« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

575 - Rickey Henderson - Part Two

2023-03-21 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine baseball great Rickey Henderson. 


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Reynolds zoo has no idea what the topic is going to be about, and also I am now referred to as the human sound effects machine you're you're too invested in your name. No, I mean what a crazy thing to say to someone just not something that anyone would ever saint anyone. My name is my name and I'm invested in it because it's my name you're too, and where you left off the two major slain, explain what that means. The guy who's tried to change my gary for almost a decade. Honestly, there is a great example of how you you can't even have fun. It was fun for a minute I mean that Is that you'd basically goaded me into the whole thing you just sorta conned me into it. You just started saying it and I was like okay whatever and then it became this kind of like weird connection you have to our fans and it's just gotten out of hand. Do you understand how many times I get sent the article on twitter, the name Gary is going extinct and people go really sorry to hear about,
That's too bad! Not for me has nothing to do with me shit. What only because of the connection you people are worried about you and you can't let the men can be vulnerable. I'm not going to have you gary everything so now we're not gonna talk about it. You just go to the info. This is the dollop. I control the music. This is the dollop. This is the dollop gary gear, if god damn it, this is the dollar. The doll
right now, you're listening to the dollar, go to the music called the gym catch, the fucking guy- and this is not going to come with a similarly quad. Go kart hit him with the puppy present. Six arguments about action now nicely done my friend the okay. Well now the intro is over god. What year is it? I'm the one who's your favorite avenger frank
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the whole thing days. I will be doing some stand up comedy of the cross, the greatest nation, six in the world, the united states of america. When this comes, the march twenty first tuesday I'll be in lexington Kentucky march, twenty second I'll, be in ST louis thursday march. Twenty third I'll be at the comedy club of Kansas city march, twenty fourth and march fifth I'll be in des moines, iowa march, twenty sixth I'll be at the funny bone in omaha Nebraska, then april twelfth I'll, be at the tacoma comedy club. Doing a crowd. Work show. So that's I'll, be chatting to people on the ground, now be filming it and it's gonna be a real phone time. Let's to come, a comedy club in Washington then the following night April thirteenth, albeit the spoke and comedy club April fourteen friday and april fifteen, saturday. Albion, bozeman Montana, at last best comedy than may fifth,
be in los angeles that beautiful place. I love living inside at the dynasty. Typewriter may eighteenth I'll, be in phoenix arizona, stand up, live then July. Twelve new york comedy club in new york, new york July thirteenth in kinetic, It at the new york comedy club and July fifteenth I'll, be in pittsburgh. Doing a w d v e comedy first April eighteenth. I know there's more coming, that's it! There was an august. I don't! I don't believe any of that. Okay, it's interesting that you feel, like you, don't believe a word, so you don't believe I'm at any those place. No nope also especial called england. in the rushing founded on the all things comedy you two page, just look it up and we have another part guest. What's it called stinky, the past rides the past times each weeks. Thinking and I welcome a guest under the show wig through an old newspapers supposed to not laugh. It yourself, like that, I god you'd think is but an I'm having a good time, and I we also pay
can we be? Lucky laugh and shut. Your mouth look where you can go much weird stuff, patriot and patron that counts less than four we're stuck to munich turtles, workin, Ganz, wow, Mitch. Mcconnell right now needs us. We don't need to society passed away. we're not gonna get political. No, let me tell you some we're not gonna. Do chrome revel in the idea of when a polar ashen, his over tons of people as having a hard time. We're not gonna. Do that either party. Look if that there is a time to disagree with someone's politics and it's not when they fell on their pillow necks, have some class he's a sexual being man. Listen! The anyone with two scrums is, is gonna, be
december and identity for Ricky Henderson is traded to the new york yankees. They sent him to a five year contract for eight point, six million, so he got the money last contract under a mill it gets the money. His old oakland teammates start too king shit about his ray, action to not getting the million dollar contractor. He spent the next year You're saying he might not play is hard and wandering about a constantly share but they should have offered a movie undervalued. A hundred percent did and so now. This is the guy who's going to come and meet the new york press, who are some of the most awful people on the face of the earth and wondered to change now Ricky never dream of being a yankee sure, whereas most kids,
I think, play baseball like one. That's the pinnacle murky wanna play football here. I didn't care as as a kid he idolized oj simpson same here. I also yeah well after after the murder. He loved. oakland raiders, none near reporters. Thank everyone should want to be a yankee and they make it very clear in your press that players need to play ball because they can destroy them in the eyes of the fence. Ok, they're, very pirate. Be upfront about that. Then I imagine all white, except for one at this point- is race stuff, you're doing here it's just it's getting a little crazy. The yankee uniforms have a belt buckle and buttons Y belt buckles. Just can we not mean the yankees? You give it to someone ten million dollars. You can't fit pants.
the old confederate, a trucker beer. So this is going to make sliding painful because he's been sliding on his chest, but now there's buttons there kind of how, like you sleep on your eyes and ears, keep it real, so yeah, so it seems it's if you're, the idea that you're like look, unfortunately you're going to have to change our you play the sport because we're married to the fashion. Sorry, we got buttons on it. Sorry about that sorry what it can do, the giant. Fortunately, we put up a word on the front of everyone. So he spring training. You start trying to learn how to slide feet. First, I can't imagine signing someone for ten million dollars became like now. Fortunately, there's the book, No, she well there. You are there's no other way to put a shared on. What are you gonna do
slip it over your head. It's so he of course, in spring training, slides into a base to hard and jams ankle, and it's in a cast, work is so not only serve the new team. That means he be rehab in in florida It shows up to new york three weeks after the season has started okay, so the press is salivating to see him right right there waiting when he comes into the club as the first time for the first day of practice, and he just rushes past them and says clay is fat it says quote. I don't even know press now man and keeps gone. He says we'll talk afterwards, okay, but he doesn't talk afterwards. He just leaves he didn't talk before his first game, but when he did finally talk before his first game, they of course ask him how it feels to play in the outfield
Grates have walk Eric yo, yes, Madame la geo, man truth when he hasn't he's a kid from oakland who idolized football players, he literally doesn't give a shit quote. I don't care about them. I never saw damage your men to play its ricky, tie a hope, bucking guide that those people there like excuse me, sir, no different than walking into a church a meal. I know Jesus, it's ricky tan cleaning, your but no so that's it He is done in the eyes of the new york press. Babies to your spoke in the years to come and ran, bowed down in front of the posters and kiss Imagine could turn he could have easily. Just billy adds amazing yeah. It's It is really that I don't give a shit what's it like for them to be,
I so the percentages of the teamsters, poorly than playing well and steinbrenner played plenty more buttons, pretty quickly, fires, the manager, ok hires again in Billy, Martin, HU, we ve already established, wanted pined for the best friendship of ricky got it got it then, but they were forlorn for awhile and now they're back together, daddy's back a squeak will Ricky. and has one of the greatest offensive seasons and baseball history makes you all starting keeps up. The style is due in stature he's now wiggling his fingers before he runs for second allow and, and then he adds that keep these hands loose from a legs, and then he adds the pic. The pic is picking, isn't
so the pic came was after rikiu would hit a big home run, so is taken batting practice one day and he can't hit the ball. And in this system coaches there- and he goes here's the problem- you need it, change the angle of your swing. Just a tiny bit. This today is known as launch angle. It's what everybody does it's one of the reasons the game is boring, but launch angle. Just do a little uppercut on that thing shows ricky. Couple of days later, Ricky's, pound and pounding home runs in practice. I must have been like the quote. I was so excited I started hitting myself in the banning helmet. I started tugging at my jersey when I started running around the basis, so he just out of his
I am excited that he is hitting home, run hit himself in the head pulling at his church. I want to get rid of buttons, so the pulling he starts to call the pick. Okay because it it transforms from some organic transformation. It goes from I'm pulling on my jersey to look at this home run. I just hit on picking the cashmere lint off my sweater wow, he only did the pig when he hit run that surprised even himself. Okay, well, a sorry, but all I can really surprised but when he had a really good amre guy the home run the more picks it got: a guy Jesus Christ. What he's gonna lit roller. so he's doing that so Ricky also love to play cards love. Take money from our iraqis. He enjoyed cheating, you would take from the bottom of the deck and like he was cool, but he's a gambler and
he didn't hide it when he had a good hand, quote he's going to pay. he's gonna, tell for sure I didn't tell any so this club has won the players quote any always and he was always in the third rick he's gotta good hand. Oh good hand, rigour is not going to tell you what to do, but he would full of humor you and is in the same way. baseball right, but you, your ok, is lies like every hand you like wait. What rick he's gotta goodwill he's just comport he's just always in your hand, I get a pair rigs once Ricky was in LAS vegas. table when a casino rap stop by and said singer tony bennett come over and say hello to you, Ricky and said quote. Tell tony bennett regular, I like to have him come over when ricky has finished his lunch rickey had no idea who tenant, but it was their first city level. Third person.
