« The Jimmy Dore Show

AOC Endorses #ForceTheVote!

2021-01-14 | 🔗

Special Guest:  Professor Richard Wolff,  on the Capitol insurrection!

Phone calls from Mike Pompeo, David Axelrod, Barack Obama, and Noam Chomsky.

Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Get ready for an outstanding entertainment programme, the Jew. Medora show this is Jimmy who's this Jimmy this is by Bobbio. My coup avail I gotta miss you. Man, you got to say one more time that Sweet s name That's the stuff, how you do, Mr Secretary, Well, we're we're doing well earned the state Barman taken care of administrative issues related to the upcoming transition to the by demonstration. You admit. Joe Biden won the election and he'll because he's gonna be sworn in. Yes,
I'm. Sorry, I'm not catching what you're saying yes, Jimmy Dubai why did he will assume office on January twenty a job I will take all the problems that America's ever had and global air is a magical dancing it away and women of color bring Prince Edward Island banned from the dead and they will all put out of it phasing out door, yet socially desert Gothard REACT. you have it. I didn't need you to say all that Mr Secretary well quickly weren't you supposed to take a trip recently. Was I Dalia did didn't happen. Why not scars gradually goblets really I heard a castle because after the right
at the White House, world leaders were reluctant to meet with you, the Foreign Minister of Luxembourg, straight up, refused to be with you calling your boss, the political pyromaniac the bark and crucial NATO ally, small nation, but a wealthy and employed one. They play their old version of three teach us over there. Just like we do. Their version is called, but I have other topics Beale. What's that ok. So the reasons for this inviting you are never got a lot of money it seems to me that world leaders are just disgusted with Trump and joy I didn't want to me with one of his lackeys now? Why would I wake up kid. diplomatic, whereby their part Gibby it quite frankly, is low above your bank rates. To be honest, I know I think it's because you were gruesome
Alice Gangster that the rest of the world wants to completely disavow simple, observations are well within my pay, greater Maybe I don't want argue I just don't. I got weak lifted his job, so little broad be my last phone call to the Jimmy. Georgia yeah. I guess so too bad. Are you sure, though, does it have to be that way? While I forgot about your our relevant? It would be to get a phone call from by bobtail private citizen row. We, got a guy still calling it as Tony soprano thousand seven that went off the year well yeah, but my problem What will you be doing? pretty sure lobbying for position with an energy or tobacco governing body possibilities one billion per year,
whenever it is. Alas, I ever do is call you up and reveal the utter darkness of fathers country really works. I wish you would be ok, maybe I will, hey before you leave, Mr Secretary, could you please hit us one more time with that sweet ass shit sure why not. I am
stop sliding down the street and Johnson somewhere to show everybody working with this week's Jimmy George you're. What gets into jobs before we get to the job? Shall we well? This looks bad you. I can't help but think if I'd only promoted my icebox challenge against coup attempts sooner. None of this would have happened. I didn't you know after last week. I really cannot understand why so many countries aren't eager for America's help data. Drop, as is a racist, obviously dropping over twenty six thousand bombs a year on muslim countries. The last year s foreign policy,
I'm really to learn that there was only a chuck, Norris look alike at the capitol riots and wasn't chuck Norris even though it was his most convincing role american philosophy can best be summarised by the phrase. Follow you're bliss, just as long as you follow following the fuck off my property its covered up today. Yo yo see finally endorses boards to vote no kidding, and she experts, age. Why Gimme door strategy was a good idea, but will see for The vote for Medicare for all the answer. Just surprise you, or will it plus we talk? What professor Richard Wolf about last week's capital insurrection that was caused by the failure of capitalism and America. Rapacious donor class plus we find out Richard Wolves, family secrets and clothed calls from Secretary of state might pomp bail bond.
Obama, David Axelrod, unknown Chomsky. Call in this week plus a lot lot more. That's today, other Jimmy Giorgio, nope tops. Please call me again allow what's up It's not me, you Harry why this is so flattering: Knob Chomsky, linguist, historian, renown, that, if scientists is on my show again, What do I owe the honour of this occasion, sir? I have a question to ask. please go ahead. Take my lighter. There was a very no, I didn't I dunno I did it. I didn't know you smell
POD? No, do not! That is correct, but I do imbibe, I'm Bob to experience, bless and a feeling of wonders with my surroundings. Heed the weed stewed. You have to for your mind on imbibe time. So when you say imbibe, that's not the same as smoking by. So when you say imbibe, that's that's savers, smoking pot, louder, May I ask how you got to be so smart? I never met today of high school yeah, I get it
yeah yeah. I school now asked me the best way to avoid opposed, have bombed smoke, burn, ok, ok, what's the best way to avoid the post have borne smoke burn, I found a crushing menthol craft. Under the base. Usually lessons that poster bonbon. How asked me what my favorite day of the week would you Nor do I don't know: what's your favorite data, we try to Jesus Christ. No ok now asked me what a friend were both
Have we really do bid NOME Why don't you just tell me: where are you, Just tell me what a friend indeed is instead of making me ask you rather have you ok, we'll what is afraid? Indeed a friend which I have another? No, I don't wanna ask very, were questions about part, no, stop it! Well, yeah. There's a lot of shit go about NOME.
