« The Jimmy Dore Show

Absolute Proof Joe Biden Involved In Hunter’s Dirty Business Deals!

2023-08-11 | 🔗

Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner Devon Archer recently testified to Congress behind closed doors about international deals he and Hunter were involved in and whether Joe Biden had any participation. Even though the mainstream media is spinning the testimony as exonerating the President, the reality is that Hunter was clearly trading on his father’s name and that Joe actively involved himself in his son’s business. Jimmy and The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula discuss the weight of evidence suggesting President Biden helped and benefited from his son’s influence peddling schemes. Plus segments about a new poll showing a majority of Americans no longer support Ukraine War funding and out-of-touch elitist Joy Behar wondering why Joe Biden isn't more popular. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's time for that make the other is bright. Sales of acts at your local board either get special offers on our adventure, ready for that's? U bees or on our great selection of porridge rocks shoes from a large inventory of would be secured. The technology space like stability for any season, and let us make the holidays bright, bringing everyone together visit your local board. You there today during that, make the holidays bright sales of it comes our lives we're gonna, be in chicago rosemont, las vegas, salt lake city, new york, city pots, down pennsylvania, Stamford, toronto, toledo, detour, saint Louis and more go to jimmy georgia conflict for those tickets hey. This is Jimmy who's this
This is new york, governor andrew duff, bull, hi governor. It's been awhile, how you do it well, you know I'm fine, yeah yeah keeping my eye on things as I always can you believe this
what do you believe corrupt that option so that I have all the yeah yeah? This is the corrupted that really gets to you. I can tell yeah I've ever wanted. Quiet three amendments even talking about Israel getting in trouble for body, shaming, so you think it's good. Do
yes jimmy. I do because without a tropics brought to justice, it will show the american people that politician, You can't get away with this kind of star, or at least there one day the general impression they walk away with some leftovers problem patients can get away with murder. I you guys, I got it. I knew you'd have an angle, MR governor, I beg you know. We have yeah yeah.
Yes, your work, I will have a corruption. Are you talking about? You know May I don't think so? Andrew? out there in l a somewhere? What is it I've always wanted to go to buy some fancy and expensive you saving for the most special occasion of special occasions. Your dream, restaurant just name. It doesn't even have to be italian I were, I would say, good cheese in beverly hills.
Nice choice yeah. But how? How do you have the body to take me out to the most expensive restaurant I can think of? Are you unemployed? I think technically, Andrew cuomo campaign funds will be paid. Well. what you still have a campaign fund. Why when I ran for governor the last time. The legal and financial entity. You don't spend all that money during a campaign. There's always some leftover really how much? Oh just a pittance, really surely point
So that's your versus so that your personal stuff ending fund. That's your money, johnny. But since I won't you call your show. We talk about my potential potential political come back. I install, even though you hate me yeah. I was wrong as apparently briefly talk about campaigning having a general sense at house arrest at the time. It's just to fuck, She joined that. Doesn't sound right, fond! sometimes one hundred dollar a month storage facilities. What would a historic my shirt
I did governor and wasn't impeach and didn't have a permanent residents upon having about the governors mansion. my pleasure goods can be stored on the campaign. Funds die. Isn't that nice? This is Unbelievable, it gets better, mary. I bet I bet forgot you just don't tell me you know. Yes, Yes, of course I can pay my legal fees which are substantial out of there like.
Legally These legal matters arose in the course of me serving the people of new york as governor, which remains my greatest achievement and greatest This is absolutely unconscionable. Yeah and I'm not fucking the internet anymore. Since I've been winning these cases, that is to say, that is to say, vindicated. the lion's share. My legal fees will be reimbursed with tat oh mamma, eye on the people of new york state will go back into their andrew cuomo campaign fund. So I can spend fifteen one hundred clams a month Nor am I divorced guy she's thinking about how can advertise it. While you know it's, it's always does
If our entire political system is rigged, financially benefit politicians, This is about jobs. Only mistake was that he didn't how to do it right. The worst was small sailing. So it's good that is being brought to justice and that I am being but the maastricht state house, one man, let's just go- pay attention. Donald trump getting in trouble for america ask as you do. Your part and dedicate eighty percent of people show the disgusting donald trump. That's not too much to ask yeah is, and you can t your dinner, invite and put it. You know up you and you know what I can
getting a groan. Asia, the hotel bars of Y, know well I'll. Think about it. I knew you'd come alone. Bravery I'll be in touch until then, remember, there's no such thing as a relaunch. But if your politics, free money, just sit on the counter, image sliding down the street and johnson media Samir switching to show. This is hundred bindings business partner right that this is the guy who he hooked up with it in a private equity firm.
