« The GaryVee Audio Experience

What Will Be The Next REAL WORLD Use For NFTs? | 'Disruptic' w/ Anthony Sartor

2023-02-13 | 🔗

Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is an awesome podcast I did called 'Disruptic' with host Anthony Sartor! Anthony is a Podcast Panther VeeFriends holder and we had a great conversation surrounding Web 3.0, my introduction into the NFT space, what I've learned from May 2021 until now, what I took away from VeeCon 2022, the inevitability of Web 3 social media, the next real world use case for NFTs, DAOs and so much more! 

Enjoy! Let me know what you thought! 

To watch the full video version of this episode go to: https://www.youtube.com/@disruptic/videos 

Disruptic Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/46YZNMBWfnGM0zZ84bBKul

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the gary v audio experience this is anthony and listening to the disrupted podcast. Today we have I guest and he's no other than guarantee himself? I don't take her well brother, pray excited to be on one episode, one and I'm proud of you man. Thank you. Thank you, starting off strong, this all downhill. For me, I m getting on getting it's gotta get back. So what about wii friends? We can in some other topics, but before we into that I want to start with you and your I kind of tee. So when you first heard But actually is, and what was your first interaction with them, so crypto kiddies seventeen was the first. Some something was on my radar. I was that's cool because the garage sale, the collect
the boss, but that lasted like a day of like maybe forty minutes of homework, and it was just on my radar, then mb a topshop I got a preview is coming in the fall of twenty twenty investor friend of mine said, speak the real harm loved. It thought it was so neat that is really cool was very into sports card, collecting at the time and stolen, but like really hot on it, you know things have been flow and got busy because it was also during covered and, like I just one in a company in watched it and was like? Oh that's, really interesting, and then it exploded, and I was like oh fuck. I missed the opportunity, like you know, kind of like man of it and then that got me into crypto pop
up. Kevin rose from one birds, and I have been friends for a long time and he's like what do you think about crypto punks and I was like you know- I'm not aware of that and then did like a ton of homework on that got really in love with that thought. That was super cool. And so you know that was kind of the journey, and then I started to a lot of homework on older projects, which I like what a bed and and then probably round february of twenty one. I decided that I wanted to do my own project. I this be concept called workplace warriors. There were little toys of like things like patients in compassion that I thought if people had them on their desk, they would have better day to day, and I kind of took the essence of that and and use it. if the foundation to what I wanted to create, which was be friends and with few friends you know, the whole mission of your friends has come to amplify your voice to skill Gary v,
and I was not just carry be like you know, like I'm passion about certain positive that attributes, but just to amplify good at. Gale were you. Was it the timing just rags. I feel like you're at the point where you know you kind of done as much as you could do. Like the social emmy, even think, I'm gonna get me content, but would you Still have gone ahead and launch would be friends without the entity without that technology, like did the timing, the timing line up or cause, I feel like you're at that pinnacle, where I think that, to your point, I don't think I don't think the answers probably right to your point. I had already had the meetings of launching a toy business around place warrior, so it was two point brewing. I had I feel like I have a long way to go on the guarantee of it all and I could, but that does change the fact that my boys doesn't resonate for a lot of people humbled to my core,
that my voice resonates with so many people I am also incredibly aware that it it's a boy. that is unknown to weigh, bore and visible especially mine, that doesn't resonate to some people. You know it's too aggressive. It's too, competitive and so I'm pathetic to them to your point. Yes, I feel, like the timing, was great, but the technology and kind of what was happening in the space really spoke to it. No line of I caught that too, and you know few friends we've come so far. You know I I I want us to. I think it's amazing. How do you feel like what have you learned from may twenty twenty one to to now? I feel, very focused if you're really happy about where I am. I feel like it's on its path. A lot has happened. Becalmed was a huge success. The three conferences there came along with series one was very important to me,
hence a meaningful awareness, executions, torture, us she's collaboration you know that collaboration lot of st wearing fashion, so really happy with like early stages that, but most importantly pump out on building the organization, the talent in know a lot of former vainer employees or other employees has been really fun and fruitful and feels very much like it's working and so you know, I think, a little bit in the hype of it? All I feel like I could have done a better just like in this corner. I like did a lot of great. things very active, but only got a little bit caught up in the sky. or of love and, like you know, like maybe purple eyes a little bit too much about work like long for my feeling, the projects currently incredibly unbelievers? but like fell like I learn that I I get in this mindset that on part of the community budget, I'm the founder and operator of it so learn some of those lessons. But
