« The Jimmy Dore Show

Biden’s “Plan” To Fix Inflation Is Insulting To Your Intelligence

2022-06-03 | 🔗
Joe Biden recently published an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal detailing his plan, to the extent he has one, to deal with the inflation crisis. What the opinion piece reveals, more than anything else, is that Biden not only has no real conception of what is causing prices to rise, but he also is woefully short on ideas for what to do about the problem.  Jimmy and Professor Richard Wolff discuss the spiraling down of the Biden presidency as prices skyrocket. Plus a segment on certain municipalities in the United States ending minor traffic stops to prevent police from escalating conflicts with motorists and possibly killing them. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Jackson Hinkle and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from David Axelrod and Prince Charles!
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It will, instead of poverty and irvine california, laws vague in san, diego salt lake city, indianapolis, Louisville, all over the place go to jimmy dork army that come for a link for dick How does is Jimmy who's? This jimmy David. Oh hi, David o, are you do today, I'm having a crappy wage crappy, if I'm being wise there buddy Fuckin dragged on the word just to manage a little way: oh yeah, what tweet on may twenty nine I treated quote the inexplicable
reggie delay all day the indispensable role police. Okay, I could see why people are read about that. Because you took this moment to jump to the police's defence? also tweeted about guards and other bad like I was a boy, I know you're, ok, but a lot of us don't feel this is quite the moment to celebrate policing in general, you don't usually see of massive institutional failure and respond see. This is why that institution is good actually supposed to pass for a general. What am I some sort of gangster rapper David, the nose to them, they see it. Our country is irreparably broken that some friends sediment. In fact, I was at a dinner party, the other nine, a very diverse,
I buy my dad wealthy democrats and wealthy recently, and we were talking about how great the police are. We all agree that if we ever any of us hear any suspicious sounds outside matches the police will sharpen life, might marry yeah, that's because the role of the police to protect properties, specifically the property of the wealthy, such as yourself. Well, I mean. Is that so bad? The point is, the police should protect people, jimmy people and property are inextricably intertwined. It's not exist without the other. As sorry, I think we can prioritize you. Would beings over things can't wait.
oh really how's, that people could not exist without property. They would not have the means to survive and without people I would even be properly without a statute entity to declare that something is owned by the good. An inanimate objects be identified as property see. This is the beauty of cap of accidents. the horror of capitalism, more like it. you better. Yes, in this case, one where armed police officers don't stand by and do nothing while children are being slaughtered in a school shape, and this is why police are good Actually, how can you even say that, because we
they made in the air in judgment, which means we know that there is support. They are supposed to have done, which means the public has faith in the eye. police and general, so you're saying our myth of the police, as superheroes who are here to help is a good thing and a more comforting way. The police are busy sending ten detectives to investigate the theft of my garden hose the people whose safety is being neglected as a result of that can still have that myth to make them feel say. Oh my god Is it important to feel safe jimmy? No, it's important for people to be safe. Well, honest! they're not gonna, have feeling say visiting them at the expense of ngo, good
is the democratic party message in a nutshell: Ok yeah, you can Well, you want or even deserve as a human being, but maybe we can make you feel good about something comforting I feel morally superior. We are the bedtime story and love. By of american politics, how nice, I think, so I think it is nice happy pride, both Jimmy yeah, I wonder if there's a gay cop in Chicago somewhere, I can go on my next episode of x. Files with David Axelrod never be a mouthpiece for this bullshit that I'm saying right now, yeah, oh, and if he also says racism is bad. That would be axe. Horrific
I gotta find this guy. He must exist. Ok, bye, jimmie, dale, comforted good night the The jimmy dore show so I'm here with professor richard wolff. and now were discussing Joe Biden had an up ad in the wall street journal inherited Joe Biden, my plan for fighting inflation narrative? So he starts out with some were sunk. I'm fantasy. He says in less than a year and a half my administration,
economic and vaccination plans help to achieve the most robust recur. Very in modern history wow, while the most robust wow now. Not since I graduated top of my class at Joe Biden with a full scholarship. Have I attained such feats of robustness, As you know, he didn't see, lied. He ok, I'm Sure, that's not a lie from Joe Biden, it's probably just him being polite to the economy right, it's like when see a friend you haven't seen for a while they gained way. You don't say I am alarmed you sky. Alarmed by how much you're inflating, as you say, that right sounds nicer. This is this is the most rob Bossed I've seen you in forty years. That's what you say: that's even better so he goes. The job market is the strongest the post world war, two era with aid. point three million new jobs, the fastest decline.
