« The GaryVee Audio Experience

These 8 Questions Will Reshape Your Business Strategy | Throwback 4Ds 2019

2023-03-26 | 🔗

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Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience a 4Ds business session, Gary covers 8 burning questions that many entrepreneurs encounter when working on their business. These questions are around the topics of balancing speed & listening, marketing non-profits, building a personal brand and more.

Overall this is a really fun episode and I want your feedback on it! Enjoy!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The business super conference that all of you need to be asked is finally, here: tickets have dropped to the original, be friends holders, but are now available to buy a link in my bio for the people have never bought a net of tea, but want to come because they heard the bust arrives and Deepak, chopra and steve bartlett and all these people are speaking, go to be conduct. Co. Ceo drop the m to see what's going on there, but the link in my bio has a. Eight that we have and become that will let you fill it out and will help you get a ticket to our super conference. May eighteen, the twentieth, indianapolis in vienna, the conference's bananas fifty speakers them about their announce bananas, the huge super business popcorn innovation conference,
Everybody in my community be there so lincoln, bio or click here, because the team is using this and all sorts of formats to make sure you get to india in may for the super business conference of the year. I hope to see all of you there, hey everyone! Welcome back to the Gary Vee audio experience. Once again. Today we have a brand new episode of for the sunday. This is a throwback from two thousand and nineteen gary answers. Eight questions all about I from business you really enjoy this one. We want to remind you to please leave feedback in any single way. You can, whether that's leaving a review on apple reviews, whether that's it having your comments in the spot, if I q and a section down below or whether that tweeting gary acca rivivi? We re We appreciate your feedback now enter. episode. Does the gary v audio experience would love Because the interests and tell me about your business and then we'll go right into hard core koane renovation everywhere,
we won't say where the resource room, where security risk management firm, headquartered in san francisco office, in l, a to be in new york and. Since then bernard artist just started an online gallery. where were you from now at new york, pleasurable. I will mccoy ceo for no bully, which is an international non profit and tabling it s hyperbole. Base in San francisco, but we do work worldwide, understood I again and brother. How I, Moscow, spake hears. My friends call me see about zombies. We write words that sell anything. We are asking copyright service. I'm french, I David Laroche, so I'm obsessed by why, in the best of the best, so I traveled the world to meet the farmers with fleets and entrepreneurs, sure the constrict holidays.
then I provide another contents on what I learned from them, and it gives me a lot of credibility. I search you know, I'm lucky to have chimpanzee And for us to have grown when they do faster and also be more because I love both psychology- and we have the biggest following in france right now, but the the most important thing for me is that we change the names I received like your laser is from fifteen year old kids who didn't commit suicide, because what we do and it's.
it's amazing for me to see that's my next step and that's why I'm here I want to go global. I want to have that kind of impact worldwide and I would love to have your advice and tips on how I can live rage by accident. That way, I'm able to reach more people, and just for you to know it's nuts, I fall short of the business about budget submission. For me, I'm playing for the next few years I going to create that legacy. They want to invite the lives of millions of them. So I say that, because some days I hear you say that you, life and business cookies are full of shit But for me I worked like so highly the less than yours and I made for it it's very easy not to be foolish, shut up, you're playing for legacy, verses, signing people up ass their minds to buy watches and schemes
I I want you to commit suicide, so I do what I'm doing because, like each other- and it's great, it's good with a small group. We can go very well. Hopefully we can go around a couple of times very specific, like very specific questions like we did with Ben I'm ready to go Subaru, so kind next week that gas, the chat recently sold vibrate in four legs to our storm, consulting training, research solution, I remember, shifted from a hybrid government and corporate focus to just companies. Now that's interesting from a content and digital perspective, because now he can lean out a bit more than pogba who are working with the type of work we're doing.
