« The Jimmy Dore Show

Biden WANTED Student Loan Forgiveness To Be Overturned All Along!

2022-11-18 | 🔗

Joe Biden, in his move to abolish between $10-20,000 worth of individuals' student debt, decide to enact the policy via a means that was likely to be rejected as unconstitutional by the courts. So was this merely an oversight on the part of the administration or was this path chosen by the White House just to gain the political advantage for the midterms without actually having to provide a single dollar of student debt relief? Jimmy and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the question with the Revolutionary Blackout Network's Sabby Sabs. Plus a segment on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's insistence that the rocket attack on Poland came from Russia and not, as is now universally acknowledged, from Ukraine.. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Jackson Hinkle and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jeff Bridges and Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pardon me interruption. We know interruptions. Can be annoying like when you cars oil change, light comes on when you have a million things to do. We call that oil change society but advance leniency oil change. We like making interruptions short so will make this vast oil changes in about fifteen minutes stay in your car. While you watch us work, free eighteen point, safety check, included fight oil chain society at valve leniency in oil change, visit a location near you we'll see you november nineteenth and twentieth and austin Texas november, twenty six, that's the saturday after thanksgiving in burbank, and then all december. We're gonna, be in los angeles. Doing friday, night shows go to Jimmy door, dot com for a link for all the time. Its and become a premium member. While you there, you get oliver videos on edited jimmy door, dotcom, not Jimmy Dore, comedy
hence the jimmy who's, this jazz good to hear Me again, are you do it I can't about you gas, as a dude or gay. Oh that's great! Let me know if I have done a pretty great why's that what news there's a lot of news it's what we cover on the show that things go around, that really matter, gonna get
What will you tell the story today on the old? Ah Jimmy D's? Oh the launch of artemis, one the. What what do you mean That's gonna! Go My dad, shit out there. I see tactics I'm not really Jeff. I think we have bigger problems here on earth Ahmad and then an astronaut when, when you were little, really
My man wow yeah. I guess it's a generational thing. You know for me growing up in the fifties and sixties. You know the space program was just about the coolest thing. hey! We looked at the stars, man and I still remember watching Neil Armstrong, walk on the surface of the moon, blew my fucking mind and, and that you know the er, the other guys Jeff. I guess. If we had no problems here on earth, I'd be fine with exploring space, but our country are planted. It riddled with poverty, homelessness and justice. war, not to mention a looming environmental crisis. Why would we be wasting money effort in technology on something that does it at the end of the day, benefit anyone justice,
giant, falcon bomber. Large. That's interesting, interesting man. Your point stands its work dayton. But you know I I'd I'd, argue that it does. It does a benefit humanity and in some way, how is that it shows the people that things are possible, man that you couldn't dream bang and make big things happen at fucking, inspiring man, rockets in the space of a year. You sell your high right now are these vague dreamy reasons? Do do they really, while the money that is spent on the space programme also made It would be better if all these
as the scientists tried to figure out ways to combat or mitigate global warming. You think about that. You know going into space. Might just do that. How well you know? Sometimes, when you have a big problem, what you do is step away and take a look at the big picture, for maybe one scientist goes up. The space looks at earth from the outside. They didn't idea how to fix the climate. You know, like a eureka moment, man yep as far as cost goes, and how much could it be? I just looked it up and it's four point: one billion dollars: okay, that's a lot of money or the
just like I said it may help climate change in twenty twenty three, the twenty twenty three budget has around forty five billion dollars earmarked to fight climate change in some way, Are you sure that's why so climate changes only ten times more important than one little moon launch. I would say it's about a thousand times more important yeah? But you can do it like that? No our budget should be let our priority so so far this year we spend more than sixteen billion dollar to the ukraine alone, where more than that which is a drop in the bucket compared to the foreign aid that goes to allies to allow them to operate their war machines do you think, do you think I do think funding wars across the world is important as fighting climate change,
I agree with how much money, judges and tags guns to people use them. This extremely well a kind of is like I want to protect. This worry that you go too far. climate change would put more men on the moon. Where is that where my tax dollars are fucking going? Yes, what the fuck, what the fuck it a surprise. You didn't know that Jeff, course. I didn't know that. That's why I was true and co pathetic before and now I'm fucking mad man, I'm really pissed off over here. feeling any deja vu
yeah man. The last time I called you, I went from being all chill and therapy the metals fuck things up and you're, the only guy who could make me very good. I gotta dig it man, I'm here to help yeah yeah, and it feels good to get mad every now and again that a little happy bubble, some of us need sort of an anti therapist. I know jimmy your mind. This is a revelation. Man got a lot to be angry about fucking, your crate and well, that's what keeps me going for a few weeks, at least but I'll call you back when I need a little ranch party. I look forward to hearing from people far out man,
yeah, the sliding down the street and johnson media somewhere down the chimney to show we have a first gas with special guesses savvy serbs. friend of the show, she's a boston base, activist social, crick educator, The host of the savvy saps podcast, which is part of the revolutionary blackout network sabrina, welcome back to show I Jimmy I step good to see you so I've teresa wanna have you on is because we covered this, but its there's more. The story than meets the eye, so you know Joe Biden he was gonna cut everybody student debt by ten thousand dollars right
