« The GaryVee Audio Experience

Tips on Starting and Sustaining a Podcast Right Now w/ Graham Weaver

2022-10-12 | 🔗

Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is an extremely valuable conversation I had with CEO of Alpine Investors, Graham Weaver. We discuss why my content evolves based on my audiences reaction, how you can use micro content to bring more eyes to your podcast, tips on growing your podcast, why going "off-brand" is a good thing and much more!

Enjoy! Let me know what you thought!

More info on Graham:

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@grahamcweaver

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grahamcweaver/?hl=en

Website: https://www.grahamweaver.com/videos

Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey everyone welcome or welcome back to the Gary Vee audio experience. We have an awesome episode for you today, but we just want to remind you before the episode starts that if you're listening to this episode on spotify, please leave your comments for today's episode in the q and a section under this episode. If you're listening on apple, Google or anywhere in between please tweet gary at gary v, make sure you join the discord to stay up to date on all things, wii friends- and we hope you enjoy this episode- I liked him I liked the point you made about school doesn't teach what the students need to know. That's the whole premise of the class I teach at sanford is like here's, the real stuff you need to correct, but you can only swoop in and do how many physical classes accent correct unlike the window small, whereas when you make media for the modern web, you can go deeper, you can you can. Create very narrow conversations with a guest or guests
It really matters. So how how, though so one of the guests I have this common recurring- is like someone who's twenty six and they just took over running a business. That's the most common sort of people we employ. We have hundreds of those people. We probably have one hundred and fifty like twenty to late twenties early thirty year old somethings that run companies is that. The audience think there's a big enough audience. The people who want to hear that yeah- and I think you know kind of like a very good mood today- cause my jets pulled off a miracle. So when I think about the nfl, you think about the two conferences. When I hear you say that I'm like yeah and there's two groups of people, there's the people that want to go into private equity and be in a place where they eventually are part of a firm that they maybe have to jump in and run it for a little while jump out, and then you have one, enormous. Audience of family business operators right who are either Kind of old school driven like I am, which was you're,
is operating a family business that I knew from day, one was a family business forever. Then you have a sub group of family business operators who are coming into run their family business and the parents have said, and they settled themselves, I'm an operator's for exit within the next ten years. That's already another sub group within it's almost like a division within a conference using the football analogy. So I think yes, comma, there's some significant lee interesting sub groups within that group. Twenty five the thirty five year old to run. A business is one of the biggest groups in the world right now, most people out there are things It actually is VC mark Zuckerberg re like kids, they raise capital. I would argue that that's the smallest sector,
far bigger sector is family business take over, and then you have another small sector similar to pc, backed which I think is private equity dna, where the person goes into it, knowing that they want a couple of chapters, maybe one two or three bites the apple of being operators point in their lives and then that count over indexed for four for operators in their fifties and sixties. could join private equity within fifty percent. Thinking that I might have to do one more at bath and go take over and run something when the operator can do it after we make the investment than those themes for that sixty year. Old may not be the same for that twenty seven year old, but there's probably a fifty percent cross over content which creates audience and interest in the subject matter like, for example, it. playing chess or counter punching or mixed martial arts. It's really chess. I was creating content.
I didn't know that I was gonna, go down parenting themes. It was a reaction to who was resonating with my content, which was parents trying to understand why their kids were resonating with my content and nick we thinking they didn't like me because of the cursing or the energy and then finding themselves over valuing me, I mean my inbox now has in the last seven years has gone from parents in Madame mean thing: stop cursing! Stop telling my kid not to go to college too. In the last twenty four months, you're the only person, my kids listening to yours, you're, actually pushing the agenda. I want them to please keep doing it, don't ever stop nice and I think for every content concerts shoes will it about the change, because I was listening to the emails. I was like wait a minute. You know, and some of it was doubling down when the parents were pushing I'm like you're pushing for the wrong thing. It's very real and you'll feel this. As you start to grow directly then should number one high gary
like your real menace, like stop doing this telling my not to go to college who the fuck. Do you think you are next tm, hey gary by I am in deep depression, I'm now on a lot of medication and starting to use alcohol and drugs, because my parents are making me go to yale, and I want to be an artist you start reading that over and over and over again you become more invigorated to say, fuck you you want to help these kids, because then what, and by the way I just painting you tooth, I didnt pay the full diamond, then messages Gary ever problem my mechanism. big trouble. They hate me I think, some of stuff you talk about, might be why I over push them to be an engineer now they won't speak to me like what do I so all of a sudden you sitting this place where you know you have the gift of gab or communication skills and by the way I felt this.
