« The GaryVee Audio Experience

Technology won't stop just because you don't like it

2023-11-12 | 🔗

A.I. and the blockchain are 2 technologies that are going to be a big impact in the outcome of our future. So instead of saying "no", try saying "maybe" and do the 10 hours of research and make an educated decision on whether it's right for you or not.

Today's episode of the podcast is a conversation with a FaceTime Five VeeFriends Holder. FaceTime Five is a VeeFriends NFT which gives access to a virtual call with me. During our call, we discussed the future of the Web3 space. If you're interested in a "maybe" with the future of A.I., the blockchain and Web3, this episode gives a sneak peek into how I view this tech. I hope you enjoy!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
People always think technology stops when they're grownups, but technology is always going on and so in the same way that kids make fun of their grandma about the fax machine or a beeper or a flip phone, while their kids are gonna, make fun of them about the iphone social media. Attention is the number one asset. Why Gary agreed to meet you now. I m fascinated by analyses. I wanted to ask you when you first aha moment where that is, There were several like you know that The real aha was probably in february of two thousand and twenty twenty right. When clicked, when I looked at crypto punks, I was like wait a minute. This is like really the real deal like. I was carter, the backdrop we're about mba topshop, but I knew that that was it. That was it. Like a theory, I hear what I understood. Because I was aware of a theory of the coin and yourself.
january february, twenty twenty? When I started doing homework happen? The last sixty nine months with crypto punks. It became obvious, In the end I was like there's something here here and that so that's that was my big aha like just right before valentine's day, so probably february, seventh, ten, range after a series of about twenty thirty hours and like ok. This is pretty big. Anyone who has read your own and if that is what was the biggest listen. You learn from that question. there was less about lack of supporting directly I'll. Tell you what was affirmed to me things? I already got a new one at that.
New technologies took a long time for the masses to understand. Here we are in october twenty twenty three and We still got a long way to go for people to really learn about nf tease. You know like I guess. Oh, was it twenty twenty one? What was called again? Yes, hookers nineteen, twenty twenty one would it'd be friends about twenty twenty one. Twenty one. Because I'm just trying to get the timing down, I think that I think may have been twenty twenty one neon that twenty twenty nonetheless that it'll take a while. That is something were seven to ten years away from people. Mass adopting penalties is a collectible. That's digital. What do you think should happen the people to adopt it.
I think needs to happen time, like in nineteen. Ninety six, when I mentioned that he said that when I watched my library dot com like I believe that people would buy things, and by two thousand most people are still not buying things on the internet and by two thousand, and so you know like what happens? Is people get used to new technologies? Most people can't explain the difference between a sexualized or decent. Why server? You know in a world of misinformation right now on the internet, people don't realize the blockchain is going to be the solve, like there's going to be unlimited, deep, fake videos of everybody running around the world in five years. How are we going to know if I'm saying this, or if this is now me being manipulated by ai, saying that's the answer to that question is because everytime I upload content, I'm gonna upload and the blockchain to prove that I posted it.
And then you'll be able to affirm it by connecting the blockchain and the internet. There's so much coming that people don't understand the nf teeth. Thing was cool for me, cause I like collectibles. So this was digital collectibles, which meant you couldn't have counterfeit. There's no faith, be friends. Collectibles, like you can. It's not gonna, be friends. Meanwhile, there's unlimited fake rolexes and Michael Jordan, rookie cards and art isn't a profound layer of truth. So you know every contract every contract will set on the blockchain. And certainly before and after usually have to ukraine universities. We entered. The market was hard to navigate. How did you navigated for me a couple things worked out in the height of the border.
I started making video saying ninety nine percent of these six zero. So for me, one there was great to be able to. You know: have those receipts. Two for the friends going down in value. You know, I don't want that to happen, for the people that are collecting that, but I'm not in control that that's the market and what control of this building the universe so either the way of handle it was focusing on what I can control you know in life. You can control a lot of things and a lot of things. You cannot control, and so I've just been very hyper, focused on getting people to fall in love with be friends and during this time been focused on physical executions, showing up to comic con trading cards trading card games, pins stickers
I I'm actively working on kids, books and animations, and so I'm excited about that fantastic, some people, I've been reading a lot of headlines and they're saying that any if these aren't that what did you say to these people? You know people said that the internet was a fad in two thousand. and so I would say I say why they think that the right ninety nine percent of the energy projects that came out doing that ballroom likely market succeed, but ninety nine percent of the iphone efforts that were made during the explosion, life websites have failed. by nine percent start ups. Ninety nine percent of people do not become social media famous, so
You know, I understand why they say that, but I don't think we started in the background in the micro. Yes, there's many projects, we can point to the bill. What would you think is the biggest misconception vanities right now that There are being babies and what they really are all stop. You got it. Like, I don't know why I really had to describe it to people. Did he had to sell the idea, I don't like to sell ideas. But if I had to explain to somebody what it is it's a digital asset, let me ask you a question: do you have your money right? I similar zero dollars. Hearing s show you that's, why the anglo don't understand shit like
because if you and I, if I ask you to show me your money seventy years ago- you would have it in your wallet, some of it. You would have it under your mattress or in your house, some of it and you'd have some of them back. You know did so. I think people understand that most of the things they own, our digital, show you on your ass So what do I think? I think it's a digital asset and we shall assets matter and I think that people haven't seen it play out yet, but that was a day and age when people laugh that wine being collectible hundred years ago, you'd buy one for a dollar and you drink it, and then at some point Wait a minute! That's a good here now to put a hearing,
in ten years. Somebody wants to buy that for me for twenty bucks cause they can't get any more and it became collectible. You know a long time ago, trading cards came out and it only sixty years ago. People put these they play with them. They put in the bicycle to make a sound like a motorcycle and then in the least leisurely eightys. We I want that. I will pay you for you. No art. There was a day and age where humans meet art physically and they weren't collectible, and then they became collectible. So you don't think I think digital collectibles are very clear to me. I think people will collect them for the rest of all time. There are many people are buying digital collectibles. Today we had a Crazy red fast beclouded everyone, but I don t so much bigger than usual collectibles, their small contract
The non fungible tokens the reformation or truth- I think my I think my I'm positive one of my driver's license before I die will be on the blockchain as a matter of tape, it'll be issued by the state of new jersey, the new jersey, blockchain. like you don't go immediately. I still think people really think about what a credit card is. Are you know what a weapon only website looks like the only ones? I guess sharply, comprehended physical collect the boar contract, yet. Our suicide rate. Now some people, thinking of creating their own industries, were advice. Would you give them, since you ve, created a shoe to create demand. You know the biggest thing that just hurts people and creating things. Is they don't know how to get people to be interested in that? So it's great to do anything, but
if you wanted now, that's if you want to sell them and do something with it, so how to create demand. and about lsd domains. Aren't you think they will place a compromise? The truth is Talk about things that No, and I have not spoken of ours in unison that So the answer is, I'm not sure I just about spending time thank you. The last get at least one last question: how different is the web going to look like with ai web three point: I love to eat your brains bag. Your predictions, if you have any, I mean the ai and blockchain are the two biggest technologies that are going to change everything I mean the internet.
Is constantly changing a reflection of society and I really do think a I is gonna led to a lot of videos that are real and video has always been real. So I think that there is a lot things were about had to figure out, and so I anticipate a logic. The oars looming, like the world's gotta people always think technology stops when their grownups the ticket? So is going on and so. What can the same way that kids make fun of their grandma about the fax machine or a beeper or flip phone, while their kids are gonna, make fun of them about the iphone and social media is always changing. So Watch it right thanks so much
Transcript generated on 2023-11-25.