In unemployment on record at millions of americans getting jobs with better pay boy. He makes sound like there's no problem right, professor! What's what's wrong with all that stuff, he just said: well, what's wrong with elizabeth student. Did that in any course that I'm familiar with whether the professor leaned left or leaned right or was in the middle. That student would get a robust f. I mean you can't do this, or at least you're ought to as a president. Let me just give you a couple of realities. The wages went up, he said yeah, average wage in the united states over the last period is going up at the rate, for example, so far this year of about four percent. The inflation is going up at the rate of over eight percent in economics. We teach
What the wage means to you depends on the prices you'll have to pay the honest statement would say to the american people I'm very sorry that, as your president, I have the preside over a situation in which prices rising more than twice as fast as you ability to afford them and to say that the wages went up with it, leaving the rest of the story. It's a level out. I mean wow number one. Ok Maybe I could go on about. Let's go onto the next side because he goes out. He says since I took office, families have increased their savings and have less debt array. The federal reserve report found that a higher percentage of americans, reported feeling financially comfortable at the end of only twenty one that at any time since the
survey began in twenty thirteen fan, These have increased their savings and have less dead, but only if europe, our family works for pfizer, I'm pretty sure- and I You know that a higher percentage of families were reporting. Financial companies is that that this the fed says that is that the same fed that said, inflation shouldn't be a problem cells or look yeah. So let me he explained to illegal in the economics profession. All of us who pay attention to what the americans are dealing, do not use the federal reserve report. We use consumer survey. That is done. All the time has been going on for decades. done by the university of michigan and the mole funny thing about the university of Michigan. Earlier reports this year, twenty twenty two man at the end of twenty twond
What, but, more recently that obviously the more relevant ones for us to talk about and guess what the unity of the university of Michigan a survey indicates that americans are more worried about the current financial situation than they had been. decades and when they are asked the question: what do you expect to be in terms of the financial sector wait six months down the road there, the worst they had ever reported being taught me again to report to cherry pick. You did your numbers this way. It's embarrassing. He goes on to say, business investment is up. Twenty percent and men you're factory jobs are growing at their fastest rate in thirty years. There were more new small business applications and twenty twenty one than in any previous year, so manual,
Acting jobs are growing at their faces and thirty years, but mainly as just you know, gunman You factoring invented all production, that's right! What do you say? What's that and twenty percent manufacturing and Well, what do you say to that? But this is it. This is up twenty percent. a problem when, from what are your measuring jack of your measuring from a year or two ago, when we were the depths of the pandemic than there was no business investment at all and being up twenty percent is miserable because job recover number one manufacturing, that's the biggest job. If you take a look at and your badgering united states. It's been shrinking for the last forty years and it goes down down, and you know something every now and then there's a blip, but it's called a blip on a long term trend. That's going down every president, including obama, tromp, promised that they would reverse the decline of manufacture.
not a plumber, cheap dead and from MR by that, take a look at some lip of manufacturing and not talk about the long term trend which he, as vice president under Obama, also did nothing to stop again? This is a game of statistics. That's it. embarrassing to watch and the last one. No small business applications is the reason for that in twenty twenty one, everybody was unemployed it. Twenty one I was the only thing they could possibly hold forth, was not a job but to go out and start moving other people's lawns and applied for a business application. Americans live to tell the story that small businesses create most of the job. jobs each year, which is true, but he is the other side of that small businesses
or where most of the jobs are lost every year, because being a small business in it's gone. three under the shadow of the power of big business, is a very difficult situation and not something that you turn due to look for good news about the economy, because it's never there so he he has a three point plan this binding. I'll go. That's all his preamble. Now he goes in at three point plan to help fix the inflation problem. I can't see a plan in their anywhere, so let's go through it and see you if the professor seas and a plan in there he says First thing he's going to do. Is the federal reserve has a primary responsibility to control inflation and also to cause inflation. Apparently he said as my predecessor demeaned, the fed and past presidents have sought to end.
