« The GaryVee Audio Experience

The Reality of Entrepreneurship with Eugene Remm

2023-09-26 | 🔗

On today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, I'm sharing a conversation I had in 2019 with entrepreneur, restaurateur, and wellness executive, Eugene Remm. We discuss the value of mentorship, the power of 'just asking', and the reality of entrepreneurship. If you are new to the workforce, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply someone looking for a little career inspiration, this episode is for you. Enjoy!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the gary vee audio experience. You could tell by my energy couple things that are exciting. We won a couple. I favorite alumni are back into building cause to very handsome man, work for another handsome man and he's here eugene. I'm allow you to introduce yourself to the audience and minute amazing, nor behind some of my favorite brands in culture right now, catch rumble and other things will will get into his origin. During the second instagram facebook, you guys are alive, but ultimately, why? I think I'm most pump? Is I just tasted empathy rosie for the first time our master plan is in motion, I'm very excited and up. This should be a really good episode, so eugene four the veneration is listening ones. You tell me who you are and what and how you synthesize your origins. How I am I wrong, are you who am I I will carry thanks for having made us shaded I've never seen such an energetic group of people in an office before this is crazy. Thank you, my name.
Jeanne ram, co, founder of catch hospitality, groove, we'll catch in new york, los angeles, las vegas pie, though carmen and lexington brass also co, founder of rumbled boxing, which is here in new york, allay dc philly in San Francisco. with a lot more common there, and I came here via russia, from new jersey, which I don't think would be interesting to any of your viewers because they were nowhere. That was about what I came to states nineteen eighty and grew up in bergen count new jersey and now work my way to hush universe city in the new york city at twenty two in starting the male? Now forty, it's really crazy. How similar are backgrounds, yeah, really kind of scary? It is it it'll be union in doing a you know. Have you by the way? Did you know how few people got out during our ear I wish you good it during thanksgiving with my parents. It wasn't the hundreds of thousands
it's nuts and they were all like homies too. They all like knew each other. I feel like they were all like ST petersburg. Did you have family in america? I'd have some your parents had to have somebody. We had a a cousin in and my my Father sister was here, but we had to stop in italy for laughing at three. Where months are still going to Austria for a few weeks to know, I don't think that was a that was a change in eighty compared to seventy eight. That's right! That's right! I know I notice how I love pizza and pasta, because we lived right above a pizza store, so I remember that and then we came. I don't remember, but I'm told that, but it's crazy man, it's crazy and by the way, a lot of successful people coming out of that little little little little, a sample of peoples, a pretty girl, but it's also interests that you, wouldn't you say about you: everyone is abbe from team gravy. My favorite part of today's twenty nineteen episode with eugene rem is when you Jeanne explains his brow.
It party concept keep listening to hear about it. What's interesting about you and I talk about it often and we've become friendly in recent years and a lot of it you know you've been you know, I'm super happy to have you on the show, because sometimes you'll ping me randomly be like. Oh, I like that podcast I like that podcast. So it's super hot. We become fairly kids that I liked the lot that worked at banner that, like the machine, was fucking up. So like hey, go like it there's so much warmth in here. But what s interesting is, I often say like I was usual because I was such a bad student when all of our contemporaries need to, because but listen. after is way better the mouth ida college, but it's no fucking. You no shit student. I was I was a d student. I went to see my sin and by the way, there's harsher and then there's a new school at harsher whereas like if you can get into the regular astro, that's what they say the new school. I was able to get back up to the regular harsher. But let me tell you it's a smaller class, very limited. I see how bad it students we were yeah because cheek the way, people,
if you baseball card it out. I thought we talked about the baseball card it out. I was flea market, it out. My father had a sand selling the russian dolls and he gave me twenty percent of the crush goes in the am amber and all that all that counts. Up and down, he gave twenty percent of his table. But for me it was a. It was an opportunity, hang out with my dad, and it was opportunities to sell some stuff and an account me busy, because that was my sport That wasn't that was my sport, so, like I didn't understand what it really all men, because my dad can so it up for me together, but now looking back on a you like our way It was called and they had a snow day. You go knock on doors and shovel and you shovel snow because that's how you make some cash and all I really money was freedom pair. if I got money, I could do things I got no money. My parents weren't giving it to me. So that's how I connected this whole thing. All the young hustlers on right now make sure you put your phone numbers. Andy Kaye is sitting by the computer, ready to take phone numbers. did you call and pretty soon so you know here
