« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

574 - Rickey Henderson - Part One

2023-03-14 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine baseball great Ricky Henderson


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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yeah, that's right! This is its morning it's morning. Nobody numb good! Nobody needs whatever it is. You are doing in the morning chillin me. You ain't got charity to ride a pound. My lip brash mustache rides, kill my own won't know that start the song, yet we're just getting good. If you've got some cash, you can set up.
On my moustache. He called his gym catch the fucking guy dave, okay, name's. Gary, let it go- and this is not going to come particularly close to my heart- now hit him with the puppy present sick argument about actually can be done by the alright. I'm going to end that women are just. Let's not do this, do what the fuck that's? Why it's a matter of having fun or enjoying yourself? I can tell you're having fun one hundred inches of
in five didn't passes on the sierra nevada mountains. The sir this week this couple days, it's fine, I, like the one I like the one where, like my mom's, I've met its good because you need the rain and the war trembling not like we would love like a regular climax instead of just like it's. It's almost like gods. Just like you like snow. grain. You you wanted to Oh dear me, like that girls, we brought you in part by factor and, of course, you, While people are like why what is factor somebody has set him aware of what it is. Then what is it? What are you tell me? Well, it's a meal. This meal delivery service really yeah. You know. Let me guess they bring meals to your house and there really deliver we'll gareth. First of all, you skip the grocery store. You don't go to the grocery store, that's not where you order factor
they had to use your attitude is the early skip the chopping you skip the prepping cleaning up to its a meal. You dont, clean up after you eat, This fact, no way they deny my travels nap up now at a guy yet Factory waller guarantee their fresh than ever never frozen. Reading, just ready in just two minutes. It is happening. Joy. I've had it so that we can. We can tagged, In essence, that of you so I'll tell you why and is sending me a little. It's delicious yeah, it's full of flavors, which is part of the delicious yeah. They have and there's a lot of good vegetarian I the guy kedo kido, what he said: cedar kido, kedo It will put an equity in their if its kido, because a mean revolved, decided we're going to pronounce it like that. Don't be part of a society not higher or they are not part of the kyoto society, its just like how in england they call aluminum AL you minium. Well, that's why we should go to war vague in
veggie options calorie smart protein plus options on the menu each week right and then that's prepared by ships than dietician come in, prove it a job I went out, and that is what I have that makes me my dear if it allow yet another, that's a good idea. Well, I needed to makes me, your money, because you're taking romantic ever caught, relax. Israel has all the ingredients. You need to feel satisfied all day long. So you get your whole day out of it and they have thirty four chef prepared, dietician approve at an angle the options they have six non shep prepared ones. We recommend avoiding those are really weird. Whatever was is just a handful of receipts. Yeah. Then it said it was just that had hand written spaghetti question. I think that was an add on the site for something else. Ok, and then you can replenish year. Snacks apply also now, if you enjoy the snacks. Yes, so look at you,
you try to you know they don't talk about easy to stack and a fridge. Is it yes, how many just jack- and I just don't play like seven- they don't talk about the stack, a bill, the factor but guy. What was your question? What are the options which ones to do, and there was a great macaroni green being macaroni for yeah? Listen, you were you taken them? Are you do the song mac macaroni, sit on it, etc. I would maybe red out to them and see if there they enjoy. They were like improvise with the foods we make share. So what I'm? Trying to trying to think of the the thing I had recently, which was oh yeah, I had the salmon pesto salmon and it as isn't guy shouldn't, be my mother. Reacting to what you just said, green bay sounds laugh, laugh as the comb, her hair cole. Oh that sounds lovely article.
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Mind bloom, of course, ketamine yeah. There farrabee business experience a people of our time with anxiety and depression. I add anxiety issues especially sitting to gareth and- and you know it's tough- to have to deal with for some people. It's a great time when we can be talking about something like this yeah and it's so simple yeah and for too long dave the pharmaceutical industry I'll stop, but this is great. Yeah, great and people have in our time finding a therapist out. There right now, and people are like I'll just exercise like there's little more to it. We can trial itself. You know get one immediately when I do it better diet, but there are also more options. Cigarette and sometimes you need them too. Unlike the brain, we have exactly what I would call the sort of thing
new. I think I can see in the world, so maybe a guy to ketamine therapy, is that's the thing I yes, I'm into it. It's the leader a mind. Bloom is the leader in at home, ketamine therapy. Having safely help thousands of people overcome their anxiety, depression to just even hearing that makes me happy jose had his evil. He does ketamine academy right different. Well, then take a lap, unlike traditional talk, therapy ketamine works quickly and doesn't have the unpleasant side effects of traditional antidepressants in the study of over one thousand two hundred minded bloom clients. Eighty nine percent are reported in movements and their anxiety in numbers and again after a homely, toots actions, I'm gonna do this. I was before my wife is a therapist, her clients, some clients do it and she's a she's, a big fan I was trying to grab a change in his life. Yeah yeah, so yeah,
get on board right now. Mine bloom is offering our listen. Is a hundred dollars off your first succession programme when you sign up at me, I'm bloom dot com, slashed up and use promo code dub take the first step and break free from your anxiety, depression with mine, blue mine, bloom, dot, tk, I'm slash, dollop and use code. Dollop, mind bloom, get involved, man bloom get some! I think. That's that's what the asked us to say dave. I m not only a huge part of this podcast, I'm most A traveling stand up comedian. That's right! I do stand up comedy. I have shown you can go to gear, throttled, dot, com for all, show information, but real, let me run you either. On march thirteen thousand, fort wayne, Indiana, that's coming up then march. Fourth, to march thirtieth, they'll be in fort wayne, indiana march fourteenth they'll be in indianapolis march, fifteenth I'll, be in louisville march, sixteenth I'll, be in columbus march. Seventeenth they'll be in dayton march. Eighteenth.
two shows in paris burgo higher march nineteen cleveland, ohio march, twenty first lexington kentucky march twenty second richmond heights, which is Saint louis, basically march twenty third kansas city at the comedy, clever kansas You are a lovett and march twenty. Fourth, twenty fifth des moines, iowa march, twenty six, the omaha funny bone and then april twelfth I'll, be doing a crowd. Work only show, which is a blast April twelfth at the tacoma comedy club. That's april twelfth crowd were going to film it. It's going to be a disaster as joy april, thirteenth spokane, comedy club April fourteenth and fifteenth I'll, be in bozeman montana, at last best comedy, then may fifth I'll be at the diner. The typewriter in LOS angeles, may eighteenth I'll, be at stand up, live in phoenix arizona July, twelve new york, comedy club July thirteenth, Stanford, connecticut, new york, comedy club. it's a weird name, and then I go to Gareth reynolds dot, com for all those tickets and information I'll be driving a van now that has a sliding door door me to open for you, and
I already had a typewriter, I already I'll, be there yeah. I already have that I'll do tighten up senior, tighten it's that tight, it's a slow, it's a sloppy loose then do not like it when the audience laughs. No, not before it? No, no, no, and we should also mention we have another podcast, which is called the pastimes. You can listen to it on that. We have a guest. We go through an old newspaper and David. We have a patriot patriot and I think it's slash the dollop, where we do child. We talk about small little weird things going on like reprehended politics and stuff, the step that most people villa as for and then when you quizzes, which if the greatest thing ever right, the quizzes where you quiz me on things we are great at it. It's like it's like defusing a bomb each week, yeah it's a real nightmare button to That's all funds stuffed to do, and here we go three two one action date, anthony december twenty fifth,
nineteen, fifty eight here you are laurie the right god, it's one of those things it is the stress and effect I should just let them go and not save that. Don't say that belarus is our bar well yeah people, wise men out of the major people, are now, all over america seeing Jesus and a new idea I will say, we have a christian bump and that's not just what the priestess eddie, we'll be right back. My word weird. Boy. This is the old version. Ok, this the old testament, so what happened was my my computer? Not do not sink with my my final and so this I had a back up and that also didn't work, which is interesting. I send it to myself in that regard.
the old version or just start seven and made beforehand so I said December, twenty fifth nineteen, fifty eight I'll try to remember the first couple of met. First couple paragraphs ricky, henley K was born in did he have Chicago mainly in the back seat of an automobile nice as they were driving to the hospital for the baby to be delivered. As always, gotta be strange yeah. I wonder if you feel relief and anyway I bet Well, I mean if it's coming out, it's gotta, be I mean I've. I've, like you know, you know what it's like when you gotta go to the bathroom and you're. Trying to make is absolutely. I would never record and the you compare having a baby with going to, especially if you want women to female listeners, I empathize with the miracle childbirth. I've had to go to the toilet before it.
I dunno. Why why? Why am I? Why am I the bad guy? I get it, I'm sad okay. So let's save save different documents. Okay, we'll go with this. So did you find it found the beginning and then it just cut off. Whatever will just go with this. This is jazz baby, those mothers Bobby there are. Other hobby is most famous bought, ok and before chicken name in the hospital process. Diversity we get so he was just on the birth certificates. I hardly well have you fire what Ok, I know- and you know, there's no no take backs now think that's it. You're stuck exonerates eagerly But that's not your know, my boy and made girl andrews.
