« The GaryVee Audio Experience

Owning Your Journey with Linda Cohn

2023-09-05 | 🔗

On today's episode of the GaryVee Audio Experience, we're taking it back to 2017 with legendary American sportscaster, Linda Cohn. We discuss our personal and career journeys, the importance of self-awareness and self-esteem, and how to network effectively. Linda shares her passion for sports, particularly hockey, and how it shaped her into the person she is today. We also delve into the world of content creation and the opportunities presented by the digital landscape. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, an aspiring entrepreneur, or someone looking to gain a new perspective on life, this episode has something for you and I hope you enjoy it!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the gary v audio experience, everybody. This is gary day nor chalk and so to sixty of the ask gary be shower and I'm sorry you're fired up linda before introduce you to everybody. I was watching a thirty four thirty. Which one was making a mad dog. You made its appearance in that idea to guess the homelike piazza my favorite nedda had eyes. It was so perfect for me, you looked you look pretty I know that I now you better now than that year. Incredible hair previously was you're. Welcome, so If you don't know ready for the poor people in the world, I don't know. I'm here were linda cone. Who is this is not a joke. I genuinely believe this is a lead dad, I'm tough throwing that around, because I want to be a legend I don't like going and enhancing simply I genuinely believe that, and so Linda pleas for the audience. That's watching now that maybe some been in sports culture, which would then mean? Maybe they haven't seen? You
you haven't, had the radar wanted to spend one minute on who you are, and then I've got some questions I mean this is before I apologize already cut you off. I started and I worry really subsided, but she dinner that you and I had fabulous too to go is literally probably one of my favorite dinners of all time seriously. It was amazing. Furthermore, we would only people in restaurant we owned it pits we did. We did so I was really jumped up and brought some serious, deep sports knowledge, which I could tell me your eyes and presto. It was amazing and also but the irony was because you're all about taking pictures visually let us rolling a camera. I know they kicked iraq. You got kicked out that was done is actually. The best part is like never happens to you know what happens to our carrillo, even that imposing figure that he is here are alive
I would tell everybody who you are to sense. Alright, here's a recent three cents engines get three cents. Okay, nobody has hosted more sports centers than me on hold on to say that one more time, alright, nobody, male or female, has hosted more sports centers on E S, p n than me and I don t know who knew That was the plan going in. I was just doing what I loved, which is love and sports and, as you know, having a action for something and saying what the hell. Let me just do this, so that's what I did and I just got into the hall of fame, but use a thing Gary. which halting the broadcast media and working with the sports, zambia, hall, official, real quick, be, are needed for union finances weird, because I'm far from done gary warm aware and ohio, we haven't even started here. Ok put before you get to that part. Now is the sports and what is it? What's the official, they showed me. I don't know, google me what it is. Painful nash sports merely horrific now
Is this a bull should hall of fame like we have any advertising halting so there's an advertising campaign in our world and like people that are just in starting or getting in it like bombings in it, the bonds amazing, but he's not ready to be in a hall of fame. Is this a real one or a bullshit one yet worth reading sportscasters in scully was one of our lives and unless the weakest person in this time it's not the best person is right. It's about who the week you make sense, but is like you'll do now. Ok, ok, where are you from, If you are not the only one dimension, craig kill born in my time here, jerry, I shall have been like please loved his eighteen minutes I mean those were the best of so no the story, but I'm gonna ask you to say it I tell you my little story. First, you can do anything alright, because you know again, I, when I go to a place in your humble home. It's amazing with all your amazing humans around me is there's a lot. I I I
can't come empty handed in an area you know so, first of all, because you know because I know how much you love tongue in cheek the pittsburgh. Penguin, I hate the penguin I now so I thought ass. They want their second straits only after I was on the explore some abroad? You bring this with sidney crosby, because I like stirring the pot with you there. It is I'm going to take this cause. It will not be going. I know this will not be in the bath or going to take it all came out real, quick, where's, the cameras, okay. This is going to dunno if you're watching one of my best I was in high school. Steve NASH. Ring is a huge, paying span when the rangers lost the series when graves brought broke his hands ass down ass was the most devastating loss. I know they want to ninety four. What was that? Ninety two? Ninety three, ninety four, ninety two, ninety three there is supposed to win the correct best. They now I say here and now: that's really. They was the path that law so the pens. Besides, let's think of all time moments when I cried in sports
all time number top heavy sport centre thing. We get off, I've got ten awry. Why do I look microsoft number six through ten. Ok, all jet games, random checking all. But here the time has come to say no question more than ten using once losing Linda. Could I'm real quiet. no question at number? I should probably go in order, a bitter. What are back apologists for breaking this, but I want to get a right the time I cried the most. not even close full time. Sports history was when the judge its loss to the browns and eighty six play off game. The jets were winning by ten points with with four minutes left in the game and had the ball in cleveland. And somehow miraculously lost in double overtime. That was number one number two was when the knicks lost game seven to the rockets. Ninety four correct.
ride like a baby. My senior year in high school cried from ten thirty p m to four in the morning when John starks failed, basically to show up in that one. That is correct. That crushed me number re. Yes, when macho man randy savage, lost the title to whole cogan, even though by then I was mature enough to know that the writing was on the wall and he was going to lose and it's been one per. Then it was fake. Okay, there was one percent chance that he, going to win. He didn't and I cried for good to reality. number four, when the rangers lost to the pens in that series, I was the ranger team that I thought was gonna win the cup. That was a team that was devastating to me. I hate fuckin pittsburgh, so much and then I understand and then number five number five. What do you think another jet moment he asked so many rare I've gonna meet is asia round age.
