right to the supreme court. I think you're right move. I think the smart move. The only reason you ass a supreme court to do that on an expedited basis you're racing against the clock and jack Smith clearly is doing that here. Ok, I refer to the election as the voldemort of the petition that he filed? Why I'd, say that. Why not simply say: there's an election on the horizon and I'm afraid of re. This guy's gonna get away.
you will never here either jack smith or judge chuck in utter the key word election. They will not spare we say it: instead, they you this sort of euphemistic language about the need for a resolution. That kind of thing here is why think jack smith is not willing to do with two reasons. First of all the oj rules on written and were in both say you are not supposed to do anything that could impact in elections. You're supposed to affirmatively, try not to take steps that might impact and election, and the second thing I think Jack Smith is right about this is if he is to say, ok judge. We really need to try this case before the election donald. we're going to seize on that aggressively. He's gonna see folks when I tell This is political jack smith is now admitted that he wants. We tried before the election and that's political, so I think he's very wary of that he's going to seize them. The truth. Okay, so then evaluate the pr. We agree he's going to seize on the truth. Yeah this ain't, real,
help it either by the way you guys discussion that you will soon be aware, so we all know that what this is something that we should leave whose immediately because it's on it, I gotta figure, Legal, isn't, it seems only Well, it seems to go against department of justice guidelines, but it's amazing I'll quit the right to a speedy trial comes back when an establishment as soon as possible. We need is village, as Gives me do goes away. When is their worried? I hope they appoint the appropriately creepy looking judge a guy. He saw me right here we go. We agree that he is acting, judge chuck and is acting with an eye towards the election calendar. Now I want to hear ellie honing assess the propriety, of him doing exactly what he's doing, because on one hand you could say willie's being political. On the other hand, I guess you would say I really like you probably back in the day he's an aggressive prosecutor is work. The case up here to get before jury right. I don't
If the artifice here, I don't like the game playing the words min ship that we're saying I think Jack smith ought to just come out and say or not, here's the arguments, both ways. First of all, if jackson is trying to- this case tried before them, action and clearly is one that is poor medical, I mean the counter argument would be well jackson. It just wants the american voters to resolution before they go to the ballot box, and I understand that as rapporteur. I would like to know, but here's the problem with that argument. Michael Jackson, it does just want to get this trial down and let the chips ball where they may and let the consequences be what they can be he's the prosecutor here, leaves this case. He wants this case to resolve in conviction, and so his position isn't just while I want this case tried before the election, his position really as a practical matters. I want donald trump convicted before the election. I have no problem with the first part of that. It's his job to one and try to convict Don
tromp now that these indicted, but the second part of that before the election, that's where it crosses the line to the political, in my view, even cnn. So that's what I mean it's morocco! so I've gotta know how they let him have a show because he's from being right wing conservatives being audio to watch the establishment, Nicky hayley style viewed a party, but is it he did tell the truth about masks and any confronted bout gian it. Member that that was him. I forgot about that that was him, and now it seems like he's admitting that this is a. Completely political prosecution, or at least the timing of it is well usually have entity good room and well. I gotta get update The supreme court has denied jack psmith request for an ex by expedited inner review of the case against from there won't be a trial and
see before the twenty twenty. I like him, there's a big loss for the special council. What was the what was this this trial about, but not the what, if I don't, I don't even know what this one. What about sense thing was this about that his lawyer, unquestioned, maybe is that drug was was consulting with his long. I don't dude. Look it up Stuart yeah. Is it like stormy Daniels related? I liked that one where they're, like you know like if I were a chris Titus god, blesses old joe, they think people are he paid to have this prostitute shut up and his people still follow him. Yes, Christopher. Yes, in fact, I think better of him that he paid a dump points door is shut her trap, that's not it's not like, instead of just having her killed. Yeah like he put, the kinder gentler tara reid had to run off to moscow, and she didn't even want to do that surprised of Joe Biden. It would have been better.
