« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

9 - The Pendragon of Marin

2014-06-23 | 🔗

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds discuss the Pendragon of Dave's hometown in 1982.

Tour Dates


Dollop Merch


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Who the hell were you wanna later we'll start with Will you be giving me shit about the way? I start the process? Well, I let me take that back and say that that's for what you just did not know it's just because you're not going to talk like that during because how do you know I mean that's just going to be really hard for me to deal with. If that's a voice, the news with taking care, not even the name, It's called the news that David garrick, oh no, my name is Gareth. God, he loved the d train. Don't you yeah? It's a great trained, reliable d. Scout yeah he's got a shirt yet live in new york. I've never live. I was air, oh shit, about the fucking dietrich haven't. Let me answer the question.
Yeah, then an unwritten de trade not weigh daily, not daylight, as a reliable taking the one I mean it's reliable, it's a reliable training and two that can be problems with it. Of course, like any trains, the fuck down over the bridge crazy bridge is crazy. That time of day ok, so little update sat up date, We learned after we did the doll, in the podcast that the dolphin killed himself, which is crazy since dolphins to to live, they have to swim up to bree and if they, if they just go down to the bottom and sit there there there they ending is rounding. Is the version of blowing their brains out yeah, that's that's the drowning, so he killed himself. I get why he would kill himself, but that's sad,
It is it's horribly slow, yeah, just some guy on lsd got a lady to jerk him off and he was like this is the best. The chick loves me and it's like when Michael Jackson drop a kid off from never never never never land or whatever it was called yeah. You know the kid would be like where's, the roller coaster and all the cake and the guy molested what about the other guy, pajamas ngos? We address issues, be dirty movies and gave me wine and a coke camp. I know that I hate the rolls here. Nothing wrong there, nothing wrong. So our ip do. You know how many people believe he just didn't. Do anything Michael Jackson, legitimately too many too many too many for all the words that have been said. Yeah to me. They will have you ever heard the the rumor I mean the rumor that I heard that made me go like. Oh, that makes a lotta sense was that his dad got him and it basically turned him into like a eunuch when he was a kid, so he like remove Michael Jackson's, like general ass. He would sing that were so. He would signal
forever ended this made him really strange. That's a great rumour. Yeah wouldn't make someone weird. Now no one came a thrones, not a figure was It's easy to get over, just don't shower after gym or the other guys don't have balls will will Charlie's got debts. Where are your balls? Michael Charlie's got tits yeah, that's right. The locker room, Raza Charlie's ted, ok, so the story, it's something I
I remember from when I was in high school okay and it took place at where I grew up in marine county. Alright, now for people don't know that I the way that is and what that is, and it's just north of san francisco, it's where the golden gate bridge goes. So, if you've seen planet of the apes, where the apes go, that's merryn. The mayor was not happy that day. Oh no, it is it's known for being beautiful, very liberal and very, very, very rich. Just like you yeah super rich. I was like. I was like one of the poor kids and we lived in like a three bedroom house right. You know
yeah, okay and it has the fifth highest income per capita in the us, wow all right, yup, and I think only two. There are only two counties outside of washington dc that in the top seven so it'd, be us beverly, hills, marine county, beverly hills to that, and I might be wrong. It might be silicon valley now the civic centres, designed by frank, Lord right, let me suggest a ridiculous place. So that's where all this took place. We ve had serial killers from when you know with we ve done all do the normal stuff. Too sure I mean we had the MT killer. We do. We other event. We're not total fuckin weirdos yeah, but in this
seven ease we're known for our toughening hot tubs, we're like invented there or they came into their own there. The idea of someone inventing a hot tub is really funny mountain bike through invented there, ok and then, for some reason, peacock feathers associate with marine county another. I can really come up with a reason why just so many peacock feathers like when I was a kid, my dad my dad's, a part of the native sons of the golden west. I can't it's very upsetting, but there for one years afloat they had a hot tub, we're just like sc at a parade like a town parade, squirting, water out and then peacock feathers and I was I was supposed to walk along beside it like, like I'm, some kind of little egyptian
Slave played all that sorry, just real, quick yeah. So what was your dad? A part of the native sons of the golden west? What is that? That's like an Elks club for guys from California, alright that, okay, so they were in a parade and they made a float. The float was a hot tub on a truck bed, a hot tub and they that there was a saving of all hot tub, the old wooden right you're inside the area yet empty servant. Just in there they look like their inherent right and they will have no water, and why look like I double parties, yale, and can you the walk along beside now. I dont remember why, but that was my dear I would assume it was my duty because my dad was like we can't right here. I gotta keep an eye on you. Xo, that's do the math David. I would love to see footage of view working alongside that float.