He had a lump under his armpit when it was three and my parents and most doktor started was cancelled while the jets? a random, regular season game to the packers. during this time the early farce, just lose a devastating middle of the season game. I start crying my as soft as a reg, I'm sixteen seventeen, it's a regular season football game. I am crying like your dog died. My mom has been watching me cry over decades. For years she looks me dead in the face and loses or mine angry one of the few times she was truly she's. Your brother is potentially like what you said in russian, but you, like your brother, sick right here. Went there and she's like an Levin cried once and you crying about this shit and I was like yep and you teenager, oh, I cry so actually. Actually thank you for saying that you trigger
That's moving to number six. Ok, I'm the official number five in the jets, regular cecily opener in nineteen leaned. Her even talk policies in the nuts regular season, open, real ninety nine nine play off get you may remember. There's s limit is a very famous moment now the jets opening in san francisco. They lose in overtime garrison Hearst had a ninety eight yard running play. Do membranous I'd. Tell you former niner great of the past year, harrison hersey name in whence we went over time against. You went into overtime. Ninety eight, the jets. Kick the ball off the start, overtime right. like the barbarity. Weird nano, great news: the bull Violence is weird and minors to start on the two I'm dreaming I'm getting a safety to win the game right you mean the ball off the garrison hearst any runs it. Ninety eight yard.
you talk, then that didn't happen back. Then you will join in ninety. Eight european law sea weed actually see like one hundred year, one yard, but that no one storm in origin. They was in your genius waiting. Thirty forty all time, please over ninety eight, like in overtime. jets lose? I just left college. I was now in new york. I cry. My car and stick with me here, draw I've to Boston, incredible it was so devastated. Wasn't I'm free, I, like your friend, that's really true. That was this time and I note Iraq not really the truth. You fell for it We now believe, but I figured I'd, go see my girlfriend cause. I knew I was gonna work, my ass off illiteracy, organic, which brings me to my second best thing I can tell. Did he go to Steve NASH, my high school friends, not to Steve NASH, used to pay for the sun's out? Ok, We don't know what he's doing but he's longer time. So this Speaking of the just, so I got a credit, my brother,
on rising. I'm excited, we thought we could see. No, obviously which fans love the wall, its long. The personality- it's all you and it's great, unlike you, know what so we're like. Let's get a custom made bob we'll head right, where's, build this up only for him to as many as the owner of the jets. Ok Yes, and something happens along the way I lost and I was lost in translation and and We all recognise that this is not apparent, lay their color blind. Why so? It's out tunes I'm, so they basically guys this is like pat some iraq. Is he wore number eighty eight bangalore date for the new york foreclose giants? Also, I came next
ok, but this looks more now personal. Does this, you can look like you so bad news, so, first of all it so they screwed up. It doesn't look like me because there's not enough gray, hair number, two guys I think this out. They nailed the five o clock shadow. They did have Linda yeah like linda? Yes, this is more of a page. It's yours, even a giants. Sure, yeah yeah, you know that right, yeah guys know their rights. was trying to take the high road for you. new york putting this and obvious labour to neither item is making Michel gringos that it is our europe this leads me to exactly how I wanted to play out. You will be the first ever to tie guest, though I think we have done so you see maybe uttered a binding way linen you're coming back those who get another attempt to bring me a gift. That sounds good. They are obvious
reason why they screwed up: they must have thought who the heck would want to be the owner of the jets. Let me die, I mean since even answer. Thanks for coming to little did I love you jerry you? I love, you know really really one of the best out of its really amazing. How much I adore you and how excited was for today, Linda, please. Now we ve had a lot of fun. I'm sure people listening you're having a blast, but please do the part of this interview. That's going to matter the most we're going to have to sue facebook. Please put in your phone number we're going to call in we're going to do a bunch and honestly, I always. I still think I'm probably going to do. A sports radio show weirdly enough. I think the dark horse, chancet Linda and I will do a sports radio- show together and be number one in the country, but before we get into that, I you to tell us your career from began in the end or at least beginning, yes, I I mean, because all our play around the edges- here's. Why does it before they are mainly motivational to me and I really
get motivated. This is incorrect billy powerful in my big this? Is? U wheeled this into existence in an ungodly, quick time and it just feel like there's a lot of people watching we re now, I'm always and listening. I'm always trying to get you to action. I know a lot people listening. We now pull over. Stop your treadmill. I mean this. I mean this evil these next four minutes, because this, Most valuable thing that could happen to show from begin. To end Linda? Go? Are, I think, marge Gary here's the deal. I live much same I'm still living. It reason why I grew up loving sports. I was a kid with low self esteem I wore thick glasses. I didn't feel good about myself. People laugh at that. I grew up on long island middle class family. What do I have to feel sorry for but We look forward to sports gave me that gave me something to look forward to then. I start playing hockey street hockey an ira
Luckily I was a gully. Why was? I was only because I feel comfortable being hidden cameras and feel good about myself final contact. Lenses realise those a damn good gully had trouble This I hand coordination ironically gary because I was so near sighted, but the contacts help and long story short it like contacts eye contact right so anyway. I was a kid. What dot me back in the day, growing layers of tough skin to be able to handle the job that I do now and throughout the years thirty years in the business, at least, is the fact that I played hockey with boys that seven and eight years old ice hockey. When I was fourteen years old, when I was fifteen, they didn't. Let me play with boys, age back in the day, but I still want to play. I wore the gully mass ponytail sticking out of the mass mom. Its whisper I'd here, the moms. No, they would say. What's that girl doing on the ice playing with my son, you have claimed hockey. I was just my love hockey. Why can't I play hockey?