once its decisions and appropriately during per aids of elevated inflation. I won't do this wow, so he's not gonna demean the fed would, you know, lowers their self esteem and their interest rates, whereas Joe Biden's, merely just geezers, going to touch them and sniff them uncomfortably that's what he does, but he not to say I have appointed highly qualified people from both parties to lead. That institution I agree with theirs. Is it the same, that was that the same hiring qualified peoples at the same judgment that brought us the singing tik tok speech. Cop lady is thy what there was and then he says I agree with their assessment that fighting inflation is our top economic challenge right now, so, we want to go ahead and go through what he said here. Yes, such start with some results, It is a rather responsibility to control inflation
reserve has been with us a little over a century It was set up. Everybody has always learn distant studied it due to basically not controlling inflation. But the problem and an inflation, but language in the federal reserve is to maintain price stability. This is what the federal reserve, I suppose Do the fact that we already than inflation the way we are? Isn't it occasion that they haven't been able to do their job, it's perfectly reasonable. They asked why not go into that, but it's not that they are supposed to control inflation they're supposed to prevent an inflation. That's the first and the second thing, my predecessor, demeaned bread, well yeah, yeah
This is a demand for virtually everything sought me. I don't know why. This is all that interesting. Past presidents have sought to influence its decisions and appropriately, I dont know what to say that either? But I can assure you that the effort of president's to manipulate the fed is as old as the fed. It happens it in related inflation. It happens in le monde, elevated inflation. The president, do that, because they know that economic conditions shaped the votes in their elections and therefore they wanted to do whatever it is that might help them get a few more votes at the fed has always been sensitive to all of this, and then you can have a debate about how much The president was able to do and who say that he appointed highly qualified people. From both I mean If they were not highly qualified, then we would have to try to understand that the fed didn't see other
as of two thousand and eight or nine coming the fed wasn't very quick in fixing that one it has had interest rate so low that we have offered indebted the entire economy for decades to come. Now they can't stop inflation. All they can think of is raised. interest rates which really wax a population that has already been asked to suffered a lot. I mean looking at a federal reserve that had there ought to be, linking around in shame, rather than putting out statements, they're going to deal with this. Where were they were to be one? Had they didn't do? we all along, they didn't believe there would be an inflation, so they took mama respects that might have limited it and now that it as big and is it is their making statements about what you're gonna do, but there's no reason to believe them now
you imply Jimmy any more than there was before an by their own admission. They haven't understood. Real well, what's going on, so that's the that's! His first has three point plan. That was his first point. Here's his second. He says. Second, we need to take every practical step to make things more affordable for families during this moment of economic uncertainty and to boost approach, productive capacity, our economy over time. That. Why led, the largest release from global oil reserves in history com? We could help right away by passing clean energy tax credits and investments that I have proposed.
so don't worry if you're starving right now just buy those sweet tax credits, they're going to be coming six to eight weeks after next April. If congress passes my plan, which historically they won't took a year- and it boggles the mind- He led the largest released from global oil reserves. Ok, but we have higher oil prices than before. Or maybe a release. I know why. Well it turns out that the sanctions against russia as part of the ukraine or a major contributor, as everyone in the world, as notice to aid disorganized oil, industry, globally, witches jacking up the prices everywhere, and the allies of the united states like saudi arabia and so on- are working with the russians to keep the price of oil high. So if this is a plan, it has already failed
in part because of other things, the same government is doing that work at cross purposes. I can't believe that people are putting up with this, but they spent because it's been couch, that this is a way to fight Putin, this evil guy, who gave us donald trump in our in our subverted our elections and all this stuff. That's why I think people are putting up with it with because a tree it this is, what's happening with ukraine. Rights is a proxy war, but we overcome anyway I get too into the weeds on it, but we're trying to hurt russia, What we are doing is hurting ourselves and the people doing this. If I know but I know that they know it. I know that the wrecking the petrol or by doing this, by putting the sanctions on russia. Now now saudi arabia, starting to take payments.
In other denominations? Besides? U s dollars, which is going to crush the the the petrodollar and starting to sell it to china in chinese currency, and so that's bad for us and no one seems to care and now so here. Let me ask you this: why do you think of me? russia is putting up with higher gas prices. At the same time, they entered and told its being done because of putin and ukraine, but at the same time we're all so being told that oil companies Making record profits why? How so that can't be Because a burden than right now hurry, I sit here and I have to admit I'm, I'm very like you in this regard The real question is not the machinations of the abiding administration or of Mr Putin or any bigger. The real question is why I do the american people shit and I accept.
this level of of of make believe this level. oh of noise verbiage cover the reality. They know what they are paying at the gas tank they know when they take the car or when they come home, stone by what the groceries at the supermarket close them this week, they all know. We all know, and we know it's like getting any better, and we know the job situation is terrible. We haven't, labour movement that rising up in the way we haven't seen for decades and we know why that's happening do as if anyone needed to understand what you have our support. I agree that I guess I get it from a french newspaper. They made the analysis. The american people are like that famous dear caught in the headlines, The headlights of among coming car, they,
there are in danger, but somehow there frozen for the moment and don't know which way to turn So Joe Biden goes on, he says a dozen see of america's largess utility companies told me earlier this year that my plan would reduce the error. Families, annual utility bills by five hundred dollars and accelerate art trends. Issuing from energy produced by auto crash. So a dozen technical. Rats told bite in his plan would help transition away from energy from autocrat and he below Is that because he's a Democrat, so it yeah it is, It is really I mean It's very marked a dozen people told me something that's what a person does doesn't have anything better offer the people he's telling them you'll have a plan.
