« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

600 - Elon Musk with Karen Kilgariff - part one

2023-09-19 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine rich guy Elon Musk with guest Karen Kilgariff

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Is alleged your lessening listening to the dollar, but this is an american history. Podcast were each week I dave Anthony. Read a story for american history. To a max hundred times, Gareth reynolds, who is a man yes, hello, so man who has no idea what the topic is going to be about- and this is the six hundred employees and six hundred zeppa services, that's why we have a guest with you almost collapse, but thou most crap mileage matter allowed to make any noise yet because you have not been introduced as go ahead. This this guest we have is a special friend, Jesus cases dark. Why would you is worded the gap? Oh my god
a return guessed. The best guest Maybe that's just said which is to put patent in the pack cause. He can get a little cocky here and Anderson. Both of them go down a peg best guess karen Gilgad after yeah. That's right, it's barbie era, baby always asked automatically sack and the girl, gas or number one fuck. You dave should get ready to be eaten alive on twitter and it's over twitters a safe space.
It's over at my wage acts, have a little respect you to the guy changed the name and none of the branding get on board. It's really hard to say accent. Have anyone know what you're talking about, though true or not? Nobody knows absolutely. Nobody knows. I bought a pizza and call that x, yeah so same diff settings same every. If I had, I went up to visit my family in petaluma and my nephew. We were going hiking whenever it was. My sister was like: why don't you buy your friend and he goes? I can't, and I guess I can't Dave's here, oh wow, while I was like what hours he goes, She knows your friends and characters care of, and she just won't stop asking questions really knows your module x. I'm I'm barred from meeting friends of my nephew because of you you're. Welcome that as you're on that level, yet it's wild
Now anyone can hang out with anyone. I know that's not going to be a problem. It's not gonna be an issue. People are free to socialize, as there will never be like. Oh, you know guarantee that won't happen. That doesn't happen at all. Alright. What were they protecting you from a series of questions. Language is going to keep launching questions at me, which is weird because I actually do hate groups where I exclusively talk about you for doing what I do as well, and I mean to be honest, I think I made up. I dunno you as well as dave torres yeah yeah. I don't like hiking, you know, yeah
well the theme song. Don't know the jam pans that fucking guy named Gary and this is not going to become a similarly cloud cache hit him with the present six arguments that are now done for the money.
We, the dell of overall two in part, a buys square space. What is worse base you ask! Well, I'm gonna tell you: Gareth is domains websites on line stores, marketing tools analytics all at one. First of all, I don't need to be too. I just told you, I know Dave, because we ve been using square space for a long time. You use it for your stupid little website. I use it for my amazing website. We use it for the faint hastigt dollop website. Even the sources pay. That's right. You can get a dollar hot casta com and get all your tour information in your dinner, ticketing links and things like that. Guarantees of marketing tools till you that, because gareth you use e mail marketing use as you tools, google search council s yo panel, I social media integration, banners and promotion scareth tell us about how you use that
c, o toole. Ok, so he s. Yo tools is basically how you can make a robot in your bathroom at home and with the tools that their this war retired. My right, nope, Gareth s, yo tools, look every square space website and online store comes with a suite of integrated features and useful guides, help maximize prominence among search results. That's that's worth looking for its hard to do this with you. Well, I'll tell ya side note: I have a robot living in my bath, who I built and is starting to kind of react. Ok, so gareth make gareth. This is about square space. This is nothing to do with your robots situation, websites and about you know just online websites and domains. Yeah online stores, monitoring tools analytics that deca stuff
They do it all. As what we're saying your robot stuff is not helpful. Squarespace specifically said ye make Gareth, stop talking about the robots and not helpful to me either because it's it's sort of a this is what squares safe. They said please, like a frank, I'm scared, stop talking about the robots in a bad way, look go to squarespace dot com, slashdot for a free trial and when you're ready to launch use the africa dog to save ten percent off your first purchase of a website or domain. No, no, and no
robots, it's just it's just websites and stuff. We are also brought to you in part by mind blue mine boom, of course, ketamine therapy for fellows ladys. I don't think that, and I think the doing cats they should kitty mean that's what they call it serve, build the do their anxiety in their depression. Again, of course, could probably use some ketamine therapy. I would like. I would like him to get some centres. Look, there's no quick fix. For anxiety and depression. You can't just to you know, start working out or eating right or whatever you need to work on it and as sometimes you need something unlock your brain in a new way of thinking about and seeing the world. Well, that's where we're talking about guided ketamine therapy from mind bloom, and they say that, because your mind blooms, yes, not literally, but look, there's a new tool and it's going to improve your mental health
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promo code. Doubt thanks everybody! You not helpful the silver one. I had didn't sing the theme song fame. Something here I think, she's in the theme, is unchanged into one of the nine. We must when one of the little quite clear I am steve, Martin to the essen out of despite our unique Bold, I'm your hand, array, awhile, the blood area. No, you twenty nineteen, seventy one already, but I don't have any one who We reeve ask was born in pretoria, south africa. His father era was an engineer.
His mom a model on a dietician who, at this is I'm really still kind of calibrating myself as to what the subject matter is he's. Maternal grandfather was joshua norman haldeman born and require minnesota in nineteen o too. people from what I northern weirdos, his father died when he was seven Joshua's father and that his mom married an englishman, who taught and owned a lot of land, and then they moved to canada? That is your story. This is, is this me, your story, joshua
and I don't know why or it may not be true which will understand when they read the source, but he had health problems that caused his eyes to quote fail several times his eyes fail if ailing eyes- and I was lying- sometimes you just go blind great. So this is a blank. I was great pr business gossip yeah. This is page six out of the way I hear is eyes or looking at still doesn't even know. East kid eyes are failing. Like what they say. Like a presidential press like I understand the president's blind peasants habit, His eyes are failing and totally different, there's more distance to fail. So we're not all the way at the bottom yeah, that's right.
So they said that only chiropractic visits helped us now am I got every hiking anger and great p. I gave him the canadian chiropractor, he isn't mediation. I spines adjusting nice meeting. You imagine chiropractic eyes that build should. Why do you say there are lacking? one of them is very juicy ellen. You have. attention in that one. I yeah now that I see it flattened done that doesn't sound migraines. Maybe but that his eyes over your eyes are feeling like you like you. Probably because you can. You can have problems with your eyes when you get migraines trainer and then a chiropractor can also blind also a chiropractor and break your neck. Did I ever tell you disappear really fast, and no. This is good for my hiked, ok about energy blackmail of light gray. One time I really
I paint my back my mother who, yes, she had alzheimer's, so I should have taken that into consideration. She was it was just the beginning though, and she was like. Oh I'm gonna make you an appointment with my chiropractor and I was like no because my number one fear is that real, fast net crack then they do. I don't want that. Choose care and it'll be so dramatic, so she makes me this appointment and I go in and and he's doing the thing he's just kind of touching my shoulders and touching my neck. Yeah, you have a lot of attention here here here and here and then you just real quick slide. at one can kind of across my collarbone, the other one up to my chin. Then he just goes just now: inhale exhale relax any fucking. Does it right? This second his hand touched my chin. The other hand came around. I was like you, you have to relax, which is a bad way to relax its by yet I was like do not fight this or you will like earlier some serious fucking damaged yourself you. How was it poor?
Why didn't feel good at the end? He cracked it? No! It felt like how are your eyes twenty thirty seven vision. Is that good or bad airy? It's getting better yeah I live in a fragmentary and a friend whose father or grandfather was paralyzed. By back, I rang andrea, cracking his neck cheese nightmare, it's not natural, that's it! I figured that out. Oh good, that's a tough walk. Are we trying to figure out if elon musk's great grandfather had like a brain, tumor, just grants for and great grandpa a great grandfather, every relative of his his great grandfather, his grandfather to be fair, not a brain tumor, but just to like a
we're condition. I wouldn't say, because you give brain tumors you can fix. I think it's like you a lot of attention and to let me just get to see seventy nine year. If stressing me out. Of course, it is a lot of attention in that area, where your brain should be that there is a big grow like a car brazilian. Just like dig in my brain and squeeze the area potential they're of their trivia, so joshua grows up and he's he's. A farmer is a horse guy, rising rodeos, you mean sent our guests learn. Oars guy learns to fly planes chairs or he's, like you know, he's a fund man's man, sure in his early twenties. He goes and gets a degree okay in chiropractor. Why isn't this regular chiropractic? But after that he goes back to farming, so he just has the degree, and then depression comes and he loses. The farm is again make payments on all the loans on equipment that he hates banks.
where I stand banks and he goes into politics. Ok, going to Matthew Sweden, the sunday times he became involved in the group techno, Don't I see incorporated techno, they believed scientists and engineers should run north america and replace democracy. Capitalism with the technique, a technique, Utopia wow- and this is in the thirties, twenties
the twenty, some less depression, thirties time listening. This is that she just randomly elon musk grandfather, but back then by technology they meant an oven with a timer on it that back, then it was just a bell. The future over there this'll keep your bread fresh whoa. So the the techniques were encouraged to wear double breasted grey suits and paint their cars gray. Some members place their names, replace their names with serial numbers. Oh boy, now I kind of already got a moving outta this one, I'm hearing some sentimental love called your number. Where you were you loving in one was an anti democratic organization. I was listening to the other drink, so maybe it happens. What about that tumor yeah, a california man became one x, one, eight, zero, nine x, five, six x,
Well, we can just really quick ask. Is that, like the guy that I knew in college, who had a bar code tattooed on his inner same vibe, right where it's like? Can you believe this shit we're just numbers of these people ever get scanned you know the amazing to have an actual prime grapes seas, which is here at all, they would green each other with salutes. Oh, my god, I believe dollars should be replaced with a currency based on a unit of heat.