I must have been super happy. I bet you looked really happy and not confused, and then we get into today's story. Okay called the pen dragon and dragon and dragon pen dragon. I dunno how to say: exactly? Ok, you see where this girl's. What's a welsh term? Oh well, look it's on my door step now. On July, thirteenth, making eighty two richard Baldwin's body was found floating in san pablo bay. Interesting start every right into it and write a fucking into it. The bay has been made famous by Primus who sing about fishing out there sure fish and the sea of cheese. That's all about saint pablo banquet, a tugboat operator found the body wrapped in a plastic tarpon and a bamboo screen like okay. So so wait he's wrapped in
tarp the type and bamboos greek screen like companies create. So am I thinking of those the like the screens. change behind tonight. I'm is unlike very marine. there's really there. He would dump a body in something like it. Employees broadband? Is your priorities, don't mind or like, like you, could use a bamboo screen like on a window I like roll up sure. It could be that right, but that's sort of ok, but either way we're calling card in a way like a murder colleague guard. But if there was like a t
the cops yo. They would go over it ideal, a professional or they feel like a bamboo killers back somebody's moving and didn't want their old curtains there's a guy in the city. He was bound of the neck and ankles with television cable, oh christ. He was the end. Rope Annie was duct tape and he was weighted down with a small outboard motor. Of a boat? So that seems very last minute: that's that's! They like aquatic kitchen sink and about motor. It was always like lear black dress up or the corpse I've been emma. I don't really bound him with a lot of different items to write, yeah the tape and the tv, cable rope, duct tape, tv, cable and a boat motor, and
well: motor dead rapper been that bamboo screen, let's get outta here, but the hilarious thing is that after all that floating yeah fluffy stuff floating there, like god, damnit what do we have to do to get the dead man was thirty. Six year old, richard Baldwin, who was an owner of a vintage, auto restoration shop, called classic car. In San Rafael, ok santa feels like the main town in marin. Already the left side of his skull was fractured and he been stabbed in the heart and the head right, yeah right yeah! That's that's! No good! Well, good! You won't argue A college student who was working for a mister mark richards share was at his place in margarets garage and noticed that a safe had been punched open,
yea, quorum court. Punched open shipper like not actually like, not actually punch yeah. Now, let's rock it into a mainly as a college student. So these are bred. Seventh didn't breath. You got crazy fists grazing fizzling punch did richard was a friend of baldwin and he was a home renovation contractor. and he had to employees crossing David hoover who will call quasi willie and Andrew who weed ever learn a last name of a k so crazy and andrew? And there therein. Richards explained that the safe had been given to him by a person who he had done, remodeling work for so he.
Went in and redid someone's house and the guy said just go ahead and take the safe ride. Payment yeah, it must have been around the holiday, is like what so here, here's that allow much work at it or what it was worth, but that safe you can take and whatever is in it it's york's it's kind of that's that's. Let's make it did some work. Me safe really into they couldn't pay me so apparently there's a lot of shit that safe. So I get that now. Hopefully nobody punches it in on we'll take that say, form We could find out, what's in it, to find out what I got paid for the job man crumpled up newspaper, again, god dammit. I should just start taking the real payment, I gotta
I gotta start working with money. Instead of these magic boxes, honey. Did you get a you? Did you get paid? Well, I got good news bad! You didn't take another fucking safe did you I did. I got one more say: I've got a good feeling about this one, this one's going to come through obey the damn it Jacob needs. Medicine well, Maybe medicine in the same year, this safe as a gym bag full of medicine. Other fell, employees came forward and said they heard crossing boasting that he had clubbed instead baldwin death at the auto shop on July. Sixth syllables, I feel like that's that's counter to what he said. I feel like we're stern. To put this together. This is a big piece of evidence and I feel like these guys are criminal master. My eyes I like bragging, brad, leaving evidence just guess, who's
If someone in the hard and brain that you What are you guys? do later. I might sleep, I'm a little tuckered out after stamina, guys harden head winding aim of putting him a bamboos screen. Why I throw above motorway what what are you? Why should we be is it after work? How you want to know? Oh, no, I'm going to run away. Wait, hold this boat motor, so three days later Friday July, sixteenth investigators, seven am so they had already said they found the body in the middle of the night on the thirteenth that aren't you end by friday? Three days their seventy and their kick him in the doors and lacking now hardcore police forces from violence and summer, where I grew up and mckenna shares to buy. They got everyone involved: yeah arrested, mark richards, aged nine two seventeen year, boyd's crossing.
Andrew as they were leaving richards house in sleepy hollow where I grew up literally the valley I grew up in it'd be all sleepy hollow and so hoover was interviewed. First, aha and here's a quote: I've been stupid. I should have gotten the cash before so I could taken off for brazil or someplace. I do want to hurt the man. It was all money I all I wanna was five thousand I was in the car and richards got my my so psyched up that I freaked out- and I did it all just put me away. Okay, so he's like these guys are not smart. You wanted five grand and a car real bad though davy I desired, set right, zau hooper. He had to kill him well, yeah the house you get a car and marine five and we kill a guy, and then you get a nice shiny new much. It would take for you to kill, for you kill a guy, I'm a guy. Like I kill
on four. Would you kill someone? Would you kill someone for five million dollars now? My wooden? I don't think I would. What about? fifty billion dollars. I think I killed a guy. I would kill some thirty member that had we a bad person yeah, it couldn't be like you couldn't be like that old woman over there go, kill I'd ass, real yeah really yeah. No, I couldn't I don't know. If I can do it, I mean you think about it. Would you overdue? Why would walk up to version I go? Do have cancer schism. Locality are saving this. It's up to you. I come to my house. These guys are put you my safe yeah, somebody
the safe in ok, so margaret judges interviewed by please shortly after the arrest and he denied any involvement in the murder. I like this angle of his good friend baldwin an offer on account of her whereabouts on July, six. That was completely implausible, like the cops are like white heat. He didn't they didn't. I could find out what he said. His excuse was Alex yeah. The murder happened on July six or so where he said he was like. I was flying a boat He came up like the wires you boy, I was in sight of a frog friend you when we only get to the end of this. You realize probably how implausible his of this idea was. He told sheriffs that that the kids a k he didn't want the kids to take the rap.