really proud of like putting out- content aided about ninety nine percent. Going to zero. That was agreed the important at the height of it all that's good you'll just. in building building. You're since I've been following. You. your audience varying points you and I like about you, and this is just I'm not that it's about them to sell to your audience, but you re Besides, like some wine sneakers a book, you really You have chosen not to monetize your audience. Not that not a view france has, but have you found it? the friends were it did take a somewhat of a significant, significant investment for a lot of people to to buy them. Turkey, has. Your relationship has changed with them of year. What a small percentage would? Ninety five percent? I am referring to the once what it means. Like you know they bought a wii friend because they're trying to flip it trying to make a quick buck. I mean it. Definitely, I think that's a great call out. It was the most the tier point for a decade
side of the occasional twenty dollar thing? I wasn't. In courses I didn't buy an island. I didn't do a lot of things right, which is fine and like. I don't think that that's bad it just not what I dont. For me, be friends was less about monetizing the audience in creating a new universe like to me which, the fund is like. I didn't stop. Making com I didn't stop engaging with people. I ve been so going live, I dont stopped emailing and reply like nothing changed with the audience other than the key. Was I the way Price did was what's the conference worth over three years and so look at I myself was also. I wanted the comp and to be the punchline and then everything else be kind of added value, rivals whole thing got so hot that the prices went, crazy people buying them a price. way above meant and what series to I want to make sure that trading cards were very collectible, unlike very
like I always with everything. I've done with be friends. I want to make sure the real life thing either right at were close to the value of the original price. So when I look at the sports card market, you know I thought what if I made something that was a thousand dollar box nowadays feel like I closed the gap on like the conference I feel like it was like you know. You know three fourths Our conference for a weekend could type and three years- and this is the price of the car I felt, moreover, was like maybe have the value, maybe a five hundred dollar box or six hundred dollar box, so Think about a plus what the blockchain you're able to provide support these values and all these other things? So you know I think. Yes, I do The tension question directly. Do I believe that after going all those decades without you know gold selling things authorities are now having a major project that for some people it did change it. Yes,
and in which money is for some people on both sides. The people that may be spent money that they could. for to lose or like bought at the top of the market and the things gone down. They may have a negative sentiment, but even It changed my relationship, but a lot. You know the among people who made an extraordinary amount of money, they're, they're, more quarrel We are happy with me, and so you no money for such a lot of things, and so like it was definitely big enough that it would like, cause, I'm thinking for the rest of my life- and I thought, It will be good in the end, and so that's what maybe go there. it's a practical way of looking at it? You know I it was the wii friends with the first nfc I bought. As you know, if you're Frankly, you could break it down, so, ok, what's valuable conference or what's the value of this access? Yes correct, and you know it made sense a lot of times
at least as much effort she I'd things to get crazy. Yes, but you Polly didn't want things going backwards, not that I don't know, but I, but I don't want this is use. And what did you learn? I wish I, what like I've supreme confidence, some ice, plus I know who I am, I mean I know my intent. Isn't I capacity is. I know what my talents are, and so you know where I, where I think I've made a micro misstep is, I just think, coming to build the best projects more time, and I I feel like that's fine, but I don't think I need to say it as much in this as I did during the height of the summer. So you to your point, I don't love when things run up that aye, but I'd be lying afraid, say, was proud of and felt good at the time and I in and I still knew that like. I don't think I could. and when I was making ninety nine percent of loan zero, I definitely wish
more content of like I bet you be friends, is not like gonna stay at this price forever to and hopefully thou like you just want to give out good content, and so that's why I think a lot about the yukon, yes issue. When he three point three yoga: what did you lose from the first few khan, I assume behind point three year, Twenty was huge assume your pie wants and make it somehow even better yes than last year, but What did you learn from last year that you're going to implement this year? So the big joke with me I inner circle- is that at a time The problem was twenty two went off so well like we didn't deserve to go that far. That's your big like headline for this pond cast. We were, who green I never throw anything about, but the love and the good like it just went to well, we re content. The can,
he was awesome, I was bleeding out of my balls to be there for everyone and so like you like me, so what I ve learned plan earlier liquid way ahead of schedule compared to last time. but what's the point about twenty three for me, as I do think A lot of people gonna get a lot more value because last year was the height of people wanting to get educated about web threeam and- and if teasing exact nature this year can be a lot more about business. A lot more about marketing a lot more about poverty, culture a lot more about innovation and so on. Excited because I think we're gonna have much wider, broader, more intriguing ten execution and I think, that's gonna services very well, maybe more business instead of the web, three yeah that'll, be plenty web, three personalities, but there's gonna be a ton of seals and see a most of big companies and and and start ups and missis.
