« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

570 - Senator Foraker vs Teddy Roosevelt - live

2023-02-07 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Joe Foraker and his battle with President Teddy Roosevelt. Recoded live in Columbus, Ohio.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Who has no idea what the topic is about and now you're driver s all I'm sorry valet and where are you or were you not clipping nails in the van today I had a hanging thing and I just clipped it. I think all my nails. I had a thing and I clicked it off. Somebody is getting really defence of all of us, and I thought you were a proud nail, clipper interesting Does it in the van so July in You were lord he's you please do so he was is born every day in your opinion, There were years his ear year after his birth, the year of our lord right, that's your fuckin head in a gay man. How do you just ask that now this spring
for a while. I figured that she has been rattling around in your head for fucking years. What does doesn't make any sense? none of that religion make sense. a lot of it does The lady got breakers without the data once Joseph benson, A Poor near rains borrow Ohio that's what they call the reins bureau they re the navy are having fun yeah. Now it seems like a great time just dirt town says those wheels. What a nightmare you think those horses are still
I've. Mister, I think they weren't alive in that picture, looks awesome. Some kip that's the word awesome debt. So at a dream, why he was one of eleven kids, nine of whom lived cheese, the great ratio rate ratio rate ratio, Parents are very well off Joe started supporting the republican party at either way anything I know I deny children lived the dead money, the what they had money yea, I back a beggar. Ok, we're like why? Don't you just the mozilla peasants. We can't lose rude room. Just of the republican party at the age of ten. Its most kids do eyes normal kid shit totally. I remember when I put my party for sir. You know
When you know you know that's right. Mother would discuss religion, slavery and temperance with him all the time not drinking was quote her passion, that's abstaining from something being your passion has never been good for a life story. Yeah. one time she knelt in front of the town, saloon to pray. To quote: stop the cursed, liquor, traffic she's, asleep what a bummer that would be the israeli very me down, please please listen. Go out it's out of there, so Joe supported, lincoln and and then in support of what the Abraham lincoln, ok, and then he started marching with the white awakes with the way the wide awakes at forty
these. He marching with the wider wakes there. Up to me, and I think most of us a few times realize you are trying to play off something crazy as normal, The wide awaits the other pair melody bear military organization will look like that. They're, like we have kids so a long time in the latter makes he joined the eighty nine ohio, onto your infantry when the civil war started- and I was made up of others right toddler said: that's called that he thought and battles over three years becoming a private captain, and got out when he was nineteen. Well, ok, he rolled in overseeing university and got engaged to Julia Bundy, they spent
saturday nights in her dorm quote under strict chaperonage, so someone was in there like that, but that bad, but by now go hidden one finger excuse me, I feel like you're supposed to prevent bernardo slighted, see my parents, know me get me while I? U it bother, you look at Why would we bow know pants? You feel that you care for sure I the window brokered pass. The roads are allowed in getting warmer get. I mean they're in two different ways. What do you mean? What do you mean? You feel it? better, both feel I'm not going to put the finger in their ok. When you feel it. I want you to wink at me. I'm not doing that! We're just we're! Not
was to chaperone. You is my understanding, you're supposed to make sure We don't do anything like this, I'm not putting a finger in there and I'm not winking at you. When I do it now. You lady, took your hand, sir, you put it sir grab it, sir sir rabbit legates syrup and you're a plumber, Sir sir, where's your chaperones licence? We demand right now. I haven't past the course. Have you enrolled in it so moving fast the pipes, try get away. If I try to get away go, go, go call the police you're, finally skies, but chaperone all around it out. I'm sorry about that now.
I need you to grab at unjust tugging at a little budgets where the actual chaperones have you could take your finger and just like the other fellers it give a bunch of weeks while you yeah gown it go Ok, I will stand over here in a corner. Now, therefore, for chaperones now were actually called the wide awakes a few more of us think you start to understand why we work, which banks were expected. What we call gushes, not unlike the first time he switch to brand? The cornell university in ithaca new york
I was so knew. There were no heaters and the dorm rooms did not have doors. Awesome it's great, freezing and you can't have any privacy member ways there. There we be to move in Australia. We worked in one of the bedrooms, they never door and you just have to take this but the door will you you should put the hotels jerk. Thank you. Are some guy you felicia not holding a weird grudge for six years, genuinely it's been longer in eighteen, sixty nine, he graduated moved to Cincinnati, do work at a law firm sincerely big awesome. They marry in eighteen. Seventy he was making good money that a nice they're nice home Joe, was very
speaker any started campaigning for republicans. He ran for judge and states attorney but lost and in eighteen, seventy nine. He ran again and one election for judge. Resigned after three years as a judge due to quote a nervous affection, so he's got feelings for someone else. Yes, that's Yes in eighteen, eighty three, the governor, couldn't run again because the german community turn against them. They were mad that he try to regulate booze. The germans came out. How dare you all nine get stuff? The governor picked Joe to run, It was a civil war vet, a great speaker to run for what the governor, oh, okay. Well, if he lost it, was no big deal because nobody knew who he was so he gets
combination and when he did the enquire called him quote a sacrifice there putting someone out there who is going to lose. Ok, just take the right, like our herschel walker, the seminar you know, there's no chance, they'll lose and no way will he lose the new energy and just when you're like well, I think we're pretty good. He bows at official price badge and you're like working at I mean if we lose to this. This is going to be pretty crazy. I know yeah now Everyone had really about its everything worries.
