« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

461 - Floyd Allen

2020-12-22 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine Floyd Allen and the Allen Clan of Virginia


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You're listening to the dollop on the all things comedy network. This is a bilingual american history podcast, where each week I Dave Anthony, read a story from american history to my friend Gareth Reynolds, who has no idea what this topic is about. Say bilingual, because this the show is also in spanish Espanol EL dollar, which is the top ten podcast in Mexico. That's right Shooting the guns shooting the guns. that's what you do ratchet us beginning us you are experiencing victory says I be
stop stop the shooting the ipod, just as we have done the topic it yeah. Now the whole thing It feels like it's over the show. This episode, it's not chuck as entered. We have a name. We haven't even done the theme song, that's how wrong. You are about. We have The theme song perfect, throw I'm gonna, do it now
The quote is jam catch the fucking Guy named Gary last year, and this is not going to become a particularly quiet park now hit him with the puppy present sick argument. That action can now be done by the. July 20th, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty seven great time. This is so not it. Okay, that's the first! I think you should keep that in look around document at this is our first switch. A roo
I fifth eighteen fifty six, oh my god, alright, not too far off that the head. You can see what has confused cause to July Lloyd, honestly, you could just keep it from the first one. I don't think that's all this, When nature was born in the town of CANA, which I probably should have looked up cause someone's going to say it's CANA, Kay em in Carol County Virginia, his fairer. His father, Jeremiah. Fought in the civil war for the Confederates, He also became a prominent Landover owner farmer and held political offices they were a very wealthy family, he became a prominent Jeremiah became a prominent landowner. Farmer, he held political offices, also big moonshine producer and he was the county for fist fighting and not being able to handle any slight against him. Well, that's just the
edition of someone who moon like that, just All that saying is this: guy's been drinking moonshine, he has got a quick ten and his speech is slurred. He can't balance well, but he always wants to dual. It's really part of the business like when you want to go to the moon shining there like. Can you handle slights and you're like no they're, like we think you're going to love our company you're going to enjoy it a lot over here? a very large family, three girls and seven boys. For it was the second all this now Floyd's temper was so bad as a child that his mother had to tie him up with a rope on more than one occasion. Jesus Christ, that is, So you handle that a treat your child, like a bandit. Gotta we gotta time down. Sometimes just gotta, you gotta ticket teach them like a wild pig. You know you gotta rip them up and- and I wish Floyd had pulled out an old. I was
That's where we nevermind, I doubt made now. What's my Jeremiah? That's what I meant Fridays, I don't have a thing flight. This is crazy. I'm not talking about some sort of kick. What are you talking about. the islands as a clan enjoyed individuality, the original settlers in the area, grew their own food made their own goods put it on themselves and some clothes. They just didn't understand how to do it. The white way this came and almost religious love for freedom and an incredible self confidence, so just the individual rugged, individual type, sort of set up federal share Was back but also loathed when it did things like tax whisky right the law goals saw their refusal to obey such laws as completely justified, so people just paste
They were like ignore the whisky tax because the edge bs There was something they didn't like like fuck that that's actually not happening, and I'm right now What laws like that now? The Allen family seem to hold onto their feverish independence longer than most people in the area. So at this It's fading away a little bit compared to other people, other families, but they're still there still really hanging hanging tough, so fled, became a farmer storekeeper, sometimes politician also, There are county, he also dabbled in moonshine and said to be very generous. Ok, so generous with people like proudly I also had stints as a constable and sheriff so resume throughout story. Sometimes he'll be a constable or a deputy sheriff, and sometimes he won't, and it was too hard to get extra, and this is the opponent he can do anything. He can be
actor in the background. He could be a constable, it could be a window washer, he does dogs he could play. I convinced dogs that that's Floyd, a good boy, pointless to add hope. He must smell some talent, Larry, really freaks out when I bark by the way, when the boarded Yeah gets good, he doesn't, he doesn't understand, like I'm, trying to talk to him on his level and he just gets weirded out yeah. It would be weird. So the Alan's were staunch Democrats. They are also well known for violence. and it's mostly republican county. The airy therein leans more democratic, but you know that's more republican. Many islands over the years held office in a lot of politicians, both the one family for their support over the years, so they had sort Capital yeah they had, they had a group.
People who did their bidding throughout you know the area. in the late eighteen, eighties, Floyd his brothers, Sidney it's. So this is where it s idea and a but I was watching video and someone said: that's pronounced Sydney, but we're gonna come said? Could some people call them said? Let's just get past that chair And then had another brother garland, so Floyd sitting Garland we're not happy. at a railroad is being planned to part of the county, so they went to a meeting to discuss. the railroad was putting the railroad together and the brothers. and they threw rocks at the railroad, Wrap, leaving him quote considerably bruised and beat up okay, good. That is much much more effective,
play the making people wait in line to just go up to a microphone. That's right! I, like council meetings. If you could just hear of rocks to show just just asked what what what's better when you go up- and you say, look I think if you put this railroad through our our county and it'll split, the county into two, it'll create a lot of factions and friction or if you just stood up and rocket someone's head one. You just go: oh that's just not how we see it the other, like, oh Jesus, Christ, get. I have to go all right. Fine, Well, the trip rep tried to bring legal action against the Alans, but the lawyers it's right. He Time, finding a lawyer right what refused to work with him because he lived close to the islands and was worried. They would kill his stock and burn his house down geez. So this is quite a reputation after another lawyer agreed, the railroad Rep came back and said he was dropping the case.