You always seemed so calm and composed. How do you do that always pass to the left and let it burn until everyone is baked? You know what I mean past a shaggy. If the item, but but but bided his cabinet, the pandemic illegal wars, nobody fighting format of care for all anymore. Doesn't it all filled with anger, Gillette's Jimmy how scream yeah yeah?
let out the most get ready, Animality Dick Spring possible in order to release repressed anger. Are you ready I'll go first? Ah, ah that was it why I got one day. You know, I feel we can push button to the left. Now my pleasure Jimmy remember to let it burn kill. Everyone is fake, then pass it to the left. Hey are you sure didn't take my lighter ah right now. Let's get what are ya see did so just everybody knows, representative Presley
Kelly Bouwman bushel cause your court as an Omar, have sent a letter to me, Rational leadership urging them to reconvene both chambers and immediately begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump wow Hey O C says Congress will now be introducing articles of impeachment on Monday. Yesterday are squad urged house leadership to move quickly to impeach this president. Fourthly, our country does not have the luxury of times Is she implying that they actually have power that sounds like it sounds like they actually are powerless here. What she says. Maybe we should just our voting on things based on whether we think it's right or not stop pretending that this shit's complicated one because it you're either with the people. Were you with those or you with that mob, pre, clearcut you'd be no one else is pretty clear: cut people need.
Healthcare, that's pretty clear cut! This is amazing, so I d say I burying the lead. I'm getting to the best part, please I'm getting to the best part she asked today on Twitter to feel free to add any other questions you have on house procedures here. I'm happy so with what I ve learned: okay, so this guy, Blake Morris, says hey. What is the point the purpose of a vote like them one tonight where the answer is already known, regardless of the result of the vote, is it mainly just to get the representatives on the record a few reasons Sometimes it's to get members on the record, so people can't make excuses later, Sometimes these votes create real political pressure that forces developments. and three sometimes we vote for the historical record to let future general
patients. No, we did everything we could. That is the best endorsement of forced the vote. I've ever heard. I did not expect a yo see to be my biggest defender and forced to vote. But their shit. That's everything. First of all things she missed out of that tweet was the hashtag forced to vote the only thing she missed out of that I'm good, Deja VU as anyone else that's amazing. Hail see, don't you want future generations to know you did everything you could to get them healthcare? That's kind of amazing. now, some people were saying that. Oh, I think that she's doing that to Duncan you- which not- and I don't know- I don't think so. I think this is just a simple mishap up.
Because that's what he's been saying for three years, that's what everybody has been saying, which is why I thought it would be noncontroversial to get a floor vote on Medicare for fossil since they campaigned on says. They can't pay not doing this and she still sing it. This is what two weeks later, she sang it three weeks later to that's remarkable, so this ballerina says this seems contradictory to these statement last week are the vote on the much needed healthcare. It's quite frustrating, hope someone a dry. Since the ever apparent confusion that festering and our progressive, that's festering in our progressive community d, The issue has caused a rift among us all due respect. Please respond its caused, a rift. It has caused a rift
Its revealed a divide between the people who actually want to do something and fight the establishment in the oligarchy and the people who aren't it. field, controlled opposition and people who aren't its revealed it hasn't caused everybody. been for this superficially. Everybody's been for this superficially cause forcing a vote for. Medicare for on the floor? Everybody Roca EO see Nancy Pelosi was ninety nine for everybody. these four thus did vs AIDS in their handbook centrepiece of it every bodies for this, except when it came to do it then everybody saw who wasn't for it and whose actually controlled opposition like T wide tee. And why did? Why did what would happen? the day. I say what are they doing
This revealed a lot of stuff. This didn't cause anything. This is literally the argument you are against when it came to Medicare, for, although almost like that, what it's almost like that one would expose members of your party, and you cannot have that. That's exactly right, except What it's for healthcare during a pandemic exactly right, so Why, then Yossi didn't you use the same logic when it came to forcing a vote? I medicare wrong. What is the difference? Look at how we look at how diplomatic Brianna Joy Grey was is and what is so she's playing good cop, which is good She says this is a good answer, her answer about why she's forcing this vote? This is good answer and it was his true for Medicare for all, as it is for impeachment fifteen million
people have lost their employer based healthcare because of covert eighty seven million are on or under ensured, sixty eight thousand preventable deaths per year. That's why we argued to force the vote. So that's her! That's We're doing the super nice. That's the I'm, the bad cop she's, a good cop is this. What she's woman wonders? I wonder if YO see would be against this. If it was Jimmy Door who was? forcing a vote on impeachment well depends on whether I said fuck or not- I guess so completely, but that but can I just say what this does What this does, what hurts doing this at this? You did this today. What this does is mean we were right to day yesterday. Yes, what remains is we were right. That's what this means.