He said, and I quote the poor kids- I mean I should take the fall for this, not them! Ok, you know like if somebody is trying to take down the blame. You know for anything. It's me and then the cargoes. Why should you take the floor? Well, you know, I understand what I must look like, ok and on saying, as these kids, you know they don't have. They would have anything to do. with anything like this. They did no, the money If you make that your road you're a big well dear, what a murderer also, would it mean they didn't you money? Oh, ok, so he ok, so right didn't do anything right! Here's the deal! Ok, I'm gonna break this down. For you a little bit more okay, so so what happened was baldwin use my credit cards? Ok, and so he owed me money. So I used his credit cards and he was like. Ok, that's cool
he said he said hold on, wait a bad way! He's t stole my car, the cards, and then I was like okay, I'm going to I'm going to use your credit cards and he said that is fine. You guys switched credit card. Yes, why didn't you just say that So he now say: ok anymore, but these He said I could do it so and they also said rob s house really well yeah you you know when you know one there's like like a credit dispute and, like the bank, takes your stuff. Yes, ok, it's like that except not I'm at I'm mark richard hughes, James Baldwin he'd. Let him go let this man go for god's sake. Let it good let him go. I get a the the the guys,
cops must have to to like, usually you watch a tv show and it's like trying to break down a criminal. This is ninety eight percent of that then yeah. Then there's this these cases where you're just like. Well, that's really is he did it? I didn't do it but I got his shoes on because he said I can have issues, and I don't know why that is blood autumn tomtom! What is the deep our law, Norway. Likewise it format is logged. Ok, so at the time of the murder richards hoover and andrew were remodeling baldwin's home. So, coincidentally, these three guys who have all bragged about killing him and have the evidence.
We are also very bottling, is put right. Hoover said that richards and he had learned the victim into the auto shop on the pretext of looking at his inventory of classic cars when Richard scratched his head as a pre arranged signal, hooper slug, although on the head with a baseball bat, my guy, ok, Bilbil, I just love land allies will use these guys I guess I'll go ahead. Yeah vat, wait. What I do again saw It goes over your car how he'll go? Ok. Yeah scratch. My head yeah hate him with the bat okay. It's like I did. This has to be. This is it is way slower it. So I get it. Ok, They say they him. Ok, go
Do you like show us? The classic cars- ok, I'm gonna each my hand yeah you gonna fuck em up with the bad get your head! My head! Beware: the reply, ear working party who gets itchy, ok, very question, alleged fraud- am I had to face the fraud of my head, the face the head, the top, the top of my head, love the plan, but don't need to ask them about the cars. Oh, no, don't I can go into the cars, so he hit them with a baseball bat and then he him three more times after he fell and then he stabbed him with a knife and a screwdriver in the head and the heart which to me is so. He hit him three times. So he's probably out and then he stabbed him in the head and then he put that thing maybe got stuck: yeah, if we get stuck a knife or was drawn is like,
This may be the truth. I was like so so the night grand I have secured a ship afterwards. He enrich returnable, one's home or andrew and standing guard. None of that makes sense, is standing guard at a different location. What if richards comes home, they're rich know, baldwin Baldwin comes home there, but they're killing baldwin there with baldwin still what if he hitched his head. Okay, think about it I get it and then they remove the safe and other property. Not another were given the safe right and they don't. They took their the dead man, you're payment baldwin, given the safe. They wrapped the body at the shop and used a boat richards, had just,
just that evening, while to deliver it to what they hoped would be if the final resting place in the bay there. The police believed that the murder conspirators had taken Baldwin's house keys from the shop and use them to burglarize residents of several guns, past the plastic trash bag, full of marijuana, nanda, say So this guy had a giant bag, a pot trespass. I know right the trash, the marijuana and the guns were recovered on friday, in searches of richard's home and the boy's home. The safe still had a hard time with him. After being taken into custody, hoover talked He told them all about what happened that mark riches,
and the killing that then that there that they were, he was hurting for money, the business sir, and if he didn't get money than he would have to fire m, while job security. I mean right camp at a price tag. On that now you can mean the guy wanted. You will give Can we give young people a little bit of credit for going the extra mile to keep a job? Yes, how about that? It's a scary job market. If it's do or die out, thank you so kill a guy kill the guy to Baldwin. Also one supposedly owed richard three. as that's a little shaggy part of the story, that's part of the or all claims court is also a payment. Is now over agreed to the murder when riches promised in five thousand dollars in a car five grand a car.
