« The GaryVee Audio Experience

The Top Things That Are Holding You Back

2023-10-13 | 🔗

Today's episode of the podcast is a session from the Limitless Arena Business Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah around the importance of authenticity and why faking it just isn't sustainable. This is why I keep pushing for the need to redefine what success is and that true happiness needs to always come before money. Use this moment to really look inside yourself and unlock your full potential. I really feel all the entrepreneurs out there need to listen carefully to this one. I hope you enjoy!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You know like sometimes you can come and be like fuck, you gary I've been doing it for seven years, and I have eighteen hundred followers and get two likes. I'm like it's, not that social doesn't work because there's billions of examples of it working. It's that you haven't found it like what you're doing is in resonating with the world and that's on you to either not care, because you like doing in phuket, you got your seventeen hundred followers and if I fucking live in or if you want something else, you've got gotta change. It you've got to change the creative format. The way you present maybe he shouldn't beaten, the content should be behind the scenes, but could be a million reasons. This is the gary v audio experience. This is over the eu in view of my life, because I love this guy deepen myself Gary, even spired the world through just real life, hard work and you showcased it on a day to day basis on how they can actually do it or must we will talk facetiously? You say this is how you guys actually do it make piece of content, but do the work,
He never tried to make it fake walk us through. Why is your concept like that and why they should actually follow through those steps? You know, I think especially with the energy of this room, and what am I, Noble line up, and obviously the energy of this crowd is off the charts. When you do that point, I think we're the Jesus. This crowd, call it forty two and above years, old a lot of us in this crowd that are of that age, realise that entrepreneurship wasn't in this I guys the popular culture when I was growing up there weren't, nor to look up. Do it wasn't a thing? It was all about god, the best college you can get into and go into the corporate even so as things above the internet and social media. There was a point where I realized: oh shit, entrepreneur
Ship is now cool, and that was me, and I thought that was fucking amazing and I was like in it and I was like ok, let's understand what this means and then over the next three to four years. It became obvious to me that a lot of people talked about it cause. It became cool the way they would talk about sport or being a wrapper like kids in high school, like I'm gonna make the legal and to be in the nba or I'm gonna be a famous wrapper that was the way the people talked about being an entrepreneur, but that had started to happen because entrepreneurship became popular culture. It was then that I was like you know what there's so much confused. What is required to pull this off, and I think everyone in this you know conference the more you go through it. I don't know where everyone is on their journey, but the more we can throw in them. Are you realize, like you, can fake it for a while
but it's just not sustainable, and for me I, lucky, because this all didn't happen when I was seventeen, this all happen when I was in my way thirty's, I was already on the back end of putting in the work the other thing that I desperately wish for everyone here, more then, how much money they are able to make is for them to be happy, and I mean that because everyone here knows unlimited. people that have money that are having terrible lives there. Anxious there there they ve got real issues and there's nothing good about that. So it became important to me seven eight ten years ago, Really do what I could to show that the truth of the matter is is that the work is part of the equation that you are looking for. The quick way to do it, you're looking for the most sustainable way for you to do it.
