« The Jimmy Dore Show

Celebrity American Idiots Push The Establishment’s Agenda

2024-01-05 | 🔗

Hardcore punk rockers Green Day performed on the very establishment Ryan Seacrest New Year’s Eve program but they made sure to thumb their noses at that very same establishment by changing the lyrics of one of their signature songs to take on — that’s right — Donald Trump. Jimmy, along with Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss the epic rebellion represented by criticizing the “MAGA agenda.” Plus two segments with Alex Jones — one on longstanding plans by elites to sow chaos and control the masses and the other covering Facebook’s ambition to communicate directly with our brains. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Mitt Romney and Hillary Supporter!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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jerry. I there's a janitor mitt romney of a great state of future hallucinatory nice to hear from you. What's on your mind, pal or not much ok. What would you call me for any particular reason. Yes, yes, I suppose you could say I am up well there, maybe I'd like to get out of hand. Like to do so on your usual programme. What's that buddy Well, any day now a certain list is going to be revealed publicly by them, No, I'm afraid, shut your eyes You keep are. You are the absolute Epstein list? Yes, If this were to perishing enough, I'm shocked.
Number. Sixty nine, oh yeah,. center. This is unbelievable. The whole thing is a horn swahili. Mr Habsburg was up to didn't, find it odd yourself that divided, I've got a bunch of flight with businessmen, politicians and teenage girls Jimmy I dunno about you, but I certainly had summer jobs when I was a nice yeah, the one that involves helping out on an airplane flying to the caribbean. I would have I end up in a salt lake city minutes yeah. I just figured these were from young women with some get up and go okay, jimmy sure. I had no idea what I'll stay summer jobs actually entailed. They word summer, jobs, mid, ok, ok, far enough, in way. I was in the dark about what is really going on, I'm not oblivious when a company sort of thing anyway, although in retrospect
It does make some things make more sense regarding the interaction between some of these The teenage girls? I remember thinking to myself, while these fellows seem to be spelling a lot of beverages on there. Yeah surely encountered some turbulence on the flight, but not enough to account for all the spillage. I see well you're, probably the only person I'd allow this to, but I believe you met Jimmy I swear. I was on these white for political and philanthropic all reason. The philanthropic reasons only centred around me. I said I believe you you do yeah I wasn't planning on being believed. Today, what do you mean? You may believe me, but I'm not quite sure the general public will thereafter blood with this attitude,
actually I think, though, that they will senator romney, probably the only one In addition, there would be suspected of no wrong doing zoo me. Why me Nothing else mate. You have a pretty straight laced image, but I don't think anyone could imagine you being cable. This type of horrible stuff, okay, now hold on a minute Just just wait. One minute. Are you're telling me that I have such a straight laced image that people, find out. I was on the Epstein flight and immediately assume I took no part in wrongdoing. That's right! Yes, Jesus Christ! What have I done? But what are you? What do you mean patch touched? straight lace: Jemmy like not even And jobs, but obviously I never would have done that. That is the privilege of my wife and advance alone.