They tell me that its one day gonna be real good for you. If I do the abbe, it is, can point to anything is done. My question would be to go back to the beginning. While conversation, why is there no discussion about it around? the plan or a freeze plan with the pros and cons. Let's have the debate. There's lots of people who knows How did it more than I do? Who can come in and talk about? The part positives, the negatives within look at the option. And then we can have a real democratic decision which way to go. We are now limited to raising interest rates whacking all the debtors of this society, because that's the only thing These people can imagine doing you know. Well, I wondered to myself really. Are you gonna? Let this inflation play out in the election? Mr,
wine is looking at if he allows this to continue, cannot be a pretty picture programme. I dont think the stab through the people is so obviously Joe Biden not running anything or making any decisions- and I say this on the show me these obviously suffering from dementia, and so there's people running things and it's the establishment, the same establishment that picked him, and so they don't care if he gets white dog emigrants get wiped out in the mid terms. The people running- joe because they were just that's just more tools to work for the establishment that get elected. It doesn't matter of their democratic republican The same shit happens every veto, as I say there has been one one per awarding a company has the one every election since nineteen eighty and it's been goldman sachs, and so they they ve never lost an election, never ever so. And so he goes away one more one more point: it just so
did that earlier today, a twitter storm erupted when the head of J, p, morgan, Jamie diamond was asked what he thinks of the condition of the american economy and, what's facing us just to give you an idea, and he gave the answer. And he used the word hurricane there's an economic hurricane bearing down on us in other words, whatever you, whatever? You are telling us about MR binds plan it bears no resemblance to what the big banks are gearing up to both in terms of how to prepare themselves and I will try to make money of the hurricane. They see club, it's scary debris, so he ere he goes on. He says We can also hear some more garbage. He says we can also reduce them
cost of everyday goods by fixing broken supply chains, improving infrastructure and cracked. im down on the exorbitant fees that for an ocean freight companies charge to boot products. None of that stuff is going to do none of that stuff. He has a plan to do, or else he would tell you what the plan is he's just saying. We need more good things unless bad things, that's what he sang in them and then that it says my housing supply action plan will causing more affordable by building more than a million more units, closing the housing shortfall in the next five. years, and don't worry none of that housing will be built in wealthy, liberal leaning areas or built at all. Probably, if I being honest, which I'm not example. The ocean freight companies, ocean freight, is a chaos right now does. The entire global economy has been shaken by these sanctions that come out of it,
war, not by the war. By the way, does its impact isn't so big, but by the sanctions that came as a result of it, and therefore these bright companies are being asked to change. Everything If are patterns, they are harbors their maintenance program and they're charging the money to pay the cost of all of that, but you're not going to undo that they're not going to function if they can't do and again you're right, he's just talking fix a bloke unbroken supply chain, the corporations are able to raise their prices and make more profit Not only will they not, which the library and you'll understand that a broken supply chain is a very good news. If you can drag up your price as a result, which is exactly what many of them are doing and Mr Biden speeches is marked and persuade them to do otherwise. so org he's almost always almost done talking. He says we
can reduce the price of prescription drugs by giving medicare the power to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies and capping the cost of insulin, and we can learn the cost of child, an elder care to help parents get back to work. Also. We can do the thing that I already promised to do, but we didn't do because we did we're not gonna. Do it been promising. Do that shit for presidency started running do any early at his predecessors, many of them promised it at bay. Couldn't achieve it and he's not giving us single region. How or why now he's gonna. Do it and ended say if I may add one thing, that he has always paid in the federal reserve and he's gonna. Let them do their work, I mean they did to prevent? I know any of this, which they're supposed to They haven't been real good at controlling it either. Where, then, does the faith come from
while it sure smells like he wants to focus on them so that maybe he can blame later yeah, rather than take the responsibility, but then they would then went back to what republicans and democrat specialise in which is blaming each other and hoping nobody pays attention that they blame each other for what both of a book, and so those are the first to till here's. His final third is here's. The third thing he's gonna do this? Is it to fix inflation? He says We need to keep reducing the federal deficit, which will help ease price pressures and how do you? How do you use that deficit? You said more money, the ukraine last week, the non power recent congressional budget office projected that the deficit will fall by one point: seven trillion dollars this year, the largest reduction in history that will leave the deficit as share of the ecb and economy lower than pre pandemic,
levels and lower than c b o projected for this year before the american rescue. Ah, so that is how does that doesn't help right? That's all made up. Most about is made a body that is that the devil's it will for the last five years have seen the greatest deficits, I reckon history if we ve, never had anything like it in a piece on a situation. Reducing. Yet when you raised it, that's like going to the store that has a big sign in the window shale everything we nos twenty percent,
and you go in, and you remember that a week before the sale, the prices will hair from what they are now. So when you take the twenty percent off you're still paying more than you did your important what these numbers I like. This is kind of flint flam economics. It has nothing to do with the underlying reality, adapt to show whether the federal deficit being reduced. How will it be reduced without? Knowing that you don't know the middle east price pressures, it might have the opposite effect. And, lastly, he says my plan would reduce the deficit even more by may in common sense reforms to the tax code. Internal revenue service- should have the resources to collect taxes that I can already moroccans already. Oh, we should level the international taxation playing field, so company he's no longer have an incentive to shift jobs and profits overseas,