and really becoming being self aware in reverse engineering with a book you are and then putting yourself in a position to do. That is always going to lead to the thing that everybody wants, and so you know, I felt that it was in my stomach and I wanted to put it out there and I did and then obviously led to people seeing maybe a different version of it, I'm thrilled when people use it as a proxy of what they want to do. What What they don't want to do. Plenty people in these circles will come to me and be like Gary. I don't believe in what you're saying I'm like. That's amazing, like do you like, I don't think I'm right. I think I'm right for me and and I and I think that means it's right for some of you then it means that its some parts of what I do is right for you and that's the fucking game dan. So when you walk through so
clean and simple like this is what you do over and over and over free one years, two years, three or four years, and if you do this every day you get there. What do you actually think when people don't follow through with those things like why dont people actually follow through with the simple game you give them, and while there's still a million variables that go into that, like you know, the biggest thing that is holding back. All of us me included from whatever we want is not recognizing things not seeing it right
I didn't realize for twenty five years is a manager that my lack of candor gary, be for all of you is very canvas its strength. Gary baynard shook the sea of two thousand people have been or ex struggled with candor, because if I like you it's hard for me to say something you have this is you know when you're posting you're pushing through the world's do not talking to anybody specifically when you're talking to a direct report that you're in the trenches with every day they become your brother and sister? May they become family when you're really about it and it sometimes hard to tell them the sting get something because for me, the number one thing I hate in the world is, fear. I hate fear and a lot of people weapon. I sphere to get people to do what they want. Politicians, teachers pair
fear is weapon ice. Often I used to think that meet telling you if you were working for medium like it in you really like you're all somewhat like you're, not great at this, this in this and like, if you don't fix it like this, is not going to work out. I thought when you would walk out that you are scared and that you were like a half way out the door. or an self esteem was fucked up, and I was- and I didn't know how to find a balance. I've been able to fix that in the last five years and its changed a lot for my company and my world see my lack of candor as a kryptonite. The reason so many people here don't follow easy things is one: it's not easy for them. started get serious about my health about ten years ago, when I go to Jim pretty consistently, but to this day I fucking hate it like. Like waking up tomorrow and it's going to rain in new york and the fucking jets are going to probably lose tomorrow and
and some already in a bad mood and waking up at like eight and having to like putting a workout is like the least natural thing. Yet, if you told me jerry, we need to work ninety eight hours straight on this to solve it. I've been like, let's start right now, that's easy! So for a lot of people doesn't come on natural. The reason tat, I think, for a lot of people. It doesn't come natural is their chasing the financial part of it, and so by increasing the financial part of it. They don't really like it which is why they wanted to happen faster, which is why they don't follow. The work ethic required I understand that because that's how I lived my life and help them well miss and that's how I live life, ass, a student I didn't like which is why sucked at it- and there was no no thing I could do to fix. those two areas, but business and entrepreneurship. I loved it. It's my life on pure fuckin, bread, entrepreneur, I like the game and It comes easy, but I think what am I
Doping is that of people realise in this new internet world that is now what sure that we all live in they can adam chasing the next trend. If they chased occur, a category of passion, something they like and built a bit around that their farm are likely to pull it off, because when they wake up, they actually want to do it, because the thing is interesting, not the shit they get from the thing who as an doesn't you lead me to a passion project or at a sports harder convention, how the national hundred thousand people there I just happened in chicago areas. There he's got his boot. There come by the card show and you guys at the time like nine hundred employees. Now you have two thousand nine hundred employees and I watched you, buy a sport, and sixty bucks but in our negotiating with someone else to sell it for a hundred bucks. So you may forty dollars I have nine hundred employees back home and I,
burn it. To my mind, why I wonder what is so much about the game or forty fucking dollars of profits. A fucking come up yeah I'll, let you finish, but I just want to go back like that story is real and it's completely follow up to what I just said me buying a score. Card for sixty box from one booth. Why around for an hour and then sell for a hundred and making, forty dollars gets my uses go in way more than one. your media lands of ten million dollar account and it's not even fuckin clogs. If you can find that in your ass data day. You will get much further than you can ever imagined cause you'll, have the fucking fuel to get it. There are people out there that are trying to figure out the things they like sports cars and symposium on working The council lawyer real estate sewing
the door selling solar working with these companies like how did they find that thing that my view is that you have the text shit. I text its seven to ten people, To come by the national in Chicago and ninety, you said: yes, you had no fucking idea. You just showed up, and then it led to something the amount of people here that start conversations with no breaks. My soul most of the best shit that was ever destined to happen in your life. You said no to war, half do especially this crew, one of tenders of business, or entrepreneurial success is to be the business of. Maybe the business of now you're in the business of maybe you spent little time double clicking the shit. If you're in a bit No, you already lost theirs many people, your damn that so gary, I see no cause, I'm saving.
