« The GaryVee Audio Experience

Timing in Business with Faisal Sublaban

2023-09-25 | 🔗

On today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I'm sharing a conversation I had back in 2019 with the President and CEO of Bonotel Exclusive Travel Faisal Sublaban. We discuss the intricacies of expertise and craft, delve deep into the hotel ecosystem, and engage with our audience through a live Q&A session. Faisal shares a personal story about the value of assets, and we both reflect on our entrepreneurial journeys, the challenges faced, and the lessons learned. This is the perfect episode for you if you're passionate about entrepreneurship, curious about the intricacies of the hotel industry, or simply looking for insights and stories that can inspire and guide your own journey.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the gary v audio experience. I'm excited here because this, I've been able interact with multiple times. I'm always a fan of people that are the deep practitioner, an expert in there as you know, I kind of been very narrow in my career, whether it's been wine or marketing or now sports cards and and this young man's expertise falls into a place that I think, is gonna make everybody whose watching and listening stand up, because we have all in active in the hotel ecosystem I also you have a huge out everybody's watching we now and linked in live we're just starting that platform. but back today I made a I made a pretty easy structure, which is I want to really let by some speakers five.
It's about the things he cares about, but then I really want to help a lot of people because I think we're good at like reacting. I know your speed. It matches mine and so we'll take some questions. Will you take those questions from linked in? So if you have a question on linkedin, please put your phone number and we will give you all Once you introduce yourself to the veneration Yeah banner nation, what's going on Gary thanks, always fun to be back in new york city love. This place, miss it. You know, but vegas is not a bad place to live at either yeah. So a feisal, suburban presidency obama intel exclusive travel were one of the largest distributors of luxury hotel rooms be to be, ah so we sell to say in expedia and then they sell to the consumer. It's the easiest way for people to understand. So at the luxury end, there's the the room,
you in between the room and experience where a minute on man we're a moment over a glorified middle man? And so what we do is we go to a hotel? We provide basically turnkey solutions to distribute number. Seventy three different countries, so we worked very closely as a strategic marketing and distribution partner. Hence the reason yo we we work with the vain or media to have as well. Yes, you knowing whenever to create awareness and and given off then take lens into those properties, but, besides being an operator like myself, there's been a growth within your personal bran through content things that nature. How has that been too? in that journey. Yeah I mean for for me. I think you've spoken about this before. If I had investment group who said why do you need to be on instagram, linkedin, facebook or any of the social platforms, creating nowhere
as I told them, whether you're, in b, to b b to c you have to have a social media presence is the way to be that way of the future, and if not, your business is basically irrelevant, and so then have you found that producing content at scale and putting yourself out there has created a scenario that has led to business development. Yeah, I mean it's a top of the funnel biz dev tool period, end of story, end of story. We get somebody who's in and you consider you are you guys in the sas business? Are you in the services business the broker business like? How do you even look at the highest level? How do you position your coat? Everyone? It's mike from team, Gary Vee, today's twenty Nineteen episode us with final sub on stay tuned. To hear about the lesson pfizer learned as a child that made him a better entrepreneur b. I mean for us, it's there's technology that enables the attribution of inventory of sas is not
They would have a crisis service. I mean it is a lot of waterways services. Business. We as you have people who are travelling did stuff goes wrong all the time, and so we have to distribute solve the problems, etc, etc. What kind of kid were you So it's funny. You say that so you're growing up in a small town, lodi, california, wine country, yeah yeah. I think you'd, empathy, wines, Has a couple of guy, I know meddler very sad to hear his mom Brandon meddler was mom. Was my swim mom? No way, I definitely connecting the road. I there Yes, oh, I grew up. My mom came from a large family but were extremely poor. My father emigrated from the middle east, so he came with a hundred dollars in his pocket and then was jason bourne entrepreneur and so for me, com it's only exposed to entrepreneurship. If I wanted something yeah, we are a middle class family. My dad would say: okay come work. So from a being a young kid, I go to the flea market with him.