that got them a bunch of bribes from ukraine. so that's that is his neighbors. Devon are archer, and why do I bring about because he was scheduled to give testimony on monday about his business dealings? with hunter Biden, Joe Biden and they tried to roman jails, first created hotel. What they did well he's got sentence for years, something completely unrelated about defrauding some indians and there he was sent to a year to jail They haven't had a date set, so they immediately try to say. Will you gotta report right now on monday, when it was set to testify? So therefore he couldn't testify- and he still is- you know, push back against. He claims he was innocent me the crime, but then they retracted, like six hours later in this is on a saturday when the d o j, never works, never has anything coming out, so they first try to say we're gonna, take him away then, so he can testify than they said. Oh no, in a letter we We didn't mean that we can go and testify and what not and then he went to his closed.
testimony on Monday, so here's how their reporting his testimony hunter. sold the illusion of access to Joe Biden, Democrat say not that he actually gave it access to his business partners to Joe Biden just he was, it was hunter doing a trick, a rule. and Joe Biden to know anything about it. That's what that's what they're trying to make it look like in fact, according to reports additive dan golden. That's a Democrat from new york. Archers test find that one hundred Biden was selling the illusion of access to his father. You know he was selling it access to his father, and so they they were going to get this why? Why did? How did one hundred biden get this job with this guy? Here's our happen, or you know, a partnership started in two thousand and eight two thousand and nine ish conversation started. That's when I re met hunter and actually had a sit down meal with him.
Talked about the transition from lobbying into strategic advisory and then kind of a you know some type of coalescence around having a private equity fund that would have this unique access and understanding of a regulatory environment get so why they laughing, because reason why hunter got hired. He didn't know anything about business. He didn't do anything, a private equity. He didn't know anything about anything, but he was posted and of the regulatory stuff? That's what they said. So they go got him a job. Or by it, and got a job with this equity firm because he was forced to work on regulatory issues right. So that means he's got connections inside government and they can squeeze the wheels on the regulations and that's what his job was and that's where they all laughed. They got you dont hundreds gonna work on regulatory issues and they all laughed right. So after that are
you're an hundred Biden we're business sport. They both got jobs, amber miss board in twenty fourteen. Isn't that weird? They both got jobs on the parisian aboard into before fourteen and what was happening. Then that was, when bereavement this end Gee board in Ukraine was being investigated by a prosecutor in ukraine, for corruption cause they're corrupt, that's why hunter Biden got eighty three thousand dollars a month job without doing anything he doesn't know anything about energy boards or anything except his father is the vice president the time. So they gave him a million dollar payment up front, I'm pretty sure, and then eighty three thousand dollars a month for doing nothing and both of them got those jobs both those guys and here is Joe Biden. And why did they did they want a bribe, the violence? Why did briskly?
want to buy because they were being Instigated by a investigator it In the prosecutor in ukraine, a Joe Biden get back, I fired the guy who was investigating briscoe the company that he gave his job to his kid, and this is why they did that, because Joe Biden was in charge of ukraine policy for the binding registration, and this is This is the regulatory action that hunter got done. Watch this and I had gotten a commitment from so they were so Joe Biden goes, the ukraine he was gonna give another billion or two billion dollars in loan guarantees, but he wandered to fire this prosecutor and when the time comes to go, make the announcement. They said at the ukraine. The president said we're not gonna fire that guy, and so here we go I had gotten a commitment from Portugal and from
yachts in that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they did so. He said the president of that country was gonna fire the prosecutor and they did it. and so what did Joe Biden do go? They said that had their walk out, breast cancer loss and marketing we're not going to give it a billion dollars. I you have no authority you're, not the president, the presence, and I should call him I'm telling you not get a billion dollars. I said and I get the billionaire going to be leaving here. I think it was what six hours I look as I'm leaving in six hours and the prosecutors. Not why are you not getting the money? Also, fire. They put it. So that's why they five hundred Biden and his business partner no show jobs. On an energy board that they know anything about four. Eighty, three thousand dollars a month, plus a million dollar upfront payment. That's what it and that's what I got. Those guys are: charisma
They got the vice president of the united states to withhold a billion dollars from ukraine until they fired. The prosecutor was investigating them. That's so that's unbelievable corruption, but of course abc news, saying just the illusion of access. While here's what devon archer actually said in his testimony he said marisa would have gone out of business sooner if the buyer in brand brand had not been invoked because people were be intimidated to legally mess with charisma because of the bite in full, Emily brand to what do you think? That's exactly what the meat they people were afraid to investigate charisma, because Joe Biden will come in with this american clout money and power and screw. You would see just did that in that prosecutor
