« The GaryVee Audio Experience

TikTok Green Screen Strategy, NFTs, and Society's Lack of Accountability

2023-04-12 | 🔗

In this episode of The GaryVee Audio Experience, I discuss the best strategy to use green screen on TikTok, ChatGPT, the current state of NFTs, the lack of accountability in society, how to stay motivated when criticized, and why we are demonizing new technology.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everyone will come back to the gary audio experience and before this episode starts. I just want to remind you to please leave your comments for today's episode in these spotify q and a section down below, but also We carry your feedback, gary v, and let him know what you thought about today's episode: This is the gary the audio experience joining me today is gary vaynerchuk, who is a serial entrepreneur and serves as the chairman of media, conglomerate, pain and ecstasy of media agencies, the media and the creator and ceo of entity project. New friends he's also the co founder of razzie, which he sold to american express in two thousand and eighteen and as an angel investor to some companies may have heard of like facebook, twitter and snapchat may have seen him as Gary Lee online, where he documents his life as a ceo on social media, where he has more than forty four million followers across various platforms. Gary
if bogged down with that. He thinks will be here thanks for having me thanks for talking to me, so that was a lot in their media social media enough to use just at the top. I would have to buy all of those things, but I kind of just want to get a sense of your thinking these days on the state of just consumer culture, the head of a media agency, consumer culture, is muslim. What are people wanting these? Is I mean there are so many things I think our high purposes. My hypothesis has always been based on context and relevance ogre awareness the sake of awareness, meaning and you could know the coca cola exists, but can cover I don't get you to care, and so, when I can a fortune, five hundred land starbucks nike Bmw I think a lot about. Question from a context of consumers want relevance. You know they were to see something from these brands that makes them feel something or consider them.
At a small business and create or level it's the same, we build our brands and our awareness from relevance were unable to run a super bowl commercial. So we have to win the battle of putting out forty fifty pieces of social media content a day. Across seven or eight different platforms, so that's it I think people are looking for so too, when it involves prodigious output on free content, if you're small and on big companies. It's about relevance. But when you talk about alpha on social media, where are you seeing companies? Actually it is in all our new, the bigger the company, the more wrong. They are right, interested in the heartache. Alright, I thought that the headline, what are some examples it using Well, I would tell you that you know again too The contacts were listeners, name xx, being meagre media. My marketing company, we work globally apec europe, latin. U s were,
We're recording here in the middle east not for kicks and giggles we'll, be here and we'll be in africa and we'll be in brazil and will be everywhere, and when I look around the world, what happens is the bigger you are the more you treat social media, the way you treated television and words and print and what happening. Is it's just on the Noah and there's not enough output? So what our companies getting long. They don't have enough output, they don't live under the contacts of strategic content? They just pay for the sake of posting. They don't factor. What is our religion, which is something called pack play? Doesn't coach culture if you don't know that carousel ads are over indexing right on it right now and instagram you're, not gonna post them. So if you don't know that, platforms, the out, not just the algorithm everybody likes to talk about, but even ones a bill. To take advantage of all the different creed of formats, a green screen bright in your line of work
post, something on a video to talk about something is going on in business. That's fine! If you take it Headline from your own article. Did you write an article? You then that article and you taken into a green screen on social and you talk over and I'm sure everybody's listen in right now They have social media, have seen a human talk over a green screen of an article that format matt, we'll get you three bore at times, more viewers lorgnette its strategic, organic content. What we call sock is the big It's the elephant in the room right now. So where do the influencers play into this conversation in terms of output and content, whereas the content coming from? Will to even add to that all internet, but we're influences are playing a role as there are the ones who are more native to understand in the creative strategy. They have no choice, they don't want or day copywriter there, the modern day order they fit into the agency model, and will it to me, a competitive to the agency mile their added
to the agency model. They are the future agency owners. That's what I came from. I was making wine content today we're going to visit wonderful and interesting with all the peanut. and realized this actually scales for every business in the world. Let me started agency, may your media is, literally besides widening Kennedy, the large global independent agency, been created in the last four years that came from a content, greater that's what was was yes. I was a retailer. Yes, I was in commerce retailer, but at the end of the day, the only reason I for raid into madison avenue was because I spent half a decade winning on content and was realizing. It was outperforming my print radio, direct mail and I advertising, and so how has content evolving so when so, when I was actually river out of colleges was at ad agency. Restoring given the time of meda advertising, inbound marketing you at the hall spot dna. Yes, yes, an early choir pumps, and
talking about just generating this cot death by contact- it's a website, build as much articles when asio have them come to you, so rarely now the social media version of pt in the conversation- where is this? Where are we going? Well? That's a one thing, but to all answer both of those one. We are in the social media version of what the website version of events. Marketing was fifteen years ago. So it is a volume game, but no, you probably learn this at a time and are not long. You were there, but what people warned in writing seo and Of course was yes, it'd be awesome if he wrote fifty, but it'd be a heck of a lot better if he wrote thirteen great ones than fifty bad ones. When I say make a lot of content, if you make thirteen horrible pieces of social media content, there's only so much good. That can come of that. It's better than one horrible piece of content, The reality is, you have to be good at it.
