« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

555 - The Poison Gang - live

2022-10-17 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the Poison Gang of Philadelphia


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The search on the bottom, no goddammit. I love you, sir. Thank you. That work Jesus Christ some attend stuff right there I everybody, In this way, ready already you don't want to fuck around. I don't really talk about how great it was to coming to philly great, that's right! That's why we are so many ways
I saw a statue benjamin buttons. However, that statue against smaller eventually just becomes clay. By the way, I. Our president, benjamin buttons, That's what I feel like it's happening with Biden, because every time I assume like this is younger and younger. Oh yeah, no he's a full baby, yeah I am never going to I'm never going to get over, seeing him be scanner, easter, bunny costume. Never done that to be very you dunno. If there was a guy in there that could discredit the mutant bunny, because that's how he react, it was ok,
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programme. Today, that's mine, bloom dot com, slash dollar promo code at dollop. Now back to this absurd? We recorded in philadelphia you're listening a dollar So the mariners report asks for each week I they went any restrictive and agree to this guy. Garrod Reynolds was now. I know your topic is going to be about says january. Twenty six jean ninety two, the if put trio, was, I was special nineteen ninety magnitude. You run orgies.
Paul. A trio was born in moscow. Only italy one. Where is he moscow you're doing unaccented, it's not helping me. Nowhere was mass moscow, ok and thence in italy, okay, wow, very good baseball; no, no! No! No! No! No! The sat I guess we're doing good he immigrated to the a nineteen ten with his wife annually. what right and speak english. Maybe game. He was this Not much is known about his life
It's going to be a weird story, just like a huge component of this. so we know and nineteen thirty he was working as a tailor. Taylor shop We also saw life insurance is shared. Since most story like it was a farmer, Doktor fishermen created, the owner houses, twenty sixth war. I don't know anything about your words. Yes, nice. Is all the sun was going to college paul by all accounts as a very successful american businessmen living the dream. Ok, then the great depression hit and vat. few people can afford clothes made by a tailor,
Add to that the farmer stores mass produced. It's you know it's the death time for tailors, so tellers demand dropping vast, yes, seven, kids Jesus he was carrying a tailor and they like to dress well, so he needs to another way to make money. Okay, he you can just magazine. feels like, if there's anyone who can figure this predicament out yeah, but you need the fabric now we need more, like you can't just make clothes. You also need food stuff, like sure, but I mean you didn't say you like to dress nice and he Why does it is assumed that new people of course I know maybe, but I mean that again. You're. Writing, sir,
You said that he liked to dress nice. I'm just saying he could probably figure that out. One of them is nah, I'm not sarah. Sarah era arrange so He needs another wedding money and now Paul is a self I'm sure Whoever is entirely yell I don't think you need tell us tat- is self prevent a fund should tear. Of male wish so. we always waited initially Eric factions. Causes, I got
well for all of our listeners. We apologize, don't give us one of your italian, which spells people than ever believed he had taken witchcraft lessons for fifty cents, each From an african american serious serious, yeah woman who could see them Ok, this allowed him to talk to spirits cell magic powders and just do general, which would you say sure because he paid fifty cents per lesson and now goes out and now he since its era. Luckily called him a quote, professor: of witchcraft which, softly, and the good news
see that's right! The shoes! What do you want? You're not going to get both of you get and that helps you. These shoes will kill your kidneys right. Senator Are you gonna? Try that I feel so much better Do you good you? Yes, I also have six she's, but you don't want the witches finish tyrants, That's how I got the chlamydia and the parents are that's what I'm telling my why? So you, wouldn't be utterly.
just these placer, sir, sir sir. We're going just give it to you, I don't even know I don't want to know. Don't answer put your finger down, I don't even want to know our rules, on the issue: nothing new and anything else. I am not here. Calls as some people now. I was going to say now. Ok, all right, I guess the best take the shortest montana film. don't talk because you definitely look like you're about to talk or so.
I can't think of one hundred and fifty dollars just I'll get out of here. Unfortunately, I can't think of any of the ds. Congratulations Now some billy was really big the old world and evil. I need one like the debt staring they believed in very much still do is. and they are constantly looking for science like reoccur, Ups Or a few people yawning at the same time or person whose eyes were flecked with another cover more flat so that's a lot of people really. It's ok
no those people to them were evil yeah they have, they can get the the lie or I think there was yawning or like someone's, getting the away put your master, it's airborne. we don't want to mess on our answer. Just let a river to distract lie. They wore charms shaped like devils, horns or value symbols. People and people like paul to cast bells to keep them safe well from the Well, yeah companies is a the puzzle, charms and magic potion which brought happy housewives induced shop. and poland joined the ladys. So It's going to try to jump, but it feels like one of his remedies to an unhappy housewife would be again getting the devil away with a penis
yes, yes, right. Ok, Despite having a belly and big mary visa, ladies, so a little roundish guy, but other ladys fuckin level. Right, and he's married little cushion version. There were quite a few people doing involved and they will gain the trust of the superstitious immigrants and then take advantage. so are you saying it was not real vegetarian terror Yeah, I'm saying is not actually which thanks for their heads. Cause. which work brings them contact with other people in the same world that can work together with a bit like mars. or mars was a russian jewish immigrant who was known as lily.