companies. So I think you're gonna get up, and I think this a lot more pop culture, so a lot more people with audiences for acting or for you know, entertainment that single, create a lot of fun panels to check out in terms of you, no talking about the value that one gets all the surprise stuff you ve done. Yes, I believe today, they want partnership, begin, yes, the entrepreneurship, our often then innovative and yes, you know, can we expect you knock. I know I don't know yourself anything hot it. I've been in concrete, but I know a lot of things concrete. I've just learned that I don't wanna like to see them as my or even allude to them. But to your point, that's the point, the blockchain right, the fact Then it's a small contract and one can provide Sure utility in different experiences, make it so fun, so lot that we have figured out and there's a lot. will come and
it's really enjoyable to like focus on that and to be able to provide these. You know these events. Are these this access, these things for holders prob, what does that have to do with the funding that you raised We have noticed that was over. The funds can be used. For me later I mean yes, comma, give go, gives com. And honestly, we made a lot of dollars and selling the product like the funding was more about, like I think the economy is going to collapse and like it'll, be good to be on powder because you could do emanate, deals and things of that nature. The original minting really provided us with a lot of you know capability to to have dollars. So you know, I think I think the reality on the fundraising was more of just like strategy business strategy. But yes, I think,
Europe you're, taking a very practical small questionnaire like of course, but is also about animation, look look if I can't get people to fall in love with the very look, the very, very, very, very lucky black cat or patient pan or learn Aber ambitious angel. None of this woman, Our long term and not another, is able to meda gary bypass and just it that way right, but to get them to fall in love with this. You know I've heard you say you know whether it's tv show movies, amusement parks, books, comic books. You know your there's a lot of different avenues to push this ip, yes and which one are you most excited, probably long form one fi animation has the chance to really hit like shrek meant nothing until they premiered. You can go from zero to icon if you get that
right, so there's a lot of excitement. I offer that collectibles little little executions like what if we make a candy that goes viral letting you know things like that. You know be friends community. I know you listen to the community. A lot of one thing that that's becoming popular or in the wet through space are douse. Yes, Is there any. way. Is there any? Have you ever considered in implementing like some type of die with him, be friends or like obviously does not gonna guide, like the huge, the long term vision. What's that, that's your northstar, but just some way that they be able to have some type of influence or voice. More than that. I now, of course I would consider- I have considered it, and people have influence all the time by just communicating into the either. I think what I do want to do is bullshit people like you.
Dowser. So new argued example, my direct reports have been or ex mice sweet, have remarkable influence on me right. but they don't have entitlement like where employees of be vain it get right doubts I still think are forming in their understanding and much like people get frustrated politician, and the exact nature I I've been cautious to implemented, because I want to be and pathetic that humans haven't calibrated influence right is alexander islamic sunk assumed russa dow and they feel like were the volume congress or the house of representatives and and they're. Not you know, like you have to be very specific of what you're allowing or promising someone to have jurisdiction over and like you know, I'm you know I'm not the book. Don't forget it down
also has to have incredible. Like sentiment and agreement setting those expectations, I mean, I think, look look a lot of downs, have a lot of politics and a lot of negativity and aren't working. You know, I also you know I I you know, I think, committee. You know I don't like casinos, let alone twenty five people thinking they have say on the flip side, its of course I consider I I watch every day and consider things thou an arctic. I've heard you mentioned the past about a token, Not that I understand is the end of tea, sightings. illegal legal, wise, it's a little more clear yet then tokens, I think we're gonna, wait and see things play for that, but is there any way that waste a future that if everything gets clear and nice entire many friends have a token I, the second We get guidance from you know in the: u s, se se or from other places in the world, like I'm ready for everything, I'm just trying to
within the realms of what's clear, And so yeah me, like, I think, about a lot of things like that, what Hypothetically, what with the top? What would that allow individual like holders to to do? You know from it's hard for me to speculate, because I also so much utility to the end of tea and I dont want to dilute you know one of the things I'm most focused on is not inflation but deflation. We have a lot of entities and be friends. Land between book games and series to is fifty five thousand and many and I comics and two series- I'm not so excited about bringing another thing to the table. That does a thing until I feel good about what the things that we ve put out, do economic sense a one bit about vainer three? Yes, I don't believe that everyone knows what vienna three asking just give us quick yeah cover
answers on that. We started a agency in the bean or ex world separate from the friends I called been. First was being around F t. We rebranded been there three It's really! Are innovation agency, a consult, in execution agency that things through all the opportunities that companies have in blockchain in tee and but also brought her that the reason we referring to the banner three is we want to incorporate. You know. I I they are a are theirs. innovation going on in the world right now. At the same time, and so avery she's incredible sits at the helm of that and I and open to get her onto want to you will you will, just leverage me I'll help you and she's, you know she's, brilliant and and doing a great job running that company and we're excited about it and big brands. You see some are very pro web three taking a big jump
summer hesitant, I feel like their wings to see things play out. The ones who were optimistic. Why do you see them jumping in and I likewise ones that are has it seem like was the main reason for them not to champion, I think govern. Clarity on the hesitation and then the one shopping in. Is they ve been around them? I have seen innovation first mover advantage matter, and so I think those are the two clarity is in terms of you know just macro big big brands with wet through, like what's the biggest the number one trend here, you're seeing caution in a word, snag tab in the middle of a cripple winter, though it's been allurement better less. I got some recent events, probably not helping like without tax and stuff, like that.