That's what that means that hashtag forced the vote was right. Hashtag forced a bold movement is fleetly vindicated and anybody who was against hashtag forced a vote is now should be, should be held to account. Now me, meaning judge all the Justice Democrats who didn't do it and then lie about why they didn't do it most abundant? Even comment on it, nobody even forced Katy, a porter, or Roquat nobody had to comment on it. Nobody really what carbon it out. It was a scene. She lied continuously lied. She didn't have bad answers. She was lying because this is the truth. I just want everyone to know, hundred percent vineyard patient of hashtag forced the vote? That's what that was it whatever she was intending to do there she just stepped in it. That was a big screw up. Ok,
Numerous house Republicans received death threats in the past week, and I know for a fact several Members want to impeach, but fear casting that vote could get them and their families murdered, not spinning around bring for anyone just stating the chilling reality. She was. Bonds by saying I get it, but some of us just spent the last two years taking stances that have led to repeat tempts on our lives for demanding, guaranteed health care, immigrants, justice, etc. What what. Are you kidding me. She just said about some of us just spent the last few years. Taking stance is that have led to Peter attempts on our lives for demand. Guaranteed health care. not doing everything you cared for Medicare for all. She didn't do anything. What are you talking about. What is what kind of gas lighting as this? She said
sorry if this lacks empathy, but it's a privilege of this is your first time they can do one vote. Oh my god. She wouldn't even cross Nancy Pelosi to push hashtag forced to vote for medical for all something she ran on. She would give across Nancy those each wants, these people to risk the threat of murder, Hake, I say to you: ah ale seed, not doing everything you can for medical overall that lacks empathy, air. It is again there is the complete vindication, and could I just tell you: all the stuff. You saw around hashtag forced to vote. The reason why this is such a big moment is because forcing a vote. I Medicare frowsed something that Nancy Pelosi said she was for ninety ninety, for it something that every one member of the Justice Democrats run on its own. that a Yossi has been screaming about saying, make people uncomfortable, stop using polite language, make people uncomfortable and then
when it came to do it, they didn't do anything and everybody started making crazy arguments. He saw that right. You saw the intercept running interference for the squad for blocking of vote, medical throw you saw that happened right. You saw the crazy attacks I took from the dsl leadership right and here's this is from world war. to propaganda. This is this. Is from the night it states playbook and how to do propaganda- and here this is Form This is from the sea. I formally the o s S, so I just wanted it suggests that some of this stuff sound familiar. What happened over Hashtag force the vote organ it. This is called general interference with organizations and production organizations and conferences, insist on doing everything through channels never permit short cuts, be taken in order to expedite decisions. That sounds like what the dsl did Remember they several ouida we're not set up really you're, not nimble enough, you a whole month to organize your people to do a thing.
That's the centre piece of your organizing handbook, which is forcing a vote on Medicare for all, and you weren't nimble enough to do that. Or is it sound like this make speeches? Talk is frequently as possible, Great length illustrate your points by long anecdotes in accounts of personal experiences, never had they take to make a new appropriate patriotic. A few appropriate patriotic comments. Also one possible, referred to all matters to committees for further study egg consideration attempt to make the committees as large as possible, never less than five bring up in a relevant issue- is frequently as possible: haggle over precise wording of communications and minutes and resolution haggle over. I refer back to matters the decided upon at the last meeting and attempt to reopen the question of the advice: the ability of that decision also advocate caution, be reasonable and urge your fellow come confers to be reasonable and to avoid haste which might result
an embarrassment or difficulties later be worried about the propriety of such decision raise. The question of whether such action is contemplated lies within the jurisdiction of the group or whether it might do you see this. I don't know, but call me crazy, but I just expressed in every one of those things over hashtag forced the vote. That was weird. And let me remind you what she says. Maybe we should just our voting on things based on whether we think it's right or not stop pretending that the shit's complicated, because it's not like hashtag forced to work. and stop pretending that swear words make a bar ten New York bartender offended, especially when you're swearing right now we, the people, will you windows or you wicked
mob. She was with the more above establishment people who are standing in between you and healthcare. That's the mob. She stands with just you know, so I think, this clause is by the way? Sometimes we contradict ourselves, sometimes, whom is a opportunity opportunity, sometimes sometimes wheedle practise what we preach. You know and that's that's stunning: what happened that studying what she said: will. It was basically verbatim word for word. What hashtag forced to vote was for. so complete vindication for anybody who was for hashtag for forced the vote in committee condemnation for all the phones and full progressives who stood in the way of something that we all agreed on, that we should be doing until the moment came. So the people t, why t people like that that the leadership of the d say they have a lot of answering to do? They have a lot of answering to do because
What a pale and everybody else who defended Eo C in the squad for voting for Nancy Pelosi without extracting anything or forcing about anybody who excuse them, is now in the hot seat, and she just did it to you. You know why cause she just she just validated our strategy. That's what this does. What is this: do this validates hashtag forced a boat and if you protected her it, rose, you wonder the bus, so if you have it, to show or any kind of show, and you ve been protecting her and the squad for voting for Nancy Pelosi and using convoluted logic to do it like right. Like rang grim and the people at the intercept vis, is throwing you under the bus, the person you been running, interference for rang grim, ABC just through you under the bus, so that the softball interviews that Germany scale Day with Eo Sea and the access journalism being practised right at this moment by the intercept, a pot had you, tube comedian sees right through. It is calling you out guess what everyone else ought to everyone else, just inject
guess so when rang Grim comes out from the intercepted, do interference for EO see over something this clear cut? everybody ratios him on twitter, but that's the prey he has on mortgage and he had. This is the kind of journalism rang grim does and now everybody knows that the intercept is completely compromised and its again it's. Not hard to outdo journalists in America. It's easy. dude. Whenever I fucking feel like it. Whenever I put my light somewhere, I do a better job than they do it's. You know why cause they're all compromised. They all have to work for a billionaire or the olive to get access to journalists. They item do any of that should, which is why the show was much better and more people watch that show then read those pieces, it shit outlets. That's why we more views on a video about the DMZ than they have fuckin members.
because journalism is completely corrupted in the United States and all the coupon code socialist organizations that were supposed to be pushing this. Where am I a, and they were MIT on purpose and now they have to answer to their own organisation and their own members. That's what has there and What I see is making it harder for them. Could she just through them, under the bus. and we're gonna have our interview with Chris Hedges and afterwards aiming to show you the Medal Gymnastics rang grim from the intercept had to do on twitter today, at how bad. He got his ass dragged. It is hilarious. I guess, being boring, has protected writing Grimm's both of his career, but it and gave him a false. Of security, but that's been ripped apart by hashtag forced a vote and a dumb guy like me, has been able to reveal a boring guy like that? It's amazing it it's of its kind
amazing, David Axelrod is on the line, hello Oh Jimmy David actual, rather the exe file senior political commentator Arthur Believer in proud, father of Alan actual arises actual access. Erin Axelrod ROD, Alex acts, arrest me David, I'm calling to urge you to keep up with this week fast moving advance with the riveting MSNBC political allies, yeah I'll frowsed big apple resident of great day? I know that about John Harmon sounds exciting, for telling me David, wait, I'm yes, Jimmy the eye amendments, trades fixing an irresistible afore.