Ok, The name has nothing to do with. Now is not as that. yeah I mean the vegetarian minutes related certified certified. I said I was a rabbi for four or five years. Last time we were in the temple yeah my vote was remo you're gonna, be a member of a suit sue yeah they sued me or well, impersonating a rabbi interests performing circumcision. rabbi moil that was my name- I'm not doing multi. I fear that I was rabbi moil. Would you do the serbs? You dummy member? You got furious We did it. there are three times, and then you can try to tat, but I went throw up
the. So, as you said, Louise, not a rabbi just taught hebrew He said he was a mystic and have magical healing our very soon a lot of time ever, it is utterly came to Louisville for tourism jobs and paul we became friends started working together. so at some point they had the moment where they both admit that their full of shit before said together. Do you feel like you re within the devil got through. This went off animals, demons and sales of that nature. yeah, very interesting, because, as a working rabbi, I tool so get rid of the evil. Spirits things you know the dimension such as your most
because I'm like these bottlenecks on relations with some of them go is really are three. I was digging digging, I'm not even join a moment ago. Suddenly she is by the polish outlined I have a I knew your dog you lie the they the refer inclines clients to each other and started this guys. Unbelievable! Your neighbor housewife, you go see my body, he is unbelievable, always diversities. And they start looking for ways to make money together now pause a few, life insurance agency new and they too
about a way to make money off insurance. Got a policy on someone with bad health. in your name as the beneficiary the mike malloy theory right Yes, a guy, so you you're hedging. I mean it's human dead wager well yeah, except Unlike malloy, evade they're, doing it on people, they think are going to die, they're, not trying to kill the person they are yeah which, by the way, I feel like that will come back in the stock market. At some point, like a time when they're like this guy, looks pretty sick what he said. there will be grateful. Great six. Seven months I'd say so So I hope the personal die soon and they could collect the money actually mean, god forbid. The full stable reasons
while the policies could be written without a medical exam, because the companies may mean that money to handle the wrists wait. What said again A lot of the policies the person that's gonna medical exam, because the companies were making enough money could be like our rights that are, how are they determining who was unhealthy just kind of base? I think they start talk around. What do you got that guy. hey ain't. I feel that, while he is always holding his stomach, I've seen him barred from the alley the other night and he won't even drink a little dirty huh. Look what they do. I know a guy who has chlamydia simplice. We better hope that none of these people gorgon the illustrations. I health insurance
I don't. This is my first language really early before things I don't think so. Started doing that. You took some by the persons why? For our kids, and then asylum. So and he just talked about himself. Sayings are relatively he's doing different cousin from the forty year old lives, lang, home and He also as a sideline business of counterfeiting and arson. so this is something that on their side, its main job cuts hair, but that sometimes a merchant now really makes a thing piloting money right. I, like I love, be side hustler,
is down on a really great yes, fun. contacts in the black hand of the mafia is now known. Ok he's not I should giant roll role of fake bills? That's see that monopoly, kyler. On paper Herman now, ok urban was married. Five kids He also just grazed lavishly he's fine. in I just all but a huge ladies man. He was known as quot. Yeah yeah haven't told all he could make money. If he said the ensure to California, if he said to ensure
sure why worked out for him and killing someone well Now that I know the translation I get it. I wish he'd said something earlier: I spent a lot of money on buses. Just got a postcard from one of them, I'm having the best time, I'm an actor I've been some guys are all cost item. Other houses have together, gonna go, started a ban on such a broad god, damn it I'm half a minute said jude in California, the new one now Whilst I really sure about this idea, it's a pretty big step seems much less risk. I mean there's amazing, because it's like every
The progression is like hey, let's take, I tuesday the sick. Hopefully they die hey. You know you can just start killing them. I dunno man. I mean I feel like that's kind of fucked up. Isn't it a little bit? I dunno. I don't want to fix the game. So, instead of this, he leaned on his and Louise witchcraft to spill over there. so, there are actually try witchcraft, speed up the work, so he is witchcraft artists, I mean- maybe it's not and now I kind of believe like he is able to do it to some extent. I think I think they all to some extent believe that there have been events but again, like it's pretty I mean I think these are the scam people, but also those theirs. basis in truth to like
hope they all do believe in the evil eye like they do believe in certain thing, right, right, yeah, like we haven't like like John Edwards, like at some point, was like. Actually, I am able to like probably contact people I think that was a woman whose names have been w out there today I don't care amusing reference, but even with their witchcraft, the deaths are Fast enough is now which well it's the witch harder. Now what a louis clients has husband whose cheating, ok and so paw. Moves in and was the wife Moving on the wife's share, her husband as a ten thousand dollar jones, false data, I feel like they're, going in a action.
It is also a heavy drinker, so They tell her to what is you fuckin hammered one night strip of naked and open, a window, Why am I were asleep so far doesn't feel like he asked to be naked finesse just get as close open a window. And then in fact, and in vain, mary. Stick with me? Ok then, I'm gonna divorce him and break his iron then we give therefore kill him after in london and left in work. It's perfect. I don't know if it's a cry about what's happening, Is it crazy to just marry your husband for a couple of years after a game with him?
he's not a little. Why why I'm just gonna kill someone I'm never married animal technically. At dawn, I only kill people you mary, but you're, a man. I knew I want to get to know him. Well, anyway. Gonna make it an open that window. Well, she does. The guy dies from just briefly gave raises enough. so easy to freeze someone back there all we know the anti to my happened, any like naturally provides a perfect right
she's puts the money with all the way and then all like all this is the way to go and he starts you didn't open window. He s. He says there is from our greedy unhappy women, but one problem was with the depression: I'm not a lotta. Husbands had life insurance day such a ban The present really Paul! Our support. the one was talk to a woman named Anna arena, so he talks are to take me out an insurance policy on her husband, Joseph ok, now I see is he is he's lying falling in love with you. Is he doing that stuff where he is here sleeping with them? sometimes sometimes size? You decide, you see down, wanna kill your eyes, but by freezing was ok, sometimes just a client he goes. You want to get rid of your fucking asshole husband, like it's a variety of things, okay,
What a good, which yet classic witchcraft spells. My spell involves you taking all of the clothes off of your husband and opening a window and the nose, instead of which I'm aware gmail the nowhere. For now that I'm looking into the ball the ball a bowling ball Yes, You have no idea what the witches I have one take your husbands, the the Anxious now knowledge I don't even save open a window.