Does the olives had quote made a demonstration against him, so they I mean they. Basically This goes like they're going to kill me. Yes, with direct. in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine garland and Sid were arrested, salting a group of thirteen man. Ok, so they it there tat thirteen men and vague, get arrested like double dragon video game I would like any video game where there's just to characters and you fight every one else. But then, when you, Do you do the thing where, like you're fighting one guy but then in the background, there's another ten guys just standing there like when it's my shut to get in instead of all just gang. Tackling I've seen it over and over again. Yet. The two brothers were fined a total of five dollars worth it for was also arrested for assault around the same time. But the prosecutor declined to prosecute garlic.
said, Floyd's biggest fault was his quote uncontrollable temper. It seems, like its greatest asset yeah. It's you everybody's, like you can't do anything to him. He's like Superman is crazy. It'll kill he's from krypton. hell of a temper No, no! No! You don't mess with that. Guy he's got suit, rocks by the time Ford had reached adulthood, his temper was legendary in the county. That's good! So he grew. He grew with it. Yes, not out of it. That's right! A federal tax agent. one stop Floyd's wagon and said he added a warrant to inspect it for moonshine. We just also talk about the power that you had as attacks agent. Back then, hiya I'm going to pull over the wagon for tax problems. Why you making that noise with your mouth we will
you wonder, why I pulled you over I am wondering what the noise you make you with your mouth. Can I see it? and forty and forty or two for me for me, please SIRI ten, to gay. I sign that Floyd, the interesting. You have any write ups in the car the night. What are you guys doing? What are you guys getting up to? I have to run so having a business dinner with a friend interesting, I also bought a book for research stepping on the wagon placer. it has to be can't. I'm an accountant, so If you would oh, maybe that's where the mix up is I'm actually a murderer Alright, it's not it's not my job. I just do it on the side. It's like a so it's not
profession. You would not have that listed on any of your tech stack, no, no, a profession, profession, I'm a moonshiner, but then my secondaries. I kill people particularly federal people, The holidays might be a name, sky, unless you guys go all right, but don't be right now, if anything extra tonight, ok, okay,. as you were, by the way one of your taillights doesn't exist, though, so this would actually happen. Oh sorry, Floyd asked if the federal agent had a warrant and he did, and he looked at it and then he said this here paper, it allows you to go into that wagon. But it don't say nothing about you coming out. Jesus Christ. and then just a very simple murder pick em attacks agent left.
It doesn't well. I guess it probably shouldn't if I can't leave take care, Floyd, good stuff, everybody take some of this money with you, in February eighteen. Ninety eight, that there is tension, a lot of tension between Floyd and his brother jack. And then their father died, Jeremiah died and Sid had been, he was made. The main estate administrator, but Sid did sit at other plants, said. Was he had gold rush fever? He is. He want to go to Alaska. And then Hawaii, which I know why, if it's him, want to go to Alaska to mine and go to Hawaii, so withdraws, as the administrator has come out, I'm not going to do that and then Jack and then Jack becomes the administrator of the estate. Now his dad had moonshine when he
I there moonshine on the estate that hadn't been sold. Okay and then Jack didn't have it appraised okay, so this made floor raising to think of someone appraising moonshine. I know I know It's really bad hundred dollars, wow god damn that burns so Floyd is furious and two brothers, anger, sodas, are detention. Now it's just full blown anger and Floyd Sue's chat and then a court date is set. So, while they're waiting for the court date in June, one thousand nine hundred and ninety eight a cousin car allen- was shot and killed car ca, our car and there's no cars yet so right, okay, right, fair in my head, there's car
I mean it's one of those things like could you imagine, like your name is car, and then they invent cars and really messes with me My my uncle automobile Anthony had the worst fucking time when cars there that's like a great uncle Skateboard Reynolds, so he gets killed by his two brothers, one of the two brothers who it was it actually shot. The gun was taken from there the residents or he gets taken from the local jail the night before the grand jury is convening. A local wrote quote: morning, as I went to my office, his body, was lying in full view of the courthouse in front of the jail courts, and charged the grand jury, but made no reference whatever whatever to the lynching. So what the there's too, brothers that are supposed to be. You know, apart grand jury, investigation and
and when we get gets killed, and then they don't even talk about it. They just hold the grand jury hearing. They only talk about the other brother. What the court court at for the alive brother, the old record that came close to mentioning the killing was an expense report. Tj Burnett was paid for one night, guarding MAC and Andrew Hell it so the guy already in the jail, got paid for guarding the jail. What he allowed the hours to common and take the brother and kill em what? weird weird: that's that's like how like apparent like it's like a person in total denial of like how was it impossible. From you. Nobody is like. Should we talk about car there? What about tat guy in the street does a dental guy hubs dad she way.
I don't see. I don't see. The relevance in this case is to one of the defendants dying. Also, I have this expense. We see. Oh, this is relevant. This will work with I guarded the MAC. The goddamn I got in here, but also the other guy, the alive guy guarded too. Good pretty good instruments, pretty that's half! So The case over their father's estate went to trial in October, T. Ninety nine not know what happened, because what happened after a kind of took the attention away, anomalies paper cos Floyd Allen shot. First, the ball strike. his brother, Jack Allen in the forehead glancing awry on the skull making a painful, though not serious, wound, What was shot three times once in the arm. One time in the leg and a third shot entering the left side of the body, the Being the most serious shot fired during the difficulty
just shot each other believe out in the street after the day after the whatever happened. They so the verdict they did not enjoy. The verdict may not agree with the verdict, so they just took to the streets to shoot each other. While I feel like the verdict, didn't It didn't settle the issues, so this is like at least for one or two parties, Floyd battled for life. For several weeks, At one point, it seemed like he'd taken a turn for the worst, so he sent for Jack to make peace with Jack. He quote before he could crossed the divide, so Jack comes very sadly, and he approaches Floyd's bed and when Floyd looks over and sees Jack sniffling, you know holding in the tears Floyd reached under his pillow and grabbed his gas, and
the shoot at another brother stepped in and grab grab Floyd's hour before he could shoot. That's why you have ten It's Floyd ended up, ended up recovering from his wounds anyway, the basic boot jack. I need you to come here I want to. I want to bury the hatchet make peace, oh brother, I dunno, I can't believe I was given my brother, my brother's other's dead. You son of a bitch I'll kill. You wait Jack the point. There is a Sarah, new, the worst up, a guy ever done. If the energy to kill you. So after they both are better they're, both charged with assault but they get a county court. The towns,
