« The GaryVee Audio Experience

The Questions You NEED to Ask Yourself if You Want Long-Term Happiness | Keynote from 2019

2023-03-11 | 🔗

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Today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience is a brand new installment of keynote saturdays where I bring you some of my most valuable throwback keynotes over the course of my career. This one is at a conference in Los Angeles in 2019 and it's all about happiness and social media. Too many people are confusing financial success with happiness. If you are doing things you hate and waking up every morning dreading the day, is it worth sacrificing your happiness in life so you can drive a Lamborghini instead of a Toyota? We need to start making happiness the north star that we strive towards and not who has the highest net worth.

Overall this is a really fun episode and I want your feedback on it! Enjoy!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The business super conference that all of you need to be asked is. Finally, here: tickets have dropped to the original, be friends holders, but are now available to buy link in my bio for the people there, never barnett of tea, but want to come because they heard the bust arrives and deep october and Steve bartlett, all these For speaking, gotta be conduct, co see I'll drop. The m. To see what's going on there, but the link in my bio has a site that we have on beacon. That will, let you fill it out and we'll help you get a ticket to our super conference may eighteenth to twentieth in indianapolis indiana the conference bananas. The fifty speakers I'm about to announce bananas. This is the huge super business. Pop culture and innovation conference. everybody in my community, be there so lincoln, bio or click here because team is using this in all sorts of formats to make sure you get to india in may for the soup, For business conference of the year, I hope to see all you there,
This is the gary vee audio experience, one of things that I We think about is how basic My advice really is, but how undisciplined or how difficult it is for many men lee and emotionally to actually execute out. It may make this very simple. I believe every person in this room this thing needs to produce close two hundred pieces accommodate not super complicated, like I don't that much else to really say here this evening, I believe that the farmer, already view need to produce that much content today around whatever you're trying to achieve right, whatever Goals are obviously, I think, a lot about job job job right hook, which is give give give and then ask, and so that's my framework, not super complicated again.
What has transpired in my own personal content over the last three years? Is why don't you do the Heaven people here consume my content for the most part, thank you. Thank you. feels amazing, but would feel way more amazing. If I actually knew that most of you we're doing what I've been saying and the reality is it's completely the reverse. Although he and that just went up so many people get thrilled and fired up when they hear me talk that they feel good about it. They d like it, it feels good. We have a good. I can feel the relationship I have with you right now, it feels good. What's gotten me, into places. I never thought that I would talk about with my content like parenting and and so many other things is. Why are you not posting a hundred times a day. Like you know like it's, you know. This is something that I am probably and spend all twenty twenty finding different ways to ask this.
seem very simple question: why you know it works for me, You know it works for so many others that you want the same results for what level of insecurity about the way you look about negative. What cripples you when people spit hate or push back against you like with? What have you not found the thing that you actually like making content around? I think one of the big things that I have to get back to is the revelation that the reason it so easy for me to go so hard and do so. much is I love the should I do I mean it and I think Think- and I appreciate that response and I think a lot of the reaction just now. I think we can all admit. ourselves, if we're being honest with ourselves a lot of the businesses and the lot of the venture. That a lot of people get into is cause they're chasing where they think the money is a lot of people have found themselves in crypto in cannabis. in social. In many,
places because they hear or they assume, that the money is there they're not doing its. They love it they're doing it because they think the monies there. For me, the great fortune is, I dont nationally love any product. Obviously there's things are more into than others. Obviously I fell in love overtime with wine because it was my family business. Obviously, when I do the case wisting, I love sneaker culture. That's cool Right. You know. The sports card thing is a lay up for me, I'm so thrilled that I think it's gonna have a little bit of a run. Cosette comes natural to me. I like that, but there's a ton of things Things that I know we're gonna do well financially that I don't get excited about. I think I think you know this don't get excited about real estate is historically a great place to be, and I don't get excited about. Wall street and by stocks is historically a great place to be in you see me overly talking about it or being passion about it. It just because I don't like it it's not
thing that I get excited about. It's not the place to get me going and I'm not gonna be able to go hard for fifteen hours a day around that subject matter, so where this all goes for me, is very simple. I genuinely believe that people that come to a conference of this nature, more often the not unfortunately, in my opinion, are looking for a hack. I really believe that in a ticket for what, coming from a police, love not come and replace the negativity. I think people looking for this, the hack, the short cut I'm just told this whole fuckin room, there's no fuckin hack, like there's no short cut. There's no fucking. Magic system. If there was a magic system, everybody would fuckin do it. What there is is self awareness. What there is is patients would
whether what there is more than anything is something that I have to figure out over the next decade have to do a better job, which is perspective, some ask me a question today and am I right because I think I have a lot of time. all of a sudden everything gets easier. There are some the people, and you hear under how people under thirty region your this fucking crew. I love you fuckers, so much And I equally want to punch you in your fuckin mouth and I don't actually want to punch you mouth. I want a punch in the mouth, some sense around the fact that let me promise you this you're not finished when you turn thirty. So many of you are so fuckin scared of their number fuck. That number. That number means that you have me Started that means you're in the first quarter, with the way the modern medicine is going. You motherfuckers a puppet, the live to one twenty.
