« The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds

46 - The Cereal Men - Live w/ Patton Oswalt

2015-01-03 | 🔗

Comedians Dave Anthony, Gareth Reynolds, and Patton Oswalt examine the creation of cereal in America.





This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to the darkness is a special episode. This weaker each week I did Anthony read a story from american history to my friend gareth reynolds and I never heard it before- but this week it's a little bit different because its life- is taped at the meltdown. The nervous theatre, mountain comics in los angeles, California, at the end of november and the beginning of december, and now we are joined by patent oswald. Who is a very funny gentlemen, you may have heard of So please listen to this site a really long, one it's about two hours.
Here here. The episode with patents in europe, ladies and gentlemen in groups of all ages, welcomes in alive but knelt down here and all the boy wrote the games on you try to start work.
actually it's kara. It's actually its care, and I appreciate it. I beg you guys, love again, it is actually the name is gara suggest so were ok, page is gonna get there? I don't know where it's getting lost in translation, just like a really clear All time welcome to the dollar. this is a historical podcast. Each week areas story to my friend, Gareth Reynolds, who has no idea what the topic is, but tonight I'll be reading my story to two gentlemen. One of them I like to refer to as the great american gas
these gentlemen! Tat nazca yeah there! You are. Johnny. Where do you get a mike stand in Cassandra? One because you just get a city like douche bag, making comments, and I do all the work and then I thought up words and people send me mean emails, the thanksgiving one. I got an email from a native american, those name paulie. Yet I got an email from a native american. There was believable, it was like. I had brought smallpox over getaway
I got a lot of names. I did a lot of drugs in those younger gonna fuck. I will fuck up we're. I apologise that that's what happens you probably mispronounced, dirty in in the pronounce that the day that was the one about car repair, it says that the I remember that one ooh. It was the early eighteen hundred, damn it always good, always good, always up it. Hang on before you start. Whenever having happens in the sixty or seventy nineteen sixty or seventy. Those are fun right. Anything happens in the early nineteen hundreds. They are are important. Anything have happened in the aid. Hundreds of this package is the most depressed,
in the frame, if we start off in the end, go back all the episodes that take place in the eighteen hundreds you want to take a shower in hand sanitizing like if there's a way So here we go. It was the early eighteen hundreds yeah was in the burned over district of new york state. You say burned over burned over all the bird wait? I'm sorry! That's it! That's all oh wow. That was really good. That's nice! The bird over district was the western and central regions of new york state in the early nineteenth century, where religious, revivals and the formation of new religious movements of the second greater economic took place, not good not good, not good,
our stretches over a large distance from new york city, where this is for the australians area nor is the tragedy of our large distances from new york city or new york with just augustine. So about this, that the part of the state that bus up against luxuriance over there on the west, a very large state, the term burned over district coined by Charles grandison finny. He believed the area had been so heavily evangelize that it had no more fuel left over to burn. the fuel being the unconverted and burn being that converted holy shit and also, can I say, a nickname shouldn't- involve a one paragraph asterisk to just to explain the nickname theirs
This is my offering to share now he got that name because he originally led to do it. If it does that it is not evident. Don't give that a ten year tale about doing crazy shit sit down. It's too short. Miss games sit out at this time. Western new york was still the frontier. This meant that professional and established clergy were scarce. Many of the people living there were self taught and susceptible to folk religion. While there we go strapping kids, we watered it I'd gang. Also, that's another really dark thread throughout the dollop self taught. Well, whenever Dave's as self taught here, we go in They had of religions blossom
boy, not good, again, keep going but terrible jar. They were all founded by lay people who were coming up with new and exciting twists on Jesus. The new and exciting twists he was made of rainbows. Have you heard dolphin Jesus that one we are. Neither group was located there. That's the court, for those of you didn't see the live, one that we did our protest. Its upon you tube. The united group is part of that. That's the court that the young trials get too who shot one of our president's very sadly, and then he died over a period of months. We all want to go. That's it! That's where that's where the united group was from now William miller was a prosperous farmer living in the burned over district.
In eighteen ten, he left the baptist religion. It became a test no organise religion for him. I fought in the war of eighteen, twelve and when he came back, he read something in the bible and was like. Oh shit, I'm going to be a baptist again, nobody. What was it he read Dave. Nobody knows all about, but it was handwritten her bible. Current look. Jesus said my name. Your bill miller, hey bill miller, he's got those cartoons bubble. We can write to me at this point Dear friends started bugging and making him justifies new change of faith. So William Miller began to look at the bible very closely. And he also having been edge Did he knew math It's self taught. Man was due plus. Do
whenever I would, by the way, knowing math in early eighties urge murder. You basically ganda, have like right that right under the mat terribly to that, guy probably will guide heath weeds number three Kill- fucking five, I don't know why. I swear to god. Five I'll five product try to haven't really must stop or baby that's to patron. He made by that was written into these wizard William Miller, came up with his own ideas. About religion and basis believe on Daniel eight fourteen unto two thousand and three hundred days then, shall the sanctuary be cleansed boom? and yet naturally, you gotta assume the cleansing was a great fire. When Christ returned, then he used what he called de year: simple. This interpret
the day in privacy to be a calendar year instead of the usual twenty four hour period, as was commonly believe so he stretched see They knew a year making up on the fly self taught mad. If it is a self taught man. It's me saddle that good, though that is not good what I've heard so far longer than he decided that it Two thousand three hundred day period started and for fifty seven b c, when they king of persia decided that Jerusalem should be rebuilt. Yet all make sense, I feel It's gonna be approaching the day he lives in its oh math. I don't know where you get that itself self taught. So if you use these simple calculations, you will come to the obvious conclusion that this period would end in
eighteen, forty three and I got that good knackered. What wouldn't he have just worked out a blackjack system or something so Jesus is returning. Oh, oh good, team, forty three yeah yeah I remember, reading about when he turned and aged forty three, and it makes sense that bill Miller would figure that out in a year- and he was in, Jesus was bringing a great cleansing fire. I know we all oh Jesus will not watercress. Always us would. Jesus was ascending. He told his disciples just check a building. or hilly, don't want to back to Billy hopped about man waterway. If fire for the bad there will be fire, Jesus is less words. There will be fired dad. so he rode all this shit down in eighteen. Twenty two makes a real and then he hit it
It then he talked it away. For the right time, I a boy at the right time. My we go ahead. While Miller was waiting, the unleashes Jesus is genius on the world's. unleash your Jesus, katy, perry song, because my daughter things at eighteen thousand hours a day it was in connecticut. There is in evangel being Jellicoe me Mr named sylvester gram sounds like a persuaded yeah, it was eighteen thirty, so the temperance movements were picking up steam while its fellow were firmer or farmers were concerned, with issues like alcohol and tobacco consumption, women's rights and slavery. Ground was concerned about sex and masturbation,
We gotta go. these two crazy kid together that the first good you that they're going to meet you. a bill miller, my sylvester, graham you guys of us again my bill miller. It's the end of a god. Damn world, let's masturbate grandpa americans, recreational sex and masturbation we're making americans physically ill, so it can be used. This was not a new idea, but gram was the main man fighting against sex in america. The ideas tax and masturbation began being bad with swift business. Swiss business was a bit of it.