so that kind of help me block out the noise. So anyway, as we, as forward. That was the reason and actually foundation, that was the foundation, because I was always doing something that I loved and I didn't know where it was going to lead yeah. I wanted it to lead to an nhl, goalie job. I wanted to be in the nhl that are mine. Did you did? Did you think like that? First of all, it's amazing. It did because it was my strength. You know the feeling god. When I made a big saves- and I saved the game from my teammates- I wanted to be in that pressure situation. I live for Because suddenly I meant something again: cable self esteem used to it, since the depressing music I mean back in my day it was John Denver and the carpenters. Alright, you know, do we have to bring up Karen carpenter here you just, we sure, do. I know so of chicks. A huge fan of the bear it is, but it's depressing so it was a foundation, and so I couldn't be an initial goalie. Ok, so what can I do? Our eventually played hockey with girls in college
and major in broadcasting, but then this is what gets me excited when forgiven finally met you, but when I knew about you before finally got to meet and we have a great dinner sushi place, the thing is this: god, I'm seeing myself, because I knew I was a twenty four seven girl. I works seven days a week trying to get a break, I did radio. I didn't news on radio, did local long, island, cable tv, and I listen what I wish the rock filmed our first inasmuch as I did a nun always listen, but through my talking didn't I did a lot of listening, so I really wanted to go through in detail. What is your first, so you so you broadcasting in school, yeah, major communication. How know you do what you do obviously get involve young people know that now now it's some awesome, with social media you can, you can create our own persona, where people will see you back in my day or how to make a tape. You had a hope that news
director reports directly to azure in school. You think I want to be a big time sports, but I didn't even say big time I want a job where I can talk about sports, because guess how rare was hurrying up when I tell you there was that for women it didn't exist at that time. Could you look at anybody at that point that there was no role model? I had no role models, urine and sports Earl Eighties. When I was doings, radio and news, I didn't get a break in sports until I worked, or w cbs radio? Eighty eight here and herb city. This was before ws vietnam aware and then I got to do update sports up. It would they just haven't you been going. I can those I want everybody ice everybody here is what is the first job you get, and how did you get it patch all long island, w ale, K, radio fifty thousand want. I didn't whose updates and you know what happened I volunteered to cover you'll love this
I know that when I'm a hard ranger fan and- and I volunteered to cover the hated new work, islander games at the nasa colosseum an hour. Or away the nasa colosseum from from juggling island. Where I did news updates. I created the idea brought it to my news director said: listen I will go in my little tape recorder and cover islander games. I will file forty five second radio report. You can put in your little news updates for all to hear www way by doing that right within What years was that this was nineteen? Eighty I'm gonna say eighty three, eighty two way in just one other cops. Yes, in the night, I think I jinx them because they stop winning right so will be the range on a regular basis response you actually leading of crying direct, and this is something that needs to be shown on social media quietly. I think that you act
We Jake they want for stanley cup sunrise, you start covering them right. You're a real rangers fan bright and they have not want a cup since that accurate correct. There is actually the personal and a cone on the islanders- that's accurate and low limit? This is like a t shirt. This is like a meme. This is like the worst of nineteen forty. This is this, is it it just break this. Is this could give really big and the hockey community can we come from because I'm little worried right now that your first year might have even been a year after or actually when they won. I see you thinking, I am going to Edmonton oilers won in nineteen eighty four when they finally broke through the genius I believe I will double check, but I believe rather that is the thing we need to do some real homework here, because here's why, if true these can turn into a substantial meaning in hockey. culture I
even to actively here on episode to sixty yeah yeah scary, be, shall we have us abolition, sports second biggest curse- maybe because the goat for the cubs, let's make this third linda, I think I ll go home. I I think on you, I would use, and I think that the islanders will not want to Stanley cup until you dial check what right, what we, when we and by the way the curse can continue of some of the rangers, can get John to various who hasn't spent long term challenges gang. That would be asked, and I would be the kurds highly gifted a heads up. We should double check
I'm still here and so alive. Thank you. Comrade of frenzy biology or the islanders one. The stanley cup know that I know. Oh nine, if that match me, that's the last one. You get the job doing these sports, but I wanted, I know having too much vaunted I need this whole thing is show me to go to the pacific northwest critical calgary olympics. Writing. Forget you want them to hear this. Has I believe that everybody is watching whenever one of your wrapper, who wants to be a painter who want? to be a start, a founder, your story is so important to me because of a couple of things you did and why you did them and how you do them in the face of your marriages, you're, I need you tell it the way you told me cause it's it's going to help people. You know I made important people not knowing that it was made anybody, but what we are doing. I was just being myself falling my passion covering hockey
and again you knew I love hockey because I was covering the team. I hated the most and made me cry like the jets have made you cry, as has been well documented, just right now. so when the moon rose actually there actually without would be me covering the patriots the rangers and judging single cry ruins the reverse. Such you actually covered the patriotic, which isn't seen fuckin shit. That's it you're going way as a very good, although I've seen enough range around gains for the rate I've been in their dressing room and crying after islander losses. Not yet he pot ok, so a hidden, still said so anyway, I met the right people network everyone, has member angles. Sports factor for dubious watching me handle myself how I have myself professionally, dealing with some later, always watching right and one when you don't think they are at that's very good. Thank you. Saying that's a very good point and you know getting back tonight. As for the little bit. No that's one of the messages I always say because I'm very something I'm really mean so
now, I'm nobly ass meals published everybody's washing. I need your story because we're not gonna get twelve, nearly the whole podcast guy, just getting calvary olympics can. Having can we go so so watching hours at first it by the way, all this lead to me being the first woman sports, doing sports or its in new york on the radio interviews, CBS engels hired me to do sports. dates overnight and repeated over and over and over again before w, if they and all sports talk radio, you have your fan higher onward. Stop how many years out! So you, your put you point, feel talking college. I know no ice hockey respect field hockey didn't last long too boring was in high school respect, you're playing hockey. You get this first job news want sports, so you go and hustle it right. they want? Somebody's add sees you rising and hires you to do the overnight thing right. How quickly did that that happened within after one hockey season rachel about a year after year, only because
one aki season, then he's hire me too. Then he says: hey you want to cover the matzoh che doing this hey you want to cover the? U s open for us. Yes, yes, yes, yes, hey! You wanna! Do sports up aid. So yes, within a year of how, at this point, are you feeling any flag from this? nineteen, eighty well yeah. Well, here's the thing yeah! This is all in the mid eighties and also was on sports phone, which is a legendary thing. We're used to do sports updates in a in a room that the size of a telephone booths and people would pay people pay gamblers would pay think time, because that's what I was you highlighted, degenerate and will probably be the year for everything he gave us all. That is, is aligned with the iraq about how long this interview was actually he's sick, their child. I don't expect him to be around much longer anything I just hired z today, new assistant zaire is way too much. Just talk in this episode must end the right he's our answer. We do it so seven days, a week, seven days a week, seven days a week, long, I and I said, and I was doing local cable tv couldn't
sports wasn't allowed. What did I do I baked cookies for the camera crew one afternoon, so I can tape put together sports tape. I created my own sports tape, for go long island tv, so I could send it out two cities where I wanted to live gary and one of those cities with seattle, washington. Why do you want to live in sea because calgary. When I went out there fell on line in calgary for the also by million of jobs that I worked seven days a week was abc radio. Where did sports update and a man in the nineteen eighty eight abc had the rights to the olympics? So calgary was the winter olympics in nineteen eighty eight I went out there one final ryan, leech and brian Rick brought Brian leech added my greater on that. Eighty, eight? U s. Team in later became rangers and won the actual cup that the range finally, and that team in Calgary was an embarrassed.