Stop no so Lowering the rabbi tries sorcery, it's not really working, invest very sorcery. Now, thank you. So it goes up herman and herman. Can you help me, send that's gotta, California,. so harmony with two guys to do What happened to the vienna lover, so we must have now. This guy's an aside, pays. So she is on how you know she was unhappy ill health kill me have been killed. Lover like that, it's a given that everyone or jumping on the murder well-
Thank you, the real murderer and obviously the wood so the two guys must another husband, because they talk to and they plan on a fishing trip with Joseph junior? I then they get on and you get naked mummy fish live put your feet in the river. shoot him once out on the lake they knocked him out with an oar and then through is unconscious body in the water, the actually, no idea which
I put a spell on him, get the on the fucking guy with a o sploosh. These flashy whoa slow. I'm exhausted from that we're always ask anyone got a cigarette was again now Hello painters handle really anna collected the insurance clearly accident. I want to say a fuckin fish jump down inactive. sam, you know they go the other way. We had no idea to just kept going back and forth just while allowing the guy or vast
I dont know what they say. I couldn't find them a free of maize mean for pitches, because. great thing to do. If you want to hide the body and get rid of it you know just like in the river, but it's all it's a crazy wanting to be like. Is that what happened? He died fishing for I dunno. What were we going to say? deal was with him and he was on the boat and then he fell and he hit his head right on the water yeah water. They just kicked him on this, no wait. Yeah I mean that too, but when he fell we were rolling and his head, went down as we did a hard row like this yeah yeah and and the rabbi, and he rose like that. These part boy, all very similar to the yeah come on. This party consider we now
the. so She fucks the insurance and accidents the major powers, puts it up and everyone involved attitudes I agree that gone can now be with her side, these guy right. So business model. Yes, very successful words for everybody, everybody win, separated but indeed, what he loved so I decided to continue they. brain herman who what powers as husbands to check out life insurance balls, I mean again, this is just kind of a luxury of the time where you could just go in and you're like so he's going to different ones. Obviously, it's not just assailant, so married her. Yet oh yeah, I'm a different guy, we're! Ok! Now you just going to indifferent cashier perfect, the guy's starving,
kill the different ways louis like to hit them on the head with a sandbag which cause the cerebral hemorrhage The method really depends on what the guy did but you're a roof. A river was thrown from the top of innate story, building saving Favorite one was working on the building or are they just like? He loves heights. The? What rover is going to be on the ground when he die? We let him have a bomb. He fell off the skyscraper no way his ability is like hold on I'm a roofer, I'm going to go up now. Are they really getting him up there or are they getting them like somewhere they're, throwing a sandbag on them and then they're like taking you to a building and then going like hey? I ride a missouri guys, some guys just got the sandbag and they died, but the roofer was probably working and they threw okay. So he was work and were like hey. We see a certificate a definite shallow.
and then instead of beating people, the nasa thrown among roofs, they turned poison arsenal. There might malloy. Some people will find the victims, usually through wives, and came to my clients so kind of that out in the open, like I mean why, like that, like this one experience as you can see these guys yeah like to do alright we're gonna, throw a sales ban. Ganem and same with women. Well done quite Quite a few of the women are happy to go along with it to get rid of their husbands, knowingly poison them or they help Paul. So he could do it, but some. were told they were given. There has been a love pushed
Far more love well, too much at heart. Reckonings was well amongst. Remember. You Yes, you ve gotta, give parliament insurance money. You messed up. We're gonna. Tell anybody, because we like okay, somebody tricked into buying life insurance, others this to do that I dont know. I consider that I made to do sign and again. Others they scared into buying. say ounces. You know me right now saying Oh, what a weird so exaction everybody, I guess I'll just say it takes. you huge insurance policy on your?
spend. Why as you are, but I guess we should listen to the spirits. No, what do you think we should do rallied just do it to be safe. I mean it's just Thousand dollar almost see, I don't know No. I merely a vehicle for these spirit. Those birds just talk and that's a lovely, take taken me they got a big insurance policy on your husband. What did he say? worried guy the exact same thing, you did the same, that's crazy, so that through us
one from this realm. One from that. I think you gotta do. What do you mean? What are we Why I think you pie You should definitely do it I have, shit. Exhausted from all that. That is what the lady who is it me, I feel so feminine What did she say that share many new ideas hold its exact same thing, the he also here I mean at this point I feel like god oil like crazy. Yeah yeah, I think why don't you do it to be safe and we'll just see if there's any other spirits with any other ideas over the next twenty four hours, but go. Do that then come back, I'll. Let you know if there's anything that happen said nights
there, Is that you, like your attitude? wives were offered illegal abortions than blackmailed afterwards and told to give poison to their husbands. so one six, seven years from now Now they were say that again, so they were in another happy marriage and I got pregnant so that in one of the kid so they will get abortions and then they would blackmail the rabbit right like so dark, but also also the valuable Sorry, we have an ongoing. Not all knew what was happening. All told one woman to slip
powder in her husband's glass and caused them to stop drinking it. Steady children well we bear. he doesn't drink, no more problem solved Guess you gotta give us like eight thousand dollars. One on paid Louis five hundred a cure, her grandson, it was paralyzed, but she ended up with. when her husband died from the boys, How does that were? I don't know? Is No paralyzed. Yes,. But is your husband paralyzed lies? Well, ok, we'll sovereign motion garden mysterious way. Absolutely they recruited corina for bottle.
Who was known ass, the wind, oh boy, greatest charms that were supposed to turn. Cheating husbands and a faithful men when women came to see her. She would put a bit of poison and drinks just enough to make them sing. And she would make it seem like she's, real them shut really be like careful that measure yeah? now she's dead well,. june, twenty six, nineteen, eighty three, both Crean is husband and her seventeen year stepson, died of what was reported to be pneumonia. Bowing they died number of a loan of pneumonia ammonia. They died from ammonia, around. Marking the day they died.
