« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

5 - The Past Times with Naomi Ekperigin

2022-12-08 | 🔗

Since the first American newspaper was published in 1690, millions more have been printed. 

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and comedian, actress and writer Naomi Ekperigin.

New episodes of The Past Times will be right here every Thursday.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The alright. Everybody woke up to the pastimes mod cast. Each week we go through old newspaper from a random date in history, picked up by dave, anthony reynolds and I've never seen it before, and neither is our guest this week, Naomi asparagus, hi naomi, hey. How are you honestly? I am a buzz with nerves. Okay, how are you I'm a bus up there, also, because naomi you're conquering netflix with the stand up is a thirty minute special years and yeah dynamite wall, the wall dynamite really must be. I mean it has to be kind of like nice
to have a moment where you can actually kick back for a second be like I fucking have something nice thing. There's like thing those people are talking about it's during a pandemic. I recorded some shit yeah. Does it feel good? It really does. I said I must sit down in january. You know what I mean like it was that feeling- and I had we painted in august, and it was initially supposed to come out in october, and so I had I was initially when do I get to like be done, and so now that it's out I was like I get to take a break because and what a great time to take seriously revealing yeah good perimeter. Why there's nothing going on? so check that out. That's the stand up. That's on netflix! That's out now, obviously also have a podcast called couples therapy
and your social media? Are you the same on instagram you're at black dress, on ongoing white or black dress, comedy on instagram? Could somebody came through? Someone can have, as I did the london twitters. I thought now than those it is. It is Gareth So yes, our shoes, that's the name of my son, my first stanhope album black dave. I really think led bigger in black dress. Actually, you're, not you're, actually write a couple is dispersed. Album is called colon. And as a disgusting album that no should let just a child about its about my insides. I really feel myself. India Dave misunderstood what it means telling show himself in a special man, so we're just going. Through a paper and dave. What, when Oh when you ask well you wanna, get me Guess what year a lot of our eighteen hundred right! Ok, what if it was november, seventeenth?
cs. Ninety forward It always wise guy, that's right! That's it! I'm gonna go I in turn teens sixty six year, both so here's the Veronica bonus, one curveball all yesterday yesterday. There are thirteen nineteen. Seventy interesting dave this entire tribune in many. apple S, minnesota pooling our I had by Al Qaeda died. So I wonder what happened at night, but eventually shaded by down the great down. Well, there's nothin, you know I I I don't through the really hard core.
You stories. We pick underline stuff, so people most of them are already on page too, because it is the old papers light at times the the sequencing is is utterly it's like our chinese paper would be read by its like the crane is news at last. and then at then like the beginning, has just done ram you're! Welcome people in bright at a slow burn. The amuse boost that gleaming like see. You want to read and read, and the end, if like kill yourself at so we do it Well, here we got page too. We have like an old timey, add with the headline. Why are you a boar wow lives, but I'm interested in this I'm interested in this article immediately. Why am I a boar? Let me read about why I bore I got a publisher and chicago reports, a simple technique of everyday conversation which
pay you real dividends, social and business advancement and works like magic to give you poise self confidence and greater popularity wow. Is this tail. You're telling me is afraid that will make me feel sure to make people like me yeah. This is like a trainer on youtube. Videos use like there's one who did if you eat you'll have a six back, we're like way: really what I heard about it, but I think they're saying: this guy's is kinda You have to talk to people right right, through this recording this publisher, many p but do not realise how much they could influence others simply by war. They say in how they say it. This is used to nineteen seventeen. Seventy area, fifty seven you'd like did you know that words have meddling and now manage were actually is adopting, can be annexed
a general view Have you considered that if you don't just stare at people who conversed with them out far, you couldn't go, most men believe standing in the coroner sipping a beer rubbing their crops is the way to be the life of the park Whether in business or social functions, or even in casual conversations with new acquaintances, there are ways to make a good impression. Every time you talk mean are you in I am in this is almost like. It's like their string and me along I'm saying get to where it better be. Twenty four point: five yeah, and also it's like I'm already kind of board by the person telling me how did not sound boring you up. I agree here too, if the readers of this paper with the easy to follow rules for developing skill in everyday conversation, the publishers have printed the full details of their interesting self training method in in who book issues in conversation?
Ok, ok, you not just noticed on the third leading to the same thing at least publishers. We don't know that. People are ok. These publishers could be to dude name, ted I here we got up enough body for newspaper at work. We want to do. I say we give him the same, add three different ways: oh tat, well, I agree, I think maybe forty four ways and their direct two page z, seven for the tag here. how to talk right tat up its own up in europe. You need one peanut. crash bayonets environmental work. that attitude. As I read open book, I read about it. Although not
It will be mailed free to anyone who requested no obligation, simply enclose a dime draft postage. Idling, no send your name address and zip code to compromise version. I pay amber fashion. Did you think I want? Your conversation like it said, is true conversation that I gotta get. One conversation lay conversation, california, nine or to what now they don't have it made in the tower, and even let me have a need to put the ads. Because the cosmic getting us this one's another one for conversation. I say just you really putting a lot of the post person to fuck, whereas had again, I know our argument is, but we can finance age. Do you think this was the original march of dimes gentlemen? I am just sending people send in dimes trying to figure out. How do we use dimes the conversation?