and we should end the outrage. just unfairness in the tax code that allow- a billion or to pay lower rates than a teacher or fire. This these. This is all this is called platitudes, is just talking he so wishes be doing good things and less bad things and where everything should be fairer and everybody, but he's got no plans to do any of this anymore, in power for two years or whatever, and they have complete control the government, the Democrats, his party and they're, not doing any of this. In fact, they're the ones creating this problem and they've been campaigning on is over and over again leaving us with the question Why do the american people allow this theatre cosette? Here too? It is political theatre to continue its bad enough when you're limping along, but we're not limping along. Our economy is in very deep trouble. I hate to say it, but I think J p morgan
the time is right. We are in a storm of economic difficulty, edge acute. waited for a long time. We haven't addressed it trump didn't bite invasion, the people before them didn't either. Eventually, this is gonna catch up it already is and then more and more people are gonna see that this verbiage is way too little and way too late. hey. You know here's another great way. You can help support the show. You should become a priest. A member we give you up. Couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it going to jimmy Dore carbery company, that cop clicking on joint premium and supports affordable previous programme in the business and its agree, way to help put them back in the eye. The bastards thanks for everybody,
Who was already a premium member? If you have it you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, I a growing number of cities are no longer enforcing minor traffic. Stops this israel. Why? Because cops key killing people? This has led to grab that worth killing a guy just for a broken tail. Like you oughta. Do you think I'm kidding watch this on the second day,
firstly, of George Floyd's death s, weak president Biden signed an executive order on police reform. George lloyd's killing also prompted a growing number of police departments to ban a minor traffic stops and a move. Some say could save lives, one stop, and yet the evolution in grand rapids michigan a traffic. Stop started over a license plate and ended with Patrick Kelly, eureka dead and our away lancing michigan band tropics opts for minor infractions altogether in twenty twenty after the killing of george floyd, goal to avoid unnecessary oscillations, racial profiling and so called pretext to will stops where an officer uses a minor violation to pull over and search a car says lancing mayor, Andy shore. What's the push back that you ve gotten, because here a centrally asking the police not to enforce the law somewhat, our police officers are still pulling P.
whatever but they're doing it for public safety reasons. The officer concerned that we're trying to take tools away from lansing police, chief ellery, so sbi says it was a hard sell to some officers, but he says the ban could save Five, the traffic stop for a bus until I got in there and it escalates into something that puts the officers life in jeopardy or this citizen's life in jeopardy. It's just not worth according to. Maybe tell the cops to stop pocket. that's was as though wouldn't know that be the normal thing. You would tell perhaps to relax the late glue? What are they gonna make the revenue up cause? I thought, although those pizzazz kind of stops were for revenue like it's like attacks like you know what people, basically with yeah daily rates or where they get the money from to make up for that and then,
I mean I guess they get a lot of law suits when they kill people, so maybe it balances out war. There also have they taken away tools like what? Why would the cub I really like. Last time I was there. I remember I went to go smoke weed at my by my old college and a cop just call me immediately in the back and he goes. He goes. Hey here's a ticket. You don't even have to pay this they're going to stop enforcing this pretty soon like either. Just like I actually trying to throw my trackers, you can keep your joint, so are they getting rid of the quotas, cause they're? given the numbers they gotta hit percent right, that's how they measure. How good a copy I know cops do have cool. I know so. Is that why they're upset of the other tools being taken? Are they going to take away the dumb
I just don't understand why. I can't believe that they could keep quotas and then take away their near mean, I am sure, they're getting rid of that. So, let's surmise that there were any cops that were upset over this, because I've got family that are in law enforcement and I've just heard so many stories where, like you know, they'll go go up to a car late at night, bad area like in jacksonville, or something like that, and some will grab gun real, quick and like try to pull it out on him stuff like that right. Why would they be upset unless you still have to hit your numbers or whatever you know? That's what I got was warmer safer. If listened to do that sort of thing less and less this and the restless york times investigation in the last five years, at least four hundred unarmed
drivers and passengers have been killed by police during traffic stops nationwide with black motorists? Overrepresented Dante right is one example. Twenty seventeen report found that traffic stops where the leading cause of officer deaths in police, initiated interaction like in the shooting death of chicago police officer Ella french last year, chesapeake police chief Kelvin right opposes virginia's van. He says escalation is the real power one, not traffic stops. Do you want to address the problem when you want to address the symptoms? That would be my question less examining was taken place. How can we be trade better to make sure your things don't escalate where they do escalate. How do we make it so that there is a better outcomes? Yes, are you in them to de escalate? That's what you do, but cops are not trained to de escalate. Cops are true,
the EU must obey my authority and to escalate whenever there cop show up that's when violence breaks out cops are not to de escalate done no matter what you think and why is their number one priority. This is their train, there's their safety there now one priority, should be your safety and their there. train that way any more their drained? It may, and you heard President Barack Obama even said that a cop's number one job is to make sure they get home safe at night. That is not their job. Their job is to make sure that I get home safe at night and the people get home safe at night, they serve, but that's not how policing works in america, police off and see themselves as an occupying force in the neighbourhood and the citizens as the potential killers of them. That's how they are trained to see that the people that their policing, as citizens are there to serve, they see them as threats. That's a big problem with policing
and most of it and all with your cops coming from them, military also a bad idea, because their train the exact same way to make too rob primary is the their safety that Not what you want a cop. Do you want a breast a fireman to be concerned with their safety or yours. Not that's why you're a fireman. That's why they get respect they give research. because we all know they risk their own lives to save others. That's what you're supposed to be doing so. Oh and it's just amazing. They ve been trained so horribly that they can't stop fucking killing people and escalating. They shouldn't be Escalating also, all these won't. You know not born people like em, all four by the way not for people over, and you sit there for an hour bullshit.
