« The GaryVee Audio Experience

This is How You Create Demand

2023-09-08 | 🔗

On today's episode of the podcast, I'm joined by real estate broker, CEO, and founder of SERHANT., Ryan Serhant. We discuss the intricacies of building genuine business relationships and why creating demand is more crucial than just focusing on sales. Ryan shares his insights on the importance of sales skills in entrepreneurship and why he believes he's building something monumental. We also dive into the emotional aspects of entrepreneurship, discussing how self-judgment can be a hindrance and why fear of judgment should not stop you from creating content. you won't want to miss this episode. It's packed with entrepreneurial wisdom, sales strategies, and life lessons.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I think you tube shorts is very big for this audience obsessed with, because its search, the amount of people that searching tube when there are considering to move to a town is staggering. Second, behind Google, I know that I'm living in a year or two new in massachusetts and literally the second place, people type in new mass schools named mess parks, country clothes. You you took his number two is the gary v audio experience. You started: vainer media ripe now housed under of interacts right in the middle of two thousand eight two thousand nine recession. That's right, Similarly, we started sir head. I was a real estate agent, built a big team, laughed in twenty twenty. I started getting sick. We move forward anyway, we launched in September twenty twenty at a tough time right and in both cases I think there's this underlying believed at times of crisis, to breed innovation and success, and so there is never a bad time to launch a good business, correct right leg.
The capable like we are. You know what a weird way to your point. There's a lot of for two that happened during times of trouble that wouldn't be there during times of prosperity that both prosperity and ease like we had prior to this last couple years or what we're going to right now. Generally, requires operational capability and talent and execution and grit and patience and all the things that matter but makes sense. as of now where we are in our world. Most people who are here are in the real estate family and more Debates are on the rise. The real estate market is now facing new challenges. You get low inventory and slow sales and one market you got some. Torreon bass, ales and others. You put yourself in our shoes what practical strategies are you thinking about? What shifts would you recommend that I got today so here is my biggest all right and human
if you put everybody in the chat, I I love the context because it allows me to use things like in ohio or las vegas or london or london. Canada excuse me. There are things you can control nurse things and you can't control nobody. I must call controls interest rates. Nobody in this call, controls, some of the variables that we saw with like florida and am california These dynamics, taxes in europe, these dynamics, ontario, has this dynamics, I was so everyone here, I'm looking at boise and Boca Raton are going to act differently. Sweden definitely is going to act differently, then they'll we're florida. So we are a lot of things that are macro what I do during times like this is focused on micro? What can I do? I'm a real estate agent in any market, whether it's easier or the hardest in today's exact? Second, what I focus on, and you know I'm very consistent about this new benefited from this greatly. I think that what are you
and control is creating demand right. You can control creating debate, and I think the man creation in real estate proper, We have talked about a lot of blocking tackling for new bees, cold cold laying a networking we will know all that stuff. I will continue to yell from the top of the balance that making content on an individual basis from sean wall shown here to kneel gorgeous to toby swank that You know, while awhile, oh by the way, a police, the next great wine. You never told me his ability to make contact literally actually, ironically, even a video on facebook. Real of him tasting while a while a cab firmly a merry and talking about the market. That's it just literally six minutes Leonardo cabernet talking about the market, he's gonna, client ryan, because he's drinking Leon eddie cabernet like for example, for me,
I know that ninety nine percent of the people right now when I see Lee and eddie cabernet it doesn't even register half the audience right now doesn't even know what I'm saying and even people that nowhere cabernet as wine didn't know exactly what I'm actually referencing and so you have the ability to control, demand creation and, I believe, demand creation, happens and networking. I think happens in cold emailing. I think it's old, calling. I think it's male, but but by a country mile. The best way to create demand in today's world is decreed. much social media content as inhumanly can around what you know: don't fake the funk if in year, three as an agent, that's going but if a knowledge based and new seventeen tugela will you know, don't you know, don't think to make it talk about what you know, how you know it. You're seeing and then like the example I used with the gentlemen with the lion, he can bring your personal Then too, it whether let's golf immediately right for people
Chad talked about my aaron rodgers teacher and my jets fandom there theirs. Look I'm innocent is very clear, vainer media, which is now really like a three hundred fifty million dollar a revenue, business spider exist right, I believe that a million dollars of revenue is because I Firstly, many rejects them. There is a sea imo market are out there. That feels a closeness to me, because our both of our sadness of our jets, vandam unconsciously sheer. He has given. business without realizing it and that's how the world actually works. You know I feel it connection towards you. When you talk about your story of your come up, because even though it exactly the same as mine. It has enough of it in there that just makes I feel a different way towards you in the beginning of when I first became aware of you that matter I think that people need to focus on demand creation, no matter, How little sales are happening right now? If you please
in thirty seven potential clients in eighteen months, because of your parties, your barbecues in your backyard, I can endorse or you'd making six pieces of social media content. They talk about the market and yourself in your family and whenever you have company with the work you are doing the fuckin work. Doing something as ices versus what you know. People like! Oh I'm, looking again, Camp Kelly, basing tempers cold like what can I do about it and and I'm sure Kelly now that person she's all the other way, but I know that ninety percent of people are playing that game. Does europe into I got so unlucky. Interest rates went up justice I got darwin like these start to complain about things that they can control, they believe everybody but themselves. You can make up this more, like think about happening right now. You and I and all these wonderful people decided to allocate the time to do what we're doing now different angles all for different reasons, but let's call a spade a spade all that is in the end.