where our stories deviate, you're much cooler than me. Definitely so, yes, you did You definitely are. I go liquor store you go into the night life seen work. Yes, how did that all prig out real symbol. Moved to new york was a bartender in college and I took a crap job and add sales hated, my life and I will de the m the storage room at a fashion in celebrity our firm, but I know you can wear wear pants and I knew you could listen to hip hop and I knew that like, and that was really it and I was like well. This must be for me and I always walked down the streets of new york and be like who is walking around in a t, shirt and jeans at noon. While I'm in this perhaps suit at this crap job, and I think this can be so really huh twenty two jeez a year, but I have some houses in college and my bartending sending money that we started flipping so had enough cash. I still hold me over, and
at the money I used. So I can live in new york. So I started going out. I made my own business card and a company that had no bills that wouldn't allow me to make my business cards. I wanted to get into the clubs so I started doing that. They said hey good work, the door for free at our events on the weekends. If you want an arctic absolutely and they thought I was nuts, but I want the access are sort of meeting people. did that for about eighteen months and the nine eleven hit and then the you know the pr market just dry cause. Nobody wants to talk about so and so wearing Jimmy choos after nine eleven and then I took a job got lucky. I got a job with randy and scott garber we're on the doubly hotel bars, and that was my first job. did special events for them, but they, let me have a compound and on the weekends I could go to my other friends places and pay for shit where I can go to. he's places invite people and not pay for shit and that's how it started similar leverage. As my letter, that was my that was my
today that I had with her head on in your contemporaries, and you guys could you could you could imagine entertainment I could entered aliases at a place that didn't have Anyone else entertaining, while my friends were working at the coolest places, I wouldn't they were the coolest places on earth, but they were certainly good enough, but the experience that I could person create for them, would be better and that's how I kind of worked it and one by one, and I worked for randy in scott for two years than a gentleman named Steve Hansen, whose, like a g in you organisms are no be our gas. The august he sold it, but you know he had twenty restaurants and I go to work for twenty five years old now and I opened and crush me packing He was at me. He told me what the me packing was. He said, opening up the space in the meat this little v I took a saturday night off. I just walked around there s all these bars He saw some like a son. seat lockers, and then you started drug dealers and you're like wow. This must be where it's at, if you're getting a little bit of everything- and I
became the director promotions for his company and twenty miles me packing right. He told everything new york city and he I never met a man. I worked as hard as he did. He were twenty two hours a day. He would, it would be able responds my email at the end of the forum shift and he would start those emails, I like six amman. He would go up to these days. He well He saw the argus to starwood and in starwood sold it to my current partner landry. So is comfort, archologist super interesting, but You know he bought a hotel and buys a building. I think he's I think, he's semi retired and how old is she living is as I on the dunno area. I think he's sixty issue but yeah, he was a b and I got to say we talk about mentorship. Allow you talk about mentorship a lot, but I probably spent a total seventy two hours with him in two years, but I can tell you those seventy two hours with that one man said
shaped everything. So it's not about like I work for this kind words about this. This very matter there's a writ theirs. answering to like two people behind you literally literally common talk about meadow on that matter. only called in on it ask Araby type thing was just by myself. We have this kind of like fun moment. He was great and I just like liked him and I said, come in, and here he is. This is the day he came in, and this is like my biggest like I believe in this the most if you're listening right now, they're about to call and put in your phone number for eugene we're going to get to your cause, admit it especially the hustlers and what I mean by hustlers. You've been listening to you know my backstory. He will listen to eugene's eugene. Isn't she in and we don't even know each other well enough for me to almost pink this compliment but