But I am assured in united states senator for quite a business, really such a bad thing that people have this much faith in your character. appointed your seems, like everyone fixed on a joint pushing will hold on I get another collar. about. Oh, MR president, obama hi I forgot about list Barack Obama's. Most was the dogs of twenty twenty three just dropped, two boys it back. I'm gone about, but over me I'd stay on one. Ha ha yeah cause. I was not dumb enough to make the mistake. I made it my business during my career to be able to smell a scandal on this. One read
How about that? For you? That's just what that's just great gonna make you feel better about, well you're, not doing it. the amount of dying, something that I ah I I I can see doing some shit with my witness I swear. I didn't. Oh no. Well, I don't understand I thirty seconds ago, you just lamented not being suspected wrongdoing, know I am, but man so you will never be president called as a fan. I bet you did some shit but you do about it. I'm sorry, I gotta get dissolve browser above it just seems like you just one. Antagonize bit robbery at its cruel and it's not funny
I gotta know anyway. Gonna start work on a monday we want to out. We ve got a guy, I'm sure things are gonna, be fine. I don't want you to worry pal their backsides yeah added registered with me guess: guidance minting down the street the johnson to show. So on new year's eve. Bright right, see crest instantly still as a teacher yeah and is unreliable blank, but yes, and so
He had on green day who sings that song american idiot witches saga is to come out to a lot on tour, and he changed some of the lyrics, and here, let's listen to it, when a what he said, I'm not part of the mega agenda, so z in italy, it or not so without back so that the what would the word used to be in what used to be? And actually, if you think about it, the troll snobbery was there in the original lyric. It was I'm not part of a redneck jet, that's right and that part of the railway generally much more job right. It's still it still looking down so that simple That's called a real profile encourage, ladies and gentlemen, when you say you're, not that's He's didn't beat it mentioned that the that that general trumps opponent
the mega opponent is now it committing a genocide. Or funding one in palestine. long- isn't that he doesn't want to be an idiot He was to be an idiot. So I we finally know we're all that green and green days coming from right. It's coming from the establishment. Especially with the selection right around the corner of the ban that refuses to become an american idiot, is asking you to vote for a literal, demented idiot. Instead, all the one? You know it's funny? American idiot was very much an anti george bush. Was there a law, of lyrics that directly reference president, gas baggert war in Iraq. This is an old and john goodbye, English. whose eider changeable songs I got now
It was an attack on the bush administration gone now bushes, a hero among the liberal collage, oh yeah. They allow mention of these pete. They love george bush. They hated them. They hated Like they hated trump and all he had to do with say january, six protesters were undermining democracy and they were terrorists, and then the liberals ass embraced him. We gave Michelle obama some gum, Abigail, that that was really the turning point. I guess I got some great song ideas for them about here's one. I do what my leaders tell me. I let the president smell me, I'm as punkahs punchy brewster on tv there was abc clean it up. Let the president smell me, I wanna be inside when it comes time to hide, turns out the system's been nice to me. Fans. Leaving me at mass song is kicking my own ass guess. I found out how how wrong my song could be
no that's just someone that's some lyrics and I'm offering to green day. They could big booted that song, who would still be In the green day, in this day and age, chick punk, when I was in high school tat was like pogo, You look down on it, but now those women earn their forties. I guess wine aids hairs. What viva, for I for friends, show says I would love to simply asked billy Joe, that's the guy who saying that what he thinks of them, what the mug agenda actually means. Also, by changing your lyrics to I'm, not part of the market agenda, you make your of part of the agenda. Joy. The shilling hoarding side of the establishment agenda exactly like one Ali Parton absolutely violated her classic joline song by changing the lyrics to vaccine. Is that we might. I thought that was a joke. I know you want out. That's real, that's real, but here is me. I'm gonna get my vaccine, I'm so excited about. While I'm old enough to get it and smart enough to give
So I very happy that I'm going mom during a shot today, and I tell everybody think you should get out there and do too I haven't where my songs fifty fit. It goes. It goes. That's it that seeing that obscene I beg you, please don't hesitate vaccine That seems that sea, because once you needed, then that's a bit too. What you're dead that's a bit too late, just like a classic sociopath they no word and put the laughin. They put them in the wrong place which they live, Will they laugh or laugh doesn't belong? and then they also get angry out of nowhere too, and I dunno, if you do but there's the her cia handler left, is a walking toy that she has full leg. Sleeve tattoos on her arms, did know that Canada, big so yeah. I think rosy ellie build it or years ago, but she told us a big giving we looked up. She does. She cover them also on nipple rings
no is gets worse. She goes out, listen what she says janet, in thirty now get serious about the vaccine. I think we all want to give back to. Know what it is and that will your grace shot new one. If we can get back to that yeah. I just wanted to encourage, embody poops the sooner we get to feel better We are get back to be normal, so what is more want say to all of you power don't be such a chicken squad get shot so she's trying to find all these words that will hurt us and manipulate us coward chicken squad and which cheese, talking about an experimental medical treatment that usually takes ten years for them to find out if it has negative side effects, if it hurts more than help hugely ten years and she but you did not do that. and I urge you to think about modern as she speaks well enough flies
Leave my data. Not that's, add copy, then put us your spin on it. Aid given against. So, if you don't want to put experimental vaccine. Your body you're just a big pussy here serbia she's about she's she's, a big hero for the working classes, Kemal Harris's for the african american community key elements of the same thing that I saw at least three or four of them, there must be a care scared, you're scared. I was overman's whole thing. yeah yeah yeah. Why wouldn't you be afraid on the rumble side of the fence. Now I yeah man, I got it. If I had it to do over again, I would not have gone. I would. I would have got away with a card I would have got a faker would have got a yes. If I did at the beginning- and I I I'd say there- I. So I think that there is shame- and I am ashamed that I felt for the propaganda and I got the the butt the real shame is in the people.