Like I don't know what you're so scared but I'll be freeze. I've come to learn by reading hundreds, thousands of at empty. I know you're scared up, you're scared about what other people think about you ever thing. I talk about a super simple. Unfortunately, it breaks for almost everybody because they care about what people think about them. We are living in the greatest era of keeping up with the joneses, because the joneses Live on social, twenty, four seven and everybody is in fomo all the time, always mass levels have been security comparing themselves others for no fucking reason. The best thing that happened to me was that I worked fifteen. Hours a day, six and a half days a week for twelve years until those thirty four and didn't talk to nobody about nothing about anything. You know. I have empathy, I've empathy for a lot of money.
People in here who are massively ambitious and get caught up way too early to talk about me. We've got twenty two year old coaches and experts and there's twenty two year old life coach, his mother, fucker, you haven't lived the human you fucking start. If, anyway, here's the punchline, There's under place, please, I basically have come to realize. Actually I do do real estate, I just don't by land and property. I buy attention What I'm good at is I'm good at buying facebook a k, a beach from property in malibu before anybody understood it today, wait. The number one thing I can give you tangible or not. You know a lotta people like Gary b. You just talk about I'm thrilled to go tactical, I'm thrilled to go macro, it's all clouds and dirt. That's why I think about it. That's why I use that terminology. It's those nobody in here wants to be in the middle. You need to be way appear philistine,
the police. Are you have a strategy about your life? What do you like? What are you action trying to cheat my life is so simple: the reasonable Securing so hard is I know my macro I professionally and selfishly. I want to buy the new york jets fuck insuperable, and and in these selfless ouch risk part? I want to be the good just entrepreneur and give back the most by giving the most to everybody with no ask in return super simple: as you can imagine, that makes it very easy for me to navigate or my decisions. I don't judge anybody else roles. Everybody else can do what they're doing, but for me, if I want to do that, the way I bruce my content. The way I role that way I give away. I think you should see this deck, I'm about to come out with the rock ones, are going to be done couple of next week, like I'm about to put out this thing that is going to fucking piss off everybody, because most people would've sold it for three
the bugs and put another free, and we put thousands of ours against it and I'm gonna fuck up. This is that's how I like to do it, but what that's? Because I understand my macro, I understand I want the statues don't need the extra zeros in my bank account. I can do that without your money. That's what I know how to do, but by the way and everybody here could do whatever you want. Do what you do who the fuck am. I everybody do like I'm not judging. I actually don't give a fuck you do you, but let me tell you this tell you what's happening. There is underprice places. I know How many people by show of hands have heard me over the last six months pound into your in school, tik, tok and linked in ratios, keep up stand up,
stand up if report- and I want you to stand up, don't bullshit me stand up now, I'm about to physically, through this crazy, like here's. The fish like this is crazy. This amount of peace I have heard me pounding into their school for six months. There is underpriced attention on linkedin and Tik tok. If I told you amount of collective content in this tie your room combined of post on linked in talk over the last six months is so small. It would break your heart. That is what I have to figure out. That is, I have not been able to unlock just yet. This is its percentage spoken room and there's people in your question. You can sit down and you could have theirs. Eight percent, this road and others there's a heavy percentage of people here who have been posted five times yet on tiktok who have a ten times? Unlike did I giving the fucking game away for free and you motherfuckers,
executing. I need to figure this out. and that is what I'm spending my mission on. Why is it because The ambition coming out of your mouth isn't followed up by actual action. Yes, is it because you actually don't have anything to talk, you, don't wanna things that we have to all collectively. Take a step back on is what do we talk about? You know one of the luxuries up. You know how funded is to talk about business building when you ve actually built big businesses people talk about building businesses, but it never built a business. They just sell the business of building businesses. So for me, you need to figure out why I keep telling kids that are trying to be expert, fuck being an expert document going.