but even me, canada, band, technical tech, no grassy in nineteen. Forty more time now addressing technocracy. I would you write technocracy in nineteen. Forty is or time legislation was passed since candidate. There's a problem. Cases like with all anti democratic staff, and then those guys over there in europe are doing some stuff is not great, so should get rid of these guys do enjoy salutes and of uniforms in what direction did that deadline that I did that it could not fine? Ok that I got an alliance should actually learn stuff. I bet it was real staff and ass
in the area I had to be yeah, probably wasn't what you'd hope for yeah salute well to be fair. The oh, oh whoa! Oh, do oh no picture they're looking at very sorry to say orwellian very orwellian. Looking yeah! It really is it's creepy and it's weird that people don't talk about that when they talking about elon musk, because it's the first thing that should come up so they get distracted like we did about the chiropractor yeah that guy as the hero yeah, so technocracy incorporated then aligned with Stalin against hitler. so Joshua resigned from The group he was now very anticommunist. much so that he was like look, I know, but hitler really, maybe do they take a side command there. A guy. I love them both for different reasons. Yeah there
He was a one point jail for his militant anti communism, canada around. Like a rest, she must have real long ex nihilo next time on far too long prisoner, eight six, five, four four, The union's biographer, actually vance said quote: he misses joshua, he forbid swearing, smoking coca cola and refined flower weird last too right none of them are great, but but That was actually the sound. The foundation of kido disguise he'd. We hate cato set us up. fighting a war on key tells as far as work. He became a chiropractor. He was very, very successful chiropractor. He made a lot of money.
Were they actually banned? The guy who wrote to the burgundians called musk teslas specs space x and the quest for a fantastic feature is the best biography I think so far. Inland Moscow actually good people should read it, but there's also ashley vance's a man, not the advances, a man. It's coming out, there's a new one, a new book coming out, however, at the end of the month, which is supposed to be really good anyway and so Joshua then chaired the social credit party, which is populist and anti semitic. let's go that's cool, so he was a nazi chiropractor. It wasn't a nazi per se, because these, because it and ass it provides a minute? Definitely while I may die nazi, but gosh, do I get is giving you pick nazis over communism. Ok, yeah. He was whenever someone's anti communist she's fervently reassuring your bells. Like that's a fact,
oh yeah yeah hold on their attention and that saluting our motto that hatred and re usually find it. So he pivoted out of techniques, The ink and others in this social crowded party, which is populace and anti semitic and populist right wing and a semantic, is usually pretty right. Wing lizzie, pretty audacity jimmy doors and by he becomes disillusioned with canada, is like this is bullshit oppressive. I can't take it amazing about canada geyser little my job as they all this politeness, crazy, no, more zira Ahmadi so, five! I not born one nine six leave. He moves to apartheid state of south africa, boys guys really the programme has gained is a breast.
They were originally canadians and then they moved to south africa. Originally are actually americans in the mood, and now they moved to south gotcha right jack. Just a guy lehman candle in the fifties for support in southern africa is really normal. There's nothing, there's no red flowers! I think you admired hide here, so it s errand cut that out. No, I don't even like David here that I heard trying to have a sound way. Please Whole family sees joshua is like he's like the debonair. You know the zelda, the family member. You tell stories about like he's like, I don't think the negative part comes in when he was a cowboy at a chiropractor and then like they. You know, he's he's
big influence on elon sure he apparently spent a lot of time flying his family around looking for the lost city of kalahari. Can we talk about dialogue? That was the native goal? Velocity Gohar is supposed to be like a golden goal, yes or a great visit, so he was just flying around africa. Looking for that making is gold city. Is the street also gold, or they just talking about the buildings? Do we now I guess it now: you want to find it. Just think? How do you like it some details about? I bet it shitty muddy dirt streets do strange when a nazi sympathiser wants to go, find a gold is going to be a problem later. Is this where Indiana jones enters, the study door? My favorite part, that's great,
so they had a judgment, five kids, one of whom was. May elon mom? She was miss south africa finalist in nineteen, sixty nine and a model sure she grew up around a guy named errol musk, a boy they first met when she was eleven and he was thirteen man. I was really ready for darker than I was, and he was forty, no, no, no! No! No! Finally, a thirteen year old mac- oh yeah, may said he quote- fell in love with me because of my legs and my teeth They are so normal. Generally, I love. I love works of also how you pick a horse rare, very similar protection,
nah. They dated a bit. He repeatedly asked her to marry him over the years and she repeatedly said no. She said he never stopped and eventually broke her. Will that's how you do that as like a horse, you've got to break the will now that you're allowed to be on their backs when you're on a cell works apa. That is. That is one of those things that for a while was it that was kind of like what a romantic story for like when I was a kid and and the older you get like that's a horrible way to be. She married her stalker yeah right. She could not yet Jesus Christ finally die yet you're. Never going away- or you know that we will find the city of gold together, look at those teeth here we go come on get on our back. We're going to find gold down so. You was more than eighteen. Seventy one arrow at the times in electrical and mechanical engineering work really big jobs. He was a millionaire at thirty. Will ok,
may was a dietitian and model and joshua died in nineteen. Forty seven in a plane crash the eyes failed, and I wouldn't be great. If they're going to land into this building was, oh god, why did I bring my car or building in the middle snap? It would be great if you found calahorra and on the way back, crashed into kalahari hurry or india. I need to know about. Is it possible for you to we take twenty one are just change lanes of all dab.
so they, the family moves to a whites, only neighborhood in pretoria. That's fine! You want, as a kid would just kind of drift off stare into space. Not pay attention to anything like a trance. Elon would just go into trances sorry. But as someone who has seizure disorder, may I just say that he could have been having a think what are called clonic tonic seizures, which is literally looks like you're, just not paying attention but you're having interesting cause. I might have been failing and that's true too there's also an absolute epilepsy that happens with. He changed. There is as yet they they call with epilepsy seizure disorder now, so it encapsulates more thing. Scotching am a about seizures. Hmm is david about to get canceled by them, because I feel like he just the term that you're not supposed to say midget cheese,
I just have problem god almighty, so yeah he's harbored that obviously they they're we're in they're worried about it. They think he they think he's deaf That's why they should cause. I can talk to me just like not there, so they had his ad annoyed glands taken out to improve its hearing, a com which are also taken out due to infections, the those, but either way they try to fix them, and it didn't work out these these down a couple glance, the main so The space and out thing doesn't really go well at school. kids with yellow right at many wouldn't respond. He had No friends, no friends he read a lot of books. He read a lot of science fiction and encyclopedias,
which led to him correcting people all the time I heard yeah. I remember someone on twitter being like he read the encyclopedia and I'm like that's not helping anything. Now that is such a that really is lake. There's
just don't do that also there's no more encyclopedias, but yeah. Don't do that yeah! I still have them. I still have a bunch of pretended my mom, my mom is giving me all her so she's like I'm preparing to go away by giving stuff and she's like I'm going to give the encyclopedia as I'm. I actually don't do that, but rate are from like nineteen. Seventy three there's like that a lot of stuff in it. That's not really thinking about the encyclopedias. You were like LISA from eight years ago. So those aren't countries anymore wrong for the report at all. My family doesn't get new ones ever yeah. Yes, I actually one time went in and cut out an article about iceland, which was the country that I had to do. A report on ecuador's me and my mom was like because you could not find information on iceland and it was nineteen. Eighty two, I don't think it was real, then yeah there was, it was still being argued, but for some reason I just was like I'm not taking this whole, I
a pizza into my room cause you're like oh, my god, you just cut it out my mother's, like that, no one's going to read about it again gives a shit about iceland or whatever's on the other side. If we want to know, but some come to you, what about some time of just reaching the rakhi of that encyclopedia, you know to replace them as they go to love the part where they all died from volcanoes. Oh yeah! You are dark dark. I didn't know that updated one. It was a real. It was a very small like the capital's ragbag. It has twenty four thousand people or whatever tiny a mountain and a bunch died. The export is like oil or whatever god, wills a puffin. So
hard to ship found a guy Gareth were brought to you in part by hillock sleep. Well, garrison. We both sleep on. I sleep on a bed, the use you see, but a mattress also helix mattress elect matches yeah in a way you would yeah differentiate yep. I just get a little worried about you and your situation. Helix. Of course it's a great mattress company. It's a great experience. It's a sleeping, loving situation, sort of sort of. I think it's more just the mattress. It's an awesome mattress, but yeah. I of course have one eye. It came to my house. I ordered at first I did a little two minute quiz online. I got the dusk lux. It comes to my house, it knocks on the door. That's Klux myself, brow! That's why! If we wanted to sleep in the same bed together forever, that would make sense and like so many ways and
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this is our american made. They come with a ten to fifteen your warranty, depending on the model. You get look don't take my word for it. He looks, has been awarded the number and matches pick by Jake you and wired magazine, ok, yup, I sleep a lot better on my helix mattress when I'm alone without garish, we could call ourselves we lakes, is offering twenty percent of all matches orders and two free pillows for our listeners. Go to helix sleep, dot, com slashed up use code, helix partner, twenty! This is their best offer yet and it won't last long with helix. Better sleep starts now. What's abdallah bears. This is gareth that gareth from the diet you get. It listened shout out to the gar me Gareth army. I've got some. U s dates! Coming up. I will be at good nights, comedy club in raleigh or raleigh. I forget which one you guys are stuck to north carolina december. Twenty first through the twenty third five shows, and then
in december. Twenty ninth and thirty, it I'll be in rather furred new jersey, epinay, as comedy club column on the garment, come out for there's a lotta shows go to Gareth reynolds dot, com for tickets and information. Also listen to my new podcast called we're here. To help can new pike s we're here to help Jake Johnson. Thank you got me hashtag army, so he's annoying people with his encyclopedia knowledge on claims. In the fourth grade he read all the books in the local lot libraries summer be that He says when he was eight years old. He had read every single book in a local libraries when it was eight when he was eight years old. It's just a guy telling people that he read all the books at eight every book, every book in the library there nothing left to read. So this was the era before anybody was diagnosing the autism spectrum in any way. Yes, that is correct. What we're dealing with you're, probably one hundred percent.
