« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

603 - Mad Joseph McDowell

2023-10-10 | 🔗

Comedians Gareth Reynolds and Dave Anthony examine Joseph Nash McDowell

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JamesAllen.com - CODE: Dollop

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The dub is brought to you by James Allen. Dot com get twenty five percent off your order when you go to James Allen, dot, com and use code. Dollop, that's go dub at James Allen, dot com for twenty five percent off James Allen, dot com, Your listening to the dollar, the hotel miles, Anthony much weak areas, land of american history. By as you reach, we use so they do the dollar hotel edition. This is a bad signal. American history podcast, where each week, I man who can't do the intro consistently slippers. never law on eater Dave Anthony,
It's a story from this guy that I am going to condescend in the idra gareth reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about, and I don't like that. You kind of send me. The intro with a lot of people are saying that I should do that. Who said that you're, not in the forums, what forums I'm in a bunch of forums and they're telling me what they want me to do so, I'm doing the people's work yeah. I don't think you are. I like see a lot of stuff too, and you should kind of just compartmentalize it. You know my dad because you killed my dad. We'll be right back at called, the hope is, jammed can forget about, God gave ok lived here. Is it far back and this is not going to come up. Signally clock part now hit him with the public sector
argument about about action. In this regard, my birth, the dog, was brought to you by james alan dot com. I do what that's up it's going. I do that but you're are you about a pop its. Hard can be hard to buy a gauge rain, goaded stores and do the whole thing I went through that I went through the whole process of I've been engaged twice, as I thought I forget that they are the first time Why have I didn't want to buy? I didn't want to buy a new diamond there. Weren't, like ethical as with their called ethical diamonds, are responsible diamonds out there. I went body used
eight rang as what they call it monitoring their use, so that wasn't available that this whole process was an available. So now it's changed a little bit, but I ain't gonna people, egg, James, alan dot com, get a lab created diamond. If you want right, they also have like two hundred I blew it took two thousand certified conflict free diamonds. They ve got, they got. What are you? People like us want right, yeah and you and what happened you first engagement. It just didn't make the cut Yeah right so it like. I could take a very very briefly with very, very, very quickly I gave them. I gave her the wrong we got engaged, as she said, as she said, yes, we were totally J, guys is used and then, a very simply. Her father called called us up and needed five thousand dollars because after we got engaged and he's,
I would five thousand dollars from the mob. He went to the track whiteside to turn into enough money to have an engagement, whereas sorry a wedding, and then he lost all the money and she revealed that he was too degenerate. Gamble are all his life and then I put together why she was so bad with money and what was happy and I went away, cabbie mary wow, so They were james, Alan, it's a great but are better yeah once you once you james. I want you pick your diamond. You can see it in a magnified three hundred and sixty two review see you can see what the actual diamond looks like up close in hd on your phone, the computer a course sang its online arrives. I write so it works like that's great, like We are in a perfect from what happened
worked for me at the time. Well, you bet you fell into the bob yeah. This was pre internet. When I got married, they didn't even have phones so look seriously. You could walk into a jewelry jewelry store and look at their diamonds under a magnifying glass. You still wouldn't get as close as have a look at as you get a james, alan dot com, and you can pick from hunger. To bring settings platinum, like old rose gold and, if anyone's on the fence, about putting the question. Please do it for us now, because what, add and all that, like what you know that ITALY will appreciate that we kind of pushed you into this. That helps us out. You're thinking you shouldn't get married, you should well. I'm not ok There are seven james on doc, hamas as an argument. It reality ring triumph soon, see what I look like on your hand.
Get twenty five percent off your order. When you go to James Allen, dot com and use code, deluxe, that's code, dollop at James Allen, dot com for twenty five percent off James Allen, dot com or we go. the great teacher dear lady you're fella they whatever I am a ring up, even if Wanna get engaged or not it's time to keep up the pressure to find out what their dad dealings road dates. We slow road davis. is going to go up tonight. So it will be. A Milwaukee will be inch while Chicago is probably sold out, but you could see on tuesday the what is at the tenth. If chicago is got any tickets, probably won't. The eleventh will be at turner hall in Milwaukee. The twelfth will be at the barrymore theatre in madison and the fourteenth will be at the fitzgerald theater in St Paul Minnesota got a dollar podcast dot com for tickets and information.
And we birch great merge that luke made. So this is a return episode. This is another one where the recording was not good, so we're going to do it again and by the way, if you hear any clinking or anything Lou, is eating meal on the floor lets them everything luke is consuming, is in ten and I just made the decision to make sure that everything he has is made of a clanging metal and right now, oatmeal might come out of his nose, but he's eating oatmeal from a tin can busy day and yet drinking his drink from a big tin cup. That's but a normal over here yet serve its I'd. Like giddy judy, bang bang is luke. He stated it up these data to win it. Speaking of which April fool's day- eighteen, oh fyi, was it real or are you just really really the date? Is that a joke, though Israel or you is this a this? Is the actual podcast? Are you doing it?
now this is real the real day. Okay, now that trust me wow, I feel like around the corner, is going to be an ape. No, no, no I'm not going to fall. where are you a pu was born Joseph NASH Mcdowell was born at lexington Kentucky. Ok, the kentucky as they call it is their right.
His family was respected and had been part of the founding of the country. His father fought with washington and Sir George Washington, yet the same. The george, I certainly Kentucky's first state legislature but Joseph did not follow in the family military tradition. Okay, as a boy Joseph was fascinated with his uncle from sure he started. We record this ridge. This was recorded in Lexington Kentucky. Did we do one alexa? No, no! I think we did one in louisville didn't we have an unlimited. I think it was Louisville that I got it, but it was deadly kentucky. Okay, I don't think there's any other cities there. yeah there! So no, I a doctor, and he made history. Nineteen o six when he took a huge tumor out of a woman, woe good for him. He did the operation on a dining table in the guest room of his house, with no anastasia or antibiotics or painkiller. Oh so, natural tumor,
world or they call that its natural. I love it tumor boy. I must. Really that's been like a good long term. Buddy man get me shit. They saw my cards on the table here. We were gonna have mackerel. such josh perfect, You gotta clean it up and eat there. The next day it's gonna be kinda weird, I dunno boy that'd be nuts and do you eat the tumor? I don't want to talk to you on the rest of this episode. I tell you what I put some tumor recipes up on the website. Go ahead and check but there are all kinds. Such aid is in every cue to merit So the tumor was too big to take out. I really were following the tumor were gone with the Duma. The tumor is too big to take out through the inside and so he dragged it's not a good incision by the way. No, no it's fine. He drained the tumor
until it was small up to remove. Let me just make sure the tumor water out of this just under twenty two power holy ok, so she was a she had one of those tumors and regular pregnant. I would assume like it's a big ass tumor, what a switch if it yeah and a nephew and assisted one of his nephews- I'm surely not, but he was probably like. I guess, all right now we got a cut, it did we gotta cut the tumor and drain a little before we get out of the hole in your. I didn't know you could drain tumors, but we're all learning their little known as crazy comes out on this pudding. Ok, a crowd gathered, looks famish, butterscotch look, just picked up is putting tabled on. Others were butterscotch putting comes from. I think we should do this party ok, a crowd gathered outside the house, because no one understood what this doctor man was doing.