part of the power structure, so the judge declared it a better family quarrel, seems settled and said they were both not guilty. You know the more that I look at the facts from the trial, the it just seems like a bit of a goof, its We also it seems like if we ever a couple of brothers would shoot each other, then they would shoot a judge so I'm going to go with your both great you're good, I told her a girl. This is just one. How can this up to a bit of a guph? and that's all it is, and it's just too brothers who goofed and, and and that's all this is and if anyone else were to do this, it would be a crime, but this is just
I hate to keep saying it act less it guph. It is just as it is a big girl. so that'll be recess no murdering in the streets after this could leading to another goof such just big, boobs So that's that all right there we go begging the gavel. So foot became the patriarch of the family back from Alaska. He spent nine months away. Does a mansion that quickly run after is finished, burned down, and then he could did the insurance money and built a much smaller house, run You get a bunch of gold, then now couldn't figure it out. I think remember, but already rich already rich, like they all have money. in nineteen. Ninety one. There were several
black men walking to their jobs at a nearby mine and they passed by Floyd's home. it's different reports. What happened? I found like four newspaper stories there all different, said, Floyd went out to confront them another. They said, the men randomly started, shooting for no reason now, I'm going to innocent one. Let me guess which one leans closer to reality, I'm going say junior night. You know one nominated black black dudes, probably not randomly shooting for fear of paying. No, it's not hard enough life. So either way. Floyd confronted the group he said, one man pulled his gun first and Floyd shot and killed them. but she's, also, ethnic, believe that two right he's a constable, this point and they also kill the black did so. Nothing happens,
He investigates himself later at the house. Yeah, Two, it MA am actually fine or are there to. You were in the strait of confrontation. That's right. It was officer well well sounds about. You show him my completely unprovoked, provoke. Didn't you No, not really, he pulled a pistol. First. Oh well so we ve crossed teased or the icy bus case. It's closed as you were my friend thank you constable, made that yourself, you just talking: what's going on over there that don't worry there with me so in ninety four, there was a change in the court system. It was now controlled from the outside by the state government, Oh, this would make it more difficult for the to get away with crimes
You're, gonna, Fois, Floyd's brothers was selling his farm and for flood want to buy it, but they couldn't settle on a price and then a guy named Coombs swooped in and agreed to pay the asking price. At the same time he ignored Floyd before it had told him to quote not, but in a k, And so Floyd shot Coombs sure sure, Coombs did not die, but Floyd was arrested for assault and it died down. You are what you made. I didn't do anything this time. I'm not fall for that again, but you're me. All of that. That logic never gets you anywhere he does. He should have thought about that before you put what is sort of a mate, so in court The prosecutor asked the judge to disarm Floyd because quote if he was convicted and given either a penitentiary or jail sentence, he would not hesitate to resist groans, oh, never, mind, all the shooting people
Shoprite forgot about turnips. the judge refused, because that would let men like Floyd think that the courts were scared of them at a love, the legal systems. Posturing. I would like to say we are scared of them. So. maybe we should We will not back down now we're not. We will give us yet we kill No action is again: we will end up. We will they could turn us into flags and put them over the edge at half mast for all we care. We will not back down on one, down the court now hold on we're in this together. The court is also instituting a glass jar that the judge will be in We will not back down we will not do let these tactics of fear. Suddenly, the convention will that jar,
what was I going to put a jar over me and then they'll put some holes in the top, so I can breathe just did. This is just legal jargon for a jar jargon, that's fun, but we will. The point is the conviction of the law and the court, The people who represented are stronger than the will to deter those from believing in these important institutions screw it real tight. That's good! Alright! I feel good in here. That's good yeah. Well, I don't think anything's getting through. There glad the arm too absurd. Sorry hard to hear through that glass jar, this jars glass. Yes, the zig glass jar, yes, what I'm the basket through glass, wet, can yes, yes,
We have to know if you answer is wrong. Our well. Well, then, then, maybe it's time for us to back down, entail a containment unit for me is found that works and stopped Let's start there who knows what stops bullets raise your hand, and I call on you like a school. Yes up right, bone Kay our pitch. What I'm after. yes over there, the the voice, hard shoe through cows What I would say, meat, good, good, alright, I think I've heard enough. I will conduct business
Mid side of a cow there we go there, we go great, ordered, convened good anyway. Thank you so anyway, I just want to pay my parking ticket you're, going to have to wait until I get inside of one of these cows sure how to do it. So Floyd's defense attorney was the judge who had found Floyd and Jack not guilty of shooting each other she's its whole story owners like inside Stewart slay the and the judge, the defendant and the prosecuting defender so food was convicted. of the assault, but he was given just a hundred dollar fine and an hour in jail yeah that'll our? He will remember, but here We used to the hour in jail and he doesn't have to be quite damaging. He it'll be sentence immediately and then posted bail.
and willing to meet at five minutes next time he appeared in court. He revealed the governor had pardoned him cut Jesus Christ, so I mean yeah okay, so it's yeah, it's a it's! It's a good system defined a government on that's right, so Floyd also forced Coombs, the guy he had shot to pay the one hundred dollar fine and he also gets my balls around his neck forever. Such a Dick Cheney move, yeah, yeah this drove home for many- that the Allens had a different set of laws that they live by author. G M, an Parker Quote Carroll County had two governments. one by the county and one by the Alan clan. So same year. Constable went to Sid's home and served him with papers in a civil case, so silly
the constable in the head with a block of wood. It feels like the constables, aren't we. but it's elected position, the constable subtle, but circuits, but again It doesn't matter. What you're elected to would hurts yes, but that that constable is a Republican and he's democrat right, because that's all this up is working so he's, a tried and arrested for assault convicted and given one hundred dollar, fine man, the judge who served in Carroll County courtroom from one thousand nine hundred and four to one thousand. Nine hundred and eight said this about the Alan's quote: several of them at that time were rated as very bad. Dangerous men. Flood was perhaps perhaps the worst of the clan overbearing vindictive high, tempered brutal with no respect for the law and little or no regard for human life well come across.