First shaggy as charging, we are in the predawn of scaled, a making a huge impact on copy and creators. I think for us personally and vainer, and me personally, the tree parking copyright aspect of all of this is a very big elephant in the room, and so we cannot use it yet for clients. If I forbid, there's a law and the creative kit. You know so we have to be careful least cite your sources. You can't can't talk and and what a lot people in your line of work are worried about. Is it and it's a new google, all over again right, it's gonna index everything and take it for itself and not create an the economic sore site, any added to the sources. Is a major major porn its nest. That's gonna be figured out, probably over next five to fifteen years, but the reality is that technology is not going back in the genie bottle. This is here,
and it will be here. I think it absolutely is gonna collide quite a bit with decentralized servers. Yeah I want, if it breaks on decentralized for one second, because they want to talk to you last time the national spoke to you. It was an inept tedious and it does feel like the shine. The bloom is off. The rose an entity south by southwest was last week. Yes, I'm talking tech and culture, yes, and if these aren't really mentioned meta just made headlines, they're shuttering their energy efforts dear friends, were ever in this space. Yes, what are you thinking. he I'm thinking. What I thought nine months ago, when I made fifty two hundred The candidates and ninety nine percent of these things are going to go to zero, because what happened What happened with lead nineties, internet stocks. Then they are. Then they were stocks. This time they were collectibles did the same thing happened. Everyone- that way to gold russian everybody I've read instead of building
and you had way too much hysteria and so You had was a scenario that was inevitable, which was the mackerel technologies, profound. more bullets shut out of tease today that I was a year ago, but The individual projects that were built a year ago were built for for the term financial reasons not for long term reality. So for me, when I got to be friends, was two years ago like I'm gonna build pokemon meets s industry, and this is going to take me the rest of my life. I that's a very different point of view on it, so that that was my take, I think, the really interesting part is more contract. I think the centralized servers that create providence, aren't gonna become a very important element in an I world. I think
I'm hearing you're at your wine heritage, meeting up with jar of shrill, your blockchain, that's a very smart inherits. That's a very smart observation: the provenance thing really matters. It's like vineyard source. It's I learned a lot in the wine business that ironically impasse a creating value. One hundred percent, so value in the wine world is all about provenance. It's all about the ear and the timeliness. When you look at things like at F t's, you do think you can create value by being able to say that really strong fidelity where something comes from. Only if people want to like what people understand is only percent of comic books are sought after One per cent of sports cars are sought, after only one percent of sneakers are sought after so the humans collect they only. Like the very small subset of the overall genre. So art is
no different than any of these sports cards are no different than if these comics are no different than any of these. The problem was, last year, people clumped you have to use as all initiatives that would be like seeing every piece of art is gonna, go up in value in just jackson, pollock and Andy warhol. So, yes, I believe that he's gonna be a collectible in perpetuity, because I know how people collect it's already clear and by the way in huge winter that is so atrocity and like it's all over there's enormity of collectible going there's an enormity of money being pushed and by the way, as we bank goes down and look what happens. People take us back and see her, maybe something these centralized. That can't be, you know, impacted is something I may want to look at, and so you know There is still a lot of change and things to think through, but what happened was super predictable and I'm not monday morning quarter backing at the height of it,
in august and september, I went on a rampage to make sure that people were being thoughtful and unfortunately, people are we're on a realistic, often right now it happens in real estate that happens on wall street, in happens in collectibles when it's going good. People become delusional and greedy, and that's just human nature, so you protect, it will be during its latest. Hundreds but again, the old, of course the macro technology is profound when everybody wrote articles The internet was a fad. two thousand because all the stocks collapse, because they were overvalued by wall street that didn't make the internet less. more than that that war screamers greedy today same thing is happening with penalties. Do you like it descended by? So I want to ask you to dispense advice now on tee chat, jpg metaphors, this kind of space.