it doesn't seriously. What is the I mean there's an address here, but what is the? What is the I mean that they must then say, like oh sign up for our conversation course and a big pain shopping while asking the other, yet whether The weather today dave. I like I, like your version of how to have exciting stimulating conversation is whether chair timelines. You see. Did you see the news last evening actually yeah saw a wonderful ad about how to have a conversation, have you talked to dave lately, he so much better than anyone? It's like he's ring. It's like he's a meteorologist, hey guys. I say I out with a doppler. I saw a puppet and a cat while this guy pull a seat up somewhat better book on out a chap If you want to know how I learned to talk like this,
Are you ok, you start a kind of stilted in the light of this, I can Take you there either in the back. Your head with blood cannot, but then I learned I learned how to conversations uk wired you blinking join me That's wild and now can you tell me how big of an ad that is that a full page? Is there a quarter page? No, no! It's it's like less than a quarter page less than a quarter yeah. Alright, I'm going to write by the way I'm addressing an envelope tonight to conversation and just seeing what happens. I love I didn't cause always suggests to me. You know what I wanted to be an actor mutations. I think you need to write to Oprah and that's all what would say so. I have a right to over regulate Oprah at one Oprah lane Oprah illinois ellen. I vow, isn't really writing letters door now. Why didn't do it? Mother told me what you have written with the right to work for its work, for so many people that yeah through
That's how I got here. That's all! janine grove, low dave across its really the most profound I spent nine communist zack galvanise the producers or the committee of comedy ok? Well, here's on page three theirs! ten story bomb thrown at bank out who need. new york go bomb was thrown at the midtown offices of the bank of new york before dawn sunday, but caused only minor damage. Police said the boy cracked, the large front window of the bank on the ground floor of the CBS building at six avenue and fifty threerd street? The firebomb ignited, but the flames did not spread, is that upon being thrown into CBS building and not a bank, you gonna, let questions for the guy who's in charge. I'm just saying you know of the bomb was thrown either bill.
A week ago saying they had a weak arm, so it was meant for the bank. Yes, but a hit CBS. Do you see and that's really the new hurry? That's the story, there's like how did you miss so hard and and it is also going to be very like a big let down one you're but bomb They smashes a window that could have a brick and I would look at way lies jailed exit. could you imagine you throw a bomb and all you years sunk? its saddest moment. Barbara comes out. The window should like I like the way this sad, but it's also, I mean like magic like new york, nineteen, seventy you just said midtown trying to live and there's some a random bomb, or rather examples. I like you, I just feel like as a new yorker, I'm going to see people turning around being like potus bitch chicago yeah get outta the big apple.
Bombs, go off, you need a bigger apple. If you wanted to go off, that's the truth! all my career of all might arise, my love in the start, power, love and start a grave. The ovens will be checked, Surgeon general just in time fell the surgeon, general electric, announced monday repair survey of all one hundred thousand microwave ovens in use as a follow up to random governments, study that found one in three of those tested. The enough radiation to present a health problem. who are you, I mean why heart two thousand: where are these microwaves where other microwaves? Why is the space, but the view I would be one in three microwaves is leaking, but we I know where they are just quiet I mean. It feels like an amazing race. Game
I find that might be where you find a leaky radiated microwave by the way it sounds like you'd, be better off during a microwave at the sea because building that be salute. Lou? Why were you that's crazy? For the like vroom Maureen, like broom, I mean that's all. There is that's the whole story. Like hey look in the beginning. It's a newspaper in this saturday and they're like an alarming one out of every three microwaves, is just lead a lot of phuket radiation anyway, where you do a survey on it, though I'm very upset they had to have a conversation is longer than the irradiated microwaves, because that is what we need to know. That's where we need a word count. Also that feeling of was this megan do as they like. Do you suffer from radiation? You found out you egg is right. If I got on remand dinner, I did well You have it.
Are you a glowing? Does your son float? Are you able to move pictures on the wall with your eyeballs? do you all about it. As your jaw dropped, human we're doing more than remaining steak you fall into a pile of cancer. We isn't it about what what is it you're even covered it? I feel like a doll up the ones the ladys who were like painting, clocks or some shit. The radium were ready and willing myriad energy, so that these micro way we'll figure it out of ITALY its. It also shows you like how does its things are so shit? Now it is almost refreshing to be like yeah. We still sending radiating microwaves out back then in latin that that let the marketplace decide,
It's also like, I always heard the people people some people are always scared. That radiation came from microwaves, yeah and you know I gotta go you're, so you do read and they like now it's a real thing. I was just telling someone the other day. I think my brother and I were talking about it but, like my dad would literally hugh he would like If he wasn't around, we would just like microwave how you normally microwave, but if my dad was around like how a dentist takes x rays of european he'd be like going other room. I have other things like why monitoring at life, guarding them a nato, my grandmother, she would do that she was against migration along. Is she You know she grew up. She born in nineteen, sixteen, okay, hunger. What right had so when she had we and I has been summers to her and I was a kid they didn't it was like. I would just get like a frozen. I would you lot of frozen food, but she You, let me have a microwaves like literally I'll eat breakfast and as our pre heating for lunch, you, notably in big high, so long and finally, What am I going? She put it
in her outdoors I was like a son room so, like you say she was the integrity counted as outside of the house. mention. Was I don't go away it's a u here to beat and then you are allowed to really get it. I remember I remember there was a time in college where I dont remember if it was print. A principled stance are a poor stance, but my roommate night we would, we would be making microwave foods in the oven it just shows you the convenience. A microwave is like two minutes and thirty seconds and then in the oven, it's like four hours at fifty five minutes. What oh so much! We really have to know that you're going to be hungry. so we have a new invention and seems like in something that sucks radium out of people is not so different than that new scarecrow joins the birds. Let's keep that turned coat.
A vineyard consultant for one company. Lots happening lots happening early was granted a patent last week for a scarecrow. Hmm, season mendel of pen, I new york, causes invention hector the hawk? I don't get it I don't believe you knows what a scarecrow is or someone who does not know what he's scared. The name is it's one of the better names we have its very straightforward, YAP, it's a crow that sets out in the It stands there. A crowd. Oh, it's a fucking, crazy grow gang yap desire that grows he's a man. and to scare them grows data the scarecrow has wings spread in simulated flight and is suspended from a wire zone.