Simon too, so in seventeen sixty that was when he published is irregular general too. So stricken yet is how it is. I would just hours about right. I know the story I leave published, lay on them see ready for email. just now. I know some masturbated can be. I'm writing what one and I would The comprehensive medical document on the ill effects of masturbation too so argued that seamen was an essential oil and stimulus that, when lost from the body and great amounts would cause, a perceptible reduction of strength, memory and even reason, blue vision and all of the nervous disorders. All types I've got an rheumatism thickening of the organs of generation, blood in the urine, disturbance of the appetite, headaches and grow
a number of other disorders that really the side effects of sea hours right also by the way excessive masturbation does not. Laws lose like nerve Let me out Sorry, Sorry wow. What that these guys. I like that, it also will be passed down for generations. Tubular yeah, my son, can't breathe properly hope you came well. your mother. Did your mother takes lamented months lamentable the commission should be allowed to say very little birdie syllables again,
these kids lament abide by us, but if it's passed down and symbolic smithers, that's it its order, you screwed up we'll daddy, was masturbate. No, that's not bad or not, and I will give you extra time. Masturbate daddy was a plain stupid. I had no idea what hardship literally, check. Those findings are treated as a scientific breakthrough. Luminaries like voltaire and others published his findings, which led to masturbation being considered a debilitating illness. Voltaire published his ship. He was in on of or have forgotten I like voltaire, god dammit. James ellroy edge and well that actually makes sense It became a movement
literally get it. You know the only way to stop a movement became. Another famous book which was anonymously published at the time, was o nina or the heinous sin of self pollution and all its frightful consequences. So Alex can now looks like a good bought some nepal asleep. When I got my bed back, So it s the ground was just picking up with this idea and running with it. He made his name by giving popular speeches admonishing masturbation, living believing it. Why do tonight? Are you guys are ready to hear about masturbate? I can't hear you were flashpoint
You are aware I would love love to see a non masturbation that just be like. Well, I'm out, you want to see it eve masturbation would inflame the brain more than natural arousal and therefore result in insanity back there. masturbation was referred to as self abuse, and many women were said to have fainted during his speeches about jerking off you like the Tom Joad. Yet as I slowly stroke, I did not.
Just go my balls ma am. I want you to not want masturbate line protocol on welcoming to know bait considered sex more than once a month to be pathological
this might also have been because he had seventeen brothers and sisters meeting his parents. Never ever stop fucking know I mean really never sent on that timely. Everyone was like in the same room and houses and another one shot up. I don't wanna san grab a sex rag done so as to get that is actually what your mom off. By the way. This is my boy sat rag. How I live daddy web daddy, what birdie of rare grab encourage people to take control of their health by repressing their carnal urges obviously some other seas. People sexual urges we're,
emulated by a diet of flavorful fatty and media dishes and grams the correlation between sex and health was simple, the more immoral the activity. The more bodily harm was done quote. Peoples are a livid key, while come out upon the forehead and about the nose and sometimes over the whole face and also sores in some cases, break out upon the head breast back in eyes and these sometimes enlarge to permanent fiscal is of a cancerous character and continue, perhaps for years to discharge great quantities of fetid, loathsome, plus and not unfrequently terminate in death. No one ladys fainted handle that sloan. at it again, and that is from masturbate Ok, if you had sex, do much ok, too much
That's a masturbating is the number one reason they charge a giant fed it. So if you gotta put it something nice yeah he eats met here? There's like this sweet spot, you gotta hit? that's? What yeah yeah yeah he's saying? You can fuck a lady once a month once one any more than that, an orgasm advent calendar in a way it really is, but it's yearly and the last window, you open, there's a little elf going fuck a lot that was going to pop. Graham believed americans could stop debilitating stimulation and find salvation through clean living and healthy food. So we created a diet. The grand diet consisted of simply prepared bland foods with lots of whole grains, mostly fruits and vegetables. No spices, meat, alcohol or tobacco, even pepper, was banned. You have you ever had like
braun, something and then not been able to jerk off. Well, that's why the waiter ass to say when I get back yet not yet not yet! Ok, ok are a little further have done. Yeah where's. The white boy. Grand believe that, adhering to the day, would prevent people from having impure thoughts and in turn would stop masturbation. Besides the two insanity. He also thought it led to blindness. Well, that was that was a rumor that, like translated to the high school, is times right that they will ever get hairy palms, go blind, yeah yeah you get hair on your palms, get hair on your palms. You go blind However, that would have eagle, boarded you gotta swilling come on your head, I wonder, and I will convey. That is. Why would you monkey high school? I think everybody here,
that it yourself to the permitted fruits and vegetables were eaten to even small quantities. Just two day and chew them slowly with plenty of saliva. Otherwise, you will want to a you. You do too fast an becoming a man, grassed, apple coming you're pregnant. Anyone know that if you want a poacher that says that you could take when their free. Grab also advocated radical ideas for the time about health and hygiene such as bathing regularly taking in fresh air and sunlight drink. Clean water wearing comfortable clothing and exercising daily. So that was all shit. People do you just stop and for masturbating the watched people, an uncomfortable clothing, not breathing air pocket.
Be a weapon in the moon by eighteen. Fifty comes out with We get these smelly farmer, apes, jerking off. We have a maglev system. Thousands began to follow grams diet and they were given the name. Grandmaison spurred on by people, concerned about a cholera epidemic that swept through new york and eighteen. Thirty, two people testified about his diets life changing effects from recovery of physical and mental elements from nervousness and despondency to dizziness and severe headaches, and he was. Bye, bye having people eat better and breathe area and take a fucking bath. God feel like a fucking piece, a shirt.
You're bathing you animal, it's a real either or I defend my art because there's no more dirt on it. That's right, but dope ended for naughtiness. I took soap and I cleansed the possum babies out of my ass crack and now I don't have to engage the birth. Where do you go masturbating to get decade. What are the reasons that I took off of unifil? Better diet, the diet that I think are of no use a diet but, I think this is called the diet yeah, it's common sense, really yeah, basically yeah it's because people ate like shit and try and complete shit meals were jam, packed with grease and meat products. British astronomer france, is barely wrote in his diary that his landlord out of virginia and served a breakfast of beef stakes, sausage, stewed veal, fried hams, eggs, coffee and tea.
I will say: have you seen the morning taco bell man that with a hash brown, I think we haven't. I think I think that's actually something you can get at denny's yeah, the meat plate. and eggs? Well, you know that was that that was gluten. Free everything around the gang is totally gluten free, his name. Diary entry noted simply I've died while it's at I just died. Whilst at the praise we buried our landlord, why he would die the landlord died laughing while he was there, he died laughing because taking veal suppositories every morning, good morning, twenty cow up, my ass! Things got much worse as you had it away from the east coast and into the frontier became all about pork.