frontier technology and you're a small business, are why moves? What smartphones right now in these visas is its martin, and this is it's just as it is and be probably not other than education. You know You have to be very thoughtful. What's your monies when you're not suddenly, and so. First of all, it goes back to the first part of conversation, what every small business on earth from every corner of the earth needs to figure out is a very smart organic Media strategy is disproportionately the biggest impact on their bottom line, when it comes this marketing in the main creation. As far as frontier attack it's good to keep an eye on it. It's got to be ready, it's good to flirt with it. Education is very powerful, so I think people should know about it, but I think frontier to is something that is incredibly high risk one poorly? It's never at this scale that people want to be, but it's when pay attention and get your hands dirty in it. So you are prepared some heavenly think about this
sha la la surveillance. Capitalism check when that time is ideally attention. Economy estimates all, we kind of herself and you're a real creature of the infinite. That's all you, but you live and die. Yes, I have stay. I think the other side of the coin on the social media economy. If we thought is surveillance, capitalism is this kind of darker various way of thinking about it? There are real craxi concerns, unlike society, Implications, I guess what I want to ask you is: how do you stay motivated in that space? Do you ever have second thoughts on my way, I stay motivated because I'm incredibly optimistic on the human race. I think that You don't look the internet culture and think polling, yanks, you're you're, a sleeping celebrant, much more excited about it. Then what happened? Pre internet culture, like you know, I think
important is to understand what are we demonizing and what are we scared of to me, privacy, is controllable. So, like if somebody is listening way now, you're like I'm, really no way gary you're so wrong. I'm like delete the aps, don't have an iphone Like I love the concept of accountability like in or out of becoming decreased possible to opt out. As you are making this I will. I would actually argue the other way I think, there's microtrends and people opting out more than ever I think was harder seven years ago to opt out that today I think it's cool or top down. Now I think, people are leading into knowing their options and I think or finding their calibration imbalance like the appearance. Alec. Stop me in the middle swings, a tick tock and I'm like we'd off your kids phone, like the one I'm accountability and the law. Lack of understanding how control humans. Actually have. I think people have apps The opt in to this debate
state that america or china or tik tok were met. Our mark Zuckerberg controls them. I think it's a cop out. I think it's because accountability has come out in favour and I don't, I'm worried about now. Okay, so last question dispensing it I too, employees it would be the same communism's there's a couple of things. I think a lot about. I think about it, erica banning the nathan that would solve the problem. Like to me banning or stopping were being scared is never the problem, its understanding, how to use everything a car is dangerous to be or not to use Alan gin is dangerous. If you don't use sugar, is dangerous. If you don't know how to use it, I think we need education conversation. I think, wait about accountability. Do you bear responsibility to do more education, education, armies, things that is outer space and real should occupy you doin?
I think I do it all the time, I'm doing it right now with you, but my truck is that most people, ride ways so hard that I'm doing right now. I think we're not answering hey. Have you ever considered accountability? income doing way more public service right now then say we should ban this, and we should be on that list. A major pan in the last thirty years the world has fallen in love with pointing fingers it europe, while your meeting it's my fault on social media Why are we not into thumbs? my question really was, how do you stay motivated landscape? That's that's yelling at you until and pointing fingers honey. You say how do you get up every morning and how to get back worse, because attachment to the validation, endure the scaling down. See one of the great things when you don't believe in your own headlines is don't believe in the trolling either
you were actually in a state of doing things for yourself makes you happy not you did of the validation of the lakes, were the treachery of being torn down you in a much better These are motivated because, on the past, a story, a story lights, and I believe that your detached will, I think, because you don't know me yeah, you know how much I respect it's one of the reasons I judge no one. I dont know that very well. You talk to you. Which one do you know it's funny used. We end with that. It's been the biggest thing of like how to your point like how does one sixteen when you're so much going on. It's For me, it's that All validation, detachment of its kind like my sports teams, I like law, on the process of the team, winning a championship yeah but once they do, I'm like out,
and so like when the yankees and rangers won their championships? I stopped cheering for them. and I never understood it when I was a kid, but as a gun, older em like ah I like the process you know like the process, is fine for me. The way the winds and the losses you need to hear you I just I just like that. I liked the flying the more than likely alchymy I asked so in the future. I am remoteness and I find it the more I find out about this the starting point, and where am I going to animals, I think I think I think I get that. What I will tell you in this, maybe we'll help you get less daunting is like Give me the articles about things that sea Monday now go mean what they said about the television. How he was gonna be a zombie was shredded mostar downward charming last faster in the various it's it's all.