In those types of things. One of the challenges we've found specifically has been now that we're in that space and can create a kind of develop content start to do more in the digital space is thinking about audience. Some of the corporate space opera, star prospective client work or point of contact is very desperate. Right, so could be a chief federal officer it'd, the chief security officer could be to see how it could be a c o l or the spouse of those people, one hundred percent, one hundred percent. So, as I think Guided how we go about point ended our then. What will your thoughts with respect you? targeting. If it's, if you have a limited, if you have limited resources, you pick one got it start there but the lever is caught that all of this is built on. It's gonna be your answers. Well, all of this is built on context everyone's evacuated with the content, because it's important it's the output? You're. All my work, however,
I'll be outside from a strategy. Standpoint is understanding context. because then you are able to create content contractually, which disproportionate creates relevance which relevant. And meaning something to somebody is why every person this room is wearing what their wearing or what they're gonna eat is what they're gonna eat. So you know to answer your question in a world where, like hey gary, I'm crippled, it can be the cfr it can be. The ceo can be the ch, only cool pack, one right. It's really as simple as that My argument, is you can get to a lot of them by understating copy right. There is, Question to me that a pdf, a dec An audio file a video can be made and if you, rant on it as first person or if you create something amazing, they can actually touch on all three of the demos. I can talk about
the financial impact of something and the retention of employees because of that decision and the toppling revenue growth. Probably within two minutes, if I change the copy on a linked in post that expands on that too. Get to see a foe and really just narrows in on the financial ramifications. I've now she made one piece of content with an additional five minutes of post copy them did me get seem as if I made three great super, I think about it okay, I dunno we got a lot done with fear and not fear and stepping out so I'll, just keep going around, but typically absolutely This is all about investment. I spend an ungodly amount of time on investment for things that Dr my cfo crazy: you know. What's so funny about me. Is people say, don't listen. I interrupt people. This is that I just have so much pattern, recognition of being
you're my whole literal life, and I spent so much time listening when I'm not in front of a camera that I gave the answer within the perforce seconds. I go through it cause. I wanna make sure you got the teens on the ice, but will go right back to it one hundred percent investment. What's your, the time for lack of margin, because there's no other way which all who speaks to having to be able to be in a place where you are Growing the orphans, why Spending more time on the defence. next last night, where within three and decided put a defensive unit of a time out which made sense, except that the bulls if I pointed to seconds we're back down I ate and how to call another time: output back out the office. That's the disease, and coach fizdale made luckily the rallied one, but that one of them the critical point where he lost, because he decided that point It was time to invest in defence, fortunately the market a k? The bulls go, fuck yourself, that's your game!.
All the top line. Revenue you're gonna give up, because there's only so much you know entre just like you and me think we can you two hundred eighty percent, not one hundred percent. True, there is a number some can do to eighty. But that doesn't mean you you three ninety, and so that's the game, the only other variable in your life to play. This Is what you're willing to give up and leisure or time, efficiency. most of what I'm successful at, is completely predicated on actually having four minute meetings when it's a four minute meeting, instead of a thirty minute, meaning. That is it. If I really starting to understand myself, unlike all right, zero waste. creates vulnerability because of a meeting and leave, and nobody knows what you just said, but I feel rather do that for four minutes than twenty nine minutes. Because then, once I realise a week later, nobody knew what I said. You have another, even a meeting with the context of them. Not knowing and you get it done and so they earn for twelve instead of thirty.
I'm a little dizzy. I know that was a good one. That was a good one. I was a little nerdy, Michael Moore's, not as complex. So did my ten thousand hours when the creative side of branding in advertising? the malcolm gladwell give you a bow production how come gladdened I'll give you about now. unforgiving. About five years ago, I decided after well, just go back a little bit, I got divorced in started thinking what and I do versus what I can't do cause. I can't do it so. I started painting and I realise that five hours ago I see my ten seconds
and so I started doing that as therapeutic of exercise, some people started asking me how many I sold tonight? So I started selling oh my darlin five years of doing or shows. You know. Fifteen twenty art shows a year show me like selling it That's a lot of lugging, it's a lot of inside from the market place what people like what they don't like I'd love interacting with people. I love selling the artwork. Then I decided. Ok, how do I monetize this beyond selling original artwork? I got it I gotta everybody's an artist. So I just recently store. This online gallery on this platform wards were fronts dot com to set up for art yep. You don't have to do a lot of the development work
and I sat down and started to figure out myself. Okay, I put a lot of brands on them on the map. How do I do myself and that's why I'm here because it is not quite sure had it position and package myself to appeal to the two markets that I'm trying to appeal to which the person it's going into home goods buying forty now and yet piece of shit, and person that's gonna by thirty five, forty five hundred dollar peace, original artwork, well, as you can imagine, you need to be in different places and to show up different but the good news is, there's only there's only ten t, fifteen places on top of something, call the internet that are, good places for people
that don't have millions of dollars to spend on media and the Every word out of my mouth has been tik tok and linked in over the last four months is mine it's pretty over the last twenty five years as a marketer is to understand, where there's attention for a good price, the euro is the best price correct fact that you can post a one minute, video view painting on tik tok right now and get Eight hundred thousand views for zero dollars is not available to you, sir anywhere ass! The The people sit around and say things like well, I can't do that. That's where my fourteen, your granddaughter lives, there's only kids there, People say no. Instead of yes,. has anybody heard of a granddaughter break it personal? It's not true it's getting older by the second, but let us say was, but you say it was kept, It is only twelve to sixteen year old females in amerika for tiktok, which it does not.