So the election was all about. Booze republicans were not liked due to the regulation of booze Joe tried to walk the line between a wet and dry a politician, but at one point during a speech he said he didn't support pro. vision but was prob prohibition, so he's like is just like it once All the liquor goes in your body. It is the man's decision as far as how drunk he want, but I still don't believe we should be allowed to get after fifteen shots. Becomes a lush is how, I feel, I'm a pro a man after fifteen shots, a man becomes a man. That's right! Yeah fret yeah I'm a pro to a bishop. What what you're saying
the enquire called him a blunder. Forker and ass. He lost nice. Damn damn but now he is no now is unknown politician so now The republicans started, jackie I'm because there were eighty is going to become a thing. I started rumors that he discriminate against black people as a lawyer and left wesleyan. Kids. Being those guys races as like having an edge is quite a time. It was reverse yeah number. This is before a reverse of outright right and a Democrat right so Joe Joe Joe, gets nominated again for governor and eighteen. Eighty five. This election was about race, and Joe was accused of waiving the bloody shirt in speeches waving the bloody shirt. What is happening so the bloody sure
it is a way of making emotional calls to avenge union soldiers who died in the war. Okay, so Joe quote, that shirt was undoubtedly dirty, but that the democratic hoodlum thugs of the south made itself, so it was like punish these motherfuckers for what they did write to our boys. Okay and his stump speech is sort of fanning the flames of this. Yes right, as shown by the the little segment freudian man do and he ends up winning. One of the first things Joe did was replaced the democratic warden for the penitentiary in awhile. Ok, on september, twenty. Fourth, in his speech, Joe claimed guards at the penitentiary who were Democrats had
taking skin from dead prisoners and using the skin to make keynes I mean you're, not gonna have great balance with those keynes to start out like as far as like just from a strictly, you know is like your blueprints, skins. They are your big, oh dear. solely made of skin or canada. I think he's a man became you think of a bully, stick for a dog sure right It's like that. You wrapped around the cane well now and actual anywhere it just now. How much so he's take ok and is that founded, bad he's. He said, inmate fred. I had claimed he had to assist the chief prison doctor
stripping skin from seven or eight dead inmates, and he gave his statement that Joe red quote. I would bring them in a basket to my private work room where I would cut the skins into strips what kind of silence of the land shit puts the skin in the basket? And then it makes the cane in order that they might become seasoned quicker than use. Me, sir. Excuse me, sir season. Ah, now a good people are less than you're lucky then, if I left them in entire pieces when the skins became season to a degree and meaning what toughened. I think. So, it's better than like a regular. I guess Salt bay puts up there
we're almost there we go. There's a big great gains, o paprica, to agree to allow them of their being worked on. I would cut them into small square pieces and perforate each piece in the center for steel, raw to pass through after which neat walking sticks could be produced What's so funny, pudding is putting the rod through the little pieces of human skin and then alright just and the rod is then the cane and it's just wrapped in that skin or you're like yeah. I think you probably than rap. I think it's. I really think it's a decorative thing. Yeah, of course, not that I understood but my question is the right: so you're done or then you take it off the rod and then you're like ok. Now, if stretched it, I think I think you I and then you put it on the king and then you go to the king.
Nice said he was so disgusted. The doktor gave him whisky to keep going frank it's really. Growth is a mere. He made five keynes to each for the doctors and one firms. of which he ended up, gives our disgust, but he made one for himself. A fine. I mean, I guess her by her my leg or something it might come in handy andy, and he gave that came to Joe with his statement. Damn the cor's claim. It's a lie: the skin men, were irish and black in the day, said all irish we're dams and they were Do black voters so there's no way they would use their skin. Oh, my god. I mean the idea that you're like politically taking this wouldn't make any like. Not don't do that heart. We lose irish road, because the understanding that oh yeah,
pocket crazy back to yeah. It's pocket, discuss ticket crazy, prefer the miners and cook for my story saw nih working the skins into keynes and the sight was a most revolting want. It produced a great stench ya. Diesel. Keynes stinks in case, that's right, nor so damn paper tacking Joe, the indian county journal pointed out skin wooden smell at the end. Goals are crazy, the payable by well well well. Well, it would stick. Flood rear their adoption, black line, gamma ray going about rules, but it would prefer not smell, so called it would problem not smell nearly so bad as calf skin under the same conditions, the papers,
and if there was a skin came and Joe had made it just for the campaign. It's it's. So he is. The accusation is that he got just to Jesus Christ. ok. It's a false flag. Skin came right, that's a escape came the prison actors- author, I will say I'm a little shocked how long this parts going. I go. I felt like a guy goods crazy accusation that, like the doktor analyzed, the gay, the prison dockers, of the landlord city where landlord get it was laid out? Red do need no landlord. Now the can ok, the landlord lord city, went to a prison autopsy and why we
