« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

47 - The Past Times with Alice Fraser

2023-10-12 | 🔗

This week Dave Anthony picks a paper from a day in history and reads it to co-host Gareth Reynolds and guest comedian and writer Alice Fraser.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
El gotta get rid of the soul back. She paused, he sure tell because it stinks boys I've wash it so many times with the order will come out. Tell me why? No you tell me why I can get rid of this odor. Have you tried to refresh it helps remove them wow, it worked, guys are done, rinse and refresh removes more odor in one wash and the leading value detergent and three washes find it wherever you buy laundry products, the alright everybody welcome to the pastimes podcast. Each week we go through old newspaper from a random date in history picked up by Dave, Anthony I'm Gareth reynolds and I've never seen it before, and neither is our yes. This week ugly knowest frazier allow us, but if you like to deviate, thank you for being here,
if you're in ITALY I am, which is a big deal. And not its more pleasant to be in cyberspace. With you, two gentlemen impossible and ally, but we appreciate the light. So, let's talk about what you have going on there, you don't want to talk about your book, that's coming out, but instead you're the peat people who support you can go, listen to your podcast. That could support your patriarch. You want to just give a quick plug in that direction. Yes, patriot, dot com, slash Alice, fraser. I do a weekly writer's meeting. If you wanted to write some stuff write, it with me also
It was like at a salon in a book club where you don't have to do any homework and all that stuff. On my patriot and the ghazal is my podcast. It's a daily. It's a it's a weekly podcast, where we do all of the news and none of the politics cause. I kept being asked to do satirical news comedy, and I was like yes, but can I never make a joke about donald trump again, please well, you've come to the right place. To avoid that, I think I did? Did you just say that you have a book club where you probably don't have to, but I hate like that feeling of homework looming over you or the fact that you can kind of fail to come to the book club. We all like read a poem or a short story or watch something together in the room, and then we talk about it, so you don't have to feel like you've got like. Ah, I just don't like that. I just don't like the feeling right, good idea among friends, my I wife was in a book club and because of the homework aspect it just descended into. Why tonight, that's my that's an alcohol
extra. Then it wasn't even a book club I wanted did not get a rating and sound like. I had I'd be back at university. Well ok great, where we dearest you wanna, do you wanna join line to truly ass, so we're gonna have guessed the year and deva throw a headline our way Oh hundred high school boys held a conference to develop leadership for higher ideals and again, that's just not how tough one it is just that that could be any era whether lanka is and that's,
by their oil tanker is correct, and that is very much effort. The only thing that I like, ok, well, it's not like high school, so I'm guessing its at night, I'll I'll, say I'll, say: nineteen twenty I'll say. Nineteen eighteen I'd say: nineteen forty three! yeah. I think, you're, probably closer, to find out nineteen eleven on February six yeah, you right there yeah how about that? How about that hold on? I have to text my kid. I checked my son and tell him not to scream while I'm recording he's playing video tat. Women will stick intel. They win out. The suffrage women of meal. I was read your arm the estate. I didn't think I was like thoroughly. I just had to be
and of women and sticky lizard that you throw it the glass there now slowly roll them. the suffrage women of boon are to storm the state capital in the interest of all. This is only an hour. The idea that this is the domain tribune The suffrage women have borne are to storm the state capital in the interests of women suffrage every day until the joint resolution calling for the submission of the suffrage amendment to the vote of the electors is adopted, are turned down by the legislature to bone suffrage. Women will be constant attendance in the gallery. At the legislative. How no women involved? It is disgusting
but I love how there's gotta be two women there like this star january. Six was a protest and this is an eye january sex. The rapporteur, burn club. I resolution will wear conspicuous badges and will sit in the gallery to the best vantage point: to be seen by legislators unfavourable to the suffrage cause. Ok, so they're gonna, where badges and I'm guessing. The man of the air are paranoid is four years. well, I mean they're, saying women, organ storm, the state capital and all their doing is sitting in a place where people who don't want something, you can see them in their whether being spic you. I was a little bit not even an undercover suffragettes they're. Just like straight up like you, here and there like. This is not the hour here. There's during your make. What was she
Bearing that much my guide, a badge or we might have a theme here, chicken pox invade school is at one taken. with wonder what what what's it probably won t in its one park from chicken pox to smallpox of jack germs deadly work? is the name of an exciting little drama. which a number of the pupils of the markets will schools are appearing in the title roles today. What what what Is a disease that sounds like a play: yeah, it's still debts disease. The musical bag slang abuse who are playing Wanna be a small blocks those who are playing in the drama are confirmed to their homes, while those who been exposed to some of the rehearsals are not allowed to attend school other
doing like a funny thing about smallpox. Change just light of smallpox. Jacob pies fine Are they suggesting these children are being the magic by being stricken with like? Is that what you're so anxious to see that I read carefully tell it's very. There are no smarter lawyer was evidently small actor several weeks go there. Democratic chicken pox began to assert itself later was, the some of the peoples were suffering with smallpox. What the fuck it smallpox are you, kids have smallpox? That's fine. It is probable county superintendent of schools, jen hugely will order studies suspended until the epidemic is over what You happened logical. That seems like she's, more logical than most of our principles now there's yeah, oh yeah, for sure, there's smallpox in
rules in their like. Now we might close it. I don't know it's just an owl pox, the most deadly virus. That's really crazy. whilst I am surprised that you think that's crazy, based on what's going on right now and your twitter I mean yeah. Ok, that's fair mean I guess at this time they didn't have twitter, so they didn't have a thing where you can see like deadly disease deadly disease. all massacre, like human rights violation, fun main fun name, so they have to school together and deliver them to you in the news of just like lol, kids might die. You know, yeah we're married, showing up for rights bob's happening I'm scared It gets bogged a I'd like a blunderby kid Alice. your parent, beyond, is when you like a couple more bob's on the child. Either bellini magnesium grab bias,