When I e, when he learned was eight, his parents got divorced, it was nineteen, seventy nine, which was the year. Divorce became legal and south africa. I guess badgering, a woman and a marrying. You is maybe not a strategy of fur. Long term relationship yeah, that's why they had to keep it illegal because they're, just like you can't get out of it now right way. No damn it! They can leave us here in the tech industry, Steve Crowder, then I like the in fact, I'm him enough to call them steve, bros, Steve, Crowder, Steve Stevie may said she would have done it earlier if she could have She doesn't like to talk about it, but era was a real piece of shit. He admitted to cheating on our law because the other women were prettier and younger. Have you seen that woman she's gorgias she's could get yesteryear you could see her. I'm sure she's model sense, but she is perfectly Yes, no, I'm sure at this age, she's like smoking and he's
I know, there's prettier and younger women are going to get better are now. Let's cut to a picture of him, it looks like elon lived with his mom until he was ten, then he decided to go live with dad. So it's a hyper masculine way to Africana culture, that's kind of what's dominating the upbringing. You will learn a lot about engineering and science from errol because he lectured his sons for three four hours at a time and they weren't allowed to respond. Oh my god, oh my god, so here's the original podcast yeah, oh my one way that the original dollar that has to do with er, it's always weird disease. Read someone! That's that's worse than my dad yeah, it's possible four hours a day. He was probably like, if he was I mean, is that you wasn't kinda like talking so
I guess uses using just may be wiser. Zoning out you can make the rule that I, after a small, but I dont, have to stare directly and your eyes eyes so I hate south africa. He wanted them to move to the united states, so he's pestering pressures that all the time and at one point zero sent all the servants away untold ilan to do all the chores himself, which he called quote playing american there's just a lot to unpack. So many servants, and what is the servants deal there? Will there clearly thought so black and
and so he also views america as a place where you have, I think, we're getting what we're getting into here as white people shouldn't have to do work around the house. Yes, I think that's what I think. That's what got me there faster and that's what I needed. I think that's what he's saying also and just real quick exit transplant. Americans, canadian, indian, south africa, isn't there for that. He went there for that. Yeah right. intense, but he did later on he joins in an apartheid party in his office- is now does yeah. So it's but obviously it twice, or you don't go to south africa as a white guy at this time and be like yeah, I'm just doing it for the weather, like your servants to be like equality, is what I'm, after that, an encyclopedia ought to figure out what equality actually is all about. Elon cut it out.
in an interview Earl said they had a safe. It sometimes was so full of money. They couldn't close it well, the problem, a problem Get those servants in their stack, one way they made money was often emerald, mine, ariel sharon, according to business, insider south africa, In the mid eighties kara was flying to england in a private jet. What she was going to sell and on the way he met a group of italians at lake. can he who wanted to buy the airplane hats? so far as a very normal story they easily? I gotta. I need it, and where we want to buy that is given due errol quote.
He opened his safe and there was just stacks of money and he paid me out eighty thousand pounds. Then then, this random italian guy, who just bought the blame, asked air of he wanted to buy half an emerald mind and ten anyone that wants to do that than I am reminded that Forty thousand a quote. I said. Oh all right so I became half owner of the mine and we got emeralds for the next six years. Go ahead, come on Why? That's not how anything happen? Another it is amended to allianz available today about this is that ireland is the story of a month. You guys got killed a guy at a lake yet and then they took his property. That's what I'm rearing! I bet you italians, weren't even involved. Is there not like yeah, maybe
like I'm gonna give me, I don't even have on average amount of a figment of whatever we do. This is not the true story. Ok go anyway, but he had to have a mine. Ok, It'll had half a mind to have a monday, but really quick. Didn't that sound like the beginning of a scam like, I don't think they track their own library works. It's like you buy my plane for twenty thousand. I buy your mind for forty were just sorry, why wouldn't have been you bought the mind for twenty? He saw the point for eighty about the mine for forty. Sounds like an email, a grandparent would reply to yeah. If you can do this math you can get in on the mindset. I had to give him twenty, but I'm managed gonna get an emblem for him. I know he's got my home address too
Also early one point killed three men. He said. Oh, he said five or six men tried to break into his house to rob them and he shot three and killed them Jesus. It's weird all the time In that you die and I'm gonna die in another cone ball. He was charged with murder but acquitted. So who really knows that one errol is a piece of shit or elon does not like to talk about the the killing murder home invasion that south africans are very violent place like he knows. What really just take that pain, push it down and post a meme. That's not yours! it's also racist, yeah yeah yeah, a friend of mine, was in south africa and was like ten years ago, and they were driving down like this rural road and there's a guy who's stopped at this car's broken down and friends brother lived there and was the passenger see my and the guy's waving a pull over so he's my friends,
It's a pullover and his brother goes oh and slams on the gas with his foot and grabs the wheel and steers away and then a shot hits the back of Jesus fucking a horse, not one real flat tire, and I hope that never never never wow yeah fun so EL says he treated the kids really great. He says they got to write thoroughbreds, they got motorcycles like they got to go wherever they want to jump, to give him stuff lawn and era very different versions of the job of the eu on hates errol. It just says he's a monster one when he was, eleven arrow paid to send you want to know don't course on the first ibm pc. and in nineteen. Eighty elon commences followed by a personal computer, but you go back all these guys, we're rich? Now, it's just because they were first
getting computer first, all of them bill gates. They all got computers. First, that's why everybody went crazy for crypto currency and mine. Isn't? Everyone was like a what's gonna happen again and I have to be in on the a lot of money and yeah a lotta lotta money I wish went to visit italian guy has great cat coin. It's a new coin. That's cool cat coin! It's yeah! The price goes up and down based on how many cats are. Are he excelled in the world world cats puts in our breeding? Oh okay seems like that's interesting. It's your turn. Now it's going to take off. Okay with coppiced elon was relentlessly annoyed. He excelled at coding. He created his own computer game and then sold it for five hundred dollars and he was twelve. You see how long you can stare out the window and you get points for the length of time you're able to do the drinking chocolate, Zac, Zam, Zam
this game is we just take advantage of your workers. It's called the city of gold should not find out so he learns relentlessly boyd at school in the worst incident. A boy kicked him down some concrete stairs and then the kids friends beat the shit out of EU law at the bottom. He was knocked out and spent a week in the hospital boys wing ideology. That was not ok. Now I am against the that's bad. No boys arrived for three or four years and once beat up a friend of E learns to force that friend from hanging out with a along. Now that I do approve, that's all right. I jumped back governing shape and guide people. Socialism lives. I've, hidden, willie island beat the shit out of someone, so you won't be their fresh. That's that's extreme! Yet it is alarming that extreme born here, and kind of cool that gets to advanced psychological and that's the part. I like the idea, yeah, there's something I like about it. It's just really dark. Yeah elon,
Moreover, they got him, they got my best fucking friend to learn me out of hiding, so they could beat me up and that fucking heard So you don't. Definitely when you go through these interviews and you visit him, he wears his feelings on his sleeve with this shit. While talking about the bullies and his dad. A very tortured, obviously, He says he had no respite, not at school, not at home like there was a while. There is no one who had it worse in south africa than him. I mean sorry, sorry, wait hold her. I thought she was just thinking for a minute man. he switched schools.
crazy, expensive, all boys school and the bowling they shut, the girls for the prob yeah, that's right around a little more testosterone, I think, is the issue with it. The girls like he want to meet me by the stair, and it also helped that he had a growth spurt and he mostly still hung out with his brother Kimball. Well, sorry, The first time I've heard the brothers nonetheless campbells little younger, younger and way hotter than way out is actually he's like he's like here is so he gave no confidence. Is examples gimbals reason I want to do this, but is really most story now. So you don't really in iraq at sea would build them at home here I talked a lot about using rockets to get other planets and how dumb fossil fuels were to classmates. Interesting.
that's what they say, but it sounds like such bullshit. It's as like one of those somehow meda nonsense, but the old classmate say now, since it sounds like somebody wrote that at some point and then I wouldn't believe that right, It comes of travel and also its like. it feels like the bullying would have come back if he was walking up and being like. I wish I could take a rocketship to a different goddamn stairs again we're going to throw you down stairs until you stop talking about rockets, I'm back attack iraq into a place where they didn't even have stairs, doesn't understand it out. According to business insider when elon was sixteen, they were in new york and arrow was asleep, so he and Kimball took a couple of his air emeralds, so they always had empathy yeah from the emo mine. They just always kind of Emily, like pocket emerald yeah they had pocket emeralds interesting.