It's their job. To judge us. Was there hey, I realize you're my tenant and everything, but would you mind if I went and saw an autopsy at your prison? Oh no, of course, no you're, my landlord! Of course you want to come to that. That makes total sense. Please, please great. It also raising you rent Well, that's got kicked battle and soon so it's the thirty nine dollars in a couple of pieces of Jesus, that's robbery, normal time. He went to prison autopsy and watched him strip skin from a corpse the foreman The worker brothers oak leather companies said the doktor asked about turning the skin of assumed He hung prisoner. He wanted quote perfect skin from head to toe, for once it absolutely not room you're flying a barber was given a razor strap made of skin from a horse thief. He got from another parbleu robbing the prison the doktor. This is all just fly. Your rhino machining, this shit yeah. What are you talking about
now. What is the horse part now they're just, but he got skin from a horse thief. then was in the prison. He got. Ok said she's right, so skid is that we get in the game. Everyone we were talking about skin yeah right so now take it out, write it all down and I was like well, I don't really mind. Have you use dead prisoners in a beer, but other goods route plaza not a great gain. Its sticky game a bartender was said to be using a piece of skin to scare customers I get closer diving all, but to get there once we have lights wilson I shall deal there. I let us get it done the possible
The doktor called me a liar and said the bodies were in the prison cemetery and just dig him up and they see their fine. Then a medical college said there is: two of the bodies that there was no damage to them after the horrific his by Joe. The claims just sort of went away. Everyone just gonna, stop talking about it. How is couple of months, freaking out. How is that possible? There's no consequences. What's so people like back whenever now either way limit, The times Democrats said Joe was marked for the accusation quote his cane speech made or a laughing stock, so much so that even the small boy, as he sees him going along the street exclaimed there goes skin. Kane far occur The fact that children are not on
that shielded from that gave an atm, maybe one two keynes theirs is as stupid. The Democrats vote. call him skin gain forrester. That was a nickname from from now on. We don't We don't know a kid abed, ok, good, we don't know if this can came thing is true, but the most respected doctor in the city examined the cane and said it had discs made from the skin of people and an animal, One was actually see why whose mixing you gotta, throw it a little hey, y'all, a little dog little man, yeah, maybe they'll read that we go yeah. I just said they make fake chris. me, but we humans vacations Yo dog food, but a walk. Google
one was actually auctioned off recently, but I couldn't find it information about luck was a hundred thousand babies goods that our first. I just wanna get my hands on that. on eighteen, eighty, seven, president cleveland, either from you, hide that for me yeah? Well, you see, and experts is back. Get a bell weirdo your diary, so president cleveland tells all the governors in again, states to return captured, confederate battle, flags to their owners and Joe was like fuck. No, and he said quote: no rebel flags will be returned while
governor and he becomes a big hero to that of the civil war. We know the bloody shirt speeches there like this is our guy and what his stance than would now be considered controversial. Yes, right, that's right! We ve gone backwards strange how long until we're like selling skin gains again found a new law is move who's, gonna dermot groups cartoon. You're gonna love these skid gains. We got them available, At this point the vectors various says. These are one hundred percent human skin. Now was no dog. now cartoon showed him. You know attacking cleveland, they showed things like Joseph in cleveland with a cannon joe
is, is reelected, and now people are talking about him as a presidential candidate like guys got it, he ran for it. Her term, but now liquor is a problem. Again. Law prohibiting booze from being sold on, sunday was passed and germans didn't like it. They spent there. Sundays and beer gardens yeah, thrives so a battle showier. They considered. We hacked the system stupid we bought it on Saturday. I do spun, while saying what, if we were to load up during the week in preparation for son, good god side and get shit can do but merrick
so they really consider an attack on their personal freedoms and thousands of german republicans said they would not vote Joe also made make movement now you're drunk when the election, but dear you pick, one of the two we stepped up its. Please stop Joe make claims about his opponent, accusing me of corruption. But then it turned out. The claims were based on big documents, and so he looked really dumb hands up loose wow. What an amazing time to be like that doesn't tethered to reality. No boy people are gonna, love that say weights, and then you run through the senate and eighteen. Ninety seven and he wins guy now he also worked while he was in the senate. He worked as a lawyer, which was pretty common. They didn't get paid.