but let us say was: has anybody heard of a granddaughter taking a phone and showing the grandmother this school painting like peoples funny. they're in the business and no instead of yes, so what let's take copper linked in those are two very important platforms for you. because you have to make content for those platforms because you're probably not get a poor ten thousand dollars a month and that you may. I have no idea of anything about you. Ok, you're, not so all you have to take very seriously. You know: That is the context that I need to do a better job. To my audience of why I talk about, I just did it I'm glad I did, I hope, jason caught it like That is the punchline forever. It was email. was organic. Google search the reason I would sit and spent seven hours a day in ninety. Ninety nine, looking at the s, p, code,
of my website was. I was getting educated on how to show up burst on Google without buying google adwords before there were google adwords for the worse and pinot noir, because, if I know I did a hundred forty seven people would go to why library that come in two thousand for no reason other than they sixteen in the war, and I showed up first and then bought adds because there were five cents, a that was a good deal for me and I can afford to buy ten dollars dollars a month and on and on and on I'm not thrown around my phone number to want to night three one, five, seven three one for my community texts platform for my health, it's because text messaging, my audience converts better than anything else I can do and as the we think that I've seen include twitter and facebook that looks like email, look like to me a nineteen eighty, seven, where ninety percent of the audience that signed up actually sign, You need to please contact in written audio, visual, clearly video forum, for what you do acrostic
and platforms that matter we have. I dunno. If we'd done that, I don't know if we do that later debuted already, that just kinda need to do that. You need to deploy self awareness and figure out which one of those you can do your business is highly visual, so good, I kind of need you to be in picture and video form even you weren't video form and people only saw your back of your head. It could be can tool time home improvement gag. If you are so in secure- and I don't see that an arise where I sit in the compassion way, if you were so in secure that couldn't show your face. Great lets them you back to canvass. The body but you need to produce pictures and videos on the internet. More important than making the are its, important making here. Nobody knows, you can't sell shit right. When I tell you that I started this company, ten years ago, which got made fun of by every one of my friends because building a client service. This is not a small business for where
was that in my professional career, it's because my because there was nothing left except communication. If, tomorrow I decided to pick a random artist, I would make them. Be the kind of artistic itself five thousand dollar paintings, because I would communicate everybody and that would create demand the at god thank you now it becomes now what I just said to you was: oh, you want to get healthier. You have to eat well and exercise like not we'll talk somewhat. No you're not Well as implants, I'm like no, not no, not steroids, look got it now. You have to do and the way I best learn that people will do. It is how I got to get me self aware you might love to write. and then they so crazy to a lot of people like he's a fucking artist that rights, Its conrad, if you will, Raising manifesto, I'm glad to hear your good writer
linked in with no visual support that use? magically like enamored all of us with the written word of how you came up with the painting idea, and then there was a click out to the I think that might be in lest we would see it as the friction of clicking out people may come work because of the way you did it can play I think, most problems. I play I'm ok. Not doing well in likes and shares or what's best practices because I know I have to figure it out now- yesterday doesn't mean anything to me. Let phrase Yes, we need slightly more or less to me, then try. I figure out today, I love your alone. I love the context of yesterday. I like that, to repeat, same mistakes and I'd like to use what I ve learned to deploy in the context. But today's the game, not three smelling overtures coming, not interested, not three. Ago, everyone so scared that they massively overvalued yesterday
I struggling with myself about turning the table from being behind the camera to being in front of it. In other words, there is a way to do it, maybe not be informed the camera, back to the back babylonish united. We have thought of it. Yes, exactly? I would so. Your europe about acting now run the product. That's just the security of the product or selling. Well, I'm aware, I know, no it that's issue casting your own judgement it, like I dont permission to do this. I just started right guess what look round was good, is look here. Maybe in naturally talented. I am incredible, I believe, but, honestly honestly, that's it. Thanks. So much sense be some narratives like fucker just took this up. Who am I the charge? Five thousand? Don't this? So it's not that! Ok, it's not that it's the entry into the marketing myself as the product versus marketing. This gentlemen's business is the problem that
was to be insecurity and brought a program. I'm telling you whether its, whether it's the version of who am I or I, like all you ve, overvalued being understated where you philosophically have put behind the scenes on a pedestal as a more proper way to go and you're, not a charlatan or fame or whatever you decide in your brains that we have the breakdown, Yeah, probably all the above, I believe, like thirty cliche recent site, if you like, personal branded, so yucky, my cool call. It reputation that better. I asked about for two minutes on rebecca, yes, sir, so for us as a non profit. I mean we do great where nobody is probably right. So the argument is easy, but winning
comes to converting to donation, yes, converting to new partnerships. Yes, getting that going from awareness to active leaning in yeah. I'm super excited we're talking about this, because I'm going to have raised by our supplant tonight, which I'm on board urban when bore depend the promise and charity water. I've. Some I would argue that some of the best marketing working out I'm very funny Are you comfortable promoting my business ventures cause I like capitalism, but I'm very, very quiet with my altruism, but I say while the time on it, I'm gonna give you really interesting inside the the number. One vulnerability to non profit is audacity if you If you macro analyze the communication of nonprofits, they speak too. as if we should delay to this at a complete. We fundamentally turns us off. Why should I mean where to educate people?