and return. Out, he did it in a way. Well, here's what this guy says this guy's name as a judge sugarman, so he says: the by the administration had a better legal argument. If it had relied on the higher an act of nineteen sixty five, but instead it made a week covert argument, straining a nine eleven heroes act and could lie whose nine and nothing so savvy you you are. You are on this. You knew about added no, this so, but you did know, there's that the way oh Biden was going about, relieving the debt student loan debt was in a way that made it most likely to be overturned by a court. Is that correct, correct and I think what people may not be aware of is actually february of last year. I oughta presley,
about warrant and chuck. Humor actually presented this proposal to Joe Biden and what they asked him to do was to cancel up to fifty kane are obviously I thought it should have been all of it, but they asked him to do this through the higher education act of nineteen, sixty by so sulphur people were coming to me now saying that all you can't believe that Joe Biden would have done this on purpose are yeah. I do because he knew tat. He was supposed to do it this way and so the method that he chose doing it through the heroes act. That is actually. Why were in the situation that were in right now, so if people actually would have been paying attention to what was happening last year and the proposal that was made the original proposal, Joe Biden, knew that he was supposed to do. Do it through the higher education act, if he chose not to so so the good news is. The good news is that there is still time to fix it. The bad news is they're, not gonna. There was the bad, so when they wrote
there is still time to fix it, but the bad Is there not gonna fix it, and then here it is their use so why would so living as this course why would they use a worse legal argument? Why would Joe Biden pick the worst and the most shaky sounds to stand on legally to relieves dude, I'm no civic, but if it was, my guess is that they did it. So they could be scrapped right after the midterms. You know what The next generation of young job voters already have voted for democrats already. Then it would get scrapped, which is exactly what happened but just what is cynical nihilist would say right. I mean I choose to believe that the president of the united states accidentally, at the worst legal advice possible? For a thing, he sincerely want to happen. That's what we're supposed, the Believe rights right, people have to remember, Joe Biden was actually the one is the reason: why are we can't filed for bankruptcy through for student, long dead
it's because of Joe Biden, silk way. We wanted to explain that. Can you explain that to me? Joe Biden makes it so you can't get your student loan debt discharge in a bankruptcy proceedings because of Joe Biden right that that was him. He was the one that implemented that so the fact that people surprise like I can't believe Joe Biden would do something like this, like he never wanted stood alone debt to be charged off in the first place and if you notice. I mentioned that the people that came to him. I got a presley, Elizabeth Warren and chuck Schumer. They asked him to do it up to fifty k e limited to ten k, which was for most people and then for twenty k for those who had pell grants, so he didn't even go as far as they were asking him to go in the first place. So, of course this was a ploy to get people to come out into the mid terms and in the same week of the mid term elections instantly it struck down by a federal judge. He knew that this could happen. Are he was warned about this
and that's why we're in this situation. So a lot of people are really angry for those of us who are following this along the way. For me, I'm not as frustrated, because I knew that this was gonna be struck down, so he should have used this. It's called the higher education act of nineteen sixty five and if he would it It is true that it would have a much better chance of sin of standing up to league scrutiny when the right wingers tried to overturn it. So this is from there article by that guy sugarman in the atlantic, It may be, the administration has already research the texts and context of the higher education act, and found a problem with the plan with plan that other experts have missed. That's not what happened, but this plan This plan b, covin argument is likely doom. So the way the president did disguising the way he did, it is likely doomed and it was plan c would be
much smaller and more complicated programme. Focused uncovered causation claims, so he saying they did it on purpose. That's what this guy. So so he saying maybe the admitted. So this is body what he says maybe, the administration, has already research the text and cod acts of the higher education. I found a problem with the plan yeah, maybe they resources and pick the worst plan on purpose because I care about you or your problems, and they never have just. Maybe, though it probably likely that it was an honest gosh mistake from a good man, so Deanna joy gray got involved. Could she was on this too? I guess I miss this all I didn't know about this she's. as they use the promise of student debt cancellation to induce young voter turnout? No it wasn't going anywhere because they relied on faulty legal authority hard to convince me
that bite in the bible administration didn't do this intentionally. I die So it's it saddens me see brianna slowly realise how much of a joke this system really is. I pray to god. a day that make maker be suave have to see this horror. He can take it, but he can take it he's got a game, show her and fantastic teeth, but please delete brianna alone, god dammit don't make her face reality, not while working for the hill anyway, not like this, but she is see his face again good for her. But then people try to make her seemed like a mental when she said that true thing, this guy says. This is insane that thing. That's obviously true and insightful this I'd tweets out and says this is insane. It got like how many like that
seventeen thousand likes that this is insane. So I dont so and then so that another guy, the skies actually a professor at a university? This case says he says, then this is he's trying to make fun of brianna joy. Great great. He says light and clearly has the power to cancel all students dead? Why is it he doing it now biting pretending to cancel student debt when he clearly doesn't have the power to do so? Is the ultimate act of political deception, so he's sing too things there. So what he's mix is his tea, showing brown a joy gracing. The president should do this, but then the poor it went and did it in a way that makes it likely for it to be overturned and then she said, then she said he's doing that, and so this guy says he's he's tending brad, ajar, gray, saying two contradictory things and she isn't ends.