Because there were in the moment now working on demonizing technology yeah, you know years ago, when you working at that was the golden here, and that was all good year and now we're only all bad realities. It's always yeah, I dunno, I do think the visuals are using now are so much bigger and more sophisticated, are creating a feedback. Loop too. You know, but no prejudice, everything's feedback, loop bone magazine was a feedback loop, I think some fear was. You know, like, I think I think What we struggle with is understanding that within on tax. Everything is like, everything is forming opinion walter Ok dictated what people thought scale. I mean no one sort of buyback like it's really interesting when you really like dig into this game is fascinating. Has the capacity to manipulate
but your mama's manipulating before right? I get it like. Ok, but like we have he's been manipulated by whenever we were consumer, and so the question is: is it better that it's the world Is it just a small group of people and that's always been the case yeah the more things change the more they say, the same of course, directive. Eighty, I is a very exciting thing to talk about, but not a very exciting thing to end on, because of that we have the brand new edition of marketing. For the now this is the a I addition keep listening to hear a gary. It is wonderful. sandra: how are you I am good? I am good happy passover. Thank you to everybody out there. Sounds like a lot of people. Are I'm also heading off and some early easter vacations and things that hopefully they're going to listen to this is we're going to talk about all the things that you need to know about. Aids can be a good one. I'm excited not only about the topic by.
I'm excited to have avery join you in this conversation. Let's bring her up. Avery avery academia are present a vein or three welcome. Welcome avery. Thank you guys so much for having me. Thank you, andrea, always for putting these on, and thank you everyone for tuning into marketing for the now and works. I need to do a little bit of a different format. This time we have a couple of brand guests and we're also going to do a couple of demos, but before we get into all that, fine Gary wanted to start by asking you some questions of sort of. What's on your mind with ai, your internally, we've been talking about this since the summer when mid journey and then subsequently. Volunteers are caught our eyes and then try to dvd happening. A hundred million users. Also cartoons die. So how big a deal? is generally I for brand dollars and and four marketers I mean it, it's and I think we ve seen the
you headlines over the last thirty forty five. Is it so big they have some of the biggest names and technology history. single occasion we contemplate taking a collective human pause. For six months and really try to understand this. the profound technology? You know, I think, back to search really, hitting the scene, the internet then search engines, and it was like, while this is like a big deal for like human, formation capacity official see like literally I dont have to drive thirty two so if I live in a rural area or fifteen minutes city or five minutes, to the library find encyclopedia or the book or the referee it. It was just like wild things that used to take. Ten minutes in your own home to go downstairs, get inside Finally, ten minutes became ten seconds with search and so much happened, a eyes
a whole different like I bring upsurge because of an easy, quick camp, but it multiplier on artificial intelligence is profound. It get smarter, it's not stagnate and what it's gonna mean too The aid of I was talking to a musician the other day he was a gary. How should I think about this sounds like well. Do you understand, You'll be able to like probably get very good site on what you should title your song like, the machine learning is gonna, get so strong that hey what you know, if I want describing what total they saw more testing hooks were extracting that limit. it just gets so wild. It's really difficult. Every two completely comprehend The profound nature of what it can do, and obviously the big elephant in the room is trade mark an and copyright you
I hear that bubbling up a little bit behind the scenes right now, but this is very, very, very substantial, technology, and I really don't see anyone on earth are being affected by it. Especially because you really clearly can see already with the church. betty AP eyes like. Food services, like seen others like already starting to play within, and so you very quickly like all right, like you know, Alexa, Google home and these things going to get stronger because the races on with the biggest tech companies and an outright all these consumer habits are gonna start wearing a I into. Environments that we use them every day, so yeah, it's a big big deal and dumb so big that I think were drinking. From the firehose, but being thoughtful
I was going to execute against it. Let's talk a little bit about that, because, obviously you know marketers are listening to this. There are some practical things that people can be doing. Right now you talked a little bit about opening eyes products, traci bt they'll have dolly to it and others. What is really at the practical things that using think that marketers can do today to start getting them so educated, because I do want to touch on is stuck at some of the washouts, which are very, very real for brands who have a lot to lose. You know if they're jumping into the space a little too quickly Actually let me reverse the question because I think you know oftentimes, I'm interview, people that I feel like a right there in answering the questions that are most enjoying in other people's perspectives. Your you're heading up our innovation agency. You know. I know you well you're in it right now, What are you answer that question in river like? What will you do? you know I'll give you my true. Second, why don't you take a deeper,