who still want admit it now right that people who still sir You're me on twitter and facebook can everywhere else, people who still slander Joe, organ over it, even though he was proven right at every turn. The people lied to you wasn't Joe rogan, our jimmy door, the people idea: was FAO g, the fda, the cdc NBC Cbs, Stephen colbert anderson cooper, rachel, mad cow l, top vague, tough guy lords, o donnell? Those were the people who like to you about this. It was wrong in stone magazine or the new york times it was washes imposed. It was: and Joe rogan. It wasn't Jimmy JOR dealt with people like to you and then they just can't wrap their head around it, that they were lied to and then he relied about that now, because trumps that drive or yes or whatever problems were sure I suspect in it I'm not gonna go. While aid of my shot station have now maybe up tonight,
I was at a precise, I know people, I don't be blunt user. Yes, oh yeah, those that are currently applying aids on their social media. I was adequate was party- and the house was like- I just got my booster, I feel great yeah. A real number booster was it ok. I didn't ask him what the number was by does what number make him feel bad if it's not eight here yet the other one. Then, if you feel good, why you skipping you count So there is. Why are we here I can see the whole sign up that they ran on people were some psychologically vulnerable people. It triggered a lifelong os. Indeed they were already knew. I told you didn't what you your new york. I know three people who ve all told me that the first one to ever they had been given prozac and anyone who could be told the truth there that kind of new york rival cardiac, wilma They gave me at first in ilo and they're all messed up. There all did such an unhealthy environs.
Alma leaning a crow characters from I use goes Your guys, I hell all those old men they live in new york for ever got a bunch of those people that are like, like joy bay, whores thing, it's almost idea: you know. Royalty thing of ever gonna wanna breathe poor people, air being asked slowly dressed up as it's like science to you. given back to the green day, which is what this debate started for smokers which judge johnny lie. it says he says I never thought I'd like to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones, giving the middle finger to the establishment and the left wing became These nibbling self righteous twenty one's going around shaming everyone, and that's the guy from the sex pistols? I never thought I'd be. called right wing when I'm not right wing right me. I'd, add that I never I couldn't. I can't believe it. What, while that? Well, that's why the right wing for the first time in my life ever is producing comedy that's
other times. Funny, yes, Babylon b is one on consistently funny than the union. At this point, when I was coming up. The abbe, though that was an oxymoron right, yeah comedy. That's nice was to say there is no such things. Wizened words, the worse, the opposite of John Stewart. They tried it, they try to guy on fox accords. was a big loser and was now they got great gut field. Who acts is some slaughtering although let Jimmy kimmel a late night agenda, all of them to great god, slaughters, all of them is the number one late night house and he's doing comedy while because bertha censorious ones- are there always gonna, be a good target for cambodia and it used to be it was the foul jerry, foul, well It was those people you made fun of them now
I saw you know these, these labour. That is one of the people who I like and not the people. I can't you do have something to say this thing said the thing it enormously. It doesn't make sense, you crazy, you do the work so to make that real to you and so they're doing is going after donald trump there, and so what donald trump is is pretty close to the hamas of american politics, because he was invented by the opposition the establishment to validate their own existence, gainer function yeah but of course, the vaccines. The coveted vaccines are safe enough, kurd, and that way they won't stop the transmission or contraction of the virus. They certainly will slow it slow, the spread of white supremacy as well, and they slow this. I battled doubt it I wouldn't guarding. They certainly keep him for being seriously ill hospitalized or dead their fantastic hey, you know, here's another great way. You can help support the show. You should be
a premium member. We give you up bill of ours of premium bonus content. Every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give me your company, that cop click it got joined premium and support one of the previous programme in the business It's a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards extra everybody who was already a premium member and if you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, I want to show this clip of from tucker in its very short clip- and I want to get your reaction to it. in a society where the people in charge just want to sell you out to get rich, that's bad, but that's, however, watching we're watching something much darker than them. So the objective I would say the entire administration and its,
