« The GaryVee Audio Experience

Choosing Your Passion with Erik Wahl

2023-10-02 | 🔗

On today's episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a conversation I had back in 2017 with Erik Wahl. We discuss the intricacies of writing a book, the challenges of choosing a single passion when you have many, the importance of loving the journey in any profession, and the nuances between building something of value and the act of selling it. We also dive into the world of photography and videography, discussing its role in today's market and its potential in marketing. This episode is perfect for anyone juggling multiple passions or looking for insights into the world of writing and content creation.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is the gary v audio experience. Our warm welcome to the show thrilled to see you, my man, thank you kindly prior to be here because you're gonna big book launch, we got a call and show you are a killer. of the art. I mean people who were seeing this. You might have seen the version you ve made for myself in episodes can we be You are every town to do that. I've gotten to know in the last year or so, and I'm excited to introduce you to the army so for the people that don't know who you are. How do you some your supper? I am a disruptive strategist, so I'm, governments, artist who speaks on corporate lecture circuit? I'm also an author flying
around two and one hundred shows a year for the last twelve years in a row sharing about disruption, how to innovate. How to differentiate from the competition and how to embrace the future of business, but it's very niche markets. That's all! corporate conferences sales of ants, but I dont do many public shows I'm not I'm not a household name, I'm invisible, ooh, because you bet you've been more into a b to b strategy, exactly right into corporate. So so how do get there. Did you come I'm gonna seen just even knowing your vibe. You came up as an artist than it did you stumbling. World, or did you go the other way help me, I'm a I'm a don't on see people, based a very logical linear background went to school, went to get a job out of school as a partner in a firm.
geez did that for eight years then had an early, mid life crisis and at thirty at thirty two yup and that's where I found the article I didn't care about creativity yards cause, there was no, money in it. You can't make it there's! No a kind of kin. Were you It was wrong. You were, it was an athlete. You are an athlete athlete and I was an alpha dog. So divide and conquer kick ass. If it was what did you play? I was a wrestler. I also have football: where did you grow up in seattle? Wash it? Okay? Are you a seahawks fan? Now I'm a recovering cia because I wash with my dad. You see I've found out. You love the larger large and wish him well we're all. I do I'm curious wars. All Jim's aren't through to Steve large insurance man is who carried the pill dan doornail You got a pupil at year, namely your brain, and I also warner and David Craig, unlike, like I remember those mid eighties seahawks. Seeing how remember out
I remember I dont member Joe mean that might my dad told me I get so seattle athlete Our dog win, win, win, go into job, get a good job. Did a win, win win their authority. Third, thirty years old, freak out dot com bomb, I guess guy, so why you put money into the market. Everything was that see all It was that when I graduated from college everything you touch one year, ninety three, ok, fine years everything you touch turns to gold. You buy in at five in seven days. It was at seventy five, so I knew that I was going you and I'd. Actually you. I thought I was never tired age. Twenty twenties
when twenty eight, so you were making good money at a corporate job, taking the money and investing in the market and making a killing hey, I'm mike from team Gary Vee. Today's episode is a two thousand and seventeen conversation with gary and Eric wall. You won't want to miss where they share the unique perspectives on the challenges of book marketing. killing for me for you collect me, but you don't listen. Buying stocks of five that go to one, seventy even if you put in ten thousand, are you making real money plus the rush of how they feel so so what were you would listen funny because I you know again. I keep yelling at all these kids on instagram that, like life's too good right now, when this crash it's gonna get weird, were you I forgot about this is actually reminded me. Will you in a place where you had your job, but you are, struggling tv focus on it because you kept looking at who finance and watching you money afresh by rash, yeah, rash, you're you're watching you start every time. I start when up like a little bit happier
it's a little bit smarter. I was a little bit we're real gee. I was closer to retirement, but when my stock like went down, I was I started, get pissed I started to. Maybe not treat people as well, and I, like losing a sale was, wouldn't my stock went down in it, then it all went down and we thought about two thousand, and so I got Ten right, I got just it using a shark attack. Were you married at this point I know I fear woman right so what, when it twenty two years, so so wait you, like literally I'm it was right. It was April so what you just come home like fuck, now well yeah. I thought I had, but at last a lot longer the suffering. First of all, you lose everything. Then you think but everything you lost and then you just walk around the house at night, because you can't sleep Everything that I was was wrapped up in a success in the success of that and the money. My security for. I was addicted to security security out of my answer
that was taken away and they said I basically I had to start over at ground zero. That was really depressing with three little kids and did you out of my work here and what did your mortgages and all that good stuff. So what happened? so? Did you lose the consultative? You lose the job he you had to. I left the job because like what I do is I brokered entertainment, and so well the thing that again like listen where we're going a little somber start it'll get better, but I want everybody to pay attention because you guys know I've been on this. Kick that this good times can't last forever. It's not one. But you don't get paid eight thousand dollars to take a photo in your instagram with a fucking tea or that you also, If you lose your other jobs to insult the pool, so somebody's making a buck? Thirty a year right now, twenty four years old, doing sponsored posts on instagram, around clothing brands and fruit and protein. It's not only that you use, that is the brands dollars fred up when the economy go soft.