If you look carefully and I'm very pet, it's funny to have spanking like I'm deaf, you know it's funny. I was I'm so bad at grammar. Forget about. I was because the way I Learned and probably because probably dyslexic end, because I'm an immigrant there's a lot of reasons, probably but nonetheless andy we pass about words, I'm good at it as a human they matter? and what I got into nonprofit work. I wanted to be effective. You know it was like hey. Here. Comes the whiz kid in marketing like fuck, I better, you know I rarely do work, but I did some work on this I am also very intuitive back too quick answers on like oh fuck, this measure a marketing, because there, Titled and audacious and then when I feel really getting into the world and I'm happy for you, but I was by how much People are non operational in nonprofit world right. You have a lot of makes sense re, like both MIKE let's go that round right, you go away from the you know that, of creation and you're like me to give back, but you ve never done anything. So not only was it audacious.
And condescending, ideological and not practical?. So that is the huge vulnerability to why nonprofits in the macro, without knowing anything, I think, to really think about that, You know. How is that manifesting? What you're creating the end Listen, it's so fun to have the prime of my life's work being built this communications framework. made no sense what I did. It is starting to make sense to people right now, but there still grossly under estimating what I'm actually doing theirs. Nothing left, but what I'm doing everything's a commodity except awareness and communication cause of how life actually works like, of course Stack humorous higher quality, of course, printed originals different, of course, pullings print them, you know cancer, but but it's more commodities and people think what how commoditize have the ability get somebody to know and care.
To getting somebody to knowing care? You first have to deploy empathy nodded, three. Recently Your problem, socially in our country, there's no empathy, from either direction literally, yesterday morning on the way to work. fifteen minute conversation with a woman who told me that I was a very bad guy when I spoke at accompany last week, because I was using white privilege because I was cursing And if I wasn't a white male, I wouldn't be able to do that. Nine, nine point. Ninety nine percent of people would have deleted that email because it was pretty left field. My spent fifteen minutes talking to her. I didn't find anything new, but I appreciated the conversation italy really smart, you're right. Nobody is against bully. More importantly, nobody actually cares. and once you get that realisation and here's. Why in who cares the person whose kid becomes priest suicidal because a bully the same person that cares about heart disease. The second and dad dies a part of that
We have to get more out, but we deploy too much. too much ideology like I'm spending my life, giving I don't if somebody yelling at me about Gary. You don't care about book in the tunnel You can't drink out of that fucking. You know, you know, straw. like I get it I like, You're wearing a gucci bag and textiles are destroying our environment where, hypocrisy, audacity mood and non profit land, but we have to do is go into contextual, creative at scale to create relevance how I think about it is the gary model just a vain or model which again that probably spoke to, and with nuclear and others. Here we can go deeper into. I think your innovation means put out a hundred piece of content. I think that's what you have to figure out: other I'd. Rather, you spend two hours less painting I'd. Rather you fire three executives who actually doing ship being in meetings you have to make this is
ideas and making and nothing else You make that your religion, you start actually thinking that everyone's. Like every hundred I mean I had an employee who's been here for seven years said, on the phone. The other day when I sat with his pocket gamble conversation I'm like she's Gary this is the staff we have like you, make a choice. Between linked in and facebook. No, I don't. You have to stop, being in dumb fuck in meetings for two hours a day and make it forty one. So I can have both figured out. You have to make and you have that african americans in it and asia our continent and the penal americans in it, tina americans and spangler, because then you might see well wisest resonating. We even know that this was, underlining issue in the latvian community in San Antonio. By making when you make a contribution content, you start making. The san antonio spurs piece of content for that? You know you see where I'm going. That then gives you an insight, because he'll and now
now. We know what two minute video to make, make a video you know an eighty four year old and what boy actually meant and how it transpired and what it actually meant. This is not about suicide, a mass shootings. This is about maybe four year old, who said seventy five years of unhappiness. Has the borders that were ugly, not good. Has you know a drug? like like you see where I'm going and that's just one hundred I mean I just went into hypothesis mode or seven hundred other things you could go with. But for you and for you and for you and for you and for me, and for every single person. This is of contractual creative at scale employed against the platforms that actually have the attention of people which there compels people to do something not one vanilla, piece of content. seen by everyone is concerned. she'll creative at scale right