And then bought a new car and so on, Well, I'm gonna die later. That's ever hardy use instead She gave Paul and louis list of clients who were ripe for picking. By the end of nineteen, thirty, seven, the poison killed about fifty people. Following shit, I mean business. Not a very sustainable business model. Well I mean, if you're, murdering a lot of people right, fair, good pushback, but they must also be making. Are we talking about ten thousand dollars a pop? You yeah? They make a good motto: five highway. You know hundreds of thousands of dollars in this time. As one point, two billion right, yeah sure, ok! So, very low room at some point. You gotta, like you know, I shall go he's gone exactly. Thank you now at this
boy they had on their payroll, doctors, druggist undertake, airs and even a match making service for the new widow. My guy, why do you even need that geronimo animal words like in case they want engagement like depressed and they want to talk like? Thank god. It worked out have a new notice, the next one? Oh, my god, is yeah, so already there like do my husband just died. What would you need to do is get back on your feet as soon as possible. Okay, guys unbelievable, you know, probably do put a little love potion in his drink. Just to make sure might be a good idea. How can we ever have with his deathly ill? I dont know so wild slightly, why this matchmaking service, I think they saw
go out and get a life insurance policy data for a minute, see what happens if you I can take off all- is closer than the one that nice, maybe try world like a theme, pitchy I not a friend furtively, I don't trust him counterfeiting and fencing goods, and he had a really hot wife. She was not happy with the marriage, started having an affair with herman, ok,. so herman talks or into getting really getting rid of ferdinand she's. Like I don't know what to do. Is I mean this is actually what I do prefer that
Give it aspect which ones firm and see them herman's, counterfeiting arson brother of Paul, ok right so herman herman's autumn. So he goes goes too far. but I know murderers, so, george Meyer just gets out of prison. and george wants to start an upholstery, cleaning business but needs alone to get some money to start it. I want to be on the up and up straight and narrow. I think I want to do upholstery. That's really what I wanna do time is money well We got an idea, Mr Herman, has herman as the counterfeit cash ray and so Meyer wants to borrow twenty five dollars. My god harder. Herman colours and said what
six hundred in real money or five hundred and fake money. to and guiding ferdinand I I think I just wouldn't do the twenty five. I love options, but now that you're, those twenty five dollars seems pretty great I just got out of jail, so It would be great to just get the twenty five real dollars, so we're going to do it. I mean I six hundred is great but again murders when feels like yeah twenty five hundred and fake feels not great either and is pretty good. I mean yellow guy gets up and is not real right. Wait. What In so doing. I fixed of yeah six hundred real ones right so much more than twenty five that whole murdered thing to me. It's just
nah. I guess it's sort of whatever. I would do myself, but my hands are hurting you. Your hands herds are you can kill him, Our sure yeah, I guess so good It is scandalous. Yeah, since we are talking about it, I feel it works out for joe, let's take out insurance policy, and now I think I'd ever want at twenty five. Twenty five, I just think, sounds so good. Now I'm going to go back I'll, get this example. Okay, and thank you so meyer. so he wanted Meyer. This is his plan for Meyer. It's a really good plan. To murder Ferdinand. He wanted.
Came to him with a lead piping thrown down some stairs look like an accident. Now a couple of times looks like the stairs really it was like a rounded thing. I mean working with a pipe than shovelled understands that I'm an amazing thing. You can cover your tracks that easily what did he die corner where these, a huge debt, the back of his head, and he was at the bottom of some stairs. I think this case is pretty closed. He fell down. Headfirst repeatedly he hadn't every step on the way down on that back part of his speech, fall if I've ever seen. One but in the question. Stranger, there's some numbers dented in the back of his head to isn't it three comments corner instead timing.
if you think about it for miles really, but I'm not here to nitpick, though so we ve found out is that a mouse stairs a born of the sea I've got a lot of bodies in here lately I don't have time to go in case after case val down a set of mouse stairs and hit the same spot over and over again and mouse stairs their size. Is this move on everybody My doesn't say no it doesn't make any money, but it doesn't take I'd like to do it. It sounds like a great time, it's not saying yes, he's not say no. What doesn't he goes to the philadelphia police. Kill a guy. If I'm getting paid for it or, of course you can,
with a cautious laughed at him and said it was mega good. Always finding a way to be great, imagine someone may kill again. get out of my nice. Is So my previously than snatched from the treasury department silly reached out and was telling them about herman and this offer, and this servers, we're already aware of herman and thought this was the perfect chance to catch his account, service, for whom Reserves handles counterfeit on eight goes under cover, posing as they had man, the men tell her and said They would do it together right we're a team. this is my guy. It's georgian and frank. We always work together.
I give him the pipe and any he and with it or I put the bullet in the gun and then he shoot you I take your clothes off and he opened the window or I'd want to drink and he puts the powder I take him to the river and he had some of your yeah. Yet we are just saying there's a lot about. I buy the ticket for the roller coaster, What's the matter, they, the top of the roof. He hid somewhat. The sandy. I tell him he can swim underwater, Keziah gills he holds amanda. I say, let me see a penis handle, he cuts. It often leads them out. I say I'm a brain surgeon. He put a saw louis What we now we got. It is superbly
so I'm a soccer. Issues, I I say he's a garbage man in turn, we'll cut his heart out of his chest as options. very natural and what we do I tell him, I'm auditioning people for broadway, he likes? You know if he has a good voice, oriented work? then I shoot the stuff we can do. So right? So he the current guy. Well, you tell someone and the guy I I dunno, and then he comes back with another guy goes so my random friend urban, like that sounds fine outbreak too that's great more miles by
Myers admirer says he will take the twenty five hundred they cash thinking about it. I want the worst option and then, and then they trying to stall as much as possible. They actually don't. Wanna kill anybody, so they say, The good thing: we got the grim now I don't want to do the It is going to deal with technical step. Johnny can work on my nine b. we did a particularly great, that's better spot mean it
time. It's always been this way, don't worry we can t. Going We, the real star, go on day, you're talking just story. Merlin, I I'm just so hung up thinking about a dame. But they re going in and in the clouds
but they we're not recording this one so they keep saga, keep common reasons why they can't kill ferdinand. What busy we got, the men and women we visited we day, we've the grass and sing What about going to be sick, yeah yeah we're getting tattoos of each up getting matching cats yeah. We do. We come up with a dates and we've got keep them the we're fusing our bodies. Together, We like the pitch ideas there, Suddenly vernon was rushed to the hospital with what seemed like the age
this is The daily wanna go where they have a really doesn't get another, why they re killing anyone doing. Ok, they've been putting it all right. So all of a sudden he gets rushed to the hospital with pneumonia. Asia is going to see him and asked if he has life insurance and he says what he says he does my joan and these that would know about it. If I did He said he had it buddy name herman. Vernon ended. My buddy herman, God, I'm an agent any. He filled out the applications, but they were all rejected. I bet they were were yet. Thirdly, down them every one of them to turn up his wife, read him the rejection letters because he didn't speak english and couldn't read them we can do in ferdinand. Unfortunately, you are too high risk I've tried everyone just forget about this. Ok,
from the insurance company love insurance company. He actually had what would be about a hundred fifty thousand dollars today. Now arsenic, The very painful waited to and the husband was in the hospital for over a month out There are many more yeah. Herman told aged admires? He was tired of waiting and had poison call you guys, I got impatient sorry. What we learn, em down with arsenic and he. lives Can understand it, the son of a bitch must have nine lives because we gave him enough arsenic to kill six men. When he did finally died. Asia's already knew herman was having an affair with the wife, okay, so they're both charged with murder. on what grounds
the then an insurance and investigator sees herman's picture in the paper and realise that that's the guy, you men creators home after her, ensured. Steps. Seventeen year old kid had died. So in harmony that goes with. That is interesting. Herman was at the thing for a dead kid re because he was always suspicious than a seventeen year old. Had a much larger, seventeen year old age dear seems like always cheating instead down and talk to him? I think I'd like to buy as many insurance policies is possible, even always playing with arsenic and stuff. So the investigator told the car and the cotonou exactly who corina was here
best again in her after homeless guy, when tons of insurance from their neighborhood died. That's right and insurance companies really. Shouldn't they use some of this money to beggars, laughs now, he's just dead set on taking out as much insurance. I dunno what he's up to, but you know anyway, merely liaison for him so, but think about it. It be guys hell of a lot of money. changes life one thing that through I guess. So So while looking into that the cop found out three men created took care as a home, healthcare workers died in a short period of time, what was their insurance status
sure, so he s. The aid to examine you, take insurance policies out anybody. What you are doing it and tricky but sir she's, basically being like. I'm she she could have the same they don't know what they're signing right or another guy goes in and takes it out like a lotta. Things do so and you're never notified no upper bay ago it's like okay, so the cop asked the da to exam among the step, son's body and the DA just laughed at him and said he was crazy. Come on that's gross. when we going to do dig command, that's crazy we further into it and find out greener, applied for eighteen insurance policies, just honours stepson.