They were angry and excited and waiting to see what would come from him quote butchering a woman I mean I, I can't I always like to put myself in the and of the people, and I think I would be the grubby like you can't do- that to you, I just got a war by the home because it was just done all they were married. I would want to see what we by thinking legally, do that probably remarried at that time to love. the cut through sickness and in her on the table. Oh if she died, there was pretty much no one to protect ephrem right and they would just take revenge on him. So I will inevitably be banned. Like the nephew said it was goal, would you guys he was? in her life, but also heading on the balance in the bounds, but she lived and after
at twenty five days after the surgery she made. She made the bed and she wrote home. Okay, she made the vet nice at the time she lives now, the third two years. Thirty, two more years. That's how much a unless she was evil. Then it's not We don't know what I'm gonna do don't know about her. I assume you search is not even while, whilst the tumor be in her, some people call eh from the father of abdominal surgery, nice who came to him from all over the country to cure their ills. He aussies corpses for dissection, as he had studied in edinburgh, and that was a big thing. There, that's fine, So what are haggis comes from? That is where, I guess that's you guess is haggis itself is the biggest out yet.
in Missouri it was legal to dissect, hanged criminals, but in the eighteen thirties the demand for corpses was way more than there were hanged criminals. So body snatching became a thing: okay, so Joseph back to Joseph. Yet his nephew is adjusted. Studied with his uncle to become a surgeon for sure Joseph would have stolen bodies. but as for his uncle and himself, there's guys yet that you just had to have done that back then sure he is cool. Yeah, it's like the baseball. Well, it's just and it's a nighttime good time. I call her. He says the effort at his particular at his practice for a couple of years, and during that time he fell madly in love with fm's daughter, also his cousin mary yeah, nothing wrong with that. you're around all the time. I don't think there's anything wrong. She's in the house, you're in the house. Look, you can inbreed a little, you just can't keep it going little little little embryo, it's like.
You ve gotta, make a family deal where we like look two of us can data cousins, but then, after that we get a really take a breather. That's right! So we d, you do you sister your brother, well just at bay his ugly room, a brother? Ok, I went to James Alan that think that's right jets. If just a bag dugald to make merry wedding, but ephrem said she could choose her own husband net, what a wild! I well when the woman were able to decide what they wanted to do? Your second, it's disgusting like the way it works. Now you grab one say, you're mine, or you owe your mind, we're a couple sir Joseph is furious, enter this year
and he leaves you never comes back. Well, you know what I can and other cousins. You will give me your daughter. I've got to go to sleep, my grandma. He was now a whole day, lifelong grudge against ephrem. Ok, so, it goes, and it becomes a student at transylvania university where people are like. Why is there tension yuck? I don't want to yeah it's a long story, but what's going on, he wouldn't give me his daughter. My cousin oh so deadly fire that guy yeah he's bad get go, so he becomes a student at transient transylvania university in surely I had fun with that. What we did this lie, yeah, I'm sure. in eighteen, twenty five, he got his watch Julia Van just today, you know I was doing stuff like that. Probably the first time we did it. We only have night classes there and never have classes at night. Is this? Is it in germany, transylvania? No, maybe
What is it wears? It was thirty or eastern europe, yes, the at least in awe. Will you We know we have nightclub is only what that would see the arrogant. Let it regularly right? No garlic. We now know that we won't have undergone no, no sunlight. Eight and mirror yes, and you must be invited in took clash. that's the only way. I will invite you declared no holy water are voting. Oh good, those couldn't get pretty spoon, yes in the hills. Yeah couldn't be pretty rare, yeah, that's rule and eighty
twenty five. He got his men of medical degree after studying under his mentor, doktor Daniel drink dracula. They call me dracula. Doktor dracula its views, only have clashes during a big story. Why? Because go to transylvania university. What is this Or your federalist spectre, my power ass, you have your bottom line issues from a place of respect. Do you think the players are whether we bring star? You think you think. We are on a mountain top. You think vampires know how much the clouds cascade.
overhanging the item. Thirty, I loaded didn't bang. Are you saying that Julia and oatmeal eater you your marriage? He I've worked out we'll eat a dyke distracted from away from your rather la distributed. This backdrop lucas pires these key. What key? All I heard a rumbling, someone, bang tin district euros, so Joseph worshipped. Doktor drake and he ends up marrying drakes sister is casually likely like you. What do you got woman? Why he who is using your junior circle, is so clearly doesn't all going to marry from his circle, talked to anybody make a friend and that I've set foot off the circle. Lady high Why are we friends now? Look you whether you are relative, acre marry her It's.
So immersion in march, eighteen, twenty seven and he would name- is first son, drake nice. The only thing we know about Virginia is he did love her a lot and she had eleven kids, three of who died as babies wow. So eight kids made it further yeah sure drake founded the medical college of ohio, sure. But a lot of the staff didn't like him. We think he's been drinking black. The medical colleges We voted to remove him as president in eighteen, twenty, two okay. Now the public flips out, so they reversed their decision, but drake is too he's hurt.
I hear he's not going to go back he's to. He holds a grudge taking his knives and going it. Yes he's a big. Why did they? Why was he so popular that the people, because he founded the medical college, like he kind of put them on the map like it's like a you, know, yeah, it was helpful yeah, and so he doesn't go back. He accepts a position at transylvania university, where local, commerce, bay, okay, you will must have been tried, for a while to get her chest foggy mountaintop. Not really, then I don't know why I say to judge year. They will give you a cab. And we learn to shock yardstick Even if I had one of our loans I'm getting of even need to apply a care about get past. The fact that you think vampires, our own mountain tops and come out in a bad weather, remsen vain located near she tease me round. Above all round by why, why are you having such?
you gonna ends with higher jus. Thank us now, fang guess so, You know I heard it just the four main bitter and founded at the university of Cincinnati college of medicine, to try to put the medical college io added businesses of a flu going around some of the professors are coffin. This to continue with the. What do you want because I'll stop it and then I'll shut it down here and the now now, I'm a bit and so drake then started what he called, quote the war of extermination. He tried to discredit and Try the medical college and Joseph happily joins in the battle.