There's another guy, so another Republican shared the chairman of the committee, said in a statement that archer testified that paris mugs active, asked hunter Biden to quelled call d c after a board meeting in dubai whose you're calling in D c. I wonder I wonder HU, the charisma people wanted hunter to call in d c, maybe his kids, who knows so now. Here's tucker karlsson actually got access to this debate archer guy and he's got explained to you how he got this job, how many it been reported, and you have said that there were occasions when Joe Biden would call in. So this is the big story: is the Joe Biden. Was he aware that his son and did he help his son with influence peddling to get millions of dollars in bribes? And this is going to reveal to you that
yes, in fact Joe Biden did know here we go for how many it's been reported, and you have said that there were occasions when Joe Biden would call in with clients present on a speaker from wreck. How many times you need to happen. I mean over the ten years partnership. I would you know the number and gone with its twenty. That's probably they showed there were twenty times when this guy an hundred Biden our try the smooth some clients and get some bribes from them? Because Their Biden can fix stuff because of his father and so too press upon those potential clients they get Joe Biden who's. The vice president to call in a speaker phone during their meeting, you think there was an ax it You got a job. I knew what he was doing. Of course he did. This is called in
whence peddling and got the buttons millions of dollars. Here we go the amount that I saw a lotta record. A lot so at least twenty times Joe Biden who so that didn't happen once twice five ten fifteen times according to him, at least twenty times probably bore. twenty times, that's almost it's a month for a year where much pride to wash them, of course, must have known that he was calling in to effectively business meeting. That is somewhat having me. He must have understood that the tat was kind of what is something well, that's eminent it's hard for me to speculate about, like I guess, my quite just to keep it to the facts Joe Biden devastating. Vice president knew that there were hundreds business associates in the room. I think I can I can definitively say at particular.
Irs or meetings he knew there were business associates any you know we were. If I was there, I was a business associate too. So I think our if you know any of the other colleagues from the dc office. Paragraphs where they are so yeah. At times there were from the euro to be. You know completely clear on the calls I dont know if it was an orchestrated call in or not it certainly was powerful, though, because of your city with a foreign businessperson, and you hear the vice president's voice. That surprise enough, I mean that's, that's that's pretty impactful stuff for anyone. It's been reported, and I know that it is true that the hunter and his brother were very close to their dead, absolutely, which I think is great and I've got a lot of kids, I'm very close to them, talk to them every day, yet never called them on speaker during a business meeting. That's weird: you've got a lot of kids.
close to them. Do you call them one speaker doing business meetings? Gonna come up, I mean what is that a grown man colleague is dead, I'm speaker phone during a is the right to be cleared up. There was the call was coming in and the speaker would go on. So it was it's just the prestige to be, I mean you're, you understand this is right So the power to have that access, an outcome precision and not in a scheduled conference, call and thence a party or family. That's that's like the pinnacle of of power. In these a hundred percent, I guess That's exactly what hundred did and he did it at least twenty. times in front of this guy. I wonder how many times he did it when that guy wasn't there so this that these guys are brazen criminals, everything you think trumpet is that's what Joe Biden in his family is
brazen criminals, and Joe Biden said repeatedly. He never ever even hawk to his great honour about his business deals. And how dare you we does that thing. You know we'll watch this. We found this latter kind of a man, during its from january twentieth, two thousand and eleven, which I think puts you in your weight. Thirties midnight rather less. Ok, sure your younger man. This is from the vice president, said Joe Biden to you personally in this personal I heard the bottom devon archer rosemont seneca partners that was for partnership with binding georgetown, your damn it I apologize for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon. Yesterday I was having trouble getting away from hosting president Hu Jintao, hangs yes running china at that point, I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with hunter. I hope you,
enjoyed lunch thanks for coming sincerely just four by junior p s, hand written happy, you guys are together. So there many levels here, but here's the vice president nine states saying to you a man in his mid thirties without government official, I'm sorry, I was awkward. tied with the guy runs the world's largest country. I would much rather talk to you and thank you. What was he thanking you for? Well, you know, results first lovely letter, and it was That's quite enthusiastic, it's a little where the I always listen it was. It was kind, the beginning. Our partnership and use thanking me in banking hundred they get the other day for bringing this idea of this government regulatory strategic advisory business into the private equity- and I think he was, he was really take your guts for starting. This crazy business that no one ever thought of before this private public private pride of prize the bible's book bottles