that's common when they come at people who are critical of democratic party. They come at them with bad faith attacks and that's what this is this a bad faith argument and what, when she said, the president could do it because he could, but then he did it in the way that he couldn't so it's gonna be overturned, and then she said that he did it in that way. That would get overturned because he did because he's a tool of the bay. It's Joe Biden, that's why he's president, what you think cobbler harris's our vice president, because she was popular she's, our vice, because she was also chosen by wall street on marthas yeah. She was the first candidate they wanted and then, when she couldn't get a vote, wall street shifted to go there and with Joe Biden their next most reliable dupe. That's why you can't get rid of your student debt in bankruptcy, nor your medical dad, I'm pretty sure as because of Joe Biden. That's what a big tool of the bank's Joe Biden is right so
actually make sense, and then these people, this guy's, a professor whose conflicts two arguments to make it like she saying something she wasn't, which is a lie. So the skype have to lie to make your point. I pity your students cause they. They must we see right through you anyway, by the way he call this the ultimate act of political deception. do so as the ultimate act of political deception know. The old I'm an act of political deception is pretending. We live in a democracy, the penultimate act of political deception is that america is an overall force for good. This is like the fifty eightth on the list of political deceptions, so I just want it so, so and that this rebecca says to those who insist on just blaming republicans
few hired a lawyer to represent new and they failed to plan and prepare for the absolute most obvious, predictable moves of the, position and then you lost you would blame your lawyer. Republicans don't represent me. The Democrats are supposed to that's really well said not well. Now Now you have the lesser evil, not even representing you jeez, that's was like we don't even have to evils, it's likely just have one big evil, then that weird and then of course, they got in, and he said I think brianna joy grace absolutely right and they are doing the exact same thing with rovers his weight. The Democrats work with the republicans. Create a buggy man to fund raise off it. They care about oligarchs, not us! So let me bring. back in savvy. Why? Why do you think there's so much pushed back to an obvious thing? It seems so obvious to anybody who looks at it objectively. Why do you think that brianna Joe
greg had such big pushback from that because I think people a lot of people in this country still want to blame things on left or right, and they still want to have hope for the democratic party or they don't want to believe that the Democrat or the Biden administration is doing them wrong on purpose or they don't want to believe that both of these parties are corporate and corrupt and they protect our corporate interests before the american people. They don't want to hear that they actually want to believe that when they go to the polls to vote for democrat or to vote for a republican that they're actually going to improve their lives, that they're doing something for the greater good of humanity and you hear that they're playing you, I think it's it's a blow for a lot of people when they dont know how to take that. So it's weird is that a lot of people who were anti democratic party and they were calling out the democratic party for being corrupt jury. The Bernie sanders campaign in twenty fifteen. Sixteen they ve now flip to do and an end to flip
defending Joe Biden, people who said they would never vote for Joe Biden because he doesn't even do the bare minimum and now he's been president for two years, and we see in fact he hasn't done the bare minimum. He hasn't even done things he put campaigned on. He don't have a public option. We do I have a fifteen dollar minimum wage? We don't have any student debt relief. We don't have a marijuana relief, those two those last two things he said he did, but those are now we're being revealed to be fake, that they actually did there is no beat nobody being incarcerated for possession of marijuana at the federal level. So him doing that, didn't do anything and then this student dead thing he set it up so be overturned, and so isn't it where'd you see people the flex to defend Joe Biden them. What are the again if you look at his feet, Do your career Ben way more. Racists, black people than donald trump, even right
I mean the reason why we have our prisons overcrowded with black and brown. People is because of Joe Biden. The reason why student debt can't be relieved in bankruptcy court is because of Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the enemy here right right, Joe Biden implemented legislation that actually harm people, and that's the thing that some people don't want to hear that I think a lot of people or the the people that are moving away from are being, I guess, like and critical of damp democrat establishment of corporate Democrat that is because they see the writing on the wall. Ah, there's no Bernie Sanders campaign this time around right now before it was too cycles in a row, so they realize a wait, a minute, Bernie sanders campaign. The squad isn't really don't what they're supposed to do. They haven't taken a house or had a hostile takeover, the democratic party. So what are we gonna do to keep this drift going, so what they have done is they are moving
further to the right. They are now NEO cons and they are simply for Joe Biden and they think that those of us that were around for Bernie two thousand and sixteen a bernie two thousand and twenty- that we don't see this change. We see this change, we see the shift, but they will in turn point their fingers at us and say that we're the ones that are simply for the g o p, which I have never done. I they'll make up things about you, because they know that you want to them, and their whole thing now is that they are basically there protecting back the corporate democratic right. How do you go from burning? sanders, calling out corporate corruption to protecting the corporate democrats. Now, so everyone sees the shift, people see the gripped and they don't like it when they're called out on it. So they'll try to us in so this is an interesting development that the it saddens me to see you have to experience what I've been experiencing for the last item. No four. Five years, because I