In admitting that he were that this offers were persuaded him hoover reveal. There's only regret, was poor planning, that's nice! That's a good thing to say to this house. Looking back my lover I didn't get away with it, so they had a routine murder of a couple idiots And they had all the evidence, locked and checks. Yes and then they search richards house got a good feeling about this and it discovered the secret organization called pendragon, There appear to be in the planning stages of an armed takeover of marine county and drag, and so I cannot, I mean. Obviously this has to be like penda, graham and dragon, no totally different ever done, you think with
Well, history, you notice the detectives funds, maps, aerial photographs of marine plans for a laser gun gun plans for plans for thy gb too. I bet there's four steps and two of them. are acquiring stealing a laser even lasers abated? Maybe there is that I don't think there's ways, but it is probably the height of like laser fantasy, there's, no wasn't there laser and where the superman movies are, there was yeah, so there's like lasers bank, I was what do I mean I was that I was a three, but in that time
then you'd see a laser you'd, be like oh boy, somebody's going to get cut in half, but you may have the county yeah and instruction for the construction of machine guns or just instructions, langer ally, okay, and when you could barely got these papers as they added do it now, we just need all the stuff to make it now. We just need to get the brains of Jesus Christ notebooks containing reference to new form of government. The two great I assuming something to do with lasers. Yes, of course, president laser beam and they found a number of weapons. So, okay, so these guys had weapons and had plans to build. guns and laser guns yeah great. Then they had overhead shots, so they ve got all the big ones right now his lawyer
Riches lawyer said that the he's like there's no way That's real he's a sigh five books. there's no way, because if he is, I don't wanna, be part of this love. When lawyers that's like their defence is like I wouldn't represent a guilty guy. Can I just say planetary over my real, Do not do this and I'm doing it because this is fucking nuts, so he is innocent and his wife said that he. was doing a fantasy novel entitled imperial marin that had already been published recently, in LOS angeles and the staff of the local newspaper, the Marin independent journal. I verified that no such book existed. Oh well, let's just say that was easy.
In a separate news item, the independent journal noted the unfortunate coincidence that a san francisco shirt, magnet shirt manufacturer was named pen dragon productions and, as a consequence, has received numerous hostile telephone calls. As it's the story broke. Oh my god did you imagine working. check it out now we're different pendragon Pendragon shirts, black ass, you murdered my uncle nodded. We just there sure your mother cats want to take over the county. Now, that's not as it would you like. A hundred sure he's got a dragon. Why don't you take a laser beam gun shove? It up your ass, bad dragon? Ok, larger extra large price
astrological a treg. Hey, wait a minute little bit way about take it wait a minute that guy so conflicted. He doesn't know what he wants. The newspaper assured it's readers that the shirt makers were not connected with the crime. Okay. Well last time front page pen, dragon t shirts, not, ten dragging the take over marine guy like that? Just yes, we are the Tommy bahama organization we're gonna, take over the government. We already fuck in the weeks that followed number witnesses came for restores indicating the Pendragon group in fact existed. So crazy, hoover, told investigators that one of the inducements to the murder was that richards promise to in point him duke of angels island, so hinges, island
is like and fuck. What's the island in new york, while the immigrants came fuckin, these island yeah Jesus Christ. I remember that you should now stop. It I've got a re. Rockers rope is at present. No right It rikers wasn't his records. Island is a. Is a prison, that's a boat, yet the boat prisoner. Time horizon anyway, but that was like the one in that's angels. I was there in the ceremony obviously have a monarchy and angels island it very much. Ok them he's alive, paying and agree right. You don't have a nice little. This is a thing that he could definitely take it over. Yet you could just make them what they would have a system where a duke thrive. That's exactly what I mean. Ok, let's get em all you know do crossing over seven do.
Well, the guy I do cross you over. Do you have an appointment, the mother of Crossy informed the independent journal that his son had left the group a month before, because mark richards was quote unquote, getting really weird. yeah. I won't hear of that. Not my mark. Another person close to richards, told the newspaper that mark was fascinated with medieval history and talked about taking over all of california a dream that did not prevent his. ran from describing him as enthusiastic and not at all, sinister. Ah well, let's get him it's in the right place! That's good as long as it's a good hearted coup, I don't understand that how crazy people find other crazy people they just talked to. You know it is it's almost like sometimes, like you know, you'll see like two crazy homeless people,
together and they'll both be talking and they're, not really listening, yeah, but there's something about the bond of just being near someone else. So there's an energy yeah there's something there. Oh my god. You also believe in aliens yeah, yeah If I believe aliens are homosexuals like well, I believe they're here to give us all cancer, but that's pretty close, and I haven't gotten near that with anyone. So if you want to come down the block and shut the trash with me, that sounds like a plan. Okay, minimum pennant journal also Ryan's we'll called the journal, eternal also learned of richard's plans in nineteen. Seventy seven to lease the san francisco theological seminary building for use as a school to study the future okay. So this building is a building in and you know this build. I know this feeling very well it's building in santa Samo and it looks like a castle. Much like something I'd do.