the russians described the sheriff s. They didn't russia, reasons heed what I'm finished. Eighth, eighteen mean male competition. Little did. I know they would be waiting the cop from my dream team, so yeah, so that The whole calgary thing, and it also means that they traded when he was young to blackhawks Amato oh tony Amato, and he was I was young. I was a big trade because airport back my gort gag denmark garners a big. I think it was my garden. Maybe now he's a margin at eighty, eight olympic team, We're not have been because his name just popped up my head, and I know how is only remember region to region. I knew that which makes you what happens encountering why I fell in love with Calgary and I go wait a minute. I want to move to canada. Remember I love hockey, but that was logistic at that point in my life and realistic. So what is the equivalence way as one of our producers who was working with me. I said: what's in it, I consider that most likely she goes wine com. Let me in seattle in July, is again. I was there february com,
Let me in July you can drop off your tape. That's what you did back then too, whose directors this he bs the abc NBC, affiliates, sierra lodges, rockwork local, you fuck faces, want to become famous and win. And Linda had a weight from february to fucking July to drop off a tape, but you can dm fuckers on instagram right now, while you're listening Linda, you have to understand, I'm pissed people are crying that they can't make it and they can literally fucking dm people. Yet you want to wait. Back in february to July to drop off a fucking tape, you get it. Judy males. I get one hundred. You have people that I respond to. First of all, I love giving back when, if you ask me I'm no one fast forwarding. I know you want my whole timeline, but I got at this end, because it's really important to me all that shit never would have happened, if I was grateful and if it wasn't just living in doing what I really wanted, not worried about what happens if, like warring about shit, that may never ever happened, just move forward, just keep going so anyway.
It's important me right now to give back, because when I see qualities of myself, just like you, when you you go back and you do your little little people have little podcast radio adieus. That's what I try to do and that's what I accomplish because I see you do it and It means a lot to me and it means so much, but then there are people out there that I think have such ball like they'll, get my email address, but all applaud them because then there like hail, and this is where get spared them. There is one woman gama, email address right, true story, great, I'm ready! autumn ready to reply back to work, hey while great looking to help. What's your story, then she says: hey: is it all hey. If I send you my resume, so you can handed to somebody that turn me off Gary cushy thought you weren't big enough like import like now, she thought she'd what she stopped doing the work. I see she she just like. Around upon that cause with giving with expectation right. I understand why don't you pay
My brain, you have my attention. Eurobonds, hall of fame are right and it's legit. That's not what I'm saying. Yes, I am doing at some point so when I, when I do, which I love doing and I've been doing it speaking, age means you know kino doing things like that. I'd love the opportunity. Just like you to touch people. I know I'm completely obsessed with you and I but listen It's like mutual. What I know it sounds like a love first here, I'm sorry but its truth and they The thing is, it is really choose when I'm like travelling, as I do I'm like look into new to them. Looking it seem what kind of stuff I can steal from you, if that's ok, full disclosure, steel and from higher, I want everything stolen. I am putting and it's free, Linda Calgary, you fall in love. You go to seattle. What's happening, seattle, great six months into the seattle gig e s. P n. Calls me that time it was married, my husband at the time. said to me. I didn't drop my job
not that it was a high paying job? At this point he goes. I didn't drop. My job moved three thousand miles only to move all the way back within six months were staying and guess what of all the things that was a positive. That was good advice, because I was able listen to this home mice, I had a chance to uncover the mariners, the sea hawks. You know all the pact, at that time. Obviously, the washing the huskies sonnets, where there willie homo skills and also so I stopped they had a kid. I had my daughter, Sammy who you're gonna meet. I had my what are sami there and I kind of like slow down, not slow, down? How just a very she old were you these? Will that at that point, thirty I saw this rushed out, although it did and that's into people that are watching listening and all that carry this always hope men would age. Your lawyer was that when this was nineteen, I went out to seattle in october of eighty nine and
they are by ninety nine idea. Wants you jump right, let by ninety they want to be, but I had to turn in that I am a guy and then I had to say: listen. How could they want? It was tough, it was a downward. Yes, paean was in clearly on its way, you have totally on its life was about sprang in or not, eighteen. Ninety can you haven't. I mean that pre internet, its everything you guys warning and banja these authors guns. Why don't you know they weren't baby? I was fifteen august I, and so you weren't, establish with fifteen and crying over that you are giving us by ninety ninety a lot of Dr Gallagher. You know- and so also anyway here so so I just figured and after some basic some therapy and slowing down my life a little and having the ignoble once still having that urge to accomplish and keep going next level and be better. I a child. It was great and then they called again to add two years late took my contract in seattle was three years: the cold two and a half he in so seattle. Let me live a contract early. The bosses,
I you know AL jaffee, who was the talent guy at E S, p n, and he called again flew me out to bristol again we talked and said they wanted to hire me and they want to hire me to host sport centre and also be reporting turned out. It was more sports they want to me and then, to this day The people there in and around I'm still highlights are the thing that I well, why? Because I've always because I play games. You know what I'm saying and I get, and I get from an ethical point of view. I wasn't there to make people cry and win enemies. interesting theory and there's someone people in our business, that's all they care about, and that was never for me because I loved. Having this it was it was. It was a high, was illegal, huh It was at roller coaster that I so love being a fan and I'll never forget being a fan and I'm always a fan first to this day and getting back to europe. point, you always make believe someone is watching you for the very first
I'm always saying? How do you keep this going? How do you stay fresh? How does it still mean something to uses when you're doing something is biggest that you are getting people seen you for the first time last, including athletes, and that was the great opportunity, because then athletes can see that I'm not a fraud that I really did, love sports or the hockey guys must obsess over you. Just small culture of polite actually know hockey they push. They know that it's true I mean they definitely its debt or somebody else like is the best. When you that's, why I'm lorgnettes high that war is not even any where ladys you take a look why my office- I can I work here. Why me time right now, we'll work it out. I'm telling you I mean just stay right: you fired so so linda now moment of europe before we enter the question here, because I can't stop talking to you, nineteen that, so what are you going? center. Ninety ninety, ninety two july, nineteen to just so raided twenty five years July. First right so, like amazing aggression,
That is like the golden era for a lot of people. Yes, a personalities, Keith and Daniel, unlike stewart arguing like that, when all of you, I am making up all sorts of words just a top each other that is like golden era of sport center, but was one of the cultural phenomenon the true! So you walk in and what happens first day. You walk in b, even before the first day, even before the last day. Take it away are still in seattle. Moving on my friend who was working there. Gary Miller, K gary great broadcast urban bag, they met, have great gary military in its timely o, J bronco ride Gary nigh rescheduled. Do the eleven pm eastern sport centre on that amazing night, where we all thought he was in a blow his brains out in ninety. Ninety four, of course, Nixon raw has was there. I was literally way it out there right now. yeah. Ok, so that's what gary, but that's fast for that was nineteen. Eighty four gary miller,