get down here. You're gonna take a percentage that there have been a lot of people. I met in the last five years that I that there's this delta exxon, why access of me genuine need, liking, the human being and people living in their actual skill set. You sit on a very get. We only spent eleven six seven hours together, but it's it's already there for me. So here you are you're. You been successful by all accounts. I personally believe that you're about to get really successful, because I think your patient and hungry and doing the right things that even if the global com takes a step back. I just I can see it. Yes, I know exactly who you're going to be at seventy one and I'm looking forward to having war stories with swimming around and seventy one vs
but you're sitting here and telling everybody the seventy two hours I spent with this person shaped. You know you had your natural dna, the hustle fine. I just wish more people heard you and us why making the big to do here? Seventy two hours now all of you who I tell in your twenties when you're doing dick shit, nothing was your fuckin life. When I tell you to spend two hours a day on your couch doing dick shit, nothing and dm everybody, you with my
Here and say to them: I've got fucking time, you're busy shit. I will fuckin do anything once in a blue moon. Somebody says yes and that will change your life. How about you happened to the rock like happened to Andy this hunting, to get your job, a bater originally was the horizon, and how long were you here to write and then that led to this cetera, which is fitting you perfectly right, like I don't like, I just wish fuckin and you how'd you get it. Oh, I have non paying internship, my boss, with an internship with that introduced me to John and well yeah. I just you know it's just so real to me. It's like. I look at all of you like I I you know it's so quick, like you'd, better, be fucking listening and everybody who's listening right now you got to just ask yeah, you just gotta ask and you just have to have something to offer up. So, like man, I'm sorry to stop you in your story
but fuck man. What let me won't, let me say this about yourself, that digital marketing, I didn't know goddamn thing about digital marketing. Two years ago we go to open rumble. Dont, use, digital marketing and catch in the traditional sense. I don't know the cost proposition. I don't know anything about retargeting all that stuff. You know about as who's, the guy who runs offered our did remarking, I meet him and too months later. I am being on a level as good as my friends who run advertising agencies and I just needed to be next to him. he needed to learn about brand, which is what I do the authentic the real and I need you to learn about what he did and together that what made rumble super successful, but not one without the other. But if I didn't have a guy like that that an art I'd be stopped during culture. That's the way. I look at em like chasing shit, gray and black away, fuckin data. If it's all the same shit it knowing in young imbalance in harmony that everybody thinks it's one or the other and
if he won, because he learned something I won, because I learn something and that's the other thing people young people need to realize it has to go both ways it has to be symbiotic, it has to work. It's just you know, like you were saying, or just like, like all right, there's like you've been hanging out with a bunch of the people on the team like oh right, there's work in between yeah people getting confused by instagram. They see the fuckin blow up swans and the rosy and fuckin could shallow and they just think like like most will or trust them. Babies that's right and there and they forgot, because two thousand and seven wasn't too long ago and then two thousand and eight all those jobs disappeared and people had to reset. I can't wait, It's a reset gazelle. We're gonna get real jobs again, but it's interesting because now you have all these startups with these big budgets and they're paying people this big money, that's not gonna! Last and people are going to have to get real jobs. I still remember the where there are people are from from twenty years ago. There were
with an artist twenty five deep they're gone the amount of forty nine year olds right now that are executives in big companies. Who can tell you at twenty two? You know they were worth eight million dollars on paper is unlimited. Yeah people just don't do their history know, there's a very big reason why my report cards, d's and f's, except for that history, It's funny. It really really matters it matters and in it, and it's very interesting to understand that if you pay attention to the people that do the work and then don't you the work history, lesson will repeat itself in a cell phone repeats of its super simple, usinor speed, like philosophy class, I didn't get it now. I find philosophy super interesting because they're the the strategies and the principles of it are the same super interesting. So, what's on your mind, these days like like knowing this is an entrepreneurial audience like what like. What are you about now like? How are you thinking about you know? You're you're scaling these to come nice yeah, I'm trying to I'm trying to keep it real quiet, china, cuba, real in a very unreal world on China?