He went on to say: Floyd got out of others are ass, because witnesses were afraid to testify in aid ten said, was arrested for counterfeiting. Gold coins sit claimed his friend and employee was making the counterfeit coins on a plating. Machine sit had bought, but he didn't know anything about it, always how it works. isn't it outwardly? Is yes, the rogue employees I, like you, buy a nice coin plating. And they always late some signs, and I'm one of your dirty dirty delinquent employs decides, is going to use it. For all right. I was wrong. That was not what it was intended for. This was just a sweet escape I know a joint make. A coin is legit coins. So he had been using these coins. All of the country are not sure if he did it when he went on that trip, but the power
application brought thirty witnesses from all over the county to testify against it. So he's got so thirty fucking people a lot. a local reporter called? It quote the most Grueling examination ever heard here. This employee, his friend, was found guilty and got five years. Sid was found not guilty well, but from what I heard early Dave at that actually lines up with what I heard early this employee, just just took it upon themselves to just do this so sculpting, then the prosecutor is called something else here, but the prosecutor filed perjury charges for his witness testimony in the trial and for that he was found guilty and then he appealed and was given a new trial date on it. I mean they literally said has given a new child, a yes! Then they there.
Found guilty and then right there that I appeal to the judge. Goes: yes, you're, ok, yeah, that's a good move more papers to do that In the summer of nineteen, eleven Floyd was in Mount Airy North Carolina and he got into a brawl in the middle of the street. A cop named Cody, arrested him and Floyd was fined. My five dollars a little while later. Floyd ran into the cop in Carroll County and beat the shit out of him a month after that, at flood was back in the mountain area on business and he's riding out of town. When someone hails him a flight, he turns Kodi are already has his gun out and he shoots the first shot just hit. Floyd's close, why this will let you know like to the side there, like a jacket fabric, shirt fabrics. The second shot hit a revolver that Floyd kept in his breast pocket.
And say: he's not surprised now that was what Floyd said. Cody said for the cost of him on the street because he had arrested someone in the Alan Clan and Florida got a gun. First now it got a trial and at the trial. they Cody's lawyer puts Floyd on trial as a dangerous man, bring up all of the fights he's had, and the shootings and boy was known to brag at this point that he'd been shot thirteen times. But he explained every incident away and said it was all justified. He never started anything. Could he was found guilty and got five years, while Floyd had to plead guilty to carry a conceal, Leben cause it that's. If its life, he was fined twenty five dollars. Jesus Christ, this so at the at this time, farmers
I'd like to get together when their corn corn crops came in, she met, men would come, they'd have like a big party, and the men were glad the barn and have their corn. Shucking contests share is called a housing, be so. in this, if a young man, shucked corn, cob and there was a red colonel in it that man he could kissed the girl of his choice. Before dinner, the like corn, mistletoe It's like Ray Picard, like I said, yeah oh yeah, I that's the way. What does she think where no matter what shape. Thank you better, read colonel you! Do you, oh boy yeah. the archers choose to kiss you. Can. I kiss saw the sheep right Gabriel hurry up. that's enough boy, that's enough boy!
it's our law Jesus Christ. So he decides on the girl to kiss now that girl is, at the time being, courted by another guy sure, actually as Edwards. This is the kid who gets the red colonel now. Wesley Edwards is part of the Allen Clan, his mom, married and and Edwards so sure he he's an hour. He kisses that he kisses the girl so that the guy- his mad sure, yeah, and by the way the girl pry felt something, but would there's no wreck If that there's absolutely done. I did look for that. If the girl had any opinion on whether or not she was, and If history has forgotten what she thought the next day, Wesley Edwards was in church. Is his Garlon Uncle Garland
Floyd's brother is now reverend. Okay, And he's doing a service and he gets caught, the church. So I guess these kids that the other boy came and started yelling at from outside, so he gets. And he gets into fistfight outside the church, with the boys courting the girl and then Wes these brothers said, runs out and joins in the fight and then afterwards the Edwards Bro. Is our charged with salt and interfering with worship. The Your boys are not God, amid it's getting a look. I it it's it's brash, it is, and it's because the Edwards are Democrats, boys are Republicans and right now Republicans control the prosecuting the prosecution in office and everything else. So
when the Alan's here about the indictments their pissed and flight, tells the boys to go about area which is in and other states and Earth Caroline added jurisdiction. So the Florida cops gang. So the boys go there. Now the ans, the boys are being prosecuted strictly because of politics being Democrats They the hours, have long standing feuds with Republicans. I wonder pessimism for them for once for one time for them to be like what System is bull shit. No, we know you we know. So one of the Republicans is Dexter Goed. He had run for clerk and the Alans not only opposed him, but Floyd and some other damned signed a complaint saying he cheated.
Goede also said, the ounce and Democrats got people drunk to win votes so the there he just hate each other. It's just other sides of the aisle and that's just campaigning minutes, just good old campaign any time. He ran the island to try to stop him and the islands had held different office. Is Floyd had been elected constable supervisor, appointed Deputy Sheriff Jacobin cost. Call and Jackson ran for Commonwealth attorney, but was beaten by Guy named William Foster. And the islands really hated Foster K Floyd. Austria, and actually got into a fistfight years before, because of their political differences. Can Floyd Floyd beat up posture, of course, but from then on Floyd, Foster sworn enemies and foster being Commonwealth attorney. He is the one it filed the charges against the boys. Ok, so.