At this level is getting a little flag. It's tony bennett. So it was already venues did he say what am I going to be after he has his ham. So Ricky said that ricky will come over when ricky's dad eating is his ham. Stew, I tell them tony- would really like oh yeah. He he doesn't know who you are, but all the songs I sing now come on, never hurt him, but it's me tony Abbott is what using your, namely a people, the ragged edge tone by using your famous on which one is so many use the main one. Yeah everybody to san Francisco, so Herrera, and Well, hey, okay, so you're not telling you about it, though I left my heart in San francisco,
emu jane I do is I want to do that so the union wraps the union and the owners are negotiating a new contract. Ok, so player wraps, go the teams ago. It's not going well and we might have to go on strike, but we think once we go on strike their fold really quick, ok, so stay close, never magically I'll. Get it when the players go on strike, they should go steer a weak know, a pretty good job, I'll make it later and, and so the the players reps like look to their teams like it's one strike just stay close because that it might immediately and don't go on vacation or some shit sure enough at last one day, it's a one day strike to make of the miss gay mixed game missed game, but like They two games tomorrow, steer over so Ricky
he the teams travel secretary, the next day and like as their game in the java sectaries gets in three hours in ricky's, like california, ok, so ricky's again, if you get it, so the yankees find him twenty four thousand dollars when he gets back. ricky makes it known, he is offended and this could affect his play. Ricky might be off Ricky my plate, twenty four thousand dollars worse. It's interesting because I see his perspective. His perspective is that only power right! That's is a bachelor labour, so he's doing what the businesses, which is withhold. My labor going targeted trip
he's literally and but they were like, don't go anywhere because it might be. I know it now. He totally fucked up, but I I understand his mind as far as you pay someone ten million dollars you liked it, but just play well I don't know show this is in the press. obviously makes him look bad and my brave fair, but yet especially at the time? So this is a time when they are free agencies really take up to now plays a really making millions of dollars and ordinary jos or like wait. Why? Because these do not make that my right and related bowl of yes or doesn't look good, ricky, never recalls in ever spent meal, money, every player when these on the rug, Ishmael money right, sixty bucks, a hundred bucks a day, but took you like living in a room framed coming to day, he would just
I get and rapid it a little rubber band and throw it in a shoe box. So after years he has thousands of dollars in the shoe box last time you ate what he would do is go to his old neighborhood the kids are your grades, while block is getting good grades, he money to buy way. If anyone ever asked me but my grades were- and I knew money was there you, but not here, not a chance or sure really good, but gear is doing great ricky at the end of the day, he's just spreading yes helping out yeah and that season the yankees are rolling very close face until september, and then billy just fucking implodes belly does yet he does a bunch of a does. A bunch of bad shit into this september ends. Roof ends with the famous fight with edwards and in the hotel right that you can hear in the Billy billy episode and they don't make the playoffs now. Ricky has an amazing season, one of the best of all time, and yet the near press is still writing him because he's having the best season. This is the crazy thing he's having the best season,
at the time, but complaining he won't put out right, he's, obviously playing to his top potential because he's having one of the greatest baseball Judy said they can't get over it and they just keep writing about it. The stats dc, three with libraries have so like I'd like to simply say: yeah. Ok, you be like yeah. Ok, you can write about a store a line for a while, but at some point I will look mean. Is he can't be twenty four thousand dollars so. oh, oh ricky comes in second and envy the voting relief patch to dawn matting, his teammate and ricky's yeah like yeah, okay domenic. As his and demanding these is like an amazing, had our cities, like ok, that guy that guy did, did it he's not upset about the events really pitcher. He lost my right. Billy gets fired after that season. Ricky Digital few things with me. When I go map
hey, I'm a newspapers break. You get this ricky get in a box in the box working. My upstairs chile become unwittingly ricky, Gee hadn t allow known on none on amendment two as whose so paid to burn we were quail not touching. We bill, you gonna, be Can you silly ricky immediately upstate it is now generally broker. Israel is risky and busy and maybe believe you is disguise. Dixon around the facility ricky
him billy billy with a new phase, GAD din dirty call in guinea Why that's he'll, murmur, aegis and Did I ever loved you just ricky and give money stop whinging, I'm not going you, gill, moon, now, where a weird little per can't, you know a wig. Can you do now? I can dig bill, you gonna, go maggie merely did give me, there's whisky or give them all Is so so now the teams in their division, these costumes our getting really mad at Billy, ok at ricky, Ricky, so goddamn. It's ok.
I'm here for you baby, I'm your net, a baltimore, pitcher said quote: people will be looking for vengeance if he keeps it up. Just baseball, targeted, baseball, tat phrase. It she's got stuck in baseball, fucking kill you not the warriors that the baltimore manager said justice you play baseball. one of those one of the bases might ever a grenade honoured. If someone's, not careful justice. Wrong. This boy, have you ever did written rules. Half we have time to read of a cat. Nobody and I'm not there yet, but there there you tell them you whispering to each other well, at its hand, gestures exactly stuff like that. by the way. Who is the guy with the weird permeating chile? That's gill puts his deal just so where's gale military intervention by an empire
Oh Peter gammons, the empires we're tired of billy, but the phone rings. Yet I condemn it's. Ok from now on, when you say billy you mean about Fans the show he puts on also a umpires, I apologize. So what you like be tired of a guy knows that your role Miller rise to be like yeah, unbiased and balanced diet. And when we hate of the players Getting more mad because he's a dry he's what the fans love give I got them even makes it worse to them any made time for the vans he he would talk During games he talked of the monies are getting really bad. It carry on conversations the field with the vans amazing. Was you and all the players that do that, our great added so vast. We have a running thing with it I so far net. They would yell from due to snatch catch like they want to see all the hits right.
the next season ricky on fire till june and then he pulls a hamstring. Then he came back to Well, he got bad reinjured, it again. Yup he's out for another month, rumors start floating saying he could have come back, but he chose not whose floating these. Then steinbrenner looks as if we haven't done a sombre, an episode yet, but steinbrenner would just trash talk that his own players constantly interesting, so Steinbrenner tells the press the manager wants to trade Ricky, because the manager thought ricky could have played through the injury I see so just totally. He george never really liked Ricky George, I I always thought george was a racist, but I'd have to look more into it, but he sounds like a really racist person. Now fans are calling talk, radio to discuss if ricky's actually hurt,
This is a guy who gives everything who is an enemy, paying likely just turned on an m BP tire you hey it's also. I mean you see it. So it's so simple arrests, exactly it's so simple to take over the minds of the public via the press. This is them getting back at him for that. At first day I write, the cities. Turning against him, then the daily news called him, the most overrated player and major league baseball. What Hayes Yeah look look at each stage of last night. Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Look at the data for nothing, nothing, nothing because a quitter and it's also not just coming from the press. Shit he's coming from the team, coaches players and the front office whispering could have play. Crazy. So it's guys on the team. You don't like them they're. Using this moment right, his assistant is gonna walt mccleery quote.