Ro in the most interesting thing. A twenty six year old can tell me, is living the life of when six year old and what's fresh and what's popping what's corny and what's good and what's bad and what's hard, we need to begin in a documenting society, not in a pontificating about shit. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about society. He like that, it's funny it's true! I watch every day I could soon content of like people comedy people are talking out of their ass people, know what the fuck they're talking about. People in here have opinions about tiktok a number posted once you know many people here have no clue about the stuff they talk about. We need to become practitioners, my friends, the thing that It's me have any audacity or the fire I'm trying to spit up here, as I'm doing it every day, I'm creating content every day, I'm running ads every day, then I have a couple He called me nor media that throwing a billion dollars and adds I'm looking to data items.
Being the variables I know for everybody in here. who's trying run instagram swipe up ads and it's not working. It's not instagram small. It's your contents form variable. Would your six success? Is your content, not the platforms? This is a foregone conclusion. Facebook dominates forty five to ninety urals. It works every time, but is your video good enough? Is your picture good enough? Is your headline good enough? You may people here want to pop on instagram but mail in the copy and they spent an hour and a half. In the photo, when the copy is half the battle, there is so much confusion in the system. Right now, my friends- and this is all happening during a phenomenally good economy. Let me let me let me give it she went away. That's not fun to deliver if you're, not winning, right now, you're in trouble, because it's fucking easy out there, the economies frothy shit, there's money being thrown round left and right carelessly the inner.
that is still super underrated and if you know, if you're here, you know about it and are still a lot to don't if you're not win, right now. You need to take a step back and realize you're either not in the john raw or not selling the writing or you might the realize you might just not be an entrepreneur, which is amazing, there's nothing wrong with not being won the number four were, and the number nine and the number, thirteen and netflix and facebook made up more than a number one in a hundred percent of the companies. This is one here among game of self awareness. There is a reason that you're not posting the level of costs and there's a reason. You dont have a podcast. There there's a reason I have a blog and it stems from you're not comfortable, producing And whether that is cause your mom was fucked up and she fucked you up whether that's. you're, in a place where you just actually have nothing to say yet and actually, if the lib for another decade to put out stuff whether that is you don't fully believe,
or what I'm most worried about cause. I'm really starting to look at this action you're just looking for it to happen too fast. I produced. Why might be tv five days a week for three years and nobody cared five days a week. Three years, I spent seven eight hours a day on twitter and two thousand seven, eight nine seven. I used to go to sleep at four o clock in the morning those years because out of work, my job and I believe so much in social and nobody knew the fuck. I was so I had to go into every single converse. you sure about wine, and I didn't go tom to buy from one library I read going to that this weekend by some random tech executive, and I would jump in and literally explain to her six wineries, you should check out email, whitehall, lean and say: hey. Can you give this person to be the ninety minutes. Nineteen minutes trying to set up this random,
since the vip wine tours and napa just to create contacts with one person it would blow your mind to know how many people here ever spent nineteen minutes period. Engaging with random people on twitter to build awareness, it's a stunningly small percentage of this audience because nobody wants to do that work because it's hard everybody wants to make some miraculous piece of content, that's going to make them viral and make them rich to buy a fucking, island and jamaica and smoke weed all day. Everybody sees it now. Everybody sees it now. People see the results that classic fuckin thing where they show like the iceberg, and you
You know that fuckin photo that shit is real. People see it now, people confused about how much time and effort and work it's put in it takes a lot of work to produce. Ten different pieces are content to put on linked in every single day about your craft ethics work. I just read, listen and we are living in a time right now. We're hustle culture is getting shit on and I get dragged into it. But I promise you this I'm not trying to make anybody burn out or be unhappy, but let there be no confusion to this room, work ethic is part of the fuckin formula. It just is it just is, it might not be fun, but like look you're talking to some Who put in zero work ethic into school because I fuckin hated that shit so I know what it feels like to not be motivated put in the work. If you are not motivated to put in the work that I'm talking about. You are in the wrong game. You need to take a step back and forth