I chopped or torn from the bodies of hogs, most often salted, so that it would keep fried port was served up in thick chunks for breakfast lunch at dinner, port was just the other I mean it was the only white meat and the army, being on the table for most americans. What adventure sniffily sniffing the breeze to discover the essence of the brave new land came to the conclusion that everything taste in smells of hogs greece, that's why that's why? No jewish gunfighters the! Why would I? Why would I moved to laredo screw this? I'm not doing it the chicken. You know the correct luck I gotta get multiple praise. I can't go tomorrow. I can- and I know that I have had nothing but his mother gave. I won't go it alone,.
people ever suffered incessantly from arteriosclerosis heart disease and deception. Everybody I ever that was moaning and clutching at their stomachs. Nineteen century america, living in a world where you watch morning, how's your wife at the diary, as he does that as my wife and me, I got made grabs grabs grabs I score. It's called seven governments it's so john wild birds, like mr rack, it's shaft and it's hilariously not far off from like mississippi. Today, oh yeah, I miss him and we bringing that back. We are the original hipsters man. We started the grunt great,
How are you. Nineteenth century america suffered from one huge, bloated, gashes, painful, enormous belly defined and then maybe seventeenth century has difficulty of digestion or fermentation in the stomach guts debts. There was the disease of the steel age. All classes in all ages suffer from its attacks. Noted the eighteen thirty edition of a cyclopaedia americana deception was so much a part of the american lifestyle. One compiled cookbooks referred to it as american aid is. Why did that ever go anywhere? How have we not? How is there not a restaurant called american idol? You don't have an american. You know you don't have to tell me where you are from. I heard you parting of the plane. I could tell
What do you do with the pork? the poor guy a problem Erica. We now you're, leaving a trail as we had them. Suggest me like this one long, fart and then a groan that should be the arise, gets park. Air crash at port diaper hers, american idol, diapers. a visit was store was described like this one enters the door bell rings mrs jobs, which cause when you have the attendant from the barn, the bar. Because that's where this door guy is out in the barn
Just taking a big shit. He plunges his ship. He plunges his unwashed hands a good start. There you go to any statement into the pork or pickle barrel, ah, cut cut cheese or butter, often drawing kerosene and molasses and wiping the overflow on his coat sleeve the main held or bank made. We god, the maple bottles. The paypal syrup bottle stand near by and the keeper himself has been seen to take us swallow at them from every times when, when his seat tweet, tooth com, which is why the ages
it's a big swig! You want to hit or someone's going to buy that so hold on my hands in my ass shopping, for groceries was a death sentence. What you walked in the door and a man covered in pork, it maybe drink sira ab ab and up to my elbow, was born in one day each time polish sweet great are not felt when we create our agenda for barely four vp made it out. I'm fleet be yours, we create, You see my doctor telling me. I have to go a little bit of a diet, so I've taken more syrup and get it at doing syrup therapy, pickle juice cleanse anyway. What piece of pork do you want out of this barrel? Or do you want to try your luck with the pork barrel or you could lick my apron?
An apron legs I sought is illegal. so grams diet, was embraced by a lot of people. Ground was also very upset with white bread. Sure is main target was white. Flour stripped of its helpful, graham saw white flour as a poor substitute for whole wheat. It did not give the teeth or the stomach a proper work. Out and it led to a lazy colon. He wrote. In the treatise on bread and bread, making my bible less that bag? My favorite, obey film, that's his red making authority may as it's real.
It's great gram, accused commercial bakers of not only refining their flour into a simple extreme, but also growing their grain onto botched and exhausted. Oil artificially stimulated worth animal. Manure bakers were furious. They attacked boston, lecture hall where he was scheduled to speak in march. Eighteen, thirty, seven encourage don't drive. Cars are bag dry by flowering or something like that up now, roll your out wait. What did we do gao gao, GAO, great barely avoided being physically assaulted. In the confrontation, his reputation took another pounding bakers and we ve got milk bennett, chow wandering he's really
You shouldn't take another pounding when the staff doktor of boston lunatic asylum declared that grand was obviously in saying that hurts and help things by the way. That's how bad amerika was the anti masturbation lunatic was right about every fucking. Other thing: that's the world. This is the twilight zone that americans we're living in. At the time The call off one merger because they thought it would lead to a riot of bakers baker. Riot that's brad everywhere these cake. Rising his eye, as our diet and hygiene were largely ridiculed, Ralph, waldo emerson. Although the profit of brandon pumpkin, with, were easily starbucks ceo right, yeah. That's a rap
If I ever heard was now as do the proverb ran a bunk, oh no, he did but grandfather. We're still growing numbers. Grand was not the first to espouse many, these ideas, but he singularly made healthy moral crusade, some saws him as a visionary during eighteen, thirty merit many american pirated puritans took up the diet and one point: it was strictly imposed on students of Oberlin college by David Campbell during the period in which
it was in force. Some rebellious students, eight off campus, says they're, like the house to house over about pluto. Let's go get some salt pork. Where you gonna get some white bread, they'll, sera, p d d: did they did crazy fraternity with our ian white bread rebels? at one point the professor was fired for refusing to stop bringing his own pepper? Why, did. I tell you profess daughter, you, I D, Tat s all right, all right,
not here why? Why you're fired Why. not bad. Grand system of living, even inspired the establishment of several male. Only boarding houses where grandma meals were served in grams, precise sleeping exercise in bathing regimes were strictly enforced. It's just so that was the least masturbating place on earth.
it's mindless day. At the graham. I heard that stay at the grand hotel you get hang out with guys who do not masturbate. You can eat lots of fruits and grains at the cafe. Graham speaking, these well to as much as three hundred per night as he jumped into new areas of medical investigation, preached, because I shall be breached against the danger of feather beds and tight corset claiming folly in dress, killed eighty thousand americans a year. He could, side, schools warning that the disapprove prohibit exit. They disappear, exercise of the brain
it was dangerous. You, gotta, pay, sale, town and skills were dangerous brute. They lead to a general the ability of the nervous system involving the genital, It's oh there. We are back to the jellies, so that's good! Well, if you go to school yeah, you don't want to learn too much or your penis will fall off. I've always said that I'm on right aren't Fatima Sana match zone. Are some schools get dick fucked up that day but they'll. Probably slam is dick in a book that workers It's talking about his frame where to go. You know what happened. He got no balls over. There then go I dunno where they went and he cracked a book is dick Van renault brought his own pepper to The red yourself in a unique such
Centric opinions caused grams light to fade on the national state past alive ass. The light in the course of asking to make sense of it we started talking, of course, is that which is billy idols. Love me tonight it was when that video came out. That was just look. It up. People it destroyed a career in one night. Look at the fuck up! Sorry rock you tonight. What about rock me tonight, how about Michael Keaton's jack frost, Fair gabardine back yeah, what's gonna, take gram. Well, while maybe The bird man in his mutuality retire. Fingers crossed he retired. In northampton. Massachusetts, we continue to pour forth medical spiritual advice here, had an ugly and oh no, by eighteen. Fifty is held in status had declined to the point where one of his neighbors described him as a boy. This is infirm,
seated in a wheelbarrow. What you didn't you ain't just make their head wheelbarrow. They will in. From seating in a wheelbarrow they're, okay and clothed in a long dressing gown of bed ticking wheeled through the streets to the post office by a mansard. That's how I want to end up. That's where I see myself. Let me put I've gotta go wherever the pros dollars. We'll be locked A wheelbarrow is your motive. Dreads petition is kind of fun and you have answered the guy. What does that guy do what he's off weren't here? So what do you do? What you're job many citizens? I push this crazy I read a little barrel day and I just doesn't jerk off and hate. Look no pepper in my life. That's all I'm a rioting baker by week that I'm aware of barrow man weekends today,
graham, is most famous for developing its own process for making whole wheat flour, which he used for his graham bread tonight. We know this as gram crackers.