he was excited like finally, hundreds gonna get. You got me a cash flow. I figured it out. He got this devon archer guy and they ve set up a shell the company, and now they are going to get bribes on my name is excited. Do yeah! That's what that is. I about the prospect sir hunter, and you know he was just just thinking that there was a nice gesture. It was I stripped for sure for sure very polite. It's gets a ten on the etiquette scale he's a vice president added states and he's talking about foreign business deals with you and thanking you, where did you get? It goes back to my earlier point in in you. I think I had that time together. Jackpot finding the regulatory environment or a company that can navigate right at the top, but obviously is times told so. There's Joe Biden
camp lying lying again at the top of his lungs indignantly, pointing his finger at you saying that the, never had anything to do, and never do anything to do with my son's business various calling in twenty times into business meetings that is, son, is having with foreign nationals or about busy millions of dollars of business there. He is here father, calling in on a speaker phone to meetings. His son is having with potential clients with this other guy Who knows that it's all about influence peddling and he can't stop laughing about it like this. This is like our job yeah. Let me throw it over to Craig Craig. What do you have to say, but this will let you know. I think that devon archer hit the lottery there, in fact, by yeah. They hid it big when it came to that, and you know, there's so which more evidence it's come out. The just shows that they they knew
all going on. They understood that Joe Biden was involved. I think in twenty eleven there was email from hunter to Devon, which he said, then alike me, for who I am they like me because of my last name, pretty much saying they like it, because I'm hunter Biden, I'm Joe Biden, sun, and they referred to this one particular gather the base. and who would likes me for the last name. His name was, I gotta look at it down chafing who they refer to as the super chairman. these chinese oligarch as all these connections- and he introduced a Joe Biden to this. Name Jonathan leave all high and they had coffee together and even Oh Biden wrote a letter for this guy from oh hi partners, Jonathan lee a letter for his daughter to go to college, I mean so they have all this evidence on them. And then eventually these guys got burner. Phones and couple days later, devon archer was at the white house, so
They have all these evident, just piling up for them. I mean I think they're laughing hysterically jimmy because they know I mean how can you sit there with a straight face? Who say you know what with Joe said, he goes hunters a smart guy. No, it was to get to you is to get access to you to get what they wanted. Emmy, it's almost impossible. this right now, the cot red handed- and I can't see a way a way out of this which the republicans are not going to try to impeach Joe Biden on all this information now So you got the irs whistle blowers, saying that dividing administration intervened in their investigation hunter Biden. They stop them. The iris whistleblowers career democrats, people who are I'm career iris employs saying that they were stopped from an estimating and now we have evidence that
allied Joe Biden lied when he said he didn't have anything to do with the business dealings of his son, honour. Of course he did and plus we showed you that video where he fired. guy from charisma? The prosecutor who has fought was prosecuting. Risk, my in ukraine, they hate or ass. He wouldn't a billion dollars and loan guarantees to ukraine government. And so that's what are you so that's what they got for big, o connor bind a million bucks up front and they I am eighty three thousand dollars a month for nothing and what did they get? They got that guy fired. That's the regulatory, that's that's! That's hunter Biden's, expertise in the regulations and by the way, Jimmy I got the new york post over here from the other day, everything the first three pages is: this conspiracy to defraud trump, it's on every single paper. But if you look in air one small page, they got a little. But about you know the biting I'm family there, but got story after store on donald trump, going after him for his new indictments. What is at that which better
suppose this is new york posting at the uk, like the vague over there, not the all by god. Why did I think that the post was sympathetic to trump and now, they just. They do have some conservatives in there that do kind of fire back and they will have some stories and I haven't. Whenever the majority of the paper is still you know, shit. Libya, I didn't know that I never read the beige. You have some conservative followers. It's obvious that this is a little bit more. Can conservative than you're the times, but still I mean yeah this idea that Joe Biden is a decent man instead of what he is, a war, criminal Well, in a serial lying racist who screws workers, that's what Joe Biden and he's not a decent guy. he's the worst of the worst, which is why you rose to the top of politics because he's the biggest most reliable tool just screw americans that the establishment confined? That's how you
to be president you're willing to screw americans at the behest of corporations in the donor class? That's why Barack Obama became I didn't get more money from wall street, that is blocking. A potent wikileaks reveal his brok obama's entire, entirely, but it came from an email from sleepy bank and immediately Five point: one million families out of their homes. While he made sure the bankers did mixed their bonuses and then he instituted a right wing get healthcare plan which was a giveaway too big farmer and the health insurance companies. That's why he was. love to be present at the first black you'd think the first black president was actually gonna help black people. You think they would let him become president. No, they would occur. Demonized even did character assassination said he was a terrorist, that's where they would. It did a broken bomb was actually going to help black people, that's what they would have set about him, but he wasn't gonna while black people, so they loved them, whilst greek loved them, the media loved them and he kept instituting