Go into it. Now, it's ok! Oh shit. It looks like a castle yeah. So it's a seminary that, like you, that looks like it straight out of europe right that looks like hogwarts the words so I mean look he's onto something. So I mean lacking what I'm hearing about the laser gun. These words grouped according to the proposed catalogue, the school called. future castle sky needed. He needs a marketing It's to get him out. He's his name presided as asia will study a future in it. It would be an innovative academic community. Dedicate to the regions of the new renaissance, so that sounds at like future castle,
they're gonna be studying history yeah, the future ballots as as normal, the ambitious project was, which was too bright a faculty, including you're, William Shatner now and writer producer george Lucas, oh no, so this guy's just crazy these. I finer, maybe the plan candid, thing when the seminary cancelled, the least for non payment of rent, which means went to the seminary told them is plans and days, Yes and everything was good to go and tell the check, deal nine worth waiting for a red flag. When you play they waited for one red flags rather popped up. You didn't they who was? I wanted to
the guy. The cemeteries like this all sounds pretty good, but yeah yeah pretty exciting and I'm going to have nick nolte come down he's going to teach a class. All just sounds very good and normal. Have you heard of harrison for yet with big harrison forfeit. Well, that's he's gotta, be teaching whipping up in future cap in future castle in the crazy wing carriage. Can you check? Oh, my god. It's gonna, be it as you enter the guy to go to his boss and when I don't wanna, have a man this great, a great idea, but the clear man clear ban these guys. It's all reliable, inaccurate affidavit, other teenage employs a richards feature. Neil disclose that hoover was not the only person richard head solicited,
to murder. Baldwin. That's good. Neil stated that in late may, richard had offered him a dune buggy as a reward for killing party, so just so sick of this guy baldwin. It's just Why would he just wish someone could do take care of him? You know what do you mean? What do you mean take care of him? You know like take care of him, whoever Do it? There be a nice gothenburg in june buggy the purple went over them, yea runs like a dream to tell you. it stands between someone in that purple dream machine is just kill godwin. What about buying now come on but these are crazy. Murder, baldwin its prey,
the buy it now think about it. You think about it. You think about it. Why it to another man I have books g? Another man told the colonel that he had attended a pendragon conclave some months ago, but found it quite unquote too far fetched what about it? I was the question here: mark the laser: is How is that thing? Well, we'll get it. king, where you got those other price obey shut up to the conclave there thinking it was a shirts thing I, like you, presenting like one of the areas that I won t shirts. Why do we not still scrutiny? Is this with cells? Grew happens? I have a question: shirts logged drag and get out air. The general forest
trade? No one really have Shatner so late. We have invited the skype invited to the fore. our meeting its if it was a four hour meeting about taking a line by a friend who had been paid five hundred by riches to recruit pet pen, dragon members, so he's paying people five hundred bucks, but then but then he just out everybody money, doesn't always tank right, yeah at the weekly meetings leader mark, legally told him about his plans weekly for our main, the pricing would begin when the country's economy collapse. stage one. Something is totally out of control. Okay, we wait for rock bottom. When will that be done? I dunno ten hundred years, dunno going to happen. Gonna happen going to air, but people are going to look for a leader with a
he's a who's best friends with george Lucas and william Shatner, really good george lucas up here to talk to him about a laser, Hey George, you know in the movie on time a george on ty mate. Originally the movie the things that you should go boo, boo, boo, the lasers and timing. Can we get a laser sight digital you moron atop mount temple, no, not televised is the biggest mountain in in that area from footsteps its huge, the sequoia wooded peak. They dominate the bay area, lays again and would be aimed towards san francisco the crust. Golden gate bridge I'll. Let you know one some sounds. We put up top their animals, a freeze, mother I you like that bridge.
His laser desert. Boop, the rubbers rebels were to seal off all roads, leading in and out of marine county sure. Okay, marine county has largely is surrounded by water except the top part, which is just a giant piece of land that does a lot of roads. So they've got their work cut out. gotta? Be a leave, need a lot of teenage fight. There are getting five hundred dollar day rates and have lasers. They go we're good and establish a fortified headquarters, in the in the services could theological. marion surveys on both the golden gate bridge to the south, and the richmond centre fell bridge that connected recounting county with contra to county would have to be destroyed. Obviously it's in the way it will pay. We want people come in now you can hold it chess.
prisoners would be released from san quentin prison smart because they didn't want to have to deal of feeding them gap and what better way to start a kingdom than by releasing the gang member. Yes, that's how right at the top in the most. where's. That's how you make sure you hold onto your power right release the people there. Take it yeah what women was isolated from the rest of california, isolated stretch, a sure it will be transformed into a kingdom on the model, camelot how good uneasy. Ironically, this is exactly how camelot started camera zone. the laser dough, a man in a dream, the just a guy.
I have a couple of bridges: the laser will to meet the new gang, he's, ruined everything and released the prisoners all hail him. The leader was to serve as benevolent pen dragon. Good of imperial moran with his teenage followers, who would be elevated to knighthood so, if you're a teenager- and you may want to be- I got in going on yeah I mean I can't I was going to go to college, but you know shit happened and I just didn't like to be a knight in the kingdom much like camelot, yeah, yeah, sick, okay, kabir. I would like to do that sick or night. Once we blow up the golden gate bridge with a laser so get some of your friends get them over here. Cause they'll all be nights too we're all nights we will be once we met, the golden gate bridge with a laser beam. Do we have to get you these lot of my boys know you're getting five hundred dollars a day. Two did I mention that day day?
now. You know what I'm gonna be and we give my boy a sketch of boys. You had it back here. He seemed smile. I know what I'm doing I'll tell you one thing: I know what I'm doing if a punch didn't pendragon or pen a threat owning lovely believing in welsh, head dragon or chief dragon. I'm sorry, I didn't notice chief dragon chief, it's the name of several traditional kings of britain's, including king, arthur now, king arthur is not real right, by the legendary british leader of the fifth and sixth century set aside from that. Aside from that, it's a great plan. Yes, then, all batches up nicely, although some people there are some people who do you think he is real and they think that they have some
documentation or evidence that he is so he's kinda more like Jesus. Some people think the earth is six thousand years old. So, okay, fair point, some of the would be knights had their doubts about the plan war, not a night of mine, your backwards from from the castle. I I have some questions about the planned seeds. Questions, for you often has had what no ok you're, not a tonight. Ok, christians, men. Can it be a night again? Yes, we need worse, we're really low. On regret, we got for europe geared huge to the plan. They pointed very diplomatically that the laser gun to be placed on mount tam had not yet been in vain. ok so like crazy to think that's an issue
The roadmap night fuck with does allow. No. Why there were just ass. Well, it just seems like the thing that solidifies the plan- is the threat of the laser so you're just saying time you saying we have to wait, maybe wherever yeah, you know what I just saw. A movie called star wars so you wanna tell me: there's not lasers. Ok, that's great! good luck, guys that you teenagers in your nights,
sit down and shut the fuck up, because the pen dragon's talking listen to the king of pen dragon. It's not a king of pen, dragon shit, the pen dragons means the fucking king. Sorry, your majesty, I just don't make me- do maybe whip out the welsh the welsh. What the way whilst says the way they said. Ok, your majesty, your It would have made a calm. Your majesty say that no doubt they had to do something to views. Ragged blown by all of us are beyond our god. I hope so. Ok, the leader, conceded that the laser had not been invented. Quite a concession, but financing had been obtained for other weapons, including machine guns and missiles. Ok sure so doesn't really have the cachet that they lay and stockpiling of the weapons was happening on mountain.