So they had aside gig if they said they still, there now guy inside trade. Now they had a very the fork, is at a very active dc. Social life This is why our parties, so that their live it up and then the vice president in eighteen. Eighty, nine and teddy Roosevelt replaces him now and had I stuffed had the vice present got a lot of people know he had the vice president stuff he did, but his head on the wall. Next to some antelope and yeah, some other wild beasts yep. Nobody is fine, so this makes steady a shoe and for the presidency, the nomination right we re rat Joe, was gone for red So he'd have to wait at least four years is so he keeps because other countries in campaigns in the bloody short speeches he got. It got there,
name's fire alarm Joe and boom Torah and boom tar outta, so boon to run, Those problems arise, polychrome, terror reality, but it's like a song boomed. Whenever No! No! No! No! I don't know it, but I don't know, but I could just stretching out new have been with angel. Then mckinley was assassinated, russia becomes president, that's how that works Joe backs roosevelt. He supports him. Wind, rustled, invited poverty wash into the white house and america's lost their mind, share shagging back them then roosevelt wanna too have the government set freight rates for,
the railroads and Joe, was not happy about ass. He called it a constitution. What does that mean exactly aware that a three rates? Well, so it sang you can't charge that but you do, your gasping wrote gouging their monopoly or get back and overthrow. If you can imagine the cupboard about like one xo. It's mine, who's, your favorite billionaire, let let's pick which one die: oh my god that He was only one of the three centres to vote against the freight regulation and the only republican so now people an eye or fuckin pissed anasazi grew up rich. What's the deal no, he just he's a lawyer and he represents companies, and so he has a conflict of interest,
he's a libertarian sort of like you just thinks the government should be involved in that shit right He wants the what real romania viagra yeah got people over yeah, as was meant to be as it was designed for the original guys. You fucked people over S. So again, so he represents big represents big companies. He is called the railroad senator and the preventative of the interests cosmopolitan wrote. Parker has always been against the people Now he's finding Roosevelt more publicly over a bunch of different shit. Sure in cuba. Isabel had fought with the all black soldier, twenty fifth inch, infantry known as the buffalo soldiers in nineteen o six. Some of them were transferred to brownsville texas, to four brown so they were brought in and they replace in all white unit
then get in there and the locals and brought out not happy really weird. So Texas used to be very different stars won't sell anything to the soldiers. A man pizza soldier with a revolver for brushing up against his wife on the street, where this was quote in the and her of the south. That's what you do. You have called manners So then, the white lady here we got here comes Karen, said a soldier. Try had tried to raper, occurs no evidence whatsoever. Her story is vague, it super contradictory but she's white, and this is What you have to do is a white lady back then the law
and then on the night of august. Thirteenth gunshots are fired on the on the route from the town to the fort. just randomly shooting at houses and it last about ten minutes. Latino cop was wounded and a bartender was killed and, of course, the whites blamed. The buffalo soldiers on rampage rampage witnesses said this had seen them creeping around with guns, sure, right and indeed If anything, though they're just like. Oh there's a law that soldiers that bad it's a black soldiers, just creeping around town with gas, wait what's for dinner, skin game murder, but the soldiers and actually been on curfew and ordered to stay in the barracks and then afterwards their weapons were checked. are the superior? None had been fired.
The mayor of brownsville, who skin kane so the mayor there, sir says the shells they find out same ones. The black troops use the mayor, the met the mayor, brownsville. Ok, And and then and then everyone's like telling the troops will admit that you did it and the troops like what we know, because we didn't and you're, not very good at admitting step by you and that many people more matt sure yeah, of course, by itself. It's up to the thing you didn't do or we'll get angry, so they started calling. It quote a conspiracy of silence. Jesus I've been amazing, now the military sends a major down to investigate and he concludes that they did it. Yes, they did it yeah yep yep,
so the war department just assumes their guilty and then and then had he waits till after the elections and another ember six, he rose about design, be discharged, one hundred and sixty seven black soldiers of the twenty fifth infantry. Some people are like this is bullshit cause. A lot of these guys are super famous, like as soldiers one of my had like two hundred cartoons over the years activities well known. Soldier saw a cartoon famous at well, though it's gotta get worse.
one of my least favoured things to hear during show why there everybody its care? If you know from this this podcast listen, I've got some stand of, shows them, inviting the garments tat Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff September twenty. Fourth,
and then in november I'll, be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me, let's get at it after it. Let's see you there So this means they don't get pensions. They cannot apply for a government job, so they they ve gone from being soldiers that everybody respects do now a life of just like up some menial job somewhere ranch right. Some had been closed to retirement, so their fact so Joe adverse thinks there guilty and then he starts looking into it and like oh, it's amazing, so east formed his opinion, and that is I know. What are the facts? That's interesting.
So he says a man as is as centuries and in a basket. Her down yet testimony and then he's like these guys are all innocent and so pushes a resolution to have all investigation information turned over from the thousand the military departmental, ok and rose It says that he now he would turn over quote the facts as to the murderous com. That filling there's an edge mad No them. I will turn over the murderer: fuck fuck it he fucks shit. I just want the facts. Yeah. The facts are that they can go fuck, their murder fuckin. So after ten, it is that's teddy! fuckin meridians, teddy so rosa also says, look by decision had nothing to do with them being black, now sure yeah
in the I didn't know: there were black till just now: as you know, two major edwin forbes Glenn had been court martial during this. You're edwin, forbes, Glenn, okay, now even court martian marshall. During the philippine american war because he had had forty when p o w S neal and quote repent their sins and then campaign ended in club to death of Jesus Christ. Don't look at me like word what do you observer? Words war? He also a couple priests and a mayor water boarded which back there, it was called the water cure water I'm surprised you didn't bring them back? I mean we kind of did not show any boarded so glum gets convicted of reckless disregard of human life, and you know of course, gets a one month. Suspend the fifty dollar, fine that'll, teach him no more that job there
there's room now and now, three years later, he said to columbus ohio to deal with a very and organise situation at the barracks. Ok, it's so bad Commanders don't know where, they have signed, recruits so guy, to our listed as deserters are actually working at their post like there's just all this. It's a fucking mass because they essentially sent every officer and every soldier out to the wall, and then they just brought in new people and people. I, like some guy, was a year. Our gear work awesome. You know what to do right. Yet under present we got fuck that enemy who have yet show them which Emily Then we will fight these colours, don't run less Jim in war who, who is fighting for its rights
the theology and a lot of ways referring verses, direct enemy. There are many direct enemies and we need to get them when's lunch we. How free? Is it and when we find em we're gonna get a day shit from the enemy we win, because this country he was founded upon winners who fought fairly, and we will continue to do that stars and bars. Yeah, that's right! and pay days every other friday. I would guess we're not gonna take shit from who any of em. The lot of em, but specifically right now, which enemy? one we gotta get rid of and we will get rid of them, which is what I'm gonna do round here make sure none of them come here, and I doubt if I am right away, you could tell easily tell that their bad because we're on the right side.