Ten years ago, when my audience was so small, nobody knew who the fuck I was. It doesn't take much to feel compelled when you're reading this stuff yeah. Let me switch to the police, so the other. The other area that I have a ton of energy for is just like personal growth vs so like. If I like. My really short story is, I grew up in a blue collar town. Yes, single mother, yes and listen to these. Are you tapes? You like twenty rather have course ryan tracy, whereas most lawns and it like I believe, doing the stuff they said, and it worked like an actually like little by little started, hitting all his goals. Yes, and I feel like I feel like that content is kind of missing or it's getting lost in the noise like on the platforms, at least that I'm on. So I have a lot of energy to bring quite some of that content, because it was hugely life changing for me. So I'm thinking like I
I haven't been, I mean I dunno how much you can do in sixty second tik tok videos, what you can do and what you could do, a ton. You can do a ton in sixty second tiktok videos. It's called you can pique interest for them to click the? U rl in your profile to list into the one hour podcast and almost all my social content is just a gateway, to the longer form content, vice versa names. Together. So to me the sixty second content is the marketing is the moose You know it is the setting up to the law in the forum, all you know, I think a lot of people who have serious content have overly disrespected social because they understood that they couldn't fit it all into that package well, You know no business can fit all of it information into any marketing the market is there for you to go deeper with the lack of friction in the internet world its. Therefore,
You think the long form is a protest. I do form is a very personal self awareness framework of how one communicates best. Malcolm Gladwell, can make. It's better in the written word, then he does in audio and video. For me, incapable of communicating in the written word my employees? No, when I send a company one email they're, like our seo, can't spell. Why are we here? You know- and so you know- and so, and so I think and look for me, it is very clear that video is most powerful medium and that's been proven, but howard, stern, just fine on radio and rational and law, and many others built or brain than that of sports radio, making a mad dog and then there's the written word and harry potter.
It was profound and malcolm Gladwell's, profound and Michael Lewis, and so I think, that's a game of one's capability and that I always tell people also focus on what you like to do. You might be a better writer, but you actually enjoy making videos you're, probably better off doing well. The answer is always both but you're, better off, probably end of the day. If you can only pick one to do video, because if you like it you'll do it. And how do you, like you, ve, got another? I am in a similar situation, a lot of interest that are actually like not to scatter lake, on building a private equity funds and teaching a class which takes a tremendous on time and in how it. How do you think about. those priorities vs like the content that you're creating- and I know I believe, every human being has an hour that they don't think they have to. Is that really what you it takes in our present, It all depends on what you know. Luckily,
in that year, the private equity business. You may have the resources to you know for a lot of people watching they may not have the financial resources to make it an hour. When I used to do all the editing and normally you know I didn't take to defy the way all my editing was recorded. Stop post, I became an improv, no editing, no lighting, though audio maker. Wine library tv, because I didn't have the capabilities or the money to hire someone to do it. I did that for seven years, people forget that part. They only see the end. They don't see that journey, which is so for you, you can lead. Which is why it is so great to host a shell because you're in the business of getting the content and bouncing off of it out of the person it's with you so become. It's not like teaching a class where there's prep What I mean by that is you: if you're in reviewing a private,
equity, executive or schooling, executive or some other interests, you have surfing wind baseball, whatever it is, you're just interviewed, Scott boras shows up and you're like Scott. How did you start your career as long as you have the capability to react to the words that they're answering you have a very meaningful podcast right Obviously there I'm very off the charts improv clearly, which is why A lot of them have top one hundred podcasts. There are people who do real prep work to ask the best question. When I did how you built this, I was I Jesus Christ. He knows more about me than I know about so clearly there are different versions, but in this we read of being busy if you really get interesting people- and you feel comfortable and having conversations that I already know that about you in the limited interactions actions we have, I think, you're structure to not have to put in a lot of prep time, Just the seven to ten isa
since, if you are able to balance off of what they say, should lead to a very interesting question and then, in terms of just like building in from your perspective, a me is your goal: your pack has the pack has itself? Is it the content you get from the past that you're pushing out is a little bit of bologna and wet and in terms of the pack has itself. Have you thought about just growing, not itself? Well, I mean, I think, when you know to mean the circle works together right now, we're in such agree era for creators, because we're living through the tick tock invocation of all social media, a k, a four decade. You had to build a lot of followers to get anything scene. Now. Your first piece account. Being seen by million people, that's profound So now we're at a whole different world where, if you do a pocket, the clips posts on tiktok and
and you too short and integrate reels, which I think is gonna start following for a bigger by reality. Kind of gap, when I mean gap, is instead of all your reels, getting somewhat the same amount of use. Now you'll start seeing something go viral, but this the views you're getting or declining because they have to have those views for the biology it in that car. B, your entire instagram real's profile is listen to that podcast and the podcast as the default you rl and in the post production of that reels. There's a logo saying listen to the podcast you're, using the content that you got from the podcast and drive to subscriptions for the podcast and it becomes a viral luke. Alright, here's the question I'll, let you know when you get asked so, let's say: let's say you had some actual marketing dollars to put behind this. Would you wear Well, I wouldn't put him in the place where the person wants the audience so for you, there's there