right wing policies. In fact he admitted it so Joe Biden, my guess. The point of this is these: people aren't what they seem or what they say. The media says they are the exact opposite Joe Biden's, a bigger criminal than donald trump. By far and Jimmy there's a bill out there that shows he screws everybody, he screws workers. You know he screws a black and brown people with the crime bill. had I heard them. He schools, poor people would, you know, is credit card bills and methinks I every single step of the way he screws everybody, except for the oligarchy in his donors, rightly takes care of ok. Why the prisons filled with black and brown people Joe Biden in the crime, though any brags about it, why can't stute students get out from underneath stood alone debt because Joe Biden made it illegal. Hey No here's another great way. You can help support the show. You should become a premium
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place restrictions apply by membership not required to rent or by sea amazon com. Such amazon prime for details were here with Craig paused, as well as also the kabul gaucho Greg. what's up everybody. I don't they Jimmy I'm doing good. Did you know this craig cnn? Paul majority of americans oppose more? U S, aid for ukraine and war with russia. I could guess that, but there are some interesting things I want to hear about this story. Fifty five percent of americans only fifty five yeah, that's how strong pro war proper, ganz is because every time I heard on CNN every two measured on fox news every time, they turn MSNBC or any other jar pick up a newspaper, its telling a we got us. The people of ukraine are being palmer, by russia and Russia's a thug into the aggressor, and I do we do have sympathy for the people
ukraine with the people of ukraine are caught in a proxy war, and the people of ukraine should want to end that war, because what it was started. because ukraine one stop bombing russian speaking people in the dog bass. That's what started the war. There was a there was a peace agreement already called the minsk accords. Ukraine didn't abide by, they kept killing people, so there already a peace agreement. Forty five percent, who say, congress should authorize more funding. Fifty one her said, say the: u S has already done enough to help ukraine, while forty eight percent set it says it s, because no both of these groups don't have it. Any idea what's going on in ukraine, because they ve never been told, what's happened there never been told, what's going on in ukraine, they never been told we started it than ever been too that the united states overthrew a democratically elected government of ukraine with the help of nazis inside ukraine. Then the people in the eastern part of ukraine didn't want to go along with that cooed government and so the
Ukraine government in the nazis started bombing the people in the eastern part of your great endeavour stopped in that's. Why food, when, in the step to stop that for this war, was started by ukraine I made no one knows this No one knows this. People who the new york times. Don't know this people who read the washington post, don't know it. People who read the book. The globe. Dont know this people who news on television have no idea about this. A pole condemn in the early days of the russian invasion and late february? Twenty twenty two five sixty two percent! felt the: u s should have been doing more one s, The civically about how types of assist in the: u s could provide to ukraine there's broader support for help with intelligence gathering and military training, so people sixty three percent want to give them intelligence gather. And fifty three one a drain em and forty three per
I want to give him weapons and us These seventeen percent- want to send combat troops. hurry slipped back for you as though those almost two of ten americans want to send soldiers to ukraine debts that strong propaganda A majority of americans do expressed concern that Russia's war in ukraine will threaten you s national security, that five fifty six percent of a cons worried that russia's war in ukraine will threaten you as security, but that's down significantly from February twenty twenty two, which seventy two percent were worried about. While will that's good How would the ukraine war threatening oasis natural security unless russia decides to launch a new gas because were acting so hard with their country? A bigger, worrying? ross. Partisan lines in this new Paul is that the war will continue without a resolution for a long time. Nearly eight and ten
and are worried about about that, including eighty two percent of democrats and seventy five percent of independence. And set so everybody overwhelming majority of people are worried that the wars gonna keep going forever. Uk Democrats report looking far apart on how? U s sure height, help ukraine. The survey find bra part is it an ideological divides over how much the? U s should be doing to assist ukraine's efforts to push back against the russian military brought republicans brought so republican, say Seventy one percent of Republican say no more funding to ukraine and they ve done enough. So almost sixty percent, fifty nine percent of democrats most say the opposite. Sixty two point: sixty two percent of
Democrats favour funding and sixty one percent say the: u S should even do more, while so seventy one percent a report I can say, no more money and that the? U s is done enough to assist ukraine, so sixty percent every year We can say that we ve done enough. Seventy one per said say even if we haven't done enough, that's enough, but the Democrats, sixty to say more funding for a country for a country, but they don't are they for funding america. Are these Democrats refunding america? Have you looked outside your window? Have you walked through downtown? any city in america are you guys for funding America, maybe, instead of this sweet. If we stop fun, in the ukraine, more guess what happens? Ukraine war ends. If the united states stops funding this war, ukraine. War ends immediately immediately When trumped said he would end the war twenty four hours. He was correct.