Shakedown money, you know yeah, but a lot of the laws like if you're somebody that can't afford to get pulled over your licenses, but I mean there's so many like catastrophic things to you. That's right! You don't have to be that poor. You could just be like a little bit struggling and it's going to screw your life up for years to correct I'd. Imagine that probably escalates a situation before it even gets to the cops showing up. You know like that's why I'm saying like this is to get revenue with them cracking down like how do they make up that revenue? That kind of lake is worrying to me like, where are they going to sell go back and lancing mayor shore says they do a lot of de escalation. Training, but banning minor stops, reduces the potential for escalation and increases trust. A lot of any prospect of our citizens have to be able to trust the police And I don't think they do here's to
rephrase a number of cities have condemned, have concluded that the only we can make sure cops. Murder civilians during minor traffic stops is to not do minor traffic stops at all No, u s. Police have killed nearly six hundred people and traffic stops and twenty seventeen data shows that continue pace this year with black victims disproportionately harmed amid calls to reduce traffic encounters that's from April of this year. encounters with police during traffic stops, including minor infractions, disproportionately harm people of color. According to the data collected by man. bing police violence, and they are by a nonprofit research group, which argues that armed police should not be involved in many of these cases now I went saw lay open for early campaigning. paved especial here in LOS angeles, he has a very similar point:
that is like. Why do we have guys, with guns, write you a ticket for a broken daylight? Why we have guys, with guns He's right, you had taken for a left, her wrong left turn. Why does those people have guns what willow now all have guns nuts? Why and that himself? Why do we have caught? Why don't we have traffic people out there that give you traffic? Why That have to be a cop. That's what I think that was least point. Not just have a permanent force. Traffic laws like you at any without a gun how about we do that so that were I to hunt percent agreed with lee camp on that point about ten percent? of the roughly eleven hundred people killed by police each year involved traffic violations We often see the most extreme examples on the news, but this is something that happens so frequently said the same. We will a data scientist and policy analyse too far founded mapping police violence.
there were ninety seven deadly traffic stops and twenty seventeen a hundred and fourteen and twenty eighteen hundred and seventeen and twenty nineteen, a hundred and nineteen and twenty twenty. A hundred seventeen and twenty one and twenty five so far in twenty two as of April as of April, so it went up every year except for coal, the gear. there has been a renewed scrutiny of traffic stops sense, the April fourth killing of LEO a lawyer. I don't have to say that, and I'm done forty six year old and grand rapids michigan, he was shot in the eye, back of the head after a struggle with an officer who pulled him over we're having a mismatch license plate by all as death is the Most recent that has captured headlines in the call for change doin Twenty years old was killed after being pulled over four unexpired registration tax and hanging air freshener sandra blame We all remember her. Twenty eight was stopped for failing to signal. She ended up dead, a thirty.