it's that when you then go to get a job, those jobs aren't there either like it goes from here to here and you're balancing. I was bouncing my ego in as well so If you go. What do you think is wrapped up in what you say in your instagram profile, you're, an influencer and you're traveling to a baeza and coachella, and telling all your friends that you're making one hundred and one thousand four hundred thousand one million dollars a year. They expect that of you in perpetuity and if you can showcase it all the time all of a sudden, you start to feel less, felt less? It was a very difficult time, so little dots from there, that's where I ty want to stay there. The whole time just everybody knows cause. I want you fuckers to actually understand what the fuck we're talking about, but we'll bounce for now it it. Who will will go to this clip in sixteen months when the world melts go ahead go so I needed to find a reason to get up in the morning right. I needed to find a reason to
I didn't want to go back and try and build this business from zero and try and find what I want to do with the rest of my life, and so I actually found a life with other artists, like other people who had suffered, A little bit I could relate to them and they started shares suffering artists, like india, starving artist and the reason it's a cliche, because it's true now india's work is unbelievable and she is going to be worth millions, but she doesn't know this, but I own forty nine percent of it when she signed. her contract, sorry, india, theirs. Actually, I'm sure she's been only after initial a hundred years, indian. I have worked closely here for a while go ahead. I so I realized that gosh. A lot of these artists actually aren't that happy. Even though they have these philosophies, don't have any income, they don't have any money,
If they don't know how to build traction or build a brand, and so will probably like india, they get happiness out of complaining and being starving it and the negativity by like I'm that way too. It's actually why you want to hear this is actually why I really soci with that. I, like the pain of the process. I really do like the reflex. Fantasizing about melting is I'm excited but, like you think I did the fire two hundred eighty people, because a third of our clients virus. You didn't interesting to me, you're the guy but that every day in a world where we'd had nothing but growth, I'm scared shitless of the pain, that's going to bring me through this. You have no options, the way things go and if you're, if you're an artist looking to to build a brand, I think there there is a lot to learn. That's what I found is that artists did not have kind of that grind of learning how to amplify their brand scale, how to push their genius out there, and so that's where you were business c, went to R and then went back to business seo,
and are right and if you lie, that's when I started to create before, but it was so fast is so good that it was no real use it. When are you at one thing I tell a lot of people. Is you don't people ask me, what's my passion gary right and I'm like? Well, if you've never had a hotdog, would you know if you liked eating hotdogs? Do you find it? Were you confused that you were good at it? Good is a relative term. I I sucked when I started, but I loved the process. I love the idea of creating. I love. The idea of getting better art. Painting was just where it kind of opened up and I got branded as a graffiti artist early on, partly because I loved it so much. I love their philosophy. I love street artists and also I started doing it and hanging out with them, but I also started a landscape. Painting figure, drawing writing poetry, doing photography, so it was that was, and you were, the gate,
wade drug to understanding, creativity as a whole and creative he's, not just painting or graffiti it's it's a way of life. It's an energized, it's a mindset, and so that's why I took it not only to write in and into sculpture, but also into business, because business is all about being created, marketing, horse strategy, so so Actually I'm like really deep into the vortex of this, so we start making shit right. You got three kids at home in the wife. What happens in that? Like gimme gimme, a quick five? Second, two thousand thousand five. You know, look what happened. I started reading all these ideas, that artists had the genius but no discipline to how to get their message to scale. Businesses had this incredible discipline, but no disruptive, thinking or curiosity, and so that's where I've written. I wrote a presentation about how to merge the two. The call to the art of vision, started, painting, onstage, started, crank and rock music. How did you get your first gig market?