tat. Is there not yogi digs zactly, they're kind of like gripping zones? The last thing we want is a slippery kid. That's you d exact year. Nobody wants a slippery kid uncle SAM nabs, Jordan, to brown, so uncle SAM was aerial guy. terms actual person yeah? I don't know if you know that yeah he was a cop yeah. It's like the marvel. Yeah george, is held by the police on a charge of using the males to defraud the public filed by united, step city marshal george bidwell. It is alleged brown advertised for business partners and asked for each applicant to deposit with him fifteen dollars as proof of good faith. Psychologist mail from
a male scam. It sounds, but it sounds so vague. Oh so he was just sending male saying: hey we're gonna get you out of my business partner. People get dollar it yeah fifty dollars to businessmen, business partner, the absolute first night. This is the first nigerian prince. Is that what we are saying here? It's gotta be close yards gotta be right, my animals in england. I just got taken by the amazon scam where call your knowing day we gotta get the word. out there better that gel joe How old is she she's? Probably seventy. Ok, that's what that's the people who fall for it. You know yes, age ray. I too, I tell my mother. All it's like just anyone ever seems really helpful. What's your bank account Don't call me and I'll tell you maybe, but to be fair. I got like three grandmother
yeah. I know you ve been really callous about this. What is the scale of what are they did? They deserve for information, your credit card is not like what they just know. Everyone is amazon, so they just like there's an issue there. Amazon account and we're china, osh yeah. My era, where we're, if your landline rings you're like this, is helpful yeah. With this spectrum. My dad, does it expect he does that you just would like hang up, potent can eat port events or better, but my mama's she's, like I don't believe you like what its I heard you're not absolutely better out in every other respect. He has exactly the same relationship to all technology that all business have which is boom. An ipad like this was his loves, being on speak a phone and has a widely personal resentment. It gets the selfishness.
as an accessory that, like symbolizes everything I am completely with amanda selfish. I mean I mean for your generation, yes karratha for my dad's generation, the selfie stick is the only accessory that could ever help him read a menu just yeah, I'd like to george brown. He had he had an office fitted up at the observatory. Building in two hundred answers were found to his advertisements. The police believe that brown has the same game in other cities and are holding him until they receive word from minneapolis. Regarding his identity aside, even know who he is right, the gay what they want. You to shoulder and be like is my name really is what such a it's like: a criminals Paradise they just for thinking, no small each, and is it not that long ago this because I go sailing eighteen
and yeah, but, like nineteen eleven to be like hey, do you want to be a manager at a business, semi, fifteen dollars? That sounds pretty good and might meanwhile the depression is not that far away. It's not that far away. All you need to do to get away with lots of crimes was to have a face that was hard to draw yeah. Yes, that's right, yeah just show up and just be like. Do you like money, give me money? I do give me your money. Ok have more. If I give you this year quite a rich man. Let me tell you that our eye, all now I'll be back. Ok, all right, you were right, dumb, fuck. What led to be fair, also guarantee that crypto, start brings twins shock, notably at her now
Wages are kills father. This murder of an industry killed a guy. I can't work. Also nation, have like whimsical and tragic here is like don't you and I'll write it saying oh yeah, what there they are just like you know, babies are exact where they killed a man yeah the decided she Chicago the arrival of twin that drought What is the whole tone of this? David, just life is cheap out. Paper is expensive. Like I don't get, it seems logical that, it, has it seems like like there's this guy. Just like dead people are kind of funny. You know fact over is kind of bulgaria's beer.
Well, the twins at the home of martin tuohy and iron worker was so unexpectedly one he has the regular baby yeah, it's a good joke. This should give it up the show I killed the father. According to the information given a municipal judge here today to have been a been sighted to appear in court. explain why he deserted his wife and children instead his brother appeared and in an odd whispers said, he's dead. You he's just a dog. That's not true at all exactly what I was about to say. This man is not dead. This man is one hundred per cent alive, even if it is his brother, his brother was just like yeah. Whatever was alive scottish brothers, You ve made a wig like as who on earth is threatened, the it's just the ease its get. It's the same thing as the males carriages like
well he's to go to jail for leaving his wife is like. Well, you can't put a dead man in jail that shit. He has to be dead all right. Well, I will see you later and he's like one town away like gifted it to do. Do do do do he's dead, you're on dead and buried. You see when he came home that night in january and fanny was the father of twins two I was so great. That's why he quarrelled with his wife and left her. Then you know he asked until today to think it over any died saturday. The shock was too much for him. georgia's outer there. Why? Why would you not banned? Why would you not be like he's been dead right? Five months we just found so we ve found out of january what what is the date on this paper? He found out in january. The paper today's february has not too bad but still reaction. papers and Monday. He died on other day actually
died. This dude this weekend. He d the shock took a month and learning guide. This and is alive. This man is a lie and add very apathetic, with not wanting to be a dad, but it is this man that is is alive. This man is alive and this man is not taking ownership. Yeah, that's what it is, This headline is see what we are getting okay. This is a really long word vat elections for oats, the geyser, please repeat quickly and get your breath again. do not be alarmed. We have had very, legs for to the geysers served up to us in daley, okay, ok, you're, nice results! Saying are you what is this word
comes quite apropos with the recent blizzard for the sweet sounding epitaph. Is swedish for weather, forecast, ok and he's dead, who died in this place. It all young we got? A police sergeant brought the word to the police station this morning in a telescope, suitcase and and and timbered it on the un's time rise picture every eye. So far, every man that's have imagined. It just seems like a complete, a fake character so what I went up and was now a guy, went into work, he's a copy, went into work and he's like clearly swedish and here, and there like, what's up with the weather, was got its largest lected. Forty burg announced in the paper, and you have it We have to listen to this guy's got a telescope and a case for it.