Yeah! I mean that's really unfortunate. I don't even look at exchanges as web three right. They were more web two. Then they went with re write. You know to me. Web three is like you're the custodial you're charge right I mean I feel like that. Almost was like this bad version of web two point: five people thought they were web three. It was fully web to not fully understanding and I think people like you know, people the bad intentions exploited. That or maybe you know, I'm not really, because I never had any of my. You know. Holdings exchanges. I didn't really pay attention other than the headlines, but. it's hard to see how there is any good in. Like a lot of these things, I mean when you play with people's money. You know, on the back end at our banks going to trouble. We ve seen that through the great
depression and banking crisis seasoned. You know, I think you know it's unfortunate to your point, that headlines scare people off and you know I think you just have to wait, which brands that has entered the web through space. What's the bust, your favorite example of whether it's a beta three client or someone else like what's the best example, you can think of I thought I liked how nike and adidas took it really serious. You know, I think that really stands out to me. The artifact acquisition, the executions that that stands out is like okay, they're, like pot committed to the space. So take those two stand out. I don't want to use the main or three, but you know pepsi and budweiser I think that a great job of also taking serious, I never got to look under the hood, but I was impressed at low cost at a good exit.
He's enduring down market, so I wanted. I never got to really look what they did, but that caught my attention draft kings and you know what- some of their stuff. I thought kailash was so a bit, so I think that helped then I know stand out and in terms of you know the loosely coined term of Firstly, I feel like this, a long term vision of what people have for them than what the current version is of it, what a big brands, what are they sang with them? they today we have seen some enter. It's not it's been a spy. that I've been less passion out your tongue, him a b? Are you the whole? I guess the end goal be fully vietnam. So, yes, very inciting people got ahead of their skis lake. Like I followed consumer behaviour like if people were buying cripple functionally twenty twenty. I wouldn't have been as interested. You know until I see people,
really living in vr. It's hard to get excited about. The member states define that way of building a gucci store in these central land. When there's like twelve people going, there is not going to fire me up then the twelve people actually did on desktop. You know, cause he's really got be our device outside of, like you know, like, I think just far away from that and we ve always recommended in that vein to our clients, muslim, so just went through in general. These Would it be fair to say in all ticketing and in terms of using were entities for real world use? Cases ticketing would be the biggest one that we see so far. I think so and how do you see you special? I mean vehicle and then what you guys did down in them are basil sweating
But what would you do you see that evolving ends? What do you see after ticketing as the next big real world use case for entities? I think other functional things that apps email confirmations do reservations. I really think that every airline ticket is going to be enough t instead of a qr code. I think when we have scaled and f t readers, then it will be really interesting, like how's, that gonna look like just like whether it's a phone something else like bright like. Could you imagine known a supermarket and like the scanning, your phone, and because you have a certain of t, you're grocery bills, twain percent less like, like, I think, they're functional, there's more contracts are completely easy to integrate with the technologies. Profound is why the council to block the collectibles up at all clouded a lot of the opportunity and not look. I love collective, but I
think reservations, coup bombing. Like a lot of what you see in the ep culture, I think of tease, can really play a role. levelling up in video games like making Your experience is better through the ownership of, and so that to me is how you mention, it's a video games, the interesting one. They hold the gaming space, What I've seen this play to earn. It's kind of last year public problem with is the like played earns great when four, million people are playing an eight percent care about the investing plato earns real problem when one four percent of the people that are playing or playing for the investment and then they're, just for the money, not their love, and then, when there's a thing comes along. That gives better play to earn things they