everyone needs to be tasting it I'm petrified every, but there are a ton of people you're who read the headlines but have not played with it. I got something: in the case, so I feel, like everyone is watching this right now, like your homework coming out of this because jargon are bringing this up is like homework season, and you know I've worked for you for more than five years Gary and everything new you always want to run out. This is the one thing that you're like let's run at it, but internally, like let's really get ourselves together. Let's really do our homework, because this is very very power. oh and a lot can go right, but a lot can also go wrong. So, in the end, specifically, I apologize and the thing, just so everyone's listening, because we clients, it's very quick to think or an agency. Let's make art out of this product for our clients, we can make something I can help us make something in two minutes, a minute I take an hour for someone in a do they
candour something nature of the problem is the source of the created is not clear enough yet, and we be very cautious about that. So for a lot of people here play for it for yourself, learn it play, use it, and only to your point every like decks that our team, are making for each other. You can do. That makes a good hour the proper meaning, but if you're if you're doing something on behalf of someone else, be understanding and thoughtful Suddenly stopped it in the air right yeah. I think there's like four major buckets where we see that as being a useful tool for us already internally and for partners like we work with fortune, five hundred brands and enterprises and, at the end of the day, wherever consumers go brands, each understand the fact that hundreds of millions of people are already doing this and they're not just using chachi BT. They are creating ai, headshots and portraits, and anyone can be
You know this new thing, new type of artists. There are like professional, generative area, artisan, even a guide, our team who sort of inspiriting. This internally has been winning these gentlemen or competitions for like real artists, so, like people are, are catching on to their brains have to understand. I think there were in this novelty phase right now. We're like okay, great chachi, PT wrote my script and I'm ryan reynolds like that is the novelty that is getting attention, cause, there's relevance in this, but I think we're a shift in timor, the utility component and generative ay. I can be useful for strategy being a strategic partner can be useful for coffee writing on even training certain models. sound like I'm in the voice of Gary vainer top right, like you can traded over over time too little creature like asset production, anyone's who's ever worked in Egypt.
He knows, there's a lot of resizing and a lot of formatting and a lot of production, help and and we'll hear from some of those partners and then lastly, I also think this ongoing sort of ideation and ongoing community management. There can be a lot of automation in this that exists today, and people are feeling a little like. Oh, is this going to take away the jobs of creatives and you know of of thinkers and to us exactly what you said at the top of this call on it and or its right. Now, it's some supplemental thing. Accessorizing at my side, I needed to see something Roy dancing in the youtube comments said that shit, jpg said the jets. What, when the super wanted twenty seventy eight soggy walking away from three stream right now and going to work How can he well? Because I need to survive until that date that would permit a hundred and three avery and I'm very far Just on that, so thank you
for the information. What what? What about the fear? You know thank you. No sir, I saw someone say. Oh, like the real question is what is going to do the job market, and I think it's be clear that this technology is so profound that their will. be a scenario where it is able to do that? is that human currently being paid for. However, much like the tractor, informing though humans went on to do other things that were impact on the critical thinking of using I or at all. together, different things. You know, as you know, cause you're on top of things we ve been talking about autonomous cars, taking truck drivers, jobs for a decade, bring it they I'm gonna, take jobs forever. Now it's here to your point would have liked the number of autonomous rocks yet where we can have a conversation
I take any intuition. What are you hearing people, especially internally? We have a lot. We have thousands of creatives who work across the greater companies, and people are like hey. Is this going to be something I need to watch out for it's actually something that they need to learn and embrace and understand? I think a lot of our success. That era has come from embracing change, understanding, what's happening, it's skating to where the puck is going and because there will be prompt, engineer jobs, you we already see some people really got this. Their prompts are getting better. Their output is getting better. It's just like you mentioned adobe or canvas like it's a tool. You need to understand how to use the tool, and now I think we can call this homework season is a time for brand mark There isn't really anyone to spend time understanding these tools. They can effectively leverage them in this sort of next era of the internet, joey says I use texts ai to write a blog post, and I was amazed at how effective it was in helping me expand on my thoughts. Clearly, mind blown, I think you meant the earlier again.