do your old fool, Andrew castillo. We all remember that horrific fixing he died following a traffic, stop app, an officer claim he looked like a suspect in a recent robbery. Citing his wide set knows not an old raised yeah. A noted that the majority of killings by police involved either traffic stops mental health episodes, welfare checks. Now, violent and low level offences, or no alleged crime, all circumstances in which there should have been an alternative response Two I'm! So, instead of sending a guy with a gun to somebody was having a mental health episode. What are you send? Somebody was trained to deal with people with mental health problems. Instead of being a guy with a gun to do a wellness check about you, send somebody who's, maybe out an old nurse or two, a m t to do a wellness check instead of someone with a gun. That's what they're saying are they gonna have to have a mean,
what gmt the start where you live like these are not allowed to carry guns there and they all like, we should be allowed to carry guns that, like you, gotta, have somebody to protect the person you're going case. It's a violent middle babby, so yeah, I don't ya I last person. We should send an example with a gun kerr unless that person has a gun and action putting people does on saying, lay at the last person you should never going. How can you not doesn't goin? I use them like we're, not talk. About people with guns, skirt we're talking about people having mental health episodes. People with wellness checks- that's it we're talking about now, you talking about people with guy because that's not what I'm talkin about work, any kind of thing that potentially violent. Anything is potentially violent. Girt mental health episode sounds like wellness check mental health episode,
the last person you should so you're saying we should send people with guns This depends on this very the mental health up. Suddenly, I'm good at Emily disagree with you albert voraciously. On that point, the that's us that's one of the worst way they hansel of mental health episode is sent a cop with a gun I appreciate your opinion. We'll get a move on some of the deadly traffic cases track this year included miami man stop for it expired tag in Milwaukee manic, Of failing to signal in an organ man who allegedly failed to stop while entering a roadway from a parking lot
what do you think a cop should be there or not for for all those things you think a guy with a gun should be on the scene. For that there's an expired tag called the guy with the gun. You'll know that all most of these stops are things that such as a pretext stopping or helping to be in a big jet years ago, we got pulled over because he used the correct exit of a plaza to return video tapes as long as was, and it was suspicious It's because nobody uses the correct exit. That's what the cops I and another friend of ours had left a blunt roach in in the azure. It wasn't either of ours. So the couples over that to Search- and they take us in to pay a fine for this fucking- I it was unbelievable, but that pretext thing is like the biggest thing to me is that that that's a real common and easily abused thing. You know a hundred percent. Yes, we ve all seen it goes on. I see no reason why somebody who has bad tags needs an armed response said Amy, denmark, whose son called
we demand keyser twenty twenty one was killed by police during a mental health crisis in brooklyn centre. Minnesota the same city where right was fatally shot. Police are trained for combat for adverse situations, and I think that's where we should leave them. I agree cop should be called to adverse situations and dumb there did they used their used for everything now and they shouldn't they shouldn't be right. and I don't even I don't even think they should be sent sent to a domestic violence disputes. You know I I it just it's not good. It's not good. To add to it, reduce a gun into a violent situation that just always a bad idea, and there should be other people, I'm sure We just gave forty billion dollars to ukraine. drop of a hat. I'm sure we are. We could probably
higher a million fuckin empties to go help people with that forty billion dollars I observed the point: is we have the resources to deal with this, but for some reason we want to make cops. Take a gun deal with all these. We have cops with guns and fuckin schools now dealing, and so what happens? When you put cops it schools, they dont, protect the people they turned. kids the criminals, that's what happens and we in this over and over People don't understand that more cops also don't mean less crime. Less that that's that works axiom. At its places of means war, crime, but the anyway that's kind of amazing and I think that's actually good. I like, when I want to make fun of cops being so corrupt and criminal, that they can't help but killed people for minor traffic, but they can't help it escalate. That's what it is they are. There taught to escalate and michael would, when he was on the show former sergeant in baltimore police warming. He explained all this to us and how,
taught and how they are even realise that there are part of the press, whom he said, I thought I was one of the good guys and then I looked at my statistics I was one of the bad guys and even good, even cops like tat, the Houston former usin police chief. He himself said you know we give cops too many jobs like they are not trained effectively to deal with all these various issues and like mental health crises and such like that, obviously, if someone's being violence, you have to respond with some sort of security, but I meant if someone is literally just having nonviolent mental health prices like a cop is not well equipped to respond to that date. They dont they're not trained to respond to that, then the I saw I saw him on community guy middle prices, homeless, walking across the street, jaywalking got to the other side. Just alright cops went over and tackle them, and I accuse them of trying to grab one of their guns in this
got a bed for jaywalk. There was this: there you go San Clemente, California. I was like wow a year and a half ago, yeah yeah. So it's good that we had a guy with a gun taking care of that jaywalking problem. I mean it's just nuts we know by work where I grew up. New seaside in jersey, like this is years ago, now to most the cops there with take a course of it? It didn't wanna even carry a gun. They want to carry out that that spray or the taser. So you, how do I get videotaping, sprayed yourselves data because it It's all drunk fights and stuff right and the gun they didn't want to have to have the gun on him, but yeah right it was. It was way better for everybody that they were using tasers and pepper spray if they had because they're not fatal yeah, I mean I if I, if there's a bar fight and after places drunk and the people fighting our inebriated. I don't want it so much. coming up with a gun. I would like that