And they are on the wrong side and I'm not afraid to end their lives to make this better for rights yeah. How bigger the beds is, the question their big. Do we get big beds yap and I can wear a sleeping at what if I snore like, we had expected good, we're going to show that it is the idea that any that they're gonna come here or there were going Go there. We're doing the two, and maybe both bullfighter man, so we don't have to fight a mere but other third year, whether that I don't have to go there all over there, which one is the baddies, the guys I don't get it. we live in freedom and they don't probably do that and we'll kill again. I'm done with them. I hate it,
my blood by these countries, to god, damn and all those people we can deal with them. People there. You know it. Look like oh yeah, like us, but different kind to maybe they're differed, probably sore if at minimum very at maximum and act like it never have never wear. What have you got a problem that jack I or somewhat different I get a compromise. I won't do it take em out right now, snap, their next cut, the throne who the fuck face adhere to these, as a czech, german, terrible fucking person save your ass from what.
You might also be women, maybe I don't want to hear I want the money up front jack off. What bobby I am not getting paid, then I don't know who abbot break, it all born it as all then he wasted my god, damn dad phone. So when Glenn showed up, he quickly said that jewish merce merchants were preying on the soldiers. Oh, my god, he gets there and he's like well, it's the job ok, good, stymie that'll do Columbus, barracks, L, military prisoners were waiting for trial. They, also held new recruits who had minor, and
fractions. So it turns out to be like a school for grime right right, awesome, beer of wages, but that's how we refer. People learn new crimes, and then we can get you back in the year to take telemarketing gulls. on january nineteenth, nineteen and seven five months after the brownsville affair of recruit, said he had been at a brothel and was stabbed during a fight with a black guy. Ok, weird circumstance to right: yeah don't combine those too, some fuckin, this rain minamoto fight, and so we cannot fight not fucked it up, fight, You know how it is like a cartoon dust cloud where fist and takes it just pop welcome to of all this and do exist right near looking. Fatter back or both both all right boats,
I need five dollars. Just fucking is five just bought and is five and doing about this ten, but you can fuck fight all you want walk around and night for a day pass, that's twenty five dollars and if y'all want to come, tomorrow. You can get a twig it for six new gown. So two days said two and stay up to these efforts stabbing accusation. I'm an emigrant recruit set a black guy. Shot. A member of the battalion, which is a total lie. It's just so mean it is so easy just be like back. I did it and their allies what we knew. What was going to happen again, There now incense and all the angry recruits marching to town looking for the stabber in the badlands, ok,
But no one knew what he looked so where there is this, where, like their racism russia's up against their reality. You now on forestry. They start throwing bricks and stones through stores, brothels analysing and that's how you do it. Yeah yeah just throw bricks through buildings until it works out their shouting kill the quote: they gathered in front of us, restore operated by albert saudi, a terrible and what is going to put that in there. What is the angle? What angle? well, do they is there any association to there's a guy there? Just like grocery stores where it is through the bricks. Through there there's a disabled man at perfect this'll work. I mean I'm sure it's black one. store and there's black customers and that's where it and will you gotta, take care that business pressure, good point,
They flung several hollow quiet near lately. Have you noticed They flung several volleys of sticks and rocks through the doors and windows, terrified cat. I'm not trying to knit pick this racist action but sticks who's. The stick sky, hey time, of tat. Come out. Everybody twig, I'm twig, I'm out go. I've also got some berries I collected therewithal that'll, do it. Anyone by pride jack up into the air space by mother they dont know how to write. They brought twigs with they bring so the terrified customers are huddling inside. It goes on for a while pretty much every window in the area, areas broken men and women are beaten. People run for their lives. and finally send sixty soldiers to make arrests
so he wires rose about that night and ask him to dishonorably discharge for white soldiers. Ok, he's hoping it will force him to reverse the brownsville decision right An anti worker But ohio claim the riot was set up. designed to humiliate roosevelt church, spoke, saying false flag, shit right back right, right right before false flags, man the alex jones of their day, haven't quite so grand says: he'll punish the soldiers and not then tells you know at the white house in DC, not to get involved right and, The military secretary general's asked if the right It was similar to brownsville quote anybody killed, warehouses, riddled with bullets