So he's just taking on his right mentors, rich right, just as was done for speaking on street corners loudly ranting and like you and with profanity, filled the tag. I hope I do not do that. You want to utter He made vicious verbal assaults on professors this lead joseph to having a reputation for being a crass around she and dangerous enemy nice. He once said quote give me one year's time and I will blow the damn college to Hell. Well, that's that's also not very, vampires, no virtue, we don't need that tactic I'm going to be able to get dynamite under developed, his mouth view would more or less artist. You had more sire a bunch of other re ion. Is it sire shy? The time inhabits now shy. I biographer road of Joseph
Quote? No man ever had viler tongue. Nice. So just loves me: the centre of attention, the most admired doktor and the smartest man in any room. Ok, doktor, william, beaumont came to these Saint louis college, nobody's seen thirty five years ago. Balls Joseph was is it? Is it go pulse? the guy down the hall, stomach stomach and the whole stomach again. So many arrows. I know somebody great doctors out there suggest of his very upset to beaumont was very famous and he just done the experiments on a fur trader. With an open hole on his sides that went directly into his stomach, so it was big deal yeah. It was really good doctor when he had a cork for it and everything yeah he had the yes is it basically just gave a guy fondue, tummy yeah, that's correct. I have made a fun doman and so.
Famous, because yet ever like this guy something made love of aid is guys try. So, He comes, and Joseph Emile is like with this guy's competition and their days. My enemy, okay and beaumont's partner puts an end. The paper which is against the rules of society like you're, not supposed to put ads in papers if you're a doctor for some, whatever reason, considering all the other shit. That's in, if a man in their reaction to us mpeg, it's really good, I'm taking anything! She had lost.
Your motto, so Joseph attacks and he's doing is yelling screaming thing shared on the street shirt, calling him a corrupt fraud, etc. Right though, he probably did no damage to beaumont's reputation because he's just as the guy on the street he's just screaming on the street. Okay, in nineteen thirty eight Joseph started teaching at Kemper college and in eighteen forty, he organized the medical department of Kemper college. Okay, he had a great reputation as an anatomy teacher and not great one for his eccentric, crazy, behavior, yelling on the street and rats. So he's still, but it's weird that he does that as much still cause, it seems, like things are going alright, he definitely has something wrong with him. Okay, like okay, so that if you put that stuff together, like the daughter thing, sorry his cousin thing,
you never taxes on his uncles, like his hero, nasal, gradual, he's, a grudge. also he's. Also a rage is a raging grudge holder, so it kind of fights where he goes to get his rage out. I guess yeah, the street corner right yeah and he just sits or private, but he also like took on the rage of his mentor yeah. So, but will you see that a lot, I guess yeah yeah. So Henry clay would say: have him quote: Mcdowell had the greatest mind on earth, except for his and eccentricities. He says loud is opinionated. He has an overwhelming personality, but students love him. Students can't get enough of this guy. Okay, captain, my captain sure you know what I mean. No, you don't know the name of that movie of dead poets society,
So you do know LU, lu. Fuckin knows that this is the worst moment of the podcast. That we have ever had, yeah. Yeah holy shit, that was amazing. I wish my dad was yours. I did what Joseph bedside manner was not normal. Okay, once he was called to amputate a man's leg after work accident figures have her work out. Maybe, like I have heard you're gonna need to lose it that's come on up,
That's out, I works. What did you do? Yoga lewis langley down he walked in and said quote. whereas the rascal I have come to cut into pieces dam is trifling soul. Why did I tell you? I keep away from the damp machinery. Hey he's. Having a little trouble was the fucking happened, hey dumb leg up, he doesn't love what is going on, I'm tired of houses for men who can't stop it cut it off. Stop it! Take it the leg, maybe the other. What does it do you not take it both his legs and my mind? It is sensitive spot and the mischief, tat, though lived. I can't give Mister Take lie about. It is about a pay. You you're about to be a potato. Why boy pay? Why can't you gotta, let us my god, so we re
the bed. He said to the guy quote: sir: I've come sir. I have come to cut you off mew. The instruments are already idle. Think I want there's gotta, do it after the operation, the guy said quote doctor you frighten me so badly. I did not feel you got my leg off lousy. yeah! That's what I'm doing maybe well Joseph said: that's why he acted the way he did. I really don't think so feel it's like a crazy man and it sounds like that actually help. It is like that, I'm doing a generator such objectives muffins so where medical school became a leader in anatomical study in Missouri. He was often called Mcdowell, medical college, okay and in a eighteen, forty eight he oversaw the construction of a new building. It had two large greek revival, wings with a tower of two wings. This building could be
It was reinforced why why, what the call and see if I can pull this up data type for those of you who are just.
Listening David put his shirt up china's chance for, what's actually has the vehicle pulls up, I might not be able to, and he did it. No, he put his shirt down. I am completely naked yep. These are my breasts yeah. Now it's not in the. I did not save it. If you want to see naked, join our patriot, but the dollar has a patron there's a lot of great content, we're going to do a child up after this, and you can see this episode where David pulled his shirt up and it took all his clothes off cause he's doing it and the ones he I'm naked. Did you say nope, I said yep, but I accidentally pulled back up the wrong way to keep language tomorrow. Tomorrow's dollops that I accidentally pull up tomorrow's dollar and do it well. It seems, like we've, already started this one. We should finish this one first right: oh captain, my captain, so.
The okay right, so I said he says he sees a a. Where was I ok the tower right so greek revival, wings with a tower it was super reinforced to them again. This is a medical college or large greek revival, wings with a tower super reinforced to withstand a mill Terry assault. The tower had a deck, with six cannons, to defend the school against an attack from enemies. Who knows that that's pretty to our Knowledge is like John, how pleasant hopkins s cedars has as it was designed it like a pirate ship and we'd. They people are covered for our booty, cannons, they're coming whether levers bob they
got extra legs that back so I'd our people. Our people, like that's, just be happening. I dont want me we're just like this. Guy knows what he's doing. I guess there just like. I like the look. Maybe Oh, they think it's aesthetic static, it he's a are alive. Canada is the bad is as medical colleges of america. We take them. Medical knowledge who wear where's the school and the one with the cannons right just for super paranoid, mostly because of the body snatching. They did ok, so he does they examined Aris. Now I mean there have been riots right, their bodies and re write. Another varies a danger elevator to it. I don't know if you need the towers and the cannons, but that are safe and. also because there were people. He was constantly talking shit about sure quote fearing political reprisals he began wearing.