I'm trying to match authentic. experiences in a place where people are trying to do a lot of an authentic things. You got these micro influencers and this person and that person Doing all these things- and none of it are real and I'm trying to just do honest work, I'm trying to do honest work I do in a creative way and is very hard jonas opening. I know that was reason Surveys opening was awesome, you know is it was really gray and by the way, rainy garber, who I worked for fifteen years ago he costume. He goes to cure. Now, did fantastically well and You know from those relationships he did his opening party with us, so he himself george clooney Cindy Crawford and that's a real honor you're. Forty years old, you worked for this guy six thirteen seventeen years ago in for him that to throw his event without think about, right bigger than year was it was the whole thing? Was a thousand people loosely when on a private airplane, they did a massive. Promotion around it and that's just price and those are the moments where you pinch yourself for a minute, but you gotta remember:
Those are just moments just like every time of aragon, something call in the press. I don't believe it and I really like oh you're, the best thing that ever happened just like, I won't believe it on the working ever haven't. I really try to saint thomas Take it in the middle, because if you did, I I dare you to get one of these guys in this office to do a new york post. the hottest next this and go. Twelve months and see that even exists, probably in ninety two one of failure to success, so you really, I think, people there are thinking about keeping their success going, the authentic stay real money. My brother and I have the sports agency and I keep telling him the day you got drafted is the date. The work actually starts. Everybody thinks it's like beseech funding everybody's there, great clip of me on the internet, where I was on this like Bloomberg, shows about funding and every company funding the crowds, cheering and more humane and the one company goes. We didn't get funding, we just decided to bigger like a business and we're getting paid and the audience dead, silent
who's? My shit, I'm like see this is why fucked up, but instead to be it'd be nice in game. When you went to damon jones. Talk like the I brought up that story, but like that clip is a bloomberg like techstars show that's what it's from Andy and I was pissed. Everyone like everyone celebrates the wrong shit. We raised eight dollars celebration. No mother fucker, you just keep up a big business, and now you have to execute yeah. Now then I say as an aside: I dropped it only cool, but now you have actually play and, like almost everybody, doesn't make it like that's interesting so like that, no one meal at a time, one class. At a time post, page six, saying you're the hottest you ve watched over twenty years that place not around twelve months. Doesn't happen and when you raise money and ass, you think he's got a phone call. Gonna keep So when you raise money and you think you ve done it now, you just got started, and now you have a much higher opportunity of failure than you.
your mother, I wasted that's right, you gonna answer no lambert or where will you know the thrill? It's real, it's real! It's not really do great. If you do great, it's all roses whose it was I feel the name, hmm gary Baynard shook. are you very sailor eugene the old man very welcome in nice to meet you. How are you doing? Well doing! Well. What is your question? My guy? pretty straight started any renewal company, basically doing like houses, tables chairs war flights, slip and all the points that money. two and a half ago and it really ramped up why you started it like. Oh, let's just kind of make a couple of hundred bucks. Now, like really you know pretty close to six figures, so
