« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

604 - John Schrenk and Teddy Roosevelt -live

2023-10-17 | 🔗

Comedians Gareth Reynolds and Dave Anthony examine the time Teddy Roosevelt and John Schrenk met

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
EL gotta, get rid of this old bachelor voiced. He sure tell because it stinks boys too. I've wash it so many times with the oder will come out. Tell me who I know you tell me: why can get rid of this odor have dragged down? He doesn't just help, remove them wow. It worked guys, Donnie rynason refresh removes, moreover, in one washed and the leading value detergent in three washes find it wherever you buy laundry products. Gareth yeah, Your lesson I gotta dollop. This is an american history. Podcast were each week eyeing milwaukee native threat. green bay, packers own fan and owner and part owner part owner and.
Love, europa, schweitzer, Anthony, reads a story from Eric in history to my boy. Do you like have a file of all the terms that would be the most kindest somehow it keeps getting worse, Gareth reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about? Well done, thank you. You did your part. It took a little while stop it you're doing it again permission a treat, no permission denied anything else to say my dad's here, oh hi, frank,
he's not going to stay for the show, but the biggest fan of the intro you've seen throw your mother from the train. You throw momma from the train to yeah how's movie memory right now, I'm going to kill your father is what I'm saying. I'm gonna fucking kill your father. You did that's the whole point of the tray. Oh yeah yeah. I didn't think I did this, but I didn't kill your dad. Unless my name's cd roms the I mean It took six years, but you finally had one good joke about my. So I'm your boy not actually gonna kill. You have already left
well, he did yeah, he was there for the pre, show yeah yeah yeah. The pre show he just he's a pirate samir for kasha. Now he's gone. He was out, he was we were. You know he smoking tubes in the parking lot tailgate in the parking lot yeah. You know my dad tailgates before the dollar he got here at eight am big time yeah. He goes real cause. The packers. buddy kind of Did he actually my watch that, because he thinks when he watches them, they lose, but he has Watching those years, I don't know, what's happening, what why you can never watch, you donors, they listen, just stop donors. He did it for us. You makes no sense. It makes a lot of sense. Gareth that's your name. We are brought to you in part by score. Space get square spain,
Is it all in one domains, websites, online stores, marketing tools analytics, which, of course we need for you very badly the annex yeah I'm really. There is some of the analytics on me this weekend. It is not you you have. Your website is bad gareth, reynolds dot com with square space, and you get analytics they correct I'm talking traffic overview, visitor insights activity, lug sales, analytics perch. Finally, how is your purchase follow going important beer in it? come on man, we're talk longer by websites ruined So I also have my website with squarespace and then, of course, we had the the dollop podcast dot com. You can get all your toys from this page and then our sources, patients so we're all in with squarespace
they got eyes before many times, but they go down. We go down. It is aware basic acts and am bellicose cord situation that can never be kind great. So anyway, here's what you do. You're gonna go to square space, dot com, slash dollar for free trial, and when you re launch, you use the africa dob to save ten percent on your first purchase of a website or domain large, fair ten, seventy six I the year of our lord J town by the way J term, as headband cities that are coming out No, we don't. I did there not available years. Don't worry, it's all bullshit everything you think is alive. He's an evangelical preacher we got wholly rags, we had a hold up to the tv show. You could touch god, tanned, don't bullshit
north korea is where they advance he's Jesus he's gonna sell objections can solve. spoken selling. These own merge weed. I even do that. I didn't say he was going to sell it. I'm just saying he's putting up, but he it's cause we're and it's part of the brand yeah. So what what they're also doing there will be re bans with J thomas J bans. We do have merged we have march lugal be selling it by it. After the show, I think we have crocheted baskets now, don't tell Well, what we have anymore, because it's going really poorly it. We don't have baskets crochet baskets, never know no words like easter basque! No it isn't at all now again, you're Wearing very dangerously into J town march have sworn we had baskets nope, it's crazy! You hit your head two days ago and nothing has been right,
Johan Fleming shrank was born in bavaria in eighteen, seventy six! and his name is your hand. Shrunk shock, shrunk shrunk shrunk I I took an arms and put included in hot water and the I shrunk, the kids, nice, ok, so there are theirs that there's different versions of how we got here, but we know he came alone when he was thirteen sure I did that my room yes, We all remember the first time stuff came out, go ahead. The rumors were true, I thought
Do you want me to leave know what I want to talk about my dad's here? Can I not express my nobody's joy over that first ejaculated watch this look or touch that. and then, after I finish a trunk, I'm so close to leaving you do want me to do stand up, so he lives in a their lives moves over this aunt and uncle in new york. He'd never met them until they got here. That's cool there, Amy Dominic Fleming. Ok, they lived in it. Above their saloon on east tenth street nice.
I so Johan worked in the saloon and Annie and Dominic treated him very well. They became very close like his parents, he took night classes, he learned english. He just became a huge reader. He just read tons of books on history and government and he in the bible, like you yet love the bible. George Washington became his His hero, like his friend here he regularly red several newspapers everyday, and began running poetry in eighteen. Ninety five teddy roosevelt became president of the board of police, commit
Soleil, so teddy enforced blue laws because he was trying to eliminate kickbacks to cops. Okay, so on sundays, cops were stationed outside saloons, which included included the fleming's, so it really hurt bar owners and in yorktown thirty thousand germans protested and teddy went any applauded them and he laughed at them kind of mocked them. Then a letter bomb was sent to his office, nice that brought teddy national attention and within two years president mckinley named him as assistant secretary to the navy, and he was off to washington, dc okay wow.
Otherwise maxim germans, who then bombed the metre boat was baby. I'm getting in force in the blue laws right. The saloon owners very happy. He's gone so john beyond his family happier right now, the all becomes an american citizen at twenty one is now officially called John nice better get some. Now now I like that's right, yeah dope. He said he got engaged to elsie ziegler, who was a seventeen year old factory worker from his neighborhood. Soon after she was on the steamboat general slow, come on a sunday school outing and fire broke out when it was off. Historiae queens and the shore was all of oil tanks and lumberyard captain tried to steam ahead
two! I wanna firebug towards oil. It's it's yeah! He didn't want to go to the oil out of steam and move problem was all the fire hoses were falling apart and they couldn't get to the light? boats and the life preservers it turned out were all bad. What do you mean bad? They just didn't work. They have one job well there to preserve. Will these once we're just life? They were just cushions, I got a rocks yeah now, but this rock on good luck, dolly have a witness quote: one by one they dropped into the water, the ship burned and it was soon gone over a thousand died. Jesus' wife was elsie wow. I think this is the sweetest. This podcast has ever been. It lists everyone's like not now we're grieving this woman from one hundred and fifty years ago. What
Wouldn't look, ok, John, had to go. He said he was the one who had to go idea her body and she was ok side. Those are not connected statement elsie s, brother, whoever said she didn't really know John and they are just acquaintances and he didn't an idea or body. He didn't know. That's just what johnson, okay I'm drunk so I saw a victim memorial was put in Tompkins square park and John would spend hours at the memorial rubbing it in writing. Poems! I'm ok with half of it again. He doesn't really doesn't know. Early, doesn't really know rubbing it. Maybe they were acquainted like people, I see matter our right, though so he's rubbing in writing
Rubbing ease rubbing her sweet memorial, nope. Alright, buddy enough today, get out of here. No, no, no start heh heh, heh heh! I miss my son. We dissociate elsie, you lack No, no! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Not at all. Hey, hey, hey, hey absolutely not get out of here. You're done, you cross the line. No! No! No! No! Look! we'll. Let you robert for sir, sir sir, I'm not fucking
get out of here. No, no, no! No, sir, sir, sir, sir! No almost most, we never married love. So I come no. You won't. Didn't fork memorial, stop talking and moving. Maybe enough. I made it! No! You did not allow a weirdo stop. Christ!