hustling. When I first spoke, I sucked my my wife was super tosh disappointed in you. She was super supportive. I think she somebody like you suck and sweet a somehow. She was able to muster instead of saying you suck. She still was able to think. Let's go hon, so I felt affirmed I'm like okay, well, it's but she's. glass, half full write, a new and more glass half empty. I would cease. because I know you guys look nothing you're, so horrible like like, but I've been like, but I mean she is a little bit more like her. Natural reaction is a little bit where pas she's my Yoko Ono. So I'm this kind of confused John lennon I've got ideas but insecure about putting him out there. That's the truth. She's always been behind me and pushing that out there, like. You know what I think this is going to be awesome. You know what they're going to go for this, and so I had a lot of support and encouragement early on from from her, and I ended up kind of. I did have presented she hustled
for me to speak to some american healthcare association, kind of national meeting an inside there's fifty state association, so blue. It is in the lotto. That was the moment. You got the one hundred percent best way to start the average person hundred percent we're about again to phone call one of two things before we get there any in your facebook instagram putting your phone- oh you know, facebook interim sorry, facebook lie is doing the phone numbers this time. Please post your phone numbers, and we will call somebody wanna make one connection, we are going to you're going to be able to do that for sure. I've got two other things before we do calls go ahead and start. You gave a presentation in dublin called clouds and dirt. Yes, that is the spark and the grind. It is the idea and execution. So I just wanted to
just wrote the clouds of dirt book that I've been wanting to write one day. I don't know if I'm right, I beat you I'd be, but is that mars have Ishmael? That is exactly and that's why I brought rodents thinker because he's a man of great muscular. These was not just a sage he's endure and so he's kind of an metal mass got that I've been with round with me. Yes, we're the diamond trophy and so, and so this is what we want one. We spoke no second of the book you ve been several books. Does my second, major, published release. I have written of direct to consumer stuff before so. I feel like this is your second. This is my second baby. How do you? How do you feel that process been business? Is your second book? How do you compare to your first? How do you, what do you think you'd do better? What's different the the the the the writing process was In that I love it, I love the grind and writing I'm afraid. I don't know what at what I dont like is the marketing the fact that you know I've gotta, like hey everyone. I actually dont care you hate selling,
I know I know. I know you, love selling, not be careful. I send as some of you that really know me. I actually think micro selling the way I like selling is thanks so much volume building so much brand that is sold before I hate selling. I actually decided not to raise a fund. Last year I was raising a bid fund on Bain capital, a new fund, and I stopped because I so disliked asking people for money or hearing I hate it. I hate selling. I hate it. I hate the fact that this is tipped up like this. trying to permit. I would prefer that's like those air and less. Let's just talk lie where we'll let the thinkers die great. As I get it, I mean The time when I'm on book torn I'm doing something like this, I'm like that like. Why? Don't you tell us why they should by the book I'm like they? Should it so don't buy? I'm I'm not eastern going through chapter by chapter,
at that book. It's it's the brand! That's why I'm just going through by the way, I'm thinking about calling a crushing it now crushed it. I'm writing my next one called crushing is a follow up and like the process, fun, I do We didn't have a ghost writer, I'm according it like doing interviews sliding down like ice dr ways in colorado, I do it, but I was is how everybody's different process, I'm always curious about the second time some mine has a verbal vomit. I write every single day. That's what I do. That's how I process thought. That's how I think so it's it's. I write write write. It's called a verbal vomit and then I send it to editors like random house and they're incredible because they put it in bite sized chunks where consumers like oh yeah, that makes oh yeah, that makes sense, but when I think I'm just I'm just writing so that is what it is. You have an ungodly amount of twenty to twenty five year old entrepreneurs want to be entrepreneurs and we have the full gamut, but the the growth on instagram. For me, her as as translated, so much younger audience woody, I tell those characters right now before and we're about to explore