go from playing accede to plunge schmaxes. It's just cause. It's I found I found that was really speculative. That's you're not playing because you love it yeah, there's not really any value being I didn't play mike tyson's punch out because I was getting three cents for every hour of play right right, Perhaps them will see maybe some more established gaming brands adopting. And maybe may won't be play to earn so much, maybe just can be more the ownership of the assets later, a mock the right like when you buy a crap low stop unroll blocks and minecraft with real money to have in their, but then you, What did you wanna play fortnight, you'd be cool? If you could sell off on your swag on those platforms and take your minecraft and robots money to buy for like stuff. Instead of putting your credit card in buying that stuff, you not Creating an asset when you're playing in those games it lives only with a neck aim, but when all those decentralized they come assets
So now, all of a sudden, all those points you amassed on mba to kay can be you can. When you're like I don't play to carry more, you can sell that on the blockchain instead of just letting it Sit in the side of a video game, you know, that's where you are. I don't play as many as I I'd like to anymore, but you know back in the day hill, three, I do the I put a lot of hours and then those games said it would be nice if those things were assets to your next year for sure and then just one more minutes and it's not just gaming like how cool is that if you had eight thousand, where's worth of rare collectibles in that. and you sell that off, because you wanted to do some sort of teach like somebody's pudding, teaching enough f tea and you get eighty hours learning it's like why, like rosales, you got Stuff laying around your house that might be worth something it's in your closet same with this, your your p s, two five is your closet. I still have the files right, but I just
we must think about the real quick. You know, besides just using an empty, replacing like a digital ticket with an tea what other ways Do you see like adding value to a customer like two, maybe incentivize and to adopt the like an entity as a ticket like general. could create a chanel house where, if only out of tea, that gives you the ability to go to the seventh floor of their london store and have you know, come tales and tea, but if you don't eat out right so more the exclusive access, excessive access right, there's also just like: where does the deed set? When you buy a home, like you know the the head of all the da, you know the the The the state's municipality building can burn down what happens to all those papers now, like yeah, now we're in a place where we scanned them and they're in the cloud but like so
like when its decentralized like nobody has full control of the hidden like people? You know have to give that a lot thought so like mundane things and nobody's gonna think about contracts, We ve seen ticketing little bit of music, but my question is that these issues being disrupted or being wet through sound, without them. What what do you see? The next big industry? That's gonna be not maybe fully disruptive, but what three is gonna start to enter. You know, with music gray, nitrates very very early, but do you think that we do not want to continue growing or will be gaming. Her, I think really any consumable is employed I, like fashion gaming sports entertainment, thank all of those
It's going to be, you know, impacted, and you know I think I think, a lot of b to b stuff the boring legal law firms. You know like just like documentation like where things sit and I and I'm like. I do think the entertainment business like why couldn't a streaming service come along. That's built on an f t infrastructure instead of, like you know what I mean like like. Why couldn't that be. subscription subscriptions contracts, you know, I think, a lot about. So that's what I see right now. You know you meant like in terms of fashion, so if we look at fashion where their selling a physical product. You know I've been of the belief it's very early, but I've been a belief that you know the fiscal proxy a lot. If not
All of them are going to have like an associated and have tea though they will. And then the question becomes is that physical product held up at an exchange in a warehouse and you don't take ownership of it like stock acts and you're just meeting? The n f t that represents it and then, when I actually want to get that a million dollar painting into my apartment, I have to burn enough tea to get the actual physical or is it just a nice receipt where you can separate the cars once you give it to the person. If you give them the physical and the arab, while their detached because I can just sell off the other theoretical yourself. The physical. Acknowledging and keep track where if I sell you up, fifteen thousand or handbag, and I give you the unity, exits in a mortar. Exchange like environment, then I can actually trade the end of tea and then, if you actually want the ban You can burn enough to you in redemptions.