as you can imagine, now we're going very far fetched, but if you're making a video of a make, pretend grandmother had a painting in her in her. You know in our kitchen for our kids, life and that's why you need to buy one of my paintings for your kitchen. That's this principle when you say that, because I felt I tell people were made by my art that you know its touching their lives are gonna, be looking at that all their life from their in their kids are going to be looking at it he put a price on that? Yes, why I dont by art, because that doesn't do that for me, but I want photos of my family everywhere, because that does do that for me. But to your point like met many many people, most people actually knew that with our I remember everything in my parents home I get it. So I'm having regurgitating that'll do now. I totally get follower eyesight revellers alaska, that terrorists. That is your requirement. Its awareness. but it's not just awareness. It's compelling somebody do something
compelling somebody do something is based on them, not on us, so talk down and we need to talk talk got it If you go to just every communication, you do comes from that filter. stunned by how much more money again. That's to think you got it. So, as my brand has grown and as we have developed kind of a global awareness now we have clients all of the world that uses us the for for me to speak. Take them. You're stages is occurring more often and so looking a growing the business further. I realized and read very quickly that every time we document those those moments every time we fill those moments. That then turns more content, but it's not necessarily content directed at the brand. Is content around my brand, my personal brand, so so,
when looking at growing the brain. Further we're trying to figure out. Should we leverage the opportunities of me speaking on more stages and of me coach, or working with other companies, because it's interesting the question: is that I was asked a year ago, a year and a half ago were Hathaway right, effective, add happy! Now the question is can you tell me again? Are you grow business to from seven figure business in like less than two years. He always has I listened to carry the idea, very know. I know you did that's why making their job, but you know it's funny. I had this really surreal moment in the national airport. I was speaking at a conference guy, comes running up to me and I fear that since you need to know about it, that's disgusting not to me, and he like. Can I get it to me. So my book am, I sure, am I think your my life, my how, because I was caught him in the mindset of Ben. I went on the receiving a right in and
now. That's happened a few times and among the answer is both ok to your question. Both course So it's ok that to diversify in terms of the coming honours. Might my Filmmaker today is one business partner when you said get an ox guy my my video I couldn't hear today so Brandon camelot along. So he is a blessing to my business. That came directly from my conversation I remember years ago I remember so financially you share. You share the business, yes. That's the only vulnerability. The only vulnerability to building a personal branches atop. The funnel is who are the other stakeholders, who fear that you're getting disproportionate leverage and can leave and there the commodity. I don't think Britain has an issue with that. well. I can speak for britain, but I can promise you the answer. That's that's the answer to the question. The only reason anybody on earth should not build. personal brand at scale is because somebody else with financial and vested interests sunk,
consciously or unconsciously doesn't like it? Nothing else should stop anybody because it brings businesses Its top of the former, and by the way, what your street late didn't strategy holy shit, it's not even just weekdays brother. I know, listen, listen, I'm Eventually, people can understand like really, great at what I do and am very quite unusual for giving away for free at scale and then, if you, I deeply more contractual there's things like banner media, others for me, there's other things, but like it's going to be like that forever it my way if there was documenting and video on youtube. When I was twenty two, I would already be there, because I would have done this thing. Everybody would have gotten email and e commerce and search and you'd
It's like you would have seen me, make a youtube video for months after you to give out and said this is gonna, be the biggest thing and then we'd be sitting here. We'd be like how the fuck did. He know that based on based on what you ve been preaching with the lisbon strategy, I ve been doing that aggressively how soon, on average, they honour four hundred new followers I'll see on a weekend, two thousand new followers, you get it and I personally thinnest facebook, it's crazy, two thousand, why it's crazy, solid platform. a billion times. Some people like nobody, is doing very few people doing anything about it. What's ironic is my advice actually leads to my own downfall. if everybody listen to me and make content than the organic reach would go down, could just supplying the man. That's how much I know people don't do anything. I'm literally giving advice. Every single day, then, is that my own detriment.