A breast, oh boy. He began. Why didn't have lent it in his hand, pressed yet he began wearing a brass breast, a plate armor for protection. So he's like good the ban in the ugly he's he's completely lost his fucking. he's a doctor whose, like always ready for an attack at please someone might need to help me get these forceps. Unfortunately, I have a big brass played on chest. Do you have any idea what it's like to be a doktor coming for me? He saw em, Everywhere and he was always making new ones while so college had a dissecting room, a chemical. a lecture ha a laboratory in an area where the iraqi, The iraqi ii, in the glad, an area where the poor retreated for free
That is good. I mean look at me when you're tens. I need to be sick, an area for poor care. Why aren't you don't want to charge for medical care? I dont understand so was the best Scared not attached to their job, I dont get it that's a silly little thing. He also opened a museum with three hundred specimens of birds and animals inside the tower there were architectural niches niches. Do you know what that is so how to describe what it's like? It's like, there's like a little indented part with a little shelf kind of thing like a niche. Okay. Do that you know what I mean I could get a picture of your diamond and I yeah I dunno how to describe it. Let me why don't you look up architectural niches and why don't you not tell me what to look at? I just figured. We wouldn't have to do this, but here we are,
Architectural neat: oh, it came up right away as soon as I put air see in my phone. It goes to architectural niches, since I've looked it up before. Is that Israel, architectural. Oh, I see that's kind of those picturing right, ok, yeah, ok, so your prior asking why he had those put in the tower and now is to suspend family members corpses for preservation, we're to put you baby. in the pudding. You get a hang that bad boy in the tower in a good way yup. So you can say hi mom when you go by or whatever so it's kind of just like a way of keeping the family together, keeping the family together and they're hanging up in those little niches, It must be confusing if you put his niece in there. That's my niece and the nation or nation. The niece, like
My tongue is all over the map. Go ahead, your turn We don't know why he thought to spending is relatives. Corpses would help if their bodies or why he wanted to there any embalming or anything, or this just shows they were partly a bomb. Didn't just hang them up there wet and dripping we re happily take a butcher shop when they just have like certain meet hanging. There are probably partially jerky. Can I get a pound of your grandpa? He he apparently could not handle the idea of his love ones, decaying. It's interesting hidden, it's interesting, because, obviously we all have different ways of grieving families who pass- and you know but you don't see you have in your mom. I dont like where this is how we love your mom. I very much
Yes very much so you hanger in your house again, whereas I don't want to do family stuff, it's a little niche and he extensively researched and made plans to preserve his family members after death. He needed a lot of niches, so it's kind of like a marionette mausoleum. global? Ok just of socialized with students so much it was considered. I want you to meet my dad and oh no, the tower hand right is daily item they're all dead, but I've given them some anti going Stu. I dont want to do anything you ve got to meet my uncle. So we socialists with a student so much it was considered unseemly. He took from fishing and hunting and told them is personal troubles end you met you paid on a boat with your teacher. He starts guy. Like you know, my my dad was so misunderstood. I
I would like to say: could you imagine, but this is exile, the groundwater hydrology teacher in college- and this is what happened, he will go out and we would go out on trips and, and you know the field and until the If you look at a wetland or something and the need to start talking about his marriage in his life and like sits fucking weird, so can we, About aquifers again is needed money and had no problem asking his students for loan. You gotta have money. Eh, so listen, my so I'm getting a divorce and my wife, my my daughter, has psoriasis and connected a twenty. What Can we have twenty million dollars rouses? Yet I feel I can say no, then that is not smart, because it's a problem at Stephanie, The situation to be analyzed like grade wise, it is this is gonna, be great based yet right, then: yes, ok, ego, twenty sissy.
He taught through hands on dissection If robbing was a requirement and he joined them, what did you get in grave see I brought a hand, I didn't eliza all there I didn't know he would join them on every body run he which he called wreck. Resurrectionist activities I'm having the best time is horrible. Look at us. He had to be called before any body part was destroyed and nobody, no part of the of the body, could be wasted. Wow select dog rules, yeah, I was just going to say yeah. It sounds like the native american. Nothing shall be wasted or beautiful
If you haven't eaten your toe, I will okay, eighteen forty nine was an absolute horror in ST louis, a fire destroyed fifteen blocks, and this is where we did this. Probably st louis okay, a fire destroyed fifty blocks and hundreds of steamboats on the river and a cholera epidemic killed over four thousand okay. President Zachary Taylor appointed Joseph as head physician and surgeon of ST. Was the largest hospital? Ok, he promised anyone taking the cholera prescription. He created that it would stop the virus, that's the opposite of what it actually did. It was a pepper and opium based elixir, which sounds yeah I was gonna say a memo. One complain about opium is it's just the flavors near that this does not exist. I see a a little kick to it. Yeah. It was an elixir
the quote, emphasised dehydration, which was the opposite of the water, a cholera patient needed so occur. A patient needs. Lots of water areas was dehydration them, so that's bad kills them rather bad. He also said to only give patients a teaspoon of powdered ice occasionally for thurston array. There is a lot of eating their body there, all the fluid out of their body and eyes like don't give me any more. You want him to look like jerking, dry, em out, dago how's, your hair, Was he doing? Are you oh? I thought he had. I thought that was a radically no he's, not there's no product you're, just you're just fixing your hair. That's exactly what happened that its erratic is it is it got your judge, my eyes, I looked over them together
It has seen himself as a guy with a bit of epi oatmeal on his lap, but it's bigger than I thought. I thought the round thing on your phone was attentive of hair. While I was like what's going on, okay, I'm going to try to bake One of these old. You say you need a hydrogen and, despite his treatment that killed it, it was a very popular right yeah if Imagine- and he was seen as one of the most successful physicians during cholera, even though he was just killing them great because I guess nobody like checked like Who is dying from what yeah like how many people go out and come out? It's actually right and you're, just like a little looks, really are to trace that information. Yeah. We have to do what you have done. The guy had to keep one piece of paper or just a guy at the door, or just some one person yet just need some account. Yep.
some blame the Missouri republican forty pandemic bits of paper because it had begun publishing on the sabbath and didn't in there would have been recovered. That's exactly what happened. What can I do? I got so bad. It's because sabbath publishing, sabbath public need any sunday news. You're gonna get it pandemic of some kind mean I don't know what I've been pretty clear. Some people also blamed sauerkraut. I was out. Don't you think I was going to say is potentially other players, some sort of fermented cabbie or a poor pickled onion, yeah yeah that's it yeah? Well I mean I'd. Also the combo. You know sabbath printing and then you can get their average address goodbye Yeah, well, you can for you and I will a lot of debtors elements.