To itself baby. You wanting it highlights with high elements, and I'm just do it: ray mechanism to do it. This week operas up a triple thread of getting a fig. You need, with all your ride, cast addictions to tie yourself off and get ready. You wear your unease with Schmid, shady You met his discourse deep Schmidt list. Eighty, a John home at all in one week. Fuckin, a nineteen seventy four entire yellow ribbon around the old oak tree was rising? Number one in the charts Senior Publicans told president nation is support in the Senate, had collapsed, forcing him to resign goodly chinese announcement to engage You prelude is similar scenario find out the next episode of the x files called prelude to it
Similar scenario say with me: Jimmy Prelude You seem to be expanding. Your show portfolio, yes Jimmy together. With my son down and acts aware and Alex we're the axe arrived dynasty, so strapped yourself down and prepared a gay. rail, riding on the next exciting episode of the nose with Steve Schmid and in depth. Look at current events from the perspective of a favourable political operative with chronic signage congestion and the inability to properly to say Clinton or was it Steve Smith, that's quite a catch,
as the celebrated outlaws in once said, you ain't seen nothing yet because no topic is off limits on our next hacks doin tab would settle Gaddi democratic kiloton, Debbie dignity as a member to set it served me out Democrat Deborah Dingle, disgusted your pragmatic, a practical or pragmatical alternative proposal, domestic care for all tangled there. Please take that dominates. The next act, TAT David at around. What would you like to see Joe Biden do within his first hundred days? Private benchmarks are essentially public ones. Address, especially new inheriting the sultry press, ok But what exactly are you saying basically I'll be happy if you just get through the first thirty days were calling anyone there
join me on my next broadcast days: Caveman Diet, my secret to building the biggest best. If impose, ripping ape man, you know no way we might get back. No one knows what I mean you data around a whiteboard ardor faster than the main people magazine just use there were I to review Diego, Nike Cheney. Ireland, an Schmidt this week. Why Get your ride on with Dave Guys word now. You should love your lady tool hey, you know. We no longer have an Amazon Lake because we're not doing that. We're not play that game, but here's another great where you can help support the show you should be. A previous member we give you up bill of ours of premium bonus content every week and it's a great way to help support to show you could do it by go?
to give you your company that cop clicking on joint premium most affordable previous programme and the business a great way to help put them back in the eye, the bastards. Thanks everybody who was already a premium member. If you haven't you're missing out, we give you lots of bonus content thanks for your support, Also with us today very happy. We have vow friend of the show always happy to talk to our next guess. He's the host Of the Youtube show economic update, demand see a work. He is the author of many books, include the most recent? The system is the sickness when capitalism fails to save us from pandemics, or itself in that book has a very handsome blurb from yours. Truly in it. Please welcome added out Richard Wolf profession, Richard. Well, thanks for coming out. How are you thank you Jimmy I'm glad to be here so
tell us why capitalist systems are inadequate to handle a pandemic like this one they really do have to be. If you had a commitment to let some agency, it is usually the government come in and mobilise the public and private resources you can do they get it in New Zealand. Pretty! Well, they did it in South Korea. They did it in Taiwan. They even did it in the people's Republic of China. Vietnam and Gilbert? They did it all kinds of places and had one thing in common that they allowed or they respected the government enough to give it to me,
to mobilise resources, matches the public resources, but the private resources to deal with this virus, as it was a national, terrible life or death emergency a little bit like you, sometimes see in war when they put together societies public and private resources? We even did that a world war two, but what we now in this country is a game in which the capitalist system, the private oligarchs runner, big businesses, have taught the american people for seventy years now to hate the government to distrust the government and look. There are plenty,
reasons to do that the government's grows up its after all the same oligarchy who run that government. So yeah did you screwed up, but if you teach that the government is to be respected, isn't to be trusted, isn't to be allowed to do anything. If you make politicians follow over themselves, saying they won't be. A politician. They won't be the leader of a government. Then when you have a national emergency like the Corbett virus, you're not gonna, be aid. all to mobilise resources and that what we have we were ready for this virus. We weren't preparing wanted it here. We couldn't contain it, and now we are not even able to roll out the buyer with other vaccines in a proper way at all, because you happened, develop the capacity to do deal with the crisis. May put it this way when you evaluate and economic system like capitalism, you know just-
how you waited in Quorum, quote normal times,. The evaluation is, how does it handle of crisis? How does it involve the unusual, the unexpected the irregular and our system is demonstrating a total failure to handle this viral crisis and to allow, at the same time, that you're fighting a life and death viral crisis to have another capitalists crash a depression with tens of millions of people unemployed to allow that to happen is a level of incompetence that that only a system really on the downside of the up and down could possibly explain so what people miss the first I'm this happened in two thousand and eight was that there
was not a rational response to this economic crash. Now this that was caused by a by a virus and that And imposed by the government like this one is, but it was. It was engineered by private capital send the government to happen, and so people didn't notice that the response so that one was that we does kicked everybody out of their house. There was occupy Wall Street. The government crushed it a democratic government in democratic mayors across the country crushed it and so now here we are at this time there asked of the world is giving all their workers direct payments. Japan an hundred percent cash payments to every worker. The! U K, twenty five percent. Eighty five percent, the Canada, the same thing plus all. Countries already have health care. We have even health care in the middle the pandemic, and we got a one time. Twelve hundred dollar payment. Why, are the oligarchs resisting putting money into the pockets of workers who the Uzbek
This is they are shutting down that money. Would you, get reabsorbed back up to the one percent. They would put it right back into the economy after taught us that if you put money into the pockets of workers. It goes right, into the economy. It doesn't so why why I would they be resisting this. Here's the irony Jimmy and you're. Absolutely right. It was the left wing. It was the unions, the seller, to list the communists in the nineteen. Thirty that forced the new deal that force they arose about administration, to give people federal jobs, to pass social security, to pass unemployment compensated to pass the first minimum wage, they forced it and here's the irony, that's what saved us in the nineteen. Thirty that would save them from going in the fascist direction of Germany or in ITALY or in Spain.