And in fresno good, downright radwan soothingly, overdoing it on the place where he chewed everything, and then, oddly we're doing all this stuff. Five hours away so like to an hour drive russia. What did I do bug the royal dude buggy when members of the Pendragon group went beyond expressing reservations and decide to leave the rank, slow mark, richards threatened. The disclosure of is, please would mean death for him not ride out else. Now, don't tell anyone about my crazy planned it's the is really pathetic. Now about a minute nights neutrality. Rocky area. does ex name- is, plays in august
urgent to a preliminary hearing of the charges against mark richards was held in the marine municipal court. The star witness was Andrew I'll get right again for market have been giving immunity from prosecution in return for testing the boy that that's a jury you want to be on. And I'd be on that jury on a fucking, heartbeat, I'd, love it and members of the jury pool. If any of you have in the past history with lasers or pen dragons, or serve kingdoms. Love star wars, love star wars, love start track, I've ever considered taking over a county. Even maybe excuse.
no hands are no hands gunnar. I got no pen dragging them had dragged zog had dragged out. There's your company under your welsh, all right. Ok, how did we gotta go? Well, no, not the shirt companies last day, you're! Fine, if I just shirts, where you guys make by the way I like the hendricks one on the dragon tags were out of Could I ask so I do confirm, the ball would have been murdered, so the killers could rob S, house and selling cars, and the crime had been plan months in advance, which is my favorite part of the whole story. The flesh is that plan for months, and the plan was when I grab my head greet the fuck. I had a bad habit stab and with a driver all right We wait two months after the brilliant murder, they put the freshly purchase boat in the water in the lock lohmann marinas
fell and went back to the shop, but they are confronted by a security guard when they put the boat in because they didn't they didn't have. They had no right to use the block lohmann, they were just putting But the water right in the middle of the night here to go whenever, when we we you guys doing this is like the murderer. What do you guys? I would Doing some night vision of where the poles stays efficient with your hands yeah, we made a bet I'll write you can't put about here can show you some that's. The dope can show you this way
alexandra. I love those shirts yep love those shirts. I assume we're going to go good luck, catching fish with your hands at night and then they after they put the boat in the water. I love that they went. I love that they didn't take the body that they that they that they first went and got the boat. When you could just take the boat to the place where the body is put the boat in the body for the body and about then take the boat to the water, but they took the they went and got the boat put it in the water, then went back to get. The body like carried it on their shoulders to the like. It's just fucking like this, you just wobbling and catch. That's why you is needs six months to plan really say the sensitive two months or so so they got the body from the from the shop.
and then they brought about body shop. Thank you whether they were question again whether secure yeah. I mean this issue now saw them with a body wrapped in a tart. You guys got a big What is that? Oh is bait. Oh wow, he goes with big kitchen sturgeons yeah. No, we gotta, we kind of we cut a shark. Are we going to try to use it to catch the fish? It's great! I love sharks. Okay, I wish I'd look at it closer to you, but it was a bite yeah. So They were forced to the boat stalled. Several times, yes, they were forced to drop the body much closer.
and then they had planned. While you know that's an audible everybody's always comes debates. We, when you buy a boat at the last minute body with it, it doesn't work and then just pay like you know what this is dumping near shore, the you know it will work. whatever I'm tired, you're, tired, there's just color throw motor gay, the carton of weights in the intended to sink the corpse. The bottom of the baron buoyant broke the rope binding into the boy, that must have been such a great moment deutsch, I shade, as they take the body up with all the weights on it and thrown overboard, and the rope just talk. It's floating floating go get the weights. the way to note we have in this boat a motor boat, or I am so they tied the motor to the body which I assume didn't float now then may just left
Could I was on a job? Well done. The kingdom is nigh good work night, asked in court whether he had ever considered going to the police. Prior to the murder andrew said we weren't going to turn market just because he was talking about killing people yeah, I mean look he's a king yeah? They say a lot of stuff before the trial richards was released on a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar bail, how the fuck did he find that it's he's the craziest human that has ever walked into a courtroom and the judge is like guy. You got quarter of a mil in a whole launch stay away from kingdoms, no lasers, while on the outside majesty kay.