As father John leaves when Ricky's two moves to oakland. Okay Ricky then lives with his grandmother in pine bluff arkansas until his ten okay and then the mom takes all the families. Who's got five brothers. It takes them all out to oakland. Okay, where the data is nice but there's deftly, not estrangement open was it there's. Not a stranger is a stranger. Is extra. Oakland is a place where you know a lot of people are fleeing the south. A lot of people are like there's more hope here. Of course, there wasn't there's more red lining in everything else, but there I've been a negative me. Yes, boy so there? in oakland, Ricky's ten. He has an arkansas accent, so he's getting. You know shit from the kids right. He talks weird and all that, so he becomes a little self conscious about how he speaks. Okay so and it's for those who are familiar with the arkansas saw accent dave. Can you
but yeah. I some thank you very much. Ok! So now we are seeing it very clear here and now The login for ricky is which is the great the great equalizer, the great the thing that gets rid of up here the issue. the kids make fun of? Is athletic talent? Okay, ok, you have elected everyone's like okay, I don't care what he's doing and Ricky has shitload oki says: ok, what everything yeah pretty much boy you really play? Freeze tag great yeah, just bad goal. I just thought about it. I found it that's cold, Well, when he's in eighth grade, I think it's eighth grade he's five ten one hundred and seventy five lbs sweet, sweet god. So he's me yeah he's a little bit bigger
Oh man, he made an immediate impression playing football. That was his love and the other big athlete in the area. Fred Atkins said he decided to test reiki to see how good he was He hit me so hard. He knocked me into a tree would come so yes, so he was just a beast. Is a cartoon character? Yeah? Ok, so this area at oakland, west oakland churns out professional athletes, germ frank, robinson, curt, flood, bert Russell lee lacy, all the big it's because the there's red lighting in oakland. Okay, the whites flee this area. was ugly becomes overcrowded. The ghetto the whole dinner, the stereotypical america story, author howard, bryant, quote a staggeringly deliberate process women get me a jump in your head. As someone who adores this this great country best country on earth best country, I don't know no, no you're you're you're going to
it's that- and I Don'T- I don't know it so if we could let let's have fun. Let's do a story and let's cannot take some of the political attitude out of it. We make it a little more. You know just enjoyable for everybody. No as and will you sign off on a faggot will have on the best country them? Here is my view. God, joy florida, I live in Florida part time, ok here out of my time has been an evil or city he bore sitting with you. Boys are fifty you not us those surrounded in bombay people here, where the moors. So all the kids played in a place called bush rod park. Ok, nice, nice part, open, raiders practice there in my shirt early sixties. So
there's a lot of. Obviously it's my second there's a lot of friction between the locals and the cops like cop, yet sure the black panthers come into existence around this time to fight back against police. You know pulling over, and beating up in doing their things. Nice than that did get solved to the that's gone baseball is the main sport. Ok, and ricky was a good baseball player, but he didn't really like it. Ok, what's his name again Ricky! Well, his mom meets another guy. Okay hall henderson. There we go and Paul here he takes that name: Ricky Ricky, Henderson adopted and Paul Henderson. So ricky becomes rick, Anderson, okay and a football game, not not baseball, which he doesn't
like he goes to oakland technical, high school he's, insanely good at football. Shy, he's very competitive local lloyd, most be. Who went on to play pro baseball said, quote ping pong he had to when we play dominoes. He has to win no matter what it was Jax. He has to win talked to anyone, and those stories will be consistent. Ricky's He always had to wear philip, then connect for reaching its guess. You enough, but I mean no one would think that you'd be like talking about like I don't like. Stick bawler basketball, but instead, like dominoes he's got it. Jack when I mean he was in loves, he sound like insanely competitive, it's like in the last stance of Michael Jordan, where, in the security guards play the game, where you throw the quarter up close to the wall although these like putting like it's just like it, it's the cup, She will never an end. Many finns like that. It's that athletic thing
Ricky was sure he would be a pro athlete when he was their teacher, so he starts just these, like only bradley. That's what I'm gonna do from then on. He he expects School was annoying to him. That he was very good. At math reading was very difficult because the words were jumbled. Yeah, I don't know either wonder at that. another you'd ass, the get about yeah was the x. I stick a school counselor said she would pay ricky to play baseball. so who's, this cats, LA she's, she's, a woman who lives their shores, keep that troubles and one of my idea, so she dismissed with allow the kids quarter, is that water for around imagined a time where someone working at a school had enough nato disposable income to bribe the kids
but there was a quarter, for it is not right for a run. A storm. This is not like thousand now is hanging out. Ricky Ricky said quote: I'm about to make some money. He maybe a bad precedent in the long term, by our lesson, but juniors megan eat lunch and after one game she item five dollars and twenty five cents ease. That's quarter so we need to re negotiate as they already greeted this. So we got a mortgage. The house, what happened ricky is really good. I added a peg kid, a corridor for good for good sporting deeds and he's just done so much better and I have to tell you I have sold grace grace has been sold. She was the weakest of the thing
and I no yes, as the youngest she had the least chance of survival. You can't just sell she's old by ricky is really good he's, not our child. Well, no. but I've signed of doing overall, so was still there. She's yeah, no sure yeah, yeah new baseball coach comes in high school. Ok. He will. He was the school's driving instructor nice. He knows actually nothing about baseball. Well now, say you gonna go faster. If you take a car, so he shows up the first day and he picks the varsity and J b team. The first day without. she can then play the first day. He just points he goes, yeah, jv, varsity or the u n, and he puts ricky on the jv team and ricky
you must not know who I am driving so there's no fence between the gravy and varsity fields there back to back. So dickies plowing know. So his answer to this was that on that first day was to run and catch the balls hit to center field for both teams, wow wow, when the varsity team was hitting where he just went up and started hitting and when he was done, the coach put em on varsity you're right some people say I should probably start watching him making large sweeping judgments, but I made a good point now as a global player, He is known all over the barrier, even programme or mike norris, who was on the oakland a's. The time went down. Justice irrigate play football play football. Ok, he's he's like incredible to lavina.
and because you so good at sports. His teachers are just passing him. Learning in nice. He needs it's like me with a drama and just getting in trouble with people or as being a particular problem. I was so great as dogberry in much ado that they said you can't let this kid thrive, which is why I was headed. Plethora of options when it came to university, they were lining up, did a lot of monologues. you're. Looking at ellwood p doubt harvest the lead. You know I love. He meets his girlfriend PAMELA palmer when she was doing staff for the football team there still together today. Well
Ricky and Fred had a friend, so Ricky and fred are tight, cause they're like the big athletes. They have a friend who is about both for the ace, so they hang out there. Sometimes younger brother. The players called hammer, ok, the whose younger brother, the that our friend other the bad about europe already younger brother, the nickname hammer revenge. I realized the back. We had such access till I getting people die. Labour law is what the bat by lenin may at the club come on. Get we'll get back. You guys bottles. So you would know that boy, You three was about set of a boy: is they ve got the best buy, the other players called the younger brother hammer and he becomes empty hammer. Oh yet, He didn't know that real hammer, no yeah he's he was a. He was hanging around the a's all the time. Wow yeah he's a kid, but so regular gathered hang out, but he said himself as an equal with the pros, I'm still a little
stated on the back. I'm not gonna lie these hanging, a rick ricky's like I am going to play. So these are my peer show not like in awe right. One read jackson was on the team who was just, reggie so regulatory calling himself just ricky, ok interested, and then he I forgot when he asked reggie for an autograph reggie said now, who never never let it go. Baseball scouts start checking Ricky a little bit high school. Now yeah we're in high school everyone. Everyone thinks is going to the nfl and scouts. Don't see a baseball player right he's built like a football player right and he also bad right and three left and they there's all these things in baseball. They just decide. That's not gonna work. Why that has its irrelevant? Isn't it
it is totally irrelevant, but they just decide to let your brains, all not at all. Ain't got a rat brain. You can be doing live stuff. If you, the right of yours, dead. We don't have the equipment to accommodate year. Bizarre rose swapping mind you done some weird stuff. You know where no brain is like rats, Right, that's why the brain is only one side to understand. If you actually watch me, I'm doing very well doing yes, but an you. our great, but you understand that when you hit the one side and you throw in a nut. You understand how complicated that's going to be for us to map out the actual game where we're going to put you right left field, what we're going to give you two bats It is obvious we don't have the budget to accommodate someone with a much mind. You stupid boy. It praises great, I'm going to play football football. You can play football. I just run run left if you can ride, never done that. What are you going to do? I have to write Jews
I don't want to be. Let me guess: you're, probably a good book men's on your feet and the cleats on that think. What are we going to do? Vietnam levels added lays book balding, our weird that's gotta, beating about the mittens, we're gonna, be let's look at what we can pull lasers on both sides of the ball about you and I'm still thinking about the mittens on my feet. yeah well, where nike do in a big maidens in a maiden nike mittens la valliere, mittens nations. But your goddamn handouts by the way we use the other five is stupid man. So yeah. There's all these things in baseball. They do that with a just good note that can't work at school, it's fun, so they just immediately random off because that, but there is no doubt because he lived there