The irony, is after world war, two you crushed the left and you ve been crossing it for seventy years. So when the next big crisis comes right now there is no leaped to force these things and the immediate greed of the big businesses there need not to pay even a little bit of taxes. You know one Roosevelt went to the bill. This is in the thirties. He said you better give me tax money to do for the mass of people what they need, because, if you don't You won't have any well when this is over two black with some of it to keep the rest of it, it's happening now, is they don't think they have to show their not doing it and this
he's going to win the end under cut them themselves? You know I don't like to quote Karl Marx, but he did say item fifty years ago that capitalism is full of these crimes will begin turtle, contradictions that will, in the end, not get out of the box so people, so Donald Trump was elected what the established? but in the establishment media decided to do, and the Democratic Party in the entire staff was red decided to do was pretend How did it happen and to pretend the reason why people voted for Donald Trump was that they didn't. actually vote for him. It was Russia, and so consequently, they didn't address any of the reasons that went into that and they d they said it was all about racism, even though we Just got of those same people elected a black eye president two times in a row and then
phenomena was happening in Briggs. It right. happening ended in the UK with brags it and of course they blame that all on racism to so they just don't It doesn't seem like the oligarchy in the establishment, media and either political party is coming to turn terms with the economic devastation that people are living in that is fuelling this car like. So what happened last Wednesday or at the capitol people. Gunnar dismissing the causes. What would you say where the causes of that and now that they similar to the causes of brags it and Donald Trump selection, absolutely and Let me drive home just one step further beyond what you have said. Why me, when they let Mr Trump become the candidate and, unlike him, become the president
He did the most amazing thing in the first year. Twenty seventeen that he was really the president. The one achievement be only achievement of any importance, was the enormous tax cuts that was passed in December of twenty seventy, the as an economist. I gotta tell you for the last forty years before that tax, but we have had a systematic redistributed. redistribution of wealth and income from the bottom and the middle to the top? If ever there was a time when the richest people in the biggest corporations having come off the biggest boom, the stock market had ever seen There was no time in history when they less needed a major tax cuts and they got a major task. this is a ruling class of capitalists that has no more internal limit there
even listening when Warren Buffett, one of them, tells them hey. Look. Let's take it easy here, because if we do, we're gonna go one step to father and look at those it all. He said is that they don't care they're, not gonna, listen, I'm not gonna go there. They are pushing the approaching approaching they have no limits, and you are now beginning to see the disintegration of us They never learned the basic lesson if you impoverish the mass of people they will not be able to buy the goods and services your corporations produce, and therefore you are in the end, shooting yourself in the foot, but you know deny all of that. They have convince themselves with the report, begins in the lead and, unfortunately, the Democrat following pudding, lamely behind them that somehow the cooperation is to be
even whatever it needs and want, and it will all magically trickled down. It never did, and it isn't doing it now as to your point about two thousand and eight absolutely what happened at the two thousand and two was an urgent goal by the Obama administration to get back to where the economy was before the crash of two thousand. eight. They didn't understand that getting back on that road was getting back the road that lead to two thousand and eight, and now you have the bite, my administration basically saying we want to get back to pre drum yeah. What pre Trump is what produce tramp and tell you going to create the opportunity for the next Trump, whoever that is to come around again on the site. What's that brought a MR drunk to us
in a way is the bottom line, I think the american Working Class in the whole twentieth century and by working class I mean all the employees, everybody, but the top one or two or three percent is in the class of employees that mammoth class white blackmail, Female EAST West North South that met the vast majority of people. They had been really worked in the last thirty or forty years, the twentieth century they were told. Capitalism is wonderful because it creates a huge middle class you're going to have the american dream. You're gonna live better than the parents, you have and your children better than you and your grandchildren and it's kind of
the american dream, the american exceptionalism, wherein the place where that works. Well, you got people wrapped up and you gave them rising wages. A rich got richer, but some of it went to the masses, starting at the ninety seven, these that stopped. and real wages have not got anywhere in the last forty years. The only way you could try to get the american dream was by doing some. No generation had done before going into debt. On a scale no working class had ever see mortgage debt automobile that credit card debt and student debt it's over. Well me, I'm, the at the joke is: if you ask whether the money come to listen to the consumer to by all that crap, it's the extra profit that was made by raising their wages. They were. The money was coming back as alone in
stead of a wage and the working class which should have been outraged by it joined in the pretence that this report was an avenue, so people are bitter and their anger and they're looking for somebody to help them, but the centre, the bushes, the Clinton's, the Obama they're, not gonna, help them. This is politics is huge. Will your captured by you donors, the big corporations and someone a bitter angry man comes along and expresses some of the rage day. All feel Mr Donald Trump, they go for him because that is attractive method. He's gonna solve a problem, but at least he sounds better than those other robots that didn't give you anything, but bull shit. Most of the time, if you pardon my son Ok and now some of them go over the edge and they go to Washington and they do crazy crap at the capital, because it
on the way to take their anger. Voting for MR trunk got them exactly nothing bakery. They were told to take their anger and turn it against immigrants, poor people from Central America or taken against the Chinese, as if it were the Chinese that brought those companies and jobs over their rights. an american cooperations making more money by going to China, it's been a hustle all the way through, and I think we are seeing the end game now over. System that has impoverished people, it promised to give a middle class white girl, and it doesn't know how to get out of the hole and has dug itself into so the poor. I think one of the problems is that a lot of regular people working people think that capitalism was. It occurred normal of spontaneously in nature, and they don't get they real,