Someone show up with a taser or have someone show up with pepper spray. So, something non lethal That's not how we have it today. We send guys, with guns, cops in bars to break up fights, then what they spoke to do they go in with a god. That's what they do, that's what they're drink. So we did it complete, revamp of the policing in america. People don't want to hear that, because it's a big job but it ain't never gonna get better. And nope. I know a lot of people are very sympathetic to the police and those are people who have not had much interaction with the police that just the fact now I'm white and I have always lived in while nice white neighborhoods, not I dunno how nice but white neighborhoods, and even I've been up fucked with by the cops so hey. They thought I was buying crack one time it's so ridiculous. I made a wrong turn down an alley and a real
I was like oh shit, I'm in a bad neighborhood and up I was driving a maiden my my roommate bmw at the time for your profile for like. Why would you be here and leisure by increased? yes, so they buddy boy told me albert where they have their guns drawn. Oh, my god, and I'm like. Oh somebody must adjust rob a bank who fits this description. That's what I thought so, again there tell me get out of the car screaming so good the cargo, my hands up and I go I out either You got what you got the wrong guy right. That's what I'm saying Either you got, you got your shot up. You know that kind of shit. It over agenda and they don't say anything to me. They just are going through the car throwing everything out of the fuckin car just started. cargo noses and allay. While that's like way. That was chicago. I would have said my do. You know what I used my dad's name, and I probably would it got something woody
a baby a card would count, it would count ed. and they can they found marijuana on the flag. I found some now than they didn't find anything and and then I finally figure out one of the cops said: do not back their buying crack. He said something's and I go you think I buy crack. I go. There's a coffee in the cup holder, it's decaf, three tasted or it's just the look. Look, I think it says decaf for Jim. Anyway, that's filled me and they were such assholes to me and they were sought and they turned my car inside out and wasn't my was my roommate. I was so filled with rare age. I was on my way to a movie with Paul Paul, not dizzy comedian from Austin very funny, guy we're
to see a movie and I was so upset. I couldn't even focus on the movie. I was just but boiling with rage, and I dunno how I don't know how black people do in this country. I swear fuck. I have no idea how they do it. Eli cubs, don't really have a great reputation in general since I've been now since I was the draftsman very rare, but no no anyway. So that's my story and that's kind of interesting, we'll see. I will see if this catches on, I don't know why they have cops doing those kind of trade stops any they should have a traffic person doing those kind of stops without a gun just likely camp suggestion overstepped. What we have is what what we call usa, some more where my old, my elbows use, or you goes to serve and collect. I mean that was what the
Liked, so that's what you need the going. Well, that's what ferguson life? That's! What ferguson was right, what that's what ferguson? They would just keep these people in a spiral of debt, write and and that day they were running their home. City under the fines of poor black people. Radio over overstepped. You know, I'm just considering when I've seen these homeless encampments here in a when you drive, pass them in the police. Are there and there just like an dumb trucks? Are there to scoop up their belongings? and I have never seen like a medical practitioner there to help the unit These people have that our humbler outreach. I've never seen any kind of you, no red cross there to help these people were obviously in crisis right so that what not to do there is both with they. They had their plan so when they they button- Getting rid of these homeless encampments in los angeles and part of their plan was they would
send outreach workers to get them to try to go to some shelter whatever to try and then they would have those same outwit, but those outreach workers- cops and then they would also arrest them. You can't do that. You can have the persons what the hell are you? Alright? Let's that's not the mallory! That's there, that's, not an outreach worker, that's a fuckin enemy is coming to put them in jail. The the story I told about the homeless guy, who got killed your jaywalking, those were to homeless resource officers is what they called them. the homeless resource officer, killed the homeless guy per jaywalking that we are saying, jackson, yeah yeah, so you see the problem. You see the problem. The hmm this is Jimmy who's, this the prince of wales
well, hello, MR your princess, this How do I don't know how I? How do I address you or we can dispense with such formalities? After all, I represent next generation of oils. It is the twenty first century. After all, no one simply call me prince Charles a bridge charles. How you do it why? I am When my new millennium, being the proper emotion, went looking forward to the queen, don't believe jubilee. jody. Quite yet
You'll see this yeah, my mother, queen Elizabeth, the second of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, celebrates seventy years on the throne. Well, not literally, she gets up and walks about from time to time, but you know what I mean. Yes, that is easily the longest reign of any british monarch. The shortest reign was of a bloke named king also braked long ago. He was crowned and then thirty seconds later had his head lopped off by a viking poor chap I see. Luckily, we live in much more civilized times. We were oils.
As a member of the royal family. Next in line to the throne, I might add, I must say how proud we are of mum staying alive and puttering about in wave yeah hey. You know, there's a lot more to that phone call, but we don't have time in today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You've got to become a premium member, go to Jimmy Dore, comedy cobb sign up it's the most the horrible premium program in the business the freak out. All the voices performed today by the one and the only the inimitable mike mcrae can be found at MIKE mccray dot com. That's it for this week, you'd be the best you can be and I'll keep being me
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-01.