that way we're ok, so our incited related to schools are what I did for even go there. So I go get I talked together. He's isn't I just gotta. Warn you you know not morning, but oh, he was bodies. Would Dan Patrick s it. Can I talk to dan about me coming there you know and and, as you mentioned, stable with Keith overman, the big show bigeye I'll. Never, yeah with Dan said to me. You know he said: do you realize, and he may have said it tongue in cheek cause. You know Dan Patrick, is a funny guy and he's That's me, as you realize, every woman before you has basically failed here. I mean talk about what was at the red carpet and so imagine there you know here. You must not. That story is that's a hell of a lot better than keep did gap and in and I love kayo and eat something special easy routes The piece of work
How did it go with you like? I was away, but I do you go through phase and I think a lot of you know the people who are slowly indian fuck, you, I plead hockey, would seven your boy see. I wish I did see, that's where the little girl comes out and that's part of my message when I speak to people and I speak guys and gals because a lot of self esteem issues and I still find it to the state. Every fighting that little girl and giving that little girl inside me a hug, and what did I never got? The hall was a ship is good. It's an engine You want to give it a hardly I'll give you know, universities or yes, yeah. Well, that's true. Let us go one hundred percent, if I didn't have made me drink piss out of a pepsi story in dover, new jersey, when I was for time. Basically, gonna build an empire, just stick it down their fuckin. Throw I'll tell you some something ironic. One of my colleagues still works idiots beyond the elaborate case right now. great guy right when I was into one of those moments where I wasn't feeling confident myself and we all get it yeah. Of course, he said to me
you know who you are I go, who am I he goes He goes catwoman actually contribution. We gotta go on your Lfc and I go lfc your Linda fuckin com. And then one day I was visiting my brother doktor howard, conan orange county, where the founders of the bill were his company, seven point two! Isn't it building. We were outside, we were chatting. I looked up at the top of his building. What did it say? L, F, c love that I love this is crazy man. So what happened so give me give me one store, foresaw, golgi story. You guys we're supposed to do the alarm Pierre, with eleven novices going on earlier. In the day of yes caused by writing. Had six came was late, was rice ripened? They we has been having the abc news feed
so you didn't get any sports on its political honesty. Those are two over the wind they took over the feed and we just all everybody everybody together. Let's watch out J and he's gonna blow his head off. You know, and it was, I think we all thought it was never forget- would mean Gary here's the monitors in the desk. Yes and work is the in time and we have to stay plunder the end when people into the wonder that I want to say was like one thirty, a m eastern time summer ran up and don't call me sure that it was in the we always guys they would have a sports and are now we didn't have supported it. they kept their news year going sense. You know I mean it was now I get some you're just like that. It's pretty? Rather hockey season excited understood tyler thinks are ruining the shop debbie down reason tat. You brought it up a little behind the scenes. The reason we ve been debating that I cut off guests When I know that I have other meat,
bind it I'm trying to fit it in and when I went Nothing minded I don't so that was actually agree, by tyler cause he's right, he can feel me already started feeling a little pressure. Good well done. John, mrs Gary view only ask everybody show with the legend linda cone, I john that about Well, hey guys, how are you great what's your question so myself, along with a group of investors, recently bought the international racquetball tour and we are trying to create or find ways to create a national media exposure and better to get it right from when you guys. That is a very good point here. First of all, is racquetball stiller spore? Yes, I mean it will indeed be no way. There is so many different.
phoenicians rack, wove what it used to be the same with handball. I know there are different ways if you know what you just did block you just basically turned into dm patrick. You literally just did to this lovely man from saying that is exactly what the and Patrick did to you that I now our I continued contain. racquetball is going to be the biggest sport in. When I shortly seven, if you make a deal with snapchat, as t t play an you debate, stars the way, sunny, warbling creed. Your name is the key for sports? Is distribution and star making so be it? I give you is: you need to look at facebook, netflix amazon and though players, as your o t t, not e s, p n, not a b c and not that conglomerate disney. Our our cbs or NBC cars are going to be looking at it differently and are going to make you pay to even beyond there, because that's what they do with small things, and then you ve got to find the most handsomer beautiful racket, ballplayer with charisma in the world and
There are social media star and now you ve got a prayer to have some spigot, but here's the thing we love goofy things and we put it on top ten. We put on the corn whole, yes championship. Yes, ok, and unlike as I'm reading this in the top ten, unlike what they are reed. What is I mean? You know it is good that The thing is that we want, you said getting a pretty person or something short, goofy and crazy to get exposure scott it star making. and distribution in a modern way. The same way that european, how to start off with bull, fighting and end storage or its scope is a john. I could come scott, there's a job you gotta get to play and john shell john, can mention her name to create more jobs I think you guys probably know that's the move. Right yeah, I think so you know we've got. We've got to take this opportunity that we have. You know. We've got some very marketable stars,
they hurried and believe it or not. We have over a hundred of them a year with pride purses of sixty thousand dollars and more intelligent than by trying to get out of that box has proven difficult forms of past owners, and now that we have a group of investors that are willing to spend the money figure. This out were very motivated. Man did much to wear it used to be my man. You are the poker tournaments pre. pierre coverage. The problem is east peons, not the police. You should do that now with you need to figure out basically the same model. for the new environment of consumption. I like that it also. You me really think about what o t t means: netflix and hulu and amazon, and a spoken snapshot and twitter or the preview there. Don't be so many places, content never been in a better place. You need, old meal email. Your report embark
to any european like you have to find distribution, because I You gave me the new your jets right now. If you said hey, I'm John scott, like gene from this sure and if you can name one racket, ballplayer one eye give me your jets, I wouldn't lose. I cannot mean one racquetball player. Nor can I I'm a cone. Is a hall of famer legit. So that's it and distribution. Good luck! Bouman! Thank you very much, for guys it's all distribution, it's all about distribution, it's about getting awareness and then its having the right product for the new medium. I would argue in a threesome the camera world racquetball might be in the best place its ever been because of you think about mix of that sport. Much like american football needed television to break through the radio right. Much like radio was boxing and horse racing in baseball right and anna fell upon them. the great on television? What sports will do
rate in a mobile three sixty be. Are our world today? Go pro thing on one of these guys heads I mean that's like oh, my gosh, who do we next sue Ann I do not believe you were doing sport centre. The night of oj, yes, cried, get back to them. at other memorable nights. You don't tell me you ve been on would like president harder dzhokhar they went home raj works at night now presents dying, thank god. No Will you or lies in the build? I wasn't that buildings I went to her hangers out of the all I've, a gray suit, all stuffed irate. Sorry soon stating next. Ok, listen! game, seven rangers devils conference final, perhaps the most. he's, not double overtime. Mateau mateau mateau that night, was doing. The six o clock sportscenter got up to do in a witch