I tie. My time is precious when, time isn't worth as much as they think it's fucking ego you're times not as valuable as you think, and understanding the power of maybe is human. Guess and showed the way they I figured out is by saying, maybe which leads them to doing seven to twenty things or going to seven to twenty things that they wouldn't have prior and in one of those seven to twenty things is the fucker. Think so. Oftentimes people have like a goal number that once I make one hundred grand a year or I make two fifty a year or once I buy the house once I make a million a year once I make two million with the goal posts always moves What are your thoughts about when people have these numbers? Are these goals in their mind for that financial? Again, I think this is of awareness game. I think for some people here those goals really work. For me,
made up something when I was twelve? That was so big that it allowed me to play forever, but by the jets right, and so You know wonder they might get a binding your jets yeah, I think I am, but you know when I click this in forty years, when I don't buy them and have to explain what the fuck happened. I wouldn't be upset because, I am focused on what I can control build the biggest and most sustainable and best and help these businesses. I can to put me in a position that, if the seven the world at the timing and the stars align that at a time when I can actually afford it, which would not be tomorrow if tomorrow, for sale. It's unlikely get him. I mean tiny, tiny piece, because whoever got it is probably hard enough to realise me getting a little pieces probably good arbitrage, but that will crush me
I competitive spirit of trying it, but if I don't get them, they'll be fun chasing them has been the great joy of my life. and that's what I want for everyone were process is enjoyable. I think a lot of it will struggle with goals when they hit it. It's so empty. There like fuck, getting to a million or a hundred thousand or whatever. It is what like, they feel empty. Many people here have achieved something that they can do back there was like fuck. It wasn't as good as I thought because the ideology of the thing was what put on a pedestal, not the data they game of trying to get to the thing, and so when I, when I at a conference like this, with all the other incredible speakers you got lined up and I think about what could we touched on in this talk? that might bring value that might not be touched on. I just don't think then people put enough energy on in
weighing it. It's like winning at all costs is fine, but not your cost. You know it's just not enough for years, old and being around the game for a long time now, and knowing how many people got to that. Up the mountain on paper and lost their lives, their loved ones, boss to everything once they got there because of how they got like all the shit all fucking shit that comes along with it. I dont want at first single fuckin person at this conference. swim, thousand people in this audience and they're gonna be surrounded by people that are not going to support them and when they have the crazy idea, I'm gonna open a sports card store in the middle of a shut down, I want to open up, our soluble locations, are eminent through humongous event
of these ostentatious ideas and they're finally excited to do it and their friends don't support them. What are your thoughts about the people? That's the best. The greatest thing in the world for an entrepreneur is sticking to their fuckin frank Michael nothing else. If I can say about that, like you. I, like, like Honestly- I never get mad at anyone, not my friends, not my competitors, not people that troll me not a member authentic people going through their shit. If you're friends don't support you, it's because they can't see them doing it, understood its because their unhappy and their starting to develop a little and the jealousy of you not because they don't love. any more or they're, not your homey they're, just not good play citing too many of us. That are exceeding are not doing a good enough job, bringing our friends along from us so the empathy, compassion and sympathy,
opium. Bad at them have compassion for them. you know what I mean. I think a lot of us know what we mean right, we're like now, fuck dawn eaters, he's fucking jealous mother, fucker on your boy that you grew up with, is just at a time spot right now, deep down, he's super pumped for you. He just not in a good place. You need to fuck me double friend, not cut them off. so the someone's other they're listening to you. They've been listening for years and they're. Finally, ready they're going to post multiple times a day, they're building their following the hit. Ten thousand followers excited, and then they start to see five charles a day, twelve twelve comments a day, you're ugly you're, rude you're stupid down up up up. How do you say to deal with chosen? Haters yet mean we're just touched on it like just like honestly, what
progress. I know a lot of you on your journeys will have public. You know lives like genuinely stick with me on this for two seconds. Imagine living a life where right now in this saturday morning afternoon around this country you're lying at home and you're, going through your instagram or tik tok or youtube, and your look to hurt someone else's feelings, like your literally going through it to find your looking to get triggered were upset to then leave a comment. Hurt. That person think about how sad that life is honestly. I mean it not making fun of that person. I'm deeply embedded to that person. Think about how fuckin sad that life is but you're, not in the business of building something you're in the business of walking around. internet trying to tear something down