Oh man, wait a minute. Wait, wait! Wait! Did you ruin graham crackers? You did right. Wow like they're, now they're, not as good you wow, the nabisco company is going to come after you, so fucking hard, masturbatory goldfish can, I just say, yeah to the whoever's. Listening, I'm just against this. I do not want to piss off big gram. So I'm saying I do not want to piss off a gram for the man who don't want to stop jerking off or your aunt gracie. It was clear black. It can and will trace get the slogan the why they got those quadrants
today. We know this grand crackers, though it has been transformed into the very thing he spent. His life railing against sweet flavour and mass production made That's right what a relay laid them flavourless someone was likely to put some sugar on our part: I have a days I've always loved maple syrup. Maybe we pour a little of that on there. Oh have a waka do You know it's Noah begun. This weakens our bargain. Word thing: No one will know now back to William Miller, all ten. in eighteen, thirty, one in the town of justice will william Miller decided. It was time to reveal his bible math theory Jesus was about to return. Isn't it great there? You almost forget about the bible map theory as media, as we are in this, and he read it lecture there and people's minds were blown
he then wrote sixteen articles for the vermont telegraph and every one was in. I quote, I began to be flooded with letters, have inquires query respecting my views and visitors flocked in work to converse with me on that subject. He began overwhelmed with requests from people to travel and give speeches about its awesome, new bible and days math, so he wrote a book. Hence from scripture and history of the second coming of christ about the year eighteen, forty four exhibited in a course of lectures, so he didn't have enough. by the eighteen! Forty will oranmore super fudge. There will be other orison provides around us. eighteen, forty was on militarism had gone from a local wacko idea, international campaign. It was driven by a periodical literature. There are at least
forty, eight miller right, periodicals being circulated. It spread to great britain, britain, norway, Chile, in Australia, yeah, I'm sorry. What was That is really a bus, Julia, your access for every country. By the way, now they want voting behaviour is also happening in chile, and you said you had a great britain nor and norway one more time. Australia just make sure we gotta. Ok, that's very kind, it no more australian, now everyone the exact date, because you know you do in math man I mean at this point miller would not give one. I don't know down through the year.
but that's not gonna. He there that down to a time frame sometime in the jewish year, beginning in the gregorian year. Eighteen, forty three quote my principal in brief, are that Jesus Christ will come again to this earth, cleanse purify and take possession of the same with all the saints sometime between march twenty first eighteen, forty, three and march twenty first eighteen, forty four boom. It's pretty good got a year. Yet a year window stood on your calendar, so people start selling their houses and going up to the woods and getting ready for the end. And the smart people are like this is a really cheap house. Okay, I could live here for sure, those boilers, but everyone there were knows. Just not less, Sarah large twenty first eighteen, forty four came and went with no Jesus fire, so milly went back and checked his math. he didn't, carry the hazard miller
turns out. He made a mistake: no yup. He used the wrong calendar. The rap rabbinic calendar, rabbinic rabbinic calendar sure he should have used the that's his karate. That's gotta be The corroboree get out of here. It's gotta be an auto crack, but the karate jewish calendar that's out of correct karate, jewish elena. It's like With russia, circumcision lack on work, walk out. sal stake. It came up with a new date, new dates. What's the new day april, eighteen, eighteen, forty four, that's like less than a month away. Now, sadly, we have no breathing are amazing Sadly, the eighteenth came and went, and no Christ again get what what is this guy's?
deal keimer bomber. What's Jesus, this deal very check. Attack mondo calendar yeahs was the calendar jujitsu so they had so. the miller. I remain because they wanted to use you do we'll get. It cause the thing with europe: europe, europe and europe, europe and europe. There yeah you're, allowed to Europe, maybe you're back so the miller rights had a big meeting in august of eighteen, forty four big meeting August eighteen, forty or an ado named samuel snow, discovered new math there's. No rice was a cupboard again, this bucket ear october, twenty second eighteen, forty four bo. I twenty second eighteen, forty four
mark ever became known as the great disappointment. Why my way, Why why Jesus did not come Y yeah, but he keeps annual now these cases the star wars, prickles a prophecy route. There is just some weird you're, like ipods, uses hanging out throughout this parliament. Also miller, right leaders, mill in full, we're bewildered and disillusioned, and they fractured some kept pushing the date. What about september eighteen, forty five, each other! others during the quakers who, what are you guys doing something and the the shakers who believe that crisis already appeared for the second time in the person of in the person of mother, and inside the shakers, so there's the quakers
The shakers art and what about the bakers, oysters, shaker than theirs bakers and then there's the math taker, will allow Rivalry, of their arrival every game at first, but have been like fuck. You rob. I know they are for bali, quakers, these acres I just love the shakers already thought. Christ came back in a lady called annually Lee that's jake as we stopped at the turn anyway. What's next know, Jesus you heard it here first gang who wants a jar of preserved after him. Like Jesus right, so Let just went back to the original churches and many miller Miller right split into three main factions miller, continue to be believed that Christ was returning any chalked up the heirs to human.
Ere he decided that there is human error in bible, chronology shocker that gives the date of somewhat and account for the discomforts. But what about new math, but that he can't do new massive one wrote down the first shit wrong, yeah exact, think about it. You fucking help He died on December twentieth, eighteen, forty I believe in crisis coming at any moment. That's all I want to go. If men I would about a bit his bedside and literally Oh, I see him come that I got what one. Second. Well. The three main groups miller I split into were the seventh day adventists little boy seventh day, adventists decided that on October eighteen, forty four some shit did go down.
but it wasn't Heaven loophole. Oh shit loophole know what happened. What is up there yeah is. That was that, where the term the seventh day comes from that it was the the seventh one they were predicting was that is our their title comes from seventy adventists and it happened, and no one must be. There's gotta be a great name. sarah about it for about twenty million eggs will shine off that name areas there seventh guessers forever They said they should call themselves the all right, fine advantage, rog six times, advantages. For about twenty years, the seven day adventists were loose, knit groups spread out and mostly reading periodicals. Then the church was formed and established in battle. Creek Michigan on may twenty. First, eighteen sixty three with a membership of thirty five hundred you're getting it going to be the great disappointment and the official funding of the church
boy was born into the world known at his name. Now, John harvey kellogg, poor kid already poor kid. His parents were. Seventy admitted. They moved battlecries, michigan and eighteen. Sixty his father open a broom factory. What a broom factory a broom factor all right, so it's like I always and worrying about who were sweeping what they would be that we just sweep themselves, but if any one of the early factors of the event is was a woman named Ellen, she white owens parents were miller rights and she was raised terrified that you would be eternally lost when she was nine. She was hidden face. Large rock, have inadequate. Ok, she grows up terrified and then, on top of it, someone
the raw giant rock right the face well fuck her nurse, her nose was disfigured and she was in a calm over several weeks ago, but she awoke and soon after begin having been Of rocks many neurologist thinker early injury may have caused partial, complex seizures and hallucinations, which led us to believe that she had visions of god, Well last, the adventist took Ellen's visions as real. She had thousands of visions all nicely into the advent disbelief so late because it's a urology neurologist I thought you said a europe that changes everything technology does everything remains my whole point step or not. I was I'd, say neurology,.