everybody loves the whole concept of, or you know where I sit on this there's a there's. A pandemic is called being obsessed with or instead of understanding, and I think the code, creating, though partner, that ai will be for copywriters is going to be profound. You know to be a training wheels if you're, so people use classical music. Some people use a glass of wine, something who use going to the cabin in the woods till I actually help them right and think and prepare to paper. I actually think a lie is going to be in a much more effective version of that psychology. I'm pretty excited about that super excited, where do you think that this is sort of heading in the now and the next four markers? Just as we get when you haven't s guest on. You have two minutes before the excess, yeah cool
I saw just one another time and you know I think I think you know you know there's a month. I hate that the world obsesses about yesterday, tactically, not not learn from it. I the people, overly, you know, try to figure out tomorrow. I am obsessed with the concept of today The now of it is it's here and every single market or every single operator, every single creator and every single human whose watching this It's her leave at the end of this hour. and literally listen to the plan. Comes over here and go it accounts and go taste there. It's just here. We've touched on some of the ways that you have to be thoughtful copyright, trade mark to be little thoughtful for commercial use, but yet there ok, we're not doing, and we always do everything. So you know what you mean
Must you must use the serendipity of watching today in the middle of a wednesday to be like ok I've been putting a random there's some people, I can shit about it. Every like this is the worst or this is the best and we haven't used a yet. So that's what the answer is: go go right. The bicycle I don't have thoughts about what swimming is going to feel like jumping in the pool and swim. That's that's a that's the game. Alright, amazing andrea, will fill up with the next cats. Thanks, thanks to you, both alright we're going to bring jon up next John Licata, who is the chief of innovation at SH, ps, future hub and his his mission is to uncover emerging trends ahead of mainstream thinking. Welcome John hey everybody. How you doing hey gary
John, our you good good to finally connect so much further break it down for personal, your backgrounds, epic awesome a generated just for you give it to us my man just like pontificate you. I won't even go I'll. Give you the floor up front like what you know, as you probably were listening, I shall meeting. Simon, you know what do you agree with what
we want to expand on what what do these people need to know? Yeah I mean first of all, I really think that you're right, we have to jump in the pool and we have to play, and unfortunately, right now, you're seeing some companies almost bring in a in a ai hammer and playing whack a mole to fix things without actually trying him, and I think that's definitely premature. I think that we need to figure out how we can be augmented by ai and become better on a you mentioned, tiny in your your monologue about. You know the the ability to maybe write better or had the opportunity to have it help you- and I really think that's where we need to go is the augmentation of of humans. You can make a case for certain jobs being replaced and challenger gray and christmas talking about two and a half million us jobs,
could be replaced by Chechen bt alone and gone common sacks, I'm talking about maybe two fifty three hundred million jobs globally from a general, not just from a generally they I but in general, but I think this is a business, a time to try to find out for ops going to see how you can maybe get better at doing your job because of certain tasks are automated. That might allow you to try to be more innovative to try new opportunities to put in that. Just with you know creating cool images, but I really think that we have to be prepared for moving from web point of web three point o focused on digital assets. I really think about. Maybe your point, no digitizing trust this is where I think market is in businesses need to understand, because in the other day I was looking at nice and I came across a cool track from jersey, guess why it wasn't easy and on you,
This morning there was something about taylor, swift fans, that they were using her likeness and voice, but to personalize messages. Clearly that was in her as well, but the reality is the I p, the copywriting. How do you? How do you it's easy to say? We need to use ai to get ethical and become responsible? What does that mean systems need to play with each other? They need to understand. How do you know if a in a world of compliance with sustainability, understanding for gonna play in job in the pool gotta be some sort of framework that we can make sure that we do it right, and I think that you know my family from ITALY, Gary and I to soar mere examining I know a couple of days. You saw the italian government putting a pause on an ungenerous ai and I think that what you're what we need to get to the point of his understand can I trust the data as a business.