least diner. I so that when the european charlie is box and high mombasa loved it doing dodgers play well nigh forever on the radio doing the six p m sports. Another night we had hockey back then eyes. Rangers devils were next, it's gonna, be a class I had no idea, it really was, but then It was said linda. We need to talk to you before you go home, I go away this. I have like Evan, I gotta go home. I didn't actually over the game, babo, because I had a work you know and so he's like. I won't take long, that's when they basically said they almost fired me. I had to This is a true story. Almost got fired on the night of game seven rangers devils because they weren't happy with my work love me as a human. They knew I look sports. They said it's not coming out enough, two years into my contract. While I had a two year contract with an option for two more, they said we're going to keep option, but only for one year, but we're gonna need to see something improve within six months, so I say
It's a lame duck. Oh here am, I am at, is being dream job two years in no feedback, oh by the way for the first two, here is telling me good. bad. Suddenly night of game. Seven, you know that's when they say hey. We know you know sports, you talk about it. the time was this personality because everybody was so hyperbole on sports centres. That point I mean that was the aloha means goodbye people just making up should every night right. They just felt that I didn't feel confident almost like when the red light went on. It wasn't a handsome labour should I'm pretty pisca when I can soon. I think I feel like that was doing dick era you was not the right. You dep right as mfa, getting back to Keith india, which was that thank you and that's where tells it really? I was like I wouldn't want you back of reason and what I love about, not having a so called cliche, and I tried to catch phrases for renovation and all that you know,
Are you guys always my classic story about master batter the eyes out? Of course, you now with great name your softball ts, the master betters we now. So you know what someone it's a home run. We know, I know you guys are so quick will not penetrate well we're doing good? Where have you been doing? Ok have also like we broke like now jack, I'm goin. Now I'm gone all over the place. Now you in seattle, the night MIKE tyson, lost two buster Douglas because I was ninety ninety ninety one. Yes, ninety! Ninety! Yes, yes! So february. Ninety, it sort of notice. I did I go to school that monday because I was in a state of shock. As long as you were in crime I cried. The guy sports was my whole life and I would cry if I was upset. I went out on a limb now remember that you remembered the night tyson last night. It was a shocking thing. I think boxing is true. That is the most he has
our view that those is a giant spinks hundred or so I wasn't around for that year. I was also round for the eighty olympic match I was too young- I, but I mean in boxing no question: do you think it I think it's the most shocking moment in sports history, for somebody. That's forty one years old help me here what what in last thirty years, that is more shocking than buster douglas beating MIKE tyson patriots, coming back from twenty three deficit to be the falcons in the superbowl. Not true. We want a fund that I do not want one play that suitable, nor any other simple. The patriots have been in the last week at a four times must have been examined. Watched me, I wasn't shocking. I would argue that the jets money, no miracle named my no miracle- was more shocking. There's a people left in african sitting we're losing thirty two seven with ten minutes left and we won, and what did you win exact,
the greatest moment of my life. Actually, this is a true story. The greatest moment of my life is one the jets Peter Peter. It's in the second round of levelling down women. Stunning is, our sky can't wait here to sell Dan. Tony is the best day my life best day, my life best. They my life jets. Patriots in the second round, the play our status superbowl. Even I see an divisional play off game. Nobody, I thought they were going to win. I thought I was going up to boston to lose. Fifty five to six was my official prediction. They lost forty five to three then three to six weeks earlier best day ever ever, I understand I understand you love Tom Brady, he's all about nutrition. He's got a book common out tb twelve you're about fitness. You know I mean this guy, you know he's gonna, you just don't know. Yet.
We'll see this and I'll never admit it to anybody other than you. Okay breaks, my heart that this is a good human being see Michael Jordan's, easy he's a terrible human rights, so he was easy to consume because, yes, he destroyed my heart and made me cry often, but thank god he's an awful guy, on the other hand, great human seems to be the case here. Where were we recalling? Maybe a weird Why do I nicer hunker? Maybe hong kong is going believes gary be your last hour Julie. This is gary, be again How are you I'm going? How are you you all know? How are you re alone? Who were you from jewels? I'm good you're from jewels. I'm sorry
north carolina, longing love it that's awesome. What can we help you with all right to question for questions for make up make up for SU? First, my first about mass car If you look in the stands during a nascar radio, these days are basically empty up. What is mass coordinated due to re brand and market this era. Yet it is really on the down turn now that deal junior the most popular driver, probably in all of nascar history when you think about it in this world retiring age is going to join NBC. These guys I mean they're, just not the personality are not there. Now. You are you, tell me who's your favorite driver. Is it a guy like kyle bushes, that you know I mean who's, the guy that lights, your fire, because you need more drivers that light fires? Well, obviously, Jimmy John then he's all american you had Jeff Gordon everybody entire you're out jude. What's you know it's fun
I'm sitting here so Big nascar van I'm really not, but I live in charlotte north carolina. So it's really the home of a lot of drivers not far from a lot of their shop. So this is going to be great. I'm glad I asked them because it can be easier for me to see what I going to say. I'm weirdly very excited about nascar's downturn because I bet the farm with my friends seventy years ago, when nascar was clearly on the way up here, that it wasn't sustainable and that I thought the bottom was gonna fall out. So I'm proud of myself. Why did you stem curious gary? Why did you think that at the time I thought that they were doing so? I'm a big believer in tripling down in your strengths and stained? True, your dna. I felt that it was there so much momentum going on that they started creating b. either in the nascar ecosystem that seem to me more superbowl, ask more
men stream sports what they were trying to do worse, expand and- and I think they took their fans for granted and I think they felt that there tried and true would stay there, and I thought they made a terrible bet on not absurd. I thought they were one of the worst organizations with the digital world that was coming behind? They were super behind. They should be crippled downing, I'm letting their drivers do thing and I felt like they became more money, oriented and more remain stream. Then more long term tried and true. completely. They should have really really really embraced social and digital. They went the other way and I think it costs them. I am, and I just its I mean it's cool. Is he the ratings on tv or not yeah julie's? Educating me to me it's already a foregone conclusion. I realized the stands were that empty and I didn't even know when I heard the deal junior is gonna join NBC and, unlike I didn't, even though they had no score, I don't know where to look to find nascar ya mean so do
I know you got a second question. Let's get to that, here's my punchline, I think what they need to do is modernize and stuff retail, where people are and by the way, join this. My recommendation for all organization, Linda's, beloved hockey is stunningly relevant as well. Yes, regional, untrue, its regional, like nascar, that's right, baseball is becoming. Two percent look. I've got a story telling a modern way. This is where the NBA has gone global and completely embrace than I'm an unbelievably bullish on the NBA walk, concerned about things like nascar hockey and and and interesting, because I think it has a a lock on entertainment. During the summer to go to cause, there's no compensation, so I think they're in a nice spot. It's the same reason I think, the u S, FL should come back. I think spring football should come back had been having we'll dreams later of rebuilding the? U s official starting a spring football league, because I think it would work
because I think football is so popular in america that all the brig college players that don't make the leak. We will not be the nfl but spring for all would work in this country. I totally agree. People are killing for one c I fell highlights, and the thing and loving the issue when we know our rights Julie. Second question: that's a great art in question! What are your thoughts on the lack of coverage for the toward her friend, you think fit the lance era in quoth there that cycling in america has faded. I barely news it here, Linda, I'm telling you cares. I couldn't care less noble, cares. I got respect overseas in europe. They love it. They love the cycling people right there,