It is my birthstone is, is a that's. Why that's already in this episode? Thank you. This was kimball's episode, but you just bull shitting us. It is also a tourist david, so they take the admirals a couple of emeralds and they go to tiffany's and they seldom come with who and what you can do when you're sixteen our time live. Astronomy emerald purchase, server tiffany's. This is true. Arrow confirms it like. Is this for real any teenagers? Yes,
A couple of boys are in the back they're trying to sell us some emeralds as well. We should take this meeting. Was I dunno activities? Was there wasn't like you know, doesn't it the point of the whole? They have their own movie, dad for like the whole jewels and and and like you know, diamonds, and it's a very shady fucking business, especially in the seventies or eighties, doesn't sound like it. It's just that if you took if if the story was, he was taking emeralds to the gem exchange on seventh avenue or something like that, but check this out. I just made that suggest say jews, I'm saying goes, you know we all saw what's an adam sandler in uncut gems, we also got chess, but
It would be where you would yeah that has that at tiffany's they're, like I'm sorry, I I'm selling necklaces like maybe now, but maybe not, then it's very strange to walk into a tiffany's then be like hi, who are you? Oh, not buying, selling, emeralds right this way, boys right it's possible going into a mcdonald's franchise and being like I've done that, of course, right this way, n, o r ice cream machines broken go to mcdonald's and sell them. Fat fresnel tournament is going to be. The best so ok, so Karen doesn't believe the story, but we'll go that it anyway. They got two thousand dollars, a few days later, they were back in one of the emeralds that they sold for eight hundred eight hundred was on a ring. For sale for twenty four thousand, that big, so they I need a terrible deal. I think I think they came. I think they came in how much you would get and there were like and they just
We know brabant, biases and listen. This is why we don't use tiffany as upon shop. Yeah, that's right, don't do, and yet we go to the jewelry exchange and I didn't sell a guitar there we may see ya. Take axes, don't do acts ring trade but dazzled Elon was desperate to move to the united states is mom. Is a canadian citizens only applied for a passport and left south africa in eighteen, eighty eight when he was seventeen his dad old elan. He would fail in canada and be back in three months. yeah a guys. Gonna talk here, more good dad and good luck. Loser! You see it couple now we're here. he paints. His period is very like I struggled I made it. You know I'd. I had a tough time and I I persevered and you still have different than like a black eye from
johannesburg with no canadian grandmother me another had the era. Acts like aegis by euro zone has doubled up emerald. He also yeah emeralds, but he also like. I it home whenever every wanted it all its they paid took a handle emeralds. there's just no risk here, but we Do we have details on what was difficult according to so he he arrives and he has a list of relatives in his pocket It tries to call him uncle from the airport away, not knowing no one knows he's coming great. He he calls and I'll go from the airport, but the number doesn't work because the uncles moved to minnesota. So he just has fun of me, says: cold, calling relatives knife and then a distant cousin in Saskatchewan is like yeah. You can stay here for a little while, so he jumps on a bus and goes up to sketch one
research work and our jobs with every can they start to live as cheaply as possible is mozilla, leading oranges and hot dogs are currently in hot dog a letter like a monkey psychic haven't I let it get soccer gay man, are all your vitamins? Are you get vitamin c you get? I'm trying to tell you that I trades you get your vitamin c already. Eventually they voted red die number five year you get all of it. Does that that's given Yolanda nice and theirs it's nice. he didn't work for wiles of cleaner and a lumber mill boiler room share, just the one man. Excel clean cameras. Mother joined him in canada, You want then, a role in roles in queens university where he made some ladys. Ok, when one one? You didn't tell one
try one, he told he didn't like to eat quote There was a way I could not eat, so I could work more. I would not eat. I wish there was a way to get nutrients without sitting down for a meal. two years on the grind summoned to get out of here. To worry. The canada to go out for not meal sit down overdue, stereo, not your eyes are failing you I can see right now the perfect, yeah. That's that's silent.
It said that we went through these guys and we didn't this. One episode, there's just whole bunch of silicon valley, guys that wish they could. He didn't have to end common thing. They want to remain in the flow of what they do. That makes them feel good, because everything else makes them feel bad. Well, we're mocking it, but without that we wouldn't have we works yeah. Let's just remember that there is that whole thing here, especially that that is that grind culture thing where you're just like yeah, you know what you're going to after work all day and then, when you come home, you're going to need to have time to eat you're going to have to work a second job because that's what it takes to get ahead, it's like, but this is so stupid. Yes, how about, like you know the beach, a beach watching some old saved by the bells I dunno. I was mad at his episode because it and writing it that there was a really good, swelling and coming from surfing and you're right. are you in serious there is this your new thing,
Karen, you don't know, surf dave. I doubt you really get in touch I get to know, served. Sorry, do you live near the beach now? DR there. Oh ok. Keep garnish ideas: cuba, desert mule? I only had to be. Punch the shark. I think about it, painted a little seal jump on your surfboard like I've seen I have you gone viral viral, Do you ever see this to like? Fellow guys, you go good power there today, good, what a nice pal it reset. How good pal you say, Like that words are area, I'm talking years, you're, not you see the video where Kelly slater dropped into a gigantic barrel and then fell down and can't got back up Can you do that now? I can't you go to a barrel
at yeah. That was crazy, that he he just went through nice. Like he's like, can that's what you do he's in his fifty's? Still, the best surfer is really crazy, so that you could be there with a little more. Let's get there together. It's all going to happen. Yeah I think so and surf death are a lot to take and oh yeah no and I and I have just- I- have no issues coming back to that. If you want to at any point, oh home of the surf dave question. Okay, let's do have a catch phrase. Okay, let's go serve him, but even one. Why did you have a nervous breakdown and that's why you started surfing knocker through this? I was one to serve, but I just never did and then I had friends over surfing and they were like. You only go surfing and I was like: okay, when you say guy friends about threw him down the stairs get into the alexander murray, Murray ballerina. Those guys surf like uh, sir Graham elwood yeah, oh yeah. Ok,
you guys, aren't you got a little showers shower reserves, the showers we're gonna push on. You gotta push the button a bunch of anti. Do that to get the sand off, you pull your last suit, half kind like shake your head around. I have you ever thought out there that are key to sign the began to ring a man. Are you robbing with his mind? I might I knew bags way more Now I remember I was in the beach all right. So, ladies, So they just want it doesn't like to eat. and then he started pursuing justine wilson ellen She looked pretty great. She was also smart and this intellectual was sort of an edge. She had a black belt and taiwan dough and was semi bohemian. Unlike you know the high check on campus.
but he saw it on this. Guy read the encyclopedia fuckin very just name, and I take I think, money elzevir she produced have they black hair, but still I mean, Is that what guys we're looking for a black belt entire quandam? I don't know No you're not proudly was because he was like these boys keep throwing me down the stairs so they're going to beat you to say you can't be my friend, but you can fight them back so you'll be perfect yeah! That's! It was about security for health safety, and now we have all seen at this point pictures of young you long before he got all others.
His jaw and his hair and is done. He does not dig great. It's not a great picture. It's not well, there's not something they're like wow, that's kind of faithfully and acute that stifle on him. He just have a kind of ernest goes to camp five that one yeah the encyclopedia senator which As for the artist hey burn, I have to send my son money for food. Oh but sir wow he didn't have to eat food available. We do you want to maybe go that direction with him say you can buy as many oranges and hot dogs for a bag. You could be coding torment all the time, and you could also code right now so
He pursues her and finally, she gives in and says she'll go out one day with them, but then he's a lifelong or generational yeah. It really is please please when he goes to pick her up, there's just a post. It note saying she can't just study. I saw a golden river end. Postage were great the hand they hurt a lot like. I don't I'm already, where he already worth regular paper. Not wasting a sheet of binder. Do regular paper. Anti peers juice ends. Is that somebody? I hope the sticky comes unglued from the warm can study and go they so then he goes to a friend grills, her friend about her and now sir, what where she is and what she likes. and then goes to our just is studying with her favorite ice cream, so did I mention this was an ice cream date. So now do she said no to a date and do just shows up forcing the date yeah with
ice cream doing this anyway. Just the quote. He would call very insistent me: you always knew it was Rasmussen. I mean it really is or magazine subscription today about the always knew it was you on, because the phone would never stop ringing. The man does not take no for an answer. I think of him as the terminator he locked his gaze onto something and says it shall be mine just bone chilling. That's not great. Is she saying that an egg in a kind of complimentary fashion? Is she saying around run the grave she did write an article in? I think what is a marie clare, clearer than a lot of people refer to? I just picked up stuff from other articles in a day is she still they're on and off. At this point I can actually started stating m, even though right she writes in later life a terminator,
It just doesn't want a terminator. Well, I shot him a bunch but yeah. I dunno I like his red glowing. I mean he's looking for this boy, so he has a hobby yeah. It's like he's got this. You know this german se qua him so here something that rich gets? Do ilan and Kimball just start cold calling people they want to meet People they read about in the newspaper like the top executive at the bank of nova scotia peter Nicholson loud Nicholson, cigars impressed, because who does this? Yes? So Sure I'll have lunch with you. So ok, I'm a bit of a loser one more now. It's just so like look at a gumption on these kids actually go. These guys are fucking davy used to work in a bank. I did you picture
the president of that bank, getting cold calls by a couple of rich boys saying. Can we go to lunch? I tell you do it, I tell you it that's how you that's such a low bar to be like. Look, you guys really go get them. To highlight me. You may want to move. Director from Dakota the place that MR show is down. Bianca chinese toy lacking monster stall scripture me, but but do you know how he got his, how he got his start? there was a guy who he worked at a gas station like in the valley or something, and there is a big studio guy that would come by the time and he would talk to him and you know try to schmooze with him and then one day he found out the guy's going away for two weeks on vacation, so he shows up to the the place the studio and it's like oh yeah, I got hired by so, and so and then works there for two weeks and the guy comes back and is like what the fuck are you doing here and he's like
they find out what happened is I want to tell you that gumption on this kid and he gets to keep working there? That's it it's like. How do you get crazy people in show business, because you allow this to happen and if, if I go and- and I went to Tom hanks, this has three times and put on his clothes and said I was him and I went to jail for two years- the differences you should have gone to his offices in the valley. Okay, I'll, do that now, but I can't, but can I legally, I'm not allowed to even say his name or talk about this? We have to cut this out, but when I first I would write scripts for that. Much better tv, it was thing that was the the best commercial you've never seen chair cause for troy, and then he would take my name off the skin. But his one on so that was cook elastic move showbiz showbiz are made of monsters
oh it works, may go to lunch with nicholson and and Nicol says. Kimball is very charismatic into you on a super awkward. Sorry. works for words to medium and then a long asked for an internship and against once and now he's got a summer internship causing cold because he's a weirdo gives a gulf called someone you, Tom ridge, kid you can be around the car, so much about like rockets, other plants or whatever you'd think and I'm sorry cause it's just reality but like in my mind, I was like so he's gonna, call nasa or something more as long line of like yeah. What he's talking about big time, shit that he said his banker was the bus shrimp. I think we, I think that question we are answered is Sarah. I think it will elon doesn't really drink now that you're really a partier guy. He focuses on school debate and justine
I start drinking argument. We go for your leg, hi ya! What's yours, It's a scholarship to the university of pennsylvania to study economics and physics. So, finally he is in the united states of america. That was the dream Lenovo he likes does of doing his own dishes You ever fall on coral either of coral scraped any pete on a jellyfish sting. Don't no have you ever come really close to a great white, but it just swam bike. Is it doesn't see you as a member?