first phone call- and he ran like, what's on your mind, for that demo into this generalizing. That structure creates freedom. So that's the kind of the paradox of creativity or innovation, that discipline and routine and hard work is what makes way for constant creativity. and then, of course, patients in new agree with that. I am living that it's more. just a great. It's, not something that can natural. Do in your younger age or patients, you know I'm an alpha dog. I love I, but I am an patients comes very easy to me. That's I do both and that's that's awesome for you. I'm learning I've learned more patients in the last twelve. Then I had to endure. My whole before we go to spoke on gloves are either in the last twelve months check. It comes from the couch yeah. you and freed me before we get what what tell me that that I thought my grand was going to launch. I thought that I've done that ten twelve year,
as a hard ass work, slaving away doing, one hundred shows a year logging, two hundred and fifty thousand miles in that as soon as you went out worldly and did the videos and all this that you know dude shit man. That makes me so happy so so I dunno, if you know this, but I have a t v show coming. I'm convinced it is not going to be the thing that people think it's gonna be its apple, it tens of millions of dollars and marketing. I am convinced, so I think my ecosystem. It's gonna be the moment that I become massively mainstream famous, and I I already know that it's not going to be. There will be another piece but like the punchline, if it's never like you know it happens, Simon cow, it happened like it happens, I get it man I think about it all the time. The amount of time this was gonna, be the thing that changes I career member, faced with video, we in the union track on facebook. Video like This is gonna, be the thing you know, like the other thing,
working on at the same time. This is it's. Never the thing I've gone through a lot of suffering to learn how to be patient to realise this will take time on set backs this too I shall pass and all of those are building resiliency forever. This thing goes, and I dont know that there are such things and you say: there's no such thing as an overnight success, but even I wonder malcolm Gladwell tipping point I'm waiting for that cause. I feel like I've done a lot of this backfill, but when does it tip? When do you like that was sweet? That was the most, so I think the question becomes Are you able to refrain your brain into that same place when you were learning how to create? You need to figure out. How much do you love this journey and and how you actually change? to love it more. If your yearning for the tipping point, I would tell you that here. Psychoanalyzed myself, in parallel to you and saying, or my secretly hopeful that the apple shovel work so
because I do love the cry like I like losing. I let me give an example: toy robins was here together to embrace a thousand view. Yeah face brightened. That was right. Ready for this ungodly amounts of comments that I suck shit. As I interrupt when I interview you would not believe how much I love that. I love when people call out my shortcomings proceed shortcomings running for the eight trillion interviews out there. If you wanna go, watch or listen to an interview where the person doesn't interrupt them. Mazel tov I've got my style of my show, its free I need to do it my way, but it was funny. I secretly laugh. I read them all. Over the week like tore my little pockets over the weekend. I read them all all of them. Every facebook and youtube comment that says, shut up gary. What the fuck, your douchebags, I hate you you suck shit like a more like, I love the process of loose. in a world where I'm alpha and want to win more than anything, I'm still
I mean that I am emotional, I'm an artist. I look at trawlers or haters. Yet to me, I, like I like pet, their little fluffy hair and go Listen to you and I remember one way: I'm apathetic this is live like this. A super live super. No edited it's, not the only thing I do in my life, I'm not a professional podcast her to mix one fucking video once a week and sit cozy in my booth and have unlimited time it's the only You think I'm doing that day, Sorry, but I mean but but but I think I think that I do think that the battle scars our attractive there. What make the joy that much higher. So I don't know the success would feel is good if you didn't feel, I think when I'm listening to you, I'm like hey me, I'm like I'm sitting, because I like you like your throat
really marshall it. I love brandon bran, but now I don't care about Brandon Marshall's feedback because he's not a jet anymore Brandon. You only have so much weight that a jets wide receiver for anyone who doesn't know that that that's that's cool, hey Brandon! What's that is it it's my natural feeling? I go fast. I anticipate- and I know it's not enjoyable- to watch at all times that I'm empathetic and I do apologise, but I just can't not be me- and I think this goes back to where it was actually going with this. Is the greatest thing to hack is figure out what parts don't make the journey exciting and either fix them were cut them out and antics you lose otherwise and to love the jury like. I realise that at this point in my in my car, if I don't love I'm doing I'm not gonna knock em grind I love the hard work I do too. summer. blake is gary vaynerchuk and normally ask every v show with Eric wall.