women and children endangered was anybody fright. The death was the trouble caused by soldier. but having firearms kind of little bit of similar, really alot of yeah up well quit answering and then he says, brownsville is completely different, obviously obviously lotta differences. You know you know what they are here. You know what they are: the victims, as he said, in Columbus, weren't really upset by the riots. No good lord, it was fun, they were funding come on as if they were twigs, I mean that's just sort of light. I think I saw a beach ball. It was like a concert, he called it a quote: boyish prank. It was
bit of a board huge, bring. Unama grown men act against children. Boys boys will be boys everywhere there band and its racially fuelled. That's just boys being boys, your man, that's all that is Let's forget it. Over the next week when was promoted its price, and then he was chosen to defend major charles penrose, who is being court martial because he was in charge of the guys at brownsville. Penrose discharge not taking the necessary precaution and preventing the brownsville brownsville insurrection. He worked as his lawyer and then he's found not guilty now The rioters were fined
It rioters we're fine, fine, ok for forehead court. Martial Marshall charges filed and the columbus citizen? Ope? Sorry, it's ok! You, human and eyeing space so Basically the result of all this stuff in Columbus? Was that They decided that the problem was that all the rest of the black recruits and columbus would be sent away, quote hereafter the enlisted in lisbon of the colored men would be limited to the better class. So
I mean that is like a white guy. It's like it is just as the refusal to ever have an actual take away. It is they feature, not a bug. So Joe rips rose about after over brownstone senate floor and the heat he's making bring up all these facts, and so the seven amazon the seven hours so the new urban, that law yeah- this is probably the last part gonna felt like it to be so pay say that as an inquiry is needed and roosevelt sends more investigators back to brownsville. Define more witnesses to back his virginia array. Of course, Joe keep speaking for a resolution. and he's pissing offer the Republicans and it goes on.
While and then he finally gives in and changes. So the resolution one question raised about authority in the affair right, so he was right. So teddy is now the winner ray of this fight. And instead of handling it like a gentleman, he starts rubbing it in quote one farquhar. Crow and took the very amendment upon which I insisted. I, see how I could make any open protest against it. There's ever been a more complete case of back down and humiliation senseless round, Farrakhan stood, I really like you, I know it's like I want to make a seinfeld reference, but I won't it. Just survives of us were milos the tennis instructor. It just reminds me of that. That's all I'll say, but it's like you, okay, so you kind of make this mayor culpa like alright fine.
I'll make this concession in order to try to get a vet he's like stupid man, you're, so rog and you're trying to cover gets the gig, and you got knocked the fuck out son of a bitch, I have this thing called the gridiron dinner, which has led the grid. iron dinner, the gridiron dinner to stakes three men, one leads: If you finish it all, you got your picture on a wall of free teacher and we take in a wheelchair with an ivy, it's a whole thing. So it's like the souls Yes, the fats, it's like the it's like the the president's night thing with all the press, ok, I was like correspondence dinner, it's like the correspondent who so they a programme ready for some racism with cartoons of prominent people and then a limerick beside it.
People are going to be at the dinner sure with whether lit so let limerick, jokes great gray, me great t up sad to hear where a goes, this Jos, ok, look alike to me. Jesus Christ, J b forker says he says he even if they is black, can be and is dressed blue or yellow catchy, and then you know it goes on. It gets worse as you can see which are not going to eat. So this is in the programme. Oh my fucking guide, and residents, but not a word. So rose about speaks and it's not as well. it is usually his was talking about the brazzaville thing right, any ended with quote
there may have been, but to companies about regiment in that unholy business, but all look alike. To me, what the fuck and Joe say just goes ashen faced and no one has ever been allowed to reply to a president at the gridiron dinner, while trump candidate until now the m c tells jirga reply ways like eight miles. It is a joke. You gotta go wow I mean it's that offensive. That he's, like your turn, yeah basically yeah holy fuck. That was horrendous, and I think they also know he's yours spit limerick, like em, an ambulance, They also, though, is a really good speakers. They want to see this right.