back on it think that, but I also I think there are urologist Well, my had urologist we're doing every there were like grim was the kind of doktor that bad they did a guy that was like. Can your uriel? That's why I thought that get the urologist being like you know, she's fine! I checked her had cheese. Also, I drink some repairs, she's gotta go began having visions of angels blaring. The call of perfect diet, My duty, It's eighteen! Seventy three, an angel, taught told her to eat two meals a day, mostly of graham bread, fruit and vegetables, not the fuck to be avoided with salt, lard, spices, coffee tea tobacco. This also forbidden so Ellen white, was having visions about the grand diet
I'm the angel of atkins. Give me a sign. God talked to the coma girl that, with the diet tip, do that to my messenger on earth. Could I have done better sure I could adapt better for sure and relatives how many but yeah yeah. I the? U s was a filthy place back then expectancy was forty one years, forty one years in this of the city's deathless frequent among the working class to work in nineteenth century factories was like a death. I was. Lying around the let boil It was common in certain trades like printing pottery backwards and shipbuilding, and it was common to have the streets just filled with rotting waste. Well already elsa, you of that
It was a fresh led drinking was I'd rather not hasten, really hard. Most people took bows once a week, while others never bothered to bathe. Sure sir says you're back it was common and water was lack of sanitation and health habits, made it easy for people to become ill hospitals. We're not be better. Doctors, view disease as an imbalance of bodily humors, oh yeah, that wasn't enough, so they would just bleed off. It would just bleed off extra blood you're a doctorate drain, a pint or two for days from a patient's body. Purging the body generally followed by bloodletting. They did this, By giving strong drugs such as such as mercury and strychnine, which were extremely poison, it it's all there, but but but diary and vomiting were considered symptoms of recovery.
You're tired, you're, getting better, and thus the drugs were working. Our fathers had a heart attack, giving plenty theses a poisoned, stat sharing out of his eyes, not moving anymore. I speak is better bags doctor Doctors are not very well trained personnel. What what are you sure? It's like a person could go to a diploma mill for forty eight months to get medical training. day and set up a practice, No, no! No! No! No! Yes! It sounds like there was no regulating it. It's just a guy would just issue that way: er yeah all right, title example: this guy make them bleed yeah. Alright, here's your diploma that aid,
I ate hundred colombia harvard and Dartmouth had established medical departments. These institutions consisted of five or six non salary, professors, usually positions and they made their money by selling their lecture notes to citizens cries go right just set up yet another one by that, I work on selling bullshit, so here's a bull shit. How that our eye grey. So there are hundreds of people kind themselves. Doctors practicing medicine with no train. one of the earliest institutions. The united states designed to deal with the illness was located in danville, new york, doctor James Jackson and dr russell trawl, promoted health reform and used the idea of hydrotherapy ice and steam to treat their parents. patient a patient okay way better way about ha waiver. That was one of sylvester graham's grams ideas hold them off.
White's husband, James white, received treatment at the danville new york institution institution and on their way home? They stopped in rochester new york to visit friends where Ellen had a vision? No, no! No! No! No She saw that the advantage should establish a water cure and fetched budgeting. Institution, where a properly balanced godfrey course of treatments could be made available. So she had a vision about the place. They were just at And thought that she should do that and my I'm sure exactly like where we just were: let's open one. Better memory. Now it's a bit here today and I can see, I think when we weren't hour and a half ago.
She's gonna be the seventh the seventh day, adventists open a sanitarium in battle creek, nine months later it was all about pure air, sunlight rest, water cures, exercise improper diet, lunatics open on September fifth, eighteen, sixty sick as this as the western health reform or to the first nurses at the institute were adventist farm women who volunteered time to do everything from chopping led to administering massages. saddam hussein thinks those up. It really was not that sorry. I was just rubbing some birch lawrence Robert, this log. You know how it is able they have to and. it soon became obvious, namely the train staff. A professional illustration the hospital had gone into debt, so they appointed john preston kellogg. As treasure john harvey kellogg. Now teenager became his father's assistant.
Oh boy, the whites felt the John army kellogg had the potential to provide a leadership of the institute. They subsidy, This is medical education at the university of Michigan and the Bellevue hospital medical college in new york city, while in new york, kellogg would breakfast on seven graham crackers and an apple one cook about a week and an occasional side dish of put It is then at twenty four in eighteen. Seventy six leading church members persuaded kellogg to take over as position in chief, despite his youth in total lack of experience. That's a good sign. After you run added John, what's the worst that could happen. Killing I want to do is give people the acts. Is he replied? the term sanatorium with the new name, a sanitarium. The battle medical, psychological out of it, and it was to be seen, and a place where people
to stay well colleague, issue the seventh day event is diet and revised. It means dearborn The taurean was never that good; they might have a good couple of months or back to the place where they clean you up. You'll come back, won't, throw shit all over africa. Where are you going to eat pork and drink? Sarah rotate, the patient's environment baths yeah? I felt the tory music, the You know why you signed up for the rights of patients to eat what the monkey eats For food, and not too much of it, we push Peanut butter lacked a gay and advance data, may have a horse for exercise. Yeah yeah. Yes, yes, he preached,
Are you of a exercise using recorded music zuma and he was super obsessed with collins. Should we be worried here we go, we should be worried, reject but ended a call and buy up until then this guy sounds anyway hold body your asshole hell. I consider the call in to good health. He lectured on the theory of auto intoxication self. Ways of being caused by the too slow breakdown of food in the intestines and colon. He preached a vegetarian diet, exercise and frequent bow movements. Three it
Quote eight housebroken call and is a damaged colon. I'm sorry! I don't, like you said an elder. Anybody know what weight none at all. I think he is saying. Ok, I'm pants, don't tell you looked at your college When its can it- and you have no say in not up to you if you're not go so no hope, Some of his health fitness regime seem unusual. like actual in athletic diapers boy. So that is saying Yeah he wants you to work out so far that you shit your pants. All right ten address. Take a sheer you're, ready, guys get those waits gets amusing.