the Alans blame Gordon and Foster for the charges sure yeah well. It was about time, though, for someone to actually get yeah. There's that the so. even though it's out of their jurisdiction, the sheriff since two deputies, Peter Easter and Pink Samuels Cheese, together with pink Easter. That's right on an all new episode of Pink Easter ask cops: I'm sheriff Easter and I'm Jed Pink together. We are big Easter, Cover, the building with your heads up I don't know why I'm in here you see because of our names I may pink surname, but the fact that its, you name your kid. The first name pink, it's rough, as is pink because of his skin, and this is blotchy his brother also because of his
So he says: he's too share of deputies down to arrest the Edwards Boys, do and on the way back, for whatever reason they tie the boys to the wagon post, so their forced to walk the whole way back right, ok, right. Now some say they just happen to pass by Floyd's house. others say they did it on purpose to rub it in share, either way, for it was pretty fucking mad when he saw his nephew's quote trussed up like hogs, so the two deputies say they were then attacked by Floyd, said and Jackson Floyd They requested they release his nephews and when they didn't, he took their guns away and untied the boys. The deputies said they were attacked at gunpoint and beat to two different stories and agree: no, whose who's probably right but
I think Floyd Floyd has been a lawman or Islam at this point anyway, he brings the boys the next day to court to to you know, stand up against the charges. so it's not likely, but it's not like he broke them out of custody and then and then was like run free on the Lamb re way. Yeah. It goes his point that they were being mistreated, like there was no reason to have them. You know tied up and walking mind the yeah Reagan. but when it gets there is arrested. As is Sid and Jack son. So now goad is the guy, who puts together the jury, less and Floyd, is told that God could get a jury that would quit if Floyd started, supporting goad politically Okay, so flood response to that
swearing out a warrant against deputy Easter for shooting at him when he took the the boys away from the wagon. So when he attacked the wagon he said deputies were shot at him. So now he's swear swearing, a warrant to get that guy arrested, okay, which is going against the previous offer yeah I mean none of it yeah. Oh, it's definitely against previous offer, he's not doing that. So, while all this is going on, the judge Pink Floyd Street the judge has been appointed. The receipt Floyd's trial Judge Massey, just to see Matt Massey where's that gavel now, God damn it where's. My robe, I swear my head if it wasn't screwed on, I just er, there's syrup all over these files. Somehow I had waffles in here earlier, and they just now It's on my face. Now. I've got Sirop on my eye before I can't find my robe. I've got no gavel their Cyril,
all over my at this is just another classic case for she. I'd messy followed by pink Easter so Messi tries to appoint Floyd as a special police officer to keep the peace at a damn construction site that is happening so why all this is happening. He's like you would be a good like Capri and a side note. Would you like to work together? another project, so access deputy, pink Samuels on the street and Hills veil and aid answer! No! Why the deputy charged his son. The deputy says he's taken as much shit from the islands as he was gonna take and then Debbie sandals starts back it up and region for his gun and Jack Tell him to take his hand off the gun or he's going to kill him. here,
pretty sandals right away. They're both cops there, Jack is a right, jeopardy, The San Jose two cops sheriff. so rumor owes us about that. Floyd sent word that he would kill. Samuel Zipp Samuels testified so court date comes Pink Samuels does not show up as a witness, so the child gets postponed. It gets postponed a couple times. The sentinels is showing up. And then the job and then the Judge remains Floyd and Jack for intimidating witnesses and he threatened bring in the state military to maintain order it the deputies couldn't handle it. Now, floods, not happy being talked you like that And he was heard to later say he quote, would not let any man talk to me that way. Those judges like his job to tat. You re yeah, but he's like number that man was judging me. The whole time.
so the trial happens on March twelve three weeks three weeks before foster receives a letter telling him he would die if Lloyd is found guilty right. So the guy the prosecuting attorney, get death row that makes my job difficult. There's this quite a predicament they put me in The foster repeatedly tells the judge of the islands would do anything to avoid justice and he shows the letter to the judge. And ask for more armed deputies to be at the trial. Judge is like no we're not doing. That quote. I think that would show cowardice on our part and again, that is what we're fighting here. We want to look good in the long run,
alive, so they're all carrying guns into the court. Now the prosecuting attorney go. There are now they're all armed and so are the outlines hours or just always ain't, so as a great so a Florida lawyer was now, the same judge, who was too scared to act as the railroad guys attorney, my favorite part of this, the judge so the jury. The jury cannot recall which averted on the day of the trial, so the judge has them sequestered in a hotel and the next morning, they're going to they're going to say their verdicts, one hundred people come and they just packed. The courtroom. there are a lot of Alan's they're, mostly in the back at eight hundred and thirty, a dot m. Jerry comes in and reach the verdict guilty and they give him a year in prison and one thousand dollars fine
so he asked for an appeal on the judge says no, what the no that's how we do this. That's what I get to pay. five dollars and leave. Then the judge tells the sheriff to take flight away and stands out about five feet away from his lawyer. Lawyer says he looked like a guy who was about to say something but wasn't sure what to say yet and then Floyd said quote gentleman: I ain't a goin. That's not an option, sir. Now there's different stories of who did it first the answer. Is it some one shot? Ok, then all hell broke loose the islands all over the courtroom In the back over the side, all their guns and start shooting.
Foster, and all the deputies and the sheriff, pull their guns and start shooting I slept taters fuckin scream, running out, jumping out of windows, get shot in the pelvis first, he also Tom lawyer who is now crouching down, he falls on top of them and then keep shooting. Lange, positional Tavis lawyer and the young lawyer. Yes, it him quote: Floyd they're gonna kill me shooting at you, but it's the last person you want laying you are alright. We're in this together now get off of bay. We're a team. like take it easy stir it's hard to say who, with all these bullets, fine, but the judges shot. First in the chest, Our everywhere classic judge, messy Floyd
making his way to the back of the room, making his way Excuse me foster is shot six times and staggers toward the jury room where he falls and dies do clutching his gun. sheriff Webb, who was obviously walking towards Floyd, was shot very quickly and killed several times shot. People, like I said, the jumping out of windows. Ten, The jury said he heard and Alan say I'll, get that son of a bitch as he jumped out a window and then he was shot, but from behind, as he ran, wait he someone someone jump at the window and they just chased them to kill em you mean. Did you shot him out from the window A guy leaves out the window and and Alan goes over and shoots him because he was on the jury right share. The gunfight then moves out into the street sure the the islands