We made a bike. Where are you from and what's your question wow from harrisburg hershey pennsylvania? chocolate value at their. Do no nice, between employers and unions, blink blake, blake didn't like my great great grandfather, is Carlton Hershey invented the at hershey bar long ago, so shout out shouldn't there be some royalties right now, so cool, I'm glad you're calling from Hershey PA blake. Let's do it sure I? Well, I mean you talk a lot about documenting the journey and you know I was trying to figure out about the chicken or the egg here. You know you talk about starting and you know just doing and going important, but then talk about how you didn't start. And until you actually built you know, build a business and build brand and build awareness, so you were quiet for quite some time for your chicken or the egg
What do we do? I'm gonna try to build a personal. I'm glad you asked that because there is a very strong clarification here that you give to the whole audience at their computer and I could see other be confused. I will started documenting the wine library journey, but I wouldn't about twenty to come out and said. I was a business expert because I hadn't successfully built a huge business, so I would have documented being guys this is twenty two year old gary me. I think that I'm gonna be really successful, because I've been for the last eight years of selling baseball cards. I've been in my its business. I think I've got this. The internet big you'll see it. So I would have been documented. My truth when I say I didn't come out and and talk until I did an authority worthwhile of writing business books that I thought people should have followed, and so that's the clarification I would have document. The early days of my entrepreneurship. What happened instead was, I became I've felt confident
coming out as an authority because I had serious business success at that point- does not make sense so Think you can choose one or the other. I would recommend the documenting, because if you're willing to do it, the upside is extreme You another place where you might be able to be successful in or out for them, I think why library would have done a lot more revenue if there was also tens of thousands of people, Following my journey of building this store, they would have come and visited because they thought the twenty five year old punkin was interesting, an intriguing. It would have greater reach along the way I want. I also say like that: you learn a lot by document submitted by the process of document. In your mind, is work differently than if you just onto the next project, for the document for short doc, meaning behind the walls with. I know its idea it across the ways like mobile biggest I but when you started doing the blog in your world that I sucked at it that I
I was good live on stage when I could see the whites of people's eyes and I could adjust, but behind the camera, when someone said action, now you're on. I would tense up and I would become less authentic. So for me it was just massaging through the fact that I'm I'm not strong yet at being on didn. did winning and artistry and getting better at that. Give you like a quiet confidence, the back of your head, because you solve that thing. Now it was a hook. Art art was more therapy. I use art in the presentations because people think it's well yeah, but for me it's a sanctuary back of my studio just to grow, but it's also document. That's why I write is the document blake he is always reverse engineering yourself. I think the fact that were capabilities technologies. The document is really cool. To be very frank, with you, one thing that I was throw out is, I think, people on estimating the documentation of, lives and the impact on their families. I would tell you no question. The coolest thing from commencing all this and what I'm doing is the amount of content. My great great regret, I have in watching me and see
similarities nor dna and me like it, just cool like having I don't have a lot of family photos. I know nothing about my two when I tell you, I know nothing about my two grandfathers. I nothing and so like I've been there some what the document is a lot cooler than you think. Just from that part, let alone the business. impact that has in the short term we also talk. We open the show kind of talking about a beast and a couple hundred grand in private jets and that's one thing for instagram social media, but to actually see people who aren't winning. Yet to watch the process, this challenge- that document in I think, is as interesting, if not more interesting than the actual bling. So blake, I think I think you could document the journey now and now be cool and has its upside or if it's more interesting for you, you put your head down for a decade. and if you want to come out as an expert you come out after you ve already one guess, it's a lot more fun to talk once you something trying to do
I appreciate that. I know you off the bed now, instead of putting like theo in your profile, but I aspiring artist or something like that. How do you build credibility, accurate firing watch You don't you don't deserve credibility. If you have an accomplished you made I've become fascinating to somebody with your bravado of predicting your accomplishments, but people are trying to credibility before they earned it and they think some way they can create a facade for it and that's my fuckin problem. with it, because it's undermining you, though you may trick the ten percent losers, but you ve lost with the ten percent winners. If you just want to make sure no worries brother. Alright, let's move it along, because I know where, where order the time limit constraints, I don't wanna get yelled at for interrupting if, if you're, if you're an aspiring artist, don't race to commodities.