and now he's already lot and he's like that. Guy's a bit. I don't? U shower at the stadium hanging out with ever hammer this data when the In doubt, when the maimed are dot dodger scout the number one l, a dodgers, got, came to watch Ricky Ricky struck out in his first two at bats and the scout stood up and said, I've seen enough and loudly in baseball, because I don't I don't, watch a lot of baseball but to add bats, to fully formative I guess maybe online stance and stuff like that by how much he missed the ball. But still I I have talked to me. I was just like I've been out very invested in this. I've talked to baseball guys in this, and I can tell if you're a baseball player within two minutes of how you ok, so that's just what they think like. That's there. That's their mindset, Not what you think about ricky as soon as the guy left rig it to monster homelands is next to a bats right. So essentially the dog he's lost out on Ricky Henderson. You must be got. It have cut,
yeah that was lazy. Yeah crushed crushes, may my miller my team that supper five minutes. The hour later, I'm place where you can do all you can eat spaghetti so pretty much. Only the aid scout was hot on ricky and he so he gets bobby any and an ricky at seventeen ricky told the scout quote. I want to be the greatest based stealer of all time. Ok, I think cause like there's that story of Tom Brady. He goes up to robert kraft after they draft him. He goes. I'm gonna be the greatest decision. This franchise ever made. I've been a lot of athletes, say stuff like that. It's just we remember, there's some great ones I don't know, I know I I don't know of any test. A verde was like I'm going to be the greatest thing that ever happened to this I'd. Sure thing martine grammatical was like I you'll. Never forget me, I I definitely
some that there a huge problem with people trying to become proactive fleets and then especially in baseball and then not being able to do it and then their life, just crush no yeah, just large. Here you have mass, so a scout tells the scout tells daisy as yet it goes up to them. It's like I'm gonna, be pretty okay for two years and then that'll, be it there's a ton of guys that I gotta. I hope I can just been there yeah yeah a lot of archer, and so this guy goes, the ac goes drop the high now people, I know it they you're from russia, a draft is they pick, they pick players, me. Out of high school year highly enshrine a guy people, coming out has thereby they. What would they hear? Did I make the decision kids are just available and then they have they have an order. The teams go in and order based on what they're able to say it. Yeah the records were the last season I see bullet wish to like
The first drive of that. So it's a very chug chug chug chug right, it's socialism, but we pretend like it's not what it is pardon cake. So I talked earlier about that can we keep your little political, the appetite of dna? Some of us are turn him who brought in the rue the appeal. For some reason. We try to make things all equal in sports, so he's like draft and drafting the asia like? Well, we could so each slot is gets a certain amount of money. Ok and like you dropped, rwanda. Now you get like six million dollars, while a badge yeah, it's crazy, so
so that he goes as he says, isn't the a's guys these are like? We can give him ten grand, which means draft much lower right, and so the scout, who is a black guy, who had played baseball who's from oakland, is like well. This is just blatant racist right it, because teams would often try to sign players, for they still do for less than they're worth they try to get away with it and they target kids from single mothers, so if they find out a black kid from oakland has of single mother they're gonna targeted because they know they can low ball and tell my monetary around in a she'd needs them outright and they would say this out loud. well, that's not an that's. What's great about its great about the freedom of religion, really great to be able to say that it's free speech say I have to say it loud and proud, and so
even though he loves football Bobby's, worried that he would get injured painful because in baseball you go into its call to mind, it's an professionally you get paid. That much is what looks decades ago in caves oh, it is, as it is a lower level of sports, where you try to work through the fighters a little to get to the major I right right, yeah, baby baseball baseball year now, and Now, there's no system like that footballs in football. You gonna pay for a college for free noise. four had warrior yet again: mining are nice yeah and then, if you survive yet asked what, if you doubt nobody will you're gonna get a large budget is going to education, injury baby, which shitty one usually riding accurately gerardo IRAN, because they re just pass. Ok, it's five good, look, look, look, look
so she's worried he'll get injured playing football. Also. He doesn't have the great to get into college, so he would have junior gene or call you first to your college for so baseball's immediate money he's said with the ninety six pick overall and takes the ten thousand, but he, never forgot than he had been lobal right yet similes those member going in he's like what they're already screwing me right, so Ricky eyes, first sent to play in Boise, you shirk its design, a shirt. Added an airport and the woman said when you wash it. Why should inside out that's a kind of advice? You gettin boys. the manager. There was twenty seven years old and he had zero problem with ricky's sort of flashy style, ok and and the running managed the steel bases as much as possible when everyone to go just run right. He keeps Ricky the things you need to know to run on a pitcher the little like clues and stop it.
Hold. It looks like a whole science. You just gotta watch the guy and study em, and then do you know when to run and so a media which hit. So when you look at it, you don't make a move. He's clock right. There he's going to see what you're going to know. I think that's when I run into then what he's gonna do is he's going to start thinking about throwing the ball yeah he's going to get comfortable he's, not certainly say that's when when you move? No, yes, listen to me, this is complicated. He's not listen to me. He's looking at me, I run no. No! No! That's. When I look at age yeah, it's what I
I don't know that he'll get you terrifies you, but no, I run at him. No, you do not run at him. Okay. Now what you do is he'll be looking at just thirty men when he turns his back, don't open a beer world does not turn his back. Then he started to think about throw that's when you go think about Baxter when you know shut, listen when when he's looking to throw that's when you go when he's looking at, you don't try to get to base two, as those are the that's the that's now, that's you're going to remember that. Obviously, sadly, when he's looking You don't go to base to when he's looking to throw that's, not what you go way and is now making you didn't even without ever, google, so ricky does very well as quickly promoted to the next
my legs he's now he's in a barn, modesto, ok gorgeous after two months, he is projected to break the league stolen base record. In may, he's playing the aids are playing the giants. Ok and garbage ranges, while this is the maddest always playing their whatever try. Last night I was trying to hurt you. I know they're losing twenty two to seven the asia, but they keep stealing, which is unwritten, rules, unspoken. You don't try to steal when the game's over, because your padding, your staff rest considered selfish by laughing stock the guy's catcher when Cato is furious. And he's very loud about it. He screaming on the benches usa, stuff so the unwritten rules are baseball polices itself right! That's the idea, some things are very frowned upon, like when one team is
I had her behind, and people are stealing there's a bunch of these rules. You're not supposed to do. It's considered padding the stats, it's it's showing up the other team, what they say, but it's also a way for these white guys who can well the game to give their boring stiff game in place. Yes, it's going to say and keep the flair and that the flair that dominated the negro league out of baseball yeah. Also, it's exciting. It's exciting fun. right just now. Again, I don't wanna get political but sat a shitty, amusement it was their way of keeping people? Cholera, baseball, it was like a came from my laying you're playing here Pre integrated baseball is this: are you play stodgy started boehringer, so the two teams
gentleman's games, etc. We do this gig, so the to tee, me later that weaken ricky, still, seven bases which these single game record for all pro baseball, Oliver real, yet there's a lot of trash. Talk is still a lot better than my grandma grandma largest dok ricky Ricky. Enjoys a track. Trashed cato keeps yelling. Throng heat by kido keeps yelling from days dug out just screaming at them. I, like them, they're like that catch. That is a nonsense. in catcher, obviously he's a starting catcher yeah well, but when they're batting and stuff he's over there, oh yeah, he never stops you. I sweet he's on the a's these guys on the giant okay. So he, but there are got you'll, see, So after the game, Ricky said quote, we figured we needed to. We figured he needed to be taught a lesson
so? This is a giant reversal of what is right. So here's a team of young there's some hunger, black eyes who are stealing and running it, will. and he saying you need to be tightened up and when their whole thing is only to be less credible. I will say a lot who gets our legislative, gravel. Grubber grew, love, gonna, grab very much data collection grumbled rebel attack. Did you go grab sportswriter, starting so you they start writing about in the modesto be starts a a daily little bay square called the the crime report of how many basis they allow ricky breaks the league record innocuous august. He breaks off a catchy name, Joe madden, and he wins league and BP, while so Ricky. has a weird batting stance. Sure this was to go in there. The agenda moraines all nodded- I am only thing, is you go in and you standing so the where the strikes on is is arguably
However, it moves around a lot, but it's between your knees and your chest basically nips to dex neat nips the decks, but you don't crouch you're not supposed to crouched down into Tom rawle, makes him insane, but he had this weird. He fetal position here and he leaned back haha, and he did like this weird crouching thing, so you had to throw the ball in his perfect little spot to get a strike, but that perfectly spot was exactly where he could fuckin crush it. I feel like I could do it and I could shrink it so tiny that you couldn't even pinterest like they'd, be like well this guy, the most walkable battery. Well, the problem is, is that you eat it most guys can't hit that way, but he can right, yeah right, so it's so they're mad about it right, of course, while they are dead, this is a gentleman's game, but there's the rule and then there's the unwritten rules, there's the rules and then there's the rules where you black line on the rules? And you see the other rule yeah yeah
a a pitcher said quote the guy's impossible to pitch. Do his strikes zone is about ten inches deep. He drives me crazy, and the empires too so now the aser who owns all the franchises, we're talking about here is charlie think he is a exe ordinarily well known she basle, ok, he had built dynasty in oakland in their early seventies, but then free agency happens and that's an for agencies when power There's can, after a few short years, can now signed tenanting. They want before that. It was like. You had your stuck with that team. They over ever the first I recently signed your contract owned you. You could sell it to other teams, but they you were even if the contract ran out there like now you're still here wow, and so so it that's gone now that it's in his crate ends in the mid seventies, yeah yeah, your career sucks. You live here your mind, yeah they could just fuck with guys. I guess that's what happen with archie manning yeah yeah.