start, slang in some car, audio stereos or some subway furs, or anything that that was tied to that site around at a very young age, six, seven, eight years old, interacting with adults, and so I think one of the things that that taught me is. It gave me an exposure to how to interact with adults. So a lot of people have told me, I'm very mature for my age, even being young and in business you're. My mindset thinks in a more mature now, Eurostat, even now the money I am I've had that's. What else do you now? Thirty eight makes sense. I've I've had that come up in the last I get a lot more. I I finally realized it was being in the game, so early yeah, that's exactly what it is and you know how to interact, and then you know it's it's emotional. It's like the you know that he q, like when you go to your interacting with people, reading people's behavior,
you're understanding it then, when you have salesmanship behind it, you're selling stuff. So you have to react and you're cater to those emotions that you know. For me it was radical candor because I don't like negativity, yeah and because I'm willing to take on everything and like want the pressure. I the thing that I had to really overcome from my natural skills was radical candor. I realized when I was firing people at wine library in my twenties. They were shocked and to me I was upset at them at first, which is a flaw because I'm like bro, you suck you've been sucking. But then I really I say: wait a minute they're, not self aware that they suck and I've been telling them everything's fine. So on the dick yeah. Now I had the same, so I really struggled with that yeah I had the same many others like a maturation process as the leader and even so far as a few years, back even being a ceo yeah, you don't want to tell them. They suck cause you're, just like hoping that they just finally fucking get it, and they already do that. You know for me: it's a lot of times. I put them in the right position to move people around. You know, like Seth, used to do
audio was a he sucks. Nobody, no honest It's like it's fun for my team, because you guys know this like finding the right spots that what really makes vain are awesome. I think is back to sets point which is not true. It's that talent was growing and we needed somebody strong and I felt like he wanted. A new challenge was awesome like and whether it's by the way, this is like very meta, very real. Now, I'm not even sure, because I've been busy and we haven't talked a lot lately. I miss you a little bit. We should grab ten minutes how it's working or not, but what I love is even if it's a disaster and the reason and like he doesn't like it, but but he likes me- and he knows there's opportunity here that if he like did this and like he came to me tomorrow, was like hey, I want to do something else, we'll be back on the team Gary or go to whenever we would work on it and try to figure it out. What's really cool is eight years later he'd be like you know what that was good, because I learned this during that time. There's things inherently learning they're the right and I can see by your body language, so.
I think it's optimism. May its optimistic management can afford it you you may end up with somebody who is a much better executive, because their learning context and all those different knows. I think that's what events people don't want or fire easy to fire, but I think that a lot of money to quit a lot of people are right to roll up their sleeves and actually let let themselves be vulnerable in those situations and actually look at it. As hey. Maybe I'm a learned something I didn't learn before that will be valuable somewhere down the road so biggest that you feel like you want to evolve next, like what's on your mind, ran out and entrepreneurs, leaders and executive that you, like you know what over next decade, I'd like to be better at I think you know when you look at within the travel hospitality space. I just think it's right for some sort of disruption. I think you have these influencers, who are out posting about properties and travel where most of them can afford it. No knock on on those that can so you're you're saying you think of me know this. I mean
after the people watching we now are aspiring to be a travel are because everybody wants to travel and like who wouldn't want to go to maui and start stain of five star place and just post a photo and call it a day. Are you saying it's that they themselves cannot or their audience doesn't have a high percentage will be, but I think I think it's actually, but there's that there's a few that can obviously that they have done, and we would like to know your point that your rising anyone you're saying that that may not be a good business arbitrage for that business because we're trying to get awareness. But if you're getting weariness, for something one that doesn't convert. It's not the right type of clientele, and so I think you're, one of the things that that I've been focus on is making luxury yo attainable, and You look at that. Everybody loses context around. What is that means? We have people in which some people are for
our hotel is luxury than to other people. It has to be a five star hotel in order for them to feel luxury that every every person is different, and I ran context to this day. The most luxury thing that I've ever felt was the holiday inn and or land of florida. When I was ten years old because we'd never spent dollar on anything in going on application, we stayed in the fuckin holiday in, and I remember thinking how fancy it wise and like to this- that I've seen in some places because of my lifestyle and when you travel in you speak, they put you up in rooms that, because you don't want it's one of them, it's funny, but people spend money on. I will right now like this. We come into spent thousands of dollars by custom jerseys of rain