was in the republican party, which is most elected officials. There is destroy the united states, the recognised we had saved the country grew up in the country who have been living in say ten years ago and that's all lobbyists everyone by june, people pause and ask what is that with these people live here. they dont all have secret. I get away, especially now that Epstein is gone and so they succeed in their project, destroying the united states. Where are they going to go? It's like burning your own house down. So why You do that. That's not just an act of justice Action is an act of self destruction, so is that political programme, no applause, graham is designed to help the people-
who instituted due to voters and donors. Their programme helps nobody, so I and kind of developing my own theory on this Alex at what about. So, if you remember Couple weeks ago, g jinping visited san francisco and, if revenge san francisco there's homeless people everywhere? Will they clean that up for you, in paying to come there and just like a couple years ago, Gavin newsome announced that there was a forty billion dollars. You podgy put alex up there. Forty billion dollar surplus income Fournier and I was like well. I bet gotta clean up homelessness, it he's gonna, give people held carroty, they did nothing, it did not. With that forty billion dollars. Another saying it's all gone and I don't know no one knows where when and so we no, that they could cleat. They could end homelessness in amerika for action of the money that they centre. Ukraine at the blink of an eye, restarted end angrily. That's right! They could have fixed it for five times over
they could have sent everybody to college for free. They won't do any of that. So it's it's, I'm develop big, this theory that their wanting to us to be on edge and they want us decide. Tucker had talked about it when he was on our show. They want you to when you go to the seven eleven you have to step over a homeless person and everything's locked up behind gauges, and you get a crazy person screaming at you, so that you will welcome authoritarianism right just like with the terrorist attack on nine eleven did we became MR valence state people gave up their freedom. By the way the patriot act was outer shell for years. They will wait to implement that and so people forgot that every email, every text, every phone call they make us being recorded and take an end up category, we call did by the government, and so I've tried This too, I'm starting to develop a story like so it do. They keep saying that trump and trumpet are going to start a civil war. The p starting civil war, the corporate media, which are beholden to a handful of billionaires, which
behold into no country and they it's like they want us fighting. They want us at each other's throats. They want almost desir, that's why they won't fix it. They want everybody to be on edge and afraid in that but he's a wrecking the country. That's why the borders open for many reasons want, but we'll talk about that in a second but go well just go ahead. Respond to what I said and what tucker said watch a profound clip by Tucker. I've heard him say similar things when I had seen that clip- and I I really am an expert on this, because I read the writings voluminously of the high priest of these people, are you all know our armies and bugs and so a lot goes into this, but but that it will level you're harbours, Jo Leinen, there's some other levels. To my view, auschwitz, his share? We want an angry or world sugar I want you to see dystopia and pain. That was declassified. That substance see the cia wanted ugly art, ugly architecture, ugly culture show that you,
we accepted uglier world and just get used to it and wooden demand, beauty and and and wood along with with with with with with people that wanted a better world because they were about to end the experiment. of america with all its problems and all the issues It was a wild west and people to come. It was the best house in a bad neighborhood and they could really aspire to be maverick. Every other place shut down in an urgent because elite I didn't want anything a chance and their monopoly of had dramatic control when feudalism looks everywhere. You people one tiny piece of land in every culture for europe united, the nobles were a foot or to higher than that than the sharps, because they ve been kept starving levels for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's management system to keep people dawn and poor. You like the famous comedian