try to get some competition in the area of it s basically public. I don't know where copy in my pricey by an exact same way, units I have albion. You know all my social media stuff that I'm throwing out there. So I wanted some advice on. Basically, you know how to keep crushing it, but also you know not to really care that at competitions kind of popping up a copy and everything I'm doing dude you're less your fucking set any time somebody's copying you you have the leverage. Everybody cries. I love when people only copy me cause. I give away all my shit for free. I blog all day long. Give away all my base all day. It's mainly because I want people copying me. If somebody hopping you, you fuckin one. The problem is You can rest on your fuckin laurels and, if you're thinking that somebody's copying use, but can you up you're starting to rest, my man just got make sure not a wonderful. You gotta make sure not a one trick pony if you're doing something and that's the only thing you can do and some dude follows. You then you're,
in reserve to lose their economy- like that's the punchline like if you, if you're so copy, above all that if somebody copies it fox up your game. You does. I have to lose. That's actually how it plays out. Elevator die, elevator, die an end and west I'll tell you. The thing is, is like you know, you after something right, like I mean back to, we'll talk about earlier. Somebody opens a big time. Big restaurant in me packing district, their crushing what think happens next, as somebody outspoken buys another building, an open one. If that person sorts crying that that happened, they always lose. I see this every day. Like thing is vulnerable. I welcome people hit me up on social or email the under yo it's a copy, copyright, my idea or need to trademark my idea, I'm like mother fucker. You think this is nineteen. Eighty four that shit is over. This is about execution, there's no fucking original ideas and, oh by the way, bro
fuck it invent rentals and fuckin slip and slides either way. We so stop citing, but I forgot this year, and we really are reviewed It is sheer, really start way, and the other areas that know the competition in my area are going to. You know, keep it fresh and really start to you know give offering. That is a very personal area that you know come along and got below that they want to I have to I'll tell you what runs through my mind, success. often leads to complacency right I think what you just went through a cycle of is like when I heard that you just said we got rejuvenated. You got rejuvenated because competition rejuvenated you now you would you been aided yourself and that ok, but that's a lesson you need to learn. Is that make sense absolutely workshop,
then? I would just add this I think about. If you think about your competition, you think too much about them. Like a pickpocket. Tapping you on the shoulder. You look to your left in their stealing your while to the right focus on your own. While it focus on your own stuff and don't allow yourself to get pickpocket by some, do tapping you on the shoulder stay focused on your stuff and I carry said: don't get distracted, stay true to what you're doing and you're gonna be great west. The worst thing going on in my life right now is that people think I know who they are like I'm in I'm out and about right and I'm at the super bowl I'll be in charlotte for the mba, all star I'll, go to eugene's, very trendy places and there's very special people there and I'm being introduced and people are starting to know who I am because of what's happening in my life and I'm This is not a joke. This is the single thing I stress about on earth. Right now I spend no time not a minute. Knowing Anybody on earth is doing accept my audience, responding to my shit, thus one I public, hey gary. You know Johnny magoo and what fuck?
Clearly everyone knows Johnny, but goose. I don't want to come off is like egotistical, a dick some like I don't and I don't want to come off and be like yeah, but then be off inauthentic literally. This is not a joke bro. The number one anxiety I have right now is I I don't know who anybody is on earth. because I'm sorry, my own shed I'm telling you re now more people need to do that, because, if you're worried about anybody else, that's a minute that you're taking away from your customer instead of like looking at copying, your social call, every customer that you ve ever had and say. If you and ask them if they need anything absolute cool cause, I probably could go to another one. The energy is perfect eugene. On that note, and let's talk about rumble, How is the boxing's that you these one thing I'm curious about? How are you thinking about this you're too smart? To not know this truth?