outside there now hiding behind a confederate soldier statue while reloading their guns. I think, someday they'll take monuments like this. I don't know Oh now has been shot in the mouth and the bullet went out the back of his neck, but he still manages to run out and keep shooting and he's part of the gunfight outside he shoots both yeah now yeah he he he, It's both Floyd and said the Alan clan makes their way for this stable and they get on. There This is no time take off, but not Floyd, because he's now to injure it he's been shot. The pelvis, the knee and the thigh. So a son Victor, takes him to the elevator, tell where they hide inside of a room. So I inside the court,
Judge Massey Sheriff Web foster the jury. Foreman are all dead. Jesus judge, told the bystander quote said Alan killed me just before he died nineteen year old, female witness was also shot. She was in the what's. It called the galley or whatever gallery that's up and walks home and dies the next day. She's, like my lad, yet I mean proposed. No, I want to be rude and ask anyone help I'll. Just walk it off. But where do you live about a day away. You're bleeding a lot I'll just get home at some point figure it out. taxi, no doesn't matter. Now share is cold, have figured out the share pig. That is that's actually a pretty big problem, because the laundry
says that when a sheriff dies was there, a new law emerges from the hills like the Dalai Lama. Now the opposite of deputies are no longer deputies, so anybody he deputy This is now no longer and What they have to these video game shit is that they have to wait too elect a new one all right replied. The plan is this: we are no longer deputies, but once we have a free and fair election in the next six months, we can pick this back until and we are shot at his regular citizens? Any questions No there's no law in the town except right, Jack who's, a constable but Jack, is jack is immediately fired because he's an Allen right So now there's really no law at all clerk of the court sent a telegram to the governor quote: sent troops to We have carefully at once mob violence. Cork, common
Attorney Sheriff Sumter Others shot on the conviction. a fluid Alan for a felony sheriff income. The journey dead court serious look after this now so. was it a singing telegram delivered by virtually all they did check the singing box? There it's been an outbreak of violence in the courthouse down there and we're going to need some deputy hoo hoo. So. Yeah, so everyone's freaking out the deputies take off like they're like well, we're not deputies. Now we're not sticking and for regional yeah The people in art are scary that the
is going to come back and kill all of their enemies sure, but the governor doesn't send troops. Of course not. He sent something worse cake, the Baldwin, Felts Detective Agency, so think of like the Pinkerton's for the for the Appalachians and other other places. For this call, especially coal mine unions that they're the enemy of. this is a really first big case. They would give them national attention and send them onto their awesome career of just being amazing paces. Shit so You can remember them when we talked about. We talked about the Colorado government situation that involve labor wars when,
when a wagon was driven through a minor's family camp and they shot with machine guns at the families. Well, that's the that air that the camp was in the way of their wagon. That's right! So that's that's these guys! that's who they ok. They had already made an aim for themselves for their violence. Can slavery needs they would also become famous for gunfight with minors at met, one which should be a labour holidays. one of them, were killed, but they're just really terrible fucking people so. They found out where Floyd was,
quickly and they arrested him at the hotel. The next day, photographs of the arrest receiving shows two photographs. The the rest were printed in nation wide. Oh wow, Jesus Christ. So that's a picture of felt is one of the of Baldwinsville. The agency and Floyd, is in his bed while they're arresting him. Floyd does not look good now. He looks really bad. I mean he looks really bad so so they felt whose of Baldwin Felts one of the two main he's one of those three and he takes a picture because he knows it'll get publicity. He like understands the media and of course the media fucking loves that It's a guy, you know a criminal getting arrested in his bed. After doing what is now be called the hills fill massacre.
So a massive manhunt takes place in the county with the Baldwin Felts agents trying to find people who are at the shoot out in Alan Clan month, they're searching and catching on. Gunfights and arrests make headlines across America, but that's really not happening in truth, the agents, Kind of bumbling fucking idiots they to spend a lot of time just posing on horseback with their guns for photographers and the It is our actually sitting in warm beds and eating it. Nice meals, the tubes house, They're not running around scared, but that's the the the impression across the country is that these amazing agents are seeking out these hillbillies. And it's not at all, what's really going on, but that I made it's just an early lesson in american political strategy.
The agents are actually sleeping outside in the rain like they're having a horrible time of it, so but some of the clan did turn on others over rewards more often, though they did it to like help like one say. Will if you give my son a walk that all tell you where my cousins are, that kind of thing right. The? U S, media, does as usual, job on people on the appellation area across the country. They write about these backwards, people who were in clans killing each other over grudges Even though the islands are wealthy, successful someone, educated, they're portrayed as anything but everyone in Carroll County is portrayed as isolated backwards. Mountain people, the stereotypes are accepted by everybody, a popular New York magazine, called everybody's magazine, wrote quote they? those who had taken the rich lowlands on each side of them in this house
Bread, a suspicion of all men not of their kind. They cut themselves off from all intercourse with the world. Then, through the year the man with a price on their heads took to the mountains. I was given their not because they, as individuals asked it, but because as they had struck at the social system of those whom the mountaineers hated thus was hot blood made hotter and the temptress Spirit of the hill people kept ever alive. The hell people I mean it's just so. Obviously the videos faith aspect is that a calculate decision, because it means that you don't have to actually change anything. This is just kind of a one off like Sonata class problem. It's just that
These people problem essentially yeah. I mean I think we can talk about that, live with us, Sarah, that after but yeah, I think that's an important how we treat people from the Appalachians is really interesting and totally fucked right, the fire Alan fugitives who were on the Lam were Sid and his nephew Wesley and they actually, Lee and they got Iowa. They get jobs the living there. Then they're captured six months later so huge how to come out to see Sid in Wesley when their brought back to Roanoke their paraded down Campbell Avenue in the town in the top was car like fuckin caught game with the agents all around them. when actual where the agents do nothing really, because it turns out Wesley girlfriend had turned the men for reward money, so people started to think that maybe be hours were guilty that maybe they didn't shoot first and were protecting themselves
Maybe go and the sheriff had shot first, the public split into two camps at this point all over the country Floyd and his son Claude, went on trial first for first degree murder separate trials. Claude good looking, he were very stylish suits. He photographed well. So he became a celebrity sure for this while guns are not allowed in court for some reason, wow. What a weird system. it may ninety twelve Floyd was convicted, of murdering William Foster Claude was convicted of conspiring to kill fosters so they were and easy on the eyes. so they made the argument in court that the Allens planned to kill everybody beforehand and the jury bought it wow many of those who had redstone?