You are coming from an EU credibility and I have your point of view, but that's all the friends business visa is growing. it's late, ok, we are looking for me, is that your address take. You say a lot about vision out of context, so we did five hundred. The english, The only thing that work is when I do videos with all their english speaking well known entrepreneurs between its Me myself, yet it says and I would love to have your vision. What's the definition sucks, it doesn't get his men abuse, yes, less of what of what they did. You will do a get like a table know when an in some fields all so a lot of the riis its makes it but that that would happen if it wasn't just english. That's not a french english, then or act, something that's up.
Your leveraging grand equity from somebody's famously In france right now, More use! These me speaking because you have more private equity in that market is for sure, Also, I can see that migration is, if you were, coming right now in the usa or further with not a perfect english high. Would leave raised by recognising. I can't change my access, Do you have any improving, but wish I had his accent. I'm sure that we're not talking about talking about getting around that, but my accent, it's more like. I understand what you're saying: how do I I am sure that I gently ridgeway, I'm as the strength of its more having more patience and just put content. by understanding that americans are actually deeply like, deeply rooted in america more than fifty percent.
Americans, don't have a passport, so you just Will you have the news except the truth and execute on the truth, because it's late, I can see the growth Do you mind if I use agencies growing burden? doing like after two hundred years. It's like the same views at the beginning. I don't see improvement. I understand and that's that's frustrating. I think I there's a couple things. One just continue interview This will enable us to do that. You were impressed as a result, similar to some stuff. We talked about I'm very blogging. So I'm right about email, I'm right about Google, I'm right about e commerce, I'm right about Search- and here comes this thing that I think is about to be big called blogging, and I look at it two thousand and two and I'm like fuck. I can't write.
we do so I'm looking at it in the house my career for may ninety. Ninety eight to write the second there's only been one macro trend that I didn't domini blood you ve been. have your accent. Yeah americans are never going to accept an accent more than the american accent. You just now have to decide whether the strategy is theirs to lose. One continued interview at scale and do no independent solo, english videos. and then after three more years or a year every year, on fifteen July July, seventh, try one thing that happens go the other way and beat them into it. believe. So much in your message that you can be now. Look though different I'll tell you that when I seen in two thousand and nine. Wildly high energy cursing
I was wildly not accepted. I had a lot of push back. I just made everybody succumb. It's really only two options And they would be when christian values. you say the words about being yourself when you do things like yours, internet, which, like the line, the balance between say: you're sending the video but yourself can frame. I I wouldn't say that I'm an extravagance. I more so I learned. They do a lot of speaking, but there's a lot of people that do extremely well. That are quite a mean comparison. An actual voted. Yes, and I love what good there's your answer. There's nothin What's right as the tim TIM and on me, I hate when people try to be like me, I'm wildly entertaining that's hard. That's a talent.
I get the keynote like a stand up gives you know performance. it's not going to be replicated. We happen to be very insightful as well. Yes, I and others that to your point well, thank you for like what I think people get confused with many other ways. They just think I'm sizzle I would argue that underrated intellectually, because sizzle in this, What rose like? I'm! Not like you, my brow. I get fucking Clearly, this respected for my intellect and insights, because I am your gift. Is your cursed. so I'm ok with that I think, I'm dom charlatan full of shit. I'm not smart. I fight that's the point I think, leaning into your truth, is the is the best because its the fastest and easiest. Once you get overhaul.
You got get over the hump of judgment, but once you're over the hump then you're fast, I'm so fast, because I have no time to dwell on the judgment. it's, so you know what's so fun about these things, I I you know it's so funny, analyzing the most the reason. I thought that This would be good and I would be good was how I started looking at why my very the first full year, after I left it. It's amazingly interesting when you can look at something looking down on it versus when you're in It was crazy. I sort of like that. Firstly, I note that the way for a little while, but then the holidays came and, like I wasn't, bully remove those like this sucks. This blows this but this is backed up by my clothes- are all my favorite moves? But I'm looking at it like this force is being there every day. nothing is so easy to us. If you want america, if tools you keep going.
or you keep interviewing to believe in more leverage to then kashin or You also start thinking about distribution differently. Well, you know one could argue. The psychology of the consumer in america is different on linkedin than theirs on youtube and facebook, and thus your access might allude to european intellect then that it may not play out on you too. Yeah for sure. I can see that the more it's about the village, the less my accent, is important. Everything's, less important ones. People see the truth. Everything an email I get is like. I started off hating you I should really lesson I just was spent.