As rayner as sep. Can we only forward and have embedded the ions in our solutions that people can ultimately trust and at the moment you know you've seen some models that are spinning out false information? How is a business or a marketer? How can you act on information in one of our our our executives put his bio in recently ended and it came out a chachi t that he that he was deceased. Clearly he was sitting next to me. He was not deceased. live away from the wages too, but brother just Don'T- and you know this just remind everybody. This is deja vu that each must all the search results. Like in ninety ninety six, they weren't always brought like you know with you know that's funny, though, without them for you things well with every technology we have the. We have to have a double check up on this
No to your point like how do you know if it's real the biggest problem the world right now is people are just reading headlines and just accepting them is truth. People also John, as you know, they they see- or I'm. What they're looking for people also take wikipedia is a hundred percent truth, while others tens of millions of people who for fun are putting shit Wikipedia that isn't like you know, like I mean google, Oh yeah, who like had Many things wrong about wine. The first It was an article about wine, because the guy new or the girl who had to do a ceo and it wasn't right there- you know, I'm just wondering, hu, I be the final nail in the coffin social media was a preview to it. I like one, humans willing to become accountable to become thoughtful again, because, though intellectual laziness and all
The biased seat is find. What you are actually looking for is a massive problem that we're all affected by like I thought that I would believe everything that came out of chachi t when it's fourteen seconds old is asinine. Yeah, that's crazy, yeah and you know I think, we're going to come through a period gary where you know you have products that are made in the usa, products that are didn't china, you can have to start seeing made any. I bore with work. That's complemented like this was submitted by nay. I bought or something that shows people that there was some complimentary means, but you may have been around. I remember back in the nineties when dot com took off with you. You know what the wine business into the great things that you have done. I was free, it's a bar something crowded nation in europe so net. So what is it now, w p s driver by his first name, because things come you sold so frequently, but I think that we have just think about buber
back to just technology if told somebody forty years ago that they would have preferred there are fourteen year old. to go into a strange man's car. They don't know that I am absolutely you'd you're forty year old stay safe is going in. rangers car there was literally The only thing my mom told me not to do These measures are norms all the time by the way, little one fact
the year. Eighteen hundred, eighty three percent of the labor force worked on farms and attractors were invented, yeah. No, it's it's so cool to think about. You know we we have to. We have to figure out a way that we we can leverage intelligence in new ways and, right now you know it's it's great, to put an aquarian and to get some sort of intelligence for something that you need, maybe in that here and now, but some of those models haven't been updated since two thousand and twenty one, so you may find need to know something. I would rather have the machines known I know Gary help us in our moment that we're doing something understand what are my business goals. What am I k, p eyes and feed me information that will allow me to make better decisions. Have better customer personas based on what's happening now: people's depth, their buying habits, change, we don't have one blanket person or any more and maybe a actually used more as an assistant
who, in the end, I worked well, one becomes more invisible. We become more active. You'll love this, and you know this there will be no should ai is now technology like. Technologies like the gun, the fork the atomic bomb the internet like People can use them for good or bad for indifferent. There's got me no. Should There is a high and it can be used for all sorts of things and humans when the ability, everyone? That circles, that's doomsday about this. Unlike the atomic bomb was invented. Like look, like that, like a gun was invented. I promise you of raw hanging around the gun was invented and we like we're like wait. A minute my sword is like, like humans are capable. I also think the blockchain verification infrastructure
with an ai world, you know I haven't really put thing. You know the ingredients were my head. I'm like wait a minute. If we're going to need affirmation, isn't this the blockchain, poor strength. I wonder Information go into the blockchain as a way to create providence. and resourcing and truth that can be profound. That's digital trust! That's web four point: oh, that we're going to be moving forward and you know like even with any of these, you know like right now it right now. It's it's artwork, but meant about ip and exchange anything that the ai can help with. So many different things carried we can tackle, or maybe we will have the jets win. That's what they call it. The way I will hold suffered it as long as I say, not a hundred very I'll, be fine like You know I never heard of it
are we gonna hear every go faster gozo fast? Thank you so much john they're going to ring up laura abode in who is a partner at bain and she's, the architect of beans, solutions and marketing, and has recently joined arms with open a I in a partnership with coca cola that were super interested in hearing about. Welcome. Lord Thank you, I laura. How are you I'm great hurry? I'm well well, I saw it tells you all about this exciting partnership. What what? What should we all collectively learn from it sure? So I guess maybe what I'll start with is picking up on. One of the themes that you were talking about, ai is is here, and you know it's going to be like ten years ago when every company board and see always says well. What are we doing about digital?