on on january, eleventh, the defense filed a motion seeking to prohibit use of any evidence relating to the pen dragon conspiracy. Well, I'll tell you what that's a defense. nightmare, because that's kind of a big part of the fences. Like a kid talk about our king dome and the king and stuff we're doin, what you can talk about, the man. Can you A gene drive like we're like tat, so it would only talk about the marriage for the safety of the way for their pendragon and I'm a good the cars are too hot buttons. I have to try. I have to talk about his wife. I have to try to defend you, oh yeah, so I have to be able to talk about nope. I can't now the laser sulky school. Can we take a recess dennis written was concerned that a jury and it's written voice. It is the dennis reared and he's the attorney defensive it
Annie Dennis Riordan he voice concerned that a jury of marine residents would be prejudice by the introduction of documents that claim to reflect a plot for an armed takeover their county. You know fair they'd, probably take it a little personally fair. Take that a little Today, it's going to be hard for him to get a fair trial that he's talking about ruining yeah but the, but the the deputy district attorney got it in. I did yeah he'd like the the jury. The judge like yeah, I think that'd be fun, seems like most of it. I, as the judge, I'm going to rule, I think this will be fun. Yeah as the wording to do that, and this a quote from the district. A barbarian Jesus, oh yeah, I'm a mermaid and he wanted to use the Pendragon plot, because
It was one of the reasons behind the murder and because it was manipulating two teenagers who were quote not mental giants. So that is very easily like idiots these non mental I answer so. A week later, the judge ruled that Pendragon could be used in the sounds like a pretty good job. you get acceptable. Let's do the kingdom thing. In the opening statement they said that richards did it and he formed the pen dragon group, the college student who had been working for richard's contract at night and at night and fair, fair testified to his surprise. Following the days of the murder of richards that a boat
been purchased new video equipment and jewelry for his wife, so he's literally the worst criminal of all time is I mean these signs of wealth struck the witness as odd senses, paycheck. rebalancing ha. So how does a guy with no fucking money get a boat and all the jew worry? So as to happen Andrew said, the richards was the first guy who suggested killing richards that, but that it was for a guy like you are killing bali's. He was gonna like let's kill this lead kill him and he said you know why we should kill him. Two reasons he's a nazi and he's a faggot hey. Those are the big two wow. Yes, my kids Oh there's, two reasons. There's too
Believe me out to really gutters. and he's any also said. If we do the murder than we can use the money to buy guns for pendragon glad, first and foremost, he's gay nazi and andrew was like I don't know, but then he was a girl, someone the money, so he car by the way the guard also testified. They got a big fish in this is so great. He was first of all, he was disappointed that he had not looked more closely the man with the giant type on their shoulders and the guard also testified tat. He had read part of richard science fiction, manuscript entitled Pendragon and that involve the cept, is number one for the rest of the county. So somehow this had leaked out everywhere. People were reading it Jesus. So
while during the trial it was reported by woman who was dating mark richard, so he's out on bail, right and he's dating, while he's still he's a bachelor swinging. Beth is again here kings. Xi reported that he was carrying a gun, sure. So then they brought her to testify to revoke is bail, and she said riches headed if I'd himself as francis regular crazy- oh my god, he columns himself regular crazy. I'll get to deliver more. He called himself rats radio, crazy. He added diss digg. I do franklin razzle crazy, France's francis resolute grace.
The south american consular official- it's not just the day, but it's like he's gone on a fake moustache. You just see him a fake mustache, like the dictators let us rises margaret? I ask: what's your name me yeah? Why his crazy. Why is that? he's val kilmer in the safe? Then he met people. He introduced his date as an ant, and this is my overend aunt, apparently fearing that you may recognize him from newspaper photographs. He had told her that a cousin named mark richards. Wasn't trouble with the law of my guy. That's just my cousin, yeas There are really tough time is the worst
I love red. Things are good for breads, as if you see a guy in the paper that looks like me, that is not south african. That's my cut my crazy identical cousin, so he don't you don't worry about that this out of this gimme long long thing don't worry, I I got a good feel it about us. I might go away for fifteen some, but just a visit. My grace cousin in jail when she asked him. Why get the gun in his car? The diplomat told her that I needed it for political reasons, so lovely political than this was brought up in court in July. It is visible in the hearing to revoke his back. He said marguerite. Your said everything the woman has said was true: ok bud.
He had not known than the glove was in the compartment, the goat compartment. The gun was in the grove compartment of the car, because he'd bother bob borrowed the car from his father. Ok, so you didn't know was there, it was his dad's car and then we The prosecuting attorney said will, then why was the gun there for political reasons? He said I see this trials political. So that's. Why have the gun for example, how much it all out of their bail. First of all, it's not. and I know, is there. Secondly, I have it because of this: try it out kid. Does it vary? Now you think about that motherfucker I mean I consider everything political, this trials, political, the judge- did not revoke his belt favorite thing of all time
Why the judges logo? That's not an after voting. I heard him it's his dad's. First of all, we're talking about its cost. There are others that even the right man we've got, the imposter this band is basically friends is muggle, crazy, look as a judge until I see Id saying he's not mega regular crazy. This is all all for nothing. Here's an idea that says that bail granted the trial resumed with evidence regarding the pink dragon group mark fuller form play richer stated that really rebels are another. Fellow employees approached him about joining pendragon, there's, not a normal name in this story now and that richards their warned him that he would be eliminated if he said anything to outsiders about. The group robles testify that richards paid him to recruit members.