It's not me I'll ever see someone who's getting lessons ago and that today nobody knows my waves say stuff like that. All the time. Okay, never have somebody say locals only get out of have you know, have you ever thrown rocks at people called the local you're, the nice at what beach all that, so his studies focus on electric cars fallen on coral. I was so confused. Okay, I gotta get in on that fat, fuck, whatsapp and what's his initiation, there is a bit off, I'm cher de okay, sort of spilling some rum from that general direction. I was connected to the the ever braid with one piece of your hair and let it grow out real long.
in the summer. Oh, he made actual friends the zoe, that's cool, I'm in the summer of ninety ninety four. He got to silicon valley internships. During the day he was working at pinnacle research institutes which in investigating the ultra capacitors as a fuel source in electric cars and maybe lasers. At at night, he wrote low level code at rocket science games. Sure on a road trip, buddy Kimball, take they discuss starting a business that had something to do with quote the internet. good idea, noons, why yes, so there, on the edge
one day at his internship, a salesman for the yellow pages came in and discussed this. This is the best time ever. That is capitalism symbol of the old way things used to work as salesmen. Do we just got them they're free yeah? This guy was like now I know they're free, but would you like that definition of business as anxiety? What about the extra yellow pages? I know you've heard about the regular yellow pages, but what about these ones? Let me tell you about the beige page. He didn't remember these or doom green part of the yellow pages and then at one point there was a little green section. Nobody knows about it. Nobody gets in the green five Dallas command
so where he comes in. He he wants to have an additional online part for the yellow paint, like the yellow pages, might get fucked now I know it sounds cuckoo bananas to you all, but the guy's picture was terrible and this lead was terrible. This led Ila to have an amazing idea for online yellow pages yeah. What was that guys? Bitch that bullshit, that this is an addition? Take the information from the paper in the real world and put it onto a website know it was like. So we've got the yellow pages everybody's going to want those, but then you have the extra yellows which I'm putting online. Everybody sets up an account, walk me through this. I'm sixty five and I'm really in fear of losing it. I bet it was like and then you can have coupons or shit like damn. We do online coupon. Is that how this whole thing flipped through a series there were online coupons print them up yet printed coupons, idea of facts, Gloria buddy who's got oppress and then take the coupons from the extra yellow pages. I'm sorry, there's a little blood coming out of my know. How overwhelming my own systems at this point so anyway, that's the last idea. Wait
His idea was, it was like dealing the other guy. Basically I mean he teacher. He tells that idea, like the other guy, had a bad idea and he made it better, but it's like no that's just going to take the idea. So you know I would just love to hear the original idea of versus put it on an airline like he was confused yeah. I mean it's kind of like what I do with memes, where they're mine, hush yeah question: am I ok? It was my idea to alphabetized the yellow pages yeah. So elon has accepted into Stanford's phd program, but he does not go. Instead, ex kimball and moving to silicon valley and they could you can gobble global link information network and online yellow pages with gps maps. That guy was like yeah, except for the maps except the maps. I wasn't so it's pretty good, ok, but I think
It should be stated here that if he was smart enough to go to stanford to get into standard on of physics, did you say economic action physics? Here Not so big he's not he's just a rich kid. That, though I wanted to go to emerson and study theatre, theater that are physics and stuff. It's more like a clown. I would well dave I mean I I had done it all when it came to the physics economics, game yeah, and I thought: how do you do an improv and you know find your diaphragm voice, fudgy brownie, that's the warm up I was doing before we started to go back to that work, all the time yeah anywhere they serve dear yeah. Thank you. Wear shades when you're doing now should definitely ask you. Could you put it on your nose only due to the big, bold white nose or face inches Zuckerberg?
Zuckerberg style. I like that a mime style livestock gareth in college style did a lot of that. I know it's a it's an homage to you when I'm out there I serve the thing I yell, as I'm gareth crazy. I think I'm running out of questions fifty more dwell on the backs of the wave, so the company, however, would change it's name to zipper too, because global league information is a shit name, that'll become a theme. Elon did voting Kimball does a sales and marketing and they went a tiny office. They sleep there. They shower the whimsy a summer port say: arrow gave him twenty thousand to start, but once it is dad only supported them once it was profitable.
Is left for emerald zones and doing hardly anything we started before him. I mean that that move of like I'll get in on at once. You guys do all the heavy lifting would track for that would classic asshole dan, but also him not saying I don't I can get them a little after are also tracks that also tracks. He loves to be he's the goethe thought of everything. yes, both of them yeah. The israel only shower the Y nip so you're ones, wealth arrows well, sorry dwindled in the eightys as these african economy tank due to apartheid turned out in that so They find an actual to better, more barman and EU arguments as an engineer to in turn for just room and bored, this guy lizard, the mass there's, no furniture, the ciba matches on the floor and one day the internet running aaron's in there really shitty beater car. When the wheel came off the wheel,
of the farm bill. Car came we wheel or the steering wheel, the tire better, easy browser, it's not a sick, Ashlee Vance quote the actual dug into the street at the intersection of page mill, road and EL camino road and the groove carved out remain visible for years. So this has told us like a quirky vaughn story when it's actually just straight up exploitation of a worker and putting them in danger, which will become a theme so in alien has an insane worker. Nonstop endless hours just keeps working unemployed. it would come and every day and find him asleep in a bean bag. I can tell you passed out anyone sleeping being sleep in bag normal. And the ghost of his grandfather chiropractor would stand over him going. Don't do this to so he's narrowing his eyes. I am in number
You wanna kimball got financial from friends that they made in canada. One gives them six thousand dollars and comes down and joined them. He said he had a referee fistfight between the musk brothers in the middle of the office. Awesome guy, The marx brothers, but just not very funny, not funny at the steering wheel, doesn't come up enough. In my opinion, that was really where they lost to a oh boy. This is like encountering crackers mask brothers who coding crackers, but this is like eighteen eighties. Shit like this is crazy. Yeah, you mean fiserv way up like two bedroom apartment said they're, fine, now they're now they're in an office okay, but so it's an off said their fighting in their fighting in front of employees.
At one point he cut his hand and had to go, get a tetanus shot and after that they stopped funding at work because the other guy was like this is a really bad. Look. You guys the fist fighting at work. He probably shouldn't. Do it really quick one time at an audition on the west side, and I was sitting in the waiting room and two dudes?
who worked in the office started, arguing and then they started fistfight and I got up, and I was like what a great excuse to not do this commercial audition and I fucking left and my agent. I was like driving home where I'm like I'll, take any excuse to audition. I'm fucking used to hate it so much and my age and go through it goes from driving away wherever I'm like two dudes started: fist fighting and they're like they want you back. They know they. Yes, those two dudes do because they don't want to get fired. I'm not fucking going back there, but it was. There was nothing better than when you got like a commercial audition for like friday in order to figure out a lie to get out of the relief because they'd be like. Is it a problem that you're going to spend seven hours necrotic units buzz gratifying? You also were going to make you improv the entire thing. No script will steal some of that. You'll see that in the commercial but parking tickets, forty five dollars sound road to yeah. It does
so You all know, so they get try to work in early nature. Ninety six, they get a three million dollar investment from bc farm, Do you have to give up see they want some more experience new professional codes are brought into rewrite pretty much all the code alone had written because it was shit. Elements I have taught This code is hard update. It was hard to expand as hard for others to work on, so that shit code, like god, no we're gonna is bad. and not helpful ilan hates at their improving his coat. He is notoriously rude to staff and executives, criticising them and storming out of meetings. Author Jimmy sunny said it was quote ape per. Actually, sleep, deprived, musk, openly, berating other executives and colleagues.
