« The Jimmy Dore Show

Bill Maher Should Have To Shut Up About Ukraine After Saying This!

2023-12-22 | 🔗

It’s the eternal question when it comes to Bill Maher and foreign policy: is he really this dumb or just pretending? The latest discussion of the Ukraine War on his show did nothing to solve the debate as Bill brought on two uber-establishment shills from the mainstream media to regurgitate long-ago exhausted talking points about having to deter Russian aggression and not appeasing power-mad dictators. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular about Bill Maher’s thickness and why he’ll never bring on guests like Glenn Greenwald and Thomas Frank again. Plus segments on a judge's ruling that the list of Jeffrey Epstein's associates must be released and Rachel Maddow fantasizing about living in a fascist utopia where Donald Trump can be magically erased out of existence. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Alec Baldwin!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Jimmie dale, just old, ass John? Why Hello was the residents. Are you doing I what I see what's the sort of emphasis on your age, Joe right, shut, I'm like. I don't hear about all the fucking time or for real. Tell you what then jimmy revelation the other day, an epiphany wherever you want to call it outside my campaign headquarters in Wilmington delaware, a drunk driver plowed into my motorcade, I wasn't in the car I was standing outside about two hundred feet.
But I'm still there say I could have been. Ah I see, but I wasn't: gonna spend my life from that black drunk drivers It's good to. You know that what can like our judgment, I took this relatively minor incident, inflated its scope and made it somehow connected to my own personal destiny. It was assigned Jimmy was signed a what a shame for me to run for president again, even though I'm eighty one years old, my gun and I see I'll, be honest with Jimmy. I was on the fence privately by what I said publicly. I am eighty one years old for christ's sakes, but then a drunkard fender bender to park the car in my vicinity,
and it was then that I knew that it was game off steam ahead, appoint twice structure. We call no, no it's twenty twenty four. You mean that yeah bring it on at the same time. I can't hide from my age anymore. That was the flip side of the epiphany okay. I have to run for president, but also have to acknowledge that I'm oldest walk the two go together handed clive. Yes, access does published an article saying that aids of years, our kids turn that you are in denial about your age and that it's a real problem, jimmy hash, correct roger
I was going around saying I feel so young, like some kind of deluded maniac yeah, well, I'm having to wear special sneakers and undergo physical therapy because of the huge risk of me falling right, literally I'm just one wore away from president terrifying, it most precarious places she's ever been added. I walk round sandia everything is fine If it is, it is insane it real years, man well, no more. I'm gonna quit pretending, I'm forty two, damn years old, no more tracksuits and cool guy sunglasses, the flannel slippers and giant reading class. Twenty twenty four
Iran is the real me tapioca, Joe ok. Well, it's good you being yourself in acknowledging you're all, but that doesn't actually it. That's the problem that you are old jimmy. You could be more right, but the first step to solve any promised ignores the problem exists in the first place. I have acknowledged I'm all now we can move forward. Dressed issue. How do you addressed the issue? How do you make yourself down old, shutters, If a solution is the best solution, Jimmy for example, once we determine there was calm? Irish was putting ball bearing on the floors of the west. We told you need to stop doing. She got really dead drunk. Once you start, you can't fix your age problem, though Jimmy in a way I can. This is primarily a problem of perception. People know I'm old, but it was the
I was pretending. I wasn't, everyone was saying or spry sure that's what was really frequent people the fuck out. So if I lean into being old act more like a grandpa, that's gonna put people at ease, at least that's what our team has determined. I see you're. Getting real torture, mumbling block in the wrong way find out it won't be concerning will be expected because I'm eighty one god damn hears instead of me being outside trying to exercise I'm going to be seen wearing a sweater reading to my grandchildren, because that's what I should be doing anyway. Wouldn't it make you feel gimp better maybe if I just plain- and do it no actually not at all. I beg you to obey your fuckin people, if you didn't run it all now, I'm not your father
boss, change now jack just give up only. I can delete all time, Hillary Clinton by my side on the campaign trail. I would be in bed the fact, a shrill and may do, guy shit like calling you day and radio stations saint racist stuff and, at the end of the day, united states eleven eighty six year old president. Oh my god, yes sounds like a great plans. Do not just great jimmy swell I got enough to beat the band. Oh geez, those are old, timey expressions. Yeah I to go to me. I have an appointment to go, get naked onto my face. That makes me look like the clone from the star fighter and doing no more
The baby hang loose, I'm ready, one years old and I'm embracing it later, Jimmy? Ok, greater, was lacking. The Jimmy dore show, so is tat. Like it is host bill marr as in tell it like it is written on the company memo. Let us look at the panel, he puts together talk about new green work here, which is the one that yes, what's this
and senior political analysed and author of anger and author of lincoln and the fight for peace, John avalon. Also it's not james. You know, it's the guy from asia. Then john abalone, I look you what these businesses too, of course an award winning special powers. Whatever pbs knows our agreement to the new argos, memoirs called no ordinary assignment names are usually while that's a great panel of diverse opinion, he's got there. That's living proof that scientists might not have human cloning down but opinion cloning is coming along. Just fine because watch t v needs they have anew green war. Since you are a work corresponded under these would be eligible for, because that is what we know. Everything in the news today is is war I mean especially the ones in ukraine in Gaza and
the ukraine war, we ever talk about in a while, but it so it's big in the news this week, because the republicans want a link more aid to ukraine too. in doing something about the border, which wouldn't be a bad idea itself. Why? Don't you just take it easy What he was saying it like? It was a bad thing and then he realized hey, wait a minute, I'm actually for doing something about the border. Is this? Did you notice that he's just not going to look into anything? Is that going to look into anything about ukraine in a while? What were you talking about I'd dilemma lean against you if you don't understand why you would link a policy that you want to a palace, that the other side wants. Maybe you shouldn't be talking about politics for living at this? Is its export or one, oh you, on more you grain funding. While you have to fund the thing I want
politics would have won the way he says I dunno I sbir way, but I accept everything that can't be fixed or improved, or you know he has been wrong for a long time. We we did a segment on Clinton today from back in the nineties when they were talking about. In our his long history of assaulting every woman within five feet of him and you're a bill mar was their back then, oh! Well, I didn't know our system of justice is accusation is guilty was all it was all on boy. He said he also said monica and bill Maher said that bub or no it was it that do that, article and ski came to Washington DC, would need pads. She did. He did but that was bar yeah yeah. It was either bill bar or no, it closed of michael Michael more said that, on bill mars show and everyone laughed. I am.