The was all putting in the work one hundred. did I say all the time is: take care the work. The work takes care of you, what its busy grab buckets right in your closing buckets catch all the rain and then you hold onto those buckets and other times in and go out and get more buckets. I builders buckets and build those buckets. Now you talk of content. We have. lots of agents, it's our hands and all the market that right now who are, it'd be comfortable getting in front of the camera getting in front of their fault. You get this question a lot they just want to. When I hit on there If you tell the person who is completely uncomfortable, that's just not that they don't want to take it to the make it they're, not they're, not dancing on tiktok there are even good writers right away? on blogger, linked in item two things, one able brand two things one. You don't have to I'm not sitting you're trying to convince anyone that they have to show. flip side on the second piece, it's more important
I believe most people, don't gray content, minister scared of judgment, and I tell them school is over, and even if you first, the news a little clunky and you don't like the way you look for this- that the other thing, anybody who leaves a snark unit nasty comment is hurting themselves, has nothing to do with your life. and the silent majority that are consuming it that are considering to do business with you, far more interesting than the three people that are so hurt that they want to leave a nasty comment that your dresses and pretty well, you don't know what you're talking about, and so people's opinions devastating like cats. In the comments, it's my number one it's insane to me how that ultimately is my mission in life, which is how this is a very simple game of comfort, sources insecurity. That's all it is pathetic to it. We all have confidence in certain areas than others, but I couldn't recommend people more to make themselves uncomfortable and I will tell the other great
our peoples and gary, I don't mean it from the dominant real estate agent in my area, the guy I'm good I always think that scary, like the greatest Beans in every sport eventually had a daily kobe. Bryant was great, but even in his last season there was a lot to knights and you know, and Mohammed Ali got knocked out by trevor berwick and nobody knows who travel barbecues, and so you know, I think you know, other time and sports happens and father time in business happens. I think that audacity that you don't need it is. Actually what a young lion like me will take advantage of those twenty four year old, you and me ryan, right now in the market we're somebody's, overly confident and they will tik tok and facebook. An instagram their way into a problem to that through your vet. Oh for sure for sure we am when I find those agents are usually reach out to them and ask them why they work where they work, and they should come here for the rich.
We have certain studios, which is our in house production company. We have idee lab, which is our aroused creative agency, help agents, in a way that I never had the firm I was at before and in a way that I could never find any other brokerage to really help create personal, grants to generate leads in their sleep under the seriousness and organ like ways that the ordinary wouldn't be able to do. Where do you find today, underpriced attention? Linkedin is obsessed SAS look like that for everyone here, because people in mind couple things one you, and I and everybody in here when we go to tiktok. First is one we gotta instagram where's is when we got a link, then we are three totally different psychological mindsets right I dont think you are going to link then watch. it, because I do this action
because we're degenerates, we may go into lincoln, have eleven fifteen p m and go through the you know beat, but most people go to talk there, because its mindless entertainment verses, allow twelve day, I'm like right now and now going into linked in cause. They might be doing business development when contact me then show up so linked in it. acting like facebook several years ago. It is crazy, add targeting everyone here, can literally target employees of the biggest employer in their town and especially think about how smart one another site you know, there's a fast growing company in your area. and people are moving into the area. Because of this fast growing company. You can literally run adds about you being a real estate agent or what you know about the town to employees of that company and start becoming the refer. People will see and refer people or the person that you want to get too will see it because you They targeted the employees of snapshot.