It moves smoothly in the air currents about ten feet above a field of grapes or corn. All the grapes are corn lifts. So this is where I wish I had been born before, because you could just make up anything and be like business by avenge it and it In essence, euro sounds like to me. It sounds like a cat toy bird back and forth over gone, furthermore, the great and that person, first of all, Vineyard consultant went to liberalize garlic to legislate better, not a job, and I've aggravated consulted at home. A lot But that's true you're I mean: Are we talking about like a bungee in it's a bird on wires. It's it's! the ads on wires, its act with argon wire and aid to the hawk peck,
how can protect a circular area of about six four hundred square feet from a robins easier way to say that for shark starlings and other birds you can Birds sabre rattling seen it. I hope you are paying by word because I love you have like a mother like I have, but if you said bird, she would go what about robins. So I get why the guy wrote that she'd have female. It's in the category that I throw out what about orioles. It's actually all birds, weber somewhere else, and that is that you haven't flashback protection. Of an acre would require seven scare grows. says: this idea is bat shit insane big. Imagine to have a flying sketches: aircraft which expressly flying hawk. It's a fake hawk. It's a fuck tab
you have to have a bunch of poles and wires and then goes over that like what are we talking to please the air? It reads like under the corners of your acreage and then You have to fly and now get tangled up in each other so that they are not bad it's and then there can't be whether We like a gust of wind or lightning or well. I mean you're poking, allow two holes, but it we're so used to it now that obviously catches on I mean we're. Always the budgie hawk fields. Jr's yeah, you gotta hit the cover in that area. And the guys who bought it. They're like this is a bad is going to sink us. What the fuck we at the scarecrows are easy. We did it. We wanted seven scarecrows, it's not that hard. Now we got
air outta ragged, that's fucking, stuff, talk and alive. We had for their workers to control the hawk maintenance scarecrows are all scared. So what is it ikaros are having a meeting gun. These hawks are taking our jobs, taking our american jobs, those jobs are corrupt or are they trying to do a lotta want to say anything, but I've had enough with the hector's plus think about that act. Air. Whose excitingly some international news coptic Ash kills bad boy of philippines. How bad dragging my agenda chiesa key bad boy, we're all listening. Jimmy laurel nicknamed banjo, objective flat, but let's, keep going but were not happy with the way you're. So far of speak for both of us
thirty one, the bad boy sky of one of them? powerful and famous families in the philippines died sunday in the crash of a helicopter about a hundred and fifty miles south of manila, his pipe, and a police officer what were also killed. they saw a flying hawk that they thought was scary man breakdown, and why travelling there, whose travelling with a cop exactly who trust who chose the cup? Is he supposed to be a bad boy, but he's got a cop with him yeah well to be fair dave, I dunno, if they're the good guy that's a cab is all cops. Are bad boys it's right now. It's just that extra bit of burnout yeah, you don't say it. People don't like to step it out, but that's what it is. How was the mayor of a ton one city, the ancestral home of the laurels in but tangle province,
his grandfather was a president. His father's, the speaker of the house of representatives, one uncle is the ambassador to Japan and another a senator and potential aspirate to the the european presidency says fuck and loaded easily region, not sound like a bad boy. Not something about boys are may weaken that are so Sixty four laurel had blazed his way across filipino front front. Megatheria limit for the pod. Guess not try that smoking weed spoken smoking weed linked to a series of events that included the murder of his wife. Oh that's a lie in the madman. I know we just completely pass bad boy,
Get the column murdering bad aim is our men. Why is not a good boy would be ok? What's he actually found guilty or their dislike whispered either way? Well, I guess linked to less advanced, lad boy, one hundred percent bad boy, okay, the murder of his wife and a friend and assorted brawls and pistol. Whippings like this is the sort of thing assorted, a plethora of placer at the well. He was an equal opportunity. Pistol, whipper, First times he was officially accused of murder, attempted murder and malicious mischief, illegal possession of firearms and assaulting a police officer, but invariably beat the charges because he's from fucking family because he's connected and obviously what what, if the cop that was the plane was. Maybe that was the whole plan to kill that part. Right because he's out here, a bad boy he's out your pistol at being he's out here, killing
people, maybe he was like I'm taking you down with me, copper, what yeah, probably just pistol and I would just say that you know it's very. If you're, if you do engage, in illegal activities and your royal they ever you always are criminally held accountable. Look at what is happening currently with fritz philip was just get us but the rest of his life out and said little palace share. I believe it was very sure it's really I dont think I have a right arm it. Member reserve by my job was born one. That figure is dagger he d. Two weeks before he was due to be arranged in the passage court near manila on charges of attempted homicides. We had another yet just killed and others are tempted bad boy, but also gb cooper. Ok now I'm saying he might not be dead.
the charges, oh, the charges- grew out of a nightclub shooting a year ago in which two brothers were wounded in a gun battle in front of the bass, feed nightclub, a thing haunt the brothers identified laurel and his body guards as the gunman I'd really like the name. The theory that this guy is still there think about it, He came back. I was so close to being home. I wondered why my oil roy, Maybe it was no weapon cops and many helicopter in with them about it. I think I'm out loud it. He is probably I mean what was. He was thirty one in the nineteen seventy so his, Yeah he's probably get almost be. He'd almost be forty years old, buddy I am a mail just point out, I'm very I'm able to quickly calculate.