One always member said quote: he gave the president the plainest talk he has probably ever listened to do that senator the president looked the same as any other individual? So says the investigation was important and he hadn't done it to raise its profile or impairs the president people achieve throughout his speech right. When he's done. Roosevelt screams for quiet so like during applause. Yet well guard guard I was theirs Applause for roosevelt come on. That's so sad! I mean it's great, but it's also pathetic. Yes, I know I did. I had the better wine theirs my
I am glad that we have to get it up yeah look I'm not gonna railroads as it turned out, was it lay about? hello, As that I bought I. This is very close to what it takes: mustache offered, throws it on the ground. There's no applause for him throughout and ass. He spoke. People were like when the whole rooms like murmuring as everyone stocking great murmuring, quote the president mad clear through between clenched teeth. Declared that the only place the brownsville battalion could get. Justice was at the white house. He said his power alone. That's always call
A seller said he was red faced and furious, and yelling quote so but those men were bloody butchers. The only reason I didn't have them hung was because I couldn't find out which ones did the shooting and he yelled at the top of his lungs for ten minutes and then stormed out was that a limb didn't rhyme inasmuch as Gridiron dinners are never reported on. It's like don't talk, What would happen if the grinning really, but this one breaks them all right, everyone's vulcan, talking about it. He lost his shit. this is totally rocked. So roosevelt, not only through it tantrum bright, but an already tantrum. Everybody knows right
so he's humiliated and upset right and he's the victim and all this pressure, so the blow back is pretty quick. Roosevelt for like within a few days, refuses to approve a judge, the jail recommended, which is like unheard of imagine those days. why? Because of power, xo chip, we're a well in the same party it well. I made right, but still like personal reasons, so Then the foreigners or iced from though before occurs. The kind of bright the workers are eyes from why centres and social events, but Joe still, like I'm gonna, run for president. Like he's so the brownsville investigation has gone on eight months and while there is going on now, is they ve been ice,
but still going on. People stop coming to the fore occurs house during the day. Mrs Forker quote men who were for my husband and helping to collect information called only after dark Sometimes men sent their wives to see me, then we'd be and get it. We were being watched flout. The president had posted detectives outside their house Their mail was being opened anything that Joe did was being reported to the president Jesus Christ of aid. I really like that surveillance back, that it's over every that's like so shady now, but to like should be opened his mail film. Now I dont care he did not win the gridiron dinner? Do you understand me? One rhymed,
In writing. at times warned the fellow wraps to avoid jail. If they wanted to keep their jobs now is. The brownsville committee finally wraps up now in centres, release report backing roosevelt for republic, hence issue a minority report saying it's inconclusive: then Joe and another senator issue a second already report saying soldiers were innocent and that legislation should be introduced saying so. His report is thick and detailed. and he obliterates the idea that these rights, above our soldiers, shot brownsville. He has concluded that They took the shells that they said the guy shot from the soldiers
good practice site littered the morale you're gonna get to deepen the dm? It's pretty obvious. What up? That's I mean, obviously they took the shit, that's what I get it and those keynes made from my skin. Ok, he proved that local stage the attack a miracle. It has convinced other press are saying, he's lying to save his career, so it's the usual political right bullshit. Yet Roosevelt gets a message to Joe and says if he drops all of the he could have any ambassadorship in the world, but he wants a weird weird little. Well, I mean at so crazy, that aren't obviously believe it or not there. I don't know a lot about teddy roosevelt, but I did not is this insane I mean now, just like. You didn't think that
I who basically went through africa, killing every animal in africa? I mean like saying that some problems for sure, but, like the way, is there to like this you're like dude? Are you okay? What's going on and he's like? Look Where do you want to be an ambassador to like? Let's go, did you read the report? Doesn't matter? Where do you want to go when you want ireland? What do you want? C'mon name it anywhere. Man. So tat is worried that isn't gonna blow back on him, so he it's another investigation to support. Isabelle's decision sends more guys down to brownsville to go, find things that just basically find what he wants them to find, because Joe is basically put out this report that all the open. So it's that I mean it's like alright, so Nixon is just that extension. So He Joe reads this report: you fuckin loses it. They do you illegal methods. You get confessions, so
said the we reinstated, if they admit they did it like all this shit right, so high now really starts going after roosevelt tapped in speeches and finally, they reach a compromise and they agree to every soldier will be avail evaluated for re and stop install ree and states neighbouring each guy. Ok, but just like that, you have a whose doing yellow the military right just like he doesn't think it'll work and but he agrees to it and they Joe now has the names of the actual shooters once and he gives to their lawyers were lad. I won't help us in this investigation into the shooting. I know he gives it to. The law years of the soldiers and there the militaristic our. No, we don't want that. No, no, no come on. Let us figure it out first
all the soldiers right out of sixty seven fourteen are reinstated, wow half they never even talk to, but now all these america's cross country, fucking love Joe, getting hundreds of letters, Joe forker clubs, or voters are organised across the country, while even former president, cleveland, says Joe, has displayed courage, but most americans don't like him right where republic in parliament now. What do you think? I get any area? I don't know, maybe we'll never and never saw Republican Politicians are mad. No one backs Joe for president now is that the slogan the joke,
Tat gets the nomination and a lot of leicester he's he still running for senate, though Joe is on September night dino age. in september, nineteen o eight, william Randolph Hearst, is giving political speeches Jesus Christ, anything columbus prime day and he gives a speech in which he reads letters from the press. Then of standard oil to Joe and there from the past these letters and they asked Joe to kill bills and stop judicial appointments. Ok, and then the company says were sending you money and Hearst reads these now member he was working as standard oils attorney right,
So it was for legal work he did but Hearst made it sound like for this. It was paying off a set of Senate right so that later hearst reads more letters, but now he reach them in reverse order. So it seems like Joe, is getting paid after killing a bill instead of getting money before right and then the another issue, but they searched shows houses in dc in ohio. Didn't find anything tat says I cannot at a man, lays down roosevelt that a statement attacking Joe for all everything. Basically so now Joe's just fuckin piss itself fucking the yeah like it really it's like a viewer even charge. It's really easy, we're so stupid and they're so calculated and the media is so corrupted. But that's plenty would you not fun
I've been never ends of it is there that saves your bowers. Like we can ruin quick. How do you want to do it I'll do that that was their power ruin everything? What no one ever listened to the correction. no no you're the direction but also its like. When you pick lake, I mean it's like when you admit it is just like today, where you're, just like I really like. The way are a melbourne gives me information like oh for fuck sake how the fuck I mean. What am I going to say to you? How can I have a conversation with so caused taf cower a coward publicly. He he talks about all the times that task. Vacationed with ceos of companies and- and he said he, it was about so little. He didn't want their names to be printed. In the same newspaper, it's going to be tough to write this article, Joe yeah. He put us in quite a pickle. You mean bob right, sorry about.