Yeah every man in this newspaper is on his third identity and is running out of names and identities of these guys, and so he does she's just saying words that sound swedish to him. It seriously feels like a disguise store just opened up in des moines and so now, they're, just all like my brother, It's saturday, like I m here, to tell you about If I don't get, shambling got dunbar, so very big storm. The circus rings for schriner, show, will be constructed this week. Schriner circle. Real is a thing that is still around kind of fright. Is it well, I think, isn't hospitals for kids. They, like, I feel like there's a connection. I really do. Maybe I'm is a key area. Let me describe for kids out. I would imagine
I feel sure enough sawdust will be used on the floor of the big colosseum when the trainers put their big circus. that isn't Reagan's let's make or break for. I don't mean they're just using irregular for neither saw dusted ye gods, we'll be there. We also does not get real. So as for that event, that we ve collected from passing men shakily there ass like such, should I sawdust it's, the real shrine real mccoy schriner was shiners hospital in and the circus. Our why how are you really lie in attacks? I think I don't know, but they hate definitely have stopped these circuses because of that multi to animals bearing heads it's so shiners whole world is not something I've ever
yeah me. Neither I've never looked into gotten into, but it's just one of these normalized things here, alice where it's like you know, shriners like helps chill it like helps signal hill, Jr and stuff like that. But it's your that's. I pictured all we add, but it's all those little like they were little love, fez, hats, the thinking that they ever right now, if I view, unlike what the fuck is, this man type is experiencing turn their hand to like medicine is it? I in that way is after is, is medicine after what seeing a lion get kicked like they found it. Didn t you just a better you obviously lining and I'm not saying years is great or mine was real assault by was not okay, so I'll put it in this respected. There's all the groups that have
armed around america years ago, an essentially they I've said were charity group, so were these older, rich guys to charity work in this case there putting on services for kids, but they also move in the hospitals, but really what it is is just an excuse for a bunch of old guys to get together and drink are good. I I've asked the better end of the sentence than what I thought It's gonna, be that's what they always a good excuse for bunch of old guys to get me a children's. But that's what you were there. That's the deal, that's where your brain goes for sure. When you hear much old men, What about enterprises having common right, ok, wait, czar even public radio, so circus. The strangers circus circus patrons were misled into believing the proceeds from the circus benefit the hospitals. But if you look closely on the circus advertisements, tickets made it clear, the proceeds maintained the schriner temples building
pay, staff salaries and fun parties and other activities. I told you I should like. Every court is worse than children. Every old guy group does ernie is about partying, that's all. It is the least that it was getting on. I understand your country hesitant zero in it. As far as I can. or not, and we like a letter, whether we like it, you get signally lying on the street. Like guy and I dare say that eight sorry, you don't like a bad boy country, but we like a bit of danger. This country is essentially like if it were a man who had a gunshot wound and it was bleeding out but put sunglasses on my words- You guys a number one a small army of working men will be put to work in the irish sea, my chest with it.
Nonetheless, I am going to stop a bleeding small army of working men will be put to work in the coliseum next Saturday night taking up the portable floor, which is used for skating, and they will place approximately two hundred loads of dirt on the cement floor, the dirt will be spread to a depth of six inches over a space of one hundred and fifty it long and seventy five feet. So let me just say why this is happening. This description. This is farm farm territory, so this is like. Farmers are like holy shit like this is clearly written for farmers. Right ah, on this arena, there'll be placed to forty two foot circus rings within elevated stage between them, both rings and stage, will be shrouded with a sixteenth foot track and sawdust real certainly does not pay over the whole real life.
I came here. It's fun is having to cut down their countries, and I know how much labour goes into making soda they have. A good lesson I saw does production is just some guy going. There is some guy signs with a saw they nodded Watching the circus they're just looking at all the infrastructure that does that nice, how I've tried to think of like fuck? Do this hey gibby, you say six inches of dirt. Under there It takes ages and then they're tapping it with a beautiful layer of sawdust. So there, heart. This means, They are telling us this is a vice versa. Dust of what shit here than saw, does that I guess it's just dirt. you know why glitter this is. He wondered what it had to be. You had to go to the circus and, if it's just dusty like, but if it sought
last year, like all, we could actually watch it and not like get dirt long. Yeah, ok, yeah the demonstrators are back of the big indoor circus. They take no part of program except the opening night, when members of the arab patrol will give a fancy exhibition drill, diane out I don Imagine our main salary is good and the rest of the programme will be in the hands of royal Adams, proprietors of the show the trainers from all over the state or making arrangements to be into mine during the circus. I think back to the arab patrol here, like ida, a bunch of people who pretend
to be arabs. Arabs. Oh I'm gonna, go ahead and say that this country would not allow well, it's I'm trying to what's more racist. I guess. Is it having real arab people that were chasing or the fake it's hard I dont as actually either guys judges with driver. They are thinking. But the dangerous. I I'm on a tightrope so much so that I could be in this document ok, so I typed in air patrol schriner oh Jesus, I am, and up came the kora shriners, which is somewhere in america, and it says the arab patrol has been an active performing unit of the temple since eighteen. Ninety two it's mission is to become proficient in the arab drill and tactics to assist the illustrious potent potentate in the work of the
pull the air patrol takes part in praise and engages in competitions and other shrine patrols in a possible, so they look like very nineteen hundreds millet parry arab, get up, it's the it's, the big pants, almost entirely the eyes, the whole it's, the feds had its the whole. It's really nice What anybody should be doing is ok the latter picture of old man. Oh, that's all over this air patrol units, Oliver america, I bet you did other levers in its biggest rather than I gave in coming and going there they're in every town and there it's I don't know they are more, somebody Ten somewhere rubbing too much breaks down on his knees.