Surprised at him, but by yeah. Now what we showed that club eyes. yeah. That's it that's exactly however, once back, then all these people who would go on to be the most ardent me tours They were all laughing at monaco laughing at all. The women who came out and accused him at once thought it was a boot when cargill made as low cracked about you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park. You you'll find all kinds of stuff out there. One thought that was real, clever, relax this. Let's watch this video and watch how they all agree and they're all come. lately where it's like a fantasy land watching bill mar this is it most give me the straight dope about politics at least watch this what they? stats? Ok, there. One they spend two hundred and eleven billion so far all they want sixty one billion.
Well, I think some of that is for Israel as well. Problem is its a stalemate. it's a stalemate programme Russia has gained all the territory it ever wanted. It's got great me. It's got the Dodd bass. It's got a direct path to the sea You think it's always wanted. It's a stalemate. That's hooray! That's what they! That's what they always wanted. What we got stalemate, ok, to watch this After two years they say the frightened move less than five years, where a fine, less five minutes, where miles of territory had changed, hands hundred and fifty thousand russian, deb. Seventy, by the way, I'm starting a new dating service called stalemate: It is for folks who want to find someone just as are informed about the wars as they are overthrew wigs hookers up with no more stalemate.
slogan is, I don't know what do you want to do? Ok here we go watch this backs these these facts. He throughout that aren't back Faces every thursday gryce there's jimmy thousand ukrainian dead. Bill barges sell me back it up with two hundred and fifty thousand right. A hundred and fifty thousand russian dead. That's what business is the numbers bill. Biltmore has an hobby ukrainians dead. Now the actual number is for him. Two thousand. They don't have anybody left to go into their army now, that's why they have to pull guys off of bus stops. and throw him into a ban and conscript them? That's what's happening billions. Seventy thousand the abrogated under twenty five in the whole country, the average age of their fighting, is like in their forties, its borders, nor any three years, all forty three knowing their doing numbers like basin.
Russia has Hamas casualties, verses, fruits of ukraine's israel, casualties. Seventy thousand ukrainian dead set. He seventy he's only off by factor of four hundred percent forty billion, whose writing this down for you, what kind morons undertones right for bill. You know someone who writes for bill mar rang out my I I've been meaning because I won and I just have two new: they they did. They go well. I've, Corsica, I hope your friend who writes for bill mar when you talk to him says Of course, I know the truth, but I can't tell bill the truth. I'll get fired. I didn't get enough time alone with them to to ask about it, but I've. You know we laughed about certain things. Remember bill Maher was going to go back. it will show during the writer strike. These are all guild writers so yeah. He was going to do a show without writers. I must be for my friend ray, but I got the sense that
writers, were like ok, bell lake I got so neither philip full of false information of trying to make him to bear some somebody I'll I'll bet, a bunch of them. Don't know jack shit about that, but if you have your mind, you think he wants here, while they are in their writers room and even I know how off those numbers are- and I know it's like being a writers room. Every doesn't want to believe it. You're saying is real that Israel, when they're all wrong, and he seems like a guy that does Take you know he does it he's like? Oh, how could I be a half a million? I haven't looked into I it when he he had thomas frank on a while ago- and this was in the twenties external action and Frank had just written. wasn't level and you start star- in about why people have turned away from the democratic party, and that was the moment wherever one lesson. to be circling wagons around hilary, no, no negativity about every, and I have
I have no idea why he invited upon because as soon as he started, putting out his thesis about how the Democrats wants to work at last march. Stares at a you know, you're the cattle liberal pupils just glaze over its friends. They are taught you just you just one You say you know just turns people locked, would not let him make his case at all so yeah yeah, right around that show he's gonna tree a guest, way on the show. How does mention I yet badger? Now he retreated to latch. What's it gets gets worse? What's this were still having fright over territory and armies in both here in Gaza, so I know the people I mean. I'm always try to be good for the people of ukraine and back them lying right thing, but I also heard a lot you're in afghanistan, right member I can both wars. Wig
still win this thing, but we couldn't neither one watcher assessment on whether we can still in this way. I think I can I can I just say could you say, amber herd has a better chance of coming back than the ukraine army does legitimately. I think she does legitimately young what What listen to his two experts at least building are has some sense of history. These data he's got a hundred percent wrong facts in front of them. He repeats propaganda from the war machine ad nauseam. But, The leaves me has a sense of history. Like hey, wait, a minute, haven't we done this? couple of times before in the last twenty years. Hasn't it we turned out horrible. Haven't they always said. If we just keep fighting, we can win and, of course we can if he has that sense of history, which leads me to believe that bill. My really is that ignorant and uninformed he's.