yeah. Well, what I'm getting at is you know the especial luxury goods, but the second secondhand secondary market with fix that sort of thing right. I really seen It is a way to help combat that, but it so difficult now, because you are the ones that technology wants a physical product so correct, and once you take ownership of it, you can't you know it's not going to prove provenance unless it's sitting, but that's import and there's a lot of people that buy something very valuable to have. They want to know real, by it, in and of teeth or to burn, to take physical count ability of it? Then you're? Good? That's! U! China! That's: u elite yeah at were for a first secondary, so at first secondary, so you got or the night if nobody ever burns, it. there can be ninety nine second, I mean you're, which arched sitting in dog around the world for tax havens for him
in which wine sitting in wine cellars. Do you to many sports cards are sitting in safety deposit boxes? You know like a lot of people, don't need the the actual physical thing I don't I'm not. My public stock is not sitting in my hands right right, the knowledge up and then over time the nf t becomes the thing owning. The f t is owning the birkin bag at scale broke her back. I can only you know rare pair of sneakers. Only so many people can see me wearing them, but once the scales to like social media iq levels like people going to be like what teases that person app not makes sense. That makes sense, and you know we're starting to also see the first implements implementation of sort of like what three social media- I don't know how familiar with it, but the idea of linking all being where to
own basely, the data that, whether it's the posts, what you're a tweet that you put, are the the creative or not insult The best way by owning your fall is being able to take them with you transfer. You know if it's on the same protocol transfer from app to app. What are your. Thoughts unlike the whole, where three sosius messing that's inevitable that's where were for sure I just don't see why one wouldn't work. It does I guess the doubters renounce just like you know the chicken or they if you kind of need the people on the platform for people to wear lack of patience comes in. You know to me: I'm like cool I'll, wait, seven years
to let it mature. I I you know the the web two platforms. They all went through that too right right, right, like I was having dinner or like I would have, I would mean mark Zuckerberg, would be in the ace hotel, seven years into facebook and people. I didn't know who he was seven years like plenty didn't know who he was, but like plenty did it and you know the extrinsic time the the current platforms. What your can you, google, real quick? What your uber was created like the exact date, doesn't kick the exact date and then can you do me a favor and tell me what what's the date on that email where you got them both gas thanks? What's the march twenty two thousand and nine okay, and that email april, eighth, two thousand and eleven right so in two years and one month so that
well for everybody who's listening. I asked for the date, so obviously we got that from Dustin and then what asked us and look on his? I have a framed email from uber thanking my brother AJ for taking the first uber in new york. It took uber two years after being invented to even test uber. In new york say two years. It took two years just the test new york. It takes time right. we are not all years I mean I mean. Why are you I used to be friends not disney. I'm, like I dunno, what's gonna, have me fifty years to get close so with the car Print web two with the current platforms, current social media platforms. Do you: where do they fit in terms of like you know it's better to put yourself out of business before someone else does so at some point. If they feel like it's getting close, I assume they're going to want to execute
the wrong version, yeah, so and- and maybe something like I don't think all will adopted- you know maybe they'll by the time they realize maybe it'll, be too late. Yeah. Of course, you know. Facebook as a leader has been incredible at moma they bought instagram, they bought whatsapp. They tried to buy snap tick. Tock in essence, wasn't really for sale right but, like I think that it's very clear that you know if, if they could move super fast, they would either kill those things or buy them for nothing, but all those deals where billions of dollars once something's out of the bag, it's out the back right, and so, I think for the meta for the tick cox for the linkedin's, the youtubes they're gonna have to give it a lot of thought. I just it's going to be tricky because you know these. The business models
well predicate off yet, but you could have like you know to me: it's just portfolio management. Yes, I understand overhear, facebook or tiktok. You make money off of people being in your ecosystem, but why can't you create another app that is decentralized? That's like owning a vegan restaurant and saying that you can't open a meat, only restaurant, of course Yeah so good, I serious and just kind of like why couldn't meta come out with a decentralized social network at scale when on both sides? It's not like you know how long it's going to be before every when migrates off of your centralized social networks to decentralize social networks through time talk, tat well be years: fifteen and nineteen He said, oh I'm for sure, that's the number I think of ten plus at least people don't even know what the fuck we're talking marry now these are dry centralized. What are you talking about
People are always like you know, like people also just like rina headline and run with it like China. I've literally had conversations of people like they hate us social networks, but now like they don't care anymore, because china has tiktok and I'm like. Well, let's talk it out. What does that mean? Will china will have my data? I'm, like everyone, has your data there's not a person or that data has not been compromised at scale. The iris was hacked, the target was hacked, mastercard was hacked. Visa has been act one Work's been hacked like costco has been hacked like every government's been hacked like. I noticed this whole, like you know, yeah, no, it makes sense nobody's data is private nobody's. What do you think they? You know who thinks their data is private everyone. All of them are wrong. what data every person.