true. We were all very critical of the democratic party and we all said we were done voting for incremental ism. We all said that every everybody the young turks said that every everybody on Youtube said that cow kalinowski said that everybody said that Everybody in the satellites of the young turks said that everybody said they were done. Voting for corporatism, pro war, anti worker party and incremental ism and now- That's what they're all doing it's there, also through all defending corporate democrats and look and then they save incremental ism is victories. No but Bernie sanders is the one who taught us that incremental islamism failure and that climate change in these, then people are living under every bridge and brought about by black people's wealth, went down under brok above there's there isn't time. I thought we don't have the luxury of time for incremental ism so that everybody is changed, and so now, when you came out in your critical of the democratic party like I've, been sense since Bernice taught me how to beat critical of the democratic party now they are
stop doing that and they I'll call us geo, p, right, wingers and here is a very good, I believe that so there was no bigger critic of the damage. riddick party during Bernie sanders run than this the humanist report, MIKE figure figueiredo and so now he tweets out. He laments over Joe Biden student own thing getting overturned, even though Joe Biden set it up to be overturned, and so you point that out you and your palace, and pointed out. He says we told you this would happen and then leave you said we sure did, and so the disk irae shoot him which is kind of interesting right and then on his own thread and then you you so did you are almost and then he's as you dipshit he comes it'd calls you dipshit cease as you dipshit no biden isn't the one who struck down his own student debt relief plan right. It was a trump appointed judge.
First of all, I dunno why he has to call you dip shits, but dub said that, because you're at actually you're right and but if, if it was a try, but pointed judge I just want to let you know the Democrats fast tracked trumps. Just so they can leave. Town democrats just confirmed lots of trumped judges. They could skipped town detriment having imposed sets out from fox news. So everybody forgets this right that's good! That's one teams are on the same team. The donor once the same trumped judges, as has the chuck tumor. They all want the same judges. Ok, so then you came back, he says information has been out there stood alone forgiveness since september, and you failed to do your research so telling them honestly. No it this. Does this informal It has been out there. I did. I wasn't we too it until this and then but
stead you punch down on black pod castors who knew the information because it doesn't fit your narrative of gnp bad, because that's all all former boot bernie and because Bernie sanders as he got rid of his but he disbanded is movement and now Bernie sips full time for the democratic party, a pro what he votes for war, and now he she he he wags his finger and smears anti war protesters. That's how bad it's gotten for burning and so now. there's no bernie to tell people what to do and to criticise Democrat they have stopped, Now he now they're all sympathy for the democratic party and This is why the left isn't shambles, and then he replies. I heavily criticised widens implementation and means testing of this plan. You're not pick privy, Two insider knowledge, no one else, has Ella well. Nobody is privy to the accurate knowledge that says that what you're saying is incorrect. So but you're using this as an opportunity to punch left in virtue signal, rather than criticized the trump appointed judge who killed it. So he's up
Is that the? U europe were correctly pointing out that Joe Biden is actually at fault for this, and it goes it's. Obviously more sense. That Joe Biden would do it exactly how you're saying, because he has a pattern of behaviour of doing this and he's the one responsible for student debt in the first place. So then, underneath you say you called black people. Dip shits at You ve colleagues and I are educators and commentators. We see here, you mask the law, so You know what to do then. So this is but part. This is the part where it's funny gets really funny so then he just all of a sudden. He doesn't have an argument cashmere right on the argument. Course you are Brianna digress right. Sugar means right. The article in the atlantic is right. Of course, this is correct, so he does and have an argument. He just has orange man bad and how dare you criticise democrats? Hence he sat. He just pulled me out of his s here
is also think. It's hilarious that you're saying my mask fell off when you went out of your way to defend Tucker carlson's good friend Jimmy door. So I guess that may me his good friend cause. I appear on his show and I preach against the corporate control of both parties, and four julian assange and against war? That's what I do when I go on Tucker karlsson show, but no so they never say what I say what I going cowgirls george, because what I say is solid lefty, stop in fact tucker karlsson admitted on air that I was there. who changed its mind about julian assange. So He tweets this out. He says also thing: it's hilarious that you're sitting my mats fell up when you went out of your way, defend talker carlson's, good friend, Jimmy JOR. So again she just brings me in out of nowhere. I had nothing to do with this congress. nation. I didn't even know this about the stood alone thing until this I've gotten brought into this, and I trend it because of it This is how I found out about this
I didn't even know this about the student debt. Stop until this trend. It, then am, I hope, I got I didn't know about this, and so, This guy says is perfect. Jason says what's funny that weapon rising tucker Carlsson and Jimmy door to make a black leftist look like a white supremacist. Pulling your mask off more than anything else, you're, just an establishment propaganda is no different from any other bread tube imperialist. And that was perfectly set at what he didn't stop, because he then said that I joined in because after after he figured out that you are my buddy. He called you out for it not the. The reason why I joined in is because you fucking inserted me into this conversation that I had nothing to do now. He's saying he kind of he did a Sherlock holmes and sleuth that you guys were friends with me and so that's. Why he's going to bring Jimmy Dore? What you're going to bring jimmy dorne, because you're, a lazy thinker and a coward- and you didn't, have an argument and you don't have the integrity to admit you got this wrong, and so you