Sleep, deprived musk sounds like a great fragrance that smells a little bit like cigarettes. Yeah. It's like it's like what your mouth smells like when you wake up hung over five months: yeah, oh, but also this was now we're. Now we're in the nineties, two thousands, yes like when there are ninety six clear labour laws and staff, were you can't be? They cannot be doing the savanna crazy also he he would go in and change the code without telling the others, because forward slash, not backslash who put these colons in the middle of this thing. Why is there so many twenties in here, my god, gentlemen, is a shit about g in the middle of the code. This is all axes. It's worse, he wanted the coders to work the same way he did, which was all the time eighteen hour days each
It makes them more nonstop and not sleep for days at a time, but they refused in nineteen. Ninety eight zip two was going to merge with city search, but it fell through it's so funny. You hear these names and you're like oh. I remember cities had a java city searching for a little while, I believe in san francisco no down here. It was like writing. Reviews are. Writing. Comedy show stings and like different combinations? People could go do during the week of advantageous for a comic even like this one is us yet
although I don't think I caught on to that part, I wanted the one on one. I don't know why he's daring it there, it's like around the corner from the rest of the room. You know that all of these listenings are like. Why would you do that? Stupid? Show this one's okay, but it's not great care and there's a lot of review or that people just need to lose karen. Don't need to hear what you think about it, so it falls through an airline. Ilan tries to get the c o fired and get his old job back. But everyone knows these terrible with people and the boy does not need not do that, but they drop ilan as chairman of the board. Allow, oh Is it too is losing money and compact suddenly out of the blue roles in and offers three hundred and seven million by three hundred and seven million yeah together
just basic, like information from yellow phonebook information off the internet. I mean basically this guy who's like one and is like god, damn it, I was my page Similarly, I mean yes, it was a little more complicated when it came to the coup pounding component in it, but I didn't know how printers I will. could take a picture of a polaroid screen or whatever they call it and take it to your local market and they would scow aids bow the three hundred and seven million that's a lot of clam is for I was eating the yellow paid I know it sounds stupid right, but I guess it's just like well, if they own it, then they can just put it on the computer. I used to think compaq computers, so contact with you think, neil your buyer, and they can just do a version of the right there legally. There then, but then that
our people to build it out and they just want to buy it, but for three hundred and seven million crazy, look I'll give you one million to do this in a way I mean, I wonder if the it's that, where it's just the cause, I remember one story became people code and what was called data input there's something like, job of people I like our age in our twenties, where suddenly it's like, oh my god, who's, making two hundred dollars an hour, doing data input or doing good. I remember that I was just like shit, I'm not going back to school. I can make it some other way, but like it's, because that's all they did just sit there and put you in just basic like hears, but here's the street where that ice cream store, is everybody so you're doing its twenty two million out of that, and he immediately leaves the company terrible. Besides terrible, buys condo buys a small, blaine and mclaren f one sports car. Now there
a million dollars you something there's another many ngos like sixty seventy years, and by that I mean just drive I'm a coherent set of merit. But there are another set of marriage and the dear learn it's crazy, fuckin car subject. crazy, positive or negative. Yes, the board in the bag it becomes a movie, do suddenly works on the worst. Do called sex work. Yes, I fuck it. Thank you bore smell like surfing day and it's not. You can't flowed boreal, so winning
so he orders the car. So the reason I said, there's not that many like under one hundred. However, a year is because he has seen income house hunt to film the delivery of the car are best news. Now he called them up and said he just sold. You know, he's like hello, is this a bank that he must have. He gave him the job with you calling cnn people are doing. That sure. Will come and film you buy a car, he must have called cnn and said: hey. I just saw the company and I'm getting a car delivered and they came down silicon valley story. so we just the reporter? He could buy an island in the bahamas if you wanna be rather start a new company it None for treating the mclaren like shit and bragging about how badly where is he your crashed it showing off to a friend that we'll come up
to the does. Having Karen sorry, you guys have a lot of fun with me earlier, but that happens a lot. Full apologies care at times that the year we will have just a second, I just read this. Somebody took a clip, that part of the lorry and put it on next to her and but base. It was like he just crashing and walked away right. This year by believes area. Just like whatever now that's cool, It does that's like that's like a good trade. He knows he's kind of. Similarly, cool is right. Now I have a tesla and I don't wash it. You believe that yeah yeah it'll show what a waste for a while elon had had this new idea, an online bank called ex dot com. What Oh time. People were reluctant to use the internet to shop, let alone store their money, but
took twelve men, knowledge of his own money and put it into starting ex dot com cofounder harris figure and immediately and Ilan immediately began. Budding heads figure. I didn't ask dot com to just be an online bank, while elon decided that they should change banking mortgages, insurance, online payments, investment services, retirement planning, everything all the more he's going to change the fucking world is nuts yeah. He started. In books about banking, because he did not know anything about banking that tap into that community, that guys, looking for friends yet really he will pick up oh well, yeah, of course, I'll move in with you. Don't worry about it. figures at anyone work into four a m every day, which further thought show that eu and was not actually connected to the company. Just doing his own thing you want
that's what you do is start up. You just work yourself to the bone, after five months figure said either he be made ceo or he would leave the company and take everyone with him and Elon said, go for it, so fricker did and all the top guys left that come out missus with start com, and he starts over hiring zone engineers. to fool the main vc guys, because the site was according to an engineer quote
we had what amounted to a hollywood movie set of a website and barely got past the vcs okay. So they had nothing. So this is an Elizabeth holmes, move yeah right, like they all probably do this right, yeah she just got caught. She got yeah. She ripped off yeah. I still think her product it works, but I hear you, I know, there's a lot of naysayers who don't think that that stuff's working but I've given a lot of my blood to walgreens and I've been really happy with it. So, wherever there's just just like
cutting your finger behind walgreens is not the same okay. First of all, you sound like a lot of the managers there and second of all, it is very similar. I have bags of it and someone's gonna buy it at some point. So can you start bleeding behind walgreens and work with Elizabeth hall falling over here to evade you're so that good do as their vc there? I need money. Get the vz to pick me out. Can I have one of your small milk and a sandwich from your call? There are investments that story, man, smell, milks,
It's really one of the greatest. That's one of the greatest books. I've ever read like I just couldn't stop pouting her, like she's, a genius yeah but yeah. That is true. It's like so much of it is just blustery, bullshit will and also it's because she talk like that. Everybody loves hot, let toxic and war, the war, the the Steve jobs outfit actually did the whole fucking going to take your blood and, what's interesting, is that I spray painted this box. I can't understand how low she made her and every every. As for the muscles in her neck. That's why she wears turtlenecks. So there is sort of constricted with a leg. Workout, mushroom, boning, vocal chords right here tightened the leash I've got to finish it now put the collar over outright
oh god, she's in jail. Now right she is okay. I wasn't sure if he was actually in because you can make babies move. Did you see the text exchange between hans sunny ball ami than her choose like I live for you, the sun and moon at here is like a great anywhere like address, say their relationship. Amazing is incredible. Insane so, so he's hiring engineers is getting the website pass. The the sees his new engineers that he hires have to work eighteen hour days, so he just makes them that's like that's what he he tells everybody like that. You live for this job, but that's what you get so
the offices, small it's packed and one ex employee said quote. It was this mass of adolescent men that worked so hard and stunk so badly in there. I can still smell it, but they got it done and it goes live on thanksgiving day. Nineteen. Ninety nine eleven in in justine get married a while.
She said, as they dance at the wedding elon said quote. I am the alpha in this relationship that, if that's true, that is the craziest shit ever to be fair, he whispered into her ear. Like this. I am the alpha relationship. Just the vows are just about during the marriage. He often told you justine, she will she will. I do yeah, it does mean I kick myself yeah I caught it. I got the flowers eu during the marriage. He often told her the way she was failing him. As a wife, Justine quote, I am your wife, not your employee and elon will respond quote. If you were my employee, I'd fire you I wasn't me time top, and this was leg issues. This is a retrospective of the whole. Yes, marriage of this is the way the structures in this wasn't honeymoon stuff. so you and
claims you see. That is the lesson than the promotion married, an alpha. He s burning later, should think what do you think beta you learn claims to two thousand people signed up in the first months of extra com, but there is competition from a guy named, inner. Finally, a hero, he was working on a person to person platform called pay. Pal The two companies start burning food. Isn't it weird that, like we now all know ex dot com and whatever that other yeah we know who won the two companies are just burning through money competing with each other and eventually they decide to merge and they get one hundred million in financing. ask, is the ceo but immediately a lot of disagreements. The biggest was that ilona wanted to keep ex dot com and everybody else wanted pay. Pal focused,
whoops thought x, dot com sounded like porn was going to say to this day, but especially back then because back then it was really. The websites were poor and rural x, x, x, x, stuff. Although there was one that was the white house dot com was born It was to get like teenage boys who were trying to do research our homework or whenever that's my certainty, tat a cat what want baseball, bat, copies so feel resigned the two months after the merger again take it? This is second time ago? Funders quit bidding quickly. The first five months is two months. Ex dot. Com keeps crashing cause of all the users, there's also a lot of fraud, they're losing tons of money them.