A year later. The city would build a sewage system and colorado would never have the same effect such as I was just like shit in the water. So and probably some sauerkraut rights are crap that got shit in the water same thing. I think just it became very political around this time and made his opinions known. He hated quote foreigners and catholics in this city. Here we go right; this is this seems various personality yeah. Well yeah! You are you saying that. Clearly. I don't hang loud, angry ass. Also, this is right along the yet he was known for quote his malignant abuse of foreigners and catholics. In daily or nightly harangues for native american candidates and principles, native americans, nobbing native americans are being. The native american party white people right so the the term native american is so. Does that term even work there
Made of american is a very complicated name. Maybe there is neither rights of tribes in america right and some people who are natives to america. Do not want to be called, they don't american and they would prefer to be held indian or alerts arriving or whatever else. So it's ray it's almost like you need to go to each job or even personal, just go so what would happen. but it's a very david we've been through enough dave, I'm so sorry we cannot be going to every tribe and saying I have had people email, the email, the show and get both sides yeah right. Don't do dont use, their studies that so you know I am a white guy in the middle. Like I just tell me, what are you saying what they ve saved our lives is: leave the white man Well, he's writing. I'm not willows, really gets upset or you'd tell me. Whatever you are reading
just so you know I know, but I'm worried about that people are starting to say. Like you know, doing like accents of other countries is like. I'm starting to get the guy rigour idea, I'm over sorry, as an enemy that one that one I I get it if it's like a if it's, if it's a german fuck off like you're, going to get a german accent like, oh, I thought you were gonna say like if it's. If it's like you're not going to do a commonly used, access to belittle people, indian in asia or gleanings accident, like volition aid, but look white people you're on the board. That's what you're on the boar lies here. Look if you're, if your white on common yeah you're on the board. so just citizen susie I as a member of the no nothing party who loved immigrants, especially irish catholics and germans? In saint louis, Those irish gathered
What are the No. In saint louis, he was the parties loudest and most aggressive member wow- that's that we now have enabled you to get thing. Is you can block the king of the us all is manned distance. And talked about how much he hated the germans in Saint louis many germans were hard. core, abolitionists and very interested in politics just made him more angry, ok,. Joseph voted he just but he wouldn't permit diplomacy with any german. That can be the right word there anyway. He wouldn't, he wouldn't permit develop policy within a germ.
and he told colleague that he was going to quote blow up every dutchmen out there who attempted to attend his college did. Is you can give a college cannons? Those words now, have some. Now it's by our sense organs, literally gonna shoot people. Can you said, there's just decorative nope, well I'll, be there for dutchman nope. Can I get a cannon ball that specifically can really harm a dutchman, I'm looking for somebody to really crush the dutch. When a german girl died of an unusual disease, Joseph decided he needed her body for dissection Jesus Christ quote. We got it and laid it in the college secret leaked out caught and the germans got their backs up and made this Lively for us, this is very diplomatic. Lively germans were all lively about our. We stole that woman,
body, the girl, the little german sub germans, came to the college at night to try to find the body and someone worn Joseph, so he hustled to the college in the middle of the night, to hide the corpse who hasn't done that lots of fun games that are known bradley game there At the college he picked up the body and carried it to the loft inhibit under similar like the easter basket, but a little that there we go when he looked up. stairs. He saw six men with a lamp hello. How are you This is for light eyes. He then said he saw the ghost of his mother standing by the table from which he picked up the body cancer and she was giving him a special signal. Fuck off is that shaka hang ten or you give me a shocker grandma shakur, Shakur Shakur. Oh, I thought you said chakra the shock. No, I'm not a dane cook guy.
Well, the shock oj cook was this super yeah. That's this the sufi. By the way I watched sufi last night, I watched the best what happened to dane cook video and you don't spoilt for marijuana. No, no, I'm just kidding it's so good. I think I know what happen He married a girl and she met her when she was underage well, they brought up all of his thieving stealing of jokes. I hurt hurt him. That's that's just a thousand cases of parallel thinking, but it was really good and like breaking down like he didn't actually have jokes. He was just a guy who moved around a lot yeah stage and and but the one thing they never brought up was most comics didn't like him, because he was a dick yeah. It wasn't like he was just successful. He was also an asshole. Right up, oh yeah, there's there's been bring that up. There are people who are successful, comedy that nobody are not that funny. Colors Jane relies everybody liked Kevin James. Everyone likes re. Romano, very nice guys know one got up seconds. They were famous I've heard some stuff. those guys but have you ve, not re model but
What year did good story is, I think about that. Once every ten days, when dane cook tapped your head yeah, I said you're, that's someone else's joke in the top of my head, my head: what did he say? He said what did he say? It was the most condescending thing ever fucking god, damn I'm so brain dead right now says something like thanks thanks little one. I would love I ought to have footage of that. How old are you coming out of my ears? I was in my late twenties- oh my god. Ah I couldn't do anything because he was with the booker letterman. Well, you can do anything, also disease.
We cook, but other than to just be like I maybe will kill you anything, because it's didn't cook that was literally the exact same club that the four mob guys tried to kill me because I was calling out for bass cause the ex fiance know this was you just have a bunch of little run ins with the mob that we're just supposed to overlook? That's interesting, isn't it? I literally kicked them off. I stood up on the table and kicked them off guy. That was quite an event. Don't want to be Joseph climbed onto the dissection table and cupboard. So this is when the guys are so he's got. The little database covers his face, quote His face acting like a body- oh okay, I, like this move, yeah the men came in, are all dad that you don't say that you give it away not to talk, but.
Do the oh. No god knew this was going to lean. There's no go! No one believes in go world what the fuck am from transylvania. Jesus quote the men. Man, all of them being armed to look at the dead. They uncovered one body. It was that of a mad. Then they came to two women with black hair. Then they passed me once said here: here's a fellow who died in his boots. I guess he is a fresh one. I laid like marble fuck yeah. I would die from this. They would be like. Oh he just I would die from fear of god. I can't believe they didn't lifter. So three su
it is three stages: the moon's yeah I got a while ago. I got I'm dead with my boots on the mend, soon left, unable to find the girl's body the next day Joseph and the students dissected, the girl's body. And he told another doctor, the spirit of his mother had saved him sure cause I don't know if you should be in charge of this euro. Save me who lobby goes kay. Don't worry if you want to ask her real bodies up in the niche. A mummy ghost is very helpful. Ooh mummy, mummy hm hm hm. what's up dollar burs. This is gara gareth from the don't you get it. Listen shout out to the garment, Gareth army. I've got some. U s dates! Coming up. I will be at good knights, comedy club and rally or raleigh. I forget which one you guys are stuck to north carolina december twenty first through the twenty three
five shows and then december. Twenty ninth thirtieth albion, rutherford new jersey at bananas, comedy club I'm, calling on the garmin come out of there's a lotta shows gotta Gareth, reynolds dot com for tickets, information. Also listen to my new podcast called we're here. To help can new pact ass, we're here to help Jake Johnson. Thank you got me. Hashtag army Are you dealing with foundation, damage on a home and considering concrete piers for repairs, be aware, concrete piers have the highest failure rate in the foundation, repair industry, don't risk future repairs and more expense call. The professionals call ram jack foundation repair. Our one hundred percent american made steel solutions are permanent, affordable and backed by a transferable life of structure. Warranty the strongest warranty in the industry learn more that ram jack dot com, that's ram jack dot, com, Joseph drank quite a bit. This is interesting one
gave a speech to some of the students about temperance, careful while he drank from a flop. all about. It is moderation and insists that what you think about it. But he never missed a lecture. He was a very a good shot with a gun and would often say he wasn't afraid of anyone, lots of fun. I feel like those are not you're like that you're kind of justifying that he got a lot of stuff done because he was drunk and adding honour that he was a good shot, while the drug volatile, but also can shoot, is, I think, an interesting combo. You're sure it, but it's good when the guy, when a guy, says, he's not afraid of any one while shooting good weather shot, and I don't take shit. He would based down or shut down anyone who confronted him what he was also very scared of thunderstorm saw? No, then how did he lest so long that my colleagues at the bar?