something you're interested in the amount of people that I oh, can start of media site you to channel an instagram tik tok a pod, less than a blog around the most now oh shit, star trek the rams pumpkins like like narrow, last shit and make a hundred too hundred thousand year beings. Super happy about talking the thing that they loved bird fuckin houses. do you understand that somebody in here can be two hundred thousand dollars here talking and making com around bird houses, because for some unknown reason they fucking love bird houses. Yet because it's only two hundred thousand in our current culture, that's not good enough. It's a billion or bust. It's a hundred
when I got to be a millionaire, the one top one percent of earners in america make four hundred and forty thousand and up. If you make four hundred and forty thousand dollars, a year or higher, you are in the top one percent of one of the richest countries, if not the richest country in the world. Yet our culture doesn't even begin to give you credit until you're a millionaire, it's fucking it and we have a lot of people grossly unhappy because her cheek, shit to spend money. By dumb shit to impress people they don't even like my I come here this afternoon to talk about a couple of things number one. Until this room, especially and the greater three hundred million people in this country redefined success into waking up in the morning and being happy versus money. We will be in a bad place
some of this stuff can get very cliche if you're happy it will come, but I'm watching and watching alike making money is a talent we accept making. We accept being a basketball players, a talent we accept being an incredible artist and singing The talent for some reason we ve, created massive delusion around everybody- can make money. It's hard. It's an actual talent. and we have to have that conversation because when we do, it can stop. Getting us into way better conversations for this room, which is what are you destined to do? What are you capable of doing? What makes you happy? How does it go well to me. That's where it gets interesting. We live in a time where the internet is hit. Scale It still underpriced we're so fortunate. Our great grandparents could in turn aside hustle into the real life there. Ninety five in the world shut down. There was no internet, this internet thing a blessing
demonizing it, because what the internet, also doing is exposing us It's not changing us by the way, all the shit we're up to The terrible things were up to. Thank god, the internet's around a lot I needed to see that to realize it was happening we're delusional whipping exposed, we're not being changed flip side that seem power to actually expose us is the most powerful reference. I see a lot of you recordings, look up your phones. You are sitting with a computer in your pocket right now that more powerful than the computer that ronald Reagan had to run the free world. That is facts That is bonkers. Ass shit. You can literally post a video right now on a plot. Listen again, I am the by product of
you're standing where organic reach was on tilt and when all in whether it have a search, whether that was good, you know, email, whether that was Google, adwords and then later youtube and the later facebook and twitter, right now with no followers on Tik tok linked in non zero. The count you can whom we know somebody left a commentary, and we looked somebody first, video on tiktok tok got four hundred thousand views. We theirs Three awareness there Three awareness and all you have to do is execute and it cost nothing. I love people some, I been talking a lot about instagram organic reach, going down right, which has a lot of people worried, and I saw comment last night where this one was like fuck instagram its
these corporations it just corporate agree. They just want you to buy ads, and I'm like mother fucker should is free. Instagram is free by the way you ve been around now, for while this is not ninety. Ninety seven more, these platforms of showed you that you're gonna creatures than supply and demand kicks in, and there are running a business, What are you the only one that allows what you selling bullshit boat cox tea on the platform. That's free is ok, but does not make it. Some money is the fuck out of here. We are living in the most opportunistic time in the history of mankind from communication. Nobody, was given this talk in nineteen, seventy nine nobody here