jets players who repair we play this year, but with hotel rooms, I'm a very gimme, the bed up shower pressure and wifi, but wifi is good authority room, a virus or just the truth. I'm sure you'll like it, doesn't really register like cockroach emblem benefits if the wifi or if the shower the shower sure that gets rid of actually, with your influence now and hotels. Please can we start getting more data rough? Can we create a standardization? around shower brushwood and then they can show me on the hotel room. That's my fuckin thing wrong. You know who I know, who actually test that you know who tests that forces, and so I went to their headquarters. They literally of all the pipes there, so they test how loud it is so that the room next to it, because if nobody wants to hear water rushing through, I do not totally back family and it's like I could hear the shower humped they might, mozart. and the has russia is number one they do. They tell the pressure, they do it, but it is a huge. There
I would agree that we want to have hotel rooms now that don't have the bought the bar in the room like with a sometimes a travel in third, you know how to smaller city and it's one of those who tells where, like all the foods downstairs, I get pomp because no, I don't shit. There, some item shit when they like in the have like the gummy, bear sitting there and because we are going to make good ever like that, it's always a decent. The weird things about eating gummy bears is the bet you have to make use of it. There actually solved It's true because of their steel right there you like this is the worst unhealthy dissolve I'd asian at it I knew I should have met with the annually forty two dollars ecstatically, and there is still you leave him behind
but then you take up because you feel guilty of the greek decisions that are not talk about enough, which is that the decision to buy gummy bears predicated on not really knowing if their soft enough and there's people is. I mean you're a hard coming here ever now, those things you are duenna, you like them hard versus soft rubber to send you all that shit. He gave me this. Choose you, no suicide. You gotta get the harbor ones but though, but the, but sometimes they come Crawford thursday other cold hard but could you liking? I should abandon the plummeting. You should actually be society. I think gummy beers should do a pop up like a pop up truck where they're making them on spot. I can wait mine for that sure sure hot. we thought it would be cool, but soft as I'm a soft as fuck gummy bear consumer outlets. Two phone calls will literally be around here
we have dvds watching linkedin, put your phone number and if you have a question for puzzle and I and anything about the hospitality space entrepreneurship, the flip life, because we both live- that this. Fucking coming years without Alex's gary. painter, chuck, how's it going. Oh, my god. How are you please say hello to feisal hey. Are you good how you I'm really good? What can we do to free brother? So I I work an opportunity in medicine, and I do have caused to all them hotels angles when I guess are sick, interesting and her leaving traditional medicine to do that,
really kind made me wonder about the concept of hospitality as a whole in traditional business. It isn't a hospitality, it's really about treating people with the highest level of service that you can and I feel like that's sort of missing in traditional business, and I just kind of wanted to see what your thoughts on network yeah, I mean fur for me personally. I think you're right, but I think that you're seeing worlds colliding within all different industries around creating an experience that centred around hospitality? You have fitness brand. You have hotel brands coming into fitness, fitness brands going into hotels. If you look at hotels and concert, there's doctors or even dentists. You, I was sitting with my wife, she's tommy there the offices where it's kind of a spa, so everyone traditionally hates going to the dentist you go in there and you can get a pedicure like while you're, while you're getting your teeth drilled on. I guess
I think, though, for for somebody like yourself, you, it is all about the guest experience in taking care of people in whatever industry that you're in and if you're focused on yo your customer. At the end, the day and doing everything to ensure that they are taken care of you're now you're, creating that unique hospitable. Experience that you build a real business around yeah, I mean look. I wrote a book called the thank you economy in two thousand and eleven that has undertones of your questions. Brother. I think I think that businesses, if everybody thought they were in the hospitality business and then they sold you know concrete, and then they sold wine and then they sold salads and then they made sneakers you would. I actually think it's one of the best arbitrageurs to building a brand horseshoe. I mean everybody who's watching right. I was an influencer if they just randomly dm twenty five followers right now and asked for their address and then sent a wink and said it's a