They have nothing to do with stories answered the simple question play out. What are you talking about? It just rains: it's a bad pyre, so you will admit that upon the mountain top or transylvania university years, there are a lot of stone cloud and store. You meet us anything I'll show. You will admit, we are prone to more rainy season, she's just cause of the place, this is whether the with the mountains are unaware that this nothing happening. Your apologies, that's done. Apologies accepted on behalf of the state. He would die if a thunderstorm hit. He would crawl under the nearest examination table and there's this guy. This guy should be on the examination table himself at the college level like
And there's a lot going on lot going on, so he's hanging bodies of relatives he's got cannons at his school, but there's a thunderstorm and he's like do. Basically, I'm scared, Joseph's youngest son, Joseph Henry, was born in eighteen. Fifty six and his wife died soon after he was heartbroken and brought her, oh no to a mario bound, mound close by any saint louis and he spent hours. Looking at her grave through binoculars from the roof of the college someone's going to try to bangor, he moved his children who had died to the mound with their mother. So He's doing the tower niece for some, but then the debt is interesting. You didn't his family gets a mound. She gets a mound if he's going to stare out all the time like he's, but he's been putting them under the dirt and the yeah they're under the
there than our top ok, ok, but there's more and and the kids after the kids died quote. He would ordered the casket which he had. Prepared expressly for the saw solemn occasion, this casket was made of heavy glass, oh boy and. filled with alcohol body of the infant, was placed within the case containing the liquid. Let in the coffin securely cemented laughed, so he He's got me he's looking coffin. He has a sea through brandy, coffin. yeah, it's like it's like one of those jars of of like you know, babies you see in formaldehyde or whenever sometimes.
Cool thanks but you're not really. That is what it is, that it was or talking about you gotta see through or you know, you'll see that would I go. Here's a here's, a little calf embryo or something and its in its expanded in some way behind the bar next to the pickle dollars or whatever, or a pickle. Also urinate pickles. That's what he's done, what I knew them. Macao, you want a sheep all! Would you do cow jupiter, daddy or pickled. By the way these are just natural flavors. I'm shit faced okay, my boys and I are just watching the pats game, so there's caves nearby. I don't like the start of this. Why I dunno, this guys just did a booze burial and our like also there's caves, can be fine. I don't know.
And they were called the mark twain caves because as a child twain export them, it was always fifty two degrees in the cave. It also contained large amounts of night. Her the mineral saltpeter Neither it's called them. It's saltpeter basically and saw tat, gets you. What is it? What did they give that army guys to knock at Boehner's saltpeter thing? Oh,
I think that is wrong with it. Is that yes, it so there's a little proud of this is a non boner, so he found a cool non boner can. Finally, saltpetre is used for food preservation particularly meets right. Sir Joseph bought, the cave or part of the cave and his fortune, your daughter, Amanda died of pneumonia and her coffin was lined with metal and it was filled with alcohol and sealed he's doing the alcohol for some kind of preservation. Yes for preservation and your dad's braggin last forever.
Because he was full of booze. What are you talking about cause your dad when he passed? Why did you remember I'm just saying he's probably going to last forever boo boo rum? Didn't he wouldn't he drink cd roms, he jacked and canadian, Mr Seagram, seven korean, mr, usually, and so she dies. He puts her in a coffin just without Yup, which we did what he did with all the kids who died and a year later, a man his body was taken out of the coffin and put into a large copper case, and then sometime after that Joseph suspended it in the cave. So it's a hanging cop coffin. In finishing I, u download like copperfield, it's fifty student avail old. Where did all the whisky go very normal? Ah,
the cave at an iron door at its mouth, to seal it rise. This is like these guys. Crying for help the whole nobody's in so now is just like. I think, I'm just gonna start suspending then they are working and what are these? It is like wind giant with smoke. My babies are in there, so there's a glass coffins filled with alcohol, And now I'm hanging them up in november eighteen, forty, seven, the hannibal gazette reported this is fine Z. We This conflict is of doktor Mcdowell, child, which has been suspended some years in this quiet resting place and in it he had one he had stored one can an end. Five hundred wait, where's the kitten in the cave, the ok.
at five hundred arms for the invasion of mexico, as it is the only time what I can ask you. What kind of arms do you mean got weapons weapons? but he has a cave with his daughters suspended in a coffin. That's filled a bull booze, a cannon and more arms for a mexican invasion. That's correct These were the story. All comes together. All the pieces we put together a scene which excited not little talk at the time it starts, Seemed likely that not only was doktor mcdowell stashing weapons in the cave for the mexican american war, but he was also exploring his medical theory that bodies could be preserved after death. I mean I hear they can be if you like this, it's fine, but who wants to be like there's a lot of weird maintenance and like a pair of cough,
but a bunch of booze in his coffee confound. Yes, I have a having an irish coffin, new joseph and his student stole bodies for dissection, but they had no proof that bad boys, when anyone relative, but missing after barrow, everyone knew it was a medical couch share. Rumour started the Joseph was kidnapping and kind of what is the right time for necrophilia. Yes, yes, I mean any time made because you like this damned colleges. I bet your damn college for sure I gotta go home, I'm the old man I have left overs restarted, the joseph was kidnapping and killing people to dissect killing. Yes, so they think he's killing people, s. That's it! That's a change. I think that was why all the anti killing people, but that it was always the rumour when the riot started. Was he doing that? Well, let's just listen to the story. Can enlighten filling up
you know we ve got to save lives, kill that ban just a live bear he kept in the basement. A cinnamon bear, which is a black bear, but lighter brown, hey, hey we're moving moving where we're at a stop light right now, cinnamon bear wears at a stop light right now. Okay, how is let me tell you then you're gonna. Let me tell you something: do you know how it said it is then that my the craziest thing you've said yeah. He had a cinnamon bear in the basement. That's correct, ugh, like teddy grahams. How else are you going to protect the car? media headlines in all the guns, but you did it you need when they go,
in the basement, that's been giving evidence decided if he had. It says that the assistance we like I'm pretty stress that there has been there for me to work with this gaia. So we, what are you? Well, we may need more vodka for the casket, but also we're going to need to get some lamp shanks, but the basement bear ok, we'll keep up with me. Oh boy also, have we even checked the bodies that are hanging to the tower the mexicans are going to come and they're going to take a bunch of stuff. If we're not careful, oh boy, though, when mob surround the college, because their upset about the biogas bear down. He took the bear out to sea. loose hub. But when the bear went outside, he just sat down yawning and hung out. I'm still scared every yeah. Well yeah it's a barrier. It can change his attitude, pretty quickly Funny, though, is the bears just so tired out. He just
eventually, someone's gonna. Try something look at him, he's just out. There's so tat S, a cute were not feeding him in the mornings anymore, but he's cute he's adorable the second time in a mob came Joseph called in students who took posts all around the school armed quote. Sure you are a college run. Second, either low growth freedom
hundred men, boys and women, armed with axes guns and clubs headed for the building threatening to kill all of the know, nothings and in particularly miss Dr Mcdowell, the doctor said stood valiantly by his guns, with a fuse in one hand, and some loco foco matches in the other. Local foco is the energy drink that has alcohol in it. That's correct, I love local focus or great wait. So what is loco foco? I can't remember the local fogo is, but I think it's like a almost internally burning match type thing. I found okay and are you looking it up just whenever?