whereas in a way that is just- and they call me the human calculators, I'm able to like somebody who hated school just exactly yeah, exactly yeah, I hate that cause. I was so bored. You are a bad boy. I was like. I know all the answers he has a bad boy. I was right boobs on the calculator come on. Oh hey there, everybody, it's gareth! You know from this. This podcast listen, I've got some standup shows I'm inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me, for I will be in fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth. I will be in Minneapolis minnesota august, twenty. Fourth, through august twenty six that Acme I will be going to the uk in september. Please join me. I will be in Glasgow september, thirteenth, london september, fifteenth Dublin september, seventeenth september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twentieth, Bristol september, twenty second and cardiff september. Twenty
forth and then in november I'll be in Australia november tenth almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia then I will be in northbridge, australia on November fifteenth, Adelaide november, sixteenth, cambra november, seventeenth, brisbane november eighteenth, and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me, let's get at it after it. Let's see you there. Alright, here's one boy Oh by drugs, drug spur, animal sex life but it's too early to tell effect on human beings and what page
is this: how is this in the same paper about how to have comfortable conversation? Can you bag a rat? No, no. It will really be like rats be fuckin. Am I right like that's how you start the conversation? Did you hear a lot of, but you still got the ale and rubbing your crotch? I can't shake it all at once. Did you hear people be out here, fucking rats? What's your name add ten, so excited a year when I get home like? What is this is is an editorial work as it you should be able to marry. A calf is even legal. Like I'm young my cashmere
his page twelve, and it's right next to the the the wedding announcements, please that Herbert blacksmith and a goat are also being with all their registered at a feed store anyway, okay, researchers at the national heart institute, Bethesda maryland have the heart wants what it wants? drug weakens stimulate sexual activity in animals, and there's one case where it might have had the same effect on a woman? Ok, what has happened? We also all agree that animals is like a really very vague and wide ranging arm again animal in other animals. It bad who was it more women?
it's clearly a guy's, wife or girlfriend that works there he's just like a game. I gave this too much a hamster today. Can you suggest in your mouth? It just does show you how fucked the perspective? is when the headline. Isn't you no woman eggs. Animal drug react cannot remain instead, like animals might be made to be more flirtatious. A woman accidently tried, though, technically added animal. A woman also had It's like they. The headline is a very non compassionate. Has a true aphrodisiac, a drug that increases sexual desire. Humans finally been found. What are the real researchers doktor jean guess. I spoke continuously of this possibility in a phone interview into asleep. He wouldn't shut got to be honest, look saying it's an average jimsie I've seen aphrodisiac is an ever deasey than ever. Deasey egg
doctor doctor? Can we ask you something else? It's an effort that they'll be fucking all right. Well, good! We are good. We are. We got all. We need thanks so much for taking the time that continuous It is too early to know, but he said this marks the first time that a drug has been shown to have such an effect even on an animal, the act. no, I mean. Is that the article, because much more ok, good, because my peggy is also This has to do with the heart institute, yet we need to be over you're. Talking about cardio vascular me talking about the answers you re talking about, cutting your fat, you always trying to get animals horny has not unrelated. How did you get that grant money? How did you get that money and at some point stopped coming, go back at the woman from the press guard. Imagine the woman before we're all little,
I guess and two colleagues all visiting scientists from italy at the there you go. Finance is a sake. Are you like? A fucker hey so a reported in the journal science that the experimental drug whenever I can say that name clarified about about, had prick sexually excitement about rats and rabbits. All like it's hard to produce sexual excitement in a fucking rabbit. Well, that's all they do I have to say I would love to see what a sexually excited rabbit looks like or like ready to go. I ran out of my mouth I'll. Send you one of my videos. I've got all thank you, sir, combined with a jug called parleying
they said the male rats. Sexual excitation, lasted for several hours and usually reached a climax with all the animals in one cage attempting to mount each other. At the same time, so they just a london rat bang. No, they forget the invention of furry pile, but I mean that the way that that is put it's very seventies by the way. It's like. We put a bunch of beings in a room and there was come everywhere when we came yeah there was a goldfish ball and we said that's the hardest to do it. For you, that's the work we're doing the heart wants what it wants. The steady and it's always like this is great. We made a bunch of rats, try to fuck each other at a case. Everyone, that's not great. Four hours. We watched we allowed for hours as they just continued, the climax after climax anyway. Where are you from more funding and here's? Why does it in that's an ravage. The result was compulsion compulsory. Actual behaviour that lasted up
three days slides! That's like math, Mass wow, all the animals give in pcbs been mail. So far body indicated he is confident. The drug will have the same effect on females, but what about humans? You ask. You asked we're not ready to ask that when all I really like more years of research away from asking the humans, one shaving is going to find your mail mice in a cage like day came about John each other. What, if you're, if you're a doctor you and you see about forty rats fuck with each other in a cage, your first thought is wears a lady I think we're ready for humans. Are we all take the same thing? It's time get you know I mean how long do we need to prove this theory, hold of one case where women being treated with his jug for intestinal for an entire, No tumor.
Very sexually excited and was chasing everybody. Why? Why are you saying this? They had a tumor, they gave her rat horny bill and then she was like doctor. I would like to have safe That was, the sequence of events, is alive, entered it's true singer, everybody arenas better. This came out. There appeared a sort of it's on the solution was to allow with husband in stay with her in the hospital is large and I swear together with its outside allude. The solution was a prescription of husband, oh shit, that's a fucking amazing have other interests is about a great what a rich great history we always putting humans.