Within both parties. There are splits by ideology on providing additional funding. Liberal Democrats are far and away the most supportive seventy four percent back it compared with five. So though liberals have become more mongers and all it took was some slick. Propaganda, warped again. I like it always works in always. works. Liberals per bombing? There are four bombing Afghanistan, liberal. four bombing libya liberals will for bombing syria livres four bombing erech twice. Liberals are now four four bobbing ukraine or russia. you're no longer anti. Wasn't there not liberal? So that's the thing. What if you ask people what makes you a liberal of your pro war. You are not a liberal that may you something else, that's what I was always talk, gregg. What does that? What what do you think about that Well I mean Putin hates gaze. So that's why you know I mean you got it. You can forget their jimmy. You know that's what it is and I mean I think its principles
now jimmy the democratic party is now the party of war officially and Well, if you notice I'm a newspaper guy, and I grabbed the newspapers whenever I travel. So I was reading this article and I was just blown away because who's the forty five percent. That's for this I mean who are they polling. I mean this has to be a win for the warmongers, even though the title says you know people wanted to find and what not You know this has to be a win win me. I don't know if they don't know is much because the american people just don't care about foreign policy, and it really is a shame it's not on their their bucket list, but that's why I think it so important. What you're talking about right now is to make sure that we always tie the funding to what's going on, say, hey. We cannot nice things over here because we're spending so much money over there. But, like you said people do not know when they don't care. I mean you know when you were going to handle the graphics about what they said they should send and what not
that americans watch too much gee, I showed you many movies and everything you know I didn't really grasp what's going on and war and they honestly believe that putin is trying to expand the soviet union date that there during the dark over here, who was so the only way, I think that we can really start to make a dent is to go back to its the economy, stupid. It's the economy were spending to its money. Let's get out would bring it back home so independence mostly say the united states has done enough. So the independence, fifty six percent of independence say they approach that we ve done enough and fifty five percent say that's enough funding. You would think that dumper, Be higher less but that that just shows you do you have the strength and ubiquity of the pro war propaganda less than twenty percent across parliament. If If I believe what they said on the news, I would be refunding the war in ukraine, but of course,
no they're lying less than twenty percent across parties? Back? Providing? U s military forces to participate and combat so nobody's forces only torrent. What twenty percent is still highs. I think that's high. Twenty percent of americans are for sending actual: u s, troops there, all the f, but at least good the good news. This is most of americans are against funding the war. They think we ve done enough. That's good! Let's keep! Let's come get that number up, but people gotta turn after tvs, man it's crazy! It's it's crazy! I'm an it's! You talk to people who watch t v news or read: regular blue. It's it's like you're talking to a bot. It's like! They can't process new information. They can't ever process new information. Like I would tell people that, like about just about january six, for instance, I was told
my comedian friend, then I'll tell him. You know they had hundreds of undercover cops and fbi and secret service hundreds in that they had they had undercover fbi embedded in the proud boys for months the number two guy in proud boys right so vague and if I was gonna, be an insurrection, you think the f b I would I bought it. Well they did they do. There was gonna, be all those protests, and so they sure there were no cops there. There were more cops, therefore, medical for all rally of the year earlier, so they will and then I have to tell him yes and then they there's video of- sb, undercover fbi agents telling people to go into the capital. There's undercover fbi agents can a breaking windows committee and then they discuss
they didn't know with my friends tommy this a lot to process. That's what they say. This a lot to process have liked juno that most of the people were were completely peaceful, who were protesting. They were peacefully protesting and they get they got pushed into going by age and provocative. where's like they do all the time I go. If you look at the video that they wouldn't want you to see, but Tucker karlsson showed it to you that the people who got it there were mostly very respectful. Most most of them were mostly very respectful. So then what they say back to me craig. Is this a lot of information they take it didn't he asked signed by the fact that a bunch of second amendment, not jobs, forgot to bring their guns that data take over the government. They want, I tell them that these people, who showed up by january six to overthrow the government they forgot to bring their guns. What did they think was It happened. They're gonna pick up the phone and the pentagon we're just gonna start following their orders? No one thought that this was
Not an insurrection, this was approach has turned into a riot by undercover agents from the fbi. That's all it was. Nobody had a gun, Nobody had a gun nobody's, trying to take over the government. So when I talk to my friends, he's got his sword, taken or when I tell them that they lied to you about the vaccine. They lied to you what it said it stops transmission of the virus and contraction they lied to you. when they said natural immunity was not real. They lied to you about masked. They liked her about you heard immunity. When I tell them this they go. This is allowed to take a jimmy. That's what blue? that's will literally my friends, I m way out. We're gonna go over it later one night ass. I have this friend. Whatever they tell him the news, he just believes it for real and he believed it.