no joke! If I was your brother and we were like hanging out for the weekend, look bro not another minute ever life, you're not allowed to say to me anything about an accent just wasting time. I think everyone does not understand. I understand I'm apathetic to it. That's what people do they spent. All their time on the thing that they can control I don't do that. I got it just. I would like to say that less less you know Less than ever now correct, that's right cause! It's Guaranteed variable, you know, Maybe maybe he's war Be the wage not only speak about that, but what would ideally friends? everybody wants me off. They started when I was twenty eight used. Us but advance. it's not that I did so that they stop. You speak about it? I even I spoke. I spoke a lot about it.
And people just say: oh fuck, he a he's in france, etc. I know what he was doing then you're super smart. If you want to start your first video everytime in america be like before you talk about, my accent gets that economic model thing of course If you take control of your shortcomings, it becomes a strike, and I love that the eighties, in whatever message was we are the actors are super ugly, but they were smart enough to be like no. This is my look and they're like oh I'm, weirdly attracted to adam driver. Why, yeah, and I would love that for my origins. I really think that that's the new hack that I need to make content about heh. Are you really not attractive? You need to leaning in reverse and weirdly the confidence of not being super attractive. Weirdly that makes people think you are. I actually see it. It's happened a couple of times
we every day, yeah, let's get a couple more and a little free form. We got five to seven more minutes, sounds good, right myself for me, this notion of beer beard, the cnn for your segment YAP. Dont, be developing selfish content. That's intended to basically interview with right here who would you Think of in my contacts for securities basis. Of interviews. Would you see as interesting woman Do you think a fox news rank with those guys are always going to forget about anyone? Looking Think I think this is so great you probably have a good sense of security landscape who has equity, You know what I always say: it's like look at your b to b magazines and look at the conferences in your industry and look who the is on the covers and look who are on the keynote speeches
and then invite them to be under part gas and all those people, since I'm one of them, always wanted to apply guessed right got at that time Are you using google search them should, like top fifty people in secure in bribes like case right now. We're just random work. You'd. Be surprised how many people say. Yes, even yet again, everyone has now: why would Sarah go the number three securely person the world go on. My part can only have one yet right, don't think over the other person. I taught eg about being a medium because they just practical which means he goes to know because things. What would I do? practically, look through everything and say now, I'm like that's that most people make emotional decisions now you're the crapshoot, don't say no for the other person. The greatest accomplishment. My life is,
super duper duper overweight, nor any friend in college, and I pay I assumed that you get a super, pretty girl before the on the college and was a simple game of volume. He just I finally got him by sophomore year to ask everybody, and eventually somebody says: yes, that's life. I thought it was getting a puppy. that too but like, but it was a really interesting exercise of my thesis. There was nothing on paper That made what I saw happen happen for anyone logical way in its most narrow animals. the way of life and it happened. You can't say no, the other person and you have to the uk with a lot of nose. you're, not okay, a lot of news you never get to that miracle was an artist you used to know corrected. Everybody's used to know in certain things and not in others, I'm only used to know and love no one business, but I also didn't like asking girls out in high school. I didn't like no in that context right right, so
that's the thing right, you super can have me fine and one thing, but another thing: you're not is fine with, and it just recognising that and just going to a yes culture it just yes, culture tall. It is. it just making. I actually think it is practical. What the fuck is: happen. If you email Colin Powell, many says no right, god forbid says yes, you're off the fucking races, maybe you tonight right. Maybe his niece said to him that he needs to get on pod and he doesn't know better than yours doesn't mean anything right. what signal for the other person. You went through this you probably we're going wide at first. That's what got you there and then you ll wait a minute. I was told people on the easiest one. I have something to sell. You wanted to me, I'm impossible. You wanted When I'm selling empathy your case was sneakers uneasy, everybody's got no a mamma
I you know I was pissed, I I send something to you as a little. Thank you yes and they fucked up the thank you note and I'm actually glad they fucked up thinking. No, because I've been wanting to sit down with you not. We have a real contractual conversation about mentorship on my part guest, and I would love to if you have time at some point. Have you come on already some email I'll look at you, I'm booking everything down for next year and we got a lot of stuff going on. So I don't want to bullshit. You know very open to it cool. I have one question. You say that you need to publish what had been pizza, They right now one hundred right. When I don't like to me, you know the exact another language yeah. I heard what you do that right now you attract a lot of that people. That's like what would be your advice to attract the track of the finds? Then people to do all those things when you are not at your position right now.