MIKE's in this country, but they are not doing it here we later when he was in america, like, I think we like them, IRAN recently elves yet but bikes. I know their area perry their peregrine, our railways, licit julie, this class. You know what a marvellous as somebody wasn't born in america. The thing I ve, but is such a happy american. The thing I respect about america is also its weakness. We're so solar, like we're finally getting around to soccer but like if, we're doing well outside the. U s. As a sport, we had of spite say: fuck you like formula one go fuck yourself like cycling, yourself in for a long time, even soccer, we're just funny that dont shovel down my throat, though, with a sock I mean I have a hard time I gotta do. I, like you, work for the organisation of work and I think they are you speaking as the smartest when they signed the right all of a sudden, miraculously after they lock up the world cup. For the rest,
our lives, they start showing me top ten plays from fuckin europe right and it's always number one site. There's always number enticing kick from little league. I mean some bonn let's move onto a jewel you're. The best thing called thank you for calling. Biology that was really actually. There was a great green call had culture and sports mixing we'll, give you one more andy in the face of tyler space. Just how much longer do you think that we should start a daily sport, radio show? Can you fitted in your schedule and one you know. I know that we're not on my life. I'm talking about ports, radio right now is number one. Princess is now no. I mean I'm suddenly minutes late for dinner. Linda cone, the ledge- and I hope I may be. I were telling tell constantine we'll be fine, tell em whose us. mic from bowling green
Yes, man, you and it's raided- you ve won this rare. I mean the odds of you breaking through were very high, but you didn't. from bowling green yeah. That is amazing the idea, but just shut up like this. It'd be the inner media, but we're not sure that were familiar, but what he read it off. So what's your question? Brother are actually yeah. My my my I guess me. golly who hold on I gotta like will a little of deep breaths. The MIKE mike my question is, is so I feel like I listen to you I've got a lot of your concern, the lot of your comment and I'm trying to dwindle that unjust, hostile and work. My thing you do
you set me up where and I realize I know, I'm not a not clear at guarantee like I'm, just not organise enough, not original yeah, all a real quick. I am neither organised or anal, be you man, you know, you know what I am going to leave fearless and that is that to me is the one that you need to, because entrepreneurship is lonely and scary yeah. Another thing is like I don't like. I can't do that. Like I've, I mean I've had discussions with my father. He thinks that he can good, for you I'm just like we can't so I wish I know it's card. I mean the obligation good for you. So what so? What's the punchline to the point where it is like? I think I have a coward for talking and just just talking about like football, because I'm in love it's football, which I think it only like whose you clean in among the terrifying
for now. A decker is an amazing signing and I think Mariota is a breakthrough. Player stay healthy, yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah! That's the thing as long as you stay healthy man, I'm I'm excited about this year, like I thought, usa, It was like hey, be twelve and four. Buying usa today they still. It is by the way that single say today that same usa today, so the general can be won in fifteen, and I was like yes, SAM donald of georgia are exactly what you're decorated very familiar. I want someone, you know we wants to win with your team, I'm sure it's a genuine marshal had to say what they have to apologize to. You know he took the hiram nick. I don't have you heard Linda and I are starting. What's going to be the number one is radio show in amerika we probably need a third member. You could be like that sidekick honestly on. If we, the theatre,
like that's exactly what I want to do the yeah. So what are you doing about it other than the random lottery that might have just happened that has no chance of mike from bowling. Green is linda and Gary, a nigga from the yeah, What do we need to put out content everyday, basically create sport centre on twitter and instagram every day, phone to your very soon wear anything it so easy. Now you'll. Let us please get a ticket to see my february to fucking July? She said of the fucking tape. I walked across the country tape for six months. When I am doing, I go okay, what I am doing it I'm getting I'm getting in contact, especially with fantasy football podcast perdue did good and I'm offering opportunities communities read article that happened to be.
Is there a site good that they can't read and sending it to reading where they don't have time to read it more that they probably they probably just don't have time to read, because I mean, if they're doing podcasts lord willing, they have good voice You should read it. Are you you couldn't reading? Yes, get it reading on my sanctions that reading no I don't give a shit I loves reading. I was always the kid that in a flash and admire, never knowing, I probably would have been the I probably would be in the sports- a broadcasting hall of fame. If I could read I probably I probably would have one down there. That's why our radio shows going to work, because you don't have to read you're just talking. It's awesome, you're, weaving in and out ideas and opinions linda nick from bowling green. I have something amazing tell you
I did a show on sirius called wine and web for seven months with jake's that well we'll see the connection ben Ruby, a legend radio executive, the first, so I do nothing. I prep nothing. I do my first show I go in and it goes to commercial time and I have to do a live read in the history of my life. I've never done anything more embarrassing. Long? Did it take you to get through the thirty second one to seven years, not a complete disaster. I fucking like I never get flustered but like I won't even like red the fuckin like jewish stuff that russia, china because I'm like so bad arena nigh on? Yes, so that employees it will runs in everything. Up to this point is like legend, like I'm, going to be the next phuket howard stern, but now he walks and goes fuck. He goes. Okay, listen! Do what howard did read it beforehand and then improv it literally the next commercial, the greatest live. Read:
the history of ready? That's why howard's great, because he did that and you that's why I guess got beat it. I'm really is this real? The producer of that show yeah toward him. Emil's me randomly the other day. He has the tape, so I'm going to air it, so you to have a tape. I ever listen spring fucking sick and I call it take to nick bowling green, what else are you doing? Because, when we damning people that have sports fantasies, its pontus and offering to read things for them feels ok, I feel like there's more moves in you. I I I tried starting of wog and tried to cut technology, and I tried I recorded one video of me. I guess, like my fear, about the document versus creating is like, if I'm going to do something about sports. I like
It would be better if I've got like somebody to partner within and I'm like John. I they met at all, but like being able to have somebody who is like a a an end, this would then be able to have me where I can just penalties yeah, yeah you need a yang, you feel exactly exact. Ok, we'll go! You know, what's your what's your twitter handle and forget my laughing at in protest, spelling change it yeah rational last name, was come by last name. Yeah somebody knew the inertia, do not change it. Just spell it for me and ok, p r. I k q. U e d ge linda, that's like a classic
fuckin hockey. Last name. Are you mad at him? I'm not sure we will try to figure it out later, but we understand he's better playing off people because so low it's a little slow, listen! Yes, listen Linda's when you honestly famers, know how to analyze, legit right, How would you say your I'm doing in a blog thank you and nick from bowling green when he solo nick needs it, like I like does not give me, give me the answer: how we help what's the grade it's the grade right now, I'm not going to ask demand. I would I I think he could do I'll go see: minus okay, nick Ahmed, a plus you see my ending kind neck. Yes, we know she really wanted to give an ef. I think the fact What are your handle, we're throw it up on everything here there are sound people follow me that love sports who think they're the getting to your yang and they're gonna kill you.