right now in america, over the last decade has been very clear that exercise trends haven't popping out and fading pretty quickly cycles. I've been going faster. How do you think about that when you think about rumble in the fact that what orange theory or soulcycle, or you no clear I just know you enough, even in the limited time you have to be thinking about like ok. How do I build something? That's a marathon run that's rise, it just playing on the strata fat, its economic, such right out of you, I kind of type shit you gotta do stuff. That is better every single day day in and day out, I will say this now: please sushi has been around for hundreds of years. it should be in a shitty little room with the shitty little guy and you didn't see anything all of a sudden place like nobu put some house music, some cool lighting and some sauces on the stuff and rejuvenate the brand, but the authenticity of sushi was always there boxing fire bombing ST. It's been around for hundreds of years african american. Why people irish people rich people, portal, evil it shifts
U s see it goes to something else. It's always going to be there and, more importantly, it's a damn good time. It's a damn! Good workout and it works selby. Alright, I believe you There isn't that who's, this christine. Christina scary vainer shook a mom with eugene, please say: hi gary. How I'm super well say hello to eugene. in you. How are good our you what's going on? I said, don't call me jerry. Can I please wait in new york and by your lunch, No, I mean I'm fucking like lunch takes time. Maybe I've been busy up here me to see. Clearly Let's see how good your question is. How do I set up everything Let me that let me later found I found your guy on facebook coupling like two years ago, your standing upon it
or telling a story about other people's opinions are trash? Yes, I can draft. Yes, let me tell you that changed my life gary. He changed my life with that statement. I just want to thank you because my you changed my life. I started my business. A month ago about don't grow on instagram. If you would allow me, I would die. You got me hope. One level keyser little cop logo madonna is being a right. So I Although my job eight months ago, I'm groping over five yeah I opened my pack applaud. You firing me up because because I want I like I like: what's gonna just in space, hot hot eighteen months ago. On I'll, never forget that I was on a flight. I read something as we were landing that pm me off, like nobody, I went off the plane. I was pisca because rock was take a few minutes to get off the plane, because feel my energy of, like my anger, excitement need to talk fading so, like we
wait so like fuckin. Let's just do it from his dumpster. I it's amazing how Ruth always wins. So you see video. It changes your mindset and allow. due to start a business. Is that what happened now? Because I people I've, The reasons are thought up, our long for atmospheric gotta florida and, like the latter, I called in other people, but we starting up other bodies, copying your business. I want to do something that would take up that would lie in pay gap and that what I needed Why me for my life, and so I thought video and desert guy, a comic keyboard warrior here in town- and he fighting shit about me. I lie encounter. Nobody had up until I thought your video. what was it that was my mindset with that. Eighteen months is that both people are trash, but then you've been preaching lately about listening to your customers and how important our opinions are that they're telling you that you're doing your shit though I walk or find our yes, we will will remove your opinion that exist, but that is the contradiction right, listen like that
everybody we says to me my gary: if you you know that there is a classic line linkup. I listened to my customers. I wanna meet faster horses are not made a car, but then nurse like tone, deaf, that's exactly right! It's in there, balance. But let me tell you one thing, though keyboard warriors as we like to call them they're, not you have often customers their peeping out our pain there are people that are hurting inside and the only outlet that they understand is trying to drag somebody into their misery and you and you're exactly and you know what else they are. There are people that are sitting on the fucking guidelines because they don't have the ball jump at the game. Yeah, but also say this proceed way, but I'll say this. One of the reasons why I am so happy is idle: have at the same level of anger that you're sitting right now. What I loved by the way because it's a motivator? people are not, then it's fun to be sipping it and wait a minute