I'm not a billy, martin character, I know and I'll do. My name is walter mccreary waltz hello. I have a bags, they did background that is not associated with the sport of baseball so I merely work for ricky in them. That is all I do have no previous relationship, her there's no other adoration of me at all. I my name it. I've never been called gill home yeah, that's about anything. I've been to have done and doing it and doing it all go ahead. Go ahead. If I could send my way, billy yeah and you don't get no. It is worthy of our guy billy. You were fired the fat, I'm a man with a very long goatee take off the clown mask. What who gave us anything about that,
Take off the cloud mask: okay, now you are hey, that's billy, know, hi billy, know the look crown royal siam and turn against him. What's his assistant say you were better in the system, so this is where walt Mccurry said quote. We were in the apartment in jersey, cooking and- and I look over and he's tearing up he's in tears. He was talking about how no onions in there isn't. He was talking about how nobody believed he was hurt. He was literally tearing up because for weeks he'd been getting his ass, ripped the we're. Seeing things only got worse when the team doctor told steinbrenner ricky could play crazy and steinbrenner told the press crazy insane yet he's back. I read honestly, that's the worst. It's just medically speaking he's full of shit. Ricky is furious.
They're, saying you don't wanna play hamstring. The worst yams recently heard yeah upon her too he has a ten game hit streak. Reporters came to talk to him when they did they found ricky had made a perimeter around his locker with athletic tape wow, so he built like a murder seen from that's amazing, so everyday quote, I said: don't cross this parameter, you dog me! I want to talk about it, I have a couple of good days now. Y'all want to come talk to me next day for for three stolen bases for a run. Scored I yelled across the room to Dani. Dani can tell these press people what I did do not cross y'all kept saying figure, figured example crap, so you just fuckin. evaluating. He he's your regular he's playing. better and better and asked being like. I you get nothing also like that to a guy like that. Like the motivation they are through the roof, Should we noted that I, as I said all these reporters are white
so: arguing national columnists there this guy's lazy and doesn't care narrative which their sang the opposite of what you say about bloated, drunk idiot, Lenny, dextra, nails, who can do no wrong. They keep saying. Ricky won't play a hundred fifty games in aceh and letting the only did that once in his career. But there's here's why Lenny is the best lenny as basically a walking malibu and coke with cocaine and alright? What lenny is doing is unbelievable. You want to talk about a hamstring lenny dykstra is on heroin. Okay, yeah! That's fair, he's an amazing player, so I guess he's white because ricky's injured, Harold Reynolds, wins the stolen base title the breaks, Ricky's street,
seven straight seasons of winning the solemn based title vi: in the season here runs is home and his phone rings. I'm excited. He picks it up. No hello, no alone, the boisterous says quote sixty bases. Man Ricky got sixty by the all star break and then hangs hello. This is mrs reynolds. This is mrs reynolds who picked up the phone. Hello So I will give you my number
it's like scream. Oh hey there, everybody, it's gareth! You know from this. This podcast listen, I've got some stand up, shows I'm inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty. Fourth, through august twenty six that Acme I will be going to the uk in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twentieth, Bristol september, twenty second and cardiff september. Twenty fourth,
and then in november I'll be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, camera november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me, let's get ad did after Let's see it, air the kids were into soccer now, they're like gulf, you used to go to the office Now! Oh, you can you dear couch. The puppy was supposed to be fifteen pounds now she's forty five and growing lifts full of surprises, little ones and big savary ones. But with the wrong word and affirm its easier to keep up shop for the things you need today. Then pay over time with no later used. Surprises visit, walmart outcomes last a farm to handle whatever lifers your way. Next traffic
I just want to pick up in the middle. The episode gareth. I wanna talk to you about harry's action and aggressive, hey we both shave, we shower shave our faces. I think I shaved more more often than you you and yeah. You shave a lot more. That's what I was going to say these harry's razors last six to seven years. If you have a few times a year, that is True, so we both got shaving another group meetings. kit, from Harry's thing we got there. We got the razor but got body wash. I got the redwood scented, which smells like a forest of europe. For us that you have, but that's what smells like in the no ones, and I just ask an overall question: why why why are you attacking me in no way can we not just gonna, be on the same page about enjoying what we got? I too, a jury. but even then ill and smells like stones. It's it's called stone if you've never smelled stone. This one's, the other ones smells like stoney can rub into your body, come out of the shower smelling like a stone. It's hard to disprove,
It smells like a star, but it's good body wash is when you say, yeah, there's hair stuff to their there's the texture yeah and you don't need to put much yea. Put it a little bit in. I put a lot in there and you still get you get next. They hold. If you could see we're right now, I've got what we call next day hold to look if you want to get a guarantee if you want to get a really nice shave, it's super easy with harry's three dollar trial set and the truman shave trial set. Is a fifteen dollar, buy it for just three dollars at harry's dot com, slash, dollop yeah, the trial set is great for attorneys, hey, they also have great self care products. Shaving creams, chief bomb. I know you like a bomb yeah. I need a bomb, otherwise I get rushed out. Oh gonna Harry's check it out, don't get overcharge razors get areas, get a fifteen dollar truman shave trial, set for just three dollars at harry's: dot com slush! Stop that I used dot com. Slash dollop for a three dollar trial set. Harry's, don't be Harry all right back to that episode! Everything!
oh the yankees, higher manager, Dallas green Nineteen, eighty, nine and Ricky said quote: I dont have to adjust him. He has to adjust to me. One that is interesting is that it's not gonna go so everywhere, Do me could cross through the wrestling rigour built around my life so agreed. Says I want players to come to spring. on February. Twenty third now be great if they did because on like spring to me, thing is the union's negotiating. Contracts. Are no players at the shop until march first strike three, but he sang it. Volunteer who brought the involuntarily ok, which they Alright, I'm with some do some doubt. Ricky does not. He comes on the twenty fifth becomes tradition later. He still. He still five days earlier by the rules.
green, said quote: maybe ricky can't read call this right off the what a great way to handle it. This idea that you're, like arguing with your players before you get. You know I mean I can even there was all that seems like it's. It's then it's me similar now in a way, but now player, coaches are so much more players, coach, totally grads. Yet that's how you get like Billy martin for its I mean granted. Jerry was maybe picking up the opposite view called ones when he should have been, but they do you do get more out of them when you're like it look, I want. I want to help you, steve curve is a great example, there's tired of any red lines and lunch on yeah, so that happens and then so way, bogs as it has been really as a mistress. It's in all the press
and the next thing green says is he said. Maybe ricky was having sex with wade, bogs, miss listen! That's why you didn't come on time! That's where those things where its You have a black eyed. You said two things about it. He can read and he's fucking a lot, but also, if you give a little more thought to it, you'd be like. I could probably hurt him but better than me, this woman that wade boggs been having an affair with the rookies, also having an affair with like what buddy. What are you going for you matter now? Just stare I sort of heard I'm gonna spit it back into not really sure how this boy I'm a roast comic and, of course, the new york press. Totally onboard totally onboard dumb one now well, maybe easily wade bugs mistress, maybe Ricky Is there a way bogs? It's it's bill.
They'll say whatever they don't care, they'll say whatever yet heard ricky, and this is clearly just fuckin crazy when against their race again you said was white, the other. Why? Except for one which we want to get into there's one black? woman writer, whose in connecticut that's the only one who covers the actual it's safe to say that all races we're doing this correct. Thank you. No further questions then ricky is mad. Why is nabbing this injured year. The press has been talking shit about him. His teammates have been some teammates have been talking. He showed up early like the t, the teammates, the the the yankees Is the owner have all been saying he's not playing when he should have so he's mad at everybody, but he's a yankee and everyone's like this guy? He sucks why so he drops into he says to the to the one female black reporter.