Joe Biden paid her off. I saw debris uptight by just happened to say it. It's amazing how dumb that pike, as is where is the tightest by gas or chris Titus? Oh, I like weaker christmas. aye, sir. He was always nice to me when I open form, but he doesn't know jack shit and they are we all knowing about. I will say that we totally disagree on politics and when I did go, I want was invited on his show one topic and we, that each other the entire time, the entire time maybe I'm John I've never been a black eyes like that by its I like it was the weird so got a similar background to you, though. The other day that's like John. We are doing right and not enough of them must have been cut, of the. If you go back and listen to me, I'm crystallizes back as it will be hilarious. Is he irish? I don't know you should be. So we totally disagree all down at his drunkard that no other thing going us nothing else going on around and racism
I mean we deserve our. We totally disagree on politics. I mean he was also for these, but like the rest of the car, community. He was your dummy. If you do your own research and just take the job and don't question big farm, our bow g or anything- and if you do europe Is he right winger? That was all comedy did that are almost all accommodated at all my almost most of them? Do I look up to a company to that? yeah so happy to go from to be in that circle of like he got a tv deal and all that that these are the good people and I'm I'm in a room with good people like people that are in that circle. They can't make quick. Chris was always nice to me is always a good guide me. So why maybe school his takes with his pike ass I used to play with arm. I disagree with this bout exposure. I would say is dumb. I'm not saying that. I'm we disagree. I was disappointed at lahti. Well, I mean in ottawa
I don't get. I don't. I don't like to name names. I did name David cross. The other day cause he's a superstar, so it's also he should know better and they, of course, you know me too, he got screw with the most bullshit. I remember that, and that is only remember that his own wife had to condemn him and I've. I know from friends are heard what you believe I had to do that how ridiculous that is, but you didn't have to do that sweetie to your husband. Even half do you could he said that book? Shit. It wasn't thing sexual, it was surely he said. Time at a party. He said something made are uncomfortable or he said I couldn't believe they ve through that in with people talking about sexual assault as it can, anywhere near when he got he gets Is that without any problems right well, because his wife publicly sold them out- and I guess so- is that really happened? What's his wife's name, I forget she's actress and she she amber Tamblyn yeah. She went on
winter. I mean honestly. That's all she raising one vision, a reality that she really come on I'll, be there may get up on twitter. She would like, This is no yes, I know. one telling you is which I tabled the greens, this was I to her when she was like. I can't believe I did do that, can you I'm sorry did so out of seed and believe the bogus ass thing by me. Two of your call was very important, great movement that no more still thinks was overall good move that, even though he's exonerated andrew cuomo should help here. Well, that's richest went a little too far. The lack of due process, not the very concept of no due process going too far. It just went a little too far. I guess also a Biden that was a little too far but anyway, just to recap, you know I respect chris davies further, we know what he accomplished in show business. He created that shit norman rockwell is bleeding everybody in there There told him not to do it. Everybody comedy his under a phelan. Half people didn't
a book in many more cause. He was doing that show he stuck by his guns when he went from happy go lucky comedian to be in this guy with this dark story to tell and they want to tell it any told it, and that's will give them that television. It that tv show was great, it was a great television show, they say tat grades. Are you saw that that John Fox. I watch it. It was always great show I really like it's. These keach, as is stacy keach, is tremendous. The show was great. His takes on paul exactly as bad as that was good. So think of how good his show was his ideas about trump and Biden, but he's no different than I mean I agree, and I think I guess worries I disagree with this to his cot bill. More has figured out by means of vegetable by now build more as they get out cover bill crystallized by buddy Ito Erin. ninety nine percent of the budget. I cannot deny that this was a great show. The absolutely there was a great show
and so in my and that now you know he took me in the row with them and he was very generous, very nice guy and very funny, though, were to put the hat, but as solely with degree about exist. Only there were vaccine for tedious the hey, become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, cavity, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business for the all the voices performed today are by the one and only the inimitable mike mccray. He can be found at MIKE mcrae dot com. For this week. You be the best you can I'll keep being made
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-29.