in nineteen, seventy ricky is set to double a new jersey. Indian, so goes up a notch. Ok, the ballpark is horrifying buck walter. that was the shit hole of america, nice, the the lighting was just five lights on one pole, so players could barely see the ball, and I can't say I already got night bawling, it's our duty and I would be like exciting, almost no, nothing, has been more terrifying in my life than when fin you know started, throwing like sixty sixty plus and he would want to play catch. in another start to get Yeah darker area. You're, like I'm, going to die, makes contact with the ball goes deep, I can't see what's happening right now rapidly. This up to look far too gets even logic of the sort of sea some reflectors out, so they athlete shoes unable to tell what's happening mattered, storming around the base, looks like it's gotta, be it in the park grantline. Maybe it's out of the park it's hard to tell obviously right
I can't even tell if there's one of the six guys on the field, but everyone at the balls brown, the balls round comes out of a black cave. I can't see anything. That's right, grandpa's dead. So he wins and Bp Marty, so there yes, so he. He. This is a terrible place, he's away from his family. For the first time, finlayson he puts them at hamley down uniforms, but he tells us that to take care of of four players and what does MIKE Norris, who was big problems of major league baseball and they sent him down here to work on his stuff, like figure out his pitches work on it again cause all these little tweaks. You can do so. He comes back down I feel like I'm just going to throw the ball and work on it and so Ricky's one of the chosen chosen guys here and and Finley sure they treated well those four guys. So as it getting a new uniforms, don't tell me:
that is the only uniforms thou meatballs too there were actually gonna wash your hands washed uniforms, so the new jersey managers, again him John edward, can he's a white guy played for twelve years immeasurably baseball. He didn't like ricky on site now dave why how First of all, a kennedy, that's great, Jorge John Henry. Would how how on site would he not? Let's is interesting. I'm I'm just curious what it is about the aesthetic ricky that makes him on site is the quote he had. He had big strong legs like he had like running like said, talk that might have been it. That's what it is. Yeah well, no said get him a pan flute, no set jars playing for us all. The black players on the team thought he just resented the fact that black players were entering the game. I'll come up more come on.
The game game into an integrated for a while, but for years black pairs, weren't drawing attention themselves and this like the second generation, I think of black players in based and these guys had grown up and it every time they re seeing the black panthers equally mom and arrange it off the originals word comfortable, and these play, It may be a little more comfortable making the white owners a little more uncomfortable. and they are a little more like this is a fuckin show yeah right behind I want a judge who have to walk you through all the unwritten rules. like a jaguar. Then has to literally a behave himself in getting worse every day. The worst behaviour here still remain the gentleman when our years later and they're, like nah, I'm gonna. Do my shit yeah I'm going to do my shit when that man cleated you, you swore at his data that I read rules
yeah, like you said they brought about in the panthers and went home on ali and brick iii idleness, mohammed ali. So some. style and flare somebody's, these players chair do as is ricky's first real taste of on angry white dude resistance right there. The unwritten rules. as I said earlier rules as just an amazing term for how you'd disguise it is a kind of racist edicts. It is such a. It is such a complicated thing because I do get the stats thing. I at leisure. I get the statue like if the game doesn't matter sure if they put in worse pictures like it's a whole different thing. I kinda get that, but also like okay, so you're protecting the stats of what, while old white guys right. So it's a total like you're not I mean unwritten rule one don't be black garlic.
So this guy is, is not not pleased about these players drawing attention themselves which the way, if you're an owner, it's late, It's so amazing to watch the conflict of race, vs money cause like if you're an owner you'd be like well yeah. That's like people are going to be interested in that and that's going to make you more money but they're like. I don't want that kind of money. Right yeah. so Ricky said quote He was a redneck one of them a real redneck, sorry to say flattered this guy's a fuck. You really like how dare you character as a group of people based? I just want what that is hot air. You have that is, do you know what it feels like to be lumped in with a bunch of people yeah? I do well, it hurts yeah because you look at us. Did you think? Oh they all do the same.
Their drink emerge thereof, moonshine they're. They all got overalls with one step out of their human. Hey they're just played a large part of the port, I know what it's like to. Have someone just decide, you're that just based on it,
Aren't you a letter you wash board workers up. I have my dubai problem. There, everybody its gareth, you know from this. Despite cast listen, I've got some stand of, shows them inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol september. Twenty second and cardiff symptom,
we're twenty fourth and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia! Then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth, brisbane november eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it! it, let's see it air, so the irving about all this is to be a black. In baseball. You had to be better right, like you can't be equal to the other way. You have to be better than the like. I quote: ricky quote we already knew how they felt about us. You had to be great, no blacks on the bench, no black eyes backing up. You had to be a star
I didn't realize until he said this, but you think about when I was a kid. I was like oh right on all of the guys. So there's there there are specialty players. So there's a guy who comes in and just hits in the ninth inning. This guy just put backs up second and short, like they had these very specific position: arps. They are always white, guys right, always wake up right and right yeah. So it's integrated, but it's not integrated right. It's the eighties they're, not they're, definitely not there and you need to know. I just thought. Maybe luke was here locked up, but that'd be he's, probably just lost in burbank somewhere as usual. Well, it's expected now We couldn't open the Van door this morning for those that was listening and watching. We couldn't I'm taking the van today to go on those dates that I'd promoted and we couldn't get the sliding van door to open or shut yes, so so luke just took it to a place, and the guy, I think, was basically like you mean opening,
this this is a good friend and I'll, be in my mary way, good. So one time ricky doesn't run hard to first pay. So basically, it's it's a ball near. It's gonna, be a it's gonna, be an outright and so we slow. I wouldn't IRAN if he, if it's a pop. Well, it's up in the air in the blood kid what's the problem with it, So the idea, the idea being that if you had a pop up in the guy drops it you view be safe right really, but also like I watch games down. I and game is any. If you hit it to certain players. Yes, sometimes they drop, so there's drop it, but you can tell who the good players are. So if they hit it to that player, it's an outright like if they hit it to another player you go. This could not be an outright, that's how it works.
Racy hands, Henry honor and yeah. You can see the oil dripping out of the palm of his hand. I tell you Jimmy we've been telling them to take off the grease for years, but he loves sets up on it as this australian superstar and he's just covered in oil. So he he in this game. He doesn't run out the ball and then he doesn't take him out of the game immediately Kennedy he waits until he takes his position. And cause it makes a show of it. So it's a it's humiliation right. He does that a couple of times so in case he's mine, he's teaching Ricky how to play baseball. The right way right, instead of making them a better player which the previous catches decrease goes like I'll. Show you how to do things, this guy, It's like I'm, going to show you how to play the game the right way and then you'll know how to play the game now, so that he thinks he's making him a better player.
Enforcing these rules and breaking and thereby making it can't emphasizes the white coaches, we're trying to break the spirit of the black players, and then they could play the game remaining in spain you know, I'm not the political. I keep it blue sky, vanilla, jack, so rick is not alone in this he's done into norris, endorses and em I'll be players is down work on this stuff so during one game, mars is getting hit hard, but he doesn't care cause he's not cause. He doesn't care about the score he's trying to work on a specific hitch and their hidden. It and kennedys losing it he's losing his fuckin mind, and he He he takes norris out game, begin into an argument after the game they get into a fistfight in the showers shower, I should say shower. They had one shower says a tightrope
pack factor pop into new objectives, is the sole god. Damn If you do have issues where they rather get, that was showered fighter shower fi type of ad, only one. So what we need reggie comes on comradeship, his apartments been robbed and he's fucking done he's like. I can't displaces bullshit. Well, he's been the one stealing all the bases of feeling, and he calls is my, I like I want play football, I'm done with baseball, and then I wonder if that Robert had any clue the ripple effect. I go right, yeah I didn't even know faintly then He then calls findley, and he can do this because he knew family from when he hung around as a kid. So he hasn't a relation. Nobody else has right with their owner right, so he
He calls me, as I want to add, a new jersey. If you take me out of here. I'm quitting baseball and the next day kennedy calls riggin, whose office. I understand you have an issue without renders every step taken lack racism is a quote. I heard you talk to the owner. The owner tells mind me my instructions are to leave you alone, and that was that Ricky now knows how much power he has. That is awkward to what it's. Just like your like that cause. Philly was probably like. Look leave him alone. Asshole, don't talk to them like that anymore. There's to understand you the problem with our talk anew what he wanted to be now that I know what you're fucking deal you re actually, but that's like the conversation I don't want to avoid. Yet this is what I didn't want to a college. You shut up and let me alone yeah, I'm not supposed to talk to. You
things anymore. I don't worry about that. That's not going to happen again! That's why I called january to talk to you so in in a game around this time. Ricky it we hit the ball. So this is. This is working in baseball. You, you hit a ball to a guy right. If the guy can It didn't throws you out, you're out, you don't get a hit in the stats. It doesn't count as a hit, even though you've hit the ball yeah. If you hit it to the guy and he drops it, that's known as an error. You also don't get ahead in the stats cause that guy could have gotten you out, but didn't you should have been out but have hit the ball yeah, but you hit the ball to a guy if he didn't do his pat so but that's on him, but all should who in the stats. You don't get a hit because you actually didn't do your job to do. My job is not called it with the iraq spin on it, so it is unable to katy one another's a guy called the score. Who decides if you.