yeah stretching his groin prepare raises gerry. What's up dollar, this is gareth gareth from the da you get. It listened shout out to the gar me Gareth army. I've got some. U s dates coming up. I will be at good nights comedy club in raleigh or raleigh. I forget which one you guys are stuck to north carolina december twenty first through the twenty third five shows and then december, twenty ninth on in the thirtieth I'll, be in rutherford new jersey at bananas, comedy club, I'm calling on the garmin come out there. There's a lot of shows, go to Gareth reynolds dot, com for tickets and information. Also listen to my new podcast called we're here to help cut a new podcast we're here to help Jake Johnson. Thank you, garmin
hashtag army, this headline is: would taboo? Clansmen show clansmen clansmen, it is nineteen eleven I know. Well, it would work now to the work. Now today members of the divine women's club, an attorney representing several of the negroes, Societies of the city of appealed to marry James Hannah to prevent the staging of the clansmen. a production. After the book of Thomas dixon build to appear in the domain in DES in the latter part of the month of ok, I mean this is better than I thought it was it's a play right, it's a it's a pleasurable bad and they protesting against it. Excellent. I like how active
I like how politically active the three women instead of those were at its very busy very very busy example that eight husbands who pretending to be fourteen husbands- yes, they assert. It is a riot inciting drama. mayor Hannah referred the matter to the department of public safety. It is not likely that the clansmen will be prevented while they can't because the first amendment rights they couldn't stop it following this. Well, though, that never stopped anybody. What am I talking about following this? aging of the play into mine. In february, nineteen o seven, an ordinance especially directed at the clansmen, was passed. It provides that no show shall be stage which would to incite a race riot. Maybe that's affair, it yeah. I vets, have fair either. That's fair Pay so listen, we're not doing race right place here. Will we have right now we ve had lain ryanair,
I know I know I know, look, breathing. I like repressive, create enormous outrage. So you just love you. you were just rather may not even riot anymore. Yeah when I sit down at the typewriter and I'm writing my plays, I were not big on the race riots or any right at this guy. My people, I've been under attack for quite a while. The why go white guy the play the boy now user, avenant ard, I'm sorry This is more there's more oppression for you, you'll be ok, I'm sure you have incitement to violence as an exception to your famous speech law right. I know you, americans, gonna wide on the on the figure, was bigger. Incitement to violence is specific, except one like you, yeah
can't like yell fire in in a crowded theatre when there's no fire like candy stuff? Like that, I don't know. if you could say, look, there's gonna be a right. If we do this because it is a play, I dont know if that will be joining, you couldn't go into that power and shout fire. So it's a weird rattle and it will be ground that play we absolutely and gave a display and shout fire the playwright. That's you that men are are arch, our laws, the potentially problematic, but we beheld in earnest drawn by. You cannot go into a crowded theatre, shout fire and then outside our like nazis, can march that's it's like every other. Mercosur, like you, have to have freedom, press we have for dinner, I presume you like how is our democracy going compared to the other countries that don't have that cause? It see
I guess not going well action, but you're allowed to say that dave, which is import. Yes, maude. The big mule falls in whole. Oh yeah, lord, The EU has always up us. Oh go ahead I'll just under like I don't trust you anymore, I'm worried that you have, I ever got, enjoy the big meal falling at all. Until I find out he said I have a better outlined asshole, ok, I get it. I'm working in the news room for this one. Is it it has been a meal and ass. I am I right, your friends, our friend very different, definite but eyebrows,
if you get asshole out of it, it is marginal. Okay, fifteen men required to pull animal from sewer ugh, it's a lot of house, so the mule went into the not maud a big mule used by one of the street cleaning gangs. Let one legs listen into a manhole at the corner of seventh and locust street this afternoon. Ok, she did it it. Yet she did it yeah sure time they're not like a we didn't watch the mule. Probably she at one of our legs fallen, what about having that that whole, not in the middle of the road yeah, also feels like there being very clear with the gender in this one dollar.