Keep working the brand building the brand. You might lose authenticity if you try and commodities to early so aspiring artist, stay hungry, build the brand, but don't be careful about. when you turn and try and turn it into a business, because you could lose some of your your authenticity randy, going through exactly what it is. Randy desiderate randy, this gary vintage, erroneous caribou show. First, the mark gary. Oh, my god. I don't need to turn this off real. Quick. Sorry, sorry, sorry about that. My question to you is I've created what I believe to be a higher red and doesn't have a whole lot of followers, but it's hard for me to position myself to create
on another bread that will help support me through this, because I'm doing photography and video, which is why I try not to everybody, is using the sony they're like what should I do. I've been doing this. and years I haven't, really got a whole lot of attraction. I've been struggling and I need to know what to do art, hello, yeah, we're not first of all day in in photography. there's. There's probably my father cutting you off. I do photography, video and websites with more photography and video. What do you want to happen before our cancers, like what do you want to have? But what do you have? Do you have a regular job as a society? No, no! No! This is all I've wanted to do. I used to do club fire for my parade you don't care about the shooting I sat down and on our part, o. I realize I hated fire. I got it
don't blame, I really hate doing fire. I decided to do photography and videography. It comes easier to me and if you look back on my work, how you actually message me back one time and it's really good- I dunno come out of a horrible lot of people like it, but not enough to sustain a living. What I really wanted to happen out there is a roadmap because I'm actually look for mentors, not in the photography video aspect, but on the business side of that stuff. a marketing. Do you think, do you think you need a business partner that understands how do do the business part and that you're the creative there's? Not enough? I for them to come in and I I live at a local college down the street like an artist even even for the internships they're like they'll, learn what I teach teach really well and then they'll just take. There are great because,
Am I really willing to get to leave where I am, but it's not enough for somebody to come in and say hey whatever? Do you do you love? Do you love photography? If, if you, what hit the lot o this afternoon, would you king? Would you do photography our next week? what I do. If I do. If I hit the lotto, I would- and I have to tell the truth or how tell me the truth about this lotto question: five million dollars yeah, but if I million dollars they feel better. What you're about the end! You said it yourself don't be stupid at the moment and something else. So yes, indeed, really to build a building beside. You understand your carter. well the building and not worry about everybody else, not destroying everybody else in the building I'd be up under you.
Well, I'm not saying I'll, be there next year eventually cause I don't have enough energy for for the love of god. I do not understand how you're not on supplements. Do you even have a shit ton of Eric jangling you've got It'll be how you do it, I dunno, if it's the russian jewish state, I don't know either way. I I watch my my my The reality by itself is not now considering have that this effort of the market too sustainable every thought. I thought it to put my photography, reacted and pleasant. what could be more useful market. This is what this picture can do for you, a lot is, but, alas, my facebook It is true that what happened and I've been talking to people I I did not feel like a lady but Iran's ran random. First of all you as he excites me, so I figure up a cigarette. Listen, let's let the
I'm gonna! Let you go here just for a kind of like show. It's very frank: let's, let's pull this back in you're, trying to make a libyan living creating for clients. Is that correct? How much time do you spend trying to get new clients and don't bullshit me radically Hang on how much time every day you spend damning do you spend create. A brochure and hang it or putting it on somebody? Well, I'm to remind everybody me, printing flyers and going to the short hills, mall and putting on people's car. Because I had no money. Everybody thinks it's easy wanted like We all start out at zippo like like how much time you spending trying. clients for real daily. Don't Don't bullshit me her an unfriendly to out gonna, because I am confident that I had to get out. So what are you doing.