I have other xyz of sexual excitement and persons on pcp a gone unreported because no one was looking for this effect or didn't want to fucking own up to the fact that they were wind, bang, everybody, it's amazing that they're like The all male rats actually tried on humans like well a woman, one, sick woman, forty eight minutes or one for me. We sat with this forty forty rats make up one ill woman. These rats are bad boys going on All these years work were This way. Is the medicines oppose the report,
answer. Do you see what I'm saying we're not we're not answering questions about the medication, but not really ready to jump into that part of it just yet honestly, but we. What we know is the woman and her husband are still in the room and that's all we have that we're ready for market. We believe what I'm taking from this is that they had a cancer medication for tumors, and then one lady took it. And she wanted to fuck all the time and they're like. Oh, this is the magic. That's that's very I mean that's what that's like with chantix when they were like. It was a like a sleep and then they saw people critic smoking. That's all we were in banning smoking, but that's why we're ready for market? Are you guys want some letters to the editor at an early? I call him letters letter. here's! What, out of movie due to the outer. We have just seen the movie good bye columbus at our local theater. I should say from seeing part of the movie. It was
disgusting, revolting that we walked out sick from it and demanded a refund we got to free passes to see a children's movie. I wonder how many parents, rail, is the kind of filth their teenage. You see, it's no wonder america's so full of moral decay. Joe Van burke, what what is it called goodbye Columbus goodbye Columbus one very the editor there and not like trouble mayor due to me my emotions. I go on as they are. What he's done that due to start it is, it is so fucking. True it's like it's. I mean why did they print it? They were like. This is important. This will take up. You know we don't need to follow up on that cancer woman that they gave the bank bill to that's where this lady left a movie. by Columbus. That's I sell That's an alley: mcgraw phone, richard very men out based on a fillip, roth novella. Lured,
So you know, our teenagers- is where it I know it is clearly not for aids and adult film. I don't know what she's even talking about jack clubman in it well, then there you go. What you're gonna, be sorry that Tag is every fathers daughter is a virgin ok, well with this motion will stick to this took a while. I my good days. Seventy three percent of people liked it on rotten tomatoes or do it as a ninety two on rotten tomatoes. Okay, we have to really We have to see as amateur write a letter to the editor from Virginia s. Pay you should before you tube comments, people just like a mad about it. The happy in these. These are a hundred percent. Just like tweets and shit you put on facebook right this one, this guy's just mad. Ok,
new decade is your way to the other. I am fed up with all the news, calmness, television, commentators and others. Supposedly intelligent people live, We claim nineteen seventy as the beginning of a new decade, which still a year of the future. The facts are as follows: jews there was no year zero. Thus the first decade compromise the ears won through ten and this second, the years eleven through twenty and the third twenty one through each dec it starts with the year ending in one and ends with a year ending in zero. That's the current decade began on january. First, nineteen sixty one and will end on December thirty. First, ninety seventh, don't fucking. Stop me, I'm glad I will not be around in the year two thousand, when most people will believe the new century and millennium would have begun. Of course, this event will not be here until january. First, two thousand and one why? Why do you name hued, aimed
chrome, Curtis, anderson of coup, rapids That is an arm. Actually that's a person who needs to read the book about how to have a conversation, because a dinner party, they are not getting it right. There I mean it is. It is a lose its. I did. I have you ever heard that before dave yeah you, that. Ok, I've, I've heard them either I have heard it, but it's also not something you get mad about yeah you're, just like hey how about we have a parties like party you can apply, but not that decade, planning everywhere he goes it's just simmering. People are like hey jim. What's going on is like
this year? I was not a big man. I just want a camera is going to fuck you haven't got I I I just I will Point sit on your desk, I wanna be get in the year two thousand, because I can't take it ok, cool, Curtis, good to see that tibet and say, oh, I sent a letter conversation to see that it might get better. Here is a here's. A is a classic minneapolis a day, so to police force or dear editor. It makes me angry when I pick up the paper, learn that a boys been shot by policemen, and why do I p blame the policemen. Did it ever occur to them that if the boys weren't stealing, they would not be shot? It is as simple as that. My my hat off to our wonderful police force still a tip.
Yeah booed, o back, I mean, what's really really is I wish that more people were able to see the unevolved thought that I mean where it is. The dungeon the exact same person. They are young, did they did something bad, that's where they got shot right. I can use your phone. You should die stella. Iran's lack landed access. Yeah If we still are fought like we do still, it is a myth. It is still that thought is still so widely supported. I mean I won't even get into it, but it is fucking incredible to hear literally that could be in the paper in Minneapolis today its absolute right, That's right, that's shown here they show every night yeah. oh yeah, was somewhat aim of this letter to the paper, which is another guy. That's mad about stuff.
It leaves at all dude it's ours. I know. There's more of this more women than men are currently ok. Leave the moon alone. Oh my god, you're going to start the year that persevere, Julia, A space agency scientists proposes to blow up the moon to see what is inside it possible. Scientists must have something to play with, but could they not leave our little old moon alone? Let us destroy its beauty, as some of us have died by the by the way I am on their side MR shows sketch lisbon subjects gauge whether about blowing up the mood is that true
railways. Do they actually want to yours? This guy I talked about. Is this president out of there? I I just google and oh Terry cheese plant, a blood, the moon with nuclear halfway dollar. Now military cheese planned a beloved, the moon with nuclear bomb, as shown to show called war muscle. Laying claim to to show old war must take that route gaze. now about there's, no moon bomb get ready to get where you next. Why? You think I like good night moon prayer and, unlike yet may add another sound, but you know Why won't my legs are peace up our whereby we just like that that, as it's gone yeah that was in the well, that was a nineteen. Fifty seven and I love that we are. I love that it's always the red scare and it's like that. We will.