male female mule, it's a female. It took the combined efforts of fifteen men, pulling on an impoverished, harness and sorry in improvised harness. I was going to say: yeah impoverished, doesn't make sense, pulling out of the improvised harness to left the animal. It should be, lift lift the animal before the feat was Cobb wished a large crowd gathered to watch the struggles of the and then the story is tat. Were it not continued on page seven, there's no work. Did you Should you don't have a story? I really want to really know them. An end again. I think there is right here in putting his finger on the agenda being specifically was a male meal. It would be like I sent a mail meal, all ruins perfectly man, meal, Like dumb lady whores,
a little I tried to get around, but it's not it's nowhere else, that's in the finest well, I it's also a small crowd. Gathers could be lifted out of pretty much anything that happens publicly. True in this time, if any yeah, but people like we should watch this everybody or anything that happened. People came to watch it like it was a man picks up rock while we gotta go yeah who's. Twenty people who want to see this we know the technical definition of a crowd, is two's company, three's, a crowd and a small crowd is like what two and a half yeah yeah. That's right. The half man that was in the circus, booster and replies come by hundreds young men in all parts of the country would learn of des moines advantages. biggest record. Sent start of publicity campaign says this is a lot to relax, to do this, a divine flow
so have you ever been really again one? If I were not bad mid nineties. I was touring colleges, me. Another white comedian and filipino comedian and went to des moines and we stop for lunch in this little local downtown restaurant and they came out and they put down silver civil air. For me in the white guy and plastics everywhere for our filipino friend. yeah whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, dude moon. We got up and left because we we couldn't believe what was happening, should have taken out a regular knife and stabbed the two hundred and ten replies to advertisements of the city of ten tease where I last changed his it's right near the mule alone, attained
Is there a meal law and right near basel iii? It's gonna be a misprint. Ten days, come on man, you? It too will its away path between do down tat day for a tank. Boy come on down you wake up new regular ties, the city of tape. These were received by the greater to mine committee on the first mail today. This is the best record made since the advertising campaign was start
last April, one hundred and ninety of the letters were in response to the saturday evening, post advertisement and twenty were from other magazines. Almost all the inquiries were special, that is, they asked for specific information on certain business and professional opportunities here, so there their advertising to moyne in other papers and magazines well in the right place, but that that happens here still like you'll be somewhere. and now just be like a commercial that just like the ark and suck check out, is check out. Beautiful beggars. Feel yeah, like this country is so weird that it's just like this is a state to go, here in australia. Are they like come to darwin, it's fantastic? as mayor. They do that
it be that there's a big one for new zealand and it's all it is. It is like that thing where, if you're listening to a podcast you like and then as a guest you like on it, you go, follow their podcast. If you're in a nice city and the advertising, and not the city in that city, you're like well, they couldn't be maybe advertise down, yeah yeah, I couldn't hear I could see them doing to believe this is the best a large percentage of community shins were from young men. One was twenty four years of age. I do it of a law school and the professor the possessor of ten thousand dollars which he intended to invest within it. Your years in money, male life mother coming here else from Indiana who exotic domain at municipal advertising, coupled with a speech from John mc vicar,
at jersey city causing other correspondence, you write that des moines looks good to me. He expects to westward in this sprouted, enable erosion times intends coming to certainty, ville search, de ville, this ban is just like a liar, so we were in tanzania. And our way to a certainty about into go to for sure man pursue my name, keyser size guy. My name is man, MR version, german, actual human, also meaning the sense that they think that is a selling point advertisement them
the replies from young men not having yet realised that most of the replies to literally everything out from young man in the street, everything everything I'll read getting its endeavours written in articles never been on a dating. Let's have it as possible, because we do have to women here who are very outspoken, is ridiculous. There were badges, they want things, it's just not good. Forty, two percent of the replies that just carefully drawn pictures. direct payments, that I once author shows every message be on my like facebook, page back in the day, and it's the with the message that he sent. It was my public. Like facebook page, he sent a picture of an erection
this and a thumbs up like goes just the two next to each other. Now, like, I feel like that's redundant like either, one of is: expresses approval sufficiently to belgian basis this shit I look I'm married, but I might go on tinder and start sending dick paintings just because of how great that would be. I am you know that that is kind of the perfect encapsulation of a guy where I'm like it's terrible descended, but then, like I can't stay mad at you. You gave up the thumbs like a coup. Yes, just like good show and then those shoes I will never. If I just, I will never.
get over just how many men send unsolicited dick pigs. So crazy thing, damn it's it's saying that same. It's right, the climate, I right, good taste judgment, and then I didn't say yeah to do you send it so passenger will recover from burns lesson it will cover he's gonna, be all right cover from the the burns about the head received at the divine dress club fire at ten o clock. this morning. We hope that by the way there making call on recovery from the burn this morning, it's this morning a bit early. It's a bit like a voter age
like we passed over the news part where the fire happen. He got burned, we're you keep industry days, fine, yeah it. Just like a newspaper a day situation. It must have a boy in the evening paper. I can't imagine that they, they would have the capability to pull out two papers, but you never know. Oh no, it's called the evening tribune did have an am so that people are just like good. A thin member that story about our neighbour, deserted the clothes door, looks like email me: they might even looking at my ass but a lot of the time it around this time. A lot of the papers would be the next day repeat stories that they done the day before, like just the exact same story. So I can't imagine, but who knows a mean scenes