funny feeling you did not by empathy wines tell the truth right now. If you why you will die, did you order empathy? Wines do you- order empathy wines did you empathy, wines, thou com and order a subscription do not lie Are you kidding me? I'm a fucking, rapid you? How can I get a three dollars? Can I get three dollars? yeah, I'd, better pay for all the gear. I use the water and the wines, there's no prayer for lunch. out, you might buyer day. If you let me buy you a note, we're gonna Willis starr with these trade you're going I am the owner, you can what I do like doughnuts. I do like donuts, but at my heaviest this morning I tipped it like. I gotta fucking get focused and fast that guy listen to me
the only daughter, empathy, wines I'll give you follow will start building our relationship slowly, doctor. Are they farm boy I'd really like to buy goods? You didn't What can we do for you that help careful over franchising or company on third I have people coming at me right left with offer. What's the what's the name of the of the company, because I want to make sure everybody hears it: five, oh donut, co in Sarasota florida, five, o dono KO, that's fucking, russia, I really want us all. I've got I've got outlines up. I talk to people on the floor. Home donate I've got a mugshot wall with a photo booth. He can come in and take your mugshot and photo booth and send it out on your instagram, the facebook, basically my cockburn, the cleaning at me, everytime
what did the door about little cup final myself, how many and diverse- and we want one location to a patient pearly both in Florida yeah. I opened my birth vocation. One year ago, over application may twenty seven p m. from our point. Eighteen, a year later oak, my per capita nick deal just follow you yellow. it's what you gonna do milder product So what we are again what's the debate between franchising, an owner operator we're trying to figure out how to try to figure out the best way to help and they both nor economy they both? viruses historically correct. They both work. It becomes a self awareness it's game of how far you have to understand how job you are where you have to understand. Why do you like what you like like I'll, be honest with you like I'm weirdly, like I'm going,
not wanting to have lunch with you to wanting to be our business partner like you better stay on the phone here, I'm like looking at the filter where I might send fill toronto might be coming to florida to see you eric failure. How does the am I fancy tat? They guarantee the reporter. the honest, like I'm asylum rights? When was the last time you had a doughnut? No, no, I haven't. I don't know I used to see me. You eat healthy. I do it, but when I go when I am willing to scape is always big goods. Ochre, like big are always when I want to escape and like yeah item muffin in l a like two days ago, and it was fucking amazing I've never seen Gary anything other than healthy food, every single, really good food. I guess by the way anybody watching you have to go to catch it, every fucking location you don't have to. But if you see that
Alright, we going to. I won't, have a business meeting with you catch with built around in the next sixty days. Forty five, me. You and phil toronto at catch, one objective, possibly big business partners? Amazing albert, I would be out I feel I gotta get help in an email right now and I'm going to buy my wine after I get home from the grocery store. You better love meetings not going to happen. See you alright, eugene fuel. Dota don't get the idea of like dead people, though, and mug shots on of the models boxing you fucking follow. I follow giselle. I don't have to make that region. We've got a few minutes toddler getting antsy, as I could see him through the mirror. He looks. Nancy's stressed what I want to make sure we get across anything that you can. You know you've thought about this like is there anything that is on your mind, anything you want to share.
I think we'd look, I'm excited to be here, I loved I love working with young people by the way the two people that used to work at your office. I work here. I called you. I said: look I need some young hustlers and I want people with both and you and your hand immature guidelines. On that note, I apologize eugene for everybody watching if you own a business if you're running, the one thing I would say like. Obviously I always want to keep everybody. However, I you, if you own a business, if you actually want to bring value to people, you have the watch, the people that work for you there are times when it. I, when I look at its obvious to me that different people need different jerseys than the one they currently have. In my place, where I know they can shine plus its moments in time. I'll be very honest with you, both of the guys I'm looking gentleman in the face, if they came to be known, two thousand and nine it would have been different, but when they were in the system at that time, through the serendipity, it's fucking serendipity. I think way too many people selfish with talent right who are poorly like don't realize how the world works like this couldn't make.