do you want twitter and you're literally gonna find your partner in crime through through to this call and is going to change your life and there's gonna, be a thirty four. Thirty one day and seventy one years, nick from poland and sally from arkansas and nick block out the noise, ignore the the ugly mentions you might get on twitter. After this you never ok, that's fine! Ok, I will cause you after you know. That's gary noses. You have to treat the good. It was with the bad news, the good ray I shouted, the red Andrews Linda. I oh you do I love when you showed me that penguins that says secretly I was like fuck. You show you look yes, this is what I love for money, video. I can hear everything you're saying I know I love avani videos, it's like! Don't just
whip me rip my opinion. Tell me what's better, I love it. Give me your opinion, but that's what I love, that you say that in your videos to the people that have with these stupid mentions one hundred listen. I prefer the negativity because it feeds me. I prefer the positivity because it feeds me now what yeah, I'm all about, find the as it is right. I thought nick was a little too negative and still make the centerpiece call on go ahead. What I gave him a c minus, because I feel bad, I ripped his neck go. What do you think yeah? I would. I would just feel like like linda, like I know I gotta go. I gotta be minded because you're we know that and I repeat your name and I feel bad. no, no, it's ok, I'm gonna get dominicans for my name anyway, it's the thing is I want your your critique. I what's your name:
one of your negative, the like you're critiquing of why I made a few minutes as opposed to mean There you go with, is a very good and jumping I'm gonna german. Here's! What I want to say is this call is continued yes, nausea, along its very nice green. We haven't even start up the national anthem of nineteen in game to give a context of how we organise, keeping on nick nets and brave. Only two mile andrew spoken capitals playing off yes five years time, one! That's what this calls into! Ok, highly sweating, constant teens at some fuckin sushi play like sammy, viamede surviving doctors in the real thing is this: is this? Is it no? This is not easy and I was like a like a form of company
good friend of mine now client, but here I packed in area nick financially radio you ve loosened up, as this calls gonna want, shows progress which I find deposited. Romania is now a real seem. I know I know it's not really think once he has some material talk about and feel comfortable in surroundings and knows that he belongs in a situation. I think his personality will come out and he'll challenge those he works with hey nick looking, We have a curve, that's intended with serious love, ready to give you an f now? I'm tell you why it's not that I actually mean it, but I'm going to try to spire of love you and everybody else. The member number of people that I asked for critiques and cause I made to critique me but I did in my career, goose, fucking egg as what effect robber perish, doubled, buzek I would tell you that I obsessed with doing
if you really really really good piece of advice for you and everybody else, Linda out the gate right. hockey with the boys, she just did. She would hear feedback, but she did. They did did I genuinely believe that people looking for feedback or perfection, There's just a million excuses for not doing you. Should one hundred percent produce audio podcast form audio files. anchor you're following me: fuckin play along and do sport centre play along with somebody just do brother everybody's coming up with excuses. It comes from insecurity, I get it, but the I want to give you an f. Is I want you to hang up and we, like you know what fuck linda fuck Gary I'm gonna go and just do shit like just start put. stuff on I'm, going use a joke. Your put shit on tape, just fucking the fucking big fucking cookies, to treat people into producing something that could be seen. You consider your fuckin
the plants in an hour and of ten thousand times more people see it in an hour nick you through the greatest era of production and distribution of content in the history of mankind. Take advantage of it, all the other voices fuck everybody else and just fucking do got it, got it good. You never want to look back and say it and try that we're just do me, I'm door who gives a fuck what linda's I don't give a fuck that she's all actually seek. I must tell us on it all famer, all time appearances ants centre kind to use those but basis adored, you're way out What does that have to tell you yeah? Don't you understand good see, neither linda yeah. I love you say my dear me, I've gotta go now constantine. Give my records you get to ask the question of the day any question. We want thousands of answers on facebook and youtube question? the day. This is it
like series, meaning this or conventional, be any question. You want. Ok, a sports question would be preferable, guy silence with you and I think jets. So to me this currency. We know you don't want them to win again. Do it'll, be here. Let us all cool or cause you're such a fucking genius. Encyclopedia. Take me back to an era where you It's the inch. Well, you tell me what the jets are going to do this year, to ask me something like steve, young, randall, Cunningham, say something about grant K or like what? What about mcdonald, the calgary fuckin mustard give me something about like like something really motorway. Clearly our job as well. I'm elder taylor wouldn't give me something. It will find her all right. Well, here's the thing being a goalie, and you mentioned about how I create this tape and I made cookies to do this and I made this happen on that. Abraham. This is like early eighties. Okay. This was like in mid eighties kosovars, gabby, the job at seattle, eighty eight, so
For us it was around eighty seven. Eighty six there was a golly who had a serious injury and it was so disgusting to look at and it something out of game of thrones. You could make the case to remember that goal losing one star It was not a norstar. I don't I'll by you, wanna be trying to get at it and the winner. First person they answer correctly in the comments gets dinner with. In the current led him. That's right! Now it's another goal with your awesome
Transcript generated on 2023-09-06.