« The GaryVee Audio Experience


2023-10-30 | 🔗

We need to redefine success and what it takes to get there. so many people's impatience prevents them from truly reaching their potential. In today's podcast episode, I'm sharing a chat from Telfaz Fireside in Saudi Arabia. We talk about how the careers we choose are often pushed on us by what our parents and society expect, and how that can leave a lot of us feeling stuck and unhappy. We also dive into why it's important to say what you mean clearly at work, how to mix new ideas with tried-and-true methods, and the need to listen to your audience while staying true to your own ideas. We touch on dealing with the fear of missing out, how media and pop culture really shapes the way we see the world, and why understanding different cultures matters in today's connected world. This episode is great for anyone who wants to get real about making their own path and understanding the world around them. I hope you enjoy it!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Every single person here has probably missed out on the best thing that ever could have happened to them in their lives and the second. You accept that truth that the millions of decisions you've already made in your life have probably kept you away from the best thing that could have ever happened here. Like a love of your life, the idea of your life business operating the money make like all of it. Then I think you can start leaning into the human experience. We don't give ourselves enough room and it goes back to patients. How do you do both by knowing you have a lot of time to do both and as far as fomo you're, never going to know how it would have been anyway plus the thing I always think about to make myself feel even better about the fact that I've said no to the best things that ever happened to me is knowing that it also would have changed the course of my life. So, yes, maybe I would have said yes to going out with my friends at night and I would have saw something and it would have led to the idea of my life, but maybe then, while I was executing that idea, something bad could have happened. Attention is the number one asset first of all such a pleasure? It's good to see everybody. You don't! Fourteen years ago, my brother and I started a company so not to
around the same ranges you guys and the goal. was to be able to effectively come here kate everywhere in the world. At that point, in my life thirteen. Fourteen years ago, when I was thirty three thirty four, I had a sense that I finally started to and what I was good at. I you know built my family's retail business it's and I realize I love the marketing more than selling the product and is very good at it and I was doing things early. I was doing united, commerce and ninety. Ninety six, a majority of this room was born in ninety ninety six, I was doing a male marketing and ninety ninety nine, when I could get ninety percent of the people on the e mail, is to open the email. I google adwords the day the day google adwords started started along form you tube show in february, if two thousand six you know I was an early investor and facebook and twitter. I was there, and- and so I wanted to
got a communications infrastructure because I wanted it to be at my, disposal. I thought of it is the most important remote control of my life that whatever business. I started whatever thing that was passion about. If I wanted, I he's kind of new myself. So I said you know from eighty four years old and somebody- I love is taken by a disease. I'm gonna want to cure that disease, and yet I could raise money, but that's been proven to me is not the most effective way, the most effective ways to get the world to care, and I think If I could build a communications infrastructure, whether I wanted to sell. Curse or I wanted to cure diseases, and everything in between that would be important as my remote, control, and so I started, a company fourteen years ago and slowly but surely we're building scale that were able to ban until other places, I've been doing personal content for a long time, very early snapchat, I've always
Had a pretty strong. You know presence snapchat users in saudi, because I was pretty early and making content, so I've always wanted to go. Here. As you know, I've been to the overall middle east region a lot we're trying to get here. Multiple times I always very in and out to leave tomorrow, like I just got here, you know, so I'm just saying to be here and obviously I dont to tell anybody in this room. It has been removed workable to watch the expand, of opportunity, and creativity and growth in this country in the last twelve eighteen months I can read my head around what the next decade looks like, and so you know the way. I talk africa. The way I think about korea, there's just parts that I am in Kristen investing more time into because I haven't fully got in in their yet, as I think you can't story unless you respect and listen, and so before when I think about those things. I want to spend a lot of time doing those things and so excited to be here
Well, I know it's. It's definitely a pleasure having you here and that sits on the boards. I want to ask you a question if you please, it seems like a lot of your success from what you wish this had happened, because of because your daughter yeah, he made the right decisions with the right. Copyright investments are beyond words when it first came out. He made content before people started, making content go on youtube. You are investing facebook in how. How did you make these decisions? What help you make these decisions? I think two things when I think about because it's the thing that people ask me the most about and splendid the last ten years trying to understand- and I think there's a lot of things that worked out for me. One I'm incredibly curious, I didn't we.