the reason the team did not win. Last season was because too many players were drinking too much. The s says that drinking too much, that's why they didn't I need only- and I mean he's only talking to her obvious yeah right. The players are not happy You mean these surly over man he's right right. It turns out the manager had to ban drinking on the. And they are doing so much he's right, but you need to talk about internal club how they play for now. Florida boss, internationally bogs earlier, We all know that was just the madonna. It's it's so he their managers had shut up drinking like the drinking water, probably? But the problem is you're not supposed to take team stuff out in the public, so that's it. He is in june, he's traded back to the oakland a's Ok, a lot of billy learn, buys a house in oakland they already are
people in the ark think Help me much better when he's gone. This is the problem there about play. You got rid of you get rid of it. I am dying, yeah right problem guy. They are far worse. It doesn't help that the two player to the three play they got four ricky were soon convicted of sex crimes against teenagers one getting fifty years. Fifty or sentence so recognise faded for I kind of ok, pitcher and to sex criminals. steinbrenner was like. I pulled it off. Yeah we're going this year. Boys, so Ricky now goes too an amazing ace team. They lost the world says the year before the only thing they are missing as a lead operator and they get the grace of all type right because economic and make them better yeah. Ok, now one ricky was feeling good. When Ricky
thought. He was going to have a good day. He would come into the club, our signal its je interesting they'll, was ridiculous, enroll their eyes, and then they noticed it ricky came into the dugout at the beginning of the day and yelled its ricky time. He would have an amazing day. He would run sea would steal a crazy. He knew as body he knew he was feeling that amazing. I've done that before sets and clubs. I do it to poor sex and specifically yell is ready to yeah and that's the thing I think, he's thrown heather off so much yeah she's got a lot. Yeah she's a crier yeah, I dunno. If it's just that she's she's, a crier okay, I feel like it might be a little more. No, it's her and in the playoffs they play in the playoffs and ricky drove the toronto team insane after the after the second game, but it's really confusing playing the a's. If you're a toronto team,
We played a tat, great premise and I think it's good I have a headache remedies, but with twenty minutes I might getting close After the second aim of toronto player, told the press quote: fuck rigour, Henderson he's a great ballplayer, but fuck Ricky, Henderson, when rigour that he said good, Think I'm showing you up, I'm just gonna steal, more bases he's in their heads right. He's embarrassing them on their failed. China players wanted to throw at him so that they had a meeting in their like. We should hit em over the past history it yet you're getting a secular smart, but the guy, the one of the best players in
and their team is a guy named lloyd, most be who grew up with ricky and he said yeah, that's not going to bother. Ricky quote you don't understand! You can't intimidate ricky, especially if his ricky the day before game? Three Ricky said the toronto catcher of the toronto. Catcher quote, I don't think he can. Throw me out. If they want to win, maybe they should put someone else back there, while so, just like a made his fucking mind. Game is incredibly right. Now that guy's off his game right he's just fuckin mad the day of the
dame ricky had terrible gas. It's a very interesting thing: you're highlighting he just it's not regular job. He just keeps farting in the clubhouse. The entire clubhouse reeks one player sneaky Henderson. They needed to fumigate it they needed to fumigate from farts, and then he walks up to bat for the first time and points his acid, the catcher's face and farts it clearly breaking serves a point. You are. You still owe me one hundred percent, yet this on purpose he buys zone. I mean yes, he impounded gin and too far in the catches he's fucking with a catch all its actual. That hope that it is mine, popular rob. Does there is little mask the idea,
ricky ricky down, I think, he's just like em the clothes like my god. It's all laid into something. What did you eat garlic in bounds? I'm not vila great. I think I pulled another hamstring Days during these brain is actually for the rest of the series they lose again, but the next game ready to hormones and they won ricky, had one of the greatest play. A series of baseball history- I would love to see him had a home run, run, those base of yet wow we're gonna go what he's takeover basis. I sled, but even so, the world series was against the giants and it was hit by a massive earthquake before game three, when the quake it ricky was in the club house on the toilet,
and he just thought the fact is there. Is there like a gastroenterologist? Do that a lot? He seems to do a lot for a lot of people. Think it was him who caused the earth. We thought it was the fans getting excited. If someone came in and said, no, that's a mate whether better crack at some of the walls stadium collapsed. They be there. In four games and Ricky now had its first world series ring sometimes was when superstar athletes check into hotels, they use fake names. I do just a random names, romania, where they are to give her the nominees would check and what they are. I am richard prior james brown, luther vouchers. I guess there's really weird about that is if, like someone were to be like like it's, random. I'm staying under couldn't do you know, so good luther Van drawers
So after the season readies, yes, MR brown, look and against and beans rodya egg. Gave it out again today. Can I can I? Can I get a book in a room being yes, sir, Mr Rehn, say free agent now, and he thinks he should be. The eyes played pay player major based baseball. sure enough. The a's offer him a four year. Twelve million dollar contract he's the highest paid player in baseball for forty eight hours. Well, then, a pitcher gets a sixteen million dollar contract and then more players sign higher contracts. He went from being paid the highest paid player in baseball to being the third highest paid player in his area code wow after a couple of months. That's crazy! So it This is one numbers are just go up what they actually, because they sign him first right if he had waited right. That's what I mean cut it out, and I know an umbrella contracts. It is becoming a liberator blowing are so really
now briggs upset about this. He wants to be the highest paid player ricky. Now has its sights on an vp. He would often say quote. I cannot believe I lost the m vp to a relief pitcher yeah writers, especially in new york, pondered whether or not he would now try, since he had a big contract letting go if they can't can't he's gone they were wrong. His next season was his career best year. But on July, eighth ricky's world was rocked. His teammate, Jose can say, go signed the richest contract. Ever he was the first five million a year. Player and ricky is very angry. Hmm, he's better than jose can't take a right and he talks to the manager and the gm and they're like we'll make it right, we'll figure it out, we'll make it right now. Ricky things
means will they're gonna giving more money, because I will take away. Listen it's not that There is now a there's other say there, but they are not going to do anything well there really something you just didn't know what it was, but they weren't going to get more money. They were going to we'll figure out some for they kill me. None lad. You never far. Alike wants data and that we get some free baby. What about that? So these go back to the world series I hear, but their question for games ricky, finally wins american leg and BP, but he is now the thirties. the next highest year yeah, but then all the time it goes out of the first contracts sets the table for how the all cars, I sure am I to do and then and then you have that you have players. It made its like in kind of ego basis, like our bit iris by prayer and then they they got. If you sign a five year x amount of money deal within that time.
by the time. You're deals up. Yemen are far better or fly or worse player to yet So the ace refused to renegotiate its deal. Everyone's ip he's like let's extended and give me more money- and I like that, rigorous angry that cancer ego is the top paid player because Jose Canseco is Actually, a guy who doesn't try. It doesn't give a shit about baseball. Everybody in the club of us knows that re. They a guy who really doesn't give a shit he's into the fame and joan as car and second madonna yeah, but he's doing the railway on their rank. Metric he's also fucking packed with steroids. What I dont natural, Jose. Besides his two may mark. I don't know, there's ever ban and bury bonds as three ever been three players more pakistan rights in those three guys. Well, someone cut him up and ones and syringes. Well I mean there are three women: Maguire were just
Maguire was purple. Yet the difference between marked by mark maguire looked like a very closely the difference between maguire in say go was the maguire tried right here right, so ricky cannot stop money to the press, about the fact that he's the thirty six hype player can can't say, go is making money he's really focused on can take on its very awkward yeah. It's very awkward, even a beer, the imo, the briski the next season. When ricky showed spring training. He merely told reporters. I should be in the top five pay players, so he's closing in on the stolen base record may fly in lieu brok was about to do it. Leubronn can I just can I just not show up to these yeah? He break
the record on may first, ninety, ninety one nine hundred and thirty nine stolen basis, everyone give it up. Ricky Anderson and low broncos now know about a second. They stop the game and have a ceremony and really makes a speech. He thanks people lots of people, and then he ends by saying quote: Lou brok was the symbol of great base stealing, but today hey, I am the greatest of all time I mean I was on a six hour flight, crazy bullshit. I didn't why, because this is crazy. I blew bloggers standing right beside him. This guy is eternal visual. Nothing! Next to me. I'd turn this kind of.