expected Joseph to fire his candidate, the mob, a squad of cops, marched up and took up position between the school and the mob and go into the school end of the score or no there's a bear. In there I mean a self igniting cigar, so there you go. Why did we try to invent stuff? After that? They don't know we'd peaked, we did self igniting cigar. So it's inanimate. So it's just a match. You can just flick, so you just look at it. No light the yeah, you stare and just focus that's right, and so he wants to keep to. I know he does but he's not going to we're not going to let well, let's see
Well worth it what the army does either as a right yeah. So there's no proof so. Salt, Peter there's, no paper work. So the army uses it. As a non boner material yeah I mean I just I just read about how they were preparing for a fentanyl bomb. So I I I don't know what to do about the military other than just say: they're, the dumbest fucking human beings on earth. Okay, I'm sorry so you're, one of these guys who doesn't really care about your freedom. No there's no None of that fight, we don't have to greener ventnor, can't go in the air; it doesn't affect you. What about? He does is nothing but about a summary at agreement. Rage to let a small group of mob leaders and cops go into these school building that set out. Yes, they found Nothing why mob left, grumbling and dissatisfied well add.
Out of all those bodies that tower like a boy. What's out there in the cave, thou quiet you you hear something. As I have always said, he was going to use the cannons to help texas fight off mexico, but which the deck where's the college located? How highlighting in Saint louis, at saint louis. so what these way, but he really use them to fuck with people. That's. What are you ryan is for. He hated catholics and often raged against a doctor name Charles pope, who was a jesuit teacher at the Saint louis medical college, the rival of his his
Aquaculture, the sailors medical college was originally in the roman catholic, saint louis university, but anti catholic pressure forced the medical school to several ties with it, and yet it was still to catholic for Joseph well. I mean. since sure yeah. I, the idea that this guy is just like catholics are out of their minds with these people. It's always it's always gonna go see my daughter she's in a coffin. Get on the bears back will go up there. It there's a guy pointing fingers. Our always there's, there's three point back at you and the thumb kindness. he was also very irritated when three jesuit brothers set up a jesuit school down the street from Mcdowell college. How dare they any idea? What that's going to do to property values? They were competition. Joseph war on the jesuits was the usual public grants in the street
But he also had loud and patriotic celebrations to upset the brothers academy. He would fire the cannons during these waking. Given guy cannon zoo who, what city planner like where we improve it, and but he would fire just a bother them. That's why If it's a good guide, shooting a care you can't have you can, have you take a college? You can't do that. Would you please help, but I don't have it is why we will there about those once because it was like there are like that's just the same firing that other colleagues the college's freeze their work in your university of captain, my captain Jesus We have also got super de spiritualism. Of course he did starting amid eighteen, five, I've taken crystals so. Started after saws, moms goes that night sure students colleague take me out of the tower.
Students, colleagues notice, he starts getting more into the metaphysical and spiritualism any hosted a letter calling me skies com sky dad. He has A lecture series on spiritualist on my one often go to lectures. He also regularly took part in santa's and when the fox sisters came to ST louis Joseph was at their public seance. At the end he stood. And applauded them loudly whoo they're, like boy we've, gotta, rethink everything that guy was cut, that mexican army cave with his daughter hanging is on our side mexican army cave yeah. This is yet the fox sisters were. Obviously there was a tour. We we've done that there were. There were the ones that started the whole, the specials and, like the, targeted goes Pereira just wrapping on the floor with the right reserve, though I don't let us finally like. Let's do it in a light.
Room they were like we don't do this anymore. Joseph fell very ill and thought he was going to die, so he called his sons, drake and John, who were both now doctors to come to his bedside. He made them, was to quote places body in a copper receptacle and fill the space with alcohol. Can you imagine? Okay, thinking your father boys boys go ahead, that I'm not long for this? Oh no, dad! No! No! No! Please! Please! It's it's only natural that there's something! I need to ask you for anything. If I do pass. Okay, please bury me bury me in a copper coffin filled with the
well put me in a copper coffin with his long island. The coffin was just log island. The coffin put every booze you can think of in the copper, copper John right. This down, I don't need a reg right, this delegate, dora copper to peace, call me serve raw long island long island iced tea ice, though we don't want water in their well. I don't have one I teach better variety, however, they make it an amazing color because you have fridays is going to make it so so just really poor. Booze! You can in their noted up two kilos our everything yet possess. Yeah, please, whisky, teal gin lit up make me into some sort of wild to walk to think of a tiki bar, but I don't want any of the sugar creamed meant. No sugar, no sugar, don't know getting into some of those needs. Boozes speaking of needs,
to walk, is pretty good to go to the tower you grandma's as their social grandpa. But that's beside the point long island, the copper coffin and I'm to be buried in that, but not buried. What get a bunch of rope. Ok, hang me like a chandelier manually. A little better guy hope you might not need to know about the YAP. Please don't forget everything I said: I'm a normal dad just try. So are I leave We think the sentiment the basement bear what about slow Jim? What does that mean red slogan? What is that, when the bartender sucks boys. he doesn't die, though dam on June twentieth
Fifty eight Joseph married, his second wife, Sarah mac, who was twenty eight years old. He was fifty three nice ice, he still have to be fed her defense. He was awesome, yeah, what's not to love yeah, so you at a gold or if you want to have. As many ex interests I mean really gonna want screaming mackay vermilion, that's the guy. want to go to my booze cave where my daughter, The rubs ready yeah, so he still ages, he still hates his uncle after him. After all these years, for not making his daughter maryam and in eighteen, sixty Joseph wrote and published a paper that refuted affirms claim that he was the first surgeon to do an over estimate which is take. At the taking out the tumor right, he claimed he had testimony that proved. Ephrem had not done it. He then said it was an unknown indian hunter named John king, who would prefer
After the surgery, so not a doctor at all, just to just the guy, just a guy who went and had a cool title I did humans any said He had a letter from the patient stating it was his cousin and affirms nephew. Who actually did it? It worked, so he and so f rooms like Jesus man, yeah. It does great, it does tons of damage deference, wrap right like it totally so as tensions are unclear. The guy is accusing me of this is burying their heads in booze, glasgow He has medical, college cannons just
hear me out a bare and it has a bare downstairs. Weird taste is not a crime at from, as judges increase between the north and south Joseph wrote, brutal letters to abolitionist henry ward beecher and gave a rabid pro confederate speeches on the street and unleash tirades against pro union colleagues. That's. So what did you think this guy? Also, like is what I think about slavery, ruddy our bunker, then I'd make a better I got down down without any doubt needs they neutral. Just privately supporters make a donation or bring to bear Yeah then, in April, there's pro union, the various huge but there's a big use, one of our biggest gripes is why we don't get along. I don't that's why I keep him in the basement.