something I really knew about myself, but especially when it comes to people. You know I could have like you know a bit different. True answer to my last question is because I genuinely like people I'd like to meet them all then I think that we can do. That is if you go, and so I I've had a very strong curiosity of people, even the child, seven. ten years old, I was disputed Actually the kid in the class that had the most friends I wanted to be with everyone. I was interested in everyone I liked every one and so curiosity about people has always been a thing on top of that it's been a salesman. I was One of the cell candy, your lemonade or trading cards, and you're gonna sell. You have to pay attention so think. The things that work for me is I'm curious about people? I'm very
willing to waste time. This is a big one thing. One of the reasons I'm good at what I do is I'm willing to waste time. So I'm curious. I see something what saw six years ago musically. So I see musically and I see wow, so very young social network and its main, thirteen year old girls right now and their dancing. but what I saw because I spent twenty hours on it at a time when was busy as me. Wouldn't two minutes on it because they would dismiss. It was I think the music and the app is making it easier for these young girls to make content, as you know, As all of you know, The thing that makes it easier for people may content is always powerful. It's like training wheels when you learn to write a bike, so I was it will to through my curiosity, which is why even saw musically, but then humility of my own time. I think to many people.
value their time too much when it's not that valuable, we'll get fancy, don't I'm too busy, I'm like no you're, not you're, too lazy to cure your to lack of curiosity, you're too audacious. You're too complacent to passive. None of those things apply to me when it comes to business, and so I think I use those things and then the The thing is, I am not this. Interesting in a room full of small create jobs, the only thing I have conviction about this. you all right and I'm not the only I have conviction of- is that the audience and humans are more right at me. I think but the challenges with very creative people or very ambitious people is you have strong opinions, which are quite powerful, the ability to say no or to have conviction is incredibly powerful.
Do you think a lot of people miss out on opportunity, because they don't have the humility to understand the audience is more right than them. And so it's a very fine balance of having fiction about you see specially creatively, but also. respecting of and for you and for a lot when your maid of youtube, when your native social, its what more interesting, because you can't hide the results speak you know when you do a commercial and television, the things we both agree on our dead. Will you can I, behind the press saying it was a good commercial. Are you getting an award, but sure consumption in social and digital There's no lie. and so I think that my couple of humility to me. I think, regardless of how successful I've been forever, thirty years of my career tumor, ro can become the day that it starts declining,
I don't stay humble and curious, and I focus on that. I am also not romantic about how I mean I'm not attached, oh I'm making my money now. So, if netflix and youtube and tik tok are important to me today. I'm always ready for them not to be important tomorrow, even if it means that I might have to take a stand, back financially in the short term, I think the biggest thing that hurts people they get stuck on how they make their money and then
not willing to deviate and follow the consumer they're following their comfort and their wallet. The just going to say things that you have been very. That is really focused, Gee pop culture. Yes, they to be relevant in culture. The fas also er shaw is very stronger. They started their company c three creative culture, culture, catalyst because they believe that they're not being a catalyst for culture relevant to pop culture, see both have that in common. Why is pop culture so important to your dna? I think it's this. I think it's potentially the most significant currency that lives in the world? You know I say I almost said it was, and then you know you know me well enough. I'm a pretty big fan of love, so I think I'll put love ahead of it, but jeez the factor
pop culture is very close to love when I think about the currency of the world. You know, I think I think it's credibly naive to not make a huge commitment to popular culture, nice to meet you. It's really funny. It's almost like saying like. Why is water and oxygen important? That's like when you ask The question I am almost struggling to articulate I I'm shocked that nineteen, percent of the world continues to not see this. like. Why is he wearing vans wisely wearing airforce once why? Why why everything is so important? And it's so obvious, I think you know, even when you go out to dinner the friend that knows the emerging. You knows artists, music or is most on top of why people are wearing it. Fashion. I think about everything like, even when I sit in an audience like this, are managed I think like the Denham jacket or what the hairstyles are like
We breathing matters to me everything because we all make decisions. We don't think about it. but everyone here literally, is gossip. Consciously making decisions on what their wearing phones around the neck. This is all profound to me. It's perfect onto me it's how the world works, and so I spent in them. Uncanny amount of time trying to stay top, of which artists and and here's. Why? What's really cool about pop culture is it's like cooking pop culture is like cooking You know why cooking fascinating weakened all have the same ingredients here right. But the way we all cook it would be different and some would be delicious and some would not. I think the motion the same thing about pop culture is bans Bans originally were really for california, serpent, skateboard, kids, but then, with the way, we pop culture works all of a sudden but lack kids in the ghetto