it is so hard. He then he couldn't go to so Ricky. Does that one day, guy. The guy throws it over the first basements head into the stands in the end. The score paper marks it as an air right and ricky is on the field pointing up at the scorekeeper telling him he's wrong he's like I made it to the base first, it wouldn't have mattered right. So the guys scorekeepers, like I'm, not used to this interaction. To be quite honest, well, it's a minor teams team. The scar keepers also like he does the laundry he does archives. Sorry, showing not resounded. Jerseys needs a guy. He knows really well so later. He's in the bow, Exploring the game in the phone rings, the outside line and I picked it up. Hello quote jimmy what the fuck are you doing to me? What rigging run about six hundred and fifty feet to kennedys office during the game?
to call the score. Keaton stole the office of this gorky and he's demanding the scar keeper change it back to a head. Kennedys there, like my identity, is not the issue is not about what is he's everybody's play, the right back there, fifty because ricky, so is freaked out afterwards. He talks to both managers and both managers are, it should have been a hit and that Jimmy? How did ricky hit fifteen home runs this game by your account, so he changes back to hit and he tells Ricky he's a good man fuck you it shit about a hit already, how you're won't the So we are now getting a lot of press and he asked no to read one of the stories in norris realizes ricky can't read: oh well, so noise then teaches ricky helps ricky, learn how to read, write and he said about three weeks. He picks it out loud ricky's, very smart, good, lord and he's
Ricky is like gotta baseball brain that you would die for like he's these genius, so with kennedy office back where he starts doing this thing that he's always done, which is talking to himself more ricky ricky talks to okay. So he knows extended it a little bit, but now that no one's like giving him shit he's doing it louder. Right norris heard him talking to himself in the dugout, and sometimes he would talk to himself in the third person. Oh wow, that's even mark, as was there another ricky on the team. You'd simmering I gotta do better. Try a new better than me north, They heard him say quote: come on Ricky. You know Ricky, don't play that shit Ricky! You know that fastball can't beat you so he's kind of talk. He himself up in time himself through it. What's going to happen and how things work happen, there's athletes to do that for sure we're going out. Third, their presence of funding the food aid per, but there's deafening
that sounds, so he starts sliding into bases differently also because he scared he's gonna break as I hate he rushed first right. He runs the same old ursela. He goes asked first man. I love that, like like spread Jesus, Ricky Ricky. when the why ricky run so fast that he is scared he's going to hit the base too hard with his feet. So he starts sliding head first cause. Then you can touch the base and kind of around it and do different things. one time he slid on his his tucker's while his abdomen admin. And there's about buckle there and he stood up any was covered in blood, is about biologists, scraped him and bringing
yeah howard bryant quote his uniform looked like a crime scene. Oh my god. After that he started landing the idea that you've got to wear belt buckles while playing. I know, yeah, it's crazy right now, the cumberland suicide history, leaning on his chest and step john ass, a lawyer, yeas trusting in feel like lose the belt. yeah alright, We achieved this sword. I dont know if I'm going to slide with it anymore It's also like he's, not a big drinker, not doing drugs, he eats really well. He. he lifted waits for his arms. The rest of his body was natural, natural I was hoping he's just gonna turn into some sort of like
It was just a huge arm. Guy like there's, there's the guys who shoot oil into them. Yeah, there's like those those fake biceps where it looks like someone's, just a regular guy and then as two bowling balls and the bicep is all I could afford it's good. It's oil is fine and he would always point to his body and say quote: this is my castle. This is my museum. It's not real. Your museum, it's ricky's, music! Well, it's your castle! I get the museum, so this is the hall of ricky, so you keep different old things like your like a history. Yeah of your body is the rigorous in your body. Let me take you to the east weighing ok. Let me show you where the skirt guides hang out, and this is the dumpster. Ok, Jackie does that What do you think's in a museum, bakers, the pig traddles you're thinking about his easy thing, secure to grow? downstairs other mothers, there's the ricky relics right, the renders theirs
and sure anti be, as are you to call the museum stuff speaks all right, so look we found a bite, so he starts next season in triple day aaa balsam movement aaa balls, the last one before the major right here he's an hour. In utah. He isn't that you should be that he's like. I should escape triviality, I shady and regularly. As now he's got a bit of a chip on a shelf. That year the a's managers like you can get. The major is like you can get more play time. I don't want you sitting on the bench, which is what would happen, but the aser fucking bad, because the findley won't pay. Free agents, time is here and they are a terrible, terrible team. He. Finally
actually suspends the best player on his team for asking for more money, smart, smart, it's weird that it works, that both it's good and to us yeah, then those are that it upsets your best player. Sure! That's it isn't. There were two two. I think there are two yeah there are yeah yeah it your best. Now your best players upset or long term and then on june. Twenty fourth, so look couple months and in the season ricky is called up to the majors I get the minimum salary, which is seventeen thousand five hundred days or a mess. During a game. The manager and an outfielder started arguing in the dugout and the player picked up a bat and started when yet at the manager trying to hit him as security I to be called, and it was a double, had her to get back to back. So for the rest of the day securities
on the bench in the dugout between the player, the mandatory energy sure. Maybe can you imagine and now is The bad about it is that by its ring, security guards are out there. Now those that are on the bench. The player was sent down the miners after the game. For what I don't know, they don't talk about it with love. Some insight and right in July. The a's go to boston, denisov dennis accurately as a pitcher on Boston, and this is the first time ever sees radiation so reg had this thing where he would walk up to the plate. So slowly the slowest thing you can ever say hey, look up and down his bad and they just tap at a few times, and this is his first year this a rookie so you're not,
to do this kind of shit as a rookie yeah right. This is something they might let you do when you get older, but as a rookie they're like nah nah, dude yeah now get up there and get in the fucking box. Fifteen minutes so accurately said quote. My first reaction was look at this mother fucker, who is this first, two at bats accuracy make sure to get them out. Third, a bad ricky gets hit, and then he still second and accurately would later say there was no point in trying to keep him on first. What's quote: what's the use fuck it just take the base after three games adversely didn't think any catcher in the leg. stop Ricky Henderson, and he also noticed that ricky when there is a strike called ricky. tell the umpire that was wrong and say get your shit together. Every time like most taught mode. Times. There is a striking acknowledgement. That's not what we're doing here to tell you need to work on yourself like he's just like he's just like it's great
on stoplight telling people, I call it a ball. I misunderstood so the is get a new manager. Ok gentleman and Billy, Martin god, callback, pretty soon after findley cells, the team to the owners of levi's blue jeans, walter. Alright y'all going to be playing and did them have everyone. Alright, yeah you go look at asia. Never heard of a button fly, there's no way hey you go. They didn't think dying point. Let's get real, hey boys, we're going. We called the dongle where the oakland items there yeah, so ricky signs a new contract for thirty thousand dollars a year. Ok, now the major league stolen based leader is lou brok. He had just tired, dear before nine hundred and thirty eight stolen bases in his career. He has the record. Also, as the single season recorded, sounder nineteen,
the american they record is ninety six, so those are the three records ricky can shape. And there's one hundred age games in a season so whatever outside right, one sixty two whips Aaron. We love you getting involved, but when its correcting dave, we don't we don't love, the energy No, I always do. This dave go third person that don't like that there you go yeah, see and you see what you've done is triggered. So really wants as rigorous as he said when he was seventeen years. All I'm going to do that right. He loves doing basis, April ricky stole home and broke the cutters ankle. He stole lighting and slid sorry broke the cattle out. Ok, if ricky got on first, it's basically runs court is second to third harder to steal. It is rising. There is much higher yeah so so, because there
whereas a shorter yeah distance to throw yeah so silly is able to peep yeah. He would still second third or how annoying they'd scanners We see in little league yeah right, like a kid gets on base like that kids going to school. I go to a lot of literally No, I need the s diary. It when you should? Let me tell you what happened. You gotta learn only wanting alone at someone asked which. Is your yeah. It's I just say: none of us cause you're, making them uncomfortable yeah. They they are so weirded out. But what are you wearing what he meant to the game? Yeah, I'm just a shirt that I've written on. What does it say? I want to be papa for most yet again, I gotta we stop you you shouldn't. Do this number six nine on the back of a journal? That's for car! Absolutely! Not and then I you know what else I have are those. I am fm headphones with the little antenna on them. They don't make them anymore, but you can get them on Ebay, yeah, I'm sitting there fanny pack, I'm eating a bunch of gummy worms. Someone comes up, they go which kid's yours like none of them and the parents
Is that what what is it with you? Baseball parents yourself or you- get weirded out so easily that it's a year and uncomfortable human being? Why cause I'm eating gummy bears while there's a lot more to the sixty nine. An assured the whole of the whole thing actually is bad or you weren't. What you're paying your pants yeah? Of course, I'm wearing pants and wearing shorts or shorts yeah, I'm wearing shorts, I'm wearing shorts, where you can see the pockets hanging down. Okay, let's not as the whole look is right there we're going to not do that anymore and I'm on one of those failed. Do you know a little thing of a jig is the little balance thing where you call it Yeah yeah, I'm one of those down their budget gummy worms in the fan pack am at them had amazon yeah, I'm wearing the glasses that are glasses, but you can flip them down and get sunglasses on. I got this moustache yeah and then you get someone who was who which kids you're like make. What this is what I don't like when
ask you may or may not know the answer here, none of them and they will and you know what I mean it's just like: it's the energy I'm there I'm I'm a fan of a sport. I know it doesn't seem like it. I dunno go to adult games, go to college games and the. Just no, no, no way the game is different, Erin how old's your kid do so in, like five years he'll be girls becoming to your kids' games I'll go with you as that. I I don't like the tone. I'm there, I'm just hanging it. I'm hanging, I'm the guy smoking one hitters in the porta potty. Oh I'm, the cool, dude, okay, yeah! No there's nothing. You've said, is cool fanny pack full of me worms, eight cool mo. Ok, how long you and I live at the park.