continue smearing black pod gasters. an educators and people who do actual a relief in their community, so he says Jim he jointed, because after I figured out there his buds, I called them out for no, you just pulled me out of your ass and in surgery into this conversation, because you know a lot of people out. There hate me Democrats and it's going to get you a lot of likes, You just put my name in a negative tweak nets. It's a game, we're all hip to now He said I basically stopped engaging after realising these were bad faith door. adjacent propaganda for the geo p So now you and collen guess everybody at the revolutionary black out network, former fred. Hampton after that now. You are all propagandists for the geo p, because you know me, you see how this works. You see it so they don't have an argument. They just jimmy door, bad orange man, bad that their brain has stopped working. They ve gone back,
who pre Bernie sanders times, and they forgot. everything. He taught us about the democratic party because he stopped talking about it because he doesn't want to be rough nator, and now you get smeared a black podcast her who does real community relief work whose on it about calling out the corporatism the democratic party now for doing that, you get to be called a right winger, so welcome to my world. How does it feel it's really interesting, but you know this is what they do when they don't have an argument. Jimmy they'll do one or two things. They will start to call you names which he did first and obviously that trend in his favor. You start the ratio in his own thread, then? If that doesn't work, then, though, insert jimmy doors name see it that works for people when he was still ratios about this I mean it's absolutely reject. was it's hilarious to me, though, that he wants to say: oh you, you know Tucker carlson's, our friends in door. This is the same guy tried to bring a nazi went to his own plan,
What is the point of angers me and then for him to come back and say I decide, did not to bring Andrey. All my show after I realize, is not really my place to tell the black community when they should accept someone who was a white supremacist notion, it sure a lot of weight bankers add at black podcast users. If we don't know what white supremacy is he's a joke, we see the drift and he really came after the wrong one, honestly, a number of people have reached out, and they said. Oh, my god, I can't believe I watch the sky. I feel sorry for you guys, but this is not ok, we'll try you, like was a really bad. Take you tried. This review is right. Wingers introduced breeze as a european. I know people had been doing that for to me for at least four five years, because I tell the truth about democratic party. Why? Because the democrats- I was a democrat until twenty sixty, because I used to vote for denmark as I used to help them get elected and so now there are supposed to represent meet the geo. Peter lie to me: the Democrats
Party lied to me and that's the impediment both that the the problem with having people like oh see in Bernie in the democratic party in government is it gives the false impression to people that their? somebody in government fighting for you and that if we just have a few more of them, things will get better. And, of course we done this experimental now a million times and it doesn't work right, that's right and in when I said before, like we need to criticise politicians, dammit the progressive party teaching, stay right because the reality, is. I can also criticized romantic yours, the cinema all day long. You know I can criticise Mitchell kano all day long. None of those people ran on medicare for all. None of those people told us that they were going to fight for us and they were going to push back against the corporate democrats. The squad did Bernie Sanders did so to watch them to just go along with corporate. We're cracks to watch them. Withdraw that letter that they were going to send out about ukraine calling for peace
She asians, they are not going anywhere. They have folded. If you look at some of the reset the new squad, members that were just added, they are throwing palestinians under the bus so that they can get a seat at the table with the same corporate party. That's working against them. People really have to wake up and pay attention to what is going on here. None of those people are going to help you they're going to do just enough to appear progressive, but at the end of the day there I do what the party wants them to do. So when people it's it's funny, because a lot of people have said this to me. Hey, I criticize Bernie and squad too, but I don't do it as much as you, so why you get to decide how much someone else does it if you have a problem with my criticism, addressed the criticism, otherwise, why Are you the gatekeeper tat, the volume of criticism, some one supposed to give a politician like this right here? He says I've heavily chris Besides Biden's implementation and means testing of this plan, why didn't you get mad at the trump people for blah blah blah blah blah? Why are you getting mad at us? So we anybody could do that back to you,
it gets a why you do that you're, so it whenever they think it's okay to criticize Biden and the Democrats, then it's appropriate, but when ever someone else does it they're g o p, just like he said about you, it's kind of amazing. Isn't it to see it happen in real time or something that I noticed is like you have to follow the t y t r code right. So if he doesn't start with t Y t, think you didn't follow the proper channels if you go in a different narrative that wasn't hasn't been approved per se by that t y t network- and that includes humanist report as well as I was rational national thing, you're, bad faith, actor or your being disingenuous, no offer a lot of us is the class issue and I'm sorry, but I don't think mac, four guerrero, understands that. I'm no knows what it's like to go through, that type of thing and so forth. A long time we ve just seen this happen. Those of us who are bs bear the ones that were leading this progressive movement through a bernie scene.