started wearing it as a cool thing, and I remember watching that and look look with you. Happening right now. It's like I'm literally getting goosebumps look at this as on top Here's why the man population like ingredients like those coming together a pop, sure is the most interesting thing in the world. Something starts us It's why I love people in the world. It's why I love what the world's doing now Our grandparents lived in a world where the way media was, they told us how to feel about each other. The war old used to tell us how to think about each other. Now, because of the way content works. We can discover each other for what it is. I love that that's the world, that's chemicals, that's the fusion! I'm talking about theirs. Nothing more interesting into why something becomes popular, and you know this things become popular today, twenty years ago were inconceivable and in twenty years things that we find. popular today or how we everybody will
photos of the way they look right now in twenty years and laugh they were wearing hairstyles. It's just me to me, and so I keep up you'll attention on that, because I, like Hell, things come together and create something new, so speaking of things that are becoming popular and how things become part of it and you smoke on on concerts and listening to the audience, that's what it was important things, a concert: what's your take on creating something new waiting tries you know giving dye is something they didn't know they needed. Well, I think that That is a forever game that humans are incredibly capable of, This is why were such a superior species to a warm or a bird. We have incredible creative power, I believe it is a huge to me and I love the way you're asking a question when on pay intention to things I dont think that
a curtails my ability to do something new. I think it empowers it. Because the reality is something new is always been motivated by something in the past, but We are individual humans with our individual experiences and laying at night and in the shower thinking and brush it. You know it's amazing how that works. So I think it's the wash trooping, but I love when people like this person, don't you know somebody blake this person movie maker and artists, an athlete like this is the original and I think about it, Let me give you a very interesting way to answer a question. How do I think about it? is a documentary. I think all of you should watch about little richard, little richard, a very famous musician, if you Go into it you'll, be. Sickly, leave, watching the documentary, thinking and being completely affected by an, and this has been long believed by
Many people who are passionate about music that little richard is truly the father of rock and roll. this black man from george truly and you'll watch at that, link stones and Elvis, there's unlimited content showing them saying I was inspired by little richard. However, so this whole movie is a documentary about little richard. It's free with unlimited content from David Bowe, eater, mick, Jagger, to Elvis presently thing you know to to the beatles little richard Wright its clearly pro little, richard is the king of rock and roll, and how does the movie star in the first thirteen fifteen minutes of the film twentieth. The film talking about his childhood it literally shows you the eleven people that impact at him to become him. It was very small, it's back to the thing that took better, they were very small ingredients and he had own dna, his own life The timing right
timing, as everything I have referred, me feeling a rustling film acts very differently twenty years earlier, The country was invariably just a different world, the world's different the distributions different. You didn't get it made a year right, so I think what's really powerful of how I think about that is that's how the work we will always work, and so Even though I am listening to the comments of the I get it, credit for doing a lot of original things when I broke out in my industry. I was so in wine in amerika. I was so like he's so different. I would watch back to rustling of wait a minute, I'm different and I also love standard com it actually to think we just talked about. I was so affected by richard prior and eddie murphy, by re. Indeed, the motto me and savage: the wrestler that Michael publication style. I didn't realize epidemic. Ten years later, like wait a minute this I you know, and so it's clearly not me
Doing them. It's it's their little feeds are in me and the nurse nine percent me and that's how I think origin thoughts. Get done. Think. The question too, like they put out content movies tv shows that people are used to certain things, so they don't want to just do what the consumers want. They want to create for credo, they're, not greedy for the market, they're breeding for themselves. I think that's right. I I think that I think that's right karma, back to popular culture or listening if you're doing an hour, thirty film and you decide and you're gonna. Do it about this subject matter that none of the comments have told you want it, however, in the writing or in the improv of the acting or in the directing, or producing of the film if you're making, reed afore references- things that you know what's happening in popular culture. It's going to land and sea I think that is like right. There you go so I think of that is
taking advantage of what you do, what they do for a living in doing so much content and understand pop culture, but when they go to a bigger production like they ve done its using those elements of spices inside this is not the main meal because they the main dishes what they wanted to make I would like everyone in the eye and see a chance to scary something weird with a person to do it together. Anyone asked me recently how to fight the feeling of impatience when you have too many plans. Thank you. Ask me that its you're right, it's my number one, it's my number one, it's my number one. it's my number one, because it goes back to listening thirty, percent of light hundreds of thousands, direct messages that I get a year, If not millions of this point are based on this, you know. Look, I think, there's couple things even the way you set up the story to your point One of the things that I know is that the general
the parents apparent? Did you and definitely their parents, and on and on the there is an over valuing of staff listen profession as something that those. Parents brag to their friends and their parents about so give an entire generation of in brown, kids and eastern european kids, who are pushed who pushed very heavily into engineering into medicine, into law into the cliche things, and so this is pounded into people's heads What I believe that does is creates an incredible vulnerability for those kids to rest their parents to not be happy and that's why produce so much concerned about that? Wouldn't also does is when you were a student, you are on a track euro robot you go up. a year you get grades, you go up, you go to you go to.
