« The Jimmy Dore Show

BOMBSHELL: Ivermectin Is Now OK To Treat COVID! – Says The FDA

2023-08-18 | 🔗

Now that the pharmaceutical industry has made its hundreds of billions from vaccines, and despite an all out smear campaign the agency itself participated in, the Food & Drug Administration has approved the drug Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID. So it turns out that, according to the FDA, it’s OK even if you’re not a horse for you to take Ivermectin to treat your COVID. That’s what you call a win-whinny. 

Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why Ivermectin had to be so severely demonized during the early days of the pandemic but now can be approved in such a cavalier fashion.

Plus a segment on all the terrible jokes late night night comedians made about taking Ivermectin, which has now been approved by the FDA to treat COVID.

Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Alec Baldwin!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The cubs see our live, shows we're going to be in chicago rosemont, las vegas, salt lake city, new york, city, pottstown, pennsylvania, stanford, toronto toledo, detroit ST louis, and more go to jimmy dore dot com for a link for those tickets, the hades If Jimmy who's, this Jimmy Alec for the Joe Alec Baldwin, thanks for calling you'll notice that I skipped my usual self introduction, I assume, by this point, you're familiar with my resume actor director, never right
yeah. I got it, but I got a lot of money, not with this the bullet with Jimmy. I am outraged about what one part of my regiment I failed to mention was voice of the new york show harmonic at I like every member of the family. Today, I am outraged by this outrageous anti semitic attack on one of our own, who Leonard Bernstein Isn't he dead, but very spirit lives on lives on of almost with music need website, side story, exquisite, requiem, Here, the spark of chemicals, the irrational hatred of Jews needs to be done. What you're talking about Jimmy. How could you not now? What are you not terminally online?
images were released today of bradley cooper s leonard Bernstein, and his upcoming by opec and the world is shocked, but no only rarely were the latest in a series of non shoe is playing a storage which figures but chose to to wear a prosthetic. No, because that is what it is. Ah, that's what you want. as our real. I saw a jew face, trending jus phase. Sure. It is nonetheless as black, face or yellow face. but I do know is that legal ways: american. It say that that's a jewish, right now you saying that is actually the icy cite the term jus phase itself just sounds like that sounds. Any sabbaticals either he be doing out of wake up
giving of do not even to combat aunt. I owe you could say, do if it's used it. So let me get this straight bradley cooper, directed and start in this by a big which was a labour of love on his part. You wore make up an prosthetics to make him look We're like his subjects, and everyone is up in arms, It looks like jimmy durante, progressive crime, invoking Jesus Christ because he too was jewish ripe, Would it well? What about the fact that lettered Bernstein own chilled to release a statement saying that they support the project owner per cent and support groupers decision to use make up unprecedented
Now matters specifically funny accusation of anti semitism racism of any kind, and I remembered levels. It cannot be retract his role of the very good person to stand shoulder to shoulder with the jewish community and the furious about a series of photographs that they saw. ha ha ha ha. Oh, I see so only jewish actors can play jewish characters. That would be preferable if not a jewish actor. Then at least in italian. south eastern, european or other knows people know well wait. Wait. to find out about this little movie called the godfather James. Con was a jew plague in italian, Alex
go on, italian was playing a jew and marlon brando was neither many people have addressed a pragmatic No, they haven't. No one has ever said. Well, you put it up, they're! So now I must be outraged about yeah yeah, but to make the opposite points the way to godfathers cash. The minute you always get on this good boy, train and glove onto the outrage de jure when you're about to have a pr crisis yourself. I dont know you're talking about it? I didn't I read that manslaughter charges against you could be reviled because, A recently released forensic report stated that the gun fired in the rust movie shooting had to have its trigger pull to fire. Despite your claim that you did not pull the trigger
Jimmy for thousands of years. The jewish people know how much worse it is time for us to stand up for them and religious minorities of all stripes and tell the world that enough is enough. This by Mr Baldwin. Did you lie about? Pulling the trigger diagnosis or at least carefully regulated my careless member of the macomb to more than one reduction to let a dangerous anti semitic piece of polystyrene just lie around body guarded and it'd be attached to bradley cooper space. There is the real culprit: real white supremacist nazi, What are you? What are you talking about? My hot knows he thought it was a cold knows, I'm not sure, I'm pretty wild, that's right now
You are definitely doing yes. Madame. I could show that I had a diameter. Ok, bye. and then will be released until your for years and years. Are we not pleasure shining with you and thank you for allowing me to use your platform probably go? I have eighteen children and I still have a member. Aye, sir sliding down the street and johnson media the chimney to show
is the Jimmy Dore show hair pasta, giorgio la carte bedskirt and J d in the house. So let's clean baby, keep it clean want to jump that exit. Thank you guys, I'm learning as we go along over here, but yeah it. This is a story right now. That really is really upsetting. because this is something we went through for the last several years there's a lot of us who got on top of the whole ever met in story, out of the gate. We heard about it. We had heard about what it could eight to do, how it could actually be used as a therapeutic and This is the horse medicine you taught his is the horse. Is nobody last major? These appointed get that context. Gonna get words is, it is, Wars, medicine, but also this medicine, Kurt didn't you know the ads ape adapted to human form. It won a global peace prize right. It's been off patent for we'll years which, meaning that other companies can make, it knock off style, they can just make it generically. and they can sell it for very cheap and the whole sad part of This is. There is a lot of people who knew that this work, but now brick,
news the FDA lawyer announces that I've ever met in can be prescribed for carbon nineteen. Oh what you say that you know! No, that it works. I mean it works for certain things. It certainly doesn't work for covert. Nineteen note now it does this by the way. Don't ask your doktor about it and I don't normally. We know them say? Definitely, I should die there to write. This prescription the human humans tell him what he would give. You is the first drug in history that big farmers says. Please don't ask your adopted a writer proscription prescription, getty one. I revenue yeah. I don't know about this with the lawyer. Said now that they can prescribe it and they're not going to you no hold back in and Can a demon iser? What not there was a whole campaign on this to kind of diamond. when it came to erect, and even though it doesn't work supposedly
They wrote a message, whereas you could go blind, you'd get shot sure you could get shot due to twenty people out of a couple. it has had died according to the how many twenty twenty twenty people? While it's a lot note at adding a couple billion People would say some doctors might say docked. America used to say that it's safer than aspirin, but Nevertheless, as that would make it safer than aspirin by illegal lie That's like with a number one overdoses than would be bigger than heroin, so hollow check this out. In a major narrative reversal? U S, food and drug administration. The FDA said that doctors are free to proscribe ivory, acting as a treatment for co Nineteen, this admission made by the FDA attorney appearing before the united states, fit circuit court of appeals is in direct contact. ass with the organizations messaging during the pandemic when Iver makin, I remember, was labeled a controversial
who still warm error. Young with coffee was controversial among the horses? don't even imagine I do my horse. He gave the FDA eggs, physically recognizes that doctors do have the authority do have the authority to proscribe iver method to treat covert, said attorney attorney ashley Chung on old during oral arguments before the court on tuesday, the fit circuit is the process of hearing a case brought by three doctors, who allege that the FDA overstepped its boundaries with its public information campaign? against human consumption of ivermectin. Remember this: yes, I hear you're not a horse, you're, not a cow seriously, all stop it!