He doesn't realize, is doing propaganda most of the time. He actually believes this stuff he's saying: don't you watch korean hurry up so watch? What am I going to watch? What is go ahead? Russell? I know. Jimmy probably don't know this drivers, but rather you know in the in lord of the rings that king a worm tongues whispered in his ear, kings are allowed in grey ass. Any keeps whispering, rather than the king kind of his like those avebury guy whispers work when they finally get the guy from he turns young. You get that bill mars, that guy he's kind of aware of something dimly and then these to worm Tom. I mean these people sky both of us garber to Iraq and you're, saying should there going to say now. Why was this dome of the earth dangerous to compare War in ukraine, with the post, nine eleven counter terrorism wars were amerika, was real
in fighting shire? It's hard tat, it's really dangerous! To make an app comparison and to have a sense of history. We should forget everything and pretend, like ukraine just happened in it's the first time we ve ever been faced with something like this, so we can keep fun. in this losing battle against russia. With with that, to do. We just ignore history, ignore everything you ve ever learned ignore the fact that we all figured out that the military industrial, complex owns congress and the end of a corporate press, and they ve been lying to us about every word, my lifetime. We should ignore all that. It's because you know why, because that's dangerous, that's only dangerous to the people of stock in raytheon. That's that dangerous, actually, procedures to people being alive. That's right like real! I I condemn Hamas, as you know, jimmy, but they are better than this. just to compare the war in ukraine with the postman. Levin counterterrorism wars were america's will. Fighting shadows and they were chasing terror,
surround the world. This is not a ukrainian fight. This is now sending money to so crane can confined. Its own. Why? This is a war? against Vladimir Putin and his expansionism into Europe essentially mean so if we don't is the dominant therein. If we don't stop rotten flatter, putin in ukraine. He's going to go conquer europe is going to go to. Poland is going to go to hungary, he's going to go to germany he's going to go. He's got it's going to go to UK he's going to take over he's the new hitler. It's the hulk. It's the domino mary. It's the domino theory, even though It has been in power for twenty years and he hasn't done any of that stuff. In the end, they want you to think oh my. I hope these people are like this is experts that he brings. I hope he doesn't bring on max Blumenthal. He doesn't breeders bring on Glenn Greenwald any more because Glenn Greenwald handed him his ass about the united states being the world's terrorism, not muslims, hildy
ever bring on anybody you and an eye, but he never brought on a listen liberal. What's his name almost ready to get back on their player because he probably didn't read there dumb books, they ve been on, but he always has some like like he, he's always like the modern, the pop culture thing we're here, We Kissinger's hanging out. He has those kind of you while the time- and he knows them as his gal like Cornell west at cornel west- is a dip. Shit, isn't going to dip shit and, let's listen. There's a war, for global world order. This is illegal. This is a war for global world order. Nazi, that's that's the sounds like world nor it we got vote goods, norms, right glow will not. We have to protect global norms and geostrategic importance of this war is vastly bigger than any other. Gentlemen. Countries pose nine eleven, which were over wages of american foreign policy. Hello, but none of this has not been up. Not this. I got an over each of american foreign policy. Is this one's important, these same
Bill told you, Iraq was important. Libya was important. Afghanistan was import. Syria was importance of somalia was important. Yemen that these same people told you all that bullshit and now the dab that actually all that stuff. I study were that wasn't. Theirs is important. It's funny to watch bill, more is just stupid and, knowing, on Stuart knowingly was bullshitting and it got to him yeah, no jaws, there's like you want to do. candy gandhi? They not only did it though, yet well, a pussy by bill. More is actually like wilfully pockets do get yet. I don't wanna, know things in this stalemate. I mean they thought it was ro worth rain is really road, where one The reason to fund ukraine is big
as we learn the lessons of history, which is that you cannot reward aggression and its long along both of them handed over the taliban. Immediately of these reporters may taliban decide what to do with so that if you ve learned from history, I realise this is another bogus war provoked by nato and the united states, its over fossils Those which is why we blew up the Nord stream pipeline, then every bring up the Nord stream pipeline We bring that. We want a war since world war. Two by I know by the way we called it a work. No, they I always whenever they want gen people up for a war yeah, they appease tat, learn. Yeah. It's what? What? What about the other lessons about how we fell for the gulf of tonker. or have not only raise doubts about under the western territories, while bachelor how about not importing the nazis to run your space? This is just a silver mine. Lovingly on purpose is wrong and backwards. Look
there's a reliable, loud wording oddities, and we have to find it it's after world war, two not before world where there are not not hired as journalists there cast as propagandists that that's There were that's what they're, therefore, they are too journalism. What great drink is, I raped you a little reminiscent of the thing itself, but it is not bad. Then right, I can remember just ass, like after having already drink or cheaper to fund, Ukraine now then to let you create, fall and then have the front move, thought russia just lost way more troops than ukraine. We were just How will they do that? The new york times just told me, russia's been staggering huge losses, but now he they are saying no. We can't they're gonna, try over europe, russia's going take over europe.