he said. He'd never have another girl. That was his only love. There could be no other gareth quote that wouldn't be right to elsie. You didn't know we didn't sure, so the family moved to new york town after a lot of families after the german families. After this disaster moved out of the area and then Dominic retired and he sold the bar and on September six nineteen o one president, william shot it's just as we do it last night and he did know the fuck mckinley. Was you see guys? President mckinley was assassinated? I really shouldn't a really
Looked up this guy's name, mckinley vigo, shot him whoa. Not so. Smart now are ya buddy jerry He was shot in buffalo by anarchist leon summer, nice. So now vice president Teddy Roosevelt became a president nice so, the day after tat, they became president at one. Thirty am john. Was home nice one mckinley appeared dead, dead, dead kid dead. President mckinley, that's right! John sobbed, ok and pointed at a picture of teddy roosevelt. Kill this guy and said quote: this is my murderer. Nobody else are very
by death. And I will learn: that's a big ball. That's a bold thing! To tell a man. I mean he's just getting over the death of someone in didn't, know, that's right and now the president's today. president is in your room below the teddy Roosevelt killed me. You gotta, kill him yeah. Generally, I do I'd an hour You're going to say, are you going to say no to a ghost president yeah, no well yeah? I would. I would definitely want to be like alright good luck out. There did wait what the fuck he might come back, though, like you don't know, what's going to happen, sure alright, so over the years John would think about this dream year like there was a brow. good. I just keep one
What you want to kill teddy wrote, what kill em kill teddy Roosevelt its vague. Why it its vague its fake, vague, a vein, No, it's supra, listen, listen Ok, John, it's me: hey, relax, I'll talk for a minute, and then you be quiet, don't take it. I say to hard immediately: you need to kill teddy roosevelt. He killed me, he loves to hunt. Could you be more specific, kill the president right now. Jesus Christ, it's been three and a half year. It's actually been six. What crazy? Let me ascend
Was aunt died in november nineteen o seven teddy roosevelt that it now and then uncle died in February. Nineteen eleven and John is absolutely devastated sure he was now completely alone. He had no friends, he didn't go to a church, he just became more withdrawn and he would walk alone in city parks or just reading and writing down his thoughts or poems okay. He would spend hours and hours at his aunt and uncle's graves god rubbing ugh guys he moved to an apartment that was near the cemetery, so he could be closer to them. Jesus Christ, so he had inherited a tenement in yorkville in yorkville, and it came with a thirteen thousand dollar mortgage: oh cool, what a cool
Today, none of them do so he rented a room in brooklyn and a hotel and he would hang out in a coffee shop and he would just complain about not having money cool and he got. At a porter job in a bar, and then they promoted him to lunch. Man and man lunch man loud finally, and then I'm lunch man and then he couldn't do it cause. It was too hard. Just a lot of pressure charge of all the lunches. What if one of the launches goes wrong? That's on my shoulders overall yeah me too yeah. So this is an inner dialogue. It's a german bar are we german yeah are sick,
so they devoted him from lunch. Man runs boy and he quit it quit what it was he demoted too. He was thrown back to being a poor supporter. so I quit, but he also demanded a week's pay for when he quit and the owners refuse. So he sued them. What lunch man versus the pub the porter porter, while taking right and as the car as the jaw got closer, he would burst into the defence lawyers office. And demand a settlement I bought. My money is Jimmy carter, Its work I haven't read it talks about law. I've been busy man. debating at my ants grave. I just found what is owed to me. I was lost
which man yeah well no savage couple of days about a fall from grace when you were a failure. Yes, but now I have nothing I must rebuild. I just just all I do is lament just are lamenting you wouldn't understand it. What are you doing, I'm having a break out by girlfriend passed away that ok yeah. She was the love of my life. I met a twice. I was arrested for how big a grave to come.
What the hell did you make the grave come? That's an urban legend. They can't well, they can. But do these guys know what you're doing? Look I'm in the middle of something really tough. So please no bank notes, so they every time we birthday and they they refuse to settle, and the court ends up funding for the owners UK. So after it happens, the judge gets a letter quote. You have branded me as a man who lies By not believing me under oath, I think you have done me a great monstrous and incorrect double injustice. I mean to have in this. You are a judge.
It's crazy As a judge, you ought to write the wrongs of the poor. I have been appointed to see to it that you do not judge other cases assigned lodge man The avenger, what what side the avenger so lunch man was. Just an origin character. Yes, now he's fully for that's right, the avenger and is sidekick. I sat sedated president mckinley goes dave. Let me scrooge up on the chair. We ve got a man much matters for the event. Jerry John drank four year, their managers
like nothing happened that he just said, miss scoop back sorry Ok is very exciting. Yeah. Do you think he had Story planned out in his head and then he just couldn't get to it, maybe like he was making the costume, and then he was maybe priority jumped on the couple roofs trying to fly. He could have been planning to take out the judge, and then he got sidetracked right would booze. so he would take for years at the the white house hotel on canal street in nineteen twelve, he moved into a room above the white house so tell, and each evening he go to the bar drink six or so beer. Nice, he would reliable, even read three papers a day. Religiously,
on august, eleventh, nineteen, nineteen, twelve. He read about ex president teddy Roosevelt, who had picked his successor when he left office for years before and that success was william howard, taft, baby taft howard, laughed so tat one, but then teddy regretted not running for a third term, and so now in item twelve, he decided to go for the republica nomination wait. How did he name him? His successor, he just was like this is the next guy who got nominated. He basically was like this. Is the guy want you to write, be like yeah? He he There is no anointed it has. He was super popular right is like this. Is the guy he's like to me. That's correct!
Imagine if I randomized into myself full steam, fair taft, sir, tat, is president and teddy's running against him. Sure so teddy did. like a train campaign tour he one nine of twelve primer, okay, so tough and teddy started tat. Each other and tat called teddy a dangerous egotist and teddy called taft. A quote fat head. They're kind of both calling in the other fed had really, if you think about it, by the way I want to get a fair head of taft on my wall. That would be great. Just in my bedroom, just one of those that were fed it gives member.
it was a fun ten years teddy also said that taft had the quote less brains than a guinea pig hmm. Now when he said that taft broke down in tears in front of a reporter on a train when he found out what what a better time. Maybe we should just sent from back that this time to see what you can do where test the The train. The drain rides taft stuck in a bag. tnc, giving tat they show up or nobody wanted stare at karen the tears daft, J baby to stay path, willie amounted to grow
It was taft. At the convention about c tapped his way like a mad ada budget, vanity packs bacon by. Sugar teddy. white sumo, Big baby. Get up fat fuck it Senora taft.