Basically it toenail ever member. Remember Lou brock. I don't get outta here, get him away from me. I don't want to catch losers, indra this spots for greatest people ever. Maybe we put him under the mound where we bury losers years later. Ricky would say quote after I said it. I knew I'd, never live it down. Yes, yeah people's action about it and one day the game was about er and toilet facilities manager doesn't know where ricky is and it's getting very close to starting sure he was leading places for those of you who do theatre its places. Now ricky is at a point where he would sometimes not stretch, not practice, hitting not doing Before a game, crazy- and so this day he's done, nothing, not wonder no binding practice. Nothing and China recently gotta look form. And the guy looks under the bathroom stalls and there's ricky's signature, green cleats, he's sitting on the toilet? What's and the guy tells Ricky
it's game time, you're, damn right! It is and he's up. First quote: he says oh shit and you can hear his spikes against the bathroom floor and he's running down the tunnel and he tells me to grab his bats. He goes straight into the dugout straight into the batter's box, at homer's, wow. who goes that is the cr. He didn't even look at shit to Hell. I can't even in my mind, like he's recreated a hundred, while you imagine To prepare for the homer only sat on a toilet, another air once came in five minutes before the game started in review, is standing in the clubhouse naked talking to himself calls Ricky in every again going can have games got this this, so the players like fuckin watch this freaky ricky's going to jerk
so Ricky keeps targeting south africa, as he dresses. Brick, is putting on his pants and it's about thirty seconds before the first pitch when he says quote, ricky's ready to go and he walks from the tunnel. Ricky put clause on without missing a step. Grabs is bad, walked up to the plate, doesn't look at the picture and its what I can't. Even if you dont know baseball I've never heard of a player going up to bat and not watching the pit.
Right right. Having no clue like your timing down, you see what he's doing right, he doesn't do. He doesn't even look at now. He's just like ricky's going to do is to yeah, that's so crazy. Nineteen. Ninety three is the last year of his contract and he's now just barely in the top forty paid players he's still complaining he's been complaining the whole time he never stopped complaining. He said quote: if you're going to pay me like mike guy eggo, When a play like mike guy eg, hey I'm just living a life, my gayego is his teammate yeah, but mine were the after you'd pay me like this cheap piece of shit. I'm going to play like a cricket, I'm trying you bet your skills. You you, the mortality, talented person from birth. You were given something I was. I work
I like horror and by the way it's pretty good money. Yeah I mean you know what I mean like I started a business with my dad, like things are pretty good, so good I'm over here. I just took a big ricky brigades. Guy ago they see my guy. You go naked before the game. So so today, another diego time another day, it's taken full account, cuddle full counts for gay against gay ago dies time to hear. I got the same. Let's guy go now the eyes were so exhausted by his complaining and is threats not to play, is best being paid so low that the gene threatens to suspend him. Ok, ricky responds by saying I want to leave the team, so the gene
immediately says he's available for trade and that just makes ricky more angry while some of the a's players about it too, on a plane, carney lansford lange for challenges into a fistfight. I mean so it's getting really also there add now and what happens when you the same thing with the yankees they'll start chirping at each other when their bad, it's just so to substantial chronicle. Reporters straight up call ricky a dog The headline of the story was old dog up to old tricks And in the article that they said, the ays should include a can of alpo in the trade of lord. This is a guy who just one envy, pay ya
It's no use playing back now right stats or find really don't like what he said. I re right and he and it's crazy, because you know what we just talk to my leg. You signed a contract than five years. They are not the best way player, but if you think about it, Shouldn't there also be a sliding scale yeah, and they do to that. They do that alone. In sports now, where they'll go they'll figure out, something that you have, that all the time or like a player is going to threaten to leave before their contract is up because of x and x, when it is like kind of a negotiating tactic, and then you go alright going to pull like we're. Gonna give you like a two million dollar bonus, organ to add money on your contract or we're gonna, give you an extension or whatever you do. If you, if you hit this many heads at more money, then this right here or there is none of us so yeah, that's it. We're not happening here, the good. If you please get enough egotism, alpo Big can Alpo basement,
You're Tyler is now start pallaby, saying: ricky isn't a great player because great players weren't flamboyant crazy, such a boy. such boiler russo their own independent no. There is your best friend. You said before the show you, like those championships, anybody. Tony tony thinks ricky's choosing not to place best, which may have been true. That way, like ego like a loser ricky, I think this year's hatred to camp together I think this year, specifically, he wasn't argue bennets also like that that goes into things like that happens all the time like players, just don't like a situation and they don't play the difference is he was saying right era: a year when the ace played the yankees ricky hit a winning homerun and stood at the played watching it till across the
white guy, reporter john heymann dimension. Why? Guy right, I mention Craig. You, like our rapporteur, explain why that was wrong. He said it barely cleared the fence and he quote some major hot dog in giving now run signal as jogged first base john didn't like right, behavior, baby right and by the way doesn't really necessarily it doesn't matter at all how far the ball goes. If you won the game at the moment when the game. Like if there's ever a moment where you can celebrate its when hit hit a game winning hey. I totally get the thing of like if you do it in the fourth ending you're, not even ahead, I do think, etc. Stupid like whatever so this, gets a lot of attention to the next day, it's the ball really hard again, then he said staring at him, but it's a fly out and the yankees are fuckin fury
their screaming at him, and then the next time he comes up. They throw behind him. That's interesting! That's of the scared, it's scare, the batter then you're supposed to throw in front of him. So he can hit the ball where you throw behind him. He's there essentially saying watch that ass. I can hurt you whenever I want right so Ricky then hits a home run. Okay and he stands at the plate for a little bit and then he runs now there's a baseline you're supposed to and from home played. The first is of a straight ladder, and then inside of that is the the field outside of that for several feet: there's grass and then there's the other teams doug and so written to run, and just you have to run pretty far outside to get near the dugout you gotta run pretty far to get to the dugout. It's a it's a.
Purpose, and so he he he runs real close to their dog and the yankees are squaring at him and calling on the son of a bitch and tell him to get back in the baseline ricky quota c. Had a common you're trying to get me for something because you think I'm trying to show you up. I wasn't but ok now and show you up now want to hear one. I'm come into high five you before I go too far many ran through the tunnel and he took a shit nor toilet sort of a bitch. I mean if they literally can't brag what has happened. It's also one of those things where it's like. If you talk shit and then you get like called like the actions call you out, I mean live, it live it yeah And this is where ricky's wide trot was born. So now he had the snatch heck the wide trot the wiggling
The fingers he's got a whole array of things that make people in yeah right our signature move, annex from a genuine place sure he didn't like the yankees right. He did not like, how is treated their yelling at him and the dugout for something he's already done. Ricky. Actually is problem with celebrations the way they're done today because he thinks they're contrived. They don't come from moments. That's actually my problem with that. Like I watch players and I'm like, oh so it's wrestling, so you guys Came up with something four days ago and now you're going to do a thing as opposed to europe and it's in the moment it's it's. It's so hard to explain to people, because people never get that you're going to a bar. It's like! No! I don't like when a guy thought four days before one hit, one run in the middle, I'll put a circle round my eye and run around the bases you like it. So fuckin katrina lying wrestling data like they add what the nfl player put a cell phone. Under that I mean
just like how much time com how many times you see our thinking up. The dumbest package already got itself arose out. Well, that's a bit browser, it's all activated with eighty deem afforded us. I mean really just unicef happens at the moment which I'm with, and I always wondered I I until I read this book I always was like, and I hate it when guys do certain things and he explained very well like right. It's not organic right. It's not organic moment thing. It's something! You clearly thought of way before now, you're doing it and that's why it always seems down to make us it is downright anyway. So so yeah he's against contrive celebrations today he thinks there bad flipping. Just two look cool too to manufacture call to get online highlights. He considers, can driving style as bad for the game as bad for the game
As the old, like guys, who tried to stop what he was and am sure now, there's young, these young baseball fans are losing their fuckin. My dad I'll talk to really help buddy in spring training, buddy in spring training game. He had all run and then took such wide berth that he ran over and high five. The opposing manager does Ebay does vagaries. Yeah came up with a high five, yeah right. Let's forget evaders, I've got me they want and they put it up. I gotta go awry J again. Does the? What do you do? I mean dusty? This is a super nice guy, just a ship manager, but a really nice guy, even if the run the bases with em dusty dusty goes the other dug out well. The a's. Now, as a team are just totally cooked, like the contract they gave can say, go was the end. It did make all the other players.