george current said they want you down. They want you stupid, and you know just what you just pay it, had to do the work until you know retire, and so they can steal your pension, so now way box and all the rest of the stuff. They don't even need people. Life was always cheap. Now it seems we're eating up their resources, so they don't want the world to aspire to a too the wage and of education and health care, and a small swimming pool in the back yard and access medical care. When all this technology, older science, we working level actuaries to three days a week living like kings, but instead they shut up legal systems and corporate since the tax systems that tax the middle class, the poor young people benefit only for the social controls that come out of it. So managers serve, but then it gets worse. If you talk to but what I ve ever milburgh myself more than ten times by criminal their jobs
we get into the hotel a few days before they closet and weep hard. I say when the builder burger comes here them today the waiters into the staff into the bartender josie bell up when they come in here and you see how rude and evil and mean they are, and you hear what they're saying here's my phone call me and give me information a bird things being thrown the trash galloped jimmy Jim tavern all report and that of an autonomous the year since the seventies, and he's dead. Now that the EU is a real interest in your old fashioned gumption and show them would then be so rude and so mean and never give a one cent tip. None of them give depth Hillary Clinton a restaurant. You have no tip what of time skip out on it and they're all yeah guess knew some october will the knowing their all this, because they are such sociopaths slam psychopath. They're all large scale that too
they alone are still doing good. Others comes back to you. They don't get that event, crap swimming pool their gotta closed the community pool because they're so powerful their disconnected forever being many people shall David sure we are related and so disdainful, but, deep down No they're consciousness is evil there. Body there, even their genetic, still has the old human their show they subconsciously themselves. So David project, under the public, their own self loathing and at the top psychotic about psychopaths and ensure killers. They only full alive what they're doing something better being nasty, none of that you anything nice. They are saliva competitive that they feel like there are being She did so they're doing all these destructive thinks what are their pretty stolen money going to do when there's a nuclear war. What's it going to do with it no night sitting.
no spend the money and they they show conscious living, oh yeah, well done everybody down and make them stupid in port control, em, but they're not even I just signed up to go that will blow back because they have such little humanity. They can't even understand that basic thing, yeah it'd be hard and business be serious. Don't let folks push you around but also realize you've got to not just give a homeless person ten dollars. You've got to create a culture
in a society that has things to aspire to and honor and in competition to where people are brought up to believe in something. But if you believe in something good, you'll become a high functioning, successful person in your hierarchy of needs and the final hierarchy after food and sustenance and medical and family is helping others and and and being a pillar. Because you are connected to everybody. I'm not a collective assent government makes you collective and makes us collect. Now. We are collective as creatures we're a hive creature, but through individual determination making the best decisions and proving what works best. We then collectively opt in to the our system and the best collective mode. We shall own things, we shall privacy, but it's because we collectively agree on what's good. They want to system, that's tyrannical and centralized out of pure avarice and selfishness and greed,
eddie and over driving level, and so they are completely against the very civilization that has made them fabulously, rich and powerful as parasites. If cancer had a consciousness, it would say I better not kill the body, I other just stay the size because all die, but cancer doesn't have a consciousness. It had a consciousness. It would be thinking, I'm all powerful. I can't be stopped. Look me I'm taking over the brain, the lungs, the bones, the blood I've taken over the skin, but the whole thing dies. Show there like a conscious cancer, the desert carriage destroying the host? And so they don't have that connected list with us? So that's why they are the plague and that's why command goes through cycles? We all know that, when a major turning right now the fort turning and the globalist? No that's so they want complete control and power. because they know their also about to die. They want to have the great reset, but I covered in my book thrown away