I really really really hope that this hits even one person here that start This moment, from now on, when someone your ugly or stupid, are full of shit or suck that you don't start to feel bad for yourself. You start feeling sad for them Please get on this fucking train because it will be good for you I'll make you a better person for them. Then, literally I'm always consuming. I want to know, what's going on the only time I ever feel compelled to say something It's not that I disagree or see the world differently than a lot of people hosting I'm not compelled to read that the only time doing anything is you? we d damning people in this room saying keep coming right like I'm trying to give love because I'm happiness, what we do publicly, is a complete reflection of. What's going on inside the only time I
I feel compelled to do. Something is to tell one of y'all: keep fucking go and you're not far the city read nudge numbers and I did listen to you- was the one that didn't and they say to you. I don't need social media, I don't need a personal brand, would you say to them cool? There's unlimited people fucking winning that I know unlimited people with monster businesses super happy lives and are not unsocial miles or talk, you no good. on the flip side, there's a lot of people that leave us to be on the table without realising friend Social media is free distribution. Of course you can run paid, I get it, but it is the. only platform in the world that you can reach millions of audience without paying for it do not fucking in seeing that is
You can't run a newspaper ad for free. You can't run a tv commercial for free. You can't buy google adwords for free. You can do s ceo, which is true, which is why it was a monster, but the fact that social, and especially with the tiktok application of the Breathing is free, it's insane if it so in saying that I am just finishing up, having the follow up to judge of job right hook, Thank you original was called job javelin, took, which I liked, but as I was writing it, which is the thesis, I have em, where we are right now in the current state of the internet and attention I read, I change the title, the book and now what we called date. Trading attention and for everyone here, the number one thing that are actually in need of doing is day trading attention
social is an incredible place to do it influences and credible way to do it, there's a lot of ways to do it, but it is the macro thesis. Then, when you are opening up locations right for us, I, u or or sports courts Orford doughnuts german. I met or anything that anyone is doing here at the end of the day before anyone going to buy anything from you. They need to know about it and, for me, social media is disproportionate on this day into twenty three, the biggest opportunity for time and effort and money against outcome on the other side. So when people say I'm not gonna, do it or I don't need it. I'm very sympathetic to that. There's many ways to win this isn't the only way it just, happens to be the way, especially for someone starting at zero. The most opportunistic way today, The same way that if I was writing books when I was building, why library for my dad, I would have talked about search possess yo in two thousand. Was bananas
and so there is always an orbit, and so I dont think anyone should do anything other than the kind of person. But as far as entrepreneurship, like I'm, not hurt in dense social media. Social media is not my fuckin brother. I don't give a fuck. I just think there's an opportunity, and you guys Just call me if you have children Someone out there senor owner a sixteen year old daughter, for example, and she's, comparing her other girls and social media. Well, that's celebrities, influencers anything between what you say to that governor, seeing so much photoshop Look. I know how much the world is excited about blaming social media for everything and this scenario, I'm forty, seven years old, our social media was kate moss,
being blamed for shit because of our photos in a magazine and what her weight was. We're always blaming something Marilyn monroe was blamed, barbie was blamed, Cindy Crawford was blamed, K, moss was blamed like somebody's always to blame. Parents, love to blame the outside. the only way to win the game that all s parents want, which is we want, or our kids, to knock shut up in some shit, is for us to focus building the kid self esteem, it's true like like there are mill tens of millions and millions of young girls and boys right now going through social media and they're not devastated by someone else's money or good, looks or happiness. There are millions of them they are the ones who were fortunate up with either dna or great parenting from everyone who just clap. by instilling into that child that you were good enough. Sort of things you're good. At
are we lose our way? Sometimes, as we tell these little fuckers are good at everything. That's collusion, which is why we have to get rid of a place trophies, because following us you got your self esteem by telling your child that greeted everything you build self esteem by pointing out the things are. It's a good at and pointing out the things that could work on that to build that self esteem they can deal with other peoples, happiness. along the same lines, someone's just getting certain social media and they're only getting twelve likes in sixteen lakes, and if you like Donnie rebecca sees that I only got twelve likes and they feel weird about that. Would you say when their first, like you used to get you If you view is now you've got tons and tons of use walkers through that. First phase you still suck, but that's it you know, like sometimes people coming to be like Gary, you fuck you gary, like I've, been