Think it was like all of you fear for capitalism year for Jesus, because Jesus rewards, hard work and responsibility and socialism rewards laziness, and so that's the devil and capitalism is of Jesus Christ. This is what people will rethink. You know, that's what people think added have to tell you that right, that's what we we ve been told. Capitalism equals democracy, that's what we also. These are off that this is all propaganda from capitalist there's. None of this is not none of this is true, and so people can even envision a world where they have control over their own wife, economically, they candied they. They lack the imagination to even imagine a world and where the government provides healthcare to them in the middle of a pandemic like they can't even imagine it, and they see no one fighting for them and in government, no one fighting for them doing nothing, and even the people people like Eo C in the squad just rolled over for them once again and elected Nancy Pelosi Speaker without extracting anything and going
in their own campaign, promises of forcing a vote for Healthcare Medicare for all the before they wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do anything so that were left with no one fighting for us. This is what's gonna cause social unrest and, if doesn't we're going to just slip into being like Brazil, raw. So right during this crisis. The government- decimating one third of the economy as a matter of policy, and there closing down Jim's and local businesses in restaurants and here's lawns and now and then but they're, not that the Amazon or best buy or WAL Mart or target, and so The money is being funneled upward, it's going away from the communities and its being funneled up to that's what we talk about it a transfer of wealth upward, so the money he's no love, for instance in Us Angelus pavilion one of the grocery store change, just fired all their union delivery people and they replace them with
door. Dash no door dash is an app. That's Silicon Valley. So every time someone uses that app, the money Instead of going to a union worker and staying in their community is now being funnels up to somebody in another state or another city somewhere a big corporation. So that's how you transfer wealth upwards or now, every time someone in law. Angela's uses that door dashed. What they're doing is bankrupt, doing their own community and sending that money out of their community, and people don't realize that week. This is our. These are policy choices that power. Politicians are making and there making these choices to fuck you and screw you economically, while fulfilling that money upward to their donor class which is why we saw in LOS Angeles during the pandemic when the law Darwin restaurants were told the lockdown movie, companies were able to set up outside restaurants right across the street from restaurants and serve a hundred people working on a move,
We production because that movie production is a donor together, Newsome in all the politicians and the bank, that is financing. That movie is a donor to gave a new sub, but all the politicians so that peoples What's happening, but they You can imagine a better world. How do we turn this crisis, which is an existential crisis, which is why I've been screaming about it since cares act? This is a dead silks existential crisis How do we turn this into a moment for the workers to rise, and take power again. All the best answer. I can give us the following. If you look the four years of Mr Trump. Here's what I think you get. There were three things that he accomplished and everyone That is an opportunity for a less if it understands itself to take advantage of number one. He gave the richest businesses in America the biggest tax cuts they have had in a long time at a time when they
didn't need it number two. He deregulated a little better. regulation. There was to give them profits in yet another way because they could disregard labour protections or environmental protection or all the rest at what he had his cabinet do and then, as people's situation deteriorated, because you didn't do anything to help anybody. You know we promise to bring manufacturing back it'd mappen. He promised the trains,
The government wouldn't be it a deficit at didn't happen. All the things you didn't drain he's gonna drain the swamp. He was gonna drain swab, give everybody health care. I wouldn't do any that's right. It's all people got angry angrier. So then comes the third thing you did. He worked very good for the ruling class of this country by reflecting the anger that his own policies made worse by teaching them to hate immigrants to hate the Chinese to blame. Cheating us like we're. Dummies under Mexicans took advantage of us and the Canadians, Abbe unspent,
about junk was coming out of his mouth, but he knew he had to deflect tat anger somewhere. You need a left that does demonstrate in word and deed how it is going to really solve the problem, and let me be very concrete number one, and by the way I don't expect the binding administration did, this, but I think it's self destructive for them. If they dont number one, you immediately do what we did in the nineteen thirty you take the twenties six million people now unemployed and you immediately hire them the federal government, hires them, and you know what we do with them. They will test everybody. Finally, for this, damn virus and they will be provided,
asked, and they will make it possible for our children to go back to school because they have one teacher bribery for students, so they'll have social distancing and they will continue the education which, for the majority of kid, is now at best working have time and what it should be so and they could Green America and they can take care of the elderly. the people they can do the things we need and they will have a job and an income that MR drummed didn't do and if a new Democrat came in and did it all boy with that change? The conversation in a hurry just like it did when Roosevelt did exactly that in the nineteen thirty two hundred to number two, besides the unemployment, a solving that right away. No such thing, homelessness. In this way we have the homeless people sitting across the street, looking at the empty apartments and the empty houses. There is
oh excuse, nor morality, no ethics, no religion, sanctifies such behaviour at put those people into a home, find the homes and put them in their help. Them get and number three develop a whole network of industries in this country where the enterprise is run democratically by the workers in it. So they decide together who gets paid, how much money, none of this Jeffrey beetles with two hundred billion dollars, while tens of thousands of millions of workers are not enough money give their kid a college education if they can afford it to overcome their so called court.