prize and sent them all some sort of basket with a handwritten note, that would be better for their influence or business, but people don't think that way, yeah. I agree that kind of would need to come accessible in a short period of time cause you know when you go to doktor to the hospital? You know it just kind of there being the figure was wrong and then get a prescription or whatever. But when you really, really have the hospitality mindset of trying to take care of people and do everything you can to make it more of experience and just a quick enough,
and I get what I need. That's empathy as well. The value in smart brother is super smart. I think you should write more linkedin posts about your thoughts on this because it could lead to other opportunities. Keep that in mind. Thank god. Thanks for criminal, you know. Look, I think it's a really interesting question. I mean, I think you know when I think about you and what I know about you and I think about myself. It goes into a very interesting. Well, rogoff pose it up. I think we were born entrepreneurs and we were trained entrepreneurs and the reality is me being in the wine business. You mean
hotel businessman being in marketing? You know it really was agnostic. It was certainly, but it doesn't matter that when I was in finance mortgages before says right and I think of you by run, if enough, we run into each other near poor nine years concerned everything we are busy more communicating in you're like yo, I've got a huge, you know, like you, don't be jerky business. In my mind, I believe gap. Can I kind of the way I think about entrepreneurship is how we think about hospitality like just cause you're in a hotel business or things that nature hospitality is an oxygen. It's a mindset, it's a culture and it can be deployed against everything the end in, and people actually are attracted to it. They gravitate towards the habit you bringing through you at the end of the day. It's all. It is really creative around here. Right now, Alex Alec. Why. Mrs beckett, without grounded.
Obama. I am unable to answer my phone right now, but please leave a message and I will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you very much at the town. record your message when you've finished recording you may hang up or press one for more options out brown. This is gary vaynerchuk up you fucked up, you know you did not answer the phone call and you will be calling back like everybody else who fucks up on this show, but we will not be answering it because everything in life is about timing. I wish you great health and happiness, love yeah, it's good and excellent. By the way, I think a lot about what just happened to like one of the great things about entrepreneurship is people always ask me what mistakes have you made, and I always talk about my uber passage of time, but you know what's funny. I know the biggest mistake I ever made was cancelling a meeting I was about to have. That would have been the domino piece to make everything ok, you know we ve all done that about you just go about it all that and I've kids, it's a pretty
meetings, but I also think it's the n fancy ones that you just know Patrick battered patrick scare, Vienna shook it you're on the. How are you doing here? are you guys doing? Well, thank you. I will question. I have to bid is one where I do graphics. Media have talks with video goofy locally by local businesses, and I ought to do printing the biggest problem that I have is bridging the gap between basically working on my own work for myself, a dead finally starting to higher. after any existed a printing manager somebody? What kind of formula would you consider
or even like think about, and you know what what what is your foundation in which you feel like you need to have prior to getting that first person to help you offload a lot of the work to continue progressing forward, so before implies that one of the classical first, but I just want to hear it because I was asking rogoff something I might have missed one point you're telling me the challenge at hand is actually just scaling. Your business, like literally hiring an aunt and and letting go of certain things and understanding how to You know manage that and afford it and just the whole strategy of like upscaling you actually officially, that is the biggest thing is like getting that one person to come on and and getting that one person debate, because I know I'm. The next step is to basically get additional people in to help me offload of the work that I currently have to continue growing. But what are the basic things that you would you would
that you wire before getting that first person to come on the first and foremost, we have to be able to within two minutes or less articulate your vision, like your explaining it to your grandma. That's first and foremost, you have to have what are you doing or what you think you're doing that can change and iterate a thousand different times long away, but you can't you incredibly reckless, to bring somebody in without any sort of path, revision. For what you're, too, in a building and to be This really what's in it for them. At the end of the day The next thing is, I mean I will add one point to that. I think that was big. Big business talk from like a little bit of a startup in a bigger thing. To answer your question, what you know to add to that, because I think that's right, but at at his scale dinner for the other person is whatever to getting paid, but I'm not. I don't what I mean. It's also come with me and I'm starting up like you got a they ve gotta be excited to come in, and one person java isn't irish about it.