Do you mean millions of people on the dark web have access to when you were born here? Many people have your social security number right now tons, but people don't realize is that there's people don't act on It has to be a purpose like. I laugh that people like I don't want to talk to to be on my phone. I'm like your phone is the problem like you. Your phone is the problem. Your phone is is much more like like what are you scared of like people? Stealing, your money from your bank will, like your bank, gives it back to you in web three. You can actually get shit. Someone right people want the central
station, like one of the biggest decentralized people, got hacked and then wanted. The fbi involved will, like you know, like the hypocrisy of it, might be my suit to you know what I mean like fuck. I don't want to talk about. Your phones like you've got your fucking gps on, like people are funny like people are fucking like worried about how much sugar is in a coca cola, but then driving without a seatbelt people like petra, I'd like petrified a flying while never wearing see built in the back see the day this clear, like people just hyperbole, I shall make sense. I don't like people just talk about both sides of her mouth at scale and it's boring. Twenty one listening to them now, I'm only cause you're familiar, but let's look at
except that part, is the thing that I see too is like you know it's it's everyone's kind of pushing for self ownership self custody, but unfortunately, like you know they just lack of education or or when something goes, how everyone loves the wild wild west until somebody pointed gonna, like this display me like we're up on this before we wrap up. I want to talk about one other industry, maybe to return the music. music, consolidates the who has written, holy grady, I what three music garlic you've one you ve talked the holy grail is holy grail. Is a fans owning a piece of the royalties like that's insane and again in the clarity of law and all this black? When that happens, that'll be the most fun, everyone can become an eight hour.
It's like fun like all this bandsaw you know like now. You know how, like the cliche thing, like somebody discovers a band or an artist, they love them when they're small. They seem in a forty person venue, but when they get famous they're like fuckin, sell out, it's always been the weirdest relationship. Now people will be go go because I only three percent of your first of all. I want you to sit. I want you to be back in the biggest banned in the world has changed. If that happens now be so cool No, I I think it's for the for the better as well otherwise you're just over giving the you are giving way too much leverage to the banks, which are the record labels. they actually on what do you think they're going to do like do you think they off they'll evolve, they'll become marketing agencies for it's distribution and funding and funding is taken away from them. Distribution now is social media like how many more
why do we need somebody to explode on soundcloud and tiktok for people realize you don't need mtv or or eat to get your album, like, like people still deep down. Think like I'm gonna get my record in. Record store, like I don't know what we're doing life. So I think that now we really quite and go about. They'll have to act, will happen I demand value, not distribute and finance value is could we like make the same? Something like this is similar to that? maybe the social media platforms like they're gonna have to evolve and when we met social media platforms are providing honestly This is a fun time to go there once abroad world explain to you for every one who, like these vulcan platforms, make all the money in their fuckin using me I'm getting used. Let us talk about it. Does it do you know if it does cost or does not cost money too,
it's an ad in a newspaper, do you think you can call a newspaper and say: hey I'd like you to put a full page ad and here's? What I'd like you to put and I'd? Prefer you charge me nothing possible. Why do you think I can call cnn right now and say: hey cnn, hey fox, hey, CBS, hey a b c. I would like to run a video in the When your hit shows a commercial, I would like to pay you nothing for that. Ok, that billboard outside right behind you. Do you think I Call that number and say hey, I like to put up the vinyl. That goes there to say, follow we friends on social media and please charge me nothing. Do you believe I can call howard stern's show on sirius and say: hey are listen. You don't have to read these things in between the show and go to vpn, stockholm: to do think how to do that for free cool now.
These social networks say: hey we're, open, craven, account post something and something can happen and it costs zero from. ass? This whole concept that these social networks have fuck the man. The man has used social networks for their benefit. I built a humongous audience on Youtube facebook, twitter, instagram tik tok snapchat an eye I haven't paid those companies, a single penny when I saw empathy instrument, but the enormously back. Where does it come from. This is a ludicrous conversation I killed. for decentralized social networks, where you have the bill your own audience. Why were you not maybe We must not rely on an algorithm to you, pull First people are there you're getting access to people. People love to cry about things that they take for granted.
what I was older wait a minute. What he'll. I could just send e mail not be charged twice weeks, let me get this right. This wife redoubtable twitter, the banks like so I get the post people follow me and they can share what I've. So I get word of mouth. And distribution and the platforms not charging me. Finally, europe comes Twitter is about the charge for now. and everyone's and eurobonds the new flock these pull shit? Why do we talk cause? You? Don't you dont want ads? You dont want them in a like this, My data is being monetize, is fucking lap button on the record. We really sat up that went away. I, like the mostly adds that I see have something of interest for me. I dont like yeah on television, I dont need type. Where's or tampons. When I'm watching the shit like, I don't need it. I don't mean,
beer, I'm not going to drink your beer. I don't need that. I, like new york jets at. it's a better experience when I'm targeted the whole thing. Fucking pisses me off It really does not because I love social. Now I don't fuck about. I can give a shit about social networks. I just don't like. When people talk without a complete conversation, it's free Instagram is free for you so they monetize by advertisers. Coming to you. That's like television. You know? Well, monetize. Is your data television, You know what monetize your data newspapers, you're, reading the wall street journal utah The page you will want to see that full cage of some financial service, but they know that you're reading the wall street journal, you might want financial services like people.