Her school higher school university. It's it's a fake gang life is a real game. Life is a real game, so people are impatient, because the first eighteen twenty two years of their life every year they move up a level. It's just a bit like play the video game, then the real life in real life. Does not linear, like that, and those kids, even though they might have resentment or anger or have reconciled with appearance about don't worry about other people's opinions. You just want me to be a doctor, because your sister, your best friend meanwhile, they themselves are worried about other people's opinions. There is no reason to be impatient. you're, learning everyday and feel like you're on the right track, the only thing that can dictate that is outside forces. right, because the reality is your happy and you you like you're learning every day and you are on the right track, the only other,
parts of the world are outside opinions in the things that you physically want do you want the lamborghini. Do you want a nice apartment? Do want a watch. My argument is the fashion you can get away from wanting. Physical items and want validation from other human beings that are not living your life quicker. You lack the ability to be impatient. You have to ask yourself, And I believe the reason people want things. Ninety five percent of the time is right I validation I'm not so sure that people want to push for the porch or for what purpose. think about them when they have a push so I'm very passionate about outside voices, I think if you you know when I hear your story of like you, wanted to do this, then you are pushed this way now. You found yourself back and you're this young, and I note that there are, or twenty seven don't think, they're young
twenty, seven years to smell thirty and when you're twenty, thirty feel super old, michael my cousin work for my father. When I finished university, I was twenty two he was thirty and that I remember the first day I walked into the store and I've been working with them for a long time, but I remember when I was twenty two and he was thirty. I thought he was a thousand thirty when you're twenty two, how, during my friend, howard twenty five, you're twenty five and twenty three when you're twenty to thirty feels like it feels like a big number, but when you're, forty seven, you know how laughable that is, because b, seven I feel twenty five, I feel exactly member twenty five and guess what was the year two thousand What are the make sure why to kate and break the computers? I remember day. I was his age. I want to tell you, inside my stomach inside my soul: inside my ambition inside me dreams and hopes and wants, I feel exactly like he does so you can imagine how not worried-
twenty seven, but you have start genuinely looking yourself in the mirror and asking how much Your impatience is predicated on outside opinion. And I would argue almost all of it. When I see others succeeding. I asked me Why am I not at that place? Yet you have the wrong definition. success. Let me explain what I mean by that. I think you're right I would also ask you if you are in the process of accomplishing that your action, in the best place. The process of accomplishing it is often better than accomplish it. I would all for people that have pulled off making films, that if we really ask them day of the seat of the idea, is even more exciting than a day and errors when you are maker, the point process is more enjoyable making it like. As a matter of fact, almost all of my most challenging days is ones. Something I was excited about, has been finished. Many thickets
They it's when you sell it it's when it happens. It's when you are awarded. It's not fun part I understand you want to make a movie. It makes sense, I'm just asking you You don't know anything about that person's journey. You're, making assumption and, more importantly, you need to figure out. Here is a good one. This is a very unique take on what you're saying I'm curious. If this is gonna bring you value go in a very interesting place. Doesn't you ve never heard this for me at something? I've been thinking a lot about. I vote fascinated by perfectionism. You know, people like I'm gonna prefer you don't get it I'm a protectionist, and I always, Do that wasn't true I always knew that it was insecurity that they were scared. To put it out. that's why they were using paypal but but saying you're in secure is It's cool is saying you're perfectionist but it was the same game. I've always been fascinated by people who position themselves as being tough and
selves, especially when they are quick to bring out, Everybody around them always says that there too, tough on themselves, because it means that they ve been effectively storytelling to the people around them that there too hard themselves which it actually, a very on paper. Mobile kind of positioning. I would I would ask yourself when you go to sleep tonight and you think about this. Are you interested in positioning yourself to the people around you as someone who is hard and themselves or you hard on yourself, you nurse, then it's it's interesting work. Yeah you have to look inside because I think it's a smart way to position yourself as a protection mechanism to give you time on your journey, so you're not judged while europe their journey. I thought you would