Of to russia that we will not stand for their bullshit so way gonna blow the moon stage that show people is on the right side of history. Yeah. No. This is not nasa considered blowing up the moon in nineteen. Sixty that still get money when you're nasa like NASA at one point, was like: let's blow up the moon, it will be like okay, you're, no more nasa, caroline yeah apple it'd like yeah, that you sort of lost the thread, but I mean I wish it would not shock me if I were to read elon musk write something along the lines of like we need to blow up the moon time we need to get rid of it. I just aesthetic speaking. It gets in the way of too much buell be like yeah or if we said we were going to make phone batteries out of people to fuck
I could see that being someone's solution to climate change right if moons control, the tides they're like okay, we'll get the waters down by just drawing the moon. When you hear about the plans, the all the plans to combat climate change within the tent of capitalism, it is your like to what you're saying it's an ear, always like we just stop using oil mounted a wheel the moon that would cloud the sun editor bias of dime, and then we could still make money forever that great what a good system oh, my god, we are not by the way. I am now shocking that there is not a sect of the population demanding for the moon to blow up today. Honestly, I'm sure, if you did a google search, you would find your people a guy. I believe they're they're, going to plan for that want to get them. That finally found my group sick of it do oh here is here: is some crime airs and climate change? There is a climate change story.
The earth's climate has changed often in three billion years. Well, in its three billion years, that's that's kind of our attitude. Now, over a man's lifetime, the climate of earth changes little, but since the birth of the planet we live, the climate has undergone variations, scientist, appeared into the distant past and have found evidence for law. Stretches of warmth, interspersed with very called period. So over three billion years me out gets hotter colder. so that might not have been the. I might not have been the article I was opened for yeah. Actually I mean basically that again would be today right. Right, sometimes old, theirs, in colorado, nothing's wrong. Oh shit, we gotta theft, wards theft loss is ten thousand dollars.
war lords, montgomery words for those who are to a young, it isn't a department store which was a store that everything in it. Several coats, capes stalls and cat, I love you. Go very came who who died? One at that appearance that I can fly? Thank you so much Even the thing is the place you always went to get. Your capes was montgomery war, So it gonna germany should obey man's, but it's gonna go I first thought is like a team of drag queens dreamings rising like a drama caves, you're thinking, hollowing cape said I am already- are no night super I'd thinking, actual superhero camps, but you're right. It is more advanced to the ilo. Weaned variety for show,
ray? You're angenoux, my brain immediately. When do I get a guy with an aging uttered scape than he threw in the mud or lady can walk over that we could do a pack has called anyway, I tried it after there's three out ape takes so the total value of more than ten thousand dollars have been stolen from the Montgomery ward store at apache, plaza kay. but I've asked him and obviously lovely another there, sir. white man again. Giving back diary is a mall so that make you all feel better. It's so great or terrible. The story is not only are there just a mink coats, but it's also named apache plaza like they're just right. We get it here about forty meat pieces were taken at four, am sunday by thieves who entered the building by breaking a plate, glass door with a baseball bat. Well, So you do what ella lead
no bomb, but much more Much when the bat was long, I was like bats dead in the boat was also used to bring a case holding so yeah just bring about. Then you get ten thousand bucks I am in their name and then what, in? What have you fence a bunch of furs? did you see what I'm saying you're, not fencing, you're, trying to look fabulous, arnica miranda, naomi side on this one? If they are there was a basement drag show in minneapolis again, and it was having off like a week after the event, and we don't know about it. I can also see the caped being the world's you're, like we gotta, get rid of that nasty mood so the very devilish moon. We already mustache wax with a plan to blow a pot of space. Here is a guy and is holding up like a elicit a pocket type. its black in the middle and it says many long,
after w are span of salt lake city demonstrated a many long. He developed to show how much tar gets into a smokers long from a single cigarette oh. How I shall be many long lack is what you're feeling your lot? That's, what I'm overwhelmed His devices used extensively as a classroom, teaching aid he's in many first point out health hazards in smoking during no smoking week, my mother giggly get a patent. Leather, irene. Adults I there is something it is amazing that there was a guy like these are bad for you. Meanwhile, there like, where we have no evidence of that in the court underlay oath, whether we ve never seen it you like that? Besides this weirdo with as little weird many like that, he lives with we begin he has to be on
shit. This is an add for the paper. Jose is I'm sorry. Jose is going fucking crazy, I didn't know how they will also be on this part. Guest yeah didn't mean I hoped. Can you please bring? I mean I saw his his image. You know the the painting of he was just here and then he was like I'll. Do the scratching post near the mic and then he's been jumping when the kitchen I've just been seeing like behind me like this is just not likes stuff. Where I'm like I'm going to come once, I can turn the corner, I'm gonna be like if I am, I dont get I'm in here I was there. I saw it that is an ad in the paper for the ok Wednesday ideas for snow time, hot drinks, lookin for a great hot drinks, sorry
looking for great hot drinks to warm the whole family on cold winter days and nights then turn to the tastes section wednesday and a feature by Beth anderson on the snow time. Hot drinks, okay, a tea for the paper in the paper, but it's not news. It's just like something out of redbook hot drinks, tell me, that's all yeah list. Or is it like a tardy list? I really like how presbyterian minneapolis, yet we know it gets embodied for we know we're aware have. tried lava for, though, family hot dream. coming wednesday through by the way, what a tough put a tough break to have drink, sweet,