Yeah now we're going to have every ceo and board saying well, what are we doing about ai? And so you know our perspective is that every marketing organization has to have a good answer to you know not just that we're. You know you giving the keys over to generate a day I, in order to create all of our content from here to eternity, but that there is a lot of really useful practical applications of a I across the whole marketing value chain that in a maybe our white, so flashy and sexy, but actually will create much better outcomes and either the partnership that we have with open. I and the philosophy that that coke has brought you This actually also echo with some of the other themes that you brought up all already in a number one. Is we just need to start learning
it can do and where is it useful, and where do we test the limits? And what do we need to be mindful of as the tip of the iceberg that allows us to unlock more opportunity across the whole? Marketing organization and our partnership with open eyes very much structured around here? We you, you open, I has created the technology, they haven't had the capacity to be able to think through all the different applications, and so we ve been challenged say you know, what can we be doing? What are the various different use cases? Where do we see your value coming out of those use cases and then, more importantly, actually, and instead sort of important to our business? How does that-
work. What do you have to rewire in order to be able to get the value out of it? Where would you actually start changing decision rules? If you know you've got a new steps in the in the process or are ways that individuals can be empowered to do things that they couldn't do before the other way? What do you think actually is a fun one there or what was like. The most aha moment for you when you were like: oh this is a big big deal you know we all kind of have those moments. with big new technologies. Perfect age when my entire career has almost been eating like web one web, do what you know oh yeah, so But what was yours? What they? I wonder, what were you like? China, because I'm sure given your career and all the great successes you know like me I looked at start ups that we're doing I four five six years gone very quickly was like okay. This is like happy. Machine learning or
a lot of a more just like all. These are just a p eyes. This isn't relay you know when you have like the old man. This is like one still wonder what did you see? What was the sound? Very much from a marketing lands, excitement that I have around generative ai in particular, is that I think marketing has lived for far too long with the silos between brand and creative and performing and generative ay. I is this awesome bridge that will actually finally bring them together so that those who are coming up with the most creative con concepts will be able to finally proved that the hatred of performance ends in, and I think the technology is super exciting for being able to more quickly and easily optimize the content in a way that, then you can,
the performance value of it mean. I know we all know. I think that there are, as you know, is if one is interested in, creating that accountability. My argument to your point. In addition added, so what you just said is Oh wait a minute a lot of service providers. our really enjoying the cold, and yours that its media creatives fault like it would be when asked really, because we ve been exploding like wise media winning or why, let this go so well, and why is it so hard and like real the actual answers we haven't. We have a third to be accountable that are more, is working you're absolutely right this is doubly technology that can create a capacity it just yesterday,
industry for thirty years, has really enjoyed the non accountability. Some I I mean we ve been studying what we call marketing leaders for a decade or more than that at this point, where we look at the organisations that are driving sales and and gaining share, I don't think that they do differently than everybody else, the avenue of throughout that decade here that the leaders, those who are growing they have that accountability. They optimize constantly either always testing and they ve built that bridge They are including the created creative and brand teams into the into the accountability that we could say that all day long, I agree with you there. So many organizations who, though care by I think more like I also. I also think a lot to do your point. I think on a good day, that group is twenty percent and of that twenty percent there's another fifty percent
that is accountable to their sales organizations with some marketing overlay, which gets them, accountability of business, but that's that's not a tangent fought final. That's because I don't want to. I want a mental one make sure we touched on everything you ve, You may be wanted to touch on. Is there anything that this audience should be?
thinking about needs to know about like giving you the floor which which, why should that? Well my perspective perspective. He obviously all the headlines are about the generative content in creative applications. But when you start to think about it, there are twenty five other applications and even generate an ally within marketing organisation can do whether its leveraging unstructured data to be able to improve, improve audience targeting or whether it's you actually recreating the brief process in order to include more data sources and make the briefs smarter in those are the things that are going to be like the cook partnership, garnering all of the headlines. But I think that action
for a lot of the value is going to to lie the practicality of it, yeah the not exciting stuff, but the you know the the the idol stuff that will drive impact for everybody's watching is not in the marketing world. The brief is like a starting point document at the lowest point, a lot you know- any things that happen in marketing are incredibly vulnerable when the when the briefest to vanilla you know I was listening carefully to what laura something anything, the absolute right you you to use it. Technology to give teeth said the brief brother. People will end up being a very practical operational enhancement have ignored waving can touch on earlier. If you heard A lot of the internal stuff is gonna, be really really action. I now, while I do think or are you also laura hearing a lot of people at your level- kind of chirping about the copyright or trademark fears
at creative generative, stuff yeah- and I think at some point we'll find ways to be able to create the right guidelines and you kind of guard rails around that. The other piece that I think we can't ignore is the unintended bias that comes from the models being trained on a lot of history that none of us first, you know what want to repeat. Of course, of course, andrea how much they are just some little everywhere yeah, I gotta go write customize what this means going. Lickety split. So thank you so much laura and thank you Gary appreciate your joining on we'll be talking to a lot about ai going forward, but so nice to see you and happy happy holidays so much for listening to that entire episode. We want to remind you to give garry feedback so make sure you tweet him at gary v, but if you're listening on spotify, you can drop your comments, questions and anything in between in the spotify q and a action down below will see you in the next episode.
Transcript generated on 2023-04-13.