I like it too, and something I've been thinking about. Please, please. Sometimes people get intimidated by my facial expressions. Do you have any advice on how the approach that we are so clearly the couple things one on the second one: it's you know, I love that you are aware of that All you need to do is act on that empathy and insight, meaning if you are quick, the physically react. If somebody throwing an idea. You're like what are you whatever? Maybe if you feel like, that's detrimental, to you and I'm sure you're you're, a human being. You also want to be empathetic to how it makes the other person feel to be on the offence to communicate contacts, meaning thing. I do a lot. I am also very intuitive, very quick. If I feel like I react to something
and I can tell that it does not land I will immediately re contextualize it in the moment, I think you need to use your words, the community's your words, your words will offset your face, but you have to be active on it. You have to acknowledge if you're, if you're, recognizing that you need to be aggressive about that, especially when you know you're thinking the opposite, the first I would tell you to do- is when feeling the opposite, your positive about something and excite about that. You can never leave and interaction without without over communicating your enthusiasm, because that will be and offset that scenario. Look the first one to your point: how to lead conversation with strict parents who don't support what I'm, doing the only thing that ever works is we're standing up to your point. The Well, that's a bandaid get into a fight with them That's a bandaid set them spread, that's a bandit, the
we think I've ever seen. Really work in this game is you're standing. The alternative will create. Worse relationship with you in your parents, meaning the biggest. challenge kids have loved their parents or frustrated with their parents. Of not accepting journey is on standing that if they, the child camper ices and pieces the parent that within a decade you will have such high levels of resentment towards your parents, that your relationship for the rest of your lives will be negative. and so what you're deciding, because you love your parents is that your will to bear your teeth and grind it out and be inconvenience and struggle with it in the short term for the greater good. In this scenario, fifty percent of the time it works out and parents. We then rewrite history and are very proud, and you know how it is uneven, that doesn't work out? Even if the child, that's on a journey, does not succeed, they have put
themselves in a position to not blind their parents because they gave it their full effort and they'll never have that resentment or regret. So I think the answer Your question is in your scenario where you feel like you, don't have a lot of, options and you're not going to change their mind with words. The only way Do it is by changing their mind with actions it just gonna. Take your tenure it wasn't a patient's. It just can take you ten years and you have in your mind, go very high level and say I'm willing for it to not. The ideal for the next three five ten years, because if I quit this and do what I want them to do, that no outcome. That is gonna, be healthy, yeah, I started. Reading content, the filming and editing and doing these comedy shows and their parents are the only place to eat course expected until the content went viral on whatsapp and then the parents, somebody shared with the
and then he's like. Oh my son movie of I said I saw that lapped parents incredible and rewriting history, I'm always believed you could do it. You know it's look. Parents love there as a parent. You love your children so much that, it makes you delusional. You have them watch you love so much that you are not rational and parents do overvalue other parents opinions too much. That's why I hope this generation all of you, the biggest thing the frustrates me is kids limit like All your parents have the same frustrations with their appearance, but then they're doing it to you I might. My hope, is that this generation becomes the generation. That is a hypocrite breaks, a cycle. How can I figure out if I had the idea for the next mega head, you ever birth,
only two ways to do it, one! the way they have always done it, which is blind conviction you dont know, then you just have this burning desire to tell the story and you just gotta, go the new way that were all very fortunate to do. Is there. subtle ways to play with it in social. Well, you don't give it away, but you are able to them Adequately get a feel if there's something that's resonating and I in reality everything in the future. Given the structure we have he's gonna, look like a little bit of both right. Like there's a reason. Many people will do a little bit about it. You know my team, but when I think about my content, does sitting here. He knows how true this is there We have a very good understanding of best practices. The first recent, hence the thumbnail. What time did like we're very much in the science of the art and were in the art of the art? Yet there are many things that I said here today: definitely what
can t you cause. I've never said it before that when the team will take the raw footage right now and no clip it into best practices. So, though, try edit. What we just did for a minute and all replied to the team when they give it to me and say: no, no, that one special to me play in full, I'll, be three minutes and nineteen seconds, and I know that people watch it. I know about video will get forty seven thousand views instead of eight hundred thousand, but I don't care because I want to say, got it, and so you know, though, now there's there's a very interesting line there of commercial success right with like your own passions. You know you we should get a lot more freedom, long term to do what you want with commercial success, but I do think the way like you know when I think about the exciting things I've heard about cinema here and when I think about what's going on with netflix