for seven years, and I have a teen hundred followers and get to like some like broken sought, and I don't see that rats him. I'm like it's not that it's like not that social doesn't work, is theirs billions of examples of working. It's that you haven't found it like. What you are doing is in resonating what the world and that's on you too either not, and this is a real one, not care, because you like doing in fuck it. You got your seventeen hundred dollars and you're fuckin linen or if you want something else, you gotta change it. You got to change the creative format. You ve got to change the way you pay and you ve got a change. Maybe he shouldn't be in the content should be behind the scenes. There could be a million reasons, but you shouldn't dwell on where your ass, you do it again back to help him that's what I was doing in the gym ten years ago is very different than what I'm doing now. That should in the first It was disastrous like, like eight
precious pushups. You don't I mean I don't do that anymore, because I put in the fuckin work and I put in the time, and so I think that a lot People need to realize where they are on the journey, and I do think people give up too soon, because the first year didn't go well they don't realize that they're just starting its about reps- and you know I think again, This all goes into the mindset, shit that are most fastening about mode the ship that everyone here is not achieving, isn't based on them, not knowing the tactics. The tactics are available for free. You can go Google and youtube everything that are free
The the mindset that stops one from doing it is the thing I'm most fascinated by especially in entrepreneur land just remind everybody what we all do for a living, you're, basically losing all the time. This journey of building shit is a game of micro losing all the time, and if you get really good at micro, losing you tend to macro when and what that means is, there's always a little step backs, but if you take something from it and you tweak and you build any tweak and then something else gets fucked up. It's like the whole. You know the boat that keeps having holes in it. You know you're on the boat this thing's fucked up. You put your finger in it. You can patch it up. That's next, but fuck. Two things popped up over here. Everyone here is micro, losing I'm losing all the time. We lost a client this week we last week, employees that didn't want to lose you're constantly losing. We need to fall in love with losing where I get serious about the eight. Please trophy, the reason that's dangerous were teaching kids that losing is bad,
when losing is actually the best the best of entrepreneurs in the world loved to lose promise. so a moment ago and just noticed stan notice. How light the collapse? Roma right lechner leg, just noticed what everyone just it it's a couple. People don't like to lose because they worry about what other people think we always mother. Fucker people don't want to lose because are actually worry. I don't give a fuck what you think about my losses: nothing some audacious or mean because it's like it, Do you understand you imagine an athlete stopping every time the home teeth, the home ought crowd food. I mean there wouldn't be a single jets player on earth
A booming within the first eight seconds of the game like like All of you were on the fucking field,. Do you understand that all of you were on the field? Does it matter what you're fucking barber uncle or sister stay there on the fucking stands eating popcorn watching you fucking play. what is really like public, principally we believe gonna Gary, but my moms Look you're moment of recently mom. If you don't think what I'm doing is right, fucking ghost Bobby you do something- and let me look at that. I'm not worried about people opinions that are not on the fucking field,
far, though, this, although we have a lot of people, that the door to door space yes said the girl, one of our sponsors when, when you start making honey. Early. These guys are twenty two, twenty four and twenty six years on making. And grants one hundred and thirty grand forty on some of them, one hundred grand in a month or two hundred in the summer the kids are making money like that at twenty five or twenty six, so they don't go shit scares the fucking shit out of me, you know, look I mean when you're making that kind of money at that age like Europe. I really get worried because I'm I'm wondering like what's going to happen. You know it's cliche of going back to what we just ranted about so many people. Are
in their lives to impress everybody that they're going to go. Take that money and buy dumb shit right, it's going to burn a hole in their pocket. Many of them are thoughtful and will do smart shit. You know. Look I don't think I'd a million things. People could do in that scenario, and I don't think anything, I'm about to say is the right way. You've got to know your situation for some of those people they're going to do incredible things like pay off debt, family members and remarkable things for some of them. They are going to buy a toy, and that's ok, do I know I talk a lot about. You know. People buying things and people get mad at me that economic area, like this current like if you really like it, you should be really like I tons of dumb I buy custom jerseys a fourth string jets players programme.