as you know that They believed in dunks into electrified water pools wires for eel baths. And multiple daily animals. Ok, so what's happening paul, multiple, that's like eight, that's more than one would just crazy for a time. I'm kellogg promoted fletcher rising. Our chewing blued until it slithered down the throat, go away. Why? I want you to chew food until I just found its own way down
I might raise it. I think I call that even though you to food until you can get it down, you jerk you until it naturally like I'm, ready decline. Did my Adams apple move and I did a ride. but truly his first love was the bowels everybody's, for I mean from the beginning, his time. As a doctor, kellogg was fascinated with the bower quote: it was his favorite piece of anatomy, his first love. I mean that Just a red flag right! Well, as it was right there, people arriving at a man, I'm right there. The bowels held them and rapture one.
you like the bells. You happen to help to hold them in rats. Rapture. To me get into it once when an advantage Interrogator framed all of his medical questions in terms of religious beliefs, kellogg turned on him. It's got a man with two arms and legs. Like me, he demanded. Does he have eyes I had? Does he have bowels? No, the authentic answered deeply well, I do cried catalog, and that makes me more wonderful that he is you know better than god, because I have bowels, but that is like windows to change our shit. That's ok. I know now he To that I am better than you just didn't have a
god who can't shit himself when riding around on a guy shit himself. If he desired, do not the lord I die or just feel like we're on different pages. I really different arguments sir you're through? fifteen enemies, you wrap this up to them. Thank you. James! You up There are going to put a hose in my asshole I'm trying to leave accordingly like ninety percent of human ills originated in the bowels what about got yes. Ninety percent of I just want to make sure we have the math that works if you think working self taught math for showing what he's saying is if cancer was up your as you'd know where it was exact. Thank you. Thank you, the bell
colleagues, undivided medical attention attention, the perfect, the pure, oh boy,. The exchange it got changing and by the purification changes which occur in, and I just residues of flesh foods were to blame. He explained guessing about a creek sue, soon learned that there once pristine bow, was actually a sewer of otto intoxication full of poisons like cretin schedule in indoor I'm going to like it here. I didn't know that your dirty on the inside patton kept straight out, kellogg's info. And enthusiasm made the bow not only an acceptable subject of polite conversation, but a national obsession.
more and more people became convinced that their balance must be given an ant aseptic cleaning. The bell poison would buy meat eating drinking smoking and usually anything pleasurable was poked, prodded and probe by attendance at the sanitarium. And the list of people coming was the whose whose of the? U s, boy, these included otto baron henry ford wow, retailers, J c penny and assess craig. It's me, I personally have a lock my asshole. Actress Sarah bernard explore, william bird inventor, Edison. industrialist harvey fires, I want a president, william howard taft holy ten times. You had to go into taps and a task that you were like, there's bats well, yeah, that's when they
the first submarine by the way. That was that with that at all other dollar, but the hunt for red mile and Amelia erhard. Talk show host larry king. I can't believe I'm well. That's my fiftieth birthday. I birthday I go by and have you mcgowan coming up next, one that I'd show Amelia earhart henry ford and martin landau, on the next larry king Dan. hell. I made sure that the battle of each and every patient was plied with water. His when the device was an anime machine that could run fifteen gallons of water or a bow in a matter of seconds what the actual fuck, what the actual fucking fuck
it I'm sorry how you feel like I just I don't think Amelia earhart crashed her plane on purpose like fuck this. If this is the world, I'm in I'm going down in the goddamn ocean put another kiddie pool up my asshole, the water. She was like that that wow. after the water anima, she was given a pint of yogurt, half of which was eaten in the other half was taken through the anus,
I thus quote thus planting the protective germs where they are most needed and may render most effective. Sir, I see really want of poland with me and the world of pure irrigation rife. sorry, some of these strawberries at the bottom are going to be that high stick. I knew we were doing yogurt, but not the chopper at the bottom, that there was nine for nine dollars loaded. What can I have a napkin? This was actually tricks. Flavored, so that'll be fun, damn it
If a healthy dahlberg younger was not enough to do the trick, fine, you much masturbating. Thank you. Harry help me was not have to do the trick. More drastic steps were necessary if otto intoxication persisted and poor- I just I assume that if people smelly far to be well, we have to do more. No, you're not yard yet the offending stretch of it. S name was removed. Keller Keller, as many as twenty operations a day of intense, remove ask as we speak, they didn't have anesthesia yet did they they had yet Like the same, I believe they did have anesthesia ask her for the doctors. cut him all right, it's crazy thing,
the result, the claim was nothing short of a medical revolution by pumping yogurt cultures and rectum of americans keller claim that he had managed to cure cancer of the stomach ulcers, diabetes, schizophrenia, manner. The president's acme anemia. I grain and premature old age. there would be no, you mean age. So it's a pretty an aging yogurt up your ass. There was nothing to clean, bow. Couldn't handle separate life. He also a vibrating chair. The chair would shake violently. It was paid, the citizen, but after a few minutes of treatment, it would suppose stimulate intestinal paris. Tell us others prayers tells is, is a radically symmetrical contraction and relaxation of the muscles that propagate in a waved anna too In this case way whereby the tube is the intestine now nor
That's, not the legend has works. Normally the large intestine is able to hold stuff in so big he created she chair. That would shake you so hard that you would shit on yourself the institute. How do you feel jesse penny this summer at six flags ready for oda I said that here headings. Of course it is because you are the german daily a day. The sanitarium went like this. Patients perform calisthenics at seven, a m, followed by laughing exercises. Indian? That's where he talked about his medical practices in
in club demonstrations in gymnastic classes, they withstood all manner of mechanical, massage pummeling with trunk rollers poundings with chest, peters and punches stomach beaters? Why stood up. This house has like doctors suited tat is to say it. They stood on vibrating platforms to stimulate their inner organs, galloped on mechanical horses or sat on kellogg's panted vibrating cheer. They pay if endlessly inside and out with salt steam bass, hot water baths, cold water about showers, dishes fermentations and a high powered enema good night. And then tuesday, kellogg kellogg received an orderly. Every morning, after breakfast. In the gravity area in front of everybody. Does the leather now welcome to the institute now Sir, it's gonna be fly now be
In a seventh day, adventist kellogg was one of the most ardent anti masturbatory in the united states of america. It was down on sex in general thinking, it was detrimental to physical, emotional, spiritual wellbeing. He actually abstained from sex himself. Never consummating his marriage over four decades is causing shit, his pants. Can you finger of John, after the chair please chair first, then, maybe you think you're just fill your diaper in finger bless me. Please, The water does not now upsetting sort of He and his wife had separate bedrooms and die all of their line of they ve ever bedrooms. Now they had forty do fostered children adopting eight of them Forty two foster children and they adopted eight. So that means that house must have felt like shit.
in ways you can imagine. norman would show each drought as balls and that you didn't come out of these happy birthday. He can Thirty nine different symptoms of a person plagued by masturbation excited You noted any one of these symptoms. You would know that someone was a masturbate, they included. Defective development mood, swings sure, fickleness yeah. Bashfulness dairy, unnatural boldness, stiff joints, paralysis, how fucked up cosette some cake.