I think we could probably all agree here. We're probably not very far away from I this has been flirted with for a long time, but I believe in the next fifteen years. we will have a massive here of dirt, the consumer movie that will really transcend our industry. I if someone that looks the profile of the all, when I see this crew, I'm like ok, that's it evolution of what I see when I go to hollywood, that's more blended into what I believe in and what they're doing it's it's back to their land right. I think that somewhere in the next fifteen years. Maybe maybe y'all or maybe an evolution of what europe to somebody's gonna sell forty million copies of a movie nine dollars on a website the technology, it will be there that they could actually get forty million for people like the things that we all know is. The blockchain can be profound, the blockchain right I was confused because of eta terrorism than scamming, not, but like the technologies,
bound for what I just said that, on the watching versus the internet is a whole different thing right. You can prove it there's just so many things, going on in reality a high. The are the metabolic there's a lot going on, so I thought that we're all going to be able to be in a place, and I think you're gonna end up doing both. I think every create a person in in the future. And starting now will probably end up doing both doing some stuff for commercial success and just like I'm doing with my content, many things I do is, I know, what's going to work and I believe in it and will the best way we can one million views but very proud, and I show it to my team, because I want them to learn for me I'm a girl. I know this not gonna do well, but for the seven people. What I mean, I know the exchange you and I had about that. I'm too hard to myself. That's a conversation. I study this up. What I said to you is now more people. Talk about when they talk about that. I know that
Twenty nine people on earth that going to watch the video and it's a start, There will be ready to hear that, a hundred and we'd like no gary, because they don't do not ready right, but twenty nine that are ready, and it's worth it I think, that's how have to think about your sigh fighting. Is this something that the uk go to the ground in a hundred years. God willing that you never made it that you'll be devastated, or are you okay, because you got nine other stories that you're equally curious by those are things you have to decide for yourself live film industry in saudi arabia is just starting is now the time to experiment or to figure out how to that I think the one and the same They think what you're saying from experimenting is really the thing that fascinates all of us, a storytellers which, as you know, films were made that had all the science and polling and analytics behind it and flopped map is,
undefeated when it has to dance with art. You understand, math is undefeated when a place with itself, but when it please with art it can use to. So I think what I would say is on both the ways you ask it: both should go as hard as fast as we can, because it is unprecedented times right what experimental you go, but something tried and true. How are you, to find that the fact you all, starting with the founders, have put eleven years relation. just some reform before came together. Like look, it's really exciting. For me who likes to root, for talk to know the position we are in at the time that you're it. I think I think for all of you for all of you, the timing. In this incredible country in this genre is unprecedented. It's really special, and so I think this is You don't want to do what a lot of people and of doing, which is in thirty years, realising how unprecedented it was an
Why did I leave at six o clock? Just go play. Video games like this was the time I shouldn't went as hard as possible. There will never. At time like this again because people gonna come like use this moment. What am I doing here? People gonna come This is an unprecedented time, go as hard as you can so you said that maybe you should have fiction or something why experiments are convicted scott field? Yes, yes, we used to come out and violence, yes, the commercial, maybe yes, but how can we maybe an educated guess using living in socially connected where we can use data and feedback? What how would you look? Let's look yeah, let's, let's use the film that you educated beyond that then well, there is russia with your network and how you understand it there was in incredible opportunity for you to this.
eyes. What you're working on yet still talk about the genre of wrestling and put that count tent into social, would not the same characters with not the seems up, but you can. Actually. yet validation to the, interest around the genre by putting it out there disguised form. I do that quite a bit. You just. Could it's not a perfect match but the reality is, is you can you really. Can you really can do clips and little many you know, like you know, One two, three four minute clips that play with the themes of the shot or I'll, give it a good example. Maybe when you were writing it in no the film obviously, but maybe there's a big story line of the relationship of the wrestler with his grandmother, I'm just making that up Well, there's a lot of ways. You could do interesting social content to thirty three milk people in this country of origin. relationships with uncle relationships of grandfather, relationships with grandmother and actually look at.