Each year that's why they don't tell him. the DA was like come gonna do go, get going to the cask and it will be gross smelling. You guys. This is really a key it's pretty gross. I don't want to hear about it anymore, he's already down there. It's like six so the car, keeps pushing at five. India gives enemies. I love. it probably wrong, and if you're wrong and gonna have to resign from the department, Oh they dig him up. the steps of arsenic. so now harm and starts to squeal, and he is telling the details of all the words that he knows and he says he's innocent. I didn't do anything I just was watch doing do Paul and louis other guys doing, and I may be no it
Then the council s paw, Paul says he's innocent and herman and louis. Where do you know? I was possessed at that time on all of these. What you got isn't goes killer and I want to help you find them nuts. And then they arrest lily, and, though is that he's innocent and it's all actually herman and tall, so really worst case scenario for offering young right as if they all were like this one guy. That would help, but instead I didn't do it. The other two did wasn't me, the other two did it. I have no idea these other two, I'm just a simple rabbi. It was non jewish I so another dossier is checking every mysterious death, that's apple, for years. Bodies are being examined, all philadelphia, and it's really so they
it did so many tests of so many bodies that hoover the f b. I offered his lab to help the overflow and their funding, is embodies. All Philadelphia, a grand jury was arrayed in a trial began and the press is going fucking nuts. The way
who had helped killed her husbands were called poison widows or the black widows of philadelphia. There, everybody its gareth, you know from this. Despite cast listen, I've got some stand of, shows them, inviting the gar me to Gareth army to join me, for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty four through august twenty six that acme, I will be going to the u k in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol September, twenty second and cardiff september. Twenty
worth and then in november I'll be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth brisbane November eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me: let's get at it after it, let's see it there, while so the big day one. mainly in the trial, the big day in the trial is. May ninety they call it that May nineteen nineteen thirty nine is that was the day with, rose, corina was being arraigned sheep. Nicknamed the rows of death. She was, after two months on the run in the courtroom,
had to sear, because police should said she had used her charm and good, looks to learn victims and she buried Mary, five times in three of those guys we're dead. The two who were alive are only to reviews to take out insurance so why she's? On the run, the press just keeps building europe to be this phrasing. Hot woman, she's irresistible buxom the cops, you're not We don't want any. We feel a lot I'm just letting facts your honor The count said she was a professional widow, she's rome window, So there's a lot of excitement to see in the courtroom. It was a packed house, huge, that's amazing. Like
I mean it just like the spectacle of that really does like she's. So hot you panhandling, never look more like a boy. What a murderer they're gonna get out The insurance policy on me, anytime, jolly hygiene or you can make me and arsenic agenda anytime, bra and a huge crowd being stripped naked by her and having her open the window. Hey it'd be worth a walk. Go no salmon, fishermen that dame overflow out of the courtroom pact outside all waiting to see rose, and she rolls And she's, just an ordinary look good woman.
So they're like just being like this, is Marilyn monroe and he's like hello. I like whoa, I mean I still would I still would have known about letters driven nigga, but you could open the window open second a while so don't mind about new social. sure she states she's matronly. She has thick glasses. She wears black shapeless clothes. She chewed her nails as she waited for court to begin. I've got a fetish for nail chewers one rapporteur wrote she was the club No longer blooming rows of death It makes no sense to do a prosecutor right prospects. When the king heard calling her no more.
yeah and you're sending around the papers are doing. That paper says: okay, yeah right! Well, that I mean even then. That's just like doesn't help the prosecution's case in any way Yeah makes a difference really what why? like our charge, she's unbelievable you're, not gonna, get over this, and that is our aim. yeah, but I dunno. If they did that in the courtroom, though, like we dunno, maybe it was overflowing, It was present the cop saying bananas speech so. She had a new boyfriend were watching was on the run. She met a new boyfriend and the guys I am cool with it. don't give up. You should got a lot of insurance policies and murder. She I mean men or women She said: she'd what them getting our insurance policy.
I didn't know anything about it, but he came to court with her. And what are you doing here again today? He thought her name was mary, Mary, Where are they all what's gonna marry? So I just want to be on this, so I am going to be called. And basically on trial for arsenic, some guys making a kind of money. Well, the school I mean I just I was just yeah I have have sex and I know you do so you as soon as you fill out the nba, about you know as soon as you sign the sexual disclosure agreement. Synergy signed the sexual can get, you name
window and you're gonna take advantage to come to, I so soon. I should just tell you. I'm gonna hear some stuff today, that's just kind of like crazy it's on ok even know it's like a ton of storms. The forwarding I've seen as soon as that were cleared? The second closure agreement again, and I don't even want that. That's just because you know, like I told, before I have to have that, for my medical suggests, If you fill that out with your information, shows that stuff, your birthday, you know, and then we then we have. Oh, my god, says yeah. It's going to be crazy. Yeah What's going on when early yeah, that's actually that's better.