good work, throw in a y'all in there sounds really science y. So that's the f d, a being completely captured by big pharma. That's what that is who's supposed to stop. What they're saying is: please don't try this drug that is unbelievably safe. I am and possibly could work uncovered. Nineteen, please don't even try it when, if they ever done that before one of they even told told any website, I'm I'm getting ahead of. You want to stop with you, it's not over the counter. You have to have a doctor private use It just walk in writing it no! Never quite stop at your. So what that, what the FDA will say, disingenuous lee was that we were referring to people who are taking the veterinary. version of it that you could get added of of as some kind of feed store or something.
And that's not what they were loom. No one, that's a lie. That's not let no one did that in inhuman is right by bet you actually that they, they say they have these stories of people. Who did that I ever heard of it or the people who took hydroxyl clerk. We now have a fish tankers up thinking. I think they paid those people to do that. Ok, just like the f b, I goes around up these mental defective to go pretended to terrorism, acts but is actually up we're doing them, I think is the same thing some mental defective to take drugs gore, they pay them probably go ahead. Will I was just going to ask- I mean you know I I can only speculate on why they said you couldn't do this because remember it was f d. A approved of just was an f d a prove to treat cobit. That's the whole thing off patent off patent, so doctored technically items idea approve, should have been able always are able to that that that's just better. That's called practicing medicine, yes, so sick, you're, all, always able to efforts already been approved for human consumption.
Yes, you can then prescribe for anything. If you're a doctor, that's called practicing medicine golly. We, it sounds uncooked like kind a noncommittal, so they just say we're not gonna arrest anybody, in view of the authority to prescribe yet now it was a way to do it without saying gender threats. The men had taken away your license, suspending your licences, mademoiselle now they're going to court and their take it dil I was being applied and they're like okay. Of course, you can do it. Of course, we're going to have to treat this like every other drug in the birkin world. We're going to have to allow doctors to have court, because there's no reason to not, they can't tell a judge, but they can. You know they can tell it
some cooper and rachel man, I'll bull shit like that, you know: doktor fouch, you can sit there and talk to stephen colbert in say it's dangerous. If you take it member, I showed that video it. I was really how dangerous is doctor about you. If you take a romantic, is more dangerous than tylenol or less dangerous than thailand is more dangerous than aspirin ruler. He never gave a common line. You said it was dangerous lines. Is your payments living, but they can't do that to a judge, and so that's why now the FDA has to say. Of course you can use it. You see this thought the right here. The first word doktor Paul America had taught upon america? My show I spoke to him before defeat the mandates he's a great guy. He was forced out of his position working in the icy you for years, because he was superscribed is allegedly families speculating. He was prescribing Iver mechlin years at us. was thrown out on the street and related age is really talked a lot of these doctors when they lost some of their position. It really affected them see. I took the time to take a look at the doctors like Paul American backed, appear
korea in some of these other diagrams malone. Robert Malone mccullough and I looked at their record before covert. I looked at their doctors record online from their patience and they were all it's top notch. That's why it was very easy for me to listen to these doctors because they had a great records amongst their patients. It was only when covert hit that they became whack. That's right, crazies, don't listen to him, not jobs, the whole nine yards now. This is so that was put up here right now. There's three reasons why I ever met was blocked by FAO, chee gates, w h, yo. I liked the sky put the deal. it's very important. They blocked it. Kate, the w e F, the cdc f d, a and the media. Well, it was a concerted effort, married together, right to make sure or in the media, was aided and abetted. They went right, along with a because who pays their bills, who they sponsored by far iser and all the other companies, one no deck look son of a pandemic is known. If there's some successful treatments number two-
no emergency use, authorization for expend experimental, m m rna injections. Never What do you mean and no eu for the killer drug run desert here so pretty much states? It is other alternatives. You can bring a vaccine to market. Even though is the most safe and effective actually never made in history of accidents, and only six months newly takes about eight years still safe and effective. You can't bring it with an amount to use other relation if there are other therapeutics out there. So if they know that iver mechanism is good will or hydroxide clerk, when his good, you can get your emergency use authorization, so there goes troy the dollars out the window on the options that iver method and high drugs could treat kova nineteen they couldn't take that chance, and so they demonized it and they demonize anybody who talked about it and they made everybody afraid even bring it up in fact, made us afraid, even bring it up, because we might get our channel taken down
You are allowed to talk about it even though they can prescribe it. So I will I we had that we weren't allowed to say we are. We still can't say, and I'm not saying that it treats covert nineteen. I can't say that I I guess we can say now that the f d a says that doctors can prescribe it for covert nineteen, so we can say that so I just have to be careful, because it doesn't matter actually how carefully I'm youtube can do whatever they want. It's there is their playground, but anyway we got it. At least. Try to you know doubt skirt skirt the rules. You can't fight over the counter they tried. There was a bill that was passed. They believe in new Hampshire that they were going to say will you can buy it regularly? Recreational and I'm saying I what recreational I've reacted. Well, how would you by this liquid somewhat over the counter? The that's? Not an ethical agreed when you ve got a pebble, arcade or something you there.