it. Definitely I definitely have revenue. I profit things like that. The biggest thing that I I I I would say that I have the biggest concerns is you know I don't have storefront just yeah things like that so you know we will be working satellite together for for awhile until I get to that next step, that's actually more fun! Most of the time. Why do you have to work satellite? Because everything that I basically do it out of my own home right now, okay and and and what what do you want? The first employee to do. the birth employ, I would I would have to face, would be a client management. While I continued that's good! That's what makes perfectly answer. So. What's stopping you from hiring her him now,
our biggest thing is honestly making, sir, that I have enough profit margin to consistently pay one one person to take care of my character So I can go ahead, keeps Sally makes sense glacier somewhere. You live here with what are you consideration of percentage Like that. Where would you get it? There's no right answer now, there's only you actual path. You know so well say by that is you know: do you have a sense of how much that person costs? Do you have that much profit? In the last twelve months, and what are you doing with your money that you're taking out of the business, if you are so let's go through that. Are you taking are you? Is this drawing a salary you ve anything so basically to paying my bare bit about bill that,
basically what is paid- and this is all you do right. Does europe? Is your life celebrate that yeah? I quit my job pick them up to go the doll. I do you have any debt. No, so your debt free human, yet and right now, you're at exactly bear minute. Like the business, I'm gonna make us up without prying the business telescope, sixty four thousand and toppling revenue and because, in the end, it makes you forty thousand profit, because there is nothing you're selling. Just your time and you live afford exactly forty thousand dollar your lifetime lifestyle, critical, okay! So there's couple things one! I want to know what's in that forty thousand right, because one, things that, when my friends say those things to me and they let me look at every single thing or somebody that really wants my help and shows me everything. Inevitably everyone's got a little more kush than they realize, because somehow people think certain things are required and there
and you know literally literally look- I mean you know I kind of live this lifestyle for a big part of my twenties. The only expense I had was car gas, food and roof. I literally didn't like literally liquor. T shirts from the store was my my outfits and literally there was no entertainment cost involved and and that's why I was able to hire people because I was able to live at the un thirty seven thousand dollars a year. I I think you've got a decision to make one go super hard and create that growth yourself and wait. Another year or two you could take on debt. You could. I hate it, I hate it, but what I really am excited about just kind of even going on vibes is, if you do higher that person to do a lot of the defence shit. Let you go on the offensive. Your growth, accelerating,
even greater than your costs. Do you see what I mean exactly in the first place? If the look as your lifestyle costs right and is there anything, you can do to go more humble If you really put your business ahead of yourself, I've put my businesses I have myself every day of my my career, which is why built huge businesses. Most people think they build businesses, so they can buy shit from the business and they take from the business. I feed the business. Yes and it sounds like you're going that path. Now the question becomes how much shitty, or can your lifestyle be? If you want to get their faster, it's not forever, but you gotta, you got a buckle down. If you want to well, my muscles like like I I actually I haven't, but I I actually have a thought I haven't thought to where, if you have, if you have the ability to hire somebody and you have the margins that are there, or at least like close to I- I had one investor when I was one of my company,
said I had started away. Wealth management, sandia san of mortgage financed company and when you are about to take on a lease that was a little bit pricey. But in order to be in the area to attract the clients we had to do it. You know what she told me. She said time is being stretched in putting your at your ass and back against. The wall is the best to motivate you to itself even further and she was right, it took on a little bit more than I could you in to build the business and in it worst you because every day, you're more hungry, because you're scared of not being able to pay that there's no math equation that like there's, you know, people do it. This is why people think you go to school for business and they said the proper thing is thirty. Two point: three percent fucking! That's fine! That's not real life! That's like thesis right, didn't answer! Your question is very simple: you're at the crossroads: either