At the end of a year ago, at the convention there were claims of fraud gets built after that fat. So All these delegates we're disputed and the currency and of giving a most of them to tat, even though they shouldn't have magical it does in the chaos, there's fistfights fights the convention and then teddy takes his followers and they go out
and they start a new party- the progressive party, a well nicknamed the bull moose party, the way bull, moose party, sure yep, of course, so the republicans are basically splitting into two parties, which obviously would throw the election to the Democrats right. Yep they'll get blamed for it. Jonge shrank really didn't like that sure. He did not like that. Teddy was running for a third term. As he believed to was the limit, but also mckinley king, like mckinney's like this is firing. You up. brow. I was your fuckin room eight years ago. This motherfucker shot me. It takes a while to get going now. Let's go yeah fuckin dude, I
I need to get into Heaven. I needed some motivation out. My god kill him. I don't want you to go away for the full hour This is sad as shit. They for goes president said. Listen, listen, listen! I'm not your friend! just need your help, you're the only one who's there at night, because I'm as you go, you have made me. You got yourself a pocket, avenger lunch man. Why did I take you it's so we It's so weird that I picked you the way irksome allowed to pick one person in I dont know there was dont nod. I just picked you for so you're. So far get do you
sitting here we may in writing there, dumb, ass, poems and getting nobody's. Really you stupid, poems reared, I like to think you do, I do, but in a way around get go in and get back in our bands of ends Did you see the one I wrote about you? What caused the coma ghosts? Buddy yeah yeah it was that finished. It doesn't look like it was done still. My president, thank you look like is awesome, and I really appreciate it. I just didn't know that finished. It was really no. There was no had no form do it.
In rhyme, which is okay, if it's good, but this was not it a lot of poems. Have commas to sort of. Let you know when the new line starts used was just continuous. Half of it was covered in tears and listen. Just stabbed teddy Roosevelt through the you know what I mean. I please avenge me keep know that sometimes, when even when you here, I miss you, you five, I know who stop saying hi to me and so two to two terms
his and John's mind sacred it it that's what stopped oppression and, at the same time stopped oppression in his mind. Yet they're meant to were in his mind palace yeah. Maybe we just came through a period where people likes wearing masks is fascism, so you can understand how a guy might think
alright, yeah, escape room and teddy was also attacking the judiciary because he wanted more power to fight monopolies. The new york world called teddy quote the most cunning and adroit demagogue that modern civilization has produced since napoleon shit and John simply reading this, like yep yep yep, that's true, it was in the paper. I got to stop the air that night John wrote to warn americans to ok, to quote in the present campaign. For the first time in american history, we are confronted by a manta Practically nothing is sacred and pretends to stand above tradition. This ban abused, our constitution says, wants it amended, it tell it is abolished. This is every uncles facebook, whereas every single one
like I made a bold proclamation. Sixteen lags where on fire. we are moving time to start an email. It's called a news letter. We have fully it dirt. Fascism, he cod We do a trivia. This thursday follow wild wings. He called teddy teddy. The third termer cut this guy, like it's just not happening. He's worried that teddy, but he doesn't have the like smack techy. Now it's not catch out. It's closed.
be the third to all t's great, so he's worried teddy. If he loses is going to incite his followers to violence quote he and the hungry office seekers would not hesitate to take up arms to take by force. What has denied him by the people. Then we face a civil war. Sure teddy was another napoleon to John wrote. This manifesto- and I quote this is manifesto- quote: oh shit- super weird by the way, if they have records of your manifesto, you did something bad yep, the you made it yeah yeah daredevil. He made it worked quote to the people,
of the. U s september, fifteenth nature, no one, one! Thirty, eight! Oh Jesus Christ, s head, seven beers posed in a dream. I saw president mckinley sit up his coffin, pointing where this this is a part of his dream is now saying no mc givney like Just do it set up his coffin. pointing at a man in monks attire, in whom I recognise teddy Roosevelt, did so far. It's real. It just so yeah? It's like okay, teddy roosevelt mugs out in the dead president's said this murder.
This is my murder avenge. My death to prevent is better than to defend. Never let third term party emblem appear in an official ballot. I willing to die for my country. God is called me to be an instrument so help me, god go, go! Go this! Is it yeah? Listen! I don't even remember that really not sure about the door. You dont, ok, it's my fault. Look! You don't need to be writing these things down, go get him that reminds me No! No! No! No! No! No bogs, pugs, nowhere, manifestoes Jesus Christ.
that teddy roosevelt is very popular with the working man and he stopped at train depots and hotels to speak on his campaign. Tour sure the secret service doesn't protect candidates and and teddy was always packing. I was this thing. He was always what packing ok John decided to do the deed away from new york because he didn't want to trade, shoot the president whoa or shoot the wannabe president will hold on says big. Getting. There was great. I told you his head yeah, no, I'm like. Finally, my man, let's go so he doesn't want to do. He wants to do it away from new york because he doesn't want the press to say: he'd been hired by wall street, naturally fair concern. He borrowed three hundred and fifty dollars from someone telling him that he had a
uncle, who had died in new orleans and he had to go there to get the money and then he was going to come back. Amazing bullshit tom, I knew was posted yeah just shut up. What I saw if I go see him dan, get that come back all your money, hell yeah! This is not about me avenging mckinley. What is that? My goes? Buddy mckinley, dead proudly in Heaven. Madam, we sleep together like the three stages, a bed with nightcap zone. No, sir E, I never even met the guy. Is a ghost. I've never met his ghost. We don't have a handshake, there's a lot of things. I am to go to new orleans, to get your money back. You gimme that three fifty
That why don't I just go there and get that money from my uncle gray question: no! What to me I'll, go get it unrelated, Again, we who is dead and teddy roosevelt we had something to do with it. That's how the money is going towards. You I'd like a crazy you're, making a very specific denials that are very weird. I just swear to god, I'm sick of you shit. What I try to borrow money. Yes, I need it it makes a lot of sense here. So please Told another job his landlord was visiting an uncle in the pacific northwest, so he's not familiar with guns. That's good right seems like a good set up. We have here.
he went to a york, will gun, store and asked for a thirty. Eight nice but the russian roulette model and one bullet. How do these work, but he needed a pistol per. and he didn't have won a wild time. Yeah yeah, when a super strange little time we had back them so I one so the clerk is just like. Well, I could take out a screws. The trigger wont, work. and they say: hey, hey clerk. What. I can tell me you have way take out a screw, so it doesn't work. I think I'm sure I can't that screw anywhere and jobs. Well you. He wanted a working gun This is not your shop where those guns, you never new, guns and am other girl yeah. That's not going to be great.