Only a draft law. You had some irregular ivy by regulating over the cow over the town, but you're in nicaragua, less than fifty cents a pill less than fifty cents a pill in nicaragua. Though they say a lot of people say that you know in africa they take hydroxyl chloroprene every sunday and they take I've, remarked in all the tie us, and so I am not saying that that that treats cover that's not worth saying parasite like like they do have the lowest. They did have the lowest rates of They were taking it as a prophylactic for river blindness, another other parasitical diseases, but guess what it turns out that those also has antiviral properties and they they knew about it excludes you can go back and
look and their army point papers published at the end. I asia that say that all we have seen that I've ever met in works in the lab to fight corona virus, not covered nineteen, but they knew that it may be, could that this anti parasite has also anti viral properties, and they are afraid that it could, shriek over nineteen and if it could, they couldn't get their marines to use authorization for the vaccines, and there goes a couple of hundred billion dollars and that's not good for bill gates and good for bill gates. Ah, in you know, doctor carol wayne, how many people lost their lives before we reached this point. How many media articles mocking the doctors who tried to prescribe this drug cocktails? They knew worked or there's a missing case that threw me off. I know, but I I was able to battle through it, So this was this was the breaking news the other day. This is senator ron Johnson, I don't care if you like, senator RON Johnson. Are you not? He still? The sender
this is how much they censured this guy. After the first defeat, the mandates in d c, they all the doctors, the next day went for a senate hearing. You tube took down his views. hell of a set of hearing almost immediately a senator with all these doctors they took down, is hearing that's how much
They want to suppress this information, his maria and some iran jobs and his ticket. Listen. We learned this morning that the act is now saying that it's ok to take. I respect him if you have covered a senator. I remember talking when you were a blank during covered about your upset that you and ensuring their we're trying to cancel you, because you were talking to doctors to try to find out the right way to treat called it without having to get too many. Booster was in an end calling shots. My covered was gone in a day when I took over makin a now three years later. The althea says out: that's fine. Take I remember him. Why then really dont reside in dealing with talking to four
years now. They believe that probably hundreds thousands of americans lost their lives because they were denied really treatment and they're denied it, because the f D, a santos for example, I remapped rooms at grand, yaya you're, not a car, not a horse, uses supposedly Where's, who notices eight nobel prize winning medicine, it did, could screw saved hundreds thousands, why'd. You just say many. Many lies because people do them. Doctors recurred to end the compassion, should treat patients using it and putting a resume at the license, but your fortune What can we do? Well, yes, we do have report is like yourself why John solve and other people who have the courage to report the truth I guess the mainstream media even worse in order, but that's your script. softly dimension. I shouted. We expose more americans too,
listen to the truth to be exposed to the truth, to call their heads on the sand quite honestly, open up their eyes and understand what has happened. This country. We are going down a very dangerous path, but it's a path has been laid out in plan by an elite group of people that want to take total control over our lives and that's what they're doing bit by bit. They do it by increasing man. Your massive government spending increase the size of government takeover of recoup. These amendments that are coming up are going to be voted on in two thousand twenty four and the EU are frightening and they they really risk taking away. Oliver. sovereignty? Are people half way going away into the dangers of the moment? He's right about that he's right about the w a joke? Thank you. First, as the who watch, I always think, of the ban and so forth, but he's here some of the debate. I well galbraith. Socks I'd ever live through the time. What is thy crap
anyway, so yeah he's talking about individual news regulate, and it he's so that if you, if you're, just a casual observer, the news and you just watch cnn and MSNBC, and then you see a again say some like that. You would think he's crazy. You go why there's the dutch w a joke? trying to take over our life yes will. First of all, there did it with lockdown did by the way they were not supposed to do that they would they handle pandemics, never that they say that there was there ever a consensus that you're supposed to do locked out. They made that up. They may that agenda. Taking you, that's that's right. May they made that up and it too scared the hell out of everybody, so they show it would make them more open to being vaccinated. That's what I was about and they end it was also in another chance to transfer weld upwards, because you could still by everything you wanted what you had to do it through a billionaire headed you through amazon or target, or what
our essential business, get gotta, do it through central businesses that they can control yet so you did you there or that can control you two to go, has humor ear with our rockefeller and standards. It was like the three quarters for the all come from rockefellers. You can show the country down. Yes, you don't before they broken up into the honest oil. Because we have not yet- and I trust by things what he called it. So I do know the pool of public education, the rockefeller foundation put that together because everything's all I just somebody interpretation of what they did. They wrote it I d, a memo. We each other, not artists, who think Hurchel whatever together. That's it the bells for to get rid of your factory, you Dave specifically designed it. I really you made public education, the mega thing that doesnt work there to read that it was design away like this, and the whole time, it's not like us to make obedient workers, like George Carlin, said, but it's exactly like said, and they wrote it down, in those words,
Where does not like, is like a top secret conspiracy. They sat in the goal. Is when they were not really say the stuff like the weird eugenic stuff here, what they would they all talked about. How? What's that? What was the guy's name, who started it was the propaganda I started they fear, but they took people working at guy twenty seventeen of the war. Nobody was forty world war one and there are like we gotta get these people for, and so they did, they put on a proper get one was that guy's name. He was the father of it. Not burnett. Now he's he's the guy that helped the cigarette company doctor out I'll. Think of it he's a famous dude yeah. I know I know I have to know because I was in a I was marketing anyway and but yeah, and so they nobody wanted the war and then, in six months, get everybody wanting to go to war with germany and then same thing. They did it here couple of years ago and it was about they were going to somehow maybe put a tax on cigarettes or where they were going to do something withheld