A. Could you mentioned that you like hanging out at the store and a guy, comes up examine? How old are you, seventeen you want to take over this fucking county. What's it do you want to take over this fucking county sheriff and you won't be a knight, of course I'm gonna be at night. Yes, this is what his centuries get the fuck outta here. Okay, get my pinot it's across the street at the hell's going to take you to a meeting. Are you a duke or you take the yeah? Get the license plate says duke. Do my piddle license plates say they go? It says, duke so hello direct says duke number one duke willie robles. That's right! Think about that shit
All right you tags or expired move along a friend of the defendant, told the jury that richards would take him to the top of not telling pius to show him the promised land of the numerous and to demonstrate his plan for the insurrection. Richard had said that quote: we could blow up the golden gate bridge down there and we could blow up the richmond sandra, fell, bridge and destroy the richmond refineries and if we went farther north and blew up the bridge to Petaluma the isolated and his friend was like sounds cool. That's easy! The defence final argument included the pen. Dragon marks role. Model was king, arthur Pendragon? Was the dream of a young man who wanted to be king arthur? Is that evidence of a crime the creative imagination. These kids play a game of knights of the round table on either misunderstood it or want to be a game of cops and robbers. I don't think so at seventeen, but
yeah. I mean that it is an idea that I really santa FE four days. They can make them first murder It sends to life in prison without possibility of pearl. That's good! Now, hoover as the other guy yeah? They argue that he should be tried as a juvenile and then brought on a child psychiatrist. Who said here borderline personality disorder and that there was a good chance that he wouldn't kill again and- and the judge was like well that's a good chance is not a great thing to say: yeah, What he's probably not gonna, go, kill again big on the problem. Are you with me, so she won't undermined to a mental institution and then they argued that he knew what the fuck he was doing and that he is meant disturbed it, but you gotta january, he shouted jail. They found guilty after days to deliver.
Actions and he was but he was convicted. I think it was twenty five years then so that was an agent the two now that he's out this is the sad as part of the story are now the prosecution introduce comments that hoovered made to a kind of psychologists, September nineteen. Eighty two regarding a state of mind before the killing, so horrible it was like richards- was coaching me he would listen to what I said and push me on. When I said I was with Baldwin. He kept thinking this the guy standing between me and the money it made me excited. I thought about guns. I could buy and all the other stuff a new is wrong, but I didn't give a damn de jure thing of getting five thousand zero thing. In wanting to be your with your mother, my mother could move back to marine county. I can have my own room, so I wouldn't have to look at her all the time, but oh man, I just think about happy I'd, be how much love I would get
How many things I'd have? Okay, so bad, yes, he's just the heart's in the a ripe, my guess is that he's Is this Saturday night in a leg it yeah dragon? Will then I can have my mom live swayed I just want to take over the kaiser. Can move begging you year? big adorable. I know that much clearly cutie mad at you put the teddy bear. put a bear to cover you. You get a hug, not drugs, so camelot lost it's king and it's night they both went to jail, became prone to that the nine after the twenty five year. They,
They know and he can't sit programme fifteen year, fifteen years Jesus he is in the state prison at Vaclav. What is back avail That's where hoover's now to give you the dress of what mark richards, ok, twenty one hundred peter peabody, road, vacuous california,. Prison, number c, nine, five, eight three zero they're in the same fuckin prison or now they're in the same prelate a minute wait a minute might have it. This can be penitentiary dragon S, so I look up what has happened to these guys Where are they now, and I find an interview with mark richard so boy who is now Mary now who married a woman named joanne, who used to be a journalist and went to interview him.
And fell in love with, as journalists do and fell in love with him because of his brain yeah and now they're married. That's just imagine your daughter, giving you that news, and now it's gonna come back around to last weeks. so: oh no joanne and mark richards of the earth defense headquarters. Lo are all about aliens now know all about aliens present, a story that reaches back generations. Mark richards is serving a life sentence for murder. That became known as the pen dragon plot, where the government put him in prison yeah to keep him from what he, because of all the knowledge you know yep, yep years after the crime, he came to public attention and claims to have been a space command pilot who led an attack against aliens to reclaim a secret base.
dulce new mexico. You remember that battle. The ballads will say I am right yeah. I think it is page six news, but I remember yeah. He cited a remarkable family history that includes numerous covert activities, affecting global interests and top level alien contact. I mean fuck me, I mean seriously The fact is, a guy who clearly somatic he psychotic yeah, but he can. I just get all these kids. Involved in this thing, a murder, a guy, it's fucking nuts Mr president, two times it is shocking, as always shocking. It's always shocking when there is the somebody has the power of persuasion to even just convince nineteen people that their fucking
that their Jesus Christ or when I they're that to gonna go kill themselves in the desert, noland upon aspasia figure. Just I mean this guy was clearly like He was so stupid that he couldn't be a cult leader, yeah, so wanted to be a cult leader. Yeah he was almost like is a tragic called later here. If you hear about the successful you hear about the mass in the game I think this is like they and not that this plot would have ever come to fruition, but they thwarted a plot to do some crazy shit, because the guys just fucking retarded this could have easily when the thing where a bunch of people died is gonna, be the thing we're we're like when the golden gate bridge and an explosion totally, if not going is her. If this guy wasn't the total more, but instead because he was psychotic enough. Instead, he came up with part of the plan, which was when he scrambled, I screwed my head, you beat him with the bad things, so he just skip getting.
Teenagers, who would be like. I don't wanna go to the family any such damage, these tell you it's just somebody should have told me, Teenagers are kind of like he reminds us that the deeds ardor big Now is the time at home. Town! Listen, I think it's great and it explains a lot. Media turned out I didn't really get any good, pretty good for that. Yeah.
Why there everybody had scareth, you know from this. Despite cast listen, I've got some stand of show some inviting the garments the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth in September nineteen manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol september. Twenty second and cardiff, cept
number, twenty fourth and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-03.