We will sign up the worse. The problems become. Are there any issues with the site? It's all issues, vance quote x: dot com lacked a cohesive business model to offset the losses and turn a profit from the money it managed. everyone is now questioning decision making as its. A nightmare rate system executives get together at a silicon valley bar to brainstorm how to get rid of ilan slight grammar school that pick that italy is ok, fine again gets instead that these stairs so they decide. They're gonna get the border, bring back deal and now, even in justine,
are finally going on their honeymoon they're to sidney winch six hours upon lillian upon landing. He finds out that the coup plotters have handed the letters of no confidence to the board, any bales on its honeymoon and go straight back to california. Yeah when he arrives. Peter deal is already seo adjusting had such a great time astro better, should truly prefer it. I remain honeymoon, without way better to enjoy myself so ex dog com now becomes pay pal. ex employee equal. I think it would have killed. The company viola alone had stayed on sea over six more months. Now the competency, I'll pay pal starts making money it takes off
Unadjusted go on their honeymoon this time to south africa in December. Two thousand this place has gone to shit. There's my shoe steward reductio guys. I got beat up here. I got beat up there, I read books and at beta we gotta do on dishes. I guess during his time in south africa, long caught malaria in almost died ten days- and I see you So he who is that it's like servicewoman, I'm the alpha that era, I tell you how to cheat. My my I in a code put it I ve been eating emeralds.
So he advocates attitudes are evaluating. Life is like what what do I want to do? He decides to focus on what I always wanted to do, which is space Imagine inferiority once again just beijing seriously, please I wanna be ups and would be a rocket man. I'm a rugged guy He wants mankind to be a multi planetary species. Address even hearing again, I don't believe this yet. But okay, I like this is stuff that I think is added in after after his life has come in retrospect, I don't, I don't buy it, but a coworker was quoted in vanity fair as saying elon promised to give away half his equity and paypal dividing it evenly. Between quote the people. I have worked hard to build the company and causes, I believe, make the world a better place. He never did that no either one
I say moves to allay and joins me to it. It gets into acting that they do not know basic crochet. The man suddenly says he was. I walked on a pizza delivery guy here it is extra peppers, stop stop blinking, so much and mouthing the other actors line that he joins the suddenly susan board of the show when you're dropping off the beach extra pepper. Suddenly she says and he joins the board of the mars society, candy, I would love to work for mars, incorporated onto me. It's always been so
and what are they their own free standing society years? Almond roca? I don't even know what that is: fucking dead man, a soda or variety of fancy, chocolates. What served pals! I have to stop what you're doing yeah it's gotta, be you gotta dig for your ankles shut, the fuck yeah, I'm in rocha, as is candy, that comes in pre, like individually wrapped cold foil. I know what it is and buy packs of three is it begs, as there is no longer a sort of democracies, fuckin comes in a ring. The climate package work wisconsin, we'll get some real candy up, you're still midwestern shit, poseidon, yonder
he's drunk again immediate, dried loser, xo. so the mar society, He told wired quote: it seemed a crazy that there was no plan or schedule to explore mars that doesn't grazing and he gets cease. Asking those space. Aren't you will love malaria hours hand fucking wall
it's getting into all these space people. He said completely in the center but organization the life to mars foundation, and they want to send something to mars versa, like let's say: let's do mice and then we'll bring them back like have a mice go to mars and come back sure I dunno. If he goes, there were still that long ago that I guess thats a great idea elon about this. How about you send the thing there and then bring back it's core. It will be interesting. It's a bunch of skeletons by the way where the guy sent them sure those are the mice we sent there yeah,
to us. So then they're like well, maybe we won't do mice will do a robotic greenhouse better because of senator greenhouse. It sets up on it's own. It starts making plants. It's like a pr thing: they want people to see that, like they thought that, through or not, I think, is great as there to stop crying Matt Damon put potatoes yet meanwhile, there's a fern in your bathroom that is been dead for six months cannot lively at this good luck. The initial budget. They came up with its twenty to thirty million, which experts news like way way way way under what they were cast in two thousand to Ebay bought paid for one point: five billion and musk made a hundred and eighty million after taxes you undecided. He needed now to buy a rocket.
so he goes and meets with some russians three times to discuss, buying a rocket of course so excited at the last meeting. Yeah you want you got it, you want rocket rocket go! This is a little bit of sputnik thing. He put the chip in this in the air. These. I think this fucking shit until some businessman you're cool. What are you looking at the air? Your eyes fail can't see right now. Are you I saw at the last meeting eu on brought with him twenty million dollars hoping to buy three rockets do too much of vodka shots and then he asked how much for one they said- eight million and run countered to for eight million, and they laughed at him. So he stormed out. I just
spacex, co, cofounder. However, as a different story quote, the leap leading designer of the russian national space agency was very annoyed. In the end, he just got tired of listening and literally spat on our shoes says they're, both, great store she age to panic. Now that I die, I want to speeches on, but I'm happy with either one in wonder. You want a baby and the other one is annoying and they spend on appear article Now you track the waves like daily or is that china, but only we now know about your watch, Sir Phidias, on youtube. your favorite surfer, how's errands. I don't talk to me.
I want to buy you a present and it was not a gruff surf guy poster would hang it up. So, while flying home, you want decides to build a rocket instead he's going to build and zoom in june two thousand and do you form rich people want to go to space ends at dead at cape money and time to space are basically saying I would rather everyone die, then then, actually even even a pro empathy or caring about my common man. I would rather go in A boy then give a shit about other human social workers who will spend
in the weeks trying to help one family, the mother and two kids, and do everything he can just to get them into a place where they have a home and are safe and feel comfortable, and this guy the complete opposite. It is just so disgusting and so infuriating to know he's this is this is why again, these stories are always like. We need to tax them out of existence, they are terrible exists. Terrible people will tell people to the to a point where, however, he started and whatever his reasons and don't, we all have reasons to be like psycho and hate human humanity sure. But then, when you get into a point where you're in that fuck you money and nothing can touch you cause you can buy, you can buy the justice system. You can buy your way out of anything, that's you can't help, but any normal person or any average person can't help but go into super villain mode where it's like. How
figure, I'm my dreams must be made. True, I'm going to go into this world where, like we have to start testing what mars is like is like knowing Fuckin, don't know, I was there when you get that much money, because our system is like catered towards that you do think you're special yo. He doesn't give you this idea that you actually are special. Your are extra important because you've got all this money, not that you just kind of a fucking prick who, like called the bank guy, and he was like wow. My wife left measure, yeah yeah. No you've got to do this. You have to get super lucky, yeah, totally crazy. Lucky this I'm like well yeah. He hasn't really done. He hasn't really succeeded. Now, he's just been in places at the right time and paypal is a success, despite his already made one hundred and eighty million dollars yeah. That's what this is.
But why didn't? He could have done a thing where you got everybody to go to the beach once a month and is burned a pile of money and more fun for society. Then what anything like space exploration does in terms of helping society space exploration is good. I think, in the sense that it gets kids interested in science. True, that's what I think is the most important going online. It makes people go like we can do things like. I want to get into science. I think that's what it's most! two four, but travel for the average citizen. I guess no, I'm specifically thinking of that thing of let's all get on a rocket to go to mars. Noah well, wait! Okay, so he forms space exploration, technologies spacex using one hundred million of his own money. He wanted it to be.
Put the southwest airlines have space. Oh well. What is that is what the fuck are you to. I want it to be horrible, fucking we're going to mars, and you have to pick your own seat to align. You gotta, you gotta, pay an extra fifteen bucks so that the system will put you in a four going to stand in line. Someone comes up behind you. Are you a four or five, and then you get on your like I'm, not interacting. Today. I can't make me talk to you today, god, oh god, he wants to make it really cheap space. She really stood loyally. It's also fucking done, because this planet is that's one of those shared today. That's all those things are rich person just says yeah. You know like simple, cheap space travel, because no one can have the conversation to not no average person. A cocktail party can go. Oh I'm sorry, its uninhabitable and habitable? Very that's very.