hair and everybody was for it, and then they did this six months of commercials and a loss. You remember what I'm talkin about Craig I do not. edward bernays. Ah there you go. That I got smart chat, rockefeller they also or maybe Cornelia camera, which one try to simplify, spelling and almost go converge. you're too stupid dispelling we have. Did I really feel like text and teddy Roosevelt was agreed with it and delays newspaper court. Do the teddy Roosevelt like shooting holes in the dictionary really what I would shrug me cause, I'm like oh and people kind of rebelled against it like they made fun of it when they tried to, like you know, misspelled words to make them shorter, but that he that's not new. It go and just we're changing the definitions in the spellings everything everyone, people thought that was crazy, that some guy thought he could just pay
that? Will you know when you talk about salad, you could just change if Europe's rich enough corporation, you can't use like git dictionaries to change the definition of words like vaccine, which they did. I guess you can. Actually you can they change the definition of pandemic? If I didn't It did yeah yeah, they did, but what he's talking about a fella to as well. It just makes me think about the lockstep document. If you haven't seen the locks deck document written by the rockefeller, as I think it was an came out in twenty seven, tina, I'm not sure, but it laid out everything that pretty much happen. Really they changed. The animal was a bird, not a bad. Millie hitting they laid it all out for you. This is why, like some of the people, we know some of our friends in Austria and hopefully friends or are you talkin about the sway of what is it that the total flew the law? The lockstep document pretty much talks about a bird flew up a flu that comes from the bird and a pandemic out of cattle parallels. What actually happened in society which what they wanted?
Do was move us to change our whole way of doing things, make it more of a digital currency, makeup see BBC's move people into below these type of cure code, where they can be tracked and traced all over the prairies out of you. Oh there, you go a great, very rarely set before them. Just revolution was industrial revolution, the great reset the lockstep, and you know this event to a one all these things that are talked about. I'm not saying I'm only speculating, but this is what RON Johnson, which is talking about two We here when he was saying they want. These elites want to do this to us. Why, I should have all taken money from them. The whole goddamn time had done whatever they wanted and now you're saying something thanks. Why am I? We have also remember that during this whole time, we close down over a million small businesses and, more importantly, I think that greatest sin as we like grandma grandpa, die alone. We couldn't even see them it in we. They were kept away from us from this whole tragedy. This holding lap now We can expect delay why, but the guys are going to. I don't know exactly one's eyes: windings lock him away, don't give grimmer rebel,
platform by visiting them by, like Mary, Mary religion is gonna, get to the bottom of it, even though she does it. If anybody lied, how do you get to the bottom of lies? If you don't think anybody like it's kind of a dietrich? by the way. What that's gonna isn't that gonna curtail your investigation? If you, if you don't think anybody law it, you will be looking for them. You ve, just like you, people Please say: there's really mean like are: are we talking publicly or privately? Now? This is a private opinion. This is how the sausage made, but underneath that sweet by the way video player was asking the da is not a nurse or authorize ivermectin for use to treat me copa. Nineteen f, a f d, a has simply given the recommend nation that I respect him not be used. This does not forbid or recommend doctors. Take any
action in prescribing the medication carolinas ask if we're like. So let us as that sounds that was a mean, the video. What the fda saying we're, not saying it treats covert nineteen, but we have to go back to treating ivory actin like we do every other drug and for some reason we tried to not treat I acting like every other junior wonder why so what their actually say is but gotta. Go back to treating, like every other drug. Let's rikers were in court case and we have no don't you know Godly reason like rich people, whim social rules that just start coming out rain left it's amazing when they get to court, how much they don't hold as it is in every single time they don't hold there. I want to reiterate that the emergency youth authorization right it. This is under section five, sixty four, the federal food drug and cosmetic back right of here when the secretary of each each s declares that an emergency use authorization is a pro. Now, by the way, the reason why I left that it knows, because in a automatic medicare for all built the age age s right now that of the
he just as every xavier Perreira just like in the city. Wait. There's too much power kick to this guy where he gets to make a decision right. He may authorize unapproved medical products or proved uses of approval, medical products to be used. Emergency, see diagnosed tree or prevent serious or life threatening diseases or conditions cause by sea be our end threat agents when certain criteria met including- and this is very What right here I haven't, read there no adequate approved and available alternatives. So if it was known that covert could be treated loading by anything, including I ever met in, hydroxyl, clear, corwin, vitamin d write cocoa, both sink anything they can have an emergency use authorization they can't get that pass through boy was as they were. Luck just luck.
For them, hard that it turns out there wasn't any stove I'll be in. There is a shit ton of studies. That said it did work, but there was a handful of other studies at the fd, a values more. That said that the ivermectin was dubious. Yeah doktor mccullough, one of the guys, like I kind of leaned, on rather the gate, lotta great stuff. I would also point out it wasn't: just I ever met him. I drugs he clerk when take a look around. Who is it large of converse operations in the white house call me early in the pandemic because united states government had secured, stockpile strategic, stockpile, hydroxyl cork. When what- and he was very anxious to get this- distribute love to american. You're kidding people within the white house, including red bright, were active We largely his ability to do them. Read bright, subsequently has joined vaccine consortium rockefeller?