In venice, when snapshot was exploding in venice linked in the monster the targeting, not only that the organic reach you could have Z. Everybody here could have zero followers on My linkedin in here everyone literally feel Follow me for the purpose of research. Here's my link, then click it You will start to see my content in feed. You will be blown away by a well and how many people that reaches and over this is a referral industry You could say: hey I'm selling in tandem, But again, somebody may like you because of what you said when you are content are linked in and may refer you, and so I just need linked in a monster. Haven't you Shorts is very big for this audience. Quick, loving assurance obsessed with, because its search the amount appeal. But certainly tube when considering to move to a town is staggering itself. Behind Google, I know that I'm moving, because my has been, or my wife is being we located in a year
two new in massachusetts and literally the second place. People will type in new mass schools, ning mass parks, country clothes- you so this number two, and if you're, making use of shore content your showing up in that, especially if you're smart and how you title, if you make a video and its title. The school systems anew in mass and your real strange and talking about the schools in detail. that becomes the reason you get the lead then we do within fair housing, there's something We do in the hamptons that we started doing with studios is started. Do neighbourhood guides neighbourhood tours and teaming up with other publications. So it's not specifically tied to us we're doing this in miami in we did. A lot is well in you know. In south carolina we just open in south carolina crispest. leading that georgians, I've around you see every major company like the gulf stream and so running adds directly against gulf stream, and then you see the gulf stream dot com, emails from potential seller
in purchasers to start coming through because you'd, they feel spoken too. They feel they feel heard You know something more something happening comments and you just did something on another full details on their housing. requirements and complying. That's another thing that drive me crazy right is how many people use law, as do not do something. It's just easy to comply? Yes, he might not be able to do something. The same way, a diet, soda can or asleep you can write, but you can so rudely absolutely always comply backed the mega. Who s the mechanics. How do I get more engagement? I urge you to go. You know postmark. He says I am, but not gaining. Followers meg in the next thing you need to do is pumps different things right when the things that you know that definition of security is doing the same thing and thinking you need an indifferent, Malcolm, a lot of people. You know we'll make availed themselves specially in this industry and about thirty of them it doesn't click, that's ok! not everybody crushes on video
what you may want to do is flip the camera over walk the house. Some talk, maybe the visual in the house and your voice is the right concept. For you know, the content and so slight different formats try different format Maybe you just do audio video at all and then just have a vague image like there's a lot, different ways to make contact here. Post as many times as candidates. Being that serious. Now posting fifteen times on tiktok is crazy, but posting three times and tiktok and three times linkedin and two times on twitter, where x and three times on threads and one two times on facebook and one time on youtube like you, can get your fifteen from more distribution on a single perform for war is When you probably want to max out good advice. Only when talking about right now is it on a sip top is for a second is a lie. Thought about it. A lot lot of interviews, lotta videos, there's no doubt that its reshaping industries right- it's it's include
the market agency, space rights, including including what you're doing real estate. How do you de I impacting the world of salespeople in the service sector and indeed more power, equally. What tips and strategies are you thinking about now to suggest for the agents who are here in case get her bench. There is out there you ve coming. It's called a sigh, and everyone here is on the beach from right at the front we have two choices: most people are putting their head in the sand and this is their strategy. A couple of people are they are buying or building a surfboard grabbing. It watching videos on how to surf and are prepared catch that weight? So, first of all, my first I piece of the basis, every single person here whose eyes ok, I hate I it's ruining the world, it's bad, canada, I'm scared of it good news for you. Just like your parents,
Hence the internet hated cell phones, heeded email, heeded iphone, It's gonna happen anyway, so either Decide to start getting educated or you decide to retire? Would you like What about things could happen? I think a lot of mundane actions are gonna, be a guide out so the purse, here who russia's called emails. Is gonna lose her his advantage because People type in ruby that's called email to sell a house and temple florida enter and it's gonna work and then that means everyone can do it. Thus it becomes commodities. Somebody asked Instagram dead in the check, no instruments hardener now because everybody makes instagram nine years ago eleven years ago, when I was yelling that everyone should do in surroundings easier, because if you made one a lot of people saw it because it was less content and a lot of attention to it applying the plant just like housing and homes, and appointments.