feel better. I agree, and I guess it is that it is hard to find towns of if I'm sending your time on catching rumble the book. Super exciting, citing brands, I'm just creating experiences. Quite honestly. So and people ask how do I do better than the next guy? I don't know, I can buy the same tuna that you can buy. I can buy the same back there you can buy. I could buy the same one that you can buy, it's gotta, be everything else is always intangible thing. He mp right. It's patients and practicality. You have both those things. Look what I have his patience, but what I would I'm challenge rise. I think every day, my last and I- and that is something from being a kid and ass, a problem acting and even how successful you are you always every danger birthday party, and when I, what, when I walk into cash, I think every days my birthday party, I don't think anyone's coming, so I of every morning with that stress on my back, and I try to find that sense of urgency. People cannot, I think, being patient and lacking entitlement is very easy to balanced. Both. you can't have entitlements in business value. Do you absolutely have to realise that customers can have entitlement? Absolutely
where's the singular mistake. I say here's areas you walk into catch. I don't wait for you to come, say hello to me. If I'm sitting at the table, I jumped the fuck up and I go to use out of your team up and now the people who think they are I get to an ownership position. Think life gets easier. I don't understand that why they think they're going to have less problems when they become successful. You work for them. I work for everybody. As a person. I worked for everybody, the only people I work for my parents because they love me no matter what beyond that like, I got to perform and I got to earn, and I know that I know that going into look. I've had some amazing years and the success of catch in successive rumble, but we've had some bad years. We've closed. Some places amount of shame to talk about that stuff. By the way, I love those failures, those details so trout, he and they can get real jobs like I'm. I love losing its partner, You know it's now using now. It's it's not real losing, but it is losing except you're willing to learn from that loss has risen. a business go out of business losing desert
was not saying is what are saying. Is in the macro, it doesn't have to be the it's, not the. No, I know a lot of times. You think it is over. Anybody who is ever lost I realize you know where you just went that I keep thinking about all the time. Somebody would think about a ton sports right, kobe, bryant, Paul pierce, who I hate. You know anybody so great only anyway lever. Anybody, any great athlete in any sport right marianna rivera, dwell, rebus I'll use like nonetheless, whatever ready. Here's a sports works. You go into. The right is complete. Based on merit, if you're good enough, nineteen, twenty one, if you're good enough you're good enough, you play your whole career, you become a fucking legend. You are a hall of famer, You towards the under your career, thirty, four young- by the way- thirty five, thirty seven. Nobody on the field cares that you're going to the hall thing that actually, let's use boxing
Every great boxer, pretty much except for floyd, and a couple of other people get their fuckin. You know ma monotony lost two trevor burbank trevor burbank The last person to be mohammed Ali beat his ass not larry homes, like everybody, thinks he's not educated, forever. Berwick beetle out of Mohammed Ali right. You know why cousin sports. You get to see it happen, which is your own We as good as your last that best for in business. For some reason, back to your point, people get big: they had a great career, and for some reason those motherfuckers think they get to relax, but the market, the customer, their trevor back It wasn't trevor burbage job and I think he went in the bahamas. Look it up, I think, was somewhere outside the? U s, a big its bombers, it wasn't trevor berwick,
in nineteen eighty two. Nineteen eighty three toys nano mike tyson- nothing trevor Burbank trevor berwick beat mohammed ali. Go look at mohammed alleys career, look Google mohammed Ali last, that's assume its effect is a fucking. Wasn't trevor burbage job to go in ring and say mohammed Ali you're, a legend. Let me lay down for you. He beat his fuckin acts right, that's right was thirty million. I said right because muhammad ali needs to know he needs to get into a different ring correct to take a different crime, no idea why all these entrepreneurs run around here build a big business and then think they can rest of the laurel because young lion- is coming to take your shit. That's right it's what you want to be regular jobs. They have structure and now that's like poohpooh as a bad thing, but men, it's it's hard pushed of every day, up in the morning and say if you don't have to be at work at nine, a m: do you go
Do you go to lunch a little longer. Do you hang out a little longer and then how much money can you lose in five minutes sandy and I were in l a on business the other day and after a meaning. The last twenty minutes, which I dictated nineteen of The other crew went to lunch for an hour and a half, and we went back to our car to our next meeting and I was making fun of it and Andy just lives right here, and it was like funny like he was like yeah. I don't even know what the real world looks like like that's exactly right, I l a by the way is a meeting prelaunch in a meeting post lunch and that's about it and that's at two meetings in the day and lunch in between the break it up before you end the day and that's that's the eli life but again entre nurse- has a sexy vocabulary to it its logos. Go, do it Do us here, isn't the last line of the fence lastline time sucks? There's nobody asked palgrave partners thats. What I would say to anybody have great partners which your question of day the down in a mess it up.
what's the one business you believe can be elevated by an experience, something something needs to be disrupted, what what something that people do every single day, there needs to be disrupted. I want to know, because I want to do I love now. How did you do it thanks for monopoly Thank you so much for your time. Great to see all your young people make me look old and feel all y'all got great hair by the way. Really Yeah they should be now
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.