However, the four years to saying that I gave a david overturned on got kids just fucking time. I'd like the idea of a paper that, like the evening paper to a morning paper that doesn't exist just with all the punchline journalists, it up, yeah, just adding it to the top story that we didn't tell you about, would be a great spoof paper to put out and yet the burns his face and arms are painful, but not serious and the latter returning soon after the accident address, address club fire, a democracy club fire, okay, let's just club yeah for sure I've been there. The the I was caused by a gasoline explosion in the clubs cleaning room at five o clock West locust street but little damages
that is just a gasoline explosion. Stout reading room of the driver after this, just as we burn later bits of grape get another gasoline takes a right out oh, but little damage all the dew, mostly to the destruction of several suits that were being cleaned. Ok, so it's a cleaning place, not addressed club, an order, two rug. Valued at three hundred dollars was slant. What can we just talk about the relief for once in our lives when it starts? so with oriental and ends and rug on this sort of shit right away and we ll go again regaling ha ha the oars The rug valued at three hundred was slightly damaged by being used by the fireman to stifle the flames from the blazing tank of gasoline. The proprietor of
place, hastened to the rescue of the expensive, get its rug, don't call a blanket exe I urge the blair gives are not sleeping well, since I got this new bedding well a three thousand dollar. Hundred dollar rug at that time is actually a lot of money. It's it's all right. I was valued it was. It was even that value by a passing man in a mustache tree me they took up. What's he gonna advocate, my daughters, I'm leaving two wives at a family and
If for sure, a guy for real, then the next stories carpet also, I think he just now decided to use carpet in the headline jaeger up on carpet to explain minister told ministers, conditions are worse. Under old plan, police chief george Yeager will be called upon yeah. The headlines are terrible in this one like they don't that ones, particularly where police chief george Jaeger, will be called upon the city council on friday to explain statements. hey! Last monday, in an address before des moines ministers, councilman john Macvicar presented a resolution before the council this morning, which was unanimous unanimously adopted directing Mr Jaeger to appear before it and state what he meant by the following alleged. It meant also, he said something and they want to clear up the medicines like you come in here,
us what you said cop, I think unfolding is or confusing headline. Actually, I think so sins of the modern age perfect perpetrate by people thinking. They understand the whole story from reading the. the man's are getting better confusing, and I have no idea what this is about a year. I agree with the yeah, ok, so here's the alleged statement of MR younger there should be a movement started in iowa for a state home in des moines for young girls who walk the streets. Conditions are worse the more and in that respect than under the old red light district plan. Young girls work, stores in the daytime walk the streets, go to chop suey places at night and pick up men and the worst part of it is we can do nothing? That's the wife cotton The worst thing is that we do not think that that's terrible part people are having sex
So when I generally a pick ups that he's calling out the ministers because they broke up the red light does now is the right now, they're everywhere there eating their game. Chop suey and then fucking like you can't they can't handle it. seems like there's no hero in the movement? There's no here this story and all right. No time was devoted to these gushing of the matter this morning. It is evident, however, that the entire cancels interested in your statements in that all voted in favour of MC vicars resolution. If yet, statements are true. Then there should be something done to remedy conditions. Council Macgregor said all during my trip through the east. I pictured demand as a clean moral city. I certainly was not aware of the fact that such conditions existed as set forth by Jaeger.
I was so. It is all this when he was. I thought he was really rather like the conditions for the poor sex workers and those like no. No, no, no, that's not it. Nowadays, like your eye when you and I agree with every site, because it's disgusting god dammit Everywhere I stepped on a spider in a budget. Eggs came out of it, baby rouse legacy, the man in nineteen eleven shock that their sex workers, There is like what into mine too, like yes anywhere, there's a penis, there's gonna be sex workers the incredibly small number of women that way the greater into mine at this point like that, working in the shops during the day and in the street walking a night like multitasking, ladies, yeah they are. I miss dunlap surprises man. The roadside settlement was broken into early this morning by an unknown prowler. The man gain entrance
ro rear window which led to the kitchen, tired and hungry, the fellow sat down to a repast which he had gleaned from the well stocked t closet. good fortune was doomed to an untimely end, miss flora Dunlop, the head resident of the settlement had returned from sue city on a night train and entered the institution, as dawn was breaking. Hearing noises in the vicinity of the larder. Miss Dunlop decided to investigate when a hatless man dashed plaster dissipated rang for a rainy day crazy. We could keep going but crazy. Tat, we ve got me He's trouble he's a problematic individual, certainly strange enough to highlight. I mean very sympathetic to the man who broke in and stole this lady's food, and not so sympathetic to her he's just had like a very long night train as in unpleasant auditions and come home to
I think I'd like a hat was man. You know, pantry the yeah, wouldn't show they'll keep you in the culinary department had suffered by the unexpected visit, so a guy was hungry and he broke into eat yeah, but also I listened. I this is like yeah should have been wearing a hat at the outset it yet I am, but is it really does like, speak to the obviously yes there's hungry people they should be taken care of? But if you're gonna fuckin do that, grab the food from the tea closet and go whose, like I'm
get some candles out and tie a serviette around your neck, find a nice cutlery and make a night of this no adhere to just take the food and leave probably her ex husband. What it's called it's it's, it's not the house. It's called a roadside settlement, so it's gotta be like a place where they take care of people. I think, even though it could be wrong. Well, then, why is he breaking in? He was crazy cause it's late at night, there's, probably rules, you know what I mean he's, probably just hungary, I dunno biscuit jam guy, let you're further yeah, I'm not opposed the biscuit biscuit guy now that you ve, given him an iron against him. If he were wearing a hazard, have nothing against him. well yeah. I hurried and not have resulted in a war crime. I'd like to note that this package, that both of the gentlemen involved in this book,