the choir wrote quote his political epitaph has been written. Keeps reading more letters. Nice now the press is attacking Joe, is at easy. He is, he is a politician who for companies. We already know that they all are like they all. They all have side jobs, but it's like it's one of the things it's like he got framed in dover, but also he is a corrupt ethel like it's like they all. I mean again, it's very difficult, yeah, you can tear down all of them very easily. It's like a few make. Might you know if you become a famous politician, you're going to make money? Yet it's very easy this bill. It will you make money in a sick? Man said the minute I've got up, we gotta pick our favorite millionaires. I guess the ohio state journal quote no man can serve the interests of a private company and the public at once and the same time
gender, they suggesting a woman. No, no man can do this. What about what good idea. What a foolish question up lament. new new york world called the Joe a public tragedy. He announced his retirement. so he he gives off at a public buildings Three years later, Hearst re publishes the letters in his papers. Why he's got nothing now, this time callers takes a look at them. Nice find right on time? Five, what he would never give up the letters right. Five were published before nineteen o four. The typewriter they were made with was not saw the term nineteen o five. What the.
HU. I mean imagined figuring that out. Look at the eu, the east different. We didn't have that he used to look like a backwards three to understand what we're dealing with press. This ink, this ain't, the squid wasn't located until two years after the Regional typing to understand I mean I get it I'm just like I think about it. I don't things even marginally different here. Take this ring, put it in there. What's the font size is different. This is courier, it was print. On courier new opinion, Have a new career until the initial carrier was established, isn't that striking doesn't that blow your mind a bit
These letters were impossible to have typed in that same time. In other words, these were released backwards, also, the signatures were forged on the letter, like that, one too, it's a different fine plus those are all think so benefit to avert. This is my colombo. Just one more thing moment on the Senate held a committee hearing and first came and refuse to say where he got the letters because he made them up here. Joe went back to law, but after a bit he started speaking for candidates again
and in one speech he called rose up. A nationalist instead is ideas were more dangerous to americans than any monarchy in europe. He was always talking shit about taft repelled, in their peers, someone from the party, but then people start liking him again when you start attacking president Wilson Now it seems like people like him again so he's like amateur one percent. It they don't like a mad, much and nineteen fourteen a thought he had. this part of all the big names in ohio, including heart, But then Harding was like actually amateur, run and bang. and also I want to become the president to just fuck this shit out of this down. I'll show you my bank closet, also tabs. I've got a map. The other day. I didn't realize what its yeah, added bristles up, but I have no clue what I was doing. I thought it was thick hair.
As you know, the mob weaves things it's just now at the map strands was a case in point can it until you, Am I leave my wife for that map? The good thing is when you're done, you clean it up, really what words? What were very we are now broken out right now, we're not so I lost my eleven thousand bow votes. He was quote aged and saddened scenario not autobiography, not much animosity in it. Except for against have in nineteen. Sixteen teddy rose ro Joe a letter saying he admired his courage and straightforward ness and back then he was being told things about
joe by people. He now did not trust fund. off. I mean honest, it is like yeah, you know it's too late. I've been misled about where the weapons of mass destruction were they promised that the hand of it turns out. Oopsy. You know hundred million people die, but I apologize anyway, as my culpa, here's picture of spin I do have a new gas. On the lever. None united, I needed ever george bush, his master class master class. It george w bush teaching a master, it's it's! It's up and it's not about fucking painting dogs. What else is there What are you? Ll hours invades flower
the last eighteen minutes. Is him talking about painting at any time I can deal with the blood of iraqis. He uses actual sake anyway. It's called the audit. Go look at it. Listen to it! Go! Look at it. Don't listen, go! Look! watch it and I did seventeen joe, had several heart attacks and then died on may ten. Well to be fair, you didn't think I was going to say they alive. That is still in denver and is actually two hundred and twenty so shocking, rosen. in his autobiography did not write a word about the brownsville affair right historians, louis gold, called brownsville quote one of was glaring miscarriages of justice in american history,
yeah, I'm doing so same playbook now just bear bigger nightmares and you know just never. Fucking matters doesn't matter now. gives a shared. Nobody cares. You just say everyone. No, it's just like we're like, but did you hear about con yea we're like now we're doing? Is like yeah, but on yea are we gonna do about con yeah? Maybe what are we I don't know, I'm really actually genuine. That's gotta. Kenya, east west. fuck yeah. Are we gonna do? We have a new part guest, it's coming out on november. Third yeah yeah yeah, so that's exciting
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.