including myself could afford shooting a satellite into space to have a tv network. Nobody up here was dropped, a hundred million on a printing press. We are the media. All you have to do is make we The media- or you have do is make an even with that midst when that great opportunity of a lifetime, one that everybody that live before would break their arms off to be living here right now, at this time, with this cost to people too. The awareness about their thing, even with all that you're not making. You can imagine why I have zero tears for the collective. It is very hard for me to feel sad for anybody who is making content at scale when the blueprint is black and white. Please, my friends,
Please use this energy of this talk to do the following number: one: go back home and figure out what kind of communicator are you not everybody is outrageously handsome and charismatic on film. Some of you are just great at writing as a matter of fact, lemmings writing as an example. I think writing is grossly underestimated. You can crush on twitter linked in facebook instagram. I think if you look at the contents, it's popping on instagram of photo. That's fine within
credible, two or three paragraphs has enormous potential. I think more people should use instagram as a blog and back to blogs the only time since nineteen. Ninety seven did I myself to this moment, not take full advantage of the underprice moment of it's time. It was actually blogging from two thousand and one to two thousand and four. I am not capable of writing. You know I couldn't afford ghostwriters to transcribe the words that are captured on film, like I can now, so I had to let that era go frustrated, but I knew that I couldn't communicate back in two thousand and four before I used. Cool and, by the way, auto correct, see my I couldn't spell shit in two thousand to so. I remembered that frustration, but I sit here today and I implore all of you number one who are you as a communicator do right,
I think memos on the phone with random thoughts where you just record it. I mean heck, use your video and let it be a picture of the floor and record your thoughts. If you're insecure on video just record the thoughts record it and post it, if you're not communicating, often daily on facebook, twitter, instagram snap youtube tiktok podcast, if you're not doing that, you're not in the game, there's no more time left. This is not debatable anymore. You are not in the game. Somebody else is taking you.
retention, we're not consuming content. The same ways anymore, everybody you're trying to reach is available at such a low cost in this environment. I I I can't, I can't figure out the words, the piece of content, the thing to get you to. Finally, let go in and by the way- and I've never said this publicly. If this is because of deep insecurity, you need to go, see a therapist and get that poison out There is something holding back that I need to figure out Yes, the crowd that has so much love for me and I have so much for them. Eighty percent of the peace, will stand up. Knowing that linked in Tik tok is the underpriced place from the guy?
Been right now for fifteen years about the underpriced place, and yet you still don't make. I have to figure that out. We have to figure that out. Let me let me try to chip away at figuring it out. Let's make up some new rules rule number one you post something and somebody replies that your ugly somebody replies that you're a fucking. And you don't know what you're talking about that you're a clown that you're this, that you're that why? Why are we affected by that? Instead, Why don't we start deploying compassion and empathy for people I have anonymous. Accounts consume your content and then have to to leave negativity when I people shit on me. I feel bad for them. I don't have time to consume com
ten of people that I admire, let alone people that I think are fuck faces I'm hoping that one person here whose crippled by negative feedback and that's why she or he doesn't, post which I believe is actually a stunningly high percentage of this room because of the way they grew up their self esteem a million different variables I'm just trying to. somebody here to realise that that negativity actually should be something that you feel bad for the other person, not for you, I genuinely believe that broke. I feel bad for them, whose time for nonsense. I don't know number two, something I'm super proud of my sister yesterday posted something, and I had this crazy trip when I spoke in asia, last year that I took my sister. My sister is wired very