To give you an idea, flies palmer remember, parliament in australia secured an entire stockpile hydrogen carbon for the entire country of Australia? He asked are you government cease, did and destroyed the stockpile? General white cut. You have work world why what a systematic oppression of early treatment. In order to, I believe front this vaccine agenda, If hydroxyl quietly should now work the These governments in these people wouldn't care had right. because if it was completely in art and it didn't work, they wouldn't care, they actually took illegal actions
to prevent people from receiving drugs important when a seller things happen without remaining. So this is what first of all it does entreat. Drugs colouring doesn't really, but the second he's wrong about that, but that it is a good question, is why did they it? Why did they care so much about it, but that's what I would tell people right. I've member! I was talking to a comedian friend of mine and he was first sure that I've met in didn't treat coated eighteen and I was like. Oh what why why do you have an opinion on this? Like do you know why you have an opinion on this, because you are told to have an opinion on this and what is your opinion come from? Did you read it daddy, or did you hear anderson cooper? Tell you this on CNN, that's exactly where you got your information from
you gotta for bizarre james, you gotta from people who are sponsored by big five after doktor it does it make you suspicious that you have an opinion on a drug. You never fuck unheard of before. No, I always as we'd like to how various rogues. How does that not beg you suspicious that they want you to have an opinion on a drug who care go? Get your vaccine a letter. Nobody else lived the life. Why do you give a shit he's a bewildered, hang out with our opinion has pointed out, and I let you hang out with them. I did ass usual. Don't question Jimmy. I did ask a lot of the doctors to as well. You know if they forgave some of their fellow doctors for not going the extradition distance and looking at hydroxyl clerk, I never met him because it was so much pressure from all those up top. You know just think about a doctor who got out school, one style over dollar? As we were sent you a letter, all they would be, there would be medical boards that would send to doctors letter you put a stop to my doktor was prescribing it for me, because I was vaccine injured and she had to stop. There were pressuring her a good saying, shit near
these animals are brutal. I gotta get not gonna get my ever met in from new york city all the way they get it in the mail? Oh, do you know how much they're charging you a pill? You know, but I can check prejean, which is pretty cheap, but yeah you can get a cheaper go to as well. There was a diameter, though the members doctor who was pretty prescribing hydroxide clerk when in new york was doctors, lanka, and this happened by Mr Andrew cuomo, governor connally. He signed an executive waterways restricting dispensing and bans pharmacist from dispensing hydroxyl clerk when or cork when, except when written is prescribed for aid. U s! Food and drug administration did that withdrew known ocean. They ve done network now, no other druggednow, none
pretty white eyes, while all of a sudden, and by the way did they will make the same point doktor recalled that if it doesn't work, why do you give a shit if a doctor wants to prescribe to somebody exactly why why? Why would why would the governor Andrew cuomo care? The reason is because he's paid by big pharma, just like the democratic party just see an animal NBC in box in Iraq and the new york times in the wash them, both through all paid by big farmers. That's why they all the suddenly all had an opinion on hydroxide chloric queen, and they wanted to restrict it. They did the same thing in California and they say to say this is the best just in california. They pass a law that threatening doctors if they practice medicine, everybody saying vote democratic. Your voting against fascism, democrats of the biggest values in the world near there, they did the same thing in nevada, the board, pharmacy, the guidance they restricted. It same thing and it's kind of crazy. Could you look at the chloric when
now. I will always questioning like what china's role has been in the origins and the copa. Nineteen a lot of that stuff's coming out right now, they're talking about that, I think I have a clip somewhere in today's show, but in china even though they had you cornea lockdown. They gave their there. There thereof patients Cora queen with a vitamin c drip and they recovered quickly. That's what they had such low numbers, but here in Australia. They get rid of it here. They they restrict you from getting it ohio same thing than that. I would go out amazing, that's that shows you whose right there who who is running the country- big farmer, big, big corporate, nations are running your country. You think age cuomo did that cause he cared about the people or he cared about the money he gets from big pharma. Three, that's all that's what I'm talking about what I say our government is a hundred percent corrupted cold. It was run a hundred percent for the profit of big farm. I wasn't to keep you healthy. Those people don't give a shit shit, that's what they told you to keep whirring masks, that's where they didn't tell
I you about any early treatments. That is why I didn't tell you to get your vitamin d up or get your zinc up or any or or lose weight or get in shape or go outside and get some sun. That's why they didn't tell because they don't give a shit about your health big farm. It doesn't care the people on your news, channel, dont care rachel matter doesn't care the people. In the note they dont the government doesn't care, there's a cabal of criminals who are conspiring against you. They or ve been doing it for my whole and life now we're just seeing it because they're doing it right out in the open and still have the country doesn't want to see it in who does this happen, everybody what do they all knew how to play by all hospitals to the main issue. They all knew what they did. They all got online. They all got their peace, a cheese, especially the house those two as well. They just sent home said, take some aspirin. When you're lips get blue, then come back we'll stick yadda ventilator shoot you some run death is anywhere and then we'll make money and they got bonuses.