Oh, you don't really want threads. Are you threading every day the ants running every day? You know why even know it's there. Seventy percent from the height of the first week. Thirty four. for me is still a lot of eyeballs and there's higher consumption. Dinner is on twitter by percentage, the audience a smaller, because it's kind of getting its legs energy but that's all I am running everyday of axing every day I'm doing everything every day, because I believe that no different then shadds and billboards and direct mail and and being the head of the pda and sponsoring the little league baseball team. If I'm trying to sell homes, I'm selling on attention and reputation The one thing about social media is, nobody can stop me and I want to pay. the thing to drive me crazy. You, if you want bench. A bus, stop ads or billboards or newspaper ads are regularly charge. The shit's fuckin free
Then it was all the algorithm fuck me MIKE. It's fucking free ride it free! Yes, you! U prayer book! a good point, you you do so many things right. One of the big things would be too to our agents with its are building their teams- rightly ebay- of agents that joint sir, how they want to build their personal brands. I wanted double their sales price. Get a higher price points are using studios. Idee lab. All of our resources is all super cool but then he had no time to breathe. I had their operating every. five minutes they're all over the place, How do you look at twenty twenty three, the rest, the twenty twenty years in terms of building building operational teams? it's systems and process, because most salespeople are here because they know how to sell in order to show they know how to close the negotiate if they don't work on it, but you run a lot of companies to do a lot of things you ve got v. France get family. Europe three, where you're here right now, there's ever, This need to delegate everyone's gonna higher
got a judge yourself less when, when winter going authority balls if three break you know other can judge themselves that you know like hey you before. An acquaintance ryan, but that's not more important than a child and You decide to allocate twenty minutes to this at a time where you should probably be allocating into that right. to me, I'm not willing to judge myself and say that's an egg. Because that's not real life like you know, there's nothing, there's no such thing as a perfect right, and so, I, what I think is super important is first of all Australia was operating, don't judge yourself what things go want literally. For rain. Recent was exactly on time and not one minute earlier make sure you in your crew felt good. Was I had it tax? Those are the setting up of a situation where strategy deportment. That's not going well We know that if I wasn't doing seven thousand things that that's, why Little thing, which is a big thing, could be going better because I be closer to it.
then I wouldn't be doing seven thousand things, so this is very simple. It starts actually in a weird place, which is the judgment on one self. If the fall in love, micro losing to macro with well like that one each other down right now, I'm gonna make their content. so it is now the magic is made how the brain works at it. You have to with micro, saying to mackerel, went so to me. I'm micro losing all day this book The cell was lost. We lost his client, the detonator, then once you get over that have been realised as long as you go, yet eleven winds and seven losses. Well, you ve got plus four yeah. next thing is all about your people, like you, ve got to about loving them more than they you work for them. You love them once they feel that, now over deliver for you and your
it's all about your direct reports and then surrounding yourself of people that are good at the thing you know like so people like operations and your salesman. the high or a number two that is obsessed with operations and doesn't like selling right. If you bring in some operationally awesome and selling awesome there eventually not gonna value you, but you will although this one, anything about sales is whoever can make the money always has leverage, no matter what no matter what everyone here sucks that we can also and that's a fucking son of a bitch right, that continued in a week and then we ve learned how to get better at other shit, how it was important to you value your sale skills as an entrepreneur number one literally number two kindness. I really I know like this may seem but I really do think the reason I'm gonna build a mass of empire is because I just think I'm, substantially nicer than most people that can build empires and I think, built up areas
The reason you're going to do not think he built a big empire. I know I built a big thing, but I dont people understand how big, when I'm building is gonna, be doesn't area, I have insecurity worse, but not in business. It's been the only place that have been securing my whole life. I'm way more insecurity like asking a hawk or allow in high school that I get about making a million dollars in high school. This has been my one safe place. The you know I got grades. I lost him. like everybody else. I am many places that were telling me. I wasn't good. The one place that has always told me, I was good, was selling lemonade, shovelling, snow selling, baseball cards, building my dad's business building. I was like this has been made Is this an? I genuinely believe in my view, this is how delusional we Twenty I'm saying it might be trying to be self deprecating are actually going to be more transparent. I believe that I can build the largest real estate,
beneath the world, that's how much confidence I have my building to go into any sector. Even it's not my sector and because it I went into wine and built one of logic. And companies in the world. I wanted to big boy the girl, advertising madison avenue from from left fucking field and build the largest independent company in the the three very quickly I've made by a famous on against cheaters against a lot of people were said. The way you were doing it right with your out. There is not the way to do it, but you still may use the phone six and right. You know I'm going to really give you some roses. Why? I said yes to this, like I think, We have a lot of similar elements, which is why what's happening is happening, and so anyway, I need to go to the little guy. I love you guys. enjoy this. Thank you for being here we brought him up value going your family, everybody else, hang tied for too many global players, the right hook up, but he was laughing The reason I want everybody sign up for wine taxes to reason. One You should all be buying going from my dad. It's literally three.
sixty five deals a year. One deal day, it's like the old group on on texts, it's the best, but there's a different reason. marketing done right. Yes, could be the single biggest thing above even social media. So thinking sign up for, I know, doesn't work in every state. So I apologise, but you should look at it. You should know by fifty dollar wine for twenty bucks, a hundred all winter thirty bucks, client, events, no literally save money, but be we literally twenty two thousand wines and you are right to offer three hundred sixty five, the to a man, the you consuming. The text should open up ideas. Why you should all detects marketing? I love it also take measures.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-09.