What am I doing what he has done more to stop photoshopping, which I no? No? No, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! On your two de, I am trying to sell what are you actually doing, abort computer. Would you know I'm asking you in detail brother What's my data, they require no one more time, you told me you ve been two hours a day, trying to sell your clients correct. What do I do during the felling I go to arm? I got you. The court has already have, and I asked them to you- know they're here, I there I get into yoga studio here they have python, fit my profile versus cold calling. Yes, I think you are not a natural sales person. I think that you need to get very comfortable around cold calling cold the Emily emailing websites that are local and dry
and for an hour up and down main street and knocking on doors? Because that's your issue right now, you need to grab business. It's not going to come to you the end, alright, but you're welcome to good. you know that in that that's tough, is he he's a starving artist and there's millions of them out there and its top you, you ve, got to build your brand, you gotta build the value proposition and you have to hustle yummy. Look at super hard. Like this is being in the creative business like he wants to have a business, the problem with a lot of peace when they want to have a business. Is they don't want the business part they wanted? They want to do the among its hard work to create the art, its hard work, to be handy. Some people are great plumbers. It doesn't mean that they should have a plumbing business that they own. They should go work for somebody and be the most valuable plumber like the craft is separate from the business career.
That's Gary baino, shirking our alas gary lee with Eric, warn you. corina. What's your question like when you have had like daily bread, but you have to do anything we re now. You, though, I, like you, just don't like that. You have to be like the yeah. You got too many things that you want to do exactly. How do you pick one pick, one yeah that'd be okay, like Eric what're, you have. I mean this is my most common ass question. Gary I've, levin passions, how do I choose the right one to build? My business around I've got eleven passions as well poor, my time and energy into the ones that I'm best at an that make money in keep the other ones as side projects that I will tend to as hobbes until I can actually turn them into something
there are very good at or that I cannot commodities make money and so yeah creed. I think that this is the humongous excuse by the majority of people that they have so many different things that they are passionate about as an excuse to not actually put in the fifteen hours. Against something I really mean that, and I don't know I don't think, that's your issue, but I'm saying that there's. A lot of people are watching, and I want to get to this once and for all: no joke lip of fuckin coin right, oh you're different passions on a dark board and throw the door like just pick one if they're all eleven people it jerry, I let them also equally great Then there should be no concern. The other thing is if you're trying to decide between two when you flip the coin, it's a funny thing, happens, your heart failure. Your brain will tell you which one you actually want to do and corina that this is the then you have eleven things that you're super pumped about. I think that's awesome, there's a lot of
go out there listening or watching that are trying to find what their passion about. They don't know that they seek and money was financial security. The fact that you have so many things to choose from it is a blessing that you get to pick one and not try and find something in the world. I think that that's all that up now, Why thank you guys for calling me is like a really cool experience, really don't leave yet I got a question. No one had yet which passion are you going to pick right now, my passion, I'm probably going to be a traitor. I wonder how you start trading, I'm also really passionate like I have. I have agree like charisma people, so I actually like to do isn't our modeling right now cause. I do that, though my main line is when we were designing, remodeling and penny stock trading. This is amazing. Dupont karina karina. If there's anything that I can do to talk you out of penny stock or day trading, how can she find you she can? How can she find me email? You ever. Have you up on twitter, yet
if we create our creating green it hit me up on I instagram or twitter, at Eric wall, an incentive to send me a note in all respond you, but I would I would disagree news he's gonna turn you into a model If you had to stop there, you go there, you go a future modeling career. Congratulations! Thank you finally good to have you on the show, we'll let you be
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.