Yeah, you oughta working guy, yeah yeah the whole ninety five percent of the way there, but then you're on your own, Thank god. I advise you to bullet yeah right out. But rather than president now. I didn't hear that last point, but we don't have fully functional weapons year. We're kneeling really really really needed, kill the president, because this goes give Libya is a picture of a gun. What that help? No right. So what about your bullets? Yes, great with a gun. yeah, ok, but nowhere to put the bullets in the gun yeah- maybe there what a silly negotiation so it the store honour that he's leaving for new york? That day, is
no. You are he's leaving me or not, dared to the big city. My man you're in new york gateway. What's it like Don't tell this aid. Will we gathered He shows the honour the ticket and then the clerk cells and the gun, because he's like he's leaving town yet all right. Maybe it isn't a wild time. Swear to god. It I'm gonna, kill anyone before you leave down with that ring honours system pioneers the screw so John gets on a steam ship to Jacksonville floor. He has a suitcase. It has one change of close a razor two books is naturalisation papers, his deed papers, he'd written and the gun quite a case.
One of the papers had written a letter written to dear lady god. In it he asked for her forgiveness for making love so abruptly. Let's wait a minute now. First of all, look we ve all written letters to women. We ve not satisfied So, let's not poke too much, but I know I've done that before sir, all over as you smoking cigarettes and she's like Jesus Christ. You like this. letters. So sorry budgeting no hallmark made a card for premium church, agonized digit. It says it would have happened if tat were so great.
Read the end where it says have become hunting so. I just love yeah. It's a lady you'd, think that lady, you think I was written the woman on the boat that he never banged or do another woman that he may be bang videos oops, it's probably probably associated shooters, gamble top off. When someone took a out of me- maybe this just god, maybe you just gotta for the future. This is not going to get a high and infesting before we start. I think you should read this The forecast calls for a bit adroitness in your area. This weekend
before we get going. My bad yeah, I beg assert our basic position, Do you know what a start finishes so the other, papers text a lady right, Some four like really given a good. Just in case I haven't, every occasion. Sorry orgasm assume a pilot. is for our sore a few, obesity wrong. How did you know? I've lived you over so fast. I just I'm sorry. Sixty nine eight that great let's it's really mean it,
and mass get back their years beginning. He was watching Go kill the president. We get this, but. No sorry, I get bringing up mckinley sorry, I asked if you minded, if my goes friend took a spin, you mind if I may, can they goes awesome Kelly, says he loves you. Tenets I didn't say that I I do a sand alpha. Buck say totally just pick that differ guy
big. I went into the wrong apartment. You are all for lunch. Man say enlargement into me. No, no! No. These red flag, when you put a survey at around his neck, so his papers had things written. Like quote, Roosevelt is try to you, commit race. Suicide on the american nation. Whoa hold the phone, and two terms is enough for the best president, washington, oh boy. Here we go and Roosevelt's ambition murdered. Me mckinley. Oh my god. That's not a quote. No, basically,.
So the ship stops in charleston, south carolina and while he's there, he grabs a paper to see where teddy planned his campaign stops. He. Why is he on route if he has no clue? Where he's going, he knows he's in the south, so, okay, alright and they looked at the papers and he decides well I'm going to kill him in atlanta on the twenty eight Jesus Christ and that's a three hundred mile train trip from charleston. So he gets a room in the moseley national house. He pays for a whole week because he needs to leave his suitcase there and you couldn't check luggage back then. Wait walk me through this. He he got a room
your suitcase gives you couldn't check luggage ale. I should say that allowed ways the fucker no tells us are doing, and I now after what we went through today, Jesus Christ, but so so he's just gonna. What take his gun? Basically yeah. you could take a gap when he had taken is gonna. Like is premature. Would you let her whenever the eyes is just letter. I swear jack letters and and then just leave the suit case in the room. But he's plant is not coming back. These twenty are coming back, he's planning I killing roosevelt and then coming back being like that was wild, He still has to deliver the letter to dear lady, wait. What do you mean? I think he has a letter, you gonna mail and at some point to who to deal the lady that he, but we we have dealt with. We don't know where she is that no one, apparently he doesn't either
Keziah setting a lot of pressure on postman is he said, dear lady, but at some point can you get this lady You are when you see how does a sad woman out there, you can find a woman and looks unfulfilled There's not a lot of women is era where it's all of them. So. So that's a three hundred mile train trip from charleston he got to. He gets the room. He put leaves a suitcase and an on the tour there's teddy has been on this nationwide tour. There's been threats against him against the wife. Authorities are like well they're all call and they're all coming from the the workers of the the I w w that the wobble is doing it dirty dirty, dirty comic
In los angeles, teddy's train had been met by three cars of plain those cops wielding shot guns, and now he he was in joppa Missouri, where he was driven down. The street standing in a convertible singing they'll be a hot time and the old town tonight. That was a rough riders song that he liked to say on the campaign. Listen tour! It's a low bar now for who you're gonna vote, for I would give in I will stay there. This They're gonna write down Jesus Christ, whereas glasses they went off like blocks ago, twenty thousand people came to see terry's big at the stadium in San Jose, a man had gotten in two into the presidential race and he bought he brought a chicken to live in his house
Well, ok, let's all process a little bit: okay, he was so intuitive breaded chicken and said he'd written out the will of god, which he'd let teddy read to the people once he was president he is, there is at it the whole deal and the chicken wrote the letter or use just. There was just part of the chicken he's just like also. I have a chicken. Yes in case you worried about where this is coming from. I do have a chicken with me. Share of space and deter lit and he was put in a mental hospital lie according whether any flags, Gordon Author, gerard health, rich quote another victim of the fever to presidential campaign, so so excited about african heap.
How's, the chicken yeah have as a chicken that he lives in the house knows, and he will end. He said after Roosevelt wins he'll introduce him to god. He he he'd written out the will of god and gave it to teddy to read to the people the gods will. Having a will is amazing. jesus man, Iraq,. A man died for all those reasons that you get all the rocks boy, so John gets on a train he's just just has its manifesto and the thirty eight share, and he goes to a gust and gets a room at the planters
hotel under the name, walter ross, okay, teddy, will be in atlanta in two days and John is going to take care of him there. But then he decides looking at the schedule. He'll do it in birmingham before atlanta. Oh, but he's got the itch. You got the itch, so he goes there, but teddy's trains. Skips birmingham, son of a bitch and it's just stopping in small town, so John jumps on the train to rush back to atlanta. He arrives thirty minutes before Teddy's train arrive, his gut excuse me, excuse me, excuse me hi, hey pardon! I just want to have seat. I mckinley roommate, stop saying that christ pardon the chicken guys I have a visible way is it looks so teddy supposed to speak at the atlanta auditorium and armoury
so he gets there. It's already sold out it's too late to get inside so John weights in the crowd on the street. He didn't plan this great plenty of fine. I don't think so. A lot of on the flavors, Thanks I'll go to Birmingham shit I'll go to atlanta, he sold out fuck, okay hm while he waits on the street okay and then he sees teddy arrive and go in inside the crowd, cheers and the band played onward christian soldiers as the audience sang along and as the speech went on, John kind of crept closer and closer to the building to the building. People are outside yet fully packed on the street or inside to Wilson. Voters.