Bonus is on all these things. If you got a positive covert test, then you gotta, twenty per se bump on all the true. This is all true, an age agents, Someone who decides who got the money through the cares act and yes he called them? Danny tiny hands, beggar, disease, sign the goddamn, barely one along with it. I don't want to hear this idea that donald trump as some kind of libertarian saviour of freedom, he is not donald trump went along with the mandates. Donald trump went along with warp speed. Donald trump went along with the suppression of all that stuff and donald trump, along with lockdown. Am I wrong? He has, as he ridden, is, renounce any of the other renounces as you take it back. Duration, warp, speed and with mccall talked about the other day when we were just talking about the whole hydroxide clerk win situation and he talked about doktor, richer, bright donald. from sign and executive order trying to get hydroxide clerk went out to everybody, doctor
you're right along with janice woodcock change the executive order to make it for people who already sick weeks into the covert days into the cove it to give them the hydroxyl clerk when not with the proper cocktail and then too much so it failed. Purposely, they acted. purpose, and donald trump didn't do shit when they changed his enemy. And he never had that back. Seen, inquiry that are of key junior said he should have any agreed to. He was girls? Go hey: let's have an inquiry in the senate about those safety, safety of vaccines, and I was like wouldn't that make everyone feel better because, of course, we're going to find out how safe and effective vaccine instead of you know back when they were saying what a bad idea all of this was because trump was doing, as he said. As long as it's transparent The young airlines, Britain is going to try to area but biting gets me from the pharmaceutical industry than any anybody out. There anyway sees in one of his top donors. The military industrial com
black, slowly and legal on that one right he's fine by the way. The reason why I put up this clip right over here too, as well, because a lot of people say fox fox fox, their different, their different. There aren't any different. Here too, when it comes to this cut, took her karlsson was different when it came to this, not fox news and that's why they, I him D, maria borderless romo. I know she said there. She took it and she got overcome ten years she been set. In that right, along with she just now saying I dunno, I don't watch me either. I I can tell you this much. When the last time I got ami cron me and my eighty three year old mother, sorry mom for telling you that gauge we took the the protocols from Mr Mccullough, which was Iver max in vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc, quercetin and little of the solution of the nose, because all round lived appear was one day of symptoms, we knock that outward. the rest for the next four or five days, and we
those articles right over there but those, but that doesn't tree covered it. Doesn't you know that I am pleased that saying adieu to sing. That was a coincidence. We just a coincidence that idea that will not happen, that headache, that's what they call a coincide and he's gonna asylum or boosters. I hope everybody knows that everybody should get their booster, don't stop getting them. Exposure of your good vaccines are border. Tenaya every goes fox news fox news, fox news now: they're sponsored by the same ps exactly way. People are paying their bills watching This town hall debate widened opposite an hour of case. You know. Talking about you know I ever met in heavily cut tries to shut. Down quickly and pivots away. That's not true the best that guy with a cia the pope and take a check him out. No if they had admitted that hydroxyl from which they knew from day one that warrant against against They wouldn't Reginald Morton hospital. After the fact, a mountain said that taken earlier mitigated symptoms, that's what I took it and there were other studies about
I never saw one on I remarked, a note showed was effective, however monoclonal Nobody seemed to be a a therapeutic that were very well, but that was also experimental, well Do you not know about those studies, because the press is not important but marrow masses website, doktor merrill now, hedge burden, bioterrorism or harvey rage is one of the leading world leading have demolished, said yell, and they have liz. Of our hungary. Ninety nine study is show that I've met in its is on average about eighty five percent of active against again serious disease and death for one hundred studies
The show the same about hydrogen clerk when I got a break will come back more of our day to day. Gets it a break soon right now he's stuff. We don't want to get a break, go to the break and I'm going to guess he's going to go to a big farm funded a commercial, but we have to just say that Sean Hannity is right there in Rfk Jr's wrong that there's the study. commercial really do at that. Go ahead by this, by the way we we had the cities. Last show we talk about the cdc directive. The new cdc director thinks that the recommended she's a coming on september, that's going to be recommending a flu. Encoded vaccine shot yearly yearly the tree early, it's three! Actually the tribute entered there was the triple democrats. Rightly we are not so I did so. I just wanted to talk to all my asshole comedian, friends who told people do not ask questions about vaccines or colvin. You still get near boosters. Also, it's ok for you did you get inform? Did you do some of your own research? Did you look into the booster?
or what what happened because you're not getting them, no one's getting them, and so why is it Kate, for you now to go against what doktor vouchers and what stephen Colbert says. But before it was cut you couldn't. If you did that you were some kind of crazy griffith her at an anti back, sir it. But now you nobody's taken the booster and so but a personal pearly. Now it's ok to think we are self, but there were just a time when it was it. Ok to think for yourself that the actual answer is it's always ok to think for yourself and go fuck, those people and those comedians who shamed people for thinking for themselves. Those people aren't real comedians when they're doing that they're doing propaganda. Just like a fuckin nazi, I'd like to say that the camera would I like to call him. The great keith Olbermann to put out another great video getting his shots. Oh my lawd admonishing everyone else for being a scared, yeah, well jimmy.
We have a little cartoon over here. There's you'd snoopy is playing the part of jimmy door and there's his friend and trolley browns Jimmy's friend, saying the cdc in the FDA says it's the because just shut the fuck up stop right there and it would be one thing if those comedians who shamed other people for getting informed apologized for it now at once, everyone realizes how stupid that was, and they can't if they go. Oh, my god, I can't dislike tim robbins like oh, my god I will against. Read the liberal value I ever had in my life, and I became it up or jerry and maniac shaming people for trying to get informed about experimental medical treatments there being forced to take our lockdown are being imposed upon by the oligarchy in the establishment, and so, but that are not doing that. There are pretending like that. It was ok what they did and note we're still idiot We actually do the thing. It would go a long way, but I really would go a long way if they did that, because right now this is, I mean, think about it,
If you really want to come to fruition and you've put that stuff in your body, how are you going to feel it's going to be hard for you to come and emit anything that you you possibly could have been wrong at you're right leaders, people people they admire. You know a committee, in that they have had a you know, some type of connection to for them the come forth and say something it will be big right now and now is the friggin time. But you know what funny as you watch. People like Dana curvy make fun of thought she now and how crazy all the stuff well, but not when it really mattered. Isn't that something I look: that's not islam, slam, Dana korea, to saying it's funny that now They'll do those jokes, but they won't really do those jokes. You re me. They won't go. Hey we're allied to pay that guy's a criminal and nothing they ever said, make sense. And yet we all did its well hell. Does the many montages of all these people pass it out on tv? They they just say that there was always