campaign and we still have those values in those principles. But what we ve seen is that they are the ones that have age they're the ones that are willing to sell out just so they can be one, an algorithm that works really well for them, because if your praising Joe Biden, the algorithm, actually likes that thou rhythm doesn't really like what I do, which is calling on both of these parties and telling you that they're, both corrupt algorithm really does like that, so I think we all know what's going on here. It's pretty obvious! Well, I just hope that that amish boy who attacked you online, the office boy quickly assess the situation using his blue vision. Goggles. If you know what I'm talking about used is happening, blue vision, goggles, it turns out culprit here beside me as a trump appointed judge great work on this boy. We
had to admit. The Democrats were corrupt, all right well I'm sorry you got smash squared as a geo p. That's all they have that's all they can do is call you right wing or, as you know, the young turks as they take twenty four million dollars from right, winger, said corporation. They call someone else a drifter or they say someone else's due to hunt for the body as they take twenty four. So it's the same as he is defending the most corrupt. Politician and the most did the most damage to the black and brown community in our country. As a politician, he's gotta be Joe Biden and so in here he is defending them. While calling you dipshit and right wingers. That's you can't if you put them in a movie, people would say it's too outrageous. Jimmy Noah's, gonna believe this. There. Isn't it happen all in public and by the way when he tweet? set me. He has me blocked, so I hate it. it's at me from behind a block
which, as we know, is called a grim job, because rhine grim heap pioneered that cop that cowardly move a blocking, some one and then smearing them online. So they can't risk onto you, which is what might figure figueiredo did because he's a big he's, a big coward right. And so guys afraid you want out of his own house of you know anything about, might for figueiredo. He doesn't leave his own house. So so I had to respond to him. What using my burner account? That's why I got Jimmy Joseph his burner card yet because you blocked me your pocket pussy. That's why you amish pussy, but anywhere everybody sees who he is now he's just another t Y T, a democratic magua as its jump, and that's that so It's weird to see all these former burned me, but it's because Bernie stop being critical of the democratic party and became a full time. Twenty four seven sent for the pro war, anti worker pro wall street party. He's he's not gonna, stop second
democratic and until the day he dies. That's right! That's right! What's that is really funny to me, because they call like they'll call us growth drifters at our being there's five of us people just do the math, how much do they think we actually make her make away a lot more than we do. So is this funny to me they call a scriptores yeah and I will add that it anything else, you want to add to that. There was quite an episode. I appreciate that you got the word out there above the student dead. I didn't know, that, thanks to you and brianna joy gray and MR sugarman I didn't know, I didn't know that he was doing it in a way that made it easily overturned so, but now It makes sense that he would do lie where web course it does just like he would pardon everybody for marijuana. but he's not actually parting. Anybody for so was all further election. It was all the good people and I eat you cannot being overly cynical about Joe Biden in the democratic party. You just can't be, if you think you're going to
that my cynicism can't keep up with the reality I mean, I will say, are just stay tuned because payments are supposed to resume in january, so hopefully that pause will be extended, but we don't know we don't while I appreciate you come in on and thanks for all the work, you do over there and by way my wife is not white. She's, a hundred percent mexican and she's been that way. Since she was born Yes, I do. I do sometimes people don't know, but it's gonna get it out there, and so are our dog is half mexican, so he's a two hour I I'd say everybody check out savvy sab, show it's fantastic. I lowered theme song and she does she does not a great work. We don't always agree on everything, but we can talk to each other in good faith and You know what it's dead
the reason why there's identity politics happening at the corporate level, it's because they don't want you to focus on the class war cause, there's class war happening. It already happened, they already one, and I dont know we're trying to get people to wake up and they get to distracted by identity politics, and it's my theory at this show I dont know how you feel about it. Sadly, but take last war. Would you agree? I agree. I mean it there's a lot of people that are working class and people that a poor. and I wish there was unity amongst the working class and those that are poor, because wealthy people rich people, they have class solidarity. They always stick to get one hundred. They well christian smalls. Who is the guy who started the though union at amazon he had to go and organise with actual working as people and yet to do it on staten, island and guess what but that means that meets organizing tempers and
people that you normally do. But you come around a week. You have a common enemy and that's the last thing. They want you to realise that we working pulpit class people who are socialist communist trumpery. and bull boys. They all have common interests. Yes, a common enemy, in fact alive and the thing that scares establishment, the most is them to realise that income, together, because there that's what they really have power like they had at amazon, and so, when christian malls had to organise it organised with those people, because it's a class war. That's why? anything I'll, give you the last word in there we got a jump augustine june till january to see if they extend the pause on the student loan payments until then, you just have to cross your fingers and hope. Okay, saturdays, ebbs thanks very much everybody check out her show hey now, here's another great where you can help support the show. You should become a premium
Where we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support the show you could do it by going to give me your company that cop clicking on joint premium and supposed affordable. Previously, the business and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye. The bastards, thanks to Who was already a premium member? If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support, guess what lot of people? There was a bombing of russia and a lot of people, Joe and said it was, I mean about poland allowed me. jump decided was russia. So let's friedman he's had suspected russian missile hits poland, a nato nation. Do not ask me this war we want peace, not you know, would help de escalate. The quit saying say that happened. That didn't happen. So you have it's fuckin. A hundred fourteen thousand eggs people all think that that happened. That didn't happen. So if you want a deal