heckled teddy enchanted, wilson, Wilson, Wilson and so teddy started going after the hecklers, and I and the crowd goes nuts nice, probably a good clip for instagram yeah, and then someone yells that he should not have tried to get. The g o p nomination and people are cheering and there's hissing. Now, there's a guy there's a bull moose guy m t, floyd and he's by the stage bull moose. He boomers like him, though teddy the bull moose party, Yet not not a bombers fell. I mean I'd love to see it. I'd love to seek out the inception. ugh, is but a man next to floyd, with a quote moon shaped face what
the guy from the mcdonald's commercials. That's right, wow, he seems really agitated the moon phase, moon guy, moonphase guy. He then tries to climb up on the stage a moon void. Floyd tells moonphase to back off a relaxed mood face you one that you shouldn't come out at night, but he keeps trying so floyd. Finally, just punches him and his moon face Jesus and drops him and the cops grab moon face and carry them out. Ok, so has, manage the front, but because of everything was going on in here, I'd teddy goes out the side door passed back in moonface so
Now John jumps on a train for chattanooga, where he's going to arrive at nine thirty p m and he gets there and the street is closed to traffic at the depot and cops are holding back a large crowd and john goes over and stands in front of the cars tat. The cars are there to get teddy when it gets there what's abdalla bears. This is gareth gareth from the don't you get, it listen shouted to the guy. army gareth army. I've got some. U s dates coming up. I will be at good night's comedy club in raleigh or raleigh. I forget which one you guys are stuck to north carolina december twenty first through the twenty third five shows, and then december twenty ninth and thirtieth I'll, be in rutherford new jersey at banana
as comedy club I'm calling on the garmin come out. I have there's a lot of shows: go to Gareth reynolds dot, com for tickets and information. Also, listen to my new podcast called we're here to help get a new podcast we're here to help Jake Johnson. Thank you. Gar me hashtag army and he just gets in from there's not really a crowd over there. Okay, interesting the cubs, like that's fine. The guy just send effort of the car staring at an average, the only guy or so The way this works is the guy talking to always talk is like talking to someone, but there's no one there where you get your shoes. All these are red wings, nice.
The guy, let me push up, do you think I can do fourteen thirty, eight w plus ten go shit. I did a murder or some sore that. So tat. It comes out of the depot these waving, his hat at the crowd, hello, where my glasses whoopee, that was a stupid look. I always has convertibles chair smile again is a trend that stuff eventually for some reality that had a good run and
I didn't hear you would stand up and when all is the car dr say gets in the car stands waving the car drivers right torrejon within ten feet of him Jesus Christ, and he does nothing like a fact in what a bitch, what you can just hear, mckinley go screaming now now now what the fuck twelve john miss. I can just christ, so I saw John stop, and I saw John. I saw a big old mister. You are all talk and I thought. Shut up. I don't want my buddy, kill me to go. Oh my god. Come on you're. My goes to know. I have to be returned to the wild, where I belongs only with me just take about
Like I'm an injured for you, ve gotten me ready to go now. It's time for me to leave. I can't be domesticated. I was the fucking president. Get me out air shithead to May I just I just I literally just went. Someone in that apartment will probably do it, and then this is just been a living hell. God to him, and you and your weird poems your lady letters. he was right there dude in a convertible. It ain't, gonna get sweeter than that. When he was showing, whereas head wise, whose floating in taunting no sweeter? Stop. You are
Wait a minute am I lady, the you fucking in cells, yeah yeah? Oh you, weird little men just go get laid come on just bananas. If you stop know, take care of me, though I'll take care of teddy. I told you my hands, can't grab things otherwise, I'd take the fucking gun mysel. Anything about your mouth is.
This was just like the simplest little plan. Twelve years yeah, you sigh, you must be exhausted, so john books, a room in chattanooga. He he he didn't shoot him, but he still is not done he's like rain. I leave a guy. I gotta kill me still is. Now that I got the butterflies out of the way, let's move reserves oliver opening night, he says it's clearly not meant to be in Chad. New rules does the airline of apple finger I dunno. He is in charge of all that yep right, but still didn't happen. There wasn't meant to be that's right, yep, so teddy takes a campaign break. He goes back.
new york, he does a little time in Dc John, was in new york, yeah, so yep, but he's not going to shoot him there. Why? Because he doesn't want the people to think that he's attached to wall street. That's right! This guy! This guy cares about wall street. So there's like a hearing the depth, both democrats and republicans want to smear teddy, so they they do the It is called the clap committee where they try to smear for being corrupt and so teddy said John heads to evansville indiana. He doesn't know where ted teddy is going next and that's like a central location in the country. He really. This planning is not great great. Now he left suitcase six days ago and he had only cleaned his shirt once and bought new underwear. Once
So he's not he's not like a great at this point, so I went to the sterling hotel The manager thought he was maybe on drugs. It was a little bit off there's a room available. He said, maybe not for you, because it's on the third floor and John said quote: don't judge me by my appearance. All I want is a clean bed he said he was from new york and he been traveling to learn about the united states he registered under the name of John fleming, and that night he had six beers in the hotel saloon for his entire stay. He left his room in the morning never ate at the hotel, then came back at night and had some beers. Okay, teddy announced his new campaign tour michigan, minnesota wisconsin, illinois, indiana, kentucky ohio, pennsylvania, maryland new jersey, wisconsin wisconsin, a great state
great lake texas of the north. No sorry, oh mother, scarred walker. but also- fuck you grey. empire of fox com By the way I don't give it a shot. I got a good feeling about fox gun
little Jackie ipad probably came from oh yeah yeah yeahs kid you where you are and so taft is now calling teddy a despot quote. Mister Roosevelt and his followers in their tendency, would do away completely with the constitution formed by the fathers of the republic. That will be a monstrous form of despotism. That quickly would utterly destroy our liberties and lead to the establishment of a monarchy, probably by Freedom of the people themselves, no matter how much has changed. Well, you look like you. Ve golden corral was a man. Thank you. Never taft President balloon big oh tat mission,
left, mcdonald's man so John now in chicago, and he went to the train station where teddy's train was scheduled to stop, but nobody was there because Teddy's train had been switch. It was now going to central station So now he was right there. He was. He was like ten feet away from him, but now he's like soul. Train is now oh shit, okay, yeah as mckinley's like and so now, yeah yeah burp. I had a hiccup, you think so John went to teddy's hotel and he stands in front. It was looking like this hello, I'm available high and and teddy arrived hello, extra
strong newspapers. I have oversight Madame zone, but John did not have his gun. What's There is good reason, no whole there's a good reason why they fell off his nose. He read. He read that the city was planning a really nice reception. I dont think this guy wants to do it, so it would be wrong to kill tat in front of all the nice people came out for the reception, Can these problems we like trying to drown himself now. Canna goes three die possible. Well, I do do it for those people Why why only there arises alone wisely their path through? What is it he's gotta? Do it does not do that?