is of the Backwards Alan's around the country felt sympathy, and they wrote to the governor seeking clemency. Because quote they've always lived in the wilds of the mountains and are on created, rugged pioneer, Backwoodsman, sensitive, high, tempered and restive of restraints, so all of which, like okay, they were a high tempered, but the rest. that is just bullshit. They are not yet yes and yes, like we're resort of alluding to like it, takes the culpability off of society A Connecticut Doktor wrote quote: the islands are a passionate tender, hearted childish people and people who would never stoop so low as to form a conspiracy to shoot up a court. So are these On the country are are saying that they shouldn't be sent to death, basically because there
dumb, simple people are products of their environment which damaged, though. It's kind of amazing, so those supported the sentence were adamant that law and order have prevailed and they questioned masculinity of those who want to clemency What are you got? No pain is that your deal. Anyone who believes that can't fuck, Labelled Alan supporters as hysterically romantic toward the clan, which was a feminine trait. The governor man, who was the governor through all this He was always riding the masculinity wave. Just after the shooting he'd written to goad quote. You have the nerve to follow these men out of the courthouse, continue firing the wounded. It shows
your views are filled with the red blood of Virginia ancestors. So there huge across the country and everywhere like I think I think it's The british conservative thing where the conservatives are calling the liberals basically pussies for not wanting to have these guys sent to death, and that's sorta the battles over the the governor actually allows them to hearings. at the end of it he says now we're going to we're going to go ahead and kill ESO on March 28th, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen Floyd is strapped in electric chair and shock four times per minute. Each he's pronounced dead at one hundred and twenty p m. Tell us death. He said he had acted in self defence. That good was going to shoot him and there was all because he was a Democrat
while the kill was killed. Twelve minutes later he was just twenty four years old same chair. I think so so weird they're expensive, I know, but still it's just like alright cool down from Floyd Your turn off and put the boy look got him. So their bodies were taken to buy these funeral parlor, where thousands of people came to see the corpse Floyd son Victor bitterly protest at this viewing So it was all done by the funeral. Parlor just did it, it couldn't stop it. He crazy think that's crazy to be able to do that, to make some box and then the day after the big show, then we'll have the funeral Spain is reported. There were skull, children holding their books, Sears holding their babies and young men and women on dates laughing and talking as they looked at the bodies.
want to get a malt after this. So Victor was given the bodies and eleven p and they were sent to Mount Airy, their own Scott, lesser senses, Sid got thirty five years he was convicted of like four people. The other thing that kept happening now is after the first trials. Was that Now they were getting lesser senses, they are all getting second degree. Murder is opposed for that. No matter how they they were using the same case. You know the same arguments, but they were just like. We can't get these guys on anything bigger, so they some of them they actually just pled down and said about five years for killing this guy and. So as it gets thirty five years, Wesley Edwards, twenty seven, two Use frail and sit Edwards, eighteen and fifteen
Jack Alan Lazarus said was fired from his constable position after the shoot out and in nineteen. Sixteen. He and a man on the street started arguing about the shoot out in the court. The man pulled a gun and shot jacked. It wow that's quite to yeah, interesting to be that it has to need to be right enough about that situation That should create your own shoot up, while it still apparently in the area it's still, it was from a documentary. I saw still something tread lightly because there are still people related to both sides and again rubber. It's a democrat republican thing that did really is. That's something that seeps through all this. So what's your kind of sweet? Yes, it is really sweet, so sweet romantic, moral at the end. and there's a lot of pressure now on the governor in the twenties
to pardon all of the islands. thousands and thousands of people, hundreds of thousand signatures on petitions. So said his pardon released in nineteen twenty six they're, all pardoned, I said, gets out. Twenty six, he publishes a memoir very well and also travel around North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia showing exhibition of complicated furniture. He had built out of small pieces of wood while he was in prison so This is what I call my exhibition of complex and complicated furniture. you could see here. We've got a two legged stool. Not anything simple style, say that Maybe it's as has made this. Mostly toothpicks so again, not for sitting. this autumn, and here it has a big hole in them.
also it sort of looks like a donor. So if you were to try to rest your feet on the ottoman. Your feet would not rest at pretty complicated. and that's made out of hammer hammer handles This is a hammer handled the ottoman with a big hole in the middle I gotta say I got us an I'm just getting warmed up. There is a bed I've nailed to the level of very happy. I came in six exhibitions, wonder how it it's all they gotta get further complicated. It's super weird, here's a mirror, but it's broken. It's like what the F I got to do with that. It's complicated stuff! No! You made a really go up a really good while in prison I know a lot of people were getting degrees. Learning about religion. I just made like for a year for its
I made a toothbrush wardrobe now is not about. Is then a pellet on? This is a politician. This is a politician and made out of fingers of clouds. So it's a great system so yeah. So that's yeah is the budget per stuff like that, so there you go dollar eighty one day at present that good for something. Amazing thing is that that was his plan in prison was to build the furniture and taken an expatriate or fader fader, with six, oh yeah right and it right yeah people in jail I, like I ain't or something my world of complicated furniture will go on tour. Said maintain his entire life that the Allens had not shot. First, he died in nineteen forty one in hills,
master is considered the end of sort of rugged individualism in the air it giving way to communal justice that I'm, when clans control the law was said to have died, there are still two bullet holes visible in the wooden stairway in front of the old Carroll county. Courthouse evidence seems to prove that Claude Allen fired the first shot in court. Okay, so yeah.
No news sources, a courtroom, massacre politics and public sentiment in Progressive ERA Virginia by Randall, L Hall and then a couple of articles, the hills, Ville Massacre in the Rowan occur and relic dot com. The courthouse tragedy, gunfight in the hills fill in nineteen twelve can find those on our sources. Page.