for real because he thinks he's owning the dumb lived. Trumpeters he's. I heard all about cove it, my old roommate, all about cove it, and I told uncle jack you they lied to you and when they said that it doesn't stop transmission and he goes. They never said that. Have you heard people say that egg that big up. They never said it. Stop. Transmission was only supposed to lessen your symptoms. Have you heard people say that I have heard. People say that, and so now what would make someone say that what would make someone say that is that they heard someone else say that in authority. they heard someone else say that keep rig up there someone else say that in authority and then they repeated it and who would ensue already told them that someone We had already lied about the vaccine. Instead, it did stop transmission And then they lied and said. We never said that so then, my
roommate repeats that lie. They never said that. So I said I m a video showing found she saying it bill gates, saying it news prisoner, saying at rachel, mad cow, saying at the presence of the united states, saying it in his response to that is all It's not all sort of a gun. They lied to me about that. wonder why they lied to me about that. His response was and I'll read quote: science is tricky, they made mistakes, they're trying to get it right and then just boom boom boom. He said they never said it. I show the videos of them all saying it, and he comes back and sets out its tricky? but even if you believe there were in good faith saying that when they said at the time it did stops the via the vaccine stops covered
even if you believed they were lying when they said that, would you believe you, If they were did they were just making a mistake? Will then who lied when they, They never said that way. would they lie in say they? Never! So that's a double lie and either of those lies, anger, anger anybody, but what does angry is guys like me point out that their being lied to his word were nation of it.
adult children of alcoholics and they know that they know they can get us emotionally. They know they can just give us the confirmation bias. We saw a lot of this with the election system, where a lot of people didn't care so much about the actual process. They just cared about the results, so they would do mental gymnastics and bend over backwards to say no, no, no, no, no, no, at least to the same people who are complaining that the process wasn't fair years ago. So as long as they get their confirmation by it. As you know, they'll move where they want to move cause. It's just it's it's a burn against the trumpeters and you can never go with them. You can never agree with them. You have to we pushed back so then you find yourself in a position when you're actually waiting to yourself and that's what I'm dealing with people who are lying to themselves by the way, but that doesn't mean that the facts is the vaccines, safe and effective, and even though it doesn't stop transmission, it slows the transmission and
It keeps you from getting seriously ill or hospitalized are dead. That's the beauty of this vaccine, my heart swells four times it's normal size with pride over how good this covert nineteen vaccine works. joy bay. Her said something in this: a good cause can destroy bay who live in the same america. We live in I've, seen people do this. I've seen comedians who are wealthy now say this. This funny to me because she is good. All joy bears a comedian, so here we go. The economy is booming. Inflation is down. The stock market is doing well. People having an easier time, putting bread on the table, etc. Here doesn't seem to be getting the credit for that. Only forty one percent approval is it because they say he's old, because I don't say anything up, it might hey joe.
They are whose bet a millionaire for twenty years and I'm jealous hey Joe bay, her it's because what you just said is in true. It is an easier for people to put bread on their table that before coal, that eighty percent of workers of paycheck to pay check, half the country can afford a four hundred dollar merging c and fifty percent a wage earners, her earn thirty thousand dollars or less well off. You ve ever try to live on thirty thousand dollars. I'm in a guess she hasn't. Since the seventies and now she's in her seventies and she's, been living out, a couple million dollars a year, at least for the last twenty years. So I. That kind of mental. What do you make of that kind of mental like everything's great? Why don't they love Joe Biden that? Why don't you just tell people? I mean
out of touch elitist, I'm what they call a limousine liberal, I'm completely out of touch in the working people I ever talk to or people are waiting on me at a restaurant or driving me somewhere. That's the only. Blue collar people. She ever talks to which we gonna stand. The one true thing she did say as the stock market the highest its ever been that's not alive, but guess what the working class as it doesn't have any money in the stock market, that's right. He did tell one truth. Yet it is the stock market. High right, I was told it was like thirty. Five thirty ex. It's the hired since everyone eventually, not an ah that's, been moving. If it's been moving at the same pace, it normally moves I just know that most working class people don't have a dime in the stock market. They can't afford test right
Most people don't have when in the stock market- and I think the stock markets- probably bullman because into our now I was the interest nobody was put. Money in the bakers did you're losing money by putting it in the bank speculation. I think it's all inflated and bs anyways, so they can point what we have done so, but was the question the question is she wants to know why only forty one percent of america, in fact more people like me r K, junior and trump unlike Biden, you know that road. Yeah, so she's she's, I dont get it you don't get. It is because he's too old, oh he's demented. He can't find his way off the stage. We need finished his speech, how bout, because he did Do anything he said he would he didn't give people a minimum wage. He didn't give people student debt relief, he didn't give will. The two thousand dollar check. You didn't: give people healthcare like you said he was gonna, give people sort given the public option you did. He just gave up.