Hundred and eighty dollars they may never play, and I buy it strictly to go to the stadium and wear the jersey to peacock that I'm the biggest jets fan in the stadium. That's not smart! You know so they'll buy toys, it's all fine! I think the biggest thing is at that young of an age there's so much good. You could be doing with that, but the biggest thing that I think about that. When I hear that from you is finding your relationship with money, you know. One thing I think we all agree that is completely no longer talked about. Is saving money that leads to be like the only conversation in his fifties. Sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, like I like literally like look at google trends, look search on social, like nobody is talking about saving money right and when you come into money quickly in your early twenties, a lot of, and you think it's always gonna be there. And so we see a lot of people. In that scenario, it comes and then it's gone and they really
have already tasted having money so now they're depressed because they're twenty six and they have less at twenty six. Then he had a twenty two, and so these are the things I worry about. I just think building an actual good relationship with money where there's a balance between savings, investing buying some things to make you and your family happy just finding a balance, So I guess an hour ago, demagogue concern. I asked him about personal fitness when it's like, thursday morning and then already feel like it. I'm a businessman aside, some of whom work on their businesses. They dont have the results of that work on the business for a year or two years, whatever it is, I haven't results, are things are hard or to say to them? when they don't feel like it. There's two extremes
in this scenario, in my opinion, one sometimes it's just ok to fucking punt the day, and I know that like like it's like it's, not necessarily what I do, but that goes back to the way I started this, which is, I love my fucking shit, so much that, even when it's going bad, it's like it's good, because I'm playing right. Actually, this is really important that I don't see this often for everyone here, just think of the single thing: the single game, you, like Basketball who know poker brought bhutto's the thought of poker whatever it is that single game that you're thinking about re now, tennis, that game you love so much you like playing it even when you're losing, as that fact for a lot of you. Like me, when you lose, it makes the next game even more fun right that's how businesses and that's what I want everybody to find for the people that have that on that thursday punked. It goes
with to family. I don't know like sent out: it's actually ok, to skip the day right or to the other extreme pushed to super hard, because when you get through that day shown yourself result, yes and you get to the end of the day. You feel accomplished, don't be in the middle, where you're just dwelling about the feeling all day, if it's really killing you get the fuck out go to a movie. I don't care play video games if it's not completely killing you show yourself that you have resilience to get through that ten hour day and get on the other side, because we'll feel fucking great. But let's say you decided to go through with resilience and you're an hour or two in and it's even getting worse than punk the day we have to be nicer Who ourselves damn we just have to be nicer to ourselves to many of you are beating yourself up for little dumb shit one day of not productive. Work at your job is not putting you the fuck out of business,
That being said it that day becomes a week and that we becomes a month now, gonna, look at it. you know I mean I gotta look at it now. You know I'm game and need to figure out how to get the fuck out potentially. in our last thirty seconds. What is that one, they even would that this audience that's getting bombarded by the media and chaos and where intercession while there are so many things are fear to us. What do you say to them to make them that deal like that's the truth, which All of you are one hundred percent in charge. It doesn't matter what their people that have been happy and built extra businesses, in recessions, during natural disasters with a bow at mom, with an alcoholic that there are unlimited people in the world who
down massive success and deep happiness. in every scenario, there is nobody in control of you, no matter what they Calm down your throat to scare you. I promise you you One hundred fucking per cent in charge and the second you get that into your fucking dome is the second you don't even here dumb ship anymore.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.