getting is already a seller to have even radio tyranny out of the collapse of their old parasitic financial system, and so we are now at that point where they're trying to double down instead of in the cycle of hard make strong men. Strong men make good times good times, make weak man weak men, make bad times and then back thomas make strong men, obama and others call at the end of history, and they want such a scientific factory farms dumb. and populations. They even allowed to be around five hundred million- that's the official number, so they want to get rid of seven and a half billion people and they want factory farm people that they mind control they control. They read the thoughts of they control, the thoughts of and the dreams of, so they can play god. This is the desire to pick mad scientist hell they're building, and that's why they're at war against the natural order, because the natural order is conducive to the cancer tagging,
And so how do you define who, when you keep when you say they, how do you define they? Who is the day. there are sociopaths psychopath in the chinese government and corporations are sociopaths and psychopaths. In the german government there are sociopath psychopaths, the? U S, government there sociopath pass in the israeli government. There are such your past back in the russian government. But they won't remember eighty plus years of this there in many having a renaissance, to to to get away from it. Whereas falling on the bottom yet shall we're going deeper into it, but if you wanna know rugged black rock, did you covered in black rogue states in vietnam, all control of the same group of less than a dozen managers control. Eighty eight percent of world assets and wealth- and they said, will use this to control people. Want to cut off our resources are saying, and we can't take showers or water gloves,
in obama tool average car industry, but he can have jumbo jets palatial. You know things you're all over the place and so religion of do, as I say, not as I do. I am annoyed at one, I'm a priest class. I rule over you, euro serve, you have done, any any. We know runs in the Handful of families and groups that control blackrock. Just like you mentioned network there, revelations about other telling your right there. They have Why every humanity they want to just almost down in russia aside, and then they control that events contractors big pharma. They bring up the path patients they control they penetrate the cabinets cloud schwab said The dummy iacchus their spokesperson. Refugees are pr firm and they have stolen the world's wealth and enable its own by them and they believe under your pantry to get some flour and there's weevils in it? You kill the way.
walls and there they see us as is giving that they say this week. There's too many people we gotta get rid of, and we don't be all these human anymore. Well, we don't you clash? Why were you all know Harare added for people They will isn't this conspiracy. Isn't that great caution? the family were knowledge of all our work, You know it's easy being helped round up his own family, The cultural revolution and watches his father in family were attacked him sister was tortured. Me agreed with it. So here I noted that a parasitic system to be the leader of the country and a dictator to shirk. that ruling communist oligarchy She literally stood by all his father was pillory the town square and while his sister was beaten to death, and so he saw shortcoming the party he was. rewarded in the top flawed and so he's just a manifesto so we look to the brain of a henry kissinger and the brain. It was a beggar presented, what is chinese? One is jewish. Or the mind about of hitler. Hitler said
everybody else is weak and dumb survival of the fittest. Social darwinism, we're gonna, kill everybody that no along with us and in some will be left as slaves. But really, We're render them later. The peoples of all? Why, as you all know harare chain don't even yemen's it's time to get rid of people. The villagers nonhuman that we're just shut the future. Is Anybody, but an area which is bad enough. You'll all around. He says the future aid. Even he'll, unnatural quote humans or go about twenty forty seven and you can read NBC headlines the same thing: a new york times outlines looking forward end of humanity under the grocery store check outline somewhere headline last week. It tell you you're garbage you fill, you killed the earth don't have alot force. Don't have your violence thing you're, killing every they look at the garbage. Look at the homeless look into everything just die,
we either don't live, don't drive, don't kid and for the future, don't affect the future, because we have the renaissance says: a believing in humans and egalitarianism and classical liberalism. really empowering people but doing it through the glass will give system. That's the right awakening that in its countering the great reset the war against the globalist defeatism glottal is enlarging the net great renaissance, and they can't compete with that. They are a evil speaking, which yet, that's little trying to hand out poisoned apples versus Marilyn monroe in their prime freedom in the renaissance and liberalism, real liberalism is Marilyn monroe in her prime, and the new world order is like a sketchy from the dark crystal they have to make breathing ugly, because their ugly, spiritually, culturally metaphysic.