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Do it. So the reason I kinda wanted want to do this. One is because there's there's that New RON, Howard Movie, which is out on net, Which is that its very Strange to me that people, particularly liberals, it's okay for them to shit on people from Appalachia and just do it relentlessly. Hillbilly elegy is the movie and it's based on the J D Vance's book now, Jd Vance didn't grow up in apple as she grew up near it in Ohio, and he wasn't he the thing about the problem, with the way that they
we're tray. These people is that it's not they make it as if you can t that the problems are not sis, systemic and an economics, and they make it as if Egypt, if you just work hard player self up in the book traps, you can get out of that. Fuckin hellhole and it's just bullshit Jenny, Wren tis a you know, rich guy. I who wrote a book, that's just it! If you If you try hard, you can make your way out of there and that's not the reality. For a lot of people, if you look at the statistics, that's not how poverty works. That's not how coming from a tough background works. You need help everybody needs help, and this also think of like there's a lot of people that don't want to get out of it. It's a lot of people that just don't it's looked upon as this place that you have to escape. It's very strange to me, an end. This narrative- and this is one of the reasons that it exists. Like people take
stories like a shoot out, which is largely animal animosity and share, a family who has as predisposed to fuck and violence. But you know it's happened everywhere in our country, yeah, the circus. I mean look at that Cuomo brothers, are they a fucking clan? Is that a fact and powerful clan family? What does that thing? You know that the unit They had a father. There was a governor of his sons of governor and another kids on on CNN. That's a fuckin by article nine backlash. I fully back into the here entertainment World Andrew Commas, gonna get an Emmi for. in a governor of Hollywood, jets it and then like a California to people, move it. This basic control, four families, the browns blows- is a nuisance in the Gettys Gavin Newsom was adopted by the Getty's. They were
In business together and they build Squaw Valley like they just these are clans. They exist everywhere. Powerful, rich people who help each other out and they help their family out, And and because this was more violence itself, but that violence has been going on everywhere, all over our country, and it still does today- and it's very it's very weird to me that we have just selected this region to shit on And I know we cover, we do not care line episode. That was there's a really good book, a white trash that people should read, which is based an explanation of how about that became poor, and it's me That's how it was fucking set up from the beginning. They wanted those people to be. and they want not give them anything.
and so yeah. It's it's such a class thing in America, where we just shit on these fucking people and it's pretty fucking unacceptable. It's also it's just the easy solution you know is to just say that. That's that! That's that you know that that that makes feel like it's kind of solution list, which means you don't have to do shit. We few blame. If you blame like what they're just these backwards, Hillbilly Fox, thank you Don't really have to look at the systemic, economic situation, exactly which again, which, which is totally the goal of this country is to as long as possible make people not look at the economics as a huge, huge problem. and look violence comes out of shitty economic situations. Just go look at how much violence has increased
it's a pandemic started people don't have anything. and if people don't have anything they're, gonna fuckin try to get it to survive. Now like when you say that, like diaper theft- and you know, shit light like people stealing things that they have to have well like yeah, it's I dunno, it's like where, where does that actually become stealing? You know when, when you've had everything taken away from you and you need things to survive at some point that stops feeling like that person is stealing and more like that person's just been stolen from for so long. You know yeah, that's true, but again it's it's very fascinating to me that the this is a powerful family rich. very successful, you know they own tons of land they on the on the general sour they they they have all the money and other power and yet and yet still they're, crazy hillbillies. When
all the media and particularly New York, and and cornea. When that when we get on our fucking high horse and look down, I mean hillbilly, hillbilly elegy is deeply and to have only seen means and clips, and it seems extremely of answer- I don't we Go read a story or covered in article. I wish I had some examples and maybe I'll look some up but an article. Written by someone who's from there about that movie. And again that movie is no different than the ship. that I read from that magazine in New York. It's just a different version of it. It's been going on for a hundred fucking years, a hundred fuck
years like when? Does that stop? It's funny I used to use the term white trash when I was growing up in a merit. Mark Marin is actually we were years ago. He was again, I don't think that's a phrase we should use anymore. Has a guy- and I write Yeah like you have to have if you're, if you're raised in these with these attitudes, you really get to start thinking about what they mean and and maybe take a look at yourself and and- and you know, a lot of us were raised liberal and with these thoughts that I'm sorry, but we just think we're better than ever. But he s that that's how we were raised like we're better than what that's whether such animals, you ask us liberals have for decades. Just thought they were fucking better than everyone else. If I think the attitude is very much, they were born on third,
it's an ape like they had a triple and that's how I was raised- and I wasn't even I wasn't even wealthy. I was extremely poor in my, but I was in a very which liberal area, but I was the poor kid and I still came out with that attitude. Yeah I mean the air by my neighborhood, where I grew up like we definitely I mean act like you know, it wasn't terrible by any stretch, but it was certainly considered white trash mean. That was what it was termed, as
You know, but yeah, I'm in it. It is totally true. I mean you know we just have. We have so many problems and some are very specific to certain things. But the thing that we keep coming back to is that if you continue to economically not help people out, they have tougher shit your lives, and you know we just continue to act like that's, not the problem and that we can have billion airs and our government. And that that is not a problem. Yet that's not a big issue and it's the reason again is because you're never going to hear a millionaire. Tell you that the money is the problem. You know that Don't say that shit in the government will ever tell you the actual problem with the government, because there in it and it's a club house and so
you know, and we end it is. I mean it's one of the things you know I've learned through doing this is that this is not a new problem. It's not even a problem, it's a feature its by design that This is how it works, and that you're supposed to say you know, what's the problem with the Fuckin Republican Party, while the Republicans are saying God. These Democrats are fucking idiots. And in reality, like we're all right, because we just a ruled by this class and that's the problem is the class that were wrong. Until you actually shake that up and try to find some equality within their, you really won't know what the actual problems, because it's Well, it's all secondary to the fact that, like yeah, if people can't afford shit brought, a lot of problems are going to happen just yet. how it will be when you have a capitalist society, and you don't give people money and you starve them you're going to get violence, but hey
six hundred dollars, girl, alright, yeah, yeah, well, happy holidays to everybody and. yeah. Well yeah, this Christmas episode yeah. Well, that's why I was so jolly yeah yeah, but no I mean I yeah. Who knows who knows. Hey guys is Kelsey Cook, comedian and professional, whose Volor and I'm so excited to announce that the world from here of the risk of fury showdown is this Wednesday March. Twenty third on moment, house its own, two hours of hilarious cut
got competition as comedians like Dan Soder and Brad Williams go head to head in some honestly fantastic physical action. We filmed the special live at the Moon Tower Comedy Festival in Austin, and the energy is incredible. I'll be live chatting with you all during the premiere. So please come hang out and join the fun just go to a moment. House dotcom, slash risk of fury, that's this Wednesday March, twenty third at five Pm Pacific and only on moment, house, dot, com, rest fury, you guys there.
Transcript generated on 2022-03-26.