Yes, Colin Powell, by making a video tomorrow and saying I'm looking for people. The rock became the adjective programme, around one fuck. You call when everybody calls themselves that Iraq I wasn't who I was then. So you mean, like you've, got a huge advantage. Everybody here has a huge advantage. Every seventeen year old in america and in the world wants to be a creator. People don't get this has nothing to do with leverage of the person. This has to do with the interest and supply of the makers. every fucking twenty two year old. Hey! Do you want to work at a shitty bank or do you want to work at a corporation? Or do you want to be a video blogger and post produced for youtube and facebook they'll take fucking a fifth lap at ten percent of rich enough region of their parents subsidized I'm not making money to do it.
forty percent of them are smart enough or ideological enough to choose happiness over more of a salary and then fifty percent of china. Not to mention there's a lot of my argument on The activity is about to go in another direction. Spend a lot of harm and sixty two. Ninety, Fighting copy super important- and I have this wild ideology in my mind that all these retired men and women from the madman era sitting. florida and new jersey in new york. Seventy two years old borders, spock, I'm tired of everybody saying to them that they are taking up, but they can't do anything that they no longer stay have bigger selby. This meanwhile debris in the raft of workmanship and putting together words.
blow away. Ninety eight point: seven percent of the people because say forty years of experience to go along with their talent and would writ their arm off to come to an environment like this and workers. fifteen dollars an hour to be a copywriter. I'm completely comments and I'm gonna execute the correct. I believe it. You can't go, there's tourists gale Y know no going awesome. The world is abundant. If I thought you could be to it, I wouldn't have set it out loud. I love the idea, though, because it's funny that's that's a real, genuine, she's, fine, good quality people who can write. You looked at the people who, literally a great writer even literally, have literally the people, the wrote, the greatest commercials and greatest printouts eyeball, tight sitting right out again Let me say one more time being made fun of four being technology danced made, followed Oh grandma, you don't know how to take a selfie. You had to reverse that took a bow to you. Meanwhile, can literally
right, the greatest copy in the world to them. I tell people that I don't want copywriters. I want people who are amazing, storytellers cause! That's what you wrote a comment right, but you're saying that you're saying the literal interpretation we jumped on you mean the truth right by like two. I am a great copywriter. I have no grammar skills and would never get hired by Jacob de gray or beer for that matter, because I don't know how to put it together, but I know how to put it together. Well, He could have copy is right. Like you speak, So there you go right! the machine just read like you speak even better The way speak makes people do things. So thus I that's why my shit works. What might be a hundred percent gary's? it's something about you believe. Yes, more people are saying sure for sure for sure, for I too long for to what what do you see for the future that both work six, If, tomorrow, I found out that star wars, the next one is nine hours, I would go watch it if I watch, a six second buying
that's shit mountain two seconds we take for granted. when it comes to resent presentation of both here's, how works For long form, back where your am I gonna run after this, I apologize, but will it get to see all because all you it's a dollar shape club. Those people who makes a video and in everybody's, like all I gotta make goes right. All you need is one thirteen they feel that fiji, water that act. They fuckin works and the ultimate all this is a sheep world. don't think independently. They need an example. Make one video you often race not win wade! Budweiser video really mattered. Three. the next forty seven and that's a long for warm add, but I think more people get hurt. Brands spent brains have been ripped off. My fancy directors and producers teddy agencies and every at agency to
if these kind of, like that, eventually seven hundred soldiers? I total exists, now appreciate this all about is based on merit. Nothing scares and make the best thing of something- and you will win this- yes, just be good That's my facebook and youtube and all those people get mad at me for long form because against their algorithms gets their best practices. My theory is make a video that somebody wants to watch you. Don't you people watch my our login fuckin dubai hours, some watching me, snuff, aachen, snuff, again avatar Make sure people want to watch always works, have the freedom to make something that people want to watch when you include services differently right,
that's where things get hurt a lot of times, clients, yeah clients, get clients get what they deserve. But when you a million, then try to me cause my cat, everyone, everyone's a designer yeah, everyone say it's all subjective. That's why I love you. Thank you. Thank you so much for listening all the way to the end of that at the sold. We want to remind you to please leave feedback in any way. You can whether that's dropping your comments, in spite of our common section down below tweeting gary, add gary v or leaving us review unhappy pod costs, and if you leave us feedback, your questions comments. Reviews might just get shouted out in the next episode.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-28.