Cool event: don't fuckin girl, they plan to read party man, guess what you need that gun him need to be there together. that you two elements that must coexist. In order for this to occur. You really lost your shit when you're saying cloud at gun in him need to be there together. Just send a gun in my stead, and I'll just go to the bar and drink nine beers got together, Gareth reynolds a it's a fair thought. So teddy has two speeches planned in Chicago that night. So he's going to get them and one of the speeches he is, does he have the gun? Yeah he'll get the gun. Don't you
we are going to kill a man yeah, okay, the first is at the coliseum. Do it here so John waits in the crowd out front once again, teddy goes out the side door thwarted, just co to the side door that now Ten he's been campaigning for a while and he's exhausted chair. His voice is starting to fall apart a little bit, so doctors make him rest and and have him cancel speech. So the next big speeches in Milwaukee I mean seriously not bad excited so John gets on. Another train goes to Milwaukee now, once there
because he's trying to take it easy this care as a drinking problem. Many goes double lock, is why hey. I ever had a day bright, bear what yeah you could fry a beer can or yeah the mackenzie's, a motherfucker. Listen to me. Brad milwaukee car bomb, no joy trap which lets you know, plants. Yeah take her out for a while about it as its filled with beer, scarlet brad thirst,.
How about I kill the president by presidential created. You know I loves this town tasked so try to take it easy, teddy plans when it gets no I'll give a quiet dinner alone, and they go to the auditorium speech share. But a man from the wisconsin progressive committee gets on the train and bags daddy to go to a dinner that they had planned. Kay. A o gerard, also got on the train. He was an ax rough writer who had followed teddy and once been teddy's, bodyguard. Ok, so teddy asked him to hang out with him, while he's in Milwaukee. Ok, John is across the street from teddy's hotel in a saloon this case, this commitment is not great.
and he's got get drunk before I shoot him. He's got all these newspapers in his pockets, khazars ridding papers and the like sticking out, so he tells the bartender is journalist ever. This is how you guys tell because I have a bunch of papers. Other people wrote. Yeah your your position, given the girl is a couple of beers for free decorate. Now teddy's doctor tells him he needs rest, but there's a lot of pressure for teddy to go to this dinner cause, it's all the local guys working on the campaign and and then one of them says well, if you don't go, the guys will be disappointed so teddy agrees that there his quote teddy says while I wanna be a good indian Jesus Christ well teddy
Let's talk about that at a different time. I'll take a while the doktor had to be sure there will be no crowd for tat, Mr Buzek, who is unable to push through crowds for awhile teddy. You can. do very little, and but you can go out this dinner, but no pushing Through you, whose body will not be able to take it, signed the bali push pushed crowded it, but no you can't do it think ass, a boy oh far, right off here. Builders about separated from crowd shoving, sweet god, man, if he she's through one more crowd, he'll die, that's it! That's ever him, so John keeps drinking water. It is in the hotel. I add more I do
and then as the bad there's a ban in the in the john does that yeah that zach moment I got a teddy. Roosevelt got a dyson too. Eva! Let's go I got to the journalists are very, very good. Tell that. I have obviously involved in the newspaper industry to Jan four. Various. I have said he the ban, to play this star spangled banner. As ever we as the real good, It was weird and I can't leave if closer tabloid. And as our borders as the ban the star spangled banner John danced a little. I can't I can't help picture Can you go back to his outfit a few pictures ago because every
I just picture this every moment is this is what I picture newspapers out of them I kept going up to the bad luck wherever nobody's ever add to this song before you want your another one. More energy However, those who share the flagship respect is busy. it is rare for a wave is played on everywhere. A pigeon is shit. I pull up to the stars and bars aggravated, and I take the fe and lay down a bed and finish super early and give it a letter.
Are do a more driven He then ordered around for the bar at eight p m. He headed to the front of the total budget dab. I'm outta go, kill teddy roosevelt and I once there he pushed his way to the front of the crowd. Who's me pause me she's. Excuse me. I had to kill his shirt now. Frances davidson, who was the Milwaukee party chairman, had met with police ahead of time.
About security, and he said they were quote disturbingly nonchalant yeah, we'll figure it out yeah ill defined at chelsea we get cheer dead, skin keeps going on and on a fucking rambler he'll be fine bro, as teddy's group walked out of the hotel, the huge crowd, cheered and the cars pulled up front. There was one cop stationed there, a minor break, that drought told people to get away from the car and teddy got in, and then he stood
waved, his hat right in front of the car John pulled his gun and shot at teddy's head teddy saw the flash he heard the shot, and then he fell back against the seat and he raised his hat and smiled, and then he slumped. This is a very good. Using moment, I'm dying other barriers, but everything I always make elbert martin was next to John. He jumped on the john as John was aiming again and he threw John face down. And started strangling him, I'm a journalist, mckinney's carter, choke the fuckin shit out of you kill this and you kill this man. You care this man and it who gets drunk before an assassination
Christ Gerard yelled at martin to give him the gun, but Martin was not going to stop the choking quote I'll, be damned. If I do, I love the quotes are back to clubs to cops moved in, but the press secretary pulled his gun until The cops if they took another step, he'd kill them, so they backdoor ira, relax buddy where nobody wants a fight. He then pointed his gun at the crowd and told them to back off, and they did an emigrant named frank, bukovsky, been beset irate, perfect had been beside John. He hid his arm when the pistol was raised, then jumped on him and yelled quote: cannon kill the scoundrel,
cop body teddy and clubbed, but bukovsky are now J gets right. Problem averted, skis, dead, chinook roused me henry culture, it was with teddy, so he asked teddy. If he was okay and teddy said quote, he picked me harry, oh shit, the crowd, chanted quote, kill him, kill him, kill him. Nice said they stood and said, don't kill him bring him to me what the fuck is happening and they pull. John overdid, teddy and then Martin held johns face was pointed up to teddy's phase, teddy stared into his eyes,
your soul, Mccain. They like yeah again yeah I'll, take it I'll, take it I'll. Take it I'll. Take what I plan. He then told the cops to take jon away and make sure he wasn't hurt. So, okay, the teddy, then said take him to the auditorium for the speech. What he's so okay teddy's was not hit at all. The doctor asked to see his wound. Others told teddy had to go to the hospital and teddy said I'm I quote you get me to that speech. It may be the last one I shall ever deliver, but I'm going to deliver this one. What the fuck tarried instead and told the crowd he was going to the hall. His brains are falling out of his head due to the beach editor going to remember the heroic Farah.
Alright, money as the car drew teddy still refuse to let the doktor see the won't. You shouldn't be driving harry, it's about gotten the gun and he shouted to teddy and then another man noticed a hole in teddy's overcoat and said you ve been shot in teddy quoth. I know it. We're gonna tell me, tell me it's my oregon. This coach ruined teddy that open the coat and his vest was bloody cheese. Christ. He was going to give a speech come on now. At this point, I probably get pushed through the crowd, though doctors orders, that's it at this point.