Finally, the me I'm pure optimism in positivity she cynicism she is and she's she's grown up. More secure than me and yesterday she posted something. minded me of something and I'm glad she did, because its can inspire me to tell you this. I believe one of the biggest reasons that people in here don't post is because there actually sitting with a secret or two and have real and secure. These and that secret is the jail of their life and they dont want to put themselves out there because subconsciously orkut, justly, they realise that thing will then come out, and I believe that that is the next thing I want to talk to about, which is what I call the eight mile rule, if you ve come, you people here have seen a mile, the eminent movie. What he does at the end of that movie is something I think about a lot because in the final battle rap and he starts first and he takes a complete and utter shit on himself
Instead of dissing the other person, he spends the entire rap making fun of himself leaving the other person, nothing to say. I believe one of the breakthrough moments of this talk from an I'm by the way I've gotten real practical about the way. I speak, I'm hoping to get one person to do this tonight if I can get one person to leave this prince went out, go to their car. Take their iphone put on the lights and make a video and say some shit that they ve been keeping a secret for their whole life and put it out there they would be blown away by a couple of things number one how little anybody gives a fuck my friends, the high schools. It rule, as I call it all of us, scared shitless way big, fuckin sit. We just didn't realize that we went to school, they had their own sits there their own shit, we're so what
about our shit like we're the center of the universe. You know what allows me to Super happy is, I think, on the ass the I'm going achieve. So much- and I know if I get hit by a bus tomorrow- that I'll trend on twitter, a couple hours and you'll all move on your way when you, realize that your great or your hungry, retrying, but you also realize you're nothing when you can balance that you're unstoppable. My friends you're holding a secret you're holding a secret right now, all of you, because we all do all of us. You're, holding a secret that you will be stunned, that nobody gives a fuck about. You turn your phone. You tell the world x, Y and z. You will be stunned by the freedom that opens up in your life and more only by how little and by the way, if there was a for a time to put out your secrets. It right now, there's so much shit go on that nobody,
cause. Nobody cares that you didn't actually graduate college or that you did this or you did that like nobody gives a fuck. So if I can get one of you, thank you. If I get one of you just one have you to leave it and by the way, if you do it, if you ve got it in you dear me, hit me up twitter. I will share it. I will- actually share, it go on their put the video and don't some bullshit one, because you want to get some awareness for me fuck, you guys. I know how you roll don't make it up. I need some real ass shit. I need to see your auntie and they're saying oh fuck. I can't believe you did this. I will spend the next year to three years. yours and it's the first time, I've shared this. A lot of you could see my god. I've never talked about it. Just talked about this thought of theirs. then you're holding in that year. Scared, we'll get exposed if you get too big. Thus you're suppressing yourself. I will continue to add new things to my repertoire, because I'm thinking about ever
single thing that is stopping you from actually posting everyday fifty times day. One of them That allows me to go so hard. Is I'm not scared? I'm a mile I am what I am it's all been easy for me like it is what it is, I'm living on the record. I twenty five people in my inbox and idea. People have access to all my shit, I'm not worried. I'm not live in the shadows, and I don't want you either, because when you don't it's a lot more fun, it's a lot easier. I think about this era in american history is one step back for two steps forward, because we have to deal with a lot of collective pain. Forget your political status with dignity, We are seeing so much of what we needed to see and in that is such a great opportunity. I genuinely believe and I think one thing that I am noticing already is people are least chow.
Enjoying themselves to have a little more compassion and empty their starting to understand some of the nuances right now we're still a little bit of like holding our ground, but we're going tired. You know people which great about humans is we're grossly underrated This is why we still hear deep down. We are very good collectively, and so I'm starting to see that and in that I hope that encourages you to realise everybody's got something everybody's got something. It's true and so whether it's your insecure and the judgment of others stops you for making and I'm hoping that I made you realize you should feel bad for you, you feel bad for them, whether its some sort of secret that you think is fucked up, but in reality things it's ok. I mean look if you murder somebody. You might want to keep that shit, but you know what you know but like put it out there.