very interesting to me. Where these are making money they're, making money more getting entertainment of. He talked does not charge you for other entered into every kid on earth unlimited entertainment on Tik for free, meanwhile, fearfully Twenty bucks, a month or whatever fucking netflix amateurs netflix now withdrawn right. Right now I don't like I don't get it like its entertainment for free, it's Building on its for free, like how do you think this works, my can't wait for decentralization when it's based on merit and not the I'll go and the audiences there we'll see how much people reminisce about this time and what they complained about it might come sooner or later, but we'll see what happens with with twitter. What you know like you said: the fascinating thing, brother people are funny man waters rate by, I was putting it out there for,
millions on part of charity waters. I know it's not free for a lot of people are not easy but like just remind everybody water for life people do listening this progress. It is very likely that you have water in europe, but you pay your play: four bucks for bottled water and you have a free people, just funny things that people talk about it do like. You know who I am and ass the ship brothers. The show me your crying poor and your by for our starbucks for coffee, which used to be a quarter five minutes ago. just have a couple minutes: leftist ones you some questions to discover here, which we friends are you most excited to develop the heartbreak. carpet they are not necessarily what's your favorite, without which, when you become like that he only the thoughtful three horn heartbreak is.
Only made up character and all be friends, every single be brent, otherwise something people and so most fun to develop, because I have to develop it like what our her You know, I think, about the three horn harping like chewbacca, tobacco is in star wars and then you to develop the later, because it was so successful. You like could develop all rookies, not just chewbacca, so the heartbreak is not tobacco to heartbreak, it's a wookiee, so I have to develop the whole John rob this just a thoughtful one like it could be like. If you asked me like sixteen years from now, give me a hot take. Guess, I'm like ooh the heartbreaks like spun out to be friends and they're, just like a whole Harvick thing. How did you come up with the topic? I think at some point in the drawing I I gotta go. Look back at the video I feel like I was so I was drawing. I was drawn with intent to like I got to draw a cougar of fuck out of minor drug like and then at some point. I think it just got tired.
Bored and mundane, and I was like just drew it. It was almost a combination of a lot of other. things are drawing those kind of just like make. This is like very creative cooker, what other t projects side yourself course. Yours are you most interest in washing develop? moon birds, because a huge cabin rose fan border because it became the dominant leader and beef on the watch them world of women. I think, is still really significant. One doodles, interesting to me personally you penguins? interesting me personally, just like operators that I think are really trying to do it. You know though, the minutes a ton, Madame keeping an eye on swamp, as you know, like just little, what wolf game has very success? I one that was like the one the biggest things I like jumped on age, I loved it. I got caught up in the hope of it all
like just got excited. He noted and stunt very well Actually, I'm a little bit out of the loop for this question, because I really don't even have a great update on any of the things I just mentioned for focused I've been so focused on be friends, but I'm excited to see what happens with those really. Honestly, everybody was given in a real run. Anybody good intent and as a you'll, storied debt, Bela's button. You know, like anybody who, I think is like Try to really do it, it'll be fun to see. How goes much so and of the celebrities that embrace what three enough tease so far one there you must exceed excited to see what the next move is. The great question: I love snoop, because he so entrepreneurial like legs, a real entrepreneur. Besides being a rabbi, Connor Hiphop, icon, sup Green. I think that is really about that life. There are really interested in him to be, I think, he's just a great story. Teller like he got like make em the key could make a tea
If that it was originally whatever he's gonna do he's a different level? Storyteller he's got that george lucas Steven Spielberg, like dna, I mean how these up that caliber yet but, like he's, got home run, hitting ability like, if you told me again, you're a genie from the future. My gary guess what happened green, put out a project and then six years later movie came out and it was the shreck it was the frozen. It was the eighty of its time in that, like massively impact, the euro. I think he gets it and last last real quick one sentence to live with the listeners today then extremely proud of you, for gotta your comfort zone to do this and that if you can do this every, we can do this and everyone should do that- that they have in their stomach that they're, scared or reserve to do I they did a great job, I do this a lot like
some people, animated like I am others like go right down the highway and that's what you did here and I think your continue get better and I can't wait to see hundredth episode like so much pressure cheers
Transcript generated on 2023-03-27.