Very interesting here. Like I literally dont know, all the planet yeah right here for minor, must sign on What's the hurry homes is it home here on earth is covered, really meant Andrews with all their one. First, they prefer planets, though one of those leaving me. Oh you mean an acronym collateral energy bills. I dont know there might be. Is it right you got? It has made no more thinking or thinking that get idea. Sorry, it's a roy g, big boy, we're not gonna get a bunch of people to those set adder, and so
the they they are expecting their first rocket engine to be done in under a year and a second them and later and the body there I'll get a month later and so on until take off in november, two thousand and three oh and a trip to mars by two thousand and ten wow. Here we go hm. I remember when in may, two thousand and two justine had their first child, but the baby died of sids after ten weeks gone horrible, yet he's he's had as much as you hate him. He had some terrible fucking shit. Catastrophic, like awful ilan did not want to talk about the child's death, even with his wife. He said her grieving was quote. emotionally manipulative
how do you not feel sorry for a man who just had a baby die? Well, that's it yeah! I was just going to say, although that those are errol's words that he was raised by a person who couldn't do it so that show shelling that he was raised by a person who couldn't do it, though absolutely yeah. They instead went to ivy vf and tried to get pregnant again asap letter acronym he threw himself into space. Axing hired, appear Mary Beth brown known as and be she worked. We all the hours he didn't, which is all the hours or more ackerman ready to keep my bank akron. I may add that all the hours aol she defended EU on the low from people peeps should also give like people heads up about his mood like she was. She was like for hearing yesterday, careful kid he's gonna take a swing whose very strange again early he's a warning
his ex started testing the fridge to drink water through his era. He thinks it's a cheat. I dunno that way he can kill his dog. He calls it mars drinking he's doing mars. Drinking he's embarrassed chugging. You know how he does it. space started testing the first engine in the year. It was supposed to burn four hundred and eighty seconds to get into space. It burn for half a second closures. As seventy nine and a half hours every Ben steps yet- and I think that fuels hundred and seventy nine four yet
I cracked the vibrating parts of her constantly breaking when they got the first customer of the department of defense. Both got a lunch dinner. Just did yes we'll do this you're, not getting one that will throw money that we like what we hear launched, deadline set for early, two thousand and four, and that meant employees were expected to work twelve hour days six days a week to take it easy on them. Hey we're going to real things in a little bit, get some free time, worked a longer. Elon generously gave them a break by allowing call everyone to use their work, computers to play first person, cheater games like quick, three arena and counterstrike. Must playing under the handle random mine. Often one games talking trash and blasting away his employees without mercy well the fact that he doesn't realise that people don't want to kill him, because he
the boss, fucking crazy. the into guys, like I'm going to kill him in that game. Yeah I mean he's a guy notoriously yelling at people and treating people badly. He hates to hear. No. So you you really! This is not a guy. You want to kill at a video game, yeah right. He did for very library. I want to take that away from Abram evil pubs, are explaining how important the work is. Electric cars to save some climate change getting man the earth, so we can't be killed by a meteor. It's a tool to get people to work. Longer brutal hours you're doing something for the greater good we're all in this together or humanise us. We, you meteor, mean they're, sacrificing their lives for the greater good instead of hiring more people. That's the other thing you could do share when we have time I'd love to talk to you or getting people off the planet when the meteors coming, because it's simply
god what how many rockets would be required? Oh yeah, I know it's insane, you know it's very obvious. This is just lay so man, so very few of us go somewhere and even if you do go, you like tear occurs. Why don't we go back of average? We show me one science fiction, move like there's a meteor coming, get the poor people to safety, the meteor coming, but we're doing voting rule be thirty line, it surely south last
in the press. Evens claims made it sound like if he does. I like ass, if he was designing the rockets himself, which enraged all the engineers sure an ex spacex sex workers at engineers were quote, fired for things they hadn't done. The kiss of death was proving ilan wrong about something great system yards. A really good, that's good, because then everything is bad. It's very guys like deal many stories about saying no t lawn and getting fired. Many many stories by mid two thousand and four no I could have been launched so move to a test site on the closure lean a tool which is part of the marshall islands centre
now! This is courtesy of a asshole I dunno, so where are they in the atlantic with zero? Where you're served from with you that thinks he knows the north of hawaii, it's right near where graham elwood surfboard yeah So, the? U s: army, set him up there, a tall right, they they ship all their equipment over. A technician quote? It was like gillikins island accept with rockets, I'm having trouble, because every different things deliveries were so bad is sometimes workers went without food. IRAN's dream. Gilligan there was fucked.
Coconut cream pie on Gallagher, cocoanut, every game, cocaine, you wanna do a bumper cocoa name, Your car company name, tesla motors was incorporated on July for two thousand and three by Martin Everhart and mark tapping. Carpeting when you create quote a car manufacturer that is also a technology company. You wanna bested six point: five million in two thousand and four he was the biggest shareholder became chairman of the board. None of them had experienced manufacturing cars in two thousand and five in january they had a prototype, invested nine million more dollars. They plan to deliver cars by two thousand and six budget and here's knew there was a problem
when the batteries caught on fire, they exploded quote like a cluster of bottle. Rice said: well, it's not a problem for elon. He loves rap yeah. We go to bands like dream car very close to mine, as I believe two thousand and five, the in terms of an article on tesla and ever hard and the other engineers get nice coverage. I get pino I talked to him. The interview elon gets nothing. tesla because he is just german board. He hasn't done anything church, a test, Well, we tried to emphasise him and told the reporter about him over and over again, but they weren't interested in the bore the chairman of the board of the company. Of course, eland was fucking, live it on
Tall things were grim. Logistics were badly sorry he's living from the eternal, no he's limit. There wasn't in this house, though he didn't go to them now he's not only these in offices, in LOS angeles, he's not on the atlantic telecom, shoot him in jail against item. I gotta be amazing, without at with we are generally fit on back and that's all there when he knows how to do in ireland It's all the things that really grim logistics are bad. It's getting very tense space x managers were pushing the engineers to do more and more and more once a day quote, felt like slaves out an omelette with all the power stripped away from us.
one day in the fall manager. Scolded them. They just chew. They just sit them down and fucking chew them out for not doing enough and engineers feel like they're being pushed to do more than they're humanly possible, like they cannot do what they're being asked to do such a bad attitude that when you're saving the world, that's your attitude is just like dig deep, but we could get humans onto mar yeah, not used by others to work a little harder, be dead. Good lawyer, and then, on that day that they get shoot out, the expected supply ship doesn't arrive. So there's! No. no food, no beer, no cigarettes and they're fucking pests yeah, and they called the launch director and say there going on strike until they get food and cigarettes, love striking for second rate idea: I want to go you guys later thigh. An army helicopter is called in to make a food drop quote. We were
is the wild animals on the island. Waiting for food, the helicopter dropped chicken, wings and cigarettes, and they returned to work that is amaze, so messy, oh yeah, that rule is filth of the hands of nathan. Here, yes, the activities kidnap combine. What are you doing for cigs or wings yeah cigs, very strange for sure it would have to be, and then, if you're whinging and then followed by clean hands all cigs, I would think if you're hungry and you're waiting and you're also on cigarettes, you would go cigarettes first right,
Well, I mean you, you, you both smoked lawyers, good lord. I do on right now, I'd bang, a heater or a smoke, smokestack, yeah, bang, eight or jimmy cannon, stop talking gum or water. I'm going to tell your surf friends that you're smoking fucking minds smells wagon lungs, dude and your body will respect sic powder, dated David you're right looks like you smash that coral pretty hard when you're trying to barrel through that too, that you say stuff like that. No, never do you wear sunglasses. When you serve the audience meant no running any questions
I think I've got good, so these messages on a town on the beach yeah anderson by turns and what is more, money and stuff key leaving our forty break is here, is in need money and the man, sir truly clamshell. True Do you have you named your board frank. Will you re name? Your board will use pitching names like this. So when you're making love to your board here, like Bobby Bobby interest, let's do it. so whenever the
I get the message out there on the atoll to start treating the workers better. Eventually they are treated better like they get arranged yes, but they have to basically strike to get it. Spacex finally launches a rocket in march, two thousand and six, but it caught on fire and fell to earth. Elon publicly blamed a technician for the fuck up saying he had failed to tighten a fuel pipe fucking out. That's great leadership, yeah! It's the best such idea right when there's a failure, you point at one guy: he did not name him, but the tec, We are talking about new. There are trying to throw money, the bus, so he flies to los angeles needs and confront the loan face. They are rate a slight flight. He storms in the union's off is furious and thereby screaming match
later showed? It was nothing to do with the technician. It was because space sex tried to save weight by using aluminum instead of stainless steel was led to corrosion and the sea air. So it's all! You learn spoken fault, Stop not saying that a board. Member later said the tec quote kind of got blames so that they could out an answer. they could They can have an answer to the investors as to why the launch had not work. Right, so it's it's the exact. Like you said, it's not leadership, whereas the leader would be like yes, this is our fight figure figured out where we're a team we're trying to work this out. Instead, he goes it's that guy Jeff Jeff yeah. I just want to win analysis. Yeah
they won't even give us the wings anymore. It's just the sausage is getting polluted blue cheese dip for a raise or ants, but at the end of the day he launched he wants. Companies are all elon musk. he's the pr advertising is everything so he can have Anything now he can't do anything wrong because in the whole thing collapses, it's funny that that is the case and that he went into it. aeronautical engineering gray went in to write the thing that never rocket scientist the hardest largest minority. That thing were ten fail and then one goes up like it's fucking rockets like they all blow up all the time we ve watched it. Forgive you know eighty years or whatever they fucking blob and exploded and try again that's gonna part one Jesus Christ,
is elon, musk research. Thank you charlotte george. She did an amazing job and does a good job charlotte and there's a bunch of different sources, the number being ashlee vance, elon musk, and then anna reading crowley, elon musk admission to save the world. There's some people that really like to blow smoke up. The lawns asked also businessinsider to take off Business insiders and has done stuff, the guardian, esquire magazine, vanity, fair washington, post, fourchan magazine scene and mercury news reveal news: the young, turks, wired, ellie timescale, abc the hill, australia a dollar writers, amis and political,
mamma, mia yeah. I remember that. I remember that my my mars, the mars, the canadian chiropractic association. Yes, we really don't want to be cited, Matthew three, why bezos and elon musk real business inspiration in science fiction, l a times and think I said that I said esquire right, yeah, matthew, sweet's, the musician! that's correct him and guided by by voices, have done a lot of work on the nine so that its so so we back next report too, and everything goes really well. They turned at all around. Oh god, ok,. What me through is yellow pages online, stiff business.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-11.