Data and the feedback and wait a minute actually nobody's- really talking about the goat, the uncle dynamic and seems like that really caught a lotta people's attention. Maybe let's rewrite it, make it about the uncle's relationship, grandma's, that's how I think you can affect it. What do you do if you start losing your authenticity? I love that you know I've always felt that the thing that help me with that. The most is having the capacity to step away and the way is not as literal as moving at a house you stupid way doesn't mean you have to step away and go for six months to the mountains and come back. It means stepping away in action. Creating more time for yourself to think and be around the elements that were
who you are I'll. Give you example with me when I feel like I'm like a little bit more detached from the center. I tend to go back to spending more times with my friends from high school or college, or starting to narrow. In my circle, usually the reason you're getting away from your authentic place is the human relationships around you and they don't. You have to be bad. I'll give you a great example that might be similar to yours, I realize three and a half years ago that I was getting worse at marketing, because I hired to many people from agencies. and even though I was the alpha and the ceo dictating their energy was starting to bleed into me, and so what did I do? I made it big to do about it and said this gives I used to be stopped. Spending more time on my content started the power to do this started to trim out
one of the people that I thought were bringing too much in the tradition in a respectful nice way, and I think you have to protect your energy. you ve, really no different than a lot of us going through work. You need to figure out what in the job, what in your personal relationships, what in the content that you're consuming what in the people that you're talking to? Who who can you reed sugar, and how do you get into that place? You know like it's getting back to those routes. I think it's. It's funny you asked the question I would spend as much time as possible, and who are you with, and what were you consuming at the time that you were the way you wish you were one of them interesting emails. I get from people that consume content is title like back with you. now that I've been doing it for a long time. I get a lot people who say you know I I stopped watching the content five years ago and I've started consuming it again six months.
it's really helping me and it's a version of what I'm talking to you about right now, which was they reset and try to think about when they were happier or when they were more, what they want to be, what were they doing? What they consuming and who were they with? Then I think that's a that's an audit you need to consider. Does that make sense in any way it is hard. You know the thing that's hard for. All of us is it's in the subconscious, but I I think that that's what I would do if I was when I'm in a rut I like that, I try to go back and like I do funny things like. I go garage sailing I remember one time specific, live and worked in my dad's or for a day just like. I am I'm telling you I know it's. I notice how I asked you doesn't make sense. I knew you wouldn't like it's not easy. What I'm saying, but I you think you can go very literal and say: ok, I was most often accept when I was watching these kind of videos, because you can.