Let go, you will be blown away. That might be the unlock by the way and the steps ones very real. I think a lot of, Actually, don't believe in what you're selling, I think, one of things that's holding you back. want to things that allows me to go so hard is actually think somewhere deeply and you don't believe in it. You believe in the company that comes along with it, but deep down, you don't believe in it and your moral compass, even if it's hidden deep in the God isn't letting you go all the way. So number three is: please take a look at what you're selling, I think a lot of you don't believe in it's because a lot of it is based around you, and you know you haven't done that thing yet you're, just posturing, there's way too many people that still believe in fake it till you make it without realizing the internet changed that game. It was easy to fake it till you make it in nineteen eighties. Nobody knew what the fuck was going on now, it's real hard, because data is everywhere and so I'd highly recommend. You give that some thought, and finally, this
If I could wish one thing for this room as attack that that is completely left field, it is for you to go and don't need some of your time to retirement home. I've been talking a lot about it. You should do a way back when thank you, I'm actually gonna do. I think we got directly go on schedule for february. Think right of log. So here's why I like it. I think, there's an incredible opportunity for a lot of people in here to go and volunteer eight hours of their time at their local retirement home, because I think, spending time with people nor nineties eighties. Hundreds that are your grandparents is an incredible perspective. I think what you learn, if you spend time with them is regret, is really scary.
So much of who I am is the fact that in my early years as a kid, I would spend a lot of time with the grandparents of my friends. I was always drawn to the much older than me in that something triggered and I kept building on that in my twenties. Witches regret scares me. There's I've never seen anything That scares me as much as sitting with somebody in the eightys and ninetys who spends all their time talking to me and not about not what they did, but what they wish they did and in that There's something I think can really work here and here's what I mean by that. I believe that, if it Nobody in this room had a better relationship understanding time they could be much happier, I believe people are grossly impatient. I don't think the people that are fifty five years old realized they have twenty more years.
Of executing in a world where they grew up, his kids and fifty five seem so old and people are dying in a different age and retiring in a different age. I think, if you actually saw regret. up close and personal for one day that a lot of things you're not doing that it could scare you into doing it. I live a life of ready where people emil me on a technical level, the regret that they wished. They listen to me around this saturday, other thing, three or four or five years ago. I am good at my craft, which means today I can tell you about tik tok and linked in and tomorrow might be something else
And if they all go off the face of the earth- and it's all new stuff I'll be graded. That too, because my singular skill is what consumers do, the behavior of you not the platform of the moment. I will spend probably the rest of my life trying to figure out how to unlock people to make, because communication is always the foundation of success, your relationships with your loved ones, your employees, your customers, your audience- is completely predicated on communication. It's true, it's true the and I have to figure out. Why you're not communicating
and I will and I'll keep packing until my last breath. But I implore you, please don't watch this exact talk in seven years, when I read bring it up. because there's some new platform called lipstick or cloud face or ha ha, and I talk about all the people that one. On tik, tok and linked in and by the way if tik tok becomes vine. Let me remind everybody. This vine. had a year run right when you're right, but As you know, my friend and everybody else years, hundreds of the people that built or name their awareness on vine went onto leverage that on snap at our summit, because people in instagram and some people like a pension comes with you, my friends, the reason Build me not anything spare me not instagram. Sport, forty nine, not crypto guy. Six, not me is because it comes with.
if all these disappear. If they all this beer if the government comes along, says they're all out loud and now we're doing our own thing like china and there's one app ha ha our com, when you sign up you're, gonna typing Gary, be easy to find me on that platform. It comes with you, and so thank you, and so Please take advantage of the underpriced opportunities right now. Please figure out how to make contact, that's good for them, not for you. I come up here and I give a talk for this. Forty five minutes, that's good for you not good. For me. You understand. That is what you need to do. When you produce content, it doesn't need to be a piece of content. That's actually a top the funny thing to get them into your funnel to get them into conversion. It needs to be something that actually bring somewhat value pier at end of story sia.
Build a motion and equity. when this is all said and done, it's gonna end up very simple: whoever brings most value to their audience, will win. We the amazon, because we get stuff a good prices, delivered to us the next day we like that you not like other things. They do this and the other thing or whatever is your political point whatever, but you like getting what you want at the best price immediately we ass humans to get what we want. have to figure out how to bring value to them in the places where they consumer information, until you figure that out you'll keep looking for the hack, the one that doesn't exist
you so much for listening to that entire episode. We want to remind you to give gary feedback so make sure you tweet him at Gary v. But if you listening on spotify, you can drop your comments, questions and anything in between in these spotify q and a section down below will see you in the next episode
Transcript generated on 2023-03-27.