the late. The war use public, don't spread misinformation, propaganda that comes right from the linsky lips about a fuckin attack before you know what happened? How many deaths were there there's two? So you think that you're right too, and that got this trending world or three was trending because of this, because ukraine bombed poland, it wasn't russia bombing poland, was ukraine and that ukraine was saying well and then zelensky by the way, do you got abs looks free without a like his show- and I note note not now not to heart of a disk, but we do we eat come on got my lodge and by the way how's your logic when I went right before the show I went to his, but he hasn't corrected it or taken it down or anything, and he hasn't tweeted anything else, he's kind of left it there. So he said suspected. I imagine he thinks that's good he's a I mean, he's a better person and that that's that
I got from what I've seen of him and he was johnny. Five from short circuit johnny find that a pure heart yeah. I think he has a pure heart. This guy put it that way, the linsky calls russian missiles hitting poland really significant escalation, of course, of bullshit from ukraine. Public nonsense things and goes to keep nonsense. Biting call them so so so that so just so you know it was you crane launching anti missile missiles and what end their missiles. When hid in poland and immediately ukraine splendid on russia to try to get more ma. Am Good money into ukraine to fight this right and- and this was yesterday and the linsky came out again today, and he said I am sure it was ukrainian bomb, that it really out in saying it again. I'd swear on shown pens oscar. So here
so Biden called the lid and miss the g20 there. So there all at the g20 thing right now and so on. And called the lid. Neither look up what that was. I didn't know that was so when the present calls a lid. That means if there's no more news coming out of the white house today, so as to stop asking questions w everything we said today has been said: no more news right. That's what that I am think, that's what that's called when they said call the lid and so and then he didn't go to the g20 dinner hikers he's here level sundown sundowner episode and then, Then then, then, after he's after he doesn't go the din and he called the lid on the day. He then calls a press pool and what to see what happens at the today because of this bombing? He then calls a press. Well- and this is what he says- this was first supportive, as this is almost comical, it is comical watch your brother,
no support, so they they bring all the press in they're all sitting around that did, there's trudeau by the way right throughout as it rates here there I'll sit and have found an answer that the press is and they go? Ok, you can ask questions now, so they start asking questions. What's this rhetoric charles? that was a very big by scope that they bring all reporters in the reporters. Go ahead, you tell us what happened polarity discuss now? I've got to see a good bye, they call depressed. Well for that, you want to see it again. I'll show you, I- we should rather be called knows about. It says a great deal. Can you tell us what you
what about the explosion of pollen know all right xia by everybody. Couldn't they do justin trudeau's like I thought it was done when I took put on and took off a mask on camera. This is amazing. He says it's great. The way he says it sat know. Have you found any evidence about this explosion in bullet know we're still looking for jackie wait, wait on it, and by the way, if you see these things, these aren't those are syringes. Those are parasols to see. No one look at that upper crust, meth den that's what that is the room full of junkies high off their seventh booster. That's what that room is that swimmer crowd. He looks very young, yes yeah. He looks very young next to the drill boy and the sooner a boy.
And here's here's a story about the united states and it's nato allies are investigating a blast that killed two people in poland. The explosion happened on tuesday in the polish spiritual, preserve it of about three and a half miles from the border with ukraine. Photos obtained by reuters showed a damaged farm vehicle lying on it's side next to a large crater ukrainian and polish. authorities, so the blossom caused by russian made missiles. Moscow has denied responsibility, but the instant raises fears the ukraine war could spill over its borders. So that's from writers, and then here is the irwin, the pet of turkey. He said russia had nothing to do with it clearly no one's buying. What zalewski is selling to fuel the war? Not even nato member turkey base, so There was a little bit of truth in that telegraph. Video, though, is that, as three hundred is a soviet missile, ah.
well here, is, if you look at this from a motive standpoint, what is plausible that russia struck poland. which m o d have now decline? Denied just me cause they love fighting multiple fronts at once, or ukraine has tried to do some kind of false, flagged bring nato and this conflict directly. I get it. I would say that I wish to say that one I would say who isn't they tried to shoot down a missile summit, and do it on purpose, ukraine and they're going to say russia, then I guess what I that's. What happened, so here is from you keynes weapons tracker. So what crashed in the village, whatever poland today with the cooperation of blue boy, nineteen, sixty nine we anna Why is the available photos of fragments and came to a clear conclusion that they belonged to the forty eight d, six motor of the s of the five f five v, five five series missile of his game: it's a ukrainian missile, I'm going to dumb down said
yeah, so they say it's a ukrainian yep. What do you think of that? I thought we were giving them nicer missiles. Why are they using the old, the old crappy missiles? We? right who's got the good missiles that we keep. The good missiles, so will you surprised at how quickly jackson that everybody, I turned to the right story because even even president Biden said that he now but
it was a ukraine missile. It was weird that they let it go as long as it did. You know that I think there were. I think they were panicked and freaking out as the outer respond to the whole thing, because I mean, if you looked at the story, even by like three p m l a time all of them may, if you just looked up poland airstrike all of it said russian missile hits poland city, whatever the city's name is, but the I. The reason why I'm not surprised is because if they said that this was russia, presumably it would have been an ai, they would have said it was on purpose. Instead they went to that extent you know in and that would have been in article five. You know violation it would have triggered article five. So there is that that is the hours I'm just left wondering who's going to win the war between poland and ukraine now that their beef, so article five, is the that's the arctic.