Living its heart heard about a year and a month, so When I get tired, I have a pillow from home and I lay in the stands. Yeah. I've also, I should say I'm loaded on jin. Okay, go ahead. Ricky made the all star team his rookie year and he drove he drove it's crazy? So if you remember the billy markups billy Martin drove the other team, crazy yeah, so Billy's teaching in that and loves it. It's billy boy! That's what billion so tigers manager spark innocent is furious. When the estill home in two consecutive innings. It's just not something! I guess it's against the rules. And the second one was a triple steel. So all the players are and at once on all the bailout thats it bears after that happened
catch her, went into the dugout and destroyed the water cool over the basque desire, vibration, rikiu storm fifty basis on July, twenty seven he's very aggressive he's very annoying quote. I try to make the pitcher look at me and concentrate on me. It gives the batter and edge totally if you're, the pitcher and you're like this guy. You can tell, since the pitchers face in focusing too much on the guy, like he's, probably going to give up a hitting right, and so he just does he teach trying to make a make a mistake. So he's built like, like I said, he's built like a football running back. Someone asked about a slide. He said quote you ever been in an airplane. You see how an airplane lands. That's me like an airplane such us down. Arms out and isn't it true that when I get it,
takes forever again into the batting box. It's he's just enragingly hatred and catch your eye because again, there's a wife. Unwritten rule, and now this guy doing fucking everything ready opposite opposite, and The bill a white man seen ranked him as the third biggest hot dog and major league baseball third biggest hot dog. What show voter yeah? Ok, managers are now planning about his crouched stance, saying he shouldn't be allowed to do that needs to naples, but there's no rules you can stand any way you want it so billy these himself as a major price that writing some of these rules that their unwritten adams, that's so billy sees himself of the players manager, hangs out with players. He drinks of them afterwards sometimes gets in this fight for them to his particular man of the people, the once you like,
the way hung ours, so he could not connect with Ricky. He loves Ricky Ricky will not give him anything. Ricky's really grin the clubhouse, but but he sort of apart from the team. At the same time, he does not give any deference to veterans you're supposed to like right. Yours- but there you're supposed to walk in and and like thank thanks for their service. Then you have to carry their bags as all the different fucking things that they're supposed to do he's not interested he's like I'm. He walked in he's like I'm as good as the best loud sits in the dugout to be fair if it's called the team, so it seems like also he is as good as the best, though right like if you're the one of the this basin players while time top five. You are getting you like right, so you're, not as good as they are not. what am I supposed to carry the bag for myself He does not in I and of any I'm so players
could only steel and billy told them to you can't just run when you want interesting, every man it gives you the signal. Some managers say: do it, you want that's very, very rare, ok, so a thirty games, less left in the seas the a's have no chance of the playoffs and ricky has sixty six steals. What's the record eighty something ninety days, ninety six for the american, like ok, so billy was getting go with with ricky. He wants to get a new sizing dynamic right for the manager, be like I gotta kiss this like you wanna like kick it with Zobeida edges, rikiu, who had every? What do you want? You want to manage? What do you want to do what I say we go, now so billy turn some loose he's like what everyone radio. So he steals when with no restrictions on and he still thirty four basis.
breaks the scene single season record ale in that month, he loudly yet so over whatever it is five months. I think this is, and this is a five months six months, six, my steals. Yet six months. You still sixty six one month. Still thirty right. It's searched and billy's just like that is gonna get beats but I want to say a word about it. Well, the water was there watching tv at a slumber party, a two man slumber party. We have so much in common, but other teams are furious. Sure because it's amateur shit to steal when it doesn't matter right. It's just not done selfish to go for a record. They can leave. What's happened. Right begets another race. Now he's making two hundred and eighty five thousand dollars each area, the it's an endorsement deal with a japanese sports equipment club marzano. Free equipment and a thousand dollars. Ok, pretty good. What the guy the guy's! As you know, a lot of people think rigging
it's down, but the guy who negotiated that contract is like he's one of the hardest people I've ever negotiated with. Oh really, yep and Ricky. Ricky is very quiet. Around sports writers, some players reggie jackson rejections to undergo mohammed Ali thing. He's talking talk endlessly about himself, he's doing that, but ricky It's like I'll just show what I do on the field and he which is weird right, the position with what you re right. But boy does issue here a funny with this teammates, but he's self conscious about his speaking ability, which he picked up on you, kid right coming from arkansas, also Yes, we want to be the butt of a joke by you. The wrong word he's very self conscious of like I'm, not that great at speaking like I, I stick to execute when he's very cup yeah when he's very comfortable around people, that's fine in the dugout. He has good time, but he said
it is known to miss, speak and say a word their offer. Whenever and now we're talking about writers right. So with sports writers, he sees them very literate, the very smart, so he doesn't want his wanna be marked and they're all white. All of these sports writers in the eighties are white writers, restless whitish sure enough find out later The open, beat writers secretly had a t, shirt made, mocking something Ricky said, including the grammatical and fanatic errors. So his fear is real. Was completely rhetoric you? What about us and I do so he said we have merge. He sensed it. He also is like, if you're a black due from oakland, why the fuck would you ever trust a big goggle, a white guy right
what I find it to be raised. The only guy on the team kept at arm's length is billy. Billy, billy Billy, I'm Billy's like looking at a window, one it's rain, and what will it take just want to be a friend alleges deal every base. Whatever you want Ricky, if we get the part and then he picks up a gallon, a whiskey blog, eyes Oh Ricky says he doesn't want to get too close to manager because if he gets released, vantages like it's, it's like a relationship right he's gotta want to kill him like so hardest stone and billy talks to norris, and is I please please get me in with ricky, so look. I have feelings for what Why doesn't ricky like me, this others, like you, you just hang peter
he's not a high wanna drink whisky with him and kick it. This is there anything I can do. Did you want to manage, doesn't want to wear my clothes now. It is your. I could get him a car. He doesn't need a car he's gonna cut. Just do anything I know I can I caught his face. Tattooed on my shoulder talk. You should realise that no, it's weird it's weird! I know I will now we're gonna do its bit it very big back to shoulder the neck, the guided, a bad job, but I dunno know looks like mc hammer hammer well I'd. Look, I can't really see it honestly myself near it, but but of a flexible naked it sort of it's your turn a bit like now, where I don't know, I mean I've. I've done literally everything I can have actually been leaving chocolates, Back or not and left him a couple notes move from your cigarette to me.