Blunder billion dollars of the most corrupt countries. While we have people living under every bridge, so things are getting better and you so joy bay, our things things are getting better in america, he will still not have health care. we still get banquet when they go, they go sick people still outer mounds stood alone that you are. Prisons are still pact to the gills, where the world's largest penal colony knew. What the F has changed. They open the alaska drilling, they tried they're starting the two two new nuclear wars. What good would it? What would you do? They just kick people off of medicare. They just kick people off of tat, child tax credits, they just what What have, what are they dont? What have they done? What what have they done? I can't think of anything that the binding administration,
it has done, and you know this whole time. The homeless number keeps increasing too every year and they have they have don't. Not only do they not have a plan to fix homelessness, they don't even talk about and talk about it. They don't even trump at least brought it up near here. Ideas around about put him in a tent city. What that's better than Joe Biden plan? That's the that took that's the funny part greg that trumps plan of rounding, the almost people up and putting them in TED cities outside of sit outside of the town. Is better than Joe Biden point, which is nothing Joe bite? His plane is nothing Don't buy online is nothing new. Let's latour this one more time economy is booming, formulation is down, the economy is booming. Gregg booby one is efficient down from what
like a month ago, or some right after, like continuous three years of inflation. Now its workers haven't had a raised since nineteen eighty. The minimum wages still seven dollars and seventy five cents- and she says the economy is booming for fuckin who yeah for you and people who are invested in stock market. This, market is doing well people having an easier time, pudding, bread on the table and let all seem to be what people having the credit for that. Only forty one percent approval is it because they maybe is it because I'm deluded dingbat who can't see clearly and I'm in mice. I made a tribal bubble. Maybe that's, it are you ever think, you're a deluded dingbat whose whose and tribal bubble? I think, that's probably it. What do you think gregg? I don't know
whose witnesses forty one percent approval rating come from cause? I don't even believe that either to now, I don't believe that she's, like only forty one percent yeah at hm. hey this- is Jimmy who's. This jewish party- sure why he was to president it's an honor is always how you doing. I got shot up there And sharing on the walls, coercion, rain from more more. What why? Why should I? my job. I thought items yoga yeah. yeah, remember by the sword. Arms was my was brewing strategy to deal with my conscience, incoherent, rambling, such turned to me shall we are bree branding thought items in my book.
Workshop point, is casually regurgitation. All think nuggets. Other white not sounds sounds bonded, corky You better believe, unless, let's shine fought item number one in the world. Common might by not, the world day, somebody give his kit allowing as right minded Max you love it. I love it! You, madam people, love it I don't even know what it is or nourished during a sharing economy, and it's named after me. But what is it member of the economic front, I can hear rumours that shit and I probably believed due to the banned from Middle economics grow the middle class and then improves the entire economy. It helps rich people, poor people
How does it help poor people? Is it the this really just trickled down economics that just starts at the upper class? I dont know I see I understand this message is trying to help you with voters ahead of us wanting tony for election, trying to tell your ministry should the saving the economy is the strategy working with the public joe now I don't know my true, your needs to be noticed. Your debates that dangerous, what's this war should they are dangerous file? I read, I found it absolutely unconscionable with georgia paragon of body positively. She can't turn around and fat jane fred dangers or make bananas are the vagina of such. Mr president, please
jimmy? I wish I could say that was the product of a dramatic failure that is literally hitting the face of god. I say let these dangerous be as bad as they want. Let them eat whatever they want out of normal things, Joe Biden said that, for over three, my fucking dog has been turned: shrink, restore restage, really, yes, no one noticed focused when he was just simply shitting all over the white house. She was just funny, but now he's just a it german shepard who, as a disgrace for authority, it's bad for me having a snarl courage, roaming around the west wing. I would imagine so, sir, why that's your supposed to be national symbols of cuba's, don't start reminders or segregation. I would like to share necessarily What are you gonna do about their problem? Georgia
expert on the at forty two, your birthday. It's amazing one, great good gingerbread! Are you just don't better as the years go on, which is brain Magic is very great cherish aging, like a banana careers tops and speaking of aging. I am too old to be president. What what I don't. I don't mean to run again. I mean like now right, fucking now so you're admitting it admitting was that you're too advanced in the years to properly fulfill the role of commander in chief, she may. I think I should marrying antiques so much as admitting the sky, blue. I to see why care by antlers shit, I'm so fucking tired. Why can't people? Just let me I want to sleep, seems like
that's what a man your age should be doing as rock chalk paper, but they won't listen. Why not forget said, but I no choice but to take always pills, shots and all spur found treatment is madness so onward This is an astounding admission, sir yeah I shan't, but with Meghan Markle jr, are you to another sharma high. A cash age was beauty, I'm sure her recent stumbles in what will swiftly become a thing of the past. Her well looks like I have to go so much. san Pedro Hernandez colon are very happy for some reason. What's the problem you guys have megan Marco grated british tabloids What do you mean you're going to go into the room now numbers should share. I want you know for themselves and I want to die.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-31.