However, it is that could give people riled up to support this war. They'll say it no matter what it it just like, no matter what it is, they could say to make people afraid of electing donald trump they'll say it you'd better. What it is they ll say that russia is so strong, they're gonna take over europe the net stay they'll say russia's losing staggeringly law. We can't stop now so, whatever it is, they'll say it. This is called as corporate news This has been more real time boy, real dom time alone, I gotta get a bunch of comics got it like this you're you doing fake stand up about a product like pop tarts or whatever you know, he's interstitial ads, I remember gonna do exceed the money was in that great aunt em. It was so brutal having to make a joke. bout pop towards that would in no way offend the advertising problem things a part of it was such a hellish. Wasn't that much work of like a day
worth of hell of trying to think of a way to not want to blow. My, means out from fake doing stated, our planet or it's ok Adam these people. They was had that feeling like this is what I would do with my life. I want to feel the feeling of pretending the dish like not offending the establishment narrative with my journalism like an advertisement and build bar doesn't go get the fuck out of here we we ve learned anything from history. We have to keep funding bullshit wars, He doesn't say that he's like rock good point, I'm glad my book or got yonder Joe, that's great. He he's got, he takes it nowhere. he's gonna, get that world war. One can appreciate. It's not a good analogy with world or one besides the senseless bloodshed of it. Thank you. Not like we're right. This serves no purpose other. than to programme. The p m sees what talking, telling people
who are have just enough to have something to lose and not enough to step out of line. What they're supposed to believe that the only function this kind so called journalism. Sir sets to tell you what you're supposed to tell your coworkers, what you're supposed to say the pda, in your suburban neighbourhood, about what you think about you rain or anything else, and they hire these spokes models yet I'm starting points. buddy newsletter, and the guy, who knows the least about the subject bill mar, is the only guy kind of pushing back the other two people who are supposed to be there specialty. This is what they do all day long. they couldn't no less about. It's like a lady put on a ninja had went to Iraq, jimmy no ordinary assignment for real ordinary mind. I just bill mark that again end it. Nobody it of course, and hbo they don't bring
anybody on that has a counter nervously. He's not gonna bring on anybody you as a counter narrative. No one ever ever again he used to be. Glenn green while they used to bring on thomas frank easter. Why has talk about ukraine in a long time. It's been going on this whole time. Yet why? Wouldn't you keep talking about it and they built you could have out there were losing like he just heard. It hasn't been going well, Jim, what he can get the numbers backwards. Russia lost a hundred. Fifty thousand people run ukraine's la seventy seven d They lost seventy in march of last year, what why not seventy thousand people are talking about and why they shape of two billion author thirteen billion it already low bali, it yeah. Why would why would do well I would really like to know I If I know any of the comedians who write prevail, marble ominous my body, because I on dying to know where he got those numbers
they're not even the numbers that female listed you any final list of the pit names of the people who write for bill ma her As we know from my own Hey! You know, here's another great! Where you can help support the show. You should be a premium member we give you up. bill of ours, of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to do the door company that cop click it got joined premium and supposed affordable be a programme in the business it's a great way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks everybody who was already a premium member? And if you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, going to see it. And dozens of documents naming Jeffrey Epstein victims are going to end
His associates are going to be made public and twenty twenty four reports about. Why not right now, Why? In twenty twenty were right? Not why not right now be more special intuitively where I live, I like to know now, and so a federal judge in new york has ordered the names of dozens of Jeffrey Epstein alleged victims, an associate associates public and twenty twenty forty joint freeze associates yes covering this idea. Just like it that boy I get the jefferies though she observed by the victims. Yeah seems strange Is that a blemish shouldn't be his? I get if someone's acute seeing someone you make their name? They made their names public, but I dont think all his victims are accused. Are our coming public because you're so souls If someone is accusing someone? Yes, you have, I think you should make the accusers named public, but not just every vic,
every victim that seems weird, it's weird how much they covered up the names of the accusers of Russell brand, a thing that went no. Yes This is user, not his victim, gonna accusers or we have to protect them but actual, but the actual victims here yeah we're burma. That seems weird. order issued monday by judge loretta a prescott is the latest filing in a settled settled case, by virginia roberts, guph free and an american woman who claimed Epstein sexually abused. Her while she was a minor and that gives lane Maxwell Epstein former girlfriend a long time accomplice, aided in that abuse,. Epstein was indicted and twenty nineteen on federal charges of operating a sex trafficking ring in which he allegedly sexually abused Thousands of under age girls- I think it's a legit anymore. I think he was convicted it. He was convicted on having sex with minors. Ok, ok, he was about
to be a gala. They killed in an earlier near them he might have killed themselves, because this does not just see again said they say this sea at sea. It had said multi millionaire died by suicide. his agents, will kill themselves, is the best way out and either clipping going your people go crazy and they take their lives. What I'm saying clearly worked with them? If he didn't commit suicide, they deadly would kill him, but it is possible he did as part of hay kill yourself. It's the best way out that because he did not kill himself Kurt Kurt. I've got news for you. Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself, Why do you think I formed say nothing? He did not kill himself, I don't they it. Wasn't he killed himself there wouldn't be all the shenanigans around what happened in the prison for swallowed, be video of it represents so all that stuff, all the stuff that either all that stuff that happened around him right, allegedly killing himself, was all garbage bullshit the place. What