We need to clear things on what I know so far. The debate would be. Do you want Tik tok adds because our very underpriced, for general awareness Forty one linked in ads for we targeted business purposes, and the answer is probably both, and so you do at what about like, I dunno. If people do this, what about like pay x dollars to get someone? I cast you know I mean I'm sure people some shore, people do it. I haven't really looked under the hood. I'll say something really funny. You would before abrogated How many people say yes to the most wayne apart guess they have no less you have actually something to bring to the table, because when the Google you their world and if you think about a celebrity, a person in the fine Hence the private like these are. Thank you. No more the people have become successful, didn't get there by accident rights A rhine, reynolds acts tee.
Actually seeing that email. For me, like being this progress to me like you'd be surprised how much that might be in place, given that the gin, asia, so entrepreneurial. He just might think it's a good use of his time. As long as you have the humility to deal with a lot of nose and even just hearing mowing lawn and blue collar that ten, to tell me that you probably do then you're cruising in a game of just asking thirty five people, and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. You reach out to the fifty five people that you most want none of the. Reply you? Do it one more time, one of them replies. Now they become the name that you email the next fifty four back and be like. Look. We had Malcolm Gladwell on the show. You know what I mean, and so I you know I feel, paying a guest
he's, probably something that's going on a lot, something I'm completely unaware to giving any advice on, because I dont know why that is probably a damn worth. It a I just a funny feeling, if your tongue business we're all a lot of people say: yes, even the biggest ceos in a world power. Culture fame world. because of what you do for a living, I still think you, get five percent return on reach out, and that will be enough to get the flywheel going alone. Or what about how I'm times, but it's ten temporary, but I didn't if a glove sneakers one last one last one? Okay? So what about some kind of like if that took, have combined a number of these different topics and said? Okay, I got a lot out of this content. I listen to when I was mowing lawns, I'm a professor and I build like some kind. Of course, these have never seen
like I mean cellar, but just like that leave you don't need to sell it. I don't use, then I'm really into it I think if you sell it, I dont need ninety ass. You I know you don't need to. If that makes do it like that, something that you that for me, because I'm so I'm not funny. I believe, an education, more than anything structured education feel so foreign to me. It's all ass, moses and so, but free time. We do anything on team Gary, that's even remotely structured like a deck or something it crushes. So I'm always like have these like. I laugh at myself. Like I really gotta force myself even my last book, I tried to make a like workbook and like a textbook, and I just couldn't get there because but
for you. It sounds like its can be easy to do that, and I think that would go quite well and then on that, like the other thing, what is less the innovative when, at one of the things I struggle with his lake, I think some of it some of the stuff you you say in some and listens to there's an impact, but then just so part within you to do stuff. Well, that's right actually take the action. That's that's what I'm trying to. I think Gunter now you're talking about why I produce more content and almost anybody on earth. I believe the way someone takes action, isn't I do actually thing there's a whole group. That is so little all that, if you say, go, take the course that works for them. for me the constant barrage of it does here and over. I fully believe that I fully believe that When I wanted to get more into physical shape it might the authorities,
have consumed a lot of that information. Most of all was me forcing myself talking to me about the guy. Antigonus of me living twenty years. Less Pounded into my school on every flight. For six months, finally did it, I think most people really do after constant barrage of information. This is why I say the things should over and over and over a hundred thousand different ways in a hundred different platforms, and this really is less clear. Is there any risk of going like off grand If I slip is ramsay is a structure, That is taught in market schools that nothing to do with real life again. What in theories offering asthma right off brand is when people most start to enjoy thinks when morpheus we were- went off brand and hung out what snoop she became more interesting. Not less offer is only bad if what you are doing is upsetting people.
But if you start talking a ton about serve, I keep learning fitness. That's going to be an additive. Ok, I mean you're talking to person whose most on the right in this those might be about literally about something very narrow business and next one might be me screaming my head off because the jets one- and I'm not worried about that. That's that's part of the equation, I actually think it's a strength. I love a special, I'm sorry to say I love you. You gotta post on that where you said that when you first go off brand people are like what the hell do. You know about this. I never stay in your lane. Why is this was huge for me and I was so deep in wine world. I start talking about business everyone's like stay in your lane. What wind boy and I was like- I was, I'm a businessman before was wine. Boy too, you know, like you, know, The lesson is your truth. I, like you, know,
thanks so much you're looking forward to tonight. Alright, thanks so much for listening or watching to that episode of the gary vee audio experience. We really hope you enjoy it and we hope to see you next time
Transcript generated on 2023-04-01.