We may need everything ugly to camouflage themselves because they are so fallen so. I just learn recently- did that the p, the new service, the ip the owners of the eight p? Is it the what rothschilds there: they are a lot of stuff through blackrock. They also only economist magazine, any other rothschilds and that's a whole other store. I'm sure you know it, but the british empire was dominant until eighteen fifteen, but it was incomplete control for a hundred years. After that, because the battle of Waterloo Was so decisive, defeating the continental forces of napoleon bonaparte for the second time with the prussian british pincer attack that the rothschilds is on record since carrier pigeon to a fast corps? Ship teresa cross and tell everyone stock market open that morning. That napoleon had one
then lord well, it could have been smashed at the start. margaret went around ninety nine percent. Thereafter, that bought up now, united rendered ninety nine percent of stock market, so they want just What does family in the world up until that point, but then were trimming the world up to that point on record. Ok married if the british world, vienna, very her aged fifteen, the battle of waterloo, they own, the british empire, they all the major stocks. They got it a course napoleon really lost and the earlier six hours six hours before they came in and said no again as one well. That is why and then, in all shot back up above word even was show look, them to do this again with a cyber attack, we're safe rob supporters who know average working, he would put nerve cyber attack to cancel the election. The election some points I had in her more show so yeah deluge major crises, the calamities, solid, a power and the anglo american establishment that there's a tribal or world theirs.
Washington wardens junior there The chinese that are the middle room, the anglo american british empire. The carol quickly build lunch mentor eleven hundred page bought bragging about from their perspective. There girul how they were going to take over the world and I keep sixty. Seventy wrote it any but such a big brzezinski wrote books it meaning that they all admit this. economic level like we're young animals. I just reading what there actually saying, and they in mainline phd history books, They had met all this about the rothschild. Now I dont want Eric, say it they all anti semitic Do we used to say that the last child did this and are super powerful? or the north, the chinese, because you being as it is bad and I think Chinese about no I'm not, but but it really is true that that's how german, jewish banking family who ran pawnshops, basically in germany alone, money to people,
how they parlay their wealth. From A hundred years ago by eighteen fifteen to rule most of the earth, the sun never set of the british empire than world war, one the option of uranium bar got so dominant medium. Nationalism is war to know that the british challenges of the black hand assassinate frankfurt, Nan, the arch good, that the german, although crazy because they were winning with all the new patterns all involved in science, the british. Statements about the german problem there, the british empire was was corrupt origin. In some way, no one was started by them. Well, what you wish hitler? He was bad, but the marseille treaty and all that we're coming to power, is one of them. Is british intelligence to control it were, but none fundamentally on job a new enemy, and so really how this world has been operating edge it how It's been and show
When you're one, the british empire said, made a deal and even teddy Roosevelt wrote about this, it was churchill. Once Churchill wrote, the three volume shut, the histories of the british beef people's near he was half american. He said now we came a rebel war. One we shut up to see how far we merge british intelligence. U s intelligence right, and then that is the young all american empire. They call it the shelves and put jazz fighting the anglo american illegal in. I have no problems with the report where we would the americans he said I problem with your anglo american oligarchy? He calls us the anglo american and who are they I come from a north tribe. Yet later became william the conqueror and took over france, and they came into ringlets. So if you go back all of this. They take the name of william. Conquerors rib promises thousand years ago, Alex have you seen
it is unbelievable of you. There's a movie about the rothschilds, that's black and white. it's made by them to promote them, and it look like something hitler made to smear them and its ear thing bragging about their family history. It's unbelievable. I haven't seen you: might they made it themselves? This is great like it's crazy, the real for you bite it. The new mafia, which I did a lot of people My more albums through mafia silicon valley, the b. E f military industrial complex will look at this story. Mark Zuckerberg, says facebook, of the future will be powered by telepathic thoughts isa his book users in the distance. According to him, facebook users the future will share telepathic thoughts and feelings to each other. Mark Zuckerberg claims you're going
to just be able to capture a thought what you're, thinking or feeling in kind of its ideal in perfect form in your head and be well to share that with the world in a format they can get that he called out people to think lesson in nations but as a citizen of a global community use innovations and technology for progress this, Will this sounds like exactly what every person who was claimed was deemed conspiracy. There is here it is here's the head of silicon valley. They had a facebook instagram, the billion, himself mark Zuckerberg, saying I dont think of it's like. You know you remember that movie network where ned baby games. That speech where he says there are no countries. There are only companies in the international transfer of dollars and you have upset natural order of the transfer of die.