They were pale again. Everyone wants to go to the hospital, but teddy refute still come on when they got to a auditorium. A campaign guy walked up and asked teddy if they could hold for a bit because they need to collect more donations. So I mean I know you're in a rush and can we hold for twenty five? This is what ten said quote well: mister young, mister. Well, MR blood, good that his name is just ok. It's as, though the irony well Mister bell. Good! I guess that's all right! You know I've been shot. We now I've I've got a bullet and me right now, but I'm going to make that speech. If it's the last thing on earth, I do absolutely and nobody wants it to happen faster than us tat. We just need about another. Twenty five. We really do. We want to make sure we get all the donations and it's just its and people are still can.
my lying around the lock you they'll be up at the bar for a while. We want them to be all seated so just give us a minute but they are so excited. You are cashing, so just give us Will you just get it together and what are your eyes won't open, but hang in there leaping. I bet you are you look tuckered out. You are as wide as us. yeah, it is leading for yeah diet is its real bobo cell can't budget just skirted out when you push like that, I was crazy, geyser ha. I get excited yeah. I got a badge. Add me, oh gosh and there's something else. I was going to tell you Now remember it, boy. Now it's pretty bad. Ok, that's nothing! You are not conscious.
Hello: hey, hey! Welcome back, you know, I talked to you. Yes, I'm blood, good, kebab yeah! No, it's true utilized I was out to I was out in the street and I sucked a man's soul out through his eyes. We heard about that. That was awesome. This is an incredible way to die. Probably I think that the extra time tat we do need to hold for an additional ten is sorry, so teddy finally lets the doktor examined him and he had a jacket wound half inch across below his right breast. They asked if there are any other doctors in the hall and two came back so now the three doctors talk to teddy and he says he's feeling no paint, I'm good. They told him not to make the speech I get this ends
teddy then asked for a clean handkerchief and put it over the wound quote now, gentlemen: let's go in there, we go that ought to do it. Well, look goes in like it's a magician that's crazy, that a dove feather. so then he goes out on stage to make this speech harry tells the audience teddy has been shot, so listen tonight, is it really crazy night teddy is dying teddy roosevelt, ladies and gentlemen, who, when he said teddy had been shot, the crowd, hissed and one man yelled fake fake, oh with sign of, say, So teddy opened his coat to show is bloody, vest and people gasped and women's screamed. Why is he doing this
This is I caught teddy quote. I do no, whether you fully understand that I have been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a bull moose and the crowd went nuts. was tat. There would be further coming out of him or saltwater taffy. You live in a that you're among tat. He took out his speech from out of his breast. Get there were tears in a fucking, that's the wrong one! There's tool very pale, my god lay dad visit Karen. Does it just bullet hole laborers? What may die they will be put to this disadvantage at all to occur. He said the bullet
was still at wouldn't be a long speech. Forgive I got. This short and I mean life our time, breathing couldn't say, really long senses. What is he doing? An older woman said. They all wanted him to sit and teddy thanked her, but said he didn't might have at one point. He staggered and the doktor rushed over, but teddy told in quote: I'm not sick at all. I'm all right! Let me alone, like I didn't. I didn't think you were sick. I thought you'd might have an ability to tap at thirty five minutes what the fuck is it doing I be like I am no longer voting for this. Guy was This plan at thirty five minutes in aid seeing teddy was pale, We went out and asked him to stop and tat Are you going?
No sir, I will not stop until I have finished this speech. You can't stop me. Nobody can stop me now. the guy lingering asia. You might have done it. Ok Well, I have a few minutes later that. actor walked over and tried again to stop, but he kept going sap it at forty five minutes. Jesus Christ. Turn. It asked how long he has been speak. I have an entire eminent longer. Do we do more longer quote: very well, I will speak for fifteen minutes more widely. You fuckin lie to him now. or thirty yeah. You finished forty five minutes. Oh well, that's it. Could you actually have to do an hour? The crowd laughed and clapped. You were watching the man after
Eighty minutes he, while the fuck. Why minutes. I know I'm going to do some of my old speech, stuff yeah fuck, I'm riffing, I'm a rough river when he was done, the crowd, surged almost trying to touch him and tat thy handkerchief flag, bully the cops fought them off as he was put into the car and he was taken to johnson emergency hospital teddy.
talk to the whole time. Doctors want him to stay overnight, but he refused. No, no, no it'll be ridiculous. Over night, I've just been shot good. Lord. What? If I have a dinner? It's not the flu phone, thousand telegrams were now pouring into the hospital his eye glasses. His eye glass case also had a bullet hole while so it was the folded speech in the case that slow down the bullet enough, while a mob formed around the police station that was holding John and they chanted Jim kill, em John told the police quote. I wanted to put him out of the way amanda wants. A third term has no right to live. Is he dead no, he did a ninety minute speech.
measuring lay like Adam: he had to have nine beers, why'd you by around a shots? He then explained the cops that mckinley had told them to do it and it was his duty as a citizen and he took a photo in the jail, but he refused in the cell. You can only do it out of the cell and the cops Deal what this is, so you want to get a good one for you. This,
It's a time where they tender. That's worth the money. You can sell it. Okay, so it's one they'd sell like you, sell car trading cards, yet that's like a thing normal, normal place, and so they put teddy on to a train to Chicago that night. Isn't it crazy that even after he'd been shot, he didn't want to stay in Milwaukee he arrived three m and was taken to mercy. Hospital and Theodore Roosevelt shot by crank Milwaukee street to good headline. Huh sit not serious message sent by mrs roosevelt. Avenger assailant calls himself what his opponents The attack on Mr Roosevelt, pretty
it. Yeah should have shared a little bit higher. I mean they must have been freaking out because he because he got shot and then gave a speech, they must have been worried that people would vote for him because of it. Oh yeah, that's why he was probably doing it right yeah. I would think he's like I'm so tough. yeah it's like when trump looked at the eclipse. The. Or one bite and went downstairs. Heroes now, roosevelt shot in the chest gives ninety minute speech trump walked down slippery ramp. Now we have a presidency that basically mckinley goes.
Hey cupcake, ooc uk can come home again, yeah, there's a locally just walks. All the best in the middle of speech have asked yeah, Roseville cave an eighty minute speech, shot fighter six minutes into his beaches. I gotta go, may poo poo I own a boo boo that a commercial february rulers, shit, we're fucked and he he arrives teddy arrives in chicago at three am mistaken. The mercy hospital and about one hundred telegrams an hour of arriving at the hospital okay. The next morning, John, is taken being taken to court, but he objects. I object to being taken to court. You can't do that. It's just aide. While he objected because during the struggle
All after the shooting he had lost his hat, I'm afraid I can't go anywhere. You know the rule of today be marked whatever had. Are you crazy? mckinley told me to kill that guy and I think you're nuts In an old hat in the station for him to wear and they took them to court tonight better in the court, the prosecutor showed the judge, teddy's bloody shirt and the gun and John pleaded guilty. So the max sentence is fifteen years. It's a: u story. Martin, the guy who jumped on him and started strangling. Oh there we go way better hello. He became a national hero. So it's it's such a huge story that a nurse in the hospital received eleven marriage proposals with another got eight weeks.