glad he stop trying as soon as he got the money as the new york reporters wrote, Ricky would can take as the guy you actually did. He was traded and then a reporter after he's traded, looks into every behind is traded now can say: okay, isn't that a report it looks into every single time can say: god didn't play due to an injury, get injured, be out for awhile, and then he come back right when he came back, Ricky would get injured and go out for the exact same amount of time. so he's just staggering, is easy justice, but he's so forget mad and he's like this guy's, a piece shit. They're figure pay him more than I do what he does right. I mean it's just I mean you can't you just like what are you
sorry, but I like he's so mad. He can't he can't control his anger with that shit. Yeah I mean you know it goes, but it also goes, but it goes all the way back to when the team finds him for ten thousand because they know they can fuck over his mom because she's, a single mother or a it's, it's a justified grievance of watching injustice. Yeah. I get that it's cumulative. Does that make sense yeah it does. I mean you still like. I still think there are there are players who would be like whatever like three, because I like loved to play or whatever, but also there are a lot of players who are hybrid players and business people and then, if you add, if you factor into this yeah all that, like backstory and history, like I mean he's he's pissed, and white people? Yes really make goes out for most those games because a sort of aids
So a ricky is traded. Do too He has one amazing ricky moment in august his he's icing his foot. And he falls asleep and ricky's, probably baseball player and remedies pass out who got frostbite in august lights. In the name of god, he missed three games, frost How do you pass out that heart? I don't know it's amazing, Imagine going into the team dogma that injury, what the fuck happened. We want everest No just passed out what I saw my foot, so we wait a bit mateau of. Do you this.
do you have the ability to wake up? Are you not? I did but anyway so. parliament's blue toronto wins the world series, and so that's really. Second world series. He was when the aids, nor is it a baseball there beyond andrew report for frostbite. Yet, ok, when these are traded and they were like. We want you back next season, incivility attempt. Free trade thing because his contracts up Your trading him just to get the teams getting on for just those months, yeah he's three agent again, so they sat down again then is world falls apart not going to go to deepen this because its super convoluted it's about money and family. It's crazy, like people being mad, like all this shit.
His younger sister, accusing them of sexually assaulted whenever teens and then used other family members of being pimps. It gets really fucking weird, it turns out ricky's estranged dad was the whole time telling the press native things about like it's a it's like that that wasn't getting money. It's a whole fuckin thing. It's it's super complicated macro say she wasn't, but it's it's a mess. What we do know is he was exonerated for defaming him or whatever, like he won that court case, but her statute of limitations were up for the crime right. So it's here's the bad thing, though the walked into the courtroom and said ricky time, while the strike lasted, and so the teams went on strike.
During this cycle, it's like one and the strike lasted a long time and because the teams were on strike, ricky wasn't out there every day and it just kind of went into the ether, and everyone forgot about it about the story: yeah. Oh wow yeah. It just vanished wow,. You would think the press would love that. I was the lange and adapts during a dead spotted sport. You believe this is like salacious or whatever, but I do think it was like. There were lawsuits going back and forth she's, accusing whole family of things that adds involved, which is super sketchy. So it's like, I think, a lot of people just couldn't figure out what the fuck to make of what was happening. right, so I don't know like he was. I think there are like
and giving her money, and then she didn't get good grades in school and he said if you're not getting good grades, I'm not going to pay for this like it's. It's all this shit, okay, like he's basically paying for tons of family members to you, know gotta, have their houses and stuff whatever, and so anyway, I'm not going to be. That's! That's just fucking whatever in any time anytime a player is accused of sex crimes, its they always it's. You know it's coming right. It's all the shaded society to lodge they bring. the pr right right. So you don't know you don't like it says, garbage dump at that point, ricky's now ben playing for thirteen. There's a and that's where a lot of people retire. Sure it's when I mean the guys that he played with her now retiring and
he signs and ninety. Ninety five with the san diego padres, and this will be the beginning of seventeen in seven years. Ok. A lot of players, like I said to retire but he's filling a whole, is not a lot of great leadoff hit it right and ricky quote that's how ago you need a boost, get Ricky you, The wedding go get Ricky, so he now realises because he's gay, dangerous thinking at the end of his career, the memorabilia people, don't like him, his value as a memorable you guys much lower than the value of other players. Even though he restricted his signature. That's one thing: willie mays told them don't give away your stuff fuck you on the salary right, so he They may told him don't sign shit like he. Only just contract here we sign twelve bases in his entire career, while, like you just and so he wanted singers me more viable, but now he lives matter. Oh we.
beloved by a lot of people right so your values. So he decides. I work in his reputation. He opens up or the memorabilia world search to come around he's doing corporate events where he tells stories makes everybody laugh and he calls himself. Ricky does all the stuff they want, and but people like the old stories of baseball, because the sport has become more boring and homogenized not like today that, where the characters don't exist that existed back, then there aren't Ricki henderson's you know whatever else riots, it's you wash like college buyers now and they they come out of a pr factory. Oriented society. Hey tell us what happened.
yeah. That guy gave me the evil eye. Yeah man, we just want to win, and we will not bryce time yeah, I mean the mba's, the opposite, the mba's. I have had the guys. Everybody have fun, you don't like that. Guy tell him and it's the most popular sport and because it's very obvious how you should do as the baseball's doing the opposite right there like what if we make the bases bigger, it's like, why? Don't you let them be? Human beings make the bases baker. They made the bases bigger this year, so it's easier to The steel base their connecting. So It is now called an airbus and big and their customers That's catches! Willie Wilson quote the game has become so boring. If you steal a base, they give you a damn taco, it's so true.
like when they, when they still appears like everybody in this data and go to you gonna turn tonight. It's not all that shit like yours get a hundred point. Zero gets a jack in the box at ninety nine, but that's their version, like how to bring assignment to the guy right so says What about us? It does it totally We are now like everything's been like kind of merged with that would like food and stuff like that. ricky played so long that he was a huge influence and personify too. Eyes who were now playing along side of him. Well, yeah, that's crazy! this time on beer by his peers became announcers and coaches, but ricky is still playing people don't understand how we still playing. They cannot fucking believe it and stories are now flying about ricky and they are called He isms some real, some, not his room,
went from being a moody guy and unprofessional too, like quirky ricky and part of that is because all of those old white curmudgeon guys we're leaving the gang rape. So the guy You are keeping the unprofessional moody. Guy reputation of flow are now our diet going our also careers. His career numbers are fucking banana skin, like he's so good stats guy as stats guys used numbers to show he is the greatest small ball player in the history of ace, but he signed but he was a show both jus. He signs. More time with the is. This is the fourth time, while the managers
the managed art. How art has a very nice gentlemanly type guy and he starts to suspect ricky, doesn't know dame ok. He asked the medical staff, if that's true and the medical staff keep track of it and the medical staff realise ricky. Only ever calls art manager aim the met the he'd, never never they ve never homes its due to the man. He there's just there's just some people. He didn't care about what names and then there's other people did re. Jimmy rawlins came from oakland, everybody knew Jimmy rollins dad. His name is big. Jim and when Jim IRAN's came to the phillies, he of course idolized Ricky Henderson, he set up a thing where he was in regular,
worked out early, so he went to the work on Roma early just to be allowed. Ricky any walked in the room and they said hey ricky and Ricky. Lieutenant hindle, halo james. So here is that because he loved him. It's because, Lives in important horton to other people is not important to rig Henderson right to really henderson he doesn't care if your art, how re already edison repairs your big kid ran from oakland, that's more important right and that's actually kind of how that's better right. Right, yeah he's an open right. I I so and jimmy rollins like amazed, because, oh my god re hundreds is keeping track of me. Of course he is, he watched you. He knew what you were doing in high school He knew you doing in the miners and he knows you're doing now and my name is sound and yet the daily mine he doesn't know the guy in the locker next to right, because he doesn't care about that guy. So whenever
it expresses its you think you're, just like like it. It had some a manager you some people, just I remember names. I've read No, but I also hate how many teams he played on how many plays he's just like how many fucking people are there mia I mean I there there's guys manager, though there's guys who I, like Brian Regan, is renowned for coming. He hasn't been to a club in five years. He walks in. He knows everybody's name and walked up to me. I didn't see him in four years and he goes hey dave like, and that makes you feel special. whenever tricky, as whenever you can do, it can do it. It does make you feel special and then the people who remember your name and people get all up about an hour, and then there are the people who like it. Won't like change your name and like this thing, where those sort of like this campaign to change your name is they're kind of like a prick, you know they'll just kind of like do this like suddenly at first and then I'll turn a thing and then act like there. They had nothing to do with that right or just kind of like they were just like part of the experience
side with you, and they have no idea how it started. Even though there are the goddamn architect of the beginning and they did it and then they and then they just sort of when you, when you recounted they'll, just sort of sitting. Crosby ago, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and like and you're just sitting there going like what is this asked asphalt going to realize? Like I'm talking about him and they'll, just keep going yeah yeah, let me say yeah, say yeah. I know zactly where you're coming from garth. So the name is ouch german arm he isn't stealing as many basis now as it gets. Older and pitchers could just throw fast balls by him. He can't hit and those anymore, but the wrecking he still getting on base a lot. He still it's not ricky tan, still tigers over the plain he still laughing and having a diamond clubhouse by he's deals are diminishing.