you take on debt or you raise capital that gives you money to be able to hire susan or or Jonathan or you wait another year and go slower. Save even more. Create more margin bleed a little more to be able to feel comfortable. That you'll, be. You know, six months runway on a salary that you can pay, and then you go on the offence to close that gap. does it make sense, are poorly it's as simple as that and you can do. And finally, there is no right way of those two. Those are the alternatives. The the only other alternative is you're you're. Overhead of your lifestyle is far greater than bear bone and you cut into that right. That's it removes, but it removes into scenario grow. It grow the business a little bit more some cash here. You do exactly the other two things I've been there
that's it so there's by the way- and this is where it gets. You know, there's never that's it. You could borrow fifty thousand bucks from your uncle. You could you could yeah, you could sell all the fucking shit in your home on facebook marketplace at ebay and make five thousand extra month on this, yeah could I mean are sure to be done. There's that there's a sacrifice either way like you, just gotta, which one you wanna you wanna go with and then double down and go with it. Listening. I'm super up insofar as it because I'm see propaganda which guided to it and yet and you'll, be the uncle with fifty thousand while there is out there? Okay now my app is really in the fire, and maybe this a good time to borrow. So I think I'm gonna go with option a you know, just just just as throw it down and and and start selling more allow person to play deep,
on the back in and then only a limited out about myself. I like that on yourself. I get lots of good luck for the sea, a big you broke, but it was good that was going to the audience like that's that's the process. Let's take one more before we get out of here I think you want to talk about. We feel relieved that we didn't get to yeah. I mean a lot a lot of interesting things coming from the the content side within our business and what we're looking to do started our podcast business class, which will shatter so what is it business class? Have you search it on the podcast? The podcast you'll see business class. see out of people expect of it. So it's actually really interesting. It's not just travel related. We do talk about travel with almost every gas just to get their unique and sides of where they ve been, but really different entrepreneurs that have come from all walks of life and just done some interesting things. How many specific data So we ve shot now twelve, we ve launched, we ve launched seven of them, so the best guess I'm putting directly on the spot. This will hurt eleven other humans feelings
To give one example, I mean I had two, so one guy vied with complete well not sure now do you had on here. I would he's awesome who we are like wanna, be friends, is is adopted. The other one whose super interesting not a buddy of mine is mac os, so that one has an air yet, but there is an interesting yours, an artist, so there always interesting with better show of the two I mean advising. I think it might wonder that china that's aired not yet there. It's like swipe up gun stories later at the hotel, buys that I agree that the hotel at the hotel, slugs in vagina executives willing, but the number you have dialed is not interpret tat. You got toying with the opportunity to talk to you. I do have a
I need baseball cards. Baseball cards are ready, so I remember I was working at the napa flea market for my dad it was eight years old and I had a bo jackson, rookie card and so yeah. So while eighty eight provided for by the eight year we're going in working through their go to try by. Cards from the local car dealers at the flea market, while the guy took advantage of me traded, like Michael Jordan card. Air, which were not as value boy whatever, and I was like a young kid pushed over by an adult and took it so I went back I like getting those in then in our view, has jerry. I love you, love of my father taught me a resolve sounds like this guide written me dad's we go. Let's go talk to him, so he had go card by card and look it up in the value of it, so it was not in my favor, yes, and no, I thought oh, my dad's going to make him give it to me back in basically my dad said now. You know, control and manage your assets and take care of them for the rest of your life. So
I mean he, let me walk away with the shit into the stag. What It's a great job. Are you you had done like ninety percent appearance now they want to fight on behalf of the kid and here was like you, lose them not permissible stroke, fucking true, it's true that kids model yeah exactly it's. Okay, I'm still here, I'm alive not going to be the router alex No alex scare, even feisal. How are you new here? How are you good? How are you guys were doing? Well? What's your question, I I'm trying to like start a podcast business on like talking about my community and the local businesses. Okay, I was just wondering if that's possible, it is, do you live in amerika, I live in a book and watching and good If the answer is it's possible? Ok, so should I dislike darwin,