it's a paralyzed and he's like he's a master fader. Let me ask you this: did you masturbate one time? The godhead is no more walking charming extra boy, god dealt with you. You try to grab your bitch now that you wish. You could feel that hard dick, don't you! Those days are done. My man girl, girl as for spicy foods, Our know forbade the entire continent of mexico romance debate. An acting agnes as a continent country goddamn and mrs ries american you're, through very easily frightened oh yeah more accurate. Round shoulders. I mean honestly
If you were born or like a hunchback, you Billy worker, the jirga boy. How can I help it running citing was masturbating sleeplessness sure not being other sleepy jerk off too much untrue. worthiness you lie. may you masturbate, On this all the irish you pasty, jerk of great britain, is off the place and all emos yeah and got a nail biting moist cold hands. sure, yeah natures, loop bed, wedding, an absolute epilepsy, shaggy. Let me guess you just want to get a hand, and I did you take other ground dirty. I felt a longer said, masturbating would cause cancer of the womb, urinary diseases, nocturnal emissions, impotence, insanity and mental and physical disability, as well as the classic classic blindness. To quote
such a victim literally dies by his own hand. And then he would drop the bike and go to the shit share. The moon to write mother fuckers in that excuse made a thing in that list. The side effects nocturnal emissions, which is what dreams right yeah. Ok, It's the first solution for jerking off as a healthy diet. Taking for gram, he thought that the meat and certain flavorful or seasoned foods increase sexual desires and that plainer food, especially serious nuts, could curb it. He was not the only one who believed a healthy diet would stop. Masturbation doktor johnson, who had treated the whites previously when she had the
up the same, who created a new food, he mixed water and unsifted flower grounds. It a little bits and baked it twice. He called this mess grandma and it was the world's first call. Breakfast cereal, the crunchy flavourless concoction concoction, had to be in milk to be sought that have to chew, and people did not like it, but the people. It'd had masturbation wanted it, and an industry was born. Well log Then I did now it's fucking catalogue. What shut up shut up thirty, the bucket tigers lab
Oh, my gosh, you guys saw it live every week across the table. It's the same thing every week, I'm that long holy shit. Oh my god, that's amazing! then created the world's second call breakfast cereal and also named it granular. Checks. Jackson Jackson was like hey my name that I mean my stuff cargoes again Then Jackson took him to court and kellogg renamed it granola. ok but, alas, the diet did not always start masturbation, so other means where necessary.
Killing all hunters captain crunch the life on the ship. It can get pretty lonely, don't bundle. Your current berries just run the real flag of the killer, offered parents guidance for dealing with their son self exploration. In a section of his book, titled treatment for self abuse and its effects. One idea was to chop. One idea was to childs, hands to his bed posts at night. I'll see you later that that think about a thank you, but don't you feel better or don't make me don't make mommy get the shit chair. And then there were circumcision before It was blamed as a major problem versus supposedly reduce the secretions that would get inflamed around the force can and stop young boys itching their penises, which would lead to jerking off.
A public, a public school sex education, man, you're the times as keeping kids from scratching their dog is the only way to keep them out of the insane asylum clothes. A remedy which is almost always successful in small boys is circumcision. The operation should be formed by a surgeon without administering and anesthetic as the brief pain attending The operation will have a salutary effect upon the mind, especially if it be connected with the idea of punishment. Well, so weren't the decks, so they never touch it right that I did you cut off that happy part of the kok without anastasia and then the kid is like the time. I've never had a tax at again now try some frosted flakes people actually too this idea, but they mostly went with anastasia.
Neonatal circles where kids. Neonatal circumcision then crept into the american delivery rooms in the eighteen, seventies and eighties. Because of the claim that later in life, it would prevent irritation that caused the boy to become a masturbate her up until this time most non. Jewish american boys were not circumcised and today circumcision in the. U s is common uncircumcised. You should know it and it's because some crazy fuckin asshole, but David did stab masturbated Israel, you haven't ever estimated, were you eating yeah you're talkin about said ten this morning you say tenders, warning or all years it's this morning how much activity is up your ass right now,
as do we experienced in want of ruddy, you ve been they want a lot of part of their childs penis without numbing at first kellogg recommended the application of one or more silver silver sutures in such a way as to prevent the erect. What are you serious, the foreskin in Is drawn forward over the glands and the needle to which the wires attached is pass through one side to the other, at the drawing the wire through the answer twisted together. Like I know, it's like a sardine, can you cut it off and you just tie the peace clause we now it's impossible to get erect or pay is not possible to get a wreck. Your dick stolen.
tell her like a fuckin old, broken out in a cage. You can't hold a penis in at the time it takes for a big tags on the street. I keep thinking about a hope you couldn't be paid. You could not be is how could you please through their I mean it would just be like I would just like the bible sprinkler for the kids to run through. Parents were assured that their citizens, penis into its force, can access the most powerful means of overcoming the disposition to resort to the practice of masturbation damage, but he Is it just interested in stopping boys from self love a good idea of the girls? Oh good god. That's right! Ladies. Your turn hang on to your policies. He advised The application of carbonic acid to the clear is up of
girls to teach them not to touch themselves? It takes a lot to want penis trap, but I might be there Today, today, medical there's no, that the carbonic acid is extremely poisonous and when applied to tissues directly to muslim nerve, it causes instant paralysis. If carbonic acid did not do the trick killer reason, it was necessary to remove no, no, no, no! No! No! That is a strong. This is this is making me rethink. How much I like eminem's song acid, on your pussy like now. I don't think I mean now that I know that's where it's from it's, not cool, less catchy, yet weightless cat killer, Can t you coming up with different foods to eat, they would keep people from touching their genitals,
a few years. He put many new items on the market under catchy names, organizing a new company for each one somewhere substitute for me to others. Copy packaged in brightly, colored boxes and easy to prepare the foods were an instant success. The growing popularity of his products cause kellogg to hire. I'm, your brother, william kellogg, as business manager, John always insisted. He only wanted to improve health of his patients, not profit from health, business. Always seeking new substitutes for animal products to the brothers one day discovered that we could be flaked instead of pulverized in the leading to a flower they steam didn't ran it between heavy rollers that squeezed the green into flakes John believe. The diet of flakes could
greatly curb masturbation. Here we go for girls. He envisioned that the flakes can be used as a mild irritant douche. What whoa, whoa whoa cause whereabouts about fucking cornflake, what you're about to say that people were fucking doing with gore like what yeah that rooster's going to get it's fucking head cut off the cafe. Do cornflakes part of this balanced pussy. Against this at love the product and soon ever almost clamouring for it as a service to former patients. The catalogue started: the senate is not food company. He put his younger brother in charge of the business to produce the cereal for male orders.
we'll continue to experiment on his own developing a process for flaking corn in eighteen? Ninety, eight. At that point he left to go into business for himself and on february nineteenth nineteen. Oh six, the battle creek toasted corn, flake company organized the product was later named, the kellogg company. He took cornflakes and made it the company's biggest item packaging it in a box with the slogan, the genuine bears, the signature, w k kellogg from the beginning, the look like cornflakes soon. After opening the original plan, it was turning on a thousand cases a day less than a year later, protection was four times that a second plants are in operation but could barely filled demand a bitter feud erupted between the brothers. When will gain sole rights to the market, products of the kellogg killer, toasted conflict The battle was brutal and the brothers relationship was finished. Another patient at a sanitarium, for while was a man named see w
What the fuck are you? What degree are you kidding me? Are you seriously the fuck does nobody notice the, people there Wasn't it better? Salesman and manufacture of agricultural machinery, he had a nervous breakdown in eighteen. Eighty, five sure: how do you like green clover, his yellow stars, like that after his that he moved to texas and became involved at a real estate development project on two hundred acres he owned in fort wayne. The stress of that
lead to another mental breakdown in imagine anyone and he decided to check out the idea of cure through diet and ended up at battle creek, but what we can exercising real flame that could cuddle sorry giver. If a go go, people have decided to get the idea of cure through diet, ended up at battlecry a couple of exercising, while wearing diapers and having yogurt pumped up your asshole it's just the beginning of every great man story. That is what I think, but I think it's Saturday morning called a diaper get a yogurt as it's called the hero's journey act one. How long have you been at the center about two weeks, I'm starting to think the reason we're wearing diapers and shooting so much is because we're getting yogurt put up our ass. I can leave your way to the doktor nope on air.