He was all he gets on base. He could still steel on pitchers who had fast deliveries, but he was all he failed more ram, but he takes his stride. He's not He's not frustrated, you can see a lot of player. I mean Ronaldo is the greatest example that fucking shit fit because he can play at him that well anymore, it was so great was just. Incredible actually know do you're older, like do this gracefully, but I've had so much boat out you get down, but that year that you're, the team goes to Cleveland kenny laughed in place in cleveland. He's the new big based tiller. Ok, he's one debased do internally for years in a row and kenny's out of and he starts talking shit to reckon heels quote see that old man and the other side of the field bears an issue different town that dude is done that he gets on base who still second, he steals. Third, he scores. It comes back to the door and said quote: if ricky sleep, let ricky sleep,
what were you saying, don't wake a sleeping giant. laughter and I can have a little more clear, laughed and now he's about to be laughed and do not get our basic aim in reducing done. He still twenty nine straight bases and finished. More stolen basis than can he laughed and and and want to steal stolen by these title again. Stupid share That's like the most amazing thing he's just like our really I'm Okay, yeah. By the way, this is a guy who, like there's, there's those players who, like, like I say, like Michael Jordan in the last day, it's like they bulletin board themselves like they don't need the material to put on the bulletin board. But if you can until this like buddy, you are really make good use the idea- and this is a horrible air, and I took that person- I mean imagine how mad laughter watching my god. the aim of the big ceremony at the end of the year and call it,
there's some day. Soon is resigning means ending it. It's regained his egg is pages all thing after the game. It uses I intend to play next year's somewhere. Hopefully will be here he's now forty, the mets sign it. to a two year, two main contracts, because he has he gets on basin. Yeah right he's all they can't do what he was doing, but it is still get on my ear and still get in their heads era has read: Tell the general manager to finalize the contract has to have a conversation ricky, so gm quoth. He never call me steve general manager he's Oh my g m he'd say hey gm because he doesn't remember names. Ricky asked ricky asked the team what the team would do if he breaks the all time, walk at all time record and the james. I could give you a field ceremony and we'll get
I like a nice crystal from tiffany's tiffany's crystal and ricky was like. What's that and he's like, it's like a glass thing is like what on the glass okay ricky says he wants what John madden drives madame cruiser a tour bus. I want a plus, but you don't get you like a punch I want a bus with cable gm says: no. Ok, it's quite and ask the day actually has to physically signed the contract really jobs and says he wants more money if he wins empty p right before they like I'd, take pictures. He would go away they have a james like this is already been all negotiated. We are, a negotiated is ricky quote. Well, you got a problem because rick he's got a black circle around his heart and the last time Ricky had a black circle around his heart was with the yankees, and you saw that worked out great
energy coming the agent signing Ricky Henderson so far, gotta circle around is hard, but we are this. Three to say that at the end, so the gm says if he wins and bp they will renegotiate the contract and reggie, says quite all right. The black circles gone and signs the paper Jesus Christ, for a little while that season he is so hot. It looks like he white might win envy pay. He does when nationally come back player of the year as a forty year old. He hit three fifteen craze, so Ricky Bobby bosnia hate the mets manager Bobby. Valentine time and valentine they go to the play. Offs valentine downtown, humiliates ricky by taking him out when he's in the field, removing come again rising fuel and the
that's an blooming. The last game and extra annex K. Some players are crying. They really take it badly. When the mets come into the club ass, they find rigging Bobby laughing and playing cards the course the press. It gets the near press, yes, a story and they go crazy with it. Like all summer, re, crazy and some players cared. Some players didn't like in reality, teammate robin ventura quote. It really wasn't a big deal. Ricky is a great teammate. He was fun to be around he loved playing, but Bobby valentine cannot not forgive this and I think, based on what I know about ricky rigging knew this would drive Bobby valentine crazy weight. Ricky was playing
The body Bobby valentine, always playing cards bobby beneath a body veneer. Ok, sorry, ok right, he knew would make valentine rats. They both did on valentine and then ricky starts at the next is not playing well, so valentine tells the jam to get rid of them and they release Ricky a week later assigns to seattle, cheese sky. If you're wondering if you try to play for every team, I mean as long as they have no play it's crazy. And if you're running from now until the jam, all rude story, I'm not because it's not real, it never happened. Robin ventura made up the John Oliver story. I can tell it at the end and so something to stick around for there's, there's actually quite a few fake, rick Ricky. I see there was this a fine line between him being corky guy, and what our brain called quote. Fictional ized menstrual stories that diminished him and regional
and used him to reinforce the black stereotype man, so many add spent their careers trying to shed, while so a lot of black players shake know head about, ricky was doing, but they also knew that a lot the black sea. A lot of the ricky ricky says ricky stuff is fictional eyes. And mostly the people telling those stories were white. Ricky did so you know it's one of those subtle racism, things show or maybe not that several. So the stories like that so many version the essence that it's just the embarrassment of regions. The stories like that made it harder for black players to have crews. I was playing like managers gm like so that you can they're not taken as seriously because they're you know peeper
well tended to over embellish his talking in the third person in a lot of bot, like players, told ricky stories, but they did not use the third person because Ricky often didn't use third person. He just talked about himself and he did do it a lot when he was fired up when he came in and sentence rookie time when he's trying to talk to himself a bat he did at times like that he's naked, and so he did do it with certain moments, but not all the time he wrote a book in ninety in ninety two with writer, John Shea and john she was a merely thrown off because he never spoken a third person all time doing it right and stories change there was a telephone If you tell the registry, then they would go through the and then
then he's doing in third person. So anyway, in two thousand and two ricky is forty: three and the red sox call. They are offering him a three hundred and thirty thousand dollar minor league contract, which means he has to go to spring training and beat out other players to get on the team which you'd think a guy at this level. With this career be like no, but I'm assuming you're going to say that he does. Of course he does god actually competing against Ricky Henderson he's forty three forty three. And he did the last day beats other last player and then immediately starts complaining about the contract. Are you going to do if I win Mvp forty three, a black circle around Ricky you're, forty? Three, your wrist is popping from signing red sox cannot believe what's happening. He tells
media. He deserves more. What is got I mean this is amazing. He signed the deed well, but after you sign the deal, he wanted to call a press conference to complain about it and the team PR guy had to be like this is going to make you look soldier and they'll get you. You won't be on the team. This is bullshit. He was talked out of it, Ricky just kept saying all your long quote. Man, these guys, aren't pay me no they're, not forty. Three. At the end of the year the red sox announced they were going to have a ricky Henderson day to celebrate his career. How much do I get for that? It turns out. He'd actually negotiated ricky hundreds of ricky Henderson day when he was making all that shit about the kind of that's what they agree to have been used. Sure everybody it's a great brings in the fans like bubble wants babo had I want a mouse pattern in the face what we also negotiated. A car
I've a car. Now he was boggy one day with a couple years in front of us and he saw the main owners. Car john henry, that's gonna, mercedes and he's like. I want that they said you want one like that and no, I want his car ricky sort of works and how we incentivize deal so ok, initiated to deal the understated you sign that deal and you don't get to kind of walk around with us like we're. Sugar daddies have pointed things that you want now. If that was the arrangement you don't get to ask for the actual car you're saying in front of you, it's not a floor. so where we took a walk with ricky and he would like here. Can we the keys? Can we give? Can we give ricky understand your car
So there there's two versions of the story and I'll read one, but there are both kind of the same thing and he goes the day of the rickey day. He he he comes to the stadium any in in the king lot in the players parking lot? There's a brand new fourth under bird and a rigorous says: whose piece of shit is that in the lot attendant tom tells them it's give card they're. Giving them and reduces is ok. I think I'll. Give my daughter's anyway there's a huge ground the regeneration day and just like dern oakland's regatta day, he says, he's not quitting baseball. How please retired, does anyone want to Cars could, I think,
want to play one more year. I can still help a team but after boston, no mlb team calls for ricky right, but he's not done what in two thousand and three he went back to the minor leagues in newark, new jersey and ricky made the all star team in the minors yeah yeah. He agreed to play in the asked our game because they must all those in nashville, which is great for a great town lots When he found out it was in nashua new new Hampshire, so he didn't show up for the food, not very talented job. To me I'll, stick to let him finish when he said nash, then the l, a dodgers called he was back in the major league baseball but he's iffy five years old, his final at bat. He was hit by a pitch and scored.