happening, but nobody ever born put him in a montage before people say all these athletes always were dropping all look at Ben, but What was that guy? Nobody put it in a month. I find that hard to believe no one would have with animals that young he played for the boston, so he got he never made it to here. Are you talking about mob, I know who you're talking about reggie reggie lewis is the one who had the heart thing a long time ago and fell, but now it was this guy. I forget his name, but did they blamed it on cocaine and boats It's like. I'm a bend, my men, let island violence that lay lies and golden lend buys. Then people will say now oh googled member lend bias, you need one guy thirty fucking years ago, knowing believe it would run. I one nine lotteries and get. I me to devise a bit farfetched, but anyway I said
and no one ever is talking about access debts. If you bring up access, death was anybody, they don't know what you're talking about. Just like what our of gay junior said there. It's, because it's not being reported by that, may lead to corporate new satellite. It is being reported in medical journal job to do you had, but its not being reported on corporate knew. So people go when you talk to about X, x debts and I'm telling people that there is any meaning that they know anyway. I don't really get astounded Jimmy little fat james, one of her dance, bigger things going on he's right. Let's go! Let's move on. I just wanted to show this right here, because everyone will lose both to do well in El Salvador. You can see this we're here. This is a case that there were hand up, and you can see it right here Be able tina and they gave you bunch- about the vitamins whatnot and they passed it out and that's why they didn't have a problem into that mexico to mexico. Oh, they did in mexico, india, El Salvador. You think I would trust the
country technically they're, all the same drugs wage uber do driver to get them. Ok, I've erected, hydroxide clothing. Is that trick over night Jane while you're at the guidelines boosters and get them a lot of lives. The message. Hey, you know here is another great way. You can help support the show. You should become a premium where we give you a couple of hours of premium, bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show. You could do it by going to give me your company that cop clicking on join premium, you suppose affordable previously, the business and it's a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards, thanks to who was already a premium member? If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support,
and so the big news was from yesterday. The last year's show the f D, a lawyer in court, because they have to go to court now and they have to defend all this but stuff they set about. I remarked it because we all. We all know that iver mechanism, nobel prize winning human medicine, that is saved billions of lives around the world, just not here in amerika. I didn't know until this lawyer announced it. He, and so they took the court again now they have to say well, yeah sure you should be able to prescribe a super safe drug off label like every other drug, and so now the FDA is backtracking and here's what Brett Weinstein's said. He said the I reckon story complete picture of the racket. Our system has become the media government academy, pharma and tech team
up against the people exacerbating a man made disaster and demonizing resistors in order to mass administer a deadly, ineffective, unnecessary shot. Now, that's not true. It was certainly safe and effective and it was necessary and it slowed the spread and it stopped people from getting super, sick and hospitalized and dead, but that's what he said would have hospital beds in over clogged with sick people with there's no way we could ever get more hospital beds were what were. Would you get more hospital bed They make em another planet wounds was a stop running your profit, so here The reason why I showing you this is because someone put this together thing at the washington post, and this is kind of studying, watch this weekend, you did before colbert. By the way, I used to be very proud that I was part of the comedy community that I was a stand up comedian and the fraternity of stand up comedy. I was really proud,
this and individuals. I didn't like a comedy like anywhere, but I was proud of that because we were always skeptical of power. We're and we always allowed other people, the freedom to express themselves artistically and where freedom of speech and first one that's all gone now, and now they do stuff like this. They do big farmer propaganda out, smugly their smuggler, it they don't know the first thing. What they're talking about but they're smug about it, not knowing anything by the way. That's just your right as an american. It's the part where you can't believe that somebody else looked up something and you're, outraged about it that I can't get past that,
To do america. The americans got together to fire up the grill grab a cold beer and toss back some horse. Dewormer. Don't worry about the anti vaxxers being unprotected because they have found a new drug that also does not protect them. It's called ivermectin, which has a horse d, wormer, so you'll probably still get cobit, but on the bright side you could win preakness, ganum wow. You could win the prick this support. This being an annual race in baltimore maryland kurt, where the majority of black people remain on vaccinated figures for a guy who once voted for strom thurmond. Did he that's what the joke says ha ha way. He really voted resort shop. Durban was a jersey, his funeral, with obama, making excuses for him
I know I did in his eulogy like like a person's records, long haha or her back to this one and say the science behind ivermectin is clear and factory have been sent a demonstration of just how it did and your bloodstream from the virus to how much do you think pfizer paid for that graphic? I think pfizer wrote the bit themselves and just told me doing that, but that how bad is only really he put his writers that all the burst onto this add another writers show this thank you over the water and then went out there. People errors jill, taking this I've people who are acts. Looking into things that I'm talking about a national television. He didn't look into iver mountain because if he would have
He would know that what he saying is stupid. It's as dumb as the people. He thinks he's making fun up and also is phobic because pending which I believe is a gender. It's also ok. Here we go met them this point. You know the poison control centres have seen as this spike in calls from people taking this law. I just- and I know that, because the people who have been lying about everything told me that they couldn't wouldn't possibly lie about such calls to poison centers, that's not totally made up. Is it even Colbert didn't lie that hard, eight in his joke, complete like it's just like I'm, I'm sorry about Jimmy kid. This is unbelievable and he's not going to
well jay sport, so that shows character he's going to do about it is that you're right he's not even going to know about who's going to even know about this I'll measure up to somebody and they'll still go go what what you have to literally have your phone and show him the the meat you know the authoritative source they still don't yeah I hope that when you know the new life is that they never said the vaccine would stop the virus dead and would stop that's the new life that they never said it. So I, Show them a video of them saying it, everybody from voucher, divide into rachel, madhouse, saying that exact thing to my ten: they don't go wow. Somebody to me and said that they never said that wonder why they lied to me, they don't they don't care, will they do I'll? Michael Jackson got away with it s right here. We go is more medicine to fight the corona virus, but they will take vaccine which is crazy, I gave you beginning years, it's crazy that they won't. I
an experimental medical treatment with no long term studies being given to us by the biggest murderous criminals in the history of the world. Big pharma, it's weird that people are skeptical of that, and it turns out now. We know that they were all rightfully so so here we go, but they won't take vaccine, which is crazy. I gave a european guinea is like now. I don't wanna hamburger you may that can of elbow instead alpo the food is owned by nestle, which also owns nestle health science, a pharmaceutical company, so I think an anti vax er would probably make their own frickin dog food. Really okay, gotta say when I first heard that fox news was pushing ivermectin, I knew it was going to be bad, but I was not expecting it to be horse.