been locked out. They didn't do the right searches, they didn't do the right things. They didn't do anything indirectly. Just here you remember, the guy nuremberg ducks the fat one of you. Where's body who is awaiting execution any now I knock it now I don't know anything about this. Ok, we'll goring, famously use was be brought to justice. He got convicted and then somehow he got his hands on a cyanide pill haha, because he'd befriended a guard took his own life yeah somebody slipped him a thing. That's what I'm referring to. I'm not saying oh, I don't think I may like do you know the story that that surrounds this? That out, the guards were both fall fell asleep. They were both replace shudder were both. They were supposed to go. Do this, but the head How'd they didn't do it twice that did this presents mostly locked down with you. Do it had counted? It's not right. You I didn't have so none of that stuff happens so That's how I know he didn't kill himself as I do? In fact it is unregulated. Ok, I don't think I do so. Multi millionaire died. My whole point is that that is not true kurt. He didn't kill himself and if you think it
killed himself. I've got a vaccine. I'd like to sell you Jimmy. Not bother with electronic? I go home and tell us yet gap, I'm saying enough that he did do that, have to turn the cameras and why would they? Why do you think the gourd they're gonna, let their. Why would they have to turn the camera? That use tells say that the cards fell asleep, they have to stop. They have to stop. You know that, just say the guards fell. Asleep we're supposed to be watching the cameras. Would you think I want to go? I will I know, that's why it make any sense that he would kill himself and then they would have to do all that other shady shit, if he gets killed, self they would. You say the guards fell, asleep, lady. All we will watch the camera fell asleep in the guard, say they falsely? Oh, yes, but If you went wide that there wouldn't be a video of it. Why would you also turn off the camera? So they are missing your logical step here. I think it's likely was murdered, but I'm just saying that they are alright figures in new york indicted maxwell on sex trafficking charges involving multiple victims. She was convey
didn't twenty twenty one in august. Twenty nineteen, the EU s, court of appeals for the second circuit, unsealed, hundreds of pages of documents a day before Epstein died in prison ruling that the district judge had improperly sealed hundreds of filings, the judge had sense died. Really will, I hope, was a suicide bats? This works right. You can fix a mistake until the judge who makes it dies on my right. I don't get out either we wait for the judge. You die there, we go, we look at it The appeal court then remanded the case back to the district court to go through the rest of the documents individually and determine what could be unsealed judge prescott who has since taken over the case, ruled for the unfeeling of more doc. in July, twenty twenty, including Maxwell's twenty sixteen deposition related to the lawsuit as
well as emails and depositions by others. So why did they need to sort through anything? Why can't they just don't seal at all? I I I'm kidding. I know it's to protect the the intelligence agency's ongoing intelligence is what that's right, the guy that trump that everybody all trump boy, this guy you, I was told that he belongs to intelligence, yeah. Many events, ain't ever gonna, it's right. Many of the alleged victims gave public interviews and have already identified Ben. I didn't I'd by the media, while others did not raise an objection to the unfeeling of documents according to press. Oh, this is so according to according to them, this disaster, the victims are oak, are cool with this, as for the Epstein associates its unclear, how many have been investigated for alleged wrongdoings or will be able to guess none of them? The order says Epstein associates, one of whom played a role in his sex trafficking crimes at another whose name came up
when a criminal trial will also have their documents unsealed in full. Some of the document, to be again, none of the clients another. These are just two. These are just p who also enabled the trafficking, but none of the clients who were the clock, and that's all we was what associates mean, that's what they mean by associate people legislate, Maxwell and other people who helped him. Do this? Not the client list does not only men like this is not the client list. I've got a man like your prince andrew such as those that once you know why, so it's nothing it's nothing, but probably something that hurts people awhile some of the documents to be released, include information of those who have died, including one person who died and twenty eighteen, but was why the associated with abstinent, featuring photos that absence island residents and little saint James that they also incur people associated with max. Also, these are not the clients, these are p
well, who were doing the trafficking after Epstein death, the? U S, attorney office in manhattan, indicated it would focus on the conspiracy charge against Epstein, which accused him of working with employees and associates to operate a vast sex trafficking ring bobbing dozens of girls, Epstein plead guilty to to florida, prostitution charges and turned twenty two thousand eight and served thirteen months in prison the conspiracy gets less time than the january six people got. The conspiracy count could allow prosecutor to charge any one else involved in the scheme. So not the clients so I was even hiding this in the first place, since it's not even the right, clients is just some scumbag. You are even protecting. Yes, the other scumbags, so watch this This is the top twenty nineteen amy rollback expose exposed. How abc news refused a publisher, explosive, Jeffrey, Epstein, expos a implicate, in prince andrew and who bill Clinton. Watch this
as I've had the story for three years. I've had this interview with virginia roberts. We would not put it on the air. First of all, I was told who's Jeffrey Epstein. No one knows who that is. This is a stupid story. the palace found, We had her whole allegations that prince Andrew and threatened arsenal in different ways so afraid we would merely interview. Kate might well say that we got also forced the story. and then- and they are Alan dershowitz- was also implicated in because of the planes out. She told me everything she had pictures. She had everything she was in hiding for twelve years. We convinced her to come out. We convinced her to talk to us and it was unbelievable what we had Clinton with everything I
I tried for three years to get it on to no avail, and now it's all coming out and it's like his new realm of revelations and I freaking had all of it. I was so pissed right now, like every day I get more and more pissed cause, I'm just like. Oh my god, we he was on what what we had was unreal. Other women backing it up, hey skip right. It works the attorney three years ago saying like aren't like we, there will come in April. We will realise Jeffrey obscene listless, prolific pedophile. This country has ever known. Three years ago, there's corporate news. Ladies and gentlemen, in whoever leak this get blacklist lasting, so the they didn't verified either? So this is her talking bnb envied off camera? between a commercial break and then apparently the can We are always running in a particular station, and so someone got and then someone leak that I think it was someone from CBS or something I fired some.