the wearing a hat. While we have been legally was very clearly, we have to diagnosis, obey welsh, rarebit, dream of futile as a basis for the care of nervous diseases. I think you're right alice, like I am like I'm confused and I'd like to know what's happening, it's really. This is better click bait that just like fifty Pictures will believe like this dynamic, but you and I know the words, but I have no clue how the word combination has made a story now well. Personality is not double says: doktor whacking bows boy! That's that is good. when, in climbing
I'm not a con man or a character output, an idea bill which I have as a doctor and the value of unsuggested dreams is not to be considered seriously. Is that in europe If you have a soul prepared to submit it to medical analysis, turn I replied again nor personality, the headlines liner? This said the second is the secondary headline may guarantee sandwich right. yeah, I think so, yeah yeah to sit. The bad news is already at no doubt at all diagnosis of a worse rabid. Is it rarebit are rare, ready, I think
the other better dream future as a basis for the care of nerve nervous diseases and then there's the line in there is some someone's gonna take your soul. Ok, it's about dreams, that's what ok. If that easy words sandwich and then you had gradually damage your gun, the devil's going to take your soul. If the dream is you dreaming about of of a rare, but sandwich type is not the kind of mate and calling the wealth rabbit might be racist against the west end up being able to afford meat? I think that's an okay! Well, I'm all for that. We have a. We have a guy with welsh blood here and he's. If there's some ok I'll read the first sentence again, if you have a soul, prepare to submit it to medical analysis. If there is something wrong with your digestion or your nervous system, don't tell your family physician
you, aid for dinner, just state what you dream last night. At least this is the theory upon which the most novel medical ward in the world has just been established in John hopkins hospital. While that is their duties, really good work there. Johns hopkins and yes, it is welsh. Rabbit is how you make fun of them for not having meat, and so I was redone is rare bit so that its a cheese, like a cheese sandwich, dish, cheese and bread. So it's it's a mocking the wealth cheese sandwich yeah its mark. Their languidly and cheese sandwiches, because they can't afford mate. Yes, yes, so also welsh rabbit is cheese.
which sounds better. No, that's that's something. I'd rather eat a cheese sandwich and some rabbit and the new department is be called the Henry phillip psychiatric clinic and according to a telegraph report from baltimore, the treatment will be based upon the assumption that every person is possessed of a conscious conscience, conscious and a subconscious personality, and that when a patient is asleep, the sub conscious personality is dominant.
So funny to hear things that are true, but when they're, just like, we have a theory that when you go to bed, your subconscious takes over and evans like that is crazy, such stuff as dreams are made of, will furnish. Therefore, the material for diagnosis in the case of nervous disease, with which the new clinic is especially to deal psychoanalysis, will be practiced. Psychoanalysis will be practised in the john hopkins hospital by doctor trigger the borough. Who has been studying this science for three years in europe, so there there but they're gonna, know they're gonna, listen to your dreams and then diagnose your diagnoses. What your condition is sitting here, you're not going to happen, and I think I just psychiatrists. I cover not just going like laconian in fighting in kind, drain theory stuff is that is this just jury,
hops yeah, they might be yeah, you might be right, but there. But this is the interpretation of an idiot reporter. I think that might be what's going on. It's funneled through a moron internet. Then I think it's actually a recipe yeah the principal of the school is that there lurks in every dream, often disguised a repressed wish for the fulfillment of subconscious: personality, yeah, okay, so they're they're, just checking out dreams and trying to decipher dreams as to what's going on in your life, which is fairly common today, but then but they've wrapped this and a bunch of shit because they don't know what's going on yeah, it's nascent, alright, oh yeah, and and the the teeth
it has not played any role other than just a bit of casual. Sideline. Yeah yeah choose this here, there's no justice, minister, just they just as the rapporteur just decided on single swipe at the welfare it's just free associating with the idea of bad dreams because yeah it's gonna like scouting, is a cheese sandwich, and you said it It was like an evaluation is a psychologist what to analyze it. Perhaps it might actually be a dream. The just goes on and on about dreams, but but does business even articles about dreams are on, interesting and go on and on it's like what someone tells you yeah? How do you feel about your welsh mother, yeah she's, asking you girth? I can't lie I'm working on that in another podcast.
Oh, here's more gareth news, family row and british court rau you asshole. It is stated that it has definitely decided that the dowager queen Alexandra, will not attend the coronation over sun king George shit spur some beef So now we actually have some meat, almost immediately after the funeral of king edward rumours of friction between the dowager. Why the coroner the dowager queen and because no longer is title of the queen, the chief attains heralded by the damage. It means that she was married to king, but she no longer has the crown the yeah dave dowager duchess, They are maintained and title because it would be like too harsh and like soul, destroying to have it taken away from you at an advanced age just because your husband happen to die, but you have the dowager and then you move it like the dowager estate and stuff.
Oh my god, it's like how, when you put on that's captains hat when you get drunk on raw menu on everyone, to call you, catherine, and when we ve told that's out of hand and not aligned, it's not like you could ex presidents, president You guys do says yes, while one of one of them with one of the heartbreak, one of one of them is job, one of only just click on every other one like expressly in future president donald trump. So, almost immediately after the funeral king edward rumours of friction between the dowager queen and queen Mary, began to circulate in london. These really, you can't hold it a position in the judiciary of the age of seventy five honey. You widely. Had you how the now? What what are you are you have you a patriot function like yeah? Where are you going over the age of seventy? I could check but like basically, why we certainly asian country, knows agent. Yes, your countries decided like open.