and you're just I dunno it. Does it yeah? It's not. I dunno I've just begun the guy. I know I just would love to have it. I think, if does he like movies, he'd love to take them to a movie? What does he like has easy pinocchio? I think so. Oh my god I'd love to see it with him. I'd love to go, see pinocchio with him. Will you ask if he'll go see pinocchio with me? Okay, please yeah! We can cancel the doubleheader okay. Well, whatever yeah we could. Just One could sit in and just manage. Okay, I just would love to do something with him. I just you know it might be that you're. This is too much. Is it too much? I think so. I think what has happened is that I feel him withdrawing and that space at distance is too much for me, so I'm trying to make up for it by meeting him. original space wherein he and and the further that goes away the closer that I get the things that are in his hedge. The thing where he came in the locker moody and you were wearing his job, strap yeah on my head, I was not good and I said best friend,
Do this. What about that? That wasn't good! He didn't like that. Now. That was weird. Do you think he knows it was his yeah? It's because it says ricky on it right yeah. I wasn't sure if he I mean, I know he. Okay, no sorry. Test I'll tell em out the role of a manager trying to be a fair with someone on your team is so awkward if It doesn't happen often enough, and it's just really strange it is and how it all I want to do is just bees, the hell. You know what I mean and yeah I dunno. Alright. Let them know I'm down for work. Okay, I'm down for whatever yeah sure I'll make a cake I'll eat a cake. Oh good I'll, do whatever he wants. It can be cake related. It can be outside of cake. We can do anything we can
dude. We can clean the grass together. Okay, I would love to brush my teeth next to him. Ask him if he wants to sleep and sleep here with me: will net them weird sleeping hats and I've actually he's got a set of pajamas made specifically for him and not how I want to share a bed like the three stooges is not helping. Okay, I'm just saying: there's options if he wants to shower or shower he doesn't. I won't what does he want, though it seems like the more space. I give him the more that he enjoys it and that is driving me nuts yeah. My wife is just my wife, won't even talk to mature. All I talk about is ricky, her god, just I'm friggin in love with the guy So he does doctors norris and nor does talk to Billy and talk to wreck your bill s eye ricky, an end and so ricky gives him a chance. Thank you and him and billy start hang out. This is so far and others
we're drinking together, heavy guys, etc. I tell you a very good team and ensure time their close friends, love you and in ricky billy c's. One of the greatest players ever who can play rick Billy's way, right, billy, style of baseball, So there is a very specific moment when Ricky became the favoured one that all players not so they they went out drinking as a team, And then they got back to their hotels and it was, I gotta, be the ball park in like three hours, so they're all crazy hung over, which is just crazy. for a manager three hours do what so they're all hung over there sitting there and the thing about Billy. as Billy loved food, He knew every every chef in town he had a personal shouted. The ballpark coach is always a great players. Did
so one night, I'm so there there and that morning and they're all starving and coaches are upstairs just showing an ricky. Finally yells I want some food. it says quote you want something to come up here and get something not the rest areas, unheard of re. He never did that so Ricky grabs food and all, The players are like watching me and say that your daddy he's your daddy now waffle, zero billion review to everything, the other even quail, hunting of blood. believe be for Billy yeah. Just ricky is going to sound crazy, but we fucking marry me like he's. Just like us, dogs, everything I ever wanted: hey ricky. What do you say? We go quail hunting
Ricky said quote. He treated me like a son that man did everything for me so that second father deterring into father son relationship right montage time yet yeah. The next season, the a's build an ad campaigner on ricky rabies, their guy, but that season Billy's drinking really becomes a problem. Okay, drunk billy like to fight fires there was labour attention also and the league and the where's her still mad. The players got free agency and the trying to do little tricks to reel it in sure, and on june tenth deny anyone. The players go on strike at the time. Ricky leads baseball in walks, steals, runs and he's the second best hitter. The strike goes on for fifty days. They start back up with
start now, so they like we're gonna, take the best. Players have play again game. They do not pick rig it. If you want to those players, weird he's offended. Ok, why? I don't know something about the next month. One of basic, top writers calls billy the new willie mays cause Ricky rick, sorry ricky than it psychiatry think things up this whole guided the drive. The guy was wasted. Yeah. Really he calls him the new willy Mayes, who is considered to be the greatest baseball player of all time, so he's now being compared with the top baja on the a's go to the playoffs lose to the yankees. Rickey leads. The american league in runs, hits and stolen bases. So he's now a star is a bonafide star, he's one of two frontrunners to get the american league mvp. The other is a team.
It's okay and Billy said: quote ricky's the best player in baseball night, so he throws in his. You know the guys I shouldn't the other guys like bill you're, my coach and there's a reason. I never asked you to go shoot quail. You good, but you know Ricky everywhere. Have I ever as due to get my hammock would make? No, I have a little nobody wants, as have I ever let you eat the upstairs chile has about that. Have I regarded I looked up with you know and then, when I was sitting there with you, I said must be sent my eight as a good goof. No, where were you like ricky battery, the egg worries detail so. the envy p ward, goes to a relief pitcher, ok, which
evan over they're gonna say it like nobody, baviaan obeys, but you don't understand this, but what is explore it's a memo lit up, but they don't play every day. They come in. I read you know a few days in a and they depiction ending or too that's why less than relates ricky's priggish. Thank you. No six days a week, nine innings, escape place. Three innings in ink income grin with reality is it also went to rally fingers who other plays caught players called raleigh the vulture, Well, because really would come in to your spouse. To save the game is supposed to protect believe he would give up the lead, And then the other tee and then his team would score the next morning and he'd get the win interesting like stealing the other? What ok I'll play
his nickname, I rarely get out there cost us the game, we'll figure it out. You got it. Couch reiki comes in second and And he still needs Billy's permission to steal. Well, so he's he's gotta It's a great she's got a little and his prostrate against everything. Everything The next few days are really bad and ricky wants to break Lou brock single season record of one hundred and eighteen, still. Small and the a's offer him a one year, three hundred and fifty thousand dollar contract- and he says no wow times have changed. So that means it goes to something called salary arbitration where the team makes in case the player makes a case, and then the arbitrator decides who was right and how much is going to get paid weird and that can be rough cause. The the team now has to save. Why he's not
good right of which that lawyers- I don't love it ricky- wants five hundred thirty five thousand a year. The ricky wins, but he does not. yet what the team said about him in that area right and it's strictly headed a kind of like basically getting a touch it right and it's strictly business, but they have like to again is not hens in Billy's like on the other side. Like sorry ricky I saw Again so the aged ace a large zoning sunning signing bonus check. Okay, so that rhetoric about a thousand dollars of that up front or whatever it six years? That's all. We know a little while later the asia accountants are looking through their accounts and sometimes out of whack. And the accounting departments are freak out. And then someone realise Ribby had not cash, the czech interesting and they call him.
he's a camera got a friend of my wall. It's not it's, not a one dollar bill from your first restaurant sale. He's like it's. My first really use check right and appointed by cash that I got my wall yeah, you private cash, that at some point, but he's also thinking Well, if it's on my while I'm not spending it, it's it's it's I killed me like I'm saving that money rights and the bank not realizing. I don't think you knew that checks or avoid after six months. So anyway, they get into cash directive. That will give you a duplicate. To put up their suckers after foregoing games reduced. If these deals and billy tells reporters he's you make it a priority to get Billy the record breaking Ricky the record, cutting I love you, I love you and we all love you Billy has been.
Driving everyone crazy for years, but now he has this unstoppable, based its like the most evil combination for unwritten rules. Geiss right managers are complaining about, as banning stance saying it's unfair pictures are complaining, catchers fucking hate him. They want to hurt Ricky. when playing the angels when in the batteries box, the catcher jumps up and gets and rigorously just start screaming at him, get. The year crouching it like a fuckin man meets these. incredible nuts, their mad because he's got, but here you're out a way to work. The system and your fuckin malaga knuckle. Ballpark geodata, perjure, logger perch, like there are things that these things out, but it's the evolution of the game and, like you know,
The legs higher court june, three steph curry a real player, the entire city miss set up to do. what he's saying dialogue, which is to fuck people out of of buying were essentially unique, stuff, yes, and this guy's fuckin he's also screams. Stop work in the arms. Stop complaining about strikes after the catch. I ever do you ever read the rules that no one could read after the game. The catcher said quote if he doesn't learn to button his lip he's going to get, doubt so they're they're, literally about punching in the phase out now, ricky's also constantly talking about saying quote: come on Ricky. He can't be you. That is that is that all he's got a hobby ope
He better hope it isn't. Oh, he better hope it isn't like he's up there saying that shit, so it's driving them fucking, not the catchers hearing that and just being like once catch a rip dempsey walks out to the mound to talk to his pitcher night as a batter you're supposed to just sit there in the box yeah instead. Ricky follows him out edge and is behind him. because he wants to hear what the catches etc. That life. It's. Where there's no role that says you kid is you'll. Have it using the data that one is damning talk about it? rule you're not supposed to listen to what they were higher learning. What did you say hello to coach? and an empire almost had to tackle and hold dempsey, to keep him from killing Ricky. But Ricky's leg
the more mad you get me, I'm totally in your head. Ricky also doesn't seem to care about people's names either forgot them or he just didn't, learn them sure. You you see the same people in major based box, you go. The same. Cities are going to remain the same staff. It's all the same. He never empire names like one way. Ingratiate europe, the use of nippers unwelcoming, your hair, and then you go about he'd, walker, There are the vampire be ricky and every single empire ricky would Hey now, Haider good good could get many that is why box it has given an answer. Just like you, you good now they also call them powers blue, which makes empires mad a blue. On august, twenty seventh eighteen, eighty two ricky breaks the record a hundred and twenty two stolen bases. Are they all right there?
yeah and one game aid, our they stop the game and Leubronn is there they come. I love that. That's always fond of a right. Here's, the guy on this Second best especially when you have to go for a few games, if you're that guy, like he might break at this game, yeah yeah, yeah, just retired yeah, Now this was against the brewers. The only person whereas we acknowledge that he had done it by shaking his hand, was the second basement. After the game, the brewers manager said quote: We treated ricky as if he had no stolen bases. Nice. Oh you got! No, you guys look better. you look good here. Thank you. That's right! Take with that. I'm a pretty good luck, about molecular bottom to acknowledge that that is one of our unwritten rules
by the way we have a guy slighted, do a beer every on run, no notice, but will regain season with a hundred and thirty stolen basins, but finishes tenth and be p. Once again, a relief pitcher finishes ahead of his every time it happens. Is that was fuckin my little heed. Doesn't stop talking about. He cannot handle that happened who have billy gets fired. The aid then sign ricky for eight hundred thousand dollars he's now a star is don't commercials. People are always looking to label ricky selfish, arrogant, the style mixing.