Earl and then someone who have fired by the black listener yeah, for I mean it I wish I me robot, I wouldn't be embarrassed. This came out. You know I might by this kills or career right. Am I wanna see we're going up. I was just looking earnestly work now, wouldn't she's got viper having an affair with so much. You work with very recently, ok That's what do they send? A super handsome guy to seducer. Have a tim burke at says that the congress is blocking the release of Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs, because too many My colleagues are compromised and are being blackmailed. Watch this into many of my colleagues, I'm afraid. compromise in this area, for whatever reason, somebody's whispered inner ear. Tonight you don't want something to come out on something You better! Keep your mouth shut on the internet as angola thing does and am and it continues to doubt whether the honey pot, the russians used to use or something worse, I don't know but
So, what's he saying is their third. He dropped the easy if they eat. threatening people who were on investigate this in pot people in government or in power, and they said hey, you better, not because we ve got to run you. This is this is the only else. This is your J J, edgar hoover, technical, further suspect, absurdly, think I might the reason why Israel, the third rail of politics and to many of my colleagues, I'm afraid or copper mars in this area, for whatever reason my mother s, waiting here tonight, you don't want something to come out on some. Now you better keep your mouth shut on their that's exactly what they ve done and done. And it continues to go weathers. The honey pot, the russians you see is or something worse. I don't know, but that is clearly say that up and down the line, you see good conserved, isabel for liberal policies and and why? Because they got some modem, so TIM birches says cod
This is blocking the release of jeffrey absinthe. Why? Logs, because too many of my colleagues you tomorrow, You know who that is, though, who is tim burchett, the guy who was trying to get the oh? You are faust of out that they're also blocking oh really. He I I think I it is going to have to I seem, is trying to get some kind of thing out and he's, like. My colleagues are strangely blocking this rebuilding. Both this and whatever the yugoslav is that's also being mysteriously blocked. I mean, says: there's nothing there. I don't know why they can't release. It seem with Epstein, obviously he's in america. And politician who was this goddamn? They keep wanting me too. he's an american politician who is the us representative for tennessee's second congressional district based in knoxville, serving since two thousand and nineteen, so that guy wow, the dump that guy is going to be Epstein,
You don't think he's going to. I mean he's like when I watch him talk and I think that same thing. I go oh boy, this guy is like that. You know about spaceman stuff and I'm like they're not going to come and screw with him and he and he is describing about how they try to bullshit you with top secret stuff. They take any skiff rooms, and he was explaining how the whole thing works is very interesting. He didn't seem like he was afraid of shit about it, but you know that's your that's! That's just alien life. This is Epstein. You could die. Wow, okay, so no they're not gonna, release the client list. There is gonna release, more people who are doing the trafficking and apparently they were trafficking under age, girls to nobody to nobody, nobody that you need to know about so important now, why is just lay in maxwell, imprison? That's what I'm saying you were saying
so gently Maxwell's, imprisoned for trafficking under age girls to nobody. Nobody and you know it. I wouldn't be surprised if she's not in prison, right, how do we know she's in prison? That's been Is there anything that you can actually take at face value anymore? If she is generally have seen actually dead is generally, Maxwell actually imprison. I mean I don't owe so that some people say Jeffrey I've seen them in these eleven on another island somewhere, but I don't believe they take care of their people like that if they, I think they kill them when they're done with them. It's like we do like when we killed the saddam Hussein was our friend that we killed him. We were done with them same thing with a mark adolphe, we killed him. Robert Maxwell, Robert was the way. I guess I repay me more and then he had a heart attack on his bow. That's right so yeah
I think that's what they know when you go to work for the deep state as soon as there dumb do, they kill you so rachel map out the war pig and the lap dog to power who will be been lying to you, since you got that show she's of what she's the biggest propagandists on tv and that saying something the bigger propagandist. John Hannity, I mean that is saying something. Yes, and so listen to what she has to say about donald trump being thrown off the ballot in colorado. Listen to what she says: roger to absorb the I mean, but that I think in the broad strokes in terms of our democracy? There are very few magic one which uses magic wands. Does she mean, besides censorship topic, not the one
The one tried the magic of giving half a shit about their own citizens and not just rich donors. It sound cargo intuitive card, but it just might work magic is unreal jimmy are. There are very few sort of magic spells that you cast that make a make a complex and difficult problem go away it just it just doesn't happen very often in our political system and since she's calling donald trump a very complicated and difficult problem. How do you solve a brownie like maria, since that's what she's saying so she's saying that the trump his politik move then, and donald trump himself are very complicated and difficult problem, and we wish we and she wishes the establishment had a magic wand to make it go away What are you know? This ain't gonna stand because she's not saying the walls are closing. It might usually right. That's right here we go
shouldn't be under any illusions about the character and the partisan inclinations, among other things, of of this current supreme court as it is constituted colorado. So she's talking about this? U s supreme court being partisan, not this that there's something I have not the colorado supreme court that just did this evil know every one of them is a Democrat. This is one of her less crazy statements by the way, because she is saying it's not gonna work Jess. Yes, she is saying that the supreme court will overturn this but ever it is not there is. This is not a crazy thing for democracy. To do this, well wait till it's not crazy thing for our democracy to do. Since we live in a banana republic that is trying to riggin election to keep a demented half a corpse and power that crazy for a democracy, but for this particular one, it's not
crazy if it was like a nicaragua norm right across it, yeah where they can count votes. Yet it's not that complicated veto, that's different, but we have a dead guy who's in office. Oh, but you see now people slaw from the goonies who can't even talk who just came out is not progressive and and and they're, using all the state power to keep weekend burnish we Bernie stew we're going past. We can a birdies we're going straight to weaken the british to bow This is not abnormal unheard of to exclude a candidate from the ballot especially one that is dangerous to our democracy as crass unreasonable, Donald trump- oh my god, you're just ass Bernie sanders because they did that to him and twenty sixteen in the primary don't but don't, but don't look into that, in fact pack don't even ask Bernie sanders, because if you ask Bernie sanders about anything right now, he'll ask you who's paying you. This wants to keep his wife at a job, that's where he wants to keep his wife out of jail. That's why Bernie can't tell the truth about anything