I got married, she ran out of my way. I started the rocket black men report, the president, one of our staff, and I took great legal bond star. Let me tell you so Your new here don't get on the vibrating chair after tat tat is how they can't cleaner. Why you're being genuine bathtub left that is left at taft and a half in the picture from say an attempt in the EU here too, as mental issues here, maybe battle creek and created the cereal posts, tuesday's, why
the heavily marketed posters. These entails product nearly rival killer cornflakes then created the mighty anti master grape. Now couple things go for it having knots in a non mandatory product on that's one. Second, outward rape, nuts, originally mark as a non mass pretoria, I you're not. Leave. I dont know that that's the truth, but boy that certainly does sound about right. There sure bluebells, church bloom, yeah, they're, big purple nuts, ok to make sure that cereal, my athletic mother ate my childhood, was for non masturbating, as you were
That's became an international favorite, the post in color, companies are on the same side of battle creek and competed bitterly employees could not associate with kill. I workers masturbated catalogues, factory My here is my dear, is Margaret cereal was dragged on. I don't know if I ever see a beautiful face again and so on a jerk off, but I'll grab. Another bowl of these great nuts. I'll tell you. I made a lot of grapefruits right now. It battle really want to masturbate. They could
The person plays cannot not associate coworkers and for years the semi professional baseball team is maintained by each company cannot play against each other, because police feared riding. Your car, like son, of a bitch wages beard like a riot where everyone ejaculated in the middle of a male watch. You, like your post, Graham grape nuts cured many elements, including appendicitis. He was sued by a magazine that did not believe his claim after post stop making claims about the healing powers of grape nets. Then really drive the point home he suffered from appendicitis and eventually shot himself due to the pain when a barrel grape nets in the mouth So I want to go to kill themselves.
Well, now, no more grape nuts theory that vienna that chapter years late I'm pulling on suicide over cocoa butter. Follow your nose to the shock of glass. oh, that's too far too can read to them. Years later impose them cereals, company changes name to general foods corporation will, kellogg and his company remained in battle creek. Those relationship with his brother, John, was strained. His name often appeared and news because it is investment in charity projects he provided is community with a mini spoke out of turn him into schools, and you senator and the cities first airport in nineteen, thirty, nine at eight. Seventy nine will retired from everyday operations of the company, but remained as chairman of the board. John kellogg died
on December fourteenth nineteen, forty three in battle, creek michigan after John died, will learn that years earlier, John had written a letter to will attempting to reopen their relationship but John secretary. Excited her employee had demeaned himself and refused to send it whoa. It's the Joseph call, yeah well, kellogg did not see it until after his brother's death will kellogg died at the age of ninety one in battle: creek michigan, on october, six. In fifty one heart failure, whoops all looks all crunch berries known. Remember that, sir feel about your cereals, I mean: are you fucking serious? No, that's all.
yup yeah, I'm serious is that all I mean I honestly, like the truth is Dave that you've ruined a lot of things wrong, but the idea now that you're yanking into my brain and grabbing my childhood out and putting it on the ground and stomping on it's tough sure, because that is I mean that is. That is the I mean. That's what growing up saturday cartoons were cereal made from kellogg's all right, I'm going to give an opposing viewpoint. I now love the fact that I'm energized by the idea that every bowl with zero have in the morning has that much psychosis I feel like I'm, I'm eating their their psychotic energy every morning and others good it like. I just wanna to punch my way to work every morning. That's how serious that nobody cereal and run the word with a hard on, as you run, through traffic, there should be there.
Like a cornflakes box who that their mass got to be just a crazy guy with a shit filled or I just like a boner poking out. Corn flags is already like a rooster which is a cock just make it a hard fucking boner all right, but that on the fucking box, what about the the toasted frosty ones? The ones. What do you like? The way you want? One It's not I'd. New people showed up and went literally. spoken on this talk about that Is the one eyed an iceberg, eva signal that fraud flakes are covered in the same as those trying to tell you the process legs are covered in seamen? Well, what about? fine, but you know the minute the minute the colored brothers died. Whoever was second
They did ok, put sugar on let's get paid. It is this going on everything I don't on every sector chair out here. Nobody likes to chair. This is it's when you, if you gay people, great of great nuts, they were like This is amazing, like it wasn't a good time yeah, but also have you eat those cereals we like, but I still want to masturbate our need to go to hell well either had great months or you licked, a butcher's apron. So there's no. You know I feel like for like ambrosia, that I feel like it's a really the real hot butcher's. They licked a butcher's apron by the way is great. Why nt album that's great the butcher's apron as nineteen eighty seven, ninety seven, the Then, on vinyl, alright, well well. How do you feel emotionally? Not
honestly, not very good, very good views. We everybody has to go, but I mean I can not digest this fucking way. I am so gotta be thinking about everyone in this room and I'm having breakfast. What are you or I will think about and every one of you and try her brain or that you who has who has cornflakes at home? people on those have about what similar grape- I guess that's testament. I that is equal share with it is put bible versus, right on the they. Let me let you know how psychotic it is like we're. Basing our diet on things in the bible might well. That's for me, just crazy, assholes putting stuff in boxes. I like that shit, this great box of psychosis. When you have your share of artists go, I am eating your socio.
Have you right now, new able legs broken yeah. why there everybody its gareth. You know from this. This pact Listen. I've got some stand of shows I'm inviting the gar me the Gareth army to join me for I will be at fort collins, colorado august, eighteenth and august nineteenth we'll be in minneapolis, minnesota august, twenty four through august, twenty six that acme, I will be go. to the uk and september. Please join me. I will be glad
as gauss September thirteenth, london september fifteenth, Dublin september, seventeen september nineteenth manchester Birmingham September twenty of bristol number twenty second and cardiff september. Twenty fourth, then, in November albion, australia november, tat it's almost sold out, I think I'll, be in melbourne. Australia, then I will be in north bridge australia, november, fifteen november. Sixteen camera november. Seventeenth brisbane, november eighteenth and then I will be in sydney on november. Twenty fourth go to Gareth reynolds dot com for tickets. Gar me, let's get add, did after it. Let's see you there.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-01.