Well that says if you attack one nato of state. Yet everybody joins in that, as I will you're talking about yeah, and it did trick trigger article four, which says that they have to confer based upon the perceived security threat to a member state. But then, today the er last night they came, I think they kind of said we're not going to do the meeting any more, because they came out and said that it was actually ukraine. You think it's because it might be hard to to make people think that russia deliberately did an air strike on some random polish form equipment, killing only two people with one that is a little hard to swallow. Polish farmers were coming for prudence back hey. This is Jimmy who's. This cherish prejudge your. Why MR president, has ago body Jimmy I'm old, she started a momentary perfectly. I should
da really. What is wise that managed president, due to the show, what man just really screwed up screwed approach. Just I get shot from the ban, the police due to their doom now what what are you talking about that missile crash in Poland? I thought here we go Jack shit, it's just a smoking gun that we need to really get to think popping off the proverbial smoking gun even killed. Two people perfect Ok, I got you don't pressure due to comes out shows restrain. Sedgy appears.
Michelin, russian most likely ukrainian surly, was an action. What the fuck bluewood for everybody so yeah, of course nato says gee agree so yeah I'm forced to concede that the missile, probably wasn't russian like a goddamn chump. Well, look at the bright side. At least president Zelensky is asserting. It was a russian missile. Oh yeah, no doubt that little fucker, never the caravan for his own hash. Probably you shoulda happen in poland. Is a region to call me and squeezed another will you know free cry at this point never say just don't answer, I'm sorry your excuse, world war three appears to be fizzling ashman
review just to go whole hog over there really get on a snake. You know what No one. Should be based on a daily basis? as a giant battlefield, and I don't want that. I get Gee. Imagine that or manage you are not prepared, full scale war. What do you mean? Okay, you ok, of course, you're nato forces, but the individual member states. their own armies as well, which poland would have the mobile in the occasion, a rush invasion and, let me tell you there militaries not ready- is that so yes or no, has done some joint operations, training with the polish army and we just over there hardware is woefully inadequate dave your own version of ie, Gee attack go helicopter and we discussed where there is a mass of design flaw, really what's that they put a jacket,
jane a card that, a bad idea to helicopter. I would imagine gets worse, though no one jerry every major data. Russian conflict would involve snifty dave operations, the baltic sea, where several major poor sea ports located and the polish naval pleaded been shown to be drastically support, especially their submarine capability Oh eh. Why is that? Germany? no I endorse it That's crazy that were there,
that would make the submarines just sink to the bottom. Marriage over here over all that needs to be retrofitted all that shit. So I guess I don't want to be drawn into war. With a major super power with a military mission, Many engineering problems. we gonna do now we're still trying to milk. This poppy for worth are talking, point is clear, still russia's fault, are ultimately responsible. So russia is responsible for ukrainian missiles. Striking poland, because of a man jerry conflict that ukraine provoked a cornish said So when I logic we can still blame them and we can still put that gives weak zaleski. Voices The bravest man in world american celebration:
get that shit up and enforceable. but their little solidarity flags, and why not? That will continue to give you to give us the moral leverage to do more sabre rattling loud, sounds great. I really feel safe just happened right before the election we might have taken really a destabilizing international incident would be good for Democrats. I have surely party now. I know you stupid republic is spreading. Became isolation, dingbat tromp. Obviously, crazy, the course which arrived witness in my political career, we have to adapt. Jimmy liberals want war now. even want with russia. Can you imagine how well yet what a world? Indeed, I guess the military industrial come
like needs at least one major party to be pro warren. The Democrats are always for sale I should like to share my son in asia making regular american state. You know whether or not Small eastern european province is primarily possibly by ethnic. Russians should be brought in russia or ukraine. Some out, as the most important fuckin thing began never machine when the fuck is yeah? And you have that I just saw cnn and while they were we got into sabre rattling. It's almost like you're writing the script for them. speakers shavers. The polish officer core still carries him for a guy. The tapes him out. Use and properly is. Is that so he had a postchaise were grab it
by the blade trying to diminish the scabbard handle. First, like now, you grab the handle, On these various ways in our hands are right. I gotta go Miriam stone around mood, I got you calm down, think about something. Relaxing and comforting. Like a nice walk on the beach a mysterious explosion somewhere on the island of taiwan That's nice the hey become a premium member goaded, jimmied organically dotcom, sign up. It's the most affordable premium program programmer the business The voices before today, our by the one and only the inevitable mike Mccrae, you can be found it MIKE mccrae dot com.
for this week you be the best you can be and I'll keep being. don't, don't don't don't freak, don't bring down tat? Did you do that, for you guys.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.