that was the hallmark of postwar germany after world war, two? That was something that happened: a giant bolsonaro in Brazil quite recently, so I'm going to put them to back it up and play without stop, because what you said At the end, I have a lot to say about who we are all trying to absorb the I mean. I think live in the broad strokes in terms of our democracy? There are very few magic ones. There are. There are very few sort of magic spells that you cast that make a make a complex and difficult problem go away it just it just doesn't happen very often in our political system, and I think that we shouldn't be under any illusions about the the character and the partisan inclinations, among other things, of of this current supreme court as it is constituted. That said, it is not
This is not a crazy thing for a democracy to do this is this is this is something that's not a crazy thing for our democracy, which isn't a democracy which is an oligarchy? That's why they're doing it, because this is an oligarch, This isn't a democracy where we don't have the we don't have a great deal we see like say, you know nicaragua market postwar germany after world war, to the two something ass you saying that this a fine candidates from the ballot is a very normal thing for democracies to do this in the where she says they do it, but the hallmarks. Postwar germany, after will postwar germany. They did that the keep nazis off the ballot, people committed genocide against Jews and concentration camps, she's she's, equating donald trump and magua with that and just then she goes from back to guess what else into something that, with the hallmark of postwar germany after world war two. This is something that happened. A gyre both in our own prevail, that's unbelievable and she thinks it's open
hey that they're doing it to bolster narrow in Brazil, so you want to know but in Brazil I'll explain it to you in Brazil there hated the establishment in the corporate establishment, the same one that runs america runs Brazil. They wanted to get rid of the lefty which was Lula so what they did is they put Lula in prison, what lula in prison put like they're trying to do to trump right now they put Lula in prison and they thought, that the centre right guy would win the right. So they thought that Marco Rubio would win or they thought that either Delia roar What president richly burning hayley would win, but it stead what happened in brazil when they put lou, in prison also narrow one, which is the tramp of up of brazil and they freaked out there, like oh shit, the far a guy one instead of the centre right guy. So what did they do? They then? Let loose
lula back out of the prison because they do Lula was the only guy who could beat ball scenario. They. that election. He beats bowl scenario just barely and then they make an illegal for bolsa now to run for president again, just like they're doing the donald trump now now I've A favourable scenario- I'm not a faint donald trump, but I'm smart enough to see the game is being played here that the establishment is now making their political enemies, criminal and criminalizing any political movement they can handle, and this is happening since brags. It and donald trump said election. They did it in pakistan, they did in brazil and other doing it in the good old you a survey and rachel metal uses. These examples that make this ok, instead of something that you set your hair on fire about undemocratic, an oligarchy policies. This is what fascist do. This is what dick
to do this is what our third terran governments do and their doubt you now, your big, the mask has been ripped off in america. You see that you don't live in a democracy. You live in our thoughts, terry and oleg archie, that is run by the deep state and a handful of billionaires one of em his bill gates. Would you not only be dramatic, but would you say this violates nor I would say this violates norms utterly. What norms he actually violated? Besides, like being good it roasting to apply, it's not one of your little vile miley, here's the norm, he violated, he wouldn't do war, he ran on an angel interventionist platform and then he wouldn't do war. The way the deep stay wanted him to, and so for that they russia, aided him. They employ Stem twice, and now they ve indicted him four times. Another kicking him off balance because he do war the way they wanted him to me says a bigger violations, norms,
He's the only president. My lifetime didn't start a war. Well, I'm never forgive him. I thought I said today he was president and the next day a day he's not a bright yet so what? By member when he bomb syria they go out today? He became a president the good times, and that was the truth. the establishments eyes all you're kid brought up. Does jerry linking the mob. Yet that's exactly what they do. You got out, MIKE. I gotta pull what it. This is something that our own congress did in a pin sixty eight after our own civil war, specifically to preclude with anybody from holding office in this country who had engaged insurrection again to his country, and so it is not elbow, get rid of, but it it would. It would be an incredible wildcard. So, by the way he he didn't, engage in an insurrection in you know how we know, he's never been prot charged with that crime and has never been convicted of that truck crime and by the way,
here's the fourteenth amendment? It also contains a due process. So they're, saying they're doing this outbreak because of the fourteen amendments they prick. They kicked him off the ballot. Here's what it said! in the fourteenth amendment. No state shall make or enforced any law which shall a bridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states. Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, ah nor denied to any person within its jurisdiction jurisdiction. The equal programme action of the laws. Now I'm not a big fancy lawyer card, but I'm pretty sure I was never charger convicted with an insurrection. Ah, Lastly, I know he's guilty: I'm just saying that legally yonder, He didn't even a guy that looks like the item. Twenty two that prosecutor in york that guy didn't bring up here. He knew he couldn't bring back,
that's right, yeah, why? Why is none of these but indicted four times? Ninety two felony counts, not one of those conflicts. so an insurrection that weird he overvalued his house in florida or helping Why don't we get him on that thing that didn't happen at all and then what the other one. He asked his lawyer to look into that. Yeah election which on that, so I get so that they are trying to say is that it that part of that is that part as they were in georgia are they so that using the rico statute in georgia, is it to say he committed an insurrection? Is that with that is no no secure future? to overturn the other trying to overturn the election, which illegally that's what that's. What that it would you do. you graduate, she didn't, you kill Latisha James announced the judge thinks he's guilty all eddie, that's right! Now they were liberating. That's wow, that's amazing! That's great lawyer! It ok, so so there is again there's rachel mad cow. She is
It was I it's like she worked for providence, it's like you. She works the oligarchs and she's there. Why do you think they had to get around the phone? Hey get cheeks ass? She gets thirty five million dollars a year to a hundred thousand dollars a day to lie to you have established your honor. I on I can't stay, will probably she probably editing a break from going at a stage at a rate, the ottawa convention, which is where she go. She goes to arms manufacturing comment and to give speedy more women in missiles? hey. Jimmy who's. This jimmy director producer husband, father and consequences evader.