we'll get old and they're not the same anymore and like that's yeah, but have you ever see ever senior leaders have pudding for Hence our honourable here that is ages, no wives, and I like it. I lie within which they did. I wanted you can only communicate by blinking. We really are living in, like a nine. These comedy called like senior government you're, like a people with brain issues from age, nay, you did and vote at all what I did not work. it'll be voting on. I don't vote senators, but am part of act up. I feel, like part of the problem not to opine on on a country that isn't my own, but I feel like part of the experience like the cult of personality where they all have to like have like fun, quirky diets. They'll have to be like models from
anti to pretend that they only hamburgers or another version looking after themselves. So well I know. None of them are like. I do forty pushups a day and eat a healthy, balanced diet. They're all like, I only eat the cheese from the town I grew up in and just for a bit Joe Biden's got this cool thing. He does now, where he's just he's still trying to say, like the kind of you know like he used to be like hey, listen, guy and like people are like he's young, but now he's so old that he says it. Where he's just say: hey command, jag command, jagged. You have to own I'll get to zack, I wrote a book and have a lesson and airlines. They make no sense, something There were things like ten years ago of a pharmacist users lot of the congress. People is like I'm. I give out a lot of alzheimer's messianic two hours,
and I was like that's fine- will ignore that ok, so these rumours, of course never gonna do print in the english newspapers, but they obtained wide currency. Nevertheless, certain actions of queen Alexandra have since been regarded as of a character likely to try the patient of her daughter in law, but not of her son is very specific. The area that is his egg someone's leaking. This what's going on here. This is unlikely megan miracle. All over again, the it is, she occupied buckingham palace. Long out, going offering to breastfeeding like what happened with amazing. She argued by blogging about law.
after the time when, according to custom, the king and queen should have moved into it. She flew especially designed large and gorgeous flag and she issued statements. A proclamation form to hear dear people, rumours gone so far as to say that there will be two courts in london and the queen alexandra. She objected to the title of. Queen mother and it was dropped- aspires to out shine the wife of the sovereign jam always showed jump ahead, whether this is just the queen will not relinquish yeah, yeah she's still in the palace, come on yeah I love it. I mean I'd, love it it's better than what we have now.
I think our data yeah yeah I'll, be more banger. All teacher is a wreck sounds fair fancy. I tell it like. I get it pair with his with his shoulders stooped his hair and beard as white as the german snow and, as things are, a thin arms and hands trembling g w ryan for forty years- and I was schoolteacher, appeared before the insanity commissioners at the court house this morning, who convened to inquire into his case so heap he was at the insanity commission. He pays been brought in front of the insanity commission, a the old teachers whose last charge was the office of principle of the red or schools was the object of pity and sympathy. This morning I am just
Plainly broken down the old man faltered, as he will not, as my share out of my get about air ass. He rarely dropped to do is to do a chair in the sheriff's office. He just told for three years boys, private school and this choice. It was all right until this come upon me. I guess I'm through his fine shaped head dropped toward his breast, while his eyes stared vacantly, far away. Look at them, he'll be taken too who clarendon hospital mighty value these out for just a hazard who broke down He's just old and done he's like I can't anymore and they're putting them into a home, but no, but I'm ring he would be the Senate majority later
I give him our motto gap let's uh, let's see if we can find a buddy, a nicer one. Oh, here's just a quick, a couple of lines: they're also mislaid and yeah there's just that this is just so sometimes the favorites is just a little tiny blurbs. That is just like a one sentence. Anyhow, the pittsburgh girl who fell fasted ten days in vain to cure her blood This is being spared the sight of a city old city. Again. It's also the eight days. They still have blindness because she thought what she had handed cars in front of her eyes like what it's it's a re, on how dirty pittsburgh? I was there's a blind girl. So Why don't you help made me not blind, and you don't want to see pittsburgh, sir
now, I'm looking for any possible care. I didn't eat for eight days, boy jealousy I wouldn't want to look at this downtown dirt. Yet there is so much just it is down. There should be a circus upon at its core for I wonder if their playground exists? Yes, my guy. They exist, although they are talking about her, so they prob. There probably was a blonde girl or just tried to cure blindness by fascinating, probably as their parents did, they did. The article come out yeah yeah? We read it to me just like says the blind girl, a close to cure. At that. I guess that's it. I guess they did most of it in the morning and we take an that version.
Like maniac intermittent bursting influences were already active, then the problem one day she was a key choices. So please take this thing. They chose modern health benefits over the long term and pretended cures later. Everything, hey how's, that article on the blind girl curing herself pretty good at you, have a read. I did. I think. Maybe we just make it shit out. Pittsburgh. yeah the twist. Does she pittsburgh, no kate! I know that now that that does not exist. that's our angle, wise, like a week embedded with gambling trying to tell them you can read their message, yeah good for you. She seems like a good kid, but god damn My father lives in pittsburgh. I won't go back
It is, as you know, it is a country that Jesus Christ sheets, bird boy cute kid did it well. Thank you for joining us on on this podcast. We appreciate it. Why don't you say, you're a patriot again for the book club and all you're out on your podcast, what your podcast is extremely fun and strange. It's a great time. Thank you, add the podcast is the goggle. The patriots, patriots, dot com, slash Alice, fraser and if you go to unbound dot com and at writing, Alice Fraser you'll get access to my book, which is called the dantian. God read it, but don't try riding the dead sea, la god. Radio. You will not spell it correctly. I spell it correctly, the first time I read it and I wrote it so there you go. That's that's a that's a that's a good indication like a name that you think is the funniest name that you could say out loud and then you right in the way that is just not to entertain you and then
what a stupid joke and now I have a book book deal well, thank you again for joining us and, like we always say on the pastimes dave want to The three were eleven at the time. Thanks everybody and said yeah: well, we should start. Maybe I like the kind of rhythm of that
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.