then in April. Eighteen, sixty one when the civil war broke out Joseph and his son drake join the confederate army. They each product cannon with them, showing up with a cannon. What are those we? How does it work? Do you give us The recreational can and will I am sorry, I thought I was be way or see. Who did not do it what do we get? Our walk agreements? Are? We all britain can guy slow down? Some of us have cannons. Now just have never one slave. His servants were prussian, but he really believed in slavery. I mean it's cool. What a weird yeah place to be yeah after he left the union seized his beloved college. It was the it was first turned into a barracks. This is amazing, yeah what yeah so
the abolition. Your college tell them to not go going the tower the freak out and it was first turned to the barracks, and then the bear was in the barracks and then became one of the most notorious prisons in the union named the Gracias speech street prison, gratiot great yacht, and it took fifty men to empty out the building with wagon loads of huh. Bones and medical specimen man. Did you get off the boat out, not even close, adjust this? It's just like it's like a nine feet deep as a lot about the prison held, many more men than it was made for It was said you could smell the prison from a mile away and two thousand men died there. While the building was also considered. Haunted
for years after people said they saw a man peeking out the windows as they walked by hello, hello, I'm a ghost Hi. Joseph was a surgeon during the war then became a hospital inspector after the war, where what are you doing with the bodies inspecting? Where are you putting the dead? here should be hanging them that, where are you hanging the dead? What what are you doing with the dead week? Let me talk to your chief there. I'm him bring the chief bear to me. Please! Oh sorry, I thought we're getting in the furry stuff, no rar, okay, this is alright, I know so after the war he comes back and he requests the prison, be turned back over to the state to be used as a
medical college, but it's a disaster its and it's been a prison. It's well right. His once beautiful gardens now had gallows that had been used to hang prisoners. Other doctors helped him rebuild and soon after the president pardoned him. So johns pardon with all the confederates. Both the right, the guys we shouldn't a of what we re. You shouldn't part of them, but then also it's like there's multiple things. He should also not be pardon for, but they're like fear that warrior free we got, she didn't go in the cave after the rebuilding. His bitterness came through here cited very room should be set aside, which he called Hell. in commemoration of Abraham lincoln a relative Is it at him and he showed her hell, you ought to see how.
hell is in gold letters over the door. Oh boy, there's no furniture. Well, that's very accurate, so far quote the first salutation that greeted me was the venomous hissing of an onion julie. Large rattlesnake, that was was what they were. There has to be seen Why darting out of its fiery tongue between the bars of its cage? Ok, is there more. There is also a huge crocodile like in a pool of turbid water there was also rabid, perched at a pull out. a lizard beside it. What quote at the extreme end of a narrow hollow?
room, a gallows, had been erected suspended from which wasn't effigy of ex president abraham lincoln. Oh, my god, there were so Other images, one of the two There representing lucifer and his imps so Do you have any? Did you come back from the war with any psychological issues, our at some great ideas for renovation you're like what he's gone, trying to sell the place? So there is like I said it's a great camp There's a lot you could do up my god, I'm actually going to show you one of the thing ok stipulated in the will was the hell room. So this is how. Well, you do have to keep the water at a tepid temperature for the crocodile okay there's a raven with a lizard and a rattlesnake okay, and I'm trying to think oh and there's an effigy of lincoln and Devo, and some imps okay, haha.
Gallo, you said, there's other places to look at I'm a little uncomfortable with the. health house, there are other places, but I just this one has the best lived in. Feeling it's very not any other place ever hell room. I Don't wanna help room actually for not ahead yes. then there's a lot of options okay that this is this one. Had you wanna take a look at it. Yes, now my gun. the alligator ate the animals well was bound to happen. Doktor Joseph NASH Mcdowell died of pneumonia at the age of sixty three september. Eighteen, The point eight sixty eight boy did he factoid. Why did to the limit baby.
Some say that his heart and spirit were broken when he returned to saint louis, to find his beloved college have destroyed. Excuse me, just nash was buried in Bela fontaine. Cemetery next was first wife and children who seem to be buried in a mass grave. Next to him. Let's go this day, many people believe that amanda mcdowell hans. What is now be mark twain cave. well, well,
The sources are holy shit, taco, bowl, blog document down the bodies and they're a great band, DR nash, brookdale md by jane, like herman's hermits, Walter wilson, and then why is he the one not gonna sit here and Jesus Christ are the ones called? Madam Mcdowell, K is amazing. You know when people ask you if you're ever going to run out of stuff- and you say it it's because of it's not even necessarily times it's just dudes, there's Jess lenny is due there's just plenty of dudes who just add money and success in this country's history, and they had hell rooms where they had lincoln effigies and basement bears and twain cave. It is yeah. I dunno what to say about this. Guy I mean this. Guy is nuts. This is another example to have unchecked power. It's like he keeps pushing the limit and
these basically asking people to stop him and nobody. Stopping the book is Missouri mad doktor mcdowell, confederates, cadavers and mockery, medicine by pretoria, costner and laura Lee, shannon like his when he's putting caskets when it when he's putting like cannons outside of it, College and then he's adding, bears and then he's bearing people booze and then he's getting away with stealing by, like I mean, was he killing people to get bodies? No okay! I don't think that wasn't seen.
It'd be a thing sure we don't need it for the guy, but you never know he was so fucking angry and crazy, like I wouldn't put anything past him, but who the hell should still be. There is a thing you can tour how every house should have a hell room, yeah your own version of what hell would be a good place to let off steam, yeah yeah. No, it's kind of like the man cave yeah, it's a little different. I dunno big screen bring the fellows over on sundays, for the big games go to the hell room eat some nachos foosball. Well, everyone remember: will you the first time we put a virtual reality game in my house, guys that we we've done it.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.