The wormer sounds like the name of a drug, big super soldiers and poverty, Paul Verhoeven, moving to turn them into robocop. You know someone of the company company that I remarked the ones that he should we put not for people on the horse, bill labels and someone else. It there's a picture of a horse. On the bottle it just justice to the doktor, whose prescribing won't be confused, again. How do these over so how? No one ever looked into you never looked into all iver megatons, a human medicine it safer than tylenol. It's been prescribe. So what this is so you member would trump said shithole countries, this is them their version of shit hole. Cunt. Trees because it's been prescribed billions of times and countries in africa and india in asia, south America central is whipped billions of times so
Billions of live, but not here in this country, because it's not diseases that we have, and so this is their version of chivalry country. All those billions of people who have taken, I ever met and are dumb redneck shit, all people. That's what and that's just a lazy, arrogant smugness, which is why I have waymore disdain for this. type of the liberal that I ever could have thought I could use a norm treasure the best not yes, always nor mcdonald photos at my feet. They ask him a question about his opinion. Somebody goes all god. Well, the great sets myers is data. I always before you're a book for wonder some funny. I say what would set myers sets myers these. he is alienating more red next and moral streep. Where we go, I so
on vegetable is ineffective against covered and one used incorrectly. It can kill you worst of all, a tasty yucky. Luckily, the internet is loaded with advice on how to make it more palatable, including mixing it with jellies or eating it as a sandwich or throw it on your roast beef. Technically, it is horsey sauce. Nobody did that I wasn't videos- and I hereby sandwich, though, is the lying article. Thank the exact opposite of what comedians are supposed to do, you suppose, to debunk that propaganda, because you're being I do buy billion dollar corporations in order to make more money and but of course, they're paid by those same corporations, so they can't make those jokes and, and they and they like that guy, I thought I was supposed to grow weird white mustache and do as I'm told you'll keep that guy. He didn't take a bunch of pills.
he could get through. That show. You remain like he was raised, like theyve, somehow done some kind of mental trick where they just don't let inaccurate and for me they just be. He became the pick. The thing he used to make fun of will ya scientologist. They don't know they never knew about zoo cause. I don't go online and re about scientology its life. That's what think! That's what it's like a really great system that they ve pioneered across all of society. One comment or explained: take it by hiding it in a banana. Is that's what it's gonna take to get. You accept actual medicine in that, like as if I were mechanism actual medicine net, weird that he would say that is that what is now greater from horse medicine to not even matters now, it's not even medicine. They can. I interest you. In a delicious banana. The doctor of theology said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded they're going to have to make some very tough choices, and when you get more
steve from a real housewives. Then you get from these fuckin late night comedians we're at its unbelievable. Ok, he's got these assholes make james cordon, look like a nice guy about who gets an icy you, but that troitsa seem so tough to make vaccinate. in person having a heart attack. Yes, come right on aim will take area on accelerated guile, gobbled horse coup rest in peace. wheezy. The eye can see Jimmy kimmel dropping cluster bombs, I'm sure he has a joke about how they're good I bet he does. Cluster bombs they're good. He only kills russians I was trying to find like stumper pupils in the cluster bombs are good. Eventually, a couple of channels are, most of them will like make an excuse for it. Coupler like, but this is a good thing, oh really yeah,
She would send me them who are like it I'd love to see it looks so. That's that's. Why I'm embarrassed that when people ask me on aeroplanes now, what do you do for a living? I tell him I give speeches of colleges. I don't. I want to tell mama comedian, because the the I would say, ninety five percent of the cap- many community that I saw anyway made that the clubs that I got you in those specials that I've watched where a complete left. and they can they folded into the nazis. They went along with the nazis, that's what they did and shame the people, not only that, but shame the people who stood up to date. They they tracked they shamed, descent and scepticism. That's what comedy did as a community and they're still doing it, and none of them are going to apologize for it. To remember the thing of of the he's one of these guys who's. Just asking questions, yeah heard that said derisively, yet
and I was aiming you for asking questions like who, who the hell is like just asking questions to be a troll right. Are you just saying that cause you're gonna answer in a goddamn question? It's right. Egg again work is a contrary and I looked up what a katrina is. You know what it is it someone who goes against the populace sentiment, but it was a first used. four stop people who picks stocks wall street term rely. He doesn't go with the heard. You don't think whose right yeah that's what it originally meant. Adele means just a jerk I am proud of the comedy I did during covert and after and I'm sure, a lot of those got hopefully hopefully- and we are only you we ve- with the comedy I do. Hopefully, the people who did those jokes or those anti jokes gazettes that communist propaganda disguised as comedy
and shamed people forgetting informed about an experimental medical treatment are being forced to take openly, maybe someday. Those people will then do jokes how dumb they were to shame other people for doing what they are supposed to do as a grown up and be skeptical and ask questions of authority when you're being told you accept something. Ok, maybe when will see if these tromp georgia stick and may be ha again, I can re I can forgive. I can forgive all those guys that if they asked they never will you know what those guys won't do like. I said, like my friend grandma, what he'll never forgive me for being right about covin, because he was so unbelievably wrong about, doesn't make him a bad person lobby, but you got own up to it. I say I was wrong and make amends. I think, that's what I think. That's I've heard that somewhere make amends and unaware further, but
they're not, and that shows a real lack of character were all your friends, irish Yeah hey become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore gallery, dot com sign up, it's the most affordable premium program in the business the voices? org today, our by the one and only the inevitable, MIKE Mc grey, he can be found it MIKE Mccrae dotcom, that's it for this week, you be the best you can be.
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-19.