food insecurity, because we have these nice terms cover for things like how these can be done, and that could be done in the first hundred days of a new administration and it would rewrite the politics of America. Here's my fear. If they don't do that. If a fiddle around the edges, the weight democratic regimes have been doing for decades, there are going to enable the next to come in and make fun of them. They didn't solve your problem, I'm another writer in there on the big white horse vote for me. If its tragic its tragic, you know the old job. If we don't learn, from the history we ve just gone through. We will repeated only evil. They were snake style. so? How do we? So it's obvious that we need a jobs programme just like that you you sad and just like it the hour did when he became president. How do how does
There is no left in Amerika. I keep trying to tell people. We just lived through that the biggest or you d say, has almost a hundred thousand members just had a hashtag forced. The moment happen that comes out of their own manifesto and they snoop they passed so there is no left left in America there isn't a left organization, that's doing, fucking anything because they ve been decimated. Like you said after World WAR, two they got rid of that with Mccarthyism they get rid of the communist. They get rid of the Socialists and the Eu and now of the people who consider themselves left, I think, are all can hold opposition there just fondling this all this rage and Energy Bernie Sanders and the dsl. Our fondling back into a corporate pro war party that is fucking us in denying US healthcare in the middle of a pandemic and all the while, focusing all your rage on Donald Trump. Instead of this
system that gave us Donald Trump. So how do we make Joe Biden? What I? What power, because there is no left organization, that's worth of shit in America, the hashtag forced to vote prove that and have them were. Independent media is also shit that has tag forced abode. Prove that how do we force a Democrat? Joe Biden to do so thing to avoid getting another worse tromp? How do we make him, give us a job programme, but I think the only answers already present in the way you ve always been Jimmy, we have to build. I know this is frustrating that we have to build the less. Let me remind you in the thirties. It wasn't Roosevelt who gave us the new deal. It was the CIA all the two socialist parties and the Communist Party working together, even though they had their fight and disagreements. They work together and they basically said.
the practical and rose about, and this is so important to understand. They went to him and they said to him. If you help us, you create social security, unemployment, compensation, a minimum wage and a government jobs programme. If we if you do that, we will make you were here all and you will be president as he became three times in a row. You will be the most popular politician, this country ever, but here's the other theme that people want to remember. They also told him that if you don't do with. You won't be bombed capture, animal right, you'll lose the next election because we want to vote for you, Mr Mr arose about was no stupid person. He understood he was smart politician. He knew exactly what he had to do
went back to the business community after all was arose about became from that community. He knew them all. He went back to them and he said this is the deal. If we give the mass appeal, for our social security and employment, a minimum wage and government jobs. This system will survive if we don't they're going to make a revolution, and you fellows you risk losing everything now the lesson here, we have to have an organised, leaped willing. To make that kind of demand organised. So that demand is credible. You have to help us, or else we won't go with you. Business as usual. Simply want
caught it any more. That's our job. To professor, I hear what you're saying there is no left in America making a demand of anybody. Even the organization, the just as Democrats are not asking their justice elected vital to do a god. Damn thing I just tried to get To do what they fuck and ran on and half the left turned on me because they said my tone was too offensive to the path to the politicians I was pressuring there is no left Richard. That's what I'm trying to say. I don't know how we organise a left. I just tried to and half the left came after me personally for action. we're trying to get a vote on hashtag forced the vote which every person runs on and they diplomacy ran out. Ninety ninety four so is no less that meet there. Just isn't it that this I don't know
What institutions are you talking about when you say we have to organise a let who the fuck are they will? I think the only thing I would perhaps disagree with. I think there is a left. I think it's big, I think, strong, but it is terribly this organise. It doesn't understand organization, you know for seventy years, of the cold war. Nineteen, forty five. Basically to now this, America has been a place more than any other place on earth in which any kind of left wing collective action was secluded demonize people. learned on a visceral level. Get off deep in your. So when you not half conscious of it, don't go to that meeting, don't go in that direction. it's dangerous. It's scary! It's got out. That's gotta come down on you. The government is your employer. Is what people want to talk to you when I walked like you and they're gonna? Do we have to grow that data
serious problem. It is allowed american politics together as far pardon the right. That's why we have a country which is the only advanced country without proper national healthcare, the only advance country that doesn't provide mandated maternal, leave for people with babies about all the things that in other countries are taken for granted as basic human rights we have been able that's because people are too, scared to get together? That's what we have to do. We have to enable the left that their to overcome its anxiety about being organised, a being tough and being forceful with the people that are on the other side. Good luck with that listen. How important is it? How important is
development of a major third party right now, I'm working with a bunch of people, Cornell West and Marion williams- it and read, and Nick broader and just enjoy Action and people like that to start a third party of People's Party and what what what I say, A platform should be as whatever sees running on we're gonna run on that accept we're gonna. Do we're gonna fight further stop. There are actually doing any Thing there rolling over it'll at nuclear speed for the establishment were actually gonna do with their running on. So how port? And do you think it because every time a progressive goes into the Democratic Party, the Democratic party changes them. They don't change the party. We got Nancy policy again with its the same shit. There never gonna get a medicare for all vote. They came to a get at the truth. They can't even get a you, be I in the middle anyway, so well. How do we start a third party, and how important is that we do that? I'm very strongly in favour of doing that. Again, I may disagree with you in the sense I'm willing to work with the left wing of the democratic
body, but only if there is also outside of the democratic body, a third party that is able and willing to say things that folks inside it democratic body, for whatever reason are hesitant to do. I don't think it's an easy. Either or I think we will go on every track- he can if they are those of us who can find on a third body and bring these issues to the fore in a shop way. We definitely should do that. If there are people who want to work inside the democratic body because they believe they can move it closer to what we are doing