Dollars, and you must have told that's what this he saying right. There he's giving the net baby sweet. He said, There are no countries, there are only come. Indeed, you have meddled with the tidal forces of the show that you must atone you get up there on your little bitty eighteen inch screen, and you talk about nations, borders and peoples, there are no nations, there are no borders, there are no peoples, there are only the meant and an that's actually the glove, the speech you. I've actually been in boardrooms, similar that another offer meetings, to get me to join news gore and in front of me fifteen years ago I got a fox and meetings like listen This is all over. It's a corporate global system Alex you'll have more in effect, joining us come work with us. Henry Kissinger had the head of his kiss your group, one time in front of my producer, and this was Offerings- I'm told a story-
equality comedy. We want you to work boards, you can lead to liberty movement, but that's all you have to say the table so they go by people up like they just by a baseball cards, but but go back to suffer he's literally thing. We're gonna, read your mind. Facebooks going to read your mine. Will that super grapes- Why are you gonna to read? Are you also put twenty four billion or whatever was into the men of ours, which was a healthcare show but show you where they want to check a statement was just here of things they want ass, they want our minds, they want or bodies. With your mind his sixty minutes. ass, you can already at the one guy the guy's, a kid you just water pizza. With your mind like you, I believe the major issues, the matrix it's the matrix you're gonna, be in a pot at an end. patents. Now we're bet you Leon heat from your body: powers, the computers wow. While that's that's very major.
It's like: that's, unbelievable, no originally the matrix it was it was we batteries as humans, or should he batteries it was supposed to be. There were hooked up as a neural network for the computer, but the dipshit producers had no one's gonna, get that say their batteries really answer that I thought I'd ever being batteries. It was originally something much like not to smart. Just a a good thing that battery thing scientifically Look at all, because a dumb fuck producer said that and that true- and let me add, carry out there is a wired magazine. Article came out about twelve years ago without about Eric schmidt the founding with in detail on the cia and the usa, who already have add the search engine system where they would rabble. Data and emails, you're traffic and phone calls and create word messages and then, if they wanted to search what we were saying, Google was the n s, search engine rob
grim called echelon zombie glass by an our first reading when the pentagon signed on shed we're gonna create first, guy. But it's going be cybernetic where you're a neural network oregon millions of people in lifetime dolled into us we'll be able to send messages back stimuli to control them as the original inventors of the internet in an orbit darpa programme and nineteen sixty worry, worry. Pentagon psychiatry. Look this up created the intergalactic communication system. It was on paper and said be big tvs everywhere. They gave you messages. You would carry a hand, computer downward trend. everything you did and daily you downloaded into the system was all theoretical and they would then use the internet the communication system to programme and at a shop. This is an original theoretic the plan that they developed, leaved theoretic blueprint for united
actually look it up. You can't make this up and that's what google is today and it is artificially intelligent, because it's a computer into using with us- and it is a lie with the secret- is a eyes us that's You see how hard it just rowing. What we ve done plagiarized, our riding right videos are photos. Are I our poetry? We all? This is beautiful because its narcissistic we're looking ourselves in the pool of water representation that stupid shit yeah I was like twitter seem like a queen he a crazy brain. When you, look at the whole thing I, like all the other we note has not already alive. You almost is using it to programme, is a rock and so they took everybody else off internet whose good training system and didn't want anybody like us on their up until this violent people like that
so yes most actually bought toward him promoted, stuff and politically. We have all. But the real reason is the program his eye. I so here something that's even creepy or mark mark Zuckerberg says that this is gonna happen in the future there. Well, here's the w E f it's more than telling you that it's already here, so this is a as is about to tune, or maybe a three minute, video and watch what they have to say this is kind of my boy sing your joy, your playlist shut, your favorite song, sending shells up your spines. The music begins to play. You gleam
Transcript generated on 2024-01-06.