Because what we'll do is we'll get you out of those wet things and we'll just pajama that open the window to cool you off yeah, I'll, make you one of my delicious whisky, powders you're taylor. You don't even look go home, don't even though Why did they bring? You is a really good bye. She really big stockholm and just wait for me You rose. You don't have a name, they call me, I mean I was arrested. baby. Spare openly, I can wait, I believe, so the whole crowd and yours,
at the Obviously the day was profoundly disappointing for the thousands people or whatever watching. now harmonised, tried first, is charged with murder, the judge. was hanging harry. It was made up of seven women and five men, many women, This broke down the martyr ragged. Now it all worked too. Others said, Herman had tried to buy, live, typhoid fever. Germs from them your honor. My clients harvey like america, so we get into that we're not doing well.
Just so you know the typhoid was because I have gophers you're on brought to my attention that the typhoid was part of my clients, gopher thing has he wanted to get rid of. I think I'm gonna get away with this I did If I do it, I would get away with it as it is just not came again. I've got a bad. if you're gonna, give up my ass. You do then Furthermore, I you I really have a lot of it is through me. I like the idea of the line, typhoid coaches. I use us an example by it was sandbag. I'd, kill some gophers within all
There are so many different ways: objection your honor! My words, the verb, your honor. I want all my client in condemned Is that possible? If you take off the gophers clothes whoa, that's as for your honor, please can we take a long recess permission to walk far away from the bench? Please your honour. Its applause It's a curse A little creature Well then, I am guilty. Yes, great language, your honor, I really, What measures time bind the stenographer Sixty thousand dollars was dollars, there's so that a crime that is a that's a chronic. That's your honor!
you're out of your honor what is your wife? I got no, no, no, no sweet love! Now your honor, please line woman you're on that little hairy black woman, please if permission to remove his microphone, is there any way to adjust? Well, then, I am guilty of saying that we are again to be very clear. We are pleading not guilty, we being in love now well sure whatever, but we're very we're we're married and a not guilty plea. So again, if we just take a couple days off. That would be fantastic for us little vacation. Maybe we make babies and children stop!
your honor. I contend that my client Jim and maybe go I think it is good that a crime We made it work really mad feeling still urban also asked a pharmacist for hijo psionic acid, which was used for execution. Your honor nah I get yeah, we are. This man is not allowed to have a hobby, can you not calling me fall cards stamps nothing. He said he told the pharmacist even getting used. An acid on his hair again you're out. It is wrong to die your hair with acid. The last time I checked that wasn't rhine my when I see the only wonders ass having his hair. He is well that's crazy. We should attempt
that we should talk about largest. Well, I mean you told me, told me to do the gulf discover. No, I was very clear. That was a dream. No, that was a you worry, my no that was here that was earlier today, John Lennon say the gulf war thing. Now that, though you dropped back now I get no. That was not something I said you do. When herman took a stand in his defence, he said all the witnesses that lie every one of them. Raise what they're doing me the judge ask him why he had put chet marks next to arsenic formulas. The catalogue of his home the things I don't wanna get Everything else was the stuff I bought. I agree. It looks phrasing now He said he didn't make check marks.
The catalogues was for a hare formula. He was working on called new life. I'm making here ray the germs. for four hours. like part of that, was launched sticking to our lunch. What is they did about a third of the time was spent eating lunch the they found guilty and recommend an execution The jury form read the verdict. Henry rushed at our yelling club, you bitch. And he tried to puncture, but she does weighting of the jury for women. The variant you'd like Sheena death, The german parliament did this
I want a great way to validate everything. I'll kill you with arsenic, fuck tries to punch guards tackle them. They carried him and then we threw him through the swinging doors and out of the corner. the trials cover it across the country which leads to thames at these. Twenty five people are arrested. Created goes on trial. Next, who Corina poison ivy, she must don't faced full time witnesses told tales of witchcraft. It was revealed, she had built a recreation room with the money from her step. Sons- death as to my boy. He left the air hockey An iraqi table. after days days of crushing testimony created just stood up in the middle of trial and said quote all right if you I want to talk all talk.
I would again the lawyers green. That's me I find I did. It was ass, an her lawyers quickly. it'd me for three murders and she was happy- is shit She has the biggest ran on her face. That's right! Let's! download leads guilty in the arts and bring trial, actually say the happier she so fuckin happy, because I did so many more I devastated? I just while I really didn't even do the three. I did some men now we know work. We should celebrate. Jabbered What happens now? I just wanna know suggested three. So what is ethics
weeks all your life. I should probably just pushed yes who is she Then she said she did it because she was worried. Some of the poison gang would kill her son. I had to do it before he was poisoned by people who didn't love it. There is being threatened and he came to the city hall. Please stop her real. Some we're talking about became the city hall employees guards and urges mom due to time to snitch achieve up enough info to have a dozen men convicted This dialogue carried a stack of note books out of the room with him. For this led to a bunch of arrests. I like this. I has to kick a job is carrying all the things you type. Sorry, Fast type and you move is doubly so
its people are talking you can help me ugh. Three men who were just about to be killed. First of all, arsenic thing saved then herman started talking to the cops of catching up it's? and he said he wanted to complain probably was hoping it would spares life feeling. it's not going to say I'll. Take him to a restaurant. Whatever you want yet go. Heavy irons can see. are you sure I does wanted. Some mozzarella sticks to start. What's going on, thousand. I write a cool. I eyes marguerite. yeah they carry on people How fast, what power in europe? they would just act like they were bodies with them and they.