A friend of the show alec baldwin glad to hear for you how you bed push push for better things overall are improving some bumps in the road. Certainly, as I'm sure you can understand, I've been attempting to keep a low profile lately, of course, naturally, but unfortunately that is difficult for me to do considering I'm extremely famous beside in manhattan. I can only imagine yeah case in point. Just the other day I was taking a leisurely stroll to an acting class that I had volunteered to teach that's regiment volunteer. All of a sudden. I found myself smack dab in the middle of a pro palestinian rally. Perhaps you saw the video while you don't say I seriously do say my fabled presence was noticed by this
I was there to engage with him rather than voluntarily dayton acting class, during which I planned on presenting my famous formula, a b, a always be acting Z.
Every good advice if ever trail anyway, they immediately set upon me and again to engage. I had no plans on mixing with a protest of any stripe, but my virulent pro israel stance and my irish temper conspired to lend me in a professional with one of these masked scotty wags. Oh no one site it's, but once I had been spot is one of the meal, a word for hollywood, and I was like not anymore. I fucking dotted with ready off the bat. He was working, offer false premise right right and then they hurled the usual tired troops in the about hollywood and scientists m, which are rooted in absolutely nothing, not even a shred of reality
rantings of baseless shade. I realized I had an opportunity rather than shying away. I could be caught on camera confronting the street spectres and once again, look like the good guy. I see good strategy. I certainly thought so. Who knows? Maybe if enough of these videos go viral, I will work for hollywood again. Maybe I can finally afford a private jet. So whenever I travel with my family, I don't need to buy twelve fucking yeah. As I recently told entertainment tonight, in a misguided attempt to seem like a regular joe, there aren't even twelve seats in first class on most flights.
Another fact not about other, but yeah real oversight on their part. As I have always said, however, invention airplane that is only first class will be the world's first trillion air anyway. This is all connected. Actually is most things surrounding extremely interesting people, usually arm house. How so well on one hand, we have the benefit of meeting called on camera being the good guy on the other by cartoonish large family, consisting of white children with the mexican name out of there awaiting catch me on camera, be a good guy for hours and hours legitimately, being a good husband and father. What what are you getting that that's right to me, my wife and hillary, and I are seriously considering signing up for our own?
reality show. Ah, oh that sounds hilarious. You're kidding me Jimmy Hart. Life is a joyous circus. The sharing the world and, of course, make a shit ton of money. I'm in a bit of debt right now, First, it would be obstacles and challenges like cabinet entire camera crew in your home. Well that, yes, I might explosive temper having a tavern I'm going to have to go hours without a fearsome explosion of rage, or else that would defeat a small thing seeing an irish dry drawn cruelly bahrainis young children certainly would interfere with the good guy objects or irish went drawn for that. I would have I did so that would be compelling television.
people do watch this trash for the train wreck aspect. Guess she'll give an art to it him seeing it clearly. Now, every week Alec Baldwin uses his mind causes don't bitch the child for hoy, be on the floor then realizes he has an anger problem. Okay, he comes to terms with it. Seek therapy people love therapy. He works on his anger management problem for the good of his family and comes out the other end. A better man can be the genius that this wasn't. My idea well, of course, not as mine. I was just telling you about genius. It was this, otherwise it would be. The same reality show paddle that scatters the landscape. I dunno I'm going to break into my wife and kids, however,
I'm really looking forward to having a break from getting yelled at yeah, yeah yeah. I want to show the yelling and the story saying he's figured it out yet dads do bad understand. The cardinals yeah anyway it'll be worth it breaking baldwin next year on. Bravo, I thought I'd keep an eye open jimmy. I can't wait to this is going to be so much fun. I should go to me. I have to go practice. Yelling at my family, in our hearts hey become a premium member goaded. Jimmied organic dotcom sign up it's the most affordable premium programmer the business
don't don't bring all the voices before today are by the one and only the inimitable mike Mccrae, you can be founded MIKE mccrae dot com, that's it for this week. You be the best. you could be in keep being me out. I don't I don't don't don't don't bring down? Did you do that, for you guys?
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-24.