we are a non smoking. We'd love to have that holy shit. There's a fuckin story here about fred, hampton being killed. Allow me simply what page it is on page twenty two where and he's not even the re arising absurdly these. Why he's, not even the number one. Oh, my god, safety called reason for timing apparent the raid, the leader of a black, the leader of a police raids, in which two black panther party leaders were slant on monday, said there it was carried out carried out before dawn because of safety factors, and then it says, clark. Twenty to a party leader from Peoria was slain in the raid and then There is also killed in the shooting fred hampton. Why you know why That's why the greatest voice of a generation killed, yeah,
just nestled in their under year. We will be alive. It is also amazing, like the way that you know when you have the time in between like. I was watching this thing on martin luther king versus the fbi and its it's amazing now how all the people that embrace you know, like god, thank you for doktor king, yeah. It would be the same. Pumpkin people, Baghdad, who would be like tapping, is far renown geared area, not giving a shit when he was kill. You know at so even here. It's just even here it has the nice, like police, skew, like the reason why the raid was carried out early was versus. You know it's just like no fucking assassinated and who is only then I hate that is there something I mean you know, there's always funky wording, but specifically there's something about the word slain that I, because a passive. Why
also trying to canoe almost like a highbrow element to it. Jeremy was was guilds already like happy, so it was slain. it's a very dramatic and it's like you mean they came in and shot him. Aha yeah! No, no! It's more of a slaying! If you, the murder, that still really had a cape, I mean we did see caves nearby. I'll be honest, it was a bit of a van house. What we have we think he was a fan of thing is what we were dealing with. That's why we had to go. poor dog I crit page twenty two on the two I mean it just shows you why and also always important to ignore off main street yeah, either percent or percent so ok, now also on page twenty two be a stay at home because a facial, hair and
His name wait. I'm sorry, I'm gonna be due to a mac. I am also going to request they get back. Let's go there. So it's a lady she's got her hands like this and should looking sad her hand. Looking sat on their faces, a council, don't be a state on, because a facial, hair embarrassment caused by hair blemishes, turns many otherwise lovely women into chronic stay and homes chronic. Stay in homes. What I've also, I think we should bring back the fridge phrase stay at home state zella miles known, call out right now. I've been a chronic stand on for a long time period. So this is like a cat, Some are conscious of the reason. Others, not it often hides behind a too much trouble, excuse or unexpressed feelings of insecurity about your appearance
the sensible thing to do is have hair blemishes removed at once, get them out of sight and add a mine permanently. This is easy to accomplish now with good gregory. from a license thermal isis, the militias thermal loads, his name. Gregor, sounds like the guy who's going to blow up the moon, gregory thermal isis. It's not it's not for isis called isis. We must both I have four Gregory has overcome the three objections women raised to permanent hair removal, slowness, dip, discomfort and expense. Kay gregory? What a guy consider many women in four countries are having such large areas. Arms and legs cleared of ugly hair by their gentle gregory technicians, and out of them catch up on their reading or sleeping
while the work is being done? Doesn't that speak well, the speed, comfort and reasonable cost of thermal losses. But he originally grant is taken a while ago. I view of how important rim cycle that is. Longs are up its operation, curling. Truly that outrage I've, got it off her legs doktor be put their ceremonies, beep beep It is like I mean you know. Amazing because it is so given now that those are taken care of and it all, but it all is rooted in. No societal, shame, and I wonder whether that was coming from re rival boots, like it was done. the gregory
Let us I mean larger business. You walk around. You go based meal lost through the eastern he's like I can help you with that with my formalizes over three nights. I'll put you in a minute coma and I'll shore. You we'll make a sweater out EU ladys you'll. Wake up here, listen pregnant! My hair We overstepped, we took their hair off. I'm so sorry. It's a it's electrolysis and they eventually moved into laser hair removal. No really well. named after dorothy, gregory and electrolysis who and then she died, and I too am seven and all the change went away, but she had twenty twenty clinics wow. Here in the wild shit? Look up it's like Victoria! When I was a kid maintaining yes, those midwestern channing place. I was
I'm not familiar, I'm not familiar with that style. I don't see colors. So it's very hard for me to address what this is. I don't even know if it was tanning, I think it was. I believe it was so It's local people, ten in the midwest like in winter, to be like look ass, a blue is that what you are mean me, it would be like I'm trying to think of it. Almost people became like panthers, where it was they became so much more. Ten. The hare became more blonde and early holy fuck may look like they were sick, greeted roy, ok, This is another little section called MR fix it to fix. It will answer your question tat. You tackle your problem plead your case right. I feel like this hope pr has been mr fix it paper really feels like a qvc episode and fear
except the ads or the news paper. It feels like adds up so basic questions. Guys like asking my guy, I got this company companies at a real company- and this other one is like how much does it cost to get an electrical electrical engineering degree? Companies are great, am I running a company name is yeah. I don't think so jad if you're asking that question then this question recent, I heard that coma. it is a man made lake, true or false MR wynn, MR, what is heat slapping notably exerted to a lake
Global leg is a magic word. They will have their humanism, microwave questions and thereby to larger. Evidently, how do I stop the radiation? Destroy me and my family, my wife hates me, mister fix it. What's the move anyway, it's a natural leg, two pairs. Mr thanks, MR howitt, he's just google that asked jeeves. I I would like thirty like, like I'm a mechanic, I feel like the trouble at home. Is I mean I guess I don't worry like a tool. Guy, we'll see This is why, when people say print is dead you're like me and should be shipping that energy to fill up with not much different, not much different. Here's a great ad!