more power to. I would expect because this has happened, for example, recently in Germany that the left wing of the Socialist Party and the people who work there left they finally emerged those people quit the Socialist Party. They are called in Germany, the left party, but you could see how and why, over time they came together to be a third party. I dont see Any reason why that kind of development could not happen in this country, but all of us that are ready to go further than those in the democratic body should be free to do that, and we should be as welcoming. We should be as much welcomed by them in the democratic body as we recognise what they are trying to do over there don't fight each other figure out how we can each do something which, in the end we may be able to,
come together to do if the people who get elected as progressive the Democratic Party, other gonna, phased Normous institutional pressure to move right, and so they have bass So how do we? What is the shepherd yeah? And so my thing was? I was shaming them for doing that, and everybody said you can't do that. You have to be nice to them. You have to work with them. But what is the mechanism we use when they don't work with us, but they work with the establishment? What is the mechanism we use to hold it? accountable if I can't shame them out them for going against their fuckin. Ok, I'm paying their own campaign. What what is the MECCA mean inside the? I would love to work with the Justice Democrats. There are not working with us there following their own campaign promises. What am I supposed to do? Well, I mean you have to keep up the pressure on me. I can't tell you what to do, but you have to keep up the pressure they have the year that there's going to be,
criticism, you know you can make your criticism as somebody who wants to win them over or you can make your criticism as a dismissal. Look you're, absolutely right, one of the institutional pressure on people in the democratic body, and I spent some time in my life working in the democratic body just between you and me, but those people are under institutional pressure to not to be a third party right, not work with a third body and their partners. Susceptible to that, but that doesn't mean we give up. We keep going and we make it hard in the way for them, because their hearts are in many cases going to be with us and they're going to be pushing against some of that institutional pressure, because they can see that we're having an effect, so we can affect them just as they affect us.
Hopefully you were good at it. We can figure out a way to get together. So I guess what I haven't. I bet with some one, and it is one of you get clear this up? Who would you play you in the Bible Pick elbowed Chino or Russell Crow. You know I love yes, dammit arrive now. You and your name is doctor. Richard wealth are related to the famous young in psychologist, Tony Wolf only when this relationship, I usually don't say that
but I want to say it, and so you can enjoy it. If you open, the first volume of Karl Marx is major work capital. Just the first of all. There is a dedication in there to his good friend and the noble protagonists of the proletariat I could you not, and that man's name is bill. Helm Wolf spell just like mine, and, yes, it is a distant relative of my them like that. It's fantastic all right. I just thought: that's one of those little gossipy tidbits you're the first. I don't tell this to people much, but you know I'm in town, then I tell my students cuz they enjoyed. I enjoyed that very What's, thanks for sharing that with our audience, and so let me just ask you one last question: how and are you with your Anima with mine,
animals. You know that is, if you don't it's. Ok, all ok get sound. It sounded like somebody. You can't talk about that now so it's in union psychology, it's the female, hidden shadow aspect in your unconscious anyway, that are you. I should tell you that I am married to a cycles Europe is, and so I have all my life and by the way I got married when I was twenty three and I'm still married to the same woman and very happy about it, but she's a psycho therapist, and I getting therapy. Whether I was not all my life is: ok, lives. I say one more dogs, cats, you, like dogs, ok, dagger, cat person, I'm a dog First right, there you go. I won that one, ok, good right, our eye doctor you will. I really appreciate you taken time any any closing words you wanna gives anybody. I think that people I deal with the show you have argued
way an enormously important service. It doesn't matter that occasionally people like I don't like agree, I don't agree. What you are doing is its thought, the topic and restart even your position. It's your way of thinking that comes across to people. The way you approach an issue, the way you frame a question but more important than the particular answers. We give it another way of thinking it's an openness to being critical to asking about an alternative future. That's what is changing America and it couldn't be more info What job thank you for inviting me, but I want to thank you for having the kind of programme and the kind of courage you show whether or not we agree on everything is really secondary. While I really appreciate it, super flattering to come from. Someone like you and you know, either work. You're doing is amazing. Also. I want to turn this into one of those things, but thank you, sir. Thank you. So much I'll take the compliment and everybody check out, Doktor Richard,
we'll show economic update democracy at work on Youtube check out his book. The system is the sickness, one cow. listen, fails to save us from pandemics or itself and does we'll see, you will see him back here, I'm sure soon, doktor ritual. Thank you very much Jimmy. I look forward to talk again, It's ok, hello the former president, Barack Obama, give me a rock in your pocket. He was a boy apply for jobs and advice for living, the good guys, gonna, throbbing democracy affect your big eyes down. I was for a second while I'm parts and wisdom dear ungrateful, skulls and its reassuring, to hear through them, Mr President, but before continue what's been, don't lightly
Michel. I've been busy with, are not black stuff, United Wilson Shrubs supporters, try to take over the capital. Building that guy said the boy. I'm not mad. You after we recently Sidney. Fellow reminds me of comedy. Where I started we were, we were hoping you could tell us something you were president for eight years. I was shocked, what bothers Jerry seriously. I never fathers cropping up, my dear the leadership role could have predicted fifty years acquire sacred, every Wall Street Shut and wise mortality rates would radicalized half the population and propeller simple as brain I just have a White House and the same goes for drop, wouldn't
You just say hey. You know, there's a lot more to that phone call, but we don't have time in today's podcast. How do you hear the entire phone call? You got to become a premium member go to gym, nor comedy dotcom, sign up it's the most horrible premium programme business today show was written by IRAN, Kaliko Mark where Lando Step, San Marino, Jim Earl, like Mccrae, Roger written all the voices performance They are the one in the only the inevitable MIKE Mccrae can be found. It might make great. That's it this week, you be the best you can be asked beyond me don't don't freak.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-16.