let him order what he wanted and he just started fucking talking, so you are not like yours top right my new best friends who were caught beautiful. That's right. don't unbelievable. We guess what we just what the president of your to buy you a meal. We thought you were interesting each party, because when I was a boy like I feel connected How about alzheimer's replies are not available I really don't want with these guys. So too do not around here. I mean it's exactly what have these themselves? Beyond that? You know. We knew a bit that ha ha. Oh man, I'm loving that I'm going to go. Take a picture. You guys want to come with me again, like we are going to go alone or go with a bff fee together with pfs, let's roll game, a try, c'mon man, her love watch and might be a fee
Look at us wisdom, the wiz points. What have we got? Jackets may not pass yeah. I got an idea. Should we just like move in together? Is that crazy? by the way. A lot of us ask if it's crazy may we gotta play some like that billiard table I wish this was that far off from reality he implicated himself in thirty tumors and seventy so large that he gave up names and even started talking about unrelated crimes he committed. Well, you know now that we're wrong notion stuff. I haven't told you I was in buildings. I was actually like my main source of income for awhile who has ever do that or no anyone now it was not, I don't know maybe like. I know you guys
There are other jobs but you're off duty when we're hanging up. If you ever wanted, we could really blow stuff up together. I can tell you that, do it, it's awesome. You're fired. You got a building dynamo target. the loss of this crew, so do I You know what I feel like I'm doing all the talking yeah, You are, don't even know your last name, Sorry, your first names mother's name is officer. Others may well, you guys want us back on me off. Shut the fuck up. He was right.
back to a cell and bragged how he now I'm detective friends. It is going to be the chair. He also said he was now thinking about becoming a detective. What it. How did you know? I mean real First, there, Some you get him out here, they're just like us, I feel like they. Basically Debbie I see by the way, you guys probably shouldn't talk about your crimes in front of me anymore, I did with them. We kind of really have back, but the second. a cop I could usually? Yes, you fuck. The
No wonder they weren't was and without which is a police. kinda paranoid. Meanwhile corina is completely losing. She was faking being crazy to avoid the electric chair babbling, incoherently and screaming than witches were in her cell she tried to kill us up twice in one day, when one day I went a little monitoring. First, hang yourself with a handkerchief. Well, That's lashing! Her rent rests with the safety. Then I tell everyone
and when cops brought any of the main suspects together sometimes have to learn to question them. They would have to in a room just to fuck with their heads. What did they bring them both into the same room to question him yelling remake through a hermit, or no, if you like, my motion, conflict is bullshit, So when they read the room together, they were terrified of one another, because I give them the evil. Can I have some please. I would also like this Louis brown, flax in his eyes was accused the most they yelled quote. Don't you give me the eye at each other? Don't you give me the? I don't give me the name hey ooh guy, stopping in awe
they will refuse to look at each other and will not look at him because he's going to kill me with his eyeballs. How many times do we have to go through this What what are you looking at him? All my needs. so tons of widows are being questioned by the murders, one one with it and I have met her husband had been poisoned and then at midday. If she could go home to bathe and get papers that would prove she was innocent. May I take a bath and get some evidence that allow? How does this all work? May I just think about. She took advantage of the situation to run from the cops gravelly. They let her all right now nine I gotta get the evidence. We're going to follow you, you better come back, you understand
Why did they letter the the rag of her was like washing her back in the is this real? This is not like you guys realize in a typist the alright carry on this not be the type and then you've got to go. Sponge made this one when she goes she's going to get evidence, but when she says she wants to sponge that hm hm hm hm Ok, ok, make a pizza. When you come back to I think she was highly skilled position. Athens using only woman evolve in the trial, that's where they had to do it. Want to be a cop- later became a cop, so said, I'd still fucking for ok. Well, well she's bathing her
the woman leave out of the tub and runs and grabs a pistol from her chest of drawers and tries to shoot herself, but the snag of her rustles in a way to snag. It was like she grabbed a gun and she is pointing right now is soaking wet. I'm hiding right now covered, thomas Is this the first thanks. She said worries lies Was at that moment I decided I wanted to become an officer so a ceiling. Would it be certain chapter two, like a cup, I.
When they got the gun away from her. They learned she had also taken arsenic, but somehow she survived. She, she just arsenic. She was like I'm going to poison myself, kill her and then boom we're done because you couldn't just run water. now, I don't know if she'd get around, I mean there's a cop downstairs upstairs and a set of cops downstairs just like the cops you back, but we don't trust you not the sole preserve of denying the prince gonna go up the ladder you funny business straight. Average back promise now I'll be down in the Other story of the house Not expecting any shenanigans What do you mean while she was up there under my careful watch? She hate poison in trying to kill the bathing. Do not try to kill yourself but just ass. She wasn't radical changes. The story,
turns out the classic me you, see still chapter three. The realisation. So she is living and justifies against Paul. on the stand. She said she had sexual ball and that he was a demon lover well no objection, I ve daisy. Sorry, the devil. Get rid of all her spirits is a lawyer and the good Other worldly, What are we? well what a square What measures they have? No one
She also said he could command god and devils and put a jigsaw her, so he gave whenever you want. That's not good. So ways through all this information are getting from Like is how do we figure this out? they're all guilty crazy, different ones. done They rested. Seventy five people and a shit load more explanation. It's the courtroom, Now was burglarized, dammit as ever in time, for example, shit? and they immediately think of attempt to destroy evidence and they catch the burglar, and you just turn out to be an out of work. I was really hungry and rob displacing came to. I Is this a bay
got a bunch of cocaine. Let me do a bump, no, no! No! No! No! No! No! Ain't gonna shit, the bars if goes on trial for five murders. is demanded. The trial was an evil. I do Paul Louis, so your honour. What the fuck is going on we take a reserve gimme. that what happened so
louis on the dad and shot the eagle eye at paul and Paul was scared, open. The first and fourth fingers honest lily to ward off the evil. Incidentally, this is where the universal heavy metals and will come from run a change Grandma used to show the horns to ward off the evil eye, and he picked it up when it they like, join as but she was doing should like pushing back like having what you're doing is exactly what happened. your honor. We don't even need to after each other, we now we want everyone to be guilty,