it's the end again and all these ads just look like stories. It's it's amazing, because you always read these in the papers from the eighteen hundreds, but I can't believe they went on this long and actually they probably still have them, but they just seem to do there's a lot of times where you'll see stuff in papers, and you just you- I mean, if you're a cognitive. you are able to discern that it is an ad but the every part of it his like, break through and laser hair move on wall Did they legally have to start writing this? Isn't in, like into the small fond of the very rights engine, oji aiding the thought or that it should be like that. So people know that where we think Maybe it's tinier than the actual print funny. Little generally make better, but ok, so this one's advertisements job. But the headline is doctor okays this hemorrhoid treatment, four and I like the name, is doctor. Ok, I've got but almost done
staircase. This hemorrhoid treatment for new jersey, couple's son treatment, shrinks, piles, relieves pain in most cases, horton new jersey, MR and mrs shortens miss services who. Mr mrs c m jeffers report quote our son suffered from hemorrhoids. I asked the doctor to do that. Interview mom take played the fifth or something they wanted to know why you haven't been in school. I know that the sore throat or something How do you won't even sit your own share start talking to them. So anyway, we went to a lovely doctor. We were worried. My boy won't see it anyway. Let me look at it because I'm his mother, it going on doctor by the way we it look when he was sleeping, took what we want to be honest and it is a god. Damn nightmare, it is piles of piles. It's like braille,
what's eating some tax, the doktor about preparation age and he gave us the ok. Our son is now fine thanks to preparation, h the way that products should not have preparation in it's name. It is a host procedure, you're not preparing for much well, but also. I think it's really funny that this is an adverb reparation age, but they were like. Let's take, the family school boy approach. Didn't like me, like yeah, who can all latch on ok, there's a team is eighteen, but her his parents need hell. Wouldn't we rarely. If ever I guess that's pitch around it exactly, but wouldn't what the target demo be like forty five year old, purler people, absolute t like ease out there, skateboard and getting piles
I think you're old. Could you have him yeah? I believe I am right for everybody, even though I do like it had not acne Oh sure this. gotcha, missed lounge on eleventh endless la downtime in minneapolis is having a laundry fashioned showed during noon, lunches monday to friday, eleven thirty, two p m. It has it We did this to. Is that a luxury fashion show, in the middle of the work day, that's right and that's all probably a lotta dudes just taken like wet martini lunches. Just like jazeera or are gentlemen. You have to buy something. This way shopping shopping, it included, includes hawaiian and modern dance. Have you the lingerie
became very clear. Great marketing obviously So, let's, let's end with this: does a columnist and what is the zip naomi, what it It's kept going for like another. Forty five minutes like these guys were like it's going to be an hour. Thank god like for deep into the screen. Every single page of the microfiche. Now but honestly, it looks like you would be. You are. I like to picture, looks like you're out of microbeads, because when you like scroll up and stuff- and I'm like- oh my god- I want to get him a jeweler's loupe. I feel like that'll, really help sell them. Yeah yeah, oh my god. Yes so so this is this will Jones and it is in its calm here. There's a picture of our hitchcock in it says under the picture, Alfred Hitchcock. Is he kidding rich joining in an hour. that would surely old, Alfred Hitchcock, is having
all us on. I say that in preference to reporting that poor, dear misguided old, Alfred Hitchcock as goofed again after watching his lazy movie topaz, ladder? Gas is the one in which I believe, but he goes on to shit Oliver, Alfred. Ok, so that's fine! and then the bottom here, the bottom powers the panel brian anthem, star, spangled banner, isn't single a that's. What the carpenters have been saying for some years now, so the superbowl producers gave us a switch pat o brien shouting. It now The question is: is the star spangled banner shout of all the affected tended maybe something akin to Rockne, urging us all to get in there and win win one more for the gibbered. The role that of Brian I wanted were rather be like this guy just put a bunch, a bumper stickers and do a colony shoutings ghip were it's like it's like fridge.
agnes poetry, but the magnet and they should be urban here settlers, its budget slander. I lie like like like it. like Mcgee, you can see this on tv or the radio, but a guy shouting in the paper you're just like okay. I also like the idea that his base is either basically saying a dude shouted. The national anthem, which is the greatest way to cigarette ever say that my dogs are like ok, okay, walks out gravity, we gotta do it. I will finish that anthem. ro at work Whenever I hear pat O'Brien, I just think pervy access, hollywood guy or whatever is right. Oh that's right! He was pervy. I forgot about that yeah. They recorded him going like I'm going to do coke off you and that oh yeah, oh yeah, you know
I can about the tone I dont. Ok, He was a longtime CBS. He it was like a sports guy man right. It wasn't listen tape. What's that using an early would, guy or whatever and then that they, like someone recorded unlike liking, it was like the next It was like address I'm gonna rehab, but he was. I live sort of voicemail where he was gonna like basically saying like because leaving voice, melodies like saying we'll get a couple of girls over here for you and then we'll just do all this coke and I'll just fuck you and just do all this it was like he was like. He was like. I talked to Michael Jordan before the game and then have a snort coke out to you and then it'd be great, and then I have a problem, and I want to address that. I want to grow from this yeah. It was a really it was so it was like out of the year as some of the mayas yeah. I wish I wish he said he was going to eat his own ass. That would have been like the peak of eddie voicemail. I read that he left a voicemail mail getting
just getting a sexual voicemail of that nature, like here here's. What I plan to do here is the settlers for tonight's everything over voicemail a vote I mean did feel comfortable being like. I could trust her parties in our house whither mike I careers hanging on this voicemail technically about whatever she's cool. She does drug she's, not a predictable holders of friendship forever well naomi, that I'm not gonna lie dave, there's a pretty go to a growing. Thank you guys been. Thank you naomi. Truly, that was packing delirious margin is we all expect that it would be so watch the stand. Ups, not all of em, but just watch your ass season, three episode to less idea epithets. That's all you need black black dress at black, just copy and
couples therapy part cast beg you tremendously for joining us and next time, let's record one of these, we share that. I regard him. I really do I'd. These are funded everything, but I think that my report- we love you say by god, like a guy like you- and I will finish at like pro- were redefining what it means to take care of our bodies. It's not just about exercise but also the recovery and rejuvenation that comes with a healthy lifestyle. In addition,
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.