Add rikiu, doesnt, separate winning from style white. These white unwritten rule guys separate winning from start right. It's not you do not winning you can't do it. If you're stylish, you can't win. That's that's! Not winning the white way right of x, ray say that these are the guys who drove the sacho page out of such a pay right. So Brian, the writer of the higher brian, the writer of the radiation book, quote the black fans and players knew that pitting charisma against winning was false, often racist choice and a way to punish the black players for playing with black start. Yet so one night
an a's pitcher, is throwing a no hitter and ricky's out in left field. He's made five outs in the game: okay, the old fashioned way catching with two hands. Sure oh no rights, this one. I think I know this is the last doubt is hit ricky, so as the last out of the net. No, I know it. I know it already is very military date. What are they may it's when you you get we single batter out every penny Nobody gets a heroic because this states need from earlier nobody gets. You can get a walkie gang. A perfect aims: we give up a walk out so that citizens know hit boss had direct you for the last out. Why had other henderson Ricky quote? It started off an oak just trying to be like willie mays. What was the pictures name? He pitched no hitter forests. Years later. Ricky does not remember the pictures name good. Lord quote: it wasn't
There was nothing I created. I just had style, so he just does this in the moment. That's crazy. Snatches at the ball as he swung his glove down to his side. In one motion, so it's like he's, swiping it and bringing the glove down and then smacks the glove against his hip. Allow people are so fucking angry because it's like you are risking like for for your showmanship you're, risking that the ball could come out. Well, that's what they think right, but that's not he caught the ball. First quote. You think I'm going to risk that it's basically, to go right. He just made something look cool, but he catches the ball. He makes you catch the bond than begins the motion, but it looks to them like swiping, trying to like toss it to the ground, maybe or something it's called the snatch. While the base ricky's like these people are here to see a show and it's organic to him. He's like this is a big fucking. Mom also did he catch it
it catches. Are they it's a big moment? It's a really big moment. So he knows all eyes are on him and he's obama do something special to write. I love. He doesn't remember the pitcher's name. Isn't that great? He doesn't. It becomes a signature signature, catch heat after this momma sure and now across the country. Kids only want to do it and coaches are losing their fucking wells to be fair, kids are probably like whoops. You know it's very fun, is we were all tied to catch her two hands. You dont hands, yeah, you you bring, you re, utilise lyin scan. It says it. You, you cover recovery of august. You made the cover their hand right. They don't teach that anymore. Now they all teach catch up with one hand and be prepared to throw right. So ricky was right right in a way sure history smiles upon yeah the next year.
are off her ricky niner. In fifty thousand a huge offensive number because there's baseball, where's top basement those making one million dollars okay and I have offered him fifty thousand dollars less. It's like a double slap right. He's been the first guy to steal one hundred bases in three straight years. So they go to arbitration and the a's are like he doesn't hit enough home runs stop and they win a permission to really yet. mission to whisper to the judge. Don't really be like get out loud. That's another word permission to pass a note to the judge. Ok, can you just read it
but rather not if you've read it out loud for the record and get permission to whisper. To the judge about note, pets, yeah, okay, so we're trying to keep it on the dl, because we don't want him to know what's going on so if possible. I don't want to read the note, because the note says that he's not a fo runs everything. That he hears that that's gonna, piss them off. Okay for the record, they don't think you're hitting a home run up bad as bit data, but they have not stitched secrets and arbitration permits permission to time, travel yeah, so Ricky's, fucking, livid, most players, don't let arbitration business bother them it's just business and ricky takes it very personally. Right shows up to spring training the next year he's not happy your visit sacked the press, then the manager new manager makes a neural. A player was not let's take a day off unless they talked him directly a paper.
Put it under pressure press are from practice from private from a game. Ok, the paper reports, this rule is all about: The manager believed that the season before Ricky kept taking data dig aims after a night came off, so it's a short period the brass right! That's what the he assumed that this is not actually true, statistically, indeed happen, sometimes, but it was so this is what that's actually very, very it's actually very, very common to ticket dig him off after a night game players. What yeah, but it's kind of the un red. Unwritten rule, I don't want to so this becomes part of records reputation. His reputation is written papers, there's no quotes around it, but it's like fact, and teams are very good at using reporters to push a narrative
That will hurt a players, reputation and then end up saving in money and variations. Yet, and reporters are happy to do this for the team god. I just can't think of a version of that in today journalism. Now there really is in any well there's someone carries the water. It certainly The more it didn't happen recently with the political and about that, but my problem, but not gary Becker, mayor p, knock David. What did I tell you? This is not a political act. It has get dipper back to this point about chip, job chipping chapter, two, an unwritten dollop rule. We don't we dont entered. We dont inch, injured, interjected, inject god. I need earned connected with ivy. I am not doing
So this new manager after is made that rule. He says the EU aid need to go back to the pre billy days, essentially sang ricky, not the focus. Ok, it's the ricky taxes, a personal attack and he comes out and at the beginning season. The season single starts, destroying teams and then a big writer does a story on Ricky manager in the story praises him, but ricky would not talk to the writer about. Small ricky would only talk to the writer about losing arbitration and is shooting contract. Well, so the argo paid him is very difficult, unselfish very unprofessional, and you made selfish sigh selfish, very professional has stats, obviously say otherwise.
right worst of all, the manager at brought up ricky's main competition for stealing bases in major lakes. Timmins he's like the other guy, they can steal a lot quote TIM rain understood it more clearly what a crazy thing this murky hasn't. Yet what a crazy that's like! So it's the unwritten rules. It so crazy, though, to be like, like your basic, what your basically saying to some extent is I'm basically like I'm in a sack of ice, like that, our best area just because I'm offended by the style yet so he is he's if he doesn't care about the baseball. He cares about the unwritten rule. Us he's there to take ricky dont race was the manager it's weird he's white about, but we're not going.
About ever so the ease basically saying ranges of better baseball player than ready, ricky's, obviously not one but the tina mainly search losing under this manager, and he is fired writer pit gammons puts out a nice lie and says Ricky had undermined him and at once, refused to hit third, because quote his mother told them he was a natural led off hitter. So sky is just fuckin peter gan, totally fucking lie out of his very famous. Yours is still around yeah yeah. All these things stick to Ricky, sticky, sticky, sticky, Ricky. The new manager comes in and says ricky be ricky. He he is he he gets in the next hour. Star game he's a big.
he's a sex embryo he's in play. Girls, men summer, hot nude pictorial. You did one of those area, yet you have what they call pod bought hot pot yeah. I gotta be at a pod, but hot pot by parliament. By the way beautiful dawn by nature, but now has brought me suck. They need a lotta players, one way to get out of place to train your best play, so they trade ricky for more players. Billy Martin has been working with the anchors again, but I guess I shall assisted he. Please please, please, please, please! May we get him please my best friend protest, brevity yeah he gives Helen steinbrenner like we gotta sign this guy he's. The real deal is the real deal and plus you just have never seen me happier. Do you know what laser tag is for ricky does and so he's traded yankees becomes emily artist of billy. He has this reputation is
being a team guy, and then he needs the new york press done and pub the part where I've got damn it's funny cause. It's like. I know who he is bear I don't know a lot about baseball. I barely, I know he means so renown that I know his name. I just didn't know I am the level I was I'm a giants, fan yeah crosstown, rivals of the a's right, obviously love the giants. Yeah could not get enough. Rickey Henderson interesting growing up like that happens, yet he was just incredible players and we used to have Sanderson, and have seen what you'd be like good here, you'll get there. She gave it up. I can't know disguise amazed. Area are right
Oh uh, next week's part, two. We promise the dave's going to try to keep some of the politics out of this is a little heavy handed at times today with some of the unwritten rule stuff and don't really like the kind of racial stuff you can. to him within this one. I think here at the dollop. We believe that anything that happened in the history of this country and it happened and we need to get over it and we need to just move past it because really uncomfortable for certain raises in this country. Do think about it and let's have respect them, even though they took most of the stuff we'll be right back after this dollop now that of her,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.