over a hundred witnesses testified against Paul and he decided to plead guilty at that point. I, well, I think he thought that would help if he was and he wouldn't be sentenced to death by he would not. He probably wouldn't be replayed it go. I mean he even if he sends the dead. He could just possess the moment he comes back he's going to go, but he was sensitive bennett really. You should have just push yeah, they all sure they're lying your honor. I was actually possessed at the time Time ravages diligently over them trial was for the widow. Herman was having an affair with snow. our funds, the press, broken down ass. She entered the court quote. although she has been in prison for a year. Miss alfonso gave no evidence of that fact. When she appeared for trial, should
smartly dressed completely in black with the a turban on her head and black pumps on our feet. In a black person, shells this way, the new way than are black hair always doesn't matter what it is the woman right now wearing a very, very. You gotta demure black dress short, not too low, beautiful, scotch where'd you get the is carrying a black person. It's just me gunnar we'll be back with the westminster women. I I love the drops going to strategic me, no actually on something. I'm working on all seas. Well, there's really paying off today and it gotta. Let the windows and on the bible: Fingers are a little bit which I love. That's european. A lot of the french are doing that now, Really,
and what is that? Well, that's actually just peeling nail polish, so she hadn't done it when she left the appeal very natural. I love it personally show the hairs, but only one is from Britain today a different time of the. so sellers found not guilty, She told reporters People should remember her as a woman who had an unfortunate experience, rose a second murder trial and this time was found not guilty. Well, sir richmond was the one who smile. We I cannot remember there's so many people again,
cause. I was going to say otherwise, but rose after not guilty. She was like and then she exploded in consent a man named Salvatore sortie no testified than he had paid fifty dollars to watch, one of which is to learn how to hatch a tiny devil under his arm. Pin three. Why a minor things. My radioman such work is to see a devil again, certain things and carried him in his armpit for nine days strength. He didn't, he thought he put it under his armpit. You would like mother never had such a tiny demon
You do I'm putting an end to so much like chicken. That's right I hope, makes it up with my other eggs and make devil day. Why it lucy get out. It's been a great thank you. Salvatore went down in the cellar and waited for the devil, but the devil did not come. We wish, I must have been like neck by this. They can come says something killing me. Thank god. It's a nice day. Hopefully the early morning when it happens hearts afternoon midnight. Oh, no, nine,
He was then sends to my four drowning, a man for the boys. green corina was also on our pit, which She was knows, it's our lives, shingles lace, smaller eggs called devils eggs in june and July, and if you both, under your armpit it what an evil spirit inside it someone's our evil spirits person insane, So it's very simple: I'm sorry! I again I should be grasping the assembly in june and July. the hatching chickens lay smaller eggs right, you take, those are devils and you take those and put it under someone's armpit, and it won't put an evil spirit inside of that person. Okay, but they don't need to hold it under their arm for nine days. They probably don't even know it's there because you're putting it under someone's armpit yeah you're, never going to notice. If someone slips you an egg nikki correct who would notice
Why were you doing now? Are you bring a devil? My now I just my egg. Why please go to sleep, No! I will let's play let's wait, there now I'll. Give you some money to please. No, do you like? Do you like eggs? and yeah large trials went on for two and a half years I did TAT did many are so many witnesses honest. The jury was like like because the the poisoning
The poison gang is, there call went on for like thirty years, so they may be factors, the whatever the cops, some detectives, that there were thousands of dead people, probably we know the hundred deadly and a hundred around Twenty one murders were proven. There were twenty three conventions: fifteen life sentences a few twenty years to death sentences created louis the rabbi only got lifers squealing paul and herman waited too long. to talk and got death So they immediately me right. like louis and got enough Paul was executed on march thirty, first, nineteen, forty one permanent, two days later. He did everything he could. Haven't commuted to life. an appeal that, after your
at the end, he was in quote frenzied prayer People who heard it said it sounded like gibberish guard had to hold them up right, as they took him to the electric chair. That's how I wouldn't yeah you know I mean I wouldn't be like right here- awesome when there are others, Are you sure the phone's in a big. as he was wrapped in he kept saying he was innocent in trying to get out of the chair such of the witnesses quote: you wouldn't want to witness the death of an innocent man. Gimme It approved my innocence and then he said quote seven and then Mask was put overs basically started screaming until he was dead. several an egg and they were now you fucking blount acts screaming.
Remember me, worse than the leg, I would again like whatever else but then we like the electric chair and adjust its discoverable, its horror vs anybody, several large region. You know, kill me I agree completely, but that that was a failure. What movies in the electric wearing like texas, they just brother back somewhere, it's gotta be texas. If they brought about I think it's. I believe that it is yeah. Well, that's! Basically, taxes at your texans go on vacation, several arsenic widows serve time together, the same jail working on some machines.
Or on the farm louis, the rabbi. Rediscovered is jewish faith in prison and wanted to move to Israel, but couldn't because he was in prison for life. I have decided I finally like to make a pilgrim. it is really feel like it's time by what it. So Can I finish now: ok you're. In prison for life. Right yes, why, yes, like me, yes I am now a love Judy. and write me on the level that is, No, no, it's gray, hair mail. I know a man
me, I'm just now. Working time, semites its america and fish, the he's so good Jesus was like crazy cool. What does it well I would like to go to jerusalem to see where the if you kill me, I want to be no way prof financing ads? one of paul's nephews it turned out was serving time for a murder Paul committed, and he was relieved released after sixteen years. Whenever it's proved that pilot kill them or not and the whole time he was like my uncle, did it and they never believed him.
see you vague. You again will cause. I die the Yes, Sources, king boys? jobs are harassed and dollar Catherine, caravan road through Crampton, arsenic and lays the bizarre tail sylvia myrtle murder ring by robert change young. That's it three? this give you two children, well. I should like to do most criminal activity was like you can just go, get like life insurance on anyone. You know
just get on this. By the way you didn't even need them to sign. It really. Did you can't you just we're just see. Ok, it's like a jay. that's a lot of the slow play the best, that's what I say the great crash? Well, that's what I will say it: actually a pretty good. Finally, the I think I'm supposed to keep talking now then or wait, and I die in the chair, what was in this yards This is because the great depression eyes people needed money- I mean. and so you get so lightly. Keep doing that. Where you pray, you know the
desperation, for people in may act desperately shot veteran. That's exactly! I'm excited for the greater depression the greatest depression? U s! Bag! You over governor, however, is now very much the only quite well. Thank you very much, madam president,.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.