What do you mean because bigger viewing everybody and trying to talk to everybody that around and so so, they're? Probably putting nurses photos in the paper? The nurse whatever said this and guys are just like I want one path. I've always yeah. I saw you, I pray you know now now I merely a nurse. I just gave an interview so stop shaking so much. Thank you Well, I'm married now, I'm already married to someone else. I read your name in the paper. I am already a legal marriage. It is not that's not how it works and I'm spoken for Jesus Christ bring your face over no, absolutely not. No. No, no, sir sir, do not make their fists amid point
stop it! No! No! I will not be married to a man like you ever see a hop. I read your fucking head super crazy. Do you think? matters tell it's always work able tiles, I'm afraid. That's disgusting I've already proposed to this woman to saw her in the paper I have decided that'll do for me, men and so John still doesn't know of teddy's dead or not no one's telling them. What a weird twist did it did. I do it we're not going to tell him about that. How about that? That's your punishment. Maybe he is maybe he isn't a report
her asked him. What he thought was going to happen and John said quote: I don't care a damn about the electric chair. If they bring one in here now I'll sit in it and they can go as. as they like well you'd, have to sit knit and they would that's the electric double electric and I don't give a shit now like a ton of it already fuckin electrify may you don't know shit, that's what ever do not it's all point of ragged. It's called an electric chair I'll sit my fucking cheer as you will have to, and then they came from me all literally stating the premise of the device bring its intent man they give dinner. They guy did ok. A new prisoner finally told John. That teddy was alive fact. Mckinley he's gonna be furious.
Going to be oh hello, friend fuck. I know god fucking faculty, fuck, shit, fuck yeah but in fact shit fuck, fuck, I just he had those glass you like, I gave beers gets the fucking star, spangled, like a more I shoot better. After a couple you fucking, fucking idiot fact, look, look, look you're add a mad, we're mad. As a page here. Come I gotta get gang shot. Am I'm eternally stuck on this guy? damn planet with use again: oh father, yeah forever, together, You see we friendless fact. I should we are
I'm so sorry. I raised my weird and now we're best buds for further rest of our lives. We women we are, each other's wise, and she will be soon. And I was doing out will say no, my friends, we clearly or me. I say we we sleep stay. The night. I'm a ghost the beers in jail.
Yeah. The. so when John found out that teddy was alive. He told the deputy. He wanted the bullet back because it was his property, I'm afraid I'll see him in court Also you on it a quote after years when I am regarded as a hero, that bullet will be valuable and I wanted to go to the new york historical society. I want the gun Oh, do it also shows that the death toll teddy returned to oyster bait heel. He did one final speech of the campaign at madison square garden and he was
clearly in pain. So when he went out to give that speech, the audience applauded for forty five minutes before letting him speaking also so stupid fists. Still that's like it can when they're like yeah, two studies we get yeah, you alone in thirty minutes of this shit, it didn't matter. Woodrow Wilson won the election and republicans blamed teddy. John said he hoped teddy would testify on his behalf at the trial. I would really like to ask him to that crazy quote. The entire case rests with rows of I know he will come here and speak ray and adopt a broad view on the matter. I owed, a light sends his work It will settle the whole matter yet that would totally opium.
Same time, the the jail guys, the guards said that says John was like the nicest prisoner that ever had, but the trial It not happen. Doctors concluded John, was suffering from insane delusions and that he was unable to confer with his lawyers. So he was committed to the northern hospital for the insane near Oshkosh. Wisconsin John said he was sane sure they all. So it's crazy. I talked to a ghost yes pack, they're, going to give you pills rid of me, which is awesome. One reporter wrote that John and is supposed victim we're working together. He said the shooting was a quote put up job, and that teddy was shot with a dried p, not a bullet. It could be verified by an x ray
Hey who's, this guy. This is just a we're going to need you to go where John, as, if that wasn't a bullet at all, it was a dried pages put on these glasses, but this is just proof that these guys have always been here. Yeah right Jonathan written along defence. in his cell expecting a trial quote. I wish to apologise to the commission. A walkie for having cars on october, fourteenth last great excitement, most bitter feelings and expenses so that economic, twelve or fourteenth so we're right on the anniversary, Yeah, that's exciting: what are we going to do for it to catch on as it goes on his phone? He should it do the trick.
Men at the insane hospital was fresh air, natural light, labour games and recreation. Jesus John imagine having a system like this yeah John kept trying to get his gun back until the george order to be given to teddy John said he was more sane than his keepers. but his mental health kept declining teddy died of a pulmonary embolism on january fifth, nineteen nineteen, when John was told he said quote good man is gone. Sorry, John. What what? What did you just say? Isn't that goes a hell of a guy? He was a great guy. A good man is gone personally. I admired his greatness. Always was a big fan of his one of a kind, It really was a great guy for I gotta Madame and shook his head
This is all over I'd like to buy him a beer. Years later, when John learned that after had won a third term, he was furious. My god, you said it was free. He quote, hand in the matter and it's another roosevelt, roosevelt and agreed it deserves. Nineteen forty three john died of pneumonia. He was sixty seven, his body was not claimed and it was sent to marquette university to buy be dissected by medical students.
Golden eagles and is thirty one years in the hospital he never had a visitor or got a letter was described as a good patient on that is its higher desired cause here. it would be nice if someone visit him, but I also is it be weird. Yet to be I'd probably had is goes yeah. I can't lose in there just like Where do you wanna do today? The thing is, I don't want to talk about it anymore. So close though huh yeah not going on the fucking door. Hopefully they bring us more of those. Graham crackers shut, the fuck up. Idiot so that as a career of ten years of being shot marine, easy, it's so teddy was amazing, also fuckin horrible,
yeah. I was gonna, that's what I was going to say. Oh boy was like you know about it. what the other way when he died. We should put his head on a wall yeah. As she hit the sources theater roosevelt and the assassin madness vengeance and the campaign, I'm acting twelve by gerard, helpful rich that moved the attack attend to the attempted assassination of teddy roosevelt by stan, goers and then wisconsin magazine history, wow fucking, crazy, that's crazy! It is yeah. I really is it's. It's basically a story about against procrastination. It really is move.
yeah, you really gotta get you just gotta go. Do it do is sit around and I said yeah don't sit on your dreams for too long nope. You know when the cars there go for it, yeah still still for being hammered great. I mean it's what we call him a lucky shot. He just barely missed its awesome. I mean each bank, ten beers danced a jig, just start spangled. it just it just. It's obviously is story. It's a romantic story about day drinking like I daydream. Gig is so great yeah it is, it really is, and it's just like it's like olive one, with lunch and then you're just like mangueira and then at like four like other tequila Allah and that it ate your like. I'm shooting well. I can you closed a dab out. I have been appointment. What my bloody mary I'm going, make a bloody daddy
That's good enough! Thank you everybody. We appreciate that. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.