I know you're a different man than you were five years ago three years ago. You can start to do that. It's something we're thinking about one last question. how do I balance seeking more opportunities and driving toward my number one goal? I would say that every single person in this room are what you finish. The second question, but let me job on this one. Every single person here has problem. you missed out on the best thing that ever could have happened to them in their lives and the second you accept that truth, That they millions of decisions you ve already made in your life, have problem. We kept you away from the best thing that ever happened. Your life, the love of your life, the idea of your life, the best sovereignty, the money mainly all of it, then think you can start leaning into the human experience I'm telling you that's what it is like. We we don't give ourselves enough room and it goes back to patients
You know how do you do both by knowing you have a lot of time to do both where's foma you're, never gonna- know how it would have been anyway plus the thing I always think about to make my I'll feel even better about the fact that I've sent noted the best thing that ever could have happened to be is knowing that. It also want to change the course of my life, some guess maybe I would say yes to going out with my friends this night and I would saw something and it would have led to the idea of my life but maybe then, while I was executing that idea, something bad could have happened. Maybe that one robbing to a meeting and allay- and I wasn't The intention in a car hit me and I'd be dead right now. I think people are fascinating in there inability to understand how much of life you dont control, and that, like everything is everything is follow. You need to flip it. Instead of think they give it literally. You need to think of a much bigger like that's happening every day like every like
you look like you're thinking about as actually go through this project. Should I do that you're? Looking at the big things, I think it's even if you like, your house five minutes earlier tomorrow, your life would be different. It's really really big. You know what I mean like. I know it may sound silly, but what I think it done for me and when I see why it works for others, it actually liberates. You internet thinking that you have to make these perfect decisions. I don't think I make any good decisions, I'm being serious, like I I just think I'm making decisions the best of my ability at that moment, and sometimes it's going to be very good, and sometimes it's not very well you're, putting too much pressure. Listen to the questions we're just very good at putting pressure on ourselves to achieve something, that's not achievable for what actually you know what based on the questions and I'll I'll, let you ask your second I have one very good recommendation. If you, You find yourself in the next year or two
have a conversation with somebody extremely elderly that is now a family member of yours. Do it you can even have like a grandparents exchange programme. I really mean this. I think that the thing that I do well is, I My parents always told stories as a child that when I was three and four or I'd go outside and I've hang out with ninety year old people like jenny. They like hang out with them, and I was I was funny story in them as I've got an older, unlike like okay, like I think you believe in this old soul stuff, like your attracted, a certain energies, I think all I'm doing now is telling you the things that nine year olds. No, I think you need more of that in your life like, like you know, I think the way to attack truly having fomo, is flipping it and understanding everything is fomo. Everything's in play you're missing out on everything all the time, which then will make you comfortable with it moves the second part
how will you really counts? that's as transparent Your bosses allow right, the answer to that is like a vain or meet my company. I can tell you that people are pretty transparent, because I have established in fifteen years that I don't fire people if they insult me, there's lot of places where people get fired fur smallest things, because the leadership is either. Secure or traditional The reality is is theirs alone, ways to think about it. The literal answer to your question is as much as the leadership has allowed you to be the deep for answer is What did you want to be? Because do you want to be in a place where you don't feel like you can be transparent? On the flip side, I think some of the modern thought we all have like The world works on non full transparency.
privacy is valuable to like holding in certain thoughts has value as well. So I think what the world struggles with his balance. And so you know, I think I think What I'm worried about with the word transparency is that a lot of people don't realize that the weaponizing it for judgment as it needs you're insane. Safety is a very big thing in years, she's still in the air, Jimmy jimmy american business, culture, good news in the american business culture. It's not comment yeah, they just like that feeling of she can be traced and like there's always we share or not share. Should we do the whole way or not so, there's always bad feelings. I look by the way I've been living, but here replied but vital,
if you interviewed all two thousand employees of inner media, they tell you the same thing. They have better than everyone else, but when you are an employee you're always thinking is this good or bad for me for my job that just the reality of like it's also being a public figure, I literally am thinking every time that one sentence away from having a problem right. Let's just it's the way. It's the way the world works. To me to me, I think the Bigger question is: are you building the relationships that allows your transparency to land right the key, that question is you don't want to be transparent for the sake of transparency, you want to be it's peer for the sake of trying to make the thing better. To me building relationships with leaders, temporary. Your direct reports parallel. to you above you below you, We need more relationship building in the world and I think that's a thing are be thinking about.
Please, of course, also not trust chorus, feel that the person you're being transparent with you can trust them with your ability to and to the point that you can't form trust without having a real relationship right. So this is kind of all hand in hand, and I think that is a really good question, and it's also something that I feel like he's always talking about being, and it's not either or it's always and like. Can you trust and develop the relationships that you have that some contrast it it's a it's a it's a forever challenge for everybody, a huge challenge around the world? It's you know. as we travel the world as I travel the world. The thing I was interested in his Cultures, traditions every single part of the world thinks there were part, is different than everybody else, but all that matters to the same human truth, because you all know this theirs, saudi arabia, then, let's start even higher
there is the middle EAST. Then there's saudi arabia tenders, your company acts differently, the company next door, then it's your actual boss even different than some of the bosses in the company. Theirs. more context, and I think that's what you need to be thinking about your the answer is based on. The relationship, and the dna of the people you want to have that conversation with, but back to We are sitting next to and a good, being for everyone, words or powerful and using words, is a really important thing. Most people have unhappy professional careers because data mr wurtz.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-02.