He started the next season back a new body, but susan near newark for a while they switches to san diego independent team, independent to serve dogs. Yes, I face it surf dong, surf dogs, the surf die yeah, it's a weird globally, all noodles, it's a bad logo. Ass We're the served on its it's, it's a surfboard, the peat looks like we're fishing the next year he was short scarred by next year. He was, they'll say he play in major league baseball. On a finally gave in and retired on July, thirteenth, two thousand and seven in attica,
ricky anderson has the most stolen bases, the most runs, scored most game games, lead off of the home run and most walks he's elected to the hall of fame the first year he was eligible and boy were people excited because Ricky had to give a speech a boy and he's concerned about the speech. Okay, alright yeah, of course, so ricky went back to school while he went to a community college and an entire class helped ricky work on his allow fame speech every day, wow. What what the hell was that class originally supposed to be I'm going to Ricky Hatton yeah I'll, be your teacher. I mean the professor is an ex italy ballplayer, but I think it was probably
I am majoring in Ricki, Henderson's hall of fame speech. He was probably a speech class if you're doing a speech class like you give a speech every related, so yeah you have given it, and so when he gave his hall of fame speech, everyone was expecting ridiculous ride him talking about himself in the third. Person maybe call himself the greatest of all time like he had done, but he didn't. He was humble. There was a great speech and the crowd gave him a standing ovation. Is it safe to say that day he stole some hearts out near reaching across the table. You shouldn't be just wanna hold your finger for you shouldn't, be give me one of your fingers, gil and needed to leave. Give me get here. Some whiskey, look all gills asking for his wish. One of ricky's cut appendages. What you really want to give me a ricky finger, we ve done this. All you want is whisky. I give you asking you go away and you have a problem. The thing I can't have is ricky's finger. You can't ever to meet a pinky. Now I want to toe.
No re congressional cubes written brush, Ricky, gimme com, now. Human rights deserve a mole What the fuck it I'm all for me, please, you x know: can he spit in my mouth no, I haven't sneeze on my hands no initiative. His bottom, like were two dogs at the park, is covered. deal has covered. Monitoring is so they give. Standing ovation but rigging knew the sending was due to low expectations because a lot of people thought he was down a little later. The aid retired is number twenty four. I gave the speech that they are wanted quote I like to share a little ricky isn't with you. Ricky has tears in his eyes. Rick years love, it is hard for you, Ricky is so very, very humble, and the crowd went. Ricky is so very. Very humble is quite a sentence. Ricky Henderson has never
officially filed his retirement papers. Major league baseball is sixty five, it's not too late. He could probably go out there and get on base at his age. So it'd be amazing. They probably couldn't well that's what you'd think about jordan to it's like Jordan, could probably go for a while. That's crazy. I had no idea, oh no, it's his stories it's his wild and it sets a mile from the perspective of like that, the re, isn't that is used throughout the whole story: yeah, it's almost death by a thousand cuts with it in some ways where it's just like its rampant, its subtle it's an he and he was warned early on. Like he was good friends of willie mays, it it'd be like fuck these guys. They fucked me the fuck, you get what you can and don't give don't give those parts of yourself up. You know when all works in sports, so great book
There are a lot of different sources, it's so funny going through the sources you just like her. By John Ayman after he retired road. This big story- and it was like he's a great play, I mean they'll always remember for the bull shit and enlisted a bunch of bullshit and you're like dude. Some of those things aren't real you're, a fucking sports reporter at your fucking, No, the shit isn't real. I love your writing and anthony fuse fuck Jon Heyman. That kind of shit- it's just like you, know, yeah yeah. We get it white guy, you're mad about you or me everytime on me. It sounds like your twitter bio. So the book is a great book. It is by howard bryant and is called ricky. I highly recommend reading it. It's really good but then there's other sources which are not going to go into that our parliament. But what is this story? You were saying the one they teased ho jon all rude. He goes to. He goes to the man,
a in seattle and John all route is on the team. Look it up just in case I get any parts of IRAN So I guess he genoa, John all rude, had had a brain aneurysm and so he wore a helmet in the field of the planet and feel just in case he ever got hit. So he He goes up to John Oliver iD and he's like. Oh man. I knew a guy rigging to a guy. Oh, this is what the story is. Ricky knew a guy who wear a batting helmet on the mets, and as I can it's me rickey hmm. We called him batting helmet. so that's the famous John all our story, not not real meda, by robin ventre, fake ricky story, but robin mentor made it up knowing it was like he wasn't, trying to commence, be losers fucking around, but they would stick around.
essentially cede, see the guys who you think would hate him. Buckshot shall water like a really rigid but buckshot other fucking love garrison style he's he's an old school, unwritten rules guy, but he's like now that guy was organic. That guy was that. wasn't bringing them minerals. He was using the game to fuck with you, which isn't the same thing. So I don't know it's it's very well, the written rules is really quite a. It really is like such a it. So easy. You know it's like you need a gentleman's rules, and it's, like I said, it's super complicated the unwritten rule thing and make a rule. If that's a problem that you can adjust, rules are rules. They are my gear sing and swing. The other way now in someone's gonna, get hurt because as much as people don't want emotions to come under these things a year, our showing up a guy or like hitting a home run in and when you're a bite. One in the ninth inning at some point, somebody's going to throw your fucking head
yeah, that's why that's one of the reasons it if it exists not to do and people who is a worry kid celebrate it. Now. Don't you think so we can celebrate. and guy on the mound will hit you with a fucking ball. You can't even fart in a catcher his mouth in today's game like that was like that's just like totally. You know what I mean like people, think that's gross. Now back in back in ricky's day, that was like you know, it's dragon tail on a guy yeah again. You can't fart it's that's racism that you can important. At mouse yeah but yeah again, all the all the unwritten rules. Stuff comes down to racism, but like ricky stake is the is, I think, the best take on it. Well, we'd like to invite Ricky and the pastimes are other cast ricky. If you have any interest he wants, once out of thirty thousand dollars, went with just look or let's talk. Let's talk of As I recall you. On your end, I want I want a motorcycle ricky with my head
so he's so fictional eyes. There I know it's true and what is in Yes zone anyway. You know he's kind of a fund game like I mean that, it's like having a lot of people on the dollar. You have to go through and figure out. What's real and what is like a lot of your lawyer, you sleep on your eyes and ears. That's all it's really time before you, foreign. Ok, that's true. What are it? You know, there's a true there's, two of you Yeah, then, all of a sudden shift around, like you're saddam hussein from house to house yeah a lot of people think that that's true yeah yeah, true you have an eleventh finger. Are you hooked up to breast pumps when you get home yeah? Do you sleep in matrix, goo yeah? You know, there's a lot of jumping and one has a snapple that we don't bring that that's not a bit for the patriot that my friend we're not going to do that. No! Thank you
the delicious beverage, quite an errand cut it cut it may not if you'd make it now makes it. They got a black cut, it out, gotta get our black cut, it got it.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.