why YAP smaller. Last night, though, about yes, sir, all around you, your network started. How can we ask the question? Are you looking for formation. Are you help me help you like the under? Are you asking me it's a good idea like tell me what you're doing here right now understand, just to figure out good idea, theaters yeah. How old are you twenty five possum? and you doing this because you want to be an entrepreneur and you ve heard meat or others talk about podcast, slash, local and you you are putting the pieces together and you're. Like you can see a world where you're interviewing local businesses or people like you, feel good about that yeah, I think that'd be great to get like a local businesses that we have
apparent got up and demand more land. Is your concern that it's too narrow and you might not get enough, add revenue and then does it at some point watery yet. So let me give you an answer. The answer is yes now that I've ass those questions, here's why one you need the experience and thinking about it is never better than doing it? Ok, yeah colonel! That's number one number! Two! If you do it well, even though your pod cast might not be that monetize w, though the local chamber of commerce and fifteen hundred bucks and twenty five hundred bucks from all the local business could add up to a little fifty two hundred thousand dollar revenue, business What more likely happen is that you do it well, and you start a business because all the local businesses ask you to do their podcast, and now you ve built a fight. hundred thousand dollar business being a service provider,
Do you see what I mean? Action leads to opportunity, looping the ball, and I want to like a video or two though I have a video for mine Graham the so I understand, presumably also builds, builds a network of no ordinary people. They could lead. I mean what I always things there there's a network to where, if you, a positive intend to your try? Of course, you personally are trying to build your podcast, but if your digging deep into these entrepreneurs and providing value and exposure for them, whether there millionaires or just starting their businesses, they're going to feel this little inkling of. I owe this kid something and then, all the sudden there? Maybe the opportunity- and you know them and have built a rapport with them and they trust you and are they maybe your first investor to the business it you come up with as well, Are you are you dating or married yeah married. I now ok also
eliminates the other are away from this picture of like actual life, where you could have met your wife, but nonetheless, Jacob the store. Let me tell you why I was gonna go down that path, and I ask that question doing always beats thinking. Yeah thirdly, the end- and I mean our phone call was almost luckily, I was in the mood, but there was a part of me that was like. Half way home to just hang up on you, because in a good way, just being yes and that's it to make a point, for the audience and to you were sticking out of do calmer today, but like its yes, they do it
Bro just do it, I don't I mean you're in fucking, nike country, just do it you're in the pacific northwest. You guys understand that fuckin motto just fucking make like all this over, like I'm just so tired of everybody overthinking, whether it was the best use of your time or not actually doing it is better like people spend so much time. To eating that, even if they would have done the wrong thing they they still had more time on their hand. I like doing and finding out I'm wrong and still saving time everyone values or time or their. So instead you're about people. Judging their decision that they'll fucking make, I'm not doing the only thing you're going to have is regret that you didn't and when you start doing it, you get positive feedback univee like shit. I should have done this a year ago and I dialed and when you do it and you fuckin suck at it, you ve now realized you ve, built on your self awareness should like I'm, not a fuckin pod castro next
yeah exact ground. Otherwise, nor did the fear and more light headed from my instagram. Unlike I started doing the joint harry been doing. I just don't know like in practice on that nice in this really just trying to more out there and build something that, like my community, does not have or like in in a nice that they don't make make make. I love. Good luck, go make a bank, they should be on the shubra. Thank you times always go there and out in spokane you get. The applicants must show the day any question. You want our right, seeing the I work the travel industry, if you could travel to one place for the rest of your life, where would you go met life stadium,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-26.